HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 00-21; REPORT OF PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION; 1988-09-09?1iid JI) ?I 4 Vu iui i (4! i$L i (e4,ii (IT1 WJ PREPARED FOR: Del Mar Finaia1 Group 6851 Yarrow Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 PREPARED BY: SoutIrn CaUfonda Soil & ¶Isting, Inc. Post Office Box 20627 6280 Riverdale Street San Diego, California 92120 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE ST, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 • TELE 280-4321 • P.O. SOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 67B ENTERPRISE ST. ESCONOIDO, CALIr. 92025 • T E L E 746-4544 September 9, 1988 Del Mar Financial Group 6361 Yarrow Drive, Suite A SCS&T 8821121 Carlsbad, California 92009 Report No. 1 ATrENTION: Mr. Michael O'Hara SUBJECT: Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Sycamore Creek II, College Boulevard, Carlsbad, California. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have performed a preliminary geotechnical investigation for the subject project. The findings and recoxnTendation of our study are presented herewith. In general, the purpose of our study was to provide, information to facilitate planning of the 540 +/- acre development. Our findings indicate that the site is suitable for the proposed development. The main geotechnical considerations that mist be considered during the planning of the site grading concepts include large surface boulders on portions of the site, dense decomposed granitics and granitic hardrock at relatively shallow depths in the northeast portion of the site, soft alluvial deposits in the narrow finger canyons that extend in some areas to over 12 feet deep, deep compressible alluvial deposits in the large canyon along the south portion SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 2 of the site, and natural continuous and intermittent springs. The majority of the site is however underlain by sedimentary deposits comprised of conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones that are easily excavated and coitpacted. Some buttressing of cut slopes may be required if they expose saturated soils 'and/or weak siltstones. If you have any questions after reviewing the findings and recoimendations contained in the attached report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. #00215 OFESS/O . GE000215 •- E;p. 9-30-89 1: Lp R. High, C.E.G. H237 CHC:JRH:mw cc: (6) Submitted (1) SCS&T, Escondido CERTIFIED . or 1..-'. -- i / CM PAGE Introduction and Project Description .1 Project Scope..............................................................3 Findings...................................................................4 SiteDescription.......................................................4 General Geology Conditions ............................................. 5 Geologic Setting and Soil Description.............................5 Rippability Characteristics............................................9 General...........................................................9 FieldInvestigation ......... ...................................... 9 Discussion of Rippability Characteristics........................10 Rippable Condition..........................................10 Marginally Rippable Condition...............................11 NonRippable Condition.......................................11 Summaryof Seismic Traverses.....................................12 Seismic Tracerses Limitations....................................15 Regional Tectonics and Geologic Hazards...............................16 TectonicSetting.................................................16 GeologicHazards.................................................17 Groundwater...........................................................18 SurfaceWater ......................................................... 19 Conclusions............................. ................................... 19 Conditions Effecting Site Development ..................................... 19 SurfaceRock..........................................................19 BuriedBoulders.......................................................20 Hardrock..............................................................20 DeepAlluvial ......................................................... 20 Tributary Canyon Alluviums............................................21 Springsand Surface Seepage............................................21 CutSlopes............................................................22 FillSlopes...........................................................22 ExpansiveSoils ........................................................ 22 Sharp Fill Differentials..............................................23 Existing Pond Embankments ............................................. 23 Agricultrual Fills....................................................23 Older Alluvial Deposits...............................................24 Preliminary Recommendations ............................................... 24 Genera] ...............................................................24 Grading................................................................ 24 SitePreparation.................................................24 Preparation of Alluvium in Fill Areas............................25 Excavation Chharacteristics ...................................... 25 RockDisposal .................................................... 26 LotUndercut.....................................................26 SelectGrading...................................................26 ExistingDams ...................................................26 SurfaceDrainage.................................................27 Subdrains......................................................... 27 Earthwork........................................................ 28 SlopeStability ....................................................... 28 General..........................................................28 SlopeInclinations...............................................29 Factorof Safety .... . ........................ . ................... 29 Typical Buttress Design ........................................... 29 Fill Slope Construction..........................................30 Foundationsand Slabs ................................................. 30 Gertera]. ................ .............. ............. • • . •. . . . . . . • .30 TABLE OF CENTERM (continued) PAGE Reinforcement .30 Expansive Characteristics .30 Interior Concrete Slab-on-Grade .................................. 31 FoundationPlan Review................................................31 Earth Retaining Walls.................................................31 Passive Pressure ............... . ................................. 31 Active Pressure..................................................31 Backfill.........................................................32 Factorof Safety ................... .............................. 32 Limitations...............................................................32 Review, Observation and Testing.......................................32 Uniformity of Conditions...............................................33 ChangeIn Scope ....................................................... 33 TimeLimitations ........................ . ............................. 33 Professional Standard.................................................34 Client's Responsibility...............................................34 FieldExplorations........................................................34 LaboratoryTesting........................................................35 FIGURE Figure 1 Site Vicinity Nap, Follows Page 1 Plate 1 Plate 2 Plates 3-24 Plates 25-29 Plates 30-32 Plate 33 Plate 34 Plates 35-39 Plates 40 Plate 41-43 Plate 44 Plot Plan Subsurface Exploration Legend Trench Logs Seismic Line Traverses D-8, D-9 and D-11 Rippability Performance Chart Rock Disposal Cross-Section Canyon Subdrain Grain Size Distribution Compaction Test Direct Shear Tests Consolidation Test Geotechnical Study Carlsbad Ridge M Geotechnical Investigation Tennis Club Pud p 1s Recommended Grading Specification and Special Provisions i SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Sycamore Creek SOIL & TESTING, INC BY: CHC/WDW IDATE• 91288 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 I Fioure No. 1 SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 2 AREA I This area covers about 230 acres and includes a portion of the Frankel, the Barlow, the Sandlin, and the Cantarini Properties. Basically, the Cantarini Property will be developed into a golf course and adjacent residential lots. The Frankel, Barlow and Sandlin parcels are planned for the resort/coimercial development. AREA II This property is known as the Kato Property and is situated east of the Cantarini Property and between 'the Mandana Property and Leisure Village. The area covers about 80 acres. This area is expected to be developed into a golf course with adjacent residential lots. AREA III (Originally referred to as Area V) Area III is known as the Mandana Property and covers about 230 acres. Proposed development will be golf course/residential similar to Area II. The grading concepts also have not been developed at this time. Hover, we anticipate that cut and fill slopes generally will not exceed about 25 to 40 feet high. Isolated exceptions may, hover, be necessary, particularly where steep narrow canyons exist and where ridges enter the property. The depths of fills in the resort/commercial area may approach 50 to 70 feet deep in order to establish more desirable views. The general plan at this tine is for all residential units to consist of one or two-story, wood-frame structures. Likewise, most of the commercial structures, the hotel and the cottages are anticipated to be wood-frame construction. Sane masonry construction and tilt-up concrete construction may, however, be considered. Foundations are expected to consist of shallow spread footings and floors are expected to consist of on-grade concrete slabs. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 3 To assist in the preparation of this report we have been provided with a concept plan prepared by Ballew and Associates, dated December 5, 1984 and a base topography map provided by Michael O'Hara. The preliminary investigation consisted of: surface reconnaissance and mapping; subsurface explorations; obtaining representative disturbed and undisturbed samples; laboratory testing; analysis of the field and laboratory data; research of available geological literature pertaining to the site; and preparation of this report. More specifically, the intent of this analysis was to: Explore the subsurface conditions of the site to the depths influenced by the proposed construction. Evaluate, by laboratory tests, the engineering properties of the various strata which may influence the proposed development, including bearing capacities, expansive characteristics and settlement potential. Describe the general geology at the site including possible geologic hazards which could have an effect on the site development. Address potential construction difficulties that may be encountered due to soil conditions, groundwater or geologic hazards and provide preliminary reconnEndations concerning these problems. Develop soil engineering criteria for site grading and provide preliminary design information regarding the stability of cut and fill slopes. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 4 Evaluate the rippability characteristics of the rock types that underlie the site. Provide preliminary reconitendations for appropriate foundation systems for the types of structures anticipated and develop soil engineering design criteria for the recommended foundation designs. The subject site is comprised of approximately 540 acres and consists of several parcels of land located northeast of the intersection of Sunny Creek Road and El Camino Real in Carlsbad, California. The Agua Hedionda Creek flows along the southern property boundary and the site extends northward for approximately three thousand feet. Most of the site is currently being used for agricultural purposes. There are, however, several residences and farm related structures scattered through the site. Surrounding land use consists of undeveloped land, residential land and agricultural land. A man-made lake, referred to as Squires Reservoir, exists off-site about 1000 feet to the east of the Kato property. The toe of the earthen dam is near the head of a small off-site finger canyon that parallels the east boundary of the subject site. Topographically, the subject site is characterized by gently to steeply sloping hills that are incised by the tributaries of the Agua Hedionda Creek. Elevations range from approximately <3O feet (NSL) in the northeastern portion of the site to approximately 75 'feet (NSL) at the southwestern corner. Drainage is accomplished by both sheetfiow and moderately to well defined drainage courses.' Two small ponds are located on site and a surface flow of water exists in the Agua Hedionda Creek. In addition, several areas of springs or seepage were noted in the central portion of the site. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 5 Vegetation consists of native grasses, shrubs and trees, with the more dense growth being located within the drainage courses and in the areas of springs and water seepage. fire- isR (X]L1JGIC SE'JYI'IM: The subject site is located near the boundary between the Foothills Physiographic Province and the Coastal Plains Physiographic Province of San Diego County and is underlain by materials of igneous and sediintary origin. The oldest materials exposed on site are the granitic rocks of the Cretaceous Southern California Batholith. The granitic bedrock is overlain by Cretaceous sediments, Pleistocene sediments, Holocene alluviun/colluvium, and artificial fills. A map, designated as Plate Number 1, accompanies this report and shows the approximate boundaries between the aforementioned geologic units. A brief description of the materials is presented below in chronological order from oldest to youngest. CRETPCE(XJS GRANITIC BNIHLI']M (Kgr): The granitic bedrock is the oldest rock unit on-site and is exposed on the northeastern portion of the site. The granitic bedrock consists of tonalite and granodiorite which typically weathers to a silty, sandy decomposed granite with sub-rounded boulders on the surface and isolated hardrock floaters within the decomposed granitic matrix. The rippability characteristics of the granitic bedrock are discussed in the appropriate section of this report. CRPPCEXXJS SEDIMENIS (Kr, KP): The majority of the site is underlain by sedirrents of the Cretaceous Rosario Group and includes conglomerates, sandstones, and siltstones. These sediments are designated as the Lusardi Formation on the map as Ki. Underlying the higher elevations in the northern portion of the site, the sediments exposed are comprised of dense, yellowish tan to yellowish brown, sandy conglomerates and cobbley, silty sands. This area has numerous large boulders exposed on the surface. These boulders range up to approximately 15 feet in SCS&T 8821121 Septener 9, 1988 Page 6 diameter. Typically, these boulders are fractured, thus most of the boulders are anticipated to break down to within the range of 2 feet to 4 feet in diameter. In addition, a large percentage of the cobble and rock within the matrix of the conglomerate is decomposed or "rotten". Therefore, Much of the cobble and rock is anticipated to break down to a coarse, decomposed granitic, silty sand. It should be noted that of the four backhoe trenches excavated in the Lusardi Formation where numerous, large, surface boulders exist, only. Trench T1-16 exposed a large, hard boulder within the conglomeratic matrix. Thus, the possibility exists that the large boulders seen on the ground surface may be only a remnant feature and therefore not indicative of the underlying conglomeratic sediments. The conglomeratic sediments are considered to be the basal unit of the Rosario Group and therefore deposited on the eroded surface of the Southern California Batholith. The thicknesses of these sediments are not known and the non-conformable contact between the sediments and the underlying granitic bedrock is expected to be highly irregular. Since exposures of the granitic bedrock are located inrrediately north and east of this area, isolated outcrops of granitic bedrock may occur within the conglomeratic sediments at the higher elevations of the subject site. The lower elevations within the area mapped as Ki consist of interbedded fine-to-coarse-grained sandstones and sandj to clayey siltstones. The Cretaceous Point Loma Formation (Kp) has been mapped south of Agua Hedionda Creek and conformably overlies the Lusardi Formation. The Point Loma Formation which was encountered above elevations of approximately 160 feet (NSL) has an apparent dip of a few degrees in a westerly direction. The formational soils consists of grayish brown to yellowish brown, highly fossiliferous interbedded sandstones, siltstones and shales. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 7 Portions of the siltstones of both the Lusardi and Point Lana Formations may present slope stabililty problems due to low shear strength parameters. Thus, the potential for slope instability should be taken into consideration when planning cut slopes in these soils. PLEISTOCENE SEDIE1'S (Qoal, Qt): Older alluvial sediments and terrace deposits have been mapped on-site and designated as Qoal and Qt on Plate Number 1. These materials are conir,rised of interbedded sands and silts and are typically unconsolidated and uncenented. These soils may present problems related to settlement; therefore, they may require partial or total removal prior to placing improveitents in these areas. HOLOCENE SEDIME1S (Qal,'ol): The modern stream channels, drainage swales and the gentler slopes are underlain by unconsolidated alluvial and colluvial deposits of clays, silts, sands, gravels, cobbles and boulders. These deposits range in thicknesses from a few feet on the slopes to depths in excess of 50 feet in the main drainages. The major drainage channel (Agua Hedionda Creek) in the southern portion of the site contains loose to medium dense and soft unconsolidated sediments to depths on the order of 50 to 60 feet below the existing grades (see Borings Number. B1-1 and B1-3). These deposits are anticipated to be compressible and therefore subject to substantial settlement when subjected to fill loads. There are several large, secondary drainage channels located on the site. The largest of these is in the area of Boring B1-2. The alluvium in this area was encountered to a depth of approximately 25 feet below existing grade. The alluvium consists of loose to medium dense, moist to saturated, clayey sand. The water table was measured at a depth of 9 feet below ground surface. The uppermost few feet consist of humid, loose, silty sands. The smaller drainages north and east of this area contain loose, compressible alluvial/colluvial soils to depths ranging to approximately 10 feet to 12 feet in depth. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 8 Mitigating measures will need to be taken in all of the alluvial (Qal/Qcoi) areas to some degree. The larger the drainage channel, typically the thicker the section of loose and soft, compressible soils that will be found within the drainages. TOPSOILS AND SUBSOILS: The topsoils and subsoils in the lower elevations, on the more gentle, planted slopes, ranged to approximately two feet to three feet in thickness. The topsoils consist of silty sands and clayey sands and overlie the expansive, sandy clayey subsoils. The topsoils overlying the southwesterly trending ridge in the vicinity of Boring B1-5 are comprised of approximately two feet to three feet of expansive, sandy clays. The northern and northeastern portions of the site, which are underlain by the granitic bedrock and the congloneratic portion of the Lusardi Formation typically have a thin topsoils and subsoil profile. The topsoils were found to be on the order of one to one and a half feet in thickness with the subsoils generally less than one foot in thickness. In these areas, the topsoils consist primarily of silty sands and the subsoils consist of expansive, clayey sands and sandy clays. It should be noted that in the areas near springs and water seepage, the topsoil and subsoil profiles are thicker and highly weathered. In some of these areas, such as near Trench Number T1-7, the topsoils and subsoils can be expected to be as thick as six feet and consist of highly expansive clays and silts. ARPIFICIAL FIlL (Qaf): The more significant deposits of artificial fill observed on the site have been mapped on the geologic map. The fills consists of soils derived from on-site grading and are the result of the farming activities. To earthen dams associated with existing on-site reservoirs or ponds have been mapped Oft the geology map. Another fill that appears to be associated with an old reservoir exists in the southeast section of the site. This structure was apparently breached and no longer retains water. In addition, the existing residential and SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 9 agricultural structures typically have minor fills associated with the improvements. Additionally, the farming activities have created small isolated patches of fill due to the contouring of the planted fields and construction of roads. Not all of these isolated patches of fill have been identified and mapped. However, the deposits not mapped are anticipated to be rather small and should be identified during developTrent of the project. 114 a %W110 I#I hfli ?, GENERAL: A seismic refraction survey was performed specifically to facilitate the project planning by determining the variation in seismic velocity of the underlying materials and to determine a reasonable approximation of the depth from the surface to the boundaries between rippable, marginally rippable, and nonrippable bedrock. The seismic survey measures the velocities of soundwaves as they travel through various materials. The velocity depends on the density of the materials. Dense materials such as granitic rock conduct soundwaves at a high velocity, whereas, loose materials such as topsoils conduct the soundwaves at much lower velocities. The seismograph's depth of investigation is closely related to the length of the seismic traverse. For a particular length of traverse, e.g., 100 feet, using a ratio of 3:1 between length and depth, we conclude that this length of survey line will detect the boundaries between materials of varying density and velocity to a depth of approximately 33 feet. The length of traverses in this survey range from 60 feet to 120 feet, which should reach depths of approximately 20 feet to 40 feet. FIElD ThESflGPFI(1: Eleven seismic traverses were performed by our firm on the subject site. Six traverses were performed in 1983 and five were performed in August 1988. Traverse Number Si-i was performed in the area of the Lusardi Formation which has numerous large surface boulders. All other traverses were perforned in the areas underlain by the granitic bedrock. The locations of the traverses are shown on Plate Number 1. Logs of these seismic traverses are presented on Plate Numbers 25 through 29. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 10 DISCUSSIC1 OF RIPPAB]LITY CHARACTERISTICS: The results of our seismic survey and our field explorations indicate that the granitic bedrock is rippable to varying depths ranging from 3 feet to 30 feet. Most of the traverses indicate the gñnitic bedrock is rippable to depths between 12 feet to 18 feet. Marginally rippable and nonrippable rock is present below these depths. It should be noted that there may be isolated hardrock floaters within the rippable materials which may require blasting to facilitate grading operations. The one seismic traverse performed within area of large surface boulders overlying the Lusardi Formation indicates these soils are rippable to depths of approximately 17 feet to 23 feet. This limit of rippability may indicate the contact between the Lusardi Formation and the underlying granitic bedrock, or a higher concentration of large, hardrock boulders within the Lusardi Formation. It should be emphasized here that the thickness of the Lusardi Formation may vary substantially due to the highly irregular erosional surface that the formational sediments were deposited upon. Provided below is a brief summary of the rippability characteristics of the granitic rock. RIPPABLE CXDITI(I4 (0-4,500 FT ./EC.): This velocity range indicates rippable materials which may consist of decomposed granitic rock possessing random hardrock floaters. With velocities between about 2,000 and 3,500 fps, excavations in this material will generally produce a rocky, silty sand soil with sufficient fines for use as compacted fill. Maximum size of rock fragments are expected to be less than six inches. For velocities between about 3,500 and 4,500 fps, excavations are expected to produce small broken rock fragments without sufficient fines to be used as fill without mixing. The rock fragments will consist of blocks that can range from less than an inch up to about 12 inches in dianeter. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 11 Materials within the velocity range of from 3,500 to 4,000 fps are rippable with difficulty by backhoes and other light trenching equipment. In addition, areas that contain hardrock floaters may be present that will create utility trenching problems. Further, large floaters exposed at or near finish grade may present additional problems for excavation of trenches. MAIGINAtLY RI[PPAELE CCDITICXI (4,500 -5,500 T./SX.): This velocity range is ripp able with increased effort. Hover, depending on many factors, including the condition of equipifent and the operator's experience, it may or may not be economical. Excavations that can be made in this range are expected to produce a rock/soil mixture that will probably not have sufficient fines to be used as fill and that could contain oversize blocks of the granitic rock. Soils could be mixed with this material to provide enough fines for use as compacted fill. Hover, the oversize material (blocks over 12 inches in diameter) will need to be removed and disposed in nonstructural fills. If this type of product is produced by the excavating, blasting may be desirable in lieu of excavation by ripping. Blasting is expected to break down the rock into more soil and rock fragments of smaller size that would be suitable for use as fill. This range may also include large floaters. Zones of less fractured or weathered materials may also be found in this velocity range that could require blasting to facilitate removal. Materials within this velocity range are beyond the capability of backhoes and lighter trenching equipment. Difficulty of excavation would also be realized by gradalls and other heavy trenching equipment. Therefore, this range of material it is not desirable for building pad subgrade due to difficulty in footing and utility trench excavation. ?ORIPPABLE (DITI( (5,500 FT./SEC. & GREATER): This velocity range includes nonrippable material consisting primarily of moderately fractured granitic rock at lower velocities and only slightly fractured or unfractured rock at higher velocities. Excavations made in blasted rock from this range of velocities are expected to produce a product SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 12 consisting of 50 to 60 percent rock fragments over six inches in diameter, but generally less than 12 inches. In the higher velocity rock, say above about 12,000 fps, larger rock fragments and less soil can be anticipated. We anticipate that within the lower velocities of this range, 'mixing with soil will produce a material suitable for use as fill while the higher velocity material 1s expected to produce too much oversize rock for use in structural fills. This upper limit has been based on rippability with a Caterpillar D-9L using a conventional #9 Single Shank Ripper. Hover, this upper limit of rippability may sometimes be increased by using other heavy excavation equipment. The above mentioned rippability limits are based on a modification of charts prepared by Caterpillar Company and the article in "Road and Streets", September 1967. JrE: According to the Caterpillar Performance Handbook, dated October 1986, the upper limits of rippability has increased over the aforementioned limits. The newer rippability performance charts for the D-8, D-9 and D-11 have been included with this report as Plate Numbers 30 through 32. It should be realized, hover, that our experience indicates that the older charts are more reliable under actual field conditions. SUMMARY OF SEISMIC TRAVERSES: The apparent velocities were measured at both ends of the seismic traverses, and the seismic traverse performed in the opposite direction is designated number R. Apparent Velocities Traverse ft/sec. Cciinents Traverse No. Si-i 0 - 5' 1,750 Rippable Topsoils and Conglomeratic Sediments 5'-23' 31 400 Rippabie Conglomeratic Sediments SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 13 Apparent Velocities Traverse ft/sec. Comments Traverse No. S1-1R 0-5' ' 1,750 Rippable Topsoils and Congloneratic Sediients 51-171 3,900 Rippable Cong1oreratic Sedizrents 17'-36' 5,000 Marginally. Rippable CongloiTeratic Sedittents and/or Granitic Bedrock Traverse No. S2-1 0-3' 2,200 Rippable Topsoils and "D.G." 31 -26' 4,800 Marginally Rippable Granitic Bedrock with Hardrock Floaters 26'-33, 15,000 Nonrippable Granitic Bedrock Traverse No. S2-1R 0-6' 2,200 Rippable Topsoils and 'D.G." 6'-271 5,500 Marginally Rippable Granitic Bedrock. with Hardrock Floaters 27'-33' 15,000 Nonrippable Granitic Bedrock Traverse No. S2-2 0-14' 4,500 Rippable "D.G." with Hardrock Floaters 141-33, 7,000 Nonrippable Granitic Bedrock Traverse No. S2-2R 0-15' 3,000 Rippable 'D.G." with Hardrock Floaters 15 1-33' 9,000 Nonrippable Granitic Bedrock Traverse No. S2-3 0-12' 3,600 Rippable 'D.G.' with Hardrock Floaters 121-30' 10,000 Nonrippable Granitic Bedrock SCS&T 8821121 Septeiriber 9, 1988 Page 14 Apparent Velocities Traverse ft/sec. Comments Traverse No. S2-3R 0-12' 2,700 Rippable "D.G." with Hardrock Floaters 12'-30' 15,000 Nonrippable Granitic Bedrock Traverse No. S2-4 0-13' 2,800 Rippable "D.G. with Hardrock Floaters 13 1 -20' 8,000 Nonrippable Granitic Bedrock Traverse No. S2-4R 0-13' 2,200 Rippable "D.G. with Hardrock Floaters 13'-20' 15,000 Nonrippable Granitic Bedrock Traverse No. S5-1 (83) 0-7' 2,500 7'-30' 4,000 Traverse No. S5-2 (83) 0-5' 2,500 51 -26' 4,500 Rippable Topsoils and "D.G." Rippable Granitic Bedrock with Hardrock Floaters Rippable Topsoils and "D.G." Rippable Granitic Bedrock with Hardrock Floaters Traverse No. S5-3 (83) 0-3' 1,300 3 1 -12' 4,000 12'-30' 5,400 Rippable Topsoils and "D.G.' Rippable Granitic Bedrock with Hardrock Floaters Marginally Rippable Granitic Bedrock with Hardrock Floaters SCS&T 8821121 Septener 9, 1988 Page 15 Apparent Velocities - Traverse ft/sec. Cciments Traverse No. S5-4 (83) 0-15' 2,700 Rippable ¶1kps0i1s and "D.G.' with Hardrock Floaters 15'-30' 6,200 Nonrippable Granitic Bedrock Traverse No. S5-5 (83). 0-18' . 2,800 Rippable Topsoils and "D . G.' with Hardrock Floaters 18'-33' 6,000 Nonrippable Granitic Bedrock Traverse No. S5-6 (83) 0-8' 2,500 Rippable Topsoils and "D.G." 81-26' . 4,600 Marginally Rippable Granitic Bedrock with Hardrock Floaters MYIE: (83) indicates seismic traverses were performed in 1983 for a previous report. SEISMIC TRAVERSE L Tfl(S: The results of the seismic survey for this investigation reflect rippability conditions only for the areas of the traverses. However, the conditions of the various soil-rock units appear to be similar for the remainder of the site and may be assuned to possess similar characteristics. Our reporting is presently limited in that refraction seismic surveys do not allow for prediction of a percentage of expectable oversize or hardrock floaters. Subsurface variations in the degree of weathered rock to fractured rock are not accurately predictable. The seismic refraction method requires that materials become increasingly dense with depth. In areas where denser,.. higher velocity materials are underlain by lower velocity materials, the lower velocity materials would not be indicated by our survey. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 16 All of the velocities used as upper limits for rippability are subject to fluctuation depending upon such local variations in rock conditions as: Fractures, Faults and Planes of Weakness of Any Kind Weathering and Degree of Decomposition C) Brittleness and Crystalline Nature d) Grain Size It should be noted that ripping of higher velocity materials may becox totally dependent on the tine available and the economics of the project. Ripping of higher velocity materials can be achieved but it may become- economically infeasible. mmIc SE'rr.n: It should be noted that much of Southern California, including San Diego County, is characterized by a series of Quaternary-age fault zones which typically consist of several individual, en echelon faults that generally strike in a northerly to northwesterly direction. Some of these fault zones (and the individual faults within the zone) are classified as active while others are classified as only potentially active according to the criteria of the California Division of Mines and Geology. Active fault zones are those which have shown conclusive evidence of faulting during the Holocene Epoch (the most recent 11,000 years) while potentially active fault zones •have demonstrated movement during the Pleistocene Epoch (11,000 to 2 million years before the present) but no movement during Holocene tine. A review of available geologic maps reveal that t, apparently inactive faults have been mapped on the site. The approximate location of a small fault located on the southern portion, within the Cretaceous sediments, and one located in the northeastern corner, within the Cretaceous granitic bedrock are shown, on Plate Number 1. These faults are typical of many of the other small faults in the Carlsbad area and should be of only minor SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 17 consequence to the project. It should be noted that these small inactive faults are common in the Carlsbad area and that grading operations at the site will possibly reveal the presence of other fault traces. In addition, it should be recognized that much of Southern California is characterized by major, active and potentially active fault zones that could possibly affect the site. These will include the Elsinore and San Jacinto Fault Zones to the northeast, and the Rose Canyon, Coronado Banks and San Clemente Fault Zones to the est. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS: Possible geologic hazards which may affect the site include groundshaking hazards associated with movement along the major, active fault zones mentioned previously and those associated with slope stability problems and expansive soil conditions. The most likely geologic hazard to affect the site is groundshaking as a. result of movement along one of the major, active fault zones in the region. The maximum bedrock accelerations that would be attributed to a maximum probable earthquake occurring along the nearest portion of selected fault zones that could affect the site are summarized in the following table. TABLE I Maximum Probable Bedrock Design Fault Zone Distance Earthquake Acceleration Acceleration Rose Canyon .8 miles 6.0 magnitude 0.29 g 0.20 g Elsinore . 20 miles 7.3 magnitude 0.25 g 0.17 g San Jacinto 44 miles 7.8 magnitude 0.15 g 0.10 g Earthquakes on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone are expected to be relatively minor. Major seismic events are likely to be the result of movement along the San Jacinto or Elsinore Fault Zones, which are major active fault zones of this region. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 18 Experience has shown that structures that are constructed in accordance with Uniform Building Code Standards are fairly resistant to seismic related hazards. It is, therefore, our opinion that structural damage is unlikely if such buildings are designed and constructed in accordance with the minimum standards of the xrost recent edition of the Uniform Building Code. Another potential geologic hazard which must be considered is the potential for slope stability problems. Portions of the siltstonés may present low shear strengths thus creating the potential for slope failures. In addition,the area in the vicinity of Trench Numbers T1-2, T1-15 and T1-21 is underlain by waathered materials which exhibit groundwater seepage. These conditions could combine to create the potential for slope instability. Slope stability hazards are further discussed in the engineering section of this report. However, it is reconuended that all cuts be inspected by a qualified geologist to assess the presence of any adverse geologic conditions. It should also be noted that the sediments on site contain some expansive materials. The effects of these soils can be mitigated through selective grading and sound engineering practices. Other potential geologic hazards such as tsunamis, seiches or liquefaction should be considered negligible or nonexistent. Groundwater was encountered in the alluvial drainage coarse of Agua Hedionda Creek at depths of approximately 13 feet and 14.5 feet below existing grades. Groundwater also exists in the large tributaries which join the Agua Hedionda Creek. At Boring Number B1-2, which was located in one of these tributaries, groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 9 feet below the ground surface. In addition, groundwater seepage was encountered at depths of approximately 10 feet to 12 feet in Trenches T1-15, T1-21 and T1-2. It should be noted that these trenches are located in areas of suspected springs and seeps. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 19 SURFACE WATER Surface water flows within the Jgua Hedionda Creek throughout the year. Two small ponds are located on-site and are fed by springs which appear to supply water to the ponds throughout the year. In addition, several areas have very lush vegetation all year as a result of seepage of water at the surface or near the surface throughout the year. Some of the larger areas where seepages appear to surface all year long are shown on Plate Number 1 as springs. In general, no geotechnical conditions were encountered that would preclude the development of the site to receive the constructions. The majority of the site is either underlain by competent sandstones and siltstones of the Lusardi Formation or by dense granitic rock. These materials generally have excellent engineering properties. However, several conditions are present within the development areas that need to be taken into consideration during the planning stages in order to help minimize development costs. These conditions are discussed below. 4OA1 In some of the higher areas of the site, large boulders are scattered about the surface. Sane of these boulders approach 20 feet in diameter, while most are in the range of 4 to 10 feet in diameter. These boulders will be difficult to handle during grading and many require splitting just to nave. In addition to being difficult to move, they will be difficult to dispose of. They could, however, be placed in fills for the golf course if an attempt is made to compact the soil between them and possible settlement of the fill is taken into consideration in designing the fairways. For planning purposes, it would be best to make such non-structural fills in fairways SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 20 where the ground surface is moderately sloping, as opposed to being below relatively flat lying areas. Settlement of such non-structural fills should not result in depressed areas that pond water or restrict surface drainage. Although there are a lot of boulders on the surface in the areas mapped as Lusardi Formation, we do not expect many to be present within the Lusardi Formation. We do, however, expect many subsurface boulders of all sizes to be encountered within the granitic materials. As discussed in the geology section of this report, the thickness of the Lusardi Formation is highly variable and could be relatively thin in certain areas. Thus, any large cuts in the Lusardi Formation, in the higher elevations which are covered with surface boulders, could cut into the granitics where the boulders or non-rippable rock may be encountered. In general, however, we would expect that cuts on the order of 50 feet or less will not encounter granitics, except near the contact between the Lusardi Formation and the granitics. In addition to many surface and subsurface boulders, we expect that non- rippable hardrock will be encountered in the areas mapped as the Granite Batholith. We suggest that cuts in the areas mapped as granitics (Kgr) be kept to less than 15 to 20 feet. Although deeper cuts can be made, blasting would most likely be necessary. In: the main canyon formed by the Agua Hedionda Creek, deep compressible alluvial deposits exist that will experience considerable consolidation with only minor fill loads. It is suggested that this area be left open and not used to support fills and/or structures. If it is necessary to utilize this are enoval and recompaction of the alluvium above the water table and surcharging with fills above the planned height would be necessary. This is a tirre dependent operation that could take six to nine months to complete. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 21 TRIBUrARY CANYON ALIEVIUMS In the larger portions of the tributary canyons, compressible alluvial deposits exist to depths probably on the order of about 25 feet with water tables of less than about 10 to 15 feet below the drainage channel. Developnnt in these areas will be similar to filling in the major canyon: that is removing and reconipacting the alluvium above the water table and surcharging the structural fill pad with additional fill. In the smaller tributary canyons, the alluvium is expected to vary in depth up to about 15 feet. Where the fills in these areas will only support golf course fairways, they will not need to be removed. This is, however, dependent on the developers accepting settlement of the fairway fills. . In areas where structures and/or roadways will be affected by such alluvium, it will be necessary to remove all alluvial deposits to firm ground. This may require soma dewatering and working with wet soils. :iii e In the central portion of the site, several active springs were observed. Although the springs that weep year round can be easily identified, we suspect that there are also many intermittent springs that only weep during wet winters. This type of spring is difficult, if not impossible, to identify when they are dry. Further, grading in the area of springs and changes made in land use can create changes in groundwater flow. It should be realized that a golf course developnent -is going to be providing a lot more water for infiltration than is now available. Although subdrains and blanket drains can be installed to correct any seepage problems that are exposed or suspected during grading, it may be necessary to install sane additional drains after the developient is completed. It should be pointed out that the Leisure Village developnent to the north of the Kato property has experienced groundwater problems that occurred after the project was completed. We hope, however, to learn from there experience and to be more aware of potential problem areas that can be corrected during the grading operations. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 22 We expect most cut slopes in the Lusardi Formation will have a relatively high degree of stability. However, the formation is made up of layers of strong sandstonds and weaker siltstones. In most cases, the siltstones are very sandy and perform more like a sand than a silt. Where dry and undisturbed, these siltstones have relatively high strength parameters, but the strength parameters decrease substantially when saturated and/or disturbed. Where possible, large cuts in the areas identified as having springs should be avoided. However, should such cuts be necessary, buttresses and subdrains can be design to mitigate this condition. Provided the sandy portions of the Lusardi Formation or the decomposed granitics are used to construct the outer portions of fill slope, such slopes should be stable for heights of at least 50 feet if constructed at a inclination of to horizontal to one vertical or flatter. The only area where we may expect any problems with fill slopes is where they will be placed over alluvial deposits that are not removed to firm ground. This could occur where fairway fills are placed in canyons and fill slopes in the tributary canyons that will face Agua Hedionda Creek. (Where fills for housing and streets cross tributary canyons, the alluvial deposits must be removed to firm ground,) In these cases, deeper keys, flatter slopes, and/or over filling and cutting back after the alluvial soils consolidate may be necessary. 1 pm The topsoils and subsoils on the site vary from low to highly expansive and typically range in some areas up to about three feet thick. The. grading will probably remove most of the expansive materials and as long as they are placed in the fairways or at least four feet below finish grade in building areas, they will not present a problem. Where they will occur naturally SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 23 within four feet of finish grade, they will require undercutting and replacing with nonexpansive soil. In addition, some of the silts of the Lusardi Formation in the areas of the springs have weathered into expansive soils. SHARP FItL DIFFERENTIALS Some of the natural slopes adjacent to the drainages are very steep. Where these drainages will be filled in, a relatively rapid change in fill depth in short horizontal distances will occur. Structures constructed on such sharp fill differentials will be subject to differential settlement as a result of the substantially different settlement characteristics of man-made fill material and the overconsolidated formational soils. This is particularly critical where the fills exceed a depth of about 40 feet. We recommend that this condition be kept in mind when the buildings are laid out and, when possible, do not place buildings across areas with sharp fill differentials. This will probably be more critical in the resort/ccnrnercial area where several steep sided canyons converge. If it is necessary to place buildings over sharp fill differentials, special grading and/or foundation and slab design will be necessary. This could range from stiffening the footing and slabs to pier or pile foundations with structural slabs. The to ponds that exist on-site appear to have been constructed without proper engineering design and construction methods. Although they have not, to our knowledge, been breached to date, they nost likely do not coitply with current design criteria for earth dams. With this in mind, they will probably need to be reconstructed or be eliminated or, as with the larger pond, a new embankment complying with current standards could be constructed on the downstream side of the dam. The past farming on the subject property has resulted in numerous small fills being made to snooth out irregular areas. This has resulted in the SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 24 filling in some of the small swales and small fills being pushed out around the perimeter of the farired areas. Although we do not feel this will result in a substantial amount of unsuitable fill, it will be required to be recompacted. Some of the older alluvial deposits deposited on the LusardJ. Formation and granitics are unconsolidated and porous. In areas where settlement-sensitive structures are planned, removal and reconipaction of some of this materials may be required. However, we do not anticipate that there will be a significant amount of this type of soil. xñui u k, r •4II4 Since the site development plans are only in their conceptional stages, specific recommendations for site preparation and foundation design cannot be provided at this time. However, the following preliminary recommendations are provided for the feasibility analysis and budget determinations. It should be realized that once the grading plans are developed and building locations and types are known, some additional investigation and analysis will probably be necessary. SITE RTI(1: As with all grading projects, grading should start with the removal from the development areas of all vegetation and other materials found by the geotechn.ical engineer to be unsuitable for structural fills. Such material should be disposed of off-site or could be mulched and used in the golf course landscaping. Once this is completed, all areas to receive fill should be stripped of topsoils, subsoils, and existing fills. Preparation of areas underlain by alluvial deposits is discussed below. Such SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 25 materials may be used in structural fills provided expansive soils are not placed within four feet of finish grade of building pads. Where fills will only support fairways and are not expected to ever support settlement- sensitive structures, such materials may be left in place, provided the finish grades aim designed such that settlements will not adversely affect the surface drainage. In all areas to receive fill, the ground should be scarified to at least 12 inches, be moisture conditioned, and be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. PREPARATIM OF ALUJVIUM IN FILL AREPS: Where fill will be placed in areas underlain by alluvial deposits, and where these fills will support settlement-sensitive structures, the alluvium should be removed to firm ground as approved by the soils engineer, or to two feet above the water table. If all the alluvium is not removed by this operation, the fills should be overfilled by at least five feet and the alluvium be allowed to consolidate before the surcharge fill is removed. This will require monitoring the settlements induced by the fill loads. Where the fills over alluvial filled areas will be for the golf course fairways, and will not. support settlement-sensitive structures (slabs, driveways and roads included), the alluvium will not need to be removed. Where all fills are started, the supporting soils should be scarified, noisture conditioned and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. Where large fill slopes will be constructed over alluvial filled areas, deeper keys, flatter slopes and/or overfilling and cutting back to final slope face may be required. Such recommendations will be provided where necessary when a grading plan is prepared. ECPVrIC)J C R1RISTI(: As discussed in the previous seismic survey section of this report, nonrippable hardrock may be encountered in cuts in the areas underlain by the granitics. In addition, surface boulders and subsurface boulders requiring blasting and/or splitting can also be expected throughout the excavation in the granitics and on the surface of the Lusardi Formation in the higher areas. The suimlazy of the results of the seismic SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 26 traverses presented on the previous pages 9 through 16 provide information regarding the estimated depths of rippable soils in proposed cut areas. POCK DISPOSAL: It is anticipated that a substantial amount of oversized rock will be generated during grading operations. Rock lesè than six inches in maximum dimension may be mixed with soil and utilized as structural fill. Rock between six inches and two feet in maximum dimension may be placed in structural fills in accordance with the recoimndations provided in Plate Number 33. Rock or boulders larger than tuv feet in maximum dimension should be split, exported from the site, utilized for landscaping purposes or placed in nonstructural fill areas. UJ2 UNDERCUT: It is recoirirrended that the cut portion of transition (cut/ fill) lots be undercut to a depth of three feet below finish grade. The resulting excavation should be backfilled with properly compacted fill. Lot undercut may also be necessary for cut lots exposing surface boulders or very dense granitic rock at finish grades. This operation will facilitate future foundation and utility trenching. Each cut lot should' be reviewed during grading to determine whether undercut is necessary. SELECT GRADING: The majority of the soils encountered during our investigation were visually classified as nondetrinentafly expansive. A substantial amount of expansive topsoil/subsoil was encountered that must be removed from within the influence of structures and improvements. Additionally, other minor areas with expansive subsoil may be encountered during grading operations. It is recommended that expansive soils be placed in deep fills below a depth of four feet from finish grade. Furthermore, expansive soils should not be placed within 15 feet from the face of slopes or within a distance of 2/3H (H=slope height), whichever is more. Expansive soils in cut lots should also be removed to a depth of four feet and replaced with compacted nondetrinentally expansive fill. EXISTING DAMS: Evaluation of the suitability and stability of the two existing pond embankments was not part of our scope of work. However, the SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 27 fills placed during the construction of the two existing ponds were most likely not placed in accordance with proper standards. For such water retention structures, the alluvial soils were probably not removed, the fills were probably not properly compacted, the type of materials used to construct the dms may not have the necessary permeable characteristics and the embanknents may not have the proper factor of safety against failure. In order to mitigate this situation, the ponds could be eliminated, or the embankments could be reconstructed to comply with current standards. In the case of the larger pond, a new embankment could be constructed downstream of the existing embankment that would comply with proper standards. Then the existing embankment could be removed with a drag line or by lowering the pond, or the embankment could be left as is. Recommendations of new dam embankments. can be provided if desired. Such recommendations would most likely consist of removal of all alluvial deposits below the dam, constructing a keyway into the abutnEnts and bottom of the embankment, constructing a clay core embankment and constructing a toe drain to intercept any seepage through the embankment. The slopes of the upstream and downstream sides of the embankment would probably be at a ratio of 3:1 and 2:1, respectively, or flatter. SURFPCE DRAINAGE: It is recoimended that all surface drainage be directed away from structures and the top of slopes. POnding of water should not be allowed adjacent to foundations. SUBDRAINS: It is recorniended that subdrains be placed along the bottom of any drainage where fills exceed ten feet in thickness. The subdrain should be placed in the bottom after all unsuitable soils are removed and should be daylighted to drain by gravity. Where this cannot be accomplished due to deep cleanout, special recoirnendations will be provided. Additionally, once the grading plan is prepared, we can identify the location where subdrains will be necessary. The attached Plate Number 34 provides the recorrnended subdrain detail. SCS&T 8821121 Septener 9, 1988 Page 28 In addition to subdrains in drainages, there will most likely be subdrains necessary in the areas where springs are encountered or are expected. The design for such drains could consist of blanket drains of rock wrapped in filter fabric oi a system of lateral subdrains connected to a manifold. The design of such drains and their extent must be determined in the field as the conditions are exposed. EARmZJRK: All earthork and grading contemplated for site preparation should be accomplished in accordance with the attached Recommended Grading Specifications and Special Provisions provided in Appendix A. All special site preparation recommendations presented in the sections above will supersede those in the standard Recommended Grading Specifications. All embankments, structural fill and fill should be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction at or slightly over optimum moisture content. Utility trench backfill within five feet of the proposed structures and beneath asphalt pavements should be compacted to minimum of 90% of its maximum dry density. The upper twelve inches of subgrade beneath paved areas should be compacted to 95% of its maximum dry density. This compaction should be obtained by the paving contractor just prior to placing the aggregate base material and should not be part of the mass grading requirements. The maximum dry density of each soil type should be determined in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method D-1557-78, Method A or C. GENERAL: As previously discussed, the grading plans for the project have not been developed. Therefore the location and height of proposed cut and fill slopes are not known at this time. Eased on the topographic conditions of the site, we anticipate that the grading will consist of cutting down the higher ridges and filling in the natural swales and lower areas of the site. We expect that this may result in cuts and fill slopes on the order of 25 to 40 feet high, with some isolated slopes in the range of 50 to 70 feet high. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 29 The two most predominant soil types at the site are the Lusardi Formation and the granitic rock. Obviously the granitics have high strength parameters and stand well in cut and fill slopes. For the most part, the soils of the Lusardi Formation also have relatively high strength parameters and also stand well in slopes. However, some of the siltstones of the Lusardi Formation that occur in the lower areas of the site and those in the area of the springs may have somewhat lower strength parameters. Once the grading plan is developed, additional subsurface investigation will most likely be necessary along cut slopes where we suspect such weaker materials may exist. Depending on the strengths of such materials and the proposed heights and slope ratios, they may be found to be stable or they may require buttressing. SLOPE ]BLINATICS: We recommend that all cut and fill slopes be constructed at a slope ratio of to horizontal to one vertical (2:1) or flatter. Some minor slopes, less than about five feet high, may be constructed at a 1.5:1 ratio if overfilled and cut back to grade. FACTOR OF SAFETY: Assuming that the weaker siltstones are not exposed in large cuts and that the sandier soils are used to construct the fill slopes, the cut and fill slopes with the anticipated maximum heights will have a factor of safety of at least 1.5. Where buttressing will be necessary for cut slopes, such buttresses can be designed to comply with this •miniirnn required factor of safety. TYPICAL BUTTRESS DESIGN: A typical buttress design for cut slopes that could be expected would consist of compacted select soil with a base width equal to approximately two-thirds the height of the slope, and extending from the back cut upward at an inclination of 1:1. A key cut below the toe of the slope to a depth of about five to ten feet would be required along the entire base of the buttress. Depending on the exposed and/or expected moisture conditions, a subdrain, possibly with chimney drains, could be required. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 30 FILL SLOPE CSTRtETICIq: All fill slopes should have the face compacted at vertical intervals of no higher than four feet, and should be track rolled when completed. The intent of this recommendation is to have all soils compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. JIJJIpYd M to, GENERAL: Shallow foundations may be utilized for the support of the proposed structures. The footings should have a minimum depth of 12 inches, 18 inches and 24 inches below lost adjacent finish grade for single, two-story and three-story structures, respectively. A minimum width of 12 inches and 18 inches is recorrttended for continuous and isolated footings, respectively. A bearing capacity of 2500 psf may be assumed for said footings. This bearing capacity may be increased by one-third when considering wind and/or seismic forces. Footings located adjacent to or within slopes should be extended to a depth such that a minimum horizontal distance of five feet and seven feet exists between the footing and the face of cut and fill slopes, respectively. Retaining wall footings close to or within slopes should be individually evaluated by this office. REINEOIEMENT: Both exterior and interior continuous footings should be reinforced with at least one #4 bar positioned near the bottom of the footing and one #4 bar positioned near the top of the footing. This reinforcement is based on soil characteristics and is not intended to be in lieu of reinforcement necessary to satisfy structural considerations. Footings founded on lots underlain by fill soils extending to nonuniform depths exceeding ten feet should be reinforced with two No. 4 rebars located near the top of the footing and two No. 4 rebars located near the bottom. Where fill differentials will exceed 40 feet, special analysis and design may be necessary. EXPANSIVE CHAR1crERISTICS: The prevailing foundation soils were classified as nondetrirrentally expansive. Furthermore, any expansive soils encountered during grading operations will not be allowed within four feet from finish grade. The recommendations contained in this report reflect this condition. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 31 INTERIOR (ICRE'TE SLABS-ON-GRADE: Interior concrete slabs-on-grade should have a thickness of four inches and be underlain by a four-inch blanket of clean, poorly graded, coarse sand or crushed rock. The slab should be reinforced with #3 reinforcing bars placed at 36 inches on center each way. A 6 "x6" -Wi . 4xW1 .4 welded wire mesh may be used in lieu of the rebar. It is imperative that the mesh be placed near the middle of the slab. Where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, a. visqueen barrier should be placed on top of the sand layer. A one-inch-thick layer of clean sand should be placed over the visqueen to allow proper concrete curing. Concrete slabs-on-grade for lots that have a fill differential of more than 15 feet should be reinforced with No. 3 rebars placed at 24 inches on center each way or a 6" x6" -W2 . 9xW2 .9 welded wire mesh. FOUNDATION PLAN REVIEW The foundation plans should be provided to the geotechnical engineer for review in order to ascertain if the recoimendations presented in this report have been implemented and that the assumptions utilized in the preparation. of this report are valid. PASSIVE PRESSURE: The passive pressure for the prevailing soil conditions may be considered to be 350 pounds per square foot per foot of depth up to a maximum of 2500 psf. This pressure may be increased one-third for seismic loading. The coefficient of friction for concrete to soil may be assumed to be 0.4 for the resistance to lateral movement. When combining frictional and passive resistance, the friction value should be reduced by one-third. The upper six inches of exterior retaining wall footings should not be included in passive pressure calculations. ACME PRESSURE: The active soil pressure for the design of earth retaining structures with level backf ills may be assumed to be equivalent to the pressure of a fluid weighing 35 pcf. An additional 13 pcf should be added to SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 32 said value for 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) sloping backfill. These pressures do not consider any other surcharge. If any are anticipated, this office should be contacted for the necessary increase in soil pressure. This value assumes a drained backfill condition. Waterproofing details should be provided by the project architect. BPCKF]LL: All backfill soils should be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. Expansive or clayey soils should not be used for backfill material. The wall should not be backfilled until the masonry has reached an adequate strength. FACTOR OF SAFErY: The above values,• with the exception of the allowable soil friction coefficient, do not include a factor of safety. Appropriate factors of safety should be incorporated into the design to prevent the walls from overturning and sliding. The recommendations presented in this report are contingent upon our review of final plans and specifications. Such plans and specifications should be made available to the soil engineer and engineering geologist so that they may review and verify their compliance with this report and with Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code. It is recommended that Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. be retained to provide continuous soil engineering services during the earthwork operations. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to start of construction. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 33 LS1$ US) IN I) ii ,i(s; The reconndations and opinions expressed in this report reflect our best estimate of the project requirements based on an evaluation of the subsurface soil conditions encountered at the subsurface exploration locations and the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those encountered. It should be recognized that the performance of the foundations and/or cut and fill slopes may be influenced by undisclosed or unforeseen variations in the soil conditions that may occur in the intermediate and unexplored areas. Any unusual conditions not covered in this report that may be encountered during site development should be brought to the attention of the soils engineer so that he may make modifications if necessary. eSa This office should be advised of any changes in the project scope or proposed site grading so that it may be determined if the recoxmndations contained herein are appropriate. This should be verified in writing or modified by a written addendum. WSWIMRIVIOWd The findings of this report are valid as of this date. Changes in the condition of a property can, however, occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the work of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in the State-of-the-Practice and/or Government Codes may occur. Due to such changes, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or in part by changes beyond our control. Therefore, this report should not be relied upon after a period of two years without a review by us verifying the suitability of the conclusions and recotmendations. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 34 In the performance of our professional services, we comply with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of our profession currently practicing under similar conditions and in the sane locality. The client recognizes that subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at the locations where our borings, surveys, and explorations are made, and that our data, interpretations, and reconendations are based solely on the information obtained by us. We will be responsible for those data, interpretations, and recomiendations, but shall not be responsible for the interpretations by others of the information developed. Our services consist of professional consultation and observation only, and no warranty of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, is made or intended in connection with the work performed or to be performed by us, or by our proposal for consulting or other services, or by our furnishing of oral or written reports or findings. It is the responsibility of Del Mar Financial (kip, or their represent- atives to ensure that the information and reconrendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the engineer and architect for the project and incorporated into the project's plans and specifications. It is further their responsibility to take the necessary measures to insure that the contractor and his subcontractors carry out such reconilEndations during construction. In addition to the eleven seismic traverses previously discussed, subsurface explorations were made at the locations indicated on the geologic map included herewith as Plate Number 1 between June 6 and August 24, 1988. These explorations consisted of five small diameter test borings and 31 trenches excavated by a backhoe. In addition, previous geotechnical studies SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 35 were performed by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. on portions of the property included in this study. The locations of these explorations, which also consisted of borings and test trenches, are also shown on the geologic map. The properties involved with the earlier investigation include the Manda pacel and the Frankel parcel. The field work was conducted under the observation of our engineering geology personnel. The explorations were carefully logged when made. The logs for the recent explorations are presented on the following Plates Number 3 through 24. The results of our seismic line traverses are presented on Plates Number 25 through 29. The logs for the previous investigations are presented in Appendices A and B. The soils are described in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System as illustrated on the attached simplified chart on Plate 2. In addition, a verbal textural description, the wet color, the apparent moisture and the density or consistency are provided. The density of granular soils is given as either very loose, loose, medium dense, dense or very dense. The consistency of silts or clays is given as either very soft, soft, medium stiff, stiff, very stiff, or hard. Disturbed and "undisturbed" samples of typical and representative soils were obtained and returned to the laboratory for testing. Representative undisturbed core samples were obtained by means of a split tube sampler driven into the soil be means of a 140 pound weight free falling a distance of 24 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler is indicated on the boring logs as "sampling penetration resistance". Standard penetration sampling was also performed. Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with the generally accepted American Society for Testing and Materials (A. S. T . M.) test methods or suggested procedures. A brief description of the tests performed is presented below: SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 36 CLASSIFICATION: Field classifications were verified in the laboratory by visual examination. The final soil classifications are in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. I)ISiE-DEIT: Field moisture content and dry density were determined for representative samples obtained. This information was an aid to classification and permitted recognition of variations in material consistency with depth. The dry unit weight is determined in pounds per cubic foot, and the field moisture content is determined as a percentage of the soil's dry weight. The results are summarized in the trench and boring logs. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION: The grain size distribution was determined for representative samples of the native soils in accordance with A.S.T.M. Standard Test D-422. The results of these tests are presented on Plate Numbers 35 through 39. (XPPCTIGW TEST: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical soils were determined in the laboratory in accordance with A.S.T.M. Standard Test D-1557-78, Method A. The results of these tests are presented on Plate Number 40. DIRECT SHEAR TES'IS: Direct shear tests were performed to determine the failure envelope based on yield shear strength. The shear box was designed to accomodate a sample having diameters of 2.375 inches or 2.50 inches and a height of 1.0 inch. Samples ware tested at different vertical loads and a saturated moisture content. The shear stress was applied at a constant rate of strain of approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The results of these tests are presented on Plate Numbers 41 through 43. SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 37 EXPA14SICN INDEX TEST: An expansion index test on remolded samples was performed on representative samples of soils likely to be present at finish grade. The test was performed on the portion of the sample passing the #4 standard sieve. The sample was 'brought to optinuim moisture content then dried back to a constant .moisture content for 12 hours at 230 +/- 9 degrees Fahrenheit. The specimen. was then compacted in a 4-inch-dianeter mold in to equal layers by means of a tamper, then trimmed to a final height of 1 inch, and brought to a saturation of approximately 50%. The specimen was placed in a consolidoneter with porous stones at the top and bottom, a total normal load of 12.63 pounds was placed (144.7 psf), and the sample was allowed to consolidate for a period of 10 minutes. The sample was allowed to becorre saturated, and the change in vertical movement was recorded until the rate of expansion became nominal. The expansion index is reported on Plate Number 40 as the total vertical displacement tines the fraction of the sample passing the #4 sieve.tirres 1000. CLASSIFICATION OF EXPANSIVE SOIL EXPANSION INDEX POTENTIAL EXPANSION 1-20 very low 21-50 low 51-90 medium 91-130 high Above 130 very high CMSMIDATION TEST: Consolidation tests were perforned on selected "undisturbed" samples. The consolidation apparatus was designed to acconodate a 1-inch-high by 2.375-inch or 2.500-inch diameter soil sample laterally confined by a brass ring. Porous stones were placed in contact with the top and bottom of the sample to permit the addition or release of pore fluid during testing. Loads were applied to the sample in a geometric SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Page 38 progression after vertical movement ceased, and resulting deformations were recorded. The percent consolidation for each load cycle is reported as the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the original one-inch sample height. The test sample was inundated at some point in the test cycle to determine its behavior under the anticipated footing load as soil moisture increases. The results of this test are presented in the form of a curve on Plate Number 44. • SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LEGEND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART GROUP SYMBOL SOIL DESCRIPTION I. COARSE GRAINED, more than half of material is larger than No. 2O sieve size. GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 sieve size but smaller than 3". GRAVELS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS CLEAN SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size. SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) GW Well graded gravels, gravel- sand mixtures, little or no fines. GP Poorly graded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines. GM Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures. GC Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand, clay mixtures. SW Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. SM Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silty mixtures. SC Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plas- ticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty clays or low plasticity. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Orgaflic clays of medium to high plasticity. Peat and other highly organic soils. II. FINE GRAINED, more than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. SILTS AND CLAYS ML Liquid Limit CL less than 50 DL SILTS AND CLAYS MM Liquid Limit CM greater than 50 OH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT - - Water level at time of excavation or as indicated US Undisturbed, driven ring sample - or tube sample SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 43 SOIL & TESTING, INC. BY: JOB N CK - Undisturbed chunk sample BG - Bulk sample SP - Standard penetration sample Sycamore Creek JH. DATE: 6-29-88 BER: 8821121 1 Plate No. 2 - ..; >. z BORING NUMBER 1-1 ,-u. >. - z .. - — I I-. -j ELEVATION 7 •' J. Z cc UJ < CI) M Z Z < CC • Z Lu w Z >0 - - ø Q. 0' U CJ 0 <— Lu c., - 0 tu <0 0 a. uJ O < U) - Q. 0 a. c' a CL --- LU 0 z - I- c _< Lu a. • -J DESCRIPTION <o 0 0 wL 0 a. o 0 o 0 o - C.) C.) ____ SM ALLUVIUM, Medium Brown, Humid Loose SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM — 2 SAND, Porous BAG 6 US SM Dark Brown, Slightly - Porous 8 - Moist. Moist Loose . 10 to Medium Dense 113.0 111.3 10—I US SM Medium to Dark Brown 12 14 (Two hours after drilling) 16 US SM Medium Brown Moist! Wet Satur- a ted Satur- Very ated Loose 13 N. 20 1 SM! I Medium Brown, CLAYEY SC SILTY SAND 24 26 US. SC I Light Brown to Tan, I CLAYEY SAND Satur- Loose at, <* SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG > SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH IDATE LOGGED: 6-29-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 I Plate No. 3 - 0 ;BORING NUMBER I-1 ,-u Z z 0LU:t _0- i... - - W . - - Continued ELEVATION Z w I— Ca Z —Z < < uJ z - - Z >0 I— - Q. LU Q. 0u U)U) <CI) Q. - <—LU CI)0 I—Cl)— w._ 0o Q. _ cow - I— <0 J 0 < Cl) co < C. 0 < CZ <o 0 iu uJ ,- 0 z 0 LU 0. cc 2 - DESCRIPTION 0 .2 0 o 0 30- 0 0 Sc ALLUVIUM, Light Brown to Satur- Loose - Tan, CLAYEY SAND ated _._. - 34 32 I Gray Tan, SILTY SAND, Medium Satur- Firmer Drilling at 33' ated Dense 364 I I I I 1 26 1 38I Gravel at 38' 40 us SM Gray Tan, SILTY FINE TO Satur- Medium 16 99.1 24.7 MEDIUM SAND, With ated Dense 42 Slight Clay Binder and with Gravel 44 46 50 - SM Slower DrTiTing Eui Medium 52- ated Dense - to 54 Dense - 1 SM Dark Gray, SILTY SAND Satur- Medium ated Dense 28 56 - Bottom at 56' Formational Soils not - Reached SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SL Moo SOIL &TESTING, INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 6-29-1 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 Plate No. 4 - z BORING NUMBER 1-2 - > 0 Ui — — 'I--' - ° ELEVATION 74' Z U., uCfl Z I-Zn z_ '.,j - ,- Z >0 - - - I- • LI. ___________ _________________ 40) 0.— 4._L Q.Ø -ci) w — Cu a U) - Ui - <0 .J 4 o ( 1) 4 a. 0 4 a.z 4 0 0 wW wU 0 >. 0 z 0 Ui Ci. -J DESCRIPTION 0 0 0 - o - 0 — 0 SM ALLUVIUM, Medium Brown, Humid Loose SILTY SAND { BAG 2 — SM! Dark Brown to Gray Brown, Humid Loose SC CLAYEY SILTY SAND 4 .. I 6 US SC CLAYEY SAND Moist Medium 19 112.3 14.5 Dense I 10-I J - ( Measured after auger I removed) US SC Medium Brown, CLAYEY Satur- Loose! 10 1121 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND, ated Medium Porous Dense 1 111.2 I 17.9 1 1 20- US SC Medium Brown, CLAYEY Satur- Medium 17 110.0 18.0 22- SAND ated/ Dense Wet - (8" to 12" Layer of 24- Gravel at 21.5') 26- ML POSSIBLE SANTIAGO Moist! Medium FORMATION, Yellow Brown, Wet Dense! - SANDY SILT Dense 2- - Break in Log j US Bottom at 31' 50/4" 108.7 18.3 31 — <* SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG > . SOIL &TESTING,.INC. LOGGED BY: JH JDATE LOGGED: 6-29- JOB NUMBER: 8821121J Plate No. 5 — z BORING NUMBER 1-3 LU - )- I W U I 1.j 2 - << U) Z > - 0 - I- a. - ELEVATION 81' 1 <0 1 Z <—w cna w Z n w w 0 .0 < U) U) a. - a. 0 a.c00 _'-. €. 0. - 0 40 U) -J DESCRIPTION < <Ol 0 1 .2 I 0 o I 0 - U .0 - C.) ____ SM ALLUVIUM, Medium Brown, Moist Loose 2t SILTY SAND BAG 4 L - 6 Dark Gray Brown, SILTY Medium SM! Humid! - 8 - US SC SAND GRADING INTO A CLAYEY SAND Moist Dense 31 109.3 11.8 - - - 10- 12- 14 Medium Brown, CLAYEY FINE SAND After Drilling Satur- 16- - Measured 4.5 Hours Medium Dense 106.1 15.4 - - - US SC Moist! Wet a ted 26 18- 2 - 22- 24 2& 2& - US SC! SM Medium Brown, CLAYEY SANDS INTERBEDDED WITH SILTY SANDS Continued Wet! Satur- ated Medium Dense 15 107.8 18.8 - - - - - - - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH 1DATE LOGGED: 6-29-88 SOIL &TESTING, INC. JOB NUMBER: 8821121 1 Plate No. 6 40 US SW 42 44 54 56 'U n. ; 0 Uj BORING NUMBER I3 w z - 'U Z I- 'U Continued Z 'U I-Z < . U) - >0 - - - ELEVATION U) Z uj . Z I- i- 0. 0'L. ) 0 <U) 0.- <IU 0.()0 ..U) uj— Q U a. U) 'U - - <0 -J 4 Cl) U) 4 0.0 < Z >. 0 z w a. - DESCRIPTION 0 0 o 0 0 - 0 Medium Brown, Medium CLAYEY Wet! 7SC/ALLUVIUM, SAND INTERBIDED Satur- Dense WITH SILTY SAND ated Medium Brown, Satur- Medium 21 FINE TO COARSE SAND, ated Dense INTERBIDED WITH CLAYEY SAND/SILTY SAND Break in Log Firmer Drilling at 54' 58 I SM! Dark Gray, SILTY CLAYEY Satur- Medium SC SAND ated Dense 60 I 62 SC Dark Gray, CLAYEY SAND Satu ed TMed ium 16 atense SC Much firmer Drilling at Dense 64', MAY BE DECOMPOSED 66 GRANITE, Refusal at 68' 1 Possible Rock 68 - - I cSOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JDATE LOGGED: 6-30-8 JOB NUMBER: 88211211 Plate No. 7 - M. Medium Dense Humid/ Dense 39 Moist 1 CLI BORING NUMBER 1-4 i-w Z )Z Uj I I- CU -j ELEVATION 110' zCC w cc z LU U) in Z z a (I) Z CU Z W — Z • LU2 CL OIL. co (n a. - a. cn a CU u a. C/) LU - in C/) a. 0 a.z <o z 011 wILz )- 0 z 0 .4 DESCRIPTION 0 a. 2 (•) 0 S.0 LUSARDI FORMATION, Humid. Loose Yellow to Yellow Brown, 2 CLAYEY SAND 1 6 US ML! SIC .8 10 -- - us sci 121-I CL BAG Yellow Tan to Yellow Brown, INTERBEDDED CLAYEY SAND SILTSTONE AND CLAYEY SILTY SANDSTONE Mottled Yellow Brown Humid! Dense 47 115.3 12.2 and Yellow Tan, VERY Moist CLAYEY SAND (SANDSTONE) 14 Sc Brown, CLAYEY GRAVELLY Humid/ Dense 16 SAND WITH COBBLES, Very Moist Slow Drilling 18 SM! Mottled Medium Brown Humid! Very 50!511 90.0 19.8 I 20 Sc and Brown, SILTY SAND Moist Dense US INTERBEDDED WITH CLAYEY SAND 26- SM! Yellow Brown to Yellow Humid! Very - SC Tan Moist Dense 28- 30- - J ! SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL &TESTING, INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 6-30-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 Plate No. 8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE ST.,SAN DIEGO CALIF. 92120 • TELE 280-4321 • P.O. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 67B ENTESPRISC 5T. £SCONOIDO, CALIF. 92025 T E L E 746-4544 W V 04 to I Y, I I'kl 0oe •j Dt(•I SYCAMORE CREEK II COLLEGE BOULEVARD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA This report presents the results of our preliminary geotechnical investigation for the Sycamore Creek II development that will be located east of the future extension of College Boulevard and north of El Camino Real, in the City of Carlsbad, California. The site location is illustrated on the following vicinity map provided as Figure Number 1. The proposed site development is to consist of to basic concepts. Most of the site will be developed into a golf course with single-family houses lining the fairways. In the southwest portion of the site, about 82 acres will be developed into a resort/coimrcial complex which is expected to include a 600 room core hotel with restaurants, conference and neeting rooms, tennis courts, 150 cottages and possibly a lake. Specific details on locations and types of structures are not known at this time. For convenience and in accordance with the client's request, we have divided the project area into three main areas. These areas are identified below. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING. INC. Lu a. 0 ; BORING NUMBER 1-4 i- w )- '-a> z z- z > - LU jQ i d Contnue 2 Lu w - LU (1) - 2 << U) z CL — — o ELEVATION < (4 I-cr2 <-LU Ui co a. 0 a. Z <o Uj LU ._c,) 0. ). - - DESCRIPTION 0 a. .2 .0 C — 0 SC, LUSARDI FORMATION, Dark Humid/ Very SM Brown; CLAYEY SAND, Moist Dense Interbedded with Light Brown SILTY SAND ' 30 I 32 50/4" I 96.6 I 9.5 36 Bottom at 40' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG i—lU SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH IDATE LOGGED: 630 -88 JOB NUMBER:8821121 I M.. — uJ 0. z 0 ; BORING. NUMBER I5 i— i ). > z -; OW >- LU at - ap - lU — LU ( ZW LU z LU U) Z << U) Z I— >0 — — I— -j a. —— o ELEVATION 206' cc <(1) W Z <—LU .. —U) Iii 0 U Z Cl) LU 40 Ui 0 < Cl) a. - a.O a.coc a.z <o ui - - a. >. - 0 LU 0. U) -' DESCRIPTION 0 a. 2 c 0 0 cc 0 0 0 — 0 — - SM LUSARDI FORMATION, Red Humid Loose Brown, SILTY SAND 2 BAG Medium Dense 4---. SM Light Brown, SILTY SAND Moist Dense (SANDSTONE) 36 6 US Dark Brown,SANDY SILT iisF iTard LBAG~ 8(SILTSTONE) 10 us . 64 95.1 20.5 Break in Log 1 22 26 US ML Moist Hard 50/3" 98.9 21.7 28- — SM! Brown to Dark Red Brown Moist Very SC GRAVEL CLAYEY SILTY SAN Dense 30- SM/ Mottled Dark Red Brown Moist Very 32- SC and Light Brown, Dense — CLAYEY SILTY SAND 32- US Bottom at 36' 50/4" 105.8 18.4 36 — p SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL &TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 6-30-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 Plate No. 10 'U 0 ; TRENCH NUMBER 11 Z - Wz _jU , IU ca z.... Ill cc ).- Z - - C) • ELEVATDN 180' 'U (I) ' 'U Q. U) U) 0 0 DESCRIPTION 3 (. O - CL TOPSOIL, Dark Brown, SANDY Moist Medium 4'A CK CLAY, Plastic Stiff 21 CK SM LUSARDI FORMATION, Tan, Dry! Dense SILTY FINE TO COARSE SAND Humid 4 CK 121.9 7.5 lAG 16 CK 8 CK SM - Orange Brown, SILTY SAND Dry! Very 114.8 14.1 - Humid Dense 10 - Bottom at 10' I - 0 TRENCH NUMBER 1-2 ELEVATION 225' - AG CL TOPSOIL, Dark Brown/Black, Moist! I CK SANDY CLAY, Plastic Very 2 CK Moist 4 CK CL LUSARDI FORMATION, Tan with Moist! Rust Red Brown, SILTY Very I - SANDY CLAY, Plastic, Moist 6 CK Highly Weathered lAG l 8 cK f lAG Stiff Stiff Very I114.7 1 14.2 Stiff 1 - ML Gray, SANDY SILT, Moist! Humid 120.0 - CK ML Wet 1_NNNNWENWEMNEW~ I Bottom at 12' 10.7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTINGINC. LOGGED BY. RF .DAIrE LOGGED: 6-29-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 I Plate 1o. 11 LU a.. z 2 TRENCH NUMBER 1-3 -' - - - - I- CC W IIJCO IC z_ - 0 - UJO - -UJ 3 ELEVATION 180' Cl, 4 II z IU - <4 ________________ _____________ 4 < )-_ I-. 6z DESCRIPTION U a o o C.' 0.. - ____ CL! FILL, Brown, SILTY SAND Humid Loose SM and SANDY CLAY I 2- 1 CK SM LUSARDI FORMATION, Dark Dry! Very L AG Gray Black, SILTY SAND Humid Dense 6.. (SANDSTONE) 1 CK _____ ______________________________ i 8: - Bottom at 7.5' :. - TRENCH NUMBER 1-4 - ELEVATION 154' )-- CK SM TOPSOIL, Gray Black, SILTY Humid Loose 1 BAG SAND, Grading to SANDY CLAY 2 CL Moist Stiff CL OLDER ALLUVIUM, Tan with Moist Medium 4 CK Rust Brown, SANDY CLAY Dense LBAG I T" CK SM LUSARDI FORMATION, Rust Moist Dense Brown, SILTY SAND I 81 CK SM Gray Brown Humid! Very 117.5 11.3 Moist Dense 10 ottom at SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I SOIL &TESTING,INCU SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: RF IDATE LOGGED: 6-29-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 I Plate No. 12 0 TRENCH NUMBER 1-5 Z I iu CC .. I- - I: Uj z_ w - - z 3 ELEVATION 149' a.0 0 lu a. 2 4c 3 0 06 0 - - DESCRIPTION U SC TOPSOIL, Dark Brown, Dry Loose CK CL SANDY CLAY TO CLAYEY SAND Moist Medium 2 CK SM LUSARDI FORMATION, Tan Moist Dense to BAG With Rust and Brown Very 4 Mottling, SILTY SAND Dense CK 6 1 CK - 8 Bottom at 7' - TRENCH NUMBER 1-6 ELEVATION 105' O - - • CK SM! TOPSOIL, Brown to Dark Humid Loose SC Brown, CLAYEY SILTY SAND • CK TO SILTY SAND F BAG SM Very Moist CK - SM 6j CK SC ALLUVIUM, Gray Brown, Very Medium L BAG CLAYEY SAND Moist Dense 8. CK O CK BAG ML Rust-Yellow Mottling -. Very - Stiff SANDY SILTY (REWORKED) Moist C'K ML LUSARDI FORMATION, Gray Moist Hard with Yellow Mottling, FINE \ 14- SANDY SILT (SILTSTONE) - Bottom at 13' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY: RF DATE LOGGED: 6-29-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 Plate No. 13 I ILl 0 TRENCH NUMBER 1-7 LU - - Z - — _j0 z w iuci - I WO - ELEVATION 205'a. n ILl - L Ill U) Q. >. cc cc 0 I DESCRIPTION 0 0 0 0 0 O - — CL/ TOPSOIL, Dark Brown to Moist Medium CH Dark Gray, SANDY SILTY CLAY Stiff 2 CK Highly Expansive I 41 CK CL SUBSOIL, Tan Brown, SANDY Very Stiff 1. BAG CLAY Moist 6: ML LUSARDI FORMATION, Green Moist Hard Gray, SANDY SILT, 8 - (SILTSTONE) - Bottom at 8.5' 110 : TRENCH NUMBER 1-8 ELEVATION 124' - CL TOPSOIL, Dark Brown, Moist Medium I - SANDY CLAY. Stiff 21CK - SC ALLUVIUM, Tan, CLAYEY SAND Moist Medium CK Dense 16 CK SM Gray Brown, SILTY SAND Moist -Medium - ' 1 BAG Dense '8 - CK CK SM Tan With Rust Brown - Mottling 1 12. I — Formational Not Encountered - Bottom at 12.5' I 1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY: RF DATE LOGGED: 6-30-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 Plate No. 14 I -IL TRENCH NUMBER 1-9 UA LU -j 0 ii.. ELEVATION 130' IL ,- Ul 0. U) cn W ________________IL U) - U DESCRIPTION CL TOPSOIL, Dark Gray Brown, Very - SANDY CLAY Moist - SC SUBSOIL, Tan, CLAYEY SAND Very I 4 Moist - ____ _________________________ ML! LUSARDI FORMATION, Tan Dry! SM Brown with Rust Mottling, Humid 6- VERY SILTY SAND Grading to SILTY SAND - Moist - Bottom at 5.5' TRENCH NUMBER 1-10 - ELEVATION 180' SC! TOPSOIL, Dark Brown, VERY Dry! - CL CLAYEY SAND Humid 2- SM LUSARDI FORMATION, Tan Humid 4- with Rust Brown Mottlina. z Medium Stiff Medium Stiff Hard Very Dense Loose Very Dense SILTY SAND - Bottom at 5.5' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I SOIL &TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: RF IDATE LOGGED 6-30-88 JOB NUMBER: 88211.21 I Plate No 15 - Loose I . 'U L 0 - TRENCH NUMBER 1-11 - 3 u ELEVATION 118' Ul CL Cn UDESCRIPTION O -_ SM TOPSOIL, Brown to Dark Dry! - Brown, SILTY SAND Humid I2-_ - SM ALLUVIUM, Medium Brown, Very I 4 - SILTY SAND WITH CLAY BINDER Moist SM! Medium SC Dense 1 8 Very 10- SM I Rust Brown Imoist I - Bottom at 10.5 Feet Formational Not Encountered I - TRENCH NUMBER 1-12 ELEVATION 134' 071 CL FILL TO 6 FEET, Dark Gray, Humid! CK SANDY CLAY Moist _BAG 4 i CL/ Brown Gray, VERY SANDY CLAY Moist SC 6 CK CL & LUSARDI FORMATION, Tan Moist! I - SM Brown with White Mottling, Very 8 CK Alternating Layes of SANDY Moist CLAY AND SILTY SAND 101 I' CK 12 Loose Loose Medium Dense Medium Stiff Medium Stiff Very Stiff to Dense Bottom at 12' I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGEDBY: RE DATE LOGGED: 6-30-88 J08 NUMBER: 8821121 1 Plate No. .16 2- TRENCH NUMBER 1-13 w : ELEVATION 110' UI I DESCRIPTION o - r-___ CL TOPSOIL, Dark Brown, SANDY Dry! CK CLAY Humid ML LUSARDI FORMATION, Tan, Dry! CK SANDY SILT WITH CLAY Humid SM CK Tan, VERY SILTY SAND Dry! - Humid 1 6 : CL! I ' CK Dark Gray, VERY. CLAYEY SAND Humid - Sc. SM CK Tan, SILTY SAND Dry! - Humid 12 - I Bottom at 12' - TRENCH NUMBER 1-14 I - ELEVATION 137' - SC TOPSOIL, Brown, CLAYEY Dry! I BAG SAND TO VERY SANDY CLAY Humid CL SC/ LUSARDI FORMATION, Red Humid/ - SM Brown to Tan, SILTY Moist I4 CK CLAYEY SAND, (SANDSTONE) • BAG 161 se Dense Medium Dense. Stiff Dense Very Dense Dense Very Dense I Bottom at 8.5' ,• SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I SOIL & TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: RE IDATE LOGGED: 6-31-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 I Plate No. 17 Tt - U)cc z &U • IZ z W > — 0 0 -a 0 U) — oz 0 -J CL cc C.) I w 0 ; TRENCH NUMBER 1-15 1— w _Jo z I-z 3 ELEVATION 284' (I) cc DESCRIPTION 0 o C) O CL TOPSOIL, Dark Brown to Moist Medium Gray Brown to very Dense 1 2 : Moist CK Greenish with Rust Red Wet Stiff 14 RAG 4 SC LUSARDI FORMATION, Highly Very Medium Weathered, Greenish Brown, Moist Dense to 6 I Rust Brown and Tan, CLAYEY Dense CK SAND BAG IL Rapid Seepage at 10' Saturated Dense i Bottom at 12' TRENCH NUMBER 1-16 ELEVATION 232' 0--- I - sc 2r SM BAG K I I - — TOPSOIL, Dark Brown, Humid Loose CLAYFY SAND LUSARDI FORMATION, Rust Dry! Very Orange Brown, SILTY SAND Humid Dense Bottom at 3' Very Difficult to Excavate with Backhoe .SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY:RF IDATE LOGGED: 8-24-88 oa NUMBER: 8821121 I Plate No. .18 I IL' 0 ; TRENCH NUMBER 1-17 , I- - - z - -W _Iu CC iu uia CC -z U) WO- Z - 3 ELEVATION 184' U) IL' (flW I- a.2 Uj Q (l) U' <2 CL 00 - I- oz 20 w 2 cc I U DESCRIPTION O - - CL TOPSOIL, Dark Brown to Moist Stiff : Dark Gray, SANDY CLAY 2 r - SM LUSARDI FORMATION, Gray Humid! Dense I 4 BAG to Rust Brown, SILTY SAND Moist CK (SANDSTONE) Very - Dense 16-- Bottom at 6' - Difficult to Excavate - I - TRENCH NUMBER 1-18 SM TOPSOIL, Brown, SILTY SAND Dry Loose - 12 r GP/ LUSARDI FORMATION, Rust Humid Very GM Brown, GRAVEL WITH SILTY Dense SAND MATRIX I4 BAG CK SM Very I 6 i Rust Brown, SILTY SAND Humid Dense - 8 Bottom at 7' I Difficult to Excavate TRENCH NUMBER 1-19 ELEVATION 237' O_ — - I - SM TOPSOIL, Dark Brown, SILTY Dry/Humid Loose SAND 2 CK SM LUSARDI FORMATION, Rust I Brown, SILTY SAND BAG (SANDSTONE) I - Bottom at 4' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I soIL a TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: RF IDATE LOGGED: 8-24-88 JOB NUUBR. 8821121 I Plate No. 19 z Loose Very Dense Hard Loose Stiff Stiff I 2 TRENCH NUMBER 1-20 Us - I_ I- I- _Jo Ul ELEVATION 182' CL I- Ul • cfl ______________a. DESCRIPTION o SM TOPSOIL/SUBSOIL, Brown Dry Sc! SILTY SAND TO VERY CLAYEY CL SAND SM LUSARDI FORMATION, Light Humid! Gray to tan with Rust Moist (AG Mottling,SILTY SAND ML Gray Brown to Rust Brown,Moist 6 SAND SILT Bottom at 5' : Very Slow Digging - TRENCH NUMBER 1-21 - ELEVATION 292' - - SC TOPSOIL, Brown, CLAYEY SAND Dry - TO SANDY CLAY - CL Moist CL! ALLUVIUM, Green Brown, SANDY Moist - 4 - SC CLAY TO CLAYEY SAND SC LUSARDI FORMATION, Brown, Very CLAYEY SAND Moist 8__ CL! Grading to CLAYEY SAND/SANDY SC CLAY, Pale Greenish Beige, 1 Highly Weathered Med i urn Dense 12 1 Bottom at 12' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,1NC. LOGGED By:'RF IDATE LOGGED: JOB NUMBER 8821121 Plate No. .20 8-24-88 I 2 2 TRENCH NUMBER 2-1 jO ELEVATION 1 a. • ________________ ul DESCRIPTION - SM TOPSOIL Light Brown I 12 CK SILTY SAND CK Brown to Rust Brown 4 1 CK SM DECOMPOSED GRANITIC Red Brown to Yellow Brown, SILTY SAND - Refusal at 4 Feet I - TRENCH NUMBER 2-2 0 - _____ n flITTflN SM TOPSOIL, Brown SILTY SAND 1 CK with Roots and Rootlets CK SM SUBSOIL, Brown, SILTY I 1 SAND 6 CK 8 SM ALLUMIUM, Brown, SILTY SAND 11 .0 112 - SM Brown - Bottom at 12 Feet .SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING,1NC. Z CC z Z O z lu <U) Lu UJQ) z w = i_Z - I—U CL IL IL W u a. - p.. .i IL z _- 0 cc oz cc 2 0 cc C.) U Dry! Loose Humid 130.3 7.3 Humid Dense to Very Dense Dry/ Loose Humid Dry! Loose Humid 114.1 9.4 Moist Loose to Medium Dense 113.6 7.1 87 101.9 8.3 78 Medium SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: RF DATE LOGGED: 7-1-88 J08 NUMBER: 8821121 Plate No.al z Loose — Ui @. z 0 ; TRENCH NUMBER 23 • )._ 4 _jU Ic Z CC ELEVATION I- Ul Cl) 3.0 cn -- 0 DESCRIPTION SM TOPSOIL, Tan, SILTY SAND Humid 1 CK 2 .a. - - I SM DECOMPOSED GRANITIC Humid! Dense to CK Yellow Tan, SILTY SAND Moist Very - 1 Refusal at 4' 147.9 I 3.0 i TRENCH NUMBER 2-4 ELEVATION SM TOPSOIL, Light Brown, SILTY Dry 1 2 SAND CK ULUMIUSU (iRN1I1L Hum Brown to Rust Brown 14 SILTY SAND Loose Dense Very Refusal at 4-5' TRENCH NUMBER 2-5 ELEVATION TOPSOIL, Dark Brown SILTY SAND Medium Brown DECOMPOSED GRANITIC Brown to Mottled Grey Moist Uoose Very Medium Moist IMedium Very Dense/ Moist Dense 127.0 I 8.6 Brown to Rust Brown Moist Dense Very Dense SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I SOIL & TESTINGINC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY RE bATE LOGGED: 7-1-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 I Plate No. 22 - z w z 0 TRENCH NUMBER 2-6 w lu —: iu IU -j Ic u) IU z Z - ELEVATION U) CL LU LU I— U, Ul UI °. U, U' 9L z CL I o_ ' DESCRIPTION SM TOPSOIL, Brown, SILTY Humid! Loose 1 I2_ CK SAND ' Moist 1 4 SM ALLUVIUM, Grey Moist! Dense! CK Mottled with Brown Very Very SILTY SAND Moist Dense 126.1 6.9 I 6 BG - Bottom at 7' : Hinn Refusal TRENCH NUMBER 2-7 ELEVATION ____ - 0 — - SM TOPSOIL, Dark Brown, Moist Loose SILTY SAND CL SUBSOIL, Medium Brown Very Stiff 108.4 18.0 CK BG SANDY CLAY Moist • CK Mottled Gray, Tan 10O.7. 17.7 Rust Brown DECOMPOSED GRANITIC Moist Medium Grey to Rust Brown, Dense to 8 T<SM - SILTY SAND Dense — - Bottom at 7' 44 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG > SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY RF . DATE LOGGED: 7-1-88 ioa NUMBER 8821121 Plate No. 23 I TRENCH NUMBER 2-8 '- w _JU Cc,.. 3 ELEVATION ct w (l) CA U) CL — 0 a. U) 0 00 0 0 - DESCRIPTION - SM TOPSOIL, Dark Brown, SILTY Humid Loose CK SAND SAND 21 CK CL SUBSOIL, .Brown, SANDY Moist! Stiff - CLAY lery Moist 4 Grey Tan with Rust CK CL iery Moist Stiff 61 z 107.91 16.8 105.61 17.6 g 8 I SM DECOMPOSED GRANITIC I Moist I Very I Yellow Brown with Rust, I I Dense SLIGHTLY SILTY SAND I I Bottom at 6.5' Near Refusal - TRENCH NUMBER 2-9 1) - ELEVATION CK SM TOPSOIL Brown SILTY SAND Humid Loose DECOMPOSED GRANITIC Dry! Dense 2 Orange Brown, SILTY . Humid Very - SAND . Dense 4- - Bottom at 3' - TRENCH NUMBER 2-10 o ELEVATION - SM TOPSOIL, Dark Brown, SILTY Humid SAND 2 CK SM DECOMPOSED GRANITIC Moist - Red Brown, SLIGHTLY I SILTY SAND CK - SM Red Brown and Yellow. Brown Moist I6 - - Rnttnm at Loose Medium Dense Very Dense 114.8 I 8.7 133.41 7.1 I I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL 8 TESTING,INC. LOGGED By: RF IDATE L000ED7_1_88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 Plate No. 24 lit 100 120 60 II tIf "H 41 im 1JrT TT 120 80 40 T Ellt 11tili •1' L 1 I!' :rj •• tT 4j i1 t 1 ' 11 Ii 1Iih i ll 90 60 30 :!1 111 1 -4 1 !11!T1 I I Ili t;i'H i !, Ii jI if 60 40 20 rr itt ii*fp ¶ftIijirHii1!1f' 1i L1t 1:11 ::ui1Th;H1Ti to- 00 'j' liII1jt1j1tI 30 20 10 --.. .'.-.I!39r . 1$ .1...• I t 20 1pk!t IL =5ft ' iHi 4_iL1L L![1 dii 110 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 120 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 '30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 100 200 300 DISTANCE . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 5550 PIIVMMOALX STREET SAN 01500 CALIFORNIA 55150 JOB Sycamore Creek GEOLOGIST RF joso. 8821121 ELEVATION 340 ± TRAVERSE NO. S11 SURFICIAL MAT'L. SILTYSAND TRAVERSE TYPE _______________ ROCK TYPE GRANITIC - Plate No. 25 - - - - - - -U i'; :t . : i r '::• : : . :i 1! rj:1r 1 Ii ItI.IZj ..;iu;II: •11. i Tilpi t + tvft H' '— tfl4 'fHI4L J HL 4 11111 p2=27rtt: I: . . 'I 1:1 1 • ....II.. I.. I III tIll... tiji - I - I I I -• . I :I- . ......f I I - • 11 f : : I - -L L j DI=ft 1 LL11I 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 JOB Sycamore Creek GEOLOGIST RE JOB NO. 8821121 ELEVATION 460 ± TRAVERSE NO. S2-1 SURFICIAL MAT'L. SILTY SAH TRAVFRcF TYPF ROCK TYPF GRANITIC Plate No. 26 ieo 120 60 150 100 50 120 80 40 90 60 30 60 40 20 - 30 20 10 DISTANCE N SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. S•O MIVURDALS STREET V SAN DISQO, CALIFORNIA 55150 Fi 1-r[; 110 120 60 J 4' I 4: I IL.i I: L r..IhI4 l if:' 'I I 15010050 F 4 l 11.1 1g. I Ifi ,I ':I ,I I, '•; - 120 50 'i-tL1I ET' HI t1'hiLI, F* L1L I I H1 I LI t: I ij !II I1i 1fl' I: I Ji; IL 90630fTf1jj h' I ttf fH !j jiif -rffHr ' II!!iI!:I1I!I:iIII t;j:.IIi fIIi, .1 60 40 20 Fps .;-i __L LJE • t h 4j*t' br'l 1 t iJiiL.lI 30 20 10 1 —4 1 . —L. I: .!I., ...I . .......... II I Ii ii Iii IL I -I 1 _ I ui Ii I i..L L .i.I1TI IL ilO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 IL 120 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 1 41. L 130 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 DISTANCE DO JOB Sycamore Creek GEOLOGIST RF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA JOB NO. 8821121 ELEVATION 430± BOIL & TESTING INC. SUUO RIVEROALN STRUT TRAVERSE NO. S SURFICIAL MATL. SILTY SAND AN OIUO CALIFORNIA 55150 TRAVERSE TYPE ROCK TYPE GRANITIC Plate No. 27 DISTANCE - N" SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL & TESTING INC. 1011000IVUMDAIU STRUST SAN DISSo CALIOHNIA 55120 'III i 60 r tJ ttftTiI ...j.. Iilijl[Ii1I!I;i 1 1i1l1IhiT'''I il'j i-- Y ,i l I 1t !:i;j11ii.II !i iI,I l III 50 I ! f I 'IL! I•••I --- ui: l'i i- ''! ..IIi I! --' 40 fs4 jl Ui 1 I ii 30. I. •t t!111 1 1 i i I j 1.1 •l I 20 If I i :. ru T D112f I K~ J. t I L-9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 IOU 80 100 120 . 140 160 180 200 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 JOB Sycamore Creek GEOLOGIST RF JOB NO. 8821121 ELEVATION 475 ± TRAVERSE NO. S2-3 SURFICIAL MAT'L. SILTY SAND TRAVERSE TYPE _______________ ROCK TYPE GRANITIC Plate No. 28 180 120 60 13010050 120 1040 90 60 30 60 40 20- 30 20 10 - 10 20 20 40 30 60 DISTANCE - . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING INC. SUSO RIVUPDALU STSST SAN DISO CALIFORNIA 55150 30 60 90 r -.-T -.-1JT ..i:1 I I.IL 1 $ ii ...t.; :I ' t I' -- - t:I ;4_f• ..1. th 1 Ii I t t '4411 I 4;f H 1.._L.'.' 1 I I I i I i I • $ I - .li: - tiH-t9 1Fri :. 1.7. 4 L1 40 so 60 70 . 80 90 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 joa Sycamore Creek GEOLOGIST RF JOB NO. 8821121 ELEVATION 480 ± TRAVERSE NO.524 SURFICIAL MAT'L. SILTY SAND TRAVERSE TYPE _______________ ROCK TYPE GRANITIC Plate No. 29 P D8L CATERPILLAR PERFORMANCE HANDBOOK Edition 17 October 1986 Seismic Velocity Feet Per Second x 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TOPSOIL CLAY IGNEOUS ROCKS GRANITE • - - • - •L BASALT • • •• SEDIMENTARY ROCKS SHALE • i• • • .:f SANDSTONE • • - - • UL SILTSTONE • • • • CLAYSTONE • • • • •IL CONGLOMERATE IL JL 7 L.Z METAMORPHIC ROCKS SCHIST • • • • [ SLATE i• • 2 [ 7 777/ 7T _.• I 1 2 Z Z Z2 ___77 7-- 7/ V/f/2.''tT RIPPABLE MARGINAL NON-RIPPABLE D81- Ripper Performance Multi or Single Shank No. 8 Ripper Estimated by Seismic Wave Velocities <t SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA > SOIL & TESTING, INC. Sycamore Creek BY: JH JOB NUMBER: 8821121 DATE: 9-12-88 Plate No. 30 D9L CATERPILLAR PEFORMANCE HANDBOOK Edition 17 October 1986 Selemlc Velocity Feet PSI 8000nd X 1000 0 1 2 3 4 b 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 TOPSOIL CLAY IGNEOUS ROCKS GRANITE BASALT SEDIMENTARY ROCKS SHALE SANDSTONE SILTSTONE CLAYSTONE CONGLOMERATE METAMORPHIC ROCKS SCHIST SLATE I • - • • • • - - • • • • - • 77 7 T • • • [ • • • • - - -. - • U - - U - - 12 A,2 ELL UUUUUUUzz RIPPABLE MARGINAL I I NON-RIPPARIF I D91- Ripper Performance Multi or Single Shank No. 9 Ripper Estimated by Seismic. Wave Velocities SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Sycamore Creek SOIL & TESTING, INC. BY: CHC DATE: 9-12-88 JOB NUMBER: 882421 Plate No. 31 DuN CATERPILLAR PERFORMANCE HANDBOOK Edition 17 October 1986 Seismic Velocity nuTa Bodo" uw.pr. TOPSOIL L.IwN IGNEOUS ROCKS SEDIMENTARY ROCK SILTSTONE CONGLOMERATE UIMETAMORPHIC;(.H1 SCHIST SHALE U SANDSTONE CLAYSTONE I - SLATE U RIPPABLE MARGINAL 1LJJ II 11 Di 1N Ripper Performance Multi or Single Shank No. 9 Ripper Estimated by Seismic Wave Velocities SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Sycamore Creek BY: CHC 1DATE: 91288 SOIL & TESTING, INC. JOB NUMBER: 8821121 I Plate No. 32 I 'I - . • '1 a LZ — Q Løi• ! ( I / N )L. — CL 0 0 ( • .w . ç3 • • \...:.2:l. . .•" ' '• • CL 41 I Lj 1 L. E .IO \ • -I __ a • .1 - • = • = 2 • - . C. . \. • -- 03.09 0 1w ic - I &. 4 q • • - N TI ft I42 Ac0 q9 cu I • \I4 -- Q E _j\..w 'tea • _ E A 46 .•q' • I UU - I I I I '.3 • . - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Sycamore Creek gOIL & TESTING,INC. By: CHC JOB NUMBER:8821121 DATE: Plate 9-12-88 No. 33 ORIGINAL GROUND / _. . : . • . -. •'. • , . . . / •• •. . \•• . • - . . • .•• • ., . . . '-.... • ..-:•\: :1 .• .• . : • :. •. • • . 1. • COMPACTED FILL FIRM I NATURAL GROUND - • . .-/ S • I • • • •'•I%I • • - . I • • • -- .5. . . S • ,•_• .• • 1 o:o o :CLEANOUT .•..I• p g o • . • ______ _____________ EXCAVATION 00 Go 00Oo0,O 0 DQ . 000000 00000 000gg00o 000 00000 ,0:4 00,0700 0 o u, 000a,0 904000 ooI :0oo,o :0g. 000 00000 •.o.p 0 @0000 0DOø0 a 24" MIN 13" MIN 0o°e0° 00000 o40o ao°oo I 00 006 a .30000000D 0000 0000 I .._ I Ooo0 ooi I ) ja 00 : _L I roo Oo0 I :oo.000 b006Odo0ZD t _000 OØO0O00 0 00 13" - 4" MIN MIN MINUS 1" CRUSHED ROCK COMPLETELY SURROUNDED BY FILTER FABRIC, OR CLASS II PERMEABLE MATER IAL 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE - MINIMUM 1% SLOPE PIPE DEPTH OF FILL MATERIAL OVER SUBDRAIN ADS (CORRUGATED POLETHYLENE 8 TRANSITE UNDERORAIN 20. PVC OR ABS: SDR 35 35 SDR 21 100 SCHEMATIC ONLY NOT TO SCALE . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL & TESTING, INC. •ReD RIVERDALE ETREET BAN DEQO CALIFORNIA EuRO Sycamore Creek BY CHC TYPICAL CANYON SUBDRAIN. JOB No' 8821121 DATE 9-12-88 Plate No. 34. III1I-I RRREII ------------------------------ ----------•. I5 =MOVE ----------. 0 ENEEMEMENE ----------. ---------- . w N U) 0 C p14) -' -S ,&U/JODJJO 9IODS 19./4 IU8J9d o o o o 0 0 0 0 -- G U) N .. U) IT 14) CII - 19(1.!,' IU9OJd SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING1 INC. Sycamore Creek GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CRC 8821121 - 9-12-88 Plate No. 35 W/ID9JJO DFOS. J14/3l /uJ9d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- N -- U) It 14) CU - 0 -------- - ----- !1II ---------r 1_ ALM AV -- - -- - • _______ --rn ____ ____ ---------- . MMMM ------a--- J9U/j /U9OJ9d SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING . INC. Sycamore Creek GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 9-12-88 Plate No. 36 • IIIIIiII1 • ___ ------ wuV • _ WA __ --- - — ------U-- ----------: • ----u--w11wIj—. --U--- ---------- ---------- CY) -S -S I.W1oaIJoO 9/O$' øl$J 19(1/3 IU9J9d o o o o o o o o - N . fl CJ - 19(1/3 /1/90J9? SOUTHERNCALIFORNIA BOIL. & TESTING, INC. Sycamore Creek —. CHC GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION JOB NO. 8821121 9-12-88 Plate No. 37 -----., 'A' _______ m ___ -------------m -0---- 1 --------..• a -a...... -J C-) ir a. IJo9IJe., 9/OD5, 0 ø,lJ '/L,' /U93JOc3l C 0 0 0 0 0 0 NLn Tr K) (4 - 191//j iu9ja0i BOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL. & TESTING INC. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Sy camore Creek Creek CHC 8821121 DATE 9-12-88 Plate No 38 p-______ • • - ------- --- -, IIIuu:nIw- - ------i ------ - - --- IMEM ------- iiiii uMMMMMMMMMM ----------. ---------- C N) t.çilaaiiot. Ios' 0 Ju/d /UJ9d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 ø NLn IT i) t%J - 0 - J9U/' /U9019Ø1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TEBTING I INC. Sycamore Creek GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 9-12-81 Plate No. 39 I MAXIMUM DENSITY &PTtMUM MOISTURE CONTENT - SAMPLE DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DENSITY MOISTURE (pcf) CONT. % I B 1-4 @ 11 1 -14' Yellow Brown CLAYEY SAND (SC) 122.8 10.3 B 1-5 @ 7'-9' Dark Red Brown, SANDY SILT (ML) 98.7 19.6 T 1-3 9 4'-6' Gray Brown SILTY SAND (SM) 109.7 16.4 T 2-2 9 8'-10' Tan FINE - CORSE SILTY SAND (SM) 130.5 8.6 T 6-6 @ 4'-6' Yellow VERY FINE SILTY SAND (SM) 124.5 9.2 I 8 @ 6'-7' Green-Tan FINE to MEDIUM SILTY SAND (SM) 125.9 10.9 EXPANSION TEST RESULTS SAMPLE B1-4 @12' 11-2 @8' 81-5 @8' T2-7@ 2' Initial M.0 (:) 10.7 10.3 15.9 10.8 Initial Density (PCF) 106.6 108.9 91.0 106.9 Final M.C. () 24.8 23 34.3 26.2 I Expansion Max. 78 30 76 102 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Sycamore Creek SOIL & TESTING,INC. BY: CHC DATE: 9-12-88 JOB NUMBER: 8821121 Plate No. 40 mommullomm UUU••I ONE um•iuim•• u.uu...i..0 .uuI.... •...... ••• .i.. i.u.. uii••ua.0 ii U•UIuRuR somnmm=moi•• sommullums i•URRU IU• •••• uuu isu•auia.0 u.•iu•um sommommums i•i monsolinum iu...•s.i ••. U•••uiiuu I••UURIu•• RUuIu•a•ua•••m•auu ••uuat losm mommmosom ••• suuui i.... u•........... IRU•IIUUR• iuusuauiu•u iva•i uu•uu onsmonsumni•u i.a.iumu .•uuuu•u• u•• ammmilemas •...uuau ••• UR•IIRR ••uuui•su •••i uuu a.....•u• au mammal •.....R.... MORONI u..un mossamosms ISO uauiauui uu.iiaap u•auutiuus 1J08 NUMBER: 8821121 7 ••u•i••u ••••••••• i.uu,i•u• ••••••u•u .....Iuua. .sui .....IIRu. •••N•R• UU•lI•R •m........ IU*•luURu uau•uuuui uu•; INNER uu...aa.. ••ai luau I.... l••U• •.•u••u*•u us..iiauua u••••••••• amommilmosmopummosomm uaaii.u•u isauuu•ui UURIU••R• •U••SU•••• U.... uuu•• •auu•u uuuuiuuuu •u•u••uu Uu•aaI I.... U•UUU a..mi iu•aa iauuua ••uuuiia•uu .uaumi iauaiumuu iva.ua.a u..wi..a. s..uu. u..uiva. a•uauaa .uus....0 ..u..mu uauuiiam .u••uuua .a...... •a.uauuau UU*a•IIum .a•u..u. mommilsom iu.uui ..m iauim•aa uua•uu•au•u•a• uuuuauauuaaa. Essumassommusama uu•u .u.au.. ••••U•UU••d•U•dU U... guupaauuuauu arsauuau.•aau• uauuuaia•uuusuuuu uauuuuuuuu•.uuui auuuu.u..um SEE . uauaaIuuauauU U.aua..uuSUuUauaaa Iuuu.uuuu..uu.uu. .......u.i.i.a.u.i UauRlu•u•IUuIuu•U• ••uuuumuuiuuuua ua•1a1uuuuiuuu Iua••a••uuUua•..uu. uua•aaauua auuu• MAN Ua••uaunIua.uau... Sycamore Creek IJOB NUMBER: 8821121 1 Plate No. 42 U UI-u' U.... UI—ui U.... uu•tuuu iRmiuuuSR uuuuuuuu uuuiuuu IUUi uuau i...i lW U.... ii... U.... URIU .aua Ip. I.. 61 _•1 .i a I a• i. JHMAL STH55, KSF ANGLE OF INTERNAL COHESION INTEF FRICTION M fn.fl JUT11iM c*i RNIA Sycamore Creek flhL £ TTINc INC. BY: CHC DATE: 9-12-88 ____ JOB NUMBER: RR21 121 P1Mg Nn 41 ___ e SOUTHERN CALIFORI SOIL a TESTING LAB, eUO MIVRAL. 5TR5ET BAN 01000, CALIFORNIA 0811 lw TRENCH AND SEISMIC LOGS FROM GEOTECHNICAL STUDY CARLSBAD RIDGE SUNNY CREEK ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SUBMITTED TO: Mandana Corporation 18551 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 3111 Irvine, California 92715 SUBMITTED BY: Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. Post Office Box 20627 6280 Rivedale Street San Diego,. California 92120 LU z 0 TRENCH NUMBER 1 - w jO z CC uJ ELEVATION 0.CI) 2 fn IL - CL 4 - 4 C.' DESCRIPTION SM REDDISH BROWN, SILTY -SAND MOIST (D.G.)' z MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE - BG CK TRENCH NUMBER 2 SC REDDISH BROWN, CLAYEY SAND IWET CK (TOPSOIL) 1BG CL/Ch REDDISH BROWN, SANDY CLAY WET SM YELLOW BROWN, SILTY SAND MOIST (LUSARDI FORMATION) BG CK LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF DENSE TO VERY DENSE 100.7 I 20.8 121.9 I 7.0 CK SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY. JH DATE LOGGED: 11_23_83 JOB NUMBER: 14272 A 1 TRENCH NUMBER 3 zi z I- >.Z CC iii z w wu I-Z UJ I- > - I- 5 u. ELEVATION < cn - iii U1 Z 1-0 (1 0.0 U) z CL- 0 z g..CL cn 00 0 o 0 0 DESCRIPTION 0— SM BROWN, SILTY SAND (TOPSOIL) MOIST LOOSE - 1—- CK CL REDDISH BROWN, SANDY CLAY MOIST STIFF 105.0 17.0 - BG 2_ - CK SC YELLOW BROWN, CLAYEY SAND MOIST - SM YELLOW BROWN, SILTY SAND MOIST (LUSARDI FORMATION) CK BG (BOULDERS AT 6 ft.) - 5- 6- 7 DENSE 99.9 21.0 DENSE TO VERY DENSE 116.8 13.3 TRENCH NUMBER 4 BROWN, SILTY SAND (QAL.) 1.. 2- SM YELLOW BROWN, SILTY SAND 3— - CK (LUSARDI FORMATION) 'ST LOOSE DENSE <4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA > SOIL & TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED:11_2383 JOB NUMBER: 14272 A 2 - w a. In _ 3 Cl, -j TRENCH NUMBER 5 ELEVATION 0 DESCRIPTION - 1- Sc BROWN, CLAYEY SAND (QAL.) 2 CK 8G 4_ 5-. 6_ 7 C z MOIST VERY LOOS TO LOOSE 99.6 I 11.5 103.5 I 8.5 hoT - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING,INC. ATURATED SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY JH J DATE LOGGED: 11 -23-83 JOB NUMBER: 14272 A3 KL z I. TRENCH NUMBER 6 Ul _Jo -uj ui 3 ELEVATION < U) 0. U)U) CL uj U.. DESCRIPTION - I •l.. SM BROWN, SILTY SAND (TOPSOIL) MOIST - - _____ CL/Cl ____________________________________ BROWN, SANDY CLAY _________ MOIST 2 CK - SC YELLOW BROWN, CLAYEY SAND MOIST CK SM YELLOW BROWN, SILTY SAND MOIST CK (LUSARDI FORMATION) 6.. 7 8 - I- UJO I- tjJ w cc w I- uj 0 00 0 . z ul - oz 0, 0 0 0 0 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 99.2 18.3 MEDIUM DENSE DENSE TO VERY DENSE 119.2 13.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG I SOIL & TESTING,INCU LOGGED BY JH DATE LOGGED: 11-23-83 JOB NJMBER 14272 A 4 z TRENCH NUMBER 7 '— w z _J CC 3 . ELEVATION cn In QO C') —J DESCRIPTION Sc BROWN, CLAYEY SAND (QAL.) IMOIST — z wo LU LU I— Cl) _ I— )— a. 0 CL LU . < < J Q• z < 00 cc >- 0 z 0 0 LOOSE i2. 0 SC/CI.I BROWN, VERY SANDY CLAY (QAL))WET MEDIUM STIFF 104.3 I 19.6 5-1-I I BG SL/CL GRAY & YELLOW BROWN, VERY 6 CK SANDY CLAY (WEATHERED V - LUSARDI) 7 8... WATER SEEPAGE AT 61,2 AND 91 9_________ SM YELLOW BROWN, SILTY SAND MOIST — (LUSARDI FORMATION) 10 MEDIUM 101.3 1 20.7 STIFF VERY DENSE r SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I 1 SOIL & TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY. DATE LOGGED: 1 1.23-8 JH 3 JOB NUMBER: 14272 uj ui z cn TRENCH NUMBER 8 ELEVATION 0 DESCRIPTION SM BROWN, SILTY SAND (QAL.) - 1 2. BG 3- 4 5 6- 7 Z CC I— LU0 z _z Z >— uJ lU w (fl - -1- CC I— co Lu 0. Lu _j 0. 0 0 0 MOIST ILOOSE 1, REFUSAL ON LARGE BOULDERS) r. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA < > SOIL & TSTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED: 11-23-83 JOB NUMBER: 14272 A 6 z TRENCH NUMBER 9 '- w CC - - tU_ - z _J° =W Z Z W uj - z ca cc > I- IuO - - I- LU ELEVATION < cn LU a. I-Z - CL 0 >-- oz a. DESCRIPTION 0 0 0— - Sc BROWN, CLAYEY SAND MOIST LOOSE - 1CK - 2_ CK SM YELLOW BROWN, SILTY SAND MOIST DENSE 116.8 12.8 - - BG (LUSARDI FORMATION) 3_ - 4__ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I SOIL & TESTING,INCS SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH DATE LOGGED 12383 JOB NUMBER: 14272 A 7 w Lu 2- cn TRENCH NUMBER 10 ELEVATION 0.. -J — DESCRIPTION SM DARK BROWN, SILTY SAND - 1- (TOPSOIL) - BG 2_ CK a. z UI ILl WQ) U) > I- - ILl... l- .( UI < < _J 0. 0 0 0 LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE 111.1 I 9.5 MOIST SM REDDISH BROWN, SILTY SAND MOIST (QAL.) 51 l MEDIUM DENSE 105.6 I 9.1 I 6JBG 7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA I SOIL & TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JH. IDATE LOGGED: 11_2383 JOB NUMBER: 14272 I A g Iii 1 'I!j :1uhI i 1 :11 j H't iT 1II,i.....;.:. •I•1I II 1111 I • •Ii.i I :::...:.: :111 I j hi 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 JOB Carlsbad Ridg__ GEOLOGIST JOB NO. 14272 ELEVATION 330 ft.- -S5-1 TRAVERSE NO . SURFICIAL MATL. Silty Sand_______ TRAVERSE TYPE ______________ ROCK TYPE Granitic__.._ A9 180 120 60 I.. I i..... I 150 100 50 -', -' F---- ~--- -- :::::;;: 120 80 40 !' ::: •-- I i. ! ' :t!: ':: 90 60 30 I . .. i . 60 40 20- I 36 20 10 - nn liii I1 .; 10 20 30 120 40 60 30 60 90 DISTANCE -> . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL & TESTING, INC. SR•O RIVCRDALE UTET MAN OIOO, CALIFORNIA 01O 180 120 60 ; I I. Ii .150 100 50 1 I • fi !f 120 10 40 i I 90 60 30 60 40 20 302010 &NQ 10 120 130 i . - . • . I . I 20 30 40 60 60 90 I 60 70 120 140 180 210 II ' ! 4 14.lf14 '• I; :1 I' I I j j Ii .!:IIi_: 80 90 100 160 180 200 240 270 300 40 80 120 DISTANCE O SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL & TESTING, INC. .550 RIVSRD*Ls STREET SAN 01500 CALIFORNIA 55150 JOB Carlsbad Ridge.. ____ GEOLOGIST-.j--H-L-. ______ JOB NO. 14272 ELEVATION 430 ft. TRAVERSE NO. sURFICIAL MAT1. Silty Sa______ TRAVERSE TYPE ROCK TYPE Granitic A 10 I ::!.: HIH 1 ! ,HI ii; 'jLi II'S I!:i I ! ....;. ... : •. ...t I i 1:1 I,IIIf ••ItI• •.. ,.:.. !I..Ii2iI ...II .......ii :1.: -••' ... -I .....:•• .1... . I . .......... . _, I i .,• ., 4 ........i.•.................: ...............: I I. . . .' ............. i . ..... . IJ .... i .. 180 120 60 15010050 120 30 40 90 60 30 60 40 20 :.t ill ............. II,. - -t-.--~-.---- _...• II •;:-- I •••••. • . . •1• :!.!l . jI.;... 1j ••• ............................ I . i..,.I.. ,.;.;. - 1 . :.. . ................ .....H ::.:::: ..... ....... :13J5 !4!0b:Q 30 20 0- ca LLL MR 10 30 DISTANCE 20 40 60 30 60 90 O SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING INC. SUSO RIVSRDALE ST.SST SAN DIUOO CALIFORNIA 55150 ITI.. :;:!L •'J ii ...•i.I. Ii - • $1 i I I .1 1.. ... 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 JOB Carlsbad Ridge-..--- GEOLOGIST J.H. JOB NO. 14272 ELEVATION 320 ft. TRAVERSE NO. S5-.3— SURFICIAL MAT'L. Clayey Sand_______ TRAVERSE TYPE ROCK TYPE Granitic A 11 I. 30 • •1 60 60 80 100 120 90 120 150 i80 JOB _Carlsbad. Ridge_--.. -- JOB NO. 14272 - TRAVERSE NO. TRAVERSE TYPE II .1 .1. :.... i . .1 70 80 90 100 140 160 180 200 210 240 270 300 GEOLOGIST LH. -- ......-• -- ELEVATION 365 ft. SURFICIAL MAT'L.. Silty _Sand ROCK TYPE Grani tic I ii I I1 t t :t 1111 .................... ii' ...... ; —':- + -- t • II •. I....l.. ......S ................... I;.lI ....•1 . ....... I.. . .. I:: • i ! .................... ....................... ...... I I l l ..., . 30 20 10 L , L .... LA ilO 120 -130 DISTANCE 180 120 60 150 100 50 120 8040 90 60 30 60 40 20 20 40 60 . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL & TESTING, INC. *SO IVURDALE STREET AN Dio, C*LIFONI* SMIQO A 12 I 20 I 30 40 60 60 90 180 120 60 150 100 50 .. ..i I•••fI•• 120 8040 - I ' . . • !l • 906030 60 40 20 30 20 10 .:...yT .: flflm . : L 10 L4..... 120 130 DISTANCE . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL & TESTING, INC. .a RIVUROALI •TfT MAN DIRCO CALIFORNIA •1RO 1. I• L TII!i'! Tht- .I.1i4 F - I : • It . I -t• It . . TIff . '' . . • •I I: :..I I . ......;..I:.. . : 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 JOB Carlsbad Ridge_.. GEOLOGIST J.H. JOB NO. 14272 . ELEVATION __ft. ._- TRAVERSE NO. S55 ____ SURFICIAL MATL. Si lty Sand TRAVERSE TYPE ________________ ROCK TYPE . - I :.. A 13 L.. . 50 60 100 120 150 180 180 120 60 150 100 50 120 80 40 90 60 30 60 40 20 I • .• I .; ........1 •Ii .........ill .. - ............ .....-.. ..............;.._i. - • . . . Ii : 11H I II , II .............I.. .. I: .... :'I ............ii !.,._. ..4_. - -.-.'-- -- : ........:;.. . I';: . ...... i. 46Q!-- ......... 11 1 ir Fz i* . .1 • -- :::;::...:.'.11i I. . . . . I . I. i .....4 $ •..., :...... . . 1' I I I 80 90 100 160 180 200 240 270 300 20 30 40 40 60 80 60 90 120 DISTANCE . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOIL & TESTING INC. USSO RIVSROALE STREET SAN DIU0 CALIFORNIA 55150 JOB_ Carlsbad Ridge GEOLOGIST J.H. JOB NO. 14272 ELEVATION 380 ft. TRAVERSE NO. S5-6 SURFICIAL MAT'L. Silty Sand TRAVERSE TYPE ROCK TYPE Grad ti C I?i lii BORING AND TRENCH LOGS FROM GEOTECHNI CAL INVESTIGATION TENNIS CLUB PUD SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: Del Mar Financial 6851 '(arrow Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 PR40 EPARED BY: Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. Post Office Box 20627 6280 Riverdale Street San Diego, California 92120 11 - (U >. 0 ;.8ORINGNUMBER1 i- °) z -; - - (LIZ 2 I.- (U .jc.) - - ELEVATION 2 LU Z I-Z Z 2 - — - Z >0 — — I- uj 0. 0 LL ox U) 0. — <-LU 0.Cfl0 LU — a. - - < _i U) 0 < 0.2 <O uj >. 02 0 LU 0. cc - DESCRIPTION 0 0. 2 ., 0 0 - CL DARK GRAY BROWN SANDY CLAY MOIST SOFT I - (YOUNGER ALLUVIUM) - - 2 -'MEDIUM STIFF - 3IBAG - 41 5 SC, DARK GRAY BROWN SANDY CLAY MOIST DENSE - US CL CLAYEY SAND - 6 - (OLDER ALLUVIUM) 55 110.0 15.6 - 7.- - 8- - 9 SC VERY DENSE - RED BROWN CLAYEY SAND MOIST - 0- TO - SATU- RATED 1 - US 44 110.9 18.3 - 2 - 3 BAG - 4 - 5 --- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING, INC. LOGGED BY: JRH 1DATE LOGGED: 5-5-83 'JOB NUMBER: 14151 j B 1 Lu BORING NUMBER 1 < CONTINUED Z cc I Lu jç - ELEVATION Lu cr w 0' U) - Cfl cn . U) U) 4 0 15 —J 0 DESCRIPTION l[U7 SCLAYEY RED BROWN AND GRAY BROWN VERY ~16 SAND MOIST TO SAT z >. — — Z_ — U) LU — 4< Z_ I— — >0 - cc LU — Z i— — 4—UJ - l) Cu U) (U 4 0 CL U) Lu CL — Lu ,-• 0 z w 0. 2 0 0 0 0 U I DENSE 45 I 114.5 I 18.0 URATED 17 119 120 39 1115.3 I 17.2 BORING ENDED AT 20' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA j SOIL &TESTING,INC. <*> SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: JRH DATE LOGGED: 5-5-83 JOB NUMBER: 14151 8 2 - - a. Ui Ui CL >. a. z 0 TRENCH NUMBER 11 ELEV ATION I- w .( a. - ,- Z 'Z Ui Ui cn a. CL z 4 I- - Ui . - - -. Z U) J - z UJO - - << - a. _________________ 0- U) DESCRIPTION 0 0 - CH ________________________ Gray Brown Sandy Clay _________ Moist _________ Stiff ______ ______ - (younger alluvium) - CK 102.4 19.4 - 4_ - CL Gray Brown Sandy Clay Moist - (weathered older alluvium) 5. CK 6_ Stiff 113.7 I 15.2 MCM I Lnterbeded Gray Brown & Silty Sand! Sandy Silt & Sc Clayey Sand! Sandy Clay - I.. 8 (older alluvium) ... 9- 10 11 - . iTrench ended at 11' Moi St Stiff SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY: CRB DATE LOGGED: 4-27-83 JOB NUMBER: 14151 B 3 E I d - I z z - uJ__ - Iuo wL1JCfl I - z Z ( I iZ o 4C I 0 'U . 0 I (CL 0 - I CL z I6 ICr Io I Cr 0 0 I I 0 I Stiff Stiff Medium Dense 96.5 22.2 Dense to Very Dense TRENCH NUMBER 12 '-UJ UJ ELEVATION < • 0. U, C1•5 CL u) CL 0 0 0 DESCRIPT!J 0- - 1- CH Brown Sandy Clay (topsoil) Moist 2-- CL Brown to Yellow Brown Moist - Sandy Clay (weathered 3 - older alluvium) - SM, Interbeded Yellow Brown Moist CK MC & Silty & Clayey Sand & Sandy - SC Silt (older alluvium) 5- 6_ 7--- SM Gray Brown Silty Sand Moist (pre-Quaternary sandstone) i8 CK I 9- - BAh 110_ - 1 Trench ended at 12' I = I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: CRB IDATE LOGGED: 14151 B 4-27-83 JOB NUMBER: Moist Moist Moist TRENCH NUMBER 13 U. - ELEVATIO N - 0. . U Uj ) In —J o 0 DESCRIPTION — - SMc Brown Clayey Silty Sand - 1-- (topsoil) - CL Brown Sandy clay 2- SM Gray Brown & Yellow Brown — Silty Sand (Lusardi 3 — Formation) CK 4- BAG 5- 6 >. - UJO 2 Lu UJQ) I-. I- a. Lu CL - (I) Lu ( .( O 0 0 Medium - Dense Stiff Dense to Very Dense 114.3 9.1 Stiff Medium Dense Dense to Very Dense - Trench ended at 6' - TRENCH NUMBER 14 Ii—- CH Brown Sandy Clay Moist - (topsoil) 1- 2_ 3 - - SC Gray Brown Sandy Clay! Clayey Moist Sand (weathered Sandstone) 4 - Smk Yellow Brown & Gray Moist Brown, Silty Sand - BAG (Point Loma Formation) 5- 8 9— Trench ended at 9' _SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY SOIL & TESTING,INC. CR8 4-27-1 DATE LOGGED: JOB NUMBER: 14151 B 5 z TRENCH NUMBER 18 LU 5? z - Lu I- z Lu Cl) X1 Z - - Z wo > - - I-. ,- o 3 u. ELEVATION Cl) 0. - LU CL U) - " '0 ° 2 _________________ . o - I- 0 z (M _________________ U' 0 cc 0 cc 0 o _ DESCRIPTION - SM Dark Gray Silty Sand Moist Loose to - - Medium l_ Dense - SM Light Brown Silty Sand Moist Medium - (younger alluvium) Dense - 3._ - 4__ - 5 CL Dark Gray Sandy Clay Moist Stiff - - (Older Alluvium) - 6_ - CK - 7_ - 8_ - - lO_ 11 - - - - I- Trench ended at 11' - 8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING,INC. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY CRB IDATE LOGGED: 5-3-83 14151 j - - JOB NUMBER: B 6 z E TRENCH NUMBER 19 U > - - z - - Z -U CC z '- i- tuo - ELEVATION Q. - Z u uj - qc I- 5 -I 0. w 0 0 0- - DESCRIPTION ____ CL Brown Sandy Clay _________________________ Moist Medium - (topsoil) Stiff - SM & Interbeded Yellow Brown Moist Very - CL & Gray Brown Silty Sand & Dense! - Sand Clay (pre-Quaternary Hard - PB sandstone) - - 5_ - 6 - - Trench ended at 7' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL& TESTING,1NCS LOGGED BY. CRB DATE LOGGED: 5...3..83 joa NUMBER: 14151 jB 7 4 z TRENCH NUMBER 20 I-W - W .I1Jz 4 _j U - Z cc z LU LU z cn - z 0 > - 5 u. E...EVA.TICN - i... LU 4 (A 49 CL CL z CC >.- 00 fj)- ,.- 01 Uj ..J 3. -J U DESRIPTIDN ° ° CL Brown Sandy Clay Moist Medium (younger alluvium) Stiff SML Yellow Brown & Gray Moist Very Brown (weathered older Dense! - alluvium) Hard - Trench ended at 12' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY CRB IDATE LOGGED: 5.3.83 > SOIL & TESTING,INCI JOB NUMBER: lB 14151 8 -. CK 7 8... 9 10 11 12 a. 0 ; TRENCH NUMBER 21 ZI de Z CC U Z - lu Z 4 j M I—Z - z = z > - i— C) W ELEVATION < U) a.- Ui 0.. Uj — ,- Ul 4.4 C.. U) -- a.0 CL 00 cc )._ I- sz 0 Cr - a.. Uj O OESOIPTION cn o__ U CH Gray Brown Sandy Clay Moist Stiff - - (topsoil) - 2_ SM Gray Brown & Yellow Moist Dense to - Brown Silty Sand Very - 3 - (pre-Quaternary sandstone) Dense - 4 - - CK 5_ - 6_ - 7 - Trench ended at 7' 0 - TRENCH NUMBERS 22 CH Brown Clay 1 (topsoil) - 2.. Yellow Brown Sandy Clay CL - SM Gray Brown & Yellow to Red Brown Silty Sand - (Lusardi Formation) 5 8 - Trench ended at 8' Moist to Stiff Wet Moist IDense SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY: CRB DATE LOGGED: 5-3-83 JOB NUMBER 14151 1 B 9 5-20-83 TRENCH NUMBER 23 W - ELEV.N - a. -J U, w 0 -J 0- DESCRIPTION — SC Red Brown Clayey Sand 1- (topsoil) - SM Gray Brown & Yellow Brown 2 - Silty Sand - (Lusardi Formation) 3- 4- 5 6_ Moist Dense to Very Dense I z ZZ_ uj Ui0 I U., z I&Jc1 - Ch w — .1 i— z 4 o o •. I - .( I -' I C cc cc L 0 z LU I 0 I 0 Moi St Mediu- Dense - Trench ended at 5' TRENCH NUMBER 24 - CH Brown Clay - (topsoil) 2_ CL Yellow Brown Sandy Clay 3 - SM Gray Brown & Yellow to Red - Brown Silty Sand 4 - (Lusardi Formation) 5 16 — _ Trench ended at 9' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL &TESTING,INC. Moist to Stiff Wet Moist IDense SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY: CRB DATE LOGGED: 5-20-83 JOB NUMBER: 14151 D in z - TRENCH NUMBER 25 4 - ELEVATION - CL &) 0 4 4 0 -J 0 DESCRIPTION - CL Brown Sandy Clay - (topsoil.) 1. 2 3_ SMéL Yellow Brown & Gray Brown - Silty Sand & Silty Clay 4 - (pre-Quaternary sandstone) 5 6 7 - Trench ended at 7' - TRENCH NUMBER 26 o - - SM Brown Silty Sand - (topsoil) SCL Brown Sandy Clay! Clayey 2 - - Sand SM Gray Brown & Yellow Brown - Silty Sand 3 - (Lusardi Formation) '4 - I - Trench ended at 6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING,INCS Z CC Z I-.tu - z UJ O UJ la )- - > - Cl) (I) UI 44 0 z 0U U Moist Stiff Moist I Dense Moist Medium Dense Moist Stiff Moist Dense SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG LOGGED BY CRB DATE LOGGED: 5-20-83 JOB NUMBER: 14151 B 11 I-. a. C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Z TRENCH NUMBER 27 '- w dR z 4 .j Z CC M )- Z x j Cn z Cl) UJ 0Ul - - Lu 3 ELEVATION U)cc W ) Z -. • U) 3 a. C Ca. X CC 0 z ui 4 0. 4 U) 0 C DESCRIPTION u CH l Brown & Red Brown Sand Clay Moist to Stiff 1 (topsoi.1) Wet Yellow Brown SM Gray Brown & Yellow Brown Moist Silty Sand I(Lusardi Formation) Dense to Very Dense 0- 2 3- 4- 5 6 Trench ended at 6' TRENCH NUMBER 28 SM Brown Silty Sand Moist (topsoil) SC Red Brown Sandy Clay/Clayey Moist Sand SM Gray Brown & Yellow Brown Moist Silty Sand (Lusardi Formation) Medium Dense Medium Dense Dense to Very Dense Trench ended at 6' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY: CRB IDATE LOGGED: JOB NUMBER: 14191 B 12 zt TRENCH NUMBER 29 ELEVATION U, Lu 0 4 —J o DESCRIPTION ______ CH Dark Gray Sandy Clay - 1- (topsoil/younger alluvium) 2_ SMc Interbeded Yellow to Red - & Brown Clayey Silty Sand & 3_ MC 6L Silty Clay - (older alluvium) S. 6 Moist Medium Dense I— dP z z Z UJ O - - I— I— i-.. Z W44 - - CL z = 0 z 00 0 =0 U 0 C.) Mo St Medium Stiff Trench ended at 6' - TRENCH NUMBER 30 0- - CH Dark Gray Sandy Clay - (topsoil) 2--. SC 6_ 10_ I ended at 10' I Moist Stiff Medium Dense to Dense Dense to Very Dense Red Brown Sandy Clay! Clayey Moist Sand SM Gray Brown & Yellow Brown Moist Silty Sand (Lusardi Formation) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG SOIL & TESTING,INC. LOGGED BY. CRB DATE LOGGED: 5 -20-83 JOB NUMBER: 14151 B 13 APPENDIX C 8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 0,0111 1.4 The intent of these specifications is to establish procedures for clearing, compacting natural ground, preparing areas to be filled, and placing and compacting fill soils to the lines and grades shown on the accepted plans. The recommendations contained in the preliminary geotechnical investigation report and/or the attached Special Provisions are a part of the Recommended Grading Specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the case of conflict. These specifications shall only be used in conjunction with the geotechnical report for which they are a part. No deviation from these specifications will be allowed, except where specified in the geotechnical soil report or in other written communication signed by the Soil Engineer. [ei N 4*J' W (S I I i I Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc., shall be retained as the Soil Engineer to observe and test the earthwork in accordance with these specifications. It will be necessary that the Soil Engineer or his representative provide adequate observation so that he may provide an opinion that the work was or was not accomplished as specified. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the soil engineer and to keep him appraised of work schedules, changes and new information and data so that he may provide these opinions. In the event that any unusual conditions not covered by the special provisions or preliminary soil report are encountered during the grading operations, the Soil Engineer shall be contacted for further reconrtendations. If, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, substandard conditions are encountered, such as; questionable or unsuitable soil, unacceptable moisture (R-8/87) SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Appendix A, page 2 content, inadequate compaction, adverse ueather, etc., construction should be stopped until the conditions are remedied or corrected or he shall recoimend rejection of this work. Test methods usd to determine the degree of compaction should be performed in accordance with the following American Society for Testing and Materials test methods: Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Content - A.S.T.M. D-1557-78. Density of Soil In-Place - A.S.T.M. D-1556-64 or A.S.T.M. D-2922. All densities shall be expressed in terms of Relative Compaction as determined by the foregoing A.S.T .M. testing procedures. PREPARATION OF AREAS 10 REXEIVE FilL All vegetation, brush and debris derived from clearing operations shall be removed, and legally disposed of. All areas disturbed by site grading should be left in a neat and finished appearance, free from unsightly debris. After clearing or benching, the natural ground in areas to be filled shall be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, brought to the proper moisture content, compacted and tested for the minimum degree of compaction in the Special Provisions or the recoimendation contained in the preliminary geotechnical investigation report. All loose soils in excess. of 6 inches thick should be removed to firm natural ground which is defined as natural soils which possesses an in-situ density of at least 90% of its maximum dry density. When the slope of the natural ground receiving fill exceeds 20% (5 horizontal units to 1 vertical unit), the original ground shall be stepped (R-8/87) SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Appendix A, page 3 or benched. Benches shall be cut to a firm competent soil condition. The lower bench shall be at least 10 feet wide or 1 1/2 tines the the equipment width which ever is greater and shall be sloped back into the hillside at a gradient of not less than two (2) percent. All other benches should be at least 6 feet wiae. The horizontal portion of each bench shall be compacted prior to receiving fill as specified herein for compacted natural ground. Ground slopes flatter than 20% shall be benched when considered necessary by the Soil Engineer. Any abandoned buried structures encountered during grading operations must be totally removed. All underground utilities to be abandoned beneath any proposed structure should be removed from within 10 feet of the structure and properly capped off. The resulting depressions from the above described procedures should be backfilled with acceptable soil that is compacted to the requirenents of the Soil Engineer. This includes, but is not limited to, septic tanks, fuel tanks, sewar lines or leach lines, storm drains and water lines. Any buried structures or utilities not to be abandoned should be brought to the attention of the Soil Engineer so that he may determine if any special recommendation will be necessary. All water walls which will be abandoned should be backfilled and capped in accordance to the requirements set forth by the Soil Engineer. The top of the cap should be at least 4 feet below finish grade or 3 feet below the bottom of footing whichever is greater. The type of cap will depend on the diameter .of the well and should be determined by the Soil Engineer and/or a qualified Structural Engineer. Materials to be placed in the fill shall be approved by the Soil Engineer and shall be free of vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. (R-8/87) SCS&T 8821121 Septeither 9, 1988 Appendix A, page 4 Granular soil shall contain sufficient fine material to fill the voids. The definition and disposition of oversized rocks, expansive and/or detrimental soils are covered in the geotechnical report or Special Provisions. Expansive soils, soils of poor gradation, or soils with low strength characteristici may be thoroughly mixed with other soils to provide satisfactory fill material, but only with the explicit consent of the soil engineer. Any import material shall be approved by the Soil Engineer before being brought to the site. PLPCIM AND (flPPL'2ICV OF FILL Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in layers not to exceed 6 inches in compacted thickness. Each layer shall have a uniform moisture content in the range that will allow the compaction effort to be efficiently applied to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Each layer shall be uniformly compacted to a minimum specified degree of compaction with equipnent of adequate size to economically compact the layer. Compaction equipment should either be specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability. The minimum degree of compaction to be achieved is specified in either the Special Provisions or the recommendations contained in the preliminary geotechnical investigation report. When the structural' fill material includes rocks, no rocks will be allowed to 'nest and all voids must be carefully filled with soil such that the minimum degree of compaction recommended in the Special Provisions is achieved. The maxiJTn.irn size and spacing of rock permitted in structural fills and in non-structural fills is discussed in the geotechnical report, when applicable. (R-8/87) SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Appendix A, page 5 Field observation and compaction tests to estimate the degree of compaction of the fill will be taken by the Soil Engineer or his representative. The location and frequency of the tests shall be at the Soil Engineer's discretion. When the compaction test indicates that a particular layer is less than the equired degree of compaction, the layer shall be reworked to the satisfaction of the Soil Engineer and until the desired relative compaction has been obtained. Fill slopes shall be compacted by mans of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compaction by sheepsfoot rollers shall be at vertical intervals of not greater than four feet. In addition, fill slopes at ratios of two horizontal to one vertical or flatter, should be trackrolled. Steeper fill slopes shall be over-built and cut-back to finish contours after the slope has been constructed. Slope compaction operations shall result in all fill material six or more inches inward from the finished face of the slope having a relative compaction of at least 90% of maximum dry density or that specified in the Special Provisions section of this specification. The compaction operation on the slopes shall be continued until the Soil Engineer is of the opinion that the slopes will be stable in regards to surficial stability. Slope tests will be made by the Soils Engineer during construction of the slopes to determine if the required compaction is being achieved. Where failing tests occur or other field problems arise, the Contractor will be notified that day of such conditions by written coirinunication. from the Soil Engineer or his representative in the form of a daily field report. If the method of achieving the required slope compaction selected by the Contractor fails to produce the necessary results, the Contractor shall rework or rebuild such slopes until the required degree of compaction is obtained, at no cost to the Owner or Soils Engineer. (R-8/87) SCS&T 8821121 September .9, 1988 Appendix A, page 6 CIIF SLOPES The Engineering Geologist shall inspect cut slopes excavated in rock or lithified formational material during the grading operations at intervals determined at his discretion. If any conditions not anticipated in the preliminary report such as perched water, seepage, lenticular or confined strata of a potentially adverse nature, unfavorably inclined bedding, joints or fault planes are encountered during grading, these conditions shall be analyzed by the Engineering Geologist and Soil Engineer to determine if mitigating measures are necessary. Unless otherwise specified in the geotechnical report, no cut slopes shall be excavated higher or steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of the controlling governmental agency. [•:c+.'i..l,i(• j Field observation by the Soil Engineer or his representative shall be made during the filling and compacting operations so that he can express his opinion regarding the conformance of the grading with acceptable standards of practice. The presence of the Soil Engineer or his representative or the observation and testing shall not release the Grading Contractor from his duty to compact all fill material to the specified degree of compaction. Fill shall not be placed during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rain, filling operations shall not be resumed until the proper moisture content and density of the fill materials can be achieved. Damaged site conditions resulting from weather or acts of God shall be repaired before acceptance of work. (R-8/87) SCS&T 8821121 September 9, 1988 Appendix A, page 7 REX11MENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS - SPECIAL PROVISIcS RELFIVE C PICPIC: The miniirn2ln degree of compaction to be obtained in compacting natiral ground, in the compacted fill, and in the compacted backfill shall be at least 90 percent. For street and parking lot subgrade, the upper six inches should be compacted to at least 95% relative compaction. EXPANSIVE SOILS: Detrimentally expansive soil is defined as clayey soil which has an expansion index of 50 or greater when tested in accordance with the Uniform Building Code Standard 29-C. OVEIIZED NN1RIAL: Oversized fill material is generally defined herein as rocks or lumps of soil over 6 inches in dianeter. Oversize materials should not be placed in fill unless reconirendations of placenent of such material is provided by the soils engineer. At least 40 percent of the fill soils shall pass through a No. 4 U.S. Standard Sieve. TRANSITI 1015: Where transitions between cut and fill occur within the proposed building pad, the cut portion should be undercut a minimum of one foot below the base of the proposed footings and recolpácted as structural backfill. In certain cases that would be addressed in the geotechnical report, special footing reinforcement or a combination of special footing reinforcexrent and undercutting may be required. (R-8/87) 771 I /OQ / •';/97 / / I) /• / VI — V / -•.•••- /T2!8 /c Kgr : Qai- ''If IlI1It(( fl" 00 L JIl 'fl T I ) / • • I - \\ I VV \ __ -V.- I I I 7/7T' -:•' ,H' / - LEGEND TRENCH LOCATION (SCST REPORT #14272) I) BORRKI LOCATION (SCST REPORT #14151) TRENCH LOCATION (SCS.T REPORT #14151) BORING LOCATION — TRENCH LOCATION (Sr CRETACEOU$ GRANITE BATNOLITH SI CRETACE GUS LUSARD) FORMATION Kp CRETACEOUS POINT LOMA FORMATION QOBI/Ol OUATEAHARV OLDER ALLUVIUM/TERRACE DEPOSITS 0.1 QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM 0.1 ARTIFICIAL FILL I—) SEISMIC TRAVERSE SEISMIC TRAVERSE ?? POSSIBLE FAULT LOCATION CO APPROXIMATE AREA OF-LARGE SURFACE BOULDERS APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 0*5 TREES r 8OnHURN OALBNI ::.