HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 03-12; WATER QUALITY TECHNICAL REPORT; 2003-08-12WATER DUALITY TECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED FOR: CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS, LLC 1241 Carlsbad Village Drive Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92008 (760) 434-1400 PREPARED BY: BUCCOLA ENGINEERING, INC. 3142 Vista Way' Suite 301 Oceanside, California 92056 (760) 721-2000 August 12, 2003 172-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Purpose 2.0 Introduction 3.0 Determination of Applicable Storm Water BMP Requirements 4.0 Sight Description 4.1 Existing Drainage Patterns and Facilities 4.2 Proposed Site Development Drainage Patterns and Facilities 5.0 Criteria for Identification of Pollutants of Concern 5.1 Identification of Pollutants From the Project Area 5.2 Identification of Receiving Waters 5.3 Identification of 303(d) Impaired Waters 5.4 Identification of Pollutants of Concern 6.0 Criteria for Identification of Conditions of Concern 6.1 Summary Evaluation of the Preliminary Hydrology Study 6.2 Identification of Conditions of Concern 7.0 Establishing Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) 7.1 Site Design BMPs 7.2 Source Control BMPs 7.3 BMPs for Individual Priority Project Categories 7.4 Selection of Treatment Control BMPs 7.5 Numeric Sizing Design 7.6 Location of Treatment Control BMPs 7.7 Infiltration BMPs - Use and Restrictions 7.8 Wavier of Treatment Control BMP Requirements 8.0 Storm Water BMP Maintenance 8.1 Maintenance Mechanisms 8.2 Verification Mechanisms 8.3 Maintenance Requirements 9.0 Summary and Conclusion Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccoa Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 10.0 Figures I Vicinity Map 2 USGS Location Map 3 85th Percentile Precipitation Isopluvial Map 4 Existing Site Condition & Drainage Pattern Exhibit 5 Proposed Site Development & Drainage Pattern Exhibit 6 Table I - Priority Project Storm Water BMP Requirements Matrix 7 Table 2 - Anticipated & Potential Pollutants by Land Use Type 8 Table 4— Structural Treatment Control BMP Selection Matrix 9 Permanent Storm Water BMP Exhibit 10 Treatment Control BMP -Grass-lined Swale Detail Appendices Appendix A - Storm Water Requirements Applicability Checklists Part A: Determine Priority Project Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements Part B: Determine Standard Permanent Storm Water Requirements Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 1.0 Purpose This report has been prepared to address storm water pollution control objectives as mandated by the Clean Water Act (CWA) and as regulated by the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region (SDRWQCB), the Model Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (MSUSMP) for San Diego County and the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan, Storm Water Standards (SUSMP). This report identifies storm water quality concerns associated with the development of the 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive site. The discussion will include the identification of the Receiving Waters for each discharge point, the Conditions of Concern (COCs) and the Pollutants of Concern POCs). The narrative will also include descriptions of the existing and proposed site drainage patterns and facilities. The plan will also address the objectives of employing Best Management Practices (BMPs), coupled with an effective monitoring and maintenance program as a means for providing long-term water quality, to the maximum extent practicable (MEP). The Water Quality Technical Report is submitted, as required, as part of the review process for discretionary permit application. As such, this report will not address construction related storm water concerns as provided for in the City of Carlsbad SUSMP. Identification of construction related sources of water pollution and the application of mitigating BMPs is typically discussed in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The subject project will not be required to prepare a SWPPP as the area of disturbance is less than 1 acre. However, the waiving of the SWPPP recuirement does not release the developer from the responsibility of obtaining a grading permit and an approved erosion control plan. The specified BMPs shall be installed, monitored and maintained, in an acceptable manner, as determined by City Inspection Staff. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 2.0 Introduction The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (also referred to as the Clean Water Act [CWA]) was amended in 1972 to make it unlawful to discharge pollutants to the waters of the United States from any point source, unless the discharge is in compliance with an NPDES permit. In 1990, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) published final regulations that established storm water permit application requirements. The RWQCB has since elected to adopt one statewide General Permit. In response, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region (SDRWQCB), has published Order No. 2001-01, NPDES No. CA50108758 to enable the implementation of Federally mandated controls on a local level. The order divides the region into Watershed Management Areas (WMAs) and assigns Municipal Copermitteés to regulate storm water related activities within a particular WMA. Each Copermittee owns or operates a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) through which it discharges urban runoff into waters of the United States within the San Diego Region. Each Copermittee is responsible for meeting the provisions contained in Division 7 of the California Water Code, the CWA and regulations adopted hereunder. In accordance with Section F.1.b.(2) Order No. 2001-01, the Copermittees have approved a Model SUSMP for San Diego County, Port of San Diego and Cities in San Diego County. The City of Carlsbad is identified as a Municipal Copermittee under Section 1 of SDRWQCB, Order No. 2001-01. As a Copermittee, under Section 10 of Order No. 2001-01, the City of Carlsbad is responsible for implementing an Urban Runoff Management Program (URMP) that is designed to reduce discharges of pollutants that flow into and from MS4s to the maximum extent practicable (MEP). In addition, the City of Carlsbad, under Section D.1 of SDRWQCB, Order No. 2001-01, has legal authority to establish, maintain and enforce adequate legal authority to control pollutant discharges into and from its MS4 through ordinance, statute, permit, contract or similar means. Pursuant to Section D.1 of the previously cited SDRWQCB order, the City of Carlsbad has prepared a SUSMP to define Urban Runoff Requirements for Priority New Development and Redevelopment Projects. The requirements of the SUSMP are ap?licable to the 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project as defined under Appendix A, Storm Water Requirements Applicability Checklist. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 3.0 Determination of Applicable Storm Water BMP Requirements The City of Carlsbad SUSMP provides Appendix A as a mechanism to determine the Applicable Storm Water BMP Requirements. The SUSMP requires the completion of Section 1, Part A and Part B, as part of the review process for application of discretionary permit review. The checklist is designed to provide a standard to define and identify the land use of Priority Projects. The completion of SUSMP Appendix A, Section 1, Part A; indicates that the proposed project development is defined under item 8 as Parking lots greater than or equal to 5,000 or with, at least 15' parking spaces that are potentially exposetO4 rba runoff. The proposed development will include 36 parking spaces over an arep ofxxx square feet. The completion of SUSMP Appendix A, Section 1, Part B; identifies that the project proponent is cited as including the following elements as part of the proposed site development. Item 1 New impervious areas, such as rooftops, roads, parking lots, driveways, paths and sidewalks Item 2 New pervious landscape areas and irrigation systems Item 4 Trash storage areas Item 9 Any grading or ground disturbance during construction The SUSMP also provides Table 1 - Standard Development Project & Priority Project Storm Water BMP Requirements Matrix. A review of the matrix indicates that the project is required to incorporate site design BMPs, source control BMPs and treatment control BMPs. The project is also subject to BMPs applicable to individual Priority Project Categories. The completed checklists; Section 1, Part A: Determination of Priority Project Permanent Stom Water BMP Requirements may be found in Appendix A, while the checklist for Section 1, Part B: Determination of Standard Permanent Storm Water Requirements is located in Appendix B of this report. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 4.0 Site Description The project is located in the northwestern portion of the City of Carlsbad, southeast of Carlsbad Village Drive west of Interstate 5 (Figure 1). The property fronts the existing Carlsbad Village Drive and contains 0.46 fallow acres. The site topography contains grades 8% and 33%. Elevation ranges are between 120 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) at the northeast site boundary to 111 feet MSL at the southwest project boundary. The project area does not contain any existing structures, trees or groundcover. 4.1 Existing Drainage, Patterns and Facilities The site is contained within the Agua Hedionda Watershed Basin Designation as indicated in the Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan City of Carlsbad, California March, 1994. Flows from the project site are conveyed west, under Interstate 5, by a double 24" RCP storm drain. The flows are intercepted in MS4s, City of Carlsbad - Facility Designations BBB, BB and BBA. Facility BBA is indicated as a 30"RCP storm drain that outfalls to a location on the north bank of Agua 1-ledionda Lagoon, east of Interstate 5. The existing topography generally drains from northeast to southwest and is bound to the northeast by an existing fire station, to the southeast by existing residential development, to the southwest by an existing office building and to the northwest by the existing Carlsbad Village Drive. The existing drainage regime includes offsite sheet flow contributed by the existing fire station. Flows sheet flow across the site, from east to west and are conveyed north, within an existing swale to a historical outfall location on the existing Carlsbad Village Drive. Existing onsite drainage patterns and facilities are delineated on Figure 4. 4.2 Proposed Site Development Drainage Patterns and Facilities The proposed site development will consist of a multi-storied commercial building with supporting onsite parking. The proposed building covers approximately 30% of the parking area. The site is designed to mimic the historic runoff pattern by allowing storm runoff to sheet flow across the parking lot in a southwesterly direction. The finish surface, of the southwest, limit of the parking lot, will be even with the adjacent finish grade, allowing flow to pass directly into a proposed grass-lined swale treatment BMP. The swale location and direction of drainage mimics the historic condition. The treated flows will be conveyed northerly to a proposed D-25 under sidewalk drain, located at the historic outfall location on Carlsbad Village Drive. Proposed onsite drainage patterns and facilities are delineated on Figure 5. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 5.0 Criteria for Identification of Pollutants of Concern The City of Carlsbad SUSMP mandates that priority projects identify historical and anticipated sources of pollutants. Procedures are outlined and information is provided to aid in the identification of possible sources of pollution that may impair the beneficial uses of a receiving water. 5.1 Identification of Pollutants From the Project Area A site reconnaissance was performed on May 29, 2003 to identify possible existing sources of pollution and conditions of concern. The. site is accessed by a single driveway I dirt road. and has been cleared of buildings, trees and groundcover. The project area contains a sparse cover of weeds. Existing visible sources of pollutants appear to be denuded areas and light amounts of trash. The fire station, located upstream of the site appears to contribute untreated runoff from impervious building and parking lot areas. There is evidence of silt introduction to run off in the form of ruts and small alluvial fans in the denuded areas. However there is no apparent evidence of run off concentration points adjacent to the street or downstream property that would indicate the introduction of silt. Non-visible sources of pollutants from the site may include the introduction of hydrocarbons from upstream fire department parking lot. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 5.2 Identification of Receiving Waters The State Water Resources Control Board has adopted a Basin Plan that was initially developed in the early 1960s by the State Department of Water Resources (DWR). The purpose of the Basin Plan is to preserve water quality and protect the beneficial uses of all regional waters in California. The Basin Plan recognizes the regional differences in water quality and quantity, and is designed to facilitate administration of a water quality plan. Subsequently, in the early 1970s, the State Board enumerated the Basin Planning Areas, Hydrologic Units, Areas and Subareas of the State. In accordance with the early DWR definitions, Hydrologic Units are the entire watershed of one or more streams; hydrologic areas are major tributaries and/or major groundwater basin within the Hydrologic Unit; and Hydrologic Subareas are major subdivisions of the Hydrologic Areas including both water-bearing and nonwater-bearing formations. These boundaries should not be confused with the CWA 303(d) designation, which mandates the identification of impaired waters within the state and is discussed in Section 5.3 of this report. The 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive site is located within: Hydrologic Unit Basin Planning Area 9— San Diego Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit - Basin Number 904.00 Agua Hedionda Hydrologic Area - 904.30 Los Monos Hydrologic Sub-Area - Sub-Basin Number 904.31 The Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit is a roughly triangular-shaped area of about 210 square miles, extending from Lake Wohlford on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west, and from Vista on the north to Cardiff-by-the-Sea on the south. The unit includes the cities of Oceanside, Carlsbad, Leucadia, Encinitas, Cardiff-by-the Sea, Vista and Escondido. The unit is drained by the following creeks; Buena Vista, Agua Hedionda, San Marcos and Escondido. The Carlsbad Unit contains four major coastal lagoons; Buena Vista, Agua Hedionda, Batiquitos and San Elijo. Agua Hedionda Lagoon is located at the mouth of Agua Hedionda Creek in the City of Carlsbad. The lagoon is routinely dredged to keep it open to the ocean. The lagoon serves as an integral part of a utility power plant cooling water intake system and also serves as a reserve cooling water supply. A limited portion of the lagoon supports an aquaculture farm, while the eastern portion of the lagoon is used for water-oriented recreation. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 5.3 Identification of 303(d) Impaired Waters Section 303(d)(1)(A) of the CWA specifies that each State shall identify those waters within its boundaries for which the effluent limitations required by sections cited in the CWA "are not stringent enough to implement any water quality standard applicable to such waters. The State shall establish a priority ranking of such waters... taking into account the severity of the pollution and the uses to be made of such waters." In summary, the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Water Body mandates that the State(s) list the impaired bodies of water in which water quality does not meet applicable water quality standards and/or is not expected to meet water quality standards, even after the application of technology based pollution controls required by the CWA. The discharge of urban runoff to these water bodies by the Copermittees is significant because these discharges can cause or contribute to violations of applicable water quality standards. The USEPA approved a list of Impaired Waters prepared by the SDRWQCB on 12 May 1999. The City of Carlsbad SUSMP requires the identification of all downstream Receiving and Impaired Waters. According to the SDRWQCB the Impaired Receiving Waters of the 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project are defined as follows: Agua Hedionda Lagoon Regional —9 (San Diego) Water Body Type "E" - Estuaries Name - Agua Hedionda Lagoon Caiwater Watershed - 90431000 Pollutant/Stressor - Bacteria Indicators Potential Sources - Nonpoint/Point Source TMDL Priority - Low Estimated Size Affected - 6.8 acres Proposed TMDL Completion - Not Available/Unpublished Pollutant/Stressor - Sediment/Siltation Potential Sources - Nonpoint/Point Source TMDL Priority - Low Estimated Size Affected - 6.8 acres Proposed TMDL Completion -Not Available/Unpublished Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 5.4 Identification of Pollutants of Concern The City of Carlsbad SUSMP states that upon identifying pollutants generated by proposed priority projects, the receiving waters for each discharge point and the pollutants identified in the 303(d) list, that a comparison be drawn to determine the primary and secondary pollutants of concern. The SUSMP contains Table 2 , which provides a list of "Anticipated and Potential Pollutants Generated by Land Use Types". The listed pollutants reflect possible sources of pollution related to the post-development land use. The 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project is a commercial development of less than 100,000 square feet with a supporting parking lot. Table 2 lists the following Potential Pollutants Generated by Land Use Types: Parking Lots Sediments (if landscaping exists onsite) Nutrients (if landscaping exists onsite) Heavy Metals Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances (if landscaping exists onsite) Oil & Grease Pesticides (if landscaping exists onsite) As previously noted in Section 5.3, the 303(d) Impaired Waters, the pollutants/stressors identified as impairing Agua Hedionda Lagoon are categorized as Low Priority - Bacteria Indicators and Low Priority - Sediment/Siltation. Bacteria Indicators are analogous to bacteria and viruses that comprise the ubiquitous microorganisms that thrive under certain environmental conditions. The proliferation of bacteria and viruses is typically caused by the inclusion of animal or human fecal wastes to the watershed. Coliform is an example of bacteria associated with fecal wastes. Webster's Dictionary defines "coliform" as, of or relating to, or like the colon bacillus, normally occurring in all vertebrate intestinal tracts. Escherichia coli. Water containing excessive levels of bacterial indicators can alter the aquatic habitat and create a harmful environment for humans and aquatic life. Eutrophic forms of water pollution are manifest in bodies of water in which the increase of mineral and organic nutrients has reduced the dissolved oxygen therefore, producing an environment that favors plant life over animal life. Concentrations of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, in bodies of water can lead to excessive growth of aquatic plants and algae. Excessive growth may cause above normal decay of organic material and a subsequent reduction in dissolved oxygen in a process referred to as eutrophication. Table 2 of the SUSMP specifically excludes Bacteria & Viruses from the General Pollutant Categories associated with the project development. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 6.0 Criteria for Identification of Conditions of Concern Changes to the hydrologic regime of a priority project would be considered a condition of concern if the change(s) were to impact the "integrity of downstream channels and habitat". To determine the Conditions of Concern, the SUSMP requires the following steps be followed for each priority project. Evaluate the projects COCs in a drainage (hydrology) report prepared by a qualified registered civil engineer. Section 6.1 of this plan provides a Summary Evaluation of the Preliminary Hydrology Report. Perform a field reconnaissance of the project area to observe and report on down stream conditions. The existing site observations are discussed in Section 4 of this plan, while the relationship between the existing and developed conditions and the effect upon run off characteristics is discussed in Section .1 of the WQTR. Compute rainfall characteristics from the project area Predevelopment and post-development runoff characteristics are calculated as part of the Preliminary Hydrology Report. The findings thereof are discussed in Section 6.1 of the WQTR Water Quality Technical Report Se Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive . Buccole Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 6.1 Summary Evaluation of the Preliminary Hydrology Report A site reconnaissance was performed and drainage study completed to analyze effects of the predevelopment and post development drainage impacts to the site. The existing site observations are discussed in Section 4 of this report. The proposed project will consist of a multi-storied commercial building with a supporting parking lot. As previously mentioned, the proposed building will cover approximately 30% of the proposed parking lot. The existing hydrologic regime divides the site into two drainage basins. A small portion of the site drains southwesterly, discharging 0.04 cfs to an offsite location. The greater portion of the site drains westerly and contributes 0.85 cfs to Carlsbad Village Drive. The developed site runoff condition mimics the historic drainage patterns. A complete Preliminary Hydrology Report for the 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Tentative Map is included as part of the Review Process for Discretionary Actions. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 6.2 Identification of Conditions of Concern Common impacts to the hydrologic regime resulting from development typically include increased runoff volume and velocity; reduced infiltration; increased flow frequency, duration and peaks; faster time to reach peak flow; and water quality degradation. These changes have the potential to permanently impact downstream channels and habitat integrity. A change to a priority project site's hydrologic regime would be considered a condition of concern if the change would impact downstream channels and habitat integrity. Possible COCs, as identified in the SUSMP, that are associated with the development of the 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project include the following: An increase in runoff volume Reduced infiltration Water quality degradation The development of the 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project will increase the site runoff by 0.67 cfs. The Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan, dated March 1994 indicates that the site is part of a larger watershed that contributes to an existing 72" RCP storm drain with a pipe slope of 0.93%. Assuming the depth of flow in the 72" pipe to be '/2 the pipe diameter, or 3 feet, the pipe would carry approximately 204 cfs. Employing this very conservative approach indicates that the increase in flow to the receiving water is a negligible 0.3 %. However, it is safe to assume that the storm drain facility is designed to carry flows approaching non- pressure flow capacity. Such a comparison would yield an increase in flow of 0.1 % to the entire downstream habitat and facilities. It is the determination of this report that such a minor increase in flohe overall watershed does not constitute a negative impact to downstream channels and habitat integrity. Reduced infiltration and water quality degradation concerns are addressed by employing site, source and treatment control BMPs; The site design BMPs are discussed in Section 7.1 while, source control BMPs are addressed in Section 7.2 of this report. The 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project also proposes the construction of treatment control BMPs that will reduce or remove pollutants of concern. The selection and function the BMPs are discussed in Section 7.4 through 7.6 of the WQTR. Wafer Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.0 Establishing Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) The SUSMP dictates that all priority projects shall implement storm water, BMPs to mitigate the identified pollutants and conditions of concern. BMPs shall follow the requirements outlined in the SUSMP and shall be designed as to remove pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. All priority projects shall incorporate the applicable storm water BMPs into the project design. Table 1 - "Priority Project Storm Water BMP Requirements Matrix" specifies the application of Site Design, Source Control and Treatment Control BMPs based upon land use. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Duccola Engineering, Inc. C9rlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.1 Site Design BMPs Site Control BMPs shall minimize the introduction of pollutants to the maximum extent possible (MEP). Priority projects will provide hydrologic project design that "attempts to mimic" the natural hydrology. The 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project is a commercial development of less than 100,000 square feet with a supporting parking lot. Table 1 lists the requirements for the application of Site Design BMPs. Section ifi (2)A —Maintain Pre-development Rainfall Runoff Characteristics, provides examples of site design BMPs. The 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project employs the following Site Design BMPs: Minimize impervious area Incorporate landscape buffer areas Drive aisles designed with minimal pavement width Increased building density, minimized building footprint Increase Rainfall Infiltration . Direct rooftop runoff to pervious (landscape) areas Maximize Rainfall Interception Maximized canopy interception by the planting of trees and large shrubs Minimize Directly Connected Impervious Areas (DCIAs) Draining rooftops into adjacent landscaping prior to discharging to the storm drain Parking areas into adjacent landscaping Slope protection Planting and irrigating slope groundcover and canopy The site layout has been designed to maintain pre-development runoff characteristics by producing a modest increase of 0.67 cfs in total site runoff and by returning storm runoff to historic outfall locations. Drive aisle widths have been minimized. Lot landscaping will provide filtration for roof drains and lot runoff while, grated private drains will capture debris and silt before flows outfall to the street. Runoff from slopes will be conveyed across vegetated areas to minimize the possibility of introducing silt to the runoff. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. C9rIsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.2 Source Control BMPs Source Control BMPs are designed to prevent storm water pollution at the source. These BMPs shall be used in concert with Site Design BMPs to minimize the introduction of pollutants to the maximum extent possible (MEP). Reference is made to Section ifi (2)B - Source Control BMPs, which lists the requirements for the application of Source Control BMPs. The 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project will employ the following Source Control BMPs: Post signs and prohibitive language that prohibits illegal dumping at public access points . Maintain legibility of stencils and signs . Use of efficient irrigation systems and landscape design Irrigation systems are designed to address specific water requirements . Covered Trash Enclosures To further reduce the sources of pollutants, the parking lot shall receive regularly scheduled sweeping. CCRs will specify that outdoor or uncovered storage of materials is not acceptable. The landscape plan is designed to maximize canopy interception by providing a generous number and varied palette of trees and shrubs. In addition, ground-coverings have been selected to create areas for storm water treatment. Moreover, the specific irrigation recuirements for each landscape area have been considered and addressed during the landscape design process. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Duccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.3 BMPs for Individual Priority Project Categories The City of Carlsbad SUSMIP requires that storm water BMPs shall be selected during the design process for applicable priority projects. The following is a listing of Individual Priority Project Categories as cited in Section ifi (2)C that are a part of the proposed development and are addressed in the site design: . Surface Parking Areas The remaining list of Individual Priority Project Categories are contained herein, however are not applicable to the 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project: Private Roads Residential Driveways & Guest Parking Dock Areas Maintenance Bays Vehicle & Equipment Wash Areas Outdoor Processing Areas Non-retail Fueling Areas Hillside Landscaping Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. C9r!sbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.4 Selection of Treatment Control BMPs The SUSMP states that projects shall be designed to remove pollutants of concern from the storm water conveyance system to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) through the incorporation of treatment control BMPs. Treatment control BMPs must be implemented unless, a wavier is granted to the project by the City Engineer, which indicates the lack of a feasible treatment control BMP. Priority projects shall be designed to remove pollutants of concern from the storm water conveyance system to the MEP through the use of treatment control BMPs. The selection process also requires the comparison of the list of pollutants for which the downstream receiving waters are impaired, with the anticipated pollutants generated by land use. Refer to Section 5.1 of this report, Identification of Pollutants of Concern, for a complete list of Primary and Secondary Pollutants of Concern. Where a site generates both primary and secondary pollutants of concern, as is the case with 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive, the primary pollutants of concern shall receive priority for BMP selection. The SUSMP provides a Treatment Control BMP Selection Matrix as a reference in determining the appropriate treatment control BMP(s). The 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project employs a combination of vegetated areas and swales that perform as biofiltration treatment BMPs to reduce the Pollutants of Concern. The selection of grass-lined swales as biofilter treatment BMPs is based upon the physical constraints posed by the size of the site and the required number of parking spaces. A comparison between the efficiency of the treatment control BMPs, as listed in Figure 8, and the pollutant priority (low or medium, per Section 4.1) of the impaired receiving waters indicate that the selected Treatment Control BMP efficiency is equal to or exceeds the impaired water pollutant priority. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.5 Numeric Sizing Design The SUSMP provides criteria for the Numeric Sizing Design of treatment control BMPs. The sizing of treatment control BMPs may be based upon flow or volume calculations. The calculation provided in this report is based upon the flow rate of runoff produced from a rainfall intensity of 0.2 inch of rainfall per hour for each hour of a storm event as described in Section ifi (2) D, Table 3 - Numeric Sizing Treatment Standards of the SUSMP. Calculation of the 85th percentile runoff is as follows: Q = C I A where C = Runoff Coefficient, San Diego County criteria I =0.2 inches A = Basin Area, in acres The 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive site is contains a two storm water drainage basins. The hydrology study and Figure 9 identify the treatment BMP type and location for the two runoff basins. The flow based calculation for the eastern storm water drainage basin, grass-lined swale treatment BMP is as follows: Node 108 where C 0.85 1= 0.2 A =0.08 Q =0.Olcfs The flow based calculation at the western storm water drainage basin, grass-lined swale treatment BMP is as follows: Node 206 where C = 0.85 1= 0.2 A=0.41 Q =0.07cfs Calculations indicating the flow characteristics of each grass-lined swale are contained on the following two pages. Channel calculations are based upon a trapezoidal channel 10 feet wide with side slopes of 4:1 (horizontal:vertical) and a base width of 4 feet, a longitudinal slope of 1% (respectively) and a Manning's n value of 0.033 (Handbook of Hydraulics, Brater & King, 6th edition). Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.5 Numeric Sizing Design (cont.) The City and County of Los Angeles have created a Manual for the Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP). The manual provides an introduction, permitting and inspection procedures, the body of the SUSMP, tables and appendices. Appendix B, of the manual, provides criteria for the design of treatment control BMPs. Since the City of Carlsbad SUSMP does not provide treatment BMP design criteria, this plan refers to the design criteria outlined in Appendix B, B.13 Vegetative Swale, of the Los Angeles SUSMP Manual. As outlined in the LASUSMP, Appendix B.13, Table 1, the criteria for swale performance is listed by parameter, optimal and minimum criteria, and is summarized as follows: Criteria Hydraulic residence time Average flow velocity Swale width Swale length Swale slope Side slope ratio (horiz:vert) Optimal - Minimum 9 minutes - 5 minutes 0.9 fps - not available, not published 8 feet - 2 feet 200 feet - 100 feet 2-6%-1% 4:1 —2:1 Swale Performance Data at Node 108 is as follows: Flow rate of system = 0.01 cfs Longitudinal slope of system = 1.0% Swale shape = trapezoidal Channel base width .= 4 feet Side slope ration = 4:1 Depth of Flow (Normal Depth) = 0.01 feet Velocity of channel flow = 0.26 fps Swale Performance Data at Node 208 is as follows: Flow rate of system = 0.07 cfs Longitudinal slope of system = 1.0% Swale shape = trapezoidal Channel base width =4 feet Side slope ration = 4:1 Depth of Flow (Normal Depth) = 0.01 feet Velocity of channel flow = 0.85 fps Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.6 Location of Treatment Control BMPs According to the SUSMP treatment control BMPs should be implemented close to pollution sources to minimize costs and maximize pollutant removal prior to runoff entering receiving waters and may be combined with flood control structures. The grass-lined swale treatment control BMPs are located adjacent to the source of runoff. The locations of the treatment control BMPs are delineated on Figure 9 of this report. Water Qualify Technical Report SYte Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.7 Infiltration BMPs - Use and Restrictions BMPs that are designed to function primarily as infiltration devices, such as infiltration basins and trenches, are subject to restrictions as outlined in the SUSMP. As groundwater basin data becomes available, the City Engineer may develop restrictions on the use of incidental infiltration devices such as grassy swales, vegetated buffer strips, detention basins or constructed wetlands. Three factors significantly influence the potential for urban runoff infiltration devices to contaminate ground water basins. They are (i) pollutant mobility, (ii) pollutant abundance in urban runoff and (iii) soluble fraction of pollutant. The risk of contamination of groundwater may be reduced by pretreatment of urban runoff. A discussion of the limitations and guidance for the application of infiltration practices is contained in the Environmental Protection Agency Report Number EPA/600/R-941051, Potential Groundwater Contamination from Intentional and Nonintentional Stormwater Infiltration, USEPA (1994). To protect groundwater quality, the City Engineer may apply restrictions to the use of any BMPs that are designed to primarily function as infiltration devices. As additional groundwater basin data is obtained, the City Engineer may develop additional restrictions on the use of any BMPs that allow for incidental infiltration. At present, the City Engineer has not imposed specific restrictions on the use of incidental infiltration devices. However, the use of structural treatment control BMPs that are designed to primarily function as infiltration devices shall meet the following conditions. Applicable Restrictions . All dry weather flows shall be diverted from infiltration devices. Dry weather flows include, but are not limited to, irrigation runoff, hosing down driveways and car washing. The 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project will comply with this restriction by use of efficient irrigation systems and landscape design and by Covenant, Condition and Restriction that prohibits the washing of cars or hosing down rather than sweeping driveways and parking areas. Pollution prevention and source control BMPs shall be implemented at a level appropriate to protect groundwater quality at sites where infiltration structural treatment control BMPs are used. As cited in Section 7.4 of the WQTR, the 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive site contains landscape areas that provide filtration Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering.1 Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.7 Infiltration BMPs - Use and Restrictions (cont.) Non-Applicable Restrictions . Urban runoff from commercial developments Vertical distance from the base of an infiltration device the seasonal high groundwater mark shall be at least 10 feet, or as determined by the City Engineer The soil through which infiltration is to occur shall have physical characteristics that are adequate for proper infiltration and for the protection of groundwater for beneficial uses Infiltration structural treatment control BMPs shall not be used in areas of industrial or light industrial activity . The horizontal distance between the base of any infiltration BMP and water supply wells shall be 100 feet or as determined by the City Engineer. 100 feet or as determined by the City Engineer. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 7.8 Wavier of Treatment Control BMP Requirements The City Engineer may provide for a project to be waived from the requirement of implementing structural treatment control BMPs (discussed in Section 3.2.4) if infeasibility can be established. Waivers may only be granted from structural treatment control BMP and structural treatment control BMP sizing requirements. Priority development projects, whether or not granted a waiver may not cause or contribute to an exceedance of water quality objectives. Pollutants in runoff from projects granted a waiver must still be reduced to the maximum extent practicable. The City must notify the Regional Board within 5 days of each waiver issued and shall include the name of the person granting each waiver. A SUSMP waiver impact fee program may be established by the City. As an alternative to implementing structural treatment control BMPs on site, the City may also implement the Local Equivalent Area Drainage (LEAD) Method pursuant to the requirements set forth in the SUSMP. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccole Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 8.0 Storm Water BMP Maintenance The City Engineer will not consider structural BMPs "effective", and therefore will not accept storm water BMPs as meeting the MEP standard, unless a mechanism is in place that will insure ongoing long-term maintenance of all structural BMPs. This mechanism shall be proposed by the project proponent as part of the SWMP and will be refined through the City review process until satisfactory verification of maintenance is provided to the City Engineer. Such verification may include but is limited to covenants, legal agreements, maintenance agreements and / or conditional use permits. 8.1 Maintenance Mechanisms The SUSMP suggests several mechanisms for providing long-term maintenance. The 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project proposes to entering into a "Project proponent agreement to maintain storm water BMPs" as cited under Section V.4 of the SUSMP. The project proponent (developer) proposes to enter into an agreement with the City to provide funding for maintenance costs. This option was selected from the list of potential maintenance mechanisms because of the use of a grass-lined swale treatment control BMPs that are an integral part of the site design and landscape plan. Since the BMPs are not separate from the landscape, but rather are a part of the whole, the 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project proposes to assign long-term maintenance-funding responsibility to the project proponent, with the knowledge that City staff will verify BMP maintenance. As such, the BMPs will be maintained and would not be neglected or fall into disrepair. 