PL.wswo & Th.iwtc EInwrai,Ne. M.tmn & PROJECT SanoRr MEMO
A TTN Brian A. Jurzenski E MDji. GLSD Architects, LLC
briangeLwo. net
FROM: JjJ/2hIaefti PE TE PTOE TOTAL PAGES (inchiling
DATE: September 20, 2016 TIME. 11:19:12 JOB NUMBER: AM
SUBJECT: Thermo Fisher Parking Study
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As requested, we have completed our parking demand study for the Thermo Fisher site at 5823 Newton Drive
in Carlsbad, CA. This parking study was completed to establish appropriate parking rates for the existing office
and warehouse uses on the site. It should be noted that the current use of the building as mixed
office/warehouse offers unique characteristics not necessarily reflective of the single use standalone rates. In-
fact, the combination of office with onsite warehouse space could have a significant effect on the parking ratio
depending on the relationship of the uses. Ultimately, the resulting parking ratio would be lower than an all-
office building but higher than a warehouse stand-alone use. The Thermo Fisher site at 5823 Newton Drive
falls into this category and could be significantly over-parked using standard City of Carlsbad parking ratios for
Professional Services at a rate of 1 space per 300 square feet (3.33 spaces per 1,000sf) or a more generic office
rate. Based on these unique site characteristics, a modification of parking standards may be appropriate. Per
Section. 21.44.040 B of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, "The city planner may modify the required
parking standards where it can be demonstrated that adequate parking will be provided and the modification
will not adversely affect the neighborhood or the site design and circulation". Additionally, the Code section
requires, "The modification shall be based on the results of a parking study prepared by a registered traffic
engineer or other qualified parking consultant, or other evidence satisfactory to the city planner". The following
study has been prepared to satisfy this requirement with respect to the Thermo Fisher site.
When evaluating the parking demands of any unique use, actual demand observations and counts are the
preferred method of gathering data. The first step is either to count the existing site or to locate a site with
similar characteristics and which can be counted separate from other adjoining uses. The parking demand at the
site is then evaluated for three mid-week weekdays during business hours to capture peak parking demand. All
data is totaled by hour with the maximum demand for each hour shown. An average parking demand and 85th
percentile parking demand are calculated representing the "typical" parking demand for a site.
Thermo Fisher Parking Study
8451 Miralani Drive, Suite A San Diego, (14 92126 (858) 560-4911
Brian A. Jwzenki C) Urban System Auadwes, Inc,
GISD ArcMtccL!, LLC Sq,tnbe 19,2016
Thermo Fisher Parking Demand:
Based on the methodology presented above the existing Thermo Fisher site was evaluated for existing parking
demand. The site was evaluated over three days with normal conditions and no adverse weather. Normal hours
of operation were from 8:00am to 5:00pm with counts completed from 6:00am to 7:00pm on 9/7-919/2016
(Wednesday/Thursday/ Friday). One independent variable was assigned. The variable used was 1,000 square
feet of building space. The existing office/professional services and warehouse square footage was determined
to be 1439 square feet based on information from the project architect. The results of these counts are
present&I in Table 1.
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The average parking demand was 1.336 spaces per 1,000 square feet of non-amenity building area. The 85"
percentile usage was 2.111 spaces per 1,000 square feet of non-amenity building area. Based on this analysis,
the recommended basic parking requirement for Thermo Fisher is 1.056 spaces per 500 square feet with an
existing demand of 368 spaces. This recommendation is based on the 85 percentile usage.
Recommended Parking Supply:
The Thermo IF1er facility at 5823 Newton Drive contains 4,'3 square feet of total space with
appmximately\0344 square feet of existing office space,,SM6 square feet of amenity cafeteria space and
7juare feet of warehouse. The existing parking invñtory is 44 spaces. The existing site parking supply
significaIt1y exceeds the 85th percentile parking demaqfl for the sitk,indicating the availability of surplus
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The usage of the site is proposd to change to increase the office area by IV=iM square feet with corresponding
reduction in warehouse space square feet of warehouse to remain). In order to calculate the potential
impact of this change in the amount of office space onsite, the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, was used as a
primary guide. Although, as discussed, this could result in an overestimation of parking for the site, the parking
ratios for individual uses is well established and would result in a conservative recommendation ensuring
adequate parking supply. The Municipal Cede Section 21.44.020 requires a parking ratio of I space per 1,000
square feet for Warehouse and 3.33 spaces per 1,000 square feet for professional services which seemed to best
fit the uses onsite as compared to the parking analysis above. The differential between these ratios is 2.33
spaces per 1,000 square feet. With warehouse space being converted to office/professional services the use of
this differential to calculate the potential increased parking demand was determined to be the most direct
method for calculating the increased parking demand. Therefore, the increased parking demand would be fn
spaces (2 kaf multiplied by 2.33 spaces per kaf). The total resulting parking demand would be. sces
(551 3 68 spads per parking analysis plus 13spaces to support the conversion).
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The Thermo Fisher site will provide an adequate amount of parking for the square feet of combined
office and warehouse uses. With the addition of new stalls, a site total of 2Kp@djng stalls will be provu
Thenno Fisher Parking Sludy
8451 Mira1aniDrive. SuiteA San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 560-4911
BriLn3 A. Jwzenski Urban Systenzs Associates, Inc.
GLD Architects, LLC September 19,20/6
Table 1
Existing Parking Demand
Date Time Demand
Parking demand ratio (space
per 1,000 square feet) Percentile
9/9/2016 7:00 PM 6 0.034 2%
9/9/2016 6:00AM 11 0.063 5%
9/7/2011 6:00AM 12 0.069 7%
9/8/201€ 600AM 14 0.080 10%
9/9/2016 7:00 AM 27 0.155 12%
9/7/2016 7:00AM 31 0.178 14%
9/8/2016 7:00 PM 32 0.184 17%
9/7/2016 7:00 PM 34 0.195 19%
9/8/2016 7:00AM 36 0.206 21%
9/9/2016 6:00PM 50 0.287 24%
9/8/2016 6.00 PM 72 0.413 26%
9/7/2016 6:00PM 76 0.436 29%
9/9/2016 S:00 PIVII.139 0.797 31%
9/8/2016 500 PM 168 0.964 33%
9/9/2016 8:00AM 175 1.004: 36%
9/7/2016 5:00 PM 204 1.170 . 38%
9/8/2016 8:00AM 205 1176 40%
9/7/2016 8:00AMI 231 1.325 43%
9/9/2016 11:00-AMI 253 1.451 45%
9/9/2016 4.00 PM 26' 1.503 48%
9/9/2016 9:00AM 300 1.721 50%
9/8/2016 4:00PM 302 1.732 52%
9/9/2016 12-00 PM 304 1.744 55%
9/9/2016 1-00 PM 322 1.847 57%
9/9/2016 3:00PM 324 1.858 60%
9/7/2011 4:00PM 325 1.864 62%
9/9/2011 2:00PM 337 1.933 64%
9/8/2016 9:00AM 342 1.962 67%
9/9/2016 10:00AM 345 1.979 69%
9/7/2011 12.00 PM 353 2.025 71%
9/8/2016 12:00PM 356 2.042 74%
9/8/2011 10:00AM 359 2.059 76%
9/7/2016 9:00AM 361 2.071 79%
9/7/2016 3:00 PM 364 2.088 81%
9/8/2016 3:00PM 367 2.105 83%
!/W2016 1:00PM 3~8 : 2.111
9/8/2016 2:00PM 375 2.151 88%
9/7/2016 1:00 PM 381 2.185 90%
9/7/2016 10:00AM 385 2.208 93%
9/7/2016 11:00AM 389 2.231 95%
9/7/2016 2.00 PM 390 2.237 98%
9/8/20161 11:00AM 393 2.254 100%
Average 1.336
Thermo Fisher Parking Study 3
8451 Miralani Drive, Suite A a San Diego, CA 92126° (858) 560-4911