HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 16-07; OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST; SUPPLEMENTAL INFILTRATION ASSESSMENT; 2018-05-01SCSI, Inc. Corporate Headquarters 6280 Piverdale Street San Diego, CA 92120 T 877.215.4321 P 619.280.4321 619.260.4717 W www.scst.com SDVOSB . DVBE May 1, 2018 SCST No. 180197124 Report No. I David Padilla, P.E. Project Manager Infrastructure Engineering Corporation 14271 Danielson Street Poway, California 92064 Subject: GLJ?PLEMENTAL INFILTRATION ASSESSMENT OLIVENHAiiMUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BUILDING D 1966 OLIVENHAIN ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Reference: SCSI, Inc. (2016), Geotechnical Invegtion, Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building D, 1966 Oliëhhain Road, Encinitas, California, SCST No. 160105P3-1, March 3. Dear Dave: This report presents the results of the supplemental infiltration assessment SCSI, Inc. (SCSI) performed for the subject project. We understand the project will consist of the design and construction of a one-story building, pavements, and stormwater BMPs. We previously performed the referenced geotechnical investigation that included an infiltration assessment for the BMPs proposed at that time. However, after performing our investigation, a new BMP (Basin 6) was added in an area we didn't investigate. Our scope of work for this infiltration assessment consisted of performing supplemental subsurface exploration and percolation testing in the area of proposed Basin 6. Figure 1 presents a site vicinity map. SUPPLEMENTAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Our supplemental subsurface exploration consisted of drilling one boring to estimate the groundwater depth and two percolation test' borings to assess the infiltration rate. The groundwater boring was drilled to a depth of about 15 feet below the existing ground surface using a truck-mounted drill rig equipped with a hollow stem auger. The percolation test borings were drilled to a depth of about 2 feet below the existing ground surface using a hand auger. Figure 2 shows the approximate locations of our current borings as well as our previous borings. An SCSI geologist logged the borings and collected soil samples for laboratory testing. Logs of the current borings are presented in Appendix I. Soils are classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System illustrated on Figure I-I. Young alluvial floodplain deposits consisting of loose to medium dense silty sand with varying amounts of gravel were encountered in the current borings. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 11 feet below the existing ground surface. Infrastructure Engineering Corporation May 1, 2018 Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building D SCST No. 180197P4-1 Carlsbad, California Page 2 LABORATORY TESTING Selected soil samples obtained from the borings were tested to determine soil classification and develop geotechnical conclusions. The laboratory testing consisted of particle-size distribution and Atterberg limits. The results of the laboratory testing and brief explanations of the test procedures are presented in Appendix II. PERCOLATION TESTING We performed two borehole percolation tests at the approximate locations shown on Figure 2 to assess stormwater infiltration feasibility. Appendix III presents the field data and test results. The table below presents the tested infiltration rates. Infiltration Rate Test Results Test Location Test Depth (feet) Material Type at Test Depth Infiltration Rate (inch/hour) P-5 2 Young alluvial flood-plain deposits: Silty Sand 1.2 P-6 2 Young alluvial flood-plain deposits: Silty Sand 0.6 Based on our test results, the feasibility screening category is Full Infiltration. If you have any questions, please call us at (619) 280-4321. Respectfully SCST, INC. omas B. Canady, Principal Engineer TBC:DAS:djm:hu ea, Ei6/30119 =~) 0~ Douglas) (1) Addressee via e-mail: dpadilla@iecorporation.com Attachments: Figures Figure 1 - Site Vicinity Map Figure 2- Subsurface Exploration Map Appendices Appendix I - Subsurface Exploration Appendix II - Laboratory Testing Appendix III - Infiltration Rate Test Results (1) Addressee via email atdpadilla@iecorporation.com S I T 0 60 120 -: OLIVENHAIN ROAD SCALE - NL -- ------ \ F \ '(39/ 00 1 / SCST LEGEND: P-5 (2)L B-5 4 Current Boring (15) (Depth in Feet) 1 (5)-" Current Percolation / P-6•/ P-6 • Test Boring (2 < 41Mm / (Depth in Feet) _Previous Boring (Depth in Feet) Previous Percolation Test Boring - - (5) (Depth in Feet) N Proposed Basin 6 14 C SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION MAP Date: May, 2018 Figure: SCST, Inc. Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building D By: PFL S H San Diego, California Job No.: 180197P4-1 2 APPENDIX I APPENDIX I SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were performed using a 2-inch outer diameter and 1%-inch inner diameter split tube sampler. The SPT samplers were driven by a 140-pound weight dropping 30 inches. The number of blows needed to drive the samplers the final 12 inches of an 18-inch drive is noted on the boring logs as "Driving Resistance (blows/ft. of drive)." The SPT penetration resistance was normalized to a safety hammer (cathead and rope) with a 60% energy transfer ratio in accordance with ASTM 06066. The normalized SPT penetration resistance is noted on the boring logs as "N60." Disturbed bulk samples were obtained from the SPT sampler and the drill cuttings. The soils are classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System as illustrated on Figure I-I. Logs of the borings are presented on Figures 1-2 through 1-4. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LEGEND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPICAL NAMES SYMBOL COARSE GRAINED, more than 50% of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS GW More than half of Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines coarse fraction is GP larger than No. 4 Poorly graded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines. sieve size but GRAVELS WITH FINES GM smaller than 3". Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures. (Appreciable amount of fines) GC Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand, clay mixtures. SANDS CLEAN SANDS SW More than half of Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. coarse fraction IS SP smaller than No. Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. 4 sieve size. SM Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silty mixtures. SC Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and day mixtures. FINE GRAINED, more than 50% of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. SILTS AND CLAYS ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt- (Liquid Limit less sand mixtures with slight plasticity. than 50) CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean days. OL Organic silts and organic silty clays or low plasticity. SILTS AND CLAYS MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, (Liquid Limit elastic silts. greater than 50) CH Inorganic days of high plasticity, fat days. OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat and other highly organic soils. SAMPLE SYMBOLS LABORATORY TEST SYMBOLS - Bulk Sample AL - Atterberg Limits CAL - Modified California Sampler CON - Consolidation CK - Undisturbed Chunk sample CDR - Corrosivity Tests MS - Maximum Size of Particle (Resistivity, pH, Chloride, Sulfate) ST - Shelby Tube DS - Direct Shear SPT - Standard Penetration Test sampler El - Expansion Index MAX - Maximum Density GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS RV - R-Value -Water level at time of excavation or as indicated i SA - Sieve Analysis - Water seepage at time of excavation or as indicated Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building D SCSI Inc.arlsbad, California By: DJM I Date: May, 2018 I II flC• Job Number: 180197134-1 Figure: I-I LOG OF BORING B-5 Date Drilled: 4/19/2018 Logged by: DJM Equipment: CME 45 with 8-inch diameter Hollow Stem Auger Reviewed by: TBC Elevation: 114% Feet MSL Depth to Groundwater (ft): 11 - co SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES u Z I— Z W 16 0. I— I ! I—Cl) W - ! - - 2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 - 8 -9 -10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 4 inches of asphalt concrete over 6 inches of aggregate base. - - - 7 15 - 9 20 - - - SM YOUNG ALLUVIAL FLOOD PLAIN DEPOSITS (Qva): SILTY SAND, loose, light brown, moist, fine to medium grained. Brown. Medium Dense. Groundwater at 11 feet. - - - SPT - SPT - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 — BORING TERMINATED AT 15 FEET — — — — — — — Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building 0 SCST, Inc. Carlsbad, California By: DJM Date: May, 2018 III Job Number: 180197P4-1 (Figure: 1-3 LOG OF BORING P-5 Date Drilled: 4/19/2018 Logged by: DJM Equipment: 6-inch diameter Hand Auger Reviewed by: TBC - Elevation: 1141/2 Feet MSL Depth to Groundwater (ft): Not Encountered SAMPLES U) I— z .9; I— I I— CO) w . S2 I— >- z co 0 0 W D SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ' w zo I— 0 Cl) 0 - — 4 inches of asphalt concrete over 6 inches of aggregate base. — — — — - — — - SA YOUNG ALLUVIAL FLOOD PLAIN DEPOSITS (Ova): SILTY SAND, loose, - 2 — !iqht brown, moist, fine to medium grained. .& BORING TERMINATED AT 2 FEET -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 No Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building D Carlsbad, California SCST, Inc. Ion By: DJM 'Date: May, 2018 Job Number: 180197P4-1 1Figure: 1-4 LOG OF BORING P-6 Date Drilled: 4/19/2018 Logged by: DJM Equipment: 6-inch diameter Hand Auger Reviewed by: TBC Elevation: 1141/2 Feet MSL Depth to Groundwater (ft): Not Encountered SAMPLES o I_? -. Z LU s I- I I- w - SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Z -1 4 inches of asphalt concrete over 12 inches of aggregate base. SA - 2 - -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 -14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 SM \ YOUNG ALLUVIAL FLOOD PLAIN DEPOSITS (Ova): SILTY SAND, loose, light brown, moist, fine to medium grained. AL BORING TERMINATED AT 2 FEET APPENDIX II APPENDIX II LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed to provide geotechnical parameters for engineering analyses. The following tests were performed: CLASSIFICATION: Field classifications were verified in the laboratory by visual examination. The final soil classifications • are in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. PARTICLE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION: The particle-size distribution was determined on two soil samples in accordance with ASTM D422. Figures lI-I and 11-2 present the test results. ATTERBERG LIMITS: The Atterberg limits were determined on two soil samples in accordance with ASTM 04318. Figures Il-I and 11-2 present the test results. Soil samples not tested are now stored in our laboratory for future reference and analysis, if needed. Unless notified to the contrary, all samples will be disposed of 30 days from the date of this report. U.S. Standuid Sims Slzi. 6' 3" 1-W 3/4" 3/8' #4 #8 910 #16 #30 #40#50 #100 #200 100 90 80 E iz 50 2 040 30 N Is 20 10 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Grain Size in Millimeters Cobbles Gravel Sand I Silt or Clay Coarse I Fine I Coarse I Medium I Fine SAMPLE LOCATION P-5 at 1Y2to2 Feet SAMPLE NUMBER 28519 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: I SM DESCRIPTION I SILTY SAND ATERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT NP PLASTIC LIMIT NP PLASTICITY INDEX NP I Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building 0 Carlsbad, California I SCST, Inc. By: DJM Date May, 2018 I u lJob Number: 180197124-1 jFigure: li-I I U.S. Stmidid Sieve Sizes 6' 30 1-W 3/4° 3/8' #4 #8#10 #16 #30 #40#50 0100 #200 100 90 80 .9' 70 if 50 e 40 CL 30 20 10 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Grain Size in Millimeters Cobbles Gravel Sand Silt or Clay Coarse I Fine Coarse r Medium I Fine SAMPLE LOCATION P-6at1%t02 Feet SAMPLE NUMBER 28520 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: I SM DESCRIPTION I SILTY SAND ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT NP PLASTIC LIMIT NP PLASTICITY INDEX NP I Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building D SCST, Inc. Carlsbad, California I I I IBy: DJM 'Date: May, 2018 I I u IJob Number: 180197P4-1 IFigure: 11-2 I APPENDIX III APPENDIX Ill INFILTRATION RATE TEST RESULTS We performed falling head borehole percolation testing at two locations (P-5 and P-6) in general conformance with Appendix C of the Model BMP Design Manual for San Diego Region. The percolation test holes were prepared for testing by placing about 6 inches of W gravel in the bottom of the test hole and then installing a 4-inch diameter solid PVC pipe from the top of the W gravel to about % to 1 foot above the ground surface. W gravel was placed in the annular space between the PVC pipe and the percolation test hole sidewall between the depths of about 11/2 feet and 2 feet below the ground surface. Prior to starting the percolation testing, the test holes were presoaked overnight (approximately 24 hours) by filling the holes with water. The percolation testing was performed immediately after presoaking by filling the test holes with clean potable water to approximately 6 inches above the bottom of the PVC pipe and measuring the drop in the water level every 10 minutes until a constant rate was established. Figures Ill-I and 111-2 present the results of the testing. Report of Borehole Percolation Testing Project Name: Job Number: Date Drilled: Drilling Method: Drilled Depth (feet): Test Hole Diameter (inches): Gravel Pack: Pipe Diameter (inches): Storm Water Infiltration Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building D 180197P4-1 4/19/2018 6-inch diameter Hand Auger 2.0 6 V 4 Test Number: P-S Tested By: DJM Date Tested: 4/20/2018 Presoak Time: 24 hours Trial No. Time Time Interval, AT (mm) Initial Water Height, H. (ft) Final Water Height, Hf (ft) Change in Water Height, AH (in) Percolation Rate (mm/in) 1 8:41 0:10 0.82 0.72 8:51 1.20 8 2 8:52 0:10 0.82 0.72 9:02 1.20 8 3 9:03 0:10 0.82 0.71 9:13 1.25 8 4 9:14 0:10 0.83 0.73 9:24 1.19 8 5 9:25 0:10 0.87 0.75 9:35 1.39 7 6 9:36 0:10 0.75 0.64 9:46 1.36 7 Observed Percolation Rate: 7 mm/in 8.2 in/hr Gravel Correction Factor: 1.50 Corrected Percolation Rate: 11 mm/in 5.4 in/hr Tested Infiltatlon Rate, It: 1.2 in/hr *Tested infiltration rate using the Porchet Method: - AH(60r) - AT(r + 2H) AH = Change in water head height over the time interval [in] = 1.4 = Test hole radius [in] = 3 AT = Time interval [min] = 10 Han = Average water height over time interval = 12(H0 + Hf)/2 [in] = 8.3 I Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building D I Carlsbad, California I SCST, Inc. By: DiM IDate: April, 2018 on I IJob No: 180197P4-1 iFigure: Ill-i Report of Borehole Percolation Testing Project Name: Job Number: Date Drilled: Drilling Method: Drilled Depth (feet): Test Hole Diameter (inches): Gravel Pack: Pipe Diameter (inches): Storm Water Infiltration Olivenhain Municipal Water District Building D 180197P4-1 4/19/2018 6-inch diameter Hand Auger 2.0 Test Number: P-6 Tested By:DiM Date Tested: 4/20/2018 Presoak Time:24hours Trial No. Time Time Interval, AT (mm) Initial Water Height, H. (ft) Final Water Height, Hf (ft) Change in Water Height, AH (in) Percolation Rate (mm/in) 1 9:55 0:10 0.79 0.72 10:05 0.90 11 2 10:06 0:10 0.72 0.66 10:16 0.72 14 3 10:17 0:10 0.82 0.73 10:27 1.08 9 4 10:28 0:10 0.86 0.80 10:38 0.72 14 5 10:39 0:10 0.81 0.74 10:49 0.78 13 6 10:50 0:10 0.87 0.81 11:00 0.72 14 Observed Percolation Rate: 14 mm/in 4.3 in/hr Gravel Correction Factor: 1.50 Corrected Percolation Rate: 21 mm/in 2.9 in/hr *Tested Infiltatlon Rate, It: 0.6 In/hr = 0.7 =3 =10 = 10.0