8.2 Verification Mechanisms For discretionary projects, the City approved method of storm water BMP maintenance shall be incorporated into the projects permit, and shall be consistent with permits issued by resource agencies, before City approval of discretionary permits. For projects only ministerial permits, the City-approved method of storm water BMP maintenance shall be incorporated into the permit conditions before the issuance of any ministerial permits. In all instances, the project proponent shall provide proof of execution of a City-approved method of maintenance repair and replacement before the issuance of construction approvals. For public projects that are not required to obtain permits, the City shall be responsible for ensuring that an approved method of storm water BMP maintenance repair and replacement is executed prior to the commencement of construction. For all properties, the verification mechanism will include the project proponent's signed statement, a part of the project application, accepting responsibility for all structural BMP maintenance, repair and replacement, until a City approved entity agrees to assume responsibility for structural BMP maintenance, repair and replacement. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 8.3 Maintenance Requirements Operation & Maintenance (0 & M) Plan - The City requires that a copy of an Operation & Maintenance (0 & M) Plan, prepared by the project proponent satisfactory to the City Engineer, is attached to the approved maintenance agreement, which describes the designated responsible part to manage the storm water BMP(s), employee's training program and duties, operating schedule, maintenance frequency, routine service schedule, specific maintenance activities, copies of resource agency permits, and any other necessary activities. At a minimum, maintenance agreements shall require the inspection and servicing of all structural BMPs on an annual basis. The project proponent or City- approved maintenance entity shall complete and maintain 0 & M forms to document all maintenance requirements. Parties responsible for the 0 & M plan shall retain records for at least 5 years. These documents shall be made available to the City for inspection upon request at any time. Access Easement/Agreement: As part of the maintenance mechanism selected above, the City requires the inclusion of a copy of an executed access easement that shall be binding on the land throughout the life of the project, until such time that the storm water BMP requiring access is replaced, satisfactory to the City Engineer. 9.0 Summary and Conclusion This report has been prepared in accordance with the City of Carlsbad SUSMP. The WQTR has identified sources of potential pollutants for the historic condition and has also identified the receiving and impaired waters below the project site. The plan identifies potential sources of pollution associated with the development of the 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive project and cites the implementation of mitigating BMPs for the post-construction condition. The plan also makes provision the long-term funding of a maintenance program that will protect water quality to the maximum extent practicable. Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Duccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC 10.0: Figures 1 Vicinity Map 2 USGS Location Map 3 85th Percentile Precipitation lsopluvial Map 4 Existing Site Condition & Drainage Pattern Exhibit 5 Proposed Site Development & Drainage Pattern Exhibit 6 Table I - Priority Project Storm Water BMP Requirements Matrh 7 Table 2 - Anticipated & Potential Pollutants by Land Use Type 8 Table 4— Structural Treatment Control BMP Selection Matrix 9 Permanent Storm Water BMP Exhibit 10 Treatment Control BMP -Grass-lined Swale Detail Water Quality Technical Report SLte Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY ~kn CITY OF VISTA CITY OF SAN MARCOS CITY OF ENCINITAS PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: 1? LT(7('(2.[4 760/721-2000 ENGINEERING, inc 312 Vista Way, Sztitc 301, Oceanside, CA 92056 NOT To SCALE 1265 CARLSBAD WAGE DRIVE WATER QUALJ7Y TECHNICAL REPORT FIGURE 1 V7CINIfl' iWJ' PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF BUCCOLA : 760/721-2000 ENGINEERING, inc 3142 Vista Way, Suite 301, Oceanside, CA 92056 NOT TO SCALE 1265 C',4RLSB4D WAGE DRIVE WATER QUALI7Y TECHNICAL REPORT FIGURE 2 USGS LOCATiON MAP .. I I,9 10 dip I L - L!P4 •, ELJ . I -.I- - F.,-. 'I ii 4- I Ii I LEGEND DIRECTiON OF SHEET FLOW WATERSHED BOUNDARY - + PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: B LJCO11114 760/721-2000 ENGINEERING, inc 3142 Vista Way. Suite 301, Oceanside, CA 92056 SCALE. 1" = 30' 1265 CP4RLSB4D WAGE DRIVE WATER QUAU7Y TECHNICAL REPORT FIGURE 4 EXIS71NC SITE CONDII1ON AND DR4IN4GE PATTERN EXHIBIT LEGEND DIRECT/ON OF SHEET FLOW WATERSHED BOUNDARY DIRECT/ON OF FLOW, STORM DRAIN 1265 CARLSBAD ViLLAGE DRIVE PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: WATER QUALI7Y TECHNICAL REPORT BUCCOLA 760/7212000 FIGURE 5 ENGINEERING, inc PROPOSED SITE DEVELOPMENT AND " = 3142 Vista Way, Suite 301, Oceanside, CA 92056 SCALE: 1 JO' DRAINAGE PATTERN EXHIBIT Table 1. Anticipated and Potential Pollutants by Land Use Types General Pollutant Categories Priority Project Categories Sediments Nutrients Heavy Metals Organic Compounds Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Oil & Grease Bateria & Viruses Pesticides Substances Detached Residential X X X X X X X Development Attached Residential X X x P(1) °(2) P x Development Commercial Development> P(i) P('i) P(2) X P(5) X P(3) P(5) 100, 000 sq ft Automotive Repair X X(4)(5) X X Shops Restaurants X X X X t> X X X X X X [HE ill s id e t s . Streets, Highways & X P(1) X X(4) X P(5) X Freeways _______ ______ ____ ________ ______ X = Anticipated P = Potential 1. A potential pollutant if landscaping exits on—site. 2 A potential pollutant if the project includes uncovered parking areas. J. A potential pollutant if land use involves food or animal waste products. Including petroleum hydrocarbons. Including solvents. Source: City of Oceanside SUSUP C3IDENTiFiED AS A PRIORITY PROJECT LAND USE TYPE, CITED IN SECTION 5.1 IDENTiFiED AS AN ANTiC/PA TED/POTENTL4L POLLUTANT BY LAND USE TYPE, CITED IN SECTION 5.1 PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: 1265 CARLSBAD I4LL14GE DRIVE B LJ'2L.IJ1 760/721-2000 WATER QUALITY TECHNICAL REPORT ENGINEERING, inc FIGURE 6 3142 Vista Way, Site 301, Oceanside, CA 92056 POLLUTAN1S BY LAND USE TYPE Table 2. Priority Project Storm Water BMP Requirements Matrix Requirements Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories " - oj t Priority Project Site Source -- - Ei . . . Treatment Categories Desian BMPs Control BMPs c c- . i' c c Control BMPs (2) Detached Residential R R R R R R Development Attached Residential R R R R Development Commercial - Development> R R R R R R R 100,000 sq ft Automotive Repair R R R R R R R R Shops Restaurants R R R R R Hillside R R R R R ts Lt> R r pi Streets, Highways & R R R R Freeways R = Required Projects are subject to the requirements of all priority project categories that apply. Select one or more applicable and appropriate treatment control BMPs from Attachment B. Applies if the paced area totals .> 5,000 square feet or with > 15 parking spaces and is potentially exposed to urban runoff. Source: City of Oceanside SUSMP IDENTIFIED AS PRIORI?)' PROJECT LAND USE TYPE, CITED IN SECTION 7.4 I (IDENTIfiED AS A REQUIRING APPLICABLE BliPs FOR AN INDIVIDUAL PRIORI?)' PROJECT AS CITED IN SEC17ONS 7.3 PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: 1265 C4RLS84D KLUGE DRIVE B UCCOLA 760/721-2000 WATER QUALITY TECHNICAL REPORT ENGINEERING, inc FIGURE 7 3142 Vista Way, Suite 301, Oceanside, CA 920i6 STORM WATER ShIP REQU/RE44IEN15 MATRIX Table 4. Treatment Control BMP Selection Matrix Treatment Control B/VIP Categories Pollutant of s •• ion ers Detention Infiltration Wet Ponds or Drainage Inserts 1 ra lOfl Filtration Hydro dynamic Concern Basins Basins(l)Wetlands eParap5 Sediment #1 H H H L H Al Nutrients Al 4! Al L U L Heavy Metals M Al Y.*..,. H L H L Organic Compounds U U U U L Al L Trash & Debris L H U U M H M Oxygen .•..•. .... .. Demanding .L.. Al .... A1. U L M L Substances .. •......... _______ _______ __________ ______ ______ __________ Bacteria U U H U L U L Oil & Crease Al Al V U L H L Pesticides U U U U L U L Including trenches and porous pavement. Also known as hydrodynamic devices and baffle boxes. L: Low removal efficiency Al: Medium removal efficiency H. High removal efficiency U. Unknown removal efficiency .source: Guidance 5pecitying Management Measures tor .5ources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters (1993), National Stormwater Best Management Practices Database (2001), and Guide for B/VIP selection in Urban Developed Areas (2001). IDENTIFiED AS A POLLUTANT OF CONCERN, AS CITED IN SECTION 5.4 SELECTED AS TREATMENT CONTROL SUP, AS CITED IN SECTION 74 PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF. 1265 04RLSB4D ViLLAGE DRIVE BUCCOLA 760/721-2000 WATER QUALITY TECHNICAL REPORT ENGINEERING, inc FIGURE 8 3142 Vista Way, Suite 301, Oceanside, CA 92056 7R7ME,7 CONTROL 8/IP SELECTION MATRIX SCALE: i = 30' LEGEND GRASS—LINED SWALE TREATEMENT BMP— LANDSCAPE AREA NOTES MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL SHALL RECEIVE TRAINING REGARDING THE INTENT, IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BMPs. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO INSURE IRRIGATION RUNOFF PLANT DEBRIS. AND SOIL OR SILT DO NOT ENTER THE STORM bRA/N. j PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE MAINTAINED OR REPLACED AS NECESSARY TO PRO kIDE ADEQUATE GROUND COVER AND SILT CONTAINMENT. PAVED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE REGULARLY SCHEDULED SWEEPING. STORM DRAIN INLETS SHALL RECEIVE PROHIBITiVE STENCILING AND/OR SIGNAGE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CI1Y ENGINEER, PER SECTION 6.Y OF THE SWMP. THE ARCHITECT SHALL DESIGN ROOF—DRAIN DOWNSPOU15 IN LOCATIONS THAT ALLOW FOR FLOW ACROSS LANDSCAPE AREAS PRIOR TO ENTERING THE PRIVATE DRAIN SYSTEM. Z PLANTING AND IRRIGATiON SPECIFiCATIONS PER LANDSCAPE PLAN. PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: Jj L,''Q[,1 760/721-2000 ENGINEERING, inc 3142 Vista Way, Suite 301, Oceanside, CA 92056 1265 C4RLSB4D 1LLAQE ORfl'f WATER QUALITY TECHNICAL REPORT FIGURE 9 POST CONSTRUCI1ON PH4SE BMP EXHIBIT CURL AC PAvMIvim1. . VIc74MILF1A'I DETAIL GRASS-LINED SWALE TREATMENT BMP NOT TO SCALE PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: 1265 C4RLSB4D I'ILLAGE DRIVE I? (Jc7'9[,14 760/721-2000 WATER QUALITY 7ECHNIC4L REPORT ENGINEERING, inc FIGURE 10 3142 Vista Way, Suite 301, Oceanside, CA 92056 7REA7MENT BAIP DETAIL Appendices Appendix A - Storm Water Requirements Applicability Checklists Part A: Determine Priority Project Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements Part B: Determine Standard Permanent Storm Water Requirements Water Quality Technical Report Site Development Plan for 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive Buccola Engineering, Inc. Carlsbad Village Drive Investors, LLC Storm Water Standards 4/03/03 APPENDIX A STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS APPLICABILITY CHECKLIST Complete Sections 1 and 2 of the following checklist to determine your project's permanent and construction storm water best management practices requirements. This form must be completed and submitted with your permit application. Section 1. Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements: If any answers to Part A are answered "Yes," your project is subject to the "Priority Project Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements," and "Standard Permanent StormS Water BMP Requirements" in Section III, "Permanent Storm Water BMP Selection Procedure" in the Storm Water Standards manual. If all answers to Part A are "No," and gny answers to Part B are "Yes," your project is only subject to the "Standard Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements". If every question in Part A and B is answered "No," your project is exempt from permanent storm water requirements. Part A: Determine Priority Project Permanent Storm Water BMP Reauirements. Does the project meet the definition of one or more of the priority project categories?* Yes - No - Detached residential development of 10 or more units Attached residential development of 10 or more units Commercial development greater than 100,000 square feet - Automotive repair shop - Restaurant Steep hillside develcpment greater than 5,000 square feet - Project discharging to receiving waters within Environmentally Sensitive Areas - Parking lots greater than or equal to 5,000 ft2 or with at least 15 parking spaces, and potentially exposed to urban runoff - Streets, roads, highways, and freeways which would create a new paved surface that is 5,000 square feet or greater - - * Refer to the definitions section in the Storm Water Standards for expanded definitions of the priority project categories. Limited Exclusion: Trenching and resurfacing work associated with utility projects are not considered prority projects. Parking lots, buildings and other structures associated with utility projects are p(ority projects if one or more of the criteria in Part A is met. If all answers to Part A are "No", ccntinue to Part B. Storm Water Standards 4/03/33 Part B: Determine Standard Permanent Storm Water. Reg uirements. Does the project propose: Yes No New impervious areas, such as rooftops, roads, parking lots, driveways, paths and sidewalks? - New pervious landscape areas and irrigation systems? Permanent structures within 100 feet of any natural water body? - Trash storage areas? - Liquid or solid material loading and unloading areas? - Vehicle or equipment fueling, washing, or maintenance areas? - Require a General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (Except construction)?* - Commercial or industrial waste handling or storage, excluding typical office or household waste? - Any grading or ground disturbance during construction? .. i.- Any new storm drains, or alteration to existing storm drains? *10 find out if your project is required to obtain an individual General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities, visit the State Water Resources Control Board web site at, www.swrcb.ca.gov/stormwtr/industrial.html