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Kiewit/Shea B.Herndon STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 06125115 FOR Carlsbad Desalination Plant 12-199AQ Shoring Design CONTENTS: Drawings 1-8 Shoring Design Load Development 4-5 Soldier Ale Design 6-13 Lagging Design check t, ç 14 Handrail Design 15-16 Reference Data cØSS!ok MES1. 17-20 (L' b4 g_ T 13 OF CM-P' 3/- A1TACHMENTS: NONE REFERENCE DRAWINGS: 12-199AQ-01(0) thru -03(0) DESIGN REFERENCES: AISC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION. ASD CAL OSHA VAK Construction Engineering Services, LLC 8285 SW Nimbus Avenue, Suite 104 • Beaverton, Oregon 91008 • T. 503 718-5908 • F: 503 718-5080 • www.vakenginoering.com ii 4 .- GENERAL NOTES: 1. All pope shall be AS'TM *53, Or. B Pp 35 hal. All sIfter structural steal 6. All soldier pile shall be machine drilled with 3.000 pal conravle below base It. Soil Design Criteria: shall be ASTM *529 or *592. Fy-llohnl U.N.O.. grade. If drilled shalt extends above base grade lean concrete should be Active. 405 used Is If the remanding depth so Scan be excavated teleran, Dyvaxarc 145 2. *n elialiaral stool oh511 be detailed as per AISC Standards. Passive: 3500 7. kaggftig Shall be 40 nominal 0030 rojgh and DF.L 112 or better. Traffic Surcharge: 600 PSF 3. Member sizes shown are minimum required. Equivalent or larger sizes Traffic Guard Rail Impact Load 10 kips @ may be substituted with prior approval from VAX. S. Sharing was not dosignad for water behind the wall and was considered at Hondreil Load: 200 lbs. outward and downward the base. Adequate draInage and Si should be provided behind lire wad to 4. An welding shall be done with ETO electrodes is conformance with consider It well drained. 12. Design References: American Welding Socisly(AWS) SluucWrat Welding Cone AWS 01.1. Catlran$Trenchhrg and Shoring Manual It. Grades at both the holism and lop of the shoring are considered level AISC Manual of steel Construction. ASO 5. SoldIer pile shall be W24ol04 spaced at &.7 on center aSh a maximum Slays & Moore Geotechleul Roponl.April 12. 2014 height of 10'O. 10. Wire rope shall he 2I80 )UPS with a minimum breaking strength of 7.55 lons.A uruninium of (2) wIre rope clips shall be Installed on any lam back and leap should use e lhbntde. liK f y ,I(i63T_..* --...----- ----- L III !i1 " (59) Plies @6-3tO.C. n363.7112 di _ct -'I - Plan '50i'7 err I 1/ )0 -or— lip, 2 A Section - Typical 02 S 386• I•.a I 6_3±.TY. B Section - Typical 02 1'• —.—A -- 4(t - 45 40 - 35 - 30 25 20 - 15 Roadway Lagging 4x Nominal or 3x Rough id Hole 2.& I Section - Typical 02 3M 0318* IWRC Cable (see Gen. Notes) 01 11T SW pipe W24x104 pile - - - 01 112 Std pipe I A. I 6-3tTyp. 2 Section - Typical KSD alo: 5W I MW02 VAI( Construction Engineering Services. LLC KIE WIT I SHEA JV A.5UO4 Cwlsbad DesaSflafl Protect W&71&GMft- File was (0)Soldler Section Lw I rooarw 031r IWRC Cable (see Gen. Notes) 0I 2 Intermediate - Detail 03 stir' v.o' 01112* Std pipe- verify height by location Drilled Hole Washer Ila Sleeve Clamp 01 112' SW pipe __118 ._._<(TYP.) 05/8' Crimped