DWG. NO. 428-9H
CT 15-08
Excel Engineering
440 State Place
Escondido, CA 92029
(760) 745-8118
November 9, 2015
User Name: kwilkins Date: 09-15-15
Project: 14-100 MarBrisa Phase III ms Time: 12:25:15
Prismoidal Volume Results Page: 1
Prismoidal Volume Results
Original Surface Model: to-exist
Final Surface Model: ms3-break
Cut Compaction Factor: 0.00
Fill Compaction Factor: 0.00
Raw Cut Volume: 29463.25 cu yd
Compacted Cut Volume: 0.00 cu yd
Total Cut Volume: 29463.25 cu yd
Raw Fill Volume: 25987.46 cu yd
Compacted Fill Volume: 0.00 cu yd
Total Fill Volume: 25987.46 cu yd
Building 9" section
110,463 SF (0.75') = 94,197 CF or 3,489 CY
Flatwork 4" section
88,175 SF (0.33') = 29,392 CF or 1,089 CY
Light Duty pavement section 3.5" over 9"
93,097 SF (1.04') = 96,976 CF = 3,592 CY
Auto Parking and driveways 3" over 6"
53,111 SF (0.75') = 39,833 CF or 1,475 CY
Pools & Spas (Average 5' deep)
3,696 SF (5') = 18,480 CF = 684 CY
Building Footings
13,851 CF= 513 CY
Bio-Retention Areas (3' deep)
119289 SF (3') = 339867 CF or 1,254 CY
Total Cut = 41,560 CY, Total Fill = 25,988 CY Export 15.572 CY
Per the soils report performed for the project by MTGL, dated April 24, all existing fill
material within the footprint of the buildings it to be excavated down to native material.
Per the bore logs included in the report it was estimated that approximately 16,037 CY of
fill will need to be removed and re-compacted.
The Volumes commands allow you to calculate the volumes between two surfaces using the
prismoidal or slice method. The volume calculations using the prismoidal formula are very accurate.
The prismoidal method uses a form of finite element analysis and is a true volume calculation.
Obviously, the volume calculation is as accurate as the data entered. The prismoidal method first
projects each side of the triangle onto an existing surface model. This allows Site Design to locate
the intersecting points on the surface model. Next, the intersecting points are projected onto the
triangle as shown in the figure below, producing subregions with corresponding prisms. The
prismoidal method then averages the surface of the two true plane areas (which is the true area of
the prism), multiplied by the length between the planes. The length between planes is the distance
between the centroid of each proposed and existing subregion mass or polygon region. With the slice
method, Site Design calculates the prismoidal volumes and breaks the volume up into slices. All of
the slice volumes are then added to compute the total volume. If a boundary is not specified, the
program calculates volumes wherever the surface models overlap. If the proposed surface model
doesn't exactly tie into the original surface model, Site Design assumes a vertical wall between the
two surface models at the edge of the proposed surface model. If the proposed surface model
extends outside of the original surface model, Site Design assumes a vertical well at the edge of the
original surface model. The volume is not calculated in the area where a void region exists in either of
the two surface models.
Prismoidal Volume Calculation Method in Isometric View
In addition to the volume calculation routines, you have the ability to balance volumes on a site and
create a new "balanced" surface model. When doing volume balancing, you have the ability to
balance to an exact balance or to a balance with an excess or deficiency. The commands in Volumes
will also generate volume reports that can be printed out or placed in the CAD graphic.
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