HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 15-45; DRAINAGE STUDY; 2017-09-13COFFEY ENGINEERING, INC. Drainage Study Abdi Residence 5623 Shore Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 APN 210-061-1300 Project Information: Owner: Behrooz & Sharon Abdi 18485 Withey Road Monte Sereno, CA 95030 SEP 132017 LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING September 13, 2017 9666 BUEINESSPARK AVENUE, SUITE 210 SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 PHONE: (858)831-0111 Fft,x: (858)831-0179 Table of Contents Existing Conditions........................................... 3 Proposed Project . 3 Purpose and Scope of Report............................ 3 Method of Calculations..................................... 3 Results and Conclusions................................... 4 Exemption from CWA Section 401/404........... 4 Declaration of Responsible Charge................... 5 Appendix A - Referenced Plans & Drainage Maps Drainage Map 'A' - Existing Drainage Conditions Drainage Map 'B' - Proposed Drainage Conditions Appendix B - Calculations/Evaluations Table: 100 Year Storm Flow Rate Table Appendix C - Reference Tables & Figures (County of San Diego Hydrology Manual) Soil Hydrology Groups Table 3-1 —Runoff Coefficients 14 Existing Conditions The 10,940 sqft (0.251-acre) site consists of a previously developed lot totaling 5,008 sqft of impervious area and 2,131 sqft of pervious landscaping. The majority of the site (Basin X. 1, X.2, X.3) drains to the Pacific Ocean through two 4" drainage lines that outlet on the gunite bluff. Basin Z, which consists of the impervious bluff surface located above the aforementioned drainage discharge points, sheet flows to the ocean as well. Basin Y contains a small portion of the front yard and driveway that sheet flows to Shore Drive. See Drainage Map 'A'. Proposed Project Proposed is the demolish of the existing residence and hardscape, and construction of a single- family residence. Site improvements include retaining walls, impervious surface walkways, and a sump pump. Proposed landscaping consists of the implementation of a biofiltration basin for stormwater treatment. The site DMAs are divided into Basins A, B, and C, which replicate the existing flow patterns from Basin Y, X, and Z, respectively. Basin A contains the front yard and driveway that will be untreated due to its small area and slope towards the street. Basin B consists of the residence, paved walkways, and landscape areas that drain to the proposed 172 sqft biofiltration basin for storm water treatment. Basin C is identical to pre-construction Basin Z in area and flow pattern to the Ocean, and will remain undisturbed. Purpose and Scope of Report This report will evaluate the existing and water run-off flow patterns and flow rate characteristics for the project site. All calculations are for a 100-year expected storm event. Method of Calculations The Rational Method, as defined by County of San Diego Hydrology Manual (2003), will be used to calculate storm water flow rates. Where noted, the following calculations were used to determine flow properties: Rainfall Characteristics Q = C * J * A, where Q = Flow rate (ft'/sec) C = Runoff coefficient (Runoff coefficient per County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Table 3-1 reproduced in Appendix C. Soil type D determined from the Soil Hydrologic Groups map from the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual reproduced in Appendix C also.) I = Rainfall intensity (in/hr.) A = Area (acres) Rainfall Intensity (per County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Figure 3-1 reproduced in Appendix C) 3 = 7•44 * P6 * D °'65, where I = Rainfall intensity (in/hr.) P6 = Adjusted 6-hour precipitation (inches) D = Storm duration (mm), equal to Te for time-of-concentration storms Tc = Ti+Tt+Tp (time-of-concentration), where Ti=Over land initial time. TtTravel time on natural watersheds. Tp=Travel time on drainage structures (pipes, brow ditch, gutter etc.) Overland Time of Flow (per County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Figure 3-3 reproduced in Appendix C) Ti= 1.8(1.1-C) D°501( s°33 ) (Overland initial time of concentration formula), where D= Watercourse Distance (feet)(see table 3-2 for the max. overland flow length) s = Slope (%) C= Runoff Coefficient Tiinitial time of concentration (mm.) 5. Results and Conclusions: In the existing conditions, a small portion at the front of the lot (Basin Y - 0.06 cfs) drains via sheet flow over the top of the rolled curb along Shore drive. These flows join the public flows within Shore Drive and travel a short distance northerly to the public storm drain system which discharges at the base of the bluff and into the Pacific Ocean. The majority of the lot (Basin X - 0.85 cfs) is picked up by an existing area drain system that discharges though the gunite cliff face near the base of the bluff at two locations. The remainder of the lot consists of the impervious surface cliff face (Basin Z - 0.37 cfs) that sheet flows to the Pacific Ocean. The proposed project replaces the existing on-site area drainage system and utilizes the existing discharge points at the base of the bluff. The proposed system includes the addition of a biofiltration area, which receives runoff from the majority of the site (Basin B —0.91 cfs). A sump pump is required to direct a small portion of hardscape runoff near the rear yard staircase to the biofiltration basin. After the runoff is treated, flows are discharged to the two existing 4" PVC drain lines that discharge to the Pacific Ocean at the bottom of the bluff. Flows in the front yard portion of the property (Basin A - 0.06 cfs) continue to drain over the rolled curb into Shore Drive. The gunite bluff (Basin C - 0.37 cfs) remains undisturbed, and discharges the same flows to the Ocean. In total, the pre-construction flows of 1.28 cfs in the 100-year storm will increase in post- construction conditions to 1.34 cfs as a result of increased impervious areas on the site. Discharge to the street will remain the same at 0.06 cfs. The total runoff to the Ocean will increase, from 1.22 cfs to 1.28 cfs. 4 Exemption from CWA Section 401/404: The project is a single-family residence, and will not propose any structure below the high tide line. Discharges will only consist of storm water; therefore 401/404 permits are not necessary. Declaration of Responsible Charge I hereby declare that I am the Civil Engineer of work for this project, that I have exercised responsibe charge over the design of the project as defined in section 6703 of the business and professions code, and that the design is consistent with current design. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined to a review only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of Work, of my responsibilities for project design. Michael Kinnear Date RCE 76785 Exp. 12-31-18 * 5 Appendix A —Reference Plans Drainage Maps '5 K EXISTING 6 FTAC WATER MAIN PER PROJECT NO, W3-17. TWO. NO. IN—AO—T\ (PROTECT IN PLACE) V EXISTING SEWER MAIN IN PLACE) EXISTING IRE HYDRANT - (PROTECT IN PLACE) EXISTING WATER METER AND LATERAL ' TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AS NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH CMWO STD. DWG. W-4. )1.5 Meter) -S INSTALL BACK FLOW DEVICE PER CMWE DWO, NO A-4 SIGHT DISTANCE CLEARANC LINE EXISTING STREET LIGHT MIR"CONCRETEI PAD )PROTECT IN PLACE) NOTE: A RIGHT—OF—WAY PERMIT IS REOUIRED PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT—OF—WAY. - /77TE) JE LANOSCAP A -' PROPOSED STEM WALL PER / 7 / ARCHITECT'S DETAILS AS NECESSARY PROPOSED EQUIPMENT AREA AND ENCLOSURE WALLS PER ARCHITECT'S DETAILS LANDSCAPE AREA .G / - PROPOSED CAD METER LANDSCAPE 4REA 3' / EXISTING U'TLITES TO BE RELOCATED 17 S PROPOSED AIR CONDITIONER GRITS GAS LATERAL TO BE ' .... TE AND REPLACED. PROPERTY LINE YEXISTING BRICK WALL f- 6' )PROTECT IN PLACE) EXIST LANDSCAPE AREA S .' PROPOSED WATER LINE / - 0 2 4 8 12 UTILITIES TO RE INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY SCALE IN FEET .DEPTHS F R YARD PIPING. BURIAL / / LANDSCAPE UREA / SIGHT DISTANCE CLEARANCE LINE / EXISTING TILITY PULL BOX (PROTECT EXISTING CONCRIETE CURB /&D / /I:/'( -' (PROTECT IN EXISTING SEWER MAIN / * /(-_/ EXISTING AT1LIIY POLL BOX (PROTECT IN PLACE) '" / ".,( (PROTECT IN PLACE) EXISTING AC PA4ENT EXISTING WALE (PROTECT (PROTECT IN PLACE) IN PLACE) EXISTING CON AREA LANDSCAPE ./\ EXISTING ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER (PROTFC.T IN P11 CF) EXISTING,SEWER MANHOLE--,,"t (PROTECT'IN PLACE) C. EXISTING WOODEN GAZEBO -' (PROTECT IN PLACE) EXISTING FENCE (PROTECT IN PLACE) IMPORTANT NOTICE SECTON 4216 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE REOUIRES THAT A DIG ALERT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER BE ISSUED BEFORE A "PERMIT TO EXCAVATE" SILL RE VALID. FOR YOUR DIG ALERT I.D. NUMBER CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT AT B—I—I TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG PROPOSED SEWER LINE -" EXISTING BRICK PILASTER--' (PROTECT IN PLACE) S KI Cc RXXA BUSINESSPARE AVEN Nu. C062710 PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOWER LEVEL FLOOR = 30.10 PAD = 29.27 S H E E I N 0 AT' __ 30' 30' ORATE BREAK I - _—RIGHT—OF—WAY EXISTING CONCRETE DRIVEWAY I TO BE REMOVED G EVIVITOR PVLI.ET CON AND IVITEP CR151190 00000C I(PROTECT IN PLACE) )PROTECT IN PLACE) 0 I OSED CONCRETEJ I DRIVEWAY EXISTING AC PAVEMENT SECTION G-G: NOTE: (PROTECT IN PLACE) I SCALE: BRAIN TO BE RESDESED 000CR I WOOD SHOWER MATT I HORIZONTAL 1 = 4' VERTICAL I = 4' )FFEY ENGINEERING, INC. E. SUITE 210. DAN DIEGO, CA N2131 Ff118581831-SIl1 PAT [8581831. 5179 ENGINEER OF WORK John S. Coffey, PC DATE DOTE OWI1OL REGISTRATION NO. 62716 COP: 6-30-18 ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION / F. F. =40.10 PAD = 39.27 - LFAS [.ThDLEUU*tN! T-6 SD-'' LANDSCAPE AREA EXISTING EXISTING RESIDENCE LOWER LEVEL FLOOR = 30.10 RCE__ EXP.— DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE IT CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT [j FRAD ' I—NGPLANS FOR ABDI RESIDENCE (52X3 SHORE DRIVE) 7—OO1X PRECISE GRADING PLAN SHEET APPROVED: JASON S. GELDERT CITY ENGINEER RCE 63912 EXPIRES 9/30/18 DATE I DATE INIRAL DATE INI'fl*L 1DWN MY: __GLE PROJECT NO. DRAW /] OTHER APPROVAL CITE OPPROVOL R BY: CDP 15 45 5018A PROPOSED RESIDENCE ,'—'FINISH FLOOR = 00.10 A l EXISTING WAIL (PROTECT I IN PLACE) 'AS BUILT' I PROPOSED PUMP STATUS PER DETAIL ON SHEET NO. 8 6.92 'HA. PROPOSED 4 SUBDRAIH PER DETAILS 08 SHEET NO. 9 —EXISTING LANDSCAPING r—'EXISTTNO RETAINING WALL / (PROTECT IN PLACE) I 39,20 T.G. / INV. _6 SD '' - PROPOSED 4" S500RAIN PER DETAILS ON SHEET NO. 9 PROPOSED BIOFTLTRATOH AREA EXISTING WALL (PROTECT IN PLACE) \1 ! PROPOSED SPA DRAIN DISCHARGE PER SPA PLANS. \\ 57< 36.92 INV *3 EXISTING LANDSCAPING 7 - 6 3/4 STEPS - : ------ - - - - -- EXISTING WALL (PROTECT IN PLACE). - I / EXISTING -.-- - - !L- LANDSCAPING__-\ I -. -' PROPDED / .- B1P1LTRATION AREA - - - - - -6 - E000HG WOOL (PROTECT IN LACE) \ - - _\ \ \ -' .3697IVE1,'(\ \_ lNJVt 11 GRACE 13REAK 12 Q ' - QJL -" ---- . - -- - ---------------- -- SCALE IN FEET "AS BUILT" DRAINAGE DETAIL: SCALE: 1" = U' 3920 T.G. 34.31 INV. Uu w cn 0 1,5 3 6 9 SCALE IN FEET IMPORTANT NOTICE SECTION 4216 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE REQUIRES THAT A DIG ALERT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER BE ISSUED BEFORE A PERMIT TO EXCAVATE' WILL BE VALID. FOR YOUR DIG ALERT I.D. NUMBER CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT AT B—i—i TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG ME cc 9666 BUSINESSPARK AVON CAL )FFEY ENGINEERING, INC. IE, SUITE 210, SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 PH (858)831- Sill FAX(B58)B31-0179 ENGINEER OF WORK John S. Coffey. FE DATE DATE INI1AL REGISTRATION NO. 62716 EXP: 6-30-18 ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION RCE... EXP._________ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD SAEETS 12 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT GRADING PLANS FOR: ASDI RESIDENCE - (5263 SHORE DRIVE) GR2017-0010 PRECISE GRADING PLAN SHEET [APPROVED JASON S. GELDERT (CITY ENGINEER RCE 63912 EXPIRES 9/30/18 DATE DATE INITIAL DATE I INMAL CI-IKD BY: DWN BY: _0C__I PROJECT NO. [KING NO. OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CDP 15-45 501-8A IMPORTANT NOTICE SECTION 4216 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE REQUIRES THAT A DIG ALERT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER BE ISSUED BEFORE A "PERMIT TO EXCAVATE" WILL BE VALID. FOR YOUR DIG ALERT I.D. NUMBER CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT AT 8-1-1 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG HS: c c RAAN BUSINDSOPARK AVER No C062716 FFEY ENGINEERING, INC. D. SUITE 210, DAN DIEGO, CA92I3I PH(858)831-0111 FAX(858)831-0179 SHEET 6 CITY OF CARLSff.A171 SHEETS DNGINEERINGDEPARTMENT 12 GRADING PLANS FOR ABDI RESIDENCE ~GR2017-0010 (5263 SHONE DRIVE) PRECISE GRADING PLAN SHEET APPROVED JASON S. GELDERT CITY ENGINEER RCE 63912 EXPIRES 9/30/18 DATE OWN B'G .......O/L.., PROJECT NO. DRAPING NO. CHKD BY RW1O BY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, COP 15-45 501-SA ENGINEER OF WORK John S. Coffey, FE DATE I_OATH I INITlAL I I EASE 1011100 RATE INITiAL REGISTRATION NO. 62716 EXP 6-30-18 ENGINEER OF WORKI REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER WPROVAL CITY APPROVAL 4 A PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOWER LEVEL FLOOR = 30.10 PAD = 29.27 N.O. 44, r 4/ - LOWER LEVEL FLOOR = 28.85 PAD = 27.94 0 PROPOSED RETAINING WALL PER DETAIL ON SHEET NO. 11- 40.60 T.W. H 35931.F, PROPOSED SEWER SUMP POMP PER BUILDING PLANS C &. 0' EXISTING FENCE # (PROTECT EXISTING BRICK BRICK PATS \S (PROTECT NO SCALE IN FEET EXISTING CONCRETE WALK PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVING TO BE REMOVED PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S ""\\ DETAILS. PROPOSES STORM BRAIN 40.60 T.N. /t PROPOSED SUBORAIN PER OPOSED GROUND LEVEL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 40.10 DETAILS. SEE SHEETNO 35.03 EXISTING GRADE-' '.4. PERMANENT SACRED WALL PER BUILDING PERMIT PROPOSED LONER LEVEL PROPOSED SEWER PER FLOOR = 30.10 PLUMBING ENGINEER'S PLANS. PROPOSED RETAINING WALL PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER'S DETAILS. SEE DETAIL R.T4 I ON SWEET NO. 12. SECTION H-H: SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1" = B' VERTICAL: 1" = 8' 7---" -;- -- -. /I 3 PIPE BEYOND CLEANOUT] TO BE REMOVE I.E. /__7 1BoLD BROOKS CLEANOUT CUNiEAUiXX LOCATE EXISTING STORM GRAIN PIPE. -RIM 35.8 IE_3.0 (2 PIPES OUT (PROTE IN PLACE) OOEXR TO VERIC(f EXISTING FENCE 5-.