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- .41Pbec1 one engineering inc ORDijy :trtai Date Anchor Retaining Wall Structural Calculations for PA-5 Phase 3 City of Carlsbad, California CT 15-08 DWG 428-9H April 11, 2016 W.O. #641-499 Prepared by: Matthew M. Merritt, P.E Red One Engineering, Inc. 1295 Distribution Way Vista, Ca 92081 Prepared for: Geogrid Retaining Wall Systems, Inc. 1295 Distribution Way Vista, Ca 92081 I ied one engineering Inc April 11, 2016 W.O. #641-499 Geogrid Retaining Walls Inc. 1295 Distribution Way Vista, CA 92081 Attention: Mr. Mike Stevenson Subject: Anchor Retaining Wall Structural Calculations PA-5 Phase 3 City of Carlsbad, California Please find enclosed the structural wall calculations for the PA-5 Phase 3 Anchor retaining walls. The geogrid reinforced Anchor retaining walls were designed using the MSEW design software developed by Adama Engineering in accordance with AASHTO/FHWA allowable stress design methodology. The gravity Anchor retaining wall was designed in accordance with the Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls, 3rd Edition, using the SRWall 4.0 (release 4.05) design software developed by National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA). The retaining walls have been designed for internal and external wall stability only. The Geotechnical Engineer of Record shall confirm site global stability. The General contractor/developer shall coordinate the installation of all subterranean construction within the reinforced zone of the Anchor walls. Red One Engineering, Inc. shall be consulted prior to any excavation within the reinforced zone. All efforts shall be made to coordinate the installation of subterranean features during wall construction to limit future disturbance of the geogrid reinforcement. Anchor Retaining Wall Systems are active systems and may exhibit slight movement or creep over time as the geogrid reinforcement elongate to develop full tensile resistance. The owner should be aware that structures and pavement placed within the reinforced or retained zones of the wall may undergo movement that can lead to surface cracking. It is recommended that the compacted soil in the reinforced and retained zones be allowed to consolidate for a time up to 45 days to allow for the elongation of the geogrid reinforcement. This will allow for any slight movement or creep to occur before placement of structures or pavement on top of the fill and further mitigate the possibility of surface cracking. It is also recommended a maintenance program be implemented by the property owner to monitor and repair any cracking in the finished surface above the Anchor retaining wall to prevent water infiltration and hydrostatic pressures. 1295 distribution way, vista, california 92081 phone 760.410.1665 facsimile 760.509.0078 matt©redlengineering.com Soil design parameters are based upon the Segmental Retaining Wall Soil Design Parameters by MTGL, Inc. dated March 23, 2016. All soil design parameters shall be confirmed by the geotechnical engineer prior to the commencement of construction. The owner shall provide a special inspector, approved by the City of Carlsbad, to observe the wall installation to satisfy the special inspection requirements as noted on the Title Sheet and Notes of the Anchor Retaining Wall Plans. Please contact the undersigned with any questions regarding the Anchor Retaining Wall Structural Calculations or the Anchor Retaining Wall Plans. Sincerely, Red One Engineering, Inc. Matthew M. Merritt RCE #68429 1295 distribution way, vista, california 92081 phone 760.410.1665 facsimile 760.509.0078 matt©redlengineering.com ABBREVIATIONS: f = soil internal friction angle c = soil cohesion value g = soil unit weight in pounds per cubic foot Tult = ultimate tensile strength RFcr = creep reduction factor RFd = durability reduction factor RF d = installation damage reduction factor LIDS = long term design strength FS = factor of safety Tai = allowable tension T1 = peak connection tension Tsc = serviceability connection tension Ci = pullout soil interaction coefficient CdS = direct shear soil interaction coefficient GEOGRID REINFORCED WALLS MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 P e rn)asefFhne: Monpr I 4:26O :tive projectsPA-5 Phase 3\CaIculationsLEVEL H=7.BEN AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD PA-5 PHASE 3 MSEW(3.0: Update # 14.93 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: PA-5 PHASE 3 Project Number: 641-499 Client: GEOGRID RWS, INC. Designer: MMM Station Number: Description: H=7, LEVEL BACKFILL, ANCHOR VERTICA BLOCK, MIRAFI GEOGRID Company's information: Name: Red One Engineering Street: 1295 Distribution Way Vista, CA 92081 Telephone #: 760-410-1665 Fax #: 760-509-0078 E-Mail: matt@redlengineering.com Original file path and name: R:\1 Active projects\PA-5 Phase 3\Calculations\LEVEL H= .....tions\LEVEL H=7'.