Stop 03/8 Hole 03/8' IWRC Cable ...11 1112,Std (see Can. Notes) W24x104 pile Alternative Dead End Anchorage Plan View Pipe Elevation 03 • " /7 Eye Bolt or Eye End of Tumbuckle Crimped Sleeve Clamp 03V IWRC Cable (see Can. Notes) - (T\ Alternative Dead End Anchorage &.IO 0 1.5' 01/4 Eye Bolts in 03/8' 01/4 Bolt-Peen End © r Drilled Holes peen Ends 03 33/8' Cable nos 1/2' Adjustment, Typ. nps Per End Pipe - Detail 05/16' Tumbuckle wl _•01 1/2' Std pipe, Typ., verify height by location Jaw End of Bolts, Typ. 05/8 Drilled Holes, U.N.O. 03W lWRC Cable 03/8 Hole © End (see Con. Notes) Temilnation p.. I I I 1r W24x104 pile (Typ.) End Achor & Tie Back - Detail S1. 5116"l.O' KSD im VAI( Construction Engineering Services, LLC KIEWIT / SHEA JV (* 0285 OW 085008 AvltOsO, 5510104 cartslrsd DesalInation Proleci 01010891000 Soldier Pile Wall 583.71e.5519t.l 503.71859001s.o I v.vI.0515050850001 001505 1w1aou 110' I' I12-199A0-03 (Typ.) 0 kiewitlShea Carlsbad Desalination Plant Shoring Wall SHEET: I OF Construction Engineering Services .1 I I I I I I I 6/2512( www.vakengineering.com KlewltlShea Carlsbad Desalination Plant Shoring Wall F40 Construction Engineering Services SHEET:_ OF____ ,l:.. I . I - i .. Lj 1, III 1 JI It I I( I I 1 ftftHff www.vakengineering.com 6/25/201 Carlsbad Desalination Plant Traffic Retaining Wall Depth(ft) 10 15 Ibrium ium 0 1 k5 cShoringSulte> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.civiltech.com Licensed to 4324324234 3424343 Date: 6116/2015 File: V:1201212199 KIEWIT SHEA DESAL CARLSBAD\PHASE A PHASESPHASE AQ SOLDIER PILE WALLCALCSR Wall Height13.0 Pile Diameter--2.0 Pile Spacing=6.3 Wall Type: 2. Soldier Pile, Drilled PILE LENGTH: Mm. Embedment--18.11 Mm. Pile Length=31.11 (in graphics and analysis) MOMENT IN PILE: Max. Moment=305.44 per Pile Spacing=6.3 at Depth=21.00 PILE SELECTION: Request Min. Section Modulus = 111.1 in3lpile=1820.08 cm3/pile, Fy= 50 ksi = 345 MPa, Fb/Fy0.66 W24X104 has Section Modulus = 258.0 1n3/pile=4227.85 cm3/pile. It is greater than Mm. Requirements! Top Deflection = 0.48(m) based on E (ksi)=29000.00 and I (1n4)/pile=3100.0 DRIVING PRESSURES (ACTIVE, WATER, & SURCHARGE): ZI P1 Z2 P2Slope . . ,.-.-.-..-..- - * Activ 0 0 3 0.000 0 3 0.000 53 2.000 .040 * Dynam o 0 3 0.000 0 3 0 53 0.700 .014 * Sur- charg 2.600 0.000 3.250 0.188 0.288929 3.250 0.188 3.900 0.248 0.092614 3.900 0.248 4.550 0.259 0.016162 4.550 0.259 5.200 0.256 -0.00398 5.200 0.256 5.850 0.249 -0.01000 5.850 0.249 6.500 0.242 -0.01209 6.500 0.242 7.150 0.233 -0.01285 7.150 0.233 7.800 0.225 -0.01307 7.800 0.225 8.450 0.216 -0.01306 8.450 0.216 9.100 0.208 -0.01291 9.100 0.208 9.750 0.200 -0.01268 9.750 0.2 10.40 0.192 -0.01241 10.40 0.192 11.05 0.184 -0.01210 / 11.05 0.184 11.70 0.176 -0.01177 11.70 0.176 12.35 0.169 -0.01142 12.35 0.169 13.00 0.161 -0.01106 13.00 0.161 14.30 0.154 -0.00535 14.30 0.154 15.60 0.148 -0.00516 15.60 0.148 16.90 0.141 -0.00497 16.90 0.141 18.20 0.135 -0.00478 18.20 0.135 19.50 0.123 -0.00901 19.50 0.123 20.80 0.112 -0.00829 20.80 0.112 22.10 0.103 -0.00759 22.10 0.103 23.40 0.094 -0.00693 23.40 0.094 24.70 0.085 -0.00631 24.70 0.085 26.00 0.078 -0.00573 26.00 0.078 28.60 0.071 -0.00260 28.60 0.071 31.20 0.065 -0.00235 PASSIVE PRESSURES: ZI PI Z2_p Ipe * Passi 13 0 53 14.00 .350 ACTIVE SPACING: No. - Zdepth -. 1 0.00 6.25 2 13.00 2.00 PASSIVE SPACING: No - Zdepth - Spacing 1 13.00 4.00 UNITS: Width,Spacing,Diameter1Length,and Depth - ft; Force - kip; Moment - kip-ft Friction, Bearing,and Pressure - ksf; Pres. Slope - kiplft3; Deflection - in Carlsbad Desalination Plant Traffic Retaining Wall Depth(ft) 0 5 10 15 I 20 25 30 0 lksf 35 Net Pressure Diagram Depth(ft) Max. Shear96.35 Rip 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 96.35 kip 0 ............. Shear Diagram Top Defiection=0.48(jn) Max. Moment--305.44 kip-ft Max Deflection=0.48(in) / ( 305.44 Rip-ft 0 0.479(m) 0 Moment Diagram Deflection Diagram PRESSURE, SHEAR, MOMENT, AND DEFLECTION DIAGRAMS Based on pile spacing: 6.3 foot or meter User Input Pile, W24004: E (ksi)29000.0, I (in4)IpUe=3100.0 File: V:2012%12199 KIEWIT SHEA DESAL CARLSBADPHASE A PHASESPHASE AQ SOLDIER PILE WALLCALCSR05o1dler Pile wo Impact.shB <ShoringSuite> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.clviltech.com Licensed to 4324324234 3424343 Carlsbad Deslaination Plant Traffic Surcharge 0.000 0.030 0.060 0.090 0.120 0.150 0.180 0.210 0.240 0.210 0.300 Prmure ' ............................................. ... ..... ......... ............_::. _....Q,19 5 4.55 .......................... .... 0.26 Max. .............- - ... 0.24 10 . ... 0.20 - .........../ 0.16 15 1 / ....................................... 0.12 20 1 25 0.08 30 I Max. Pressure= 0.26 Z '.• At depth= 4.55 <Surcharge> Cl VIL TECH SOFTWARE USA www.clvlltech.com Licensed to 4324324234 3424343 Date: 6/16/2015 File: V:201212199 KIEWIT SHEA DESAL CARLSBADPHASE A PHASES\PHASE AQ SOLDIER F Wall Height, H= 13 Load Depth at Surface, 0= 3 Load Factor of Surcharge Loading = I Flexible Wall Condition - Movement or deflection are allowed. Max. Pressure = 0.259 at depth = 4.55 X Width Strip Load 1.0 25.0 .60 UNITS: LENGTH/DEPTH: ft, Qpoint kip, Qline: kip/ft, Qstrip/Qarea/PRESSURE: ksf Carlsbad Desalination Plant Traffic Retaining Wall wl Gaurd Rail Impact Depth(ft) 0 . F4-..- .....- 10 15 . I' 20 25 .. .____. . .\ .J4pj&Equikcum Force Equihbrium 35 0 1 k5 40 cShoringSuite> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.clvlltech.com Licensed to 4324324234 3424343 Date: 6/1612015 File: V:201212199 KIEWIT SHEA DESAL CARLSBADPHASE A PHASES\PHASE AQ SOLDIER PILE WALLCALCS\R Wall Height--13.0 Pile Diameter2.0 Pile Spacing=6.3 Wall Type: 2. Soldier Pile, Drilled PILE LENGTH: Mm. Embedment--20.97 Mm. Pile Length=33.97 (in graphics and analysis) MOMENT IN PILE: Max. Moment=506.88 per Pile Spacing=6.3 at Depth21.98 PILE SELECTION: Request Mm. Section Modulus = 184.3 1n3/pile=3020.48 cm3/pile, Fy= 50 ksi = 345 MPa, Fb/Fy=0.66 W24X104 has Section Modulus = 258.0 in3/pile=4227.85 cm3/pile. It is greater than Mm. Requirements! Top Deflection = 1.04(m) based on E (ksi)29000.00 and I (in4)/pile=3 100.0 DRIVING PRESSURES (ACTIVE, WATER, & SURCHARGE): ZI Pi Z2 P2 -........-. -..... ....- . .... * Activ 0 0 3 0.000 0 3 0.000 53 2.000 .040 * Dynam o 0 3 0.000 0 3 0 53 0.700 .014 * Sur- charg 2.600 0.000 3.250 0.188 0.288929 3.250 0.188 3.900 0.248 0.092614 3.900 0.248 4.550 0.259 0.016162 4.550 0.259 5.200 0.256 -0.00398 5.200 0.256 5.850 0.249 -0.01000 5.850 0.249 6.500 0.242 -0.01209 6.500 0.242 7.150 0.233 -0.01285 7.150 0.233 7.800 0.225 -0.01307 7.800 0.225 8.450 0.216 -0.01306 8.450 0.216 9.100 0.208 -0.01291 9.100 0.208 9.750 0.200 -0.01268 9.750 10.40 0.192 -0.01241 10.40 0.192 11.05 0.184 -0.01210 11.05 0.184 11.70 0.176 -0.01177 11.70 0.176 12.35 0.169 -0.01142 12.35 0.169 13.00 0.161 -0.01106 13.00 0.161 14.30 0.154 -0.00535 14.30 0.154 15.60 0.148 -0.00516 15.60 0.148 16.90 0.141 -0.00497 16.90 0.141 18.20 0.135 -0.00478 18.20 0.135 19.50 0.123 -0.00901 19.50 0.123 20.80 0.112 -0.00829 20.80 0.112 22.10 0.103 -0.00759 22.10 0.103 23.40 0.094 -0.00693 23.40 0.094 24.70 0.085 -0.00631 24.70 0.085 26.00 0.078 -0.00573 26.00 0.078 28.60 0.071 -0.00260 28.60 0.071 31.20 0.065 -0.00235 31.20 0.065 33.80 0.060 -0.00213 33.80 0.060 36.40 0.054 -0.00193 PASSIVE PRESSURES: zi P1 Z2 Slope * Passi ......P2 13 0 53 14.00 .350 ACTIVE SPACING: No. . - Z depth Spacing - 1 .0.00 6.25 2 13.00 2.00 PASSIVE SPACING: No. Zdepth .._....!pacing .. -------.---.. 1 13.00 4.00 EXTERNAL FORCE ACTING ON WALL (Pusing on Wall - Positive; Against Wall - Negative) Z force Force . g •• !P 1 0.00 10.00 0.0 6.67 UNITS: Width,Spacing,Diameter,Length,and Depth - if; Force - kip; Moment - kip-ft FrictionBearingand Pressure - ksf; Pres. Slope - kiplft3; Deflection - in "I _MqmeflI,EqujIiD!um Force Equilibrium Carlsbad Desalination Plant Traffic Retaining Wall wl Gaurd Rail Impact Depth(ft) 0 F4 -5 10 15 20 - 25 30 35 0 lksf 40 Net Pressure Diagram Top Deflection=1.04(jn) Depth(ft) Max. Shear=133.99 kip Max. Moment--506.68 kup-ft Max Deflect,on=1.04(in) .1 --,,. -.---I- ------ 10 1 15 - - .- 20 25 1 30 35 133.99 kip 0 I 40 Shear Diagram 508.88 kip-ft 0 Moment Diagram 1.043(m) 0 Deflection Diagram PRESSURE, SHEAR, MOMENT, AND DEFLECTION DIAGRAMS Based on pile spacing: 6.3 foot or meter User Input Pile, W24x104: E (ksi)29000.0, I (in4)Ipile3100.0 File: V:201212199 KIEWIT SHEA DESAL CARLSBADPHASE A PHASESPHASE AQ SOLDIER PILE WALLCALCSR0SoIdIer PlIe.sh8 cshoringSulte> CIVILTECH SOFTWARE USA www.civlltech.com Licensed to 4324324234 3424343 - N Carlsbad Deslaination Plant Traffic Surcharge DWWM 0.000 0.030 0.060 0.090 0.120 0.150 0.180 0.210 0.240 0.270 0.300 0 .. I .1 I ...... PressUre(ksfj I :T:. :.............- - .......... . ... -.... _._. ............. 1 0.26Max. 1J 024 - _ 0.16 15 / / ................- 0.12 20 25 I.....-............- ............ I Max. Pressure 0.26 30 Z . At depth= 4.55 <Surcharge> CI VIL TECH SOFTWARE USA www.cMltech.com Licensed to 4324324234 3424343 Date: 6/16/2015 File: V:\2012\12199 KIEWIT SHEA DESAL CARLSBADPHASE A PHASESPHASE AQ SOLDIER F Wall Height, H= 13 Load Depth at Surface, D= 3 Load Factor of Surcharge Loading = I Flexible Wall Condition - Movement or deflection are allowed. Max. Pressure = 0.259 at depth = 4.55 X Width Ship Load 1.0 25.0 .60 UNITS: LENGTH/DEPTH: ft. Qpoint: kip, Qline: kip/ft, Qstrip/QareaIPRESSURE: ksf 0 Construction Engineering Services klewitlShea Carlsbad Desalination Plant Soldier Pile Wall LAGGING DESIGN 12-199AQ Sheet: of_____ WALL CONFIGURATION: PILE Bf: PILE SPACING= WALL H= SOIL PARAMETERS: Ka: SOIL WT: ARCH'G FACTOR: PRESSURES 12.8 IN 6.25 FT. (C. to C. PILE) 10 FT 0.38 120 PCF 1.0 SOIL= SURCHARGE= TOTAL DESIGN= ALLOWABLE STRESSES: STEEL= WOOD= MINIMUM REQ'D THICKNESS: DESIGN L= M= STEEL T= WOOD T= 200 PSF 260 PSF 460 PSF 22000 PSI 1500 PSI 5.72 FT 1879.12 FT-Lb 0.72 IN MIN 2.74 IN MIN (A36) (D.F. NO 2) LAGGING.xls 6/25/2015 F4O Construction Engineering Services KiewitlShea Carlsbad Desalination Plant Shoring Wall /', kl 12-199AQ I SHEET: OF tj4 hi... - .., ... . . L.... o Its. rn H I ...........AL.Ile e i [ .k............ .1 1?iL 0.13 4_ & ... ......... ..........-...-., ........ lik, . 1 I LL..H:+....... .. liii II! 11 1. J. I E I. .11 I I ii I I H;H.HlI I . I 1• II I .f .. .1 . IT I I..............!,...[.. .........I 1 .1 .11 I www.vakengineering.com 612512015 F Construction Engineering Services Klewit!Shea Carlsbad Desalination Plant Shoring Wall 12499AQ '0/ SHEET:OF____ .F M1 H ... . Ii —....I I 7-4 A. IV;• r+ ............. W........i...: /rI.1.i1z........ ............... ... lb.L2 F ...............................L...1 LI ................ H........... £44 1 /&4 44 ± I........H I I r1ii- HH4 I- 1•I fl' I I ........ I 1• . I j 4J . ....I 1 1 U I . In &Hk....2!, .1 ..................I ..... t'fl Jdoo c HHbDJ2I.L..H I led I iii................J I I i I I&_LII I L+'4ILLLLL www.vakengineering.com 612512015 13 !:!4T Hpp H PASSIVE PRESSURE ACTIVE DYNAMIC HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE NOTES: RECOMMENDED GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN PARAMETERS I. ASSUMES NO HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE BUILD-UP BEHIND THE RETAINING WALL 2 GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIALS SHOULD BE USED FOR RETAINING WALL BACKFILL DRAINS AS RECOMMENDED IN THE RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL SHOULD BE INSTALLED BEHIND THE RETAINING WALL DYNAMIC LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE IS BASED ON A PEAK GROUND ACCELERATION OF 0.359 SURCHARGE PRESSURES CAUSED BY VEHICLES OR NEARBY STRUCTURES ARE NOT INCLUDED H AND D ARE IN FEET SETBACK SHOULD BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CBC (2010) IN THE INSTANCE AN UNLINED INFILTRATION BASIN IS SITUATED BEHIND THE RETAINING WALL, HYDROSTATIC PRESSURES SHOULD BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DESIGN; P = 62.4 H psi NOT TO SCALE Ff1IIo&Iftour I LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES FOR YIELDING RETAINING WALLS PROJECT NO. DATE CARLSBAD SEAWATER DESALINATION PLANT (MAIN PLANT SITE) 107383002 4113 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 11 Lateral Earth Equivalent Fluid Pressure (Ib/ft2/ft) Pressure Level Backfill 2H:IV Sloping Backfill with are Sells P. with Granular Sollst2l 40H 65H Pe 14H Level Ground 2H:IV Descending Ground pp 3500 1750 3-1/2 88.9 - 491. 564. - 22.6 I 1 ' II •S. .1. S.::,.. •.:.:e I..,... .S •I;.• .':'..:•:. •, ••'.• •... S • 5 Classification) WASHINGTON CHAIN & SUPPLY, INC. • WARRINGTON WARRINGTO OPERATIONS WARRINGTON T-: 79 INCHES MILITER .DIAMETE"I.oWEEL NO'MINAL $TRENGTH INJONS QF200 POUNqS,, IMOVED PIO& STE ED STEEL FIBERORE' IWA EXTRA -EXTRA IMROVED t > APPAOXIMATE WEIGHT . PEHOOt4$UNDS!. NAF IWRC 4_ IWRC FIBER 0RE 3116 5 1.55 1.67 .059 1/4 6.3 2.74 2.94 3.40 .105 .116 16 8 4.26 4.58 5.27 .164 .18 3/8 95 . iio Y 656 IC ' r ' -36 26 112 14.5 16.8 18.5 .53 .59 5/8 15.9 16.7 17.9 20.6 22.7 .66 .72 3/4 19 23.8 25.6 29.4 . 32.2 .95 1.04 43•aJj 26 234 2$3) 1-1/4 .31.7 64.6 694 79.9 87.9 2.63 2.89 1.3/8 34.9 77.7 83.5 96. 106.0 3.18 3.50 1.1/2 38.1 92.0 98.9 114. 125.0 3.78 4.16 15/8 13-" 10 - )15t& 132 i46o 1 3/4 \444 124 - + 133 #1S3ç' * 168,O. 515IALU 47 6 . / 141 C - 1o' ' q.s45 ? . ... • . ..-., _• 2 50.8 160. 172. 198. 218.0 6.72 7.39 2-1/8 54 179. 192. 221. 7.59 8.35 2-1/4 57.1 200. 215. 247. 8.51 9.36 603 22f . 2I ' ,274 '. i1b 4 . 262 . 28 667 288 ?. 288,. . ( -kM v.4. AC+ '. C -• * 1 718 ... 2.3/4 69.9 292. 314. 361. 12.7 14.0 2-7/8 73 317. 341. 393. 13.9 15.3 3 76.2 - 370. 425. - 16.6 3-1/8 . - 7%! - - . ss . : -5-• :'r 82:6.. 4c4 WIRE ROPE I NOMINAL STRENGTHS AND WEIGHTS - 6 x 19 CLASS AND 6 x 37 CLASS tP:i: Al e•I, ______ ':• ::; 40 '2EALE FILLER WIRE FILLER SEALE CROSBY CLIPS WARNINGS AND APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS nJ. G -450 SS-450 (Red-U-Bolt) (316 Stainless Steel) Failure to read, understand, and follow these Instructions may cause death or serious injury. Read and understand these instructions before using clips. Match the some size clip to the same size wire rope. Prepare wire rope end termination only as Instructed. Do not use with plastic coated wire rope. Apply first load to test the assembly. This load should be of equal or greater weight than loads expected in use. Next check and retlghten nuts to recommended torque (See Table 1, this page). Efficiency ratings for wire rope end terminations are based upon the catalog breaking strength of wire rope. The efficiency, rating of a properly prepared loop or thimble — eye termination for clip sizes 1/8" through 7/8" is 80%, and for sizes 1" through 3-112" Is 90%. The number of clipsshown (see Tablet) is based upon using RRL or Rft wire rope, 6x 19or6x37Class. FCorlWRC; lPSorXlP. If Seale construction or similar large outer wire type construction in the 6 x 19 Class is to be used for sizes 1 inch and larger, add one additional clip. If a pulley (sheave) is used for turning back the wire rope, add one additional clip. The number of clips shown also applies to rotation - resistant RRL wire rope, 8 x 19 Class, PS, XIP, sizes 1-1/2 inch and smaller; and to rotation-resistant RRL wire rope, 19 x 7 Class, IRS, XlP, sizes 1-3/4 inch and smaller. For other classes of wire rope not mentioned above, we recom- mend contacting Crosby Engineering at the address or telephone number on the back cover to ensure the desired efficiency rating. For elevator, personnel