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TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 F'E11I4. IF1?EC'I'I'I'E DATA ................................................................................................. 2 HYDROLOGIC ANALYSES .............................................................................................. 2 HYDRAULIC ANALYSES..................................................................................................3 4.1 TOPOGRAPHY...................................................................................................................3 4.2 HYDRAULIC PARAMETERS ...............................................................................................3 4.3 100-YEAR HYDRAULIC MODELS AND RESULTS ............................................................... 3 CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................................5 TABLE OF APPENDICES CLOMR Forms and Annotated FIRMs ESA Compliance Letter Little Encinas and Calavera Creeks ILEC-1 Analysis and Backup Data Little Encinas and Calavera Creeks HEC-RAS Analysis Results Agua Hedionda Creek HEC-RAS Analysis Results HEC-RAS Work Maps for Calavera, Little Enemas, & Agua Hedionda Creeks Proposed Improvement Drawings for Basin BJ, Storm Drain Bench Area, Wetland Mitigation Grading, and College Boulevard Bridge Photographs CD Containing HEC-1 and HEC-RAS files Aly OCT 16 , L . Dos Colinas Development CLOMR Submittal 1. Introduction This is a request for a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) for proposed improvements tied to the Dos Colinas development along Little Encinas, Calavera, and Agua Hedionda Creeks, in the city of Carlsbad, California (see Vicinity Map). Specifically, this CLOMR includes supporting hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, and floodplain mapping, for the following improvements: The proposed College Boulevard Bridge and associated wetland mitigation grading lies immediately north of the intersection of College Boulevard and Sunny Creek Road, one block north of El Camino Real; The proposed graded storm drain bench area along right overbank of Agua Hedionda Creek immediately upstream of Rancho Carlsbad Drive; and, The proposed Detention Basin BJ and 4-foot by 7.75-foot reinforced concrete box (RCB) culvert crossing along Little Encinas Creek immediately southeast of the College Boulevard and Cannon Road intersection. The proposed grading and drainage improvements pertinent to this CLOMR lie within the effective FEMA Zone AE along Little Encinas and Agua Hedionda Creeks. The downstream tie-in for Little Encinas Creek is immediately downstream of Section K shown on effective FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Map Number 06073C0768G dated May 16, 2012. Proposed Detention Basin BJ will represent the new upstream limit of detailed study for Little Encinas Creek. The downstream tie-in for Agua Hedionda Creek is immediately downstream of Rancho Carlsbad Drive (between Sections K and L) shown on effective FEMA FIRM, Map Number 06073C0768G dated May 16, 2012. The upstream tie-in for Agua Hedionda Creek will be at Section T as shown on effective FEMA FIRM, Map Number 06073 C0768G dated May 16, 2012. FEMA has also recently approved a CLOMR-F for the RV Storage grading located within the Dos Colinas Development. The CLOMR-F case no. is 15-09-1524C and is located northwest and adjacent to the proposed graded storm drain bench area. Enclosed you will find the following items as part of this package: MT-2 Forms 1, 2, and 3 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Models Corrected- and Post-Project Floodplain mapping Proposed Grading and Improvement Plans Site Photographs Digital files for the hydrologic and hydraulic models 1 Dos Colinas Development CLOMR Submittal FEMA Effective Data A request was made to FEMA's librarian to obtain available back-up information for the mapping on the effective FIRM. The desired information included the digital hydraulic models, work maps, and other forms of documentation. FEMA provided back-up data for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) 02-09-594P dated August 29, 2002 that was prepared by Chang Consultants (Chang) within the study reach. FEMA also provided another F[EC-2 file <AGUAHEC.FLD> that represents the effective model downstream of the Chang LOMR. LOMR 08-09-0782P revised the floodplain mapping along Agua Hedionda Creek from approximately 2,200 feet downstream to approximately 200 feet upstream of Sunny Creek Road. The floodplain mapping developed by the LOMR was confirmed to match the effective FEMA FIRMs 06073C0768G and 769G. The model created for this LOMR was merged with the HEC- 2 file <AGUAHEC.FLD> to create the Duplicate Effective Model for Agua Hedionda Creek. FEMA effective models and floodplain mapping for Little Encinas and Calavera Creeks are represented by Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) 09-09-276P dated September 8, 2009 prepared by Chang Consultants. This LOMR also included updated hydrology for the creeks' contributing watersheds. HYDRoLOGIC ANALYSES An updated 100-year hydrologic analysis for the Calavera Creek watershed (of which Little Encinas Creek is a tributary) was performed using HEC-1. The watershed was originally delineated by Rick Engineering Company (under contract with the city of Carlsbad) using the United States Geological Survey's quadrangle maps (see the HEC-1 Workmap in Appendix C). Chang Consultants modified Rick's HEC-1 analysis as part of their LOMR to include attenuation from new Detention Basin BJB and culvert improvements. Hunsaker and Associates, Inc. (HAl) prepared a hydrology study that provides supporting analyses for the proposed Detention Basin BJ. Results from the HAT study were incorporated into the Chang HEC-1 model to include attenuation from proposed Detention Basin BJ and the 4-foot by 7.75-foot RCB outlet structure. The HAl hydrology study and revised HEC-1 model are included under Appendix C. Improvement plans for Detention Basin BJ are included under Appendix G. The table below summarizes relevant results from the HEC- 1. Location 100-Year Ponded Water Flow Rate Surface (cfs) Elevation, feet Little Encinas Creek Upstream of Detention Basin BJ 629 71.05 Little Encinas Creek Exiting Detention Basin BJ 452 Calavera Creek at Confluence with Agua Hedionda Creek 878 Dos Colinas Development CLOMR Submittal FEMA effective 100-year flows were used for the Agua Hedionda Creek hydraulic analyses. The effective FEMA Flood Insurance Study (FIS) dated May 16, 2012 lists the following peak discharge information pertinent to the study area: Location Drainage 100-year Area Discharge (sq. miles) (cfs) Agua Hedionda Creek 2,200 feet upstream of Rancho 16.5 7,810 Carlsbad Drive Agua Hedionda Creek upstream of Calavera Creek 17.3 8,080 Agua Hedionda Creek at El Camino Real 23.8 9,850 4. HYDRAuLIC ANALYSES 4.1 Topography Topography prepared by Photo Geodetic dated October 27, 2005 was incorporated into the Duplicate Effective models for both Little Encinas Creek and Agua Hedionda Creek. Cross section station and elevation data were extracted from this topographic file for the study reach. 4.2 Hydraulic Parameters Several site visits of Little Encinas Creek and Agua Hedionda Creek were performed to document channel roughness coefficients and hydraulic parameters for incorporation into the hydraulic model. For Agua Hedionda Creek, Manning's n-values range from 0.03 to 0.06 for the main channel and 0.035 to 0.04 for the overbanks for the entire study channel reach. For Little Encinas Creek, roughness coefficients used by Chang Consultants were determined to accurately represent present day conditions. Manning's roughness coefficients were determined using engineering judgment and reference books. The starting water surface elevation (WSEL) for all models were extracted from the FEMA effective models. All elevations listed in this study are in NGVD 29. 4.3 100-Year Hydraulic Models and Results The ACOE HEC-RAS Version 4. 1.0 program was used to evaluate potential impacts to the 100- year floodplain and floodway limits resulting from proposed grading and bridge improvements. The updated 100-year peak discharges listed in the previous table were used for these revised hydraulic analyses. EFFECTIVE MODELS Little Encinas and Calaveras Creeks Chang Consultants' HEC-RAS model described as 'Calavera Creek - Fully Encroached' prepared for LOMR 09-09-276P was used as the Effective Model for this CLOMR. This model 3 Dos Colinas Development CLOMR Submittal represents the current FEMA floodplain and floodway limits shown on the effective FIRM. FEMA provided a digital HEC-RAS file of this model. Agua Hedionda Creek The model prepared by Chang Consultants (LOMR 02-09-594P) and the FEMA HEC-2 model <AGUAHEC.FLD> represent the FEMA effective model because they established the current FEMA floodplain limits shown on the effective FIRM. FEMA provided digital HEC-2 files of these models. DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE MODELS Little Enemas and Calaveras Creeks Chang Consultants' HEC-RAS model described as 'Calavera Creek - Fully Encroached' prepared for LOMR 09-09-276P was rerun in HEC-RAS to create the Duplicate Effective Model. This model also represents the Pre-Project or Existing Conditions Model. Agua Hedionda Creek The effective HEC-2 models provided by the FEMA library were merged and imported into HEC-RAS to create the Duplicate Effective Model. CORRECTED EFFECTIVE MODELS Little Encinas and Calaveras Creeks No Corrected Effective Model was prepared. Agua Hedionda Creek The Duplicate Effective Model was revised to include newer topographic information (dated 10/27/05) from sections 10270 to 13861. A new section was added (section 11606) to define the downstream limits of the proposed wetland mitigation grading limits. New sections 13812 and 13861 were also added to accurately define a low-water crossing at these section locations. In addition, Manning's roughness coefficients for the channel and overbank areas were updated to represent existing conditions. Floodway encroachments were slightly modified upstream of Rancho Carlsbad Drive to correct negative surcharges shown in the effective models. This new model is considered the Pre-Project Conditions Model and represents existing channel conditions prior to implementing proposed grading and bridge improvements. POST-PROJECT CONDITIONS MODELS Little Enemas and Calaveras Creeks The upstream detailed study limits of the Duplicate Effective Model was extended to the downstream limit of the proposed 4-foot by 7.75-foot RCB outlet from Detention Basin BJ. Only one additional section (3437) was required to extend the study. In addition, the right 4 Dos Colinas Development CLOMR Submittal overbank of Section 3410 was modified to include proposed grading improvements in this area. Floodplain mapping for Detention Basin BJ was determined using the ponding elevation results of the HEC-1 analysis. Agua Hedionda Creek The Corrected Effective Model was revised to include proposed grading improvements from the storm drain bench area (sections 10375 to 11185) and wetland mitigation grading (sections 11606 to 12710), and the College Boulevard Bridge crossing (sections 12590 to 12710). This revised model represents the Post-Project Conditions Model. 5. CoNcLusioNs Little Enemas and Calaveras Creeks This Conditional Letter of Map Revision includes updated hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for Little Encinas and Calavera Creeks. The project along Little Encinas Creek proposes construction of a detention basin which will reduce the floodplain along the Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. The attenuated flows from Detention Basin BJ reduce downstream flood elevations by less than 0.5 feet, therefore, revised floodplain mapping is not required downstream of Section 3170. The upstream limit of detailed study has been extended to included proposed 100-year inundation limits of Detention Basin BJ. Agua Hedionda Creek This Conditional Letter of Map Revision includes updated hydraulic analyses for Agua Hedionda Creek. The project includes grading for a storm drain bench area and wetland mitigation, and a proposed bridge crossing. The proposed wetland mitigation grading will increase flow conveyance volume in the floodplain areas and significantly reduce 100-year WSELs west of the proposed College Boulevard Bridge. East of the proposed bridge crossing there will be a localized increase in 100-year WSELs immediately upstream of the bridge crossing. The existing grade of the adjacent property to the east is a minimum of two feet above the proposed 100-year water surface elevations. Model results show that 100-year WSELs will match within 0.5 feet at the upstream and downstream tie-in points, and floodway elevations and widths will match within 0.00 at the upstream and downstream tie-in points. 61 a APPENDIX A: CLOMR Forms U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELANPSECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B No. 1660-0016 OVERVIEW & CONCURRENCE FORM Expires February 28, 2014 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 1 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington, VA 20958-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0016). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your completed survey to the above address. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Public Law 90-448, as amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93- 234. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility to request changes to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.0 § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the routine uses published in DHS/FEMNNFIP/LOMA-1 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) February 15, 2006, 71 FR 7990. DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent FEMA from processing a determination regarding a requested change to a (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). A. REQUESTED RESPONSE FROM DHS-FEMA This request is for a (check one): Z CLOMR: A letter from DHS-FEMA commenting on whether a proposed project, if built as proposed, would justify a map revision, or proposed hydrology changes (See 44 CFR Ch. 1, Parts 60, 65 & 72). 0 LOMR: A letter from DHS-FEMA officially revising the current NFIP map to show the changes to floodplains, regulatory floodway or flood elevations. (See 44 CFR Ch. 1, Parts 60, 65 & 72) B. OVERVIEW IP map panel(s) affected for all impacted communities is (are): o. Community Name State Map No. Panel No. Effective Date 301 City of Katy TX 48473C 00050 02/08/83 0287 Harris County TX 48201C 0220G 09/28/90 PaFlooding City of Carlsbad, San Diego County CA 06073C 0768G 05/16/12 City of Carlsbad, San Diego County CA 06073C 0769G 05/16/12 ing Source: Little Encinas Creek, Calavera Creek, Agua Hedionda Creek s of Flooding: Z Riverine 0 Coastal 0 Shallow Flooding (e.g., Zones AO and AH) 0 Alluvial fan 0 Lakes fl Other (Attach Description) Project Name/Identifier: Dos Colinas Development FEMA zone designations affected: AE (choices: A, AH, AO, A1-A30, A99, AE, AR, V, VI-V30, yE, B, C, 0, X) Basis for Request and Type of Revision: a. The basis for this revision request is (check all that apply) Z Physical Change 10 Improved Methodology/Data Regulatory Floodway Revision 0 Base Map Changes O Coastal Analysis 10 Hydraulic Analysis Hydrologic Analysis 0 Corrections O Weir-Dam Changes 0 Levee Certification 0 Alluvial Fan Analysis 0 Natural Changes New Topographic Data 0 Other (Attach Description) Note: A photograph and narrative description of the area of concern is not required, but is very helpful during review. MMEEM FEMA Form 086-0-27, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 1 Page 1 of 3 b. The area of revision encompasses the following structures (check all that apply) Structures: 0 Channelization 0 Levee/Floodwall IR Bridge/Culvert 0 Dam 0 Fill 19 Other (Attach Description) (Proposed Detention Basin) 6. Z Documentation of ESA compliance is submitted (required to initiate CLOMR review). Please refer to the instructions for more information. REVIEW FEE Has the review fee for the appropriate request category been included? Yes Fee amount: $6 7_50 U No, Attach Explanation Please see the DHS-FEMA Web site at http://www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/fhm/frm_fees.shtm for Fee Amounts and Exemptions. SIGNATURE All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001. Name: Scott R. Lyle Company: Lyle Engineering, Inc. Mailing Address: Daytime Telephone No.: (415) 497-2717 Fax No.: P.O. Box 4296 San Rafael, CA 94913 E-Mail Address: scottrlylegmail.com Signature of Requester (required): '. LJj,ls- Date: 6/7/15 As the community official responsible for floodplain management, I hereby acknowledge that we have received and reviewed this Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) or conditional LOMR request. Based upon the community's review, we find the completed or proposed project meets or is designed to meet all of the community floodplain management requirements, including the requirements for when fill is placed in the regulatory floodway, and that all necessary Federal, State, and local permits have been, or in the case of a conditional LOMR, will be obtained. For Conditional LOMR requests, the applicant has documented Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance to FEMA prior to FEMA's review of the Conditional LOMR application. For LOMR requests, I acknowledge that compliance with Sections 9 and 10 of the ESA has been achieved independently of FEMA's process. For actions authorized, funded, or being carried out by Federal or State agencies, documentation from the agency showing its compliance with Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA will be submitted. In addition, we have determined that the land and any existing or proposed structures to be removed from the SFHA are or will be reasonably safe from flooding as defined in 44CFR 65.2(c), and that we have available upon request by FEMA, all analyses and documentation used to make this determination. Community Official's Name and Title: Community Name: City of Carlsbad ASi* cLDEgT.1 Crr%f EtEL Mailing Address: \d?5 15A4N6.P1 e.. Daytime Telephone NOW Fax No.: E-Mail Address:0 1d J4çL) ,ej& co Ct\ 00 Community Official's Signature (required): Date: LIS CERTIFICATION BYREGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND/OR LAND SURVEYOR This certification is to be signed and sealed by a licensed land surveyor, registered professional engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information data, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, and any other supporting information as per NFIP regulations paragraph 65.2(b) and as described in the MT-2 Forms Instructions. All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001. Certifier's Name: Scott R. Lyle License No.: 44062 Expiration Date: 6/30/17 Company Name: Lyle Engineering, Inc. Telephone No.: (415) 497-2717 Fax No.: Signature: '. Lj(- Date: 6/7/15 E-Mail Address: scottrlyle©gmail.com FEMA Form 086-0-27, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 1 Page 2 of 3 the forms that are appropriate to your revision request are included in your submittal. Form Name and (Number) Required if Riverine Hydrology and Hydraulics Form (Form 2) New or revised discharges or water-surface elevations 10 Riverine Structures Form (Form 3) 0 Coastal Analysis Form (Form 4) 0 Coastal Structures Form (Form 5) 0 Alluvial Fan Flooding Form (Form 6) Channel is modified, addition/revision of bridge/culverts, addition/revision of levee/floodwall, addition/revision of dam New or revised coastal elevations Addition/revision of coastal structure Flood control measures on alluvial fans Seal (Optional) FEMA Form 086-0-27, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 1 Page 3 of 3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.BNo. 1660-0016 RIVERINE HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS FORM Expires February 28, 2014 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 3.5 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington VA 20958-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0016). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your completed survey to the above address. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Public Law 90-448, as amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility to request changes to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.0 § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the routine uses published in DHS/FEMNNFIP/LOMA-1 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) February 15, 2006, 71 FR 7990. DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent FEMA from processing a determination regarding a requested change to a NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). Flooding Source: Little Encinas Creek Note: Fill out one form for each flooding source studied A. HYDROLOGY Reason for New Hydrologic Analysis (check all that apply) 0 Not revised (skip to section B) Z No existing analysis 0 Improved data El Alternative methodology D Proposed Conditions (CLOMR) 0 Changed physical condition of watershed Comparison of Representative 1%-Annual-Chance Discharges Location Drainage Area (Sq. Mi.) Effective/FIS (cfs) Revised (cfs) Proposed College Blvd 1.24 NA 452 Methodology for New Hydrologic Analysis (check all that apply) Statistical Analysis of Gage Records Precipitation/Runoff Model -* Specify Model: HEC-1 Regional Regression Equations 0 Other (please attach description) Please enclose all relevant models in digital format, maps, computations (including computation of parameters), and documentation to support the new analysis. 4. Review/Approval of Analysis If your community requires a regional, state, or federal agency to review the hydrologic analysis, please attach evidence of approval/review. Impacts of Sediment Transport on Hydrology Is the hydrology for the revised flooding source(s) affected by sediment transport? 0 Yes J@ No If yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport) of Form 3. If No, then attach your explanation.. FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 1 of 3 B. HYDRAULICS Reach to be Revised Description Cross Section Water-Surface Elevations (ft.) Effective Proposed/Revised Downstream Limit* Confluence w/ Calavera Crk 3170 58.04 57.94 Upstream Limit* DIS face of Pr. College Blvd 3437 NA 58.77 *Proposed/Revised elevations must tie-into the Effective elevations within 0.5 foot at the downstream and upstream limits of revision. Hydraulic Method/Model Used: HEC-RAS Version 4.1.0 Pre-Submittal Review of Hydraulic Models* DHS-FEMA has developed two review programs, CHECK-2 and CHECK-RAS, to aid in the review of HEC-2 and HEC-RAS hydraulic models, respectively. We recommend that you review your HEC-2 and HEC-RAS models with CHECK-2 and CHECK-RAS. Models Submitted Natural Run Floodway Run Datum File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Duplicate Effective Model* Plan Name: *pol CalaveraCreek CalaveraCreek *p01 NGVD29 Corrected Effective Model File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: Existing or Pre-Project File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: Conditions Model Revised or Post-Project File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: Conditions Model CalaveraCreek *p03 CalaveraCreek *p03 NGVD29 Other - (attach description) File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: * For details, refer to the corresponding section of the instructions. Digital Models Submitted? (Required) C. MAPPING REQUIREMENTS A certified topographic work map must be submitted showing the following information (where applicable): the boundaries of the effective, existing, and proposed conditions 1%-annual-chance floodplain (for approximate Zone A revisions) or the boundaries of the 1%- and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplains and regulatory floodway (for detailed Zone AE, AO, and AH revisions); location and alignment of all cross sections with stationing control indicated; stream, road, and other alignments (e.g., dams, levees, etc.); current community easements and boundaries; boundaries of the requester's property; certification of a registered professional engineer registered in the subject State; location and description of reference marks; and the referenced vertical datum (NGVD, NAVD, etc.). Digital Mapping (GIS/CADD) Data Submitted (preferred) Topographic Information: Horizontal datum: NAD83: Vertical datum: NGVD29 Source: Photo Geodetic Date: October 27. 2005 Accuracy: 2-foot contour interval Note that the boundaries of the existing or proposed conditions floodplains and regulatory floodway to be shown on the revised FIRM and/or FBFM must tie-in with the effective floodplain and regulatory floodway boundaries. Please attach a copy of the effective FIRM and/or FBFM, at the same scale as the original, annotated to show the boundaries of the revised 1%-and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplains and regulatory floodway that tie-in with the boundaries of the effective 1%-and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplain and regulatory floodway at the upstream and downstream limits of the area on revision. Annotated FIRM and/or FBFM (Required) FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 2 of 3 D. COMMON REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS* 1. For LOMRICLOMR requests, do Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) increase? DYes 0 No For CLOMR requests, if either of the following is true, please submit evidence of compliance with Section 65.12 of the NFIP regulations: The proposed project encroaches upon a regulatory floodway and would result in increases above 0.00 foot compared to pre-project conditions. The proposed project encroaches upon a SFHA with or without BFEs established and would result in increases above 1.00 foot compared to pre-project conditions. Does this LOMR request cause increase in the BFE and/or SFHA compared with the effective BFEs and/or SFHA? 0 Yes 0 No If Yes, please attach proof of property owner notification and acceptance (if available). Elements of and examples of property owner notifications can be found in the MT-2 Form 2 Instructions. 2. Does the request involve the placement or proposed placement of fill? Yes D No If Yes, the community must be able to certify that the area to be removed from the special flood hazard area, to include any structures or proposed structures, meets all of the standards of the local floodplain ordinances, and is reasonably safe from flooding in accordance with the NFIP regulations set forth at 44 CFR 60.3(A)(3), 65.5(a)(4), and 65.6(a)(14). Please see the MT-2 instructions for more information. 3. For LOMR requests, is the regulatory floodway being revised? 0 Yes 0 No If Yes, attach evidence of regulatory floodway revision notification. As per Paragraph 65.7(b)(1) of the NFIP Regulations, notification is required for requests involving revisions to the regulatory floodway. (Not required for revisions to approximate 1%-annual-chance floodplains [studied Zone A designation] unless a regulatory floodway is being established. Elements and examples of regulatory floodway revision notification can be found in the MT-2 Form 2 Instructions.) 4. For CLOMR requests, please submit documentation to FEMA and the community to show that you have complied with Sections 9 and 10 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). For actions authorized, funded, or being carried out by Federal or State agencies, please submit documentation from the agency showing its compliance with Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA. Please see the MT-2 instructions for more detail. * Not inclusive of all applicable regulatory requirements. For details, see 44 CFR parts 60 and 65. FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 3 of U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B No. 1660-0016 RIVERINE HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS FORM Expires February 28, 2014 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 3.5 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington VA 20958-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0016). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your completed survey to the above address. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Public Law 90-448, as amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the purpose of determining an applicants eligibility to request changes to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.0 § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the routine uses published in DHS/FEMA/NFIP/LOMA-1 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) February 15, 2006, 71 FR 7990. DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent FEMA from processing a determination regarding a requested change to a NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). Flooding Source: Calavera Creek Note: Fill out one form for each flooding source studied A. HYDROLOGY 1. Reason for New Hydrologic Analysis (check all that apply) 0 Not revised (skip to section B) 0 No existing analysis 0 Improved data Alternative methodology Proposed Conditions (CLOMR) 0 Changed physical condition of watershed 2. Comparison of Representative 1%-Annual-Chance Discharges Location Drainage Area (Sq. Mi.) Effective/FIS (cfs) Revised (cfs) Confluence w/ Ague Hedionda Crk 5.8 909 878 3. Methodology for New Hydrologic Analysis (check all that apply) Statistical Analysis of Gage Records Precipitation/Runoff Model - Specify Model: HEC-1 0 Regional Regression Equations 0 Other (please attach description) Please enclose all relevant models in digital format, maps, computations (including computation of parameters), and documentation to support the new analysis. Review/Approval of Analysis If your community requires a regional, state, or federal agency to review the hydrologic analysis, please attach evidence of approval/review. Impacts of Sediment Transport on Hydrology Is the hydrology for the revised flooding source(s) affected by sediment transport? 0 Yes No If yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport) of Form 3. If No, then attach your explanation.. FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 1 of 3 B. HYDRAULICS Reach to be Revised Description Cross Section Water-Surface Elevations (ft.) Effective Proposed/Revised Downstream Limit* Confi. w/ Aqua Hedionda Crk 5.11 44.00/44.70 (FW) 44.00/44.70 (FW) Upstream Limit* Confi. w/ Little Encinas Crk 3410 58.89/58.89 (FW) 58.43/58.44 (FW) *proposed/Revised elevations must tie-into the Effective elevations within 0.5 foot at the downstream and upstream limits of revision. Hydraulic Method/Model Used: HEC-RAS Version 4.1.0 Pre-Submittal Review of Hydraulic Models* DHS-FEMA has developed two review programs, CHECK-2 and CHECK-RAS, to aid in the review of HEC-2 and HEC-RAS hydraulic models, respectively. We recommend that you review your HEC-2 and HEC-RAS models with CHECK-2 and CHECK-RAS. Models Submitted Natural Run Floodway Run Datum Duplicate Effective Model* File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: CalaveraCreek *p01 CalaveraCreek *p01 NGVD29 Corrected Effective Model* File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: Existing or Pre-Project File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: Conditions Model Revised or Post-Project File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: Conditions Model CalaveraCreek *p03 CalaveraCreek *p03 NGVD29 Other - (attach description) File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: * For details, refer to the corresponding section of the instructions. Z Digital Models Submitted? (Required) C. MAPPING REQUIREMENTS A certified topographic work map must be submitted showing the following information (where applicable): the boundaries of the effective, existing, and proposed conditions 1%-annual-chance floodplain (for approximate Zone A revisions) or the boundaries of the 1%- and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplains and regulatory floodway (for detailed Zone AE, AO, and AH revisions); location and alignment of all cross sections with stationing control indicated; stream, road, and other alignments (e.g., dams, levees, etc.); current community easements and boundaries; boundaries of the requester's property; certification of a registered professional engineer registered in the subject State; location and description of reference marks; and the referenced vertical datum (NGVD, NAVD, etc.). Digital Mapping (GIS/CADD) Data Submitted (preferred) Topographic Information: Horizontal datum: NAD83: Vertical datum: NGVD29 Source: Photo Geodetic Date: October 27, 2005 Accuracy: 2-foot contour interval Note that the boundaries of the existing or proposed conditions floodplains and regulatory floodway to be shown on the revised FIRM and/or FBFM must tie-in with the effective floodplain and regulatory floodway boundaries. Please attach a copy of the effective FIRM and/or FBFM, at the same scale as the original, annotated to show the boundaries of the revised 1%-and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplains and regulatory floodway that tie-in with the boundaries of the effective 1%-and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplain and regulatory floodway at the upstream and downstream limits of the area on revision. Annotated FIRM and/or FBFM (Required) FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 2 of 3 D. COMMON REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS* 1. For LOMR/CLOMR requests, do Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) increase? 0 Yes 0 No For CLOMR requests, if either of the following is true, please submit evidence of compliance with Section 65.12 of the NFIP regulations: The proposed project encroaches upon a regulatory floodway and would result in increases above 0.00 foot compared to pre-project conditions. The proposed project encroaches upon a SFHA with or without BFEs established and would result in increases above 1.00 foot compared to pre-project conditions. Does this LOMR request cause increase in the BFE and/or SFHA compared with the effective BFEs and/or SFHA? 0 Yes 0 No If Yes, please attach proof of property owner notification and acceptance (if available). Elements of and examples of property owner notifications can be found in the MT-2 Form 2 Instructions. 2. Does the request involve the placement or proposed placement of fill? 0 Yes Z No If Yes, the community must be able to certify that the area to be removed from the special flood hazard area, to include any structures or proposed structures, meets all of the standards of the local floodplain ordinances, and is reasonably safe from flooding in accordance with the NFIP regulations set forth at 44 CFR 60.3(A)(3), 65.5(a)(4), and 65.6(a)(14). Please seethe MT-2 instructions for more information. 3. For LOMR requests, is the regulatory floodway being revised? 0 Yes 0 No If Yes, attach evidence of regulatory floodway revision notification. As per Paragraph 65.7(b)(1) of the NFIP Regulations, notification is required for requests involving revisions to the regulatory floodway. (Not required for revisions to approximate 1%-annual-chance floodplains [studied Zone A designation] unless a regulatory floodway is being established. Elements and examples of regulatory floodway revision notification can be found in the MT-2 Form 2 Instructions.) 4. For CLOMR requests, please submit documentation to FEMA and the community to show that you have complied with Sections 9 and 10 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). For actions authorized, funded, or being carried out by Federal or State agencies, please submit documentation from the agency showing its compliance with Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA. Please see the MT-2 instructions for more detail. * Not inclusive of all applicable regulatory requirements. For details, see 44 CFR parts 60 and 65. FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 3 of 3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B No. 1660-0016 RIVERINE HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS FORM Expires February 28, 2014 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 3.5 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington VA 20958-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0016). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your completed survey to the above address. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Public Law 90-448, as amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility to request changes to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.0 § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the routine uses published in DHS/FEMNNFIP/LOMA-1 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP); Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) February 15, 2006, 71 FR 7990. DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent FEMA from processing a determination regarding a requested change to a NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). Flooding Source: Aqua Hedionda Creek Note: Fill out one form for each flooding source studied A. HYDROLOGY Reason for New Hydrologic Analysis (check all that apply) Not revised (skip to section B) 0 No existing analysis 0 Improved data O Alternative methodology 0 Proposed Conditions (CLOMR) 0 Changed physical condition of watershed Comparison of Representative 1%-Annual-Chance Discharges Location Drainage Area (Sq. Mi.) Effective/FIS (cfs) Revised (cfs) 3. Methodology for New Hydrologic Analysis (check all that apply) Statistical Analysis of Gage Records 0 Precipitation/Runoff Model 3 Specify Model___________________________ Regional Regression Equations 0 Other (please attach description) Please enclose all relevant models in digital format, maps, computations (including computation of parameters), and documentation to support the new analysis. Review/Approval of Analysis If your community requires a regional, state, or federal agency to review the hydrologic analysis, please attach evidence of approval/review. Impacts of Sediment Transport on Hydrology Is the hydrology for the revised flooding source(s) affected by sediment transport? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport) of Form 3. If No, then attach your explanation.. FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 1 of 3 B. HYDRAULICS Reach to be Revised Description Cross Section Water-Surface Elevations (ft.) Effective Proposed/Revised Downstream Limit* Rcho Carlsbad Dr 0/S face 10270 57.03/56.97 (RN) 57.03/56.97 (RN) Upstream Limit* Section Ton FEMA FIRM 14040 83.41/83.58 (FW) 83.38/83.57 (RN) *Proposed/Revised elevations must tie-into the Effective elevations within 0.5 foot at the downstream and upstream limits of revision. Hydraulic Method/Model Used: HEC-RAS Version 4.1.0 Pre-Submittal Review of Hydraulic Models* DHS-FEMA has developed two review programs, CHECK-2 and CHECK-RAS, to aid in the review of HEC-2 and HEC-RAS hydraulic models, respectively. We recommend that you review your HEC-2 and HEC-RAS models with CHECK-2 and CHECK-RAS. Models Submitted Natural Run Floodway Run Datum Duplicate Effective Model* File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: AHCCLOMR *p01 AHCCLOMR *p01 NGVD29 Corrected Effective Model* File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: AHCCLOMR *p02 AHCCLOMR *.p02 NGVD29 Existing or Pre-Project File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: Conditions Model Revised or Post-Project File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: Conditions Model AHCCLOMR *03 AHCCLOMR *p03 NGVD29 Other - (attach description) File Name: Plan Name: File Name: Plan Name: * For details, refer to the corresponding section of the instructions. Z Digital Models Submitted? (Required) C. MAPPING REQUIREMENTS A certified topographic work map must be submitted showing the following information (where applicable): the boundaries of the effective, existing, and proposed conditions 1%-annual-chance floodplain (for approximate Zone A revisions) or the boundaries of the 1%- and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplains and regulatory floodway (for detailed Zone AE, AO, and AH revisions); location and alignment of all cross sections with stationing control indicated; stream, road, and other alignments (e.g., dams, levees, etc.); current community easements and boundaries; boundaries of the requester's property; certification of a registered professional engineer registered in the subject State; location and description of reference marks; and the referenced vertical datum (NGVD, NAVD, etc.). Digital Mapping (GIS/CADD) Data Submitted (preferred) Topographic Jnformation: Horizontal datum: NAD83: Vertical datum: NGVD29 Source: Photo Geodetic Date: October 27, 2005 Accuracy: 2-foot contour interval Note that the boundaries of the existing or proposed conditions floodplains and regulatory floodway to be shown on the revised FIRM and/or FBFM must tie-in with the effective floodplain and regulatory floodway boundaries. Please attach a copy of the effective FIRM and/or FBFM, at the same scale as the original, annotated to show the boundaries of the revised 1%-and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplains and regulatory floodway that tie-in with the boundaries of the effective 1%-and 0.2%-annual-chance floodplain and regulatory floodway at the upstream and downstream limits of the area on revision. Annotated FIRM and/or FBFM (Required) FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 2 of 3 D. COMMON REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS* 1. For LOMRJCLOMR requests, do Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) increase? Yes 0 No For CLOMR requests, if either of the following is true, please submit evidence of compliance with Section 65.12 of the NFIP regulations: The proposed project encroaches upon a regulatory floodway and would result in increases above 0.00 foot compared to pre-project conditions. The proposed project encroaches upon a SFHA with or without BFEs established and would result in increases above 1.00 foot compared to pre-project conditions. Does this LOMR request cause increase in the BFE and/or SFHA compared with the effective BFEs and/or SFHA? 0 Yes 0 No If Yes, please attach proof of property owner notification and acceptance (if available). Elements of and examples of property owner notifications can be found in the MT-2 Form 2 Instructions. 2. Does the request involve the placement or proposed placement of fill? Yes 0 No If Yes, the community must be able to certify that the area to be removed from the special flood hazard area, to include any structures or proposed structures, meets all of the standards of the local floodplain ordinances, and is reasonably safe from flooding in accordance with the NFIP regulations set forth at 44 CFR 60.3(A)(3), 65.5(a)(4), and 65.6(a)(14). Please see the MT-2 instructions for more information. 3. For LOMR requests, is the regulatory floodway being revised? 0 Yes 0 No If Yes, attach evidence of regulatory floodway revision notification. As per Paragraph 65.7(b)(1) of the NFIP Regulations, notification is required for requests involving revisions to the regulatory floodway. (Not required for revisions to approximate 1%-annual-chance floodplains [studied Zone A designation] unless a regulatory floodway is being established. Elements and examples of regulatory floodway revision notification can be found in the MT-2 Form 2 Instructions.) 4. For CLOMR requests, please submit documentation to FEMA and the community to show that you have complied with Sections 9 and 10 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). For actions authorized, funded, or being carried out by Federal or State agencies, please submit documentation from the agency showing its compliance with Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA. Please see the MT-2 instructions for more detail. * Not inclusive of all applicable regulatory requirements. For details, see 44 CFR parts 60 and 65. FEMA Form 086-0-27A, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89 MT-2 Form 2 Page 3 of 3 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY RIVERINE STRUCTURES FORM O.M.B. NO. 1660-0016 Expires February 28, 2014 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 7 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington, VA 20598-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0016). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your completed survey to the above address. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Public Law 90-448, as amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility to request changes to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.0 § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the routine uses published in DHS/FEMA/NFIP/LOMA-1 National Flood Insurance Program; Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) February 15, 2006, 71 FR 7990. DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent FEMA from processing a determination regarding a requested change to a NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). Flooding Source: Little Encinas Creek Note: Fill out one form for each flooding source studied. A. GENERAL Complete the appropriate section(s) for each Structure listed below: Channelization...............complete Section B Bridge/Culvert................complete Section C Dam...............................complete Section D Levee/Floodwall.............complete Section E Sediment Transport........complete Section F (if required) Description Of Modeled Structure Name of Structure: 4'x7.75' Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert Type (check one): D Channelization Bridge/Culvert 0 Levee/Floodwall 0 Dam Location of Structure: Outlet from Detention Basin BJ Downstream Limit/Cross Section: Section 3437 Upstream Limit/Cross Section: Detention Basin BJ Name of Structure: Type (check one): 0 Channelization 0 Bridge/Culvert 0 Levee/Floodwall 0 Dam Location of Structure: Downstream Limit/Cross Section: Upstream Limit/Cross Section: Name of Structure: Type (check one) 0 Channelization 0 Bridge/Culvert 0 Levee/Floodwall 0 Dam Location of Structure: Downstream Limit/Cross Section: Upstream Limit/Cross Section: NOTE: FOR MORE STRUCTURES, ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NEEDED. FEMA Form 086-0-278, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 1 of 11 TION Name of Structure: 1. Hydraulic Considerations The channel was designed to carry (cfs) and/or the _.__-year flood. The design elevation in the channel is based on (check one): 0 Subcritical flow 0 Critical flow 0 Supercritical flow 0 Energy grade line If there is the potential for a hydraulic jump at the following locations, check all that apply and attach an explanation of how the hydraulic jump is controlled without affecting the stability of the channel. Inlet to channel 0 Outlet of channel 0 At Drop Structures 0 At Transitions El Other locations (specify): Channel Design Plans Attach the plans of the channelization certified by a registered professional engineer, as described in the instructions. Accessory Structures The channelization includes (check one): Levees [Attach Section E (Levee/Floodwall)] 0 Drop structures 0 Superelevated sections El Transitions in cross sectional geometry 0 Debris basin/detention basin [Attach Section D (Dam/Basin)] 0 Energy dissipator 0 Weir 0 Other (Describe): 4. Sediment Transport Considerations Are the hydraulics of the channel affected by sediment transport? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport) of Form 3. If No, then attach your explanation for why sediment transport was not considered. C. BRIDGE/CULVERT Flooding Source: Little Encinas Creek Name of Structure: 4'x7.75 Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert This revision reflects (check one): N Bridge/culvert not modeled in the FIS Modified bridge/culvert previously modeled in the FIS Revised analysis of bridge/culvert previously modeled in the FIS Hydraulic model used to analyze the structure (e.g., HEC-2 with special bridge routine, WSPRO, HY8): FlowMaster If different than hydraulic analysis for the flooding source, justify why the hydraulic analysis used for the flooding source could not analyze the structures. Attach justification. (Culvert was analyzed as part of Detention Basin BJ routing analyses. FlowMaster used to establish rating curve for RCB which was input into the HEC-HMS analysis.) Attach plans of the structures certified by a registered professional engineer. The plan detail and information should include the following (check the information that has been provided): N Dimensions (height, width, span, radius, length) N Distances Between Cross Sections N Shape (culverts only) N Erosion Protection N Material N Low Chord Elevations - Upstream and Downstream 0 Beveling or Rounding N Top of Road Elevations - Upstream and Downstream N Wing Wall Angle N Structure Invert Elevations - Upstream and Downstream N Skew Angle N Stream Invert Elevations - Upstream and Downstream N Cross-Section Locations Sediment Transport Considerations Are the hydraulics of the structure affected by sediment transport? 0 Yes N No F (Sediment Transport) of Form 3. If no. then attach an FEMA Form 086-O-2713, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 2 of 11 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY RIVERINE STRUCTURES FORM O.M.B. NO. 1660-0016 Expires February 28, 2014 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 7 hours per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1800 South Bell Street, Arlington, VA 20598-3005, Paperwork Reduction Project (1660-0016). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your completed survey to the above address. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, Public Law 90-448, as amended by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This information is being collected for the purpose of determining an applicant's eligibility to request changes to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). ROUTINE USE(S): The information on this form may be disclosed as generally permitted under 5 U.S.0 § 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This includes using this information as necessary and authorized by the routine uses published in DHS/FEMA/NFIP/LOMA-1 National Flood Insurance Program; Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) February 15, 2006, 71 FR 7990. DISCLOSURE: The disclosure of information on this form is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information requested may delay or prevent FEMA from processing a determination regarding a requested change to a NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). Flooding Source: Agua Hedionda Creek Note: Fill out one form for each flooding source studied. A. GENERAL Complete the appropriate section(s) for each Structure listed below: Channelization...............complete Section B Bridge/Culvert................complete Section C Dam...............................complete Section D Levee/Floodwall.............complete Section E Sediment Transport........complete Section F (if required) Description Of Modeled Structure Name of Structure: College Boulevard Bridge Type (check one): 0 Channelization Bridge/Culvert 0 Levee/Floodwall 0 Dam Location of Structure: Intersection of College Blvd and Sunny Creek Rd Downstream Limit/Cross Section: Section 12590 Upstream Limit/Cross Section: Section 12710 Name of Structure: Wetland Mitigation Grading Type (check one): Channelization 0 Bridge/Culvert 0 Levee/Floodwall 0 Dam Location of Structure: Immediately downstream of College Blvd Bridge Downstream Limit/Cross Section: Section 11553 Upstream Limit/Cross Section: Section 12590 Name of Structure: Type (check one) 0 Channelization 0 Bridge/Culvert 0 Levee/Floodwall 0 Dam Location of Structure: Downstream Limit/Cross Section: Upstream Limit/Cross Section: NOTE: FOR MORE STRUCTURES, ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NEEDED. FEMA Form 086-0-2713, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 1 of 11 Name of Structure: Wetland Mitigation Grading Hydraulic Considerations The channel was designed to carry 8080 (cfs) and/or the j.QQ-year flood. The design elevation in the channel is based on (check one): N Subcritical flow D Critical flow 0 Supercritical flow 0 Energy grade line If there is the potential for a hydraulic jump at the following locations, check all that apply and attach an explanation of how the hydraulic jump is controlled without affecting the stability of the channel. D Inlet to channel D Outlet of channel 0 At Drop Structures 0 At Transitions 0 Other locations (specify): Channel Design Plans Attach the plans of the channelization certified by a registered professional engineer, as described in the instructions. Accessory Structures The channelization includes (check one): Levees [Attach Section E (Levee/Floodwall)] 0 Drop structures 0 Superelevated sections D Transitions in cross sectional geometry U Debris basin/detention basin [Attach Section D (Dam/Basin)] N Energy dissipator 0 Weir 0 Other (Describe): 4. Sediment Transport Considerations Are the hydraulics of the channel affected by sediment transport? 0 Yes N No If yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment Transport) of Form 3. If No, then attach your explanation for why sediment transport was not considered. BRIDGE/CULVERT Flooding Source: Aaua Hedionda Creek Name of Structure: College Boulevard Bridge 1. This revision reflects (check one): N Bridge/culvert not modeled in the FIS Modified bridge/culvert previously modeled in the FIS El Revised analysis of bridge/culvert previously modeled in the FIS Hydraulic model used to analyze the structure (e.g., HEC-2 with special bridge routine, WSPRO, HY8): HEC-RAS If different than hydraulic analysis for the flooding source, justify why the hydraulic analysis used for the flooding source could not analyze the structures. Attach justification. Attach plans of the structures certified by a registered professional engineer. The plan detail and information should include the following (check the information that has been provided): N Dimensions (height, width, span, radius, length) N Distances Between Cross Sections N Shape (culverts only) N Erosion Protection N Material N Low Chord Elevations - Upstream and Downstream El Beveling or Rounding N Top of Road Elevations - Upstream and Downstream N Wing Wall Angle N Structure Invert Elevations - Upstream and Downstream N Skew Angle N Stream Invert Elevations - Upstream and Downstream N Cross-Section Locations Sediment Transport Considerations Are the hydraulics of the structure affected by sediment transport? 0 Yes N No If Yes, then fill out Section F (Sediment TransDorfl of Form 3. If no. then FEMA Form 086-0-2713, (2/2011) Previously FEMA Form 81-89B MT-2 Form 3 Page 2 of 11 C, 'loill S TIE-IN WITH CALAVERA CREEK -ZONE AE I FLOODWAY AND FLOODPLAIN 17 / ( BASIN BJ / I 2 rn II - - \ \ I V 0' \ I 1 \-6 - N 0 f N \ —c o I > 20 C 0 -u 0 / -47 PPOEI[ - J 0 / L DQ J 0° / ) g ZONE AE 664, FILE \II ZONEAE 1: A E /ZO 4 IL TIE-IN WITH AGUA HELONDA CR'EK NMILLAYCT FLOODWAY AND FLOPLAIN 7 5 j -- AUDEF'I PL Po H m 01 I WARD PL --CH /o co go I.ON letter/w_\ ( on ron ----- MAP SCALE 1" 500' 0 250 500 750 1,000 FFF I NC7t7 C1tK VO5-EC 1 NCIN1S CK O -OJ0 J(. 1 FLOW COH1AN2 IN CULV1 C[LV'1/ FiPEE 71A H19IOVA CK 01-P0JC'1 100-W ftOOPAIN 1iA I{I7IONA CK 05-0JCi 100- YP FLOOWAY I770 24-IN 5'TOIM 2PAN -1EF1 PANEL 076&G FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP I)IFG() ('OtN'tV, ( .•\t,IFOR\I,- \"t) IM ORPOR vi t-:i uu; V, PANEL 768 OF 2375 1- - RMPNLYOUT) co om fN I to MAP NUMBER x MAP REVISED MAY 16, 2012 I &'dt 3I 1' iiirgctc \I.IIl,t-mtnt 'o-\ Q -I - 0 ANHOfATF P FIP\,M /H;ThV WOLVERINE l'tui /icdioi,Ja ( 'rc''I -IN WITH AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK DODWAY AND FLOO PLAN EAE / co),O L r L tIMLI (1:F DET/'HLFL) OTUDY ZONEAE m MAP SCALE 1"c500' 250 500 750 lOOC) T .1 FEET PANEL 0769G FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE IMP 80 SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA I AND INCORPORATED AFEAS © PANEL 769 OF 2375 SEE MAP tNCEX FOR PIRM PANEL LAYOUT) CommumrTy '&MR PANf SUFcIX QTY or OW05 7&9 G f2f oCFAIMCE 11Y OF 46ww 0764 G vTF O?$9 J1 Nt.tC VW fl'e M$p NIHI( ii 4h$i øg Mac. 0'.1ers trm nhIiflU IQur1'b.q shvan stove LL1 ' Aed MAP NUMBER 06073C0769G MAP REVISE0 MAY 16, 2012 Federal Eaiergny %Lauaemein geøc FERM CT ZONE X I I.is &M1ftcia1 copy of a portion Of the above eferenoed good map. It extatecJ usffiç) F-MIT O,,-Lie Ths nmp óoes not reet changes I ;;endrneflts whch may have been made subscqmjerll to t1mvdate ,n the ok For th prçhmçt infcrmatlOfl 4oimt NcnmI FIoo lnvrorme tcd rrrapt check tkc FEMA Flood Map Store 6t ww~-nist;Jetna -9c F'O-OJCi IOO- FLOOPLJN P01-1-0190, 116f 00- yr F1,OOWY ANNO1A1W FIFM APPENDIX B: ESA Compliance Letter A.