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: 4/8/16 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as reinforcing material. PA-5 PHASE 3 Page l of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Present,flate!Fime: Mon Apr 1114:26:002016 tive projectsPA-5 Phase 3\CalculationsLEVEL H=7.BEN SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIL Unit weight, 'y 126.0 lb/ft 3 Design value of internal angle of friction, 4) 35.0 RETAINED SOIL Unit weight, y 126.0 lb/ft 3 Design value of internal angle of friction, 4) 35.0 FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight, 'Y,v. 126.0 lb/ft 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction, (I)equiv. 35.0 Equivalent cohesion, c equiv. 0.0 lb/ft 2 Water table does not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability) = 0.2710 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane, W = 62.500 (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability) = 0.2710 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise, eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Nc = 46.12 N y= 48.03 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.450 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.450 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.225 => Kh = Am = 0.225 (Kh in External Stability is based on allowable displacement, d = 55 mm. using FHWA-NIII-00-043 equation) Kae (Kh >0) = 0.4005 Kae ( Kh =0) = 0.2579 A Kae = 0.1426 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 2 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Present DatefFime: Mon Apr 1114:26:002016 ctive projectsPA-5 Phase 3\Ca1cuIationsLEVEL H=7'.BEN INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) D A T A Geogrid Geogrid Geogrid. Geogrid Geogrid type #1 type #2 tvoe #3 type #4 type #5 Tult [lb/ft] 3500.0 4700.0 7400.0 9500.0 Durability reduction factor, RFd 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 Installation-damage reduction factor, RFid 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 Creep reduction factor, RFc 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 N/A Fs-overall for strength N/A N/A N/A N/A Coverage ratio, Rc 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Friction angle along geogrid-soil interface, p 30.00 30.00 Pullout resistance factor, F* 0.85-tar 0.85-tan Scale-effect correction factor, a 1.0 1.0 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth 30.00 30.00 0.85-tan 0.85-tan N/A Voe 1.0 1.0 Z K/Ka 0.0 1.0 2.0 K/Ka 3.0 Oft 1.00 U 3.3 ft 1.00 Z[ft] 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 3 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-30 1738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Pre,entDaleITime: Mon Apr 1114:26:002016 ctiye projectsPA-5 Phase 3Calcu1ationsLEVEL H=7.BEN INPUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) ****** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. FACIA type: Facing enabling frictional connection of reinforcement (e.g., modular concrete blocks, gabions) Depth/height of block is 1.00/0.67 ft. Horizontal distance to Center of Gravity of block is 0.50 ft. Average unit weight of block is Yr = 130.00 lb/ft 3 Z / Hd To-static / Tmax or To-seismic / Tmd 0.00 1.00 0.25 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 Top of wall Z/Hd 0.00 0.25 0.50- 0.75 1.00- 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-static / Tmax or To-seismic / Tmd Geogrid Type #1 Geogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type #3 Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 a CRult (2) a CRult a CRult a CRult CF CRult 0.0 1.00 0.0 1.00 0.0 1.00 0.0 1.00 N/A Geogrid Type #1 Geogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type #3 a CRcr a CRcr a CRcr 0.0 0.26 0.0 0.25 0.0 0.14 3150.0 0.55 3071.0 0.53 3094.0 0.41 3730.0 0.58 3767.0 0.44 ° a = Confining stress in between stacked blocks [lb/ft 2] CRult = Tc-ult / Tult CRcr = Tcre / Tult Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 a CRcr a CRcr 0.0 0.18 3722.0 0.41 N/A In seismic analysis, long term strength is reduced to 80% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) Type #1 Type #2 Type #3 Type #4 Type #5 Product Name Mirafi 3XT Mirafi SXT Mirafi 8XT Mirafi 10.. N/A Connection strength reduction factor, RFd 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 N/A Creep reduction factor, RFc N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 4 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 PresenzDateITinie: Mon Apr 1114:26:00 2016, INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height, Hd 7.00 [ft] { Embedded depth is E = 1.00 ft, and height above top of finished bottom grade is H = 6.00 ft) Batter, w 2.0 [deg] Backsiope, I 0.0 [deg] Backsiope rise 0.0 [ft] Broken back equivalent angle, I = 0.000 (see Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) UNIFORM SURCHARGE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 [lb/ft 2] OTHER EXTERNAL LOAD(S) [Si] Strip Load, Qv-d E.QQJnd Qv-1 = 250.0 [lb/ft 2]. Footing width, 100.0 [ft]. Distance of center of footing from wall face, d = 53.0 [ft] @ depth of 0.0 [ft] below soil surface. ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6[ft] -- ----I PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 5 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-30 1738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 9.34, Meyerhof stress = 1240 lb/ft2. oundation Interface: Direct sliding. Fs = 2.311. Eccentricity. e/L = 0.1626. Fs-overturnin = 2.93 GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 0.67 5.00 1 2.23 3.61 3.610 9.681 2.034 0.1389 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 5.00 1 2.23 3.89 3.887 5.648 2.541 0.0785 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 5.00 1 4.20 7.92 7.922 4.569 3.366 0.0335 Mirafi 3XT 4 5.33 5.00 1 4.21 8.17 8.170 2.982 3.767 0.0220 Mirafi 3XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 3.86, Meyerhof stress = 1928 lb/ft2. PAl1nhitnn Tntprf,pp flirppt Q1Irlinn P 1 T7A ntrrhu p/f A 11 Pc..rvprtiirnna 1 57 GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Ps Fs Fs 1 0.67 5.00 1 1.52 2.74 2.738 5.132 1.228 0.2617 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 5.00 1 1.57 3.06 3.057 3.151 1.631 0.1356 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 5.00 1 2.83 5.63 5.626 2.212 2.414 0.0499 Mirafi 3XT 4 5.33 5.00 1 2.89 5.96 5.957 1.497 2.863 0.0304 Mirafi 3XT PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 6 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Present DatelTirne: Mon Apr 1114:26:002016 Ave projects\PA-5 Phase 3Ca1culationsLEVEL H=7.BEN BEARING CAPACITY for GIVEN LAYOUT STATIC SEISMIC UNITS (Water table does not affect bearing capacity) Ultimate bearing capacity, q-ult 11573 7439 [lb/ft 2] Meyerhof stress, av 1239.6 1928 [lb/ft 2] Eccentricity, e 0.59 1.27 [ft] Eccentricity, eIL 0.118 0.254 Fs calculated 9.34 3.86 Base length 5.00 5.00 [ft] SCALE: 0 2 4 6[ft] I-. ---- -'-- - -i- -- PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 701 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-30 1738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 PreseniQate/Tinie: Mon Apr 1114:26:002016 ;tive projectsPA.5 Phase 3\CalcuIationsLEVEL H7.BEN DIRECT SLIDING for GIVEN LAYOUT (for GEOGRID reinforcements) Along reinforced and foundation soils interface: Ps-static = 2.311 and Fs-seismic = 1.374 # Geogrid Geogrid Fs Fs Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft] [ft] 1 0.67 5.00 2.034 1.228 1 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 5.00 2.541 1.631 1 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 5.00 3.366 2.414 1 Mirafi 3XT 4 5.33 5.00 3.767 2.863 1 Mirafi 3XT ECCENTRICITY for GIVEN LAYOUT At interface with foundation: e/L static = 0.1626, e/L seismic = 0.3132; Overturning: Fs-static = 2.93, Fs-seismic = 1.57 # Geogrid Geogrid e /L e /L Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft] [ft] 1 0.67 5.00 0.1389 0.2617 1 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 5.00 0.0785 0.1356 1 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 5.00 0.0335 0.0499 1 Mirafi 3XT 4 5.33 5.00 0.0220 0.0304 1 Mirafi 3XT PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 8 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Presenl)atefFime: Mon Apr 1114:26:002016 dive projects\PA-5 Phase 3\CaIcuIalionsLEVEL H7.BEN RESULTS for STRENGTH Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Tavailable Tmax Tmd Specified Actual Specified Actual Elevation [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [lb/ft] minimum calculated minimum calculated Product [ft] Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall name static static seismic seismic 1 0.67 1654 458.24 233.23 N/A 3.610 N/A 2.738 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 1654 425.58 184.77 N/A 3.887 N/A 3.057 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 1654 208.79 136.31 N/A 7.922 N/A 5.626 Mirafi 3XT 4 5.33 1654 202.46 120.32 N/A 8.170 N/A 5.957 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for PULLOUT Live Load included in calculating Tmax NOTE: Live load is not included in calculating the overburden pressure used to assess pullout resistance. # Geogrid Coverage Tmax Tmd Le La Avail.Static Specified Actual Avail.Seism. Specified Actual Elevation Ratio [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [ft] [ft] Pullout, Pr Static Static Pullout, Pr Seismic Seismic [ft] (see NOTE) [lb/ft] Fs Fs [lb/ft] Fs Fs 1 0.67 1.000 458.2 233.2 4.67 0.33 4436.1 N/A 9.681 3548.9 N/A 5.132 2 2.67 1.000 425.6 184.8 3.70 1.30 2403.7 N/A 5.648 1923.0 N/A 3.151 3 4.67 1.000 208.8 136.3 2.73 2.27 954.0 N/A 4.569 763.2 N/A 2.212 4 5.33 1.000 202.5 120.3 2.41 2.59 603.8 N/A 2.982 483.0 N/A 1.497 PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 9 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Present PatefFime: Mon Apr]] 14:26:00 2016 dive projectsPA-5 Phase 3\Calculations\LEV€L H=7.BEN RESULTS for CONNECTION (static conditions) ****** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogrid connection Geogrid Product [f1 bIft] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-term Tavailable strength) strength) bIftJ Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRcr Vb/ftl 1 0.67 458 1.00 0.34 1022 1654 N/A 2.23 N/A 3.61 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 426 1.00 0.31 949 1654 N/A 2.23 N/A 3.89 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 209 1.00 0.29 876 1654 N/A 4.20 N/A 7.92 Mirafi 3XT 4 5.33 202 1.00 0.28 852 1654 N/A 4.21 N/A 8.17 Miraf13XT RESULTS for CONNECTION (seismic conditions) ****** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogrid connection Geognd Product [ft] [lb/ft] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-term Tavailable strength) strength) [lb/ft] Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRcr [lb/ft] 1 0.67 691 1.00 0.27 818 1654 N/A 1.52 N/A 2.74 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 610 1.00 0.25 759 1654 N/A 1.57 N/A 3.06 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 345 1.00 0.23 701 1654 N/A 2.83 N/A 5.63 Mirafi 3XT 4 5.33 323 1.00 0.22 682 1654 N/A 2.89 N/A 5.96 Mirafi3XT PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 10 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 I MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls I Present pate/Time: Mon Apr 1114:25:322016 13JMSEW N S. V.(S. NSMSEW V.NS. jfllfl V.,* NO MOW 0*00,. 3 00*0000 Sf350 PA-5 PHASE 3 ,ctive projects\PA-5 Phase 3\CaIcu1ationsLEVEL H=4.BEN AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD PA-5 PHASE 3 MSEW(3.0: Undate # 14.93 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: PA-5 PHASE 3 Project Number: 641-499 Client: GEOGRID RWS, INC. Designer: MMM Station Number: Description: H=4', LEVEL BACKFILL, ANCHOR VERTICA BLOCK, MIRAFI GEOGRII) Company's information: Name: Red One Engineering Street: 1295 Distribution Way Vista, CA 92081 Telephone #: 760410-1665 Fax #: 760-509-0078 E-Mail: matt@redlengineering.com Original ifie path and name: R:\1 Active projectsPA-5 Phase 3\Calculations\LEVEL H= .....tions\LEVEL H=4'.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: 4/8/16 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as reinforcing material. PA-5 PHASE 3 Pagel of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-30 1738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Presenj)atetFime: Mon Apr 1114:25:322016 ctive projectsPA-5 Phase 3CaIculationsLEVEL H=4.BEN SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIL Unit weight, 'Y 126.0 lb/ft 3 Design value of internal angle of friction, 4) 35.0 0 RETAINED SOIL Unit weight, y 126.0 lb/ft 3 Design value of internal angle of friction, 4) 35.0 FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight, 'Yw. 126.0 lb/ft 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction, 4)equiv. 35.0 Equivalent cohesion, c equiv. 0.0 lb/ft 2 Water table does not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability) = 0.2710 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane, W = 62.50° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability) = 0.2710 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise, eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Nc = 46.12 N y= 48.03 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.450 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.450 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.225 => Kh = Am = 0.225 (Kh in External Stability is based on allowable displacement, d = 55 mm. using FHWA-NHI-00-043 equation) Kae ( Kh > 0 ) = 0.4005 Kae(Kh=0) =0.2579 A Kae=0.1426 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 2 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Preaent.tlateiTime: Mon Apr 1114:25:322016 Aftctive projects\PA-5 Phase 3\Ca1culations'LEVEL H=4'.BEN INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) D A T A Geogrid Geogrid Geogrid Geogrid Geogrid tvøe #1 tvie #2 tvoe #3 type #4 type #5 Tuft [lb/ft] 3500.0 4700.0 7400.0 9500.0 Durability reduction factor, RFd 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 Installation-damage reduction factor, RFid 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 Creep reduction factor, RFc 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 N/A Fs-overall for strength N/A N/A N/A N/A Coverage ratio, Rc 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Friction angle along geogrid-soil interface, p 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 Pullout resistance factor, F* 0.85.tar4 0.85-tan 0.85-tan 0.85-tan N/A Scale-effect correction factor, a 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth Z K/Ka 0.0 1.0 2.0 K/Ka 3.0 Oft 1.00 U 3.3 ft 1.00 Z[ft] 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 3 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-30 1738 Z / Hd To-static / Tmax or To-seismic / Tmd 0.00 1.00 0.25 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 PresentQateITime: Mon Apr 1114:25:322016 ctive projects\PA-5 Phase 3Ca1cuIationsLEVEL H4.B0N v3OMsEWV*,MSEW UMs,WV.,IWV3SMnWV,a.o.UM5RWV1OMSEI EWV3QMSEWV*,JMWV,OMSEWV,Dm,WV,O,n,Wwth.,,MnWV.,DRnEWV ,V,MnWV@,,OMSEWY3eMnWY.,b,WM,,WYaWMSEWY*,.Q______ INPUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. FACIA type: Facing enabling frictional connection of reinforcement (e.g., modular concrete blocks, gabions) Depth/height of block is 1.00/0.67 ft. Horizontal distance to Center of Gravity of block is 0.50 ft. Average unit weight of block is Yf = 130.00 lb/ft 3 Top of wall Z/Hd 0.00-- - - - 0.25 0.50 0.75 i.oe- 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-static / Tmax or To-seismic / Tmd Geogrid Type #1 Geogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type #3 a (1) CRult (2) a CRult a CRult 0.0 1.00 0.0 1.00 0.0 1.00 Geogrid Type #4 a CRult 0.0 1.00 Geogrid Type #5 CF CRult N/A Geogrid Type #1 Geogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type #3 a CRcr a CRcr a CRcr 0.0 0.26 0.0 0.25 0.0 0.14 3150.0 0.55 3071.0 0.53 3094.0 0.41 3730.0 0.58 3767.0 0.44 Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 a CRcr CF CRcr 0.0 0.18 3722.0 0.41 N/A a = Confining stress in between stacked blocks [lb/ft 2] CRult = Tc-ult / Tult CRcr = Tcre / mit In seismic analysis, long term strength is reduced to 80% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) Type #1 Type #2 Type #3 Type #4 Type #5 Product Name Mirafi 3XT Mirafi 5XT Mirafi 8XT Mirafi 10.. N/A Connection strength reduction factor, RFd 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 N/A Creep reduction factor, RFc N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 4 of 10 Copyright© 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-30 1738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Present 1?atelTime: Mon Apr 11 14:25:32 2016 !EWV3UEWY..3IWV3IMUWVSflWVfl*.3JM0WV3QMZEWY..3DIWW% wVio,wWVXOM0WV,S3DM0WV.*tOFWV,.w!WV, INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height, Hd 4.70 [ft] (Embedded depth is E = 1.00 ft, and height above top of finished bottom grade is H = 3.70 ft} Batter, w 2.0 [deg] Backsiope, 0.0 [deg] Backslope rise 0.0 [ft] Broken back equivalent angle, I = 0.000 (see Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) UNIFORM SURCHARGE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 [lb/ft 2] OTHER EXTERNAL LOAD(S) [Si] Strip Load, Qv-d = 0.0 and Qv-1 = 250.0 [lb/ft 2]. Footing width, b=100.0 [ft]. Distance of center of footing from wall face, d = 53.0 [It] @ depth of 0.0 [ft] below soil surface. ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6[ft] — 4 --.. — — — - —i PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 5 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-30 1738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Preseni patefl'ime: Mon Apr 1114:25:322016 ,ctive projectsPA-5 Phase 3\Calculations'tLEVEL H-4.BEN WY..,MEWYSRlSRWv.,..MnwV,JM!wv.*,M4wwY..oJ ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 12.42, Meyerhof stress = 785 lb/ft2. Foundation Interface: Direct sliding. Fs = 2.347. Eccentricity. e/L = 0.1415. Fs-overtumin = 3.36 GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 0.67 4.00 1 4.26 7.51 7.505 10.074 2.103 0.1133 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 4.00 1 5.52 10.55 10.553 5.250 2.825 0.0451 Mirafi 3XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 7.17, Meyerhof stress = 1033 lb/ft2. Pniin,iotinn Tnterfopp flirpgt dicIno Pc 1 £1R1 Ppi'pntritv p/ A 24'73 Pc..nvprtiirnno 1 OR GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 0.67 4.00 1 2.73 5.01 5.014 4.490 1.367 0.1907 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 4.00 1 3.58 6.97 6.970 2.304 2.076 0.0645 Mirafi 3XT PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 6 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Preseo patefrime: Mon Apr 1114:25:32 2016 dive projectsPA-5 Phase 3C2Icu1ationsLEVEL H=4'.BEN BEARING CAPACITY for GIVEN LAYOUT STATIC SEISMIC UNITS (Water table does not affect bearing capacity) Ultimate bearing capacity, q-ult 9751 7405 [lb/ft 2] Meyerhof stress, av 784.8 1033 [lb/ft 2] Eccentricity, e 0.39 0.78 [ft] Eccentricity, e/L 0.097 0.194 Fs calculated 12.42 7.17 Base length 4.00 4.00 [ft] SCALE: 0 2 4 6[ft] I.-- ,.----- ------.- -.-.-- -I PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 7 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Preseni patefrinie: Mon Apr 1114:25:322016 WVIflUEWV.3DMSEWV,.OMnWV,O,FWV,OMnWV,JMEWWS..3OMSW, ctive projectsPA-5 Phase 3CaIcu1alionsLEVEL H=4.BEN wv,,,anwv,.ninwvms.MMs,wy,ni,wy.*.,nusnwv____ DIRECT SLIDING for GIVEN LAYOUT (for GEOGRID reinforcements) Along reinforced and foundation soils interface: Fs-static = 2.347 and Fs-seismic = 1.486 # Geogrid Geogrid Fs Fs Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft] [ft] 1 0.67 4.00 2.103 1.367 1 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 4.00 2.825 2.076 1 Mirafi 3XT ECCENTRICITY for GIVEN LAYOUT At interface with foundation: e/L static = 0.1415, e/L seismic = 0.2472; Overturning: Fs-static = 3.36, Fs-seismic = 1.98 # Geogrid Geogrid e / L e/L Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft] [ft] 1 0.67 4.00 0.1133 0.1907 1 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 4.00 0.0451 0.0645 1 Mirafi 3XT PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 8 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 I PresentDate/Time: Mon Apr 1114:25:322016 :tive projectsPA-5 Phase 3CaIcuIationsLEVEL H=4.BEN RESULTS for STRENGTH Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Tavailable Tmax Tmd Specified Actual Specified Actual Elevation [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [lb/ft] minimum calculated minimum calculated Product [ft] Fs-overall Fs-overall Ps-overall Ps-overall name static static seismic seismic 1 0.67 1654 220.39 175.22 N/A 7.505 N/A 5.014 Mirafi3XT 2 2.67 1654 156.74 128.90 N/A 10.553 N/A 6.970 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for PULLOUT Live Load included in calculating Tmax NOTE: Live load is not included in calculating the overburden pressure used to assess pullout resistance. # Geogrid Coverage Tmax Tmd Le La Avail.Static Specified Actual Avail.Seism. Specified Actual Elevation Ratio [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [ft] [ft] Pullout, Pr Static Static Pullout, Pr Seismic Seismic [ft] (see NOTE) [lb/ft] Fs Fs [lb/fl] Fs Fs 1 0.67 1.000 220.4 175.2 3.67 0.33 2220.3 N/A 10.074 1776.2 N/A 4.490 2 2.67 1.000 156.7 128.9 2.70 1.30 822.8 N/A 5.250 658.3 N/A 2.304 PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 9 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-30 1738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PA-5 PHASE 3 Present DateTime: Mon Apr 1114:25:332016 dive projectn\PA-5 Phase 3\Ca1cuIationALEVEL H=4'.BEN RESULTS for CONNECTION (static conditions) ****** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogñd Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogñd connection Geogrid Product [ftj rb/ft] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-term Tavailable strength) strength) rb/ft] Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRcr[lb/fill 1 0.67 220 1.00 0.31 938 1654 N/A 4.26 N/A 7.51 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 157 1.00 0.28 865 1654 N/A 5.52 N/A 10.55 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for CONNECTION (seismic conditions) ****** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geognd connection Geogñd Product Efti [lb/Il] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-term Tavailable strength) strength) nb/ft] Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRcr lb/Ill 1 0.67 396 1.00 0.25 750 1654 N/A 2.73 N/A 5.01 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 286 1.00 0.23 692 1654 N/A 3.58 N/A 6.97 Mirafi 3XT PA-5 PHASE 3 Page 10 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 GRAVITY WALL SRWaIl (Version 4) Report Project Identification Project ID Project Name Owner Client Prepared By Company Address Telephone Section Project File Vendor Data File Date and Time 641-499 PA-5 PHASE 3 GEOGRID RWS, INC. MMM SLOPE H=2' SLOPE H2'.prj 10/1312015 15:13:15 Type of Structure : Gravity Wall Wall Geometry Design Wall Height(ft) : 2.67 Embedment Wall Height(ft) : 0.50 Exposed Wall Design Height(ft) :2.17 Number of Segmental Wall Units : 4 Wall Inclination(degrees) : 2.00 Grades Top Slope(degrees) : 26.60 Broken Back Distance(ft) : 6.00 Uniform Distributed Surcharge Live Load Surcharge(Psf) : 0.00 Dead Load Surcharge(Psf) : 0.00 Soil Data Soil Zone Description Cohesion (c) FrictionUnit Angle(D) Weight (psf) (degrees) Retained Soil NIA 35.00 126.00 Leveling Pad Soil NIA 40.00 100.00 Foundation Soil 35.00 126.00 Segmental Unit Data Segmental Unit Name : Vertica Pro 2 Degree Batter Cap Height (Inches) :4.00 Unit Height (Hu)(lnches) : 8.00 Unit Width (Wu)(lnches) : 20.00 Unit Length (Inches) :18.00 Setback (Inches) : 0.28 Weight (lnfilled)(lb) : 215.00 Unit Weight (lnfilled)(pcf) :129.00 Center of Gravity(Inches) :10.00 Unit-Unit Interface Properties Minimum Shear Capacity(lblft) Shear Friction Angle Maximum Shear Capacity (IbIft) 1257.00 6.00 2000.00 Vertical Components Vertical Components of Earth Pressures Used : No Cofficients of Earth Pressure and Failure Plane Orientation Retained Soil(Static)(Ka) : 0.355 Retained Soil(Static)(Kah Horizontal Component) : 0.298 External Modified Back Slope(Bext) : 26.600 Orientation of failure plane from horizontal(degrees) for 50.160 External Stability Result of External Stability Static Analysis Calculated Design Criteria FOS Sliding 2.28 > 1.50 FOS Overturning 3.78 > 1.50 FOS Bearing Capacity 23.18 > 2.00 Base Footing (B)(ft) 2.17 Results of Internal Stability Static Analysis SRW Unit # Heel Elev (ft) FOS Shear >=1.50 4 2.00 137.53 3 1.33 34.79 2 0.67 15.64 Wall Geometry Layout 6.00 ft 14 2.67 ft T 0.50 ft Project Identification Project ID :641-499 Project Name : PA-5 PHASE 3 Owner Client : GEOGRID RWS, INC. Prepared By : MMM Company Address Telephone Section : SLOPE H2' Vendor Data File Project File : SLOPE H2'.prj Date and Time :10113/2015 15:13:15 I * U RECEIVED JUN 10 2016 LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING