HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 2018-0023; BUENA VISTA RESERVOIR SITE; DRAINAGE STUDY; 2020-05-01DRAINAGE STUDY BUENA VISTA RESERVOIR SITE CU P2018-0023 I GR2019-0040 I DWG 521-1A MARCH, 2019 - REVISED: MAY, 2020 DRAINAGE STUDY FOR: BUENA VISTA RESERVOIR SITE APN 156-200-16 1605 BUENA VISTA WAY, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CUP2018-0023 I GR2019-0040 I DWG 521-1A Prepared For: SCHMIDT DESIGN GROUP, INC. 1310 ROSECRANS STREET, SUITE G SAN DIEGO, CA 92106 (619) 236-1462 Prepared By: LATITUDE 33 PLANNING AND ENGINEERING 9968 HIBERT STREET 2ND FLOOR SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 (858) 751 - 0633 RECEIVED MAY 29 2O2'3 No. 67697 LAND DEVELOPMENT uj ENGINEERING Nick Psyhogios Date Prepared by: JG RCE 67697 Expires: 06/2021 Reviewed by: NP TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Page # Purpose 2 Project Description 2 Vicinity Map 2 Existing Conditions 3 Proposed Conditions 3 Water Quality 4 Discussion and Conclusions 5 Methodology & Model Development County of San Diego and City of Carlsbad Drainage Design Criteria 8 Rational Method Hydrologic Analysis 9 Appendix 17 Existing Hydrology Map Proposed Hydrology Map Hydrology Calculations Maps and References 18 Isopluvial Maps Excerpts from County of San Diego Hydrology Manual 1Page Executive Summary PURPOSE The purpose of this drainage study is to evaluate the existing and proposed drainage conditions and anticipated runoff flows associated with the Buena Vista Reservoir Site project proposed at the intersection of Buena Vista Way and Arland Road. This report will document the hydrologic and hydraulic impacts due to this development. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT LOCATION The proposed project site is located within the City of Carlsbad on Buena Vista Way near the intersection with Arland Road. The site is approximately 3.16 acres and is described as Tract 121 of Parcel Map No. 1661. NOT TO /*\ SCALE VICINITY MAP 2IPage EXISTING CONDITION Under pre-project conditions, the site is in a mass graded state, but has not been built out. Ground coverage consists primarily of scattered grasses and bushes, exposed soil, and some impervious pavement serving as a vehicle access road. The existing drainage pattern for the site directs runoff as surface flow to the adjacent parcels to the East, South, and West and to Buena Vista Way to the North. From here, storm water continues to surface flow until reaching existing offsite storm drain infrastructure where it is then conveyed and discharged into Buena Vista Lagoon. The existing impervious portion of the project is under a sump condition and can hold up to 300,000 cubic feet of water before overflowing into the existing stand pipe. This basin shown as E40 on the Existing Hydrology Map is considered self-retaining since does not contribute to the overall outfall of the project site. PROPOSED CONDITION This project proposes to construct a public park consisting primarily of landscaping and garden areas with some impervious concrete walkways and plazas for pedestrian circulation. A brow ditch will be constructed along the West, East, and South edges of the property to prevent runoff from leaving the site and flowing into the adjacent parcels. Additionally, public improvements consisting of on-street parking stalls, concrete sidewalk, curb ramps, and crosswalk striping are proposed along the Northern edge of the lot where it meets the Southern edge of Buena Vista Way. The majority of onsite storm water will fall on or be dispersed to pervious landscaping areas before being directed to a proposed biofiltration (BF-1) BMP at the Northwest corner of the project site. WATER QUALITY AND HYDROMODI FICATION The post-construction phase of this project will require permanent BMPs designed to minimize discharge of pollutants generated on-site throughout the life of the project. The proposed water quality BMP for the project will include landscape and irrigated areas, and a biofiltration basin. Priority development projects are also required to implement hydromodification mitigation measures so that post-project runoff flow rates and durations do not exceed the pre-project where such increases would result in a potential for increase erosion or significant impacts to beneficial uses. The proposed biofiltration basin will also provide the required hydromodification mitigation. For more details regarding the onsite BMP see the Storm Water Quality Management Plan for the project. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The onsite drainage areas for this project encompass approximately 3.16-acres and is the limit of the drainage analysis for this report. 3IPage Our technical approach in developing our basin flows was based on Land use and C coefficients directly from the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual (Table 3-1). These are also listed in the Methodology section of the report. Each basin was made up of individual subareas that were based on Low Density Residential and a "Rural" C coefficient factor of 0.32 was implemented. This accurately accounts for the landscape and small portions of impervious areas. Therefore, each basin was calculated based on these individual subareas and their associate C values to develop Os and Vs. The project area is Hydrologic Soil Group B per the geotechnical report. The Rational Method for the 100-year and 50-year peak storm flow rate were used in the design of the proposed drainage systems. The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses of these systems were evaluated using the Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis (SSA) software. The results of the analysis are listed below. M 0 [Le ~a 010M Basin ___Cyiient C C E10 1.00 0.32 3.910 3.46 1.25 1.11 E20 0.46 0.32 5.882 5.20 0.85 0.75 E30 0.51 0.32 6.849 6.06 1.12 0.99 6.06 5.24 4.64 E40 0.85 0.9 6.849 (not included) (not included) Total 2.82 3.22 2.85 P10 2.38 0.32 2.90 2.57 2.21 1.96 P20 0.52 0.32 2.35 2.08 0.39 0.35 Total Mitigated 2.90 0.89 0.36 As illustrated above, the proposed drainage conditions for the site result in a 2.33 cfs and 2.49 cfs decrease overall throughout the project for the 100-year storm and 50-year storm respectively. Runoff on the Northwest corner of the project will decrease by 0.36 cfs and 0.75 cfs for the 100-year storm and 50-year storm respectively. This great reduction is due to detention of all runoff from drainage basin PlO on the proposed Biofiltration Basin. For the 100-year storm, the biofiltration basin is capable of detaining most of the runoff and releases approximately 0.63 cfs at the overflow structure. However, the Biofiltration basin is capable of detaining all of the runoff for PlO on a 50-year storm. This explain why the total mitigated 050 is similar to the 050 of drainage basin P20. The Project outlets at a proposed curb outlet located on the northwest corner of the project, and the V100 and V50 are 3.18 fps and 2.23 fps respectively. Regarding the overflow structure, to accommodate the 0.63 cfs released from the basin during the 100-year storm, this feature requires a minimum 144 square inches of clear opening space at its inlet. Additionally, given that this is the only overflow route for the basin, it is being treated as an inlet in a "sump" condition. Per the San Diego County Hydraulic Manual, inlets in a sump condition are to be analyzed assuming a 50% clogging factor. Given these criteria, this design proposes a 24-inch by 24-inch catch basin structure to act the as the biofiltration basin overflow, see grading plans for additional information. Utilizing a structure this size will allow for the required 144 square inch clear opening space even while the inlet is 50% obstructed. 4 I P a g e Methodology & Model Development County of San Diego and City of Carlsbad Drainage Design Criteria Rational Method Hydrologic Analysis 7Page METHODOLOGY & MODEL DEVELOPMENT The proposed development was analyzed in conformance with the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual, dated June 2003 and the City of Carlsbad Drainage Standards. The total area of all basins analyzed are less than one square mile. Therefore, the Rational Method was utilized to calculate peak storm runoff. The design is based upon the following: 1) Within floodplain and floodplain fringe areas as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), runoff calculations shall be based upon a 100-year frequency storm. 2) For all drainage channels and storm drain systems which will convey drainage from a tributary area greater than or equal to one square mile, runoff calculations shall be based upon a 100-year frequency storm. 3) For tributary areas under 1 square mile: The storm drain system shall be designed to carry 10-year, 6-hour underground and 100-year, 6-hour storm within top of curbs so that the combination of storm drain system capacity and overflow both inside and outside the right of way will be able to carry the 100-year frequency storm without damaging adjacent existing buildings or potential building sites. All culverts must be designed with 1 ft of freeboard at inlets and headwalls for the 100-year, 6-hour storm. The storm drain system shall be designed so that the combination of storm drain system capacity and allowable street overflow will be able to carry the 100-year frequency storm without damaging adjacent property. Where a storm drain is required under headings 1 or 2 above, then as a minimum, the drain shall be designed to carry the 10-year frequency storm. 4) Sump areas are to be designed for a sump capacity or outfall of a 100-year frequency storm. 5) Type B soil shall be used for all areas. 8IPage Rational Method Hydrologic Analysis Design Storm - 100-year/50-year return interval Land Use - Residential / Multifamily Soil Type - Based on geotechnical borings Hydrologic soil group B covers 99% of the project area, therefore soil group B was assured for all areas. Runoff Coefficient - In accordance with the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual, runoff coefficients are as followed: Undisturbed Natural Terrain uses a coefficient of 0.25. Low Density Residential (LDR) uses a coefficient of 0.32-0.41. Medium Density Residential uses a coefficient of 0.45-0.58. High Density Residential uses a coefficient of 0.0.67-0.77. Commercial/Industrial uses a coefficient of 0.77-0.87. When a watershed encompasses solely pavement conditions, a runoff coefficient of 0.95 was selected. Method of Analysis - The Rational Method is the most widely used hydrologic model for estimating peak runoff rates. Applied to small urban and semi-urban areas with drainage areas less than 0.5 square miles, the Rational Method relates storm rainfall intensity, a runoff coefficient, and drainage area to peak runoff rate. This relationship is expressed by the equation: Q=CIA, where: Q = The peak runoff rate in cubic feet per second at the point of analysis. C = A runoff coefficient representing the area - averaged ratio of runoff to rainfall intensity. = The time-averaged rainfall intensity in inches per hour corresponding to the time of concentration. A = The drainage basin area in acres. Computer Software - Autodesk® Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2018 This software uses the San Diego County Hydrology Manual standards to calculate time of concentration. The intensity-duration-frequency curves used in the analysis are from the County of San Diego. Design Storm - 100-year/50-year return interval 9IPage Appendix I I_I__I__ R 50 YEAR EXISTING CONDITIONS Autodesk® Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2016 - Version 12.0.42 (Build 0) - Proj ect Description File Name .................EX conditions.SPF Analysis Options ** * * * * ** * ** Flow Units ................cfs Subbasin Hydrograph Method. Rational Time of Concentration......FAA Return Period..............50 years Storage Node Exfiltration.. Constant rate, free surface area Starting Date .............DEC-12-2018 00:00:00 Ending Date ...............DEC-12-2018 07:00:00 Report Time Step ..........00:00:10 ************* Element Count ************* Number of subbasins .......4 Number of nodes ...........4 Number of links ...........0 *** ** ** * ** * * Subbasin Summary Subbasin Total Flow Average Area Length Slope ID acres ft --------------------------------------------------- E1O 1.00 268.00 7.2000 E20 0.45 91.00 9.5000 E30 0.51 91.00 19.6700 E40 0.85 298.00 3.2000 ** *** * * * * * ** Node Summary * * * Node Element Invert Maximum Ponded External ID Type Elevation Elev. Area Inflo ft ft ft2 POCOl OUTFALL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 P00O2 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 P00O3 OUTFALL - 0.00 0.00 0.00 P0004 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 Volume Depth Runoff Quantity Continuity acre-ft inches ************************** Total Precipitation 0.135 0.575 Continuity Error (%) 0.530 Volume Volume Flow Routing Continuity acre-ft Mgallons Auto desk Storm and Sanitary Analysis External Inflow 0.000 0.000 External Outflow 0.063 0.021 Initial Stored Volume 0.000 0.000 Final Stored Volume 0.000 0.000 Continuity Error (%) 0.000 Runoff Coefficient Computations Report --------------- Subbasin E10 --------------- Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1.23 B 0.32 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 1.23 0.32 ------------ Subbasin E20 Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0.45 B 0.32 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 0.45 0.32 ------------ Subbasin E30 Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0.51 B 0.32 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 0.51 0.32 --------------- Subbasin E40 --------------- Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concrete 0.85 B 0.90 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 0.85 0.90 * **************** * * *********** * ***** FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) Time of Concentration Computations Report Tc = (1.8 * (1.1 - C) * (L0.5) * (S-0.333)) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (mm) C = Runoff Coefficient L = Flow Length (ft) S = Slope (%) --------------- Subbasin E10 --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.32 Flow Length (ft) : 268.00 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Slope (%) : 7.20 Computed TOC (minutes): 11.91 --------------- Subbasin E20 --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.32 Flow Length (ft): 91.00 Slope (%) : 9.50 Computed TOC (minutes): 6.33 --------------- Subbasin E30 --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.32 Flow Length (ft) : 91.00 Slope (%) : 19.67 Computed TOC (minutes): 4.97 --------------- Subbasin E40 --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.90 Flow Length (ft) : 298.00 Slope (%): 3.20 Computed TOC (minutes): 4.22 *********************** Subbasin Runoff Summary Subbasin Accumulated Rainfall --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Peak Weighted Time of ID Precip Intensity Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration in in/hr in cfs Coeff days hh:mm:ss E1O 0.68 3.46 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.22 1.11 0.320 0 00:11:54 E20 0.55 5.20 0.18 0.75 0.320 0 00:06:19 E30 0.50 6.06 0.16 0.99 0.320 0 00:05:00 E40 0.50 6.06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.45 4.64 0.900 0 00:05:00 Analysis began On: Tue Feb 19 12:05:00 2019 Analysis ended On: Tue Feb 19 12:05:00 2019 Total elapsed time: < 1 sec Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 100 YEAR EXISTING CONDITIONS AutodeskO Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2016 - Version 12.0.42 (Build 0) - Project Description File Name .................EX conditions.SPF Analysis Options Flow Units ................cfs Subbasin Hydrograph Method. Rational Time of Concentration......FAA Return Period..............100 years Storage Node Exfiltration.. Constant rate, free surface area Starting Date .............DEC-12-2018 00:00:00 Ending Date ...............DEC-12-2018 07:00:00 Report Time Step ..........00:00:10 Element Count Number of subbasins .......4 Number of nodes ...........4 Number of links ...........0 Subbasin Summary Subbasin Total Flow Average Area Length Slope ID acres ft --------------------------------------------------- E1O 1.00 268.00 7.2000 E20 0.45 91.00 9.5000 E30 0.51 91.00 19.6700 E40 0.85 298.00 3.2000 Node Summary Node Element Invert Maximum Ponded External ID Type Elevation Elev. Area Inflow ft ft ft2 POCOl OUTFALL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 P00O2 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 P00O3 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 P0004 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 Volume Depth Runoff Quantity Continuity acre-ft inches Total Precipitation 0.152 0.650 Continuity Error (%) 0.530 ************** Volume Volume Flow Routing Continuity acre-ft Mgallons Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis External Inflow 0.000 0.000 External Outflow 0.072 0.023 Initial Stored Volume . 0.000 0.000 Final Stored Volume 0.000 0.000 Continuity Error (%) 0.000 ************************************** Runoff Coefficient Computations Report --------------- Subbasin E10 --------------- Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1.23 B 0.32 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 1.23 0.32 --------------- Subbasin E20 --------------- Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0.45 B 0.32 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 0.45 0.32 --------------- Subbasin E30 --------------- Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0.51 B 0.32 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 0.51 0.32 --------------- Subbasin E40 --------------- Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concrete 0.85 B 0.90 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 0.85 0.90 FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) Time of Concentration Computations Report Tc = (1.8 * (1.1 - C) * (L0.5) * (S-0.333)) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (mm) C = Runoff Coefficient L = Flow Length (ft) S = Slope (%) --------------- Subbasin ElO --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.32 Flow Length (ft) : 268.00 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Slope (t): 7.20 Computed TOC (minutes): 11.91 --------------- Subbasin E20 --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.32 Flow Length (ft): 91.00 Slope (%) : 9.50 Computed TOC (minutes): 6.33 --------------- Subbasin E30 --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.32 Flow Length (ft): 91.00 Slope (%) : 19.67 Computed TOC (minutes): 4.97 --------------- Subbasin E40 --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.90 Flow Length (ft) : 298.00 Slope (%): 3.20 Computed TOC (minutes): 4.22 Subbasin Runoff Summary Subbasin Accumulated Rainfall --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Peak Weighted Time of ID Precip Intensity Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration in in/hr in cfs Coeff days hh:mm:ss ElO 0.77 3.91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.25 1.25 0.320 0 00:11:54 E20 0.62 5.88 0.20 0.85 0.320 0 00:06:19 E30 0.57 6.85 0.18 1.12 0.320 0 00:05:00 E40 0.57 6.85 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.51 5.24 0.900 0 00:05:00 Analysis began On: Wed Dec 12 09:07:21 2018 Analysis ended On: Wed Dec 12 09:07:22 2018 Total elapsed time: 00:00:01 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 50 YEAR PROPOSED CONDITIONS Autodesk® Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2016 - Version 12.0.42 (Build 0) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proj ect Description File Name .................PR Conditions.SPF Analysis Options Flow Units ................cfs Subbasin Hydrograph Method Rational Time of Concentration ......FAA Return Period..............50 years Link Routing Method .......Steady Flow Storage Node Exfiltration.. Constant rate, free surface area Starting Date .............DEC-04-2018 00:00:00 Ending Date ...............DEC-04-2018 06:00:00 Report Time Step ..........00:00:10 Element Count Number of subbasins .......2 Number of nodes ...........6 Number of links ...........4 Subbasin Summary Subbasin Total Flow Average Area Length Slope ID acres ft 510 --------------------------------------------------- 2.38 386.00 3.1000 S20 0.52 729.00 3.0000 Node Summary Node Element Invert Maximum Ponded External ID Type Elevation Elev. Area Inflow ft ft ft2 Ji JUNCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166.10 169.85 0.00 PlO OUTFALL 164.00 164.83 0.00 Yes SO-1 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 SO-20 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUBSURFACE STORAGE 165.85 168.85 0.00 SURFACE STORAGE 168.85 170.10 0.00 Yes Link Summary Link From Node To Node Element Length Slope Manning's ID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type ft % Roughness Link-Ol Jl PlO CONDUIT 46.0 4.5652 0.0110 LOWFLOW SUBSURFACE Jl ORIFICE OVERFLOW SURFACE Jl ORIFICE Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis INF_5 IN/HR SURFACE SUBSURFACE OUTLET * *********** ** ***** * * Cross Section Summary ********************* Link Shape Depth! Width No. of Cross Full Flow Design ID Diameter Barrels Sectional Hydraulic Flow Area Radius Capacity ft ft ft3 ft cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link-Ol CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 5.53 Volume Depth Runoff Quantity Continuity acre-ft inches ************************** Total Precipitation 0.201 0.831 Continuity Error (%) 0.683 ************************** Volume Volume Flow Routing Continuity acre-ft Mgallons ************************** External Inflow 0.173 0.056 External Outflow 0.101 0.033 Initial Stored Volume 0.000 0.000 Final Stored Volume 0.135 0.044 Continuity Error (%) 0.000 Runoff Coefficient Computations Report ************************************** Subbasin S10 --------------- Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. Residential_1DU/AC_or_sess 2.38 B 0.32 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 2.38 0.32 --------------- Subbasin S20 --------------- Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResidentiallDU/ACorsess 0.50 B 0.32 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 0.50 0.32 ******* ******* * ********************* * * ***** FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) Time of Concentration Computations Report *** ** * * ****************** ******* * ****** * ******** * ************ * * ******** Tc = (1.8 * (1.1 - C) * (L0.5) * (S-0.333)) Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (mm) C = Runoff Coefficient L = Flow Length (ft) S = Slope (%) --------------- Subbasin S10 --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.32 Flow Length (ft) : 386.00 Slope (t): 3.10 Computed TOC (minutes): 18.93 --------------- Subbasin S20 --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.32 Flow Length (ft): 729.00 Slope M : 3.00 Computed TOC (minutes): 26.29 *********************** Subbasin Runoff Summary Subbasin Accumulated Rainfall --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Peak Weighted Time of ID Precip Intensity Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration in in/hr in cfs Coeff days hh:mm:ss S1O 0.81 2.57 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.26 1.96 0.320 0 00:18:55 S20 0.91 2.08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.29 0.35 0.320 0 00:26:17 Node Depth Summary ****************** Node Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Total Total Retention ID Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Flooded Time Time Attained Attained Attained Volume Flooded ft ft ft days hh:mm acre-in minutes hh:mm:ss Jl 0.02 0.09 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166.19 0 04:27 0 0 0:00:00 PlO 0.02 0.09 164.09 0 04:27 0 0 0:00:00 SO-1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00:00 0 0 0:00:00 SO-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00:00 0 0 0:00:00 SUBSURFACE 0.66 1.67 167.52 0 06:00 0 0 0:00:00 SURFACE 0.34 1.04 169.89 0 04:27 0 0 0:00:00 Node Flow Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Node Element Maximum Peak Time of Maximum Time of Peak ID Type Lateral Inflow Peak Inflow Flooding Flooding Inflow Occurrence Overflow Occurrence cfs cfs days hh:mm cfs days hh:mm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Jl JUNCTION 0.00 0.13 0 04:27 0.00 PlO OUTFALL 0.35 0.36 0 04:12 0.00 SO-1 OUTFALL 1.96 1.96 0 00:19 0.00 SO-20 OUTFALL 0.35 0.35 0 00:26 0.00 SUBSURFACE STORAGE 0.00 0.28 0 03:24 0.00 SURFACE STORAGE 1.96 1.96 0 04:09 0.00 Storage Node Summary ------------------------------------ Storage Node ID Maximum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of Max Average Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max. Total Ponded Ponded Ponded Ponded Ponded Storage Node Exfiltration Exfiltration Exfiltrated Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Outflow Rate Rate Volume 1000 ft, (%) days hh:mm 1000 ft3 (%) cfs cfm hh:mm:ss 1000 ft ------------------------------------ SUBSURFACE 4.079 56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 06:00 1.599 22 0.03 0.00 0:00:00 0.000 SURFACE 2.543 83 0 04:27 0.835 27 0.39 0.00 0:00:00 0.000 Outfall Loading Summary Outfall Node ID ----------------------------------------------- Flow Average Peak Frequency Flow Inflow (%) cfs cfs PlO ----------------------------------------------- 99.48 0.08 0.36 SO-1 10.55 0.98 1.96 SO-20 14.59 0.17 0.35 System ----------------------------------------------- 41.54 1.23 2.21 Link Flow Summary Link ID Element Time of Maximum Length Peak Flow Design Ratio of Ratio of Total Reported Type Peak Flow Velocity Factor during Flow Maximum Maximum Time Condition Occurrence Attained Analysis Capacity /Design Flow Surcharged days hh:mm ft/sec cfs cfs Flow Depth minutes ------------------------------- Link-Ol CONDUIT 0 04:27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.95 1.00 0.13 5.53 0.02 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 0.11 0 Calculated LOWFLOW ORIFICE 0.00 OVERFLOW ORIFICE INF_5 IN/HR OUTLET 0 06:00 0.03 0 04:27 0.11 0 03:24 0.28 Highest Flow Instability Indexes All links are stable. WARNING 107 : Initial water surface elevation defined for Junction Jl is below junction invert elevation. Assumed initial water surface elevation equal to invert elevation. WARNING 108 : Surcharge elevation defined for Junction J1 is below junction maximum elevation. Assumed surcharge elevation equal to maximum elevation. WARNING 110 : Initial water surface elevation defined for Storage Node SUBSURFACE is below storage node invert elevation. Assumed initial water surface elevation equal to invert elevation. WARNING 110 : Initial water surface elevation defined for Storage Node SURFACE is below storage node invert elevation. Assumed initial water surface elevation equal to invert elevation. Analysis began On: Tue Feb 19 11:47:01 2019 Analysis ended On: Tue Feb 19 11:47:02 2019 Total elapsed time: 00:00:01 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis General Time series ID: TS-02 Time Series Plot Add ] L Delete [_Load... Save... Time Series r Close j [HeIp] 6-HOUR HYDROGRAPHS Time Senes I :z General Time seriesiD: TS-01 Description: BASIN I : Time series data Data type @ User defined C) Standard rainfall [Rainfall Designer... f Add ] 2.0-- 1.8 1.4 1.2 a) 0.8 0.4 2 0 0 0.6 0 Time Series Plot Close Time series curves I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 Eiapsedlime(hours) H ] Date MM/DDffl'YY) Time (HAM) Value 2 0:00 0:22 0.000 0.110 0.114 0.124 0:41 1:00 1:18 0.130 0.144 0.152 = ______ 1:56 2 TS-02 - ID, Number of Description Points 15 100 YEAR PROPOSED CONDITIONS Autodesk® Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2016 - Version 12.0.42 (Build 0) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proj ect Description File Name .................PR Conditions.SPF Analysis Options Flow Units ................cfs Subbasin Hydrograph Method Rational Time of Concentration ......FAA Return Period..............100 years Link Routing Method .......Steady Flow Storage Node Exfiltration.. Constant rate, free surface area Starting Date .............DEC-04-2018 00:00:00 Ending Date ...............DEC-04-2018 06:00:00 Report Time Step ..........00:00:10 ****** ** * * * * * Element Count ************* Number of subbasins .......2 Number of nodes ...........6 Number of links ...........4 **************** Subbasin Summary Subbasin Total Flow Average Area Length Slope ID acres ft S1O --------------------------------------------------- 2.38 386.00 3.1000 S20 0.52 729.00 3.0000 Node Summary Node Element Invert Maximum Ponded External ID Type Elevation Elev. Area Inflow ft ft ft2 Jl JUNCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166.10 169.85 0.00 PlO OUTFALL 164.00 164.83 0.00 Yes SO-1 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 SO-20 OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUBSURFACE STORAGE 165.85 168.85 0.00 SURFACE STORAGE 168.85 170.10 0.00 Yes ************ Link Summary ************ Link From Node To Node Element Length Slope Manning's ID Type ft % Roughness Link-Ol Jl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P10 CONDUIT 46.0 4.5652 0.0110 LOWFLOW SUBSURFACE Ji ORIFICE OVERFLOW SURFACE Ji ORIFICE Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis INF5 IN/HR SURFACE SUBSURFACE OUTLET ********************* Cross Section Summary Link Shape Depth! Width No. of Cross Full Flow Design ID Diameter Barrels Sectional Hydraulic Flow Area Radius Capacity ft ft ft2 ft cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link-Ol CIRCULAR 0.83 0.83 1 0.55 0.21 5.53 Volume Depth Runoff Quantity Continuity acre-ft inches Total Precipitation 0.227 0.939 Continuity Error (%) 0.683 Volume Volume Flow Routing Continuity acre-ft Mgallons External Inflow 0.196 0.064 External Outflow 0.125 0.041 Initial Stored Volume 0.000 0.000 Final Stored Volume 0.142 0.046 Continuity Error (%) 0.000 Runoff Coefficient Computations Report ****** * * * * Subbasin Sb --------------- Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. Residential_lDU/AC_or_sess 2.38 B 0.32 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 2.38 0.32 --------------- Subbasin S20 --------------- Area Soil Runoff Soil/Surface Description (acres) Group Coeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Residential_1DU/AC_or seas 0.50 B 0.32 Composite Area & Weighted Runoff Coeff. 0.50 0.32 * ** ************* ******* ******** *********** * * * * ******* FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) Time of Concentration Computations Report Tc = (1.8 * (1.1 - C) * (L0.5) * (S-0.333)) Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (mm) C = Runoff Coefficient L = Flow Length (ft) S = Slope (%) --------------- Subbasin Sb --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.32 Flow Length (ft): 386.00 Slope (%): 3.10 Computed TOC (minutes): 18.93 --------------- Subbasin S20 --------------- Runoff Coefficient: 0.32 Flow Length (ft) : 729.00 Slope (%): 3.00 Computed TOC (minutes): 26.29 *********************** Subbasin Runoff Summary Subbasin Accumulated Rainfall --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Peak Weighted Time of ID Precip Intensity Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration in in/hr in cfs Coeff days hh:mm:ss S1O 0.92 2.90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.29 2.21 0.320 0 00:18:55 S20 1.03 2.35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.33 0.39 0.320 0 00:26:17 Node Depth Summary Node Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Total Total Retention ID Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Flooded Time Time Attained Attained Attained Volume Flooded ft ft ft days hh:mm acre-in minutes hh:mm:ss J]. 0.03 0.19 166.29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 04:22 0 0 0:00:00 PlO 0.03 0.19 164.19 0 04:22 0 0 0:00:00 SO-1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00:00 0 0 0:00:00 SO-20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00:00 0 0 0:00:00 SUBSURFACE 0.71 1.75 167.60 0 06:00 0 0 0:00:00 SURFACE 0.37 1.13 169.98 0 04:22 0 0 0:00:00 ** ** * * * * Node Flow Summary ***************** Node Element Maximum Peak Time of Maximum Time of Peak ID Type Lateral Inflow Peak Inflow Flooding Flooding Inflow Occurrence Overflow Occurrence cfs cfs days hh:mm cfs days hh:mm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis J1 JUNCTION 0.00 0.63 0 04:22 0.00 PlO OUTFALL 0.39 0.89 0 04:21 0.00 SO-1 OUTFALL 2.21 2.21 0 00:19 0.00 50-20 OUTFALL 0.39 0.39 0 00:26 0.00 SUBSURFACE STORAGE 0.00 0.28 0 03:15 0.00 SURFACE STORAGE 2.21 2.21 0 04:09 0.00 Storage Node Summary * * * ------------------------------------ Storage Node ID Maximum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of Max Average Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max. Total Ponded Ponded Ponded Ponded Ponded Storage Node Exfiltration Exfiltration Exfiltrated Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Outflow Rate Rate Volume 1000 ft (%) days hh:mm 1000 ft3 (%) cfs cfm hh:mm:ss 1000 ft ------------------------------------ SUBSURFACE 4.270 58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 06:00 1.728 24 0.03 0.00 0:00:00 0.000 SURFACE 2.754 90 0 04:22 0.897 29 0.89 0.00 0:00:00 0.000 *********************** Outfall Loading Summary *********************** Outfall Node ID ----------------------------------------------- Flow Average Peak Frequency Flow Inflow (%) cfs cfs P10 ----------------------------------------------- 99.55 0.11 0.89 SO-1 10.55 1.11 2.21 80-20 14.59 0.20 0.39 System ----------------------------------------------- 41.56 1.41 2.50 ***************** Link Flow Summary ***************** ------------------------------- Link ID Element Time of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maximum Length Peak Flow Design Ratio of Ratio of Total Reported Type Peak Flow Velocity Factor during Flow Maximum Maximum Time Condition Occurrence Attained Analysis Capacity /Design Flow Surcharged days hh:mm ft/sec cfs cfs Flow Depth minutes ------------------------------- Link-Ol CONDUIT 0 04:22 6.72 1.00 0.63 5.53 0.11 Autodesk Stonn and Sanitary Analysis 0.23 0 Calculated LOWFLOW ORIFICE 0 06:00 0.03 0.00 OVERFLOW ORIFICE 0 04:22 0.61 INF 51W/HR OUTLET 0 03:15 0.28 * **** * * ****************** ******* Highest Flow Instability Indexes ******************************** All links are stable. WARNING 107 : Initial water surface elevation defined for Junction Jl is below junction invert elevation. Assumed initial water surface elevation equal to invert elevation. WARNING 108 : Surcharge elevation defined for Junction Ji is below junction maximum elevation. Assumed surcharge elevation equal to maximum elevation. WARNING 110 : Initial water surface elevation defined for Storage Node SUBSURFACE is below storage node invert elevation. Assumed initial water surface elevation equal to invert elevation. WARNING 110 : Initial water surface elevation defined for Storage Node SURFACE is below storage node invert elevation. Assumed initial water surface elevation equal to invert elevation. Analysis began on: Tue Feb 19 11:25:36 2019 Analysis ended On: Tue Feb 19 11:25:36 2019 Total elapsed time: < 1 sec Autodesk Stonn and Sanitary Analysis Add [ Delete Save... 6-HOUR HYDROGRAPHS Time Series I z General Time series ID: TS-01 Time Series Plot I Add] F Delete ] : Description: BASIN 1 2.2- Time series data 2.0 Data type * User defined o Standard rainfall [Rainfall Designer...] 1.8 1.6 0) 12- 0.8 0.6- Time series curves 0.4- 0• I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 _____ Close ] Elapsed Time (hours) Time Series L Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Time I:MM) Value 0 aoo 0.000 0:41 —JO 0:22 0.124 1:00 146 0.162 0.172 J1:56 - ID! Number of Points Desciiption TS-02 15 2 General Time series ID: TS-02 Description: BASIN 2 Time series data Data type i3 User defined 0 Standard rainfall Rainfall DesigT. t D e Time Value (MM/DD/Y',YY) (H:MM) 0:00 0.000 a 0.038 0:47 0.029 1:12 0030 - 0.035 0.046 2:30 _ —r- 2:55 0.053 Time series curves - ID' Number of Points Description 1 TS-01 20 I. Maps and References Isopluvial Maps Excerpts from County of San Diego Hydrology Manual ill P a g e -T - - T F '-T L,- 9fflJT f P4 1—tU 1Tt J H+it L:.ttf 4 I1 County of San Diego F-1 -4t---4-' 1-i--t jr -tt-ji --r-1-- 1 VLH j_-+. t ran _ Pt ±J1f -Ji + 4--t ; 4: - Hydrology Manual jtt4LJt1 tfj: i4f - H,tt 1I1± t r E _ ---.' i'l 1L T I —~ f - I i Rainfall Isopluvials 33 1 FT i4 bHThLJ Etf3 ti t L 5O Year Rainfall Event HH titU 1ItI bcEANsID -j r ___ : I ___ LLp n rr ii t_ ,+ Ali- i Site t +4 1ttITI J T ______________ t d t I I I - 4 I - 13-O % __ 1 cOUN t I i MA ~ _J SOLANA BEACH ..JQ DEL / •' ..__,.1t -. L' 4I44 LL+L I Mt t +i 1m -1i--+ JHj •\I ----- tT I T 4 4 -+ 01 1 t 1 - I1 T • :. f - I ± i + I 4 I + I_I I_I ri L + 1 + .. * - i4-t-:1t - U1 2. iLt II4 I + T ' 1 + I I: .4 . 1. I .. . + 4 . I I Ll - + _H L' i: 1';-----+-+ -i---'-f--' -i--- L:LT1T4- i1- _ )tttTLL -L_ + DPW t:+s _ I LJ : GIS SftaitGIS 11 1 + - - - . - + ~ + + L + - + 4 4 cowpw- Ha Sn Diego STA. . J. F . + - ~ ~_f.. I t-4 -- + i __-- ---- - --- + f + l+ .. N THIS MAP IS PRCMDEO WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY IUND. EITHER EXPRESS _r --- I I- i . A OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITN FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -t I ~--- - -- • 4 + L--4- IMPERIALBC - - ..c'.J tTT4 44 + 4 * I .J_i:1l4Ll4._J C -4 +I 4- - _.,_ _. _ . -.1. -4. ,.., .1 + .. __,_ .~ ., I 1 - I. 4—I- - ~ - -4- + V I + -4 -4 1 . 1 I- I- + - I -. + 4 F Ths product may codalnInf,niaUo asbeen reproduced with I r , Li4 _~ 4 +_ 4 - f. + • t1 - * t 4 --+ - - 1- --4---+ I Il 4 -- + - -+4-, -permission grarded by Thomas Bralsers Mops. 132°30' I J I I I I I I I . I - - - - 4 -"- 4.4 4 S i__i +J I 4rg, 4 I 4 . L.] - -L - -i- - -- • + U) 4 1 - b-+---. -j . I re— I I ----- ---4 3 0 3 Miles L -4----t -'— - r t T 4- + I 4 I++ f_.I. f.4_.+ . +co 14 L, r --~- + '-4 L~ - _ I t I - 4- 4 4 '-•-- + i . 4 4 4- ' I - . . ..i . j I . i - I . I 1 — — U I U • _________ I — I — — I _I TI11-T-T TTTIT-T : IIJ1T[ u Hii I-i- 1ii County of San Diego I LL I 1 Hydrology Manual L~R,!v iiil~t I Lit XV 5. Lfli ILftj1 - i1JTLfl 4J . J. I:1 JJ' H-H-- Rainfall Isopluvials _ H ii 4 -- _I - • - --: L __ - ________________________________________ fill L-r1 -33° I i I -. - I - i • I • - pG 3 5' iih ii 'LL1i Tt___ 5O Year Rainfall Event -24Hours t LIL : t • 4 4 - I - o. - + i._ I_if 0. - - I ____ -------- Isopiuvial (inches) IiiT -.• _.1Lrf4.1ii.L Site iifT6Ak -: DQ i!i it T1j J± I I P=42+ I' - + •. I I, I - - - Tk4 ENINIIAS - _ 4_4 i:- J 1.1 'II I - - __ I I r I j 4 I t t F 1T t r I I + i - - I il WOO t 1-~---H-j tT4 f SOLANA BEAC T L J t \I _ j S coUtV4 -- I I I - --t i-I---- T 4-- -:4 •: ±+:. -t(. ------ # + 4 _____ I _ - - I I)- ± I 5 4 __ __ TE T _UJF I_ I - I I I I : I u I + I - _ - I I H o-- titT14tFt I I IT 1H77 4-4 • J -4-. - -- • 4_-++_J-_4- ---1- I J I f --1----H-- I - ____ • _I •__ •,_ ---t.-t- - + T_ ti - .. - It--. 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County of San Diego Hydrology Manual +"qd4' L_\ -1- 1:''±-i .--r-. :t 1. + . .;- WA+\I4 rONE a MIME PEP 4- tl H I IttI t. Ht it r1vs1de ounty- + III _,-vl ,-f Rainfall Isopluvials !!Hfl I 33115 t 11 100 Year RainfallEvent -6Hours IsopIuvial (inches) I t-%f1 - tjiN_T tjit i ijt fflw -.I-- IV 1TLt ' ± - + • - : -4--- — -- - + -i.. / - - - - - _4-. - 4 - - __ 4r \_•_ I_ r.[1 I - - •- - I! 4-T •p4+-+ _1_I _____II -41+ L . -Th-. T1 t 4 1 -t- :—-4---\-~- - -H--HH- —: 4. I LU t. •• \ ; rj ;.t dl 4- 4 . L 11----T - + __ __ 44ItttI44 4- 4—TI I4 +--+Mf-4 - T~HI_I ttT+t 41 4-± It44-t + 4—+ 1 t+ i 4-i-f t tff11 f t--4- ' I __+-++' 4-14-j ~4-I4-4~4+ + + IJUJt1±1 tLtt_______ti1 I 5' 4_f -4 1-4- -- DPW - 11 4 GIS Sankx1S + 4- - Oenrnfe%tbl4s W Have Sun l)icgti (oyrcd! + 4 — N THIS hte.P IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. EITHER EXPRESS + 4 OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES + OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Copyright SarGIS, All Rhts Resersed. Tills produets may ca,ilihi Infemnstlon from the SANDAG Regional Iflfonrratl0rI System which cannot be reproduced wllhoutlhe ledoen penrdoSloll of SANDAG. + This product may anNals Infwmetlen which has been reproduced with penlitlolon granted by Thomas Brothena Mepi S 3 0 3 Miles _J_ CARLSBAD - -H--i-- 4- - - --# k-- - - --- - -+ - 1- -- -t -'r- I E2NrrAS -L _ 4330OOH-- hitt - :4f-J SOLABEACI ' j ±-L - rtjtfttiu I - Li Ir Ii4 - 1 It are + t 4-tff f + 4- 4+ + 4- 4--4- + 4- t + + ' -f + tt 4 t - i -- + 4-4-1 + 1 L + + t + ri t I t 4 -~ * f ~ .-_ I - 4- -i - _ 4- ---- -4- —+ 4--f 4 4- + + 1-t 4 4 .._ it + t t t tt14 t4 1 j4IMPERIAL 1Ii 1i. -4- +4-4--4--f4+4 44 - - - -. - 4- + r + -+ 4- 4- 4 4- + + - 4 t - - t ' + + + 1- 4--t— 1- f -4-+ 4-4- + . - t f-4- - 4 4- .+ - 4 .---- 4--± 4-- + ------ +-+ + __432o O -.-------- Iii•il it +.. tLtq44 .I....... ._...I__.I..__.I_lu__I _I - U I•I I - -- __ - --i- -- Qp County of San Diego CD -Ora 4 4 f JFH - Hydrology Manual r,.44 - IThf Rainfall Isoplzals 3301 .T AL flN-11 I I II liii IH+ •J- Hff' LIJH - IF* 100 Year Rainfall Event -24 Hours t M: 4 _Isopluvial (inches) .1 1 .T : _ r4 ofte T1 4 JR4' f tHI:L:4 j EN Oil 11 _ __ 33000 ____ t .t I - OLAABEA I ~SjNTV_ 4+T! t , ' -~ <__' I • I +- - I 32*45 L i i • t 214 _ - I 4 i +,'f L4J If t tl 4-4— RON --.<: J:4 --4-T ttI--;~ :----'.4-1----+"---- t1 i 4-~t 4- tt4-t-1 4-HJ+ + 4j.j ' 14 _IJ _+4 —4-- 1-.+- -±+ f+f4 i DPW +4 +_± —qp—, IS t 4- -4- + _-•-__I- ---+ 1 - 4 -1_ i..4_' .•-- 1 1 -±- .r_a_ ', I +- I t + I -F + -f I I - I - 141 f +— ' 41-4— ±4-4-- —+ +4 I 4- + f -im:GIS saiG 'F 0 We HaS.anDig(rd' +_ I - -+ , + + 4- /-1J I -+.••4 T+ I.... 4 +. - + L t +1' r - I ---4-- -4- N THI MAP IS PROMED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY IUNO, EITHER EXPRESS - I +4 +4 I . . -:-i-1 t + + L ++-+OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ab 4-+-- Copyright SmGIS. All Rights Rmmved. 4 - 4 + ± 4-4- +i I -I- IMPERIALBEACC- / : •.--- 4_ 4- -F-+-I--'- + + --+-# —I- 4-- +-j--1- 4-- -4 -f-±4 +-+ t t +-4-+ 4---l- ----,-, Ii.Lu_:-j=f fZ j-+tc-+ +tt+t-~'-H--1---4_fi It4-It4-tf 4 + +++_jj+__ t 4---+"r+ +1-j-----I---f 4--.-+4 t± 1-1VI#'-'-+-_-1---I-i-4--I--1-._+4Il -~----- ---t-t----- --I- -- -I-- This pmoduct may amizin Infanneflon which hm bow reproduced With +4- t 4-4-t 4- + 141--tt-I-----f --1-4---4- ~-~ t1 + -f 1. T+132030' + 4-- + —41-1 jj 1 +1 1§4 + I + 4' U) + _____ ___ 3 0 3 Miles +-_4_t 'r +-t 4-+++4 4 4 I I ! o I-t---i--r4 +t -i-f--t-4--++t I ++--4-+--- t+t _III_1*11 - rx) ZD 10 County of San Diego __________ __________ __________ Hydrology Manual OUflty 33°30 -- — _______________________ 0 iR.tvrvv' Coint'' _____ - - / •0 /1 - - o. .J ----- - ------------ N "- ' It o rDCCC Rainfall I:opluvials - 33 15 3315 %fl - -. -- -- 50 Year Rainfall Event - 6 Hours OCEANSIDE VIST/: . .\.- •-3:&- -- -- -- -- -. ---:. Isopiuvial (inches) Site CARLSBAD ESC DI \.\ P=2 - - • ENCINITAS 1.9 33'00' -o 33 00 SOLANA BEACH POUV y S D COUNTY ( DEL MAR 2 & / - - NTEE Gb ANIE 7 JLCAJN - - 2 32°45 32°45' LE GROVE ~'~®R SD GIS SankiliS C U - - 2- - - - - IMPERIAL BEAOFr - - - N THIS MAP IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR lMPLtaD. INCLUDING, BUT NOT t IMITEO TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAu PURPOSE CopynghtSenGIS. All RghtSRa.ar'uOd P M e )< C _ This products may contain infoenabon from the SANOAG RegIonal E Infomnation Sys This product may contain information which has been reproduced with permission granted by Thomas Brothers Maps 32030 I 32°30 S b - 3 0 3MiIes CD 171) County of San Diego range Hydrology Manual ounty __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______ 3330 C'.... •" Riverside County 4& J A4•% 2 40CCC1' 0 1 Rainfall I: opluvials 3315 /1 p5 . - - .- - - ,.. • Year Rainfall Event — 24 Hours OCEANSID'S VI - 19 IsopIuvial (inches) 1. ESC DIDO Site P=4-2 CARLSBAD 11 16 - — — — C ENCINITAS ..-- _•5,. 5'. - '. -C... _5.., •5...-------------- 33'00' - ' - - I b'?' C. * : • 33 00 SOLANA BEACH ) pçw ' sp c6'' DEL MAR - If % f/yc - — NTE AN DIE ---C •' - SI__• * S ___ LCiN 32'45' L\MA-.--'t .-.- -" . . : -- C Q • • 3245 LE GROVE ---ORONA - 1. DPW C 0 5A GIS SahGIS 'Oi IMPERIAL BEAH . . • ..' • , . C - . N THIS MAP IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING. BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTARILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Copyright SoeGIS All Rights Reserved. This products may contain irrforv*eSoe frory the SANDAG Regional E InformatIon Syslemn which cannot be reproduced without the ~ttcn permission of SANDAG ..L TNsprodudmay conMwwthnrmoWhich has been reproduced wIth 32°30' 32030 C1 14, County of San Diego 3330 Hydrology Manual 3330 ' Riverside CoUnty — • I P.,., " Is opluvials 33 15 Rainfall 3.3'15' 100 Year Rainfall Event - 6 Hours OCEANSIDE VIST IsopIuvial (inches) Site - CARLSBAD SC DID - - P=26 icp - ENCINITAS p\ '__./•_s.. / / 33°00' 00 C SOLANA BEACH POW y :S .D COUNTh DEL MAR / -c; i . S•s.SS cs-- CT: AN DE Id. LCAJN 3245 ________ LAMA 30 41 32'45' LE GROVE ORION s CP F 7-zz;$hGIS is C U A - - IMPERIAL BEACH . / : - • - N THIS MAP IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANT KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Copyright SeoGIS AU Rights Res—ad , • * cv e X 1) ThIs products may contain ioformetloo from the SANDAG Regional E od0000hoe Sys teoh cannot bo reproduced wtthoutthe written parmissi J ch msproduct may formetocWtu has been reproduced whir pemnission granted by Thomas Brothers Maps. 32°30' 32e30 S ____________ ______________ co 3 0 3MiIes __I o County of San Diego _________ _____________________________________________ Hydrology Manual ly 33°30 & - !o 5 ' _.J?= lit - . - Rainfall Isopluvials 33'15' 40 33 15 fi — J 100 Year Rainfall Event -24 Hours -c OCEANSIDE VIS /S - * IsopIuvial (inches) Site E DIDO 7 CARLSBAD 5-0 '5) - P C ENCINITAS 33 00 L SOLANA BEACH rOv 33'00'-6-0-•- y S ( (OiNTY 5-0 DEL MAR AN DIE 32°45 5\5\ 5 SO San" IS ORONA THIS GIS -. IMPERIAL BEACH I : •• - - - - - C - MAP S PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 4 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE I : • ( X t ¶) C written This produoth may contain informabon from the SANOAG Regional W E hrformahon System wthOhoarnot be reproduOAd wdhout the permission of SAN AG P' This product may contain information which has been reproduced with permission granted by Thomas Brothers Maps. 32030' - 32°30 S Cl) to 3 0 3MiIes rz~ INS PIP-Mil 1//r,0~'O.,,000 or "-or= W- Oslo EXAMPLE: Given: Watercourse Distance (D) = 70 Feet Slope (s) = 1.3% Runoff Coefficient (C) = 0.41 Overland Flow Time (T) = 9.5 Minutes T= 1.8 (1.1-C) \/5 SOURCE: Airport Drainage, Federal Aviation Administration, 1965 FIGURE Rational Formula - Overland Time of Flow Nomograph w W LL W 0 z Cl) Ui Cl) 0 [I] 30 20 10 If, 1111111111111111111111111 1111111111 iiliilliiiilliiiiiUU U III,, 111111 111111 1111111 C4116240. %~z;iiiiiiiiiiii 11HIIIIII Hill Hill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins millilinin lion HIM :!IIIIHII 1111111111 IIIIllIHIIIIIIEQUATION IIIIIII !II! !I!!11111111111111111111111 IIIII 111110 jQ11i !llk!u.lI.!.'!:!uo 111111 P6 itati _______ Duration _______________ iY:IIli1IIIuuIuI i"" u:"iip .-UUlh. 911111 Iii, bi. ii I •••UUU•I hUihh9 Ih1.'bi, !IIi!!III !IIlui:!!III:!!!ii ! ! 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