- United States Department of the Interior 1.17i FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE LLATiJ Ecological Services Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office .6010 Hidden Valley Road, Suite 101 Carlsbad, California 92011 In Reply .Refer To JUN 2 1 2010 Colonel Thomas }I. Magness, Disttict Engineer RECEIVED U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District Regulatory Branch - Ventura Field Office JUL 012010 2151 Alessandro Drive, Suite 110 Ventura, California 93001 REGULATORY BRANCH CARLSBAI) FIELD OFFICE Attention: Meris. Bantilan-Smith Subject: Formal Section 7 consultation forthe College Boulevard - Reach A and Detention Basin BJ Project, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California (File No. SPL- '2009-00959-MBS) Dear Colonel Magness: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has reviewed, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) letter dated January 26, 2010, requesting consultation on Ithe potential effects of the proposed College Boulevard - Reach A and Detention Basin BJ on the federally endangered least Bell's vireo ( Vzreo bellii puszIhs,' vireo") in accordance with Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act), as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 el seq.). Your request for consultation was received on January 26, 2010. We provided comments on the proposed action via electronic mail on March 18, 2010; received an application resubmittal binder directly from the consultant, Planning Systems, on April 7 2010, provided additional comments via clectronic mail on April 22, 2010; participated in an interagency site visit on May 274 2010; and received updated information directly from Planning Systems on June 9, 2010 Your letter requested consultation on potential effects to designated critical habitat for-the federally threatened coastal. California gnaicatcher. PoIiopti1a caljfornica calforAica, "gnatcatchei') Howevet, the area of proposed critical habitat within the project footprint was excluded from designated critical habitat pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act (Federal Register 72:72010) because it is located within the City of Carlsbad's (City) approved Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP) Habitat Management Plan (HMP) area. Therefore, no consultation is necessary for designated critical habitat for the gnatcatcher. The MHCP establishes a multiple species conservation prograni to minimize and mitigate habitat loss and the incidental take of covered species in association with specific activities covered by the program. The MHCP encompasses a 175 square mile area in northwestern San Diego County TAKE PRIDE 1. AM ER lCk Colonel Thomas A. Magness (FWS-SDG-10B0209-10F0415) 2 including the City and six additional city jurisdictions. On November 12, 2004, the Service issued an Endangered Species Act section 1.0(a(1)(B) permit ("incidental take permit") for the City HMP under the broader MHCP. The proposed project is located within the City's HMP boundary. The vireo is a covered species under the City's HMP, and the City's incidental take permit authorizes take of vireo for projects consistent with their HMP. The Service concurs with your agency's determination that the proposed project may affect virco. We have also determined that the project, as proposed, is consistent with the City's HMP and its associated implementation agreement and permit. We understand that while the City is the project proponent, project construction is anticipated to be contracted and managed through the developer of the adjacent property. Therefore, upon receipt by the contractor/developer, Bentley Equity, Inc., of development approval from the City for the project, take of virco by the College Boulevard - Reach A and Detention Basin Bi project will be authorized through the City's incidental take permit. The status of the virco and the effects of implementing the City's HMP under the MHCP were previously addressed in our biological opinion for the City's HMP dated November 9, 2004. In this biological opinion, we concluded that the level of anticipated take in the City's HMP area boundary was not likely to result in jeopardy to the vireo. Given that the proposed College Boulevard - Reach A and Detention Basin BJ project is consistent with the City's HMP, we do not anticipate any adverse effects to the vireo that were not previously evaluated in our biological opinion for the I-IMP. No incidental take of vireo beyond that anticipated in the biological opinion for the City's HMP will occur. Therefore, it is our conclusion that implementation of the proposed project will not result in jeopardy to the vireo. By this consultation, we are extending to the Corps the take coverage for vireo already provided to the City through their incidental take permit for their HMP. Extension of take coverage to the Corps under the City's HMP is limited to the proposed project and as provided in the incidental take statement of our biological opinion for the City's 1-IMP dated November 9, 2004. This concludes formal consultation on the proposed action. As provided in 50 CFR §402.16, reinitiation of formal consultation is required where discretionary Federal agency involvement or control over the action has been retained (or is authorized by law) and if: 1) the amount or extent of incidental take is exceeded; 2) new information reveals effects of the proposed action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner or to an extent not considered in this opinion; 3) the agency action is subsequently modified in a manner that causes an effect to listed species or critical habitat that was not considered in this pinion; or 4) a new species is listed or critical habitat is designated that may be affected by the proposed action. In instances where the amount or extent of incidental take is exceeded, any operations causing such take must cease pending reinitiation. Colonel Thomas A. Magness FWS-S DO-i OBO2O9-1OFO4 5) If you have any qucstions or concerns with regard to this letter, please contact Janet Stuckrath of my staff at (760) 431-9440, extension 270. Sincerely, ç4 p Karen A. Goebel Assistant Field Supervisor APPENDIX C: HEC-1 Results CLOMR HEC-1 Results * FLOOD HYDROGRAPH PACKAGE (HEC-1) * * JUN 1998 * * VERSION 4.1 * * RUN DATE 24MAY15 TIME 15:47:33 * * U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS * * HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING CENTER * * 609 SECOND STREET * * DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 95616 * * (916) 756-1104 * x x xxxxxxx xxxxx x x x x x x xx K x X X xxxxxxx xxxx x xxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx THIS PROGRAM REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF NEC-i KNOWN AS HEC1 (JAN 73), HEC1GS, HEC1DB, AND HEC1KW. THE DEFINITIONS OF VARIABLES -RTIMP- AND -RTIOR- HAVE CHANGED FROM THOSE USED WITH THE 1973-STYLE INPUT STRUCTURE. THE DEFINITION OF -ANSEM- ON RN-CARD WAS CHANGED WITH REVISIONS DATED 28 SEP 81. THIS IS THE FORTP.AN77 VERSION NEW OPTIONS: DAMBREAI( OUTFLOW SUBMERGENCE , SINGLE EVENT DAMAGE CALCULATION, DSS:WRITE STAGE FREQUENCY, DSS:READ TIME SERIES AT DESIRED CALCULATION INTER'/AL LOSS RATE:GREEN AND AMPT INFILTRATION KINEMATIC WAVE: NEW FINITE DIFFERENCE ALGORITHM NEC-i INPUT PAGE LINE ID ....... 1 .......2 .......3.......4 .......5.......6.......7 .......8 .......9......10 FREE *DIAGRAM 1 ID ********** ***************** ************** ************* ***** 2 ID BASELINE PER CITY OF CARLSBAD (CALAVERA CREEK ONLY) 3 ID BUT WITH 84 INCH INSTEAD OF WEIR WALL. NO MODS 4 ID TO BASIN BJB OUTLET, HISTORIC CALAVERA LAKE, NO BASIN BJ. 5 ID DETENTION BASIN BJB VOLUME BASED ON ODAY 5-12-2005 TOPO, 6 ID MODELS DETENTION AT ECR WITH PARK SITE AND 5:1 SLOPE CONSTRUCTED 7 ID ASSUMES 8x8 RCB IN ECR IS HOT PLUGGED WITH SILT, SPLITTER WALL 8 ID WILL BE DESIGNED TO DIRECT FLOW TO 84 INCH RCP. 9 ID FILENAME: BASE84P8M.HC1 10 ID **** ***************************** **************************** ***** ii ID FINAL 100-YR, 24-HR HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS FOR 12 ID RANCHO CARLSBAD MOBILE HOME PARK 13 ID INCLUDES DETENTION BASINS AT FARADAY, MELROSE, BJB, AND SD 14 ID INCLUDES DETENTION AT CALAVERA DAN ASSUMING VALVES ARE OPEN DURING STORM 15 ID INCLUDES SPLIT FLOW TO NORTH SIDE OF WALL IN CALAVERA CREEK 16 ID 3W: 13182-D 17 ID FN: RC100.HC1 18 ID DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2004 19 I***************** ******************** ********************** ******** 20 ID FINAL 100-YR, 24-HR HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS FOR DOS COLINAS DEVELOPMENT CLOMR 21 ID INCLUDES PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN BJ ON LITTLE ENCINAS CREEK 22 ID INPUT FOR BASIN BJ ANALYSIS PREPARED BY HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES 23 ID DATE: MAY 2015 24 ID ************************************************ ******** 25 IT 5 0 0 300 26 10 4 27 14K Cl 28 KM BASN1 FROM COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CALCS 29 IN 30 30 PB 5.5 31 P1 0 .009 .007 .009 .009 .011 .009 .011 .012 .013 32 P1 .014 .016 .017 .02 .023 .03 .045 .067 .088 .096 33 P1 .082 .041 .027 .023 .021 .02 .019 .017 .016 .018 34 P1 .01 .016 .015 .014 .015 .012 .013 .01 .01 .009 35 P1 .01 .011 .01 .009 .009 .009 .009 .01 .009 36 BA .87 37 LS 0 90 38 UD .409 39 KKCCDETMELROSE 40 EM DETAIN NEAR H. MELROSE 41 AS 1 STOR -1 42 SV 0 0.32 1.13 3.37 21.53 43 SQ 0 454.2 688.8 770.4 962.9 44 SE 326.95 335.0 338.0 340.0 345.0 45 NE Cl-C2 46 KM ROUTE Cl THROUGH C2 47 AS 1 STOR -i 48 AC .06 .08 .06 18380 .014 49 RE 0 80 300 600 650 1000 1350 1700 50 RY 300 280 260 240 240 260 280 300 HEC-1 INPUT LINE ID ....... 1 .......2 .......3 .......4 .......5.......6........7 .......8 .......9......10 51 KK C2 52 PB 5.3 53 BA 2.72 54 LS 0 91 55 UD .480 56 14K COMBINE 51 NC 2 58 14K DETCALA 59 KM DETAIN AT CALVERA LAKE 60 KM BEFORE DAM IMPROVEMENTS 61 AS 1 ELEV 209.0 62 SA 21 24 27 30 33 35 38 39.5 41 43 PAGE 2 63 SE 208 210 212 214 216 217 218 219 220 221 64 SS 216.5 150 2.64 1.5 65 XX C2-C3 66 KM ROUTE C2 THROUGH C3 67 RS 1 STOR -1 68 RC .05 .06 .05 5620 .021 69 RX 0 200 250 300 800 900 1100 1400 70 RY 200 160 120 100 100 120 140 160 71 KK C3 72 KM AREA ADJUSTED TO INCLUDE CALAVERA HILLS ii (+0.03 SQ. MI.) 73 PB 5.1 74 BA .88 75 LS 0 89 76 UD .201 77 XX COMBINE 78 HC 2 79 KR DETNBJB 80 KM DETAIN AT DOWNSTREAM END OF BASIN C3 AKA BASIN BJB FLOW-TRU BASIN 81 KM EXISTING BASIN WITH 101X7' BOX & 72" RCP 82 106 INTERPOLATED VALUES FOR SE=77.1' * ED 0 2 0 0 22 83 RS 1 STOR -1 84 SA 0 0.09 0.31 2.26 5.35 10.12 14.74 20.02 24.13 85 SE 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 86 SQ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 760 819 87 SQ 855 885 1000 1020 88 SE 62 64.65 66.21 67.52 68.68 70.02 71.58 73.27 74.32 74.59 89 SE 75.0 75.35 76.72 77.1 * SQ 200 400 600 800 1000 1051.6 1120 1200 1250 1292 * SE 64.3 65.7 66.8 67.8 72.5 73.3 74.1 74.8 75.1 75.9 HEC-1 INPUT LINE ID.......1 .......2 .......3 .......4 .......5.......6.......7 .......8 .......9......10 90 KR DIVCC 91 KM PORTION OF BJB FLOW DIVERTED TO NORTH SIDE OF WALL 92 KM ASSUMES THAT 475 CFS OF A 100-YR STORM WILL BE DIVERTED 93 KM FLOWS LESS THAN 75 WILL REMAIN IN CALAVERA CREEK 94 106 THE MECHANISM FOR DIVERTING THIS 475 CFS WILL BE 84 RCP 95 DTDIVNORTH 96 DI 0 75 901 971 97 DQ 0 0 470 473 98 XX C4 99 PB 5.2 100 BA 1.24 101 LS 0 88 102 UD .513 103 XX DETNC4 104 KM DETAIN AT DOWNSTREAM END OF BASIN C4 105 KM PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN BJ WITH 4'X7.75 RCB OUTLET * KO 0 2 106 RS 1 STOP. -1 107 SV 0 0.03 0.73 3.65 6.77 10.85 15.70 21.05 26.70 32.58 108 SQ 0 60.02 204.56 297.11 333.60 366.42 396.48 424.41 450.59 475.32 109 SE 60 62 64 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 110 XX COMBINE 111 NC 2 112 KR C3&-RCC 113 KM ROUTE C3 AND C4 THROUGH RCC 114 RS 1 STOR -1 115 RC .03 .04 .03 3900 .016 116 RE 0 190 280 300 310 325 390 820 117 RY 48 48.4 48 42 42 46 46 48 118 KR RCC 119 PB 4.8 120 BA .0545 121 LB 0 87 122 UD .108 123 XX CCTOTAL 124 104 CALAVERA CREEK TOTAL DISCHARGE 125 NC 2 126 XX RETDIV 127 DRDIVNORTH 128 XX RTNOR 129 KM ROUTE DIVERTED FLOW ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF THE WALL 130 RS 1 STOR -1 131 RC .03 .03 .03 4400 .0125 132 RE 17 20 20.1 61 108 133 139 140 133 RY 50 50 44 40 38 50 50 50 NEC-i INPUT LINE ID.......1 .......2 .......3.......4 .......5.......6.......7 .......8.......9......10 134 XX RRC2 135 PB 4.8 136 BA .208 137 LS 0 87 138 UD .185 139 XX BOX 140 NC 2 141 KR BACH 142 PB 4.7 143 BA .425 144 LS 0 87 145 UD .167 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 146 KK EX 8x8 147 NC - 2 148 KK NURSERY 149 KM DETAIN AT NURSERY EAST OF EL CANINO REAL 150 KM EXISTING 8'X8'RCB - CLEAR OPENING 151 KM ASSUMES ROBERTSON'S RANCH PARK GRADING AT NURSERY 152 RS 1 STOR -1 153 SA 0.866 1.613 4.119 5.223 154 SQ 0 350 642 856 155 SE 33.1 34 36 38 156 ZZ SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF STREAM NETWORK INPUT LINE (V) ROUTING (--->) DIVERSION OR PUMP FLOW NO. (.) CONNECTOR )<---) RETURN OF DIVERTED OR PUMPED FLOW 27 Cl V V 39 CCDETMEL V V 45 C1-C2 51 : C2 56 COMBINE ........... V V 58 DETCALA V V 65 C2-C3 71 : C3 77 COMBINE ........... V V 79 DETNBJB 95 -------->DIVHORTH 90 DIVCC 98 : C4 V V 103 . DETNC4 110 COMBINE ........... V V 112 C3&-RCC 118 : RCC 123 CCTOTAL ........... 127 .<-------DIVNORTH 126 . RETDIV V V 128 . RTNOR 134 RRC2 139 BOX ........... 141 . RRCH 146 . EX-8x8 ............ V V 148 . NURSERY (**) RUNOFF ALSO COMPUTED AT THIS LOCATION * FLOOD HYOROGRAPH PACKAGE (NEC-1) * * JUN 1998 * * VERSION 4.1 * * RUN DATE 24MAY15 TIME 15:47:33 * BASELINE PER CITY OF CARLSBAD (CPLAVERA CREEK ONLY) BUT WITH 84 INCH INSTEAD OF WEIR WALL. NO MODS TO BASIN BB OUTLET, HISTORIC CALAVERA LAKE, NO BASIN BJ. DETENTION BASIN BJB VOLUME BASED ON ODAY 5-12-2005 TOPO, * U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS * * HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING CENTER * * 609 SECOND STREET * * DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 95616 * * (916) 756-1104 * MODELS DETENTION AT ECR WITH PARE SITE AND 5:1 SLOPE CONSTRUCTED ASSUMES 8x8 RCB IN ECA IS NOT PLUGGED WITH SILT, SPLITTER WALL WILL BE DESIGNED TO DIRECT FLOW TO 84 INCH RCP. FILENAME: BASE84P8M.HC1 FINAL 100-YR, 24-HR HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS FOR RANCHO CARLSBAD MOBILE HOME PARE INCLUDES DETENTION BASINS AT FARADAY, MELROSE, BJB, AND BJ INCLUDES DETENTION AT CALAVERA DAN ASSUMING VALVES ARE OPEN DURING STORM INCLUDES SPLIT FLOW TO NORTH SIDE OF WALL IN CALAVERA CREEK JN: 13182-0 PH: RC100.HC1 DATE: DECEMBER 1, 2004 FINAL 100-YR, 24-HR HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS FOR DOS COLINAS DEVELOPMENT CLOMR INCLUDES PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN BY ON CALAVERAS CREEK INPUT FOR BASIN BJ ANALYSIS PREPARED BY HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES DATE: MAY 2015 26 10 OUTPUT CONTROL VARIABLES IPRNT 4 PRINT CONTROL IPLOT 0 PLOT CONTROL QSCAL 0. HYDROGRAPH PLOT SCALE IT HYDROGRAPH TIME DATA NMIN 5 MINUTES IN COMPUTATION INTERVAL IDATE 1 0 STARTING DATE ITIME 0000 STARTING TIME NQ 300 NUMBER OF HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES NDDATE 2 0 ENDING DATE NDTIME 0055 ENDING TIME ICENT 19 CENTURY MARK COMPUTATION INTERVAL .08 HOURS TOTAL TIME BASE 24.92 HOURS ENGLISH UNITS DRAINAGE AREA SQUARE MILES PRECIPITATION DEPTH INCHES LENGTH, ELEVATION FEET FLOW CUBIC FEET PER SECOND STORAGE VOLUME ACRE-FEET SURFACE AREA ACRES TEMPERATURE DEGREES FAHRENHEIT 27 K * Cl : BASN1 FROM COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CALCS 29 IN TIME DATA FOR INPUT TIME SERIES JEMIN 30 TIME INTERVAL IN MINUTES JXDATE 1 0 STARTING DATE JXTIME 0 STARTING TIME SUBBASIN RUNOFF DATA 36 BA SUBBASIN CHARACTERISTICS TAREA .87 SUBBASIN AREA PRECIPITATION DATA 30 PB STORM 5.50 BASIN TOTAL PRECIPITATION 31 P1 INCREMENTAL PRECIPITATION PATTERN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 .00 .01 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 37 LS SCS LOSS RATE STAlL .22 INITIAL ABSTRACTION CRVNSR 90.00 CURVE NUMBER RTIMP .00 PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA 38 UD SCS DIMENSIONLESS UNITGRAPH TLAG .41 LAG UNIT HYDROGRAPH 27 END-OF-PERIOD ORDINATES 83. 255. 535. 805. 925. 918. 805. 653. 462. 336. 249. 188. 136. 102. 75. 56. 41. 31. 23. 17. 12. 9. 7. 5. 4. 2. 0. 39 KK * CCDETMEL ROSE DETAIN NEAR N. MELROSE HYDROGRAPH ROUTING DATA 41 RS STORAGE ROUTING NSTPS 1 NUMBER OF SUBREACHES ITYP STOR TYPE OF INITIAL CONDITION RSVRIC -1.00 INITIAL CONDITION X .00 WORKING R AND 0 COEFFICIENT 42 SV STORAGE .0 .3 1.1 3.4 21.5 43 SO DISCHARGE 0. 454. 689. 770. 963. 44 SE ELEVATION 326.95 335.00 338.00 340.00 345.00 WARNING *** MODIFIED PULS ROUTING MAY BE NUMERICALLY UNSTABLE FOR OUTFLOWS BETWEEN 0. TO 454. THE ROUTED HYDROGRAPH SHOULD BE EXAMINED FOR OSCILLATIONS OR OUTFLOWS GREATER THAN PEAK INFLOWS. THIS CAN BE CORRECTED BY DECREASING THE TIME INTERVAL OR INCREASING STORAGE (USE A LONGER REACH.) 45 K C1-C2 ROUTE Cl THROUGH C2 HYDROGRAPH ROUTING DATA 47 RS STORAGE ROUTING NSTPS 1 NUMBER OF SUBREACHES ITYP STOR TYPE OF INITIAL CONDITION RSVRIC -1.00 INITIAL CONDITION X .00 WORKING R AND D COEFFICIENT 48 RC NORMAL DEPTH CHANNEL AHL .060 LEFT OVERBANK N-VALUE ANCH .080 MAIN CHANNEL N-VALUE AMA .060 RIGHT OVERBANK H-VALUE RLNTH 18380. REACH LENGTH SEL .0140 ENERGY SLOPE ELMRX .0 MAX. ELEV. FOR STORAGE/OUTFLOW CALCULATION CROSS-SECTION DATA LEFT OVERBANK --- + ------MAIN CHANNEL -------- --- RIGHT OVERBANK 50 RY ELEVATION 300.00 280.00 260.00 240.00 240.00 260.00 280.00 300.00 49 BK DISTANCE .00 80.00 300.00 600.00 650.00 1000.00 1350.00 1700.00 COMPUTED STORAGE-OUTFLOW-ELEVATION DATA STORAGE .00 135.00 406.75 815.26 1360.52 2042.53 2861.30 3813.07 4885.71 6078.27 OUTFLOW .00 1153.86 5146.52 13089.18 25976.30 44711.89 70134.98 108385.70 158375.70 218660.80 ELEVATION 240.00 243.16 246.32 249.47 252.63 255.79 258.95 262.11 265.26 268.42 STORAGE 7390.74 8823.15 10375.47 12046.08 13813.70 15671.79 17620.34 19659.36 21788.86 24008.81 OUTFLOW 290153.10 373681.00 470025.30 580577.20 706398.30 846456.201001097.001170690.001355616.001556263.00 ELEVATION 271.58 274.74 277.89 281.05 284.21 287.37 290.53 293.68 296.84 300.00 5110< * C2 * SUBBASIN RUNOFF DATA 53 BA SUBBASIN CHARACTERISTICS TAREA 2.72 SUBBASIN AREA PRECIPITATION DATA 52 PB STORM 5.30 BASIN TOTAL PRECIPITATION 31 P1 INCREMENTAL PRECIPITATION PATTERN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 .00 .01 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 54 LS SCS LOSS RATE STRTL .20 INITIAL ABSTRACTION CRVNBR 91.00 CURVE NUMBER RTIMP .00 PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA 55 UD SCS DIMENSIONLESS UNITGRAPN TLAG .48 LAG UNIT HYDROGP.APH 31 END-OF-PERIOD ORDINATES 181. 538. 1100. 1820. 2339. 2509. 2466. 2205. 1870. 1418. 1058. 810. 635. 494. 373. 292. 226. 173. 132. 102. 79. 62. 47. 36. 28. 23. 18. 13. 9. 5. 1. 56 XE * COMBINE * 57 MC HYDROGRAPH COMBINATION ICOM? 2 NUMBER OF HYDROGRAPHS TO COMBINE *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 58 KK * DETCALA * DETAIN AT CALVERA LAKE BEFORE DAN IMPROVEMENTS HYDROGRAPN ROUTING DATA 61 RS STORAGE ROUTING NSTPS 1 NUMBER OF STJBREACHES ITYP ELEV TYPE OF INITIAL CONDITION RSVRIC 209.00 INITIAL CONDITION X .00 WORKING R AND D COEFFICIENT 62 SA AREA 21.0 24.0 27.0 30.0 330 35.0 38.0 39.5 41.0 43.0 63 SE ELEVATION 208.00 210.00 212.00 214.00 216.00 217.00 218.00 219.00 220.00 221.00 64 SS SPILLWAY CREL 216.50 SPILLWAY CREST ELEVATION SPWID 150.00 SPILLWAY WIDTH COQW 2.64 WEIR COEFFICIENT EXPW 1.50 EXPONENT OF HEAD COMPUTED STORAGE-ELEVATION DATA STORAGE .00 44.97 95.94 152.91 215.89 249.88 286.37 325.12 365.37 407.36 ELEVATION 208.00 210.00 212.00 214.00 216.00 217.00 218.00 219.00 220.00 221.00 COMPUTED OUTFLOW-ELEVATION DATA OUTFLOW .00 .00 .65 5.19 17.50 41.49 81.03 140.01 222.33 331.87 ELEVATION 208.00 216.50 216.51 216.56 216.63 216.72 216.85 217.00 217.18 217.39 OUTFLOW 412.52 648.18 862.13 1120.06 1424.06 1778.62 2187.61 2654.95 3184.51 3780.19 ELEVATION 217.63 217.89 218.18 218.50 218.85 219.22 219.63 220.06 220.51 221.00 COMPUTED STORAGE-OUTFLOW-ELEVATION DATA STORAGE .00 44.97 95.94 152.91 215.89 232.63 233.11 234.53 236.90 240.24 OUTFLOW .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .65 5.19 17.50 41.49 ELEVATION 208.00 210.00 212.00 214.00 216.00 216.50 216.51 216.56 216.63 216.72 STORAGE 244.56 249.88 256.25 263.72 272.34 282.17 286.37 293.26 305.56 319.10 OUTFLOW 81.03 140.01 222.33 331.87 472.52 648.18 727.50 862.73 1120.06 1424.06 ELEVATION 216.85 217.00 217.18 217.39 217.63 217.89 218.00 218.18 218.50 218.85 STORAGE 325.12 333.93 350.10 365.37 367.65 386.70 407.36 OUTFLOW 1565.33 1778.62 2187.61 2592.97 2654.95 3184.51 3780.19 ELEVATION 219.00 219.22 219.63 220.00 220.06 220.51 221.00 65 K : c2-c3 * ROUTE C2 THROUGH C3 HYDROGRAPH ROUTING DATA 67 AS STORAGE ROUTING NSTPS 1 NUMBER OF SUBREACHES ITYP STOR TYPE OF INITIAL CONDITION RSVRIC -1.00 INITIAL CONDITION X .00 WORKING R AND D COEFFICIENT 68 RC NORMAL DEPTH CHANNEL ANL .050 LEFT OVERBANK N-VALUE ARCH .060 MAIN CHANNEL N-VALUE ANR .050 RIGHT OVERBANK N-VALUE RLNTH 5620. REACH LENGTH SEL .0210 ENERGY SLOPE ELMAX .0 MAX. ELEV. FOR STORAGE/OUTFLOW CALCULATION CROSS-SECTION DATA LEFT OVERBANK --- + ------MAIN CHANNEL -------+ --- RIGHT OVERBANK 70 RY ELEVATION 200.00 160.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 69 RE DISTANCE .00 200.00 250.00 300.00 800.00 900.00 1100.00 1400.00 COMPUTED STORAGE-OUTFLOW-ELEVATION DATA STORAGE .00 352.92 732.65 1139.18 1572.78 2042.30 2552.03 3101.96 3693.53 4339.95 OUTFLOW .00 28999.61 93310.91 186085.70 307588.40 466632.80 656751.60 879534.701135227.001426614.00 ELEVATION 100.00 105.26 110.53 115.79 121.05 126.32 131.58 136.84 142.11 147.37 STORAGE 5044.46 5807.04 6620.45 7454.95 8307.33 9177.57 10065.68 10971.66 11895.51 12837.23 OUTFLOW 1758591.002133645.002568418.003060373.003598547.004181839.004809623.005481520.006197308.006956868.00 ELEVATION 152.63 157.89 163.16 168.42 173.68 178.95 184.21 189.47 194.74 200.00 WARNING *** MODIFIED PULS ROUTING MAY BE NUMERICALLY UNSTABLE FOR OUTFLOWS BETWEEN 307588. TO 6956868. THE ROUTED HYDROGRAPH SHOULD BE EXAMINED FOR OSCILLATIONS OR OUTFLOWS GREATER THAN PEAK INFLOWS. THIS CAN BE CORRECTED BY DECREASING THE TIME INTERVAL OR INCREASING STORAGE (USE A LONGER REACH.) 71 K * C3 : AREA ADJUSTED TO INCLUDE CALAVERA HILLS ii (+0.03 SQ. MI.) SUBBASIN RUNOFF DATA 74 BA SUBBASIN CHARACTERISTICS TAREA .88 SUBBASIN AREA PRECIPITATION DATA 73 PB STORM 5.10 BASIN TOTAL PRECIPITATION 31 P1 INCREMENTAL PRECIPITATION PATTERN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 .00 .01 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 75 LS SCS LOSS RATE STRTL .25 INITIAL ABSTRACTION CRVNBR 89.00 CURVE NUMBER RTIMP .00 PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA 76 UD SCS DIMENSIONLESS UNITGRAPH TLAG .20 LAG UNIT HYDROGRAPH 14 END-OF-PERIOD ORDINATES 425. 1401. 1749. 1405. 786. 452. 257. 149. 85. 48. 27. 17. 10. 3. 77 x< COMBINE * 78 NC HYDROGRAPH COMBINATION ICOMP 2 NUMBER OF HYDROGRAPHS TO COMBINE 79 KR * DETNSJB * DETAIN AT DOWNSTREAM END OF BASIN C3 AMA BASIN BJB FLOW-TRU BASIN EXISTING BASIN WITH 10'X7 BOX & 72" RCP INTERPOLATED VALUES FOR SE=77.1 HYDROGRAPH ROUTING DATA 83 RS STORAGE ROUTING NSTPS 1 NUMBER OF SUBREACHES ITYP STOR TYPE OF INITIAL CONDITION RSVRIC -1.00 INITIAL CONDITION X .00 WORKING R AND D COEFFICIENT 84 SA AREA .0 .1 .3 2.3 5.3 10.1 14.7 20.0 24.1 85 SE ELEVATION 62.00 64.00 66.00 68.00 70.00 72.00 74.00 76.00 78.00 86 SO DISCHARGE 0. 100. 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 760. 819. 855. 885. 1000. 1020. 88 BE ELEVATION 62.00 64.65 66.21 67.52 68.68 70.02 71.58 73.27 74.32 74.59 75.00 75.35 76.72 77.10 COMPUTED STORAGE-ELEVATION DATA STORAGE .00 .06 .44 2.71 10.10 25.32 50.04 84.66 128.75 ELEVATION 62.00 64.00 66.00 68.00 70.00 72.00 74.00 76.00 78.00 COMPUTED STORAGE-OUTFLOW-ELEVATION DATA STORAGE .00 .06 .14 .44 .52 1.78 2.71 4.54 10.10 10.21 OUTFLOW .00 75.47 100.00 186.54 200.00 300.00 341.38 400.00 498.51 500.00 ELEVATION 62.00 64.00 64.65 66.00 66.21 67.52 68.00 68.68 70.00 70.02 STORAGE 21.31 25.32 39.93 50.04 54.88 59.16 66.03 72.24 84.66 99.59 OUTFLOW 600.00 624.85 700.00 741.71 760.00 819.00 855.00 885.00 939.56 1000.00 ELEVATION 71.58 72.00 73.27 74.00 74.32 74.59 75.00 75.35 76.00 76.72 STORAGE 107.89 128.75 OUTFLOW 1020.00 1067.37 ELEVATION 77.10 78.00 WARDING MODIFIED PULS ROUTING MAY BE NUMERICALLY UNSTABLE FOR OUTFLOWS BETWEEN 0. TO 100. THE ROUTED HYDROGRAPH SHOULD BE EXAMINED FOR OSCILLATIONS OR OUTFLOWS GREATER THAN PEAK INFLOWS. THIS CAN BE CORRECTED BY DECREASING THE TIME INTERVAL OR INCREASING STORAGE (USE A LONGER REACH.) 90 K * DIVCC * PORTION OF BJB FLOW DIVERTED TO NORTH SIDE OF WALL ASSUMES THAT 475 CFS OF A 100-YR STORM WILL BE DIVERTED FLOWS LESS THAN 75 WILL REMAIN IN CALAVERA CREEK THE MECHANISM FOR DIVERTING THIS 475 CFS WILL BE 84" RCP DT DIVERSION ISTAD DIVNORTH DIVERSION HYDROGRAPH IDENTIFICATION DI INFLOW .00 75.00 901.00 971.00 DO DIVERTED FLOW .00 .00 470.00 473.00 98 K C4 : SUBBASIN RUNOFF DATA 100 BA SUBBASIN CHARACTERISTICS TAREA 1.24 SUBBASIN AREA PRECIPITATION DATA 99 PB STORM 5.20 BASIN TOTAL PRECIPITATION 31 P1 INCREMENTAL PRECIPITATION PATTERN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 .00 .01 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 101 LS SCS LOSS RATE STRTL .27 INITIAL ABSTRACTION CRVNBR 88.00 CURVE NUMBER RTIMP .00 PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA 102 UD SCS DIMENSIONLESS UNITGRAPH TLAG .51 LAG UNIT HYDROGRAPH 33 END-OF-PERIOD ORDINATES 70. 206. 422. 714. 946. 1069. 1074. 1002. 883. 731. 548. 419. 328. 262. 206. 158. 125. 99. 77. 59. 47. 37. 29. 22. 18. 14. 11. 9. 7. S. 4. 2. 0. 103 KK * DETNC4 * ************** DETAIN AT DOWNSTREAM END OF BASIN C4 PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN BJ WITH 41X7.75' RCB OUTLET HYDROGRAPH ROUTING DATA 106 RS STORAGE ROUTING NSTPS 1 NUMBER OF SUSREACHES ITYP STOR TYPE OF INITIAL CONDITION RSVRIC -1.00 INITIAL CONDITION X .00 WORKING R AND D COEFFICIENT 107 SV STORAGE .0 .0 .7 3.7 6.8 10.9 15.7 21.0 26.7 32.6 108 SQ DISCHARGE 0. 60. 205. 297. 334. 366. 396. 424. 451. 475. 109 SE ELEVATION 60.00 62.00 64.00 66.00 67.00 68.00 69.00 70.00 71.00 72.00 WARNING *** MODIFIED PULS ROUTING MAY BE NUMERICALLY UNSTABLE FOR OUTFLOWS BETWEEN 0. TO 60. THE ROUTED HYDROGRAPH SHOULD BE EXAMINED FOR OSCILLATIONS OR OUTFLOWS GREATER THAN PEAK INFLOWS. THIS CAN BE CORRECTED BY DECREASING THE TIME INTERVAL OR INCREASING STORAGE (USE A LONGER REACH.) 110 KK * COMBINE * 111 MC HYDROGRAPH COMBINATION ICOMP 2 NUMBER OF HYDROGRAPHS TO COMBINE 112 KK C3&-RCC ROUTE C3 AND C4 THROUGH RCC HYDROGRAPH ROUTING DATA 114 RS STORAGE ROUTING NSTPS 1 NUMBER OF SUBREACHES ITYP STOR TYPE OF INITIAL CONDITION RSVRIC -1.00 INITIAL CONDITION X .00 WORKING R AND D COEFFICIENT 115 RC NORMAL DEPTH CHANNEL ANL .030 LEFT OVERBANK N-VALUE ANCH .040 MAIN CHANNEL N-VALUE ANR .030 RIGHT OVERBANK N-VALUE RLNTH 3900. REACH LENGTH SEL .0160 ENERGY SLOPE ELMAX .0 MAX. ELEV. FOR STORAGE/OUTFLOW CALCULATION CROSS-SECTION DATA --- LEFT OVERBANK --- + ------MAIN CHANNEL -------+ --- RIGHT OVERBANK 117 RY ELEVATION 48.00 48.40 48.00 42.00 42.00 46.00 46.00 48.00 116 BK DISTANCE .00 190.00 280.00 300.00 310.00 325.00 390.00 820.00 COMPUTED STORAGE-OUTFLOW-ELEVATION DATA STORAGE .00 .34 .75 1.23 1.78 2.41 3.10 3.87 4.72 5.63 OUTFLOW .00 8.00 26.64 55.11 93.73 143.10 203.89 276.76 362.44 461.59 ELEVATION 42.00 42.34 42.67 43.01 43.35 43.68 44.02 44.36 44.69 45.03 STORAGE 6.61 7.67 9.06 13.56 20.28 29.22 40.38 53.75 69.43 90.61 OUTFLOW 574.92 703.08 851.16 1132.57 1601.86 2305.50 3288.16 4591.43 6331.69 8901.05 ELEVATION 45.37 45.71 46.04 46.38 46.72 47.05 47.39 47.73 48.06 48.40 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ********* *** *** *** *** *** * ************** *** ** ********** *** 118 K RCC SUBBASIN RUNOFF DATA 120 BA SUBBASIN CHARACTERISTICS TAREA .05 SUBBASIN AREA PRECIPITATION DATA 119 PB STORM 4.80 BASIN TOTAL PRECIPITATION 31 P1 INCREMENTAL PRECIPITATION PATTERN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 121 LS SCS LOSS RATE STRTL .30 INITIAL ABSTRACTION CRVNBR 87.00 CURVE NUMBER .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 RTINP .00 PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA 122 UD SCS DIMENSIONLESS UNITGRAPN TLAG .11 LAG UNIT HYDROGRAPH 8 END-OF-PERIOD ORDINATES 103. 174. 87. 35. 14. 6. 2. 1. 123 KK * CCTOTAL CALAVERA CREEK TOTAL DISCHARGE 125 HC HYDROGRAPH COMBINATION ICOMP 2 NUMBER OF NYDROGRAPHS TO COMBINE 126 KK RETDIV * 127 DR RETRIEVE DIVERSION HYDROGRAPH ISTAD DIVNORTH DIVERSION HYDROGRAPH IDENTIFICATION *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * ******** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * ******** * ************** 128 K( : RTNOR * ROUTE DIVERTED FLOW ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF THE WALL HYDROGRAPH ROUTING DATA 130 AS STORAGE ROUTING NSTPS 1 NUMBER OF SUBREACHES ITYP STOR TYPE OF INITIAL CONDITION RSVRIC -1.00 INITIAL CONDITION X .00 WORKING R AND D COEFFICIENT 131 RC NORMAL DEPTH CHANNEL ANL .030 LEFT OVERBANK N-VALUE ARCH .030 MAIN CHARNEL N-VALUE ANR .030 RIGHT OVERBANK N-VALUE RLNTH 4400. REACH LENGTH SEL .0125 ENERGY SLOPE ELMAX .0 MAX. ELEV. FOR STORAGE/OUTFLOW CALCULATION CROSS-SECTION DATA LEFT OVERBANK --- + ------MAIN CHANNEL -------+ --- RIGHT OVERBANK 133 RY ELEVATION 50.00 50.00 44.00 40.00 38.