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Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors A134 124 12 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 jfi 4 I0*lc1 PRELIMINARY STORM WATER C MANAGEMENT PLAN for HOWARD-JONES LOT SPLIT PROJECT 4120 SKYLINE ROAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APN 207-083-17 CARLSBAD TENTATIVE MAP MS 07-05 I CDP 07-021 K. Me. 41022 \ EXPIRES 3-31-2009 C1 if I / \ OF CAQ* Prepared: January 3, 2008 Revised: March 28, 2008 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB4 124 12 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 REPORT INDEX INTRODUCTION SWMP ELEMENTS: STORM WATER QUALITY Page 1 1.1 Project Location & Site Description Page 1 1.2 Storm Water Requirements Applicability Page 1 1.3 State Impaired Waterbodies "303(d) list" Page 1 1.4 Hydrologic Unit Contribution Page 1 1.5 Potential Effects To The Water Quality Environment Page 2 1.6 Surface Water Quality Objectives Page 3 BASIC HYDROLOGY OVERVIEW 2.1 Project Area Description Page 3 2.2 100-Year Return Event Peak Flow Computations Page 3 2.3 Water Quality Treatment Flow Rate Page 3 BMP APPLICATIONS 3.1 Construction Best Management Practices (BMP's) For The Project Site Page 4 3.2 Post-Construction BMP's for the Project Site Page 4 MAINTENANCE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 4.1 Maintenance Responsibility Page 4 4.2 BMP Maintenance Page 4 4.3 Fiscal Resources Page 5 4.4 Program Evaluation Page 5 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB4 12412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 PRELIMINARY STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN for — HOWARD-JONES LOT SPLIT MS 07-05 / CDP 07-021 March 28, 2008 Project: 2-Unit Residential Lot Split Project 4120 Skyline Road - APN 207-083-17 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Preliminary Stormwater Management Plan (pSWMP) is to address the anticipated water quality impacts resulting from the construction of the Jones lot split project in Carlsbad. Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be utilized to provide a long-term solution to water quality. This pSWMP intends to provide a planning template to ensure the effectiveness of the BMPs through proper maintenance based on long-term fiscal planning. This plan is subject to revision as required by the City Engineer or the engineer of work in the final-design phase of the project. - 1. SWMP ELEMENTS: STORM WATER QUALITY 1.1 Project Location & Site Description: The subject property is located within the Carlsbad city limits. The subject site is located at the northwest corner of Skyline Road and Tamarack Avenue. The project site is 4120 Skyline Road, Carlsbad, CA, 92008 and is further identified as Assessor's Parcel Number 207-083-17, and encompasses 0.78 acres (net). See Appendix A for a project site vicinity map. - The project is bounded by Skyline Road to the west, Tamarack Avenue to the north, with residential properties immediately to the east and south sides. Site access is taken from the Skyline Road right of way. Currently, the project site contains a single-story, single-family residence structure. 1.2 Storm Water Requirements Applicability: Considering the relatively small project area (0.78 acres), that all on-site parking is covered and based on a review of Appendix A of the City of Carlsbad Storm Water Standards Manual, this project is designated as "medium" priority construction project. A completed storm water requirements applicability checklist from the City of Carlsbad Storm Water Standards Manual is included in Appendix B of this report. 1.3 State Impaired Waterbodies "303(d) list": The subject site is a part of Hydrologic Unit 904.3 1, Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This hydrologic sub-area is listed on the July, 2003 list as an impaired water body (see — Appendix C). This water body is listed as impaired by bacteria indicators (low) and sedimentation (low). The Agua Hedionda Lagoon is located approximately 0.8 miles south of the subject property. 1.4 Hydrologic Unit Contribution: The project site is located within the limits of Basin B of the Agua - Hedionda Creek watershed as defined by the City's Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan dated March, 1994. The Basin B limits are shown on the Plate 1 fold-out of the master drainage report. An excerpt from the Plate 1 exhibit is presented on the following page. Page 1 of 5 Pages p:07-002 jories\hydro\pswmp\07002_swmprpt-2a.doc - 18"RCP P 48"RCP -1 48RCF' - /3rRcP/5.1%-7 J -1BRCP/1.5% / 1 8RCP/8.7%-.' RCP 48R0P/2.8%-' 48RCP/5.47. - 48 RCP/4.9 60RCP/O.4 P 18-RCP/1.07 SD OUTLET Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 1.5 Potential Effects To The Water Quality Environment: The City of Carlsbad Storm Water Standards Manual (dated April, 2003) contains Table 2 -Anticipated and Potential Pollutants Generated by Land Use Type. This table suggests that pollutants that are possible from various types of developments. The potential pollutants listed for Attached Residential Developments are as follows: Sediment Nutrients Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides Table 2 makes no distinction between urban, suburban or rural types of development. The potential for these pollutants in storm water is a function of many factors that include development density, the physical design of the project site, location of the project, the presence or absence of off-site discharges through the property and the like. The primary constituents of concern in Hydrologic Unit 904.3 1, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, of which this project site is a contributor, are sediments; oxygen- demanding substances; trash and debris; oil and grease; and pesticides. The source/activity that this project would contribute is urban runoff. M 18"RCP 24 RCP— ITI -18RCP/2.7% L 18 RCP Das.DBL6O RCP- / EXIST.6X4RCB- 18"RCP,/ :cP 6RCP fOAX RCP/7.W. SD It rl 6'ACP/ t8"CP1 / [18RC 6'0CP I I f IE Z ,j8"RCP ii çp I 30"RCP/2.2% 24RCP 2.O 1.0r.", 18"RCP/9,8%.- 1rPcP/1 24Ri/1O.2%- 24RCP/3.5s-" 18RCP-_. 0.6% \ 18RCP 1.0% FIGURE 1 ,I__ U J' " 24RcP' '36k RCP /6.3% 18PCP/7.0% DF3L8X4RCI 8 RCP /1.0% 18*RCP&O? JIR acD\ 21 24RCP/4.3% 36RCP Ngcp 8"RCP}2lR'/1.4% DBL24439 '10% /-24RCP M) BD ) C'Y Considering the specifics of the subject project, the following lists the potential pollutants and how they will be mitigated in the final design: Sediments - Proposed slopes and graded areas will be planted and irrigated. Parking, driveway and sidewalk areas will be swept periodically. Site runoff will be bio-treated by flowing through the landscaped-lined perimeter drain swales. Nutrients (Oxygen Demanding Substances) - Fertilizers shall be applied according to all federal, state and local regulations. Slope and landscape areas shall be monitored and maintained to reduce bare soil areas. Heavy Metals - The most-likely source of this constituent from this project will be copper from automobile brake dust. Runoff from parking areas will be directed to an oil-water separator unit prior to its discharge to the public storm drain system. Organic Compounds (Trash & Debris) - All trash containers shall have attached lids. Trash containers shall be located in enclosure areas having sloped concrete pavement with walls or curbs on three sides to prevent runoff from adjoining areas and gated in front. The driveway, guest parking and sidewalk areas will be swept periodically. Visible surface trash shall be picked up on a weekly basis. Landscape vegetation will be disposed of in the trash or taken off-site to a recycling center. Page 2 of 5 Pages p:\07-002 jonesthydro\pswmp\07002_swmprpt-2a.doc Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Plo Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 Oil & Grease - The likely source of oils and greases expected to be present will be from automobiles. The enclosed private garages are expected to keep the oil and grease from this source isolated. The exterior guest parking areas will be swept periodically and will drain to landscaped-lined drain swales., Catch basin inserts will be used to treat storm water at all catch basins receiving runoff directly from paved driveway areas. Bacteria & Viruses - These are not expected to be a constituent from this project. Pesticides - Pesticides will be applied in accordance with all federal, state and local regulations. Pesticide use shall be kept to a minimum and shall be used only when absolutely necessary. 1.6 Surface Water Quality Objectives: The stated purpose of the discharge requirements (as stated by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board) is to "reduce the negative impacts to receiving waters resulting from urban runoff from development." This general objective is then implemented by the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for both the construction period and the post-construction period. See Appendix D for existing water quality standards database for Agua Hedionda Lagoon. There are no Water Quality Objectives for this water body. 2. BASIC HYDROLOGY OVERVIEW 2.1 Project Area Description: The project site currently consists of one legal lot containing a single-story, single-family residence structures, with landscaped yard areas and an AC-paved driveway. The site presently takes access from Skyline Road. Runoff from the subject site and the immediate neighboring area generally drains to the Skyline Road right of way and, in turn, flows via shoulder flow to the Tamarack Avenue curb and gutter. The runoff in Tamarack Avenue is conveyed by curb and gutter and is intercepted by an existing storm drain curb inlet located at the Sunnyhill Drive / Tamarack Avenue intersection, approximately 450 feet westerly of the Skyline Road / Tamarack Avenue intersection. This storm drain system ultimately discharges to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, approximately 0.8 miles from the subject site. 2.2 100-year Return Event Peak Flow Computations: Estimated peak flows for 100-year, 6-hour storm events (pre- and post-development conditions) were computed for the project site. The peak pre- development storm water runoff rate was computed at 1.6 cfs. The peak post-development storm water runoff rate was computed at 1.9 cfs, an increase of 0.3 cfs. The increase in the peak discharge is generally the result of additional impervious surface and a reduction in the time of concentration for the site's proposed post-development condition. Appendix E of this report contain the backup data and computations for the 100-year, 6-hour storm peak runoff for both the pre-development and post-development phases, which include: - On-Site Hydrology Computations: rational method hydrology computations quantifying the project's pre-development and post-development peak runoff conditions; - Hydrology Maps: V=40' approximate-scale maps (17"x 11") of the on-site and immediate areas showing the pre-development and post-development runoff conditions for the project site. 2.3 Water Quality Treatment Flow Rate: An estimated water quality treatment flow ("first flush") rate for - the site was computed in accordance with State Water Resources Control Board order no. 2007-01 using a rainfall intensity of 0.2 in/hr. The treatment flow rate for the site was computed at 0.08 cfs - the calculations are included in Appendix E. Page 3 of 5 Pages \\fileserver\projects\07-002 jones\hydropswmp\07002_swmprpt-2a.doc Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB4 12412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 BMP APPLICATIONS 3.1 Construction Best Management Practices (BMPs) For The Project Site: Standard water pollution control measures (construction BMPs) will be used in the project's construction phase. Construction BMP measures will include a stabilized construction entrance; storm drain inlet protection (silt fence barrier & desilting basin); material delivery and storage specifications; concrete waste management specifications; and sanitary waste management specifications. 3.2 Post-Construction BMPs For The Project Site: Driveway runoff: The proposed grading design will direct storm water runoff from the proposed exterior driveway pavement to vegetated bio-swales incorporated into the preliminary grading design. Site runoff conveyed by the bio-swales are discharged to the graded shoulder of Skyline Road Roof & sidewalk runoff: Storm water runoff collected from the roof areas that are discharged at grade and runoff from the proposed PCC walkway areas will be directed through landscaped areas and allowed to flow along these areas to the greatest extent practical to provide bio-filtration of the roof runoff before it enters the on-site storm drain collection system. The storm water filter systems selected for this project meets the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board's "Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan" (SUSMP) requirements. All storm water filter substitutions require city engineer approval and approval of the engineer of work to ensure that the SUSMP requirements of the design are maintained. GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 4.1 Maintenance Responsibility: The maintenance responsibility during the construction activity shall reside with the licensed contractor who is responsible for overall project construction management. In the event the owner chooses to be the project manager, the responsibility will reside with the owner. The maintenance responsibility for the operating project (post-construction) resides with the property owner. The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining, monitoring and repairing all BMP measures during the life of the project. 4.2 BMP Maintenance: After installation and establishment of the post-construction BMPs, the property owner (or owners) shall assume responsibility for maintenance in accordance with the following: All vegetated slopes shall be irrigated and maintained in a manner that provides for plant health and good coverage of the slope areas. If erosion of the slope area becomes evident, then the maintenance activity shall include stabilization of the eroded area using matting or other accepable methods. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated and maintained to promote plant health and good coverage. Trash shall not be permitted to accumulate in such a way that storm runoff could transport the trash off-site. All driveway surfaces and parking areas shall be kept clean by periodic sweeping. The frequency of sweeping shall be sufficient to prevent the accumulation of silt, debris or motor vehicle fluids, but not less than twice yearly. Page 4 of 5 Pages p:07-002 jones\hydro\pswmp\07002_swmprpt-2a.doc Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB4 12412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 In the event that trash or debris is generated as a result of site activity, the trash and/or debris shall be cleaned up within a 24-hour period. Landscape pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers shall be used in accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulations. Landscape waste shall be disposed of by use of a solid waste container or transported off-site to a solid waste-recycling center. Landscape irrigation run-off shall not be allowed. Irrigation controllers shall be regulated so that there is no significant landscape water run-off. The storm drainage channels shall be cleaned at least once a year to remove accumulated sediment to the original grade of the channel. Storm water filter assemblies shall be inspected and maintained by periodic inspection. The frequency of inspection shall be sufficient to prevent the accumulation of silt, sediment and debris, but not less than is recommended by the manufacturer. BMPs shall be inspected, cleaned and repaired when necessary prior to and during each rainy season, including conducting an annual inspection no later than September 30th each year. Should any of the project's surface or subsurface drainage/filtration structures or other BMPs fail or result in increased erosion, the property owner is responsible for all necessary repairs to the drainage/filtration system or BMPs and restoration of the eroded area. 4.3 Fiscal Resources: The property owner shall provide the fiscal resources necessary for implementing the above structural and maintenance BMPs and keeping them in good operating order. 