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URBANSISTEM3 ASSOCIATES, INC LANNING & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, MARKETING & PROJECT SUPPORT CONSUL rANTS TO INDUSTRY AND GOVERNMENT E-MEMO ATTN: Ken L. Cablay - SeaBourne Development Co. E-Mail: V FROM: Sam P. Kab, 4, aL, kcab1av(dseabournecorp.com TOTAL PAGES (including 3±16 Cover): Attachments DATE: November 15, 2011 TIME: 11:21:01 , JOB NUMBER: 000511 SUBJECT: Holly Springs / Catarini Projects This transmittal is intended for the recipient named above. Unless otherwise expressly indicated, this entire communication is confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, do not disclose, copy, distribute or use this information. If you received this transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, at our expense and destroy the information. As you requested, Urban Systems Associates, Inc., has reviewed the traffic section of the Dos Colinas Final LIP. (September 2011) and the revised traffic study prepared by Linscott, Law, and Greenspan (dated July 26, 2011) that was used as the technical appendix of the Final EIR. The purpose of our review was to determine if the Holly Springs project, the proposed additional 47 MDR units, and the Catarini project were included in the traffic analysis. FINAL Effi (DATED SEPTEMBER 2011) The Dos Colinas Final EIR has revised peak hour intersection volumes for years 2020 and 2030. As stated in the traffic report, the intersection peak hour volumes used at Buildout were forecast volumes from approved traffic studies. The following intersection peak hour volumes were derived using the Robertson Ranch approved traffic study (prepared by Urban Systems) for the year 2030 volumes. El Camino Real I Tamarack Avenue El Camino Real / Cannon Road Cannon Road I College Boulevard El Camino Real I College Avenue The El Camino Real / Palomar Airport Road intersection volumes for year 2030 were taken from the Palomar Commons (Lowe's) traffic report prepared by Urban Systems. Other major intersection locations have reasonable peak hour volumes. (Faraday Avenue / Cannon Road; College Boulevard / Faraday Avenue; College Avenue / Palomar Airport Road; El Camino Real I Faraday Avenue). The revised year 2020 peak hour volumes are the year 2030 volumes factored down by approximately 15%. The Final EIR concludes that there are no significant traffic impacts from the Dos Colinas project. 000511-11151 1-Ernemo-KenCablay-spk-L 4540 Ke2rny Villa Road, Suite 106 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 560-4911 F (858) 560-9734 Ken L. Cablay © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. SeaBourne Development November 15, 2011 HOLLY SPRINGS TRAFFIC INCLUDED Intersections #9 and #10 on College Bouleva2d shown on the attachments include traffic from the Holly Springs and Catarini projects. Although the amount of development is not discussed in the FEIR or traffic report, the table below shows the amount of peak hour traffic assumed at intersections #9 and #10 to I from the east side of Colluge Boulevard. 99, #10 VOLUMES TO / FROM EAST AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR IN OUT IN OUT 250 615 334 330 As a comparison, the table below shows the expected peak hour flow from the Holly Springs and Catarini projects using the dwelling units proposed: AM PM IN OUT IN OUT 42SF(HS) 10 24 29 7 127 APTS (MDR) 12 49 48 21 105 SF (CAT 25 59 74 32 Total 47 132 151 60 Comparing these tables, there has been more than enough peak hour traffic assumed to account for these projects plus others to the east. SIGNIFICANT TRAFFIC IMPACTS The Dos Colinas FEIR and traffic study conclude that there are no significant traffic impacts from the Dos Colinas project for all traffic conditions, and that no traffic mitigation is needed. Since the Holly Springs and Catarini project's future traffic has been included in th traffic analysis, the same conclusion can be made regarding these projects, that there will be no significant traffic impacts. 