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 132 BK DISTANCE 17.00 20.00 20.10 61.00 108.00 133.00 139.00 1.40.00 COMPUTED STORAGE-OUTFLOW-ELEVATION DATA STORAGE .00 .52 2.06 4.64 8.06 11.99 16.41 21.32 26.74 32.65 OUTFLOW .00 13.05 82.89 244.39 546.37 971.97 1520.95 2199.80 3015.63 3975.79 ELEVATION 38.00 38.63 39.26 39.89 40.53 41.16 41.79 42.42 43.05 43.68 STORAGE 39.00 45.49 52.07 58.72 65.47 72.30 79.21 86.21 •93.29 100.45 OUTFLOW 5182.82 6635.65 8232.74 9969.34 11841.54 13846.07 15980.22 18241.64 20628.37 23138.66 ELEVATION 44.32 44.95 45.58 46.21 46.84 47.47 48.11 48.74 49.37 50.00 WARNING *** MODIFIED PULS ROUTING MAY BE NUMERICALLY UNSTABLE FOR OUTFLOWS BETWEEN 11842. TO 23139. THE ROUTED HYDROGRAPH SHOULD BE EXAMINED FOR OSCILLATIONS OR OUTFLOWS GREATER THAN PEAK INFLOWS. THIS CAN BE CORRECTED BY DECREASING THE TIME INTERVAL OR INCREASING STORAGE (USE A LONGER REACH.) 134 KK * RRC2 * SUBBASIN RUNOFF DATA 136 BA SUBBASIN CHARACTERISTICS TAREA .21 SUBBASIN AREA PRECIPITATION DATA 135 PB STORM 4.80 BASIN TOTAL PRECIPITATION 31 P1 INCREMENTAL PRECIPITATION PATTERN .10 .00 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 (0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .C-0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .01 .00 .00 .01 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .11 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .0]. .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .C-0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .110 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .$0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 .00 .110 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 137 LS SCS LOSS RATE STRTL .30 IETTIAL ABSTRACTION CRVNBR 87.00 CURVE NUMBER RTIMP .00 PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA 138 (ID SCS DIMENSIONLESS UNITGRAPH ILAG .19 LAO UNIT HYDP.OGRAPH 13 END-OF-PERIOD ORDINATES 120. 380. 437. 313. 162. 91. 50. 27. 15. 8. 5. 3. 1. 139 K * BOX 140 NC HYDROGRAPH COMBINATION ICOMP 2 NUMBER OF HYDROGRAPHS TO COMBINE 141 KK * RRCH SUBBASIN RUNOFF DATA 143 BA SUBBASII' CHARACTERISTICS TABEA .43 SUBBASIN AREA PRECIPITATION DATA 142 PB STORM 4.70 BASIN TOTAL PRECIPITATION 31 P1 INCREMENTAL PRECIPITATION PATTERN .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 .00 .10 .00 .00 .0-0 .00 .10 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .0]. .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .30 .00 .00 .110 .00 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .30 .00 .00 .00 .00 .30 .00 .00 .00 .00 .30 .00 .00 .00 .00 .30 .00 .00 .110 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 144 LS SCS LOSS RATE STRTL .30 INITIAL ABSTRACTION CRVNBR 87.00 CURVE NUMBER RTIMP .00 PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA 145 UD SCS DIMENSIONLESS UNITGRAPH TLAG .17 LAG UNIT HYDROGRAPH 12 END-OF-PERIOD ORDINATES 306. 920. 923. 558. 279. 147. 77. 40. 21. 11. 6. 2. 146 KK EX_8x8 : 147 NC HYDROGRAPH COMBINATION ICOMP 2 NUMBER OF NYDROGRAPNS TO COMBINE 148 KK * ** ** * * * * * ** * * NURSERY * DETAIN AT NURSERY EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL EXISTING 8'X8'RCB - CLEAR OPENING ASSUMES ROBERTSON'S RANCH PARK GRADING AT NURSERY HYDROGRAPH ROUTING DATA 152 RS STORAGE ROUTING NSTPS 1 NUMBER OF SUBREACHES ITYP STOR TYPE OF INITIAL CONDITION RSVRIC -1.00 INITIAL CONDITION X .00 WORKING R AND D COEFFICIENT 153 SA AREA .9 1.6 4.1 5.2 154 SQ DISCHARGE 0. 350. 642. 856. 155 SE ELEVATION 33.10 34.00 36.00 38.00 COMPUTED STORAGE-ELEVATION DATA STORAGE .00 1.10 6.64 15.96 ELEVATION 33.10 34.00 36.00 38.00 *** WARNING '" MODIFIED PULS ROUTING MAY BE NUMERICALLY UNSTABLE FOR OUTFLOWS BETWEEN 0. TO 350. THE ROUTED HYDROGRAPH SHOULD BE EXAMINED FOR OSCILLATIONS OR OUTFLOWS GREATER THAN PEAK INFLOWS. THIS CAN BE CORRECTED BY DECREASING THE TIME INTERVAL OR INCREASING STORAGE (USE A LONGER REACH.) 1 RUNOFF SUMMARY FLOW IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND TIME IN HOURS, AREA IN SQUARE MILES PEAK TIME OF AVERAGE FLOW FOR MAXIMUM PERIOD BASIN MAXIMUM TIME OF OPERATION STATION FLOW PEAK AREA STAGE MAX STAGE + 6-HOUR 24-HOUR 72-HOUR HYDROGRAPH AT + Cl 505. 10.25 249. 102. 98. .87 ROUTED TO + CCDETMEL 504. 10.25 249. 102. 98. .87 + 335.64 10.25 ROUTED TO + C1-C2 361. 11.00 235. 98. 95. .87 + 240.99 11.00 HYDROGRAPH AT + C2 1519. 10.33 760. 311. 299. 2.72 2 COMBINED AT + COMBINE 1831. 10.42 988. 409. 394. 3.59 ROUTED TO + DETCALA 1348. 11.17 745. 291. 280. 3.59 + 218.76 11.17 ROUTED TO + C2-C3 1325. 11.33 743. 290. 279. 3.59 + 100.24 11.33 HYDROGRAPH AT + C3 475. 10.08 224. 91. 88. .88 2 COMBINED AT + COMBINE 1501. 11.17 879. 381. 367. 4.47 ROUTED TO + DETNBJB 971. 12.58 832. 381. 367. 4.47 + 76.38 12.58 DIVERSION TO + DIVNORTH 473. 12.58 421. 181. 174. 4.47 HYDROGRAPH AT + DIVCC 498. 12.58 411. 200. 193. 4.47 HYDROGRAPH AT + C4 629. 10.42 314. 128. 123. 1.24 ROUTED TO + DETNC4 452. 11.08 314. 128. 123. 1.24 + 71.05 11.08 2 COMBINED AT + COMBINE 882. 12.08 686. 328. 316. 5.71 ROUTED TO + C3&-RCC 878. 12.25 686. 326. 314. 5.71 + 46.07 12.25 HYDROGRAPH AT + RCC 26. 10.00 12. 5. 5. .05 2 COMBINED AT + CCTOTAL 885. 12.25 696. 331. 319. 5.76 HYDROGRAPH AT + RETDIV 473. 12.58 421. 181. 174. .00 ROUTED TO + RTNOR 473. 12.75 421. 179. 173. .00 + 40.37 12.75 HYDROGRAPH AT 4 RRC2 99. 10.08 46. 19. 18. .21 2 COMBINED AT 4 BOX 497. 12.17 444. 198. 191. .21 HYDROGRAPH AT + RRCH 198. 10.00 92. 38. 36. .43 2 COMBINED AT + EX-8x8 549. 12.08 504. 236. 227. .63 ROUTED TO + NURSERY 545. 12.50 503. 236. 227. .63 + 35.34 12.50 NORMAL END OF NEC-i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '..S•. -. - ..-. -. . -S .5' 6i-:.5' -AJ15' — S •' -' ,.S; - -. ,. •-, 4f___ .' •_; 0_ Sc S.— '-S BCI -0_ 4, C2 Cl BC2 BC3 )BASIN -• AH3 BJB C3 . • --AHl - S - BASIN C4 BC4 .- - •. RRCH BJ AH2 A ( A RR'C2 . ii •,--- C RCA - _- S .• _;S_ DSAH AH9 AH7 1 — 3 A 10 r DAY BAN - AH6 MELROSE' AH4 BAS Legend AH8 -- AH5 ---- -s •-;,; HEC-1WORKMAP : •• - •' '. . WITH USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Major Watersheds 12-8-04 Drainage Basins - - .. -- - - Detention Basins I .5 sS c 750 90 Hunsaker Hydrology Study DRAINAGE STUDY for BJ DETENTION BASIN City of Carlsbad, California Prepared for: Bent-West LLC 5796 Armada Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (7 10) 602-5850 W.O 2580-05 March 19, 201.5 Hunsa:kér & Associates San Diego, Inc. No 48670 J Exp 06130116 1* My(bond OF Vice PresIdent DE,E wo;4 VV2u4 Cantarini - BJ Basin Drainage Study TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION Chapter 1 - Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Summary of Existing Conditions 1.3 Summary of Proposed Development 1.4 Summary of Results 1.5 Conclusion 1.6 References Chapter 2— HEC-1 Results 2.1 HEC-1 Output 2.2 HEC-1 Workmap Chapter 3— Basin Analysis Chapter 4— Basin Exhibit IV DE:re h:d25801%JiydroIogyaO3-bbasin.doc w.o. 2580-4-5 12/2/2014 CITY OF OCEANSIDE Try Cantarini - BJ Basin Drainage Study Chapter 1 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Introduction This report analyzes a proposed flood attenuation basin identified in the City of Carlsbad Drainage Master Plan, dated July 3, 2008, as drainage project BJ-1. BJ Basin is located east of College Boulevard on property owned by the Rancho Carlsbad Owners Association "RCOA" Parcel 4 (APN 168-050-36). PROJECT SITE NOT TO SCALE CITY OF I4STA t\r.1 "PAD [v c , JPç_?_J SAN I4fARCOS CITY OF ENCIMTAS VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 1.2 Summary of Existing Conditions The existing BJ Basin site consists of approximately 6 acres of open space currently used as an RV storage lot and active garden for residents. The remainder of the proposed site is a natural lightly vegetated hillside that drains in a southwesterly direction eventually discharging into Little Encinas Creek. The tributary watershed area is 1.24 sq-miles and consists of several single family developments, open space and several multifamily developments. The offsite tributary watershed drains in a southwesterly direction to the site and continues southwesterly along the northern edge of RCOA eventually discharging to the Agua Hedionda Creek and Lagoon. Runoff for the existing condition analysis was taken from a report entitled "Basin BJ Analysis" prepared by Rick Engineering for the Robertson Ranch project. DE:kp h:\reports'258001thydroIogy'aO3-bjbasin.doc wa. 2580-4-5 12212014 Cantarini - BJ Basin Drainage Study Peak flow data from the pre-developed site is summarized in Table I and can be found in Chapter 2 of this report. Table I —Existing Condition Discharging to BJ Basin Outlet Location 100-Year Peak Flow (cfs) BJ Basin 628.8 1.3 Summary of Proposed Development In order to mitigate these peak regional flows, Basin BJ was designated in the City Drainage Master Plan. The Master Plan identified this facility as containing 49 acre- feet of storage contained behind the College Boulevard embankment, with runoff conveyed under College by a 3' X 6' box culvert. Subsequent to approval of the Drainage Master Plan, the City completed improvements to Lake Calavera outletting woods. These improvements removed the RCOA residences from the 100-year floodplain and the benefit of Basin BJ construction on downstream floodplain limits is negligible. See the separate floodplain report prepared by Scott Lyle Engineering. In order to create the 49 acre-feet of storage upstream of College Boulevard, significant excavation would be needed and impacts to Little Encinas Creek, a jurisdictional wetlands would ensure. Since BJ Basin is no longer proposed as a wetland mitigation site, BJ Basin is being designed with reduced storage and a larger culvert outlet designed to maintain a minimum freeboard for College Boulevard of 1 foot. Once captured by the basin, storm water runoff is attenuated by this detention basin. In developed conditions, the basin bottom elevation will be 60.0 feet while the top elevation is 72.0 feet. Basin BJ has peak storage volume of 25.3 ac-ft. The total outflow of the basin is 451.3 cfs. The peak water surface elevation in the basin is 71.0 ft. Runoff will exit the basin via one 4' x 7.75' box culvert. The culvert will convey flow under College Boulevard, eventually discharging flow to Agua Hedionda Creek. This culvert has an invert elevation coincident with the basin bottom elevation of 60.0 feet. Table 2 - Overall Developed Conditions Discharging from BJ Basin Outlet Location 100-Year Peak Flow (cfs) BJ Basin I 451.3 I DE:re h:aeportM25801thydrogy\O3-bLbasIn.doc w.o. 2580-44 1212/2014 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71 ji . ... :. . - ,. ...,....-.-- ..,..-. - -=.---- S. ac .. . . - S.., S '• . 2 7 -.- 5' d.... - .5-S S I 1' 'S•_\ • - - / .___5 .• S. - SIN AFI BJI3 _Y "- BASIN - - -i AH2 A H.9 j t.I7 -- - - . - AH4 S 1 FARADAY N, %BASIN • , MELROSE .. S / BASIN .5 _- - - HEC-1 WORKMAP Legend - . ' WflH JSTOPOGAPH1C MAP - - - 12 : - Cantarini - BJ Basin Drainage Study 1.4 Summary of Results Tables 3 summarize pre vs. post-developed condition drainage areas and resultant 100-year peak flow rates at the storm drain discharge locations. Table 3 - Summary of Existing Vs. Developed 100-Year Peak Flows Outlet Location 100-Year Peak Flow (cfs) Existing Conditions 628.8 Developed Conditions 451.3 Difference -177.5 As illustrated in Tables 3, the overall developed condition flow discharging from the BJ basin decreases by approximately 177.5 cfs due to the construction of the BJ basin. 1.6 References "San Diego County Hydrology Manual" County of San Diego Department of Public Works - Flood Control Section; June 2003. "Storm Water Management Plan for Cantarini Ranch" Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc.; August, 2014. "Water Quality Plan for the San Diego Basin" California Regional Water Quality Control Board - San Diego Region, September 8, 1994. "Drainage Study for Cantarini Tentative Map CT 00-18", Buccola Engineering, Inc.; January 2003. "Storm Water Management Plan for Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs Tentative Map", O'Day Consultants, Inc.; March 2007. "Drainage Study for Cantarini Tentative Map CT 00-18", Buccola Engineering, Inc.; January 2003. DE:re h:580O1thydro!agaO3-bbasIn.doc w.o. 2580-4-5 121212014 I im m U- - = m - - m - - - - - - m - - - 1- - - \ F77 75 BOX CULVERT H \''• ,. LEGEND FLOWLINE 100 YEAR WSEL / BJ DETENTION 5AS1N AREA = 1.24 sq-mile 0• - INFW W = 629 c!s Q• OUTFLOW 451 cfs .1 VISE = 71.0 feet ------------- - / / --- . - - - ----- - . -;- -. -..I I - / -- .- ........................ -' •- LL -.---' .III CAWARIN/ DEVELOPMENT --- - - -- __ qHEE - = BJ DETENTION BASIN CALS LIOP.IA Cantarini - BJ Basin Drainage Study CHAPTER 2 HEC-1 Results 2.1 — HEC-1 Output w.o. 2580-44 121212014 DE:re t4 41! Iii. * 4 FLOOD R02OCB0PI0 i'JlCPliOS 1USC ii I !flPI 1p90 VIRO.10I 4,1 -BUR I3P.IE 1900751 TIME 104102 V.0. ARHY 0250$ OF E*O1IIR6 H AI*e 5p1215*111*itO 4xH7r.F oo sicxin rirr DAVIS, CB1.IFCR19IA 95010 19142 ?I4-11Q4 0 0 X{XXX 40010 X S 0 0 0 1 00 * 1* 5 * L'110L1X 1LXS1 * WUX S * x x If S *1 * * 0 0 0 luxxm xxxu *55 vxi AI.0 vI*uwuS vzomions or sr-1. ISio0N AS 6002 i.mor 33l ICSC100, irneum, an LjjM4'jN. 766 TIETIBITKSIF4 QF VMUISLEB ,ILTUIP:. 0110 .Rt'IDfl,. HAVE CiUJMFJ tIC44 6tjl*ft kf$1,10 tlllil 192-aivu.I1 211047 sToucylnus. mi I*VtN2 I 11*4 00 NUWII 11 am-CMD WAS CIINII300 Still REVIVIGH.9"DAIM 25 $1311 Ill 31516 2. 100 WO5Ts*N0 11116 Oi?XQIf0 66110127A6 Dumas I14IilC4 i,r,* 11CN7 DANAGE tlllbk71011 DOG SIUID 570010 PHEiI01CV Dr.StREAD 72115 010209 AT DOSE000 C!tLCULJ.111I1tl 121116RPM. I0B0 HI.51;1I2I20I( *110 AlloT INfl 14'flQll ifs AIc 11*10' Prof WI 11373 DTPPESEITCB AL0001I12I lIlI-1 INPUT billS ID...,.. 1--..2-1-3- ... 114 ..... .....lJ ,...,.J.,.... 10 ' 211130 02526N1 TO I00-050ID. 3460 SVOt 5561112' t 311 011,5311 10.1 *1.8010 IT CL I24OI1*EItXITG I IT S 0 0 300 I 30 3 5 35 S ON 0.425310 PH COUICY Of SM DIEM, CAWS 0 Im 39 60 6 9 21 0 .506 .007 009 .009 ,911 ,0O .2111. .012 .03.3 19 P1 .014 .016 .01.7 .03 .023 .03 045 .5 .003 .21911 12 II .9112 -94) .037 .023 .031 02. _019 017 .016 .010 12 01 O1 .016 .010 .111* ,02 ,tlla .013 .01 .113. .1109 13 L'S .01. .1110 .01 009 .609 .4400 .009 41 ,9 14 OIl Cd 15 PB 21.2 If 1111. 1.24 17 LB U $5 19 110 .513 211 *15 *2JtC 20 2101 DETAIN. AT 10I*1SIW13A3( 13010 Of 1102I4 CI 31 711 PRCLXNIUMY 129511311 OP !lS'26111V1011 5125111 12.1 I'01*4 1011.110411 cmumxD 6l0012rrB 32 *21 lISP 127.6204 01000024 23 23 I. 61DB '1 2* 04 0 .12 .35 .117 3.95 11.511 21.39 23.09 46.06 *4.09 25 50 0 40.9 05.4 224.2 294.5 23,1 282,7 217.4 349 447,0 IS SB 63 04 -53 41 6$ le 72 74 74 TB 25 EEIIATIC 12Thas004. OP STREMO iIONOU 2I2DrL' 1.1116 lyl 11017021111 f.'.'4 !1i4 at 9UI5 141,010 no, I.) 0WHICLOR Ic---9 ROVUSH OF I1LVSR7ED DR 12111000 PbO'.I I 11 C4. V V 39 0mw1344 44. 6111100? ALSO 031012U81112 AT SillS ICLI'4491 4!**4 I '*3**4IiI14PO4 4lI44 ' 11.0011 *lY0*01.Dfl I'AC13J4 112114.-)) I 3151 09K 720520114 4.1 261)0 11*1! I90C1'02 TINS 4604;99 44.34141 441 44444.441-k. I 4144141 441*1 4444I 10073122, 20-HR 6201W 80062 1111.2w 00 *130.1.1516 121 51511 0211011850160 0 td 1*130172' 00231101. VARIABLES 15004? S 551400 t071100. U'L.OY U 141410 4•4I4* t4S4t4fIii-*IêIb. 141I44,444** i44t U.S. l.11fl4 QRu0 Of 11170501.00CC 511010911111110 CEHTER 4 03 OIX61iD ff11405? MKS. CA1111(motA 91610 l9i5 SJ444 4 44444i*44*.4**éè. .44444*l4,.4a4. 0. ;rRPR FA7F sci 1IZ IT MYOMR011 TIME DATA KNTN 5 I4XWRE8 IN MMPLITATION IP7rEIWA1 I 11,103 GOOD t9TARTIM TINg no oo niia. OF STERWHAPH oiwiir 2 U imbigo b'TA NINE OOSQ BWN1fQ TIRI JCEIIF Iti C4TIT NAI C1tI'JCt tiM. .On I100$ 1Ab 11III3 IMB 24.02 WUI gwbtlal 1AJNM ki 4JiJ* NiIf. MWIPITATIGH B431411E IKW.$, CL7E ILBVMIf FEET - NAM OUHO FEET PR SIXD113 EOIME, ICIIAJNC Mk!4J2T VJFLFArR I*BIL AcRiff flIRI FflflKhI1IOftT Number 80"kat FLOW UI CUEC FEBT IEH BDIIO ?rNr IN 110UNS. NtV 114 GqOABCHtIBB PEAK TIME OF FIVEIIXOB PLOW P014 4th2INI4 tFfOb 1i'M'jUK 'ThT1W trhw LrJi i3iOUI IJ14 VjI3Jff itimoiNAWi or Bowl 0 .00 1. IL, 0, iI*PcI AT C4 $99, ib.4a W. k àM1I$ $?.ZD1JI !J1*$41 OP R14EJL STACS 14IX UTAIZ 'do i.4 btfl4O4 24. it'll V4. Ut!. 111. 1.24 .11 31 .49 ND1414Ak .EKD OF HIM-l. Cantarini - BJ Basin Drainage Study CHAPTER 2 HEC-1 Results 2.2 — HEC-1 Workmap DE:ie h:\poits'2580101thydroIogya03-bLbasIn.doc w.o. 2580-4-5 1212/2014 Cantarini - BJ Basin Drainage Study CHAPTER 3 Detention Basin Analysis OE:re w.o. 2580-4-5 1212/2014 STAGE-STORAGE TABLE CANTARINI RANCH BJ BASIN Elevation Area Total Volume - (ft) (acres) (acre-ft.) 600 002 000 61.0 0.03 0.03 62.0 0.14 0.11 630 027 032 640 055 0.73 65.0 1.35 1.68 66.0 2.60 3.65 - 670 363 677 68.0 - 4.53 10.85 69.0 6.17 15.70 700 553 2105 71.0 5.76 26.70 720 6.00 32.58 11120/2014 1 of 1 H:EXCL25800001lStage.Siorage BJ.xls 40 Box CULVERT PER SDRSD 0-76 ) 5i 1'xi CONCRETE SHELF 10 BE INSTALLED BY SECOND POUR ANIMAL CROSSING IN BOX CULVERT DETAIL NTS BJ Basin - Stage Discharge Calculations See Following Rating Table Calculations Stage (It) Discharge Total Combined (cfs) Wk 5.75 (cfs) i3775f (cfs) .0.00 0.00 0.00 1 21.20 0.00 21.20 - 2 36.72 23.30 60.02 3 4740 8572 13312 4 56.09 148.41 204.56 S 63.60 19168 255.28 6 70.31 226.80 297.11. 7 76.44 2 57.16 333.60 8 H 82.11 284.31 366.42 9 87.41 309.07 396.48 10 92.41 332.00 424.41 11 97.15 353.44 450.59 12 101.67 373.65 475.32. Rating Table for 1 x 5 75? Pject DescrItioh Solve For Discharge Input Data, Headwsler Elevation 13.00 ft Cefliroid Elevation 0.50 ft TaUwater Elevation 0.00 ft discharge Coelticient 0.65 Opening Width 5.75 ft Opening Height tOO ft thver L1ar(tt) DJcharga(tis) 0.00 tOO 2120 2.00 36.72 3.00 41.40 4.00 56,09 5.00 63.60 6,00 70,31 7.00 76.44 8.00 82.11 tOO 87.41, 10.00 9241 11.00 07.15 12.00 101.67 13.00 106.00 (fits) 3.69 6.30 e.24 9.75 11.06 12.23 13.29 14.28 15.20 16,07 16.90 17.65 18.43 Scelicy systems. Inc. Heested Methods SomhuegWoftster V81 (SaECTsevu 1) (oa.11.01.03j 31912015 1003:32 Ml 27 Slernbns Cornp3fly oilveSuile NOW WatcflownCT0579S USA *1203-75E-1eS5 Pp 11 of I Rating Table for3*75 Project Description Solve For Discharge input Data Headwater Elevation 13.00 ft Conirod Elavallon 150 ft T6itwater Eevon 0100 It Dischafge Coefficient 0.05 Opening WIdth 7.75 ft Opera" Herghl Ii Fieadwáter Elevation (ft) D1sh&fjè(ft5) Veiolt(Ws) 2.00 85.72 no 148.47 4.00 191. $,go 226.8 6.00 257.16 7.00 284.31 8.00 309.07 9.00 332.00 10.00 353.44 11.00 373.65 12.00 392,82 13.00 41111 Bentley Systems, Inc.H!03t4d Metbos VII (SELEOTsejIes 1 O8.11.01,O3j 3191291684638 AM 27 Stoma" Company Dzlve Suite 200W Wate,town CT 06795 USA 41-203-766-4641 Page 1 of I 3.09 6.39 8-24 9.75 11.06 12.23 13.29 14.28 15.20 16.07 16.90 17.68 P1 Resin Model [Basin 11 Current Run [Run iJ CMIS I I 04 DEThC4 I M Summary Results for ReseNoir DETNC4 Project: 8.1 0aJn Simulation Run: Run 1 Reservoir: DETNC4 Start of Run: 01Jan3000, 01:00 Basin Model; Uain I End of Run: 023an3000, 01:55 Meteorologic Model: Met I Compute lime: 09Mar20 15, 10:14:38 Control Specifications: Control 1 volume Units; ( IN AC-FT Computed Results Peak inflow: 628.8(CFS) Datefrvne of Peak Inflow: 01.]an3000, 11:25 Peak Outflow: 451.3 (CFS) oatelmne of Peak OuUlow : 013an3000, 12:05 Tht& inflow; 3.830N) Peak Storage: 26.9 (ACFT) Total Outflow: 3.03:0) Peale Elevaon: 71.0 (PT) Graph for Reservoir "DETN4' Feservolr 3DETNc4" Results for Run 'Run V 30 72.00 e25- g 15. 10- 62.67 5. 58.00 800 400- 200 iz 01 0100 06:00 090 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 01Ja0000 I Legend(Compute Time; O9Mar2015, 10:14:38) Run: Run I Etement:0ETNC4 Resu:Storaje - - - Run:Run I Elemanl:DETNC4 Result:Pool Elevation Run luA I Iement:DETNC4:ResLtOutflow -- - RunRun I Element:DThiC4 Resu:ConibInec Flow V 1 • 20 7 - - 6733 cm I I -'__ 0 - L _- __ - HEC-HMS 3.5 [H :\HEC-HMS\BJ_Basin\BJ Basin 7.75x4- REVISED\B]_Basin_7.75\BJ_Basin. hms] Date Time Inflow (CFS) Storage (AC-Fl) Elevat... (Fr) Outflow (CFS) 01Jan3000 01:00 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 01:05 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 01:10 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 01:15 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 01:20 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 01:25 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 01:30 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 01:35 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 01:40 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 01:45 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 01:50 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 01:55 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 02:00 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 02:05 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 02:10 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 02:15 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 02:20 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 02:25 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 02:30 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 02:35 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 02:40 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 02:45 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 02:50 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 02:55 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 03:00 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 03:05 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 03:10 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 03:15 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 03:20 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 03:25 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 03:30 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 03:35 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 03:40 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 03:45 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 03:50 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 03:55 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 04:00 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 Date Time Inflow (CFS) Storage (AC-Fl) Elevat... (Fr) Outflow (CFS) 013an3000 04:05 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 04:10 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 04:15 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 013an3000 04:20 0.0 1 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 04:25 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 04:30 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 04:35 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 01Jan3000 04:40 0.1 0.0 60.0 0.1 01Jan3000 04:45 0.2 0.0 60.0 0.2 013an3000 04:50 0.4 0.0 60.0 0.4 01Jan3000 04:55 0.8 0.0 60.0 0.7 01Jan3000 05:00 1.3 0.0 60.1 1.2 01Jan3000 05:05 1.9 0.0 60.1 1.7 013an3000 05:10 2.6 0.0 60.1 2.5 01Jan3000 05:15 3.5 0.0 60.2 3.3 01Jan3000 05:20 4.5 0.0 60.2 4.3 01Jan3000 05:25 5.5 0.0 60.3 5.3 01Jan3000 05:30 6.6 0.0 60.3 6.4 01Jan3000 05:35 7.8 0.0 60.4 7.6 01Jan3000 05:40 9.0 0.0 60.4 8.8 01Jan3000 05:45 10.3 0.0 60.5 10.0 01Jan3000 05:50 11.6 0.0 60.5 11.4 01Jan3000 05:55 13.0 0.0 60.6 12.7 01Jan3000 06:00 14.4 0.0 60.7 14.1 01Jan3000 06:05 15.8 0.0 60.7 15.5 01Jan3000 06:10 17.2 0.0 60.8 16.9 01Jan3000 06:15 18.7 0.0 60.9 18.4 01Jan3000 06:20 20.2 0.0 60.9 19.9 013an3000 06:25 21.8 0.0 61.0 21.4 01Jan3000 06:30 23.3 0.0 61.0 22.8 01Jan3000 06:35 24.9 0.0 61.1 24.4 01Jan3000 06:40 26.5 0.0 61.1 26.0 01Jan3000 06:45 28.3 0.0 61.2 27.7 01Jan3000 06:50 30.1 0.0 61.2 29.6 01Jan3000 06:55 32.1 0.1 61.3 1 31.5 01Jan3000 07:00 34.1 0.1 61.3 33.5 013an3000 07:05 36.1 0.1 61.4 35.5 01Jan3000 07:10 38.1 0.1 61.4 37.5 Date Time Inflow (CFS) Storage (AC-Fl) Elevat... (Fr) Outflow (CFS) 013an3000 07:15 40.2 0.1 61.5 39.6 013an3000 07:20 42.2 0.1 61.5 41.6 013an3000 07:25 44.3 0.1 61.6 43.7 013an3000 07:30 46.3 0.1 61.6 45.7 01Jan3000 07:35 48.3 0.1 61.7 47.7 013an3000 07:40 50.5 0.1 61.7 49.8 01Jan3000 07:45 52.8 0.1 61.8 52.1 01Jan3000 07:50 55.3 1 0.1 61.9 54.6 013an3000 07:55 58.1 0.1 61.9 57.3 01Jan3000 08:00 61.0 0.1 62.0 60.1 01Jan3000 08:05 64.0 0.1 62.0 62.7 01Jan3000 08:10 67.0 0.1 62.1 65.8 01Jan3000 08:15 70.3 0.1 62.1 68.9 01Jan3000 08:20 73.7 0.1 62.2 72.2 01Jan3000 08:25 77.2 0.2 62.2 75.7 01Jan3000 08:30 80.8 0.2 62.3 79.3 01Jan3000 08:35 84.5 0.2 62.3 82.9 01Jan3000 08:40 88.6 0.2 62.4 86.9 01Jan3000 08:45 93.1 0.2 62.4 91.2 01Jan3000 08:50 98.5 0.2 62.5 96.3 01Jan3000 08:55 104.5 0.2 62.6 102.0 013an3000 09:00 110.7 0.2 62.7 108.1 01Jan3000 09:05 117.5 0.3 62.7 114.7 01Jan3000 09:10 125.2 0.3 62.8 122.0 01Jan3000 09:15 134.2 0.3 63.0 130.4 01Jan3000 09:20 145.1 0.3 63.1 138.2 01Jan3000 09:25 157.5 0.4 63.2 148.0 01.]an3000 09:30 170.6 0.5 63.4 160.0 01Jan3000 09:35 184.5 1 0.5 63.6 173.2 013an3000 09:40 199.7 0.6 63.8 187.4 01Jan3000 09:45 216.9 0.7 64.0 203.1 013an3000 09:50 236.7 0.9 64.1 211.3 01Jan3000 09:55 258.4 1.1 64.4 222.6 01Jan3000 10:00 281.0 1.3 64.6 237.2 01Jan3000 10:05 304.1 1.7 65.0 254.4 013an3000 10:10 328.0 2.1 65.2 263.3 01Jan3000 10:15 1 353.0 2.6 1 65.4 273.8 013an3000 10:20 380.0 3.1 65.7 286.5 Date Time Inflow (CFS) Storage (AC-Fl) Elevat... (Fr) Outflow (CFS) 013an3000 10:25 407.8 3.8 66.1 299.4 013an3000 10:30 435.7 4.7 66.3 308.9 013an3000 10:35 462.8 5.6 66.6 319.7 013an3000 10:40 488.8 6.6 67.0 331.8 013an3000 10:45 513.6 7.8 67.2 341.5 013an3000 10:50 537.3 9.0 67.5 351.4 013an3000 10:55 559.2 10.3 67.9 362.0 013an3000 11:00 579.5 11.7 68.2 371.7 013an3000 11:05 597.4 13.2 68.5 380.7 013an3000 11:10 612.0 14.7 68.8 390.1 013an3000 11:15 622.4 16.2 69.1 399.1 013an3000 11:20 627.8 17.7 69.4 407.1 013an3000 11:25 628.8 19.2 69.7 414.9 013an3000 11:30 626.9 20.7 69.9 422.4 013an3000 11:35 621.4 22.0 70.2 429.0 013an3000 11:40 611.2 23.3 70.4 434.9 013an3000 11:45 594.6 24.4 70.6 440.1 013an3000 11:50 569.4 25.4 70.8 444.6 013an3000 11:55 538.1 26.1 70.9 448.0 013an3000 12:00 503.5 26.6 71.0 450.3 013an3000 12:05 468.4 26.9 71.0 451.3 013an3000 12:10 434.2 26.9 71.0 451.3 013an3000 12:15 401.5 26.7 71.0 450.4 013an3000 12:20 370.7 26.2 70.9 448.4 013an3000 12:25 343.1 25.6 70.8 445.5 013an3000 12:30 318.3 24.8 70.7 441.9 013an3000 12:35 296.1 23.9 70.5 437.6 013an3000 12:40 276.4 22.9 70.3 432.9 013an3000 12:45 259.1 21.8 70.1 427.7 013an3000 12:50 244.0 20.6 69.9 421.9 013an3000 12:55 231.3 19.3 69.7 415.4 013an3000 13:00 1 220.4 18.0 69.4 408.7 013an3000 13:05 211.0 16.7 69.2 401.9 013an3000 13:10 203.0 15.4 68.9 394.7 013an3000 13:15 195.9 14.1 68.7 386.6 013an3000 13:20 189.7 12.8 68.4 378.5 013an3000 13:25 184.3 11.5 68.1 370.5 013an3000 13:30 179.7 1 10.2 67.8 1 361.5 Date Time Inflow (CFS) Storage (AC-Fl) Elevat... (Fr) Outflow (CFS) 013an3000 13:35 175.6 9.0 67.5 351.6 013an3000 13:40 172.1 7.8 67.3 342.0 01Jan3000 13:45 169.0 6.7 67.0 332.4 013an3000 13:50 166.2 5.6 66.6 319.6 013an3000 13:55 163.8 4.5 66.3 307.6 013an3000 14:00 161.7 3.6 66.0 295.9 01Jan3000 14:05 159.8 2.7 65.5 277.5 01Jan3000 14:10 158.2 2.0 65.1 261.3 01Jan3000 14:15 156.6 1.3 64.6 236.8 013an3000 14:20 155.1 0.9 64.1 211.6 01Jan3000 14:25 153.6 0.6 63.6 178.7 01Jan3000 14:30 152.3 0.5 63.4 159.4 01Jan3000 14:35 150.9 0.4 63.3 153.6 01Jan3000 14:40 149.5 0.4 63.3 151.1 01Jan3000 14:45 148.0 0.4 63.2 149.3 01Jan3000 14:50 146.1 0.4 63.2 147.6 01Jan3000 14:55 144.1 0.4 63.2 145.7 01Jan3000 15:00 142.0 0.4 63.1 143.7 01Jan3000 15:05 139.9 0.4 63.1 141.6 01Jan3000 15:10 137.9 0.4 63.1 139.6 013an3000 15:15 136.0 0.3 63.1 137.6 01Jan3000 15:20 134.2 0.3 63.0 135.7 01Jan3000 15:25 132.5 0.3 63.0 133.9 013an3000 15:30 130.9 0.3 63.0 131.9 013an3000 15:35 129.6 0.3 63.0 130.1 013an3000 15:40 128.7 0.3 62.9 129.1 013an3000 15:45 128.4 0.3 62.9 128.5 01]an3000 15:50 128.7 0.3 62.9 128.6 01Jan3000 15:55 129.6 0.3 62.9 129.2 013an3000 16:00 130.9 0.3 63.0 130.3 01Jan3000 16:05 131.8 0.3 63.0 131.4 01Jan3000 16:10 131.8 0.3 63.0 131.9 013an3000 16:15 130.4 0.3 63.0 131.0 01Jan3000 16:20 126.8 0.3 62.9 128.3 013an3000 16:25 121.5 0.3 62.9 123.7 013an3000 16:30 115.2 0.3 62.8 117.8 01Jan3000 16:35 109.0 0.3 62.7 111.6 01Jan3000 16:40 1 104.0 0.2 62.6 106.0 Date Time Inflow (CFS) Storage (AC-Fl) Elevat... (Fl) Outflow (CFS) 013an3000 16:45 100.6 0.2 62.6 101.9 013an3000 16:50 99.6 0.2 62.5 99.9 013an3000 16:55 100.9 0.2 62.6 100.3 013an3000 17:00 103.5 0.2 62.6 102.4 013an3000 17:05 106.7 0.2 62.6 105.3 013an3000 17:10 109.8 0.2 62.7 108.5 013an3000 17:15 112.5 0.3 62.7 111.4 013an3000 17:20 114.6 0.3 62.7 113.7 013an3000 17:25 115.7 0.3 62.8 115.3 013an3000 17:30 116.3 0.3 62.8 116.1 013an3000 17:35 116.6 0.3 62.8 116.5 013an3000 17:40 116.5 0.3 62.8 116.5 013an3000 17:45 116.2 0.3 62.8 116.4 013an3000 17:50 115.6 0.3 62.8 115.9 013an3000 17:55 114.9 0.3 62.8 115.2 013an3000 18:00 114.1 0.3 62.7 114.4 013an3000 18:05 113.3 0.3 62.7 113.6 013an3000 18:10 112.7 0.3 62.7 112.9 013an3000 18:15 112.3 0.3 62.7 112.4 013an3000 18:20 112.3 0.3 62.7 112.3 013an3000 18:25 112.7 0.3 62.7 112.5 01Jan3000 18:30 113.2 0.3 62.7 113.0 013an3000 18:35 113.7 0.3 62.7 113.5 013an3000 18:40 113.8 0.3 62.7 113.8 013an3000 18:45 113.4 0.3 62.7 113.6 013an3000 18:50 112.2 0.3 62.7 112.7 013an3000 18:55 110.3 0.3 62.7 111.1 013an3000 19:00 107.9 0.3 62.7 108.9 013an3000 19:05 105.6 0.2 62.6 106.6 013an3000 19:10 103.5 0.2 62.6 104.4 013an3000 19:15 101.9 0.2 62.6 102.5 013an3000 19:20 100.8 0.2 62.6 101.2 013an3000 19:25 100.3 0.2 62.6 100.5 013an3000 19:30 100.2 0.2 62.6 100.3 013an3000 19:35 100.2 0.2 62.5 100.2 013an3000 19:40 99.9 0.2 62.5 100.1 013an3000 19:45 99.2 0.2 62.5 99.5 013an3000 19:50 97.7 0.2 1 62.5 1 98.3 Date Time Inflow (CFS) Storage (AC-Fl) Elevat... (Fr) Outflow (CFS) 013an3000 19:55 95.5 0.2 62.5 96.5 013an3000 20:00 93.1 0.2 62.5 94.1 013an3000 20:05 90.5 0.2 62.4 91.6 013an3000 20:10 88.2 0.2 62.4 89.2 013an3000 20:15 86.1 0.2 62.4 87.0 013an3000 20:20 84.4 0.2 62.3 85.1 013an3000 20:25 83.1 0.2 62.3 83.6 013an3000 20:30 82.1 0.2 62.3 82.5 013an3000 20:35 81.3 0.2 62.3 81.6 013an3000 20:40 80.5 0.2 62.3 80.8 013an3000 20:45 79.7 0.2 62.3 80.0 013an3000 20:50 78.7 0.2 62.3 79.1 013an3000 20:55 77.7 0.2 62.2 78.1 013an3000 21:00 76.6 0.2 62.2 77.0 013an3000 21:05 75.6 0.2 62.2 76.0 013an3000 21:10 74.8 0.2 62.2 75.1 013an3000 21:15 74.3 0.2 62.2 74.5 013an3000 21:20 74.2 0.2 62.2 74.3 013an3000 21:25 74.5 0.2 62.2 74.4 013an3000 21:30 75.0 0.2 62.2 74.8 013an3000 21:35 75.7 0.2 62.2 75.4 013an3000 21:40 76.4 0.2 62.2 76.1 013an3000 21:45 77.3 0.2 62.2 76.9 013an3000 21:50 78.3 0.2 62.2 77.9 013an3000 21:55 79.5 0.2 62.3 79.0 013an3000 22:00 80.6 0.2 62.3 80.1 013an3000 22:05 81.6 0.2 62.3 81.2 013an3000 22:10 82.5 0.2 62.3 82.1 013an3000 22:15 83.0 0.2 62.3 82.8 013an3000 22:20 83.1 0.2 62.3 83.1 013an3000 22:25 82.9 0.2 62.3 83.0 013an3000 22:30 82.4 0.2 62.3 82.6 013an3000 22:35 81.8 0.2 62.3 82.1 013an3000 22:40 81.1 0.2 62.3 81.4 013an3000 22:45 80.2 0.2 62.3 80.6 013an3000 22:50 79.2 0.2 62.3 79.6 013an3000 22:55 78.1 0.2 62.3 78.6 013an3000 23:00 77.0 0.2 62.2 77.5 Date Time Inflow (CFS) Storage (AC-Fl) Elevat... (Fr) Outflow (CFS) 013an3000 23:05 75.9 0.2 62.2 76.4 013an3000 23:10 75.0 0.2 62.2 75.4 013an3000 23:15 74.1 0.2 62.2 74.5 013an3000 23:20 73.4 0.1 62.2 73.7 01Jan3000 23:25 72.9 0.1 62.2 73.1 01Jan3000 23:30 72.5 0.1 62.2 72.7 01Jan3000 23:35 72.2 0.1 62.2 72.4 013an3000 23:40 72.0 0.1 62.2 72.1 013an3000 23:45 71.8 0.1 62.2 71.9 013an3000 23:50 71.7 0.1 62.2 71.7 013an3000 23:55 71.6 0.1 62.2 71.6 023an3000 00:00 71.5 0.1 62.2 71.5 023an3000 00:05 71.4 0.1 62.2 71.4 023an3000 00:10 71.4 0.1 62.2 71.4 023an3000 00:15 71.3 0.1 62.2 71.3 023an3000 00:20 71.3 0.1 62.2 71.3 023an3000 00:25 71.3 0.1 62.2 71.3 023an3000 00:30 71.3 0.1 62.2 71.3 023an3000 00:35 71.3 0.1 62.2 71.3 023an3000 00:40 71.5 0.1 62.2 71.4 023an3000 00:45 71.8 0.1 62.2 71.7 023an3000 00:50 72.4 0.1 62.2 72.2 023an3000 00:55 73.2 0.1 62.2 72.9 023an3000 01:00 74.1 0.1 62.2 73.7 023an3000 01:05 74.9 0.2 62.2 74.6 023an3000 01:10 75.6 0.2 62.2 75.3 023an3000 01:15 76.0 0.2 62.2 75.8 023an3000 01:20 76.0 0.2 62.2 76.0 023an3000 01:25 75.7 0.2 62.2 75.8 023an3000 01:30 75.1 0.2 62.2 75.4 023an3000 01:35 74.0 0.2 62.2 74.5 023an3000 01:40 71.9 0.1 62.2 72.8 023an3000 01:45 68.2 0.1 62.1 69.8 023an3000 01:50 62.4 0.1 62.1 64.9 023an3000 01:55 55.1 0.1 61.9 57.9 Cantarini - BJ Basin Drainage Study CHAPTER 4 Basin Exhibit DE:re h:8O1hydrobgyaO3-bbasIn.doc w.o. 2580-4-5 1212/2014 I - = - :iii - U- d - -V :. --;• fk ELI / DETENTION a4SlN AREA = 1.24 sq-mile / Q INFLOW = 629 cs 0 OUTFLOW - 451 cs WSE = 71.0 feet -. T - - x775 BOX CULVERT ---- ' I / - Lr y7 LEGEND FLOWLINE 100 YEAR WSEL -:- -;. --' ----• / -;J_ CAArFARIA/I DEVELOPMENT m-- SHEFT - B DETENTION BASIN - - - - - - - - F CARLS2 D CALI 4 A APPENDIX D: HEC-RAS Results Little Encinas and Calaveras Creeks CALAVERA AND LITTLE ENCINAS CREEKS SUMMARY OF HYDRAULIC MODELS HEC-RAS FEMA SECTION DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE MODEL POST-PROJECT CONDITIONS DESCRIPTIONS SECTION 100-YR WSEL FW WSEL FW WIDTH 100-YR WSEL FW WSEL FW WIDTH (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (Fe) 5.11 A 44.00 44.70 76 44.00 44.7 76 CONFLUENCE WITH AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK 310 44.48 44.98 56 44.45 44.96 56 400 B 44.72 45.13 58 44.68 45.11 58 580 750 C 45.56 46.18 45.78 46.33 52 56 45.49 46.10 45.73 46.25 52 54 1000 D 46.79 46.88 50 46.69 46.8 49 1230 E 47.49 47.55 49 47.39 47.45 48 1470 F 48.45 48.48 38 48.33 48.37 37 1810 G 50.17 50.18 50 50.07 50.07 48 2100 52.10 52.10 30 52.03 52.03 29 2420 H 55.53 55.53 44 55.42 55.42 43 2700 2980 I J 56.48 57.43 56.48 57.43 46 45 56.37 57.32 56.37 57.32 43 45 3170 3410 K 58.04 58.89 58.04 58.89 40 50 57.94 58.43 57.94 58.44 40 34 CONFLUENCE OF LITTLE ENCINAS AND CALAVERA CREEKS IFEMA FIRM LIMIT OF DETAILED STUDY 3437 58.77 58.77 29 NEW SECTION - D/S END OF PROPOSED 4.0'X7.75' RCB 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model Reach River Sta Profile - W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev (ft) Top Wdth Act (ft) 0 Left 0 Channel (cfs) 0 Right Enc Sta L (ft) Ch Sta L c Sta R (if) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (if) Reach-1 - 5.11 Floodplain 44.00 44.25 75.69 60.88 820.83 27.28 230.02 Ch Sta R r 5.11 Floodway 44.70 0.70 44.87 265.97 Reach-i 75.69 91.80 770.98 46.22 230.02 265.97 ______ Reach-1 - 310 Floodplain 44.48 44.74 55.40 0.82 908.18 113.88 163.66 Reach-1 310 Floodway 44.98 0.50 45.19 55.66 4.60 904.40 113.88 163.66 Reach-1 400 Floodplain 44.72 45.14 52.38 3.46 899.30 6.24 126.89 162.39 Reach-1 400 Floodway 45.13 0.42 45.48 57.60 10.28 886.06 12.66 126.89 162.39 Reach-1 580 Floodplain 45.56 45.86 50.89 8.51 887.94 12.55 191.21 226.68 Reach-1 580 Floodway 45.78 0.22 46.05 52.14 11.32 8802 15.66 - .....................191.2i 226.68 167.04 50.38 908.39 Reach-1 750 Floodplain 46.18 46.52 0.17 0.44 131.60 Reach-1 750 Floodway . 46.33 0.14 46.65 56.13 0.96 906.58 1.47 _______ 131.60 167.04 Reach-i 1000 Floodplain 47.10 48.65 1.94 905.10 1.96 - 121.67 158.24 158.24 Reach-I 1000 Floodway 46.88 0.09 47.18 50.11 2.55 903.87 2.58 121.67 Reach-I 1230 Floodplain 47.49 47.79 48.10 909.00 134.64 188.05 Reach-1 1230 Floodway 47.55 0.06 47.84 48.73 909.00 134.64 188.05 .46.79 Reach-1 1470 Floodplain 48.45 48.92 37.49 908.32 0.68 163.83 199.28 Reach-1 1470 Floodway 48.48 0.03 48.94 37.84 908.19 0.81 163.83 199.28 Reach-1 1810 Floodplain 50.17 50.60 50.31 0.81 908.16 0.03 115.65 155.49 Reach-1 11810 Floodway 50.18 0.01 50.60 50.44 0.86 908.11 0.03 115.65 155.49 Reach-1 2100 Floodplain 52.10 53.52 29.91 909.00 186.04 225.96 Reach-1 2100 Floodway 52.10 0.00 53.52 29.89 909.00 186.04 225.96 Reach-1 2420 Floodplain 55.53 55.89 44.24 0.00 895.94 13.06 152.10 188.38 Reach-1 12420 Floodway 55.53 0.00 55.89 44.25 0.00 895.93 13.07 152.10 188.38 Reach-1 2700 Floodplain 56.48 56.86 45.73 0.42 907.37 1.21 189.81 225.50 Reach-1 2700 Floodway 56.48 0.00 56.86 45.73 0.42 907.37 1.21 18.81 225.50 Reach-1 2980 Floodplain 57.43 57.75 44.78 3.161 897.02 8.83 150.92 185.39 Reach-1 12980 Floodway 57.43 0.00 57.75 44.78 3.16 897.02 8.83 150.92 185.39 Reach-i 3170 Floodplain 58.04 58.29 40.13 0.00 595.79 33.21 150.78 181.93 Reach-1 3170 Floodway 58.04 0.00 58.29 40.14 0.00 595.79 33.21 150.78 181.93 Reach-i 3410 Floodplain 58.89 59.58 49.781 12.681 614.12 2.20 166.621 191.82 Reach-1 13410 Floodway 58.89 0.00 59.58 49.781 12.681 614.12 2.20 166.621 191.82 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 ---VER-1Reach-1 60] 1 1 1 Legend ±:z :: ----------------------------------L Ground 55 --- -- ; 45 --- ---- - ---- III Ii 11111 35 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Main Channel Distance (ft) 6 6 51 54 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 2980 .05 .05 Legend --------- -7 WS Floodway WSFloodplain Ground - Ineff it BanSta i. iR w C 0 Cu Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 3410 .05 + .05 .05 70 II.iI.TIilt4i' Ii:.:: :]::L. Legend WS Floodway - -t- - - I I --------- --- ------- --- - --- 1 .. .... L J. I ., I I - -} /t - WS Floodplain - Ground 14 41 -1- + +ii 1414 + +1 1 + I i *i I + 14 + + 14 A 444 +141- 4 3 +141 1+14 Ineff 60- ----j-- -t-f--f- -;--i - -t-t -t-i-/-t1"t - I - ,. ------ . ------- ... Bank : :; +: :+ 50 --- 4-434 + I - - 4+14 -h-- - 1t1 -- --4 1 - - -. ........................................................................ - 1 _I I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- II - II - 45- - r -------T ---,- 'r --i - - r--'--T---'-- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 IRS =3170 - -.054Z .05 - .05 70 - I - Legend WS Floodway I I i-1 I , T 1.....................I................... 55 Ground I I A Ineff .' I.....................I...................... Bank Sta ..• 50. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 2700 .05 .05 - .05 T Legend WS Floodway : : r -f 65-i-i 1- -H f -H-i +11 H 1- J - 1- -7-id - WSFloodplain ILL: d114 4 + 44 4 1 44 +4* 3 +i fllll Ground 44*1 *14* 434 41 t 4 #444 1+4 l+*# A +141 44 + +111 4414 3+4 ,4411 Ineff 601 --I - - I Bank Sta 1'---t r .L .. --4--f-f- -I. ' ---f--i--,- ---i--. 55 -r I - - -F I f -- - j.,.3-4..... ...•.4.... *1 *1 1 4 4+ *1 1 *3 4 1-414 t+4 l4t-i *fi- Ill 3+4 44* :: , 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station (ft) 65 Legend I A It WS Floodway II l 60- ll WS F1 4 IF Ground I.....t....I...............1:/VtI - - " -- -/ Ineff BanSta + 4 1 1 4 4 F I F 4 50 - - - FjF IF ::t::1::: :::::I::1:::t:: ::t::i::1:::t:: ::L::j::I:::L: :r::: 45 ttl II + 441 'I.... .................... ------i--4-.-.I..... --.--I'........ 40- t --I'--I'-t---------t --'I'-•t.........I........'I--' I 4 14 444 1 F 35 —4—+—r-4--r-4-4—r-41--4-I--1 -r4 -r4Tr-4-f4-1 Legend A WS Floodway WS Floodplain Ground A Ineff Bank Sta 0 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 2420 RS = 2100 7 6 iR & 4 0 + .05 .05 .05 - I . ....... -.L --- ------------- -....... ------ -- ..... A -- --- Legend - WS Floodway - WS Floodplain I.... .................Pt-- -- .- - ........ I..........--- - - - ..........Ground .4.4........4..................Ineff - BanSta .4... Tj , , 441 44+4 4-F + III + 4 Fl 4 Fl 444* 4-Fl- ... I 4 -Fl--Fl--- + F FI+ - I Fl - ..I LI-. .......... - • 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 1810 .05 + .05 .05 60 Legend 1 / I....I-------F--I---.t--j WS Floodplain 58 t - - - - /: WS Floodway : : : - : 56 -- - -: - - - - - - - ------------ / - - - - Ground ------------t --- A Ineff - - - - . }+4:4L.4:;;4.. 1..I-I:F_ .I..l.l:l:::4..I..F. BankSta . . -. 4- I...1 jti 4 4 4 F+ 1+14. .. 1+14 . _ PIIF -L'- .4. 4. 4 .4. 4. .4..•4.•.. ... ..4_.4 .j_ 4.....- - p - p .4. 52 141:1: :1:tt t--- rI...... 50- +:— 1 - - -- -- .4.4....4. 4 -I- 14 44.1 44+4 1 14 44.11 f- 4- Fl 1+ 41+4 - 4. I-IF 14--- 1144 F 4.4.L.4--- 48- -I-+4-4---4.++ ------------- 4.44-1.....41-4.4...I--F--+--1---- .4. — 46 -'- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 1470 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 1230 RS = 1000 & 6C 5E 55- C C .9 r .2 A cc > w w 4 4C 3E 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=750 IRS 580 WS CC .9 .2 > > 42 w tjj 35 T 0 100 200 300 400 500 * 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Station (ft) .05 05+ .- .......Legend .......T I.......I....................______ :::::: ------- -------------------- I ::::j.::::.::::::): ISFloodway :::::::::::::::: WS Floodplain r Ground - .....J......Ineff ......... -1....,. . Bank Sta 4 44 1141 +4 4 11 4 11 11 It 1 114 1. 4. 1111 11.1 1[: : .::E:i:I 1 II It 4 1l 4+4 1 4-1 444.4 44 4 14 4 .4 4141 I. 11 r -t-i-T-+•--t-t- ---4.- -r+- -i-4--- 44 60- I 1 Legend : I - Flodway 55 --- - - - - -- Ti--- --'-- WS Floodplain 1F 1.---- ........... --- -t I I I I 4 ............. I 1 4 Ground 4 4 1 I I I III 1. 1 4 44 4 441 Ineff 50Tr ir1T1 T1TTT .IF I - I - BankSta 2L +0!l(--05_ 65 - - - ....4.......H ---............4y I......_ :. : :: ::.:: I .: .:: .:: 60 ::::::::-7: -- I --A 1 ..I......I--m-- I......(...........-. 50 ,i.::+iTiir:rTFr 4 4 - 1 /4 I --.j I i..f...L...... ! 4 4.j..... ........... t I 45— ._t__f._.4..... 1 1.........L . L .. ..-.. ..... 4 4 4 4 1 1- . 4 4 40 ---i-1—- 4 4 4 1 1 4 4. 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 35. ' .05 .14 .o4 1.4I1....F - .05 I.--.....................WSFloodway —f- ....L.............s-... h--f.... 4411 t 1 4j1 4 fIjI- 1 4 I 1411 4•1......'II- 4.....4......4 --- 4 I...... --I---- 1--- 1- •-- I.........-- 4-1......4....4. ..-- .....4.j.............. 4 ,...4..4,..4.4.... 44...4...... .t 38- --+--— -f -4 —f :—I—i----I-- - —h---t-t-- -F---- f__.1.__.4..._.*_..........f___.I-._.4........ i..1........ 36- Legend WSFloodway WSFloodplain Ground Ineff Bank Sta Legend WS Floodplain Ground A Ineff Bank Sta r1qiI - • ___________ ______________ I • •• - -- • • I I S II S •S I S II 'iá SI flTTTT _ I __ ___ IJ niiiiimmunu I • II - - -- • • I • •••• - - -•- . a Post-Project Conditions Model HEC-RAS Plan: Post proj River: RIVER-i Reach: Reach-1 Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS I E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (if) (ft) (if) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (if) (if) (if) Reach-1 5.11 Floodplain 44.00 44.24 75.69 58.81 792.84 26.35 230.02 265.97 Reach-i 5.11 Floodway 44.70 0.70 44.86 75.69 88.67 744.68 44.65 230.02 265.97 Reach-1 310 Floodplain 44.45 44.70 55.05 0.681 877.32 113.88 163.66 Reach-1 1310 Floodway 44.96 0.51 45.16 55.66 4.29 873.71 113.88 163.66 Reach-1 400 Floodplain 44.68 45.08 51.83 2.91 869.62 5.47 126.89 162.39 Reach-i 400 Floodway 45.11 0.43 45.44 57.60 9.27 856.91 11.82 126.89 162.39 Reach-1 580 Floodplain 45.49 45.78 50.49 7.43 859.41 11.16 191.21 226.68 Reach-1 580 Floodway 45.73 0.24 45.99 51.82 10.21 853.44 14.36 191.21 226.68 Reach-1 750 Floodplain 46.10 46.43 46.20 0.03 877.89 0.08 131.60 167.04 Reach-1 750 Floodway 46.251 0.16 46.561 53.84 0.431 876.70 0.87 131.60 167.04 Reach-I 1000 Floodplain 46.69 46.991 47.21 1.37 875.23 1.39 121.67 158.24 Reach-1 1000 Floodway 46.80 0.10 47.09 48.80 1.93 874.12 1.95 121.67 158.24 Reach-1 1230 Floodplain 47.39 47.67 46.97 878.00 134.64 188.05 Reach-1 1230 Floodway 47.45 0.07 47.73 47.67 878.00 134.64 188.05 Reach-1 1470 Floodplain 48.33 48.79 36.28 877.69 0.31 163.83 199.28 Reach-I 1470 Floodway 48.37 0.04 48.82 36.66 877.60 0.40 163.83 199.28 Reach-1 1810 Floodplain 50.07 50.49 48.10 0.16 877.84 0.00 115.65 155.49 Reach-1 1810 Floodway 50.07 0.01 50.49 48.24 0.191 877.81 0.00 115.65 155.49 Reach-1 2100 Floodplain 52.03 53.42 29.50 878.00 186.04 225.96 Reach-1 2100 Floodway 52.031 0.00 53.42 29.48 878.00 186.04 225.96 Reach-i 2420 Floodplain 55.42 55.77 43.35 867.17 10.83 152.10 188.38 Reach-1 2420 Floodway 55.42 0.00 55.77 43.35 867.16 10.84 152.10 188.38 Reach-1 2700 Floodplain 56.37 56.74 43.48 0.21 877.17 0.62 189.81 225.50 Reach-1 2700 Floodway 56.37 0.00 56.74 43.49 0.21 877.17 0.62 189.81 225.50 Reach-1 2980 Floodplain 57.32 57.64 44.50 2.56 868.26 7.18 150.92 185.39 Reach-1 2980 Floodway 57.32 0.00 57.64 44.50 2.561 868.26 7.18 150.92 185.39 Reach-1 3170 Floodplain 57.94 58.08 39.76 429.55 22.45 150.78 181.93 Reach-1 3170 Floodway 57.941 0.00 58.08 39.76 431.37 20.63 0.00 150.78 181.93 190.65 Reach-1 13410 Floodplain 58.43 58.92 34.10 1.60 450.11 0.29 166.62 191.82 Reach-1 13410 Floodway 58.44 0.01 58.931 34.211 1.641 450.061 0.30 166.62 19i.82 HEC-RAS Plan: Post proj River: RIVER-i Reach: Reach-1 (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R I Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Reach-i 3437 Floodplain 58.77 59.15 29.24 0.71 450.78 0.51 139.90 166.30 Reach-1 3437 Floodway 58.77 0.00 59.15 29.25 0.72 450.77 0.52 139.90 166.30 Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 0 > 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Main Channel Distance (It) RIVER-i Reach-1 60 - - - - - - - -- - -I Legend WS Floodway - - I WSFloodplain --- - -I--------- Ground .............. IIII,1IIIIIIIIIII1T:; _ 45 w t - ---- +--------I F f--------- t --- -- -F------- - - I-....... t ....... I-------------------------------- - - i_Il ±iri,i .05 .05 .05 70 - - - I - - - - Legend WS Floodway 65 - - - 4 - - 1-1 1 1- - 1/ - WS Floodplain 1 1 11 114 111 I li-i si Ground lit -I-Ill 14*4 1 it 144 /41-lI A 111 +44-1 14*4 4 4 4*14/41-I4 Ineff 60--:- - j 1 BanSta 55 - - - - I - * 1-f tf I I 1 4 II I fit I 1-I I I 1-44 *41-4 44*4 +4 1-1*1 .4 50- 50 ---------------- 1- - I 45 Legend A WS Floodway WS Floodplain Ground A Ineff Bank Sta C a, W Encroachment 0 w W W Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 3410 Proposed Improvements on ROB +.05.+-.05-)L .05 ____ - - - - - - 61 --.-. Legend . --- '4 WS Floodway 60 ----------------.._4-i..- --..+--------.------------- Floodplain 59.:::::___.- :::::::_.. i INN . ----+----WS --Ground Bank Sta 58 ---4-----t--------------______ -- -- ----------------•-• i----t--------- .L-._ !---•4---------1---- 57.--1-- -----------------------!. ------------------------ 56----—------- . - --...-----k-.. ----- ---- --- ---------- ---------_--- 4.4...1-...._.4._$. 55 —4-4-1-1-- —4—+—*—+— j....4---4----- —+—l-4—#— -------------. 4-----1-----4----l----4----- i--i-......--.4--------- tt.....!1t--------F----!----------- 54- —r-—-4--r-4-4---4-- J ___1._.J_------------------------- 4r4--- ---------------------- I U 50 100 150 200 250 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 3170 Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 3437 New Section: Outlet of proposed 4x775 RCB 63-05 — - - — — Legend . ---- ..... ------- ------------- ..... Floodplain 61---.--———-—— 62---WSFloodway ..WS I : Ground Do- ________ ..... ----- f BanSta 58--- -- ---- ----- 56 --t-----s---- 1-4-14 ..... :- ... ....:1 :----------------- —1--- ----------- I + 55- a 50 100 150 200 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 2980 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station (ft) Station (ft) 71 64 ' 61 w 54 SI C 0 > w w w st-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 2700 .05 .05 .05 70 i:11. --- .. :::i:: Legend A WS Floodway - - - - -i---------------F -f-'---- - it WS Floodplain - i___ ---- -I- Ground -4-4 ---I---.. • - - - - - - - -- Ineff • 60 - - - - - Bank Sta .........+ 55Tm _-- -+------ if if; -4-4--i ---4- 4444- I-I-+I 1+4-4 -44*4 44I. 441-4 4+ 414-4 +4+ 44+4- 441 1-444 .4 50 45-a 1- 4. .L---------- --1 -....------------ 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 2100 .05 + .05 .05 60-::ITF:i: i.. T.1: .i:j44 •T-T-4--f-4 Legend --F-f-i-i- -4---4-. ------ 4-1-- -4-4-1-4- •-+--4•-+-I----4--•I 4 --- --- -l--II ---I-- 4-l-I--i--I--+-/-i--4-1- - f4. FF + -F +11--i- *i+4-jJfl*v WS Floodplain + f1I -1 -1-4--I--I-1-1.......1- 14-11----1--------1-4-4- - J / WS Floodway -------- J- 56 - - - I j. ( - Ground A L.L----- - 1 / f lneff 4-4-•-4•4•1-1--4.-4-.1-J. I 4. 54- --i--I..............4•4..I. -4............1.4-4 4- '-4-..4.4.4----1--4----I------- -_ BankSta -H- H- --1--- ........ -4t- 444 4 4 41-- 1-1 44 41+1 1411 52 so -f ........4-4-4---.- ETT +-14-.-4-4...........•- --- I-I.... 41-. 4-44 1 ++ 1 4 f -Ft--f----i-H....--4 -t... ------i-ti 1--i- -.4-- i-tI--i-----4----4--_--4---4---- ----- ----i--4-i-- --i--I-- --i-f -!.......!Ft!-------------14-44 ..................ri--i--- -t-- r11-I 46- - -- 4-1- -1--1--r-1-4--4- 4-i- • 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station(ft) Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 2420 .05 .05 .05 I-- ------------------------ 1 r T ----------: ::::'1I:::::Ii: Legend WS Floodway - /I I - - -/-- - WS Floodplain Ground - - - - - - - I---------------- ... -, -------------1 - 11-4 --I..I Ineff Bank Sta -II -:----H- I--/ ----------------A I I .----f-----t . I I 4 44-If I 1 4 I 1-444 4 1 ---44 I4-I 4-444 • 1 4-44-4 41-Il 4. 4i 1 I -1-------- 1---------------------1 -- 4------------------------T---------------------------ii ........................... r4III 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 1810 .05 .05 .05 Legend .........-- I- -- ........---i....k--i--I--. WS F1 65- ---i_1-..4_L---L- -WS Floodplain TF t1-ti-----Iii-----11- Ground III 4-1 III lI-I --F -I/+41 FM 44-44 60--i-F-If --- ---4-4-4- -f-----+-- -I......ti-----F--I-V --F -M--t -1--F........F I II Irieff Fi BankSta '. 55 - - - - - ------------------------ 144 ..I.......H-----VrM--------MT 444 4 444 - 4-44 - 44-44 - - 50 - --- 4+41 1441 I-I- 4 * 1 1 4- 45 -I--i--f---!....1-1t-t- -i- -i--ti---!....1----- - - - t•I•t......II- 4 I ---t -1........t-------!1--------f --I- 1 4+41 44 4 40 -4 -4-4r-i-4--1-4-4i-1-4 I 0 50 100 150 zUU 25U 300 Station (ft) 45- F 0 6 60 55 ' :: 40 3 -- -- Legend -----------]... ............-.-_- -------------- ------------- : ::1: :1:. : : :: :. :: : : : :::7:::. : wsFloodway WSFloodplain - - - Ground Ineff _:: - - - I / Bank Sta ::.::I.' :.......... I------ :1::4.: ;-t --t e------t---- 4 4 4 1 4 4 44 .4.4 4 4 1 1 1 I 4 - - - --.--1 I . t --i---- ---- -t - -----------i -. .•i.._t__t._._•__t__t._. 1._i....r-i--1---t------.t --1---- 4 4 .4 4 4 4 T---T---- --114 141-1 .05 —3j05 )j( .05 65-------.- ::::ç:::::::c:.4 . Legend ----1--------------1........ -...... :. : : :: -....:. : :.:::: : ::: :. wSFloodway 60:: -- :::::::::::::::.:::::.: WSFloodplain Ground - - : Bank Sta 50 - - - II 41+4 4* -- 44 #4 1 4I44- 14 4 44+ 444 II 1-4 1+ 40 - - - - - - -.- - - - :: :'' :ii 35 iR )](.0!h .05 .05 4 Legend .1!I1 ..4.4i....--------[.4... WSFloodway 60 :::F:j:: .::t:tfi: :j::t:: L4.4.. -----.1--------------ti WS Floodplain --1---!-......i---ttt-- :::1::.T::i:::r:: ::f::1:::.1.::i:::.::.1:::J::i:i::: Ground --i..........;---t-----i--i--i------ Ineff .::.i:.:.4.::i:::::...[::i::1:.I:i::: - :: ::L::.i::................................:,Bank Sta __ 50-1-—---!-- + 44 •4 44 4 4 4 4. .. :4 4. .4........... 45 -i-1--t--i---i 1- 4-4 4 + 4 4-4 4 4 I + I- 4 .4 -- 4 4 4 .4 40--j---f-f-----f ''t•1......i--t•-----• ---1.............. i;4 _r::i:'. 35 U 100 200 300 400 500 Station (if) CIE .05 O4 .05 4 T Legend WS Floodway - I 5 -4 --/-------WS - Floodplain 4111 1.4 11 4 1 4 41 4 11 4 1*41 I Ground * A I 4 #44 / 4 lneff Bank Sta r 4111 14 4 + #4-4-1 #414 If *4 0 - 5. r- ,- t 100 200 300 400 500 Station (if) 3. 0 Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS= 1470 RS = 1230 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (if) Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (if) Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 750 .•1. I• _____ _______ ne — Bank Sta Legend 4 A WS Floodway WS Floodplain 41 Ground A Ineff 4 Bank Sta C 0 Cu > a) LU 4 3€ 3€ w iR w Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 580 .05 30i .0 .05 50: : : : : - 4. -- -- Legend WSFloodway 18 .. - I WSFloodplain 16- Ground -.-- --C A . --- -----------------------Ineff 44- I ± I 42 - 38-- 10---, ----------- ------------ - ---- 36- -- 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 310 Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS = 400 ,1.-t • : Immmm uuuu 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model 6/7/2015 RS= 5.11 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) Station (ft) APPENDIX E: HEC-RAS Results Agua Hedionda Creek AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK SUMMARY OF HYDRAULIC MODELS HEC-RAS FEMA SECTION EFFECTIVE MODEL1 DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE MODEL1 CORRECTED EFFECTIVE CONDITIONS 2 POST-PROJECT CONDITIONS 3 DESCRIPTIONS SECTION 100-YR WSEL FW.WSEL FW WIDTH 100-YR WSEL FW WSEL FW WIDTH 100-YR WSEL FiN WSEL FW WIDTH 100-YR WSEL RN WSEL RN WIDTH (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) (FT) 10090 10270 RANCHO CARLSBAD DRIVE CULVERT 56.68 56.65 57.07 91 56.66 57.00 56.64 I. 57.00 91 80 56.6 56.64 91 56.66 _64. 91 57.19 80 57.03 56.97 80 57.03 56.97 80 CULVERT 10317 59.63 59.06 80 61.75 61.85 80 60.97 61.56 95 60.97 61.56 95 10375 60.72 60.02 300 62.64 62.73 300 61.05 61.61 225 60.92 61.61 225 10460 60.64 60.13 290 62.56 62.66 290 61.28 61.65 269 61.38 61.65 269 10620 10810 L 60.38 61.25 60.97 61.38 300 300 62.65 62.74 62.75 62.83 300 300 61.19 61.67 61.42 62.67 300 300 61.35 61.67 61.42 62.67 300 300 10980 61.63 62.12 215 62.86 62.93 215 62.06 62.90 300 62.06 62.9 300 11185 M 62.24 62.28 200 62.91 62.99 200 61.64 62.64 300 61.64 62.64 300 11340 11490 La 64.85 66.09 64.83 67.00 200 200 64.99 66.96 64.99 66.96 200 200 66.17 67.32 66.64 68.32 275 250 66.19 67.36 66.6 68.31 275 250 11606 >- 67.60 68.46 200 67.65 68.52 230 DIS LIMIT OF 2005 TOPO INPUT & WETLANDS GRADING 11650 IL N 66.53 67.48 200 66.64 67.47 200 67.77 68.67 200 67.93 68.88 235 &. 11920 9 _________ 69.16 69.86 374 69.21 69.87 374 69.46 69.80 300 68.09 69.06 244 - 12100 12340 0 0 _________ 69.80 70.93 70.66 71.89 465 539 69.85 71.08 70.67 72.01 465 559 71.23 72.85 71.73 73.40 332 400 68.19 68.44 69.14 69.32 256 259 ... 12590 P 73.48 74.13 372 73.49 74.15 372 73.65 74.63 372 68.75 68.75 82 U/S LIMIT OF WETLANDS GRADING CD PROPOSED COLLEGE BLVD BRIDGE 12710 Z IC04 _________ 74.36 74.68 348 74.36 74.70 348 73.84 74.78 307 73.15 73.15 136 12910 13000 Q _________ 75.87 77.31 75.93 77.34 222 197 75.92 77.34 76.00 77.34 222 197 75.82 76.57 75.86 76.58 249 197 75.00 76.13 75.00 76.13 115 103 - 0/S END OF EX. ADJACENT HOUSING DEV. 13340 R 79.16 79.81 147 79.18 79.86 147 79.25 79.40 147 79.33 79.44 147 U/S END OF EX. ADJACENT HOUSING DEV. 13600 O 79.96 80.72 110 80.02 80.75 110 79.89 80.18 110 79.94 80.20 110 13740 S 80.87 81.82 129 80.96 81.89 129 80.42 80.70 129 80.46 80.72 129 13812 13860 13861 Z 81.36 82.13 215 81.38 82.23 215 80.67 81.26 81.03 81.36 190 200 80.71 81.28 81.04 81.31 190 200 U/S LIMIT OF 2005 TOPO INPUT 13880 T 82.51 84.19 86.11 82.55 84.15 86.41 215 205 200 82.51 84.22 86.17 82.61 84.15 86.41 205 200 83.41 86.08 83.58 86.00 205 200 83.38 86.10 215 83.57 86.00 205 14040 MATCH EFFECTIVE MODELS 14190 200 14430 U 87.85 88.54 200 87.93 88.55 1 200 87.93 88.56 200 87.93 88.56 200 14900 91.82 92.50 140 91.89 92.50 140 91.88 92.50 140 91.88 92.50 140 15200 95.58 95.53 140 95.56 95.35 140 95.56 95.35 140 95.56 95.35 140 15360 97.30 97.29 130 97.34 97.32 130 97.34 97.32 130 97.34 97.32 130 15560 102.42 103.13 153 102.43 103.15 153 102.43 103.15 153 102.43 103.15 153 EFFECTIVE (HARD COPIES) AND DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE MODELS COMPILED OF FEMA EFFECTIVE HEC-2 MODEL <AGUAHED.FLD> (SECTIONS 6000-11340 AND 14900-15560) AND CHANG LOMR DATED 2002 (SECTIONS 11490-14430). CORRECTED EFFECTIVE CONDITIONS MODEL PREPARED BY LYLE ENGINEERING DATED MAY 2015 USING TOPOGRAPHY DATED 10/27/05 (SECTIONS 10270-13861). POST-PROJECT CONDITIONS MODEL PREPARED BY LYLE ENGINEERING DATED JUNE 2015 BASED ON HUNSAKER DESIGN DATED MAY 2015. 