HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 00-18; WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS; 2003-01-20DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. WATER • WASTEWATER • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS RECEIVED JAN 2 22003 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT. 703 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 300 • CARLSBAD, CA 92009 • (760) 438-4422 COT 00tv 18 WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS FOR THE CANTARINI AND HOLLY SPRINGS PROJECTS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD January 20, 2003 Prepared by: Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. 703 Palomar Airport Road Suite 300 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Job No. 726-001 DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. DEXTER S. WILSON, P.E. ANDREW M. OVEN, P.E. STEPHEN M. NIELSEN, P.E. MICHAEL J. FILECCIA, P.E. January 20, 2003 726-001 Ladwig Design Group 703 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 300 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Attention: Bob Ladwig, President Subject: Water System Analysis for the Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad Introduction This report provides a water system analysis for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects. This report was originally prepared on September 20, 2002 and was submitted to the City of Carlsbad for review. Comments on the report were received from two sources. First was a letter from Pountney Consulting Group, Inc. dated November 4, 2002, and second was a memorandum from the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Division dated November 12, 2002. A copy of this correspondence is included in Appendix E. Also included in Appendix E are responses to the comments summarizing how they were addressed in the revised water study for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects. 703 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 300 • CARLSBAD, CA 92009 0 (760) 4384422 • FAX (760) 4380173 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 The Cantarini and Holly Springs projects are located east of El Camino Real along the east side of the extension of College Boulevard. These two projects are adjacent to each other with Holly Springs positioned on the north property boundary of the Cantarini project. Exhibit A at the back of this report presents the layout of these two projects. Access to the Cantarini project will be from the extension of College Boulevard; the Holly Springs project can only be accessed through the Cantarini project. The Cantarini project proposes a total of 105 single family detached residential homes and 80 multi-family units. The Holly Springs project proposes 39 single family detached residential homes plus four future single family home lots. Finish grade for building pads within these two projects range in elevation from a low of 120 feet to the highest building pad which is 380 feet in elevation. Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to provide a water system analysis based upon the lot layout and street layout of the proposed Cantarini and Holly Springs projects. This report provides a recommended water distribution system to serve the proposed residential development. It also addresses issues such as reservoir storage requirements and relocation of transmission piping within the projects. Water System Design Criteria The design criteria used in sizing the water distribution system piping for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects is consistent with the City of Carlsbad Water Planning Criteria. This criteria includes a minimum desirable static pressure of 60 psi, and a maximum desirable static pressure of 120 psi. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 2 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 Under Peak Hour Demand conditions, minimum residual pressure at any location must not be less than 40 psi. Under a Maximum Day Demand with Fire Flow, a minimum residual pressure of 20 psi must be maintained at the location of the fire demand. Peaking factors used in analyzing various demand scenarios were.5Nfor average day to maximum day demands, and 4.0 for average day to peak hour demands. Proected Water Demand The expected water demand for tie Cantarini and Holly Springs projects was estimated using a demand factor ogallons per person per day (200 gpcd) per the City of Carlsbad Water Planning Criteria. The population density per dwelling unit for these projects is presented in the Zone 15 Buildout Population Projections to be 62.3178people per dwelling unit (ref. Zone 15 Facilities Plan). This results in an average daily demand factor ofth ë'gpd per dwelling unit. Table 1 below presents a summary of the projected water demand for the subject projects. TABLE 1 CANTARINI AND HOLLY SPRINGS PROJECTS WATER DEMANDS III I MDemana Wwrale Water Cantarini Single Family 105 463.6 gpd/unit 48,678 gpd Cantarini Multi-Family 80 463.6 gpd/unit 37,088 gpd Holly Springs Single Family 39 463.6 gpd/unit 18,080 gpd Holly Springs Future 4 463.6 gpd/unit 1,854 gpd _I DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 3 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 Fire Flow Requirements The fire flow requirements for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects are based upon the planned uses within the projects. Single family detached residential development requires a fire flowj,500 gprn: For the multi-family residential portion of the Cantarini project, the fire flow requirement assumed for sizing the water distribution system was 3,000 gpm. Actual fire flow requirements have not been established by the City of Carlsbad Fire Prevention Department for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects as of the date of this report. Water System Comnuter Model The University of Kentucky KYPIPE program was used to .computer model the proposed water system for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects. This computer program utilizes the Hazen-Williams equation for determining head-loss in pipes; the Hazen-Williams "C" value used for all pipes is 120. The hydraulic modeling in this report is separated by water service zones. A separate computer model was prepared for th 5 Zone and the 490 Zñe. For the 375 Zone, the available hydraulic grade line is based on setting the downstream hydraulic grade line at the existing pressure reducing station within The Terraces project to 375 feet. At the other end of the modeled 375 Zone system, the hydraulic grade line was conservatively assumed to be/365 feefBecause of the large size of the 375 Zone service system, only a portion of this system was included in the modeling effort for these two development project'\ For the 490 Zone system, the available hydraulic grade line was set to be'490 feet at the intersection of College Boulevard and El Camino Real. This point is on the existing 36-inch 490 Zone transmission main which connects to the existing. 27-inch Maerkle Reservoir Transmission Line originating from Maerkle Reservoir. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 4 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 Existing Water System The existing water system to which the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects will connect is located at the two extremes of the proposed projects. At the south side of the projects, connections to existing water facilities will be made iiiCollegé Boulevard east of El Camino Real. At this location, College Boulevard contains two potable water lines; a36-inch 490 Zone pipeline, and a 12-inch 375 Zone pipeline.. At the north end of the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects, connections will be made to potable water lines at the intersection Of College Boulevard and Cannon Road. At this location there will be both a 490 Zone pipeline and a 375 Zone pipeline in the near future. South Side Connections. The. 36-inch 490 Zone pipeline in College Boulevard east of El Camino Real is connected to the .36-inch 490 Zoiie transmission main in El Camino Real. The new 36-inch water line was constructed in College Boulevard in order that it can eventually be extended east across the Agua Hedionda Creek and south to the Maerklé Reservoir. This 36-inch pipeline is master planned to parallel the current 27-inch 490 Zone transmission pipeline which extends from Maerkle Reservoir to El Camino Real. This capital facility is part of the Carlsbad MWD Master Plan and will be funded by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. ve The 12-inch 375 Zone pipeline is connected to the water distribution system within The Terraces residential project. The source of this water is a pressure reducing station within The Terraces project which breaks 490 Zone pressure to the 375 Zone. In addition, once The Terraces project is completed, there will be a 375 Zone connection north to the existing 375 Zone system in Jackspar Drive on the west side of El Camino Real. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 5 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 The City of Carlsbad Water Master Plan Update (draft report dated January 2003) shows a master planned 12-inch 375 Zone water line improvement within College Boulevard from The Terraces project north to the Cannon Road intersection. From this intersection, the 12-inch 375 Zone water line improvement continues west in Cannon Road and connects to existing 375 Zone facilities in El Camino Real. The portion of piping within Cannon Road is currentlyunder design by Dan Boyle Engineering for the City of Carlsbad. North Side Connections. On the north side of the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects there are master planned water facilities located at the intersection of Cannon Road and College Boulevard. These include the 12-inch 375 Zone water line discussed in the previous paragraph. Also, the City of Carlsbad is currently in design of a 16- inch 490 Zone pipeline extending north in College Boulevard from the Cannon Road intersection. This line will connect to facilities in the Calavera Hills area being constructed by development projects that tie to the TAP servoir. The 16-inch 490 Zone pipeline in College Boulevard will be stubbed to the south Of the Cannon Road intersection and will be available for connection to the' 490 Zone facilities which the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects will be building along with the construction of College Boulevard which abuts these projects. Figure 1 presents a map of the water system in the vicinity of the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects and shows which facilities are existing, which facilities will be constructed by the proposed development projects, and which facilities will be constructed by future development adjacent to the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects. Water System Analysis and Results The discussion of the water system analysis for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects will be separated into the two water service zones within these two projects. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 6 LEGEND - PROPOSED 375 ZONE EXISTING 375 ZONE PROPOSED 490 ZONE EXISTING 490 ZONE - - - - - - - - FUTURE 490 ZONE EXISITING 430 ZONE EXIST. PRESSURE 1 REDUCING STATION V 7' tA s- // 7 pw ZV RANCHO CARLSBAD 6' EVAN 'S ff POINT HOLLY SPRINGS I I = / ,7& \C \ - 8" co co / 00 8" CANTARINI fZJ 00 KA To \\\ MANDANA - H TERRACES / ili7 I i if /1 I.) / FIGURE 1 REAL / / t / CANTARINI AND HOLLY SPRINGS EXISTING AND FUTURE WATER FACILITIES CS2\\FS\DWG\726001 \FIG— 1 —WTR,DWG 01-20-03 15:33:41 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 490 Zone. The computer analyses performed for the 490 Zone system are presented in Appendix D of this report. The results show that minimum residual pressures throughout the two projects are satisfied under all flow scenarios based upon the recommended layout of the water system as shown in Exhibit A at the back of this report. Approximately half of the Cantarini property and all of the Holly Springs project are intended to be served from the 490 Zone with different sized pipelines creating a loop through the two projects. The source of 490 Zone water will be the connection to the proposed 36-inch 490 Zone water transmission main in College Boulevard extending from El Camino Real to the south and east. This 36-inch transmission main is proposed to be extended north in College Boulevard to "A" Street within the Cantarini project. Here, the 36-inch transmission main will be routed to the east end of the proposed subdivision. Future projects to the east (Mandana and Kato) will be responsible for providing an alignment for this 36-inch transmission main up to Maerkle Reservoir. This new 36-inch 490 Zone transmission main is intended to parallel the existing 27-inch transmission main between Maerkle Reservoir and El Camino Real. The remaining 490 Zone system proposed for the Cantarini project loops within the proposed streets within the project and through the Holly Springs project. The proposed 16-inch 490 Zone water main in College Boulevard extending north from the proposed 36-inch transmission main to the northern end of the College Boulevard improvements is also a City of Carlsbad master planned capital improvement facility. The cost of constructing this facility will be bourne by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The redundant feed to the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects will be the proposed 16-inch 490 Zone water main which is currently under design in College Boulevard north of Cannon Road. Since this proposed pipeline will create a tie to the TAP DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 8 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 Reservoir water system in the Calavera Hills area, it can be used to backfeed the 490 Zone system in the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects if such a need occurs. System Pressures. Static water service pressures for building lots in the 490 Zone service area are expected to range between 65 psi and 126 psi within the Cantarini property. For the Holly Springs project, static water pressures will range from 47 psi to 97 psi. Table 2 below lists the Lot numbers on the Holly Springs project that are expected to have static water pressure less than 60 psi. TABLE 2 LOTS WITHIN THE HOLLY SPRINGS PROJECT WITH STATIC PRESSURES BELOW 60 PSI 1~r I. Q-'M" M 24 355 ft 490 HGL 58.5 25 360 ft 490 HGL 56.3 26 365 ft 490 HGL 54.2 27 368 ft 490 HGL 52.9 28 375 ft 490 HGL 49.8 29 380 ft 490 HGL 47.7 30 380 ft 490 HGL 47.7 31 370 ft 490 HGL 52.0 32 365 ft 490 HGL 54.2 33 365 ft 490 HGL 54.2 34 360 ft 490 HGL 56.3 35 355 ft 490 HGL 58.5 DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 9 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 For the highest lots within the Holly Springs project, consideration should be given to providing individual water booster systems for the homes above elevation 360 feet. Minimum water pressure at this elevation-based upon a 490 feet hydraulic grade line will be 56.3 psi. It is expected that the working pressure in the water system will be greater since the 490 feet hydraulic grade line represents the bottom of reservoir elevation. Nevertheless, even adding 20 feet to the operating hydraulic grade line will mean that house pads above elevation 370 will have pressures less than 60 frr esoi, individual water booster systems for the homes inthis area of the Holly Springs project should be considered. / _to e _4 Fire protection within the Holly Springs project is not a concern.. The computer analyses show that even, with a fire flow of 1,500 gpm in-the northeast corner, the highest area of the Holly Springs project, residual pressures are above 20 psi. 375 Zone. The 375 Zone will be connected to the proposed 12-inch water line stub in College Boulevard which is under construction by The Terraces project. This offsite 12-inch water line improvement will be extended north in College Boulevard to "A" Street within the Cantarini subdivision. A 12-inch 375 Zone water main is proposed to be extended north through the Cantarini project to "C" Street. This distribution main is being routed through the subdivision instead of in College Boulevard as proposed in the draft Water Master Plan Update (January 2003). This proposed alignment will allow the 12-inch main to be used for distribution as well as to function as part of the 375 Zone water system loop. The second source of 375 Zone water for the Cantarini subdivision will be the Carlsbad Municipal Water District funded 12-inch 375 Zone water line from El Camino Real east along Cannon Road to the College Boulevard intersection. From the intersection of "C" Street and College Boulevard, the Cantarini project proposes to build a 12-inch 375 Zone water main to connect to the District pipeline at Cannon Road. This will complete the 375 Zone water system loop on the east side of El Camino Real as presented in the Water Master Plan Update (January 2003). DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 10 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 The construction of the 375 Zone system will include a 12-inch stub westerly at the intersection of College Boulevard and "C" Street. This will provide for a future 375 Zone system loop through the proposed Rancho Carlsbad development. A second stub is proposed within the 375 Zone system. It is located in the future road extension south from "A" Street between "B" Street and "J" Street. This stub will allow for internal looping of the future deelopment property to the south of the Cantarini project. Finally, the 375 Zone system will be extended to the easterly end of"A" Street in order to provide for future extension into the Mandana property. North of "C" Street and adjacent to College Boulevard, the Cantarini project is proposing multi-family housings The water system for this area will require a 10-inch water loop to deliver the higher fire flows that will be necessary for this higher density product. The 10-inch loop is. proposed to be connected to the 375 Zone piping in "C" Street at two locations for water system redundancy. No 375 Zone facilities are located within the Holly Springs project. / (deThe proposed 375 Zone water system for the Cantarini pr&ect does incli\ the construction of a portion of 12-inch pi •ng p esented in the o Carlsbad Water Master Plan Update (January 2003) as a C funded facility. The a ter Plan Update shows the 12-inch 375 Zone pipeline I College Boulevard between The Terraces project and Cannon Road to be City funded. The Cantarini project is proposing to align a portion of this 12-inch pipeline through the subdivision as part of the project's distribution piping. Since this is a benefit to the Cantarini project, a cost sharing arrangement for this portion of piping can be negotiated between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the Cantarini project. Note that along the western portion of "C" Street there is some parallel piping needed. This is necessary to accommodate the redundancy needs for the multi-family portion of the. Cantarini project. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. . PAGE I I Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 Static water service pressures for building lots in the 375 Zone service area will range between 73 psi and 111 psi within the Cantarim property. The pipe sizes shown on Exhibit A are adequate to provide domestic and fire flow requirements to the subdivision. The fire flow requirement for this project within the 375 Zone is 1,500 - gallons per minute for single-family dwelling units and is estimated to be 3,000 gpm for multi-family dwelling units. Reservoir Storage I Th Q ASLConsu Carisba ater Master Pla pdate, Volume III, October 1997, prepared by ting Engineers, disc ses both operational and emergency storage for the City's service area. Based up 1997 numbers from the Master Plan Update, there is a surplus of operationalst age of 10.2 million gallons, and a surplus of emergency storage of approxi tel 0 million gallons for existing conditions. Under ultimate demands for the City s ervice area, and without any new construction of storage facilities, there wou e a deficit of 10.8 million gallons for operational storage and 41 million gallons of emergency storage. . ç V0 AM The Master Plan Update rp6mends construction of additional storage facilities to account for the projected eficit in both operational and emergency storage capacities. As of this date, the C has not undertaken construction of any additional storage facilities. The A the does have a site for the recommended 8.5 million gallon 375 Zone "D" Tank, and ity's capital improvement program presently includes Project No. 33761 and 33762, "D" Reservoir Phase II, to be designed and constructed in Fiscal Year 2007-08. In addition, the capital improvement program includes Project No. 38191, TAP No. 2 Reservoir, for the 490 Zone system. Design and construction is scheduled for Fiscal Year 2005-06. The location of the TAP No. 2 Reservoir will be on the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's property at the Maerkle Reservoir site. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 12 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 Recommendations The following recommendations and conclusions are made based on the water system analyses performed for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects. The Cantarini and Holly Springs projects will be served by the 490 Zone and the 375 Zone systems extending from existing College Boulevard east of El Camino Real and from the future Cannon Road and College Boulevard intersection. Exhibit A presents the recommended water system layout and water line sizes for both projects. Static pressures within the Cantarini project will range between 73 psi and 111 psi in the 375 Zone, and 65 psi and 126 psi within the 490 Zone. Static pressures within the Holly Springs project will range betwee 4'7.p i and 97 psi within the 490 Zone. Consideration should be given to stalling individual water booster systems in the homes within the Holly Springs project above elevation 360 feet. The alignment of the proposed 36-inch parallel main to the existing 27-inch 490 Zone transmission line from Maerkle Reservoir to El Camino Real is. proposed in College Boulevard and "A" Street through the Cantarini project. This is a capital improvement project for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and will be funded by the District. In addition, the proposed 16-inch 490 Zone pipeline in College Boulevard is a master planned facility and will be funded by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. This 16-inch 490 Zone pipeline is to be extended north to the intersection of Cannon Road as part of the improvements constructed by the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 13 Bob Ladwig January 20, 2003 The water lines within the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects must be designed to meet AWWA C900 Class 150 for PVC pipe. Portions of the proposed water lines in College Boulevard, "A" Street, and "C" Street must be designed to meet a working pressure of greater than 150 psi. Within the 490 Zone service area, building service pressure regulators are recommended for all pads in the Cantarini project below elevation 330 feet in order to maintain building service pressures below 80 psi in ac' cordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code. Within the 375 Zone service area, building service pressure regulators are recommended for all pads in the Cantarini project below elevation 191 feet in order to maintain building service pressures below 80 psi in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code. Building service pressure regulators are recommended for all pads in the Holly Springs project below elevation 330 feet order to maintain building service pressures below 80 psi in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code. Thank you for the opportunity to prepare this report. If you have any questions on the enclosed information, please do not hesitate to call. Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Andrew Oven AO:ndg DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. PAGE 14 APPENDIX A COMPUTER RUNS 375 Zone System Analysis NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM REFERENCE: Exhibit A in the back pocket of report. PIPING CONDITIONS MODELED: All Pipes Open. CONDITIONS MODELED: Average day demands. Maximum day demands plus 1,500 gpm fire flow at Node 651. Maximum day demands plus 1,500 gpm fire flow at Node 665. Maximum day demands plus 3,000 gpm fire flow at Nodes 678 and 681. Maximum day demands plus 3,000 gpm fire flow at Nodes 351 and 354. Peak hour demands. A-i Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS THERE IS A PRV AT JUNCTION 490 FOR LINE 100 SET AT A GRADE OF 375.00 THERE IS A PRV AT JUNCTION 495 FOR LINE 170 SET AT A GRADE OF 375.00 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER (FEET) (INCHES) 100 490 330 75.0 8.0 107 330 320 320.0 8.0 110 320 319 450.0 8.0 113 320 315 700.0 8.0 116 315 312 650.0 8.0 119 315 339 300.0 8.0 122 330 333 700.0 8.0 125 333 336 820.0 8.0 128 333 339 480.Ô 8.0 131 339 342 250.0 12.0 133 342 341 400.0 10.0 134 342 345 440.0 12.0 137 345 348 300.0 12.0 140 348 351 570.0 10.0 143 351 354 460.0 10.0- 146 354 359 540.0 12.0 149 348 359 600.0 12.0 152 354 362 280.0 12.0 155 362 365 830.0 12.0 158 365 368 750.0 12.0 161 368 371 720.0 12.0 164 371 374 520.0 12:0 167 374 377 500.0 12.0 168 379 377 100.0 12.0 170 495 379 75.0 8.0 171 377 378 530.0 8.0 173 377 380 640.0 8.0 174 .380 381 560.0 8.0 177 380 3.84 660.0 8.0 179 384 393 1200.0 8.0 182 384 387 400.0 8.0 185 387 374 550.0 8.0 ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS IC FIXED GRADE 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00. 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 A-2 Cantarim and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 186 387 390 730.0 8.0 120.0 .00 400 0 460 .720.0 10.0 120.0 .00 490.00 405 0 495 600.0 12.0 120.0 .00 490.00 440 460 470 200.0 10.0 120.0 .00 480 470 480 300.0 10.0 120.0 .00 485 480 490 350.0 10.0 120.0 .00 603 639 345 . 1450.0 12.0 120.0 .00 605 645 639 500.0 12.0 120.0 .00 608 645 642 550.0 8.0 120.0 .00 611 654 645 780.0 12.0 120.0 .00 614 648 654 800.0 8.0 120.0 .00 620 648 651 360.0 8.0 120.0 .00 623 654 657 490.0 12.0 120.0 .00 626 657 664 850.0 12.0 120.0 .00 627 664 663 420.0 12.0 120.0 .00 628 664 665 530.0 8.0 120.0 .00 629 663 660 700.0 8.0 120.0 .00 632 666 663 370.0 12.0 120.0 .00 635 669 666 540.0 12.0 120.0 .00 638 672 669 570.0 12.0 120.0 .00 641 672 684 400.0 12.0 120.0 .00 644 675 672 320.0 10.0 120.0 .00 647 675 678 400.0 10.0 120.0 .00 650 678 681 600.0 10.0 120.0 .00 653 672 681 500.9 10.0 120.0 .00 656 684 687 1300.0 12.0 120.0 .00 659 687 690 4200.0 12.0 120.0 .00 662 0 690 50.0 12.0 120.0 .00 365.00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES 312 6.10 105.00 116 315 . 7.70 113.00 113 116 119 .319 4.60 153.00 110 320 6.50 141.00 107 110 113 330 6.90 163.00 100 107 122 333 8.80 128.00 122 125 128 336. 8.80 92.00 125 339 5.40 100.00 119 128 131 341 19.00 90.00 133 342 .00 95.00 131 133 134 345 .00 94.00 134 137 603 348 13.00 90.00 . 137 140 149 351 13.00 94.00 140 143 354 13.00 84.00 143 146 152' 359 13.00 78.00 146 149 362 .00 74.00 152 155 365 .00 . 67.00 155 158 368 .00 60.00 158 161 A-3 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 371 .00 63.00 161 164 374 3.40 80.00 164 167 185 377 3.00 112.00 167 168 171 173 378 4.20 120.00 171 379 .00 114.00 168 170 380 3.40 130.00 173 174 177 381 3.80 95.00 174 384 1.70 94.00 177 179 182 387 4.20 90.00 182 185 186 390 5.00 63.00 186 393 6.30 80.00 179 460 .3.40 192.00 400 440 470 3.80 198.00 440 480 480 2.30 180.00 480 485 490 3.40 163.00 100 485 495 .00 .00 170 405 639 .00 110.00 603 605 642 1.53 126.00 608 645 .00 120.00 605 608 611 648 .00 190.00 614 620 651 2.67 183.00 620 654 1.15 . 146.00 611 614 623 657 2.67 180.00 623 626 660 3.44 156.00 629 663 1.53 155.00 627 629 632 664 1.53 175.00 626 627 628 665 1.15 208.00 628 666 2.67 170.00 632 635 669. 3.06 140.00 635 638 672 1.91 140.00 638 641 644 653 675 .00 145.00 644 647 678 15.28 .142.00 . 647 650 681 15.28 130.00 650 653 684 .00 130.00 641 656 687 .00 .00 656 659 690 .00 .00 659 662 OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIOD 6 VALUES ARE OUTPUT FOR MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES THIS SYSTEM HAS 60 PIPES WITH 54 JUNCTIONS , 2 LOOPS AND S FGNS THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 6 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY= .00070 A-4 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 Caxitarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 72600 lz a 375 Zone System Average Day Demands PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS 100 0 330 349.67 .23 107 330 320 168.66 .25 110 320 319 4.60 .00 113 320 315 157.56 .48 116 315 312 6.10 .00 119 315 339 143.76 .18 122 330 333 174.10 .58 125 333 336 8.80 .00 128 333 339 156.50 .33 131 339 342 294.87 .08 133 342 341 19.00 .00 134 342 345 275.87 .12 137 345 348 -224.33 -.06 140 348 351 -92.71 -.05 143 351 354 -105.71 -.05 146 354 359 157.62 .05 149 348 359 -144.62 -.05 152 354 362 -276.33 -.08 155 362 365 -276.33 -.23 158 365 368 -276.33 -.20 161 368 371 -276.33 -.20 164 371 374 -276.33 -.14 167 374 377 -255.28 -.12 168 379 377 311.33 .03 170 0 379 311.33 .18 171 377 378 4.20 .00 173 377 380 48.85 .05 174 380 381 3.80 .00 177 380 384 41.65 .04 179 384 393 6.30 .00 182 384 387 33.65 .02 185 387 374 24.45 .01 186 387 390 5.00 .00 400 0 460 . 362.57 .79 405 0 495 311.33 .20 440 460 470 359.17 .21 480 470 480 355.37 .32 485 480 490 353.07 .36 603 639 345 -500.20 -1.18 605 645 639 -500.20 -.41 608 645 642 1.53 .00 611 654 645 -498.67 -.63 614 648 654 -2.67 .00 PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 VELOCITY HL/1000 2.23 3.03 1.08 .78 .03 .00 1.01 .69 .04 .00 .92 .58 1.11 .83 .06 .00 1.00 .68 .84 .31 .08 .00 .78 .27 -.64 -.18 -.38 -.09 -.43 -.11 .45 .10 -.41 -.08 -.78 -.27 -.78 -.27 -.78 -.27 -.78 -.27 -.78 -.27 -.72 -.23 .88 .34 1.99 2.44 .03 .00 .31 .08 .02 .00 .27 .06 .04 .00 .21 .04 .16 .02 .03 .00 1.48 1.09 .88 .34 1.47 1.07 1.45 1.05 1.44 . 1.04 -1.42 -.82 -1.42 -.82 01 .00 -1.41 -.81 -.02 .00 A-5 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 620 648 651 2.67 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 623 654 657 494.85 .39 .00 .00 1.40 .80 626 657 664 492.18 .67 .00 .00 1.40 .79 627 664 663 489.50 .33 .00 .00 1.39 .78 628 664 665 1.15 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 629 663 660 3.44 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 632 666 663 -484.53 -.28 .00 .00 -1.37 -.77 635 669 666 -481.86 -.41 .00 .00 -1.37 -.76 638 672 669 -478.80 -.43 .00 .00 -1.36 -.75 641 672 684 446.33 .26 .00 .00 1.27 .66 644 675 672 -13.83 .00 .00 .00 -.06 .00 647 675 678 13.83 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 650 678 681 -1.45 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 16.73 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 656 684 687 446.33 .86 .00 .00 1.27 .66 659 687 690 446.33 2.77 .00 .00 1.27 .66 662 0 690 -446.33 -.03 .00 .00 -1.27 -.66 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 6.10 374.04 105.00 116.58 315 7.70 374.04 113.00 113.12 319 4.60 374.52 153.00 95.99 320 6.50 374.52 141.00 101.19 330 6.90 374.77 163.00 91:77 333 8.80 374.19 128.00 106.68 336 8.80 374.19 92.00 122.28 339 5.40 373.86 100.00 118.67 341 19.00 373.78 90.00 122.97 342 .00 373.79 95.00 120.81 345 .00 373.67 94.00 121.19 348 13.00 373.72 90.00 122.95 351 13.00 373.77 94.00 121.23 354 13.00 373.82 84.00 125.59 359 13.00 373.77 78.00 128.17 362 .00 373.90 74.00 129.96 365 .00 374.13 67.00 133.09 368 .00 374.33 60.00 136.21 371 .00 374.52 63.00 134.99 374 3.40 374.67 80.00 127.69 377 3.00 374.78 112.00 113.87 378 4.20 374.78 120.00 110.41 379 .00 374.82 114.00 113.02 380 3.40 374.73 130.00 106.05 381 3.80 374.73 95.00 121.22 384 1.70 374.69 94.00 121.63 387 4.20 374.68 90.00 123.36 390 5.00 374.68 63.00 135.06 393 6.30 374.69 80.00 127.70 Cantarim and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 460 3.40 489.21 192.00 128.79 470 3.80 489.00 198.00 . 126.10 480 2.30 488.68 180.00 133.76 490 3.40 488.32 .163.00 140.97 495 .00 489.80 639 .00 372.48 110.00 113.74 642 1.53 372.08 126.00 106.63 645 .00 372.08 120.00 109.23 648 .00 371.44 190.00 78.63 651 2.67 371.44 183.00 81.66 654 1.15 371.45 146.00 97.69 657 2.67 371.05 180.00 82.79 660 3.44 370.05 156.00 92.76 663 1.53 370.05 155.00 93.19 664 1.53 370.38 175.00 84.67 665 1.15 370.38 208.00 70.37 666 2.67 369.77 170.00 86.57 669 3.06 369.36 140.00 99.39 672 1.91 368.93 140.00 99.20 675 :00 368.93 145.00 . 97.04 678 15.28 368.93 142.00 98.33 681 15.28 368.93 130.00 103.53 684 .00 368.66 130.00 103.42 687 .00 367.81 690 .00 365.03 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 3.40 488.32 163.00 140.97 368 .00 374.33 60.00 136.21 390 5.00 374.68 63.00 135.06 371 .00 374.52 63.00 134.99 480 2.30 488.68 180.00 133.76 365 .00 374. 13 67.00 133.09 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 1.15 370.38 208.00 70.37 648 .00 371.44 190.00 78.63 651 2.67 371.44 183.00 81.66 657 2.67 371.05 180.00 82.79 664 1.53 370.38 . 175.00 84.67 666 2.67 369.77 170.00 86.57 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 227.57 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 362.57 405 311.33 A-7 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 662 -446.33 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 673.90 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = -446.33 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 651 1506.70 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 4 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00160 Maximum Day Demands plus 1500 gpm Fire Flow at Node 651 in Residential area. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 813.95 1.09 .00 .00 5.19 14.47 107 330 320 392.46 1.20 .00 .00 2.50 3.75 110 320 319 11.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 113 320 315 364.71 2.29 .00 .00 2.33 3.27 116 315 312 15.25 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 119 315 339 330.21 .82 .00 .00 2.11 2.72 122 330 333 404.24 2.77 .00 .00 2.58 3.96 125 333 336 22.00 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 128 333 339 360.24 1.54 .00 .00 2.30 3.20 131 339 342 676.95 .36 .00 .00 1.92 1.43 133 342 341 47.50 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 134 342 345 629.45 .55 .00 .00 1,79 1.25 137 345 348 -508.78 -.25 .00 .00 -1.44 -.84 140 348 351 -211.17 -.23 .00 .00 -.86 -.40 143 351 354 -243.67 -.24 .00 .00 -1.00 -.52 146 354 359 362.61 .24 .00 .00 1.03 .45 149 348 359 -330.11 -.23 .00 .00 -.94 -.38 152 354 362 -638.78 -.36 .00 .00 -1.81 -1.28 155 362 365 -638.78 -1.06 .00 .00 -1.81 -1.28 158 365 368 -638.78 -.96 .00 .00 -1.81 -1.28 161 368 371 -638.78 -.92 .00 .00 -1.81 -1.28 A-8 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 164 371 374 -638.78 -.67 .00 .00 -1.81 -1.28 167 374 377 -593.23 -.56 .00 .00 -1.68 -1.12 168 379 377 726.28 .16 .00 .00 2.06 1.63 170 0 379 726.28 .88 .00 .00 4.64 11.72 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 377 380 115.05 .25 .00 .00 .73 .39 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 177 380 384 97.05 .19 .00 .00 .62 .28 179 384 393 15.75 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 77.05 .07 .00 .00 .49 .18 185 387 374 54.05 .05 .00 .00 .34 .10 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 846.20 3.78 .00 .00 3.46 5.25 405 0 495 726.28 .98 .00 .00 2.06 1.63 440 460 470 837.70 1.03 .00 .00 3.42 5.15 480 470 480 828.20 1.51 .00 .00 3.38 5.04 485 480 490 822.45 1.74 .00 .00 3.36 4.98 603 639 345 -1138.23 -5.42 .00 .00 -3.23 -3.74 605 645 639 -1138.23 -1.87 .00 .00 -3.23 -3.74 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 - .02 .00 611 654 645 -1134.41 -2.90 .00 .00 -3.22 -3.71 614 648 654 -1506.70 -36.21 .00 .00 -9.62 -45.27 620 648 651 1506.70 16.30 .00 .00 9.62 45.27 623 654 657 -375.17 -.23 .00 .00 -1.06 -.48 626 657 664 -381.84 -.42 .00 .00 -1.08 -.49 627 664 663 -388.54 -.21 .00 .00 -1.10 -.51 628 664 665 2.88 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 400.97 .20 .00 .00 1.14 .54 635 669 666 407.64 .30 .00 .00 1.16 .56 638 672 669 415.29 .33 .00 .00 1.18 .58 641 672 684 -496.41 -.32 .00 .00 -1.41 -.80 644 675 672 -34.58 .00 .00 .00 -.14 -.01 647 675 678 34.58 .01 .00 .00 .14 .01 650 678 681 -3.62 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 41.82 .01 .00 .00 .17 .02 656 684 687 -496.47 -1.05 .00 .00 -1.41 -.80 659 687 690 -496.47 -3.38 .00 .00 -1.41 -.80 662 0 690 496.47 .04 .00 .00 1.41 .80 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 370.42 10500 115.01 315 19.25 370.43 113.00 111.55 319 11.50 372.71 153.00 95.21 320 16.25 372.72 141.00 100.41 330 17.25 373.91 163.00 91.40 333 22.00 371.14 128.00 105.36 336 22.00 371.13 92.00 120.96 A-9 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001. Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 339 13.50 369.61 100.00 116.83 341 47.50 369.24 90.00 121.00 342 .00 369.25 95.00 118.84 345 .00 368.70 94.00 119.04 348 32.50 368.95 90.00 120.88 351 32.50 369.18 94.00 119.25 354 32.50 369.42 84.00 123.68 359 32.50 369.18 78.00 126.18 362 .00 369.78 74.00 128.17 365 .00 370.85 67.00 131.67 368 .00 371.81 60.00 135.12 371 .00 372.73 63.00 134.22 374 8.50 373.40 80.00 127.14 377 7.50 373.96 112.00 113.52 378 10.50 373.96 120.00 110.05 379 .00 374.12 114.00 112.72 380 8.50 373.71 130.00 105.61 381 9.50 373.71 95.00 120.77 384 4.25 373.53 94.00 121.13 387 10.50 373.45 90.00 122.83 390 12.50 373.45 63.00 134.53 393 15.75 373.51 80.00 127.19 460 8.50 486.22 192.00 127.50 470 9.50 485.19 198.00 124.45 480 5.75 483.68 180.00 131.60 490 8.50 481.94 163.00 138.21 495 .00 489.02 639 .00 363.28 110.00 109.76 642 3.83 361.41 126.00 102.01 645 .00 361.41 120.00 104.61 648 .00 322.30 190.00 57.33 651 .1506.70 306.01 183.00 53.30 654 2.88 358.52 146.00 92.09 657 6.67 358.75 180.00 77.46 660 8.60 359.38 156.00 88.13 663 3.83 359.38 155.00 88.57 664 3.83 359.17 175.00 79.81 665 2.88 359.17 208.00 65.51 666 6.67 359.59 170.00 82.15 669 7.65 359.89 140.00 95.28 6.72 4.78 360.22 140.00 95.43 675 .00 360.21 145.00 93.26 678 38.20 360.21 142.00 94.56 681 38.20 360.21 130.00 99.76 684 .00 360.54 130.00 99.90 687 .00 361.58 690 .00 364.96 A-lU Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 8.50 481.94 163.00 138.21 368 .00 371.81 60.00 135.12 390 12.50 373.45 63.00 134.53 371 .00 372.73 63.00 134.22 365 .00 370.85 67.00 131.67 480 5.75 483.68 180.00 131.60 MINIMUM PRESSURES 651 1506.70 306.01 183.00 53.30 648 .00 322.30 190.00 57.33 665 2.88 359.17 208.00 65.51 657 6.67 358.75 180.00 77.46 664 3.83 359.17 175.00 79.81 666 6.67 359.59 170.00 82.15 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 2068.95 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 846.20 405 726.28 662 496.47 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 2068.95 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 665 1502.90 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00320 A-li Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 Maximum Day Demands Plus 1500 gpm Fire Flow at Node 665 in Residential area. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 761.51 .96 .00 .00 4.86 12.79 107 330 320 367.03 1.06 .00 .00 2.34 3.31 110 320 319 11.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 113 320 315 339.28 2.00 .00 .00.. 2.17 2.86 116 315 312 15.25 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 119 315 339 304.78 .70 .00 .00 1.95 2.35 122 330 333 377.23 2.44 .00 .00 2.41 3.48 125 333 336 22.00 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 128 333 339 333.23 1.33 .00 .00 2.13 2.77 131 339 342 624.51 .31 .00 .00 1.77 1.23 133 342 341 47.50 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 134 342 345 577.01 .47 .00 .00 1.64 1.06 137 345 348 -463.45 -.21 .00 .00 -1.31 -.71 140 348 351 -193.23 -.19 .00 .00 -.79 -.34 143 351 354 -225.73 -.21 .00 .00 -.92 -.45 14G 354 359 335.22 .21 .00 .CO .95 .39 149 348 359 -302.72 -.19 .00 .00 7.86 -.32 152 354 362 -593.45 -.31 .00 .00 -1.68 -1.12 155 362 365 -593.45 -.93 .00 .00 -1.68 -1.12 158 365 368 -593.45 -.84 .00 .00 -1.68 -1.12 161 368 371 -593.45 -.81 .00 .00 -1.68 -1.12 164 371 374 -593.45 -.58 .00 .00 -1.68 -1.12 167 374 377 -554.08 -.49 .00 .00 -1.57 -.99 168 379 377 680.95 .14 .00 .00 1.93 1.44 170 0 379 680.95 .78 .00 .00 4.35 10.40 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 377 380 108.87 .22 .00 .00 .69 .35 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 177 380 384 90.87 .16 .00 .00 .58 .25 179 384 393 15.75 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 70.87 .06 .00 .00 .45 .16 185 387 374 47.87 .04 .00 .00 .31 .08 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 793.76 3.35 .00 .00 3.24 4.66 405 0 495 680.95 .87 .00 .00 1.93 1.44 440 460 470 785.26 .91 .00 .00 3.21 4.57 480 470 480 775.76 .1.34 .00 .00 3.17 4.47 485 480 490 770.01 1.54 .00 .00 3.15 4.40 603 639 345 -1040.47 -4.59 .00 .00 -2.95 -3.17 605 645 639 -1040.47 -1.58 .00 .00 -2.95 -3.17 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 611 654 645 -1036.64 -2.45 .00 .00 -2.94 -3.14 614 648 654 -6.67 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 620 648 651 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 623 654 657 1027.09 1.51 .00 .00 2.91 3.09 A-12 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 626 657 664 1020.42 2.60 .00 .00 2.89 3.05 627 664 663 -486.31 -.33 .00 .00 -1.38 -.77 628 664 665 1502.90 23.88 .00 .00 9.59 45.06 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 498.73 .30 .00 .00 1.41 .81 635 669 666 505.41 .45 .00 .00 1.43 .83 638 672 669 513.06 .49 .00 .00 1.46 .85 641 672 684 -594.23 -.45 .00 .00 -1.69 -1.12 644 675 672 -34.58 .00 .00 .00 -.14 -.01 647 675 678 34.58 .01 .00 .00 .14 .01 650 678 681 -3.62 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 41.82 .01 .00 .00 .17 .02 656 684 687 -594.23 -1.46 .00 .00 -1.69 -1.12 659 687 690 -594.23 -4.71 .00 .00 -1.69 -1.12 662 0 690 $94.23 .06 .00 .00 1.69 1.12 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 370.97 105.00 115.25 315 19.25 370.98 113.00 111.79 319 11.50 372.98 153.00 95.32 320 16.25 372.98 141.00 100.53 330 17.25 374.04 163.00 91.45 333 22.00 371.60 128.00 105.56 336 22.00 371.59 92.00 121.15 339 13.50 370.27 100.00 117.12 341 47.50 369.96 90.00 121.31 342 .00 369.97 95.00 119.15 345 .00 369.50 94.00 119.38 348 32.50 369.71 90.00 121.21 351 32.50 369.91 94.00 119.56 354 32.50 370.11 84.00 123.98 359 32.50 369.90 78.00 126.49 362 .00 370.43 74.00 128.45 365 .00 371.36 67.00 131.89 368 .00 372.20 60.00 135.28 371 .00 373.00 63.00 134.33 374 8.50 373.58 80.00 127.22 377 7.50 374.08 112.00 113.57 378 10.50 374.07 120.00 110.10 379 .00 374.22 114.00 112.76 380 8.50 373.85 130.00 105.67 381 9.50 373.85 95.00 120.84. 384 4.25 373.69 94.00 121.20 387 10.50 373.62 90.00 122.90 390 12.50 373.62 63.00 134.60 393 15.75 373.68 80.00 127.26 460 8.50 486.65 192.00 127.68 470 9.50 485.73 198.00 124.68 A-13 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 480 5.75 484.39 180.00 131.90 490 8.50 482.85 163.00 138.60 495 .00 489.13 639 .00 364.91 110.00 110.46 642 3.83 363.33 126.00 102.84 645 .00 363.33 120.00 105.44 648 .00 360.87 190.00 74.04 651 6.67 360.87 183.00 77.08 654 2.88 360.87 146.00 93.11 657 6.67 359.36 180.00 77.72 660 8.60 357.09 156.00 87.14 663 3.83 357.09 155.00 87.57 664 3.83 356.76 175.00 78.76 665 1502.90 332.89 208.00 54.12 666 6.67 357.39 170.00 81.20 669 7.65 357.84 140.00 94.40 672 4.78 358.33 140.00 94.61 675 .00 358.32 145.00 92.44 678 38.20 358.32 142.00 93.74 681 38.20 358.32 130-.00 98.94 684 .00 358.77 130.00 99.14 687 .00 360.23 690 .00 364.94 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 8.50 482.85 163.00 138.60 368 .00 372.20 60.00 135.28 390 12.50 373.62 63.00 134.60- 371 .00 373.00 63.00 134.33 480 5.75 484.39 180.00 131.90 365 .00 371.36 67.00 131.89 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 1502.90 332.89 208.00 54.12 648 .00 360.87 190.00 74.04 651 6.67 360.87 183.00 77.08 657 6.67 359.36 180.00 77.72 664 3.83 356.76 175.00 78.76 666 6.67 357.39 170.00 81.20 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 2068.95 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS (+) AND OUTFLOWS (-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 793.76 405 680.95 662 594.23 A-14 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 2068.95 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE IUNCT ION NUMBER DEMAND 678 1538.20 681 1538.20 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00026 Maximum Day Demands plus 3000 gpm Fire Flow at Nodes 678 and 681 MultiFamily PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 1045.86 1.73 .00 .00 6.68 23.02 107 330 320 504.91 1.91 .00 .00 3.22 5.98 110 320 319 11.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 113 320 315 477.16 3.77 .00 .00 3.05 5.38 116 315 312 15.25 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 119 315 339 442.66 1.41 .00 .00 2.83 4.68 122 330 333 523.70 4.48 .00 .00 3.34 6.39 125 333 336 22.00 .01 .00 .00 .i4 .02 128 333 339 479.70 2.61 .00 .00 3.06 5.44 131 339 342 908.86 .62 .00 .00 2.58 2.46 133 342 341 47.50 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 134 342 345 861.36 .98 .00 .00 2.44 2.23 137 345 348 -709.21 -.47 .00 .00 -2.01 -1.56 140 348 351 -290.46 -.41 .00 .00 -1.19 -.72 143 351 354 -322.96 -.41 .00 .00 -1.32 -.88 146 354 359 483.75 .41 .00 .00 1.37 .77 149 348 359 -451.25 -.40 .00 .00 -1.28 -.67 152 354 362 -839.21 -.60 .00 .00 -2.38 -2.13 155 362 365 -839.21 -1.76 .00 .00 -2.38 -2.13 158 365 368 -839.21 -1.59 .00 .00 -2.38 -2.13 161 368 371 -839.21 -1.53 .00 .00 -2.38 -2.13 164 371 374 -839.21 -1.11 .00 .00 -2.38 -2.13 A-15 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 167 374 377 -766.57 -.90 .00 .00 -2.17 -1.80 168 379 377 926.71 .26 .00 .00 2.63 2.55 170 0 379 926.71 1.38 .00 .00 5.91 18.40 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 377 380 142.14 .37 .00 .00 .91 .57 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 177 380 384 124.14 .29 .00 .00 .79 .44 179 384 393 15.75 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 104.14 .13 .00 .00 .66 .32 185 387 374 81.14 .11 .00 .00 .52 .20 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 1078.11 5.91 .00 .00 4.40 8.22 405 0 495 926.71 1.53 .00 .00 2.63 2.55 440 460 470 1069.61 1.62 .00 .00 4.37 8.10 480 470 480 1060.11 2.39 .00 .00 4.33 7.96 485 480 490 1054.36 2.76 .00 .00 4.31 7.88 603 639 345 -1570.57 -9.84 .00 .00 -4.46 -6.79 605 645 639 -1570.57 -3.39 .00 .00 -4.46 -6.79 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 611 654 645 -1566.74 -5.27 .00 .00 -4.44 -6.76 614 648 654 -6.67 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 620 648 651 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 623 654 657 1557.19 3.27 .00 .00 4.42 6.68 626 657 664 1550.52 5.63 .00 .00 4.40 6.63 627 664 663 1543.82 2.76 .00 .00 4.38 6.57 628 664 665 2.88 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 -1531.39 -2.40 .00 .00 -4.34 -6.48 635 669 666 -1524.72 -3.47 .00 .00 -4.33 -6.42 638 672 669 -1517.07 -3.63 .00 .00 -4.30 -6.36 641 672 684 -1564.11 -2.69 .00 .00 -4.44 -6.73 644 675 672 -1392.53 -4.22 .00 .00 -5.69 -13.20 647 675 678 1392.53 5.28 .00 .00 5.69 13.20 650 678 681 -145.67 -.12 .00 .00 -.60 -.20 653 672 681 1683.87 9.38 .00 .00 6.88 18.76 656 684 687 -1564.11 -8.75 .00 .00 -4.44 -6.73 659 687 690 -1564.11 -28.28 .00 .00 -4.44 -6.73 662 0 690 1564.11 .34 .00 .00 4.44 6.73 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 367.59 105.00 113.79 315 19.25 367.59 113:00 110.32 319 11.50 371.36 153.00 94.62 320 16.25 371.36 141.00 99.82 330 17.25 373.27 163.00 91.12 333 22.00 368.80 128.00 104:35 336 22.00 368.78 92.00 119.94 339 13.50 366.19 100.00 115.35 A-16 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 341 47.50 365.56 90.00 119.41 342 .00 365.57 95.00 117.25 345 .00 364.59 94.00 117.26 348 32.50 365.06 90.00 119.19 351 32.50 365.47 94.00 117.64 354 32.50 365.88 84.00 122.15 359 32.50 365.46 78.00 124.57 362 .00 366.47 74.00 126.74 365 .00 368.24 67.00 130.54 368 .00 369.83 60.00 134.26 371 .00 371.36 63.00 133.62 374 8.50 372.47 80.00 126.74 377 7.50 373.36 112.00 113.26 378 10.50 373.36 120.00 109.79 379 .00 373.62 114.00 112.50 380 8.50 373.00 130.00 105.30 381 9.50 - 373.00 95.00 . 120.47 384 4.25 372.71 94.00 120.77 387 10.50 372.58 90.00 122.45 390 12.50 372.57 63.00 134.15 393 15.75 372.69 80.00 126.83 460 8.50 484.09 192.00 126.57 470 9.50 482.47 198.00 123.27 480 5.75 480.08 180.00 130.03 490 8.50 477.32 163.00 136.20 495 .00 488.47 639 .00 354.75 110.00 106.06 642 3.83 351.36 126.00 97.66 645 .00 351.36 120.00 100.26 648 .00 346.09 190.00 67.64 651 6.67 346.09 183.00 70.67 654 2.88 346.09 146.00 86.71 657 6.67 342.82 180.00 70.55 660 8.60 334.42 156.00 77.32 663 3.83 334.42 155.00 77.75 664 3.83 337.18 175.00 70.28 665 2.88 337.18 208.00 55.98 666 6.67 332.03 170.00 70.21 669 7.65 328.56 140.00 81.71 672 4.78 324.93 140.00 80.14 675 .00 320.71 145.00 76.14 678 1538.20 315.43 142.00 75.15 681 1538.20 315.55 130.00 80.41 684 .00 327.62 130.00 85.64 687 .00 336.38 690 .00 364.66 A-17 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad. 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 8.50 477.32 163.00 136.20 368 .00 369.83 60.00 134.26 390 12.50 372.57 63.00 134.15 371 .00 371.36 63.00 133.62 365 .00 368.24 67.00 130.54 480 5.75 480.08 180.00 130.03 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 2.88 337.18 208.00 55.98 648 .00 346.09 190.00 67.64 666 6.67 332.03 170.00 70.21 664 3.83 337.18 175.00 70.28 657 6.67 342.82 180.00 70.55 651 6.67 346.09 183.00 70.67 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 3568.92 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS (+) AND OUTFLOWS (-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 1078.11 405 926.71 662 1564.11 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3568.93 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 354 1532.50 351 1532.50 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 5 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00006 A-lB Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 Maximum day demands plus 3000 gpm fire flow at Nodes 351 and 354 in future commercial area. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 1454.36 3.18 .00 .00 9.28 42.40 107 330 320 702.99 3.53 .00 .00 - 4.49 11.03 110 320 319 11.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 113 320 315 675.24 7.17 .00 .00 4.31 10.24 116 315 312 15.25 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 119 315 339 640.74 2.79 .00 .00 4.09 9.29 122 330 333 734.12 8.37 .00 .00 4.69 11.95 125 333 336 22.00 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 128 333 339 690.12 5.12 .00 .00 4.40 10.66 131 339 342 1317.36 1.23 .00 .00 3.74 4.90 133 342 341 4.7.50 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 134 342 345 1269.86 2.01 .00 .00 3.60 . 4.58 137 345 348 1695.88 2.35 .00 .00 4.81 7.82 140 348 351 900.93 3.36 .00 .00 3.68 5.89 143 351 354 -631.57 -1.40 .00 .00 -2.58 -3.05 146 354 359 -729.94 -.89 .00 .00 -2.07 -1.64 149 348 359 762.44 1.07 .00 .00 2.16 1.78 152 354 362 -1434.12 -1.61 .00 .00 -4.07 -5.73 155 362 365 -1434.12 -4.76 .00 .00 -4.07 -5.73 158 365 368 -1434.12 -4.30 .00 .00 -4.07 -5.73 161 368 371 -1434.12 -4.13 .00 .00 -4.07 -5.73 164 371 374 -1434.12 -2.98 .00 .00 -4.07 -5.73 167 374 377 -1281.91 -2.33 .00 .00 -3.64 -4.66 168 379 377 1521.62 .64 .00 .00 4.32 6.40 170 0 379 1521.62 3.46 .00 .00 9.71 46.10 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 377 380 221.71 .83 00 .00 1.42 1.30 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 177 380 384 203.71 .73 .00 .00 1.30 1.11 179 384 393 15.75 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 183.71 .37 .00 .00 1.17 .92 185 387 374 160.71 .39 .00 .00 1.03 .72 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 1486.61 10.72 .00 .00 6.07 14.89 405 0 495 1521.62 3.84 .00 .00 4.32 6.40 440 460 470 1478.11 2.95 .00 .00 6.04 14.74 480 470 480 1468.61 4.37 .00 .00 6.00 14.56 485 480 490 1462.86 5.06 .00 .00 5.98 14.46 603 639 345 426.02 .88 .00 .00 1.21 .61 605 645 639 426.02 .30 .00 .00. 1.21 .61 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 611 654 645 429.85 .48 .00 .00 1.22 .62 614 648 654 -6.67 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .0.0 620 648 651 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 A-19 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 623 654 657 -439.40 -.31 .00 .00 -1.25 -.64 626 657 664 -446.07 -.56 .00 .00 -1.27 -.66 627 664 663 -452.77 -.28 .00 .00 -1.28 -.68 628 664 665 2.88 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 465.20 .26 .00 .00 1.32 .71 635 669 666 471.87 .40 . .00 .00 1.34 .73 638 672 669 479.52 .43 .00 .00 1.36 .75 641 672 684 -560.70 -.40 .00 .00 -1.59 -1.01 644 675 672 -34.58 .00 .00 .00 -.14 -.01 647 675 678 34.58 .01 .00 .00 .14 .01 650 678 681 -3.62 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 41.82 . .01 .00 .00 .17 .02 656 684 687 -.560.70 -1.31 .00 .00 -1.59 -1.01 659 687 690 -560.70 -4.23 .00 .00 -1.59 -1.01 662 0 .690 560.70 .05 .00 .00 1.59 1.01 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 361.12 105.00 110.98 315 19.25 361.12 113.00 107.52 319 11.50 368.29 153.00 93.29 320 16.25 368.29 141.00 98.49 330 17.25 371.82 163.00 90.49 333 22.00 363.45 128.00 102.03 336 22.00 363.44 92.00 117.62 339 13.50 358.34 100.00 111.95 341 47.50 357.10 90.00 115.74 342 .00 357.11 95.00 113.58 345 .00 355.10 94.00 113.14 348 32.50 352.75 90.00 113.86 351 1532.50 349.39 94.00 110.67 354 1532.50 350.80 84.00 115.61. 359 32.50 351.68 78.00 118.60 362 .00 352.40 74.00 120.64 365 .00 357.16 67.00 125.74 368 .00 361.46 60.00 130.63 371 .00 365.59 63.00 131.12 374 8.50 368.57 80.00 .125.05 377 7.50 370.90 112.00 112.19 378 10.50 370.90 120.00 108.72 379 .00 371.54 114.00 111.60 380 8.50 370.07 130.00 104.03 381 9.50 370.07 95.00 119.20 384 4.25 369.34 94.00 119.31 387 10.50 368.97 90.00 120.89 390 12.50 368.96 63.00 132.58 393 15.75 369.32 80.00 125.37 460 8.50 479.28 192.00 124.49 A-20 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 470 9.50 476.33 198.00 120.61 480 5.75 471.96 180.00 126.52 490 8.50 466.90 163.00 131.69 495 .00 486.16 639 .00 355.98 110.00 106.59 642 3.83 356.28 126.00 99.79 645 .00 356.28 120.00 102.39 648 .00 356.76 190.00 72.26 651 6.67 356.76 183.00 75.29 654 2.88 356.76 146.00 91.33 657 6.67 357.07 180.00 76.73 660 8.60 357.92 156.00 87.50 663 3.83 357.92 155.00 87.93 664 3.83 357.63 175.00 79.14 665 2.88 357.63 208.00 64.84 666 6.67 358.18 170.00 81.55 669 7.65 358.58 140.00 94.72 672 4.78 359.91 140.00 94.90 675 .00 359.00 145.00 92.73 678 38.20 359.00 142.00 94.03 681 38.20 359:00 130.00 99.23 684 .00 359.41 130.00 99.41 687 .00 360.72 690 .00 364.95 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 390 12.50 368.96 63.00 132.58 490 8.50 466.90 163.00 131.69 371 .00 365.59 63.00 131.12 368 .00 361.46 60.00 130.63 480 5.75 471.96 180.00 126.52 365 .00 357.16 67.00 125.74 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 2.88 357.63 208.00 64.84 648 .00 356.76 190.00 72.26 651 6.67 356.76 183.00 75.29 657 6.67 357.07 180.00 76.73 664 3.83 357.63 175.00 79.14 666 6.67 358.18 170.00 81.55 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 3568.92 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 1486.61 405 1521.62 662 560.70 A-21 Canta.rini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3568.92 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR 4.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 5 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00002 Peak hour demands. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 610.12 .64 .00 .00 3.89 8.49 107 330 320 292.25 .69 .00 .00 1.87 2.17 110. 320 319 18.40 .01 .00 .00 .12 .01 113 320 315 247.85 1.12 .00 .00 1.58 1.60 116 315 312 24.40 .01 .00 .00 .16 .02 119 315 339 192.65 .30 .00 .00 1.23 1.00 122 330 333 290.26 1.50 .00 .00 1.85 2.14 125 333 336 35.20 .04 .00 .00 .22 .04 128 333 339 219.86 .62 .00 .00 1.40 1.28 131 339 342 390.92 .13 .00 .00 1.11 .52 133 342 341 76.00 .02 .00 .00 .31 .06 134 342 345 314.92 .15 .00 .00 .89 .35 137 345 348 -215.52 -.05 .00 .00 -.61 -.17 140 348 351 -100.69 -.06 .00 .00 -.41 -.10 143 351 354 -152.69 -.10 .00 .00 -.62 -.22 146 354 359 218.83 .10 .00 .00 .62 .18 149 348 359 -166.83 -.06 .00 .00 -.47 -.11 152 354 362 -423.52 -.17 .00 .00 -1.20 -.60 155 362 365 -423.52 -.50 .00 .00 -1.20 -.60 158 365 368 -423.52 -.45 .00 .00 -1.20 -.60 161 368 371 -423.52 -.43 .00 .00 -1.20 -.60 164 371 374 -423.52 -.31 .00 .00 -1.20 -.60 167 374 377 -434.98 -.31 .00 .00 -1.23 -.63 168 379 377 563.52 .10 .00 .00 1.60 1.02 170 0 379 563.52 .55 .00 .00 3.60 7.32 171 377 378 16.80 .01 .00 .00 .11 .01 173 377 380 99.74 .19 .00 .00 .64 .30 A-22 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 174 380 381 15.20 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 177 380 384 70.94 .10 .00 .00 .45 .16 179 384 393 25.20 .03 .00 .00 .16 .02 182 384 387 38.94 .02 .00 .00 .25 .05 185 387 374 2.14 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 186 387 390 20.00 .01 .00 .00 .13 .02 400 0 460 661.72 2.40 .00 .00 2.70 3.33 405 0 495 563.52 .61 .00 .00 1.60 1.02 440 460 470 648.12 .64 .00 .00 2.65 3.20 480 470 480 632.92 .92 .00 .00 2.59 3.06 485 480 490 623.72 1.04 .00 .00 2.55 2.98 603 639 345 -530.44 -1.32 .00 .00 -1.50 -.91 605 645 639 -530.44 -.45 .00 .00 -1.50 -.91 608 645 642 6.12 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 611 654 645 -524.32 -.69 .00 .00 -1.49 -.89 614 648 654 . -10.68 .00 .00 .00 -.07 .00 620 648 651 10.68 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 623 654 657 509.04 .41 .00 .00 1.44 .84 626 657 664 498.36 .69 .00 .00 1.41 .81 627 664 663 487.64 .33 .00 .00 1.38 .78 628 664 665 4.60 .0.0 .00 .00 . .03 .00 629 663 660 13.76 .01 .00 .00 .09 .01 632 666 663 -467.76 -.27 .00 .00 -1.33 -.72 635 669 666 -457.08 -.37 .00 .00 -1.30 -.69 638 672 669 -444.84 -.37 .00 .00 -1.26 -.66 641 672 684 314.96 .14 .00 .00 .89 .35 644 675 672 -55.33 -.01 .00 .00 -.23 -.03 647 675 678 55.33 .01 .00 .00 .23 .03 650 678 681 -5.79 .00 .00 .00 -.02 .00 653 672 681 66.91 .02 .00 .00 .27 .05 656 684 687 314.96 . .45 .00 .00 .89 .35 659 687 690 314.96 1.45 .00 .00 .89 .35 662 0 690 -314.96 -.02 .00 .00 -.89 -.35 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 24.40 372.53 105.00 115.93 315 30.80 372.55 113.00 112.47 319 18.40 373.66 153.00 95.62 320 26.00 373.67 141.00 100.82 330 27.60 374.36 163.00 91.59 333 35.20 372.86 128.00 106.11 336 35.20 372.83 92.00 121.69 339 21.60 372.25 100.00 117.97 341 76.00 372.09 90.00 122.24 342 .00 372.12 95.00 120.08 345 .00 371.97 94.00 120.45 348 52.00 372.02 90.00 122.21 351 52.00 372.08 94.00 120.50 A-23 Cantarim and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 354 52.00 372.18 84.00 124.88 359 52.00 372.08 78.00 127.44 362 .00 372.34 74.00 129.28 365 .00 372.84 67.00 132.53 368 .00 373.29 60.00 135.76 371 .00 373.72 63.00 134.65 374 13.60 374.03 80.00 127.41 377 12.00 374.35 112.00 113.68 378 16.80 374.34 120.00 110.22 379 .00 374.45 114.00 112.86 380 13.60 374.16 130.00 105.80 381 15.20 374.15 95.00 120.97 384 6.80 - 374.06 94.00 121.36 387 16.80 374.03 90.00 123.08 390 20.00 374.02 6300 134.78 393 25.20 374.03 80.00 127.41 460 13.60 487.60 192.00 128.10 470 15.20 486.96 198.00 125.22 480 9.20 486.05 180.00 132.62 490 13.60 485.00 163.00 139.53 495 .00 489.39 639 .00 370.65 110.00 112.95 642 6.12 370.19 126.00 105.82 645 .00 370.19 120.00 108.42 648 .00 369.50 190.00 77.78 651 10.68 369.49 183.00 80.81 654 4.60 369.50 146.00 96.85 657 10.68 369.09 180.00 81.94 660 13.76 368.07 156.00 91.90 663 6.12 368.07 155.00 92.33 664 6.12 368.40 175.00 83.81 665 4.60 368.40 208.00 69.51 666 10.68 367.81 170.00 85.72 669 12.24 367.43 140.00 98.55 672 7.64 367.06 140.00 98.39 675 .00 367.05 145.00 96.22 678 61.12 367.04 142.00 97.52 681 61.12 367.04 130.00 102.72 684 .00 366.92 130.00 102.67 687 .00 366.47 690 .00 365.02 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 13.60 485.00 163.00 139.53 368 .00 373.29 60.00 135.76 390 20.00 374.02 63.00 134.78 371 .00 373.72 63.00 134.65 480 9.20 486.05 180.00 132.62 365 .00 372.84 67.00 132.53 A-24 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 16, 2003 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 4.60 368.40 208.00 69.51 648 .00 369.50 190.00 77.78 651 10.68 369.49 183.00 80.81 657 10.68 369.09 180.00 81.94 664 6.12 368.40 175.00 83.81 666 10.68 367.81 170.00 85.72 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 910.28 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS (+) AND OUTFLOWS (-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 661.72 405 563.52 662 -314.96 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 1225.24 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = -314.96 A-25 COMPUTER RUNS 375 Zone System Analysis NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM REFERENCE: Exhibit A in the back pocket of report PIPING CONDITIONS MODELED: Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario. CONDITIONS MODELED: Average day demands. Maximum day demands plus 1,500 gpm fire flow at Node 651. Maximum day demands plus 1,500 gpm fire flow at Node 665. Maximum day demands plus 3,000 gpm fire flow at Nodes 678 and 681. Maximum day demands plus 3,000 gpm fire flow at Nodes 351 and 354. Peak hour demands. ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS K FIXED GRADE 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 . .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 490.00 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad .726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS THERE IS A PRV AT JUNCTION 490 FOR LINE 100 SET AT A GRADE OF 375.00 THERE IS A PRV AT JUNCTION 495 FOR LINE 170 SET AT A GRADE OF 375.00 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER (FEET) (INCHES) 100 490 330 75.0 8.0 107 330 320 320.0 8.0 110 320 319 450.0 8.0 113 320 315 700.0 8.0 116 315 312 650.0 8.0 119 315 339 300.0 8.0 122 330 333 700.0 8.0 125 333 336 820.0 8.0 128 333 339 480.0 8.0 131 339 342 250.0 12.0 133 342 341 400.0 10.0 134 342 345 440.0 12.0 137 345 348 300.0 12.0 140 348 351 570.0 10.0 143 351 354 460.0 10.0 146 354 359 540.0 12.0 149 348 359 600.0 12.0 152 354 362 280.0 12.0 155 362 365 830.0 12.0 158 365 368 750.0 12.0 161 368 371 720.0 12.0 164 371 374 520.0 12.0 167 374 377 500.0 12.0 168 379 377 100.0 12.0 170 495 379 75.0 8.0 171 377 378 530.0 8.0 173 377 380 640.0 8.0 174 380 381 560.0 8.0 177 380 384 660.0 8.0 179 384 393 1200.0 8.0 182 384 387 400.0 8.0 185 387 374 550.0 8.0 186 387 390 730.0 8.0 400 0 460 720.0 10.0 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 405 0 495 600.0 12.0 120.0 .00 490.00 440 460 470 200.0 10.0 120.0 .00 480 470 480 300.0 10.0 120.0 .00 485 480 490 350.0 10.0 120.0 .00 603 639 345 1450.0 12.0 120.0 .00 LINE 603 IS CLOSED 605 645 639 500.0 12.0 120.0 .00 608 645 642 550.0 8.0 120.0 .00 611 654 645 780.0 12.0 120.0 .00 614 648 654 800.0 8.0 120.0 .00 620 648 651 360.0 8.0 120.0 .00 623 654 657 49.0.0 12.0 120.0 .00 626 657 664 850.0 12.0 120.0 .00 627 664 663 420.0 12.0 120.0 .00 628 664 665 530.0 8.0 120.0 .00 629 663 660 700.0 8.0 120.0 .00 632 666 663 370.0 12.0 120.0 .00 635 669 666 540.0 12.0 120.0 .00 638 672 669 570.0 12.0 120.0 .00 641 672 684 400.0 12.0 120.0 .00 644 675 672 320.0 10.0 120.0 .00 647 675 678 400.0 10.0 120.0 .00 650 .678 681 600.0 10.0 120.0 .00 653 672 681 500.0 10.0 120.0 . .00 656 684 687 1300.0 12.0 120.0 . .00 659 687 690 4200.0 12.0 120.0 .00 662 0 690 50.0 12.0 120.0 .00 365.00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES 312 6.10 105.00 116 315 7.70 113.00 113 116 119 319 4.60 153.00 110 320 . 6.50 141.00. 107 110 113 330 6.90 163.00 100 107 122 333 8.80 128.00 122 125 128 336 8.80 92.00 125 339 5.40 100.00 119 128 131 341 19.00 90.00 133 342 .00 95.00 131 133 134 345 .00 94.00 134 137 603 348 13.00 90.00 137 140 149 351 13.00 . 94.00 140 143 354 13.00 84.00 143 146 152 359 13.00 78.00 146 149 362 . .00 74.00 152 155 365 .00 67.00 155 158 368 .00 60.00 158 161 B-3 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 371 .00 63.00 161 164 374 3.40 80.00 164 167 185 377 3.00 112.00 167 168 171 173 378 4.20 120.00 171 379 .00 114.00 168 170 380 3.40 130.00 173 174 177 381 3.80 95.00 174 384 1.70 94.00 177 179 182 387 4.20 90.00 182 185 186 390 5.00 63.00 186 393 6.30 80.00 179 460 3.40 192.00, 400 440 470 3.80 198.00 440 480 480 2.30 180.00 480 485 490 3.40 163.00 100 485 495 .00 .00 170 405 639 .00 110.00 603 605 642 1.53 126.00 608 645 .00 120.00 605 608 611 648 .00 190.00 614 620 651 2.67 183.00 620 654 1.15 146.00 611 614 623 657 2.67 180.00 623 626 660 3.44 . 156.00 629 663 1.53 155.00 627 629 632 664 1.53 175.00 626 627 628 665 1.15 208.00 628 666 2.67 170.00 632 635 669 3.06 140.00 635 638 672 1.91 140.00 638 641. 644 653 675 .00 145.00 644 647 678 15.28 142.00 647 650 681 15.28 130.00 650 653 684 .00 130.00 641 656 687 .00 .00 656 659 690 .00 .00 659 662 OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIOD 6 VALUES ARE OUTPUT FOR MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES THIS SYSTEM HAS 60 PIPES WITH 54 JUNCTIONS , 2 LOOPS AND 5 FGNS THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 8 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00242 B-4 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726001zc Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Average Day Demands PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 81.39 .02 .00 .00 .52 .20 107 330 320 38.54 .02 .00 .00 .25 .05 110 320 319 4.60 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 113 320 315 27.44 .02 .00 .00 .18 .03 116 315 312 6.10 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 119 315 339 13.64 .00 .00 .00 .09 .01 122 330 333 35.95 .03 .00 .00 .23 .04 125 333 336 8.80 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 128 333 339 18.35 .01 .00 .00 .12 .01 131 339 342 26.59 .00 .00 .00 .08 .00 133 342 341 19.00 .00 .00 .00 .08 .00 134 342 345 7.59 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 137 345 348 7.59 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 140 348 351 - .07 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 143 351 354 -13.07 .00 .00 .00 -.05 .00 146 354 359 18.34 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 149 348 359 -5.34 .00 .00 .00 -.02 .00 152 354 362 -44.41 .00 .00 .00 -.13- -.01 155 362 365 -44.41 -.01 .00 .00 -.13 -.01 158 365 368 -44.41 -.01 .00 .00 -.13 -.01 161 368 371 -44.41 -.01 .00 .00 -.13 -.01 164 371 374 -44.41 .00 .00 .00 -.13 -.01 167 374 377 -56.11 -..01 .00 .00 -.16 -.01 168 379 377 79.41 .00 .00 .00 .23 .03 170 0 379 79.41 .01 .00 .00 .51 .19 171 377 378 4.20 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 173 377 380 16.10 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 174 380 381 3.80 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 177 380 384 8.90 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 179 384 393 6.30 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 182 384 387 .90 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 185 387 374 -8.30 .00 .00 .00 -.05 .00 186 387 390 5.00 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 400 0 460 94.29 .06 .00 .00 .39 .09 405 0 495 79.41 .02 .00 .00 .23 .03 440 460 470 90.89 .02 .00 .00 .37 .08 480 470 480 87.09 .02 .00 .00 .36 .08 485 480 490 84.79 .03 .00 .00 .35 .07 LINE 603 IS CLOSED 605 645 639 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 608 645 642 1.53 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 B-5 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 611 654 645 1.53 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 614 648 654 -2.67 .00 .00 .00 -.02 .00 620 648 651 2.67 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 623 654 657 -5.35 .00 .00 .00 -.02 .00 626 657 664 -8.02 .00 .00 .00 -.02 .00 627 664 663 -10.70 .00 .00 .00 -.03 .00 628 664 665 1.15 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 629 663 660 3.44 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 632 666 663 15.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 635 669 666 18.34 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 638 672 669 21.40 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 641 672 684 -53.87 -.01 .00 .00 -.15 -.01 644 675 672 -13.83 .00 .00 .00 -.06 .00 647 675 678 13.83 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 650 678 681 -1.45 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 16.73 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 656 684 687 -53.87 -.02 .00 .00 -.15 -.01 659 687 690 -53.87 -.06 .00 .00 -.15 -.01 662 0 690 53.87 .00 .00 .00 .15 .01 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 6.10 374.95 105.00 116.98 315 7.70 . 374.95 113.00 113.51 319 4.60 374.97 153.00 96.19 320 6.50 374.97 141.00 101.39 330 6.90 374.98 163.00 91.86 333 8.80 374.95 128.00 107.01 336 8.80 374.95 92.00 122.61 339 5.40 374.95 100.00 119.14 341 19.00 374.94 90.00 123.48 342 .00 374.95 95.00 121.31 345 .00 374.95 94.00 121.74 348 13.00 374.95 90.00 123.48 351 13.00 374.95 94.00 121.74 354 13.00 374.95 84.00 126.08 359 13.00 374.95 78.00 128.68 362 .00 374.95 74.00 130.41 365 .00 374.96 67.00 133.45 368 .00 374.96 60.00 136.48 371 .00 374.97 6300 135.19 374 3.40 374.98 80.00 127.82 377 3.00 374.98 112.00 113.96 378 4.20 374.98 120.00 110.49 379 .00 374.99 114.00 113.09 380 3.40 374.98 130.00 106.16 381 3.80 374.98 95.00 121.32 384 1.70 374.97 94.00 121.76 B-6 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 387 4.20 374.97 90.00 123.49 390 5.00 374.97 63.00 135.19 393 6.30 374.97 80.00 127.82 460 3.40 489.94 192.00 129.11 470 3.80 489.92 198.00 126.50 480 2.30 489.89 180.00 134.29 490 3.40 489.87 163.00 141.64 495 . .00 489.98 639 .00 364.92 110.00 110.46 642 1.53 364.92 126.00 103.53 645 .00 364.92 120.00 106.13 648 .00 364.92 190.00 75.80 651 2.67 364.92 183.00 78.83 654 1.15 364.92 146.00 94.86 657 . 2.67 364.92. 180.00 80.13 660 3.44 364.92 156.00 90.53 663 1.53 364.92 155.00 90.96 664 1.53 364.92 175.00 82.30 665 1.15 364.92 208.00 68.00 666 2.67 364.92 170.00 84.47 669 3.06 364.92 140.00 97.47 672 1.91 364.92 140.00 97.47 675 . .00 364.92 145.00 95.30 678 15.28 . 364.92 142.00 96.60 681 15.28 364.92 130.00 101.80 684 .00 364.93 130.00 101.80 687 .00 364.94 690 .00 365.00 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 3.40 489.87 163.00 141.64 368 .00 374.96 60.00 136.48 390 5.00 374.97 63.00 135.19 371 .00 374.97 63.00 135.19 480 2.30 489.89 180.00. 134.29 365 .00 374.96 67.00 133.45 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 1.15 364.92 208.00 68.00 648 .00 364.92 190.00 75.80 651 2.67 364.92 183.00 78.83 657 2.67 364.92 180.00 80.13 664 1.53 364.92 175.00 82.30 666 2.67 364.92 170.00 84.47 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 227.57 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(#) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES B-7 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 94.29 405 79.41 662 53.87 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 227.57 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 651 1506.70 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00001 Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Maximum Day Demands plus 1500 gpm Fire Flow at Node 651 in Residential area. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE 100 0 330 203.47 107 330 320 96.34 110 320 319 11.50 113 320 315 68.59 116 315 312 15.25 119 315 3-39 34.09 122 330 333 89.88 125 333 336 22.00 128 333 339 45.88 131 339 342 66.47 133 342 341 47.50 134 342 345 18.97 137 345 348 18.97 140 348 351 -.24 143 351 354 -32.74 146 354 359 . 45.79 HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .08 .00 .00 1.30 1.11 .09 .00 .00 .61 .28 .00 .00 . .00 .07 .01 .10 .00 .00 .44 .15 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 .01 .00 .00 .22 .04 .17 .00 .00 '.57 .24 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 .03 .00 .00 .29 .07 .00 .00 .00 .19 .02 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 .00 .00• .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 .00 -.13 -.01 .01 .00 .00 .13 .01 B-8 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 149 348 359 -13.29 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 152 354 362 -111.03 -.01 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 155 362 365 -111.03 -.04 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 158 365 368 -111.03 -.04 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 161 368 371 -111.03 -.04 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 164 371 374 -111.03 -.03 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 167 374 377 -140.28 -.04 .00 .00 -.40 -.08 168 379 377 198.53 .01 .00 .00 .56 .15 170 0 379 198.53 .08 .00 .00 1.27 1.06 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 377 380 .40.25 .04 .00 .00 .26 .06 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .00 . .00 .06 .00 .177 380 384 22.25 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 179 384 393 15.75 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 2.25 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 185 387 374 -20.75 -.01 .00 .00 -.13 -.02 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 235.72 . .35 .00 '.00 .96 .49 405 0 495 198.53 .09 .00 .00 .56 .15 440 460 470 227.22 .09 .00 .00 .93 .46 480 470 480 217.72 .13 .00 .00. .89 .42 485 480 490 211.97 .14 .00 .00 .87 .40 LINE 603 IS CLOSED 605 645 639 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 611 654 645 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 614 648 654 -1506.70 -36.21 .00 .00 -9.62 -45.27 620 648 651 ' 1506.70 16.30 .00 .00 9.6.2 45.27 623 654 657 -1513.40 -3.10 .00 .00 -4.29 -6.34 626 ' 657 664 -1520.07 . -5.43 .00 .00 -4.31 -6.39 627 664 663 -1526.78 -2.70 .00 .00 -4.33 -6.44 628 664 665 2.88 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 1539.20 2.42 .00 .00 4.37 6.54 635 669 666 1545.88 '3.56 .00 .00 4.39 6.59 638 672 669 1553.53 3.79 .00 .00 4.41 6.65 641 672 684 -1634.70 -2.92 .00 .00 -4.64 -7.31 644 .675 672 -34.58 .00 .00 .00 -.14 -.01 647 675 678 34.58 .01 .00 .00 .14 .01 650 678 681 -3.62 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 41.82 . .01 .09 .00 .17 .02 656 684 687 -1634.70 -9.50 .00 .00 . -4.64 -7.31 659 687 690 -1634.70 -30.69 .00 .00 -4.64 -7.31 662 0 690 1634.70 .37 .00 .00 4.64 7.31 B-9 Cantanni and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 374.72 105.00 116.88 315 19.25 374.72 113.00 113.41 319 11.50 374.83 153.00 96.12 320 16.25 374.83 141.00 101.33 330 17.25 374.92 163.00 91.83 333 22.00 374.75 128.00 106.92 336 22.00 374.73 92.00 122.52 339 13.50 374.71 100.00 119.04 341 47.50 374.70 90.00 123.37 342 .00 374.71 95.00 121.21 345 .00 374.71 94.00 121.64 348 32.50 374.71 90.00 123.37 351 32.50 374.71' 94.00 121.64 354 32.50 374.71 84.00 125.97 359 32.50 374.71 78.00 128.57 362 .00 374.73 74.00 130.31 365 .00 374.77 67.00 133.37 368 .00 374.80 60.00 136.42 371 .00 374.84 63.00 135.13 374 8.50 374.87 80.00 127.78 377 7.50 374.91 112.00 113.93 378 10.50 374.90 120.00 110.46 379 .00 374.92 114.00 113.07 380 8.50 374.87 130.00 106.11 381 9.50 374.87 95.00 121.28 384 4.25 374.86 94.00 121.71 387 10.50 374.86 90.00 123.44 390 12.50 374.85 63.00 135.14 393 15.75 374.85 80.00 127.77 460 8.50 489.65 192.00 128.98 470 9.50 489.55 198.00 126.34 480 5.75 489.43 180.00 134.08 490 8.50 489.29 163.00 141.39 495 .00 489.91 639 .00 300.51 110.00 82.56 642 3.83 300.51 126.00 75.62 645 .00 300.51 120.00 78.22 648 .00 264.30 190.00 32.20 651 1506.70 248.00 183.00 28.17 654 2.88 300.51 146.00 66.96 657 6.67 303.62 180.00 53.57 660 8.60 311.75 156.00 67.49 663 3.83 311.75 155.00 67.93 664 3.83 309.05 175.00 58.09 665 2.88 309.05 208.00 43.79 666 6.67 314.17 170.00 62.47 669 7.65 317.73 140.00 77.02 B-b Canta.riiii and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 78.66 76.49 77.79 82.99 84.26 672 4.78 321.52 140.00 675 .00 321.51 145.00 678 38.20 321.51 142.00 681 38.20 321.51 130.00 684 .00 324.44 130.00 687 .00 333.94 690 .00 364.63 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 8.50 489.29 163.00 368 .00 374.80 60.00 390 12.50 374.85 63.00 371 .00 374.84 63.00 480 5.75 489.43 180.00 365 .00 374.77 67.00 MINIMUM PRESSURES 651 1506.70 248.00 .183.00 648 .00 264.30 190.00 665 2.88 309.05 208.00 657 6.67 303.62 180.00 664 3.83 309.05 175.00 666 6.67 314.17 170.00 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 2068.95 141.39 136.42 135 .14 135.13 134.08 133.37 28.17 32.20 43.79 53.57 58.09 62.47 SUMMARY OF INFL0WS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 235-72 405 198.53 662 1634.70 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 2068.95 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 665 1502.90 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00000 B-li Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Maximum Day Demands Plus 1500 gpm Fire Flow at Node 665 in Residential.area. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 203.47 .08 .00 .00 1.30 1.11 107 330 320 96.34 .09 .00 .00 .61 .28 110 320 319 11.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 113 320 315 68.59 .10 .00 .00 .44 .15 116 315 312 15.25 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 119 315 339 34.09 .01 .00 .00 .22 .04 122 330 333 89.88 .17 .00 .00 .57 .24 125 333 336 22.00 .01 .00 .00 .14 02 128 333 339 45.88 .03 .00 .00 .29 .07 131 339 342 66.47 .00 .00 .00 .19 .02 133 342 341 47.50 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 134 342 345 18.97 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 137 345 348 18.97 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 140 348 351 -.24 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 143 351 354 -32.74 -.01 .00 .00 -.13 -.01 146 354 359 45.79 .01 .00 .00 .13 .01 149 348 359 -13.29 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 152 354 362 -111.03 -.01 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 155 362 365 -111.03 -.04 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 158 365 368 -111.03 -.04 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 161 368 371 -111.03 -.04 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 164 371 374 -111.03 -.03 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 167 374 377 -140.28 -.04 .00 .00 -.40 -.08 168 379 377 198.53 .01 .00 .00 .56 .15 170 0 379 198.53 .08 .00 .00 1.27 1.06 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 377 380 40.25 .04 .00 .00 .26 .06 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 177 380 384 22.25 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 179 384 393 15.75 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 2.25 .00 . .00 .00 .01 .00 185 387 374 -20.75 -.01 .00 .00 -.13 -.02 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 235.72 .35 .00 .00 .96 .49 405 0 495 198.53 .09 .00 .00 .56 .15 440 460 470 227.22 .09 .00. .00 .93 .46 480 470 480 217.72 .13 .00 .00 .89 .42 485 480 490 211.97 .14 .00 .00. .87 .40 LINE 603 IS CLOSED 605 645 639 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 611 654 645 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 B-12 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 614 648 654 -6.67 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 620 648 651 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 623 654 657 -13.38 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 626 657 664 -20.05 .00 .00 .00 -.06 .00 627 664 663 -1526.78 -2.70 .00 .00 -4.33 -6.44 628 664 665 1502.90 23.88 .00 .00 9.59 45.06 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 1539.20 2.42 .00 .00 4.37 6.54 635 669 666 1545.88 3.56 .00 .00 4.39 6.59 638 672 669 1553.53 3.79 .00 .00 4.41 6.65 641 672 684 -1634.70 -2.92 .00 .00 -4.64 -7.31 644 675 672 -34.58 .00 .00 .00 -.14 -.01 647 675 678 34.58 .01 .00 .00 .14 .01 650 678 681 -3.62 .00 .00 . .00 -.0.1 .00 653 672 681 41.82 .01 .00 .00 .17 .02 656 684 687 -1634.70 -9.50 .00 .00 -4.64 -7.31 659 687 690 -1634.70 -30.69 .00 .00 -4.64 -7.31 662 0 690 1634.70 .37 .00 .00 4.64 7.31 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 374.72 105.00 116.88 315 19.25 374.72 113.00 . 113.41 319 11.50 374.83 153.00 96.12 320 16.25 374.83 141.00 101.33 330 17.25 374.92 163.00 91.83 333 22.00 374.75 128.00 106.92 336 22.00 374.73 92.00 122.52 339 13.50 374.71 100.00 119.04 341 47.50 374.70 90.00 123.37 342 .00 374.71 95.00 121.21 345 .00 374.71 94.00 121.64 348 32.50 374.71 90.00 123.37 351 32.50 374.71 94.00 121.64 354 . 32.50 374.71 84.00 125.97 359 32.50 374.71 78.00 128.57 362 .00 374.73 74.00 130.31 365 .00 374.77 67.00 133.37 368 .00 374.80 60.00 136.42 371 .00 374.84 63.00 135.13 374 8.50 374.87 80.00 127.78 377 7.50 374.91 112.00 113.93 378 10.50 374.90 120.00 110.46 379 .00 374.92 114.00 113.07 380 8.50 374.87 130.00 106.11 381 9.50 374.87 95.00 121.28 384 4.25 374.86 94.00 121.71 387 10.50 374.86 90.00 123.44 B-13 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 390 12.50 374.85 63.00 135.14 393 15.75 374.85 80.00 127.77 460 8.50 489.65 192.00 128.98 470 9.50 489.55 198.00 126.34 480 5.75 489.43 180.00 134.08 490 8.50 489.29 163.00 141.39 495 . .00 489.91 639 .00 309.04 110.00 86.25 642 3.83 309.04 126.00 79.32 645 .00 .. 309.04 120.00 81.92 648 .00 309.04 190.00 51.58 651 6.67 309.04 183.00 54.62 654 2.88 309.04 146.00 70.65 657 . 6:67 309.04 180.00 55.92 660 8.60 311.75 .156.00 67.49 663 3.83 311.75 155.00 67.93 664 3.83 309.05 175.00 58.09 665 1502.90 285.17 208.00 33.44 666 6.67 314.17 170.00 62.47 669 7.65 317.73 140.00 77.02 672 . 4.78 321.52 140.00 78.66 675 .00 321.51 145.00 76.49 678 38.20 321.51 142.00 77.79 681 38.20 321.51 130.00 82.99 684 .00 324.44 130.00 84.26 687 .00 333.94 690 .00 364.63 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 . 8.50 489.29 163.00 141.39 368 .00 374.80 60.00 136.42 390 12.50 374.85 . 63.00 135.14 371 .00 374.84 63.00 135.13 480 5.75 489.43 180.00 134.08 365 .00 374.77 67.00 133.37 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 1502.90 285.17 208.00 33.44 648 .00 309.04 190.00 51.58 651 6.67 309.04 183.00 54.62 657 6.67 309.04 180.00 55.92 664 3.83 309.05 175.00 58.09 666 6.67 314.17 170.00 62.47 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 2068.95 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES B-14 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 235.72 405 198.53 662 1634.70 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 2068.95 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 678 1538.20 681 1538.20 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY . 00000 Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Maximum Day Demands plus 3000 gpm Fire Flow at Nodes 678 and 681 MultiFamily PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE 100 0 330 203.47 107 330 320 96.34 110 320 319 11.50 113 320 315 68.59 116 315 312 15.25 119 315 339 34.09 122 330 333 89.88 125 333 336 22.00 128 333 339 45.88 131 339 342 66.47 133 342 341 47.50 134 342 345 18.97 137 345 348 18.97 140 348 351 -.24 143 351 354 -32.74 146 354 359 45.79 HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .08 .00 .00 1.30 1.11 .09 .00 .00 .61 .28 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 .10 .00 .00 .44 .15 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 .01 .00 .00 .22 .04 .17 .00 .00 .57 .24 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 .03 .00 .00 .29 .07 .00 .00 .00 .19 .02 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 .00 00 .00 .05 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 .00 -.13 -.01 .01 .00 .00 .13 .01 B-15 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 149 348 359 -13.29 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 152 354 362 -111.03 -.01 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 155 362 365 -111.03 -.04 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 158 365 368 -111.03 -.04 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 161 368 371 -111.03 -.04 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 164 371 374 -111.03 -.03 .00 .00 -.31 -.05 167 374 377 -140.28 -.04 .00 .00 -.40 -.08 168 379 377 198.53 .01 .00 .00 .56 .15 170 0 379 198.53 .08 .00 .00 1.27 1.06 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 .377 380 40.25 .04 .00 .00 .26 .06 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .O0 .00 .06 .00 177 380 384 22.25 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 179 384 393 15.75 '.01 .00 .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 2.25 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 185 387 374 -20.75 -.01 .00 .00 -.13 -.02 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 235.72 .35 .00 .00 .96 .49 405 0 495 198.53 .09 .00 .00 .56 .15 440 . 460 470 227.22 .09 .00 .00 .93 .46 480 470 480 217.72 .13 .00 .00 .89 .42 485 480 490 211.97 .14 .00 .00 .87 .40 LINE 603 IS CLOSED 605 645 639 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 611 654 645 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 614 648 654 -6.67 .00 .00 .00 - .04 .00 620 648 651 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 623 654 657 -13.38 . .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 626 657 664. -20.05 .00 . .00 .00 -.06 .00 627 664 663 -26.75 .00 .00 .00 -.08 .00 628 664 665 2.88 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 39.17 .00 .00 .00 .11 .01 635 669 666 45.85 .01 .00 .00 .13 .01 638 672 669 53.50 .01 .00 .00 .15 . .01 641 672 684 -3134.67 -9.76 .00 .00 -8.89 -24.40 644 675 672 -1392.53 -4.22 .00 .00 -5.69 -13.20 647 675 678 1392.53 5.28 .00 .00 5.69 13.20 650 678 681 -145.67 -.12 .00 .00 -.60 -.20 653 672 681 1683.87 9.38 .00 .00 6.88 18.76 656 684 687 -3134.67 -31.72 .00 .00 -8.89 -24.40 659 687 690 -3134.67 -102.50 .00 .00 -8.89 -24.40 662 0 690 3134.67 1.22 .00 .00 8.89 24.40 B-16 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PaESSURE 312 15.25 374.72 105.00 116.88 315 19.25 374.72 113.00 113.41 319 11.50 374.83 153.00 96.12 320 16.25 374.83 141.00 101.33 330 17.25 374.92 163.00 91:83 333 22.00 374.75 128.00 106.92 336 22.00 374.73 92.00 122.52 339 13.50 374.71 100.00 119.04 341 47.50 374.70 90.00 123.37 342 .00 374.71 95.00 121.21 345 .00 374.71 94.00 121.64 348 32.50 374.71 90.00 123.37 351 32.50 374.71 94.00 121.64 354 32.50 374.71 84.00 125.97 359 32.50 374.71 78.00 128.57 362 .00 374.73 74.00 130.31 365 .00 374.77 67.00 133.37 368 .00 374.80 60.00 136.42 371 .00 374.84 63.00 135.13 374 8.50 374.87 80.00 127.78 377 7.50 374.91 112.00 113.93 378 10.50 374.90 120.00 110.46 379 .00 374.92 114.00 113.07 380 8.50 374.87 130.00 106.11 381 9.50 374.87 95.00 121.28 384 4.25 374.86 94.00 121.71 387 10.50 374.86 90.00 123.44 390 12.50 374.85 63.00 135.14 393 15.75 374.85 80.00 127.77 460 8.50 489.65 19.00 128.98 470 9.50 489.55 198.00 126.34 480 5.75 489.43 180.00 134.08 490 8.50 489.29 163.00 141.39 495 .00 489.91 639 .00 219.78 110.00 47.57 642 3.83 219.78 126.00 40.64 645 .00 219.78 120.00 43.24 648 .00 219.78 190.00 12.90 651 6.67 219.78 183.00 15.94 654 2.88 219.78 146.00 31.97 '657 6.67 219.78 180.00 17.24 660 8.60 219.78 156.00 27.64 663 3.83 219.78 155.00 28.07 664 3.83 219.78 175.00 19.41 665 2.88 219.78 208.00 5.10 666 6.67 219.79 170.00 21.57 669 7.65 219.79 140.00 34.58 B-17 Cantanni and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 672 4.78 219.80 140.00 34.58 675 .00 215.57 145.00 30.58 678 1538.20 210.30 142.00 29.60 681 1538.20 210.42 130.00 34.85 684 .00 229.56 130.00 43.14 687 .00 261.28 690 .00 363.78 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 8.50 489.29 163.00 141.39 368 .00 374.80 60.00 136.42 390 12.50 374.85 63.00 135.14 371 .00 374.84 63.00 135.13 480 5.75 489.43 180.00 134.08 365 .00 374;77 67.00 133.37 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 2.88 219.78 208.00 5.10 648 .00 219.78 190.00 12.90 651 6.67 219.78 183.00 15.94 657 6.67 219.78 180.00 17.24 664 3.83 219.78 175.00 19.41 666 6.67 219.79 170.00 21.57 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 3568.92 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 235.72 405 198.53 662 3134.67 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3568.92 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 354 1532.50 351 1532.50 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 4 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00061 B-18 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Maximum day demands plus 3000 gpm fire flow at Nodes 351 and 354 in future commercial area. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 1697.65 4.23 .00 .00 10.84 56.46 107 330 320 820.96 4.70 .00 .00 5.24 14.70 110 320 319 11.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 113 320 315 793.21 9.66 .00 .00 5.06 13.80 116 315 312 15.25 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 119 315 339 758.71 3.81 .00 .00 4.84 12.70 122 330 333 859.45 11.20 .00 .00 5.49 16.00 125 333 336 22.00 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 128 333 339 815.45 6.97 .00 .00 5.20 14.52 131 339 342 1560.65 1.68 .00 .00 4.43 6.71 133 342 341 47.50 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 134 342 345 1513.15 2.79 .00 .00 4.29 6.33 137 345 348 1513.15 1.90 .00 .00 4.29 6.33 140 348 351 848.01 3.00 . .00 .00 3.46 5.27 143 351 354 -684.49 -1.63 .00 .00 -2.80 -3.54 146 354 359 -600.14 -.62 .00 .00 -1.70 -1.14 149 348 359 632.64 .76 .00 .00 1.79 1.26 152 354 362 -1616.85 -2.01 .00 . .00 -4.59 -7.16 155 362 365 -1616.85 -5.94 .00 .00 -4.59 -7.16 158 365 368 -1616.85 -5.37 .00 .00 -4.59 -7.16 161 368 371 -1616.85 -5.16 .00 .00 -4.59 -7.16 164 371 374 -1616.85 -3.72 .00 .00 -4.59 -7.16 167 374 377 -1440.30 -2.89 .00 .00 -4.09 -5.78 168 379 377 1704.35 .79 .00 .00 4.83 7.90 170 0 379 1704.35 4.27 .00 .00 10.88 56.87 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 377 380 246.05 1.01 .00 .00 1.57 1.58 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 177 380 384 228.05 .91 .00 .00 1.46 1.37 179 384 393 15.75 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 208.05 .46 .00 .00 1.33 1.16 185 387 374 185.05 .51 .00 .00 1.18 .93 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 1729.90 14.20 .00 .00 7.07 19.72 405 0 495 1704.35 4.74 .00 .00 4.83 7.90 440 460 470 1721.40 3.91 .00 .00 7.03 19.54 480 470 480 1711.90 5.80 .00 .00 6.99 19.34 485 480 490 1706.15 6.73 .00 .00 6.97 19.22 LINE 603 IS CLOSED 605 645 639 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 3-19 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 611 654 645 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 614 648 654 -6.67 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 620 648 651 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 623 654 657 -13.38 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 626 657 664 -20.05 .00 .00 .00 -.06 .00 627 664 663 -26.75 .00 .00 .00 -.08 .00 628 664 665 2.88 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 39.17 .00 .00 .00 .11 .01 635 669 666 45.85 .01 .00 .00 .13 .01 638 672 669 53.50 .01 .00 .00 .15 .01 641 672 684 -134.67 -.03 .00 .00 -.38 -.07 644 675 672 -34.58 .00 .00 .00 -.14 -.01 647 675 678 34.58 .01 .00 .00 .14 .01 650 678 681 -3.62 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 41.82 .01 .00 .00 .17 .02 656 684 687 -134.67 -.09 .00 .00 -.38 -.07 659 687 690 -134.67 -.30 .00 .00 -.38 -.07 662 0 690 134.67 .00 .00 .00 .38 .07 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 356.40 105.00 108.94 315 19.25 356.40 113.00 105.47 319 11.50 366.06 153.00 92.33 320 16.25 366.06 141.00 97.53 330 17.25 370.77 163.00 90.03 333 22.00 359.56 128.00 100.34 336 22.00 359.55 92.00 115.94 339 13.50 352.59 100.00 109.46 341 47.50 350.91 90.00 113.06 342 .00 350.92 95.00 110.90 345 .00 348.13 94.00 110.12 348 32.50 346.23 90.00 111.03 351 1532.50 343.23 94.00 108.00 354 1532.50 344.86 84.00 113.04 359 32.50 345.47 78.00 115.90 362 .00 346.86 74.00 118.24 365 .00 352.80 7.00 123.85 368 .00 358.18 60.00 129.21 371 .00 363.33 63.00 130.14 374 8.50 367.05 80.00 124.39 377 7.50 369.94 112.00 111.78 378 .10.50 369.94 120.00 108.31 379 .00 370.73 114.00 111.25 380 8.50 368.93 130.00 103.54 381 9.50 368.93 95.00 118.70: 384 4.25 368.03 94.00 118.75 B-20 Cantarim and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 387 10.50 367.57 90.00 120.28 390 12.50 367.56 63.00 131.98 393 15.75 368.02 80.00 124.81 460 8.50 475.80 192.00 122.98 470 9.50 471.89 198.00 118.69 480 5.75 466.09 180.00 123.97 490 8.50 459.36 163.00 128.42 495 .00 485.26 639 .00 364.55 110.00 110.31 642 3.83 364.55 126.00 103.37 645 .00 364.55 120.00 105.97 648 .00 364.55 190.00 15..64 651 6.67 364.55 183.00 78.67 654 2.88 364.55 146.00 94.71 657 6.67 364.55 180.00 79.97 660 8.60 364.56 156.00 90.37 663 3.83 364.56 155.00 90.81 664 3.83 364.56 175.00 82.14 665 2.88 364.56 208.00 67.84 666 6.67 364.56 170.00 84.31 669 7.65 364.57 140.00 97.31 672 4.78 364.57 140.00 97.31 675 .00 364.57 145.00 95.15 678 38.20 364.56 142.00 96.44 681 38.20 364.56 130.00 101.64 684 .00 364.60 130.00 101.66 687 .00 364.69 690 .00 365.00 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 390 12.50 367.56 63.00 131.98 371 .00 363.33 63.00 130.14 368 .00 358.18 60.00 129.21 490 8.50 459.36 163.00 128.42 393 15.75 368.02 80.00 124.81 374 8.50 367.05 80.00 124.39 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 2.88 364.56 208.00 67.84 648 - .00 364.55 190.00 75.64 651 6.67 364.55 183.00 78.67 657 6.67 364.55 180.00 79.97 664 3.83 364.56 175.00 82.14 666 6.67 364.56 170.00 84.31 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 3568.92 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES 3-21 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 1729.90 405 1704.35 662 134.67 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3568.93 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 4.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00039 Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Peak hour demands. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 325.55 .20 .00 .00 2.08 2.65 107 330 320 154.15 .21 .00 .00 .98 .66 110 320 319 18.40 .01 .00 .00 .12 .01 113 320 315 109.75 .25 .00 .00 .70 .35 116 315 312 24.40 .01 .00 .00 .16 .02 119 315 339 54.55 .03 .00 .00 .35 .10 122 330 333 143.80 .41 .00 .00 .92 .58 125 333 336 35.20 .04 .00 .00 .22 .04 128 333 339 73.40 .08 .00 .00 .47 .17 131 339 342 106.35 .01 .00 .00 .30 .05 133 342 341 76.00 .02 .00 .00 .31 .06 134 342 345 30.35 .00 .00 .00 .09 .00 137 345 348 30.35 .00 .00 .00 .09 .00 140 348 351 -.39 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 143 351 354 -52.38 -.01 .00 .00 -.21 -.03 146 354 359 73.26 .01 .00 .00 .21 .02 149 348 359 -21.26 .00 .00 .00 -.06 .00 152 354 362 -177.65 -.03 .00 .00 -.50 -.12 155 362 365 -177.65 -.10 .00 .00 -.50 -.12 158 365 368 -177.65 -.09 .00 .00 -.50 -.12 161 368 371 -177.65 -.09 .00 .00 -.50 -.12 164 371 374 -177.65 -.06 .00 .00 -.50 -.12 B-22 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 167 374 377 -224.45 -.09 .00 .00 -.64 -.18 168 379 377 317.65 .04 .00 .00 .90 .35 170 0 379 317.65 .19 .00 .00 2.03 2.53 171 377 378 16.80 .01 .00 .00 .11 .01 173 377 380 64.40 .08 .00 .00 .41 .13 174 380 381 15.20 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 177 380 384 35.60 .03 .00 .00 .23 .04 179 384 393 25.20 .03 .00 .00 .16 .02 182 384 387 3.60 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 185 387 374 -33.20 -.02 .00 .00 -.21 -.04 186 387 390 20.00 .01 .00 .00 .13 .02 400 0 460 377.15 .85 .00 .00 1.54 1.17 405 0 495 317.65 .21 .00 .00 .90 .35 440 460 470 363.55 .22 .00 .00 1.49 1.10 480 470 480 348.35 .30 .00 .00 1.42 1.01 485 480 490 339.15 .34 .00 .00 1.39 96 LINE 603 IS CLOSED 605 645 639 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 608 645 642 6.12 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 611 654 645 6.12 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 614 648 654 -10.68 .00 .00, .00 -.07 .00 620 648 651 10.68 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 623 654 657 -21.40 .00 .00 .00 -.06 .00 626 657 664 -32.08 .00 .00 . .00 -.09 -.01 627 664 663 -42.80 .00 .00 .00 -.12 -.01 628 664 665 4.60 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 629 663 660 13.76 .01 .00 .00 .09 .01 632 666 663 62.68 .01 .00 .00 .18 .02 635 669 666 73.36 .01 .00 .00 .21 .02 638 672 669 85.60 .02 .00 .00 .24 .03 641 672 684 -215.48 -.07 .00 .00 -.61 .-.17 644 675 672 -55.33 -.01 .00 .00 .23 -.03 647 675 678 55.33 .01 .00 .00 .23 .03 650 678 681 -5.79 .00 .00 .00 -.02 .00 653 672 681 66.91 .02 .00 .00 .27. .05 656 684 687 -215.48 -.22 .00 .00 -.61 -.17 659 687 690 -215.48 -.72 .00 .00 -.61 -.17 662 0 690 215.48 .01 .00 .00 .61 .17 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 24.40 374.33 105.00 116.71 315 30.80 374.34 113.00 113.25 319 18.40 374.58 153.00 96.02 320 26.00 374.59 141.00 101.22 330 27.60 .374.80 . 163.00 91.78 333 35.20 374.39 128.00 106.77 336 . 35.20 374.36 92.00 122.35 B-23 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 339 21.60 374.31 100.00 118.87 341 76.00 374.28 90.00 123.19 342 .00 374.30 95.00 121.03 345 .00 374.30 94.00 121.46 348 52.00 374.30 90.00 123.20 351 52.00 374.30 94.00 121.46 354 52.00 374.31 84.00 125.80 359 5200 374.30 78.00 128.40 362 .00 374.34 74.00 130.15 365 .00 374.44 67.00 133.23 368 .00 374.53 60.00 136.30 371 .00 374.62 63.00 135.04 374 13.60 374.68 80.00. 127.70 377 12.00 374.77 112.00 113.87 378 16.80 374.77 120.00 110.40 379 .00 374.81 114.00 113.02 380 13.60 374.69 130.00 106.03 381 15.20 374.69 95.00 121.20 384 6.80 374.66 94.00 121.62 387 16.80 374.66 90.00 123.35 390 20.00 374.65 63.00 135.05 393 25.20 374.63 80.00 127.67 460 13.60 489.15 192.00 128.77 470 15.20 488.93 198.00 126.07 480 9.20 488..63 180.00 133.74 490 13.60 488.29 163.00 140.96 495 .00 489.79 639 .00 363.93 110.00 110.04 642 6.12 363.93 126.00 103.10 645 .00 363.93 120.00 105.70 648 .00 363.93 190.00 75.37 651 10.68 363.93 183.00 78.40 654 .4.60 363.93 146.00 94.44 657 10.68 363.94 180.00 79.71 660 13.76 363.94 156.00 90.11 663 6.12 363.94 155.00 90.54 664 6.12 . 363.94 175.00 81.87 665 4.60 363.94 208.00 67.57 666 10.68 363.95 170.00 84.05 669 12.24 363.96 140.00 97.05 672 7.64 363.98 140.00 97.06 675 .00 363.97 145.00 94.89 678 61.12 363.96 142.00 96.18 681 61.12 363.96 130.00 101.38 684 . .00 364.05 130.00 101.42 687 .00 .364.27 690 .00 364.99 B-24 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 603 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 13.60 488.29 163.00 140.96 368 .00 374.53 60.00 136.30 390 20.00 374.65 63.00 135.05 371 .00 374.62 63.00 135.04 480 9.20 488.63 180.00 133.74 365 .00 374.44 67.00 133.23 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 4.60 363.94 208.00 67.57 648 .00 363.93 190.00 75.37 651 10.68 363.93 183.00 78.40 657 10.68 363.94 180.00 79.71 664 6.12 363.94 175.00 81.87 666 10.68 363.95 170.00 84.05 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 910.28 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 377.15 405 317.65 662 215.48 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 910.28 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 B-25 APPENDIX C COMPUTER RUNS 375 Zone System Analysis NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM REFERENCE: Exhibit A in the back pocket of report. PIPING CONDITIONS MODELED: Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario. CONDITIONS MODELED: Average day demands. Maximum day demands plus 1,500 gpm fire flow at Node 651. Maximum day demands plus 1,500 gpm fire flow at Node 665. Maximum day demands plus 3,000 gpm fire flow at Nodes 678 and 681. Maximum day demands plus 3,000 gpm fire flow at Nodes 351 and 354. Peak hour demands. C-i ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS K FIXED GRADE 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 120.0 .00 490.00 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS THERE IS A PRV AT JUNCTION 490 FOR LINE 100 SET AT A GRADE OF 375.00 THERE IS A PRV AT JUNCTION 495 FOR LINE 170 SET AT A GRADE OF 375.00 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER (FEET) (INCHES) 100 490 330 75.0 8.0 107 330. 320 320.0 8.0 110 320 319 450.0 8.0 113 320 315 700.0 8.0 116 315 312 650.0 8.0 119 315. 339 300.0 8.0 122 330 333 700..0 8.0 125 333 336 820.0 8.0 128 333 339 480.0 8.0 131 .339 342 250.0 12.0 133 342 341 400.0 10.0 134 342 345 440.0 12.0 137 345 348 300.0 12.0 140 348 351 570.0 10.0 143 351 354 460.0 10.0 146 354 359 540.0 12.0 149 348 359 600.0 12.0 152 354 362 280.0 12.0 155 362 365 830.0 12.0 158 365 368 750.0 12.0 161 368 371 720.0 12.0 164 371 374 520.0 12.0 167 374 377 500.0 12.0 168 379 377 100.0 12.0 170 495 379 75.0 8.0 171 377 378 . 530.0 8.0 173 377 380 640.0 8.0 174 380 381 560.0 8.0 177 380 384 660.0 8.0 179 384 393 1200.0 8.0 182 384 387 400.0 8.0 185 387 374 550.0 8.0 186 387 390 730.0 8.0 400 0 460 720.0 10.0 C-2 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 405 0 495 600.0 12.0 120.0 .00 490.00 440 460 470 200.0 10.0 120.0 .00 480 470 480 300.0 10.0 120.0 .00 485 480 490 350.0 10.0 120.0 .00 603 639 345 1450.0 12.0 120.0 .00 605 645 639 500.0 12.0 120.0 .00 608 645 642 550.0 8.0 120.0 .00 611 654 645 780.0 12.0 120.0 .00 614 648 654 800.0 8.0 120.0 .00 620 648 651 360.0 8.0 120.0 .00 623 654 657 490.0 12.0 120.0 .00 626 657 664 850.0 12.0 120.0 .00 627 664 663 420.0 12.0 120.0 .00 628 664 665 530.0 8.0 120.0 .00 629 663 660 700.0 8.0 120.0 .00 632 666 663 370.0 12.0 120.0 .00 635 669 666 540.0 12.0 120.0 .00 638 672 669 570.0 12.0 120.0 .00 641 672 684 400.0 12.0 120.0 .00 644 675 672 320.0 10.0 120.0 .00 647 675 678 400.0 10.0 120.0 .00 650 678 681 600.0 10.0 120.0 .00 653 672 681 500.0 10.0 120.0 .00 656 684 687 1300.0 12.0 120.0 .00 659 687 690 4200.0 12.0 120.0 .00 LINE 659 IS CLOSED 662 0 690 50.0 12.0 120.0 .00 365.00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES 312 6.10 105.00 116 315 7.70 113.00 113 116 119 319 4.60 153.00 110 320 6.50 141.00 107 110 113 330 6.90 163.00 100 107 122 333 8.80 128.00 122 125 128 336 8.80 92.00 125 339 5.40 100.00 119 128 131 341 19.00 90.00 133 342 .00 95.00 131 133 13.4 345 .00 94.00 134 137 603 348 13.00 90.00 137 140 149 351 13.00 94.00 140 143 354 13.00 84.00 143 146 152 359 13.00 78.00 146 149 362 .00 74.00 152 155 365 .00 67.00 155 158 368 .00 60.00 158 161 C-3 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 371 .00 63.00 161 164 374 3.40 80.00 164 167 185 377 3.00 112.00 167 168 171 173 378 4.20 120.00 171 379 .00 114.00 168 170 380 3.40 130.00 173 174 177 381 3.80 95.00 174 384 1.70 94.00 177 179 182 387 4.20 90.00 182 185 186 390 5.00 63.00 186 393 6.30 80.00 179 460 3.40 192.00 400 440 470 3.80 198.00 440 480 480 2.30 180.00 480 485 490 3.40 163.00 100 485 495 .00 .00 170 405 639 .00 110.00 603 605 642 1.53 126.00 608 645 .00 120.00 605 608 611 648 .00 190.00 614 620 651 2.67 183.00 620 654 1.15 146.00 611 614 623 657 2.67 180.00 623 626 660 3.44 - 156.00 629 663 1.53. 155.00 627 629 632 664 1.53 175.00 626 627 628 665 1.15 208.00 628 666 2.67 170.00 632 635 669 3.06 140.00 635 638 672 1.91 140.00 638 641 ..644 653 675 .00 145.00 644 647 678 15.28 142.00 647 650 681 15.28 130.00 650 653 684 .00 130.00 641 656 687 .00 .00 656 659 690 .00 .00 659 662 OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIOD 6 VALUES ARE OUTPUT FOR MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES THIS SYSTEM HAS .60 PIPES WITH 54 JUNCTIONS , 2 LOOPS AND 5 FGNS THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 8 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00004 C-4 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726001zg Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Average Day Demands PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 110.32 .03 .00 .00 .70 .36 107 330 320 52.58 .03 .00 .00 .34 .09 110 320 319 4.60 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 113 320 315 41.48 .04 .00 .00 .26 .06 116 315 312 6.10 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 119 315 339 27.68 .01 .00 .00 .18 .03 122 330 333 50.83 .06 .00 .00 .32 .09 125 333 336 8.80 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 128 333 339 33.23 .02 .00 .00 .21 .04 131 339 342 55.52 .00 .00 .00 .16 .01 133 342 341 19.00 .00 .00 .00 .08 .00 134 342 345 36.52 .00 .00 .00 .10 .01 137 345 348 -17.35 .00 .00 .00 -.05 .00 140 348 351 -10.56 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 143 351 354 -23.56 .00 .00 .00 -.10 -.01 146 354 359 32.79 .00 .00 .00 .09 .01 149 348 359 -19.79 .00 .00 .00 -.06 .00 152 354 362 -69.35 -.01 .00 .00 -.20 -.02 155 362 365 -69.35 -.02 .00 .00 -.20 -.02 158 365 368 -69.35 -.02 .00 .00 -.20 -.02 161 368 371 -69.35 -.02 .00 .00 -.20 -.02 164 371 374 -69.35 -.01 .00 .00 -.20 -.02 167 374 377 -77.69 -..01 .00 .00 -.22 -.03 168 379 377 104.35 .00 .00 00 .30 .04 170 0 379 104.35 .02 .00 .00 .67 .32 171 377 378 4.20 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 173 377 380 19.46 .01 .00 .00 .12 .01 174 380 381 3.80 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 177 380 384 12.26 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 179 384 393 6.30 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 182 384 387 4.26 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 185 387 374 -4.94 .00 .00 .00 -.03 .00 186 387 390 5.00 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 400 0 460 123.22 .11 .00 .00 .50 .15 405 0 495 104.35 .03 .00 .00 .30 .04 440 460 470 119.82 .03 .00 .00 .49 .14 480 470 480 116.02 .04 .00 .00 .47 .13 485 480 490 113.72 .04 .00 .00 .46 .13 603 639 345 -53.87 -.02 .00 .00 -.15 -.01 605 645 639 -53.87 -.01 .00 .00 -.15 -.01 608 645 642 1.53 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 C-5 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 611 654 645 -52.34 -.01 .00 .00 -.15 -.01 614 648 654 -2.67 .00 .00 .00 -.02 .00 620 648 651 2.67 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 623 654 657 48.52 .01 .00 .00 .14 .01 626 657 664 45.85 .01 .00 .00 .13 .01 627 664 663 43.17 .00 .00 .00 .12 .01 628 664 665 1.15 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 629 663 660 3.44 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 632 666 663 -38.20 .00 .00 .00 -.11 -.01 635 669 666 . -35.53 .00. .00 .00 -.10 -.01 638 672 669 -32.47 .00 .00 .00 -.09 -.01 641 672 684 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 644 675 672 -13.83 .00 .00 .00 -.06 .00 647 675 678 13.83 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 650 678 681 -1.45 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 16.73 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 656 684 687 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LINE 659 IS CLOSED 662 0 690 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 6.10 374.90 105.00 116.96 315 7.70 374.90 113.00 113.49 319 4.60 374.94 153.00 96.18 320 6.50 374.94 141.00 101.38 330 6.90 374.97 163.00 91.86 333 8.80 374.91 128.00 107.00 336 8.80 374.91 92.00 122.59 339 0 5.40 374.90 100.00 119.12 341 19.00 374.89 90.00 123.45 342 . .00 374.89 95.00 121.29 345 .00 374.89 94.00 121.72 348 13.00 374.89 90.00 123.45 351 13.00 374.89 94.00 121.72 354 13.00 374.89 84.00 126.05 359 13.00 374.89 78.00 128.65 362 .00 374.90 74.00 130.39 365 .00 374.92 67.00 133.43 368 .00 374.93 60.00 136.47 371 .00 374.95 63.00 135.18 374 3.40 374.96 80.00 127.82 377 3.00 374.97 112.00 113.95 378 4.20 374.97 120.00 110.49 379 .00 374.98 114.00 113.09 380 3.40 374.96 130.00 106.15 381 3.80 374.96 95.00 121.32 384 1.70 374.96 94.00 121.75 C-6 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 387 4.20 374.96 90.00 123.48 390 5.00 374.96 63.00 135.18 393 . 6.30 374.96 80.00 127.81 460 3.40 489.89 192.00 129.09 470 3.80 489.87 198.00 126.48 480 2.30. 489.83 180.00 134.26 490 3.40 489.78 163.00 141.61 495 .00 489.97 639 .00 374.87 110.00 114.78 642 1.53 374.86 126.00 107.84 645 .00 374.86 120.00 110.44 648 .00 374.85 190.00 80.10 651 2.67 374.85 183.00 83.14 654 1.15 374.85 146.00 99.17 657 2.67 374.85 180.00 84.43 660 3.44 374.84 156.00 94.83 663 1.53 374.84 155.00 95.26 664 1.53 374.84 175.00 86.60 665 1.15 374.84 208.00 . 72.30 666 2.67 374.83 170.00 88.76 669 3.06 374.83 140.00 101.76 672 1.91 374.83 140.00 101.76 675 .00 374.83 145.00 99.59 678 15.28 374.83 142.00 100.89 681 15.28 374.83 130.00 106.09 684 .00 374.83 . 130.00 . 106.09 687 .00 374.83 690 .00 365.00 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 3.40 489.78 163.00 141.61 368 .00 374.93 60.00 136.47 390 5.00 374.96, 63.00 135.18 371 .00 374.95 63.00 135.18 480 2.30 489.83 180.00 134.26 365 .00 374.92 67.00 133.43 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 1.15 374.84 208.00 72.30 648 .00 374.85 190.00 80.10 651 2.67 374.85 183.00 83.14 657 2.67 374.85 180.00 84.43 664 1.53. 374.84 175.00 86.60 666 2.67 374.83 170.00 88.76 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 227.57 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES C-7 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 PIPE NUMBER .FLOWRATE 400 123.22 405 104.35 662 .00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 227.57 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 651 1506.70 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00102 Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Maximum Day Demands plus 1500 gpm Fire Flow at Node 651 in Residential area. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE 100 0 330 1080.26 107 330 320 521.59 110 320 319 11.50 113 320 315 493.84 116 315 312 15.25 119 315 339 459.34 122 330 333 541.41 125 333 336 22.00 128 333 339 497.41 131 339 342 943.26 133 342 341 47.50 134 342 345 895.76 137 345 348 -738.94 140 348 351 -302.24 143 351 354 -334.74 146 354 359 501.71 149 348 359 -469.21 HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 1.83 .00 .00 6.89 24.44 2.03 .00 .00 3.33 6.35 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 4.02 .00 .00 3.15 5.74 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 1.50 .00 .00 2.93 5.02 4.76 .00 .00 3.46 6.80 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 2.79 .00 .00 3.17 5.81 .66 .00 .00 2.68 2.64 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 1.06 .00 .00 2.54 2.40 -.50 .00 .00 -2.10 -1.68 -.44 .00 .00 -1.23 -.78 -.43 .00 .00 -1.37 -.94 .44 .00 .00 1.42 .82 -.43 .00 .00 -1.33 -.72 C-8 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 152 354 362 -868.94 -.63 .00 .00 -2.46 -2.27 155 362 365 -868.94 -1.88 .00 .00 -2.46 -2.27 158 365 368 -868.94 -1.70 .00 .00 -2.46 -2.27 161 368 371 -868.94 -1.63 .00 .00 -2.46 -2.27 164 371 374 -868.94 -1.18 .00 .00 -2.46 -2.27 167 374 377 -792.30 -.96 .00 .00 -2.25 -1.91 168 379 377 956.44 .27 .00 .00 2.71 2.71 170 0 379 956.44 1.46 .00 .00 6.10 19.51 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 377 380 146.14 .38 .00 .00 .93 .60 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 177 380 384 128.14 .31 .00 .00 .82 .47 179 384 393 15.75 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 108.14 .14 .00 .00 .69 .34 185 387 374 85.14 .12 .00 .00 .54 .22 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 1112.51 6.27 .00 .00 4.54 8.71 405 0 495 956.44 1.62 .00 .00 2.71 2.71 440 460 470 1104.01 1.72 .00 .00 4.51 8.58 480 470 480 1094.51 2.53 .00 .00 4.47 8.45 485 480 490 1088.76 2.93 .00 .00 4.45 8.37 603 639 345 -1634.70 -10.60 .00 .00 -4.64 -7.31 605 645 639 -1634.70 -3.65 .00 .00 -4.64 -7.31 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 611 654 645 -1630.87 -5.68 .00 .00 -4.63 -7.28 614 648 654 -1506.70 -36.21 .00 .00 -9.62 -45.27 620 648 651 1506.70 16.30 .00 .00 9.62 45.27 623 654 657 121.30 .03 .00 .00 .34 .06 626 657 664 114.62 .05 .00 .00 .33 .05 627 664 663 107.92 .02 .00 .00 .31 .05 628 664 665 2.88 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 -95.50 -.01 .00 .00 -.27 -.04 635 669 666 -88.82 -.02 .00 .00 -.25 -.03 638 672 669 -81.17 -.02 .00 .00 -.23 -.03 641 672 684 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 644 675 672 -34.58 .00 .00 .00 -.14 -.01 647 675 678 34.58 .01 .00 .00 .14 .01 650 678 681 -3.62 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 41.82 .01 .00 .00 .17 .02 656 684 687 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LINE 659 IS CLOSED 662 0 690 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-0101 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 367.11 105.00 113.58 315 19.25 367.12 113.00 110.12 319 11.50 371.13 153.00 94.52 320 16.25 371.14 141.00 99.73 330 17.25 . 373.17 163.00 91.07 333 22.00 368.41 128.00 104.18 336 22.00 368.39 92.00 119.77 339 13.50 365.62 100.00 115.10 341 47.50 364.95 .90.00 119.14 342 .00 364.96 95.00 116.98 345 .00 363.90 94.00 116.96 348 32.50 364.40 90.00 118.91 351 32.50 364.85 94.00 117.37 354 32.50 365.28 84.00 121.89 359 32.50 364.84 78.00 124.30 362 .00 365.92 74.00 126.50 365 .00 367.80 67.00 130.35 368 .00 369.50 60.00 134.12 371 .00 371.13 63.00 133.52 374 8.50 372.31 80.00 126.67 377 7.50 373.27 112.00 113.22 378 10.50 373.26 120.00 109.75 379 .00 373.54 114.00 112.47 380 8.50 372.88 130.00 105.25 381 . 9.50 372.88 95.00 120.41 384 4.25 372.57 . 94.00 120.71 387 10.50 372.43 90.00 122.39 390 12.50 372.43 63.00 134.09 393 15.75 372.56 80.00 126.78 460 8.50 483:73 192.00 126.42 470 9.50 482.01 198.00 123.07 480 5.75 479.48 180.00 129.77 490 8.50 476.55 163.00 135.87 495 .00 488.38 639 .00 353.30 110.00 105.43 642 3.83 349.65 126.00 96.91 645 .00 349.65 120.00 99.52 648 .00 307.76 190.00 51.03 651 1506.70 291.47 183.00 47.00 654 2.88 343.97 146.00 85.79 657 6.67 343.95 180.00 71.04 660 8.60 343.88 156.00 81.41 663 3.83 343.88 155.00 81.85 664 3.83 343.90 175.00 73.19 665 2.88 343.90 208.00 58.89 666 6.67 343.87 170.00 75.34 669 7.65 343.85 140.00 88.33 C-b Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 672 4.78 343.83 140.00 88.33 675 .00 343.83 145.00 86.16 678 38.20 343.82 142.00 87.46 681 38.20 343.82 130.00 92.66 684 .00 343.83 130.00 92.66 687 .00 343.83 690 .00 365.00 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 8.50 476.55 163.00 135.87 368 .00 369.50 60.00 134.12 390 12.50 372.43 63.00 134.09 371 .00 371.13 63.00 133.52 365 .00 367.80 67.00 130.35 480 5.75 479.48 180.00 129.77 MINIMUM PRESSURES 651 1506.70 291.47 183.00 47.00 648 . .00 307.76 190.00 51.03 665 2.88 343.90 208.00 58.89 657 6.67 343.95 180.00 71.04 664 3.83 343.90 175.00 73.19 666 6.67 343.87 170.00 . 75.34 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 2068.95 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS (+) AND OUTFLOWS (-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 1112.51 405 956.44 662 .00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 2068.95 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 665 1502.90 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00000 C-li Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe. 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Maximum Day Demands Plus 1500 gpm Fire Flow at Node 665 in Residential area. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWPATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 1080.26 1.83 .00 .00 6.89 24.44 107 330 320 521.59 2.03 .00 .00 3.33 6.35 110 320 319 11.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 113 320 315 493.84 4.02 .00 .00 3.15 5.74 116 315 312 15.25 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 119 315 339 459.34 1.50 .00 .00 2.93 5.02 122 330 333 541.42 4.76 .00 .00 3.46 6.80 125 333 336 22.00 . .01 .00 . .00 .14 .02 128 333 339 497.42 2.79 .00 .00 3.17 5.81 131 339 342 943..26 .66 .00 .00 2.68 2.64 133 342 341 47.50 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 134 342 345 895.76 1.06 .00 .00 2.54 2.40 137 345 348 -738.94 -.50 .00 .00 -2.10 -1.68 140 348 351 -302.22 -.44 .00 . .00 -1.23 -.78 143 351 354 -334.72 -.43 .00 .00 -1.37 -.94 146 354 359 501.72 .44 .00 .00 1.42 .82 149 348 359 -469.22 -.43 .00 .00 -1.33 -.72 152 354 362 -868.94 -.63 .00 .00 -2.46 -2.27 155 362 365 -868.94 -1.88 .00 .00 -2.46 -2.27 158 365 368 -868.94 -1.70 .00 .00 -2.46 -2.27 161 368 371 -868.94 -1.63 .00 .00 -2.46 -2.27 164 371 374 -868.94 -1.18 .00 .00 -2.46 -2.27 167 374 377 -792.30 -.96 .00 .00 -2.25 -1.91 168 379 377 956.44 . .27 .00 .00 2.71 2.71 170 0 379 956.44 1.46 .00 .00 6.10 19.51 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 377 380 146.14 .38 . .00 .00 .93 .60 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .00 . .00 .06 .00 177 380 384 128.14 .31 .00 .00 .82 .47 179 384 393 15.75 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 108.14 .14 .00 .00 .69 .34 185 387 374 85.14 .12 .00 .00 .54 .22 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 1112.51 . 6.27 .00 .00 4.54 8.71 405 0 495 956.44 1.62 .00 .00 2.71 2.71 440 460 470 1104.01 1.72 .00 .00 4.51 8.58 480 470 480 1094.51 2.53 .00 .00 4.47 8.45 485 480 490 1088.76 2.93 .00 .00 4.45 8.37 603 639 345 -1634.70 -10.60 .00 .00 -4.64 -7.31 605 645 639 -1634.70 . -3.65 .00 .00 -4.64 -7.31 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 611 654 645 -1630.88 -5.68 .00 .00 -4.63 -7.28 C-12 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 614 648 654 -6.67 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 620 648 651 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 623 654 657 1621.32 3.53 .00 .00 4.60 7.20 626 657 664 1614.65 6.07 .00 .00 4.58 7.14 627 664 663 107.92 .02 .00 .00 .31 .05 628 664 665 1502.90 23.88 .00 .00 9.59 45.06 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 -95.50 -.01 .00 .00 -.27 -.04 635 669 666 -88.82 -.02 .00 .00 -.25 -.03 638 672 669 -81.17 -.02 .00 .00 -.23 -.03 641 672 684 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 644 675 672 -34.58 .00 .00 .00 -.14 -.01 647 675 678 34.58 .01 .00 .00 .14 .01 650 678 681 -3.62 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 41.82 .01 .00 .00 .17 .02 656 684 687 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LINE 659 IS CLOSED 662 0 690 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 367.11 105.00 113.58 315 19.25 367.12 113.00 110.12 319 11.50 371.13 153.00 94.52 320 16.25 371.14 141.00 99.73 330 17.25 373.17 163.00 91.07 333 22.00 368.41 128.00 104.18 336 22.00 368.39 92.00 119.77 339 13.50 365.62 100.00 115.10 341 47.50 364.95 90.00 119.14 342 .00 364.96 95.00 116.98 345 .00 363.90 94.00 116.96 348 32.50 364.40 90.00 118.91 351 32.50 364.85 94.00 117.37 354 32.50 365.28 84.00 121.89 359 32.50 364.84 78.00 124.30 362 .00 365.92 74.00 126.50 365 .00 367.80 67.00 130.35 368 .00 369.50 60.00 134.12 371 .00 371.13 63.00 133.52 374 8.50 372.31 80.00 126.67 377 7.50 373.27 112.00 113.22 378 10.50 373.26 120.00 109.75 379 .00 373.54 114.00 112.47 380 8.50 372.88 130.00 105.25 381 9.50 372.88 95.00 120.41 384 4.25 372.57 94.00 120.71 387 10.50 372.43 90.00 122.39 C-13 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 390 12.50 372.43 63.00 134.09 393 15.75 372.56 80.00 126.78 460 8.50 483.73 192.00 126.42 470 9.50 482.01 198.00 123.07 480 5.75 479.48 180.00 129.77 490 8.50 476.55 163.00 135.87 495 .00 488.38 639 .00 353.30 110.00 105.43 642 3.83 349.65 126.00 96.91 645 .00 349.65 120.00 99.52 648 .00 343.97 190.00 66.72 651 6.67 343.97 183.00 69.75 654 2.88 343.97 146.00 85.79 657 6.67 340.45 180.00 69.53 660 8.60 334.35 156.00 77.29 63 3.83 334.36 155.00 77.72 664 3.83 334.38 175.00 69.06 665 1502.90 310.50 208.00 44.42 666 6.67 334.34 170.00 71.21 669 7.65 334.32 140.00 84.21 672 4.78 334.31 140.00 84.20 675 .00 334.30 145.00 82.03 678 38.20 334.30 142.00 83.33 681 38.20 334.30 130.00 88.53 684 .00 334.31 130.00 88.53 687 .00 334.31 690 .00 365.00 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 8.50 476.55 163.00 135.87 368 .00 369.50 60.00 134.12 390 12.50 372.43 63.00 134.09 371 .00 371.13 63.00 133.52 365 .00 367.80 67.00 130.35 480 5.75 479.48 180.00 129.77 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 1502.90 310.50 208.00 44.42 648 .00 343.97 190.00 66.72 664 3.83 334.38 175.00 69.06 657 6.67 340.45 180.00 69.53 651 6.67 343.97 183.00 69.75 666 6.67 334.34 170.00 71.21 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 2068.95 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES C-14 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 1112.51 405 956.44 662 .00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 2068.95 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 678 1538.20 681 1538.20 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 2 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00005 Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Maximum Day Demands plus 3000 gpm Fire Flow at Nodes 678 and 681 MultiFamily PIPE NO. NODE NOB. FLOWRATE 100 0 330 1884.88 107 330 320 911.74 110 320 319 11.50 113 320 315 883.99 116 315 312 15.25 119 315 339 849.49 122 330 333 955.89 125 333 336 22.00 128 333 339 11.89 131 339 342 1747.88 133 342 341 47.50 134 342 345 1700.38 137 345 348 -1434.29 140 348 351 -577.23 143 351 354 -609.73 146 354 359 922.06 HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 5.14 .00 .00 12.03 68.53 5.71 .00 .00 5.82 17.85 .00 .00 .00 .07 .01 11.80 .00 .00 5.64 16.86 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 4.70 .00 .00 5.42 15.66 13.64 .00 .00 6.10 19.49 .01 .00 .00 .14 .02 8.57 .00 .00 5.82 17.86 2.07 .00 .00 4.96 8.27 .01 .00 .00 .19 .03 3.46 .00 .00 4.82 7.86 -1.72 .00 .00 -4.07 -5.74 -1.47 .00 .00 -2.36 -2.58 -1.32 .00 .00 -2.49 -2.86 1.37 .00 .00 2.62 2.53 C-15 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 149 348 359 -889.57 -1.42 .00 .00 -2.52 -2.37 152 354 362 -1564.29 -1.89 .00 .00 -4.44 -6.74 155 362 365 -1564.29 -5.59 .00 .00 -4.44 -6.74 158 365 368 -1564.29 -5.05 .00 .00 -4.44 -6.74 11 368 371 -1564.29 -4.85 .00 .00 -4.44 -6.74 164 371 374 -1564.29 -3.50 .00 .00 -4.44 -6.74 167 374 377 -1394.74 -2.72 .00 .00 -3.96 -5.45 168 379 377 1651.79 .75 .00 .00 4.69 7.45 170 0 379 1651.79 4.03 .00 .00 10.54 53.67 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 173 377 380 239.05 .96 .00 .00 1.53 1.50 174 380 381 9.50 . .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 177 380 384 221.05 .85 .00 .00 1.41 1.29 179 384 393 15.75 C .01 .00. .00 .10 .01 182 384 387 201.05 .43 .00 .00 1.28 1.09 185 387 374 178.05 .48 .00 .00 1.14 .87 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 .08 .01 400 0 460 1917.13 17.18 .00 .00 7.83 23.86 405 0 495 1651.79 4.47 .00 .00 4.69 7.45 440 460 470 1908.63 4.73 .00. .00 7.80 23.66 480 470 480 1899.13 7.03 .00 .00 7.76 23.44 485 480 490 1893.38 8.16 .00 .00 7.73 23.31 603 639 345 -3134.68 -35.39 .00 .00 -8.89 -24;40 605 645 639 -3134.68 -12.20 .00 .00 -8.89 -24.40 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 611 654 645 -3130.85 -18.99 .00 .00 -8.88 -24.35 614 648 654 -6.67 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 620 648 651 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 623 654 657 3121.30 11.86 .00 .00 8.85 24.21 626 657 664 3114.63 20.50 .00 .00 8.83 24.12 627 664 663 3107.93 10.09 .00 .00 8.82 24.02 628 664 665 2.88 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 -3095.50 -8.82 .00 .00 -8.78 -23.84 635 669 666 -3088.82 -12.82 .00 .00 -8.76 -23.75 638 672 669 -3081.18 -13.47 .00 .00 -8.74 -23.64 641 672 684 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 644 675 672 -1392.53 -4.22 .00 .00 -5.69 -13.20 647 675 678 1392.53 5.28 .00 .00 5.69 13.20 650 678 681 -145.67 -.12 .00 .00 -.60 -.20 653 672 681 1683.87 9.38 .00 .00 6.88 18.76 656 684 687 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LINE 659 IS CLOSED 662 0 690 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 C-16 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak. Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 352.34 105.00 107.18 315 19.25 352.34 . 113.00 103.72 319 11.50 364.14 153.00 91.50 320 16.25 364.15 141.00 96.70 330 17.25 369.86 163.00 89.64 333 22.00 356.22 128.00 98.89 336. 22.00 356.20 92.00 114.49 339 13.50 347.64 100.00 107.31 341 47.50 345.57 90.00 110.75 342 .00 345.58 95.00 108.58 345 .00 342.12 94.00 107.52 348 32.50 343.84 90.00 110.00 351 32.50 345.31 94.00 108.90 354 32.50 346.63 84.00 113.80 359 32.50 345.26 78.00 115.81 362 .00 348.51 74.00 118.96 365 .00 354.10 67.00 124.41 368 .00 359.15 60.00 129.63 371 .00 364.00 63.00 130.44 374 8.50 367.51 80.00 124.59 377 7.50 370.23 112.00 111.90 378 10.50 370.23 120.00 108.43 379 .00 370.97 114.00 111.36 380 8.50 369.27 130.00 103.68 381 9.50 369.27 95.00 118.85 384 4.25 368.42 94.00 118.91 387 10.50 367.98 90.00 120.46 390 12.50 367.98 63.00 132.16 393 15.75' 368.41 80.00 124.98 460 8.50 472.82 192.00 121.69 470 9.50 468.09 198.00 117.04 480 5.75 461.06 180.00 121.79 490 8.50 452.90 163.00 125.62 495 ' .00 485.53 639 ' .00 306.73 110.00 85.25 642 3.83 294.53 126.00 73.03 645 .00 294.53 120.00 75.63 648 .00 275.54 190.00 37.07 651 6.67 275.54 183.00 40.10 654 2.88 275.54 146.00. 56.13 657 6.67 263.67 180.00 36.26 660 8.60 233.09 156.00 33.40 663 3.83 233.09 155.00 33.84 664 3.83 243.18 175.00 29.54 665 2.88 .243,. 18 208.00 15.24 666 6.67 224.27 170.00 ' 23.52 669 7.65 211.44 140.00 30.96 C-17 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 672 4.78 197.97 140.00 25.12 675 .00 193.75 145.00 21.12 678 1538.20 188.47 142.00 20.14 681 1538.20 188.59 130.00 25.39 684 .00 197.97 130.00 29.45 687 .00 197.97 690 .00 365.00 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 390 12.50 367.98 63.00 132.16 371 .00 364.00 63.00 130.44 368 .00 359.15 60.00 129.63 490 8.50 452.90 163.00 125.62 3.93 15.75 368.41 80.00 124.98 374 8.50 367.51 . 80.00 124.59 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 2.88 243.18 208.00 15.24 678 1538.20 188.47 142.00 20.14 675 .00 193.75 145.00 21.12 666 6.67 224.27 170.00 23.52 672 4.78 197.97 140.00 25.12 681 1538.20 188.59 130.00 25.39 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 3568.92 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 1917.. 13 405 1651.79 662 .00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3568.92 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 354 1532.50 351 1532.50 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00167 C-18 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Maximum day demands plus 3000 gpm fire flow at Nodes 351 and 354 in future commercial area. VELOCITY ilL/bOO 11.32 61.20 5.47 15.94 .07 .01 5.30 15.00 .10 .01 5.08 13.86 5.73 17.37 .14 .02 5.45 15.83. 4.64 7.32 .19 .03 4.51 6.93 4.12 5.88 3.40 5.09 -2.86 -3.69 -1.58 -.99 1.67 1.10 -4.75 -7.65 -4.75 -7.65 -4.75 -7.65 -4.75 -7.65 -4.75 -7.65 -4.23 -6.17 5.00 8.41 11.26 60.58 .07 .00 1.62 1.67 .06 .00 1.51 1.46 .10 .01 1.38 1.24 1.23 1.01 .08 .01 7.37 21.35 5.00 8.41 7.34 21.16 7.30 20.95 7.28 20.83 -.38 -.07 -.38 -.07 .02 .00 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS 100 0 330 1773.20 4.59 .00 .00 107 330 320 857.59 5.10 .00 .00 110 320 319 11.50 .00 .00 .00 113 320 315 829.84 10.50 .00 .00 116 315 312 15.25 .01 .00 .00 119 315 339 795.34 4.16 .00 .00 122 330 333 898.36 12.16 .00 .00 125 333 336 22.00 .01 .00 .00 128 333 339 854.36 7.60 .00 .00 131 339 342 1636.20 1.83 .00 .00 133 342 341 47.50 .01 .00 .00 134 342 345 1588.70 3.05 .00 .00 137 345 348 1454.02 1.76 .00 .00 140 348 351 832.20 2.90 .00 .00 143 351 354 -700.30 -1.70 .00 .00 146 354 359 -556.82 -.54 .00 .00 149 348 359 589.32 .66 .00 .00 152 354 362 -1675.98 -2.14 .00 .00 155 362 365 -1675.98 -6.35 .00 .00 158 365 368 -1675.98 -5.74 .00 .00 161 368 371 -1675.98 -5.51 .00 .00 164 371 374 -1675.98 -3.98 .00 .00 167 374 377 -1491.56 -3.08 .00 .00 168 379 377 1763.48 .84 .00 .00 170 0 379 1763.48 4.54 .00 .00 171 377 378 10.50 .00 .00 .00 173 377 380 253.92 1.07 .00 .00 174 380 381 9.50 .00 .00 .00 177 380 384 235.92 .96 .00 .00 179 384 393 15.75 .01 .00 .00 182 384 387 215.92 .50 .00 .00 185 387 374 192.92 .55 .00 .00 186 387 390 12.50 .00 .00 .00 400 0 460 1805.45 15.37 .00 .00 405 0 495 1763.48 5.05 .00 .00 440 460 470 1796.95 4.23 .00 .00 480 470 480 1787.45 6.29 .00 .00 485 480 490 1781.70 7.29 .00 .00 603 639 345 -134.67 -.10 .00 .00 605 645 639 -134.67 -.04 .00 .00 608 645 642 3.83 .00 .00 .00 C-19 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 611 654 645 -130.85 -.05 .00 .00 -.37 -.07 614 648 654 -6.67 .00 .00 .00 -.04 .00 620 648 651 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 623 654 657 121.30 .03 .00 .00 .34 .06 626 657 664 114.62 .05 .00 .00 .33 .05 627 664 663 107.92 .02 .00 .00 .31 .05 628 664 665 2.88 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 629 663 660 8.60 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 632 666 663 -95.50 -.01 .00 .00 -.27 -.04 635 669 666 -88.82 -.02 .00 .00 -.25 -.03 638 672 669 -81.17 -.02 .00 .00 -.23 -.03 641 672 684 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 644 675 672 -34.58 .00 .00 .00 -.14 -.01 647 675 678 34.58 .01 .00 .00 .14 .01 650 678 681 -3.62 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .00 653 672 681 41.82 .01 .00 .00 .17 .02 656 684 687 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LINE 659 IS CLOSED 662 0 690 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 15.25 354.80 105.00 108.25 315 19.25 354.81 113.00 104.78 319 11.50 365.31 153.00 92.00 320 16.25 365.31 141.00 97.20 330 17.25 370.41 163.00 89.88 333 22.00 358.25 128.00 99.77 336 22.00 358.23 92.00 115.37 339 13.50 350.65 100.00 108.62 341 47.50 348.81 90.00 112.15 342 .00 348.82 95.00 109.99 345 .00 345.77 94.00 109.10 348 32.50 344.01 90.00 110.07 351 1532.50 341.11 94.00 107.08 354 1532.50 342.81 84.00 112.15 359 32.50 343.34 78.00 114.98 362 .00 . 344.95 74.00 117.41 365 .00 351.30 67.00 123.20 368 .00 357.04 60.00 128.72 371 .00 362.55 63.00 129.81 374 8.50 366.53 80.00 124.16 377 7.50 369.62 112.00 111.63 378 10.50 369.61 120.00 108.17 379 .00 370.46 114.00 111.13 380 8.50 368.54 130.00 103.37 381 9.50 368.54 95.00 118.53 384 4.25 367.58 94.00 118.55 C-20 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 387 10.50 367.08 90.00 120.07 390 12.50 367.08 63.00 131.77 393 15.75 367.57 80.00 124.61 460 8.50 474.63 192.00 122.47 470 9.50 470.40 198.00 118.04 480 5.75 464.11 180.00 123.12 490 8.50 456.82 163.00 127.32 495 .00 484.95 639 .00 345.67 110.00 102.12 642 3.83 345.63 126.00 95.17 645 .00 345.63 120.00 97.77 648 .00 345.58 190.00 67.42 651 6.67 :345.58 183.00 70.45 654 2.88 345.58 146.00 86.48 657 6.67 345.55 180.00 71.74 660 8.60 345.48 156.00 82.11 663 3.83 345.48 155.00 82.54 664 3.83 345.50 175.00 73.88 665 2.88 345.50 208.00 59.58 666 6.67 345.47 170.00 76.04 669 7.65 345.45 140.00 89.03 672 4.78 345.44 140.00 89.02 675 .00 345.43 145.00 86.85 678 38.20 345.43 142.00 88.15 681 38.20 345.43 130.00 93.35 684 .00 345.44 130.00 93.36 687 .00 345.44 690 .00 365.00 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 390 12.50 367.08 63.00 131.77 371 .00 362.55 63.00 129.81 368 .00 357.04 60.00 128.72 490 8.50 456.82 163.00 127.32 393 15.75 367.57 80.00 124.61 374 8.50 366.53 80.00 124.16 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 2.88 345.50 208.00 59.58 648 .00 345.58 190.00 67.42 651 6.67 345.58 183.00 70.45 657 6.67 345.55 180.00 71.74 664 3.83 345.50 175:00 73.88 666 6.67 345.47 170.00 76.04 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 3568.92 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES C-21 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 PIPE NUMBER FLOWPATE 400 1805.45 405 1763.48 62 .00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 3568.92 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 4.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00169 Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Peak hour demands. PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 100 0 330 441.27 .35 .00 .00 2.82 4.66 107 330 320 210.34 .38 .00 .00 1.34 1.18 110 320 319 18.40 .01 .00 .00 .12 .01 113 320 315 165.94 .53 .00 .00 1.06 .76 116 315 312 24.40 .01 .00 .00 .16 .02 119 315 339 110.74 .11 .00 .00 .71 .36 122 330 333 203.34 .78 .00 .00 1.30 1.11 125 333 336 35.20 .04 .00 .00 .22 .04 128 333 339 132.94 .24 .00 .00 .85 .50 131 339 342 222.07 .05 .00 .00 .63 .18 133 342 341 76.00 .02 .00 .00 .31 .06 134 342 345 146.07 .04 .00 .00 .41 .08 137 345 348 -69.41 -.01 .00 .00 -.20 -.02 140 348 351 -42.25 -.01 .00 .00 -.17 -.02 143 351 354 -94.25 -.04 .00 .00 -.38 -.09 146 354 359 131.16 .04 .00 .00 .37 .07 149 348 359 -79.16 -.02 .00 .00 -.22 -.03 152 354 362 -277.41 -.08 .00 .00 -.79 -.27 155 362 365 -277.41 -.23 .00 .00 -.79 -.27 158 .365 368 -277.41 -.21 .00 .00 -.79 -.27 161 368 371 -277.41 -.20 .00 .00 -.79 -.27 C-22 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 164 371 374 -277.41 -.14 .00 .00 -.79 -.27 167 374 377 -310.76 -.17 . .00 .00 -.88 -.34 168 379 377 417.41 .06 .00 .00 1.18 .58 170 0 379 417.41 .32 .00 .00 2.66 4.20 171 377 378 16.80 .01 .00 .00 .11 .01 173 377 380 77.85 .12 .00 .00 .50 .19 174 380 381 15.20 .01 .00 .00 .10 .01 177 380 384 49.05 .05 .00 .00 .31 .08 179 384 393 25.20 .03 .00 .00 .16 .02 182 384 387 17.05 .00 .00 .00 .11 .01 185 387 374 -19.75 -.01 .00 .00 -.13 -.01 186 387 390 20.00 .01 .00 .00 .13 .02 400 0 460 492.87 1.39 .00 .00 2.01 1.93 405 0 495 417.41 .35 .00 .00 1.18 .58 440 460 470 479.27 .37 . .00 .00 1.96 1.83 480 470 48.0 464.07 .52 .00 .00 1.90 1.72 485 480 490 454.87 .58 .00 .00 1.86 1.66 603 639 345 -215.48 -.25 .00 .00 -.61 -.17 605 645 639 -215.48 -.09 .00 .00 -.61 -.17 608 645 642 6.12 .00 .00 .00 0.04 .00 611 654 645 -209.36 -.13 .00 .00 -.59 -.16 614 648 654 -10.68 .00 .00 .00 -.07 .00 620 648 651 10.68 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 623 654 657 194.08 .07 .00 .00 .55 .14 626 657 664 183.40 .11 .00 .00 .52 .13 627 664 663 172.68 .05 .00 .00 . .49 .11 628 664 665 4.60 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 629 663 660 13.76 .01 .00 .00 .09 .01 632 666 663 -152.80 -.03 .00 .00 -.43 -.09 635 669 666 -142.12 -.04 . .00 .00 -.40 -.08 638 672 669 -129.88 -.04 .00 .00 -.37 -.07 641 672 684 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 644 675 672 -55.33 -.01 .00 .00 -.23- -.03 647 675 678 55.33 .01 .00 .00 .23 .03 650 678 681 -5.79 .00 .00 .00 -.02 .00 653 672 681 66.91 .02 .00 .00 .27 .05 656 684 687 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LINE 659 IS CLOSED 662 0 690 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 312 24.40 373.73 105.00 116.45 315 30.80 373.74 113.00 112.99 319 18.40 374.27 153.00 95.88 320 26.00 374.27 141.00 . 101.08 330 27.60 374.65 163.00 91.72 333 35.20 373.87 128.00 106.55 C-23 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 336 35.20 373.84 92.00 122.13 339 21.60 373.63 100.00 118.57 341 76.00 373.56 90.00 122.88 342 .00 373.59 95.00 120.72 345 .00 373.55 94.00 121.14 348 52.00 373.56 90.00 122.87 351 52.00 373.57 94.00 121.15 354 52.00 373.61 84.00 125.50 359 52.00 373.57 78.00 128.08 362 .00 373.69 74.00 129.86 365 .00 373.91 67.00 133.00 368 . .00 374.12 60.00 136.12 371 .00 374.32 63.00 134.90 374 13.60 374.46 80.00 127.60 377 12.00 374.63 112.00 113.80 378 16.80 374.62 120.00 110.34 379 .00 374.68 114.00 112.96 380 13.60 374.51 130.00 105.95 381 15.20 374.50 95.00 121.12 384 6.80 374.45 94.00 121.53 387 16.80 374.45 90.00 123.26 390 20.00 374.44 63.00 134.96 393 25.20 374.43 80.00 127.58 460 13.60 488.61 192.00 128.53 470 15.20 488.25 198.00 125.77 480 9.20 487.73 180.00 13.3.35 490 13.60 487.15 163.00 140.46 495 . .00 489.65 639 .00 373.30 110.00 114.10 642 6.12 373.22 126.00 107.13 645 .00 373.22 120.00 . 109.73 648 .00 373.09 190.00 79.34 651 10.68 373.08 183.00 82.37 654 4.60 373.09 146.00 98.41 657 10.68 373.02 180.00 83.64 660 13.76 372.86 156.00 93.97 663 6.12 372.86 . 155.00 94.41 664 6.12 372.91' 175.00 85.76 665 4.60 372.91 208.00 71.46 666 10.68 372.83 170.00 87.89 669 12.24 372.79 140.00 100.87 672 7.64 '372.75 140.00 100.86 675 .00 372.74 145.00 98.69 678 61.12 372.73 142.00 99.98 681 61.12 372.73 130.00 105.18 684 .00 372.75 130.00 105.19 687 .00 372.75 690 .00 365.00 C-24 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with Pipe 659 Closed for Pipe Break Scenario Analysis January 16, 2003 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 490 13.60 487.15 163.00 140.46 368 .00 374.12 60.00 136.12 390 20.00 374.44 63.00 134.96 371 .00 374.32 63.00 134.90 480 9.20 487.73 180.00 133.35 365 .00 373.91 67.00 133.00 MINIMUM PRESSURES 665 4.60 372.91 208.00 71.46 648 .100 373.09 190.00 79.34 651 10.68 373.08 183.00 82.37 657 10.68 373.02 180.00 83.64 664 6.12 372.91 175.00 85.76 666 10.68 372.83 170.00 87.89 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 910.28 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 400 492.87 405 417.41 662 .00 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 910.28 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 C-25 APPENDIX D COMPUTER RUNS 490 Zone System Analysis NODE AND PIPE DIAGRAM REFERENCE: Exhibit A in the back pocket of report. PIPING CONDITIONS MODELED: All Pipes Open. CONDITIONS MODELED: Average day demands. Maximum day demands plus 1,500 gpm fire flow at Node 731. Maximum day demands plus 1,500 gpm fire flow at Node 773. Peak hour demands. D-1 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis - 490 Zone System Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 17, 2003 FLOWRATE IS EXPRESSED IN GPM AND PRESSURE IN PSIG A SUMMARY OF THE ORIGINAL DATA FOLLOWS PIPE NO. NODE NOS. LENGTH DIAMETER ROUGHNESS MINOR LOSS K FIXED GRADE (FEET) (INCHES) 500 0 701 1850.0 36.0 120.0 .00 490.00 502 701 704 2100.0 36.0 120.0 .00 505 704 707 650.0 36.0 120.0 .00 508 707 710 520.0 8.0 120.0 .00 511 707 713 210.0 8.0 120.0 .00 514 704 716 860.0 12.0 120.0 .00 517 716 719 1140.0 12.0 120.0 .00 520 719 722 550.0 12.0 120.0 .00 523 722 725 320.0 8.0 120.0 .00 525 722 728 610.0 12.0 120.0 .00 529 728 731 680.0 8.0 120.0 .00 532 728 734 480.0 12.0 120.0 .00 535 734 737 330.0 8.0 120.0 .00 538 734 740 420.0 12.0 120.0 .00 541 740 743 350.0 8.0 120.0 .00 544 746 740 840.0 12.0 120.0 .00 547 746 749 300.0 8.0 120.0 .00 550 752 746 550.0 12.0 120.0 .00 553 755 752 1200.0 12.0 120.0 .00 556 758 755 800.0 12.0 120.0 .00 559 701 758 1800.0 16.0 120.0 .00 562 752 761 650.0 8.0 120.0 .00 565 761 764 500.0 8.0 120.0 .00 568 761 767 440.0 8.0 120.0 .00 571 767 770 310.0 8.0 120.0 .00 574 767 773 200.0. 8.0 120.0 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND ELEVATION CONNECTING PIPES 701 .00 110.00 500 502 559 704 .00 190.00 502 505 514 707 .00 200.00 505 508 511 710 1.91 241.00 508 713 .76 198.00 511 716 2.29 215.00 514 517 719 .00 320.00 517 520 722 1.91 342.00 520 523 525 725 3.44 340.00 523 728 2.29 370.00 525 529 532 low Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis - 490 Zone System Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 17, 2003 731 2.29 380.00 529 734 .00 330.00 532. 535 538 737 2.67 336.00 535 740 .00 300.00 538 541 544 743 2.67 310.00 541 746 .76 285.00 544 547 550 749 2.29 290.00 547 752 1.91 250.00 550 553 562 755 .00 145.00 553 556 758 .00 130.00 556 559 761 1.53 223.00 562 565 568 764 1.53 208.00 . 565 767 .76 235.00 568 571 574 770 2.67 230.00 571 773 .76 238.00 574 OUTPUT SELECTION: ALL RESULTS ARE OUTPUT EACH PERIOD 4 VALUES ARE OUTPUT FOR MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM PRESSURES THIS SYSTEM HAS 26 PIPES WITH 25 JUNCTIONS , 1 LOOPS AND 1 FGNS THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00116 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726001aa 490 Zone System Analysis Average Day Demands PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 500 0 701 32.44 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 502 701 704 17.95 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 505 704 707 2.67 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 508 707 710 1.91 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 511 707 713 .76 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 514 704 716 15.28 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 517 716 719 12.99 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 520 719 722 12.99 .00 .00 .00 ..04 .00 523 722 725 3.44 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 525 722 728 7.64 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 529 728 731 2.29 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 532 728 734 3.06 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 535 734 737 2.67 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 538 734 740 .39 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 541 740 743 2.67 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 544 746 740 2.28 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 547 746 749 2.29 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 D-3 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis - 490 Zone System Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 17, 2003 550 752 746 5.33 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 553 755 752 14.49 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 556 758 755 14.49 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 559 701 758 14.49 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 562 752 761 7.25 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 565 761 764 1.53 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 568 761 767 4.19 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 571 767 770 2.67 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 574 767 773 .76 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 701 .00 490.00 110.00 164.67 704 .00 490.00 190.00 130.00 707 .00 490.00 200.00 125.67 710 1.91 490.00 241.00 107.90 713 .76 490.00 198.00 126.53 716 2.29 490.00 215.00 119.17 719 .00 490.00 320.00 73.67 722 1.91 490.00 342.00 64.13 725 3.44 490.00 340.00 65.00 728 2.29 490.00 370.00 52.00 731 2.29 490.00 380.00 47.67 734 .00 490.00 330.00 69.33 737 2.67 490.00 336.00 66.73 740 .00 490.00 300.00 82.33 743 2.67 490.00 310.00 78.00 746 .76 490.00 285.00 88.83 749 2.29 490.00 290.00 86.67 752 1.91 490.00 250.00 104.00 755 .00 490.00 145.00 149.50 758 .00 490.00 V 130.00 156.00 761 1.53 490.00 223.00 115.70 V 764 1.53 490.00 208.00 122.20 767 .76 490.00 235.00 110.50 770 2.67 490.00 230.00 112.66 773 .76 490.00 238.00 109.20 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 701 .00 490.00 110.00 164.67 758 .00 490.00 130.00 156.00 V 755 .00 490.00 145.00 149.50 704 .00 490.00 190.00 130.00 V MINIMUM PRESSURES 731 2.29 490.00 380.00 V 47.67 728 2.29 490.00 370.00 52:00 722 1.91 49000 342.00 64.13 725 3.44 490.00 340.00 65.00 D-4 Cantarim and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis - 490 Zone System Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 17, 2003 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 32.44 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 500 32.44 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 32.44 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 .A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE. MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 731 1500.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00032 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 490 Zone Analysis Maximum Day Demands Plus 1500 gpm Fire Flow at Node 731 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE 500 0 701 1575.37 502 701 704 869.91 505 704 707 6.67 508 707 710 4.78 511 707 713 1.90 514 704 716 863.23 517 716 719 857.51 520 719 722 857.51 523 722 725 8.60 525 722 728 844.13 529 728 731 1500.00 532 728 734 -661.59 535 734 737 6.67 538 734 740 -668.27 541 740. 743 6.67 544 746 740 674.94 547 746 749 5.72 HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .06 .00 .00 .50 .03 .02 .00 .00 .27 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 1.93 .00 .00 2.45 2.24 2.52 .00 .00 2.43 2.21 1.22 .00 .00 2.43 2.21 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 1.31 .00 .00 2.39 2.15 30.53 .00 .00 9.57 44.89 -.66 .00 .00 -1.88 -1.37 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 -.59 .00 .00 -1.90 -1.39 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 1.19 .00 .00 1.91 1.42 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 D-5 Cantarim and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis - 490 Zone System Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour. Conditions with All Pipes Open January 17, 2003 550 752 746 682.57 .80 .00 .00 1.94 1.45 553 755 752 705.47 1.85 .00 .00 2.0.0 1.54 556 758 755 705.46 1.23 .00 .00 2.00 1.54 559 701 758 705.46 .68 .00 .00 1.13 .38 562 752 761 18.13 .01 .00 .00 .12 .01 565 761 764 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 568 761 767 10.48 .00 .00 .00 . .07 .00 571 767 770 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 574 767 773 1.90 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 701 .00 489.94 110.00 164.64 704 .00 489.92 190.00 129.96 707 .00 489.92 200.00 125.63 710 4.78 489.92 241.00 107.86 713 1.90 489.92 198.00 126.50 716 5.72 487.99 215.00 118.30 719 .00 485.47 320.00 71.70 722 4.78 484.25 342.00 61.64 725 8.60 484.25 340.00 62.51 728 5.72 482.94 370.00 48.94 731 1500.00 452.41 380.00 31.38 734 . .00 483.60 330.00 66.56 737 6.67 483.60 336.00 63.96 740 .00 484.18 300.00 79.81 743 6.67 484.18 310.00 75.48 746 1.90 485.38 285.00 86.83 749 5.72 485.38 290.00 84.66 752 4.78 486.17 250.00 102.34 755 .00 488.02 145.00 148.64 758 .00 489.26 130.00 155.68 761 3.83 486.17 223.00 114.04 764 3.83 486.17 208.00 120.54 767 1.90 486.16 235.00 108.84 770 6.67 486.16 230.00 111.00 773 1.90 486.16 238.00 107.54 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 701 .00 489.94 110.00 164.64 758 .00 489.26 130.00 155.68 755 .00 488.02 145.00 148.64 704 .00 489.92 190.00 129.96 MINIMUM PRESSURES 731 1500.00 452.41 380.00 31.38 728 5.72 482.94 370.00 48.94 722 4.78 484.25 342.00 61.64 725 8.60 484.25 340.00 62.51 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis - 490 Zone System Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 17, 2003 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 1575.38 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 500 1575.37 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 1575.37 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 2.50 THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC DEMAND CHANGES ARE MADE JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND 773 1500.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 4 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00001 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 490 Zone Analysis Maximum Day Demands Plus 1500 gpm Fire Flow at Node 773 PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE 500 0 701 1579.20 502 701 704 637.72 505 704 707 6.67 508 707 710 4.78 511 707 713 1.90 514 704 716 631.05 517 716 719 625.32 520 719 722 625.32 523 722 725 8.60 525 722 728 611.95 529 728 731 5.72 532 728 734 600.50 535 734 737 6.67 538 734 740 593.82 541 740 743 6.67 544 746 740 -587.15 547 746 749 5.72 HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 .06 .00 .00 .50 .03 .01 .00 .00 .20 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 1.08 .00 .00 1.79 1.25 1.41 .00 .00 1.77 1.23 .68 .00 .00 1.77 1.23 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 .72 .00 .00 1.74 1.18 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 .55 .00 .00 1.70 1.14 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 .47 .00 .00 1.68 1.12 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 -.92 .00 .00 -1.67 -1.10 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 D-7 Cantarim and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis - 490 Zone System Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 17, 2003 550 752 746 -579.52 -.59 .00 .00 -1.64 -1.07 553 755 752 941.48 3.16 .00 .00 2.67 2.63 556 758 755 941.48 2.10 .00 .00 2.67 2.63 559 701 758 941.48 1.17 .00 .00 1.50 .65 562 752 761 1516.22 29.77 .00 .00 9.68 45.80 565 761 764 3.83 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 568 761 767 1508.57 19.96 .00 .00 9.63 45.37 571 767 770 6.67 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 574 767 773 1500.00 8.98 .00 .00 9.57 44.89 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 701 .00 489.94 110.00 164.64 704 .00 489.93 190.00 129.97 707 .00 489.93 200.00 125.64 710 4.78 489.93 241.00 107.87 713 1.90 489.93 198.00 126.50 716 5.72 488.85 215.00 118.67 719 .00 487.44 320.00 72.56 722 4.78 486.77 342.00 62.73 725 8.60 486.76 340.00 63.60 728 5.72 486.04 370.00 50.29 731 5.72 486.04 380.00 45.95 734 .00 485.49 330.00 67.38 737 6.67 485.49 336.00 64.78 740 .00 485.02 300.00 80.18 743 6.67 485.02 310.00 75.84 746 1.90 484.10 285.00 86.28 749 5.72 484.10 290.00 84.11 752 4.78 483.51 250.00 101.19 755 .00 . 486.67. 145.00 148.06 758 .00 488.77 130.00 155.47 761 3.83 453.74 223.00 99.99 764 3.83 453.74 208.00 106.49 767 1.90 433.78 235.00 86.14 770 6.67 433.78 230.00 88.30 773 1500.00 424.80 238.00 80.95 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 701 .00 489.94 110.00 164.64 758 .00 488.77 130.00 155.47 755 .00 486.67 145.00 148.06 704 .00 489.93 190.00 129.97 MINIMUM PRESSURES 731 5.72 486.04 380.00 45.95 728 5.72 486.04 370.00 50.29 722 4.78 486.77 342.00 62.73 725 8.60 486.76 340.00 63.60 D-8 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the Cityof Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis - 490 Zone System Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 17, 2003 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 1579.20 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 500 1579.20 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 1579.20 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 A SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE NEXT SIMULATION FOLLOWS THE DEMANDS ARE CHANGED FROM ORIGINAL VALUES BY A FACTOR = 4.00 THE RESULTS ARE OBTAINED AFTER 3 TRIALS WITH AN ACCURACY = .00004 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 490 Zone Analysis Peak Hour Demands PIPE NO. NODE NOS. FLOWRATE HEAD LOSS PUMP HEAD MINOR LOSS VELOCITY HL/1000 500 0 701 129.76 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 502 701 704 71.80 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 505 704 707 10.68 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 508 707 710 7.64 .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 511 707 713 3.04 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 514 704 716 61.12 .01 .00 .00 .17 .02 517 716 719 51.96 .01 .00 .00 .15 .01 520 719 722 51.96 .01 .00 .00 .15 .01 523 722 725 13.76 .00 .00 .00 .09 .01 525 722 728 30.56 .00 .00 .00 .09 .00 529 728 731 9.16 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 532 728 734 12.24 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 535 734 737 10.68 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 538 734 740 1.56 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 541 740 743 10.68 .00 .00 .00 .07 .00 544 746 740 9.12 .00 .00 .00 .03 .00 547 746 749 9.16 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 550 752 746 21.32 .00 .00 .00 .06 .00 553 755 752 57.96 .02 .00 .00 .16 .02 556 758 755 57.96 .01 .00 .00 .16 .02 559 701 758 57.96 .01 .00 .00 .09 .00 WWI Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis - 490 Zone System Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 17, 2003 562 752 761 29.00 .02 .00 .00 .19 565 761 764 6.12 .00 .00 .00 .04 568 761 767 16.76 .00 .00 .00 .11 571 767 770 10.68 .00 .00 .00 .07 574 767 . 773 3.04 .00 .00 .00 .02 JUNCTION NUMBER DEMAND GRADE LINE ELEVATION PRESSURE 701 .00 490.00 110.00 164.67 704 .00 490.00 190.00 130.00 707 .00 490.00 200.00 125.67 710 7.64 .490.00 241.00 107.90 713 3.04 490.00 198.00 126.53 716 9.16 489.98 215.00 119.16 719 .00 489.97 320.00 73.65 722 7.64 489.96 342.00 64.12 725 13.76 489.96 340.00 64.98 728 9.16 489.96 370.00 51.98 731 9.16 489.96 380.00 47.65 734 .00 489.96 330.00 69.32 737 10.68 489.96 336.00 66.72 740 .00 489.96 300.00 82.32 743 10.68 489.96 310.00 77.98 746 3.04 489.96 285.00 88.82 749 9.16 489.96 290.00 86.65 752 7.64 489.96 250.00 103.98 755 .00 489.98 145.00 149.49 758 .00 489.99 130.00 156.00 761 6.12 . 489.94 223.00 115.68 764 6.12 489.94 208.00 122.17 767 3.04 489.94 235.00 110.47 770 10.68 489.94 230.00 .112.64 773 3.04 489.94 238.00 109.17 MAXIMUM PRESSURES 701 .00 490.00 110.00 164.67 758 .00 489.99 130.00 156.00 755 .00 489.98 145.00 149.49 704 .00 490.00 190.00 130.00 MINIMUM PRESSURES 731 9.16 489.96 380.00 47.65 728 9.16 489.96 370.00 51.98 722 7.64 489.96 342.00 64.12 725 13.76 489.96 340.00 64.98 THE NET SYSTEM DEMAND = 129.76 .03 .00 .01• .00 .00 Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad 726-001 Potable Water System Analysis - 490 Zone System Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour Conditions with All Pipes Open January 17, 2003 SUMMARY OF INFLOWS(+) AND OUTFLOWS(-) FROM FIXED GRADE NODES PIPE NUMBER FLOWRATE 500 129.76 THE NET FLOW INTO THE SYSTEM FROM FIXED GRADE NODES = 129.76 THE NET FLOW OUT OF THE SYSTEM INTO FIXED GRADE NODES = .00 D-11 APPENDIX E COMMENT LETTERS AND RESPONSES E-1 DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. DEXTER S. WILSON, P.E. ANDREW M. OVEN, P.E. STEPHEN M. NIELSEN, P.E. MICHAELJ. FILECCIA, P.E. January 17, 2003 726-001 Ladwig Design Group 703 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 300 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Attention: Bob Ladwig, President Subject: CantarinilHolly Springs Project Water Study Comments from Pountney Consulting Group, Inc. This letter provides a written response to the comments on the September 20, 2002 Water System Analysis for the Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the. City of Carlsbad. The comments were generated by Pountney Consulting Group, Inc. in a letter to Mooney & Associates dated November 4,-.-20,02. A copyof the letter is attached and the study comments are numbered and addressed below. Water System Design Criteria: We contacted the City of Carlsbad Public Works-Engineering Department and requested and received a copy of the Water Planning Criteria. The revised water study design criteria are in conformance with this Water Planning Criteria. The revised water study peaking factor design criteria are in conformance with the -City of Carlsbad Water Planning Criteria.. The maximum day peaking factor is 2.5, and the peak hour peaking factor is 4.0. 703 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 300 • CARLSBAD. CA 92009 • (760) 438-4422 0 FAX (760) 438-0173 Bob Ladwig January 17, 2003 Page 2 Projected Water Demands: The revised water study uses 200 gpd/capita average demand. The population density is taken from the Zone 15 Facilities Plan, Exhibit 16 titled, "Zone 15 Buildout Population Projections." The population index far all General Plan Land Use designations is 2.3178 people per dwelling unit. A copy of this exhibit is attached to this letter. Per Exhibit 16 of the Zone 15 Facilities Plan, the population index is the same for all General Plan Land Use designations. The revised water study uses the residential water demand factors in the City of Carlsbad Water Planning Criteria. Fire Flow Requirements: Fire flow demands are changed in the revised water study to conform with the City of Carlsbad Water Planning Criteria. For residential development, the fire flow requirement is 1,500 gpm from any two hydrants. The revised water study's computer model simulates a 1,500 gpm fire flow out of a single hydrant for both the single family and multi-family residential areas. However, for the multi-family residential area, two hydrants are tested simultaneously to simulate a 3,000 gpm fire demand. While we do not currently have the City of Carlsbad Fire Prevention Department fire flow requirements (see next item), we do expect that the fire flow demand will be greater than for single family residential development. 7. The process of tentative map approval for the Cantarini/Holly Springs projects• includes $ubmitting the proposed map to the Fire Prevention Department of the City of Carlsbad for fire hydrant layout and fire. flow re'quirements. This process is currently underway and as of the date 'of this response letter, approved fire Bob Ladwig January 17, 2003 Page flow requirementsand hydrant layout has not been determined. The proposed fire hydrant layout is shown on the proposed tentative map. We believe it is not prudent to show the locations of fire hydrants on Exhibit A or B of the water study because it is likely that through the tentative map process and the final engineering design the locations of some hydrants may change. These water study map exhibits cannot keep current with the fire hydrant locations, nor are they intended to provide this type of information. The water system analysis provided by the water study is not specific to a certain fire hydrant layout but can accommodate the fire hydrant flow requirements at all locations throughout the two proposed projects. Thus adding fire hydrants to the exhibit would not provide pertinent information and may confuse the issue if the locations are not consistent with the ultimate locations approved for the tentative map. Existing Water System: An additional exhibit has been included in the revised water study as requested. Information on who is constructing the future reaches of the 36-inch transmission main is not currently available, nor is it known when these reaches will be constructed. It is expected that as the properties to the east of the Cantarini project develop they will construct the extension of the 36-inch transmission main until it is completed to the Maerkle Reservoir. During the 36-inch main construction, the existing 27-inch pipeline must remain in service. The portion of the 36-inch 490 Zone transmission main to be constructed by the Cantarini project will be a dead end main until future extension to the east through the Mandana property. During this interim time period, redundancy for the Cantarini project will be provided through the 16-inch 490 Zone water line which extends to the Tap Reservoir service area. If necessary, this 16-inch main in College Boulevard can be used to back-feed the Cantarini project with 446 Zone water from the Tap Reservoir.: Bob Ladwig January 17; 2003 Page 4 General: We have tried to make sure that all the references in the report now indicate which edition of the master plan update is being referred to. Primarily the references are to the January 2003 first draft of the master plan update. While the new master plan update is only at the first draft level (dated January 2003), we have spoken with Dudek & Associates who prepared the report and adjusted our proposed water system for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects to be in line with the draft master. plan update. In addition, we received comments on this water study from William E. Plummer, City of Carlsbad, Deputy City Engineer, Design Division. Incorporating Mr. Plummer's comments brought this report to be in line with the water master plan update's approach. For a discussion of Mr. Plummer's comments, please see the response letter to Mr. Plummer in Appendix E of the revised water study. Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions about the comments to our water study or to clarify any of our project recommendations. We look forward to continuing to work with you through the planning process for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects. : Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Andrew Oven AO:ndg Attachments POU NTNJ EY Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors November 4, 2002 PCGWO 1-810-011 GJ Page 1 Mr. Michael Page MOONEY & ASSOCIATES 9903 Business Park Avenue San Diego, CA 92131 SUBJECT: CANTARINI RANCH/HOLLY SPRINGS POTABLE WATER STUDY REVIEW Dear Mr. Page: We have reviewed the Water System Analysis for the Cantarini and Holly Springs Prbjects in the Cit of Carlsbad prepared by Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc., dated September 20, 2002, and have the following comments: Water System Design criteria The study should use the City of Carlsbad Water Planning Criteria; Although the report did not reference where the report criteria came from, it does not appear that the City's criteria Was used. Please add a discussion noting the source of all the criteria used for the study. 2 • Per the City Planning Criteria, the peaking factor should be 2.5 for max day demand. The report used 2.0 for max day. The report should either use the 2.5 max day demand factor or explain why it is not being used and how the 2.0 factor was derived. Projected Water Demands 3 . Provide ca1ulafions showing how the 550 gpd/unit.were calculated. Show zoning/land use data with population per dwelling unit. Lf . Why is 550 gpd/unit.being used for both the single family units and the multi-family units? Usually, multi-family unit demand is less than single family because the population per unit is less. The City of Carlsbad Water Planning 'Criteria uses 200 GPD average daily flow per Capita. Fire Flow Requirements Provide how the fire flow demands were derived. 7 . The local Fire Marshal must be contacted to verify fire flow requirements and the location of proposed fire hydrants. Show proposed fire hydrant locations on Exhibit B. Pountney Consulting Group, Inc. 4455 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92123-4379 65-I 738 • 800-540-9266 858-576-9200 • FAX 858-5 November 4, 2002 PCGWO 1-810-011 [C] Page 2 • Existing Water System Provide a map showing the existing water system, including up to the Maerkle Reservoir. The map should note the existing 27" line and the proposed future 36" 490 Zone and 12" 375 Zone pipelines. Note on the map who is constructing each reach of these pipelines and when they will be completed. Show the location of the Terraces, Cantarini, Holly Springs, Mandana, and Kato Projects. From Exhibit A, it is unclear as to what is existing and where the existing system goes. Will the 36" be looped when the development is connected? General • The City of Carlsbad is currently in the process of updating their Water Master Plan. The water study references the Carlsbad Water Master' Plan Up-date a few times, but it is unclear in a couple of cases whether this is thenew up-date or based on the 1997 up-date. Please clarify. . Before the Cantarini Water Study is approved, it should be verified that the proposed water system improvements are in accordance with the new Carlsbad Water Master Plan Up-date. • If you have any questions, please call us. • • Thank you, • : - POUNTNEY CONSULTING GROUP, INC. .By Sandra J. Russell, RCE Project Engineer SJR/çjc Lii EXHIBIT 16 ZONE 15 BUILDOUT POPULATION PROJECTIONS (A of gIfl2 General Plan Land Use Designation Base Residential Buildout Projections Existing DU's Approved DU's Future DU's Population Index (2.3178) Existing Population Approved Population Future Population Built Out Population Projection AL-i (2) 64 1 63 - 2.3178 2 0 146 148 RL-2(2) 165 1 164 2.3178 0 0 380 380 RL TOTAL 229 2 0 227 2 1 - 0 526 528 RLM-1 (3) 0 0 2.3178 0 0 0 0 RLM-2 185 . 25 2.3178 0 0 58 58 LM-2A (2) 124 18 2.3178 0 0 42 42 LM-28. 0 0 0 LM-2C 0 0 0 LM3 76 76 2.3178 0 0 176 176 LM-3A (2) 36 . 13 2.3178 0 0 30 30 LM-3B 0 0 0 LM-4 17 17 2.3178 a o 39 39 LM-4A (2) 288 1 92 2.3178 2 0 213 215 LM-5 . 36 35 2.3178 0 0 81 81 LM-6 34 2 32 2.3178 5 0 74 79 RLM-7 9 1 8 _2.3178 - 2 0 19 21 RLM-8 32 2 30 2.3178 S. 0 70 . 75 LM-8A . 4 4 2.3178 0 0 9 9 RLM-9 . 8 8 2.3178 0 - 0 - 19 19 RLM-9A (2) 40 40 2.3178 0 0 93. 93 RLM-10(2) 12 1 ii 2.3178. 2 0 25 27 LM-11 (2) 88 88 2.3178 0 - - - 204 204 LM-12 (2) 89 7. 82 2.3178 is - - 190 204.. LM TOTAL 1,077 - 14 0 579 32 . 1,342 1,374. - 530 504 0 0 2.3178 1,168 0 - 1,168 RM-2 . 200 200 0 0 2.3178 464 0 0 464 TOTAL 730 - 704 0 .0 1,632 0 . 0 1,632 RMH-1 . 80 .. 80 - 185 185 H-i (6) . 50 50 0 0 2.3178 116 0 0 116 H-2/OS(7) 129 80 185 185 HTOTAL 179 50 0 80 116 - - 185 301 TOTAL RES 2,295 770 0 966 1,782 0 - 2,238 4,020 HICIO-2 (5) 20 1 19 2.3178 2 - 44 46 C-i 190 190 ____ - 440 440 OS-1 - - . 0 - - 0 _0_ - - 0 OS-2 . - 1 0 - 2.3178 3 0 3 OS-3 0 0 - 0 - - - - 0 OS TOTAL 0 1 - 0 -0 3 - - - - 3 TOTAL DWELLING UNITS. 2,505 772 0 1,175 1,787 - - 2,722 4,509 NuI: - Growth Management Contrgi Point The GMCP for areas within the Sunny Creek Specific Plan (SP 191) are adjusted to provide an overall density of 2.0 du/ac as specified In the plan.. This area is the Habitat Conservation Area which was previously known as the Carlsbad Highlands property. This site was originally approved 1pr 740 dwelling units, but is now being utilized for habitat conservation purposes. There are 379 units remaining that are now a part of the Northeast Quadrant dwelling unit bank. . .. . - This area proposes 172 market rate single family dwelling units with 28 second units. Consistent with the previous Zone 15 LFMP, one third of the net acreage is used to calculate dwelling unit density. This area is the affordable housing portion of the Terraces. This area proposes 50 affordable housing units. (7)129 units are allowed, 80 will be proposed, 49 units will not be requested. DEXTER WILSON ENGINEERING, INC. DEXTER S. WILSON, P.E. ANDREW M. OVEN, P.E. STEPHEN M. NIELSEN, P.E. MICHAEL J. FILECCIA, P.E. January 17, 2003 726-001 Ladwig Design Group 703 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 300 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Attention: Bob Ladwig, President. Subject: Cantarini/Holly Springs Project Water Study Comments from City of Carlsbad, Design Division This letter provides a written response to the comments on the September 20, 2002 Water System Analysis for the. Cantarini and Holly Springs Projects in the City of Carlsbad. The comments were submitted by William E. Plummer, City of Carlsbad, Deputy City Engineer, Design Division in a memorandum to Jeremy Riddle, City of Carlsbad, Associate Engineer dated November 12, 2002. A copy of the memorandum is attached to this response letter. The memorandum addressed both'the domestic water study and the recycled water study. This letter will address only the comments regarding the domestic water study. The recycled water study comments will be addressed in a separate letter. The review comments for domestic water are numbered and addressed below. Domestic Water: This change is made in the revised water study. This change is made in the revised water study. 703 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 300 • CARLSBAD, CA 92009 • (760) 438-4422 • FAX (760) 438-0173 Bob Ladwig January 17, 2003 Page 2 Exhibit A of the revised water study includes a note on the map which identifies the lots with less than 60 psi static pressure based upon a 490 hydraulic grade line. In the text of the revised water study, we have included a table, Table 2, which provides the datarequested in this comment. All discussion of new pressure reducing stations. has been removed from the revised water study. The revised discussion includes the 12-inch 375 Zone piping loop in Cannon Road and College Boulevard consistent with the January 2003 draft water master plan update. The revised Exhibit A shows an 8-inch 375 Zone pipeline extending to the east property line in "A" Street. There is also a 10-inch main shown to extend to the southern subdivision boundary in "E" Street. It is not likely that a future connection will be made by future development to the south of the Cantarith project in "B" Street; therefore, a extension to the subdivision boundary is not' being shown. This change is made in the revised water study. The information provided in this comment has been incorporated into the revised water study under the "Reservoir Storage" section. The references to the City of Carlsbad have been changed to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The requirement to extend the 16-inch 490 Zone pipeline to Cannon Road has been included in Item 4 of the Conclusions. Bob Ladwig January 17, 2003 Page3 . Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions about the comments to our water study or to clarify any of our project recommendations. We look forward to continuing to work with you through the planning process for the Cantarini and Holly Springs projects. . . Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. Andrew Oven AO:ndg Attachment November 12, 2002 TO: JEREMY RIDDLE, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER FROM: Deputy City Engineer, Design Division DOMESTIC WATER AND RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM - ANALYSIS CANTARINI AND HOLLY SPRINGS PROJECTS The domestic water and recycled water system analysis for the subject project dated September 20, 2002 and September 24, 2002, respectively, was prepared by Dexter Wilson Engineering, Inc. A review of the analysis has been completed. Following are our comments. Domestic Water On page 4,. at the end of the second paragraph, delete the words "Carlsbad Public Works Department" and substitute the words, "Carlsbad Municipal Water District". All reimbursement funding for water and recycled water systems. will- be from the District and not the City's Public Works Department. On page 5, last paragraph, last sentence, delete the words, "Carlsbad. Public Works Department" and substitute, "Carlsbad Municipal Water' District". On page 6, second paragraph, it states some homes will have less pressure than 60 psi in the 490-pressur zone. These lots shall be shown or highlighted on the map and the number of lots impacted shall be listed in a table comparing ground elevation with available pressure. . On page 6, under- the title 375 Zone, delete -the use of two new pressure reducing stations and indicate that the 375 pressure zone shall be looped by constructing a '12" diameter pipeline in College Boulevard proceeding north 'from "C" Street. to the intersection, of -College Boulevard and Cannon Road. The District. -will have a 375-pressure zone pipeline and 'supply at this intersection when the developer f Calavera Hills Villages constructs Cannon Road. Conditions shall be placed on future development along this reach indicating that they shall' reimburse the developer of Cantarini for this pipeline. On page 7, .extend the 375-pressure zone pipeline in "A" Street and "B" Street to the development boundary. Future development east and south of the development boundary will need the 375-pressure zone. On page 8, delete-the discussion of the proposed pressure reducing stations. Extending the 375-pressure zone pipeline in College Boulevard as.. noted previously will loop the system. e On page 9, in the last sentence of the first paragraph, delete the words, "there is no current capital improvement project funded for its design and construction." The capital improvement program presently includes Project No. 3376.1 and 33762 "D" Reservoir Phase II to be desighed and constructed in FY 2007-08. In addition, indicate that the CIP also includes Project No. 38191 "Tap No. 2 Reservoir" for the 490-pressure zone. Design and construction is scheduled for fiscal year 2005-06. The location of this reservoir will be on the Ditrict's property located at the Maerkle Reservoir site. On page 9, item 4, delete references to the "City of Carlsbad" or "City" and substitute the words, "Carlsbad Municipal Water District". Also, add that the developer shall extend the 16" diameter 490-pressure zone pipeline, from the tract boundary north to the intersection of Cannon Road and College Boulevard. The District will reimburse the developer for this pipeline. Recycled Water 1. On page 3, .first paragraph.; delete the last sentence and add .the following: The District will have a 16" recycled water pipeline in Cannon Road and a 12" recycled water pipeline in College Boulevard at Cannon Road. Plus, the Distriôt's existing "C" Tank Reservoir is being converted to recycled water storage. On page .3, second paragraph. It is correct that the District will not have a higher-pressure zone available, to this area; howecier, a local booster pump can be installed to boost the pressure from the lower 384-pressure zone. On page 4, first paragraph, indicate that higher elevation can install a booster pump thàt•.would be activated only when the irrigation system is activated: On the map, show any common areas that will have non-native landscaping installed where recycled water could be used Indicate the potential area and water demand. • On page 6, second paragraph, add the following: The. 12" recycled water pipeline shall be extended north in College Boulevard and connect to the recycled pipeline at the intersection of'College Boulevard and Cannon Road. . '1~',X 1 jg4 LUM ER Deputy City Engineer, Design Division WEP:jd