HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 16-29; LINCOLN RESIDENCE; REVIEW OF GEOTECHINCIAL REPORT; 2018-10-10NV5 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. David Rick. P.E. Subject: Review of Geotechnical Report Project: Proposed Single-Family Residence 5198 Shore Drive Carlsbad, California City Project: CDP16-29 PAS October 10, 2018 Project No.: 226816-00101.41 RECEIVED JAN 15 2019 LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING References: 1) "Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Single-Family Residence, 5198 Shore Drive, Carlsbad, California ", prepared by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., Project No. 8081.1, dated November 14, 2016. 2) "Technical Guidelines for Geotechnical Reports ' issued by the City of Carlsbad, dated January 1993. Dear Mr. Rick: As requested. NV5, West Inc. (NV5) has conducted a geotechnical review of the above-referenced geotechnical report for the proposed single-family residential project located at 5198 Shore Drive in Carlsbad, California. The purpose of the review was to provide an opinion on whether the geotechnical aspects of the project have been identified and appropriately addressed in the project geotechnical report. Our geotechnical review is based on geotechnical information presented in the referenced geotechnical report and our experience with the geotechnical conditions in the general site area. NV5 has not performed an independent geotechnical investigation at the project site and therefore does not offer or imply any guarantee or warranty as to future site performance. The opinions presented below are limited. Other consultants could arrive at different conclusions. This report presents a summary of the review. Review Summary Based on our review, the referenced geotechnical report for the proposed project has generally identified and addressed most of the significant geotechnical factors affecting the site development as currently proposed, and the report is approved. Note that acceptance or approval of the reports do not guarantee or constitute approval for grading or building permits. OFFICES NATON,VIOE 15002 AvluE OF SCIENCE. SuiTE 200 1 SAN DIEGO. CA 92 128 1 WWWAV5 COM I OFFICE 858 385 0500 J FAX 858 385 0400 CONSIRUCTION Ou*ur ASAURANCE INFRASrRucruFte EMERG PROGRAM MANAGEMENT EMVIRONMEMTAL * Review of Geotechnical Report Project No.: 226816-00101.41 Proposed Single-Family Residence 5198 Shore Drive Carlsbad, California NV5 appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact our office. - Respectfully submitted, NV5 West, Inc. Gene Custenborder, CEG 1319 ( Senior Engineering Geologist Ani /*;~' ; . I I' CETIPEL EHGIE 1' \\ \ GM.LLT / Attachment: Geotechnical Grading Checklist' --. GC/CH:ma Carl Henderson, PhD, GE 2886 CQA Group Director (San Diego) oFESSi Distribution: (1) Addressee, via email NIV5 FFI*E. NAT'Cl.-NE CONSTRUCTION OLIALITY ASSURANCE INrp4s1PUCTURE ENGINEERING MupiICipa. OUTSOURCING - ASSET MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES [T GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check Number: CDP1629 PAS Location I Address: 5198 Shore Dr., Carlsbad City Plan Checker Date: 10/10/2018 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT - GENERAL .... . .. ... .. .. OK NOT MET N/A Signed by RCEIGE 1 0 0 Signed by CEG (Required for Hillside Area) 0 0 Project Address 10 0 Location Index Map with reference north, scale, etc. . 0. 0 Site Description (topography, vegetation, existing structures/improvements, drainage) 0 0 Description of Proposed Development (grading, structures/improvements, drainage, use, foundation type, estimated. structural loads) - - GOTECHNIcM. REPORT - FIELDINVESTIGAfl9N MET Site Specific Subsurface Investigation it fj 0 Description of Investigative and Sampling Methods 0 0 Boring/Test Pit Logs (Soil/Bedrock descriptions with depth, type and depth indicated for sampling, real or assumed elevation indicated, groundwater conditions) - o o Sampling performed to anticipated depth of foundations and/or deepest excavation 0 0 Boring/Test Pits located on Geotechnical Map/Plot Plan 1 0 0 Revised 5/10/2018 1 oz 7 Seismic Design Category GEOTECHNICAL REPORT - GEOLOGIC HAZARDS OK NOT MET N/A Landslide it 0 0 Expansive Soils / 0 0 Surficial Slope Instability 0 0 ji Slope Creep 0 0 it Groundwater i o o Total and Differential Settlement it 0 0 Sulfate 0 0 Liquefaction 0 0 Affect of liquefiable soils on utilities and lifeline services outside of structural mitigation 0 0 Seismic Induced Landsliding . 0 0 / Tsunami Potential J1 o o GEOT.ECHNIçAL RE?ORTdLLUSTRATIONS OK NOT MET. NIA Geotechnical Map I Plot Plan / 0 t Existing topography I improvements in 0 0 Proposed topography/improvements Locaon of subsurface exploration (borings, test pits, etc.) . 0 0 Geologic Contacts . 0 0 . Geologic Structure 0 0 / Location of fill key I buttress 0 0 Geologic Cross-Section . . 0 0 Existing topography I improvements 0 0 / Geotechoical Report Checklist Rjvied 5110!2019 Page E Proposed topography I improvements 0 0 7 Location of subsurface exploration (borings, test pits, etc.) 0 0 Geologic Contacts 0 0 Geologic Structure 0 0 Slope setbacks 0 0 / Temporary cuts I shoring 0 0 1 Fill Key/ buttress U 0 / Slope benching 0 0 GEOTECHNICALREPOR. 6.-C US RECOMMENDATIONS" OK NOT MET NIA Statement as to feasibility of project 0 0 Statement as to impact on adjacent properties 0 0 Statement of the condition of slopes with respect to stability. 0 0 Slope stability analysis provided to support conclusion/recommendations 0 0 Statement regarding liquefaction potential :0 0 Uquefaction analysis provided to support conclusion/recommedations 0 0 / Grading Recommendations o Remedial grading 0 0 Compaction standards 0 0 Groundwater Mitigathn Q 0 Temporary excavation (backcuts, slopes) with time limit recommendations 0 0 Shoring 0 0 RI Benching 0 0 Keys I buttresses 0 0 / Canyon/Key Subdrains 0 0 / Foundation Recommendations Qeotechnica. Report Checklist Revi sed 5/1012016 ______ 2.tgc 4 I Expansive soil mitigation (CBC 1805) p 0 0 Description of approved embedment material (i.e. compacted fill, terrace deposits, etc) El El Minimum depth of embedment (into approved material) for foundations / 0 0 Minimum width of footings o o Minimum diameter of caissons Bearing capacity (end bearing for caissons) 0 0 Coefficient of friction (caisson skin friction) 0 0 / Lateral bearing 1 D o Down drag forces (liquefiable soils,) 0 0 / Lateral Spread forces (liquefiable soils) 0 0 / Foundation slope/trench setback El El Minimum reinforcement requirements 0 El Minimum slab thickness and reinforcement Stab underlayment / El 0 Soluable Sulfate exposure mitigation (typically cement type) / 0 13- Conventional Retaining Wall Recommendations Active pressures (level, sloping) it 0 0 Retaining wall backdrain or recommendation of additional hydrostatic pressure / 0 0 Backfill / 0 0 Surcharges 0 0. MSE Wall Recommendations (facing material, grid, backfill, stability analysis) 0 0 Flatwork I Hardscape recommendations including driveways (subgrade preparation, minimum stab thickness, reinforcement and joint spacing) - Roadway Pavement recommendations (section design, subgrade preparation) 0 0 Swimming Pool recommendations 0 0 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT - OBSERVATIONITESTIMG DURING CONSTRUCT1OM G,otecj%nical Report ChecKlUt Revised S/LU/21S ft9e 5 of 7 0 NOT MET NIA Footing Excavations 0 0 Subdrains 0 0 Caisson I Drilled Pier excavations (CBC Table 1704.9) 0 0 Pool Excavations 0 0 if Benching 0 0 11 Keyways 0 0 it Temporary excavations 0 0 gi Geologic mapping of bedrock excavations -. 0 0 of Retaining wall backfill 0 0 / Utility trench backfill Engineered fill Hardscape subgrade (driveways, patios, walkways, etc.) 0 0 / Import soils .. .. 0 o GEOTECHN!CAL REPORT REFERENCES ;.. .... OK NOT MET NIA Current I City adopted Building Code 0. 0 ar Grading Code Geotechnical reports I publications I geologic maps i 0 .0 Ariel photographs o 0 , Websites GEOTECHNICAL REPORT - COASTAL BLUFF OK NOT MET NIA Top of bluff designation (presented on geologic map and cross-sections) 0 0 Qeot.chittcal Report Checklist Revised f.3/038 Pig r .0 7 Anal photograph of site showing top of bluff 0 El Bluff retreat rate and total estimated retreat for a 50 year period 0 0 Codified Bluff top setback (presented on geologic map and cross-sections) 0 0 Slope stability analysis 0 0 / References for bluff retreat rate 0 0 Slope Stability Setback presented on geologic map (surface expression of 1.5 FS) 0 0 Total Setback presented on geologic map (greater of A: Slope Stability Setback + 50 yr bluff retreat or B: 10-feet buffer + 50 yr bluff retreat) o o Explanation and justification of 40-feet setback deviation 0 0 Gooteouttc1 Report Checklist Revised /1.3/20L8