4.4 Program Evaluation: After the completion of construction and the commencement of the use of the site for residential use, the program outlined in this document shall be evaluated annually by the owner to determine its efficacy. In the event that there are deficiencies in the delineated maintenance activities, adjustments shall be made and documented to address any such deficiencies. Page 5 of 5 Pages p:\07-002 jones\hydro\pswrnp\07002_swmprpt-2a.doc I Conway & Associates, Inc. I Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB4 12412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 I I APPENDICES I APPENDIX A Vicinity Map APPENDIX B Storm Water Requirements Applicability Checklists I APPENDIX C State Impaired Waterbodies "303(d) List" APPENDIX D Water Quality Standards APPENDIX E BMP Treatment Flow Computations Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB4 1241 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 APPENDIX A VICINITY MAP VICINITY MAP CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY 78 LOCATION MAP \\ (?k\) SITE .0011, THOS BROS P 1106, GRID H6 CITY OF VISTA CITY OF SAN MARCOS NOT TO SCALE CITY OF ENCINITAS Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 APPENDIX B STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS APPLICABILITY CHECKLISTS Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB4 12412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 Storm Water Resource Standards - Section 1. Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements: Part A: Determine Priority Project Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements Does the project meet the definition of one or more of the priority project categories? * Yes No Detached residential development of 10 or more units Attached residential development of 10 or more units Commercial development greater than 100,000 square feet Automotive repair shop Restaurant Steep hillside development greater than 5,000 square feet Project discharging into receiving waters within Environmentally Sensitive Areas Parking lots greater than or equal to 5000 ft or with at least 15 parking spaces, and potentially exposed to urban runoff Streets, roads, highways, and freeways which would create a new paved surface that is 5,000 square feet or greater * Refer to the definitions section in the Storm Water Standards for expanded definitions of the priority project categories. Limited Exclusion: Trenching and resurfacing work associated with utility projects are not considered priority projects. Parking lots, buildings and other structures associated with utility projects are priority projects if one or more of the criteria in Part A is met. If all answers to Part A are "No", continue to Part B. Part B: Determine Standard Permanent Storm Water Requirements. Does the project meet the definition of one or more of the priority project categories? * Yes No New imperviois areas, such as rooftops, roads, parking lots, driveways, paths and sidewalks? New pervious landscape areas and irrigation systems? 'J Permanent structures within 100 feet of a natural water body? Trash storage areas? Liquid or solid material loading and unloading areas? Vehicle or equipment fueling, washing, or maintenance areas? Require a General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (exept construction)? Commercial or industrial waste handling or storage, excluding typical office or household waste? Any grading or ground disturbance during construction? Any new storm drains, or alteration to existing storm drains? * To find out if your project is required to obtain an individual General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities, visit the State Water Resources Control Board web site at www.swrcb.ca.gov/stormwtr/industrial.html p:\07-002 jones\hydro\pswmp\appn_b-swappl.doc Page 1 of 2 Pages Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Plo Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 Storm Water Resource Standards - Section 2. Construction Storm Water BMP Requirements: Part C: Determine Construction Phase Storm Water Requirements Would the project meet any of these criteria during construction? Yes No Is the project subject to California's statewide General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated With Construction Activities? Does the project propose grading or soil disturbance? Would storm water or urban runoff have the potential to contact any portion of the construction area, including washing and staging areas? Would the project use any construction materials that could negatively affect water quality if discharged from the site (such as, paints, solvents, concrete, and stucco? Part D: Determine Construction Site Priority LII A) High Priority Projects where the site is 50 acres or more and grading will occur during the rainy season. Projects 1 acre or more. Projects 1 acre or more within or directly adjacent to or discharging directly to a coastal lagoon or other receiving water within an environmentally sensitive area. Projects, active or inactive, adjacent or tributary to sensitive water bodies X B) Medium Priority Capital Improvement Projects where grading occurs, however a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is not required under the State General Construction Permit (i.e., water and sewer replacement projects, intersection and street re-alignments, widening, comfort stations, etc.) Permit projects in the public right-of-way where grading occurs, such as installation of sidewalk, substantial retaining walls, curb and gutter for an entire street frontage, etc., however SWPPPs are not required. Permit projects on private property where grading permits are required, however, Notice Of Intents (NOIs) and SWPPPs are not required. El C) Low Priority Capital Projects where minimal to no grading occurs, such as signal light and loop installations, street light installations, etc. Permit projects in the public right-of-way where minimal to no grading occurs, such as pedestrian ramps, driveway additions, small retaining walls, etc. Permit projects on private property where grading permits are not required, such as small retaining walls, single-family homes, small tenant improvements, etc. p:\07-002 jones\hydro\pswmp\appn_b-swappl.doc Page 2 of 2 Pages Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB4 12412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 APPENDIX C STATE IMPAIRED WATERBODIES 303(d) LIST 2002 CWA SECTION 303(d) LIST OF WATER QUALITY LIMITED SEGMENT July 2003 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD (AlWJ t, R pOrENTIAl, ThIDL 1;sTI\1.tl'E:1) PLOl'OSFD 1MDL RE(;ION i YP1 N\ilF WATERSHED POI JAJANT/STRESSOft SOURCES PRII)l'flT\ SIZE FFEcTl:D OMPLETION 9 R Agua Hedionda Creek 90431000 Total Dissolved Solids Low 7 Miles Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers Unknown Nonpoint Source Unknown point source 9 E Agua Hedionda Lagoon 90431000 Bacteria Indicators Low 6.8 Acres Nonpoint/Point Source Sedimentation/Siltation Low 6.8 Acres Nonpoint/Point Source ss fimmman - semememmemmessem W -55 emasasm 9 R Aliso Creek 90113000 Bacteria Indicators Medium 19 Miles Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers Unknown point source Nonpoint/Point Source Phosphorus Low 19 Miles Impairment located at lower 4 miles. Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers Unknown Nonpoint Source Unknown point source Toxicity Low 19 Miles Urban Runoff/Storm Sewers Unknown Nonpoint Source Unknown point source a seas 555 seseemeemaseaasaeemjaemssasaememememsaaaemasemasem. emaaa- as ass 9 E Aliso Creek (mouth) 90113000 Bacteria Indicators Medium 0.29 Acres Nonpoint/Point Source seas -55 seem -- 9 E Buena Vista Lagoon 90421000 Bacteria Indicators Low 202 Acres Nonpoint/Point Source Nutrients Low 202 Acres Estimated size of impairment is 150 acres located in upper portion of lagoon. Nonpoint/Point Source Sedimentation/Siltation Medium 202 Acres Nonpoint/Point Source Page 10116 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyos/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 APPENDIX D WATER QUALITY STANDARDS Water Quality Standards Inventory Database http://www.ice.ucdavis.edulwqsid!waterbody.asp?wbfkey=370 1 Water Quality Standards Inventory Database Click on the links below Click on the links below to view Click on the links below to view comments to search for another water quality parameters fcr Aqua and corrections logged or to navigate to the waterbody. Hedionda Lagoon. comments and corrections input page. Search by Beneficial Beneficial Uses Comments and Corrections Logge Uses d Comments and Corrections Input Page Search by Keyword Water Quality Objectives Search by SWRCB Water Quality Narrative Region Constituents Search by Caltrans Water Quality Numeric Crteria District Search by Cotiity Water Quality Bacteria Criteria Aqua Hedlionda Lagoon Water Quality Control Board Region: Click on the region number for a list of waterbodies and 9 reported ydro1ogic units in that region. Hydrologic Units: Reported Pulshed Click on the reported hydrologic unit for a list of waterbodies in Hydrologic Units lTydrooic Units that unit. 904.31 904.31 Caltrans District: Click on the Caltrans district for a list of waterbodies and reported hydrologic units in that district. Counties: Click on the reported county name for a list of waterbodies and reported hydrologic units in that county. 11 Reported Counties Published Counties iAIIP)1ttJS SAN DIEGO Location Map Watershed Map I I Waterbody Beneficial Uses R\VQ(i:B Beneficial Use 1 Click on the beneficial use for the beneficial use code and description. Aguaculture I 1 of Use Status Potential cr Existing 8/2:1/20074:18 PM Water Quality Standards Inventory Database i Cold Freshwater Habitat Commercial and Sport Fishing Estuarine Habitat Industrial Service Supply Marine Habitat Migration of Aquatic Organisms Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species ;Water Contact Recreation Non-Contact Water Recreation Shellfish Harvesting Wildlife Habitat http://www.ice.ucdavis.edu/wqsid/waterbody.asp?wb—fkey--3701 Existing .Existng Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Water Quality Objectives :aterb(,dv Beneficial Constituent Constituent Constituent Constituent Constituent , . . Reach Use Concentration Units Details Comments 'No NVQ0s Available Water Quality Narrative Constituents Constituent Constituent Description ame - Biostimu!atory inland surface waters, bays and estuaries and coastal lagoon waters shall not contain Substances biostimulatoty substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growth to the extent that such growths cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. Color Waters shall he free of coloration that causes nuisance or adversely affects beneficial uses.The natural color of fish, shellfish or other resources in inland surface waters, coastal lagoon or bay and estuary shall not be impaired. DO The dissolved oxygen concentration in ocean waters shall not at any time he depressed more than 10 percent from that which occurs naturally, as the result of the discharge of oxygen demanding waste materials. U Floating Waters shall not contain floating material, including solids, liquids, foams, and scum in Material concentrations which cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. Oil and Grease Waters shall not contain oils, greases, waxes, or other materials in concentrations which result in a visible film or coating on the surface of the water or on Objects in the water, or which cause nuisance or which otherwise adversely affect beneficial uses. PH. The pH value shall not be changed at any time more than 0.2 pH units from tha: which occurs naturally.Changes in normal ambient: p11 levels shall not exceed 0.2 units in waters with designated marine (MAR), or estuarine (EST), or saiine (SAL) beneficial uses. Changes in normal ambient pH. levels shall not exceed 0.5 units in fresh waters with designated cold freshwater habitat (COLD) or warm freshwater habitat (WARM) beneficial uses. In bays and estuaries the pH shall not he depressed below 7.0 nor raised above 9.0. in inland surface waters all no: be depressed below 6.5 nor raised. above 85. the p11 sh Radioactivity Radionuclides shall not be present in concentrations that are deleterious to human, plant, animal. or aquatic life nor that result in the accumulation of radionuclides in the food. web to an extent that presents a hazard to human. plant, antmal or aquatic life. SedimentThe suspended sediment load and suspended sediment di scharge rate of surface waters shall not ;be altered in such a manner as to cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. - 2 of 9 8/20/2007 4:18 PM Water Quality Standards Inventory Database http://www.ice.ucdavis.edu/wqsid/waterbody.asp?wb—fkey--3701 Suspended Waters shall not contain suspended and settlable solids in concentrations of solids that cause - Solids nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. Toxicity All waters shall be r.iaintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that produce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic 1i.1I. Compliance with this objective will be determined by use of indicator organisms, analyses of 3pecies diversity, population density, growth anomalies, bioassays of appropriate duration, or other appropriate methods as specified. by the Regional Board. The survival olaquatic life in surface waters subjected to a waste discharge or other controllable water quality factors, shall not be less than that ibr the same water body in areas unaffected by the waste discharge or, when necessary, for other control water that is consistent with requirements specified in US EPA, State Water Resources Control Board. As a minimum, co:inpiiance with this objective as stated - in the previous sentence shall be evaluated with a 96-hour acute bioassay ..ln addition, effluent limits based. upon acute bioassays of effluents will be prescribed where appropriate, additional namerjcal receiving water objectives for specific toxicants will be established as sufficient data becomeavailable. and source control of toxic substances will be encou:raged. Temperature The natural recciving water temperature of intrastate waters shall not he altered unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Regional Board that such alteration in temperature does not adversely affect beneficial uses. At no time or place shall the temperature of any COLD water be 1nci'iscd more than 5F above the natural receiving water temperature. Taste anti Odor Waters shall not contain taste or odor producing substances at concentrations which cause a nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. The natural taste and odor of fish, shellfish or other Regional wate.r resources used fir human consumption Shall not be impaired in inland surface :tC1'5 and bays and estuaries. Turbidity Waters shall be free of changes in turbidity that cause nuisance or adversely afthct beneficial uses. Water Quality Numeric Criteria Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Beneficial Numeric Constituent Constituent Constituent Constituent Constituent Constituent Use Name Detail Maximum Units Comments Reference MAR Mercury :Jlackgroiuiid 0M000005 mg/L Ocean Plan sea water concentration MAR Mercury Daily 000016 rn/L Ocean Plan Max i mum MAR Mercury instantaneous 00004 nig/L Ocean Plan Maximum MAR Nickel 6 Month 0.005 mg/L Ocean Plan Median MAR Nickel Daily 0.02 mg/L Ocean Plan Maximum MAR Nickel Instantaneous 0.05 mgiL Ocean Plan. Maximum MAR Nitrobenzene 30day 00049 mg/L Ocean Plan Average MAR. .N-nitrosodimethy lain itic 30-day 00073 mg/I. Ocean Plan Average MAR. 1-nitrosodiphenylamine 30-day 0.0025 mg/L Ocean Plan Average MAR P&Hs 30 day O0000088 1C I Ocean Phto Average 3 of 9 8/20/2007 4:18 PM Water Quality Standards Inventory Database http://www.ice.ucdavis.edulwqsid!waterbody.asp?wb_fkey3701 I MAR PCBs 30-day 0,00000001.9 nig/L Ocean Plan Average MAR Phenolic Compounds 6 Month 0.03 .nig/L Ocean Plan (non-chlorinated) Median MAR Phenolic Compounds Daily 0.12 mg/L Ocean Plan (non-chiorinated) Maximum I MAR Phenolu &ompound Inst mtancous 0 mg L Ocean Plan (non-chlorinated) Maximum MAR Silver 6 Month 0.007 mg/L Ocean Plan I Median MAR Silver Background 0.00016 mg/l., Ocean Plan sea water concentration I MAR Silver Daily 0.0028 :mng/L Ocean Plan Maximum MAR. Silver Instantaneous 0.0007 mg/L Ocean Plan I :M1m1,1m MAR. TCDD equivalents 30-day 0.0000000000039 .mg/L Ocean Plan \LIagL I MAR [etrachioroeWylene :3'y 0.099 mgiL Ocean Plan .AvLrage MA flnllwm 10 -day 0.0314 mg L Ocain Plan I Average MAR Toluene .30-day :85 nlg/L Ocean Plan Average I MAR Total Chlorine tn Rcstdu ti 6 Month 0.002 rn g/L Ocean Plan Median MAR Total Chlorine Residual Daily 0.008 n g!L Ocean Plan I maxilnUrn MAR Total Chlorine Residual instantaneous :0,06 mg/L Ocean Plan - . Maximum MAR foiphtnc 30 -day 0,00000021 mg I Ocean Plan Average MAR Tributyltin . .30-day 0.0000014 = nig/L . Ocean Plan I Average MAR l'r]ehlolocth)lene 30 -day 0027 tug L Ocean Plan Average MAR I Vinyl Chloride 30-dav .0.036 11 . Ocean Plan Average MAR Zinc 6 Month 0.02 mgJL Ocean Plan I MAR Zinc Background 0.008 mg/L Ocean Plan sea water I concentration MAR Zinc Daily 08 mg/1- Ocean P1 in maximum I MAR Zinc inst mt ineous 0 2 ma I Ocean Plan Maximum MAR 1,41-Trichlorocthane 30-day 540 mg/L Ocean Plan Average I 4 of 9 8/20/2007 4:18 PM Water Quality Standards Inventory Database http://www.ice.ucdavis.edulwqsidlwaterbody.asp?wb_fkey3701 MAR 1 2 2 1 trachon1ctb nc 30 da 1.2 mg L Ocean Plan Ave rage MAR I .1 .2-Trichloroethane 30-day :43 mg/L Ocean Plan Average MAR 1,1 -.Dichloroethiene 130-day 7.1 .mg/L Ocean. Plan Average MAR 1,2-Dichioroethane 130-day 0.13 mg/L. Ocean Plan Average MAR I .2-Diphenyihydrazine 30-day .0.0001.6 Am, /L Ocean Plan Average MAR. 13-1) ichloropiopL ic 0 d i' :0.0089 jug/1. Ocean Plan Average MAR 1 4 [)chlorobcnLne 30 dax 0 018 mgi'L Ocean Pun Average MAT 2,4,6-T:ricblorophenol 30-day 0,00029 mg/I.. (.)cean Plan Average MAR 2 4 Diniuophno1 30 -day 0 004 nig 1 0cc in Plan Average MAR 2.44Dinitrotoluene :30-day 0.0026 mg/I. . Ocean Plan Average MAR 3.3-1)ichlorobenzidi.re 130-day 00000081 mg/I.. Ocean Plan Average MAR 4,6-Dinitro-2-Mcthylphenol 30- day 0.22 'nig/L Ocean Plan verage MAR Acrolein 30-day .0.22 mg/i.. . Ocean Plan Averag,e MAR ALrylonlel ule 10 da, 0 0001 ung L Ocean Plan Average MAR Aidrin 30-day 0.000000022 'mg/l.. . Ocean Plan Average MAR. Antimony 30-day12 mg/L. Ocean Plan Average MAR. Arsenic 6 Month 0.008 mg/L Ocean Plan Median MAR Arsenic Background 0.003 mg/L Ocean Plan. sea wat.r concentration MAR Arsenic Daily .0.032 'mg/L . Ocean Plan MaxhuaTi MAR Arsenic instantaneous 0.08 mg!L Ocean Plan Maximum MAR Benzene .,0 div 0.0059 nn I 0. in Plan Average. MAR Benzidine 130-day 0.000000069 :mg/L : Ocean Plan Average MAR Beryllium 30-day 0.000033 'mg/I'.. Ocean Plan 'Average MAR Bis(2-chIoroethoxv) .30-day :0.0044 :nhc,/L Ocean Plan methane Averaiye MAR Bis(2-ch1oroethyi) ether 30-day 0.000045 'mg/I. ' Ocean Plan Average 5 of 9 8/20/2007 4:18 PM Water Quality Standards Inventory Database http://www.ice.ucdavis.edu/wqsid/waterbody.asp?wb—fkey--3701 MAR R?-ch!oroisoproy!) 30-day 1 2 m 1! On P!m - ether Average MAR Bis(2-ethyihexyl) phthalate 30-day .0.0035 .mg/L Ocean Plan Average - MAR Cadmium 6 Month 0.001 mg/L Ocean Plan. Median MAR Cadmium Daily 0,004 ma/L. Ocean Plan U MaxinIllryl MAR Cadmium Instantaneous 0.01 mg/I. Ocean Plan Maximum MAR Carbon. Tetrachloride. 30-day .0.0009 mg/i.. Ocean Plan Average MAR Chlordane 30-day 0.00000002 mg/ L Ocean Pian Average MAR Chlorinated Phenolics 6 Month 0.001 mg/i. Ocean Plan Median MAR Chlorinated Phenolics . Daily 0.004 .mg/L Ocean Plan Maximum MAR Chlorinated Phenolics Instantaneous 0.01 rng/L Ocean Plan Maxtmuni MAR Chlorohenzcne 30-day .0.57 mg/L Ocean Plan Average MAR Chloroform 30-day 0.13 mg/L Ocean Plan Average MAR Chromium 30-day 190 mg/I.. Ocean Plan Average MAR Chromium VI 6 Month 0.002 :rng/L . Ocean Plan Median MAR Chromium \/j Daily :0.008 :mg /L . Ocean Plan Maximum \1 \R Chrom urn VI 1ni inaneou 0 02 mg I (Xc n P'an Maximum MAR Chronic Toxicity Daily :0.001 TUc Ocean Plan l\4axiniwn MAR ('oppc 6 M.o:ath 0.003 nle,;L Median MAR Copper Background 0.002 mg/L Ocean Plan ea water concentration MAR Copper Daily 0.012 mgJL Ocean Plan :.MXOOUfl MAR Copper instantaneous 0.03 :mg /L : Ocean Plan :1axirtmrn MAR Cyanide 6 Month :0.001 inç/j_ Ocean Plan :Mcdtan MAR Cyanide Daily :0.004 mg/L Ocean Plan MAR Cyanide Instantaneous 0.01 mg/L : Ocean Plan MaXimUm MAR DDT .30-day 0.00000017 mg/1_ Ocean Plan Average 6 of 9 8/20/2007 4:18 PM Water Quality Standards Inventory Database http://www.ice.ucdavis.edu/wqs:.d/waterbody.asp?wb—fkey--370l MAR Dichiorobeozenes :30Y 5.1 mg/L Ocean Plan Average MAR. Dichloromethane 30-day :0.45 :mg/L Ocean Plan Average MAR Dieldrin 30-day :0.00000004 :mgjL Ocean Plan Average MAR Diethyl phihalate 30-day 33 T11 L' . Ocean Plan - Average MAR .Dimethyl phthalate 30-day 820 ,.mgi'L Ocean Plan Average MAR Di-n-buiyl phthalate 30-day :3.5 mg/L. Ocean Plan Average MAR Dissolved Oxygen .5 :mg/L MAR Endosulfan 6 Month 0.000009 nig/L Ocean Plan Median MAR Endosulfan Daily0M00018 mg/1- Ocean Plan - Maximum MAR Endosulfan Instantaneous :0.000027 mg/L Ocean Plan Maximum MAR Endrin 16 Month :0.)0)02 mW'L Ocean Plan Median Endrin Daily 0.000004 mg/i.. Ocean Plan MAR Maximum MAR [ndun lnstantdncou 0 000006 mg L Ocean Plan Maximum MAR Ethvlbenzene 30-day 4.1 .mg/L Ocean Plan Average MAR Fluoranthene 30-day 0.015 nigIL Ocean Plan Average - MAR 1:'ialoinethanes 30-day .0i 3 mg/I Ocean Plan Average MAR HCH 6 Month 0.000004 mg/I.. Ocean Plan Median MAR ItCH Daily 0,000008 :mg/L . Ocean Plan Maximum MAR. FICH instantaneous 0.0000 12 . mg/i. Ocean Plan Maximum MAR .F'leptachlor 30-day 0.00000072 mg'L Ocean Plan Average MAR H.exachlorobenzene :30thY 0.00000021 Ocean Plan Average MAR I'iexachloi'obutadiene :30-clay 0.014 miL Ocean Plan Average MAR Hexachlorocyclopenladienc 30day .0.058 mg/L : Ocean Plan Average MAR .Hexachloroethane 30-day 0.0025 mg/L Ocean Plan Average MAR isophorone 30-day . 150 mg/L Ocean Plan Average MAR Lead 6 Month 0.002 mIL Ocean Plan Median 7 of 9 8/20/2007 4:18 PM Water Quality Standards Inventory Database http://www.icc.ucdavis.edu/wqsid/waterbody.asp?wb—fkey--3701 MAR Lead Daily 0.008 mg/L . Ocean Plan • Maximum MAR Lead Instantaneous .0.02 mg/L Ocean Plan Maximum - MAR Mercury 6 Month U0004 mt I ocean. P m Medan Water Quality Ammonia Criteria Beneficial - Constituent Constituent Constituent . Constituent Constituent . Constituent Use Name pH Temperature Time Duration Concentration E Units COLD A:mmonia as - :- - 0.025 mgi'L N INI) \inmoma as 0-025 mg/1 N MAR Ammonia as - .- 0.6 .mg/L N Ammonia as - -. 2.4 MAR N MAR Ammonia as .- . ._ mg/i.. RARE Ammonia as - .- - L025 mg/.L N RJ-( I '\.tnmoui 0.025 gi1 • N RE C2 Ammonia as - - :- 0.025 mg/L N WILD Ammonia as - - 0.025 mg/j- - Water Quality Bacteria Criteria Beneficial Constituent Constituent Constituent . Constituent Constituent Constituent Use Name Concentration ., Concentration Units Comments Reference Details RECI :Fecal Lou Mean-I 0% 400 Count per Log mean value. IColiform of Samples for 30 :1.001111 Based on more than. 10 - day . peren.t ol total samples during any 30-day period. RECI .Fecal Lou Mean-S 200 Count: per log mean value. Coliform Samples for 30 100 ml Based on a minimum day of not less than five samples for any 30-day period. Fecal Average-0% of 14000 Count. per Average value. Based R.EC2 .Coliform. Samples for 30 . 10011)l on more than i 0 day peicent of total samples during an 30-day period. 8 of 9 8/20/2007 4:18 PM Water Quality Standards Inventory Database http://www.ice.ucdavis.edu/wqsid/waterbody.asp?wb—fkey--3701 .REC2 Fecal Average-for 30 2000 Count per Average value. Based ro1jfcrni dii" 100 iii cmt or = :30-day period. SHELL Total \4,di ii 3 tube 30 C ount per 'Median value Based - ( oliform t 10 1) of .100 1111 on rviorL than 0 Samples for 30 percent of the samples (lay collected during any 30-day period for a three-tube decimal dilution test 'IHI II 'Total Median-5 tube 230 C oimt Pei Median value, B,ased — Coliform test,] 0% of 100 ml on more than 10 Samples for 30 percent of the samples day collected during any - 130-day period for a five-tube decimal dilution test. SHELL Foil Mcdi i tot 30 0 Count per Median \ aluc Based Cohiform day lOt) ml on 30-day period, Comments Comments — Click above to go to the Comments input page. © Information Center for the Environment -, I WOSID Home feedback(dice.ucdavis.edu I Search Notices 9 of 9 8/20/2007 4:18 PM I Conway & Associates, Inc. I Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760)753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 APPENDIX E BMP TREATMENT FLOW COMPUTATIONS U Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors A8412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 Carlsbad, CA 92008. Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 TREATMENT FLOW COMPUTATIONS POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITION Howard-Jones TPM - MS 07-05 / CDP 07-21 03/26/08 4120 Skyline Drive APN 207-083-17 City of Carlsbad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER QUALITY TREATMENT FLOW COMPUTATIONS FLOW BASED: Determine flow rate per SWRCB OrderWQ 2001-15 (Sec. F.1.b.2.c, "Flow", i, pg. 19) I, intensity (in/hr) 0.2 in./hr. TRIBUTARY POST-DEVELOPMENT AREAS - PARCEL I Basin SUB AREA AREA "C" QFF Subtotal BASIN (SF) (ACRES) FACTOR C * A (CFS) (CFS) A 2,813 0.06 0.46 0.03 B 13,640 0.31 0.59 0.18 TRIBUTARY POST-DEVELOPMENT AREAS - PARCEL 2 ESubtotal SUB AREA AREA "C" QFF BASIN (SF) (ACRES) FACTOR C *A (CFS) C 1,353 0.03 0.48 0.01 0.00 D 13,989 0.32 0.59 0.19 0.04 15,342 0.35 0.20 0.04 Parcel 2 Treatment Flow Rate: 0.04 cfs Poject Site Treatment Flow Rate: 0.08 cfs Printed 3/28/2008 Page 1 of I 07-002_hydro-2a.xls BMP 0.01 0.04 16,453 0.38 0.21 0.04 Parcel I Treatment Flow Rate: 0.04 cfs I I I I I Li I I APR 03 2008 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT it- = —== caV5TLX7IONM0Th$ 0 ODNSTRLICT 3' AC. (MIN) 01/50 (a81/) RE_i cif V ON C4RLSSALi 8705 '0//5TXT 0.' C01LC. 0L08 PALO SLITTER TYPE '1'111 5,4N0/850 RYS. 570. 8-2. 0N2/S7RLC?' CASTE E'1PL#C PER .94P1 0/550 / gpcsws, 8r5NflaPfl 8-7 - INSTALL STREP?' 4/511?' AI'L) ALNL. 80K PEA 3411 405,20 REG.LOA44L 61N104R05 P-/PAlO P-S PALO CITY OP 04R1,6840 STANOARO 55-05, RS0PEC7/514Y. INSTALL S787 A/AMA ANON 4110/00 870051511 AS ,/57E0 ON AAMS. "7 4' 10,7/ALT/C 55 LO107S CU TP'C A' 7C? 3114_0003_XC4051ML_S3/J5-JJ0 J. (13 c0/57911c7 S/REST 2440 VRY MOMNIEJIT RES 88801880 ASSIONAI., STANDARD MS/, (13 C5115rR(/C7' NAL55LCNA/R 400855 LAMP PER ANN 0/ISO REANONAL 873N5150 68. () 0/i/SIRUCT 1/440/451.0 08597? A .C.OVERLAV. CONSTRUCT I" 04000 SSHL ON 700 SF 4.0. AS-BUILT - G. L/M00/0Cr AS- U LT - /AN7~ ,ITV 30 - SHEET CITY OF CARLSBADHEET ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT j /2 IMPROVEMENT 1LANS OFI CARLSBAD TRACT 76-15 UNIT NUMBER I AP DATE, , DATE./2/382 ______________ SCALE$ S/Ti_rs_Tel p3fl - _______ DRAWN BY Ri,C PROJECT NO. YERT. I'8' 48 _isi4.SWTAMANALI.' THECKED.HY DRAWING NO. REVISIONS APeD FIELDS/c. ii a. ii - ii.r,s.Si n. isis Lii Da-n..,-Ri 00.44 / 2O+.07.fl?-9 - - - LMUZ rrLiD — — I / ______________ c8507CLJ90)ER801 3/817 50— ATr LiAfE ELY 0.00 1+00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5+00 6.00 PLAN 1. 40 TA M ARACK AV E NUE ic 24000 - . /KLLXAItU To A i 35I .EIZ As.cuILT L1I.JE pOA LI1L_ N? SK't' w £ZN/ SifOIlEN 75 .• aw es-i . • '-'0 01'.ic, $NOW cpla WALL ;w o — PA80w ' ' "-41 #t le — — " - Li / N8705'p N 1. oP - !f C\flT 3 ®_J A1N1 r .o pi5 WALLMIN I \ - '1P'4C V \ ...r.se ° 5i:]: 3A oFta , *VE. \zQ±AL S - Fos A JtLrLorrcsS - . 1jPE jA" 805 STREET OF LI A -.-- SEWER ..- WATER (I.IRVF flATA - iipvp flATA r.IIPVF7 flATA DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT 85_V., 48.20,00' 17 '25' 28.00' 8 95'4'F'2'2" 25.00 4/8/' 77.0.5' C /2_52' 45 500.00' /20.46' 8050' 0' 57' N 82550' A-48 24' OF 1825'26 5100' /47' 7456 P 0171 31' 900.50' 1 P.07' 1 /.54' H 52/'32 900,50' 58/3' 2509'