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BNAVE STRUCTURAL • CIVIL • SURVEY .ND PLANNING 9449 Balboa Avenue, Suite 270 • San Diego, CA 92123 Phone (619) 299-5550 • Fax (619) 299-9934 www.bwesd.com ENGINEER: Dane Hansen DATE: June 16, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 12215A.3.00 SUPPLEMENTAL STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR Carlsbad Ranch, P.A. NO.5 (Marbrisa - Phase III) PUD 15-16/SDP 03-02A/CDP 03-04A/CUP 03-01A CT15-08, DWG 428-9H, CC REV2 RETAINING WALL 5410 Grand Pacific Drive CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 CEVED JUN 2 2020 DATE SIGNED: 06/16/2020 Prepared for GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS, INC. 5900 PASTEUR CT, #200 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING Allow Soil Bearing = 4,000.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method At-Rest Heel Pressure = 60.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 350.0 psf/ft Soil Density = 110.00 pcf FootingliSoil Frictior = 0.330 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 12.00 in Retained Height = 7.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Total Wall Height = 7.00 ft Top Support Height 7.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00 Height of Soil over Toe = 21.20 in BUILDING FOOTING SURCHARGE Thumbnail Soil Pressure © Toe = 3,158 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 4,000 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACl Factored @ Toe = 3,955 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 1.1 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 4.2 psi OK Allowable = 75.0 psi Reaction at Top = 1,164.2 lbs Reaction at Bottom = 2,663.7 lbs Sliding Stability Ratio = 1.50 OK Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force = 2,663.7 lbs less 100% Passive Force - 2,307.9 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 1,695.3 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of soil bearing Load Factors Building Code CBC 2016,ACI Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth,H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 Mmax Between @ Top Support Top & Base @ Base of Wall Stem OK Stem OK Stem OK Design Height Above FtS 7.00 ft 3.20 ft 0.00 ft Reber Size = # 5 # 5 # 5 Reber Spacing = 12.00 in 12.00 in 12.00 in Reber Placed at = Edge Edge Edge Reber Depth 'd' = 9.50 in 10.00 in 9.50 in Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.000 0.282 0.000 Mu .... Actual = 0.0 ft-# 3,808.5 ft-# 0.0 ft-# Mn * Phi ..... Allowable = 12,827.3 ft-# 13,524.8 ft-# 12,827.3 ft-# Shear Force © this height = 1,769.6 lbs 2,552.6 lbs Shear.....Actual 15.52 psi 22.39 psi Shear ..... Allowable = 82.16 psi 82.16 psi Stern is rrct to rotate at top OT TOOting Project Name/Number: ii sa hote BUILDING FOOTING DESIGN FOR REFERENCE Restrained Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,ACI 318-14,ACI 530-13 Criteria Soil Data Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 40.0 psf -Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning Axial Load Applied to Stem - Axial Dead Load ' 1,107.0 lbs V A Axial Live Load (= 675.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity 0.0 in " I Earth Pressure Seismict6"''"l Uniform Lateral Load Applied to Stem Lateral Load = 0.0 #/ft ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottorr = 0.00 ft Load Type = Wind (W) (Strength Level) Wind on Exposed Stem = 0.0 psf Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent Footing Load = 0.0 lbs Footing Width 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Wall to Fig CL Dist = 0.00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil - at Back of Wall - 00 ft Poisson's Ratio = 0.300 Kh Soil Density Multiplier = 0.320 g Added seismic per unit area = 172.5 psf Design Summary • Concrete Stem Construction Total Bearing Load = 5,137 lbs Thickness = 12.00 in Fy = 60,000 psi ... resultant ecc. = 7.98 in Wall Weight = - -- 150.0 psf ft = 3,000 psi Project Name/Number : n sa hote RetainPro (c) 1987-2019, Build License: KW-06056430 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,ACI 318-14,ACI 530-13 License To: BURKETT AND WONG ENGINEERS eriteria Retained Height = 9.41 ft Wall height above soil = 0.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00 Height of Soil over Toe = 30.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Load Factors Building Code CBC 2016,ACl Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth,H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1.000 Soil Data and Lateral Earth Pressure Allow Soil Bearing = 3,000.0 psf Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pof Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Soil Density, Toe = 0.00 pcf Active Heel Pressure = 40.0 psf/ft FootingSoil Friction = 0.350 Soil height to ignore = for passive pressure = 12.00 in Passive Pressure = 300.0 psf/ft Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Used for Sliding & Overturning Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Lateral Load Applied to Stem Lateral Load = 50.0 #Ift ...Height to lop 12.41 ft ...Height to Bottom = 11.41 ft Load Type = Live Load (L) (Service Level) Wind on Exposed Stem Wind on Exposed Stem 0.0 psf (Service Level) Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent Footing Load = 1,782.0 lbs Footing Type Line Load Footing Width = 3.50 ft Base Above/Below Soil Eccentricity = 0.00 in at Back of Wall = -7.8 ft Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 4.60 ft Poisson's Ratio = 0.300 Project Name/Number: r isa hote Icense : KW-06056430 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,ACI 318-14,ACI 530-13 icense To: BURKETT AND WONG ENGINEERS Earth Pressure Seismic Load Method : Uniform Multiplier Used = 18.000 Uniform Seismic Force = (Multiplier used on soil density) Total Seismic Force = > 2,343.386 Per goetech report uniform Seismic load of 18H. 18x(9.41'+2') = 205.38psf 11.41'x205.38 = 2,343.4lbs Project Name/Number: r sa hote tainPro (C) 1987-2019, Build cense: KW-06056430 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,ACI 318-14,ACI 530-13 icense To: BURKETT AND WONG ENGINEERS Wall Design Summary Stability Ratios Overturning = 2.21 OK Sliding = 1.54 OK Soil Bearing Total Bearing Load = 8,337 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 19.41 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 2,769 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 3,000 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 3,877 psf ACl Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 19.8 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 21.8 psi OK Allowable = 82.2 psi Sliding Resisting Forces Sliding Forces Vertical Forces Egm Lateral Forces Force Soil Over Heel (above water table, if any) 4,054.1 lbs Heel Active Pressure (above water table, if any) 29603.8 lbs Soil Over Heel (below water table, if any) 0.0 Heel Active Pressure (below water table, if any) 0.0 Water Over Heel 0.0 Hydrostatic Force 0.0 Buoyant Force 0.0 * Heel Active Pressure 2,603.8 Sloped Soil Over Heel 0.0 Surcharge over Heel 0.0 Surcharge Over Heel 0.0 Adjacent Footing 180.4 Adjacent Footing Load 583.6 Surcharge Over Toe 0.0 Axial Dead Load on Stern 0.0 Load @ Stem Above Soil 0.0 Axial Live Load on Stem * Omit Added Lateral Load 50.0 Soil Over Toe 0.0 Seismic Load 1,640.4 Surcharge Over Toe 0.0 Seismic-Self-weight 0.0 Stem Weight(s) 19078.0 Lateral on Key 0.0 Earth @ Stem Transitions 396.7 Totals 4,474.6 lbs Footing Weight 2,175.0 Key Weight 50.0 *Includes water table effect Vert. Component ** 1,054.9 Total Vertical Loads 9,392.4 lbs * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed , or used for overturning or sliding resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculations. Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force = 4,474.6 lbs less 100% Passive Force - 3,600.0 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 3,287.3 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Project Name/Number: r isa hote Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,ACI 318-14,ACI 530-13 Resisting Moments Resisting Moments Force Distance Moment Soil Over Heel (above water table, if any) 4,054.1 lbs 5.29 ft 21,453.2ft-# Soil Over Heel (below water table, if any) 0.0 Water Table 0.0 Soil Over Heel 4,054.1 5.29 21,453.2 Sloped Soil Over Heel 0.0 Surcharge Over Heel 0.0 Adjacent Footing Load 583.6 5.97 3,483.3 Axial Dead Load on Stem 0.0 Axial Live Load on Stem * 0.0 Soil Over Toe 0.0 1.00 Surcharge Over Toe 0.0 Stem Weight(s) 1,078.0 2.54 2,734.0 Earth @ Stem Transitions 396.7 3.00 1,190.2 Footing Weight 2,175.0 3.63 7,884.4 Key Weight 50.0 2.33 116.7 Vert. Component 1,054.9 7.25 7,647.9 Total Vertical Loads 9,392.4 lbs Resisting Moment 44.509,6 ft-# Eccentricity -12.3 in * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning or sliding resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculations. Overturning Overturning Moments Overturning Moments Force Distance Moment Heel Active Pressure (above water table, if any) 2,603.8 lbs 3.80 ft 9,903.0 ft-# Heel Active Pressure (below water table, if any) 0.0 Hydrostatic Force 0.0 Buoyant Force 0.0 Surcharge over Heel - 0.0 Adjacent Footing 180.4 0.94 169.1 Surcharge Over Toe 0.0 Load @ Stem Above Soil 0.0 Added Lateral Load 50.0 13.91 695.5 Seismic Load 1,640.4 5.71 9,358.3 Seismic-Self-weight 0.0 Totals 4,474.6 lbs Overturning Moment 20,125.9 ft-# Project NamelNumber:, Ise hote Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,ACI 318-14,ACI 530-13 Design Height Above Ftg Wall Material Above Ht" Design Method Thickness Reber Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data ft = = = = = = 2nd Stem OK 4.00 Masonry ASD 8.00 # 6 8.00 Edge Bottom Stem OK 0.00 Masonry ASD 16.00 # 6 8.00 Edge fbIFB + fa/Fa = 0.963 0.742 Total Force @ Section Service Level lbs = 1,746.5 3,764.7 Strength Level lbs = Moment .... Actual Service Level ft-# = 4,456.6 15,246.0 Strength Leve ft-# = Moment ..... Allowable ft-# = 4,624.0 20,536.3 Shear ..... Actual Service Level psi = 19.1 20.1 Strength Level psi = Shear.....Allowable psi = 51.7 52.5 Anet in2 = 91.50 187.50 Rebar Depth 'd' in = 5.25 13.00 Masonry Data Fm psi = 2,000 2,000 Fs psi = 32,000 32,000 Solid Grouting = Yes Yes Modular Ratio'n' = 16.11 16.11 Wall Weight psf 78.0 164.0 Short Term Factor = 1.000 1.000 Equiv. Solid Thick. in = 7.60 15.60 Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Masonry Design Method = ASD Concrete Data fc psi= Fy psi Project Name/Number: u Ise hote Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,ACI 318-14,ACI 530-13 icense To: BURKETT AND WONG ENGINEERS Footing Data Toe Width = 2.00 ft ft = 3,000 psi Heel Width = 5.25 Fy = 60,000 psi Total Footing Width = 7.25 ft Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Footing Thickness = 24.00 in Mm. As % = 0.0018 Key Width = 8.00 in Reber Cover @ Top = 2.00 in Key Depth = 6.00 in @ Bottom = 3.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 2.00 It Footing Design Results IN Heel Factored Pressure = 3,877 0 psf Mu': Upward = 82,740 2,085 ft-# Mu': Downward = 22,080 20,991 ft-# Mu: Design = 5,055 -8,642 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 19.78 21.85 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 82.16 82.16 psi Toe Reinforcing = #6 @ 8.00 in Heel Reinforcing = #6 @ 8.00 in Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 4.62 in, #5@ 7.17 in, #6@ 10.18 in, #7@ 13.88 in, #8@ 18.28 in, #9@ 23. Heel: #4@ 4.62 in, #5@ 7.17 in, #6@ 10.18 in, #7@ 13.88 in, #8@ 18.28 in, #9@ 23. Key: phiMn = phi'5'Iambda'sqrt(fc)'Sm Min footing T&S reinf Area 3.76 in2 Min footing T&S reinf Area per fa 0.52 in2 /ft If one layer of horizontal bars: If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 4.63 in #4@ 9.26 in #5@ 7.18 in #5@ 14.35 in #6@ 10.19 in #6@ 20.37 in Footing Torsion, Tu = 0.00 ft-lbs Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu = 0.00 ft-lbs If torsion exceeds allowable, provide supplemental design for footing torsion. Tilt LIUJILUlILdi L,eIietIun dl iou OT vvauu uue 10 setiiement OT Soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci Horizontal Dell @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.100 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil bearing pressure exceeds that of the toe. because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil.