HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2018-0020; 540 CHESTNUT SFR; THIRD PARTY GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW (FIRST); 2020-05-02HEThELOR!1GTth%9 ENGIN EERING, INC. SOIL& FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY o HYDROGEOLOGY April 2, 2020 Project No. 9096.1 Log No. 20944 City of CrIsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-7314 Attention: Mr. David Rick Subject: THIRD-PARTY GEOTECHNJAL REVIEW (FIRST) Proposed Residential Development 540 Chestnut Avenue Carlsbad, California Project ID: 0R2020-0009 References: 1. "Grading Plans For: 540 Chestnut Avenue", by Civil Landworlcs, dated Februaty 27, 2,020 (Sheets 1 through 5) 2. "Geotechnical investigation, Proposed Residential Development, 540 Chestnut Avenue, Carlsbad, California", by Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc., dated Februãiy 25, 2020. Deai Mr. Rick: In accordance with your lequest, Hetherington Engineer ii Inc has piovided third-party geotechnical review of the referenced report.. The following comments are provided for analyses and/or response by the Gçbtechnicàl Consultant. RVIEV'UF GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 1. The Consultant should review the project grading and foundation plans, provide any additional geotechmcal recommendations considered necessary, and confirm that the plans have been prepared in accordance with the geoteclinibal recommendations. 2 The Consultant should provide an updated geotechnical map/plot plan utilizing the latest grading plan for the project, to clearly show (at a minimum) a) existing site topogiaphy, b) proposed stiuctuies/impiovements, c) proposed finished grades, d) locations of the .subsurface exploration, e) geologic contacts, and f) remedial grading limits, etc 3. The Consultant should provide a detailed description of proposed site grading, strucStures/improvenients, etc. 5365 Avenida Encinas, Suite A • Carlsbad, CA 92008-4369 • (760) 931-1917 • Fax (760) 931-0545 333 Third Street Suite 2 • Laguna Beach CA 926.51-2306 • (949) 715-5440 • Fax (760) 981-0545 www.hetheringtonengineOring .com THIRD-PARTY GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW (FIRST) Project No. 9096.1 Log No. 20944 April 2, 2020 Page 2 The Consultant should address whether the site is considered a "Near Fault Site" in accordance with the 2019 CBC, Section 1803.5.12. The Consultant should provide the site Risk Category and Seismic Design Category consistent with the 2019 CBC. The Consultant should provide a statement regarding the impact of the proposed grading and construction on adjacent properties and improvements. The recommended ëoefficient of friction exceeds 2019 CBCpresumptive values. The Consultant should justify or update as necessary. 8; The Consultant should provide a minimum slab thi.cknøss for exterior hardscape. 9: The Consultant should provide a list, of recommended observation and testing during site grading and construction. The Opportunity to be pf service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this.1eview, please contact this office at your convenience. Sincerely, 11E1'I llRlNGT(i)N EN(.iINEERING, INC. \cJRI NG Paul A. 13ogse1h 0GS7 0 Professional Geologist 3772 Certified Engineering Geologi 53 - Certified Hy~rogeologist 591 OF Distribution: 1-via e-mail David Rick (David.Rickcarlsba,dca.gov) 1-via e-mail Cecilia Fernandez (Cecilia Fei nandez@cai lsbadca gov) HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. .1 p