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ied one engineering inc May 31, 2016 Geogrid Retaining Walls Inc. 1295 Distribution Way Vista, CA 92081 Attention: Mr. Mike Stevenson Subject: Plan Check Response PA-5 Phase 3 City of Carlsbad, California W.O. #641-499 The following is an itemized response to the plan check comments by M. Baker International dated 5/23/16: Plan Redline Comments See note section 17.6 and 17.7 for design guideline references. The bearing capacity factor of safety has been revised to 2.5. See attached segmental retaining wall soil design criteria provided by the geotechnical engineer. The geotechnical engineer shall comment on global stability. The declaration of responsible charge has been added to sheet 28. The building footings are not to surcharge the retaining walls. See construction note 4 added to sheets 29 and 30. Calculation Redline Comments See attached reports and test data from Tencate Mirafi supporting the geogrid input data. The building footings are not to surcharge the retaining walls. The 35 degree and 126 pcf retained and foundation soil is per the segmental retaining wall soil design criteria. The 40 degree and 100 pd for 3/4" crushed rock are assumed values that are not critical to the design calculation. Please contact the undersigned with any questions. Sincerely, Red One Engineering, Inc. A? Ite— Matthew M. Merritt RCE #68429 1295 distribution way, vista, california 92081 phone 760.410.1665 facsimile 760.509.0078 matt©redlengineering.com SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALL SOIL DESIGN PARAMETERS Date: 23 March 2016 Job No. 1916A11 Project: PA -5 Phase 3 Prepared By: MTGL, INC. - Sam E. Valdez Client: Grand Marbrisa Resorts Soil Parameters Reinforced Retained Foundation Internal Friction Angle: 350 350 350 Cohesion (psf): 0 126 126 126 Moist Unit Weight (pcf): Water should be prevented from infiltrating into the reinforced zone behind the wall. Our standard design includes a 1' drain rock column behind the block, a 4" perforated drain at base of wall and a "burrito" drain at the tail of the geogrid reinforcement. Are there any other drainage requirements? No. Embedment requirements, distance to daylight?8 Feet - bottom outside edge. Design peak ground acceleration? 0.45g for walls greater than 6 feet high. Is a global stability analysis needed? (to be completed by the geotechnical engineer)Depends on Wall height Other design considerations?No. Temporary backcut constraints?, 1:1 or flatter inclination seal of Company: MTGL, Inc. FES E. ric No. C56226 fl Exp. 12-31-16 : C10- OF CA%.I9' Engineer: Sam E. Valdez Date: March 23, 2016 40 ENCrqkTE TECHNICAL NOTE DETERMINATION OF THE LONG-TERM PROPERTIES FOR MIRAGRID® XT GEOGRIDS Prepared by: TenCate Geosynthetics North America 365 South Holland Drive Pendergrass, GA 30567 Tel 706 693 2226 Fax 706 693 4400 www.tencate.com May 18, 2010 9eTENCATE 1 Mirafi EMCrqkTE TECHNICAL NOTE Miragrid® geogrids are the leading polyester geogrids used for soil reinforcement applications. Starting in the late 1980s, extensive research and testing have been performed on Miragrid® geogrids to determine the long term, in-situ properties. This technical note describes each of the relevant properties in detail and the appropriate testing conducted on Miragrid® geogrids. Product Description Miragrid® geogrids are high strength, high tenacity polyester geogrids in a full range of tensile strengths. Miragrid® geogrids are woven and then coated with a PVC coating to provide dimensional stability. Miragrid® geogrids are used in a wide variety of soil reinforcement applications including internally reinforced soil walls, segmental retaining wall reinforcement, steep reinforced slopes, and reinforcement in a variety of landfill applications including potential voids bridging and veneer stability. Applications where long term design strength is necessary for the stability of the structure are ideal applications where Miragrid® geogrids can be used. Figure 1 Miragrid 5XT in SRW Standard roll Standard Roll Roll Area dimensions for Dimensions m2 (yd2) Miragrid® Width x Length geogrids are m (ft) Product 2XT 1.8 (6.0) x 45.7 (150L 82.3 (100) 3XT 1.8 (6.0)x45.7 (150) 82.3 (100) 3.6 (12) x 45.7 (150) 164.5 (200) 5XT 1.8 (6.0) x 45.7 (150) 82.3 (100) 3.6 (12) x 45.7 (150) 164.5 (200) 7XT 1.8 (6.0)x 45.7 (150) 82.3 (100) 3.6 (12) x 61 (200) 220 (267) 8XT 1.8 (6.0) x 45.7 (150) 82.3 (100) 3.6 (12) x 61 (200) 220 (267) IOXT 3.6(12)x61 (200) 220 (267) 20XT 3.6(12) x 61 (200) 220 (267) 22XT 3.6 (12) x 61 (200) 220 (267) 24XT 3.6 (12) x 61 (200) 220(2 7) 2 2TENCATE MirafiF E MCI-JE TECHNICAL NOTE Polymer type and grade Miragrid® geogrids are produced from high molecular weight, low CEG, high tenacity polyester (PET) yarns with the following physical properties: Minimum Average Molecular Weight 25,000 Carboxyl End Groups <30 Ultimate Strength,' TULT ((Minimum Average Roll Value)' Determination of Ultimate Strength, TULT, is conducted per ASTM D 6637. The frequency of testing exceeds the requirements in ASTM D 4354, "Practice for Sampling of Geosynthetics for Testing". The machine direction ultimate tensile strength values for Miragrid® geogrids are as follows: Product MARV for TULT kN/m (lbs/ft) Product MARV for TULT kN/m (IbsIft) 2XT 29.2 (2000) IOXT 138.6 (9500) 3XT 51.1 (3500) 20XT 200 (13705) 5XT 68.6 (4700) 22XT 300 (20559) 7XT 86.1 (5900) 24XT 400 (27415) 8XT 108.0 (7400) Quality Control System Miragrid® quality control testing is conducted in accordance with documented and controlled American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI) test methods at TenCate Geosynthetics's A2LA and GRl-LAP approved laboratory. In the case of product properties where a method of inspection is not well established, methods are selected that have been published in international or national standards by reputable technical organizations or in relevant scientific texts or journals. The use of these selected methods are verified and approved by the Quality Assurance Manager. 3 TENCATc Mirafi ,,%* Emc..rE TECHNICAL NOTE The testing of Miragrid® geogrids is carried out under controlled conditions including the following: Overall management of process control is governed by documented procedures. Documented test methods and work instructions govern the comprehensive inspection and testing of each lot. Testing equipment is selected based upon needs and the ability to satisfy specified requirements with the equipment being suitably maintained. Training of personnel is adequate and documented. Appropriate Quality Records are maintained. Each sample to be tested is accompanied with a Figure 2: Wide Width Tensile Test of Miragrid label for the particular manufacturing roll number. Test results are recorded on Quality Control Test Reports by number and then entered into a computer database by roll number. Once the sample has been delivered to the Quality Control lab, the sample is tested. The standard operating procedure for each test is documented with copies of the appropriate test procedure on file in the Quality Control laboratory. The preparation for each sample is conducted in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures and ASTM requirements. Creep Reduction Factor,'RFCR All polymers used in the manufacture of geosynthetics are subject to sustained load deformation or creep [4]. Creep behavior is a function of stress level, time, temperature (environment), and molecular structure [4]. The reduction factor for creep, RFCR, is used to limit the magnitude creep at specified strain levels over a specific time period. Figure 3 Conventional Creep Testing of Miragrid Geogrids TENCATc Miraf 1 Of Enur%TE TECHNICAL NOTE There are three methods for measuring geosynthetic creep: Conventional Creep Testing, Time-temperature Superposition (ITS), and Stepped Isothermal Method (SIM) [6]. The validation of the creep factors currently used for Miragrid® geogrids is based on conventional and Stepped Isothermal creep rupture data generated in compliance with Washington DOT T925 test procedure and NHI (National Highway Institute) guidelines. This test data demonstrate that loads of at least 63.17% ((RF(= 1.54 of the ultimate tensile strength (per ASTM D 6637) is reasonable for use with Miragrid® geogrids [5]. Durability Reduction Factor,'RF0' WE USE RFcr=1 .6 IN DESIGN, WHICH IS MORE CONSERVATIVE. Geosynthetics, like all other construction materials, slowly degrade over time. The rate of degradation depends on the molecular make-up of the geosynthetic polymer and the nature of the environment to which the geosynthetic is exposed. Since most geosynthetics are buried in non-aggressive soil environments, geosynthetic degradation normally occurs at a very slow, almost unmeasureable, rate. Still, it is possible for significant rates of degradation to take place if unstable polymers are used or extreme conditions are encountered as described in subsequent sections. The partial reduction factor for durability, RFD, is derived from testing. Figure 4 compiles the reduction factors associated with durability testing reported [7]. These reduction factors are compared with the more conservative FHWNlndustry guidelines [8][10]. TenCate Geosynthetics geosynthetics were included in several of the referenced tests. Figure 4. Durability Reduction Factors, RFD, for High Strength Geosynthetics @75 Years Average Reduction Factors, RFD, from Testing High-Strength PET -- FhWMndustry Guidelines for PET In the Absence of Product-Specific Testing —a. -Max. Reduction Factors, RFD, from TestIng PP aPE and FHWNlnduatry Guidelines for PP & PP a I IL 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Durability Reduction Factor, RFD TENCATc .a Mirafl %* 1 ENCrqkTE TECHNICAL NOTE "Default" partial reduction factors for durability, RFD , are recommended where polymer stability can be demonstrated and where the anticipated soil environment is non-aggressive. FHWA has given some conservative guidance on the selection of the RFD in the absence of product- specific testing [6][8]. Yet, specific product testing and field experience has demonstrated that the RFD value shown in the table below are commonly applicable to polyester geotextiles and coated geogrids as long as minimum molecular weight and maximum number Carboxyl End Groups are maintained. Recommended RFD for Miragrid Geogrids in Typical Soils Geosynthetic Type Minimum PET Yarn Criteria RFD M>25,000; CEG<30 1.1 Woven Polyester (PET) Geotextiles Woven/Coated Polyester (PET) Geogrids The FHWA Demonstration Project 82 "Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slope Design and Construction Guidelines," recommends electrochemical properties for backfills when using geosynthetic reinforcement of 3 < pH <9. Based on research outlined in "The Effect of pH, Resin Properties, and Manufacturing Process on Laboratory Degradation of Polyester Geosynthetics" by V. Elias, A. Salman, and D. Goulias [9], a (RFp' 1.10 is reasonable for all Miragrid® geogrids in the recommended pH range. Soils exhibiting pH ranges beyond the 3 to 9 limits may be used in the construction of MSE structures. However, adjustments to the reduction factor may be required. The geogrid product evaluated in this study is a PVC coated polyester grid manufactured from Type 811 yarn from Kosa (Hoechst Trevira). This yarn and coating process are the same as on all Miragrid® geogrids. WE USE RFd=1.15 IN DESIGN, WHICH IS (InstallatiOn Damage ReductiOn Factor,'RFID MORE CONSERVATIVE. Placement of the geosynthetic in the field can result in installation damage to the material. This is typically reflected by a reduction of the tensile strength properties of the geosynthetic. Installation damage is determined by subjecting the geosynthetic to a backfill and compaction cycle, exhuming the material, and determining the strength retained [1]. Extensive research has been conducted on Miragrid® geogrids with the effects of construction damage. The most comprehensive study was conducted by TRI/Environmental. The test procedure was based on the Washington State Department of Transportation Qualified Products List (WSDOT QPL) requirements (Test Method 925). Installation damage testing was conducted on the following products: Miragrid® 3XT, 5XT, 8XT - October 2002 tITENCATE 6 Miraf 1 ® 10\6 EMC..TE b TECHNICAL NOTE Miragrid® I OXT - September 2004, May 2005 Miragrid® 20XT - December 2003 Miragrid® 2XT, 7XT - May 2005 Miragrid® 24XT - May 2005 Each report contains summary tables that list the retained product strength and the calculated reduction factor per soil type [5]. The testing program was as follows: > A lightweight geogrid (Miragrid 3XT) was tested in three soil types with d50 values of 0.3mm, 4.5 mm, and to 22mm. ) The heaviest geogrid (Miragrid 24XT) was tested in two soil types with a d50 of 4.5mm and 42 mm. Medium weight geogrids (Miragrid 5XT, Miragrid 8XT, and Miragrid IOXT) were tested in tested in three soil types with d50 values of 0.3mm, 4.5 mm, and to 22mm. ) An additional medium weight geogrid (Miragrid 7XT) was tested in two soil types with d50 values of 0.3mm and 4.5 mm. The strength reduction factors to account for installation damage to the reinforcement, RFID, for the Miragrid® geogrids are shown below. Soil Type 2XT 3XT 5XT 7XT 8XT Type 3 (Sand, Silt, Clay) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 Type 2 (Sandy Gravel), (1.10 (1.10 '1.10 1.10 fl. 10, Type I (Gravel) 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Soil Type IOXT 20XT 22XT 24XT Type 3 (Sand, Silt, Clay) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 Type 2 (Sandy Gravel) 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Type I (Gravel) 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 - . WE USE RFid=1.15 IN DESIGN, WHICH IS .Interaction Coefficients for Pullout and Sliding MORE CONSERVATIVE. Reinforcement applications using geosynthetics require an estimate of two interaction coefficients [1]. The Coefficient of Shear Stress Interaction (C) is required to calculate the reinforcement pullout capacity of the geosynthetic [1]. The Coefficient of Direct Sliding (Cds) is required to calculate the resistance to internal sliding generated along the surface of the geosynthetic [1]. TENCATE Mirdi %* ENCrJE TECHNICAL NOTE The Coefficient of Shear Stress Interaction, C1, and Coefficient of Direct Sliding, Cds, for Miragrid® geogrids were determined from independent testing [5] [11] and are as follows: Soil Type U.S.C.S. - (C CdS Silty clay, sandy clay, clayey silt (ML, CL) 1 0.7 -0.8 0.7 Silty sands, fine to medium sands (SM, SP, SW) (0.8 - 0.9 0.8 Dense well-graded sand, sand and (SW, GP, GW) gravel -ICi = F* AND IS 0.9 - 1.0 0.9 TAKEN AS 0.85 IN DESIGN I- Extensive research has been conducted on the interaction properties of Miragrid® geogrids. A research paper entitled "Soil Interaction Characteristics of Geotextiles and Geogrids" by Koutsourais, Sandri, and Swan [11] and actual testing by Geosynthec Consultants [14] on Miragrid® geogrids in a concrete sand provide detailed evidence verifying the values listed above. UV Resistance Sunlight is an important cause of degradation to all organic materials, including polymers from which geosynthetics are produced [4]. Of the three types of energy produced from the sun, ultraviolet (UV) is the most harmful to geosynthetics. For laboratory simulation of sunlight, artificial light sources (lamps) are generally compared to worst-case conditions [4]. The recommended ASTM test for geosynthetics is D 4355 which exposes samples to simulated UV conditions [4].The minimum UV Resistance of Miragrid® geogrids is 70% strength retained after 500 hours of exposure UV Resistance data per ASTM D 4355 is provided on two of the lightest strength products (Miragrid® 3XT and BasXgrid® 11). This data shows that a strength reduction of 70% after 500 hours is reasonable for the Miragrid® family of products [5]. DETERMINATION OF Long Term Design Strength (LTDS) Miragrid® geogrids are used in a variety of long-term reinforcement applications. The determinations of the correct tensile strength and soil interaction properties are critical in the design phase of a project. There are currently three accepted methods for determining the long-term reinforcement strength of a geosynthetic material. These methods are: GRI-GG4 (b), "Determination of the Long-Term Design Strengths of Flexible Geogrids" NCMA "Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls", 2nd Edition AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 1997 Interim TENCATE 8 Mirafi p?,, ENCPmTE TECHNICAL NOTE The three methodologies above differ in the nomenclature used to determine the allowable strength of the reinforcement. The nomenclature for this long term allowable strength is as follows: GRI-GG4 uses "Taiiow" NCMA uses "LTDS" AASHTO uses "Tai" For this technical note, the Long-Term Design Strength calculation follows the NCMA[1] methodology. In general, however, the reduction factor concept is applicable to all three methods and the long-term reinforcement strength. However, individual reduction factors may vary depending on the requirements of other methods. The design engineer should review and verify the required LTDS calculation method and appropriate reduction factors before design of the reinforced soil structure. The Long-Term Design Strength (LTDS) of a geosynthetic is the strength at limit equilibrium conditions in the soil [1]. The LTDS is developed by reducing the Ultimate Tensile Strength by Reduction Factors for potential material degradation. The Long Term Design Strength is determined as follows: LTDS = TULT I (RFID x RFCR x RFD) where, TULT is the minimum average roll value (MARV) wide width Ultimate Tensile Strength determined by ASTM D 6637; RFID is the Reduction Factor for Installation Damage; RFCR is the Reduction Factor for Material Creep; RFD is the Reduction Factor for Durability; Other reduction factors may be considered depending on the methodology or project requirements. The following pages contain the calculations for all products in the Miragride product family. Global Factor of Safety An additional Factor of Safety is often added to reduce the LTDS of the geosynthetic. This "global" or overall factor of safety is to account for uncertainties in the geometry of the structure, fill properties, reinforcement properties, and externally applied loads [1]. This factor of safety is typically between 1.5 to 2.0 and is independent of the geosynthetic reinforcement used in the design. Additional information can be obtained from TenCate" Construction Products at (800) 685- 9990. TENCATE 9 Mirafi ENCZE TECHNICAL NOTE References "Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls", NCMA, 2nd Edition (1997). GRI-GG4 (b) - Standard Practice "Determination of the Long-Term Design Strength of Flexible Geogrids", (1991) "1997 Interim Revisions to the Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges", AASHTO, 16the Edition (1996). Koerner, Robert M., Designing with Geosynthetics, 4th edition (1998). "Miragrid® XT Geogrid Submittal Document", Mirafi® Construction Products (2005). Sandri, D., Thornton, J., and Sack, R. (1999) "Measuring Geosynthetic Creep: Three Method," Geotechnical Fabrics Report, August, pp. 26-29. "Technical Note: Durability of High Strength Geosynthetics", TenCate (1999). "Degradation Reduction Factors for Geosynthetics", FHWA Geotechnology Technical Note (1997). Elias, V., Salman, V. and Goulias, D. "The Effect of pH, Resin Properties, and Manufacturing Process on Laboratory Degradation of Polyester Geosynthetics", Geosynthetics International, Volume 5, No.5. p. 459-490. IFAl (1997) "Industry Response to FHWA Technical Note", Geotechnical Fabrics Report, August, pp. 27. Koutsourais, M., Sandri, D., and Swan, R. "Soil Interaction Characteristics of Geotextiles and Geogrids", Conference Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference of Geosynthetics, Volume 2, p.739-744 Disclaimer: TenCate assumes no liability for the accuracy or completeness of this information or for the ultimate use by the purchaser. TenCate disclaims any and all express, implied, or statutory standards, warranties or guarantees, including without limitation any implied warranty as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or arising from a course of dealing or usage of trade as to any equipment, materials, or information furnished herewith. This document should not be construed as engineering advice. TENCATL 10 Mirafi N,,O ENC...TE TECHNICAL NOTE © 2010 TenCate Ceosynthetics North America ENCZE TECHNICAL NOTE LONG-TERM DESIGN STRENGTHS FOR MIRAGRID® XT (per NCMA "Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls", 2nd Edition) (per GRI Standard Practice GG4(b)) Products 2XT 3XT 5XT 7XT 8XT US SI US SI US SI US SI US SI lbs/ft kN/m lbs/ft kN/m lbs/ft kN/m lbs/ft kN/m lbs/ft kN/m Ultimate Tensile Strength, T 11 2000 29.2 3500 I 51.1 4700 68.6 5900 I 86.1 7400 1108.0 Creep Reduction Factor, RFCR 114-year design life 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 Creep Limited Strength 114-year design life 1266 I 18.5 2215 I 32.3 2975 I 43.4 3734 I 54.5 4684 I 68.3 Installation Damage Reduction Factor, RFID Type 3 Backfill (Sand, Silt, Clay) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 Type 2 Backfill (Sandy Gravel) 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Type I Backfill (Gravel) 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Durability Reduction Factor, RFD 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 LTDS (114-year design life) Type 3 Backfill (Sand, Silt, Clay) 1096 16.0 1918 28.0 2575 37.6 3233 47.2 4055 59.2 Type 2 Backfill (Sandy Gravel) 1046 15.3 1831 26.7 2458 35.9 3086 45.0 3871 56.5 Type I Backfill (Gravel) 767 11.2 1611 23.5 2163 31.6 2716 39.6 3406 49.7 1 Ultimate Tensile Strength (MARV) in Machine Direction as measured per ASTM D 6637 guidelines TENCATE U® 12 Mirafi ENC...TE TECHNICAL NOTE LONG-TERM DESIGN STRENGTHS FOR MIRAGRID® XT (per NCMA "Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls", 2nd Edition) (per GRI Standard Practice GG4(b)) Products IOXT -F-20XT 22XT 24XT US SI US SI US Si US SI lbs/ft kN/m lbs/ft kN/m lbs/ft kN/m lbs/ft kN/m Ultimate Tensile Strength, T11 9500 1 138.6 13705 I 200.0 20559 300.0 27415 I 400.0 Creep Reduction Factor, RFCR 114-year design life 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 Creep Limited Strength 114-year design life 6013 I 87.7 8674 1 126.6 13012 I 189.9 17351 1 253.2 Installation Damage Reduction Factor, RF,D Type 3 Backfill (Sand, Silt, Clay) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 Type 2 Backfill (Sandy Gravel) 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Type I Backfill (Gravel) 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Durability Reduction Factor, RFD 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 LTDS (114-year design life) Type 3 Backfill (Sand, Silt, Clay) 5206 1 76.0 75101 109.6 11266 164.4 15023 219.2 Type 2 Backfill (Sandy Gravel) 4969 72.5 7169 104.6 10754 156.9 14340 209.2 Type I Backfill (Gravel) 4373 63.8 6308 92.1 9463 138.1 12619 184.1 Ultimate Tensile Strength (MARV) in Machine Direction as measured per ASTM D 6637 guidelines 13 TENCATE Mirafi ® Knight Piésold and Co. Direct Shear Test Geotechnical Laboratory ASTM D5321 Soil / Geosynthetic Interface Test Report Project TenCate Mirafi Project No. Dvi 08-260.01 Lab No. 12010-42 Date Tested 4/19-4/22/10 Tested By jk Test Description 3XT Geogrid vs Class I Structural Fill Checked By jdb Sample I.D: Normal Stress Range, psf 500 1000 2000 Total No. of Points Requested 3 Geomembrane Data Miragrid 3XT Geogrid vs Class 1 Structural Fill Test No. (file) 21021A-C Manufacturer TenCate Mirafi Lot No. Roll No. Textured? Peak to Peak Thickness, mu Specified Thickness, mil Test Target Parameters Moisture Content, % 8.6 Dry Density, pd 126.4 Observations Class I structural fill material was compacted into the lower box at 95% of ASTM D698 max. dry density at optimum moisture content. The geogrid was anchored to the lower box on top of the compacted fill material. A 2 inch layer of the Class I material was compacted in the upper box above the geogrid coupon and the normal loads were applied to it. No damage to the geogrid was observed during or after shearing. Upper Box Half Description Class 1 structural fill compacted to 95% of ASTM D698 max. dry density at optimum moisture content Lower Box Half Description 3XT anchored on top of compacted Class 1 structural fill (95% of D698 max. dry density at optimum moisture content) Normal Stress Top Box - Fixed Position (stationary) Class iStructural Fill Miragrid T Gap Outer Container (allows for saturation) 'Fi Shear Direction Class 1 Structural Fill ON Default Test Descriptions (unless noted otherwise) 1 The test was performed in a Boart Longyear 300mm x 300mm shear box. 2 The rate of displacement was 0.04 in./min. (1.0 mm/mm.) for each stress. 3 Load increments were recorded in 10 lbf increments. 4 The samples were allowed to consolidate 1 hour prior to initializing shear movement. 5 The test was not inundated. 6 The geomembrane was tested in machine direction. No testing was performed in the cross-machine direction. Coefficient of direct sliding, Cds = tan (delta) I tan (phi) 3XT geogrid interlace friction angle (chosen at 75 mm displacement): 33.3 degrees' Class I structural fill internal friction angle (chosen at peak shear stress): 41.0 degrees Us a 0.76 Cursory interpretations providedrequirereviewby a professional engineer. Knight Piésoldaccepts no responsibility for subsequent analyses WE USE FRICTION ANGLE=30 DEGREES IN DESIGN, WHICH IS MORE CONSERVATIVE. 5/24/2010 Knight Piésold Mirafi 3XT vs Class 1 Fill 75 mm.xls TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF GEOGRID PULLOUT TEST RESULTS TC MIRAFI Test Test Specimen Specimen Width Specimen Normal Residual Shear Maximum Coefficient of Friction 4Jphaj Number Length Stress Strength of Soil Pullout Interaction Material (4,, c) Force Coefficient oefficlent) (In) (hi) (psi) (lb/ft) (F*) 491 I 4iragrid 3XTGeogrid in Machine Direction within Concrete 18.0 48.0 1.0 340,40 psf 997 0.91 0.87 Sii under as-Placed Moisture Conditions 18.0 48.0 3.0 34°,40 psf 2383 0.90 0.69 2 Miragrid SXT Geogrid in Machine Direction within Concrete 18.0 48.0 2.0 34°,40 psf 1710 0.91 0.74 1.0 Sand under as-Placed Moisture Conditions 18.0 48.0 4.0 34°,40 psf 3040 0.89 0.66 1.0 3 diragrid7XTGeogrid in Machine Direction within Concrete 18.0 48.0 3.0 34',40 psf 2390 0.90 0.69 1.0 rand under as-Placed Moisture Conditions 18.0 48.0 5.0 34',40 psf 3750 0.89 0.65 1.0 4 diragrid SXT Geogrid in Machine Direction within Concrete 18.0 48.0 4.0 34°,40 psf 3109 0.91 0.67 1.0 Sand under as-Placed Moisture Conditions 18.0 48.0 7.0 34°,40 psf 5283 0.92 0.66 1.0 5 4iragiid LOXT Geogrid in Machine Direction within Concrete 18.0 48.0 5.0 34°,40 psf 3930 0.93 0.68 1.0 Sand under as-Placed Moisture Conditions 18.0 48.0 10.0 340,40 psf 7430 0.92 0.64 1.0 Note: (1) For each test, the geogrid specimen was observed to have pulled out from within soil as indicated by movements of the four "tell-tail" wires attached to the geogrid specimen at specific locations. The end of the specimen was observed to have displaced more than 1 in. (25 mm) at the completion of each test. GL11292/SGIO 1028 °2001 GeoSyntec Consultants JUN 10 20 1 6 LAND DE V E L O P M E N T ENGI NEERING