HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 16-29; STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS TEMPORARY SHORING; 2019-07-25Structural Calculations Temporary Shoring Lincoln Residence Carslbad, CA Project No.: 80088 July 25, 2019 I No. C78194 *\ Ex. 09-30-19 Amir Deihimi, Principal Core Structure, Inc., 23172 Plaza Pointe Dr., Suite 145, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949-954-7244 C Engineering 0 From The RE Ground up www.corestructure.com PROJECT NAME/ NUMBER DATE 7,12-5/ 2 01 PAGE#____ Ke 4 , -Aji 12 f1 A c. t, Lto c pot S P Is e e 14r,4C L. I 1 CO,i O A C,i0V Q I I'lS (n.e 4 0 y CA Y~ s 1' ° 2-; ' t4e vl:v 4h (2c,52e o9 Ci e,14 1- 3 / - y use 14 o.C) I j Cc(, )c Mwot Fc-,t, 4yt, P' 2 4-I- cIII eJ 23172 Plaza Pointe Drive, Suite 145, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949.954.7244 1320 Willow Pass Road, Suite 667, Concord, CA 94520 925.270.0755 1429 IC ctrt ciit, flfl tA/pkkir,thr r)(' 7flflfl 2ft7 A1 2t7 - C r Engineering From The RE Ground up www.corestructure.com PROJECT NAME / NUMBE PAGE# Ckjc I -__Fcc /A Vle I e- 4 ,' I Ee k9 o .-j z (i • — •i ,g )c - • 9tJ0,1C F 0 5cl— Use 2'-0" Dia. Caissons wl W16x57 and 16.5ft Embedment @ 7ft O.C. 23172 Plaza Pointe Drive, Suite 145, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949.954.7244 1320 Willow Pass Road, Suite 667, Concord, CA 94520 925.270.0755 1A9Q k' cir+ c11ii flfl 1AIckb,r-ri-,-i, flC 9flfl(V. ')fl') API ')LA7 Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 12ft retaining Temporary Shoring-Lincoln Res With a Load Factor of 1.2 I ksf cShoringSuite> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.civiltech.com Licensed to 4324324234 3424343 Date: 7/25/2019 File: C:Users\Hugh\Dropbox (Core Structure)\Core Dropbox\projects\core\80088\02-Structural Engineering\03-ENG-Calct Wall Type: 2. Soldier Pile, Drilled PILE LENGTH: Mm. Pile Length=28.43 MOMENT IN PILE: Max. Moment=208.95 per Pile Spacing=7.0 at Depth=18.95 PILE SELECTION: Request Mm. Section Modulus = 76.0 in3/p11e1245.13 cm3/pile, Fy= 50 ksi = 345 MPa, Fb/Fy=0.66 W1 6X57 has Section Modulus = 92.2 in3/pile=1510.88 cm3/pile. It is greater than Mm. Requirements! Top Deflection = I .20(m) based on E (ksi)=29000.00 and I (in4)/pile=758.0 DRIVING PRESSURES (ACTIVE, WATER, & SURCHARGE): Pressures below will be multiplied byaN ZI P1 Z2 P2 Slope 0 0 12 0.480 PASSIVE PRESSURES: Active 40 pcf ZI P1 Z2 P2 Slope 12 0 800 6.125 mm ACTIVE SPACING: Passive 250 No. FA pcf - Load Factor 1 0.00 7.00 2 12.00 2.00 PASSIVE SPACING: No. Z depth Spacing 1 12.00 4.00 UNITS: Width,Spacing, Diameter, Length, and Depth - ft; Force -kip; Moment - kip-ft Friction,Bearing,and Pressure - ksf; Pres. Slope - kipllt3; Deflection - in SHORING WALL CALCULATION SUMMARY The leading shoring design and calculation software Software Copyright by Civillech Software www.civiltech.com ShoringSuite Software is developed by CivilTech Software, Bellevue, WA, USA. The calculation method is based on the following references: 1. FHWA 98-011, FHWA-RD-97-130, FHWA SA 96-069, FHWA-IF-99-015 2. STEEL SHEET PILING DESIGN MANUAL by Pile Buck Inc., 1987 3. DESIGN MANUAL DM-7 (NAVFAC), Department of the Navy, May 1982 4. TRENCHING AND SHORING MANUAL Revision 12, California Department of Transportation, January 2000 6. EARTH SUPPORT SYSTEM & RETAINING STRUCTURES, Pile Buck Inc. 2002 5. DESIGN OF SHEET PILE WALLS, EM 1110-2-2504, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 31 March 1994 EARTH RETENTION SYSTEMS HANDBOOK, Alan Macnab, McGraw-Hill. 2002 Temporary Structures in Construction, Robert T. Ratay (Co-author of Chapter 7: John J. Peirce), McGraw-Hill. 2012 AASHTO HB-17, American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2 September 2002 UNITS: Width/Spacing/Diameter/Length/Depth - ft, Force - kip, Moment - kip-ft, Friction/Bearing/Pressure - ksf, Pres. Slope - kip/ft3, Deflection - in ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Licensed to 4324324234 3424343 Date: 7/25/2019 File: C:\Users\Hugh\Dropbox (Core Structure)\Core Dropbox\projects \core\80088\02 - Structural Engineering\03-ENG-Calculations\01-Models\temp Shoring\12ft Retaining Height. sh8 Title: 12ft retaining Subtitle: Temporary Shoring-Lincoln Res **********************************INpUT DATA********************************** Wall Type: 2. Soldier Pile, Drilled Wall Height: 12.00 Pile Diameter: 2.00 Pile Spacing: 7.00 Factor of Safety (F.S.): 1.00 Lateral Support Type (Braces): 1. No Top Brace Increase (Multi-Bracing): Add 15%* Embedment Option: 1. Yes Friction at Pile Tip: No Pile Properties: Steel Strength, Fy: 50 ksi = 345 MPa Allowable Fb/Fy: 0.66 Elastic Module, E: 29000.00 Moment of Inertia, I: 758.00 User Input Pile: W16X57 * DRIVING PRESSURE (ACTIVE, WATER, & SURCHARGE) * The pressures below will be multiplied by a Factor =1.2 No. Z1 top Top Pres. Z2 bottom Bottom Pres. Slope ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 0 12 0.480 0.04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PASSIVE PRESSURE * No. Z1 top Top Pres. Z2 bottom Bottom Pres. Slope ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 12 0 800 6.125 0.25 * ACTIVE SPACE * No. Z depth Spacing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.00 7.00 2 12.00 2.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PASSIVE SPACE * No. Z depth Spacing ------------------------------- 1 12.00 4.00 *For Tieback: Input1 = Diameter; Input2 = Bond Strength *For Plate: Inputi = Diameter; Input2 = Allowable Pressure *For Deadman: Inputi = Horz. Width; Input2 = Passive Pressure; *For Sheet Pile Anchor: Input1 = Horz. Width; Input2 = Passive Slope; The calculated moment and shear are per pile spacing. Sheet piles are per one foot or meter; Soldier piles are per pile. Top Pressures start at depth = 0.00 I D1=0.00 ==I== D2=12.00 I D3=28.43 Dl - TOP DEPTH D2 - EXCAVATION BASE D3 - PILE TIP MOMENT equilibrium AT DEPTH=25.69 WITH EMBEDMENT OF 13.69 FORCE equilibrium AT DEPTH=28.43 WITH EMBEDMENT OF 16.43 The program calculates an embedment for moment equilibrium, then increase the embedment by 1.2 *********************************RESULTS***************************************** * EMBEDMENT Notes * Based on USS Design Manual, first calculate embedment for moment equilibrium, then increased the embedment to get the design depth. The embedment for moment equilibrium is 13.69 The program calculates an embedment for moment equilibrium, then increase the embedment by 1.2 The total desigh embedment is 16.43 Embedment Information: If 20% increased, the total design embedment is 16.43 If 30% increased, the total design embedment is 17.80 If 40% increased, the total design embedment is 19.17 If 50% increased, the total design embedment is 20.54 * MOMENT IN PILE (per pile spacing)* Pile Spacing: sheet piles are one foot or one meter; soldier piles are one pile. Overall Maximum Moment = 208.95 at 18.95 Maximum Shear = 69.26 Moment and Shear are per pile spacing: 7.0 foot or meter * VERTICAL LOADING * Vertical Loading from Braces = 0.00 Vertical Loading from External Load = 0.00 Total Vertical Loading = 0.00 *****************************SPECIFIED PILE Overall Maximum Moment = 208.95 at 18.95 The pile selection is based on the magnitude of the moment only. Axial force is neglected. Request Mm. Section Modulus = 75.98 in3/pile = 1245.13 cm3/pile, Fy= 50 ksi = 345 MPa, Fb/Fy=0.66 W16X57 has been found in Soldier Pile list! (English Units): Area= 16.8 in. Depth= 16.4 in. Width= 7.12 in. Height= 16 in. Flange thickness= 0.715 in. Web thickness= 0.43 in. Ix= 758 1n4/pile Sx= 92.2 in3/pile Iy= 43.1 1n4/pile Sy= 12.1 1n3/pile (Metric Units): Ix= 315.48 x100cm4/pile Sx= 1510.88 cm3/pile Iy= 17.94 x100cm4/pile Sy= 198.28 cm3/pile The pile selection is based on the magnitude of the moment only. Axial force is neglected. W16X57 is capable to support the shoring! Top deflection = 1.199(m) Max. deflection = 1.199(m) LAGGING SIZE ESTIMATION Max. Pressure above base = 0.57 Piles are more rigid than timber lagging, due to arching, only portion of pressures are acting to lagging, 30-50% loading is suggested. If 50% loading is used for lagging design, Design Pressure = 0.29 Pile Spacing =7.0, Max. Moment in lagging = 1.76 For 4tx12" Timber, Section Modules 5=23.47 in3. The request allowable bending strength, fb=M/S=0 .90 For 6"x12" Timber, Section Modules 5=57.98 1n3. The request allowable bending strength, fb=M/S=0. 36 If 30% loading is used for lagging design, Design Pressure = 0.17 Pile Spacing =7.0, Max. Moment in lagging = 1.06 For 4"x12" Timber, Section Modules 5=23.47 1n3. The request allowable bending strength, fb=M/S=0.54 For 6"x12" Timber, Section Modules 5=57.98 W. The request allowable bending strength, fb=M/S=0. 22 Unit: Pressure: ksf, Spacing: ft, Moment: kip-ft, Bending Strength, fb: ksi Depth(ft) -o -5 - 10 - 15 -20 -25 -30 0 Net Pressure Diagram 12ft retaining Temporary Shoring-Lincoln Res With a Load Factor of 1.2 1 ksf Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Top Deflection=1.20(in) REMEMENNNIM Max Deflection=1.20(in) __I___- I- --------------------- 96 209 k.ft 69.26 kip 0 208.95 kip-if 0 1.199(m) 0 Shear Diagram Moment Diagram Deflection Diagram PRESSURE, SHEAR, MOMENT, AND DEFLECTION DIAGRAMS Based on pile spacing: 7.0 foot or meter User Input Pile, W16X57: E (ksi)=29000.0, I (in4)/pile=758.0 ;lHughDropbox (Core Structure)Core Dropboxprojectscore8008802-Structural Engineering03-ENG-CaIculations01-ModeIstemp Shoring12ft Retaining cShoringSuite> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.civiltech.com Licensed to 4324324234 3424343 12ft retaining Temporary Shoring-Lincoln Res Service Load Deflection (Load Factor 1.0) Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 I ksf Net Pressure Diagram Depth(ft) Max. Shear--59.21 kip 0 ------------ --------------- 5 Top Max. Moment-16598kipft -------------- ----------- ------ ------ 10 k--, ------------- - 15 20 25 30 59.21 kip 0 165.98 kip-ft 0 0.905(m) 0 Shear Diagram Moment Diagram Deflection Diagram PRESSURE, SHEAR, MOMENT, AND DEFLECTION DIAGRAMS Based on pile spacing: 7.0 foot or meter User Input Pile, W16X57: E (ksi)=29000.0, I (in4)/pile=758.0 ;HughDropbox (Core Structure)!iCore Dropboxprojectscore8OO88O2-Structural Engineering03-ENG-CalculationsO1-Modelstemp Shoring12ft Retaining cShoringSuite> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.civiltech.com Licensed to 4324324234 3424343