hoist, and scaffold applications, refer to ANSI A17.1 and ANSI AI0.4. These standards do not recom- mend U-Bolt style wire rope clip terminations. The style wire rope termination used for any application is the obligation of the user. For OSHA (Construction) applications, see OSHA 1926.251. • Refer to Table tin following these instructions. Turn back speci- fied amount of rope from thimble or loop. Apply first Clip one base width from dead end of rope. Apply U-Bolt over dead end of wire rope — live end rests in saddle (Never saddle a dead horse!). Tighten nuts evenly, alternate from one nut to the other until reaching the recommended torque 36 2.. When two clips are required, apply the second clip as near the loop or thimble as possible. Tighten nuts evenly, alternating until reaching the recommended torque. When more than two dips are required, apply the second clip as near the loop or thimble as possible, turn nuts on second clip firmly, but do not tighten. Proceed to Step 3. When three or more clips are required, space additional clips equally between first two — take up rope slack — tighten nuts on each U-Bolt evenly, alternating from one nut to the other until reaching recommended torque. WIRE ROPE SPLICING PROCEDURES: The preferred method of Splióing two wire ropes together is to use inter- locking tumback eyes with thimbles, using the recommended number '° I of clips on each eye (See Figure 1). An alternate method is LOAD— to use twice the number ow I of dips as used for a turnback termination. The rope ends. are placed parallel to each other, overlapping by twice the tumback amount shown in the application lnstructions.The minimum num- ber of clips should be Installed on each dead end (See Figure 2). Spacing, installation torque, and Other instructions still apply. S. IMPORTANT Apply first load to test the assembly. This load should be of equal or greater weight than loads expected in use. Next, check and retighten nuts to recommended torque. In accordance with good rigging and maintenance practices, the wire rope end termination should be inspected periodically for wear, abuse, and general adequacy. Table I Clip Size (Inches) Rope Size finches Minimum No. of _21ip9 2 Amount of Rope to Turn Back in inches tTorque in R. Lbs. 118 118 3.114 - 4.5 3/16 - 3/16 2 3-3/4 - 7.5 114 114 5/16 2 4-3/4 15 5116 2 5.114 30 3/8 3/8 -2 6-112 45 7/16 7/16 -- 7 65 1/2 1/2 — 11-1/2 65 9/16 9/18 3 12 95 518 5/8 3 12 95 3/4 314 _41 18 130 7/8 718 4 19 225 1 1 5 26 225 1-1/8 1.1I8 6 34 225 1-1/4 1-1I4 7 44 360 1-3/8 1-3/8 7 44 360 1-1/2 1-1/2 8 -. 54 360 1-5/8 1-0 A 58 430 1-314 1-3/4 8 61 590 2 2 a 71 750 2-1/4 2-1I4 a 73 750 2-1/2 2-1/2 84 750 2-3/4 2-314 10 100 - 750 3 3 10 108 1200 3-1/2 3-112 12 149 1200 II a pulley (theaV?) Is used br hardno back the wire ree, add one additional c, ii a greater number of cts are used than shown In the table, the amount 01 lumbadc should be Increased ppgflpoaleiy. 'The tlgicenlng torque values shown are based upon the threads beuig clean6 dry. and tree at lubrication. Co;lMright © 1995 The Crosby Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved G-450 SS-450 b 0 Look for the Red-U-Bolt,° your assurance of Cmsbv Clips. CROSBY® CLIPS Each base has a Product Identification Code (PlC) for material traceability, the name CROSBY or "CG", and a size forged into it Sizes ½" through 2½" have forged bases. Entire Clip - Galvanized to resist corrosive and rust- ing action. Only Genuine Crosby Clips have a Red U-BOLT for instant recognition. All Clips are individually bagged or tagged with proper application instructions and t ..i' SEEAPLICATIONiAND warning information. WARNlNaiNFORMATION Clip sizes tip through 11/2" have rolled threads. Crosby Clips, all arws 1/4 and lnqm mccl the performanai rcquirrmeuls of Fedami spcclr.catiun l'F.C45071W11 I CLASS 1. nxcipl (or Ihoso provisions requlrod of ISv contvnclnr. Va 1010015 100 6 .22 .72 .44 .47 Al .38 .81 .94 1,14 'A.010033 1010051 100 100 10 19 .25 .31 .97 .56 .59 .50 .44 .94 1.16 1.03 .50 .76 .66 .56 1.19 1.44 /ie 1010079 100 28 .38 1.38 .75 .88 .72 .91 .69 1.31 1.69 - i/to 1010097 1010113 100 50 48 78 .44 .50 1.50 1.88 .75 1.00 1.00 .75 1.63 1.94 1.19 1.03 .88 1.81 2.28 ½ 1010131 50 80 .50 1.88 1.00 1.19 1.13 .88 1.91 2.28 1010159 50 109 .56 2.25 238 1.25 1.31 1.22 .94 2.06 2.50 ½ 1010177 50 110 .56 1.25 1.31 1.34 .94 1.06 2.06 2.50 3/4 78 1010195 1010211 25 25 142 212 .62 2.75 1.44 1.50 1 1.41 2.25 2.44 2.84 3.16 .75 3.12 1.62 1.75 1.59 1.25 1 1010239 10 252 .75 3.50 1.81 1.88 1.78 1.25 2.63 3.47 1½ 1010257 10 283 .75 3.88 2.00 2.00 1.91 125 2.81 3.59 1¼ 1010275 10 438 .88 4.25 2.13 2.31 2.38 2.19 1.44 3.13 4.13 1% 1010293 10 442 .88 4.63 2.31 2.31 1.44 3.13 4.19 1½ 1010319 10 544 All 4.94 228 2.59 2.44 1.44 3.41 4.44 1% 1010337 Bulk 704 1.00 5.31 2.62 2.75 2.66 1.63 3.63 4.75 1% 1010355 Bulk 934 1.13 5.75 2.75 3.06 2.94 1.81 3.81 5.28 2 2¼ 1010373 1010391 Bulk Bulk 1300 1600 1.25 6.44 3.00 3.38 328 2.00 4.44 5.88 1.25 7.13 3.19 3.88 3.19 2.00 4.50 6.38 2½ 1010417 Bulk 1900 1.25 7.89 3.44 4.13 1 3.69 2.00 4.05 6.63 23/4 3 10IO435_.. 1010453 ! Bulk 2300 3100 1.50 2,831_ 9.19 3.56, 3.88 4.38 4.75 4.88 4.69 1 2.00 2.38 5.00 5.88 6.88 7.83 t3½1 1010426 Bulk 1 4000 1 1.50 1 10.75 1 4.50 5.50 6.00 2.38 6.19 8.38 Electro-plated U-Boll and Nuts t 2W and 3W base is made of cast stool THE SS-450 "316" STAINLESS STEEL WIRE ROPE CLIPS ½ 1011250 6 .22 .72 .44 .47 .41 .38 .01 .94 3/16 1011281 10 .25 .97 .56 .59 .75 .50 .44 .94 1.16 1/4 1011272 20 .31 1.03 .50 .86 .56 1.19 1.44 % 1011253 47 .44 1.50 .75 1.00 .91 .75 1.63 1.94 ½ 1011305 77 .50 1.88 1.00 1.19 1 1.13 1 .88 1 1.91 1 2.28 ½ 1011327 106 .58 2.38 1.25 1.31 1 1.34 1 .94 2.06 I 2.50 Copyright © 1995 The Crosby Group, Inc. 37 All Rights Reserved Each base has a Product Identification Code (PlC) for material traceability, the name CROSBY or "CC", and a size forged into it. Available in sizes ½ through W. Entire clip is made from 316 Stainless Steel to resist corrosive and rusting action. All components are Electro - Polished. All Clips are individually bagged or tagged with proper application instructions and warning information. RECEIVED 1 JUL 30 2015 LAND t)EVELOP M E N T ENGINEERING