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model HEC-RAS Plan: Dup Eff River Aqua Hedionda Cr Reach: College Blvd Reach River Ste Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Ste L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) College Blvd - 6000 PF 1 32.19 32.53 319.78 9220.00 25.00 355.00 College Blvd 6000 PF2 32.42 0.23 32.78 320.32 9850.00 25.00 25.00 355.00 355.00 College Blvd 6260 PF 1 33.26 33.47 317.92 9220.00 28.00 359.00 College Blvd 6260 PF2 33.52 0.26 33.74 318.95 9850.00 28.00 28.00 359.00 359.00 College Blvd 6560 PF 1 34.20 34.42 310.12 9220.00 0.00 329.00 College Blvd 6560 PF2 34.48 0.28 34.72 311.40 9850.00 0.00 0.00 329.00 329.00 College Blvd 6720 PF 1 34.92 35.32 216.18 9220.00 0.00 234.00 College Blvd 6720 PF2 35.21 0.29 35.64 217.29 9850.00 0.00 0.00 234.00 234.00 College Blvd 6960 PF 1 36.97 37.99 127.07 9220.00 0.00 135.00 College Blvd 6960 PF2 37.30 0.33 38.39 128.23 9850.00 0.00 0.00 135.00 135.00 College Blvd 7210 PF 1 40.06 40.89 147.02 0.02 9799.98 25.00 170.00 College Blvd 7210 PF2 40.42 0.36 41.19 145.00 9850.00 25.00 25.00 170.00 170.00 College Blvd 7266 PF 1 40.39 43.53 110.50 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7266 PF2 40.39 0.00 43.53 110.50 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BRD PF1 40.50 43.69 107.90 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BRD PF2 40.50 0.00 43.69 107.90 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BR U PF 1 42.92 44.77 107.90 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BRU PF2 42.92 0.00 44.77 107.90 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7376 PF 1 43.09 44.78 110.50 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7376 PF2 43.09 0.00 44.77 110.50 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7410 PF 1 43.55 46.95 98.22 9850.00 0.00 104.00 College Blvd 7410 PF2 43.55 0.00 46.95 98.22 9850.00 0.00 0.00 104.00 104.00 College Blvd 7695 PF 1 47.74 48.19 559.00 2798.29 6861.37 190.35 1100.00 1197.00 College Blvd 7695 PF2 47.65 -0.09 48.60 151.22 1641.58 8208.42 1045.78 1100.00 1197.00 1197.00 College Blvd 7775 PF 1 48.10 48.29 600.00 2642.18 4478.471 959.35 1100.00 1193.00 College Blvd 17775 PF2 48.38 0.28 48.77 250.00 2424.13 5610.40 45.47 950.00 1100.00 1193.00 1200.00 College Blvd 8015 PF 1 48.16 48.49 884.00 1740.89 5147.14 1191.97 1100.00 1188.00 College Blvd 8015 PF2 48.36 0.19 49.13 300.00 808.55 6977.64 293.81 950.00 1100.00 1188.00 1250.00 College Blvd 8350 PF 1 48.08 48.94 720.00 805.47 7130.53 144.00 1117.00 1210.00 College Blvd 8350 PF2 48.54 0.45 49.67 93.00 8080.00 1117.00 1117.00 1210.00 1210.00 College Blvd 8745 PF 1 48.81 49.43 612.02 393.13 6169.83 1517.03 1100.00 1197.00 College Blvd 8745 PF2 49.141 0.32 50.361 97.00 8080.00 1100.00 1100.00 1197.00 1197.00 HEC-RAS Plan: DuD Eff River Aqua Hedionda Cr Reach: College Blvd (Continued) Reach - River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel 0 Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (It) (cfs) (cfs) (cI) (ft) (ft) (It) (It) College Blvd_ 9095 PF 1 48.93 50.19 387.87 7164.32 915.69 ______ 1100.00 1199.00 College Blvd_ 9095 PF2 49.71 0.79 51.19 99.00 8080.00 1100.00 1100.00 1199.00 1199.00 College Blvd 9320 PF 1 49.94 50.68 394.79 0.16 6581.59 1498.25 108.00 214.00 College Blvd 9320 PF2 50.55 0.61 51.71 106.00 8080.00 108.00 108.00 214.00 214.00 College Blvd 9610 PF 1 50.46 51.08 240.95 6062.06 2017.94 100.00 224.00 College Blvd 9610 PF2 51.27 0.82 52.24 123.06 8080.00 100.00 100.00 224.00 224.00 College Blvd 9850 PF 1 51.92 55.58 73.07 8080.00 0.00 80.00 College Blvd 9850 PF2 51.93 0.02 55.58 73.12 8080.00 0.00 0.00 80.00 80.00 College Blvd 9939 PF 1 53.35 56.88 75.86 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9939 PF2 53.35 0.00 56.88 75.86 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 9941 PF 1 53.64 57.28 72.45 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9941 PF2 53.64 0.00 57.28 72.45 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 9979 PF 1 56.14 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9979 PF2 56.14 0.00 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 9981 PF 1 56.14 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9981 PF2 56.14 0.00 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 10090 PF 1 56.66 58.12 125.66 24.31 8055.69 100.00 194.00 College Blvd 10090 PF2 56.64 -0.02 58.12 90.81 8080.00 100.00 100.00 194.00 194.00 College Blvd 10270 PF 1 57.00 59.44 93.48 935.71 6060.70 1083.59 206.30 243.90 College Blvd 10270 PF2 57.00 0.00 59.46 80.00 953.96 6054.93 1071.11 185.00 206.30 243.90 265.00 College Blvd 10293.5 Culvert College Blvd 10317 PF 1 58.93 60.81 284.66 831.73 6264.42 983.85 206.30 243.90 College Blvd 10317 PF2 61.75 2.82 62.84 80.00 1106.92 5798.40 1174.68 185.00 206.30 243.90 265.00 College Blvd 10375 PF 1 60.95 61.02 1134.13 4452.39 2590.98 1036.64 1012.00 1086.00 College Blvd 10375 PF2 62.64 1.69 62.95 300.00 1607.55 5215.21 1257.24 900.00 1012.00 1086.00 1200.00 College Blvd 10460 PF 1 60.98 61.03 1737.99 2267.86 1659.43 4152.71 544.00 597.00 College Blvd 10460 PF2 62.56 1.57 63.06 290.00 1868.86 4433.52 1777.62 440.00 544.00 - 597.00 730.00 College Blvd 10620 PF 1 61.00 61.07 1645.28 1173.72 1902.27 5004.01 502.00 555.00 CollegeBlvd 10620 PF2 62.65 1.66 63.21 300.00 1659.251 4408.10 2012.66 400.00 502.00 555.00 700.00 CollegeBlvd 10810 PF1 61.00 61.21 1452.97 417.66 3430.30 j 4232.03 385.001 475.00 CollegeBlvd 10810 PF2 62.74 1.74 63.50 300.00 708.46 6322.701 1048.841 300.001 385.00 475.001 600.00 CollegeBlvd 10980 PF1 61.08 - 61.41 -- 1103.96 32.15 4204.241 3843.61 185.001 279.00 HEC-RAS Plan: Duo Eff River: Aqua Hedionda Cr Reach: College Blvd (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) College Blvd_ 10980 PF2 62.86 1.78 63.82 215.00 7103.86 976.14 185.00 185.00 279.00 400.00 College Blvd 11185 PF 1 62.00 62.75 1051.78 133.15 4889.32 3057.53 237.00 312.00 CollegeBlvd 11185 PF2 62.91 0.91 64.41 200.00 337.81 6698.14 1044.05 200.00 237.00 312.00 400.00 College Blvd 11340 PF 1 65.05 66.14 617.34 515.40 5005.02 2559.58 233.00 282.00 College Blvd 11340 PF2 64.99 -0.05 67.01 200.00 386.19 6154.41 1539.41 200.00 233.00 282.00 400.00 College Blvd 11490 PF 1 66.10 66.62 490.49 3573.93 3574.061 932.01 290.00 338.00 College Blvd 11490 PF2 66.96 0.86 67.68 200.00 2748.18 4088.66 1243.15 200.00 290.00 338.00 400.00 College Blvd 11650 PFI 66.64 67.68 466.84 2861.70 4529.69 688.61 _____ 380.00 432.00 College Blvd 11650 PF2 67.47 0.83 68.65 200.00 2061.15 4773.88 1244.97 300.00 380.00 432.00 500.00 College Blvd 11920 PF 1 69.21 69.59 839.07 4580.67 3442.45 56.88 1265.00 1325.00 College Blvd 11920 PF2 69.87 0.66 70.46 374.00 3777.35 4098.95 203.70 1000.00 1265.00 1325.00 1374.00 College Blvd 12100 PF 1 69.85 70.25 747.56 4950.85 3129.15 898.00 965.00 College Blvd 12100 PF2 70.67 0.83 71.10 465.00 4813.04 3266.97 500.00 898.00 965.00 965.00 College Blvd 12340 PF 1 71.08 71.96 670.29 4026.97 3959.33 93.71 815.00 872.00 College Blvd 12340 PF2 1 72.01 0.93 72.98 558.66 3082.95 4563.68 433.37 350.00 815.00 872.00 923.00 College Blvd 12590 PF 1 73.49 74.19 474.79 2422.10 5321.12 66.78 490.00 595.00 College Blvd 12590 PF2 74.15 0.66 74.71 372.00 2570.40 5087.30 152.301 250.00 490.00 595.00 622.00 College Blvd 12710 PF 1 74.36 74.85 438.72 3267.25 3592.68 950.07 533.00 593.00 College Blvd 12710 PF2 74.70 0.34 75.25 348.00 2806.63 3816.53 1186.84 330.00 533.00 593.00 678.00 College Blvd 12910 PF 1 75.92 77.33 277.55 1992.86 5385.59 431.55 455.00 508.00 College Blvd 12910 PF2 76.00 0.08 77.59 222.00 1620.37 5660.44 529.19 340.00 455.001 508.00 562.00 College Blvd 13000 PF 1 77.34 78.15 297.82 1212.48 4765.63 1831.89 1950.00 2027.00 College Blvd 13000 PF2 77.34 0.00 78.56 197.39 1433.10 5642.14 734.77 1856.00 1950.00 2027.00 2055.00 College Blvd 13340 PF 1 79.18 79.71 371.45 2509.03 4896.90 404.07 348.00 446.00 College Blvd 13340 PF2 79.86 0.68 80.54 147.46 2000.83 5809.17 298.54 348.00 446.00 446.00 College Blvd 13600 PF 1 80.02 80.88 200.85 80.98 6027.08 1701.93 65.00 155.00 College Blvd 13600 PF2 80.75 0.73 81.91 110.00 171.21 7412.34 226.45 50.00 65.00 155.00 160.00 College Blvd 13740 PF 1 80.96 81.50 244.40 972.10 5264.35 1573.55 80.00 175.00 College Blvd 13740 PF2 81.89 0.93 82.58 129.48 498.43 6143.54 1168.04 68.75 80.00 175.00 198.23 College Blvd 13860 PF 1 81.38 83.091 219.22 657.25 6166.24 986.51 96.79 211.51 College Blvd 13860 PF2 82.23 0.85 83.33 215.00 992.16 5607.68 1210.16 40.00 96.79 211.51 255.00 College Blvd 113880 IPF 1 82.51 83.441 247.681 1041.041 5527.851 1241.11 96.79 211.51 HEC-RAS Plan: DUD Eff River AaUa Hedionda Cr Reach: Colleae Blvd (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act 0 Left 0 Channel 0 Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (It) College Blvd 13880 PF2 82.61 0.10 83.53 215.00 1109.43 5426.96 1273.61 40.00 96.79 211.51 255.00 College Blvd 14040 PF 1 84.22 85.32 342.86 235.25 6263.27 1311.47 365.00 495.00 College Blvd 14040 PF2 84.15 -0.07 85.53 205.00 221.99 6702.72 885.28 350.00 365.00 495.00 555.00 College Blvd 14190 PF 1 86.17 86.84 348.16 331.86 6144.15 1333.99 195.00 345.00 College Blvd 14190 PF2 86.41 0.24 87.37 200.00 445.03 7306.65 58.32 175.00 195.00 345.00 375.00 College Blvd 14430 PF 1 87.93 88.73 296.96 3479.60 4330.40 50.00 160.00 College Blvd 14430 PF2 88.55 0.62 89.65 200.00 4617.78 3192.22 50.00 50.00 160.00 250.00 College Blvd 14900 PF 1 91.89 93.48 166.44 1524.26 4648.63 1637.12 75.00 142.00 College Blvd 14900 PF2 92.50 0.61 93.89 140.00 1610.24 4423.62 1776.14 40.00 75.00 142.00 180.00 College Blvd 15200 PF 1 95.56 97.00 167.72 1596.43 6111.06 102.51 157.00 250.00 College Blvd 15200 PF2 95.35 -0.20 97.00 140.00 1608.35 6123.08 78.57 130.00 157.00 250.00 270.00 College Blvd 15360 PF 1 97.34 98.56 185.21 1209.14 5767.15 833.72 216.00 291.00 College Blvd 15360 PF2 97.32 -0.021 98.68 130.00 970.06 5826.71 1013.23 200.00 216.00 291.00 330.00 College Blvd 115560 IPF 1 1 102.431 103.68 354.82 3622.68 3701.09 486.241 314.001 420.00 College Blvd 15560 PF2 1 103.151 0.71 105.43 152.531 2685.24 5124.76 267.471 314.001 420.00 420.00 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Agua Hedionda Cr College Blvd Legend WS PF 2 WSPF1 ---------------------- -- -------------------------------- - ----Ground ------------ ___________-------------------------------------------------------------- 1° 1:::;: -I - - J- .- -- 40 20 - - 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Main Channel Distance (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 15560 RS= 15360 I 1 C C .2 .9 > w I w 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 15200 RS= 14900 1 1 C C 2 > > C) Ui C) 0 100 200 300 400 500 a lao 200 300 400 Station (ft) Station (ft) L .035 - (.06)[035-4 06.Ifi L -- .... I --------- --- ... Legend WSPF2 .....--.--, -------I-------------~-± --.-..--,.-,----I '-- ------------i--- / -- --:--- --I-----------f--4------ : -------'- WSPFI 04- -i---: -- --------------- F---- Ground 44 ++ I --f------H-----------: I Bank Sta 02 ---- v-t - Encroachment O0 —-.-"------—, - f---- ---- --------------- --------- --- 98 - ----------------- ------------------------.--1------i-. . --•_i ---- •. ---- .-- j,-.., --1--- ---t---1-- ...................-i-------.'- ---- ---------- 96- ---+-- -------- ----4—;.---4----. -E----------------------+---+----- :05€0 035 - - - ..--- ,-- Legend -- +---F----- --... WSPF1 WSPF2 T::::t±:1:::.. 98—!-----i--4 --:----- Ground - .\4--------.-.---4----4---4-- Sta 96 ----,- : Encroachment F 94--, +--- -F--------Bank --- ---1 T --f-- --I--------------_____________ F- --F-I--I....---- f 1 -!------!" 90- -+-4-+-- --I-F-9 92 ----- -f-+-4- ..... -4 _4._•4..... 1--F--- ........ I 4...f--I.-t---------I.- 88 ----- - ----4- J—.035 + .06 + .035 00 44.4 ..4.f . -f-. Legend t}f 4 4.4.,4... ___ VVSPFI -I-1-I-t- -F -I-i- ---t----I----t---+----+tt... ------------.--------•.... - A - WSPF2 --J --- L-----L. 96 -- --- Ground -J- ---iI -- . .. Bank Sta 41 II- I -F Encroachment .9 92 ---- -- -- -------4...........4.......... .-- ------------..............- 92 i----4----$- -. . .. -- -t 90 .... B8 -4--------+--+- I -4-9--f- -F-I-F-I--- -4--1--,-+- f --+---+------i----4----+ f--I"- ------------4. -- ---4--- -- 4......t -t----1--8 --F---------I--I---I.'--I ----1-------------i--- 4---...........-- i----------------------f_-F B6 rrr-r-f. .035 ._+_ -!._L_ .035 Legend 98 I A WSPF2 - I WSPFI 96 --I--t-F- 14--F - --;---- ..- Ground 94------——---r—--------- Bank Sta 4 4 4 F 4 4 1 I I F Encroachment i ---i.------1------------ 90 - -- - --- - - ----'--4- -4- -4-F--F-I-- I. 88 -+-+-4- B6 - -4- -4.---- -F--F-_-- - 84 - --F----- --4-.--4- Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 14430 14430 RS = 14190 14190 k035+ .06 .035 120 90 4- i \l--i ---- —f ---- 1 ----- ---- + ---- - WS PF 2 88 ---! 1-----t----1----4----+------- -- 1H±j- -- -± WSPF1 110- ---.1-------.L i. 1 , [ 1 7---- ---- Ground :t:::::: --- :::: - Bank Sta . - 4----. -.-4----4-.--.---- ----4 ---------- 1--- 84 - - 100 2 86---/_: 8 80 ---.+----.-_ .- -- -- . -----------Encroachment 90 76 0 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (if) Station (if) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 14040 14040 RS = 13880 13880 86 84 82 C 2 .2 80 > - Ca a) a) w 76- 74 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station (ft) Station (if) .06 -i ____________ .035 ___________ ---- WSPF2 --------. .........-- -------------WSPF1 -1•-- -------------. --------- Ground ----Legend S Sta ----- - --Encroachment -----Bank I :: ::I:1 I: II 21. ------------------ ---------------Ground - -_ii_-_-_ - i 1 • 035 .06 _:9 D5.. -1.-I.- .4 --------------H Legend i:i:: f:_.i::: :r: ._ . "vpi DO ---\--' --------------- WSPF2 t11 Ground 41 IF. :, 95 4 4 5 ~t - Bank Sta Encroachment 444+ + 44 414 414+ +414 -- i--n -- ti.. r ....i-.J.. t - i -- -t----- -I.. B5 -----1.4.1....LI--I. 80- 11r 75 4-- - .O6 H.035 -- ...+.------+ - Legend VVSPF2 4 1I WSPFI -t111-------- r-: Ground :::--:::i:: Bank Sta I __ Encroachment 1 -tt1---- 4 + 4 4 4 t --T--i-r-,-4-1--r-4--- I--I--I...............4.----------.4----------------__4.._4------------------- I I I Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=13860 13860 RS 13740 13740 ___________ - E-.035------------------.06 .035 8E 14- i - --144-- 4 Legend -f---- ----4------1---I-------------------+..i---- ------------4-- - - ---- —-- -- - -4-------4---t--4----------t---4---+-------t-------------4........... +--f--t--i-....ttlft- ------------WSPF2 : __Ground _ 82 Bank ta 78 - - _'II lw-i--:- i_ Encroachment .2 ______ ______ .---------- 8C 76 7 74 4 - ___ 72 ----------------- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Station (ft) Station (if) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=13600 13600 RS=13340 13340 9c 85 8C C .k ta 2 .9 > > w a 75 W _______________________________________ 7C it It 65 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) Station (if) .035 .06 -...................+--......- Legend AISPF2 WSPFI I - - - - - - - + BanSta Encroachment -1 -:_ :_: .035 .035 .06 --....---------- : ......Legend WSPF2 '1 : — -- WSPFI it 4 t -- i t -i- Ground 4 __4-+ F 4 1 + I F + : Encroachment - Jr 1 !ITI 06+ _-_-_ — — _-° .--------Legend ---....1---------I------- ------- 80- 16 -A .-----4-------.....-i T WSPF2 90 -- a-..---...I........-- :: i:. WS PF 1 t-'—t-------I---------I.........________________ .:::::t:t:::::r:::::::::i:::::.:::::i:::::,: :::::::::::.::::::::...::::.T::::::_::: /:::.. Ground 85--i---l- ---A. :---------Ineff - -I-----------------I---------I-----------. 1+_:ii Encroachment 7E 6.1 60 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 12710 12710 8 81 .035 .06--+- - .035 - Legend WS PF 1 WS PF 2 --- Ground Bank Sta Encroachment I Legend p WSPF2 WS PF 1 Ground A Ineff Bank Sta C 0 16 41) w Encroachment Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 13000 13000 RS=12910 12910 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 IRS =12590 12590 Legend WS PF2 WS PF 1 Ground A lneff Bank Sta Encroachment 6-035— ____ 0 85 -- -- :--F Legend A 80- --- -- -- --i--- WSPFI - ------I---------'-/ A . Ineff 75 —# I 4 \.------/---Ground 4.-------fr- -;F--3' ------- Bank Sta ----+-- —:------ i 1' /------WSPF2 Encroachment 70 ................ -----1--------------- -I--------I- -4------ I ------- -F -----I-------4------ :: 11 i:i:_: -F--------F--------+-------+------- I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 12340 12340 RS=12100 12100 .035L -- .....-- Legend ----------------F--6....... --- - 80-:::: : : : : : : :. F- : WSPF1 Bank -______ Ground Sta 75- L ----F-------------- ---- _' ---i--. :1:. :---------------WSPF2 I j ; - jj[j[p!l!jiijlIII1.!71 '- - Encroachment 70 9- 1- 4 1 4- t -. :1 .4 9-4 I. +1 4 4 ,- 4-I-i 65-V - - - 1VitT1 !t1.... ........ ..j.LJ........1.-i................ 60---....i--i..................t-----t1l p - 14 - 55. 44- -- -1-............1- -4--4--4--T-4--4-4--i-- -................ -4---4--4- - . -.........4, .4- - .035 oLI 80- --------------- Legend A - L - -- ---- --: WSPF2 ............--•------- WSPF1 ----- - --------------ir Ground -------------------------------- I-- • Bank Sta 70 its, ---_----j---- — --- - -- - - - .... --------- .... Encroachment . --------- 1 ----- -------- ................... .... ----------- --- — ---- ------- ------ --- — ---- ---- --------- -- — -- - --------- 1 - — - — --- — -- 65T - ------------- — ------- --I ...... ------- — --- — ---- -- ------------- 1 1 1 4 4lJ ... t ---- --- t- ---- i --- t ---- 444 + II 941 F fl + + +j I --- 60- -1- . 1 __i____i ---- t._.!-----t---i- --h-l--t -11---- titt------I 55- -4-4--+- -4-+4- 0 6) w w w 0 200 400 600 600 1000 1200 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=11920 11920 1-9 :° 35 .j*.035 72---- . . Legend F +-t--t--I + 4 I 1 464- +j + - 70 j - tjL111tiitt1 I WSPF2 68- - I - - Ground Ground 66 ---- Bank Sta 4- fI1-+ I-Ill I I-Fl 14-If 4 + 64 - -- - - - - i- - Encroachment 62 11 f-4-4- 4--i- --- 4 60 - 58- - 56 ----- +- -- 4-.-- 4- + 444 14+1 1 --- -Il 4 1 1+1-9 I 54 4-4-4- ii 4 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) 0 200 400 . 600 600 1000 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=11650 11650 035 4c06)( 035 -H 90 Legend 85\ -f.++_--f_ 11+-.- 4+4+ Ill-f- ++-44 lf-+-f- 1441 VVSPF2 80- I I I I Ground Ground ftITT rrr in--------411 j'flT - Bank Sta - - - - - - - - I I it. Tril----1 +1+4 444+ ti I TM--------1.....Ti-------I iTr WSPFI 4944 l+lf liii 4141 ifl+/I14f 11414441 Encroachment 7O 4 - - - 65 _I.is iI 60 tits I I is Iii: t 9- It I I sit iiii 55 P1-1-f- 41++ 1+4+ -r -1- ----:... 14-F +141 4-, ii I .4 4 -- 4 + 50- rr 1- -4-4--H--i-4- T 0 100 200 300 400 bOO 600 700 Station (ft) 81 iii 61 w iii 50- 0 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 11490 11490 .035 .035 J Legend WSPF2 I \L I I / I - - WSPF1 --. 4 --I-- - I Ground I I I . / Bank Sta I Encroachment -:—: 1* 4--#-+..4-1-.1..1. 4-4-1-1. --1+4-I- . r 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 11185 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=11340 11340 .035 0 (— 80—+--.035 -4 . Legend ::t::: 75-1 WSPF2 -..-..---------.----.. Ground 70-I------i----- Sta ::L:.____::: ::: ::::::: :::: :: :: :::::::. -I--Bank :::.:::. Encroachment 65 :::4:::_::4.::i:::+.::.4..::.. 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS =10980 - L} --- 035 75 - 3 T - - Legend : ~-:• : ;:~ WSPFI F II + 4144 III I Ill 1l- Ground 4+ 44 1141 -+41 4414 I 4 1144 J-3 44 1. 441. 4411 f-I-I Bank Sta 65 Encroachment - - T / t 60 II , -:I wi !il i41 t4 4 + 44 4441 11I +41 +44 -i iT 50 : 1. ii J!i iii:1zj:rrr 1. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Station (ft) .O35-cO3t —.035 -] 1 . Legend 411 11+4 4114 411. I- 11 4 ;41 WSPF2 -f-I- t--- - -fI-4 ---- -... --- 5--1 f -f -LItt 4.-f 0WSPFI --f--Itt -f -f--it- 4 .4-4 5 - II 11-1 1:11 . 1 - + ________ Ground Bank Sta 1------- - 1 1----I !•!U!• !.!.!..Ue!...?.!.!.,..! - t L 1 1 I - ttt Encroachment I °±f+t r fi-FHfHF+4---HH -+ 1-------- 4 4--------------1--------H-----H 4 -i-i-----t-- . 4-4 11 4 14 + ItI I II1 1 1. +44+ -+4 +111 r-t-i----+--i-l-l----t--t--t-t-----r-t--t-1--- 444-4 #441 i1 t 1.14 0 +44-4- *1+4 41-41 4*44 1+44 441+ *41-I - t , I I I V ri- TV Tt t 11 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Station (ft) 45-f- 0 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 10810 0 > a, w 45 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 10460 Legend ---------------- ---- ---• ---- -- ---- -- --• -------4 WSPF1 I I - - . -------. ---- --------------- / Ground 5-I---1- ------• -------:••- ---- ------- ------ Bank Sta Encroachment --------------- . --------------WSPF2 w 0 a, 75-1 3 Legend ------I------------I-------11I -----It'V ..J WSPF2 ..J------------------L--. .. 70—----—- PF 1 I_---t---_--I------------I------I-----------I--I----- ---:--T--WS — T • 4 Ground / ank Ste Encroachment 45 C 0 Legend WSPF2 WS PF I Ground Bank Sta Encroachment Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 10620 . .035 —.035----- ----- ... : --------- ---. ---- --- F Legend WS PF 2 70- ::..::::::: WS::.:::,::::: PF1 6511 . ------------------. -----------. --------------------Ground an ta Encroachment 55 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 10375 0 500 1000 1500 2000 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Station (ft) Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 617/2015 RS = 10317 This is a REPEATED section. RS = 10293.5 Culv culvert #1 (3 12 X 11 Boxes) 62 — — _ Legend 2-——-- — — — — Legend A I -------------------------I------------I---I------------I----- ------f—.4 A 60 ---- --- WSPF2 60 -———- --- WSPF2 58 ____________ ________ ----- t WSPF1 • 58-- Ground Ground __ ......I WSPFI —I-- - 1 ------ ------+---------I----.......................________ 56-——---1 ------ A 56--———-——---j A Ineff . - Ineff S 54-H ------- Bank Sta ' 54 --t - Bank Sta o __________ .2 . - - - Encroachment Encroachment a, 52 Ui ------------------------------ - ____________ a, LU 52 I----------------- 50- - - -- - - - ----------- - 50- - —f- - - — - — - 4 48 - - —i-- - -- 48 -4-,- - - - - - ... .. ... 46 -I.------------I-- —H---- 46 - ------------- - - - --- --------------- - H- - - - - - - ---4-------------------------------------I----------I- - - --- - - - - - - - I------------------------------------ 44_-- I 1 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 10293.5 Culv culvert #1 (312'x 11 Boxes) RS = 10270 .04 )C3fE- .04 - - — — _j 6 2 — . —, L A £ • - Legend 60 - I I ] WSPF2 WSPF1 ......... 58 -i. II-- -+-+------ A -I............Ground Ineff I S 54 —------------------ Bank Sta 0 1 I I Encroachment ° cc 5 - - — - - - - - — - - — - - - 1 TT1 LU I----F------F------------------1--- w 50- -.4. i----- ----- -- ------4--i------------ - ±----F------F-------------------1----- 4 1• I -4 I- 4 1 46- 44 _irT 1 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) Station (ft) +03+ .04 .04 : Legend ___ 4 WSPF2 56- ---f—+—+— —}--f-1---1 -- Ground I--------------------t______ -- A ____ 54—-—_----------____ Ineff 4 4 I I 4 4 + 4 1 + Bank Sta 52 - - - - - - - - - - - —' - - - - - - Encroachment 50- - - :_:_ 48 -I--+-+- -I--I--I-I— -4-I- 46 - -#----I-- -I---$- - -I-- +-I 4 4 4 . I I. 1 4 44 —4-4-4-4— ------ _ .04 .03 60 T Legend ..................._______ 58- tt-----t--tt1-----r-it- WS PF 1 ----::- WS:PF2 56 - j - Ground 54-4 Bank Sta ..... 41 Encroachment 52 50- - 48-- ,- . 46-—t i--- .- ---4-- t- --- 44 H- -i-t-t-----H........ 42-1 Legend WS PF 2 WS PF 1 Ground A Ineff Bank Sta Encroachment C 0 CO > a) w iii 0 > 41 Legend WS PF I A WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff S Bank Sta Legend WS PF 2 WS PF 1 Ground A Ineff Bank Sta 0 a) w Encroachment 16 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 10090 RS = 9981 This is a REPEATED section. 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 9979 This is a REPEATED section. RS = 9941 This is a REPEATED section. 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) Station (ft) + .03 119 —.1 .1 - 4 - I T0 - I- - j ------------------4--t--- .4--- -----44+ Legend _______ 1 1 WSPF2 WSPF1 I -L . Ground S - H- Bank Sta Encroachment -----i•--•-- - -- -------------i__t____.4___ i.--, i--4--4-----i ------__i•___•__ :: I f--+---+ 41 H---3-4- i--e•--•-i-----i•--• - ... Legend 52 WSPF2 50 WS PF I Ground 4€ Bank Sta Encroachment ' 4€ 0- 44 42 40 3€ iFi Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 9939 RS = 9850 60 5€ 5€ 54 - 52 0 Cu > CD 50 w 4€ 4€ 44 42 5€ 54 I 50 48 4€ 44 4 .015-01 Legend I IL I I I 11111-1111 171 ------------ — ---- T WSPF2 / Ground Ineff i I----I---fi -• =1-f---f--4------------------- ---------------- : T :E-\__________ Bank Sta l _-_ ... .... ----4---------4----+----- .03 .035 - - I - Legend -:T. 4..4 ~ PF 2 WSPFI hI t±±i-----.------------- - - - -. -.- 44J:::::: .-- .tI ...WS - -:- - - Ground - :: it:.:::! :. :: : : : :: . I-! ---------------Bank Sta -i------, ------------- --I-.. ........ - Tr1 t------- --! ------- --•1•---------.- -------- 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 617/2015 RS = 9610 RS = 9320 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 9095 RS = 8745 51 4 41 C 0 41 Cu w 4: 41 Ui .1 03-1k .1 ,.jr4 Legend F4; FF1 -g J__4Fl :: -TTT - - F Ground Sta Encroachment F - - - - - - - -------------------Bank --- 1--------- --,- _______________i-------------:---------------- : I•-T -F --t-- 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 8350 H-.iH. 03Ho -o I_-, -_I_t_-_l-_- Legend r _::4:::: WSPF2 18 uI____________4 WSPF1 16 -. Ground -- Bank Sta Encroachment to- 36 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 8015 3 900 Ui w +.03+ .1 .1 52-ri I j Legend A WSPF2 50 ---J--j— I —1— —1— —t .f_ _j_ - - - - WSPF1 £ I it 48 Ground 1 -T----- • 46 —+- Bank Sta -------I- ....... Encroachment 44 -- -- —4— —4— —L----- I--------1------I--------1----- —I--- —1----L-- - 42—f— 40 +-------1----- 38 -- - - - - -- -4- __________ --------------....j---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 i 600 (00 BOO 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Station (ft) 50 -. j_I-___ ------- - _ I--- _-- - Legend 48 I WSPF2 +--t-j ttff _-_- WSPF1 46 I _ ..- Ground Bank Sta 44 - - - - -r- I 11 f*11 1t ttt ftt Encroachment 42 - - - -r 1 - - •- ..t.--- - I-- - -F-1 --r-- 40 ------- 4_•_ .I 38 36 i...--- -t4---f--- I I F ..-F F 44 34 r4-r - i---1-r--41.r-1 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) • .1 )Z .02-)(.03+—.06 ________ I l Legend WSPF2 WSPF1 H Ground I-- ---------H . - Bank Sta it Encroachment :tii i t I III + 44- 114-4 4 1 41 #4-1-4 4- 50 TTTIiHH HHI'I1 ITT Legend 48j vISPF1 WSPF2 46 lI I Ground 44 _________________ _____ tit - Bank Sta - Encroachment 42--: 4 - I ----------------- 40--- - - -. 38 - - - • - - _______________ 36--- --- -- lW 34-1 #141 1-144 III l t4+ :414 32- 0 G) w 5( 4€ 4€ 44 4 0 . 40 w 3€ 3€ 3 3 0 > w Legend WS PF I WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff Bank Sta w Encroachment Legend WS PF I WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff Bank Sta Encroachment Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 7775 RS = 7695 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Station (ft) Station (if) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 7410 RS = 7376 This is a REPEATED section. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) Station (if) Legend WS PF 1 A WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff . Bank Sta C 0 Encroachment 16 a) w Legend WS PF I A WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff . Bank Sta Encroachment Legend A WS PF2 WS PF 1 Ground 49 Bank Sta Encroachment Legend A WS PF 2 WS PF I Ground A Ineff • Bank Sta 0 a) w Encroachment Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 7321 BR Bridge #1 RS = 7321 BR Bridge #1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) Station (ft) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 7266 RS = 7210 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Station (ft) Station (ft) Legend A WS PF 2 WS PF I Ground A Ineff • Bank Sta 0 Encroachment ci) w w Legend A WS PF 2 WS PF 1 Ground A Ineff . Bank Sta Encroachment Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 6960 RS = 6720 C 0 cu > a) w LegendJ A WS PF 2 WS PF 1 Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 0 Legend A WS PF 2 WS PF 1 Ground A Ineff S Bank Sta Encroachment 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Station (if) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 6560 RS = 6260 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 Station (ft) Station (It) Duplicate Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 6000 4 4' a 15 3: w a 2 2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) — • — 11=11=11111= Ineff imINNIIhllNllINIfflhmNIN_____ 0 a Bank Sta !!fl! Corrected Effective Model NFC -RA PI2n Corr eff River: Aaua Hedionda Cr Reach: Colleae Blvd Reach River Sta - Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (if) (if) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (if) (if) College Blvd 6000 PF 1 32.19 32.53 319.78 9220.00 25.00 355.00 College Blvd 6000 PF2 32.42 0.23 32.78 320.32 9850.00 25.00 25.00 355.00 355.00 College Blvd 6260 PF 1 33.26 33.47 317.92 9220.00 28.00 359.00 College Blvd 6260 PF2 33.52 0.26 33.74 318.95 9850.00 28.00 28.00 359.00 359.00 College Blvd 6560 PF 1 34.20 34.42 310.12 9220.00 0.00 329.00 College Blvd 6560 PF2 34.48 0.28 34.72 311.40 9850.00 0.00 0.00 329.00 329.00 College Blvd 6720 PF 1 34.92 35.32 216.18 9220.00 0.00 234.00 College Blvd 6720 PF2 35.21 0.29 35.64 217.29 9850.00 0.00 0.00 234.00 234.00 College Blvd 6960 PF 1 36.97 37.99 127.07 9220.00 0.00 135.00 College Blvd 6960 PF2 37.30 0.33 38.39 128.23 9850.00 0.00 0.00 135.00 135.00 College Blvd 7210 PF 1 40.06 40.89 147.02 0.02 9799.98 25.00 170.00 College Blvd 7210 PF2 40.42 0.36 41.19 145.00 9850.00 25.00 25.00 170.00 170.00 College Blvd 7266 PF 1 40.39 43.53 110.50 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7266 PF2 40.39 0.00 43.53 110.50 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BR D PF 1 40.50 43.69 107.90 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BR D PF2 40.50 0.00 43.69 107.90 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BR U PF 1 42.92 44.77 107.90 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BRU PF2 42.92 0.00 44.77 107.90 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7376 PF 1 43.09 44.78 110.50 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7376 PF2 43.09 0.00 44.77 110.50 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7410 PF 1 43.55 46.95 98.22 9850.00 0.00 104.00 College Blvd 7410 PF2 43.55 0.00 46.95 98.22 9850.00 0.00 0.00 104.00 104.00 College Blvd 7695 PF 1 47.74 48.19 559.00 2798.29 6861.37 190.35 1100.00 1197.00 College Blvd 7695 PF2 47.65 -0.09 48.60 151.22 1641.58 8208.42 1045.78 1100.00 1197.00 1197.00 College Blvd 7775 PF 1 48.10 48.29 600.00 2642.18 4478.47 959.35 1100.00 1193.00 College Blvd 7775 PF2 48.38 0.28 48.77 250.00 2424.13 5610.40 45.47 950.00 1100.00 1193.00 1200.00 College Blvd 8015 PF 1 48.16 48.49 884.00 1740.89 5147.14 1191.97 1100.00 1188.00 College Blvd 8015 PF2 48.36 0.19 49.13 300.00 808.55 6977.64 293.81 950.00 1100.00 1188.00 1250.00 College Blvd 8350 PF1 48.08 48.94 720.00 805.47 7130.53 144.00 1117.00 1210.00 College Blvd 8350 PF2 48.54 0.45 49.67 93.00 8080.00 1117.00 1117.00 1210.00 1210.00 College Blvd 18745 PF1 48.81 49.43 612.021 393.131 6169.83 1517.03 1100.00 1197.00 College Blvd 18745 PF2 49.14 0.32 50.36 97.001 8080.001 1100.001 1100.00 1197.00 1197.00 HEC-RAS Plan: Corr eff River Aaua Hedionda Cr Reach: Colleae Blvd (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (c1) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) College Blvd 9095 PF 1 48.93 50.19 387.87 7164.32 915.69 1100.00 1199.00 College Blvd 9095 PF2 49.71 0.79 51.19 99.00 8080.00 1100.00 1100.00 1199.00 1199.00 College Blvd 9320 PF 1 1 49.94 50.68 394.79 0.16 6581.59 1498.25 108.00 214.00 College Blvd 9320 PF2 50.55 0.61 51.71 106.00 8080.00 108.00 108.00 214.00 214.00 College Blvd 9610 PF 1 50.46 51.08 240.95 6062.06 2017.94 100.00 224.00 College Blvd 9610 PF2 51.27 0.82 52.24 123.06 8080.00 100.00 100.00 224.00 224.00 College Blvd 9850 PF 1 51.92 55.58 73.07 8080.00 0.00 80.00 College Blvd 9850 PF2 51.93 0.02 55.58 73.12 8080.00 0.00 0.00 80.00 80.00 College Blvd 9939 PF 1 53.35 56.88 75.86 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9939 PF2 53.35 0.00 56.88 75.86 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 9941 PF 1 53.64 57.28 72.45 8080.00 - 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9941 PF2 53.64 0.00 57.28 72.45 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 9979 PF 1 56.14 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9979 PF2 56.14 0.00 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 9981 PF 1 56.14 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9981 PF 2 56.14 0.00 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 10090 PF 1 56.66 58.12 125.66 24.31 8055.69 100.00 194.00 College Blvd 10090 PF2 56.64 -0.02 58.12 90.81 8080.00 100.00 100.00 194.00 194.00 College Blvd 10270 PF 1 57.03 58.66 93.65 8080.00 180.00 275.00 College Blvd 10270 PF2 56.97 -0.05 58.71 80.00 8080.00 186.50 180.00 275.00 266.50 College Blvd 10293.5 Culvert College Blvd 10317 PF 1 60.97 61.63 145.00 244.73 7612.18 223.09 180.00 275.00 College Blvd 10317 PF2 61.56 0.58 62.26 95.00 8080.00 180.00 180.00 275.00 275.00 College Blvd 10375 PF 1 61.05 61.68 310.00 1450.14 6048.11 581.75 500.53 581.07 College Blvd 10375 PF2 61.61 0.56 62.31 225.00 1115.39 6528.71 435.90 400.00 500.53 581.07 625.00 College Blvd 10460 PF 1 61.28 61.78 363.77 3530.551 4478.41 71.05 499.25 565.60 College Blvd 10460 PF2 61.65 0.37 62.43 268.77 2488.791 5475.53 115.69 325.00 499.25 565.60 625.00 College Blvd 10620 PF 1 61.19 62.18 610.00 1583.40 5508.61 987.98 570.93 651.98 College Blvd 10620 PF2 61.42 0.22 63.02 300.00 959.94 6671.77 448.30 450.00 570.93 651.98 750.00 College Blvd 10810 PF 1 61.67 62.89 593.16 434.08 6322.45 1323.46 592.19 674.98 College Blvd 10810 PF2 6267 . 1.00 63.57 300.00 341.85 6149.38 1588.78 550.00 592.19 674.98 850.00 College Blvd 10980 PF 1 62.06 63.351 452.921 14.041 7318.371 747.591 380.32 478.20 HEC-RAS Plan: Corr eff River Aaua Hedionda Cr Reach: Colleae Blvd (Continued) Reach - River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act 0 Left 0 Channel 0 Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) College Blvd 10980 PF2 62.90 0.84 63.88 300.00 31.84 7141.46 906.70 373.00 380.32 478.20 673.00 College Blvd 11185 PF 1 61.64 64.58 92.73 6.47 8047.98 25.56 240.18 318.68 College Blvd 11185 PF2 62.64 0.99 64.69 300.00 16.46 7763.111 300.43 237.00 240.18 318.68 537.00 College Blvd_ 11340 PF 1 66.17 - 67.14 523.11 830.11 4243.68 3006.22 208.60 244.90 College Blvd 11340 PF2 66.64 0.48 68.13 275.00 211.37 5075.45 2793.18 165.00 208.60 244.90 440.00 CollegeBlvd 11490 PF1 67.32 67.69 479.69 1726.82 4900.17 1453.02 256.43 343.72 College Blvd 11490 PF2 68.32 0.99 68.72 250.00 1700.96 5179.66 1199.38 160.00 256.43 343.72 410.00 CollegeBlvd 11606 PF1 67.60 67.99 477.41 2654.50 4323.61 1101.89 300.30 375.50 CollegeBlvd 11606 PF2 68.50 0.89 69.01 220.00 2227.67 4899.55 952.77 200.00 300.30 375.50 420.00 CollegeBlvd 11650 PF1 67.77 68.11 509.58 3142.08 4335.33 602.59 391.00 474.30 College Blvd 11650 PF2 68.61 0.84 69.13 200.00 2268.41 5274.77 536.83 300.00 391.00 474.30 500.00 CollegeBlvd 11920 PF1 69.46 70.34 549.53 3676.84 4385.96 17.20 737.89 795.53 College Blvd 11920 PF2 69.80 0.33 71.10 300.00 2838.66 5212.37 28.97 500.00 737.89 795.53 800.00 CollegeBlvd 12100 PF1 71.23 72.10 595.91 4332.97 3744.31 2.72 740.81 782.06 College Blvd 12100 PF2 71.73 0.50 72.69 332.00 4280.291 3799.71 450.00 740.81 782.06 782.00 CollegeBlvd 12340 PF1 72.85 73.15 805.73 4050.191 2842.37 1187.44 802.02 853.72 CollegeBlvd 12340 PF2 73.40 0.55 74.04 400.00 3171.92 4018.76 889.32 500.00 802.02 853.72 900.00 CollegeBlvd 12590 PF1 73.65 74.17 532.01 2951.96 4844.20 13.84 ______ 606.38 708.98 CollegeBlvd 12590 PF2 74.63 0.98 75.03 372.00 3177.82 4627.20 4.98 338.00 606.38 708.98 710.00 CollegeBlvd 12710 PF1 73.84 75.36 339.50 565.09 7079.22 165.69 480.90 565.96 CollegeBlvd 12710 PF2 74.78 0.93 75.72 307.00 1013.36 6403.75 392.89 300.00 480.90 565.96 607.00 CollegeBlvd 12910 PF1 75.82 77.17 280.05 258.87 7386.58 164.56 511.89 582.63 CollegeBlvd 12910 PF2 75.86 0.04 77.21 248.56 209.45 7415.49 185.06 340.00 511.89 582.63 620.00 CollegeBlvd 13000 PF1 76.57 77.99 281.70 165.24 7522.03 122.73 427.64 530.64 CollegeBlvd 13000 PF2 76.58 0.01 78.05 197.00 169.25 7638.78 1.97 335.00 427.64 530.64 532.00 CollegeBlvd 13340 PF1 79.25 79.72 332.08 955.57 6643.62 210.80 346.50 465.48 CollegeBlvd 13340 PF2 79.40 0.15 80.00 147.00 196.10 7453.29 160.61 334.00 346.50 465.48 481.00 CollegeBlvd 13600 PF1 79.89 80.61 165.94 100.58 7520.36 189.07 247.40 354.87 CollegeBlvd 13600 PF2 80.18 0.29 80.94 110.00 8.74 7794.79 6.47 246.001 247.40 354.87 356.00 CollegeBlvd 13740 PF1 80.42 81.17 189.64 411.88 7197.94 200.18 153.66 256.22 CollegeBlvd 13740 PF2 80.70 0.28 81.48 129.00 232.39 7467.42 110.18 136.00 153.66 256.22 265.00 CollegeBlvd 13812 PF1 80.67 81.691 199.50 242.41 7476.801 90.791 49.041 200.38 HFC.-RAS Plan: Corr eff River: Aaua Hedionda Cr Reach: Colleae Blvd (Continued) Reach River Sta Prxfile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) College Blvd 13812 PF2 81.03 0.36 81.91 190.00 321.43 7374.08 114.50 20.00 49.04 200.38 210.00 College Blvd 13861 PF 1 81.26 82.25 252.43 445.32 6291.94 1072.74 45.71 186.37 College Blvd 13861 PF2 1 81.36 0.10 82.48 200.00 515.18 6660.25 634.57 10.00 45.71 186.37 210.00 College Blvd 14040 PF 1 83.41 84.97 282.04 110.86 7262.68 436.46 365.00 495.00 College Blvd 14040 PF2 83.58 0.16 85.04 205.00 124.82 7207.75 477.43 350.00 365.00 495.00 555.00 College Blvd 14190 PF 1 86.08 86.79 346.74 325.34 6218.71 1265.95 195.00 345.00 College Blvd 14190 PF2 86.00 -0.08 87.13 200.00 395.86 7401.28 12.86 175.00 195.00 345.00 375.00 College Blvd 14430 PF 1 87.93 88.73 297.07 3477.22 4332.78 50.00 160.00 College Blvd 14430 PF2 88.56 0.63 89.65 200.00 4615.70 3194.30 50.00 50.00 160.00 250.00 College Blvd 14900 PF 1 91.88 93.48 166.38 1523.52 4650.32 1636.17 75.00 142.00 College Blvd 14900 PF2 92.50 0.62 93.89 140.00 1610.11 4423.89 1776.00 40.00 75.00 142.00 180.00 College Blvd 15200 PF 1 95.56 97.00 167.80 1596.77 6110.27 102.95 157.00 250.00 College Blvd 15200 PF2 95.35 -0.21 97.00 140.00 1608.36 6123.05 78.59 130.00 157.00 250.00 270.00 College Blvd 15360 PF 1 97.34 98.56 185.20 1209.11 5767.23 833.66 216.00 291.00 College Blvd 15360 PF2 97.32 -0.02 98.68 130.00 970.06 5826.72 1013.22 200.00 216.00 291.001 330.00 College Blvd 15560 PF 1 102.43 103.68 354.82 3622.68 3701.09 486.24 314.00 420.00 College Blvd 15560 PF2 103.15 0.71 105.43 152.53 2685.24 5124.76 267.47 314.00 420.00 420.00 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Agua Hedionda Cr College Blvd 120 Legend WSPF2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ground - --------------------- ------------- --WSPF1 ------------ 100- -------------------------------------------- - _ ---------- 80- ........... _' - --- 1jii,iiiiIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiiii 16 60 --t- -/-- _ - 40 - _i_ i -t - - ----------------- 20 i 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Main Channel Distance (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 15560 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section RS = 15360 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section 10 10 lOC ¶1 96 .? 94 w 1 w 9 90 8 O 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 15200 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section RS = 14900 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section bc 1 9E 9€ C I I go 88 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) Station (ft) + .06 .035 . Legend WSPF2 -----f1--±-F-----LH--- - /. WSPFI 04- Ground 9 Encroachment ____ _________ ETIrTI :II Ei: ±JH -- 96 1< .06 .035 .035 - - :i- + Legend - -------- ii i I- WSPF 1 - - - K / WSPF2 Ground - - : Sta --F--I-----Bank Encroachment ___ . -- ----4---4--4---..... : ::.::: 4._I-------------4. - 4...4-------------. - ______ 4----#---4---+---I-- 4----•_.... I----------------4-- - 4- - - 4 4- 1 .., I -I.------------ - 4 ----- ---- J —.o35 .035 .06-3l --------- - - 4- /I.-,- Legend 4--4-'--4--'- -- 4--f.... -l'---t --i--- WSPFI —....1tJ.LL - I--l'---'.,---1-------+--+.....4..4... --'--r--i----i----r-----h-1---f---r L_4----------..------ - ..........4....,......... -j.t:1:,:t:t:tJ: .4-. - ir- - WSPF2 • r Ground Bank Sta Ii I . . J.4.4-...4 4 Encroachment _• ..•.f_,.4-_,.........4•_4......4_ ........ --------------.---- ..&._._,........J_,_. ------ -• --.4..4.-...-.i---------- -.f.--i---.. -. 4-4- -1 : —t----t- ........i--.I.....4------.4.4... t--i-- I r i -r-,-r -, i•___4___ ----j---4....t --'-l--1--- .........4----------------------------t----1.--. 4____4__...• -}----i----+-------1-•-•1........ - - .L -4-- 4-.....4- ..__4_....•4..........4-.4_4......4._4........ ...... 1----------.......- -t -t--1--- - +--#-;- -----#- _____ 00 Legend 98 WSPF2 WSPF1 96 -------- --:-- - Ground 94---------r-------- Bank Sta 1 I 4- I I Encroachment 92 -- — - — — — — — - 1----• --'---i----•i-------i.--J--- ' - - - - - - - 88 --f- -i-H-F - H-H --f- 86 4---4-- — 84 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 14430 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section RS = 14190 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section 121 lii 101 w 91 80- 0 035+.06 -1 035 WSPF2 WSPF1 I - - ........Legend Ground I- - -- -- Bank Sta Encroachment ----- IIIiiiIiiiIIIiI7IiI -- -'TII -E-- 100 200 300 400 500 Station (if) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 14040 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (if) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 13861 2005Topo Legend WS PF 1 WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 0 > w uJ .035 + .035 .06 15 - T - - - - - Legend 4+4 44 44+4 I 4+4 444+ A t -i- WSPF2 0- 1-r-t-i--t- -l--i -i - -t --t -t- --H--1- -t•+-ii-- ___________ 1#I ..... .I--------I1- - WSPFI 5 - - - - - - - - - - - Ground : -i--i--1-----i------------- . - - - 1#l.....I------- - - Bank Sta 0- '-------i- --t--- -i--I--i-......... L1--. Encroachment I I-4 III u- --..----i-.....i--i--I--i- +1+ 4411 4+4 1+1+ -i--f-------t-----...ttl ----!1 ...... httt; ...... 15 -1- -t-r--t- . ..__L.....f__4..J....._.4_j__ N:- : j!~t UU 300 400 500 800 700 800 Station (if) .035 90 --- UI. [ Legend - - - I A 88 WSPF2 WSPF1 86 - I Ground - - - -- - I 84- #4+4 Bank Sta 4444 [Encroachment 82 - - I 80 -i #4-4-.- 78 76 I j+—+ 1- 1*4-4 -41- 74 - - I-lIt r- - r7r?-T7T- t + I I #114 -# II- 72 • 7r-1r1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) C E Li :idl :: Legend : : 5 -~- ~--- i VVSPFI fl -f1I . t 11+ Ground 44l t+I - i + ii tt +414 FF11 4-I-I F+j l41 11+4- IlIF BankSta 0 I Encroachment 5- .......... - --- if if - 4- 4 +1 I - F +1 I. F I +1 1141 IF+ 1411 Ii 5 gig 300 400 500 600 700 500 Station (if) r 6 100 200 w Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=13812 2005Topo .035 90... Legend WSPF2 - ..................•.4. - .................- - - ., -- -- --- ----- 85 - ---- -: - - WS PF 1 Bank Sta Encroachment 75 :r!T!ticIriI;i1iL: 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (if) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 13600 2005Topo k03- .06 .035 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 13740 2005Topo j -.O35-+---.06 ) .035 0 : L Legend WSPF2 .. - - H •- Ground ... . Bank Sta - .. - :- 0 HI i-I-- - . Encroachment 5 - - J. j...........I. .L_. ._1...L._.I +1 1 I1 1 F 4F+1 1+1 F Ill +14f--- Ill-I 114-I +1 4+4-I 4 l 4114 1141 0 '! r + .L. .......... ....................i-_I_i. 5 I 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 13340 2005Toøo .035—+—.06_+ .035 90 - Legend 1 1 ::::::r:::. :::::::: :::::;::::: ::::i::::. ::::::::: :::.T:: :::::.::::. WSPF2 85 .------L— k.i---- —i-- -- ----•--- —4-- -i--.---------. -- ----I- ------• —F— WSPF1 1 ..-' I,-----_________ Ground Encroachment 75 65 if 60 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 500 900 - Station (if) w 6 0 - 7 e 0 6 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (if) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 12590 2005Topo .035 1 Legend WSPF2 :--------......:-- ' --- 0 -- I—r WS- WSPFI -.............- Ground --I--------- Ineff - Encroachment Encroachment 0 -----4- 1_ .. I - 44+1 f++ , ---4-.I. I + __I --- i-.............I.....i-I-.----------- w 7 61 60- 0 100. 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (if) 81 71 .035 +- .064.035 :[J: :L[I[ I -j I WSPF2 i 4 1 -1—' —1 WSPFI ~ p I J,JV'+ --Legend Grind +44 44+4 Ineff 1 - I- - Bank Sta Encroachment 4 444 444+ 9 4 9.14+ 4 +4+4- 414 +9.49 4 4 4:14 III 4 #44-4— II 4H 4- 4+ .4..................- .- . .------ . 4- 4 I--------44---- 1 iF w Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 13000 2005Topo RS=12910 2005Topo + -°35 H .035 - - .06 Legend ....................................IL--------------------------- -...... i..------ WSPF2 ii - -4 .......I - ----i-t-+-f-- -: --/--- -------- - -f--F--f--f- -; - ..--t- Ground 4.............. 'ji:i AP Bank Sta 5 _i_ ------ - Encroachment fl.i!ii - +449. 49 4+94 4144 9+4 194+ 4+4-I +4+4 9+9 +444 49 -4 9 4 41+ 44-41 .4-4-4.4- .4........4................4.4 4-4.4...............4----------4----------- 1i .t--t--t--t-t......i--t--t------ 0- 6 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=12710 2005Topo 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) Legend A WS PF 2 WS PF 1 Ground Bank Sta Encroachment .035 ..035 85 ---- :::: . :1::T.:: :]:::I:::1:I:1: Legend 1t't1 ----------f II 41 I 44 : INS PF2 80- - - WSPFI I 414 - Ground 75 II - --\-- 4 -- 4 j 44 -- t---------------t -t........1--1--------r........I- $ - Bank Sta Encroachment 1 1-+ * : L-- ij!ji•iIiI!IiI1!jLI•IIiI! :• 70- -------------- t i I I 4 4444 Fl -. + 1 4144 I 4 4._4........__._•.1--i-- 60-- .- 4 -- - •-I--i•- -I-- 4 4 44 1-.- 1444 4 4 55 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (if) .035 -1- .06 + .035 -" -- -- Legend ttt F1t 1lltt1tt1 ti1!ttt_Fi- 1tt VVSPF2 _..i4. I ----4- -.4 I -- -i - 1- WSPFI -4-1-4-i-.- -I- -1-4 I- J 4 14 jp 4... .... ....... +'41 Ground ~ - - j - J+ Bank Sta Encroachment 4. 1 1 J1T - 41t .+ +11-1 3 1-4 4114 *}+-4 4 +14-4 14+4 1 --1- -#i---1---- 4 1-4 :1 +44-I $4-4 1144 4444 4 +4 4 14-44 .1. i-4-J..........4- -1--4--i-------- .LL.L .4.4.:....... ._.L4.J.----------LJ....... 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (if) C 0 > w 50- F 0 w P- Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 12340 2005Topo 80 Legend WSPF2 -H- 75. 4-.- - Encachment 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Station (if) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=11920 2005Tor,o Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=12100 2005Iopo IL .035 BO i I---16....3 I-----1-------5 +------- Legend - - ! --- 7 5.--.--- ___ ...... ....... ------------ ------- -- - .--------- - --------1------Ground Sta 70 . . . Encroachment I----Bank I I J i 601 55 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Station (if) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=11650 2005Toøo 8 8C 7E 7C w 50 0 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=11606 2005Topo .035 .035 4c-.06 4.: :f: Legend -- --f WSPF2 - - - - - WSPFI Ground _—i-- Bank Sta Encroachment 4 .4 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=11340 2005Topo .035 .035 _Ojr - ) .-i- Legend WSPF2 WSPFI Ground Ineff -1- -j- -t- -i- -1- -1- -- - -1- -------------- . --------------.r ...... ---A j1 . Bank Sta Encroachment 4-------------i--_J------I---------I------- h.-----f —I- 4 --r-- 4 'T? —r ...--.l-'I----------------------- 4-4— —+—r-- —i— —4- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=11490 2005Topo .035 6 - - - - - - - - - --..........- -......... -- 4_4 Legend 4 4 ir :' WSPF2 1 - - WSPFI - - --, I • BankSta . . +------------ : Encroachment ---Ground 4 ..- 1-rT- - 4.1 4+44 944 +44 4+4: 44 . 4 44 :ItiITH! 1 _1i 1 IIY , - - 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 R511185 2005Topo .035-H - .035 Legend .4.4.44...9-4 •''4-''4 tt1i 44• tI --4--+--1 4--- A --- I.--- ....1I....-rt!-f 'I't'lVf'I"t 'I..............I -fl-i- WSPF2 75 i1tt-t llIf t t 1t t f 1-1- 11II t 4........4.4 1.4 3. 4.4 .1• .4 .4.4- .L.LJJ tM- .! f - WSPF1 70 - - - - .•..t..4._4_..4... - - -.- - Ground 1. 1" A Ineff .4.4-4- 4-c... 65 -4 ---- 4 4-.c-ê-4- I 4..9.4 9.4....44'4 -4-4-4-9 4 4 + 4-3j + + 4-A- .4 4 + -4-4-9-4- + I + 4-4-4-4-4- 1-1+4 Bank Sta :1_4 .4--- 1. jjjj Encroachment : : . 1.-I.:, 60- ------ 9 55 4 --- I 44,4.9. 4.4.44..4••ff'4. 4441- 4 II -4-4+4- 49+4 1444 +1.......4.... 4-44+ 9+44 50 -4-4-F-4- ..4..4. 1..........I......I 4_.4_.4..4....ittl....1'It - t 45 4 4--- 4 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Station (ft) Fr C 0 CD a) w Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 10980 2005Topo 0350 .::::::::!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::4:::::: Legend : ::::.!::: :: :::::::. ::: :::: ::::.::::::: .. ---- ¶ 70---- -- Ground ---- -------- —--i --------------4----------WSPF1 Ineff --------------A 1.----,---- ±I Encroachment 45 5J TI1II ------- 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 10620 2005Topo .035 035 ----3j.J Legend Ground Ineff T ........ ............ ---------- ----- ----- -- — ----- ------ ----- 4~ - - ----- Bank Sta Encroachment 50 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 IRS =10810 2005T000 j.035— H .05 --- - - - 1. ---- ---------- -- WSPF2 --. WSPF1 Ground ----------------------Legend 65 -I- A ----------------- Ineff BanSta 6o !:iij,iiiii:ii. --- li - Encroachment 50- 45 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 10460 2005t0oo .035-1 .JL .035 4 ..... T:Ir.:: : ----------- :::. Legend F1 FF! 4.4 VVSPF2 1 70 T_ ................. L_ ----- WSPFI Ground + 65- ------ a F------11-------11-------------F------F------------ --- --- Ineff ----i---------------------- t:::;.:.i Bank Sta 60 Encroachment : i - +- : -- H Jr IfII ITIEI:II, 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) 64 6 6C 5€ w Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS= 10375 2005Topo .035 Tto .035 -- - - ----- Legend WSPF2 I A I WSPFI Ground p - Levee A i-------------+------------------ ------ -Ineff Bank Sta - - - - - - - - - - - Encroachment t------------------------I +-------------------------- -------------, 0 bOO 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 10293.5 Culv culvert #1 (3 12'x 11' Boxes) A - A Legend 1 ;L WS PF 2 F!F WSPFI --- Ground A ------ F----------- BankSta - - - - Encroachment 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 10293.5 Culv Culvert #1 (3 12'x 11 Boxes) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 10317 Rcho Carlsbad Drive UIS Face .035_ A_+_.03-+----- .035 6 6( 5€ 5€ 54 - IiIIfl1ftiU w 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) .03 .04 60 1+ -+ + 441 * +7 0 1+ Legend 58 -- - WSPF1 56 T WSPF2 - - - ------- t Ground 54- -- Bank Sta Encroachment 52 50------ 1 ----- Legend WS PF I WS PF2 Ground Bank Sta 0 Encroachment 'U > a) w 0 a) w 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) w Legend WS PF 2 WS PF I Ground A Ineff S Bank Sta 0 15 Encroachment a) w Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 10270 Rcho Carlsbad Drive D/S Face RS = 10090 0 100 200 300 400 u 50 100 150 200 250 Station (ft) Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 9981 This is a REPEATED section. RS = 9979 This is a REPEATED section. Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 9941 This is a REPEATED section. RS = 9939 .015 +.015)I 6 Legend 60 58-i WS PF 1 Ground ' 52- __ W Bank Sta 50 ''' lIt W :+H4+ 48- t- 46-_--___f__, 44.H- iH .I--+--1•-_-r.---ri--ff--4------- ___________________ 42--'-------1--- I o 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS=9850 RS=9610 5€ 54 5 5( C C .2 .2 > > 4€ w uJ 4€ 4 4 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) .035 .03 -, Legend \ ...4 I.-- --p--i------------.t----f--4-------+----i-H----H--.1--- WSPF2 Li-_Li_LJ :: _ WSPF1 r--r--------------i----r-----r--r--i---t----i----r II - I -----Ground IL - . -- - -Bank Sta H --+91d 58 --- -/ :°i It \j 52 I I! 50- I I .'----- ------4----- I 48 - --- 4----,- j----f----- 46--- -----4--i -!--- -.--j----j----- 44------ 42 Legend WSPF1 WSPF2 Ground Ineff . Bank Sta Legend 5C WS PF2 4€ WSPFI Ground . 4€ Bank Sta Encroachment 1 42 4( Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 9320 RS = 9095 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 8745 • t .03 _-i,F( • Legend 45-1-4T +#J+4 _ - ---f -____ _ ____ .4.J WSPF2 WSPF1 ---i-------------i----r---t-------- Ground Sta -4 4 - - - - - - - - - - - -- Encroachment ------------ :::::t::::::::::::::: ---1----i--------1----f---i---1 I- ------ Bank - ------ -. ---- H---------f .I---.f--------+-------- - -1---------- -I 4------------4-____________ i ------4------ -- - 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 8350 0 LU 38 - 900 50 4€ 4€ 44 0 42 40 3€ 36 H-H 03H . .1 ____ I---I-I--+Tf::: Legend -- — --Ground Bank Sta Encroachment • -- _.___.i______ —4— I--------I--- 4--------- I------------ _____ —.t — -- —I— 1 -------1--------- --.4--------4--------- I 4 --- 4- -+- _-_4_ ----------------i-------- F--------I--------+-------- .-i. _ -. i -----4 I I 4 I-----------I----------I-----------------------------4--------- .1 +-.03 + .1 30 52 ---__[ - -- - Legend WSPF2 50 ---- I ------------------------------------- PF I '--•'I - i 48 Ground II ------------------------I--+-----------------------WS - -I 46- - - Bank Sta Encroachment F - - - - -4 _4 - 42 -4-4- 40 —4— 38-1-- -____ 36 ---T -,--r -,-T -r -r-rr I 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 600 700 500 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Station (ft) Station (ft) .1 0 0 TfllHH I!H ITT Legend 8 AISPI1 -------f-t-±-1--t--i---t--fi------tj--rtt--r--r-t-----_____________ WSPF2 6 HL I Ground 4 :I i Bank Sta +444 4 4+4 -I-Il +4 4+44 2 is : Encroachment i t 0 1-1-- I 1 B-- ... -i-4..i... --4-4-4------- 6 +flI Ill +4 4 1 #1-14 --tI+ #4-44 2 Legend WS PF I WSPF2 Ground A Ineff Bank Sta Encroachment Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 8015 RS = 7775 .1 50- T - -- - - - - I - Legend 18 - -- WSPF2 I WSPFI 16 I Ground ------ --f'r-i--r ---- - t '---.---i-_--,---. • Bank Sta 14-- ..tL.L h'~ Encroachment 12 -------- 10 1----t---..---- -----------.I * ---- - -------------------- liii I 36---:,-;----:---- 38--p---- :-:.............--- ------------ - - -4--1------ .......... :------- . -+--•-• 34- -r-1- r.02 -*—.06 o II I I Legend 111 I ---4---4 ...... -4---f--+--+---#-+-1-4---1---I--h+ 6- B..WSPF2 ...... Ground Bank Sta Encroachment HEI Fin 2 14TT r t 1-rr T 1T T T T 1-T-rt-r- r T T I 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Station (ft) Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 7695 RS = 7410 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (ft) Station (ft) Legend WS PF I WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff • Bank Sta C U.' Encroachment Legend WS PF 1 WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff . Bank Sta Encroachment Legend WS PF 1 WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff Bank Sta 0 Encroachment 16 a U.' Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 7376 This is a REPEATED section. RS=7321 BR Bridge #1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (if) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 7321 BR Bridge #1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 7266 IJ( .03 -. Legend -I1H................I... ---- 1- - - I------.1 ------ - ...WSPF2 Ineff I.................I..............................-................. 42-tt--4---+----Ground I IiI I. 4cl: I----I------------I...........A ----------- ---------------------I----------- Bank Sta 11-i--..............F-..................WSPF1 Encroachment 38--. 36 -i— : 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 60 100 120 - Station (ft) Station (if) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 6960 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 7210 iFi 0 > G) a) w w 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 RS = 6560 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Station (ft) Corrected Effective Model 617/2015 RS = 6720 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) .1 .05 2 Legend A 0 1-H----- Ineff H--WSPF2 B1-H--WSPFI tir.4t: Bank Sta --Ground _____ 4----+--- -- ---4--4 ------__________ Encroachment 2 _______ I 0 > w Legend 4: A WSPF2 4 WSPFI Ground A a Ineff Bank Sta a 0 Encroachment a w 3i 2 2 2 501 D - 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft) Legend p WS PF 2 WS PF I Ground S Bank Sta Encroachment Legend WS PF 2 WS PF 1 Ground Bank Sta Encroachment Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 Corrected Effective Model 6/7/2015 IRS = 6260 RS 6000 42-1 42 40-1 38 36 36 34 34 28- 28 I III 24 . 600 :1.1. s isis 200 300 1.1. ,I, .1115 LII. 0 Leg [sT Ws PF 2 I—_ =-== III! Bank Sta Encroachment ' r huhiilnioulNiN Legend t:: I,___:ffII d umuiiimr— gig Bank Sta Encroachment Groun Station (ft) Station (ft) \ I Post-Project Conditions Model HEC-RAS Plan: Post May15 River Aaua Hedionda Cr Reach: Colleae Blvd Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Eric Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Eric Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) College Blvd 6000 PF 1 32.19 32.53 319.78 9220.00 25.00 355.00 College Blvd 6000 PF2 32.42 0.23 32.78 320.32 9850.00 25.00 25.00 355.00 355.00 College Blvd 6260 PF 1 33.26 33.47 317.92 9220.00 28.00 359.00 College Blvd 6260 PF2 33.52 0.26 33.74 318.95 9850.00 28.00 28.00 359.00 359.00 College Blvd 6560 PF 1 34.20 34.42 310.12 9220.00 0.00 329.00 College Blvd 6560 PF2 34.48 0.28 34.72 311.40 9850.00 0.00 0.00 329.00 329.00 College Blvd 6720 PF 1 34.92 35.32 216.18 9220.00 0.00 234.00 College Blvd 6720 PF2 35.21 0.29 35.64 217.29 9850.00 0.00 0.00 234.00 234.00 College Blvd 6960 PF 1 36.97 37.99 127.07 9220.00 0.00 135.00 College Blvd 6960 PF2 3730 0.33 38.39 128.23 9850.00 0.00 0.00 135.00 135.00 College Blvd 7210 PF 1 40.06 40.89 147.02 0.02 9799.98 25.00 170.00 College Blvd 7210 PF2 40.42 0.36 41.19 145.00 9850.00 25.00 25.00 170.00 170.00 College Blvd 7266 PF 1 40.39 43.53 110.50 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7266 PF 2 40.39 0.00 43.53 110.50 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BR D PF 1 40.50 43.69 107.90 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BR PF2 40.50 0.00 43.69 107.90 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BR U PF 1 42.92 44.77 107.90 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7321 BR PF2 42.92 0.00 44.77 107.90 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7376 PF 1 43.09 44.78 110.50 9850.00 1.00 111.50 College Blvd 7376 PF2 43.09 0.00 44.77 110.50 9850.00 1.00 1.00 111.50 111.50 College Blvd 7410 PF 1 43.55 46.95 98.22 9850.00 0.00 104.00 College Blvd 7410 PF2 43.55 0.00 46.95 98.22 9850.00 0.00 0.00 104.00 104.00 College Blvd 7695 PF 1 47.74 48.19 559.00 2798.29 6861.37 190.35 1100.00 1197.00 College Blvd 7695 PF 2 47.65 -0.09 48.60 151.22 1641.58 8208.42 1045.78 1100.00 1197.00 1197.00 College Blvd 7775 PF 1 48.10 48.29 600.00 2642.18 4478.47 959.35 1100.00 1193.00 College Blvd 7775 PF2 48.38 0.28 48.77 250.00 2424.13 5610.40 45.47 950.00 1100.00 1193.00 1200.00 College Blvd 8015 PF 1 48.16 48.49 884.00 1740.89 5147.14 1191.97 1100.00 1188.00 College Blvd 8015 PF2 48.36 0.19 49.13 300.00 808.55 6977.64 293.81 950.00 1100.00 1188.00 1250.00 College Blvd 8350 PF 1 48.08 48.94 720.00 805.47 7130.53 144.00 1117.00 1210.00 College Blvd 8350 PF2 48.54 0.45 49.67 93.00 8080.00 1117.00 1117.00 1210.00 1210.00 College Blvd 8745 PF 1 48.81 49.43 612.02 393.13 6169.83 1517.03 1100.00 1197.00 College Blvd 8745 PF2 49.14 0.32 50.36 97.00 8080.00 1100.00 1100.00 1197.00 1197.00 WF(..PA Plan- Pnt Mv15 River: Anua Hadinnda Cr Reach: Colleae Blvd (Continued Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Q Channel Q Right Eric Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Eric Sta R (if) (if) (if) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (if) (if) (if) (ft) College Blvd 9095 PF 1 48.93 50.19 387.87 7164.32 915.69 1100.00 1199.00 College Blvd 9095 PF2 49.71 0.79 51.19 99.00 8080.00 1100.00 1100.00 1199.00 1199.00 College 9320 PF 1 49.94 50.68 394.79 0.16 6581.59 1498.25 108.00 214.00 College 9320 PF2 50.55 0.61 51.71 106.00 8080.00 108.00 108.00 214.00 214.00 jBlvd College 9610 PF 1 50.46 51.08 240.95 6062.06 2017.94 100.00 9610 PF2 51.27 0.82 52.24 224.00 College 123.06 8080.00 100.00 100.00 224.00 224.00 College Blvd 9850 PF 1 51.92 55.58 73.07 8080.00 0.00 80.00 College Blvd 9850 PF2 51.93 0.02 55.58 73.12 8080.00 0.00 0.00 80.00 80.00 College Blvd 9939 PF 1 53.35 56.88 75.86 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9939 PF2 53.35 0.00 56.88 75.86 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 9941 PF 1 53.64 57.28 72.45 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9941 PF 2 53.64 0.00 57.28 72.45 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 9979 PF 1 56.14 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9979 PF2 56.14 0.00 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 9981 PF 1 56.14 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 87.67 College Blvd 9981 PF2 56.14 0.00 57.89 83.22 8080.00 4.45 4.45 87.67 87.67 College Blvd 10090 PF 1 56.66 58.12 125.66 24.31 8055.69 100.00 194.00 College Blvd 10090 PF2 56.64 -0.02 58.12 90.81 8080.00 100.00 100.00 194.00 194.00 College Blvd 10270 PF 1 57.03 58.66 93.65 8080.00 180.00 275.00 College Blvd 10270 PF2 56.97 -0.05 58.71 80.00 8080.00 186.50 180.00 275.00 266.50 College Blvd 10293.5 Culvert College Blvd 10317 PF 1 60.97 61.63 145.00 244.74 7612.17 223.09 180.00 275.00 College Blvd 10317 PF2 61.56 0.58 62.26 95.00 8080.00 180.00 180.00 275.00 275.00 College Blvd 10375 PF 1 60.92 61.73 260.00 905.56 6579.07 595.37 500.53 581.07 College Blvd 10375 PF2 61.61 0.69 62.31 225.00 1115.39 6528.71 435.90 400.00 500.53 581.07 625.00 College Blvd 10460 PF 1 61.38 61.85 363.77 3577.64 4426.01 76.35 499.25 565.60 College Blvd 10460 PF2 61.65 0.27 62.43 268.77 2488.79 5475.53 115.69 325.00 499.25 565.60 625.00 College Blvd 10620 PF 1 61.35 62.20 610.00 1654.54 5299.32 1126.14 570.93 651.98 College Blvd 10620 PF2 61.42 0.07 63.02 300.00 959.94 6671.77 448.30 450.00 570.93 651.98 750.00 College Blvd 10810 PF 1 61.67 62.891 593.16 434.081 6322.451 1323.461 592.19 674.98 College Blvd 10810 PF2 62.67 1.001 63.57 300.00 341.85 6149.38 1588.78 550.00 592.19 674.98 850.00 College Blvd 10980 1 PF 1 1 62.061 63.351 452.921 14.041 7318.371 747.591 380.321 478.20 UF(-RAS Plan: Post May15 River: Aaua Hedionda Cr Reach: Colleae Blvd (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act Q Left Channel -Q 0 Right Enc Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Enc Sta R (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) College Blvd 10980 PF2 62.90 0.84 63.88 300.00 31.84. 7141.46 906.70 373.00 380.32 478.20 673.00 College Blvd 11185 PFI 61.64 64.58 92.73 6.47 8047.98 25.56 240.18 318.68 College Blvd 11185 PF2 1 62.64 0.99 64.69 300.00 16.46 7763.11 300.43 237.00 240.18 318.68 537.00 College Blvd 11340 PF 1 66.19 67.17 523.16 754.46 4264.17 3061.36 208.60 244.90 College Blvd 11340 PF2 66.60 0.41 68.11 275.00 59.49 5089.40 2931.12 175.00 208.60 244.90 450.00 College Blvd 11490 PF1 67.36 67.72 480.27 1748.20 4860.82 1470.99 256.43 343.72 College Blvd 11490 PF2 68.31 0.95 68.71 250.00 1472.52 5183.11 1424.37 175.00 256.43 343.72 425.00 College Blvd 11606 PF 1 67.65 67.99 479.05 2551.37 4626.41 902.23 300.30 390.90 College Blvd 11606 PF2 68.52 0.87 68.96 230.00 1906.48 5230.15 943.37 210.00 300.30 390.90 440.00 College Blvd 11650 PF 1 67.93 68.06 518.06 1516.63 6455.83 107.55 365.40 550.20 College Blvd 11650 PF2 68.88 0.95 69.04 235.20 672.32 7407.68 315.00 365.40 550.20 550.20 College Blvd 11920 PF 1 68.09 68.23 257.79 4.46 8071.35 4.19 593.80 821.70 College Blvd 11920 PF2 69.06 0.98 69.18 244.00 15.65 8054.58 9.77 584.00 593.80 821.70 828.00 College Blvd 12100 PF 1 68.19 68.37 257.08 2.85 8076.39 0.77 557.60 803.90 College Blvd 12100 PF 2 69.14 0.95 69.29 256.00 9.83 8067.971 2.20 550.00 557.60 803.901 806.00 College Blvd 12340 PF 1 68.44 68.691 262.32 9.24 8067.93 2.83 632.00 874.90 College Blvd 12340 PF2 69.32 0.88 69.52 259.00 24.48 8048.37 7.15 620.00 632.00 874.90 879.00 College Blvd 12590 PF 1 68.75 72.28 81.59 15.55 7778.45 16.00 457.60 525.80 College Blvd 12590 PF2 68.75 0.00 72.28 81.59 15.55 7778.45 16.00 457.60 525.80 College Blvd 12650 BR ID PF 1 71.81 73.35 112.59 287.29 7376.69 146.03 457.60 525.80 College Blvd 12650 BRD PF2 71.81 0.00 73.35 112.59 287.29 7376.69 146.03 457.60 525.80 College Blvd 12650 BR U PF 1 72.84 74.50 133.35 5.341 7802.85 1.81 482.00 608.70 College Blvd 12650 BRU PF2 72.84 0.00 74.50 133.35 5.341 7802.85 1.81 482.00 608.70 College Blvd 12710 PF 1 73.15 74.65 135.82 11.46 7794.66 3.88 482.00 608.70 College Blvd 12710 PF2 73.15 0.00 74.65 135.82 11.46 7794.66 3.88 482.00 608.70 College Blvd 12910 PF 1 75.00 76.81 114.60 19.65 7750.32 40.03 511.89 582.63 College Blvd 12910 PF2 75.00 0.00 76.81 114.60 19.65 7750.32 40.03 370.001 511.89 582.63 641.00 College Blvd 13000 PF 1 76.13 77.91 103.00 7810.00 427.64 530.64 College Blvd 13000 PF2 76.13 0.00 77.91 103.00 7810.00 427.64 427.64 530.64 530.64 College Blvd 13340 PF 1 79.33 79.78 339.881 975.171 6603.23 231.60 346.50 465.48 College Blvd 13340 PF2 79.44 0.10 80.03 147.001 197.931 7448.95 163.12 334.00 346.50 465.48 481.00 College Blvd 113600 IPF 1 1 79.94 80.65 166.861 103.911 7511.241 194.86 247.401 354.87 HEC-RAS Plan: Post May15 River: Aaua Hedionda Cr Reach: Colleae Blvd (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile W.S. Elev Prof Delta WS E.G. Elev Top Wdth Act 0 Left 0 Channel 0 Right Eric Sta L Ch Sta L Ch Sta R Eric Sta R (It) (It) (It) (It) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (It) (It) (It) (ft) College Blvd 13600 PF2 80.20 0.27 80.96 110.00 8.77 7794.74 6.49 246.00 247.40 354.87 356.00 College Blvd 13740 PF 1 80.46 81.20 190.31 420.72 7185.50 203.78 153.66 256.22 College Blvd 13740 PF2 80.72 0.26 81.50 129.00 233.511 7465.86 110.63 136.00 153.66 256.22 265.00 College Blvd 13812 PF 1 80.71 81.71 200.14 248.34 7468.56 93.10 49.04 200.38 College Blvd 13812 PF2 81.04 0.34 81.93 190.00 324.90 7369.61 115.49 20.00 49.04 200.38 210.00 College Blvd 13861 PF 1 81.28 82.26 252.80 448.95 6280.47 1080.58 45.71 186.37 College Blvd 13861 PF2 81.37 0.09 82.49 200.00 518.67 6655.12 636.21 10.00 45.71 186.37 210.00 College Blvd 14040 PF 1 83.38 84.97 278.63 106.85 7288.66 414.48 365.00 495.00 College Blvd 14040 PF2 83.57 0.19 85.04 205.00 124.49 7209.46 476.05 350.00 365.00 495.00 555.00 College Blvd 14190 PF 1 86.10 86.80 346.98 326.471 6205.82 1277.71 195.00 345.00 College Blvd 14190 PF2 86.00 -0.10 87.13 200.00 396.05 7400.98 12.98 175.00 195.00 345.00 375.00 College Blvd 14430 PF 1 87.93 88.73 297.05 3477.70 4332.30 50.00 160.00 College Blvd 14430 PF2 88.56 0.63 89.65 200.00 4614.89 3195.11 50.00 50.00 160.00 250.00 College Blvd 14900 PF 1 91.88 93.48 166.39 1523.67 4649.98 1636.36 75.00 142.00 College Blvd 14900 PF2 92.50 0.62 93.89 140.00 1609.98 4424.17 1775.85 40.00 75.00 142.00 180.00 College Blvd 15200 PF 1 95.56 97.00 167.78 1596.70 6110.43 102.86 157.00 250.00 College Blvd 15200 PF2 95.35 -0.21 97.00 140.00 1608.37 6123.02 78.61 130.00 157.00 250.00 270.00 College Blvd 15360 PF 1 97.34 98.56 185.20 1209.12 5767.21 833.67 216.00 291.00 College Blvd 15360 PF2 97.32 -0.02 98.68 130.00 970.06 5826.72 1013.22 200.00 216.00 291.00 330.00 College Blvd 15560 PF 1 102.431 103.68 354.82 3622.68 3701.09 486.24 314.00 420.00 College Blvd 15560 PF2 103.151 0.711 105.43 152.53 2685.24 5124.76 267.47 314.00 420.00 420.00 Post-Project Conditions Model_May2015 6/7/2015 Agua Hedionda Cr College Blvd 2O- O • ::ii. ------------------------- 201 Legend WS PF2 WS PF 1 Ground 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Main Channel Distance (ft) ez .04 .03 + .04 iririi-r Legend WSPFI 58 _ii 7;__ --- WSPF2 Ground 56---------- ------ -i_ . 54.______.._. Bank Sta Encroachment 52 ---------- 50 ------------ 46 ------:----- 44----------t- .035 .06+35 ttt H__96 I 0 > W 0 > 41) w Legend WS PF 2 WS PF 1 Ground Bank Sta Encroachment Post-Project Conditions Model May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 10270 Downstream Limit of Reach to be Revised Post-Project Conditions Model_May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 15560 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section W 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 15360 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section k .035--.06 )Dl( .035 98 Uz-:::i.i: 00 -J-4- -!--#--------I--i- i--ft---------+--h-i-....i--Hi - - : - - -' iFi!" - Legend WSPF1 WSPF2 Ground P - Bank Sta --------1-.......4----.4----I Encroachment 96- ---- + -- ---.i-- ------- -.-4--i-i- 44. j.4 tl i- 4--4-4---------+--4--I- .....4-.--4--#........------- 4-_4...# _4__•j__4.........#_Il1_ +11 94- t - .- - i- -t— -i---- - - -r -- ------------1___L......... 92 - --- - -------4----4-i--- -------- ............ 4 --- .....-4--.....------ -t-t --- i--- r --- ....._________ 41 t---r-------- - --- ----- 4 4 .l-+.4-4....... 9 -4-+-4-+ -4--4--1-+ +-i-i4.- —i---------------- ----4- -+-i---#- ..1-4.............4 4-1-Il 4-44 ...4..,4._4.........4.4. 4-.4}-------- I + Ill 4-f 4- 4.. --------------4-------------4--I--I--- I I. * I 88- --4--4-1--4--+ 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 15200 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section 035 00 16 :, Legend tt -4---1 4------I----4----+----i ----i--..-,--1-1....1 WSPF1 98 4 .4-1— --f._-4-_-4-_ — -l--l---f-- A -----I41.....I------ 4._4____4.----4___j----------3____4___4._,•4------4 ,------------1--- - WSPF2 96 -L... - ______________ = I -------Ground Bank Sta 94 --1-1--I--I-- .. Encroachment .- !----1------f--+----------------- 4- ... I......ti- ---- II:IT ;:i go /" - 88 ------- ---- i--- ....-- ---- i--i--- c-------t-----I-----t-- 861L' 1T U 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Station (ft) Legend A WS PF 2 WS PF 1 Ground . Bank Sta Encroachment w 1(035+ .06 .035 Legend - --- PF I A 8 —---\j-j WSPF2 - \-- - - a' - - Ground t:I j--- i----t--- . Bank Sta 4 / 4 .. t---t . Encroachment ------------ --- -----i---------------WS I w Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 14900 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section RS = 14430 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section .035 .06 —( .035 00-4 Legend 98\_ WS WSPFI ::====:=:=:=i:: ± Encroachment ----------- 92— I ------------ 88- ------------ 86 --• 84 ----•: 0 100 200 3u0 400 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 14190 FEMA Duplicate Effective Section 9 8 8 8 7 7 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 14040 Upstream Limit of Revised Reach (Section T) .035 .06 + .035 05 : : : : :~: : : : : : .. : : : : : : : :-----------: :: Legend P. WSPF2 WSPFI Ground 95 - i .1. - - 00-----_______ _-_ - I .,- - Bank Sta .4... 4 ------- 4--- Encroachment * ------ ----- ------ --- t--4-4-4 9Q .... !lt ----------A ••l1 --- t• -t--l-t....•-, 1--I-I----j-+- t.11.4-.1 --- 1l --- i....t1t .... Ftt 85 - 41 - 44 ......_______________ It, 701 200 300 400 5OU bUU (00 duo Station (ft) C C Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS= 13861 2005Topo • f .06 + .035 >1 ___________ Legend -- JJ/.... it WSPF2 I, WSPF1 Ground 1.-, ---,-.-. Bank Encroachment - -,-,-, .- - -,-•- - - -i-,- - - 44-k 4 4 4.4 +4- 4 t --- - I. I I 444 ....!----1-----r-t --r......... -i-4-1.--1-T------- -.i--1r-4-- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS= 13740 2005Topo 0• T'FT T T I Legend ::I::L±±:i WSPF2 -:-------... —f-± ... +J...........:y- -i-p WSPFI 4 4 4--I 44 44--4 4. 4 414 4-1- 4 l 14 IjI 444 It +4t I 11-44 Ground 't1 444 414-4 +41 -1414 4-14 44 414--I 1+41 441--.- I-,-4 BankSta : Encroachment _ ....... -.- t +44-4- 41+ 1 I. +11 444 I 44.......4... 1; H 4-4.... I T 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model_May2015 6/13/2015 IRS =13812 2005Toøo 06- ---.035 J ___________ - - - WSPF2 - - - .-...........-. - - - - ..--------------i-J 5 _- WSPF1 - - - - ..........-- :---------------Legend Ground 1..BankSta 5-- 1 Encroachment 4. ------- _ 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (if) Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS= 13600 2005Topo k0354-.06 —41E------------ .035 1 4 1 j I Legend WSPF2 144-1........ -L -4H-4-i- .,.i1i.L.L.L.L..1-- 85 1 - 4 1+1+ 1144 WSPFI II I-I •41 1 14- 44 Ground II -4. Lii-------------1JJ. 4 II -44I 14 1-1-44 III- 4+14 144-I- 4+4-I 441 III 1+44 III 1+44 4-Il-i 4+4-4 II 414 1+44 1 1--4-1-4 Bank Sta 80 • - t t 1 - - f t I -------- Encroachment - - - 75 - - 4 14- 4. 4 4. -. 4 +444 1+41 4414- 1+44 70 I 441 4- --- -- - -- ..ti-t r-t...t i -- -- - t. ... .. .. ----- 65 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) 6. 0 651 0 6E 6C iR Legend WS PF I WS PF2 Ground A Ineff . Bank Sta )J( .06-+-.035- .035 WSPFI - - 1 - BO ................- : ~ - - - - - 1- -* WSPF2 --- 14 1414 1114+ tFl] ..L. .. ]...Legend Ground 4 4444 II Iji 4 hf II F +144 A 4 4 - II 41- F 411 + 41 Ineff 75 - - - Bank Sta Encroachment 70 -f-, - - ......... 4.44 444.4 it F*-----+- 4. I 4.444 4-444 4444 '-14 -1 II 4+14 +11+ 55 - --i --4.- 4 --t ............ --- -- iE C 0 'U > w w Post-Project Conditions Model May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 13340 2005 Topo .035--+-.06 .035 j:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: WSPF2 WSPF1 --------------- ----------Legend 4-------- - .l---------------___________ .------------Ground S Sta --.!: ------------- Encroachment :::::: ::::L: --Bank f'::rJ - - I 1 ---------------------I------- .1------.1----------------------------- 4 I + - - 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS= 12910 2005 Topo Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 13000 2005 Topo . 06 .035 85 jj: .: IIT1 Legend WSPF2 '-[ - - ', . 80 - - WS PF 1 - . . - :----------1---- - +- . Ground A - -TI-4-4 . 1 i I 'ii-fh' Ineff 75 -"- ---- .-- ---- - t Bank Sta .. . ' Encroachment 70 441i ,..,..,.... 4414 +4+ 4441 1+4 44+ 1-44-4 65- -t--- - . ... .4.4........F.... --- 1:11 Ii ii ...F4'-i--...........1--F-i---4-. i.j: .4--+- .. -4..........-1-----------1-.......... 60 rr -r-- ..J .1....... 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 12710 Proposed College Blvd Bridge U/S Face 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 450 500 550 600 650 Station (ft) Station (ft) Legend WS PF 1 A WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff Bank Sta 0 > a) w 0 > U w Legend WS PF 1 A WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff Bank Sta Legend WS PF I A WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff • Bank Sta 0 a) > w Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 12650 BR Proposed college Boulevard Bridge RS = 12650 BR Proposed college Boulevard Bridge 450 500 550 600 650 350 400 450 500 550 600 Station (ft) Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 12590 Proposed college Blvd Bridge D/S Face RS = 12340 Post-Prolect Wetland Mitiaation Gradina 06 IL __.°- 80 3--f •--- Legend WSPF2 I WSPF1 . I-- --I ---- 3--I-----------__________ Ground ------ ------- ---.-.I I S Bank Sta 70 Encroachment 4 --4 65 ----------------------------- I--.--------______ 60- 55-I 350 400 450 500 550 600 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Station (ft) Station (ft) 7 71 61 Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model_May20i 5 6/13/2015 RS = 12100 Post-Project Wetland Mitigation Grading RS = 11920 Post-Project Wetland Mitigation Grading 8 8' 7 7 0 . 6 Ui 6 5 5 35 4 .06 ____ --. ------ ---1- -------------.------.--...---1-.----.-.-------11-.---- -------- :::::::::::_::: ::::T:::. AISPF2 - - 11-.- 4 WSPF1 - ::::: ::::: - ::::::::::, ::::: - ::::: :::::: :::::::::: ::::: .:::::1:I.::: ::::: ::. Ground i --'— tl--------------______ Bank Sta ---Legend Encroachment _I. I ---------------. I - - :-__ 1T .035+.06-4-.035-4 --.--.Legend WSPF2 -......4-- -- -- . --- ----- - ---- ---. Ground --- ------- Ineff Encroachment --WSPFI I i 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (ft) Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions ModeL.May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 11650 Post-Project Wetland Mitigation Grading RS = 11606 Post-Project Wetland Mitigation Grading 81 5C 0 .035 -- +.035 .06 ...... .............-4.H4-4.f-.4J 1-4. 4-1-14....H -I-I- Legend HHtH1tt1tt1tHtH11 4.1.4J r. .i:Ti:.:I i i: i .......... .VVSPF2 :r :: ui:i:i: WSPFI ti- Hi-+tvi-i- - :- -fr-i- i -tH-trtt 1-t -i--f -i-tf -1-f - .1. 44j..................t-i- 4141 11-4 4:44 444 it.........ri-pt- ....rt- Ground Bank Sta Encroachment I III I 42 + 4+11 --------------- -T .. .... ---- 4- ------ --- - - 1114- 144 ---- 124 --- - 4 4- 1-.4 I 4I1.- I+II 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (ft) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) Legend WS PF 2 WS PF I Ground Bank Sta Encroachment C 0 > a, w Post-Project Conditions Model May2015 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS=11490 2005Topo RS11340 2005Topo 8E 80 7 70 C 0 16 .? 6 w 60 5 50 - - - •-•-•.......... -- Legend .......f.-- A -. WSPF2 ........ -- WSPFI ----4J_.. -- - - - - - - - .•-•-' ---4T-I- -. - Ground \ - - - - ... . . .- - ... BankSta -.1--- III I I I -4---4------- I Encroachment i--- ----l---F---I--------4---+---F--------1--------1--- ---4---!---+--r---..___________ - k—.035 '1L. b .035 7" WSPF1 75...... — 4 ---------Legend Ground 70--4___ 80--WSPF2 Ineff Bank Sta 65 J. U I -------- - Encroachment ------- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 11185 Proposed Storm Drain Bench Area -ROB RS = 10980 Proposed Storm Drain Bench Area - ROB C 0 > a) w .035 . .035 4 4 .4.......4.4.. Legend 1- t--i ti-H ' .4. 4.1. - 4.1--i. '- - A 1i.'i.'t-tt4........4.4... 4444 I+11 -4-4-4 _4 VVSPF2 75• 1- 1-4 -4- tli. -t ti-i-i- -l-t-'-'- ---'-1- -H- i--i- 4.•.4. •.f ' • •4. l ___________ - WSPFI ...........-1.-I-i.......4.. Ground - I £.tH.. I Li- A Ineff '.-i - ----I...U. L1 • 65 -4 A ++ . ------'-'-ht . BankSta .•1j4.4.... Encroachment 60- . 4 50 --i- t t 4 1-1•4 t ------i.----- ' 4 _i._I._t•.l - 4444. :i:i:!:1:i +4 1-i-i........1 ± J--- ':i:J:F:l:. III II :'1:t::L:.'tttI 1+44 141+ f!± 4441 t[' ----------- 45- u 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Station (ft) j_.035 --O3 .os 0 - 4 .- 4 4 4. 4 - Legend 4.4.4. ..4.4..........4.44 -414-i- .......4 . +4 14 4 1 .4_ti.........ttTh! +41-I- -4-4.44 + II 1 441 144 1 VVSPF2 5 .4 - - 4. - .4. .4.. -1- 4 4 • .... ._ - ,. .4... 4. 4. 4. .4.. .• .. .,_ - .4. - WSPFI 0 ' it tii: 1 : Ground TTVViTt A : 4.........Fl ..........- + Ineff it Encroachment .4.j 4 .4. 4.4.4.. -- '-- -'l--'tt1 --- .--- ....l' o--- 4---- H- ti---1--'l-t-t -t 4_•4.4_ i-I.......... 1 41 -14t 4..44.4........4.44- i-I......1 411 4 1 tI tt-l--i.-i--H- 1+t 5. -H-1 4-I- 200 400 600 800 1000 1U0 1400 Station (It) 4 0 5- --- + 4-4-4-4 4- 4,- 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 10460 Proposed Storm Drain Bench Area - ROB .035—I .035 - .O - i,- - Legend -1- - - - - :::: WSPF2 ° :: : : : : :: : .......... : ........... ISPF1 --------4 - - Ground Ine BanSta - Encroachment I : : :::: -+4-4 14.4-4 +44 4 +4 .-4 '14 -1- i--- 0_4 ;H't--iF--f1-1-i- 1-1-i-i--t-+f-t- tt1t 11 ttti t1'? ''tlLt 4Lti-t- 4. + 44-- I - 4...- 14- 5 4 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) .035 )[.j .035 T'] '---------------------- - .-.i Legend :::::..:::: .::::j.:::, ::::::.:::::::::::::: ::::i::::::::::.::::: ::::T::::. ::::I::::: VVSPF2 0- '4- -- —F— - WSPFI - 't ---I--------I'-------I'-------t'----- ------- Bank Ground - -----------4------------ -------t------+--t. ---------------------------------------- ---F--------Ineff Sta - I--------I---------I--------t--------t--------A ------- -. ------4,.... -.---- - —I--------4-------- ----t --Encroachment ---I - -I 1•-------.-----'-- -----+---F-------..--- 0'—'--1------i --+— --.1-'------..----- I + ------+---------------, I-------I----------1-'------t---------I--------------I------------ ,-----+,-----------,+---- --------------,----. Post-Project Conditions Model _May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 10810 Proposed Storm Drain Bench Area -ROB Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 10620 Proposed Storm Drain Bench Area - ROB -. Legend A ft------- ---1,- ---- - - WSPF2 70 — — — — - - - ------------------------.- - WSPF1 -. ---........ Bank _ .... --- . ----------Ground 65 -- -— ------ t ----A— A 60 :I:I : ::#:::1;::::j::4 .---Ineff : BanSta - . Encroachment _ - — — — 50 ---i--t-- I--------.' - I-------------I--------------t'-------'1..............I-------------I'------ _ 45 --,--t —i--r I 0 200 400 600 500 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model_May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 10375 Proposed Storm Drain Bench Area - ROB .j< .035 .035— 65 - - 4 _l_ — Legend WSPF2 1 -I--F'---i WSPFI 60 ____________________ -.I.-4--- -——-— Ground 1 Levee ____ 55 4 I f—+-1---4--.------.--.---— +-------Ineff I BankSta - * Encroachment 4. --I- +-------t---t-----t'------------------------A + 4. '1 4. 1 50 ---:::— -t -:--: — - 451 r --r—,— —t—r—i—,- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 10317 Rcho Carlsbad Drive U/S Face RS = 10293.5 Culv Culvert #1 (3 12' xli Boxes) .035 .03 .035 .035 + 03 + .035 62, A 62 £ A 6C 6( 5 5 5E 5 _;• 5 54 .2 .2 . I..Ground 44 48- ______ 48- 11+ 46 O 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model_May2015 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 10293.5 Culv Culvert #1 (3 12'x 11' Boxes) RS = 10090 .04 + .03-3}(------.04 62 F .. Legend 60 _I WSPF2 UI I _____ ._________ 58 - Ground S ........J...14 i..LJ....... ..L...... BankSta 54 -- — — ---------- Encroachment Encroachment ' ...L. .2 52- (D ---j--l—f—f— - ttt1 1 t1 w .. - - - 50 4 4 4 4 4. .4 4. .4 .4 1 48 -4----t-t- -t..-~- ..-4_ 46- 44 !---- ------------Hi-------------------------'----- 4----r-4-4-4 : i.— -—+—-;- 0 100 200 300 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 Station (ft) Station (if) :i : i• Legend WS I _TffTTJ Ground ------j _IiT? I Ineff I I - . I Encroachment A egen IP1!r1 WSPF I S --!-___-__-_ • I.--± j------;- A lneff Bank Sta Encroachment 04 .03 rrrrl 60 -1-T _____ __________________ 4.4 + + 4 4 +1 Legend 58- - WSPFI 56 WSPF1 - 4 I I 4 WSPF2 ------- -4-1--I- Ground .-. .--- 4- Bank Sta Encroachment 52--4-1---i---l---i- . I :: :: = TI - - --- 46 -t - 44- irIiri-------- --4- 42- Post-Project Conditions Model_May2015 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model _May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 9981 This is a REPEATED section. RS = 9979 This is a REPEATED section. .015 0 _______ Legend 6 11 5 A . 58 -?- - ______________________________ - WSPF2 5 1 £ 56 ___ WSPFI + Ground 54.___ A Ineff 5 ---4----- • 52- Bank Sta ' 5 a - I---*---+---+---------4----i----+ .2 Encroachment 16 50 ui Ui -- 48 ----i- 46- 46 H- 44---—-— t 4 o 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (ft) Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model_May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 9941 This is a REPEATED section. RS = 9939 .015 ____ I[ii[ij ~ _r: Legend 58 WSPF1 11 WSPF2 56 -t-------I /i Ground Ineff 52- ___________ - ____ / -'--------• -1 -- - 42 -'-- —r 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Station (It) Station (ft) .015 01[ 00 ii Legend TI 2 56- .... Ground 4.__ A Ineff t---- + 2 --' Bank Sta TT Encroachment 50- - I-------------- 48- 8 ----f--- ---- ----p 1t -----.- 6 H 44- ---;—- 2---— HmH ____ .015 +015)1 0 -- -- - - -.-- - -. - - _____ 60 _____ Legend p 58 -I--H-71 WSPFI /------------- Ground 56------------------_.__./--_______ 54.--------4----,- A Ineff 52- BanSta BankSta 50 _J 48 -h 46 I .t-----tf 44----i-- - I I kT - _I + I I 42- 'r4i F- 0 Cu > a) LU .1 >4 -°H- .1 I - A - g ? T ' Legend A 4:44 - WSPF2 +----4---+--- - - - WSPFI -F-I--t........-i tt- -- ----t --- 41 II1 _____ -F4 I :j Ground • --- '--- -F........L.I...L.4. ..L .........H-t----------H-+- Bank Sta Encroachment :-' -: l.f14 1 1114 14+1 114+ 4 1 4 111 It I 14 _+ - .4+ I 44 --r -1-----t-,-- 4 1 1 + 1+4+ -r ,-r -TT-,-T --.r--+- I Legend I I I 51 A I WSPF2 I 41 WSPFI I • Ground I I • 41 I Bank Sta I I Encroachment I I 0 4 > w 4: 40 3 Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 9850 RS = 9610 5: 51 41 41 4 rj 5€ 5 5 5( 0 Cu > - 4€ w 4€ 4 4 .03 .035 30 Legend 41"-F - - WSPF2 )----.-- ----1-----------t--t--- ----1---1--1----- \:H ------------ - - - - -r -- WSPFI I - Ground IX • - Bank Sta - --l---4----1---4---+---4----+--4---1---l---- ---1---+---l---1-----A -- -.j-----L------------ -1 -----------•---• ji 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 9320 +.035+—.015 + .035 .03 -------------L--4---4--4--4-••---I---4-1-4-Y-4---- Legend Ground : : Bank Sta Encroachment I ei1 = --- - - IOU 200 zou 300 350 400 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 9095 40 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Station (ft) Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 8745 RS = 8350 H.iH ?- L .1 - ____ 50 ---I---------------F----------------------------fi:::: Legend • ------F 5 -f A ------h- _____ INOW -r WSPF2 48- 46- ____r----------------- - ----- --- Ground S -- Bank Sta -+--------WSPFI :::::E:::::::::f::: :::: : Encroachment 42 40 - - - - - - - - - I - 38 - - 36 - —r — - - - - - —i— - - 03 ____:1__ 52 - - ____ Legend A WSPF2 50----;--:---- --- Ground 48—:-Al-L: 46 Bank Sta -Encroachment 44 -- I -+ 42 40 - --- ii - TTITITTIi1 ----- JR. C 0 a) Ui IR Ui 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Station (if) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 8015 .1 Legend ... T--r-I ... 1---------H-•i-----.-i---- ------- 48 A WSPF2 '' 'H I WSPFI 46 Ground I 44 ---_-I-- Bank Sta I 4 + 4 t 4 + Encroachment 4 0- 36 34. 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (if) 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 7775 + .02-+.03+---.06 50 f1IIIIHIIiIIIiHiiH!IIHMH Legend _-I___F_+__ -------l--1---l---}--f--1---l--+--+---I--+--4---I--4--+--4---I--+------4--I--I-- A A 48 7 I WSPF2 WSPFI 16-4-4-4 - Ground 14 III F 44+1 -1444 444 4+1 +4 Bank Sta 12 i it - t F - I Encroachment ill 10 38 -" E1 +41) 36 I+t tL .thl1 444+ -4+1 -, 4 -f-Fl-i- -f-p-F-F -i-i-f-:-'-i-i- -I-4-.IJ. ---1-i...J-I-- Tii_Fi..1. 414.i._4i._J4_ 32- 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Station (ft) .1 L k—.03--+.0 I .--.I---4--..-.-1...I I ITT Legend 1 18 1 I, WSPF1 I JJ WSPF2 16- Ground 14 Bank Sta 4---1- 4 Encroachment 12- - - - - 10- 38- --- I - 36- -- - - - - -4--- 34- i -------------$--4-4- --.4-4-- 32- - ----- ---- ---- - --'- --------______ - ------ Legend WS PF 1 I WSPF2 Ground A Ineff . Bank Sta Encroachment w Legend WS PF 1 WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff . Bank Sta C a) w Encroachment Legend WS PF 1 WS PF 2 Ground A Ineff Bank Sta Encroachment Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 7695 RS = 7410 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (if) Station (if) Post-Project Conditions Model_May2015 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model_May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 7376 This is a REPEATED section. RS = 7321 BR Bridge #1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (if) Station (if) Legend 4€ WS PF 1 4 WS PF 2 Ground A 4 Ineff • Bank Sta ' 4C 0 Encroachment . 3€ w 3€ 3 3 Post-Project Conditions Model_May201 5 6/13/2015 Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 7321 BR Bridge #1 RS = 7266 .03 - - - Legend - I - - T T - - + -H-- - - - - WS PF 2 WSPFI :1::: - -- :': ::±:. :::1:::i:: : : : ::::::::.:: : : : : : : Ground = L Ineff i-+-- Bank Sta . ....—r- Encroachment +--- 0 20 40 60 80 100 121 D 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Station (ft) Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/201 Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 7210 RS = 6960 Legend WSPF2 WS PF 1 Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment (U w Legend WS PF2 WS PF 1 Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Station (ft) Station (ft) Post-Project Conditions Model May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 6560 Post-Project Conditions Model_May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 6720 0 > 0 w 0 100 200 300 400 50 Station (if) Post-Project Conditions Model _May201 5 6/13/2015 RS = 6260 0 200 400 600 80C Station (if) .08 .05 - Legend -- ---- ---- WSPF2 - - - - WSPF1 Ground Ineff I } Bank Sta r Encroachment 1 -+- f +'4 i- 4 1 D 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Station (if) Post-Project Conditions Model May2015 6/13/2015 RS = 6000 w Legend 4 WSPF2 4c WS PF I 38 Ground A 3E Ineff 0 iii, Bank Sta 3 0 Encroachment 4-5) 32 w 30 2 2E 2 - . 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Station (if) .05 : Legend WSPF2 WSPF1 _._ --------- j Ground . .................-- -------------- Ineff Bank Sta Encroachment Legend 4 A WSPF2 40 WS PF 1 3 Ground A Ineff 3 Bank Sta 3 .2 Encroachment 16 . 3 MU 30 2E 2E 2 APPENDIX F: HEC-RAS Work Maps APPENDIX G: Improvement Drawings APPENDIX H: Photographs LkIN5 Lk I-'H•U L F Or - 4 17 .- ,: r / - - 67 r --i'-- - • 4 2-3 1j'F 20 w 13-16 isle / ?- /1 4 * ' tLLL Go(-)Slv- earth leel 1000 400 - _- Th- :.•..'- ., .5 l •. -. ..-.-• S. 1 •., P . . .- .. .- - /. 1 .• - 5,. - I -'•'•. i '; _\' U'- * - • C••4 'i '% .. • I . . (F - • S . • - , •', , £ -Af '.- - - - i--- / • c"- - i-1_-__-_- - - -'I.. •. 3. - - - - - A -' •- - _-4 c- - 1 -- -1 I 1*' \ y{ I • •- •L- - - ----- - •:. - --. -. - : - -'j-- --- - -----. -. _J - - .------------------ --I - - - - . • .1 - -. - - soft ,.----- - .- - (i db 4!$p 'AM ;- - \ :'- -u -.. -___-;;-- ••_'%.. - -,-- - -- ; IV r - I Th ve - :- IS 'Ill .-t. \ A '-i-'-------: - -- - .- - _r. - - ----- - - _i - - - • 1r- cr - ' ' •;ç It :... _VV•• - ;;•- -• 'r-.-- -. -: -. - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - I -' - -* •• •V •• LT :- -- :- -' - . V - - .- '•.•-:-- - , -1 j•• -' - - : lw IP .. :..\ \ - •r • • r '- . - -. ' • :•., - - .-• ••••;•, • -- .'.. S_•-t. ••- --. - - - , 4 - ( • -.- _; • ' 4 - lu ;••• -• • •-' ;• .-•; • - - - , 0 APPENDIX I: CD of Models