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RECORD COPY Initial Date TRAVERSE CALCULATIONS FOR CITY OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 15-08 APN 211-131-039 049 11 & 17 Grand Pacific Development, Inc. CARLSBAD, CA C.T. 15-08 PREPARED September 26, 2015 REVISED March 2, 2017 ME= ENGINEERING 440 STATE PLACE ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 (760) 745-8118 EXCEL JOB NO. 14-100 MICHAEL D. LEV1N PLS 6896 ECEJIvrT MAR 152017 LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINE LEE RJNG el D. Levin' ~V; 6896J tl% I i ~ User Name: raquino Date: 03-02-17 Project: 11-008 Grand Pacific Development - Mabrisa Time: 13:33:06 Create Mapcheck Reports Lot Name: Subdivision Boundary - East Lot Description: Carlsbad Tract No. 15-08 Lot ID: APN 211-131-03 & 17 Lot Owner: Grand Pacific Development, Inc. Lot Area (Square Feet): 169370.15 Lot Area (Acres): 3.888 Lot Perimeter: 1992.35 Closing Direction: S5516'04'tE Closing Distance: 0.0118 Course Data: (Mapcheck Through Radius Points Method) Point Northing Easting Direction Distance Begin 1994320.1237 6236364.3396 S85°03'30"E 75.43 1994313.6260 6236439.4892 S3858'28"E 274.45 1994100.2613 6236612.1111 N6259'35"E 158.03 1994172.0225 6236752.9081 N83*53'30"E 164.59 1994189.5363 6236916.5637 S18050'26"E 200.14 PC 1994000.1196 6236981.1960 RP 1995997.1074 6237090.9221 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: NO3°08'42"E D.O.0 Arc: 02°51'53" D.O.0 Chord: 02°51'54" Radius: 2000.00 Delta angle: 0022'23" Tangent length: 6.51 Arc length: 13.02 Chord Direction: N8640'07"W Chord length: 13.02 External: 0.01 Middle ordinate: 0.01 Radial Out: 50331'05"W Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1994000.8764 6236968.1959 S36°02'20"E 55.00 1993956.4024 6237000.5543 s66°37'55"w 446.92 1993779.1378 6236590.2925 N34°44'54"W 38.88 1993811.0841 6236568.1320 N55°20'45"W 25.69 1993825.6919 6236546.9994 N23°22'05"W 421.25 1994212.3893 6236379.9164 N0804'37"W 54.00 1994265.8536 6236372.3293 N2322'05"W 50.56 PC 1994312.2665 6236352.2754 RP 1995531.4521 6235565.5177 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: N32°50'05"W D.O.0 Arc: 0356'55" D.O.0 Chord: 0356'58" Radius: 1451.00 Delta angle: 0034'06" Tangent length: 7.20 Arc length: 14.39 Chord Direction: N5652'52"E Chord length: 14.39 External: 0.02 Middle ordinate: 0.02 Radial Out: S3324'11"E Point Northing Easting Directi on Distance End 1994320.1304 6236364.3299 Error of Closure 1 : 168844 Departure in V (Northing): -0.0067 Departure in x (Easting): 0.0097 Page 1 Lot Name: Subdivision Bounuary - West Lot Description: Carlsbad Tract No. 15-08 Lot ID: APN 211-131-04 and 11 Lot Owner: Grand Pacific Development, Inc. Lot Area (square Feet): 413952.50 Lot Area (Acres): 9.503 Lot Perimeter: 6612.09 Closing Direction: N59°26'17"W Closing Distance: 0.0146 Course Data: (Mapcheck Through Radius Points Method) Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PC 1994102.9686 6235820.3023 RP 1995531.4185 6235565.4851 Curve Direction: COW Radial In: N1006'52"W D.O.0 Arc: 03*56'55" D.O.0 Chord: 0356'58" Radius: 1451.00 Delta angle: 1714'40" Tangent length: 220.02 Arc length: 436;71 Chord Direction. N71 15, 48 E Chord length: 435.06 External: 16.59 Middle ordinate: 16.40 Radial Out: 52721'32"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1994242.7196 6236232.3104 57039'45"E 33.30 1994231.6929 6236263.7318 S12°50'27"E 26.75 1994205.6119 6236269.6768 S3603'39"E 45.00 1994169.2342 6236296.1658 S23°22'05"E 386.47 1993814.4641 6236449.4538 S07*02'29"E 27.64 1993787.0325 6236452.8420 S66°37'55"w 102.23 1993746.4844 6236358.9974 s23°22'05"E 17.04 PC 1993730.8421 6236365.7561 RP 1993512.3968 6236554.9719 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: S40°53'56"E D.O.0 Arc: 19°49'32" D.O.0 Chord: 19°55'33" Radius: 289.00 Delta angle: 41°49'39" Tangent Tength: 110.44 Arc length: 210.98 Chord Direction: S2811'15"w Chord length: 206.32 External: 20.38 Middle ordinate: 19.04 Radial Out: N82°43'35"W Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993548.9864 6236268.2975 S07*16'25"w 295.67 PC 1993255.6957 6236230.8634 RP 1993224.1704 6236477.8597 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: S82°43'35"E D.O.0 Arc: 23°00'37" D.O.0 Chord: 2310'04" Radius: 249.00 Delta angle: 65°31'34" Tangent Tength: 160.24 Arc length: 284.77 Chord Direction: 525°29'22"E Chord length: 269.50 External: 47.11 Middle ordinate: 39.61 Radial Out: S31°44'51"w Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993012.4270 6236346.8417 S58°15'09"E 119.32 Pc 1992949.6436 6236448.3084 Page 2 RP 199u.4592 6236540.3894 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: N3144'51"E D.O.0 Arc: 32°44'26" D.O.0 Chord: 33o1211tt Radius: 175.00 Delta angle: 96°16'00" Tangent length: 195.27 Arc length: 294.03 Chord Direction: N73°36'51ttE Chord length: 260.64 External: 87.21 Middle ordinate: 58.21 Radial Out: S64°31'09"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993023.1726 6236698.3670 N25°28'51"E 62.31 1993079.4217 6236725.1733 N6431'09ttW 18.50 1993087.3806 6236708.4728 N2528'51"E 60.03 1993141.5714 6236734.2983 N64°31'09"W 6.50 1993144.3678 6236728.4305 N2528'51"E 38.77 PC 1993179.3666 6236745.1097 RP 1993250.3511 6236596.1594 Curve Direction: CON Radial In: N64°31'09"W D.O.0 Arc: 3443'29" D.O.0 Chord: 35016t46tt Radius: 165.00 Delta angle: 5022'47" Tangent length: 77.61 Arc length: 145.08 Chord Direction: N00017'27"E Chord length: 140.45 External: 17.34 Middle ordinate: 15.69 Radial Out: N65°06'04"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993319.8191 6236745.8230 N2453'56'tW 14.96 PC 1993333.3886 6236739.5246 RP 1993175.5067 6236399.3800 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: S6506'04"W D.O.0 Arc: 1516t441T D.O.0 Chord: 15019t28 Radius: 375.00 Delta angle: 2833'05" Tangent length: 95.42 Arc length: 186.87 Chord Direction: N39101 29"W Chord length: 184.94 External: 11.95 Middle ordinate: 11.58 Radial Out: N36°32'59"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993476.7594 6236622.7001 N53°27'01"W 40.44 PC 1993500.8422 6236590.2130 RP 1993749.8777 6236774.8243 Curve Direction: ON Radial In: N36°32t59ttE D.O.0 Arc: 180 28'57" D.O.0 Chord: 18°33'49" Radius: 310.00 Delta angle: 14°19'41" Tangent length: 38.96 Arc length: 77.52 Chord Direction: N46°17'11"W Chord length: 77.32 External: 2.44 Middle ordinate: 2.42 Radial Out: S50052'40"W Point Northing Easting Di rection Distance PT 1993554.2749 6236534.3257 N5114'51"E 18.00 Page 3 PC 199)o).5422 6236548.3631 RP 1993749.8774 6236774.8240 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: N5051'18"E D.O.0 Arc: 1937'19" D.O.0 Chord: 1943'08" Radius: 292.00 Delta angle: 15 09'59" Tangent length: 38.87 Arc length: 77.29 Chord Direction: N3133'42"W Chord length: 77.07 External: 2.58 Middle ordinate: 2.55 Radial Out: S66°01'17ttw Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993631.2099 6236508.0244 N2358'43"W 25.93 PC 1993654.9021 6236497.4866 RP 1993438.2932 6236010.4859 Curve Direction: CON Radial In: s66°01'17"w D.O.0 Arc: 1044'59" D.O.0 Chord: 10°45'56" Radius: 533.00 Delta angle: 0643'16" Tangent length: 31.30 Arc length: 62.52 Chord Direction: N27*20'21"W Chord length: 62.49 External: 0.92 Middle ordinate: 0.92 Radial Out: N59°18'01"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993710.4104 6236468.7885 N6637'55"E 15.76 1993716.6614 6236483.2558 s63°21'21"E 19.87 1993707.7507 6236501.0158 S23°22'05"E 32.15 PC 1993678.2378 6236513.7676 RP 1993855.5341 6236924.1029 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: N66°37'55"E D.O.0 Arc: 1249'04" D.O.0 Chord: 12050t41u Radius: 447.00 Delta angle: 3323'30" Tangent length: 134.07 Arc length: 260.51 Chord Direction: s4003'50"E Chord length: 256.84 External: 19.67 Middle ordinate: 18.84 Radial Out: s3314'25"w Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PRC 1993481.6727 6236679.0792 RP 1993119.5205 6236441.7297 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: s33°14'25'tw D.O.0 Arc: 13013156tt D.O.0 Chord: 13°15'43" Radius: 433.00 Delta angle: 3130'30" Tangent length: 122.15 Arc length: 238.12 Chord Direction: s4100t20"E Chord length: 235.13 External: 16.90 Middle ordinate: 16.27 Radial Out: N64°44'55ttE Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PRC 1993304.2342 6236833.3543 RP 1993492.7873 6237233.1189 Curve Direction: CON Page 4 Easti ng 6236994.8432 6236820.7187 Easti ng 6237086.6193 6237013.6813 6236996. 3023 6236874.2124 Easti ng 6236989.2562 6236678. 1746 6236574.0463 Easti ng 6236559.2072 6236372.1343 6236323.2964 Radial In: D.O.0 Arc: D.O.0 Chord: Radius: Delta angle: Tangent length: Arc length: Chord Direction: Chord length: External: Middle ordinate: Radial Out: Point Northing PRC 1993120.5123 RP 1992848.4651 Curve Direction: Radial In: D.O.0 Arc: D.O.0 Chord: Radius: Delta angle: Tangent length: Arc length: Chord Direction: Chord length: External: Middle ordinate: Radial Out: Point Northing PT 1993031.8387 1992987. 3603 PC 1993015.8593 RP 1992941.4076 Curve Direction: Radial In: D.O.0 Arc: D.O.0 Chord: Radius: Delta angle: Tangent length: Arc length: Chord Direction: Chord length: External: Middle ordinate: Radial Out: Point Northing PT 1993026.3424 PC 1992836.6415 RP 1993007.3966 Curve Direction: Radial In: D.O.0 Arc: D.O.0 Chord: Radius: Delta angle: Tangent length: Arc length: Chord Direction: Chord length: External: Middle ordinate: Radial Out: Point Northing PT 1992807.9479 PC 1992821.8662 RP 1992787.0113 Curve Direction: Radial In: D.O.0 Arc: D.O.0 Chord: N64°4, 5"E 12 ° 57'46" 12 ° 59'26" 442.00 32 ° 07 '38" 127.27 247.84 S41°18' 54"E 244.61 17.96 17.26 S32°371 17"w Direction CW 532° 37 17"w 1P44'19" 17°48' 37" 323.00 22°47'14" 65.09 128.46 S45°59'06"E 127.62 6.49 6.37 N55 '24' 31"E Di rection s58°37' 29"w N31°22' 31"w CCW 558°37'29"W 40 ° 04 ' 01" 40° 55 ' 55" 143.00 05 ° 03 ' 45" 6.32 12.64 N33°54'24"W 12.63 0.14 0.14 N53°33'44"E Direction s58°37'29"w CW N310 22' 31"w 28° 38' 52" 28° 57' 18" 200.00 35° 37' 49" 64.27 124.37 S76°26' 23"w 122.38 10.07 9.59 SO4°15 ' 18"w Direction N85°44'42"W CON S54°29' 06"w 95° 29 ' 35" 112 ° 53 ' 07" Distance Distance 85.43 33.38 Di stance 364.36 Distance 187.59 Page 5 60.00 28° 34'40" 15.28 29.93 N49°48' 14"w 29.62 1.92 1.86 N25°54'26"E Direction Distance N64°05 1 34"W 100.07 Cw N25°54'26"E 18°05'SO" 18 ° 10 ' 24" 316.60 67° 46 ' 03" 212.62 374.46 N30° 12' 33"w 353.02 64.77 53.77 N86°19' 31"w Direction Distance NO3°40'29"E 399.47 CW S86°19' 31"E 29° 03 ' 38" 29°22' 53" 197.16 43° 35 '04" 78.83 149.98 N25°28'01"E 146.39 15.17 14.09 N42°44'27"W Direction Distance N47°15'33"E 72.24 CCW N42°44'27"W 95 ° 29 ' 35" 112 ° 53 07" 60.00 70 ° 35 51" 42.48 73.93 N110 57' 38"E 69.34 13.52 11.03 N66°39'42"E Direction Distance N230 20118"W 180.43 N63°36124"W 188.95 N84°52'43"W 177.51 Easti ng 6236349. 5114 6236259.4981 6236397.8255 Easti ng 6236081.8764 6236107. 4792 6236304.2339 Easti ng 6236170.4247 6236223.4800 6236182.7590 Easti ng 6236237. 8499 6236166. 3708 6235997. 1162 6235820. 3149 1 : 451754 0.0074 -0.0126 Radius: Delta angle: Tangent length: Arc length: Chord Direction: Chord length: External: Middle ordinate: Radial out: Point Northing PT 1992840.9814 PC 1992884.7035 RP 1993169.4861 Curve Direction: Radial In: D.O.0 Arc: D.O.0 Chord: Radius: Delta angle: Tangent length: Arc length: Chord Direction: Chord length: External: Middle ordinate: Radial Out: Point Northing PT 1993189.7776 PC 1993588.4263 RP 1993575.7899 Curve Direction: Radial In: D.O.0 Arc: D.O.0 Chord: Radius: Delta angle: Tangent length: Arc length: Chord Direction: Chord length: External: Middle ordinate: Radial Out: Point Northing PT 1993720.5904 PC 1993769.6185 RP 1993813.6843 Curve Direction: Radial In: D.O.0 Arc: D.O.0 Chord: Radius: Delta angle: Tangent length: Arc length: Chord Direction: Chord length: External: Middle ordinate: Radial Out: Point Northing PT 1993837.4539 1994003 . 1214 1994087. 1155 End 1994102.9612 Error of Closure Departure in V (Northing) Departure in X (Easting): Page 6 Lot Name: Lot Description: Lot ID: Lot Owner: Lot Area (square Feet): Lot Area (Acres): Lot Perimeter: Closing Direction: Closing Distance: Lot 1 - Gross Carlsbad Tract No. 15-08 Portion of APN 211-131-04 Grand Pacific Development, Inc. 103010.93 2.365 1809.88 51912'48"E 0.0124 Course Data: (Mapcheck Through Radius Points Method) Point Northing Easting Direction Distance Begin 1994102.9686 6235820.3023 S8452'43"E 177.51 1994087.1230 6235997.1036 S63*361 24"E 188.95 1994003.1288 6236166.3582 523°20'18"E 180.43 PC 1993837.4614 6236237.8373 RP 1993813.6918 6236182.7464 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: s6639'42"w D.O.0 Arc: 95°29'35" D.O.0 Chord: 11253'07" Radius: 60.00 Delta angle: 3517'56" Tangent length: 19.09 Arc length: 36.96 Chord Direction: s0541'20"E Chord length: 36.38 External: 2.96 Middle ordinate: 2.82 Radial Out: S7802'22"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993801.2575 6236241.4438 N90°00'00"E 48.19 1993801.2575 6236289.6338 N66°37'55"E 75.27 1993831.1123 6236358.7299 523°22'05"E 77.78 1993759.7121 6236389.5802 N6637'55"E 68.91 1993787.0443 6236452.8380 N0702'29"W 27.64 1993814.4758 6236449.4497 N2322'05"W 386.47 1994169.2460 6236296.1617 N36°03' 39"w 45.00 1994205.6236 6236269.6727 N12°501 27"W 26.75 1994231.7047 6236263.7277 N7039'45"W 33.30 PC 1994242.7314 6236232.3063 RP 1995531.4303 6235565.4810 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: N27*21'32"W D.O.0 Arc: 03056t55u D.O.0 Chord: 0356'58" Radius: 1451.00 Delta angle: 1714'40" Tangent length: 220.02 Arc length: 436.71 Chord Direction: s71°15'48"w Chord length: 435.06 External: 16.59 Middle ordinate: 16.40 Radial Out: S1006'52"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance End 1994102.9804 6235820.2982 Error of Closure 1 : 145410 Departure in Y (Northing): -0.0118 Departure in X (Easting): 0.0041 Lot Name: Lot 1 - Net Lot Description: Carlsbad Tract No. 15-08 Lot ID: APN 211-131-03 & 17 Lot Owner: Grand Pacific Development, Inc. Lot Area (square Feet): 98425.22 Lot Area (Acres): 2.260 Page 7 Lot Perimeter: 1809.28 Closing Direction: s1933'40"E Closing Distance: 0.0133 Course Data: (Mapcheck Through Radius Points Method) Point Northing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easting Direction Distance Begin 1994102.9686 6235820.3023 584°52'43"E 177.51 1994087.1230 6235997.1036 563°36'24"E 188.95 1994003.1288 6236166.3582 s23°20'18"E 180.43 Pc 1993837.4614 6236237.8373 RP 1993813.6918 6236182.7464 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: 566°39'42"w D.O.0 Arc: 95°29'35" D.O.0 Chord: 11253'07" Radius: 60.00 Delta angle: 3517'56" Tangent length: 19.09 Arc length: 36.96 Chord Direction: s05°41'20"E chord length: 36.38 External: 2.96 Middle ordinate: 2.82 Radial Out: S78°02'22"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993801.2575 6236241.4438 N90°00'00"E 48.19 1993801.2575 6236289.6338 N6637'55"E 75.27 1993831.1123 6236358.7299 S23°22'05"E 77.78 1993759.7121 6236389.5802 N6637'55"E 68.91 1993787.0443 6236452.8380 N07°02'29"W 27.64 1993814.4758 6236449.4497 N23°22'05"W 386.47 1994169.2460 6236296.1617 N3603' 39"w 45.00 1994205.6236 6236269.6727 N12°50'27"W 26.75 1994231.7047 6236263.7277 N7039'45"W 18.87 1994237.9531 6236245.9223 S54°31'00"w 10.60 PC 1994231.8002 6236237.2909 RP 1995531.4305 6235565.4799 curve Direction: cW Radial In: N27°201 08ttw D.O.0 Arc: 03°54'59" D.O.0 Chord: 03°55'02" Radius: 1463.00 Delta angle: 1159'47" Tangent length: 153.72 Arc length: 306.32 Chord Direction: s68°39'45"w Chord length: 305.76 External: 8.05 Middle ordinate: 8.01 Radial Out: S15°20'21"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PCC 1994120.5473 6235952.4908 RP 1994458.0791 6235859.9044 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: N15°20'21"W D.O.0 Arc: 16°22'13" D.O.0 Chord: 16°25'35" Radius: 350.00 Delta angle: 1332'59" Tangent length: 41.58 Arc length: 82.77 Chord Direction. 581 26 09 w chord length: 82.58 External: 2.46 Middle ordinate: 2.44 Radial Out: S01°47'22"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PRC 1994108.2498 6235870.8337 RP 1993758.4205 6235881.7631 Curve Direction: CCW Page 8 Radial In: s01°41 L2E D.O.0 Arc: 16022 '13" D.O.0 chord: 16°25'35 Radius: 350.00 Delta angle: 0801913011 Tangent length: 25.47 Arc length: 50.85 Chord Direction: s84°02'53"w Chord length: 50.81 External: 0.93 Middle ordinate: 0.92 Radial out: N10006'52"W Point Northing Easting Direction Distance End 1994102.9811 6235820.2978 Error of Closure 1 : 135910 Departure in Y (Northing): -0.0125 Departure in X (Easting): 0.0045 Lot Name: Lot 2 Lot Description: Carlsbad Tract No. 15-08 Lot ID: Portion of APN 211-131-03 Lot Owner: Grand Pacific Development, Inc. Lot Area (square Feet): 77488.64 Lot Area (Acres): 1.779 Lot Perimeter: 1453.51 Closing Direction: 543°25'03"E Closing Distance: 0.0093 Course Data:(Mapcheck Through Radius Points Method) Point Northing Easting Direction Distance Begin 1994320.1237 6236364.3396 S85 0 03'30"E 75.43 1994313.6260 6236439.4892 5380 581 28"E 244.51 1994123.5375 6236593.2796 501°26126"E 132.39 1993991.1893 6236596.6078 s73°11'37"E 164.14 1993943.7301 6236753.7370 523°22'05"E 48.15 1993899.5296 6236772.8350 S660 37'55"w 222.99 1993811.0837 6236568.1356 N550 20'45"W 25.69 1993825.6916 6236547.0030 N23°22'05"W 421.25 1994212.3889 6236379.9200 N080 04'37"W 54.00 1994265.8533 6236372.3328 N23022105"W 50.56 PC 1994312.2661 6236352.2789 RP 1995531.4250 6235565.4799 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: N3250'12"W D.O.0 Arc: 03°56'55" D.O.0 Chord: 03°56'58" Radius: 1451.00 Delta angle: 0034'06" Tangent length: 7.20 Arc length: 14.39 Chord Direction: N56°521 45"E Chord length: 14.39 External: 0.02 Middle ordinate: 0.02 Radial Out: S33°24'18"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance End 1994320.1305 6236364.3332 Error of Closure 1 : 156238 Departure in V (Northing): -0.0068 Departure in X (Easting): 0.0064 Lot Name: Lot 3 Lot Description: Carlsbad Tract No. 15-08 Lot ID: Portion of APN 211-131-03 & 15 Lot Owner: Grand Pacific Development, Inc. Lot Area (square Feet): 91881.50 Page 9 Lot Area (Acres): 2.109 Lot Perimeter: 1674.19 Closing Direction: 584°00'40"E Closing Distance: 0.0036 Course Data: (Mapcheck Through Radius Points Method) Point Northing Easting Direction Distance Begin 1994189.5349 6236916.5682 s1850'26"E 200.14 PC 1994000.1182 6236981.2005 RP 1995997.1060 6237090.9266 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: NO3°08'42"E D.O.0 Arc: 02°51'53" D.O.0 Chord: 02°51'54" Radius: 2000.00 Delta angle: 00°22'23" Tangent length: 6.51 Arc length: 13.02 Chord Direction: N86°40'07"W Chord length: 13.02 External: 0.01 Middle ordinate: 0.01 Radial Out: S03°31'05"w Point Northing Easti ng Direction Distance PT 1994000.8750 6236968.2005 s3602'20"E 55.00 1993956.4010 6237000.5589 s66°37'55"w 446.92 1993779.1364 6236590.2971 N34°44'54"W 38.88 1993811.0826 6236568.1365 N6637'55"E 222.99 1993899.5285 6236772.8360 N23°22'05"W 48.15 1993943.7291 6236753.7379 N73*11'37"W 164.14 1993991.1883 6236596.6088 N0126'26"w 132.39 1994123.5364 6236593.2806 S38°58'28"E 29.94 1994100.2603 6236612.1120 N62*59'35"E 158.03 1994172.0215 6236752.9091 N83°53'30"E 164.59 End 1994189.5353 6236916.5646 Error of Closure 1 : 466374 Departure in Y (Northing): -0.0004 Departure in x (Easting): 0.0036 Lot Name: Lot 4 Lot Description: Carlsbad Tract No. 15-08 Lot ID: APN 211-131-11 & por 04 Lot Owner: Grand Pacific Development, Inc. Lot Area (square Feet): 310941.56 Lot Area (Acres): 7.138 Lot Perimeter: 5204.69 Closing Direction: s63°07'31"w Closing Distance: 0.0095 Course Data:(Mapcheck Through Radius Points Method) Point Northing Easting Direction Distance Begin 1993801.2548 6236241.4495 N9000'00"E 48.19 1993801.2548 6236289.6395 N66°37'55"E 75.27 1993831.1096 6236358.7355 S23°22'05"E 77.78 1993759.7094 6236389.5859 s66°37'55"w 33.32 1993746.4935 6236358.9989 s23°22'05"E 17.04 PC 1993730.8512 6236365.7576 RP 1993512.4059 6236554.9735 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: 54053'56"E D.O.0 Arc: 19°49'32" D.O.0 Chord: 1955'33" Radius: 289.00 Delta angle: 41°49'39" Tangent length: 110.44 Arc length: 210.98 Chord Direction: s2811'15"w Page 10 Chord lengtn: 206.3t- External: 20.38 Middle ordinate: 19.04 Radial Out: N82°43'35"W Point Northing Easting Direction PT 1993548.9955 6236268.2991 s07*16'25"w PC 1993255.7048 6236230.8650 RP 1993224.1795 6236477.8613 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: 582*43'35"E D.O.0 Arc: 23°00'37" D.O.0 Chord: 23°10'04" Radius: 249.00 Delta angle: 65°31'34" Tangent length: 160.24 Arc length: 284.77 Chord Direction: s25°29'22"E Chord length: 269.50 External: 47.11 Middle ordinate: 39.61 Radial Out: S31°44'51ttw Point Northing Easting Direction PT 1993012.4361 6236346.8432 s5815'09"E PC 1992949.6527 6236448.3100 RP 1993098.4683 6236540.3909 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: N31°44'51"E D.O.0 Arc: 3244'26" D.O.0 Chord: 3312'11" Radius: 175.00 Delta angle: 96°16'00" Tangent length: 195.27 Arc length: 294.03 Chord Direction: N7336'51"E Chord length: 260.64 External: 87.21 Middle ordinate: 58.21 Radial Out: S64°31'09"E Point Northing Easting Direction PT 1993023.1817 6236698.3686 N2528'51ttE 1993079.4308 6236725.1749 N64°31'09ttW 1993087.3896 6236708.4744 N2528151"E 1993141. 5805 6236734.2999 N6431'09"W 1993144. 3768 6236728.4321 N2528' 51"E PC 1993179.3757 6236745.1113 RP 1993250.3602 6236596.1610 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: N6431'09"W D.O.0 Arc: 34°43'29" D.O.0 Chord: 35°16'46" Radius: 165.00 Delta angle: 50°22'47" Tangent length: 77.61 Arc length: 145.08 Chord Direction: N000171 27"E Chord length: 140.45 External: 17.34 Middle ordinate: 15.69 Radial Out: N65°06'04"E Point Northing Easting Direction PT 1993319.8282 6236745.8246 N24°531 56"W PC 1993333.3977 6236739.5262 RP 1993175.5158 6236399.3816 Curve Direction: CCW Radial in s6506'04ttw D.O.0 Arc: 15016'44" D.O.0 Chord: 15°19'28" Radius: 375.00 Delta angle: 28033'05" Tangent length: 95.42 Arc length: 186.87 Page 11 Distance 295.67 Distance 119.32 Distance 62.31 18.50 60.03 6.50 38.77 Distance 14.96 Chord Direction: N39itU29"W Chord length: 184.94 External: 11.95 Middle ordinate: 11.58 Radial Out: N36°32'59'tE Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993476.7685 6236622.7017 N5327'01"W 40.44 PC 1993500.8513 6236590.2146 RP 1993749.8868 6236774.8258 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: N3632'59"E D.O.0 Arc: 18°28'57" D.O.0 Chord: 1833'49" Radius: 310.00 Delta angle: 14°19'41" Tangent length: 38.96 Arc length: 77.52 Chord Direction: N46°17'11"W Chord length: 77.32 External: 2.44 Middle ordinate: 2.42 Radial out: 55052'40"W Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993554.2840 6236534.3273 N5114'51'tE 18.00 PC 1993565.5513 6236548.3647 RP 1993749.8865 6236774.8256 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: N50°51'18"E D.O.0 Arc: 19°37'19" D.O.0 Chord: 1943108tt Radius: 292.00 Delta angle: 1509'59" Tangent length: 38.87 Arc length: 77.29 Chord Direction: N31331 42"W Chord length: 77.07 External: 2.58 Middle ordinate: 2.55 Radial Out: S66°011 17"w Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993631.2190 6236508.0260 N23°58'43"W 25.93 PC 1993654.9112 6236497.4881 RP 1993438.3023 6236010.4875 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: S6601'17ttw D.O.0 Arc: 10°44'59" D.O.0 Chord: 1045'56" Radius: 533.00 Delta angle: 0643'16" Tangent length: 31.30 Arc length: 62.52 Chord Direction: N2720'21"W Chord length: 62.49 External: 0.92 Middle ordinate: 0.92 Radial Out: N59°18'01"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993710.4195 6236468.7901 N6637'55"E 15.76 1993716.6705 6236483.2574 s63°21'21"E 19.87 1993707.7598 6236501.0174 S23°22'05"E 32.15 PC 1993678.2469 6236513.7692 RP 1993855.5432 6236924.1045 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: N66°37'55"E D.O.0 Arc: 1249'04" D.O.0 Chord: 12°50'41" Radius: 447.00 Delta angle: 33°23'30" Tangent length: 134.07 Arc length: 260.51 Chord Direction: S4003'50"E Page 12 Chord length: 256.8'. External: 19.67 Middle ordinate: 18.84 Radial out: S33°14'25"W Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PRC 1993481.6817 6236679.0808 RP 1993119.5296 6236441.7313 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: 533°14'25"W D.O.0 Arc: 1313'56" D.O.0 Chord: 1315'43" Radius: 433.00 Delta angle: 31°30'30" Tangent length: 122.15 Arc length: 238.12 Chord Direction: s41°00'20ttE Chord length: 235.13 External: 16.90 Middle ordinate: 16.27 Radial Out: N6444'55"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PRC 1993304.2433 6236833.3559 RP 1993492.7964 6237233.1205 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: N64°44'55ttE D.O.0 Arc: 12°57'46" D.O.0 Chord: 1259'26" Radius: 442.00 Delta angle: 32°07'38" Tangent length: 127.27 Arc length: 247.84 Chord Direction: S41181 54"E chord length: 244.61 External: 17.96 Middle ordinate: 17.26 Radial Out: S32*37'17"W Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PRC 1993120.5214 6236994.8448 RP 1992848.4742 6236820.7203 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: S32°37'17"W D.O.0 Arc: 17°44'19" D.O.0 Chord: 17*48'37" Radius: 323.00 Delta angle: 22°47'14" Tangent length: 65.09 Arc length: 128.46 Chord Direction: S45°59'06"E Chord length: 127.62 External: 6.49 Middle ordinate: 6.37 Radial Out: N5524'31"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993031.8478 6237086.6209 s58°37'29"w 85.43 1992987.3694 6237013.6829 N310 221 31"W 33.38 PC 1993015.8684 6236996.3039 RP 1992941.4167 6236874.2140 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: s58°37'29"w D.O.0 Arc: 40004'01" D.O.0 Chord: 40°55'55" Radius: 143.00 Delta angle: 05003t45tt Tangent length: 6.32 Arc length: 12.64 Chord Direction: N33°541 24"W Chord length: 12.63 External: 014 Middle ordinate: 0.14 Radial Out: N5333'44"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance Page 13 PT 199u6.3515 6236989.2578 s°37'29"W 364.36 PC 1992836.6506 6236678.1761 RP 1993007.4057 6236574.0479 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: N3122'31"W D.O.0 Arc: 28°38'52" D.O.0 Chord: 28°57'18" Radius: 200.00 Delta angle: 35°37'49" Tangent length: 64.27 Arc length: 124.37 Chord Direction: s76°26'23"w Chord length: 122.38 External: 10.07 Middle ordinate: 9.59 Radial Out: SO4°15'18"w Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1992807.9570 6236559.2088 N85°44'42"W 187.59 PC 1992821.8753 6236372.1358 RP 1992787.0204 6236323.2980 Curve Direction: CCW Radial In: S5429'06ttw D.O.0 Arc: 9529'35" D.O.0 Chord: 112°53'07" Radius: 60.00 Delta angle: 2834'40" Tangent length: 15.28 Arc length: 29.93 Chord Direction: N4948'14"w Chord length: 29.62 External: 1.92 Middle ordinate: 1.86 Radial Out: N2554'26"E Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1992840.9905 6236349.5129 N6405'34"W 100.07 PC 1992884.7126 6236259.4997 RP 1993169.4952 6236397.8270 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: N2554'26'1 E D.O.0 Arc: 18°05'50" D.O.0 Chord: 1810'24" Radius: 316.60 Delta angle: 67*46'03" Tangent length: 212.62 Arc length: 374.46 Chord Direction: N3012'33"w Chord length: 353.02 External: 64.77 Middle ordinate: 53.77 Radial Out: N86°19'31"W Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993189.7867 6236081.8780 N0340'29"E 399.47 PC 1993588.4354 6236107.4808 RP 1993575.7990 6236304.2355 Curve Direction: CW Radial In: S8619'31"E D.O.0 Arc: 29003138tt D.O.0 Chord: 29°22'53" Radius: 197.16 Delta angle: 4335b04tt Tangent length: 78.83 Arc length: 149.98 Chord Direction: N25°28'01"E Chord length: 146.39 External: 15.17 Middle ordinate: 14.09 Radial Out: N42*44127'tW Point Northing Easting Direction Distance PT 1993720.5995 6236170.4263 N47°15'33"E 72.24 PC 1993769.6275 6236223.4816 RP 1993813.6934 6236182.7606 Page 14 Curve Direction: Radial In: D.O.0 Arc: D.O.0 Chord: Radius: Delta angle: Tangent length: Arc length: Chord Direction: Chord length: External: Middle ordinate: Radial Out: Point Northing End 1993801.2591 Error of Closure Departure in v (Northing) Departure in X (Easting): Easti ng 6236241.4580 1 : 545724 -0.0043 -0.0085 CCW N42°44'27"W 95 29'35" 112 0 53 07" 60.00 35 17 ' 55" 19.09 36.96 N29°36' 35"E 36.38 2.96 2.82 S7802'22"E Direction Distance Page 15