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PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PROPOSED OCEAN CONDOMINIUM PROJECT STATE STREET CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Richard & Richard Construction Company, Inc. 234 Venture Street, Suite 100 San Marcos, CA 92078 TGI Project No. 19.00911 June 10, 2019 JUL 102019 LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 1IrLcNd EWEliP UEffD Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engineering Environmental Site Assessment Uffm(HIECEITIPIDMI 0 Geotechnical Engineering • Civil Engineering . Environmental Site Assessment 301 Mission Avenue Suite 201 Oceanside June 10, 2019 TGI Project No. 19.00911 Richard & Richard Construction Company, Inc. Attn: Mr. Ron Ramos 234 Venture Street, Suite 100 San Marcos, California 92078 California 92054 tel: 760.721.9990 fax: 760.721.9991 www.visitTGl.com Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Report Proposed Ocean CondrniniumProject 2501 State Street, Carlsbad,, c.alifrn:i:ai Dear Mr. Ramos: At your request, Taylor Group, Inc. (TGI) has performed a geotechnical investigation of the subject site. Based on the results of our investigation, we conclude that the site is suitable for the proposed development, - provided the geotechnical recommendations presented in this report are followed during design and construction of the proposed improvements. If the recommendations presented in this report appear not to cover any specific feature of the proposed project, please contact TGI for any required additions, revisions or clarifications to the recommendations. TGI appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, TAYLOR GROUP, Michael A. Caze Senior Engineer G.E. 3114 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 GENERAL.........................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................................................................1 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................................1 1.4 OBJECTIVE & SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................ 2 1.5 PREVIOUS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SUBJECT SITE .................................................................2 2 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION............................................................................................................................4 2.1 EXPLORATORY BORINGS ....................................................................................................... .......................... 4 2.2 EARTH MATERIALS .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 Fill..........................................................................................................................................................4 2.2.2 Weathered Native Soils.........................................................................................................................5 2.2.3 Older Terrace Deposits..........................................................................................................................5 2.3 UNDERGROUND OBSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................5 2.4 GROUNDWATER AND CAVING........................................................................................................................5 2.5 GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY TESTING..........................................................................................................5 3 REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND FAULTING .................................................................................................................7 3.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 FAULTING AND SEISMICITY ............................................................................................................................. 7 4 SEISMIC HAZARDS..............................................................................................................................................9 4.1 EARTHQUAKE FAULT RUPTURE HAZARD ........................................................................................................9 4.2 GROUND SHAKING..........................................................................................................................................9 4.3 LIQUEFACTION................................................................................................................................................9 4.4 SEISMICALLY-INDUCED SETTLEMENT.............................................................................................................9 4.5 LATERAL SPREADING ....................................................................................................................................10 4.6 TSUNAMI HAZARD ........................................................................................................................................ 10 4.7 SEICHE HAZARD AND INUNDATION ..............................................................................................................10 5 GEOTECHNICAL AND CLIMATIC CONSIDERATIONS...........................................................................................11 5.1 GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS...............................................................................................................11 5.1.1 Expansive Soils....................................................................................................................................11 5.1.2 Collapsible Soils/H ydroconsolidation..................................................................................................11 5.1.3 Soil Corrosivity.....................................................................................................................................12 5.1.4 Landslides/Slope Stability ...................................................................................................................12 5.2 CLIMATIC HAZARDS ......................................................................................................................................12 5.2.1 Flooding ..............................................................................................................................................13 5.2.2 Sea-Level Rise......................................................................................................................................13 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................................14 6.1 PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM STRUCTURE .....................................................................................................15 6.2 PROPOSED PERMANENT SOLDIER PILE WALL ............................................................................................... 15 6.3 EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................. 16 6.3.1 Demolition, Clearing, and Site Preparation, and Grading...................................................................16 6.3.2 Remedial Grading ...............................................................................................................................16 6.3.3 Subgrade Preparation.........................................................................................................................17 6.3.4 Acceptable Materials for Compacted Fill............................................................................................17 6.3.5 Compaction.........................................................................................................................................17 6.3.6 Imported Fill.........................................................................................................................................18 6.3.7 Surface and Subsurface Drainage.......................................................................................................18 6.3.8 Carlsbad Opportunistic Beach Fill Program (COBFP) ..........................................................................18 Thc Table of Contents 6.4 FOUNDATIONS AND FLOOR SLABS ...............................................................................................................19 6.4.1 Conventional Foundations ..................................................................................................................19 6.4.2 Permanent Soldier Pile Foundation Design.........................................................................................20 6.4.3 Foundation Settlement.......................................................................................................................20 6.4.4 Foundations Observations ..................................................................................................................20 6.4.5 Floor Slabs on Grade...........................................................................................................................20 6.4.6 Vapor Transmission Through Slabs.....................................................................................................21 6.5 RETAININGWALLS ........................................................................................................................................21 6.5.1 Cantilever Retaining Walls..................................................................................................................22 6.5.2 Restrained Retaining Walls.................................................................................................................22 6.5.3 Seismic Earth Pressure........................................................................................................................22 6.5.4 Traffic Surcharge ........................................................................................... . ..................................... 22 6.5.4 Traffic Surcharge.................................................................................................................................22 6.5.5 Retaining Wall Drainage ..................................................................................................................... 22 6.5.6 Waterproofing ....................................................................................................................................23 6.5.7 Retaining Wall Backfill........................................................................................................................23 6.5.8 Sump Pumps.........................................................................................................................................23 6.6 TEMPORARY EXCAVATIONS..........................................................................................................................24 6.6.1 Temporary Shoring..............................................................................................................................24 6.6.1a Installation of Soldier Piles..............................................................................................................................25 6.6.1b Pre-Construction Survey .................................................................................................................................26 6.6.1c Shoring Observations ........................................................................................................... ........................... 26 6.7 CONCRETE MIX CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................ 26 6.8 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS ..................................................................................................................... 27 6.9 STORM WATER MITIGATION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES .................................................................... .27 6.10 PLAN REVIEW...........................................................................................................................................27 6.11 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING ......................................................................................... .27 6.12 CHANGE OF ENGINEER OFRECORD .........................................................................................................28 7 LIMITATIONS....................................................................................................................................................29 8 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................................................30 TABLES Table 2.1. Summary of Exploratory Borings ...............................................................................................4 Table 2.2. Summary of Laboratory Testing.................................................................................................6 Table 3.1. Nearby Active Regional Faults...................................................................................................7 Table 6.1. Foundation Design Parameters ................................................................................................19 Table 6.2. Temporary Shoring Design Parameters ..................................................................................25 Table 6.3. Seismic Design Parameters ..................................................................................................... 27 FIGURES Figure 1. Site Location & Vicinity Figure 2a. Plot Plan Figure 3. Local Geologic Map Figure 4.. Map of Active Regional Faults Figure 5. FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Figure 6. Tsunami Inundation Map FTocl Table of Contents APPENDICES Boring Logs Laboratory Testing Data Seismic Design Parameter Information Earthwork Guidelines SUPPLEMENTAL APPENDIX Plot Plan, Boring Logs, and Lab Testing from Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc., 2016 TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 rn 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL This report presents the results of an investigation to provide geotechnical design and construction recommendations for a project consisting of a residential condominium project to be constructed at 2501 State Street in the City of Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). Taylor Group, Inc. ("TGI") prepared this report for the exclusive use of Richard & Richard Construction Company, Inc. This work was performed in accordance with our Professional Services Agreement dated March 8, 2019. 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION The project site (hereinafter "the Site") is described as Assessor's Parcel Number 155-200-10-00. The Site is bordered to the northeast by State Street, and to the southwest by the NCTD railroad right-of-way, which generally consists of undeveloped vacant land. The Site is bounded to the northwest by a commercial property developed with an existing 3-story commercial office building. It is bounded to the southeast by a 3-story multi-family residential condominium development. The Site is trapezoidal in shape with overall record dimensions of approximately 109 feet x 211 feet. The - total area of the Site is approximately 21,223 square feet (0.49 acre). The Site is currently developed with a one-story commercial office building, asphalt paved parking lot, patio area and other related improvements including fencing, landscaping, vegetation, and walls. Vehicular access to the Site is and will be from the State Street. The Site is relatively level with mild slopes in varying directions at grades of about 1% to 5%, with about 5 - feet of elevation difference across the eastern boundary of the Site along State Street. Elevations across the Site range between approximately 32 and 37 feet relative to mean sea level (MSL), based on NAVD88. An approximate 2 to 4 foot high slope descends offsite to the northwest at a gradient of approximately 2:1 (h:v). The condominium development located to the southeast of the Site is elevated approximately 4 feet above the existing average elevation of the Site. The grade changes are accommodated by an offsite retaining wall (with partially inclined backslope) located adjacent to the southeastern property line. The surrounding developments predominantly consist of multi-family residential and commercial related developments. 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Information regarding the proposed project was provided to TGI by the client. The proposed project will include demolition of the existing site structures and construction of a new 4-level multi-unit condominium development. In general, the lowest floor of the condominium structure will consist of vehicle parking, with limited mechanical, storage, trash, and lobby spaces. The upper floors are planned to be residential units. It is TGI's understanding the proposed structure is currently planned to have a concrete slab-on-ground and conventional foundations at the ground floor, a reinforced concrete podium deck, and wood and/or steel framing for the upper floors. The lowest finished floor elevation for the structure is expected to range between approximately 31.5 and 33 feet relative to MSL. This corresponds to depths on the order of 2 to 5 f A '1! Liii !iil ii ii i J ill .. Page \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\009 11 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.0091 1 Prelim Geo Report 6102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 feet below the existing site elevations. Therefore, the proposed parking level will be partially subterranean. The proposed project is shown on the enclosed Figure 2a - Plot Plan. Other miscellaneous site improvements such as site walls, landscapes, pavements, and hardscapes are also anticipated as part of the project. A new permanent soldier pile wall is planned along the easterly 90 feet of the southeastern property line, where the future site grades will extend approximately 4 to 5 feet below the bottom of the existing offsite retaining wall. The proposed soldier pile wall will support the existing offsite retaining wall and associated sloping backfill. The location of the soldier pile wall is noted on the enclosed Figure 2a - Plot Plan. Building wall loads are estimated to range between approximately 4 and 12 kips per lineal foot. Column loads are estimated to range between 250 and 500 kips. Grading will consist of the following: Site preparations Excavations on the order of 10 to 13 feet for removal and recompaction of existing unsuitable site soils Lowering the existing site by as much as approximately 5 feet to achieve the proposed finished floor elevations 1.4 OBJECTIVE & SCOPE The primary objective of this investigation was to provide an evaluation of geotechnical conditions at the site and geotechnical design and construction recommendations for the project. To accomplish this objective, the following tasks were performed: Visual geotechnical reconnaissance of the Site and vicinity; Review of available published information and reports regarding geotechnical, geologic and seismic conditions; Performance of a subsurface investigation consisting of excavating four exploratory borings to depths between approximately 16.25 and 20 feet below the ground surface. Limited geotechnical laboratory testing of soil samples obtained from the borings; Preliminary geotechnical engineering evaluation based on the available information and site- specific data, and; Preparation of this report documenting the results, conclusions and recommendations of our investigation and evaluation. 1.5. PREVIOUS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SUBJECT SITE A previous geotechnical investigation of the subject site was performed by Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (AGS) in 2016. The results of the investigation were presented in the following report: Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, State Street Condominium Project, 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California, dated March 30, 2016, Report No. 1602-03-8-2. The investigation addressed construction of a 4-story multi-family "Podium" type structure along with associated driveways and improvements. It was anticipated that the proposed structure would be constructed at or near the existing elevations onsite. I110!LJ1 iJi.!iU}, J.Jt Page, 1 2 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\0091 1 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6102019.docx I TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California I June 10, 2019 Subsurface exploration included excavation of 3 borings to depths between 15.8 and 19.9 feet I below the ground surface with a solid auger limited access tripod drill rig. The borings encountered existing undocumented fill to depths between approximately 8 and 10 feet below the ground surface. The fill soils were underlain by natural older terrace deposits (referred to as Old Paralic I Deposits). The upper terrace deposits were reported to be weathered. Groundwater was not encountered to the maximum depth of exploration, although it was reported that groundwater may occur at elevations as shallow as 11 feet relative to MSL (or approximately 20 to 25 feet below the I pad grade). Laboratory testing for the investigation included tests for moisture content, dry density, expansion character, maximum density, shear strength, consolidation, and corrosivity. I The report includes recommendations for remedial grading and support of the proposed project on conventional spread footings. In general, it was recommended the undocumented fill and weathered Old Paralic Deposits be removed and recompacted as engineered fill for support of the I proposed development. It was estimated that removal and recompaction depths would be on the order of 8 to 10 feet in depth for removal of the undocumented fill. Deeper removals were anticipated in some areas in order to remove the upper weathered terrace deposits. I The plot plan, boring logs, and laboratory testing included in the investigation is provided in the enclosed Supplemental Appendix. Where appropriate, the results of subsurface exploration and testing are incorporated into this current investigation of the subject site. I fi'I!iJii 11JIMP, J.JtL Page. 13 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 610_2019.docx I TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California I June 10, 2019 2 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION 2.1 EXPLORATORY BORINGS The site was explored by TGI on April 8 and 11, 2019 by excavating four exploratory borings. The borings were advanced to depths between approximately 16.25 and 20 feet using a truck mounted drilling machine equipped with 8-inch diameter hollow stem augers. The borings were generally located within the footprint of the planned structure. All excavation and sampling operations were performed under the supervision of a professional engineer experienced in the performance of geotechnical field investigations. TGI's on-site personnel visually classified and logged the materials encountered in the exploratory borings and obtained relatively undisturbed samples and bulk samples at various depths for observation and laboratory testing. The boring locations are shown on the enclosed Figure 2a - Plot Plan, and the boring logs are included in Appendix A of this report. The boring depths and surface elevations are summarized in Table 2.1 below. Table 2.1 Summary of Exploratory Borings Boring No. Approx. Surface Elevation* (feet) Depth of Boring (feet) Bi 34.5 20 B2 35.5 16.25 B3 35.3 20 B4 35.2 20 *Datum: NAVD88. Drive samples were obtained in the borings at various depths using a 3-inch O.D. by 2.5-inch I.D. ring-lined Modified California (Mod Cal) split spoon sampler. The sampler was driven using a 140-pound hammer dropped approximately 30 inches. The hammer system consisted of an automatic trip hammer. Samples obtained using the Mod Cal sampler were placed in plastic bags and then into 6-inch long PVC tubes. The ends of the tubes were then capped and taped. Bulk samples from selected depths were placed in plastic bags. 2.2 EARTH MATERIALS The field investigation performed by TGI encountered undocumented fill soils underlain by weathered native soils and Pleistocene age older terrace deposits. These geologic units are described in more detail below, in order from youngest to oldest. 2.2.1 Fill Undocumented fill soils were observed in the borings to depths between approximately 5 and 10 feet below the ground surface. The fill predominantly consists of sandy to silty clays, which are brown to medium brown and grayish brown in color, moist, firm, and occasionally include lenses, layers, and inclusions of silty sand and clayey sand. Occasional debris including asphalt, concrete, brick, wood, and plastic were also observed in the fill soils. flflUii UJiJJUJ, J1J. Page 14 \\TAYLORGFOUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 5102019docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 2.2.2 Weathered Native Soils Weathered native soils were encountered below the fill soils in all of the borings performed by TGI. These soils generally consist of highly weathered terrace deposits and/or residual natural soils. ' They were observed to extend to depths between approximately 10 to 13 feet below the ground surface. I The weathered native soils consist of silty to clayey sands, sands, silts, and clays, which are light gray to dark gray, light brown to brown, and occasionally exhibit yellowish and/or orange staining. The weathered native soils are generally moist, medium dense or firm, and predominantly fine I grained. 2.2.3 Older Terrace Deposits I Olier terrace deposits were observed below the weathered native soils at depths between 10 and 13 feet below the ground surface. The older terrace deposits were observed to consist of silty I sands, which are light brown to brown, or light gray, slightly moist to very moist, and fine to coarse grained. The older terrace deposits are slightly to moderately weathered and occasionally exhibit partial degrees of cementation. 1 2.3 UNDERGROUND OBSTRUCTIONS Borings BI B2, and B3 performed by TGI encountered a reinforced concrete slab below the surface asphalt I pavement. The concrete slabs were on the order of 6-inches thick. A 4-inch thick concrete slab is also noted on boring log BA-3 in the geotechnical report by (AGS, 2016). I 2.4 GROUNDWATER AND CAVING Groundwater was not observed in the borings on the Site to a maximum depth of 20 feet below the ground I surface. Based on TGl's experience in the vicinity of the site, groundwater is estimated to be at elevations on the order of 5 to 10 feet relative to MSL, or approximately 25 to 30 feet below the ground surface. I Seasonal variation of groundwater level may occur, and shallower zones of perched groundwater may occasionElly exist beneath the Site. I Caving of the boreholes could not be directly observed during exploration because the boreholes were cased during drilling and caving was not possible. However, some of the subsurface soil conditions encountered during exploration were consistent with those where caving would be more likely to occur in I shallow open excavations. This would include (but may not be limited to) areas where cohesionless sandy soils are present. 2.5 GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY TESTING Samples that were obtained during the field investigation were transported to TGI's lab for geotechnical I laboratory testing. The laboratory testing program performed for this investigation included tests to evaluate moisture content, dry density, expansion character, shear strength, consolidation, soil resistivity, corrosivity, and pH. The testing performed is summarized in the following Table 2.2. I I SJ'IJ'JiJ !iiiiJiJJ, E11F, I Page. 15 \\TAYLORGRJUPNAS\TGI Projects\0091 1 Ocean Condominiurns\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.009 1 Prelim Geo Report 6102019docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 Table 2.2 Summary of LaboratoryI1IlI! Test Procedure Test Method Number of Tests Moisture Content / Dry Density ASTM D 2216 15 Expansion Index ASTM D 4829 2 Shear Strength ASTM D 3080 3 Consolidation ASTM 2435 2 Resistivity / pH ASTM I Caltrans 2 Sieve Analysis (-200 Sieve) ASTM D 422 3 Sulfate Caltrans 2 Tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM and/or Caltrans procedures, or procedures generally accepted in geotechnical engineering practice. Laboratory testing results are included in Appendix B of this report. IJr/U.JJi !1ifliUi, JJ!i. Page 16 \\TAYLORGFOUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 5_10_2019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 3 REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND FAULTING 3.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING The project site lies within the Peninsular Ranges geomorphic province, an extensive uplifted fault block that occupies the southwestern portion of California and extends southward into Baja California. The Site is located within the coastal plain portion of the Peninsular Range province. Topography in the Site vicinity is relatively flat and generally descends gradually toward the southwest. The Site area is underlain by sedimentary formations known as terrace deposits, which are Pleistocene in age (10,000 to 1.8 million years). A local geologic map indicating the site location is presented on Figure 3. The geologic structure of the area of investigation is dominated by a system of northwest trending faults including the San Clemente, Palos Verdes/Coronado Bank, Newport- lnglewood/Rose Canyon, Elsinore, and San Jacinto fault zones (see Figure 4). All of these faults are believed to have experienced historic or recent movement (within in the past 10,000 years). Movement along one or more of these faults or others is probable during the lifetime of the project. 3.2 FAULTING AND SEISMICITY Figure 4 presents a map illustrating the locations of known regional faults in relation to the study area location. The following table summarizes information on the nearby regional active faults. Table 3.1 Nearby Active rRegional iiFaults i Fault Approximate Distance From Study Area (km) Direction Maximum Credible Earthquake Newport-Inglewood Fault 3.4 SW 6.9 Rose Canyon Fault 3.4 sw 6.9 Coronado Banks Fault 31 sw 7.4 Elsinore Fault 37 NE 6.8 San Diego Trough Fault 47 SW >7.0 (?) San Jacinto Fault 75 NE 6.8 San Clemente Fault 87 SW >7.0 (?) San Andreas Fault 100 NE 7.4 The nearest known active faults are the southern extension of the Newport-Inglewood Fault and the northern extension of the Rose Canyon Fault, both of which are part of the Offshore Zone of Deformation located approximately 3.4 kilometers (2.1 miles) southwest of the study area in the Pacific Ocean. Other active faults located within approximately 50 km (30 miles) of the study area include the Coronado Bank Fault Zone, located approximately 31 km to the southwest, the Elsinore Fault, located approximately 37 km to the northeast, and the San Diego Trough Fault, located approximately 47 km to the southwest. Research (Rivero, et.al, 2000) has suggested that two blind thrust faults, the Thirtymile Bank thrust and the Oceanside thrust, might exist off the coast of Oceanside. These postulated thrust faults have little or no historical] record. It has been suggested that the 1986 Oceanside earthquake (ML 5.3) ruptured as a small part of the Thirtymile Bank thrust. 1 U i i ii D .!J Y, i il J Page; I 7 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\0091 1 Ocean Condominiums\GeotechnicaCompIeted Reports\19.0091 1 Prelim Geo Report 6_1 O_2019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 The Thirtymile Bank thrust runs south from Santa Catalina Island, with the closest segment located I approximately 60 km (37.3 miles) southwest from the study area. The Oceanside fault runs south from Laguna Beach in Orange County, with the closest segment located approximately 17 km (10.6 miles) southwest from the study area. Both extend south to San Diego and possibly beyond the U.S.-Mexico I border. The postulated faults are thought to be capable of producing earthquake events with magnitudes up to Mw 7.6 if they are linked with other fault systems. Magnitude 7.4 events on the Thirtymile Bank Fault could have a minimum recurrence interval of about 2,100 years. The largest likely earthquake events on I the Oceanside Fault could be on the order of magnitude 7.5 with a recurrence interval of 1,100 to 8,800 years. If "~ Y 1 U Ii Iti U U P, i J !i. Page: 18 \\TAYLO RGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\009 11 Ocean Condominiums\GeotechnicaCompeted Reports\19.0091 1 Prelim Geo Report 6102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 4 SEISMIC HAZARDS Southern California is a seismically active area and the Site, like virtually all of Southern California, is susceptible to earthquakes and earthquake related effects. In addition to damage caused directly by ground shaking and related ground failure, other hazards such as fires can easily start during and shortly after an earthquake. The following sections describe the relative level of risk associated with various earthquake related effects at the Site. 4.1 EARTHQUAKE FAULT RUPTURE HAZARD Based on a review of available current maps, and observations of the subject site, there are no known active or potentially active faults crossing the site. In addition, the Site is not located within a mapped Aiquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. Based on these considerations, the risk of surface fault rupture occurring at the site is judged to be negligible. 4.2 GROUND SHAKING The Site may be subjected to strong ground motions during an earthquake on any of several known active fault systems, most specifically those identified in Section 3.2. Due to their close proximity to the site, the Rose Canyon and Newport Inglewood are believed to pose the most significant ground shaking hazard at the site. Based on recent fault parameters published by the CDMG, both the Newport-Inglewood and Rose Canyon faults are right lateral strike-slip faults and are considered to be capable of producing a Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) of magnitude 6.9. Based on the USGS U.S. Seismic Design Maps Too/the peak ground acceleration (PGA) corresponding to a 2% probability of being exceeded in 50 years in the area of the Site is on the order of 0.48g. 4.3 LIQUEFACTION When shaken strongly, unconsolidated sandy deposits that are saturated with water can liquefy and form a slurry as a result of an increase in pore pressure and a reduction in stress. This process is called "liquefaction." Slurries have little ability to support the weight of man-made structures or to resist flowing downslope, even on nearly flat ground. Liquefaction may result in sinking, tilt, distortion, or destruction of buildings and bridges, rupture of underground pipelines, and cracking and spreading of the ground surface. Based on the consistency of the future compacted fill and native older terrace deposits beneath the Site, the potential for liquefaction hazards to exist at the Site is judged to be negligible. 4.4 SEISMICALLY-INDUCED SETTLEMENT Seismically-induced settlement occurs when loose to medium dense deposits of partially saturated and saturated granular soils are densified as a result of strong ground shaking during an earthquake. Seismic settlement of foundations and the ground surface can result in significant property damage. Based on the consistency of the future compacted fill and native older terrace deposits present beneath the Site, the potential for significant seismically induced settlement to occur at the Site is judged to be negligible. Ujijiliji, JJ Page 19 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Compieted Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 5102019.docx I TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California I June 10, 2019 I 4.5 LATERAL SPREADING Lateral spreading is a phenomenon that may occur during an earthquake event when the presence of a liquefied layer and gravity forces cause the ground to move laterally in a downslope direction. Liquefaction- induced lateral spreading can occur even on nearly flat ground and can result in tilting, distortion, or destruction of structures, rupture of underground pipelines, and cracking and spreading of the ground I surface. Based on the consistency of the future compacted fill and native older terrace deposits beneath the Site, the potential for lateral spreading to occur at the Site is judged to be negligible. 4.6 TSUNAMI HAZARD Tsunamis are large, rapidly moving ocean waves triggered by a major disturbance of the ocean floor, which is usually caused by an earthquake but sometimes can be produced by a submarine landslide or a volcanic eruption. These events displace sea water and impulsively generate wave trains that can inundate low lying areas in proximity to the ocean. - Review of the State of California Tsunami inundation map indicates the Site is located close to, but not I within, a Tsunami inundation area. A copy of this map is included in the Appendix as Figure 6. In addition, the Site is currently situated at an elevation of approximately 35 feet above mean sea level, and the future planned finished floor elevation will be above an elevation of 30 feet. Based on these considerations, the - potential for tsunami inundation at the Site is judged to be low. 4.7 SEICHE HAZARD AND INUNDATION A seiche is a wave in a body of water that may be caused by long-period earthquake ground motion or landslide. An earthquake induced seiche requires a form of resonance between the natural period of vibration of the body of water and the major periods of vibration in the seismic event. The subject site is located a few hundred feet from the edge of the Buena Vista Lagoon. Based on the site location and elevation relative to the lagoon, the seiche hazard is judged to be low. However, the potential for seiche to affect the subject site cannot be ruled out. No dams or dikes are located within the Site vicinity; therefore, flooding due to a dam or dike failure during an earthquake is not considered a potential hazard. I SJ\iUJi1 !i.iJ!JIJ.P, iitL Page 110 \\TAYLORGFOUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 5 CEOTECHNICAL AND CLIMATIC CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 GEOTECH NICAL CONSIDERATIONS 5.1.1 Expansive Soils Expansive soils pose a significant hazard to foundations for light buildings. Swelling clays derived from residual soils can exert large uplift pressures which can do considerable damage to lightly- loaded wood-frame structures. Expansive soils owe their characteristics to the presence of "active" clay minerals. As they get wet, the clay minerals absorb water molecules and expand; conversely, as they dry they shrink, leaving large voids in the soil. Swelling clays can control the behavior of virtually any type of soil if the percentage of clay is more than about 5 percent by weight. Soils with smectite clay minerals, such as montmorillonite, exhibit the most profound swelling properties. Expansive soils can damage foundations by uplift as they swell with moisture increases. Swelling soils lift up and crack lightly-loaded, continuous strip footings, and frequently cause distress in floor slabs. Because building loads vary on different portions of a structure's foundation, the resultant uplift will vary in different areas. The exterior corners of a uniformly-loaded rectangular slab foundation may only exert about one-fourth of the bearing pressure of that exerted at the central portion of the slab. As a result, the corners tend to be lifted up relative to the central portion. This phenomenon can be exacerbated by moisture differentials within soils at the edge of the slab. Such differential movement of the foundation can, in turn, cause distress to the framing of a structure. Potentially expansive soils can be identified in the lab by their plastic properties. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, generally those with liquid limits exceeding 50 percent and plasticity index over 30, usually have high inherent swelling capacity. Expansion of soils can also be measured in the lab directly, by immersing a remolded soil sample and measuring its volume change. Laboratory expansion index testing performed by TGI (ASTM D 4829) of the upper undocumented fill soils encountered in TGl's borings indicates an expansion index (El) between 112 and 192. Therefore, the soils are in the high to very high expansion category. Similar testing by (AGS, 2016) indicated an El of 103 (high expansion category). Based on the high expansion character of the site soils, the recommendations provided herein are intended to mitigate the potential effects from expansive soils by removing them from the Site. 5.1.2 Collapsible Soils/Hydroconsolidation Hydroconsolidation, or soil collapse, typically occurs in soils that were recently (e.g., Holocene age) deposited in and or semi-arid environments. Soils prone to collapse are commonly associated with poorly-compacted man-made fill, wind-laid sands and silts, and alluvial fan and mudflow sediments deposited during flash floods. The soil particles may be partially bonded by clay or silt, or chemically cemented with carbonates. When saturated, collapsible soils undergo a rearrangement of their grains and the water removes the cohesive (or cementing) material, resulting in often rapid and substantial settlement. An increase in surface water infiltration from irrigation, infiltration of surface 'fAM9ji 11JUJ1J}, JJ Page 11 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Pojects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\GeotechnicaPCompIeted Reports\1900911 Prelim Geo Report 6_1 O_2019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 water or a rise in the ground-water table, combined with the weight of a structure, can initiate settlement. Settlement due to hydroconsolidation can cause foundations and walls to crack. Based on the consistency of engineered fill and older terrace deposits, and our local experience on numerous projects in the area, the potential for hydroconsolidation to occur at the Site is judged to be low. However, terrace deposits are occasionally slightly porous. Pore space within the soil structure could be susceptible to collapse when wetted. Therefore, the potential for hydroconsolication of the site soils cannot be ruled out. Consolidation testing (ASTM D 2435) of the site soils indicated a hydroconsolidation strain of 0.27 percent for a sample of the older terrace deposits. Similarly, the hydroconsolidation strain measured during testing of a sample of the weathered native soils was 0.55 percent. Provided the recommendations contained herein are implemented during design and construction of the proposed project, the potential for hydroconsolidation to affect the proposed development is judged to be low. 5.1.3 Soil Corrosivity Electrical resistivity testing of representative samples of the upper site soils (i.e. undocumented fill) indicates resistivities between approximately 270 and 290 ohms-cm (in a saturated condition). The measured resistivities are considered to be in the severely corrosive category. Soil pH was measured to be 8.0 to 8. 1, or mildly alkaline. Two samples of the upper site soils (i.e. undocumented fill) were transported to the laboratory of Vinje & Middleton Engineering, Inc. for water-soluble sulfate content testing. The results indicate sulfate concentrations of 0.081% and 0.276% (or 810 ppm and 2,760 ppm, respectively). Soluble sulfate concentrations in soil greater than 0.2% (2,000 ppm) are generally considered to represent severe exposure and risk of external sulfate attack on concrete. The soluble sulfate test results are provided in the enclosed Appendix B. 5.1.4 Landslides/Slope Stability Landslides or slope failures are an abrupt movement of soil and/or bedrock downhill in response to gravity. Slope failures generally occur when the driving force induced by the weight of the earth materials within a slope exceeds the strength of those materials. Unstable slope conditions can arise from a number of natural and manmade causes, including increased moisture content, earthquakes, over steepening of the slope angle, and loading at the top of the slope. Slope failure can result in damage to property and injury or loss of life. There are no significant planned or existing slopes more than 5 feet high at the site, and based on our evaluation, no known landslides or slope failures exist on the site. 5.2 CLIMATIC HAZARDS Climatic hazards are extreme climatic/weather event(s) causing harm and damage to people, property, infrastructure and land uses. These may include both the direct (primary) impacts of the climate/weather event itself but also secondary hazards that are the result of such events, e.g., landslides that are 'triggered' by torrential rain. fJJ!UJi !UU.IJ2, iitL Page I 12 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condom iniums\GeotechnicaI\Competed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 5.2.1 Flooding As shown on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map for the area (Figure 5). The Site is located in an "X" zone, which indicates that the Site is not in a Special Flood Hazard Area. This designation implies that the Site is within an area that may be subject to shallow flooding with average depths of less than one foot. 5.2.2 Sea-Level Rise Rising sea levels caused by climate change are having profound effects on our coast and are changing coastal management planning and decision-making at all levels. Impacts from sea-level rise to the coastal zone include: flooding and inundation; increased coastal erosion; changes in supply, movement and distribution of sediment, and; saltwater intrusion into aquifers. The subject property may be most significantly impacted in the long term by increased flooding due to sea level rise. The inland extents of 100-year floods are likely to increase. Drainage systems that outlet close to sea level could become submerged, and inland areas may become flooded if outfall pipes back up with salt water. A variety of organizations and entities are working to quantify the effects of sea level rise and to address the effects from a policy and regulatory standpoint. The California Coastal Commission has recently prepared a draft guidance document to provide a framework for addressing sea-level rise in Local Coastal Programs and Coastal Development Permits. The draft CCC guidance includes projections included in a 2012 report by the National Research Council (NRC) Committee on Sea-Level Rise in California, Oregon and Washington. These projections, which the CCC believes "currently represents the best available science on the topic", include predictions on a reatively localized. The predictions for the Los Angeles area that are included in the NRC report are summarized in the following table. Time Period Projected Sea-Level Rise Average Range 2000-2030 14.7 ± 5.0 cm 4.6 - 30.0 cm 2000-2050 28.4 ± 9.0 cm 12.7 - 60.8 cm 2000-2100 93.1 ±24.9 cm 44.2- 166.5 cm If these predictions are correct, then it can be estimated that sea-level could increase by 1.3 to 4.8 feet by 2090 (corresponding to a project life of approximately 75 years). This indicates that the project site will not be inundated as a result of sea level rise, but could become more susceptible tc flooding due to rainfall events as a result of impacts on downstream storm drain systems. f111 Yi J1 !i ii U U i ]A !. Page 113 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\009 11 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Aeports\190091 1 Prelim Geo Report 6_10 2019.docx I TGI Project No. 19.00911 I 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 I I'11 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS I The results of TGI's investigation and analysis indicate that the proposed development of the Site is feasible from a geotechnical engineering standpoint provided that the design recommendations provided in this report are followed. TGI's investigation includes the following conclusions, recommendations, and key I geotechnical considerations: Between approximately 5 and 10 feet of existing undocumented fill soil was encountered during TGI's I exploration on the site. The existing fill soils in their present state are not considered to be suitable for support of foundations, floor slabs, or additional fill. The existing fill soils predominantly consists of sandy to silty clays. The results of laboratory testing I indicate the existing fill soils possess a high to very high expansion character. In addition, electrical resistivities of the fill soils were in the range that is considered severely corrosive to ferrous metals, and the water-soluble sulfate content was high enough to be considered severely aggressive for attack on I concrete. Based on these considerations, it is recommended the existing fill soil materials not be re- used as compacted fill. It is recommended they be wasted from the site and select import fill be utilized where compacted fill is necessary. See Section 6.3.6 for discussion of recommended import soils. I Weathered natural soils were encountered below the undocumented fill to depths between 10 and 13 feet below the existing ground surface. In their present state, the weathered natural soils are not considered to be suitable for support of foundations, floor slabs, or additional fill. As discussed below, I it is recommended these weathered natural soils be completely removed and recompacted during grading. I Older terrace deposits were encountered below the existing fill and weathered native soils to the maximum depth explored. The terrace deposits are suitable for support of foundations, floor slabs, and additional fill. The terrace deposits were encountered at depths between 10 and 13 feet below the ground surface during exploration on the site. This corresponds to elevations between approximately I 22.5 and 24.5 feet relative to MSL. As discussed in further detail in the following sections, it is recommended remedial grading be I implemented in order to construct a compacted fill pad below the proposed condominium development. The recommended remedial grading includes: 1.) excavation and export of the expansive clay fill soils, 2.) additional removal and recompaction of the underlying weathered native soils, and 3.) import of I select soils for use as compacted fill. Removal and recompaction to depths on the order of 10 to 13 feet are expected for the remedial grading operations. An approximate 6-inch thick reinforced concrete slab should be expected to be encountered during I grading throughout much of the site. The slab was encountered below the asphalt pavement in three of the borings performed by TGI. It is not known if the slab extends below the existing structures on the site. Due to the anticipated excavation depths that will be required for removal and recompaction operations, and the proximity to the property lines and/or existing offsite structures, it is recommended shoring be utilized around the perimeter of the Site in order to maintain stable excavations during grading. Soldier I piles and lagging are recommended for shoring. Shoring recommendations are provided in Section 6.6.1 of this report. I Lagging boards (for temporary shoring) should not be buried during the removal and recompaction operation, and compacted fill should not be placed against the lagging. Lagging boards in the lower I IJY.JJJ JJi3iJ!i2, JJ!. Page 1 14 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\GeotechnicaCompIeted Reports\1900911 Prelim Geo Report 6_10_2019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Caisbad, California June 10, 2019 zone of excavation that will receive compacted fill should be completely removed prior to placement of loose lifts of fill and compaction. A permanent soldier pile wall may be utilized along portions of the southern property line, as proposed. Recommendations for design and construction of the proposed soldier pile wall are provided in Section 6.2 below. In order to further constrain the depth and distribution of undocumented fill, weathered native soils, and older terrace across the site, it is suggested additional subsurface explorations be performed near the southeast and southwest corners of the site. The results of the exploration would help constrain the anticipated removal depths during remedial grading and the anticipated shoring heights in those areas. Groundwater was not encountered in the exploratory borings at the time of our field observations and is expected to be at a depths on the order of 25 to 30 feet below the existing grcund surface (i.e. elevations between approximately 5 to 10 feet relative to MSL). The following sections provide detailed geotechnical design and construction recommendations for the project based on the current site assessment. If the recommendations appear not to cover any specific feature of the project, please contact TGI for any required additions, revisions or clarifications to the recommendations. 6.1 PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM STRUCTURE In order to provide uniform support for the proposed condominium structure, it is recommended the proposed structure be supported on conventional foundations bearing in a newly placed compacted fill pad. The fill pad may be comprised of the excavated and recompacted granular weathered native soils underlying the site, and select import soils complying with Section 6.3.6 of this report. The existing undocumented expansive fill soils underlying the site should be excavated and wasted from the site. The proposed floor slab-on-grade may also be supported on the newly placed fill pad. The recommended fill pad shall be constructed in accordance with the remedial grading recommendations provided in Section 6.3.2 below. Foundations and partial basement retaining walls may be designed in accordance with Sections 6.4 and 6.5, respectively. 6.2 PROPOSED PERMANENT SOLDIER PILE WALL The easterly 90 feet (approximate) of the southeastern property line is planned to consist of a permanent soldier pile wall. The wall will support the existing offsite retaining wall and associated backfill to the south of the site. Design of the proposed permanent soldier pile wall shall be based on the permanent design parameters provided herein for foundations and retaining walls. Specific foundation desiçn parameters are provided in Section 6.4.2 for permanent soldier piles. The wall shall be designed for the permanent retaining wall pressures provided in Section 6.5. Permanent soldier piles shall be installed in general accordance with the recommendations and considerations of Section 6.6.1a - Installation of Soldier Piles. In the planned location, the permanent shoring wall will also serve as temporary shoring for the recommended remedial grading activities. It is recommended the wall designer specify the permanent construction materials that will be utilized for construction of the permanent soldier pile wall. This should include considerations for corrosion protection of buried steel and use of suitable permanent wall materials. SJ?!!JJi UJJiJ1JP, Page 115 \\TAYLORGR3UPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 6.3 EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS The following earthwork recommendations are provided for areas where fill or recompaction will be required for the project. This is expected to include the area of the proposed condominium structure, as well as areas to be finished with exterior concrete flatwork or pavements. Earthwork should be performed in accordance with the guidelines for earthwork summarized in the following sections and the Earthwork Guidelines provided in Appendix D of this report. 6.3.1 Demolition, Clearing, and Site Preparation, and Grading I Demolition should include complete removal of any remaining elements of previous structures, foundations, concrete slabs, hardscape and underground piping systems. The Site should be cleared of all surface and subsurface deleterious materials including any pavements, buried utility I and irrigation lines, fill soils, debris, trees, shrubs, vegetation and associated root systems. All such materials should be removed from the Site and properly disposed. An approximate 6-inch thick reinforced concrete slab should be expected to be encountered during grading throughout much of the site. The slab was encountered below the asphalt pavement in three of the borings performed by TGl. It is not known if the slab extends below the existing structures on the site. The slab should be completely removed during the grading operation. 6.3.2 Remedial Grading I In order to provide uniform support for the proposed condominium structure, it is recommended the proposed structure be supported on conventional foundations bearing in a newly placed compacted filli pad. The proposed floor slab-on-grade may also be supported on the newly placed fill pad. The I recommended fill pad shall be constructed in accordance with the following: The existing undocumented fill soils consisting of expansive clay shall be completely I excavated and wasted from the site. Based on the subsurface exploration performed by TGI, it is anticipated that the undocumented clayey fill soils will extend to depths between approximately 5 and 10 feet below the existing ground surface. I . The weathered natural soils below the undocumented fill should then be removed until the underlying older terrace deposits are exposed at the bottom of the excavation. Based on the subsurface exploration performed by TGI, it is anticipated the older terrace deposits will I be encountered at depths between approximately 10 and 13 feet below the ground surface. This would correspond to elevations between approximately 22.5 and 24.5 feet relative to MSL. I . The subgrade at the bottom of the excavation should be observed and approved by TGI, then prepared as discussed in Section 6.3.3 below. . The excavated weathered natural soils may then be moisture conditioned and placed as I newly compacted fill in accordance with these earthwork guidelines. All compacted fill should be compacted to a relative compaction of at least 90 percent as determined by ASTM D1557. I . Select import soils complying with Section 6.3.6 of this report shall then be placed as compacted fill up to the proposed subgrade elevation. The compacted fill pad shall extend laterally beyond the edge of the perimeter foundations to the property lines, where feasible. J'IJJi 11JflJiii, Page 116 U \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\1900911 Prelim Geo Report €10 2019.docx - TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 The depth to competent terrace deposits should be expected to vary across the site. The remedial grading operation and construction of the recommended fill pad should be observed by a representative of the geotechnical engineer during construction. The bottom of all removals shall be observed and approved by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. Additional and/or deeper removals may be necessary in some areas of the site should existing unsuitable soils be - encountered during grading. All compacted fill shall be observed and tested by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. All excavations shall be made in general accordance with Section 6.6 of this report. It is anticipated that the material encountered may be excavated using conventional earthmoving equipment, however, if concretions or cemented areas are encountered, they could require some heavy ripping. - A bulking factor of 30% should be considered for material handling and stockpiling. The moisture content in the subgrade shall be maintained during construction to prevent drying of the soil in areas to be improved. 6.3.3 Subgrade Preparation Soil exposed at the bottom of excavations to receive structural fill should be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches, moisture conditioned and compacted to relative compaction of at least 90 percent as determined byASTM D1557. 6.3.4 Acceptable Materials for Compacted Fill It is recommended the existing expansive clay fill soils underlying the site not be re-used as compacted fill. It is recommended these existing clayey fill materials be excavated, removed from the site, and properly disposed. The weathered native soils underlying existing fill soils are considered to be satisfactory for re-use in compacted fill, provided any debris and/or deleterious materials (including roots and organic materials) are removed prior to placement of compacted fill. Import soils complying with the requirements of Section 6.3.6 may also be utilized as compacted fill on the Site. Materials larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension shall not be used in the fill. 6.3.5 Compaction Structural fill, backfill and subgrade soils should be compacted to a relative compaction of 90 percent or more as determined by ASTM D 1557. Prior to compaction, fill soils should be thoroughly mixed and moisture conditioned to bring the moisture content to within about 2 percent of the optimum moisture content and spread in uniform lifts of less than 8 inches (uncompacted thickness). J.IJiJJ!J.P 11H, Page. I 17 \\TAYLORGPOUPNAS\TGI Projects\0091 1 Ocean Condominiums\GeotechnicaF\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report ,510 10 2019.docx I. TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California I June 10, 2019 6.3.6 Imported Fill. Any soil that is to be imported for use as structural fill shall meet the following specifications: I o Expansion Index <20 Plasticity Index < 10 No Organic Material I o Less than 25 percent gravel larger than 14 inch Less than 15 percent rock larger than 2-1/2 inches No rocks larger than 4 inches I o Corrosivity characteristics suitable for the proposed construction materials In addition, import soils utilized in the building pad area shall meet the following minimum shear I strength characteristics when compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum density as determined by ASTM D 1557: Angle of Internal Friction (phi) = 32 degrees or greater I o Cohesion = 0 psf or greater I TGI shall be notified at least four working days in advance of importation in order to sample and test the proposed import material. No imported materials shall be delivered for use on site without prior sampling, testing, and evaluation by the geotechnical consultant. I 6.3.7 Surface and Subsurface Drainage Final grading of the site must facilitate positive surface drainage away from foundations to prevent I ponding of water. The minimum slope adjacent to structures should be 2 percent. We recommend the use of a sealed local area drain system around the perimeter of the structure to facilitate drainage, if possible. The discharge of downdrains from roof gutters and rooftop deck drains should I be plumbed directly into an area drain system where possible. It is recognized that project's storm water management requirements and design may be in conflict I with the geotechnical recommendations. If infiltration devices are planned for the site, it is strongly recommended that site drainage and storm water BMP design should prevent ponding of water, infiltration, or saturation of soils adjacent to structure footings. I 6.3.8 Carlsbad Opportunistic Beach Fill Program (COBFP) The City of Carlsbad encourages developers who plan to export soils from development sites to test the potential export soil material and evaluate if the soils are suitable for sand replenishment at local beaches. I The proposed project will include export of the upper existing undocumented fill soils and import of select fill soil complying with Section 6.3.6 of this report. Based on the results of TGl's site I exploration and laboratory testing, the soils to be exported would not be suitable for beach replenishment materials. The export soils are expected to consist of clayey soils, with fines content (as defined by percent passing a #200 sieve) well in excess of 50 percent. In addition, the export soils are in the high to very high expansion character. I S JIM 1J.0 tU]iJUY, JJ. Page 118 \\TAYLORGFOUPNAS\TGI Projects\0091 1 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6_102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 6.4 FOUNDATIONS AND FLOOR SLABS The following sections discuss the foundation and floor slab recommendations for the project. These recommendations are based on the information obtained during our investigation and our current understanding of the proposed improvements. Furthermore, these recommendations assume that any import fill soils utilized on the site will comply with Section 6.3.6 above. 6.4.1 Conventional Foundations The proposed condominium development may be supported on conventional spread footings bearing in the newly placed compacted fill pad. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings may be designed using the design parameters and recommendations summarized in Table 6.1, below. Table 6. 1. Foundation Design Parameters Parameter Continuous Footings Isolated column footings Minimum width 15 inches 24 inches X 24 inches Minimum depth below lowest adjacent 24 inches 24 inches grade Allowable bearing capacity 2,800 lb/ft2 3,000 lb/ft2 Increase in allowable bearing capacity per *800 lb/ft2 *800 lb/ft2 12-inch increment of increased depth Increase in allowable bearing capacity per *400 lb/ft2 *500 lb/ft2 12-inch increment of increased width Maximum allowable bearing capacity after 6,000 lb/ft2 depth and width increases applied Friction coefficient 0.35 Passive EFP for lateral resistance 390 lb/ft3 Ignore upper 6" unless confined by slab or pavement Reinforcing steel 4- No. 4 bar No. 4 bars at 12" top and bottom top and bottom *Depth and width increases may be taken up to a maximum allowable bearing value of 6,000 lb/ft2 Lateral load resistance for conventional spread footings may be developed by a combination of passive resistance acting on footing walls and sliding resistance at the base of foundations. For passive resistance, a lateral pressure coefficient (Kp) of 3.25 or an equivalent fluid weight of 390 pcf may be used for design. The maximum passive resistance used for design should not exceed 3,900 psf. The uppermost 6 inches of soil should not be relied on for passive resistance unless confined by a slab or pavement. For sliding resistance, an allowable friction coefficient of 0.35 may be utilized with dead load forces for design of footings founded in new compacted fill. The equivalent fluid pressure, lateral pressure coefficient, and friction coefficient provided for lateral resistance are based on a safety factor of 1.0. The structural engineer shall utilize acceptable safety factors when utilizing these values for design. The provided values should not be increased for transient conditions such as seismic and/or wind forces. iiUJUP, Page 119 \\TAYLORGFOUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 6.4.2 Permanent Soldier Pile Foundation Design Vertical capacities of soldier piles supporting the permanent soldier pile retaining wall may be computed using a skin friction of 500 psf for the portions of soldier piles permanently embedded in the older terrace deposits. Permanent soldier piles shall be at least 18 inches in diameter and spaced at least 21,4 diameters on center. Lateral load resistance of the permanent soldier piles may be computed utilizing the lateral resistance values provided above for conventional foundations. Permanent soldier piles shall be installed in general accordance with the recommendations and considerations of Section 6.6.1a - Installation of Soldier Piles. 6.4.3 Foundation Settlement We estimate that the long-term settlement for conventional foundations designed using the above bearing pressures and anticipated building loads may be on the order of 0.75 inches, with differential settlements of less than 0.5 inches in 40 feet. Total and differential settlement of the proposed permanent soldier piles are estimated to be less tIan 0.5 and 0.25 inches, respectively. 6.4.4 Foundations Observations All foundations excavations should be observed and approved by a representative of the geotechnical engineer to verify that the foundations have been excavated into the recommended bearing materials. The observations should be made prior to placement of reinforcing steel. If necessary, foundations should be deepened to satisfactory materials. Prior to placement of reinforcement and concrete, all foundation excavations should be cleaned of loose soils. 6.4.5 Floor Slabs on Grade Interior building floor slabs-on-grade (including the garage floor slab) should be at least 4-inches in thickness. TGI recommends building floor slabs be reinforced with a minimum of No. 3 steel reinforcing bars spaced 18 inches on center in both directions. Building floor slabs on grade may be cast over engineered fill materials placed in accordance with the Earthwork Recommendations section of this report (i.e. Section 6.3). The slab section should be verified by the project structural engineer. Exterior slabs for flatwork and walkways (not subject to vehicle traffic) should be at least 4 inches thick with minimum reinforcement consisting of No. 3 reinforcing bars spaced 18 inches on center in both directions. Exterior slabs may be placed directly on a properly compacted subgrade consisting of approved imported fill compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Slabs should have control joints extending at least 25% of the slab thickness spaced at intervals of no more than 10 feet. Control joints should be constructed using grooving tools (in fresh concrete) or by saw cutting as soon as the concrete is hard enough that the edges abutting the cut don't chip ftom the saw blade (generally 6-12 hours after finishing concrete). f "I'l 19 1J, liii Ii JJ2, JJL Page 120 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\GeotechnicaCompIeted Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 6.4.6 Vapor Transmission Through Slabs It is normal for the soil moisture content beneath slabs-on-ground to increase over time. Concrete slabs are permeable and moisture beneath the slab will eventually penetrate through the slab unless protective measures are taken. Capillary break layers and vapor barriers are commonly placed below slabs to limit vapor transmission through floor slabs where moisture sensitive flooring will be present. Appropriate design considerations and construction methods can reduce the amount of moisture beneath the slab. Specification of these items is not a geotechnical issue and should be addressed on the foundation plans by the structural engineer or architect. We generally recommend that where moisture sensitive flooring is planned, the structural engineer or architect should consider specifying slab underlayment that is consistent with current recommendations and guidelines published by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Post- Tensioning Institute (PTI). Items that should be considered include the following: Placement of a capillary break layer consisting of compacted clean concrete sand or W" crushed rock beneath slabs. Placement of a plastic vapor retarder below the stab. Whether the slab will be poured directly on the vapor retarder or on a layer of sand will be placed above the vapor retarder'. Use of concrete admixtures, application of a curing compound and/or temporary covering of plastic sheeting to minimize the potential for differential drying and slab curl. 6.5 RETAINING WALLS At this time retaining walls on the order of 3 to 5 feet in height are expected to be required for the proposed project. Retaining walls are anticipated in the following areas: Around the partial basement of the proposed condominium structure. Along the easterly 90 feet of the southern property line. This wall is anticipated to consist of a permanent soldier pile wall. Miscellaneous retaining walls for ADA access ramps. All retaining walls associated with the planned improvements should be designed to resist lateral soil pressures and any additional existing or anticipated future surcharge loads. Retaining walls supported on conventional spread footings (i.e. the partial basement walls of the condominium structure and ADA ramp walls) may be designed in accordance with the allowable bearing values and design parameters provided in Section 6.4 of this report. Soldier pile foundations supporting the permanent solder pile wall may be designed using the skin friction and passive pressures provided in Section 6.4.2 of this report. All permanent retaining walls, including the permanent soldier pile wall, shall be designed to resist the lateral earth pressures indicated here for retaining walls. 1 W suggest that slabs are poured directly on the vapor retarder. The slab designer should consider using a 15-mil plastic membrane meeting all criteria of Class A perASTME 1745. Example products meeting these requirements include Reef Industries Griffo/yn 15 Mll Green, Stego Industries "Stego Wrap Raven Industries "Vapor Block 10, and W . Meadows Terminator". The vapor retarder should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, including overlapping and sealing of all penetrations and seams. fJY!i)i 1j1UU2, Page 1,21 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\0091 1 Ocean Condominiums\GeotechnicaFCompIeted Reports\19 .00911 Prelim Geo Report 610201 9docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 6.5.1 Cantilever Retaining Walls Freestanding cantilever retaining walls (i.e. unrestrained) with uniform backfill should be analyzed and designed using an active earth pressure and an equivalent fluid pressure of 45 pcf. This value is valid for cantilever walls up to 5 feet in vertical height, with a level backslope extending behind the wall for a distance equal to or greater than the retained height of the wall. I Cantilever walls with a maximum retained height of 5 feet supporting an inclined backslope with gradient of 2:1 (h:v), or flatter, may be designed using an active earth pressure and an equivalent fluid pressure of 60 pcf. I 6.5.2 Restrained Retaining Walls I Restrained retaining walls (braced to prevent deflection at the top of the wall) up to a maximum height of 5 feet shall be designed to resist a triangular distribution of "at-rest" earth pressure and an equivalent fluid pressure of 75 pcf. This value is valid for restrained walls with a level backslope - extending behind the wall for a distance equal to or greater than the retained height of the wall. 6.5.3 Seismic Earth Pressure I Although not anticipated at this time, retaining walls greater than 6 feet in height shall be designed to resist the additional earth pressure caused by seismic ground shaking. This firm should be notified if retaining walls of 6 feet in height (or higher) become part of the proposed project. I Additional recommendations would be necessary. 6.5.4 Traffic Surcharge - Where retaining walls will be within 10 feet of areas subject to vehicle traffic, the retaining walls should be designed to support the traffic surcharge. A uniform lateral pressure of 100 psf should I be utilized in the design to accommodate normal street traffic. It is noted that higher surcharge loads could result from heavy specialized traffic (i.e. cranes, heavy construction equipment, etc.). This office should be consulted if such traffic is anticipated. Additional surcharge recommendations I would be necessary. 6.5.5 Surcharge from Existing Structures Additional active pressure should be added to the design where retaining walls would be surcharged by adjacent structures. Buildings and other structures (including the retaining wall and I slope on the south side of the site) shall be considered surcharging where a 1:1 plane projected down and away from the bottom of the structure intersects the retaining wall. Where surcharge conditions are present, the wall designer shall incorporate an appropriate surcharge pressure into I the retaining wall design. The surcharge pressure shall be based on suitable load estimates of the existing structure as determined by a qualified engineer. TGI can provide surcharge pressures if provided with suitable building loads. I 6.5.6 Retaining Wall Drainage The retaining wall pressures provided herein are based on a drained condition and assume that a I backdrainage system will be installed so that external hydrostatic forces do not develop behind the I Page 1 22 I \\TAYLORGFOUPNAS\TGI Projects\009 ii Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19 00911 Prelim Geo Report 6_1 O_2019docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 walls. If the retaining walls are not fitted with subdrainage systems, then the walls should be designed to support the lateral earth pressures indicated herein and the full hydrostatic pressure, using a water level at the ground surface. It is recommended retaining walls be equipped with a subdrain or weepholes covered with a minimum of 12 inches of gravel, with a compacted fill cap (or other seal) at the ground surface. Other geocomposite drainage / waterproofing systems may also be considered for the project. Some types of sudrainage systems and pipes are not accepted by various building officials and/or permitting agencies. It is recommended the subdrain system be cleared with the appropriate agencies prior to specifying and purchasing the system. All subdrain systems shall outlet to an acceptable location. 6.5.7 Waterproofing It is recommended retaining walls be waterproofed. Specification of waterproofing is not a geotechnical issue and should be addressed on the plans by the structural engineer or architect. It is recommended a qualified professional should be consulted in order to recommend a product and/or method of retaining wall waterproofing. 6.5.8 Retaining Wall Backfill If backfill of retaining walls is required, all backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum density in general accordance with the earthwork guidelines provided herein. The maximum density shall be determined by ASTM D1557. 6.5.9 Sump Pumps The recommended back drainage systems are intended to prevent building up of hydrostatic pressure behind retaining walls. The subdrains shall discharge to suitable locations. In the partial basement of the proposed structure, it is anticipated that a sump pump may be necessary to discharge any collected water. Groundwater was not encountered during exploration on the Site to a maximum depth of 20 feet below the ground surface. Based on information in TGl's files for other projects in the immediate vicinity of the project site, groundwater is estimated to be at a depth of 25 to 30 feet below the ground surface. Therefore, a groundwater table is not expected to interact with the subdrain systems. However, water entering the subgrade from irrigation, precipitation, and other sources could potentially affect the retaining walls. Based on these considerations, the sump pumps would not be expected to pump groundwater, but it maybe required to pump nuisance water from sources such as irrigation and/or precipitation. For design purposes, a minimum flow of 5 gallons per minute may be utilized in the design of sump systems. UJ} 11AM, UJ. Page F 23 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6_1 O_2019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 6.6 TEMPORARY EXCAVATIONS Excavations on the order of 10 to 13 feet below the existing ground surface are anticipated for remedial grading operations and construction of the proposed project. Excavations on the site are expected to expose existing fill soils, weathered native soils, and terrace deposits. The clayey fill soils and terrace deposits are suitable for vertical excavations up to a maximum height of 5 feet, where not surcharged by adjacent traffic or existing structures. The cohesionless (sandy) weathered native soils are not suitable for vertical excavations. Surcharged excavations should be shored. Excavations greater than 5 feet in vertical height should be sloped or shored in accordance with the recommendations below. Adequate support for property lines existing structures, and existing improvements shall be maintained at all times. In general, excavations exposing the clayey fill soils should be performed in accordance with Cal- OSHA requirements for Type B soils. Excavations exposing cohesionless (sandy) soils may be performed in accordance with Type C soils. Site safety and the stability of temporary excavations will be the contractor's responsibility. Excavations for remedial grading operations will be in close proximity to the property lines and existing offsite structures around the perimeter of the Site. Due to the anticipated heights of the excavations, and the presence of offsite structures and improvements, it is recommended excavations around the perimeter of the Site be shored. Soldier Diles and timber lagging are recommended for shoring. Shoring parameters are provided in the following section. Depending on the sequence of building construction and replacement of underground utilities along the northern portion of the Site, there may be sufficient space to utilize sloped excavations during grading and utility installation. Where sufficient space is available, temporary un-surcharged sloped excavations may be sloped in accordance with Cal-OSHA guidelines. The maximum vertical height of sloped excavations should not exceed 13 feet in height. Uniform sloped excavations do not have any vertical component. Sloped excavations with vertical cuts at the toe are not recommended. It is recommended all excavations shall be observed by a representative of the geotechriical engineer so that modifications of the excavations can be made if variations in the earth material conditions occur. 6.6.1 Temporary Shoring Based on the above, it is recommended excavations around the perimeter of the Site should be supported using a temporary shoring system. There may be sufficient space on the northern perimeter of the Site for sloped excavations. We recommend soldier beam and lagging type shoring. Due to the relatively shallow depth of the shoring system, it is recommended the soldier piles be designed as cantilevers. Parameters for design of temporary shoring are provide in the following table. Additional active pressure should be acded to the design where the shoring would be surcharged by adjacent traffic or structures. Traffic surcharge (including construction traffic) is provided in Table 6.2 below. Buildings and other structures (including the retaining wall and slope on the south side of the site) shall be considered surcharging where a 1:1 plane projected down and away from the bottom of the structure intersects the shoring bulkhead. Where surcharge conditions are present, the shoring engineer shall incorporate an appropriate surcharge pressure into the shoring design. The surcharge pressure shall be based on suitable load estimates of the existing structure as IflY!iJi1 'JiJJ IJi1, Elip, Page 124 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Ccndominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 determined by a qualified engineer. TGl can provide surcharge pressures if provided with suitable building loads. Design of temporary shoring shall be based on the following parameters: Table 6.2. Temporary Shoring Design Parameters Parameter Value Total unit weight of soil 120 lb/ft3 Active EFP (shoring up to 15 feet high) 45 lb/ft3 Allowable Passive EFP 390 lb/ft3 up to 3,900 psf maximum Traffic Surcharge 100 lb/ft2 Hydrostatic Pressure None We recommend that soldier piles be wide-flanged beams ("W" sections) complying with the requirements of ASTM A 992 with a minimum yield strength of 36 ksi. Soldier beams for temporary shoring shall be set in drilled holes with a minimum diameter of 18 inches and shall be grouted to the cut depth using concrete with a compressive strength of at least 2,500 psi. The portion of the soldier pile above the cut depth may be backfilled with lean concrete. Piles should be spaced at least 21/2 diameters on center. Timber lagging shall consist of pressure treated Douglas Fir or Hem-Fir grade marked #2 or better. Excavation and lagging shall be performed in lifts not to exceed 5 feet or as approved in the field by the Geotechnical Engineer. Lagging boards should not be buried during the removal and recompaction operation, and compacted fill should not be placed against the lagging. Lagging boards in the lower zone of excavation that will receive compacted fill should be completely removed prior to placement of loose lifts of fill and compaction. 6.6. la Installation of Soldier Piles Where piles are closely spaced, it is recommended every other pile be drilled and filled with concrete. The concrete should be allowed to set at least 8 hours prior to drilling an adjacent pile shaft. This is intended to minimize the potential for caving (or blowout) between closely spaced piles. Placement of concrete should be performed with suitable equipment so that the concrete is not allowed to fall freely for a height of more than 5 feet. This is intended to prevent the falling concrete from hitting the sides of the drilled shaft and cause caving. Sandy (cohesionless) soils were encountered in the exploratory borings at depths between approximately 8 and 10 feet. Caving should be expected to occur in the sandy soils during drilling of soldier piles. Where caving occurs, it will be necessary to utilize casing or polymer drilling fluid to maintain open shafts during construction of soldier piles. If casing is used, the casing shall be carefully withdrawn so that the pile is not pulled apart as the casing is removed. The surface of the wet concrete should be kept at least 3 feet above the bottom of the casing as it is withdrawn. Groundwater was not encountered during exploration on the site to a maximum depth of 20 feet below the ground surface (or elevation 14.5 feet relative to MSL). In this area of Carlsbad, it is TGI's opinion that groundwater likely occurs at an elevation of approximately 5 to 10 feet relative to MSL, or approximately 25 to 30 feet below the ground surface. JI!Ui1 !JJiJJJ}, 1 11L Page. 1 25 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6_10 2019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 Depending on the length of the soldier piles, groundwater may or may not be encountered in the drilled shafts. Should groundwater be encountered during drilling, caving should be expected to occur, and the measures indicated above should be implemented to mitigate the potential for caving. In addition, concrete for caissons placed below the groundwater level will require the use of a tremie and concrete shall be placed from the bottom up. A special concrete mix should be used for concrete to be placed below water. The design shall provide for concrete with a strength of 1,000 psi over the initial job specification. An admixture that reduces the problem of segregation of paste/aggregates and dilution of paste shall be included. The slump shall be commensurate to any research report for the admixture, prcvided that it shall also be the minimum for a reasonable consistency for placing when water is present. I 6.6. lb Pre-Construction Survey It is recommended a survey of the existing adjacent structures and site conditions be I performed prior to installation of shoring and excavation. The survey would serve as a record of the existing conditions prior to excavation and could be relied upon in the event of any future disputes that may arise concerning the excavation. I 6.6. lc Shoring Observations The installation of soldier piles and lagging shall be observed by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. The observations are made to ensure that geotechnical recommendations provided herein are implemented into the shoring system. In addition, the observations allow for modifications to be made should variations occur in the subsurface conditions. 6.7 CONCRETE MIX CONSIDERATIONS TGI recommends that concrete to be used for footings, permanent soldier piles, slabs, stem walls and other concrete on or below grade should meet the following minimum specifications: Avg. 28-day Compressive Strength: 4,500 psi Cement Type: Type V alkali-resistant cement Water-cementitious material ratio: 0.45 or less The site soils should be expected to be severely corrosive to metals. Care should be taken to ensure I adequate concrete placement (using vibratory methods, where approved) and embedment of all reinforcing steel to reduce the potential for corrosion. 1iIiUii !iJiJJiii, Ji!. Page 126 I \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\GeotechnicaCompIeted Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 6.8 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS The proposed structure should be designed to resist earthquake loads in accordance with the minimum standards of the 2016 California Building Code (CBC). Seismic design parameters for the Site were evaluated using the USGS U.S. Seismic Design Maps Tool. Seismic design parameters were calculated based on the following input parameters: Site Location: Latitude = 33.164816 °N Longitude = 117.353682 ow Site Class: D (Stiff Soil) Seismic Risk Category: I/Il/Ill Table 6.3 lists mapped, site modified and design spectral response accelerations for 0.2 second and 1 second periods. Program output including MCE, Site Modified and Design Response Spectrum data are included in Appendix C. 6.9 STORM WATER MITIGATION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES The subject site is underlain by highly to very highly expansive soils. These soils may also exist offsite in the immediate vicinity of the Site. Infiltrating waters could result in expansion and contraction of the site - soils, which could impact the proposed site improvements. In addition, infiltrating waters could potentially migrate offsite and affect other offsite improvements. Based on these considerations, infiltration-based BMPs (such as infiltration basins, dry wells or storm water chambers) that are intended to infiltrate into the underlying soils are not recommended for the Site. Stormwater BMPs on the site should be designed so that water is not allowed to percolate or infiltrate into the underlying site soils. This would be expected to include flow-through planters and/or permeable surfaces that are equipped with impermeable liners to prevent infiltration into the underlying site soils. 6.10 PLAN REVIEW TGI should review the final foundation plans, civil plans, shoring plans and specifications to evaluate conformance with the recommendations presented in this report and to assess whether additional analyses or recommendations are necessary based on the final design of planned improvements. 6.11 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING Soil and rock are highly variable materials. Subsurface conditions at a given site can vary spatially and can vary over time. While the geotechnical findings and recommendations presented in this report are based on interpretation and extrapolation of site-specific subsurface investigation, testing and analysis, it is not feasible :0 perform a geotechnical investigation that allows for assessment of all conditions that may be encountered during construction at any site. Consequently, observation and documentation of conditions encountered during grading is an integral and critical element of all earthwork projects. J\?!Ufl IIJJU.IJ2, ii!J. Page 1:27 \\TAYLORGFOUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6_10 2019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 All earthwork associated with this project should be performed under the observation of a qualified geotechnical engineer and/or geologist from our office to assure that the recommendations presented in this report are followed, to verify that conditions encountered during construction are consistent with the design assumptions inherent in TGI's recommendations and to identify the need for any additional or revised recommendations based on conditions encountered during construction. 6.12 CHANGE OF ENGINEER OF RECORD If TGI is not retained as the geotechnical engineer of record during grading and/or future construction, then the new consultant will assume the responsibility as the geotechnical engineer of record. If that is the case, we recommend that the owner require that the new engineer of record thoroughly review the findings and recommendations of this report and notify the owner in writing as to their concurrence with such, or provide in writing any additional, revised or alternative recommendations that they believe are necessary based on their own professional opinions. 1?'JiI MA LIP, Page 1 28 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\19.00911 Prelim Ceo Report 6102019.docx TGI Project No. 19.00911 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California June 10, 2019 Seven] 1 LIMITATIONS The findings, conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on various assumptions regarding the anticipated site improvements. TGI has reviewed conceptual plans for the proposed improvements at the time this report was prepared. If the improvements vary significantly from the stated assumptions presented herein, TGI should be consulted to update and modify, as needed, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report. The subsurface conditions and engineering evaluation presented in this report were based on the results of a limited subsurface investigation. Subsurface conditions are, by their nature, uncertain and may vary from those documented in published reports and maps. The analysis and evaluation described in this report is limited. A more extensive geotechnical investigation performed at greater cost would provide more accurate and reliable information regarding subsurface conditions and geotechnical characteristics of the site. TGI's evaluation was performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical engineering firms practicing in this or similar localities. The findings, recommendations and professional opinions presented in this report were developed in general accordance with generally accepted principles and practices of the geotechnical engineering profession at the time of the report preparation. TGI makes no other warranty, either expressed or implied, in fact or by law. The findings of this report are valid at the time the report was prepared. Changes in the condition of a property can and do occur with the passage of time as a result of natural processes or the work of man on the subject property or adjacent properties. Changes in applicable regulations, guidelines and standards of practice may also occur as a result of government action, legislation, and the broadening of knowledge. Consequently, the findings, conclusions and recommendations contained herein might be invalidated in whole or part by changes outside the control of TGI. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied on after a period of three (3) years. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the client and their consultants for this project. Any reliance by other parties upon the data, conclusions, opinions and recommendations presented herein is at such party's sole risk. It is the responsibility of the client or their representative to ensure that the information and recommendations contained in this report are provided to the necessary design consultants for the project and are incorporated into the project plans. It is also the responsibility of the owners or their representative to ensure that contractors carry out the recommendations during construction. SJI!!Jii J1ThJ!JJ, Jit Page 129 \\TAYLORGROUPNAS\TGI Projects\00911 Ocean Condominiums\Geotechnical\Completed Reports\1 9.00911 Prelim Geo Report 6_1 02019.docx EIGNi 8 REFERENCES Agnew, D. C., 2012, Tsunami history of San Diego, in Waiting for tsunami, coastal hazards of northern San Diego County, San Diego Association of Geologists, Cari Gomes, editor Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. (AGS), 2016, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, State Street Condominium Project, 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California, dated March 30, 2016, Report No. 1602-03- B-2. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology (2003), Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone Act of 1972: California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42. California Geological Survey website, http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/Pages/lndex.asDx California Geological Survey (CGS), California Emergency Management Agency (CEMA), and University of Southern California (2009) Tsunami Inundation Map for Emergency Planning, State of California- Oceanside Quadrangle, 1:52,000 Scale, dated June 1, 2009. California Geological Survey (2008), The Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 2 (UCERF 2) By 2007 Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities, USGS Open File Report 2007- 1437 CGS Special Report 203 SCEC Contribution #1138 California Seismic Safety Commission (2005), The Tsunami Threat to California, Findings and Recommendations on Tsunami Hazards and Risks, CSSC 05-03 Jennings, C. W. (1994), Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas: California Division of Mines and Geology, California Geologic Data Map Series. Kennedy, M.P. and Tan, S.S. compilers (2008), Geologic Map of the San Diego 30'X60' Quadrangle, California, California Geological Survey, Regional Geologic Map No. 3, 1:100,000 scale. National Research Council (NRC), Committee on Sea Level Rise in California, Oregon, and Washington. (2012). Sea-Level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington: Past, Present, and Future. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. Rivero, C., Shaw, J.H. and Mueller, K., 2000, "Oceanside and Thirtymile Bank Blind trhursts: Implications for earthquake hazards in coastal southern California", Geology, Vol. 8, No. 10, October 2000. Treiman, J.A. (1993), The Rose Canyon Fault Zone, Southern California, California Division of Mines and Geology, DMG Open-File Report 93-02. United States Geological Survey (2013), Open File report 2013-1170-M, California Geological Survey special report 229, Public Policy Issues associated with the SAFER Tsunami scenario FIGURES 2501 State Street Carlsbad, CA ITAYWORIG — IIIIIIIII cn- ISTA WAY \ — Ek. ) Oceanside~ —7 ILI South Ocean side "I LAS LORES R SUBJECT SITE Ek \5 \t . 8ASOW000sAVE ç Kelly ' • S CHE5T11 \\ \ : — S 'HILL0IDE 1 SCALE 1:24 000 0.5 0 KILOMETERS 1 1000 500 0 METERS 1000 2000 I 0.5 0 I MILES 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 FEET NORTH 0 Reference: USGS Topographic Maps, San Luis Rey 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, California, San Diego County, 2015 TGI Project No. 19.00911 Drawn k MC Checked b MC FIGURE 1. SITE LOCATION AND VICINITY Ceosclence&Lnglnoennij Consultants Date: May 2019 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California z —J I- 0 —J Cli C'4 uJ IX U- O CONSTRUCTION NOTES I. CONSTRUCT PERMEABLE PAYERS PER DETAIl (IN SHEET 3 2. CONSTRUCT 4 PERFORATED PVC PIPE PAVER UNOERORAIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET 3 3 CONSTRUCT 78" DIA. X 30" DEEP SUMP BASIN 56711 SUMP PUMP PER DETAIL C-N SHEET 7 4 1 5" SCH 40 PVC DISCHARGE PIPE FROM SUMP TO CURB OUTLET 3 PCV DISCHARGE PIPE FROM PODIUM DECK BIOFII. IRA 7/ON P/All/NRC CONSTRUCT SIDEWALK UNDERDRAIN PER SORSG 0-27 CONSTRUCT 5 CHANNEL DRAIN - NOR PRO OR APPROVED EQUAL & CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN IN GARAGE 9 CONSTRUCT 1000 GALLON CLARIFIER. JENSEN PRECAST MODEL CL 7000 PER DETAIL ON SHEET 3 G CONSTRUCT PERMANENT SHORING RETAINING WALL PER SEPARATE STRUCTURAL PLANS AND PERMIT II. CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL PER SDRSD . 4 MAX. HEIGHT 56CR LEVEL BACKFILL /1 - -w. - -w- -w - -w - -w ---- - -w - w-- - W - -W— - w-. --w - - w - -W- - W - -W - W - -w -. -VVI - w - -w ------------- FF 326 FF 32.66 B3 \\ N 1L29320 FF 32 66 B1 Ii FE JI-80 B4 Proposed Condoinim Developmentii - - \\ ---FM......----FM -----------FM--- FM FM .....FM---- FM -----FM - - - - - FM FM- ---FM--. FM - - - - - - BA 2• I/I FF 32.80 (33% L FF32.55 FF 3256 FF B J6.32 rc; [t FF 32.66 BA-1 LEGEND B4 4- Approximate Location and Number of Boring by TGI (this investigation) BA-3 Approximate Location and Number of Boring by AGS (March 2016) 'N ,id', C0U8I7LI --- _ FF J280 F 32.70 A VT 32.70 I ç1) 77 3.' 73 LA C) w --- -w - c31J- - \31.26) z%r3L22( Vi 3232 FL 3' 1L32.84 C) FL 32.34 N FS 35.00 FS J6 50 L \ Proposed Permanent Soldier Pile WaII- (II APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET C) 0 10 20 40 ZZC .D • Cl) (7) 5 0 (7) F Reference: Preliminary Grading Plan Provided by Taylor Group, Inc. 5 3 0 0 y' D PO 77 qtli Oct.nsd GA so \ (q ç V. I \o IF 84 i oa ma yo.ic - a u44 SUBJECT SITE \ j 4 0 ASBAD . \ g 1 I •. .i'Q 0 Flg1d. in..... ..i....... \Z I ' vl — MAP JNITS / ScS 1 di iaoleoli I Si 501 d 01 .11 clay sar and graini 7 Rn,nh4ran arldaodsarid 0\ c J a4y50lanangn4.ssaonalaidsday. of Mmla TsA on C (4 d MAYME Mll F rr: y) bel.enn map amt, diW 1 w (1) 0 S k ddip d ml, Nlo,ll bl,ddms mfimd,,,_)"<( {FE to - nsomweci a. Possibly ennnlncnr MIS lw Sitar1 T'nmrallon it lie Sara An, Mrsntanr. [1 5r ' e Honrorlal Foci,. lrrcrin arcS •malibiinl onrgrrraes rock 0(d5ci5c a.d basailic NORTH Fsrilr. doocd oboe.., cirnocaled. Arrow nod nambcr indicalr doecrion o nn(Poaay ar.poeny.ie4der j..... andamesroo(drgolcisrionedfaahane. linohcwoaapdooronside. S Grocyci neocdadanbla.norgineraraa tolnrctraanolaradeonn IQ cinic, di-ow, and nrmoicar of dip of minor (tab (shear join ) plan: M- foals dapbcrnnonlo we Ins. than S Inn. Pit Swallgo Fonnriasron; Ii3hl.cdnnsd poorly.bnddsd_ poody nnd,nrml, fire E so rrndianr'grainod na.daosc r000bnldoJ nici landniido'prorio hiram at olartlooc. hod mlnomn.e,raiorol sandoone and oongiomaaio Rmwnrd Landslide: arrows rndrcare goosral dmnncuon of n000nroeol Bohr rho lrnn. 50rpm Forrrorron in roe hnarl:lam Per. 0551 and lhmcbo saharA / !1.1 adncsrp includedwithin hrmopsymbol (Ian. 057) rradr.rglrs lhoionyrro ailS ioorny Sardoora / Landslide, sin dnp:cd prior ho rirt,ar drnnlopmrenr. Orb hmodshrdns Scale in Feet ny S.W.— LaJolla (math),Ilglh4.00lorad, ud thiOk.l,d. del.uramsd yredi nil osnon.gr,lyod 00 soc (.oli)omna Salmon oh Mines arid Grologn ON, III,Roporr 0 2,000 latriobandslldog. h4rn10r14n5nrnn)ihSsrlagnpoamrnrnn 04. Prim Peroration (La Jolla fimsph pnnrly-hnoklcd. poonlrnodooahod, land. onubic bandoirdo. nirde-proirncisyalonn. lien-mo nrndism-granaJ oand.nhoro and norm oongbn. Reference: CDMG Open-File Report 96-02 TGI Project No. 19.00911 Drawn b MC Checked b MC FIGURE 3. LOCAL GEOLOGIC MAP Geosciece&EngineerIngConsultants Y Y. Date: May 2019 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California 42 57 sailta Ana - - : N 'SITpEo PuJJc 56 - / 8 - .' ,1• 6 8-,,• 8 8 0 0 1 - ¼ Source: Modified from base map from Scripps Institute of Oceanography TGI Project No. 19.00911 I Date: June 2019 - Drawn by: MC Checked by: MC I Source: Scripps Institute Scale: as shown FIGURE 4. MAP OF ACTIVE REGIONAL FAULTS 2501 State Street, Oceanside, CA 0 250 500 1.000 1.500 2,000 National Flood Hazard Layer FiRMette , FEMA Legend IS vipoot ran 0(00010 116(00 aNy ivoir mar rut FIRM F.,We. ik,Cu. Without Base Flood Elevation (BFE) CIAL FLOOD With BFE or Depth ZO, 0.1 ao Al. yr. on ARD AREAS Regulatory Floodway 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areas or 1% annual chance flood with average depth less than one footer with drainage areas of less than one square mile Future Conditions 1% Annual l chance Flood Hazard Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to R AREAS OF Levee. See Noles. 00 HAZARD Area with Flood Risk deC to Levee Area of Minimal Flood Hazard 00,,y 0 Effective LOMRs FHER AREAS Area at Undetermined Flood Hazard 0,0 GENERAL - -- - Channel, Culvert, or Sfvrre Sewer TRUCTURES I lilt'' Levee. Dike, or Floodwall Gf—t Cross Sections with 1% Annual Chance ... Water Surface Elevation i Coastal Transact Base Flood Elevation Line (BFE) Limit of Study Jurisdiction Boundary - Coastal Transact Baseline OTHER .. - Profile Baseline FEATURES _______ Hydrographic Feature Digital Data Available N No Digital Data Available RAP PANELS L. Unmapped o The pin displayed on the mop Is an approximate point selected by the over and does not represent an authoritative properly location. This reap complies with FEMA's standards for the use of digital flood maps it it is not void as described below. The basemap stoma complies with FEMA's basemap accuracy standards The flood hazard information is derived directly from the authoritative NFHL web services provided by FEMA. This map was exported an 23.2019 at v 0042 PM and does not reflect changes or amendments subsequent to this dote and time. The NFHL and effective information may change or lfecpme Avoervetled Ito new data ever Time mb mop bongo in onirt it thy one nr more of the teflewing map elements do not appear. basemap Imagery, flood zone labels, legend, scale bar, map creation date. community IdentIfiers, FIRM panel number, and FIRM effective date. Map images for onmapped and unmodernlaoat area, cannot be used for regulatory purposes, ID iTGl Project No. 19.00911 May 2019 FIGURE 5. FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Drawn by: MC ConslAnts Checked by: MC I I Reference: FEMA 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California F-, SUBJECT SITE \ ALLSBAI) C U CaIfornia Emergency Management Agency California Geologial Survey University of Southern California TSUNAMI INUNDATION MAP FOR EMERGENCY PLANNING State of California - County of San Diego OCEASIDE QUADRANGLE SAN LL IS REY QUADRANGLE June 1, 2009 SCALE 1 24000 MAP EXPLANATION ".- Tsunami Inundation Line Tsunami Inundation Area rDrawn M by: I Project No. 19.00911 7111 I1J1T3 ff(iI] I FIGURE 6. TSUNAMI INUNDATION MAP I B11O Geescience&IngneenngConsuItantste: MC Checked by: MC ay2019 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California I Appendix A Boring Logs 2501 State Street Carlsbad, CA ITAYMONG Boring Number Bi PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE STARTED 4/11/19 COMPLETED 4/11/19 GROUND ELEVATION 345* HOLE SIZE 8-inch DRILLING CONTRACTOR HarrIton Drilling Corporation GROUNDWATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING No Water LOGGED BY CT CHECKED BY MC AT END OF DRILLING No Water NOTES *Approxlmote Elevation (Datum: NAVIJ88) 'AFTER DRILLING No Water ci °-LU i!LT__ AUERBERG MATERIALDESCRIP11ON E- - 3?OF 02 z 0 z 8 Cl) Q a 0 - J o 2-inch Asphalt - \ 6-inch Reinforced Concrete Slab UNDOCUMENTED FILL: Sandy Clay (CL), brown, moist, firm BULK 100 21 56 Silty Sand (SM), brown, moist, medium dense, fine grained, mottled 5 with brown to medium brown firm Sandy Clay (CL) inclusions WEATHERED NATIVE SOIL: Silty Sand (SM), medium to dark gray with orange staining, moist, MC 100 14) ' 106 20 medium dense, fine grained MC 100 7-11-15 —ra Sandy Silty Clay to Sandy Claeyey Silt (CL/ML), light j to gray, 1 10 moist, firm tostiff TERRACE DEPOSFrS: T 16 Silty Sand (SM), very light brown to light gray, moist to very moist, MC 100 4-8-16 (24) / 115 14 dense, fine to medium grained, moderate to highly weathered light brown to brown, moist very dense, fine to coarse grained, 15-32- partially cemented, slightly weathered MC 100 50/4" IL MC 100 _ 18-45- 112 11 End 20 feet, No Water, Fill to 5 feet MC 100 10-27- 50/4" Bottom of hole at 20.0 feet 25 PROJECT NAME Ocean Condominiums M"[fl (60BCOUP~ 06flffl- 0 CLIENT R 8, R Construction Company, Inc.PROJECT NUMBER 19.00911 PROJECT LOCATION 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, CA Boring Number B2 PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE STARTED 4/11/19 COMPLETED 4/11/19 GROUND ELEVATION 355* HOLE SIZE 8-inch DRILLING CONTRACTOR Hanilton Drilling Corporation GROUNDWATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING No Water LOGGED BY CT CHECKED BY MC AT END OF DRILLING No Water NOTES *Approxjmete Elevation (Datum: NAVD88) AFTER DRILLING No Water W CL Z w w, AUERBERG IMIT W CD > I-W 0 w -fo °-O MATERIALDESCRIP11ON w ,-s Z--j j - < w. z CD O Z O. C) caO> z -) >- OLn ! (I) < C/) w o o a () —Q- ,! -\ 2-inch Asphalt — — \ 6-inch Reinforced Concrete Slab • UNDOCUMENTED FILL: • Sandy Clay (CL),brown, moist firm 3-6-12 Clayey to Silty Sand (SC/SM), brown and grayish brown, moist, medium dense, fine grained C 100 (18) 114 11 - Sandy to Silty Cy (CL) grayish brown, moist, firm, minor gravel 4-9-10 5 and debris, mottled with Silty to Clayey Sand (SMISC) inclusions that are brown, moist, medium dense, fine grained MC 100 (19) 95 22 MC W° 7-15-23 (38) WEATHERED NATIVE SQL: Clayey to Silty Sand (SC/SM), brown to grayish brown, moist, - dense, fine grained, soe caliche filled winsm — — SiSnto Sand (SM SW) ,Ught to yellowishbin orange MC 100 7-11-15 112 9 • . brown, moist, medium dense, fine to medium grained 10 (26) - Sand (SP)Jight gray to fight brownslightly moist to mot, medftirn -- :.: dense, fine grained MC 100 9-10-13 (23) TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), very light brown, slightly moist, very dense, fine to coarse grained, partially cemented BULl' 100 15 End 16.25 feet, No Water, Fill to 7 feet MC 100 18-38- 50/3" 115 10 Bottom of hole at16.3feet. 20 -- - J25 - I PROJECT NAME Ocean Condominiums I CLIENT R & R Construction Company, Inc. PROJECT NUMBER19.00911 PROJECT LOCATION 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, CA Boring Number B3 PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE STARTED 4/11/19 COMPLETED 4/11/19 GROUND ELEVATION 353* HOLE SIZE 8-inch DRILLING CONTRACTOR Hamilton Drilling Corporation GROUNDWATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING No Water LOGGED BY CT CHECKED BY MC AT END OF DRILLING No Water NOTES *Appromote Elevation (Datum: NAVD88) AFTER DRILLING No Water w . . . ATFERBERG C) Q_ 0 MATEALDESCR1P11ON 0 -. 8 Cl) 0 () IL - 5 z 0 01L 2.5-inch Asphalt \ 6-inch Reinforced Concrete Slab UNDOCUMENTED FILL: • .. Sandy Clay (CL), brown to medium brown and grayish brown, 100 6-6-7 moist flrm, trace brick debris (pebble sized) ..BUL 18 58 • trace wood and asphalt debris MC 100 (13) mottled with inclusions of grayish brown, fine grained, Silty Sand 3-6-9 (SM), trace gravel MC 100 100 22 100 5-9-14 • MC 100 4-7-17 10 WEATHERED NATIVE SOIL: Silty to Clayey Sand (SM/SC), gray and brown, moist, medium rd / BULI 100 5122 102 3 Sand (SP), light brown to gray, slightly moist, medium dense, fine MC ' :... grained TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), light orange brown to very light brown, slightly MC 100 6-16-35 moist, very dense, fine to coarse grained, partially cemented - - - 15 very light brown 16 28- • MC 100 50/5" MC 100 15-37- 50/5 110 10 - -: - End 20 feet, No Water, Fill to 9.5 feet .1 Bottom of hole at 20.0 feet. 25 PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER 19.00911 PROJECT LOCATION 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, CA Boring Number B4 PAGE 1 OF 1 DATE STARTED 4/8/19 COMPLETED 4/8/19 GROUND ELEVATION 35.2* HOLE SIZE 8-inch DRILLING CONTRACTOR Hamilton Drilling Corporation GROUNDWATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING No Water LOGGED BY CT CHECKED BY MC AT END OF DRILLING No Water NOTES *Iproximete Elevation (Datum: NAVD88) AFTER DRILLING No Water w . Z . .. ATFERBERG lMlT w MATERIAL DESCRIP11ON W CO Ld Cy 9 Z HF- 0 °. 8 (I) o_ of a 0 Q 0 CL LL UNDOCUMENTED FILL: Silty Sand (SM), brown, slightly moist, medium dense, fine to medium grained, minor gravel sized concrete debris Sandy Clay(CL),mediurnbrown,moist,firrn,mottledwith MC 100 111 17 occasional brown silty sand inclusions 100 2-3-6 trace plastic debris, no Silty Sand inclusions observed 37-10 firm to stiff [BULK k 25 79 3-6 10 :'•: WEATHERED NATIVE SOIL: Sand (SP), gray with faint orange staining, moist, medium dense, MC 100 6-10-11 (21) fine grained - TERRACE DEPOSITS: Silty Sand (SM), very light brown to light gray, moist, dense to MC 100 5;9 very dense, fine to coarse grained, slight clay binder, partially : cemented, moderately weathered 15 very light brown, slightly moist, very dense, slightly weathered 14-35- MC 100 50/5" 119 12 MC 17-46- 50/5 20 End 20 feet, No Water, Fill to 10 feet Bottom of hole at 20.0 feet. 125 MMDB (6DB0)W- El[fl(& PROJECT CLIENT R & R Construction Company, Inc. PROJECT NUMBER 19.00911 PROJECT LOCATION 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, CA Appendix B Laboratory Testing Data 2501 State Street Carlsbad, CA ti MY, [1O RIGRO1LtPAIN. 4.0 - • Peak Shear 0 Residual Shear 3.0 N 0. In I... 4.. I- 2.0 - - - - - - - - - - - 0) Ln 1.0 - 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Normal Stress, kips/ft2 5.0 _____________ 0.05 -•- 1.0 ksf 4.5 0.04 - ______ _______ _______ ______ ---2.0 ksf 4.0 0.03 - N 35 --4ksf 0.02 - _____ U In .2- 3.0 0.01 - C tn 0) _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ E _______ U ____ -..-.--..- ____ ____ 2.0 CL -0.01 0 0) - 2.5 0.00 1.5 -0.02 - ... -.-.-.. - 1.0 0.5 -0.04 - mmmmmm 0.0 -0.05 -__________________ 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.31 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Shear Displacement, inch Shear Displacement, inch Boring No. B2 ISample: Cal Mod. Ring (Field Moisture) IShear Strength Parameters: Depth: 5' Yd=95.0 pd w(I)22.3% w(O=22.3% IPeak: c =27.20 c = 1075 lb/fl? Test Parameters: CU @ 0.002 in/min Sandy to Silty Clay (CL) IResidual: 1 =22.1° c = 520 lb/ft2 DIRECT SHEAR TEST ZMH iJ Project: Ocean Condominiums Geoscience a Biineeflng Consultants Location: 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California IProject Number: 19.00911 - • Peak Shear L 0 Residual Shear 14 - - - - - 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Normal Stress, kips/ft2 4.0 - 3.0 1.0 0.0 - 0.0 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 °- 3.0 -19 2.5 EA 1.0 0.5 0.0 -•-1.0 ksf -.--2.0 ksf -a-4 ksf U.UD 0.04 0.03 -5 0.02 C 0.01 ! 0.00 CL -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 -005 -+-1.0 ksf -.-2.0 ksf -*---4 ksf 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.31 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Shear Displacement, inch Shear Displacement, inch Boring No. B3 Sample: Cal Mod. Ring (Inundated) Shear Strength Parameters: Depth: 10 Yd=1024 pcf w(i)3.4% w(f)=22.5% Peak: c =38.30 c = 35 lb/f 2 Test Parameters: CU @ 0.02 in/min Sand (SP) Residual: cP =34.20 c = 0 lb/ft2 DIRECT SHEAR TEST MM M[ff ~Un Project: Ocean Condominiums Geisience & Engineenng Consultants Location: 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California Project Number: 19.009 11 0.30 4.0 - S Peak Shear 0 Residual Shear 3.0 -- 0. -- C i J 1 2.0 - (5 Ci -- -- 1.0 - - 0.0 - 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Normal Stress, kips/ft2 5.0 ____________ 0.05 _____ _____ ___________ -•-1.0 ksf Ii -4-1.0 ksf 4.5 0.04 -I-I F _____ 4.0 _____ ____________ 2.0 ksf 2.O ksf 0.03 -I-I N 35 ----4 ksf • 0.02 -I-I____ 4ksf U Id, 0.01 .2- 3.0 2.5 I.. E Ci 0.00 t.iiçf',,,. U ••• 4.. 2.0 'L.. - -0.01 ---- -A--k-I- (5 Ci 15 15 _____ -0.02 10 -0.03 > 0.5 - J 0.04 0.0 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.31 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Shear Displacement, inch Shear Displacement, inch Boring No. BI Cal Mod. Ring (Inundated) pd w(i)11.2% W(f)=19.3% ~Sample: 'Shear Strength Parameters: IPeak: CP =37.10 c = 105 lb/ft2 Residual: =35.10 c = 20 lb/ft2 Depth: 15'Yd=111.8 Test Parameters: CU © 0.02 in/min Silty Sand (SM) P, OM& DIRECT SHEAR TEST Project: Ocean Condominiums Geuscieuce&fngineenng Consultants ILocation: 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California Project Number: 19.00911 Boring No. B2 ISample Cal. Mod. Ring Lined Sampler I Dry Density l 112.0 pcf Depth: 9 I Inundated at 2,000 psf Moisture %1 9.4 % Test: ASTM D 2435 Soil Type: Silty Sand to Sand (SM/SP) mom Mw, on I CONSOLIDATION TEST 0 Ce,science& Ingifleeñng Coosun Project Name: Ocean Condominiums Location: 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California Project Number: 19.00911 Boring No. B4 ISample: Cal. Mod. Ring Lined Sampler I Dry Density l 118.6 pcf Depth: 16 I Inundated at 2,000 psf Moisture %I 11.5 % Test: ASTM D 2435 Sol Type: I Silty Sand (SM) MMMM CONSOLIDATION TEST c rn- GeIscienceaEngineenngConsu1taot3 Project Name: Ocean Condominiums Location: 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California Project Number: 19.00911 U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBER HYDROM ETE 100 . 4 3 2 1 3/4 3/8 4 13 - 3040 50 100 200 90 - -__ -. 80 111117 70 I I 1 119 60 50 LL 40 30 20 • HI 10 K LI ____ __ __ 0 _____ L - __ - __ ___ L. ___ 1000.000 100.000 13.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL CDBBLES SAND SIV AND CLAY coarse fine coarse I medium fine Sample Identification *D100(mm) D60(mm) D30(mm) *D10(mm) Cc Cu %GraeI %Sand %< No.200 El Bl © 1-5' - - - - 55.6 • B3© 1-4' - - - -57.9 LL 134 © 6-10 - - - - 78.8 0 A . *Extrapolated where particle diameter is beyond sieve sizes utilized. Sample Identification Class flcation SYM LL PL P1 % Moisture O Bi © 1-5' Sandy Clay mixed with minor Silty Sand CL/SM 20.6 • B3 © 1-4' Sandy Clay mixed with minor Silty Sand CL/SM 18.3 L7 84 © 6 10 Sandy Clay CL 74.8 0 A NJ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION (ASTM D 422) Project Nane: Ocean Condominiums JflhijiJ flff,jjH,JIjl Jj9J GesscieNceaFnuiueeflaConsidtanLs Location: 2501 State Street, Carlsbad, California Project Number: 19.00911 Expansion Index Test Results INITIAL CONDITIONS FINAL CONDITIONS MEASURED EXPANSION El LOCATION DEPTH MOISTURE DEGREE OF DRY MOISTURE DEGREE OF DRY OR MEASURED CORRECTED EXPANSION (feet) CONTENT SATUTATION DENSITY CONTENT SATUTATIONJ DENSITY (COLLAPSE) El VALUE FOR S% INDEX (%) (%) (lb/ft) (%) (°h) (lb/fl) (inch) B-3 1-4 9.1 44 41 107.6 • 28.8 __ 1105 96.3 ___ 0.1183 118.3 112 112 TESTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D4829 CLASSIFICATION OF EXPANSION POTENTIAL El VALUE POTENTIAL EXPANSION 0-20 Very low 21-50 Low 51-90 Medium 91-130 High EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS ____________ Geoscience & Enuineenog Consultants PROJECT: Ocean Condominiums LOCATION: 12501 State Street, Carlsbad, California 1j eoscience & Engineeflng Censultats Project Number: Project Name: Tested by: Boring/Test Pit Number: Sample Number: Sample Depth (feet): Measurement No Total water added to dry soil Measured Resistance Temperature (°C) Soil Resistivity and PH Data Skeet 19.00911 Ocean Condominiums CT I Date: B3 1-5 feet (bulk sample) 1 2 3 4 300 ml 400 ml 450 ml 500 ml 0.33 KO 0.26 KO 0.24 KQ 0.26 KO 26 °C 24.1 °C 24.0 °C 24.0 °C Minimum Soil Resistance, RmIfl T 0.24 KO Minimum Resistance corrected to 15.50C,, R155 0.29 KO Minimum Soil Resistivity, Prnin-15.5 290 fl-cm Soil pH 8.1 @23.8 °C NOTES/CALCULATIONS: Rmin 155 = Rmin T (24.5+t)I40 where: Rmjn T = resistance measures at test temperature t = test temperature in °C Pmin-15.5 C where: C= soil box constant = 1 cm Soil Resistivity in )-cm Corrosivity Category Greater than 10,000 Mildly Corrosive 2,001 to 10,000 Moderately Corrosive 1,001 to 2,000 Corrosive 0 to 1,000 Severely Corrosive TAYLOR GROUP, INC. [3®1i [lll Geoscience & EngineenogConsullaats Project Number: Project Name: Tested by: Boring/Test Pit Number: Sample Number: Sample Depth (feet): Measurement No Total water added to dry soil Measured Resistance Temperature (°C) Soil Resistivity and pH Data Sheet 19 .009 11 Ocean Condominiums CT I Date: B4 6-10 feet (bulk sample) 1 2 3 4 300 ml 400 ml 450 ml 500 ml 0.35 KU 0.25 KU 0.22 KU 0.24 KU 26 °C 24.9 °C 24.0 °C 24.0 °C Minimum Soil Resistance, Rmin T 0.22 KU Minimum Resistance corrected to 15.50C,, R155 0.27 KU Minimum Soil Resistivity, Prnin-15.5 270 0-cm Soil pH 8.0 @ 23.7 °C NOTES/CALCULATIONS: Rmin155 = RminT (24.5+t)I40 where: Rmin T = resistance measures at test temperature t = test temperature in °C Pmin-15.5 = Rmin 155X C where: C= soil box constant = 1 cm Soil Resistivity in C)-cm Corrosivity Category Greater than 10,000 Mildly Corrosive 2,001 to 10,000 Moderately Corrosive 1,001 to 2,000 Corrosive 0 to 1,000 Severely Corrosive TAYLOR GROUP, INC. LABORATORY REPORT Telephone (619) 425-1993 Fax 425-7917 Established 1928 CLARKSON LABORATORY AND SUPPLY INC. 350 Trousdale Dr. Chula Vista, Ca. 91910 www.clarksonlab.com ANALYTICAL AND CONSULTING CHEMISTS Date: May 6, 2019 Purchase Order Number: 19-101-L Sales Order Number: 44204 Account Number: VINM To: * -------------------------------------------------* Vinje & Middleton Engineering, Inc. 2450 Vineyard Avenue Escondido, Ca 92025-1330 Attention: Ray Fox Laboratory Number: S07315 Customers Phone: 760-743-1214 Fax: 760-739-0343 Sample Designation: * -------------------------------------------------- Two soil samples received on 05/02/19 at 2:30pm, taken from Job# 19-101-L marked as follows: ANALYSIS: Water Soluble Sulfate (SO4) California Test 417 (Turbidity Method) Sample SO4% - #1 19.00911 B-3@1-4' SF-15-19 0.081 #2 19.00911 B-5@6--101 SF-16-19 0.276 : Laura Torres LT/ilv Appendix C Seismic Design Parameter Information 2501 State Street Carlsbad, CA ASCE 7 Hazards Report Standard: ASCE/SEl 7-10 Elevation: 35.43 ft (NAVD 88) Risk Category: I Latitude: 33.164816 Soil Class: D - Stiff Soil Longitude: -117.353682 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Address: No Address at This Location \ , httrs://asce?hazardtool.onlinel Page 1 of 3 Wed Jun 052019 ASCE AMERICAN SOCIETY DI CML ENGINEBS Seismic Site Soil Class: D - Stiff Soil Results: Ss 1.165 SDS : 0.803 S1 : 0.447 S01 : 0.463 Fa : 1.034 TL: 8 Fv 1.553 PGA: 0.464 SMS : 1.204 PGA M: 0.48 SM1 : 0.694 FPGA : 1.036 le : 1 Seismic Design Category D 1.4 MCER Response Spectrum 1. CL I 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 Sa(g) vs T(s) Design Response Spectrum S. (g)vs T(s) Data Accessed: Wed Jun 052019 Date Source: USGS Seismic Design Maps based on ASCE/SEI 7-10, incorporating Supplement 1 and errata of March 31, 2013, and ASCE/SEI 7-10 Table 1.5-2. Additional data for site-specific ground motion procedures in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-10 Ch. 21 are available from USGS. httos://asce7hazardtool.onhine/ Page 2 of 3 Wed Jun 052019 ASCE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CE/li ENGINEERS The ASCE 7 Hazard Tool is provided for your convenience, for informational purposes only, and is provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind. The location data included herein has been obtained from information developed, produced, and maintained by third party providers; or has been extrapolated from maps inccrporated in the ASCE 7 standard. While ASCE has made every effort to use data obtained from reliable sources or methodologies, ASCE does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, currency, or quality of any data provided herein. Any third-party links provided by this Tool should not be construed as an endorsement, affiliation, relationship, or sponsorship of such third-party content by or from ASCE. ASCE does not intend, nor should anyone interpret, the results provided by this Tool to replace the sound judgment of a competent professional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s) of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the contents of this Tool or the ASCE 7 standard. In using this Tool, you expressly assume all risks associated with your use. Under no circumstances shall ASCE or its officers, directors, employees, members, affiliates, or agents be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from or related to your use of, or reliance on, the Tool or any information obtained therein. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to release and hold harmless ASCE from any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from any use of data provided by the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 3 of 3 Wed Jun 052019 APpendiX 0 Earthwork Guidelines 2501 State Street Carlsbad, CA EARTHWORK GUIDELINES 1.0 GENERAL These guidelines provide general procedures to be utilized in conjunction with the project grading plans during earthwork construction. These guidelines are a part of TGI's geotechnical report. Where conflicts exist between these guidelines and the recommendations presented in the text of the geotechnical report, the recommendations presented in the text of the geotechnical report shall take precedence. 1. 1. Evaluations performed by the consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendations which could supersede these guidelines and/or the recommendations of the geotechnical report. If, during the grading operations, geotechnical conditions are encountered which were not anticipated or described in the geotechnical report, the geotechnical consultant shall be notified immediately and additional recommendations, if applicable, may be provided. 1.2. It is the responsibility of the contractor to read and understand these guidelines as well as the geotechnical report and project grading plans. The contractor shall perform the grading operations in accordance with these guidelines, and shall be responsible for the quality of the finished product notwithstanding the fact that grading work will be observed and tested by the geotechnical consultant. The contractor shall not vary from these guidelines without prior recommendations by the geotechnical consultant and the approval of the client or the client's authorized representative. Recommendations by the geotechnical consultant and/or client shall not be considered to preclude requirements for approval by the jurisdictional agency prior to the execution of any changes. 1.3. It is the responsibility of the grading contractor to notify the geotechnical consultant and the jurisdictional agencies, as needed, prior to the start of work at the site and at any time that grading resumes after interruption. Each step of the grading operations shall be observed and documented by the geotechnical consultant and, where necessary, reviewed by the appropriate jurisdictional agency prior to proceeding with subsequent work. 1.4. A licensed land surveyor or civil engineer shall be retained, if required, to evaluate quantities of materials excavated during grading and/or to locate the limits of excavations. 1.5. An as-graded report should be prepared by the geotechnical consultant and signed by a Registered Engineer (and Certified Engineering Geologist if required). The as-graded report will document the geotechnical consultant's observations, and field and laboratory test results, and provide conclusions regarding whether or not earthwork construction was performed in general accordance with the recommendations provided by the geotechnical consultant. Recommendations for foundation design, pavement design, subgrade treatment, etc., may also be included in the as-graded report. 2.0 DEFINITIONS The following definitions of terms are utilized in the remainder of these guidelines. CIVIL ENGINEER: The Registered Civil Engineer or consulting firm responsible for preparation of the grading plans and surveying, and evaluating as-graded topographic conditions CLIENT: The developer or a project-responsible authorized representative. The client has the responsibility of reviewing the findings and recommendations made by the geotechnical consultant and authorizing the contractor and/or other consultants to perform work and/or provide services. COLLUVIUM: Generally loose deposits, usually found on the face or near the base of slopes and brought there chiefly by gravity through downhill movement (see also Slopewash). TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page D-1 Earthwork Guidelines COMPACTION: The densification of a fill by mechanical means. CONTRACTOR: A person or company under contract or otherwise retained by the client to perform demolition, grading, and other site improvements. DEBRIS: The products of clearing, grubbing, and/or demolition, or contaminated soil material unsuitable for reuse as compacted fill, and/or any other material so desgnated by the geotechnical consultant. ENGINEERED FILL: A fill which the geotechnical consultant or the consultant's representative has observed and/or tested during placement, enabling the consultant to conclude that the fill has been placed in substantial compliance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant and the governing agency requirements. ENGINEERING A geologist registered by the state licensing agency who applies geologic GEOLOGIST: knowledge and principles to the exploration and evaluation of naturally occurring rock and soil, as related to the design of civil works. EROSION: The wearing away of the ground surface as a result of the movement of wind, water, and/or ice. EXCAVATION: The mechanical removal of earth materials. EXISTING GRADE: The ground surface configuration prior to grading. Also referred to as original grade. FILL: Any deposit of soil, rock, soil-rock blends, or other similar materials placed by man. FINISH GRADE: The as-graded ground surface elevation that conforms to the grading plans. GEOFABRIC: An engineering textile utilized in geotechnical applications such as subgrade stabilization and filtering. GEOTECHNICAL The geotechnical engineering and engineering geology consulting firm retained CONSULTANT: to provide technical services for the project. For the purpose of these guidelines, observations by the geotechnical consultant include observations by the geotechnical engineer, engineering geologist and other persons employed by and responsible to the geotechnical consultant. GEOTECHNICAL A licensed civil engineer and geotechnical engineer, registered by the state ENGINEER: licensing agency, who applies scientific methods, engineering principles, and professional experience to the acquisition, interpretation, and use of knowledge of materials of the earth's crust to the resolution of engineering problems. Geotechnical engineering encompasses many of the engineering aspects of soil mechanics, rock mechanics, geology, geophysics, hydrology, and related sciences. GRADING: Any operation consisting of excavation, filling, or combinations thereof and associated operations. LANDSLIDE Material, often porous and of low density, produced from instability of natural or DEPOSITS: manmade slopes. OPTIMUM The moisture content that is considered optimum to compaction operations as MOISTURE: obtained by ASTM D-1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. RELATIVE The degree of compaction (expressed as a percentage) of a material as COMPACTION: compared to the dry density obtained from ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. ROUGH GRADE: The ground surface configuration at which time the surface elevations approximately conform to the approved rough grading plan. SITE: The particular parcel of land where grading is being performed. SLOPE: An inclined ground surface, the steepness of which is generally specified as a TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page D-2 Earthwork Guidelines ratio of horizontal units to vertical units. SLOPE WASH: Soil and/or rock material that has been transported down a slope by gravity assisted by the action of water not confined to channels (see also Colluvium). SLOUGH: Loose, uncompacted fill material generated during grading operations. SOIL: Naturally occurring and manmade deposits of sand, silt, clay, etc., or combinations thereof SUBDRAIN: Generally, a pipe-and-gravel or similar drainage system placed beneath a fill along the alignment of buried canyons or former drainage channels. TAILINGS: Non-engineered fill which accumulates on or adjacent to equipment haul roads or disposed in an uncompacted state in connection with mining and quarry operations. TERRACE: A relatively level bench constructed on the face of a graded slope surface for drainage and maintenance purposes TGl: Taylor Group, Inc. TOPSOIL: The upper zone of soil or bedrock materials, which is usually dark in color, loose, and contains organic materials. 3.0 OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES The parties involved in the projects earthwork activities shall be responsible as outlined in the following sections. 3.1. The client is ultimately responsible for the aspects of the project. The client or the client's authorized representative has a responsibility to review the findings and recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. The client shall authorize the contractor and/or other consultants to perform work and/or provide services. During grading the client or the client's authorized representative shall remain on site or remain reasonably accessible to the concerned parties to make the decisions that may be needed to maintain the flow of the project. 3.2. The contractor is responsible for the safety of the project and satisfactory completion of grading and other associated operations, including, but not limited to, earthwork in accordance with the project plans, specifications, and jurisdictional agency requirements. During grading, the contractor or the contractor's authorized representative shall remain on site. The contractor shall further remain accessible during non-working hours times, including at night and during days off. 3.3. The geotechnical consultant shall provide observation and testing services and shall make evaluations to advise the client on geotechnical matters. The geotechnical consultant shall report findings and recommendations to the client or the client's authorized representative. 3.4. Prior to proceeding with any grading operations, the geotechnical consultant shall be notified two working days in advance to schedule the needed observation and testing services. 3.4.1. Prior to any significant expansion or reduction in the grading operation the geotechnical consultant shall be provided with two working days notice to make appropriate adjustments in scheduling of on-site personnel. 3.4.2. Between phases of grading operations, the geotechnical consultant shall be provided with two working days notice in advance of commencement of additional grading operations. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page 0-3 Earthwork Guidelines 4.0 SITE PREPARATION Site preparation shall be performed in accordance with the recommendations presented in the following sections. 4.1. The client, prior to any site preparation or grading, shall arrange and attend a pre-grading meeting between the grading contractor, the design engineer, the geotechnical consultant, and representatives of appropriate governing authorities, as well as any other involved parties. The parties shall be given two working days notice. 4.2. Clearing and grubbing shall consist of the substantial removal of vegetation, brush, grass, wood, stumps, trees, tree roots greater than 1/2-inch in diameter, and other deleterious materials from the areas to be graded. Clearing and grubbing shall extend to the outside of the proposed excavation and fill areas. 4.3. Demolition in the areas to be graded shall include removal of building structures, foundations, reservoirs, utilities (including underground pipelines, septic tanks, leach fields, seepage pits, cisterns, etc.), and other manmade surface and subsurface improvements, and the backfilling of mining shafts, tunnels and surface depressions. Demolition of utilities shall include capping or rerouting of pipelines at the project perimeter, and abandonment of wells in accordance with the requirements of the governing authorities and the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant at the time of demolition. 4.4. The debris generated during clearing, grubbing and/or demolition operations shall be removed from areas to be graded and disposed of off site at a legal dump site. Clearing, grubbing, and demolition operations shall be performed under the observation of the geotechnical consultant. 4.5 The ground surface beneath proposed fill areas shall be stripped of loose or unsuitable soil. These soils may be used as compacted fill provided they are generally free of organic or other deleterious materials and evaluated for use by the geotechnical consultant. The resulting surface shall be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant prior to proceeding. The cleared, natural ground surface shall be scarified to a depth of approximately 8 inches, moisture conditioned, and compacted in accordance with the guidelines presented in Section 6 of these guidelines. 5.0 REMOVALS AND EXCAVATIONS Removals and excavations shall be performed as recommended in the following sections. 5.1. Removals 5.1.1. Materials which are considered unsuitable shall be excavated under the observation of the geotechnical consultant in accordance with the recommendations contained herein. Unsuitable materials include, but are not necessarily limited to: dry, loose, soft, wet, organic and compressible soils; fractured, weathered and soft bedrock; and undocumented or otherwise deleterious fill materials. 5.1.2. Materials deemed by the geotechnical consultant to be unsatisfactory due to moisture conditions shall be excavated in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant, watered or dried as needed, and mixed to generally uniform moisture content in accordance with the guidelines presented in Section 6 of this document. 5.2. Excavations 5.2.1 Temporary excavations in firm fill or natural materials may be made with vertical side slopes not more than 5 feet high or deep unless otherwise recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Unless otherwise stated in the geotechnical report, any excavation deeper than 5 feet shall be shored or laid back at a 1:1 inclination or flatter, depending on material type, if construction workers are to enter the excavation. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page D-4 Earthwork Guidelines 6.0 COMPACTED FILL Fill shall be constructed as specified below or by other methods recommended by the geotechnical consjltant. Unless otherwise specified, fill soils shall be compacted to 90 percent or greater relative compaction, as evaluated in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. 6.1. Prior to placement of compacted fill, the contractor shall request an evaluation of the exposed ground surface by the geotechnical consultant. Unless otherwise recommended, the exposed ground surface shall then be scarified to a depth of approximately 8 inches and watered or dried, as needed, to achieve generally uniform moisture conditions at or near the optimum moisture content. The scarified materials shall then be compacted to 90 percent or greater relative compaction. The evaluation of compaction by the geotechnical consultant shall not be considered to preclude any requirements for observation or approval by governing agencies. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify the geotechnical consultant and the appropriate governing agency when project areas are ready for observation, and to provide reasonable time for that review. 6.2. Excavated on-site materials which are in general compliance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant may be utilized as compacted fill provided they are generally free of organic or other deleterious materials and do not contain rock fragments greater than 6 inches in dimension. During grading, the contractor may encounter soil types other than those analyzed during the preliminary geotechnical study. The geotechnical consultant shall be consulted to evaluate the suitability of any such soils for use as compacted fill. 6.3. Where imported materials are to be used on site, the geotechnical consultant shall be notified three working days in advance of importation in order that it may sample and test the materials from the proposed borrow sites. No imported materials shall be delivered for use on site without prior sampling, testing, and evaluation by the geotechnical consultant. 6.4. Soils imported for on-site use shall preferably have very low to low expansion potential (based on ASTM D4829 test procedures). Lots on which expansive soils may be exposed at grade shall be undercut 4 feet or more and capped with very low to low expansion potential fill. In the event expansive soils are present near the ground surface, special design and construction considerations shall be utilized in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. 6.5 Fill materials shall be moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content prior to placement. The optimum moisture content will vary with material type and other factors. Moisture conditioning of fill soils shall be generally uniform in the soil mass. 6.6. Prior to placement of additional compacted fill material following a delay in the grading operations, the exposed surface of previously compacted fill shall be prepared to receive fill. Preparation may include removal and/or scarification, moisture conditioning, and recompaction. 6.7. Compacted fill shall be placed in horizontal lifts of approximately 8 inches in loose thickness. Prior to compaction, each lift shall be watered or dried as needed to achieve near optimum moisture condition, mixed, and then compacted by mechanical methods, using sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other appropriate compacting rollers, to the specified relative compaction. Successive lifts shall be treated in a like manner until the desired finished grades are achieved. 6.8. Fill shall be tested in the field by the geotechnical consultant for evaluation of general compliance with the recommended relative compaction and moisture conditions. Field density testing shall conform to current standardized test methods such as ASTM D 1556 (Sand Cone method), ASTM D 2937 (Drive-Cylinder method), and/or ASTM D 6938 (Nuclear Gauge method). Generally, one test shall be provided for approximately every 2 vertical feet of fill placed, or for approximately every 1000 cubic yards of fill placed. Actual test intervals may vary as field conditions dictate. Fill TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page D-5 Earthwork Guidelines found to be out of conformance with the grading recommendations shall be removed, moisture conditioned, and compacted or otherwise handled to accomplish general compliance with the grading recommendations. 6.9. The contractor shall assist the geotechnical consultant by excavating suitable test pits for removal evaluation and/or for testing of compacted fill. 6.10. At the request of the geotechnical consultant, the contractor shall 'shut down" or restrict grading equipment from operating in the area being tested to provide adequate testing time and safety for the field technician. 6.11. The geotechnical consultant shall maintain a map with the approximate locations of field density tests. Unless the client provides for surveying of the test locations, the locations shown by the geotechnical consultant will be estimated. The geotechnical consultant shall not be held responsible for the accuracy of the horizontal or vertical location or elevations. 6.12 Grading operations shall be performed under the observation of the geotechnical consultant. Testing and evaluation by the geotechnical consultant does not preclude the need for approval by or other requirements of the jurisdictional agencies. 6.13. Fill materials shall not be placed, spread or compacted during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rains, the filling operation shall not be resumed until tests indicate that moisture content and density of the fill meet the project guidelines. Re-grading of the near-surface soil may be needed to achieve the specified moisture content and density. 6.14. Upon completion of grading and termination of observation by the geotechnical consultant, no further filling or excavating, including that planned for footings, foundations, retaining walls or other features, shall be performed without the involvement of the geotechnical consultant. 6.15. Fill placed in areas not previously viewed and evaluated by the geotechnical consultant may have to be removed and recompacted at the contractor's expense. The depth and extent of removal of the unobserved and undocumented fill will be decided based upon review of the field conditions by the geotechnical consultant. 6.16. Off-site fill shall be treated in the same manner as recommended in these guidelines for on-site fills. Off-site fill subdrains temporarily terminated (up gradient) shall be surveyed for future locating and connection. 7.0 OVERSIZED MATERIAL Oversized material shall be placed in accordance with the following recommendations. 7.1. During the course of grading operations, rocks or similar irreducible materials greater than 6 inches in dimension (oversized material) may be generated. These materials shall not be placed within the compacted fill unless placed in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. Where oversized rock (greater than 6 inches in dimension) or similar irreducible material is generated during grading, it is recommended, where practical, to waste such material off site. 7.2. Rocks 6 inches in dimension and smaller may be utilized within the compacted fill, provided they are placed in such a manner that there is no nesting of rock. Fill shall be placed and compacted over and around the rock. The amount of rock greater than 3/4-inch in dimension shall generally not exceed 40 percent of the total dry weight of the fill mass, unless the fill is specially designed and constructed as a 'rock fill.' TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page D-6 Earthwork Guidelines 8.0 TRENCH BACKFILL The following sections provide recommendations for backfilling of trenches. 8.1. Trench backfill shall be placed in accordance with local agency requirements and the recommendations of the geotechnical report. In general, trench backfill shall consist of granular soils (bedding) extending from the trench bottom to 1 or more feet above the pipe. On-site or imported fill which has been evaluated by the geotechnical consultant may generally be used above the granular backfill. The cover soils directly in contact with the pipe shall be classified as having a very low expansion potential, in accordance with ASTM D 4829, and shall contain no rocks or chunks of hard soil larger than 3/4-inch in diameter. 8.2 Trench backfill shall, unless otherwise recommended, be compacted by mechanical means to 90 percent or greater relative compaction as evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Backfill soils shall be placed in loose lifts 8-inches thick or thinner, moisture conditioned, and compacted in accordance with the recommendations of Section 6 of these guidelines. The backfill shall be tested by the geotechnical consultant at vertical intervals of approximately 2 feet of backfill placed and at spacing along the trench of approximately 100 feet in the same lift. 8.3. Jetting or flooding is generally not recommended for densification of trench backfill and shall not be done unless approved by the geotechnical engineer. Jetting or flooding may only be allowed if trench backfill soils are sufficiently free-draining and provisions have been made for adequate dissipation of the water utilized in the jetting or flooding process. 8.4. If it is decided that jetting may be utilized, granular material with a sand equivalent greater than 30 shall be used for backfilling in the areas to be jetted. Jetting shall generally be considered for trenches 2 feet or narrower in width and 4 feet or shallower in depth. Following jetting operations, trench backfill shall be mechanically compacted to the specified compaction to finish grade. 8.5. Trench backfill which underlies the zone of influence of foundations shall be mechanically compacted to 90 percent or greater relative compaction, as evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. The zone of influence of the foundations is generally defined as the zone defined by a 1:1 downward projection from the inner and outer edges of the foundation. 8.6. Trench backfill beneath slab areas shall be compacted by mechanical means to a relative compaction of 90 percent or greater relative compaction, as evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or other standard test method recommended by the geotechnical engineer. For minor interior trenches less than 3 feet deep, density testing may be omitted or spot testing may be performed, as deemed appropriate by the geotechnical consultant. 8.7. When compacting soil in close proximity to utilities, care shall be taken by the grading contractor so that mechanical methods used to compact the soils do not damage the utilities. If the utility contractors indicate that it is undesirable to use compaction equipment in close proximity to a buried conduit, then the grading contractor may elect to use light mechanical compaction equipment or, with the approval of the geotechnical consultant, cover the conduit with clean granular material. These granular materials shall be jetted in place to the top of the conduit in accordance with the recommendations of Section 8.4 prior to initiating mechanical compaction procedures. Other methods of utility trench compaction may also be appropriate, upon review by the geotechnical consultant and the utility contractor, at the time of construction. 8.8 Clean granular backfill and/or bedding materials are not recommended for use in trenches on slopes unless provisions are made for a drainage system to mitigate the potential for buildup of seepage forces or piping of backfill materials. 8.9. The contractor shall exercise the specified safety precautions, in accordance with OSHA Trench Safety Regulations, while conducting trenching operations. Such precautions include shoring or laying back trench excavations at 1: 1 or flatter, depending on material type, for trenches in TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page D-7 Earthwork Guidelines excess of 5 feet in depth. The geotechnical consultant is not responsible for the safety of trench operations or stability of the trenches. 9.0 DRAINAGE The following sections provide recommendations pertaining to site drainage. 9.1. Roof, pad, and slope drainage shall be directed away from s opes and structures to suitable discharge areas by non-erodible devices (e.g., gutters, downspouts, concrete swales, etc.). 9.2. Positive drainage adjacent to structures shall be established and maintained. Positive drainage may be accomplished by providing drainage away from the foundations of the structure at a gradient of 2 percent or steeper for a distance of 5 feet or more outside the building perimeter, further maintained by a graded swale leading to an appropriate outlet, in accordance with the recommendations of the project civil engineer and/or landscape architect. 9.3. Surface drainage on the site shall be provided so that water is not permitted to pond. A gradient of 2 percent or steeper shall be maintained over the pad area and drainage patterns shall be established to remove water from the site to an appropriate outlet. 9.4. Care shall be taken by the contractor during finish grading to preserve any berms, drainage terraces, interceptor swales or other drainage devices of a permanent nature on or adjacent to the property. Drainage patterns established at the time of finish grading shall be maintained for the life of the project. Property owners shall be made very clearly aware that altering drainage patterns may be detrimental to slope stability and foundation performance. 10.0 SITE PROTECTION The site shall be protected as outlined in the following sections. 10.1. Protection of the site during the period of grading shall be the responsibility of the contractor unless other provisions are made in writing and agreed upon among the concerned parties. Completion of a portion of the project shall not be considered to preclude that portion or adjacent areas from the need for site protection, until such time as the project is finished as agreed upon by the geotechnical consultant, the client, and the regulatory agency. 10.2. The contractor is responsible for the stability of temporary excavations. Recommendations by the geotechnical consultant pertaining to temporary excavations are made in consideration of stability of the finished project and, therefore, shall not be considered to preclude the responsibilities of the contractor. Recommendations by the geotechnical consultait shall also not be considered to preclude more restrictive requirements by the applicable regulatory agencies. 10.3. Precautions shall be taken during the performance of site clearing, excavation, and grading to protect the site from flooding, ponding, or inundation by surface runoff. Temporary provisions shall be made during the rainy season so that surface runoff is away from and off the working site. Where low areas cannot be avoided, pumps shall be provided to remove water as needed during periods of rainfall. 10.4. During periods of rainfall, plastic sheeting shall be used as needed to reduce the potential for unprotected slopes to become saturated. Where needed, the contractor shall install check dams, desilting basins, riprap, sandbags or other appropriate devices or methods to reduce erosion and provide the recommended conditions during inclement weather. 10.5. During periods of rainfall, the geotechnical consultant shall be kept informed by the contractor of the nature of remedial or precautionary work being performed on site (e.g., pumping, placement of sandbags or plastic sheeting, other labor, dozing, etc.). TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page D-8 Earthwork Guidelines 10.6. Following periods of rainfall, the contractor shall contact the geotechnical consultant and arrange a walk-over of the site in order to visually assess rain-related damage. The geotechnical consultant may also recommend excavation and testing in order to aid in the evaluation. At the request of the geotechnical consultant, the contractor shall make excavations in order to aid in evaluation of the extent of rain-related damage. 10.7. Rain- or irrigation-related damage shall be considered to include, but may not be limited to, erosion, silting, saturation, swelling, structural distress, and other adverse conditions noted by the geotechnical consultant. Soil adversely affected shall be classified as "Unsuitable Material" and shall be subject to overexcavafion and replacement with compacted fill or to other remedial grading as recommended by the geotechnical consultant. 10.8. Relatively level areas where saturated soils and/or erosion gullies exist to depths greater than 1 foot shall be overexcavated to competent materials as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant. Where adverse conditions extend to less than 1 foot in depth, saturated and/or eroded materials may be processed in-place. Overexcavated or in-place processed materials shall be moisture conditioned and compacted in accordance with the recommendations provided in Section 6. If the desired results are not achieved, the affected materials shall be overexcavated, moisture conditioned, and compacted until the specifications are met. 10.9 During construction, the contractor shall grade the site to provide positive drainage away from structures and to keep water from ponding adjacent to structures. Water shall not be allowed to damage adjacent properties. Positive drainage shall be maintained by the contractor until permanent drainage and erosion reducing devices are installed in accordance with project plans. TAYLOR GROUP, INC. Page D-9 Earthwork Guidelines Supplemental Appendix Plot Plan, Boring Logs, and Lab Testing from Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc., 2016 2501 State Street Carlsbad, CA I 'H. wA LIiIIiiJ._. YNG I uj LU "CD w O 5 z40- 'LC) o c'J • sr I / i ft• . M% / CAAHT G-GHTHT 'I OH J / - smTe SE --- . .-.. . .. . -- ----. - - • -.: 4 /4 J afu I 1 BA-2 PRGE1 LEGEND RIGHT =N, —RCA. - - - lt OJILDIAC GJTLITE = CAP. PRACIoJS PAVER Chek By D40M0TS Sale 1 24 jAbNaT' 40417 PREPARED BY NAME MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL CARLEB D. CALIFORMA 92008 CONTA— DA- WIENER SUITE '60 Secitechnical Legend., r- C.Hneot d* Fill __________ TA p ER 440 SoN Gb afu A-1.1 AnoN ns.A.R uit'i FV?1 0' ISj* °PO0NM00ASS000bVA00R Pa"l—,o— I NTENATIONAL B —A- Plate, I PlAnt IT04I4RA-4194 Geologic Mop end EAploTotlon I SAOACAAOIOAL.CASO I. Location Plan I. QP)AGS IADVMIIW GEOJICEMEAL $OLUI1OPJSJNCI 5 1T00tO0-O.alToEA01 SHEET TITLE 110-3 20T PRELIMINARY CML SITE PLAN AL/li//ION I HO ITO AT 40 40 CR154041 DATE:4/4/CAI6 SHEET C-I p U If I. 'U £3 BORING NUMBER BA-1 (QO)AGS PAGE 1 OF I AIW4?CEO 6EO1WDtC4t SOLUIIONS, INC. CLIENT Soil Retention PROJECT NAME 2501 State Street PROJECT NUMBER1602-03 PROJECT LOCATIONCarlsbad, CA DATE STARTED 2123/16 COMPLETED 2/23/16 GROUND ELEVATION36 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Native Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHODTripod - AT TIME OF DRILLING LOGGED BY PWM CHECKED BYJAC - AT END OF DRILLING NOTES - AFTER DRILLING LU Q (I) >ri I—ui COUJ LU F- . O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w0 0Z- - <Of -J n- 2 z O oz )- LU :i: W < U) x 20 0 W Z I— o fl CO - - SM - Artificial Fill -Undocumented (afu) .1 CH I SILTY SAND with clay, fine to medium grained, brown, I I ) I moist, loose; some roots and organic material from I BU I landscaping. - — @0.5 ft. SANDY CLAY, fine to medium grained sand, ) n 4 grayish brown, very moist, firm. '1 // SC Lödu MC 7-10-10 D 5 — moist, medium dense. (20) 106 15.4 76 @6 ft. Drilling slightly harder. I CH - V CLAY, brown to grayish brown, rnois stiff. - MC 12- IS 18.3 93 Old Paratic Deposits (go (51) SAND, fire to medium grained, brown to olive brown, moist, dense. CHEM, El @12 ft. SAND, medium to coarse grained, light gray to light olive gray, moist, dense. GP @14 ft. SANDY GRAVEL, gray, subrounded, up to 3' diameter,dense. Sc SAND with CLAY and SILT, fine to coarse grained, light yellow to light yellowish brown, slightly moist, very dense. I = 1919 It. No Groundwater £3 I'll U II Ii MC 15-18-24 109 13.0 65 CONSOL MC 50/6" 102 10.7 45 SPT 30-50/5" BORING NUMBER BA-2 (QO)AGS PAGE 1 OF 1 ADVANCED GEOTGHNICAL SOUJWJNS, ING. CLIENT Soil Retention PROJECT NAME2501 State Street PROJECT NUMBER1602-03 PROJECT LOCATIONCarlsbad, CA DATE STARTED2/23/16 COMPLETED 2/23/16 GROUND ELEVATION35 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTORNative Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHODTripod AT TIME OF DRILLING_______________________________ LOGGED BYPWM CHECKED BYJAC -- AT END OF DRILLING NOTES - AFTER DRILLING z uJ (L W ; F -w z (I) I- 0 L) - U) Of F-Lu En I—) 0 I— z U) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 03 0 ccO> >.. o W z < Oz —lx O W Cl) 0 0< 0 A (l) FL SM - Artificial Fill - Undocumented (afu) I SILTY to CLAYEY SAND, fine to medium grained, brown, I GP lwet, loose . @0.5 ft. GRAVEL, angular, approx. 1/2" diameter. 2 CH@3 ft. CLAY with trace SAND, grayish brown, wet, soft; hole is caving. ..Q _._. @4.5 Slightly harder drilling. SP to medium grained, grayish brown, medium dense. SC SAND with CLAY and SILT, fine to coarse grained, light MC 13-37- 116 140 OS I greenish gray to light olive, moist, dense. 50/4" @16 ft. Light yellowish brown. TO = 16.5 ft. No GW n - NUMBER BA-3 (RAGS BORING PAGE 1 OF I ADVANCED GEOT(CUMCAL SOLUUOS, INC. CLIENT Soil Retention PROJECT NAME2501 State Street PROJECT NUMBER1602-03 PROJECT LOCATION Carlsbad, CA DATE STARTED 2/23116 COMPLETED2/23/16 GROUND ELEVATION35 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Native Drilling GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHODTripod - AT TIME OF DRILLING LOGGED BYPWM CHECKED BYJAC - AT END OF DRILLING NOTES - AFTER DRILLING z Ui (L - w Ui U) F- - U) >-O F- Ui in U)W Z F- Z 0 z UJ F- — H a. o -J MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a < o -J O.- z O> oz >- OZ -J U) Ui Ui U) - 1 O 0< W Z I- o 35 0 U- p U I r-1 Ui Cored through 5" Asphalt; over 4 concrete; over 2 Sand; - over 2' Asphalt. - SM ArfldalFill-Undocumented(afu} i SILTY SAND with CLAY, fine to medium grained, brown, JIii MAX, SC slightly moist, medium dense. @2 ft. CLAY EY SANE fine to medium graine brown, moist, medium dense. CH - (5 ft. SAN DY CLAY, fine to mectium graed sand, brown, moist, very stiff; trace white, angular gravel to 1/4 diameter. MC 1318 104 20.0 88 SP Old Paralic Deposits (Qop) I SAND, fine to medium grained, brownish gray with slight 20-21 31d 108 4.4 22 DS orange staining, slightly moist, medium dense. SC SAND with some CLAY and SILT, fine to coarse grained, yellowish brown, slightly moist. @15 ft. Slightly moist, very dense. MC 32-50/4' 96 10.9 39 CONSOL TD= 15.8 ft. No GW U II a ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. DRY DENSITY AND MOISTURE CONTENT - ASTM D2166 a Project Name: 2501 State Street Location: Carlsbad, CA Project No: 1602-03 Sample Date: 2/23/16 By: PWM Submittal Date: 2/29/16 By: PWM Test Date: 3/2/16 By: HM Boring No. BA-1 BA-1 BA-1 BA-1 BA-2 BA-2 BA-3 BA-3 BA-3 Depth (ft) 4' 8' 12' 16' 12' 16' 5' 10' 15' Moisture 15.4 18.3 13.0 10.7 14.0 11.3 20.0 4.4 10.9 Content (%) Dry Density108.3 109.4 108.6 102.3 115.5 101.6 103.8 F7.5 107.9 (pcf) ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. EXPANSION INDEX - ASTM D4829 Project Name: 2501 State Street Excavation: BA-1 Location: Carlsbad, CA Depth: 0-3 File No: 1602-03 Description: Grayish Brown Sandy Clay Date: 3/6/16 By: H-M Expansion Index - ASTM D4829 Initial Dry Density (pcf): 103.4 Initial Moisture Content (%): 12.0 Initial Saturation (%): 51.5 Final Dry Density (pcf): 106.3 Final Moisture Content (%): 21.5 Final Saturation (%): 92.3 Expansion Index: 103 Potential Expansion: High ASTM D4829 - Table 5.3 Expansion Index Potential Expansion 0-20 Very Low 21-50 Low 51 -90 Medium 91-130 High >130 _____ Very High 140.0 135.0 130.0 115.0 110.0 105.0 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. MAXIMUM DENSITY - ASTM D1557 Project Name: 2501 State Street Excavation: BA-3 Location: Carlsbad, CA Depth: 14 Project No.: 1602-03 Description: Dark Brown Clayey Sand Date: 2/26/2016 By: H-M Method A Test Number 1 2 3 4 Dry Density (pcf) 113.3 118.6 118.0 112.1 Moisture Content (%) 9.9 12.5 14.5 15.8 Max Density T1TT — rTTr TL T -r H --i -' qTT t11F Tt ti — — — - lJ cr r 1 HT ... Test Curve Zero Air Voids Curves — I - -----SG=26 . ---SG=2.7 :i 4 L 7 i..'. 1....... .1 \i --SG2.8 HEr 4............i• - - • - - _&- ..\L_ EFr.,Tf ITT.E.. T I - T • 1 JLIL. .... YflT flT TTn TF 1f H4 ____ i -t____•1___- -11t K_I-____I 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Moisture (%) Maximum Density 119.0 pcf Optimum Moisture 13.5 % 100.0 0.0 4000 3500 3000 ' 2500 0. 2000 1500 1000 500 lo - 7 / .000 rz .00 00 100 0 Peak Peak - - - 0 Ultimate - - - Ultimate - --- 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 Normal Stress (psf) 0 Im 0 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. DIRECT SHEAR - ASTM D3080 Project Name: 2501 State St. Excavation: BA-2 Location: Carlsbad, CA Depth: 12' Project No.: 1502-03 Sample Type: Undisturbed Date: 3/4/16 By: HM Method: Drained Consolidation: Yes Saturation: Yes Shearing Rate (in/mm): 0.04 Samples Tested 1 2 3 Normal Stress (psf) 1000 2000 4000 Maximum Shear Stress (psfl 1392 2436 3504 Ultimate Shear Stress (psf) 792 1356 2640 Initial Moisture Content (%) 14.0 1 14.0 1 14.0 Initial Dry Density (pcf) 108.7 1 105.4 1 105.6 Peak Ultimate Friction Angle, phi (deg) 34 32 Cohesion (psf) 750 150 4000 near stress V. Vertical Deformation v. Displacement 3500 0.02 3000 0.01 . 2500 0.00 2000 .2 -0.01 1.500 1000 -0.02 500 >0.03 0 -0.04 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Displacement (In) Displacement (in) op 7 - - - -- - - - - - 0 Peak - - - ______ Peak 0 Ultimate - — — — Ultimate - 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Normal Stress (psf) 3500 3000 500 0 0 2500 S. 1000 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. DIRECT SHEAR - ASTM D3080 Project Name: 2501 State St. Excavation: BA-3 Location: Carlsbad, CA Depth: 10' Project No.: 1602-03 Sample Type: Undisturbed Date: 3/5/16 By: HM Samples Tested 1 2 3 Normal Stress (psf) 1000 2000 4000 Maximum Shear Stress (psf) 960 1404 2688 Ultimate Shear Stress (psf) 708 1356 2196 Initial Moisture Content (%) 4.4 4.4 1 4.4 Initial Dry Density (pcf) 103.0 104.0 101.9 Method: Drained Consolidation: Yes Saturation: Yes Shearing Rate (in/mm): 0.04 Peak Ultimate Friction Angle, phi (deg) 31 28 Cohesion (psf) 300 175 3000 near stress V. uispiaci 2500 / .. .. 2000 1500 15 '000 FV 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Displacement (in) Displacement (in) 0.03 0.02 C 0.01 0.00 -0.o1 -0.02 >0.03 -0.04 0 Peak - Peak o Uftima:e — — Ultima:e 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Normal Stress (psf) 3500 3000 2500 500 0 0 2000 Un C) 1500 0.03 -0.02 2500 2000 0. 1500 U, near zaress V. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. DIRECT SHEAR - ASTM 03080 Project Name: 2501 State St. Excavation: BA-3 Location: Carlsbad, CA Depth: 1-4' Project No.: 1602-03 Sample Type: Remolded to 90% Date: 3/6/16 By: HM Method: Drained Consolidation: Yes Saturation: Yes Shearing Rate (in/mm): 0.04 Samples Tested 1 2 3 Normal Stress (psf) 1000 2000 4000 Maximum Shear Stress (psf) 936 1536 1992 Ultimate Shear Stress (psf) 912 1524 1980 Initial Moisture Content (%) 13.5 13.5 13.5 Initial Dry Density (pcf) 106.2 106.2 106.2 Peak Ultimate Friction Angle, phi (deg) 23 22 Cohesion (psf) 550 500 500 >0.03 0 .004 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Displacement (in) Displacement (in) ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. CONSOLIDATION - ASTM D2435 Project Name: 2501 State Street Excavation: BA-1 Location: Carlsbad, CA Depth: 12' Project No: 1602-03 Description: Date: 3/2/2016 By: HIM Consolidation-Pressure Curve Normal Pressure (ksf) 1 10 0 added C.) 4 -5 -6 Test Description: Before Test After Test Water Content, w 13.0% 19.6% Void Ratio, e 0.70 0.64 Saturation, S 50% 83% Dry Density (pcf) 99.2 102.8 Wet Density (pcf) 112.0 122.9 ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. CONSOLIDATION - ASTM D2435 Project Name: 2501 State Street Excavation: BA-3 Location: Carlsbad, CA Depth: 1 Project No: 1602-03 Description:_ Date: 3/2/2016 By: HM Test Description: Before Test After Test Water Content, w 10.9% 15.1% Void Ratio, e 0.46 0.45 Saturation, S 64% 92% Dry Density (pcf) 115.2 116.5 Wet Density (pcf) 127.7 134.1 ANAHEIM TEST LAB, INC Ap 3008 ORANGE AVENUE SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92707 PHONE (714) 549-7267 Advanced Geotechnical Solutions, Inc 2842 Walnut Avenue, Suite C-i - Tustin, CA 92780 Attn: Sean Donovan DATE: 03/07/1 6 P.O. NO.: Verbal LAB NO.: B-9160 SPECIFICATION: CA-417/422/643 MATERIAL: Soil J.N.: 1602-03 Project: 2501 State Street Carlsbad ANALYTICAL REPORT CORROSION SERIES SUMMARY OF DATA PH SOLUBLE SULFATES SOLUBLE CHLORIDES MIN. RESISTIVITY per CA. 417 per CA. 422 per CA. 643 ppm ppm ohm-cm BA-i @0-3' 7.7 148 74 1,300 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED _ WES BRIDGER CHEMIST