--... (PROTECT IN PLACE) EXISTING STORM DRAIN UONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION AS NECESSARY (PROTECT IN PLACE) "-EXISTING CONC. WALKWAY . /---------------- (I.E. = N '2 _( - - - / / -------------------------- - .I 'AS BUILT i. 7/ 7 - - - --'-I / . RCE EXP.- DATE ------------------------------------------------------------ . - ____ REVIEWED BY INSPECTOR DATE ----. 'ROSEX SEWER LINES 7- S RETAINED EDGE PER #VV! \\' /PIPE N TO BE..REIVOVED DAYLIGHT LINE-" ..3IDSID EXISTING FENCE (PROTECT IN PLACE) - ..."RIDGE EXISTNG RAISED WOOD PATIO (PROTECT IN PLACE) -CONTRACTOR TX LATE EOISTNG STORM DRAB PIPE. -- -- -- -- EXISTING STORM ORAIN CONTRACTOR TO ERIFY,...--" --[SEASON AS4ECESSARO TO MAKE161NT (PROTECT ------ JNLACE) DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREA (DMA) EXHIBIT EXISTING CONDITIONS LECEND: E)STING CONTOUR - - BAJIN LIMITS ORE U A \.... BASIN Y . 0. 0 13 AC. x 2 0.111 A1% IMPERVIOUS AREA (5648 S AT \ SI TE CHARACTERI STI CS: HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP...........B BASIN X.2 ', \\. 0,052 AC. APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO GROUND WATER ........... > 20 FEET I BASIN X3 CRITICAL COURSE SEDIMENT YIELD AREAS_ ........ NONE f 0.011 AC. 1' DMA ID ii.. \BASIN A - I XX.XX AC BASIN .011 AC. 7___'y•_ J -EXISTING 4" CONCRETE U STORM DRAIN 0 10 20 40 60 SCALE IN FEET COFFEY ENGINEERING, INC. 15-084 ? 0 10 20 40 60 SCALE IN FEET DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREA (DMA) EXHIBIT PROPOSED CONDITIONS LEDE ND: EXISTING CONTOUR - - - BASIN LIMITS PVC DRAIN LINE & 0 LANDSCAPE DRAINS PERVIOUS AREA \j (1,811 S.F.) IMPERVIOUS AREA (6,396 S.F.) BIOFILTRATION AREA I,. (172 S.F.) SITE CHARACTERISTICS: HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP ..... ......B APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO GROUND WATER...........> 20 FEET CRITICAL COURSE SEDIMENT YIELD AREAS...........NONE DMA ID BASIN AREA (AC.) DMA TYPE RASIN A 0.01.3 SF1 F-MITIGATING BASIN B 0.174 0.063 BIOFILTRATION BASIN C N/A 15-084 Appendix B —Calculation/Evaluations 100 Year Storm Table B - Pre Construction Flow Conditions Summary Flow ID (Basin) Runoff Coefficient, C (5 min minimum) Total time-of- concentration, TC (mm) Rainfall Intensity, I (in/hr) Basin Area, A (acres) Q (cfs) Flow ID (Basin) Flow Description X.1 0.71 5.00 6.59 0.111 0.52 V Drains to Ocean X.2 0.80 5.00 6.59 0.053 0.28 X.2 Drains to Ocean X.3 0.67 5.00 6.59 0.012 0.05 X.3 Drains to Ocean yj 0.691 5.001 6.591 0.0131 0.06 V I Sheet flow to Street ZI 0.901 5.001 6.591 0.0631 0.37 z I Sheet flow to Ocean Sum= 1.28 Table B - Post Construction Flow Conditions Table B - Hydraulics of Proposed Structures Summary Flow ID (Basin) Runoff Coefficient, C (5 min minimum) Total time-of- concentration, Tc (mm) Rainfall Intensity, I (in/hr) Basin Area, A (acres) Q (cfs) Flow ID (Basin) Flow Description A 0.711 5.001 6.591 0.0137-0.06 A Sheet flow to Street B 0.79 5.00 6.59 0.175 0.91 B Discharges to Biofiltration C 0.901 5.00 6.591 0.0631 0.37 C Sheet flow to Ocean Sum= 1.34 DMA Tabulations Basin Permeable Area Impermeable Area Area (ft) Area 'C' Value (Acres) Flow Pattern X.1 1720 3132 4,852 0.111 0.71 Drains to Ocean X.2 411 1876 2,287 0.053 0.80 Drains to Ocean X.3 213 292 505 0.012 0.67 Drains to Ocean Y 217 343 560 0.013 0.69 Sheet flow to Street Z 0 2736 2,736 0.063 0.90 Sheet flow to Ocean Total 2131 5008 10,940 0.251 Basin Permeable Area Impermeable Area Area (ft) Area 'C' Value (Acres) Flow Pattern A 196 365 561 0.013 0.71 Drains to Street B 1552 6084 7,636 0.175 0.79 Discharges to Biofiltration C 0 2743 2,7431 0.0631 0.90 Sheet flow to Ocean Total 1748 91921 10,9401 0.251 Runoff Coefficient 'C' I IPermeable Tlmpermeable 0.351 0.901 PIPE FLOW PROGRAM DATE: 09-13-2017 TIME: 21:34:15 (1) Diaetei- (Lic1e) 4. (2) Itarinings ii .010 (3) slope (fr/P) ........6000 () t (cfs) 1.92 (5) depth (Pt) ..........0.33 (.6) cpth/Diavitc.i- 1.00 Uelocit9 (f) ......21.95 Ueiocit . 7.48 Area (sq. Ft.) 0.09 Crit ical Duch ......0.33 Critical Slope . . - 0.5952 Cr i Ic al U lo c ii y .. 21.95 Fto ude ;4ui thei N/A from v Characteristics biofiltration of Existing 4" basin is halved PVC Outlet Pipe on Bluff @ as flows feed into two outlet Approximately 60% Slope pipes) (Overall 'QL,-V PIPE FLOW PROGRAM DATE: 09-13-2017 TIME: 21:40:57 (I) 1iatettr 4. (2) hairiirgs is .010 () slop (P/IL) .6000 (cf) 0.46 (5) tCpLh ................0.11 (6) c1:pu /Diaetr . 0.33 Ue1ociL9 '. p) , 17.99 .Iocit, Nac' 5.03 re (Sq. .) 0.03 Critiec4J 3.ii:li ......0.33 Critical Slope 0.0301 Critical Uelocit,., 5.25 P1'oLth Iii 11.17 Appendix C —Reference Tables & Figures (County of San Diego Hydrology Manual) San Diego County Hydrology Manual Section: 3 Date: June 2003 Page: 6of26 Table 3-1 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land Use I Runoff Coefficient "C" Soil Type NRCS Elements County Elements % IMPER A B C D Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) High Density Residential (HDR) High Density Residential (I{DR) Commercial/Industrial (N. Corn) Commercial/Industrial (G. Corn) Commercial/Industrial (O.P. Corn) Commercial/Industrial (Limited I.) Commercial/Industrial (General I.) Permanent Open Space 0* 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Residential, l.O DU/A orless 10 0.27 0.32 0.36 0.41 Residential, 2.0 DU/A or less 20 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 Residential, 2.9 DU/A or less 25 0.38 0.41 0.45 0.49 Residential, 4.3 DU/A or less 30 0.41 0.45 0.48 0.52 Residential, 7.3 DU/A or less 40 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57 Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less 45 0.52 0.54 0.57 0.60 Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less 50 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.63 Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less 65 0.66 0.67 0.69 0.71 Residential, 43.0 DU/A or less 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 Neighborhood Commercial 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 General Commercial 85 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.82 Office Professional/Commercial 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 Limited Industrial 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 General Industrial 95 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 *The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the runoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing the pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Justification must be given that the area will remain natural forever (e.g., the area is located in Cleveland National Forest). DU/A dwelling units per acre NRCS = National Resources Conservation Service 3-6 IHIlIlIllIll IHhlIllIHi! Ub;!Hii:!'liij !HIIRI!IIIIIII!!lJh;;!!ij llhlii!!IIIIiI1I!!!!IIIiiiIIH ,IIu_ - -- •.. Ili H11, 1,111h ill 1111111111 U. IU 1111111111,, IIge NUM "UUUUU'.IuUUIIIpIJ !!!!M••UuwUuInUII1:!lIIiIl I Ii!!IHHHIIIIuIJ,ilhljl, III lI5e!I:!'t;: !hHI!IIijj IIIIIIIIIIOhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJjj!!iIIJIIIIjI!!IIIiI;:!!iI,II;;!H -NNE UlUUb!lIliIiiIII m all MI it go . 0 •Sflfl•SPtIflSuIIlpI .. .. U,.... ._. NUUa •U!i.. IIuIIt UUUNUIlIUIIIuU,IJI !II!!Nhi!IIii!!II I!. • MUMN n... .. ... 211211 311.-. I