2 000511-111511-Ememo-Ker.CablayspkJ, 4540 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 106 San Diego, CA 92123• (858) 560-4911 Fax ('858) 560-9734 Ken L. Cabby © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. SeaBourne Development November 15, 2011 The Dos Colinas project will be conditioned to construct two lane "Core" improvements to College Boulevard between Cannon Road and Sunny Creek Road, and project frontage improvements to major arterial standards. The project will be conditioned to provide traffic signals on College at the CCRC site driveways, aligning with the Catarini future public streets. The project will be cot.ditioned to modify the College Boulevard / Cannon Road traffic signal to serve the south leg of College Boulevard. ATTACHMENTS Provided for reference are the following attachments from the FEIR showing acceptable levels of service at all study area intersections and street segments for all traffic conditions, year 2030 volumes, and a summary of traffic impacts and improvements. Table 2-1 (pg. 2-7) Table 5-2-1 Table 5-2-2 Table 5-2-6 Table 5-2-7 Table 5-2-8 Table 5-2-9 Table 5-2-10 Figure 5-2-10 Table 5-2-11 Table 5-2-12 Page 5.2-31, 32 Please contact me if you have questions or need additional information. Cc: Susan Kelly Paul Klukas 0005II-111511-Ememo-KenCablay-spk..L 4540 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 106 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 560-4911 . Fax 85 560-9734 Chapter 2.O-ExeculiveSummary ..-- TABLE 2-1 Summary of Significant impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact(s) Recommended Mitigation Measure(s) (MM) 1 Significance of Impact(s) After Mitigation No land useimpacts were identified; therefore, no n atioarneasures are ro .,osed. No lransporlation/circulation impacts were identified; therefore, no mitigation measures are proposed. However, traffic-related improvements and desian features will be irn lemented as outlined in Section 5.2 of the Final EIR. itiiridify yqy ' TiT7T..1 J 4j 17 Implementation of the proposed project would A. Short-term Construction Impacts Less than result in a significant air quality impact due to Mitigation Measures AQ-1 and AQ-2 have been shown by the California Air Significant exceedances in oxides of nitrogen (NOr) of the Resources Board (CARS) to be effective in reducing NOx and diesel SDAPCD threshold during Rough Grading/ particulate emissions. Proper implementation of these measures through Best Hauling. Available Control Technology (BACI) is expected to reduce emissions to below a level of significance. MM AQ-1 Construction equipment shall be equipped with an engine designation of EPA Tier 2 or better Tier (Tier 2+). A list of the construction equipment and the associated EPA Tier shall be submitted to the City Planning Department prior to issuance of a grading permit. MM AQ-2 All scraper equipment shall meet the 'Blue Sky Series" equivalent standard. The "Blue Sky Series" designation (40 CFR Part 89) is a voluntary program enacted by the IJSEPA requiring participating engine manufactures to produce cleaner burning engines that are at least 4076 better than the current Tier 2 or 3 mandates. This measure would require the use of scraper equipment that moats this standard (or equivalent). These standards are specified below: The maximum CO emissions from Tier 2 equipment is 0.0082 pounds per hors power-hour (lb(HNJ for equipment with power raiinqs between 50 Dos Colinas Final EIR 2-7 September 2011 EIR 09-01 Chapter 5 - Environmental Impact Analysis 5.2- Traffic/Circulation ---C '--- 7 v TABLE 5.2-1 Existing Intersection Operations U lterectlon - - Ti'afflc Pedk Hour r .- I. El Camino Real / Tamarack Avenue Signal AM PM 0.614 8 0.549 A 2. El Camino Real / Cannon Road Signal AM PM 0.549 A 0.712 C 3. El Camno Real I College Boulevard Signal AM PM 0.547 A 1 A 4. El Cam no Real /FaradayAvenue Signal AM PM 0.614 B 0.604 8 5. El Cam no Real / Palomar Airporl Road Signal AM PM 0.506 A 0.724 C 6. Cannon Road / Faraday Avenue Signal AM PM 0.500 A 0.600 B 7. College Boulevard / Faraday Avenue Signal AM PM 0.539 A 0.540 A 8. College Boulevard / Palomar Airport Road Signal AM PM 0,545 A 0.692 C 9. College Boulevard / Project Driveway North/Cantarini Project Driveway Signal AM PM NA C NA NA NA 10. College Boulevard / Project Driveway South! Contarini Project Driveway Signal AM PM NA NA NA NA 11. Project Driveway! Sunny Creek Road Signal AM PM NA NA NA NA Notes: 0 Inlersecrion (.opocily utlftzofron b. Level of Service C. Intersection not yet built. Source: LLG Engineers, 2010. 0.0 :5 0.55 A 0.56-0.64 8 0,65-0.73 C 0.74 -0.82 0 0.83-0.91 E >0.92 F Des Comas Final EIR 5.2-4 Seplember 2011 EIR 09-al Chapter 5- Environmental Impact Analysis 5,2 - Trafiic/Circuloiiors TABLE 5.2-2 Existing Peak Hour Street Segment Operations Sir Sgrr :v' -i2 ' :r ?ht?n '11our Capac1t olurne I VfCb L)SC El Comma Real AM 3,600 310 0.086 A NB PM 3,600 1260 0.350 A Tamarack Avenue to Cannon Road - -,-- ---------- 3,600 ----------- 1360 ------.- 0.378 - A PM 3,600 610 0.169 A AM 5,400 720 0,133 A NB PM 5,400 ---a-'- 2200 0,407 A Cannon Road to College Boulevard '------- --- -- AM 5, 2340 0.433 A SB PM 5.400 1030 0.191 A AM 5,400 690 0.128 A PM 5,400 1240 0.230 A College Boulevard to Faraday Avenue 5,400 1780 0.330 A PM 5,400 700 0.130 A NB AM 5,400 1140 0.211 A Palomar Airport Road to Camino Vida PM 5,400 1270 0.235 Roble AM 5,400 1140 0.211 .. A S PM 5,400 1130 0.2O9 A Cannon Rood AM 3,600 270 0.075 A ES PM 3,600 860 0.239 A Faraday Avenue o El Camino Real AM 3,600 0.261 A WB PM 3,600 340 0.094 A AM 3,600 210 0.058 A El Camino Real to College Boulevard PM 3.600 1070 0.297 A ------- WB AM 1,800 1050 0.583 A PM 1,800 420 0.233 A College Boulevard NB AM 3,600 300 0.083 A Faraday Avenue to El Camino Real -------- .M 3,600 490 0.136 A SB AM 3,600 660 0.183 A 3,600 270 0.075 A AM NB '•PM ' El Camino Real o Cannon Road This segment is currently not built AM SB PM Noles: a Copacily based on 1.800 vehicles per lone per hour Volume 10 copacily rollo Level of Service Source: LLG Engineers, 2010. LOS V/C A <0.6 8 0.61-0.70 C 0.71-0.80 D 0.81-0.90 E 0.91-1.0 F >1.0 Dos Colinas Fincl EIR 5.2-5 Seolember 2011 EIR 09-01 Chapter 5— Environmental Impact Analysis 5.2-1ratliclCirculation TABLE 5.2-. Project Trip Generation JJse. .Size .DdiiyTrlpEnds.......... Dr) . AMPeakHour -. : ...M.PealçHour. Rate Vclumed % of In Out Spit Volume % in Out I of Split Volume irs Out In Out Western Project Site Cottage 62 units 4/unit° 250 1[ 40%:60% 5 8 7% 60%:40% Ii 7 Independent 156 units Living 4/unit° _____T 660 5% 40%:60% 13 20 7% 60%:40% 28 18 Assisted Living _________ 81 units 2.5/unitb 200 _________ _______________ 4% 60%:40% 5 3 8% _________ 5010:50% 8 8 Eastern ProjecT Sie Affordable 29 units ] 8/unit- I 230 8% 20%:80% 1 4 1 15 9% 1 70%:307. 1 15 j 7 Total: 1 1,340 1 1 I 27 146 I 1 I 62 140 Notes: a. Retirement Community rote based on Brie Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region (SANDAG). April 2002. Congregate Zare Facility rate based on Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the Son Diego Region tSANDAc-1- April 2002. Multi-fomily (6-20 00/acre) role based co Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Roles [or the San Diego Region (SAt'JDAG)- April 2002. AOl volumes are raunaed to the neared tO. Source: LLG Engineers. 2010. CCRC Site The proposed 62 cottage units consist of one and two bedroom units with attached garages. No centralized dining or other recreational facilities are proposed; however, the residents of the cottages will be able to utilize the common dining ard recreation facilities provided for the independent living units. Therefore, the Re:irzment Community tp rate was used as it best fits the description of this land use. Similar to the cottage units, the proposed 166 independent living units consist of one and two bedroom units. Common areas for dining and recreational activities are provided within each of the buildings; therefore, similar to the cottages, the independent living units are expected to generate minimal traffic, The Retirement Community trip rate was also used for this land use. The proposed 81 assisted living units are designed for the elderly and include assistance requirements for patients with special conditions. While this and use also features common areas for dining and recreational activities, due to the nature of the mediccl care provided, the use is expected to generate less traffic than the independent iiving units and cottages.. As such, the Congregate Core Facility trip rate was used. Affordable Housing Site The proposed 29 affordable housing units consist of one, two, and three bedroom units. The Multi-family trip rate was used as it best fits the description of this land use. Dos Colinas Final EIR 5.2-6 September 2011 FIR 09-01 Chapter 5- Environmental Impact Analysis 5.2- Trotfic/Circulolion TABLE 5.2-7 Existing with Project Intersection Oper 4co- - ..'r. ..r. E'xlstlng With' - &Exjsg - - TXdfftc -Pecik- - Projetf..( PrpJcf- Slgnificint Project nten dtro -1~ur i .. . .1 - lCU ICU- L0 1 El Camino Real! AM 0.614 B 0.615 8 0,001 None Signal Tamarack Avenue - PM 0.549 A 0.551 B 0.002 None 2. El Camino Real! AM 0.549 A 0.504 A -0.450 None Cannon Road PM 0.712 C 0.707 4 C -0.005 None 3. El Camino Real! AM 0.547 A 0.549 A 0.002 None Signal College Boulevard PM 1 0.547 A 0.592 lB 0.045 None 4. El Camino Real/ , AM 0.614 8 0.615 I B 0.001 None Signal Faraday Avenue PM 0.604 8 0.605 I_L 0.001 None 5. El Camino Real! . AM 0.506 A 0.507 A 0.001 None Palomar Airport Road PM 0.724 C 0.725 IC 0.001 None 6. Cannon Road! AM 0.500 A 0.500 A 0.000 None Signal Faraday Avenue PM 0.600 B 0.601 B 0.001 None 7. College Boulevard! AM 0.539 A 0.539 1A 0.000 None Signal Faraday Avenue PM 0.540 A 0.541 A 0.001 1 No 8, College Boulevard! AM 0.545 A 0.546 A 0.001 I None Palomar Airport Rood PM 0.692 C Signal 0.692 C 0.000 None 9.' College Blvd/Project T NA NA AM 0.225 C - None Driveway North/ _____ - Signal Catarini Project PM NA NA 1 0.229 A - None Driveway College Blvd/Project ' NA NA - Driveway South! AM 0.258 A None Signal Catarini Project Driveway PM NA NA 0.233 A - None Project Driveway! AM NA NA 0.187 A - None TWSCe PM NA NA 0.187 A - None Sunny Creek Road -________ 12, College Boulevard/ AM NA NA 0.426 A - None Signal PM NA NA 0.542 A - None Cannon Road NOiCS: a. irietsecian Capacity Utilization. b. Level of 5evice. icu Los a. A denotes proleci induced ICU increase. 0.0 < 0.55 A' Intersection not yet built. 0.56 to 0.64 Two-Way Stop Controlled - Minor Street Lf i-turn delay reported. 0.65 to 0 73 c Source: LLG Engineers. 2010. 0.74 Ia 0.82 D 0.8310 0.91 E > 0.92 F Dos comas Final EIR Eiii 09-01 S.2-i3 September 2011 Chapter 5 - Environmental Impact Analysis 5.2 -Traflic/Circulalion TABLE 5.2-8 Existing With Project Street Segment Operations ...,o, Sheet Segmentli, . ttIt pyectir1 _____________ LdS El Camino Real NB AM 3,600 310 0.0136 A 319 0.089 A 0.003 None M_ 3,600 1260 0.350 A 1268 0.352 A 0.002 None Tamarack Avenue to Cannon Road SB AM 3,600 1360 0.378 A 1365 0.379 A 0.001 None PM 3,600 - 610 0.169 A 622 0.173 A 0L004 None NB AM 5,400 720 0.133 A 608 0.113 A -0.020 None PM 5.400 2200 0.407 A 170_ 0.291 A -0.116 _None Cannon Road to College Boulevard ______ AM 5,400 2340 0.433 A 1718 0.318 A L_-0.115 None PM 5'I00 1030 0.191 A 797 0.148 A -0043 Nnne NB AM 5,400 690 0.128 A 699 0.129 A - 0.001 None PM 5,400 1240 0.230 A 1259 0.233 A 0.003 None College Boulevard to Faraday Avenue AM 5,400 1780 0.330 A 1789 0.331 A 0.001 None PM 5,400 700 0.130 A 708, 0,131 A 0.001 None NB AM 5,400 1140 0.211 A 1142 0.211 A 0.000 None PM 5,400 1270 0.235 A - 1276 0,236 A 0.001 None Palornar Airport Road lo Camino Vida Roble AM 5,400 1140 0.211 A 1144 0.212 A 0,001 None SB PM 5,400 1130 0.209 A 1134 0.210 A 0.001 None Cannon Road_________________________ EB AM 3,600 270 0.075 A 272 0.076 A 0.00! None PM 3.600 860_ 0.239 A 866 0.241 A 0.002 None Faraday Avenue to El Camino Real -.--- W B AM 3.600 940 0.261 A 944 0.262 A 0.001 None PM 3,600 340 0.094 A 344 0.096 A 0,002 None AM 3,600 210 0.058 A 84 0.023 A -0.035 None EB PM 3,600 1070 0 OQ2L A 128 0.036 A - :I216L _J2ne El Camino Real to College Boulevard g WB AM 1,800 1050 0.583 A 420 0.233 A -0.350 None 1,800 420 - 0.233 A 168 0.093 A -0.140 None ColIeqeBotevard _____ AM 300 0.083 A 304 0.084 A 0.001 None NB _3,600 3,600 490 0. 136 500 0.139 0.003 None Faraday Avenue to El Camino Real ° 1 Ii 2 0-002 None SB PM _3,600 270 0.075A 276 0.077 A 0.002 None Dos Colinas Final EIR 0 5.2-15 September 2011 EIRO9-Ot Chapter 5-Environmental Impact Analysis 5.2-TratficfCirculatiofl TABLE 5.2-8 Existing With Project Street Segment Operations (conVd.) ib Stiedt Segment I1jDfrkiA II College Boulevard (conid.) — __ ________________ AM 3,600 95 I 0.026 A 136 0.038 A 0.012 None NB PM 3600 5l2[ThJ2 A 650 0.1B A 0.039 None El Camino Real lo Cannon Road AM 1,800 429 0.119 A 636 1 0.177 A 0.058 None SIB -PM 1,800 LiI.05J_ A 264 0.073 A 0.022 None Notes: 0 Capacity based on 1.800 vehicles per lone per hour LOS V/C b. Volume lo Capacity ratio c. level of Service <0.6 A d. Protect-induced increase in V/C B 061-0.70 0.71-0.80 not yet bUilt. e. Segment[C Source: LLG Engineers, 2010 0 081.0 00 E 091-10 F >1.0 Dos Colinas Final EIR -. - 5.2-1 . September 2011 DR 09.01 Chooter 5- En',ironrsental Impact Analysis lotion TABLE 5.2-9. Year 2020 Intersection Operat ntrcIiri.. . :, a !ol,.eàr.20: ..Yëar.201t:iProet: - .- Control Hour Project -7 prect 5,. -impC1ct Delgya LLOS Delay OS F 444,0 F 44 AM 417 --- D - 4j0 -a--- I- - None El Camino R eal/Tamc rack Avenu0 Signal ______ PM 4 F None 38.7 Q 38.9 .. 2 0.2 A 344 D 33.2 D 9043 None El Camino Real/Cannon Rood Signal 422 PM None 2.0 2 .A _42 D 0.3 M 1 4-&30 None El Comma Real/College Boulevard Signal 381 -- -c-- _____ PM - F None 37.7 2 40.1 2 2.4 A kA 4.344 None A. El Comma Real/Faraday Avenue Signal ___.26 _0 -----..i... 2 _______ PM 4 21 F 344 F 019. None _43.9 2 ,j4J._ 2 0.2 A A D . D None 5. El Camino Real/Palomar Airport Road Signal 35.2 - 5.3 21 PM F 4-144 F 0,4 None 40.0 2 40 D 0.2 AM None 6. Cannon Road/Foradoy Avenue Signal 21.5 c M 32.3 F C 144F F C 4-73 0.2 None 32.5 AM CH 27.5 Ca None 7. College Boulevard/Faraday Avenue Signal 37.6 a....... PM 324 22.3 C 0,3 None 34 '.- 5 AM 5°,3 F F None B. College Boulevard/Palomar Airport Si rol g __LL__ 31.8 C PM F04 F 91-4 F 9,9 Road 0.9 None College Boulevard/Project Driveway 4.9,3 B A l2.2 B 154 B 32 None North/Canlorini Project Driveway r I Sig ,Q -a-- -:::----- PM 69 A B 3.3 None 10. College Boulevard/Project Driveway A 12.2 4v B 4-46 15 6 B 3.4 None South/Cantarini Project Driveway Signal ,-0,4 9 40,F 073 PM A B 5.6 None 13.5 AM NA NA 44 B - None it. Project Driveway/Sunny Creek Rood TWSC d _____ L27 PM NA NA - None AM 4-F,3 B 444 B 0.1 None 12. College Boulevard/Cannon Rood Sigr.cl PM 3,9 3.4 9-4 I 22 c o No ne Notes: o. Delay expressed in seconds Level of Service Ls deno!e; Project induced Delay a. Two-Woy Slop Controlled- Minor Street Left-turn Delay Reported. e. NA - Not Applicable Source: LLG Engineers 2010: Uodaled July 2011. Dos Colinas Final EIR 5.2-21 September 2011 ElR 09-01 Chapter 5 -Environmental Impact Analysis 5.2- lrotric/Circutolion TABLE 5.2-10 C . Year 2020 Street Segment Operations : Sire Segment - Dr6dflorsi 4I . 64MJeE cpictt fgm Vatu&ie4,. rnv/C Los ...L Ttmpact El Camino Real AM 3,600 A 31 0405 A None NB 0478 _2_ Q4.1 000_3 _... PM 3,600 G. A 4-5-29 0-424 A 0.002 Non Tamarack Avenue to Cannon Road 91 58L )99 09 Q83 - A A 0. None e SB 2248 0.624 B 2253 0.626 B PM ______ 3,600 49 0.206 A 52 0.209- - A 0.003 Non 0.484 A 40-1-7 0.4-88 59433 A None AM 5,400 4 4-Q0.-, NI B 1593 0.295 1607 0.298 0003 PM 5,400 2.9-.5 0.484 A 2404 0-483 A 0.002 None Cannon Road to College Boulevard 2124. 0.393 2136 9 AM 5,400 287i 0.532 A A . None SB 2193 0.406 2201 0.408 PM 5,400 4-€1-1-5 0.244 A 4334 0444 - A None 0.274 ]j 0.278 0004 AM 54 0 0.265 A 4-439- 0.244 A 0.004- Non N e NB ' 1861 0.345 1870 0.346 0.002 _____ PM 5 ' 400 0.444 A 2.589- 0.479- A 0.003 None College Boulevard to Faraday Avenue Z 3L.. . 2.2412 Q4L2 0.004 ._ 5 304) 0493 9 AM ' 400 ._Z1ZL Q4Q&... &_ 208 Q0.409L Q,003 one SB .1-450 0,2.49- A -1-458 0.230 A - PM 5400 -_, _JJ83 L_12i& 03 Q&. N -_one -1-480 0.27-4 A -1-482 0.2,24 A 0400 AM 5,40u None 1124 0.208 1126 0.209 0.001 NB 14-304 -1-6.46 0.305 PM 5,400 4640 A A 0.001 None rLQ 0.280 1516 P-281 Polom orAiiportRoodloCominoVidoRoble - AM 5,400 4-190 G.47-4 A 4-484 0.27.5 A . 0001 N on.. SB 1114 0.206 ______ 1119 0.207 PM 5.400 4-4413 0.270 A 3-444 047-1- A None Dos Colinas Final E1R 5.2-23 September 2011 UR 09-01 Chapter 5- Environmental Impact Analysis 52-Trollic/Circutation TABLE 5.2-10 Year 2020 Street Segment Operations (conrd.) pp eak (Street Segmeht s.olreeflors 'u -.-lk Ad ProJct a jci. ill s-.n Voiu'j wc Cannon _Road_____________________________ AM 3,600 350 0-0,Q7 A { 353 Q-0Q-8 A 0.001 Non E 6.46 QJ 649 a180 PM 3,600 -144-0 0-308 A 44-14 0,34-9 A 0.002 None Faraday Avenue to El Camino Real 2-340 230 2 A M 3,600 -- A 1 A 0.00-I None - _____ iiz 0._27 FM 3,600 440 0.42 A 444 04-23 A 0.001 None .723 0.201 727 3,600 4-30 0.202 AM 0Q42 A 150 0.042 A 0.000 None L 0254 913 0.254 El Comino Real a College Boulevard EB PM 3.600 44 1342 0,21-2 0.373 A 744 1342 0-21-2 0.373 A 0.000 ______ None - AM 7-69 94-1-7- A 450 0444 A 0.000 - None -______ 695 0-316 568 Q.LL -- WB FM 1.800 300 0,1-67- _ A 300 04-64 A 0.000 H one 956 ,1 I 956 0,53-1-- College Boulevard AM 3,600 620 04-7-2 A 624 0423 A None NB ______ 117 0-326 ____ 1173 _Q 0.000 PM 3,600 4-029 0283 A 4-030 0-284 A 0.003 None Faraday Avenue to El Comma Real ____ _J43 0.398 A 600 i 379 A 0.002 M 1538 0.427 1545 0.429 Non,.. SB 3,600 9 04-66 A 544 0--l-57- A 000-1- P M 968 0.269 974 0.271 0.002 None AM 3,600 224 0,043 A 235 0-04-4 A 9903 N one 1104 0.307 __ 1125 0,313 0.006 NB PM 3,600 1-1-48 0,2-19 A 4-1-54 0,324 A 0.092 None El Comma Real Ia Cannon Rood 14411 0.401 _____ 1494 0.415 0.014 AM 3,600 A -1-1-32 9,3-1-4 A 0.00-1- None 0.393 1451 0.403 0.010 S PM 3.600 14)4T -flz 460 35 A 462 04-28 A 0-903 None J24Q Q'irQ Notes: a Capacity based on 1.800 vehicles per lone per hour b. Volume to Capoclly rollo C. Level of Service d. Project-induced increase in V/C Souce: LLG Engineers. 2010, Updaledl July 20l1. Dos Colinas Final FIR 5.2-24 September 2011 ElR 09-01 - --- - ---- S. •_5 • — AP ppftUv - rI P./ o ' ... ,.--.---' EL - EL'10 4 COLLEGE PALOMAR AIRPORT RC NCCLIKLLKN PAWOLNR I N APORT A 4% ifs! (\ EL CAMIND REAL] I.J TAMARACK AVENUE AMINO CANNON ROA EL CANING REAL' COLLEGE BOULEVARD EL CiINo REAL! FARADAY AVENUE EL CAMIWO REAL' PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD B OO/75 — 240/245 ; 32O/2E0 820/435 0 ! 801/OD D )1r743/OtI 0 —550/245 I53/358 584/474 1303/1040 322/27 545/410 r1E/25o El/DOLl •'4f( 315/700—.- l9/35OJ '1t 880 1502—.- 18i/195 iosfiisj 1( 105/340J 305/870—'- tr 435/910J 014/055— 300/DIE—u 455/202\ 9 lO3/I3Z l50/II3 121/578 uo t'\ FARADAY AVENUE/ '1\ COLLEGE BOULEVARD! COLLEGE AVENUE! (, COLLEGE BOULEVARD! COL L450/150 20,34 COLLEGE 2650 183-, R RD 753 D 753 1447 E GE BOULEVARD! CANNON ROAD FARADAY AVENUE PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD PROJECT DWY Noom! PROJECT DWY SOUTH! CAI4TAIIINI PROJECT DWY CANTARINI PROJECT OW' B 5/S B 8D/3E5 58/18o 0 L250/100 r 155,50 ) 205/250 145 615 ) 100/100 ris/oo 335/280 5/25 7121 /I057 o— 1104/704 _I 852/233.) 462/1385 I - 85/275_I 1855 15O0- 4DD/4OO 1OO/1O5 PROJECT DRIVEWAY! SUNNY CREEK ROAD I35J345\ 8/10 Z° I4/lE O BOULEVARD/ 4/15_I 150 185—.- AMOK AVE CANNON ROAD 3 —1665/1,25 2,900 —1699/47 -5---- - 5O2/1746-- 45/6O 770/820 f 518/413 280/300_I 'tr Site 580/900— /I bIZI SOURCE: Linscotf Law & Greenspan, 20 I Dos ColinasEiR FIGURE Year 20.30 With Project Traffic Volumes 5.2-10 W With cannon Road Extension 000 CONSLIL11NO. INC. D,\PrN..N\970 Do Co0no,\Finol DIV Soh.o4\Ch0DIer S\OccIio, 2\Fiouu 5,2-10 V. 2030.01 Chapter 5- Environmental Impact Analysis TABLE 5.2-11 Year 2030 Intersection Operations 5.2 - Ira flicLCJiculaticn - \L /\* - /1 t. do :ri C:. P .. ecar203d Yer.2Okvlth'JL Pjecit Sr1fiort. 495.6 A 444-1- ,5 AM 53.2 0 540 D None 1. El Comma Real/Tamarack Avenue Signal 4-043 4 4., 4 PM 51.2 57 R ['0_3 None E AM 52.9 D _.L. __2_0.2 None El Camino Real/Conron Road Signal 147 7 44&6 PM A None 1 D 36 0.5 AM 2-9-6,4 50.5 D 51.3 a D 0.8 None El Camino Real/College Boulevard Sigral PM A 2.54-; None 10 - i2 3:2 AM A -144-3 a 03 None 44•l fl IA' El Camino Real/Faraday Avenue Sigral 4403 4 A 44 PM D 0,4 None 571 AM -. Q 44.3 D None El Comma Real/Palomar Airport Rood Sigrol PM A 42.4 4 4-3 None 527 D 52 D AM - None I, a, Cannon Rood/Faraday Avenue . Signal ____ 234 74,4 PM -r -- 4144 ---- A 6.9 A ________ 0-3 ___________ None 52,3 Q 531 0.8 AM 29.0 4 None 7. College Boulevard/Faraday Avenue Signal 47.8 Q 0 Q M 34-4 M5 D 1 39.7 D 0.2 None A M 7 -9-.T E 4 44 None 8. College Boulevard/Palomar Signal Airport 39.7 D 40.2 D 0 5 Rood S I ______ -r-r.- 0,2 PM 547 D None M 244 G 032 44-4 9. College Boulevard /Poject Driveway . 14.8 B 17.7 2.9 None North / Canlorini Project Driveway Signal -i--.--464 -s --- 44 PM __Z:Q__ A _..LLL. 4.6 None AM D 4-4 4-4 10, College Boulevord/Poject Driveway 14.0 B 147 07 None South/Cantarini Project Driveway Signal -i:----- -s-- -z PM a B 57 None AM NA e .,,.. NA 44-4 N Project Driveway/Sunny Creek Road TWSC ________ 11.3 one PM NA- NA 9.1 A - None AM D 16.1 D None College Boulevard/Cannon Road Signal PM D 37.4 D 4-I- None L6.3 1.1 Noles: a. Intersection Capacity utilization. Level of Service 6 denotes Project induced Delay Two-Way Stop Controlled - Minor Stree Leil-lurrr Delay P.eparled. e, NA - Not Applicable Source: LLG Engineea. 2010,pjd July 2011. Dos Colinas Final ElF 5.2-26 Sept ember 2011 ElF 09-01 cula Chopier 5 -Environmental Impact Analysis , .5.2Tr0!!121 lion TABLE 5.2-12 Year 2030 Street Segment Operations AL , M If _I0.0 02Eone A 0.002 None -686 larnorack Avenue 10 Cannon Road - AM 3,600 L645 _._7 _ _ SB 89 A A 0.003 None PM 3,600 0,.W A 4 r A 0.003 None 4Q AM 5,400 1875 0.347 1890 NB 26-7 05-1-2 A Q 0 515 A None 51 465 0..'63 Cannon Road lo College Boulevard ______ PM 5.400 2.5~___ 946-4 A 0002 30P 9-56.2 A None AM 5.400 2580 0.478 256-8 0.479 SB QQl PM 5 400 A 4-404- 05 A g,gg None - -_ —23 A 444 H- 1764 L None _ -- _______ _-_-_ __0.406 i2__ _Q.4QZ NB ____ 2A60 0,4-44 A 2L74 044 A 0.003 None PM 5.400 2635 0.488 ______ 2653 0.491 on College Boulevard to Faraday Avenue - -_- --- - 299') -- - Th002 None AM 5400 25 0A78 A 259. 40 A_ SB -- -14-60 28 A .1.574. 0,24 A 0.002 None PM 5,400 2160 0.400 _____ 2171 0.40,2 - - -- - s 0 a 2.94 A .1-4-93 0-304- A 0001 None A . j2 ____ _,125 0.245 NB - - 40 04g A 4-444 0329 A 0001 None PM 5,400 1777 0.329 __ 1783 0.330 Palomar Airport Road to Camino Vida Roble —j— -- -k— os one AM 5.400 1310 0.243 1314 0.243 SB g. A 4-574 0,2-lr A None PM 5,400 noc 1616 11299 .----- :,.-----------.' September 2011 DOS Colinas Final EIR 5.2-29 EIR 09-01 Chopler 5- Environmental Impact Analysis 5.2- Traffic/Circulation TABLE 5.2-12 5.2-12 Year 2030 Street Segment Operations (conrd.) retSgmenf Po ojec WO Ir Cannon Road AM 3,600 460 0,-I4 A 462 Q42 A 4,9=I3 N one ____- 760 0.211 Z 6 - _ll J 0.002 PM 3,600 - 4-Z 0,408 -•-__- A - -4.473.-0 A J None Faraday Avenue Ia El Camino Real ' 1440 _QS.QQ_ _QQ - - M - 4-600 0.-4-14 A 4-404 8-444 A 0.002 0335 None WB 380 0.383 1386 PM 3,600 0.461 A 594 0,442 A 0.001 None 850 0.236 855 0.238 203 0038 A 203 0,038 A 0.000 AM 5,400 None 1075 0.19? 1075 0.199 EB 4032 0,4.9-1- A 4032 0,494 A 0.000 PM 5,400 None El Ccrrnino Real to College Boulevard M ' .00 199 A 0,4-03 A Non WB A__- _ 31 4i3 --EE A -405 0Q3-5 A 0.000 None PM 5,400 1125 0.208 _ 1125 0.208 College Boulevard 0,144 A 744 0.49-8 A 0994 AM 3,600 1380 0.383 _______ 1380 0.383 _____ 0.000 one NB _______ 4460 0,34-p A -1-1-59- 0,322 A 0.003 FM 3,600 . -gm-- 1684 0.468 None Faraday Avenue to El Comma Real - AM 3,600 -jj- A A - 0.001 None SB 1810 640 0.448 A 6-44 0.4-79-A 8-004 FM -_ 3600 0 17 _ __jj-46 _ 0318 0..Q,QZ None 3,600 _-- 402 0.442 A 414 0414 A 8-002 AM 1490 0.414 _______ 1502 0.417 0.003 None NB _______ 3.600 204ó G -5. A 2954 047-4- A 8-003 PM 01 1700 0.472 1746 0.485 0.013 El Comma Real 10 Cannon Road AM 3,600 Q4$,0 A 2043 04. A N one 1663 0.463 1699 0.472 SB 3,600 803 0.223 A 8-1-5 8-236 A PM 1445 0.401 1475 0.410 0.008 N one 'moles: ci Copodly based on 1.800 vehicles per lone per hour C. Level at Service b. Volume to Capacity ralio d. Project-induced Increase In V/C Source: LLG Engineers. 2010, QQQj.Qd July 2011. Dos Colinas Final EIR 5.2-30 September 2011 DR 09-01 Chapter 5 - Environmental Impact Analysis 5.2 Traffic/Circulation It should be ncitej ttgUbQ OUeueonerations presented herein weg based on the 2010 traffic volumes, which as noted above, were delermnined to he overly representative, and do nol take into account any pgiped inlersecon improvements. This analysis was not updated in the July 2011 Traffic Impact Study, but because the queuing analysis utilizes more conservative traffic volumes and did not result in any impacts to protect vicinity rcadways, this analysis represents a wgrl-case scenario. Furthermore, with the undated traffic volumes and roadway network imorovernents he queue operations ore exoecled to ooerate better than reported within this technical analysis, A. Site Access Review CCRC Site Access to the CCRC site will be provided via two driveways on College Boulevard. Both driveways are planned to align with the future werts-.public streets associated with the Cantarini Ranch Project. It should also be ncted that the Cantorini Ranch Protect is further along in the development process and has been conditioned to grade the entire College Boulevard right-of-way between Cannon Road and Sunny Creek Road, providing core improvements and half-width improvements (transitions, curb, gutter, sidewalk) along its protect frontage as well as the future signalization of the projects driveways per the City's discretion. However, if the Cantarini Ranch Project does not proceed with development on a schedule suitable for Dos Colinas, the Dos Colina3 Protect will be responsible for signalization of the two driveways prior to the issua'rCe of occupancy permits. A sight distance analysis should be conducted at both the driveways to ve(fy that corner sight distance is Gveifefeodeauot, even though the driveways will be signalized. Affordable Housing Site Access to the affordable housing site will be provided via one driveway on Sunny Creek Road. The driveway proposes full movements across a double yellow centerline. Currently, there is a raised median on Sunny Creek Road. The raised median needs to be removed and pointed double yellow to allow full access at the driveway. The maximum traffic accessing this site by making a left-turn is 18 peak hour trips. Such a law volume does not warrant a left-turn pocket. 5.2.4 Proposed Traffic )mrovements / The following traMc-related improvements and desian features will be implemented: The oroicci shall construct "core" improvements (full widlh grading, two 18-fl paved lanes, median curbs, and drainoae imProvements) to Colleae Boulevard from the intersection of Cannon Road to Sunny Creek Road. The prolect shall also be responsible to construct frontage irnorovernents to Colleae Boul dacmc1omorteriaiaccordancewithc. itvondCrdsaloneproiJ's rronraoe of Coteae Boulevard. The iwo pr000seri_drivewovs serving the CCRC_ site on College Bouievard shall he .nedIo align with ihe future oubtic streets eqpcints associated with Canlarini Ranch Proiect. and provide adeouate corner sight distance. in the instance that Dos Colinas oroceeds before Canfarin Ranch, the project shall be mode responsible lo signalize and energize these two Dos Colinas Final EIR 5.2.31 September 2011 EiR 09-01 Chapter 5- Envirormefltol Impoct Analysis 5.2- Traltic/Circutoflcn driveways, and eneraize the signals based on signal warrants. The project will be conditioned to design and post security for these proiect driveway signals. Signal warrants will dictate when these anals are installed, which would he after College Boulevard has been constructed and the proiect trips begin to tripper the need for these sianals located at the pioiecl f,-,CRC silo driveways. The traffic sianal at the intersection of College Boulevard/Cannon Road shall he modified lo serve the ultimate (biul turninongegenls for the new south leg of College Blvd to City standards. This applicant may be eligible for reimbursement from program funds collected by the City. All internal roadways shall be built to the City of Carishads standards. The raised median on Sunny Creek Rood shall he removed in oart to allow full access to Ihe affordable housing site. 5.2.5 Mitigation Measures Based on the established Significance Criteria, no capacity related impacts were calculated at the key study area intersections and street segments. Therefore, no mitigation measures are required for the project. eweer-the foltewing traffic needed impn9v3m8nls and-design foziturc's li be i.mplemeited- to College Boulevard, it I; negvice.d that thepoeo4-zhoFi pnodde nd? width 2. Thet.'.Dpr-cposcd drlvowcys o,,.. - Jl--deincd4c eror di., 99. lr prajcct chaff be Ge-respondbh fo zigncfi:e and- ene4e&e-,'iewaLs. --A-•4raftc zigel ell-at&o--be-in&telled at the tn c-tefsee-fio;-o.f CotIce-Beedee/ein Pei4-ihc prccc- he4i-ay a of lhacsia Carlsbpd4;deJ - 5.2.Impact After Mitigation No mitigation measures were identified, as there are no traffic/circulation impacts. - Dos Colinos Final EIR 5.232 September 2011 EIR 09-01