The Water Division of ARCADIS Imagine the result
Carlsbad Desalination Project
Sewer Study
November 12, 2013
Sewer Study
Carlsbad Desalination Project
November 12, 2013
Rick Kennedy, PE
ARCADIS Project Manager
Jena Prior, PE
Design Manager
Sewer Study
Carlsbad Desalination Project
1. Introduction I
Project Description 2
Design Criteria 2
3.1 Sources of Wastewater 2
3.1.1 Normal Daily Flows 3
3.1.2 Intermittent Daily Flows 3
3.1.3 Redevelopment Permit Requirements 4
Determination of Sewer Connection Fee 5
Conclusion 6
Figure 1: Vicinity Map I
Figure 2: Annual Waste Water Flow Profile 5
Table I Carlsbad Desalination Facility - Normal Daily Wastewater Flows 3
Table 2: Carlsbad Desalination Facility - Intermittent Daily Flows 3
Appendix A: Sewer Exhibit with Sewage Connections
Appendix B: EWA Meter Flow Data
Sewer Study
Carlsbad Desalination Project
1. Introduction
The purpose of this sewer study is to provide response to Condition 37 of the amendment to the
Redevelopment Permit for the Carlsbad Seawater Desalination Plant (RO 05-12(A)) contained in
Planning Commission Resolution No. 6635 as promulgated by the City of Carlsbad Planning
Commission on August 19, 2009. The condition states:
"Prior to the issuance of precise grading permits or building permits, Developer shall submit a
sewer study, prepared by a Registered Engineer, that identifies the peak flows of the project,
required pipe sizes, depth of flow and velocity in pipe, and the capacity of the existing 6" sewer
line serving this project. The study shall identify whether any sewer improvements are
required to the existing 6" sewer line serving this project. Said study shall be submitted
concurrently with the precise grading plans for the project and the study shall be prepared to
the satisfaction of the City Engineer."
The Carlsbad Desalination Facility (CDF) is located within site of the existing Encina Power
Generating Station at 4590 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad, CA 92008 as shown on Figure 1: Vicinity
Figure 1: Vicinity Map
Sewer Study
Carlsbad Desalination Project
2. Project Description
The proposed project consists of a nominal 50 MGD water desalination plant located on
approximately 5.7 acres of land on the existing Carlsbad NRG Power Plant Site, located in Carlsbad
just north of Cannon Road and west of the Amtrak railroad line. The plant includes an intake pump
station that takes seawater from NRG's cooling water discharge line, pretreatment filtration facilities,
high pressure pumps, reverse osmosis desalination followed by post treatment to recarbonate the
water, and high pressure pumping facilities to transfer the desalinated water into piping that can
feed potable water throughout San Diego County. The Carlsbad Desalination Facility (CDF) also
has a chemical storage facility and an administration building where the operations and
maintenance facilities are located.
Brine and backwash water that is produced through the treatment processes are returned to the
NRG cooling water discharge line and discharged to the ocean. Other flow streams produced
during the desalination process are proposed to be conveyed to a private onsite sewage lift station
within the CDF site. Wastewater from the sewage lift station will be pumped easterly through a
private force main which will be installed in an existing tunnel underneath the railroad tracks to an
existing sanitary sewer manhole (Manhole #21 D-1 1) on the City's Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor sewer
(VCI). The VCI conveys flows southerly to the Encina Wastewater Pollution Control Facility
(EWPCF) located south of Palomar Airport Road at 6200 Avenida Encinas. Appendix A contains
an illustration of the onsite CDF sewer collection system and how it connects to the existing VCI.
Design Criteria
3.1 Sources of Wastewater
For the most part, the sources of wastewater at the CDF are non-continuous. Sanitary sewage is
generated in the Administration Building by operating personnel and visitors. The CDF also houses
a lab for routine water quality testing. Throughout the CDF, there are emergency eyewash/showers
(total of 34) that are used only on an as needed basis and are typically operated for a very short
period of time to assure they are in good operating condition. Other non-continuous flows are
generated by operator washdown activities to concrete floors in work areas. This water typically
discharges to sumps and is pumped or flows by gravity to the proposed private sewage lift station.
There are also a number of small waste streams generated throughout the plant by analyzers that
sample and determine the quality of the water. Many are in situ probes (pH, conductivity, ORP) that
take measurements directly from a process line and others take a sample from a side stream that is
either returned to the process, discharged to the brine line (that returns flow to the NRG cooling
water discharge), or discharged to the sewer. Some of these, such as SDI and turbidity actually
produce a waste stream of their own which is also discharged to the brine line or to the sewer. All
waste streams from analysis on seawater are returned to the brine line. Only waste streams from
analyses conducted on final product water that has been through the reverse osmosis process are
directed to the sewer.
Sewer Study
Carlsbad Desalination Project
3.1.1 Normal Daily Flows
Table I is a listing of the normal daily sources of wastewater from within the CDF. These include
sanitary waste streams, emergency shower/eyewash testing, washdowns, and solids pipeline
Table I
Carlsbad Desalination Facility -Normal Daily Wastewater Flows
Flow Duration Daily
Fixture Number Rate, Frequency (mm) Average
gpm Flow, GPD
Emergency Eyewash/Shower 7 23 1/day 1 161
Measurement Panel 1 5 cont. 1,440 7,200
Washdown 3 20 2/day 30 3,600
Admin Building 7.7 220 gpd/EDU 1,694
Solids Handling - Pipeline Flushing 1 144 3/day 10 4,320
TOTAL 16,975 GPD
11.8 gpm
Note: The solids pipeline flushing is from the solids handling process and consists of a service
water connection upstream and downstream of each centrifuge sludge feed pump whose purpose
is to flush residual solids from the piping and thus prevent the lines from becoming plugged. Since
the flow stream consists of very little seawater and mostly service water from the plant's non-
potable water connection, it is routed to the sewer.
3.1.2 Intermittent Daily Flows
Table 2 is a listing of the intermittent daily source of wastewater from within the CDF. This once per
month source is associated with the cleaning and flushing of the Neutralization Tank.
Table 2
Carlsbad Desalination Facility - Intermittent Daily Flows
Daily Q Max I
Number Frequency Average Flow Structure (GPM) (MIN.) (GPO)
Cleaning & Flushing 1 88 300 1/mo 26,400
Neutralization Tank Draining
Total 26,400 GPD
18.3 gpm
Note: Clean In Place is water used to clean the reverse osmosis cartridges. The cartridges are
cleaned in place with a chemical solution to remove mineral scale, biological matter, colloidal
particles, and insoluble organic constituents. The solution is made up of permeate water from the
RO process and caustic or sulfuric acid as the cleaning process proceeds, Ultimately, the waste
Sewer Study
Carlsbad Desalination Project
from this cleaning process is neutralized to a pH neutral and solid free solution and discharged to
the sewer.
3.1.3 Redevelopment Permit Requirements
The City of Carlsbad Redevelopment Permit # 05-12(A) requires the preparation of this sewer study
to identify "the peak flows of the project, required pipe sizes, depth of flow and velocity in pipe, and
the capacity of the existing 6" sewer line serving this project..." The only existing 6" sewer line
close to the CDF site is a private 6" sewer line located in the southwest corner of the NRG power
plant site used for sanitary service to the power plant. However, all flow from the CDF is proposed
to be routed to a private sewage lift station as shown in Appendix A and pumped to the existing 42"
VCI gravity sewer that conveys wastewater to the Encina WPCF.
Based on an analysis of the data from Tables 1 and 2, it has been determined that a sewage lift
station with a maximum capacity of 150 gpm is sufficient. The private sewage lift station would
consist of two pumps (1 operating; I standby) with a capacity of approximately 75 gpm each pump
(maximum capacity of 150 gpm). The pumps are proposed to be submersible type within a 6-foot
diameter wet well. The minimum run time is approximately 4 minutes.
The peak flow rate from normal CDF activities, as depicted in Table 1, is estimated to be about 192
gpm. The peak flow rate for the CDF as a whole will occur once a month when the normal flows
and the single intermittent flow occur on the same day. During this event, the peak flow rate from
the CDF is about 280 gpm; well in excess of the sewage lift station pumping capacity. However,
since the duration of this loading scenario is short, the volume of the sewage lift station wet well will
be large enough to allow the lift station to store excess flow so that operation of 150 gpm will not
cause an overflow within the CDF site or any backup in the facility's sewer collection system. Under
maximum flow conditions, it is estimated that it will take about 35 minutes to pump down the
combined peak flow rate.
Based on the City of Carlsbad 2012 sewer master plan, the flowrate in the Vista/Carlsbad
Interceptor Sewer in this area is measured at Meter Location C3 which is downstream of the
proposed tie-in connection of the private force main to the VCI. A copy of the diurnal flow measured
by Meter C3 during a wet weather event is included in Appendix B. The measured flows at this
location are as follows (per City of Carlsbad):
Average Dry Weather Flow = 7.56 mgd
Peak Dry Weather Flow = 14.00 mgd
Peak Wet Weather Flow = 23.96 mgd (See Appendix B)
Ultimate Peak Wet Weather Flow = 32.00 mgd
Existing Pipe Capacity - 20.5 mgd
The depth of flow at the connection point during average and peak dry weather flow conditions is
below the City's requirements for the d/D ratio not to exceed 0.75. However under peak wet
weather conditions, the VCI is currently surcharged.
Sewer Study
Carlsbad Desalination Project
4. Determination of Sewer Connection Fee
The Sewer connection Fee for the CDF is based on the Drofile shown in Fiaure 2:
rugure : Annuai waste water now rrotuie
As shown previously and illustrated in Figure 2, the normal daily flow is 16,975 GPD. Once a
month, this daily flow increases to 43,375 GPO. This increase of 26,400 GPO is attributable to an
intermittent maintenance flow described in more detail in Section 3.1.2.
For the purposes of calculating the Sewer Connection Fee, a combined daily flow must be
established. The normal daily flow already acts as an average daily flow and, therefore, can be
considered adequate as is. Conversely, the intermittent daily flow acts as a peak. Therefore, it
must be reduced by a peaking factor of 2.5 to yield the associated daily average. Considering all
this, it is contemplated that the CDF will generate the following combined daily flow:
26,400 GPD 16,975 GPD + 2.5 = 27,535 GPD
Therefore, the associated Sewer Connection Fee is:
27,535 GPD =126EDUs 220GPD
Sewer Study
Carlsbad Desalination Project
126 EDU x $1,000/EDU = $126,000
5. Conclusion
The wastewater generated at the Carlsbad Desalination Facility will not discharge into the private 6"
sewer located in the southwest corner of the NRG site. Therefore, no sewer improvements are
required to this existing 6" line. Flow from the CDF will be routed to the east and discharge into the
existing 42" Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor. The increase in peak flow will not cause the depth of flow
in the Vista/Carlsbad interceptor to exceed the City's design maximum depth D/d :5 0.75 during dry
weather conditions. However, the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor is presently surcharging during the
peak wet weather conditions, as shown on the attached graph for December 17-26, 2010 in
Appendix B, and summarized in Table 4-3 in the 2012 Sewer Master Plan.
To resolve the VCI capacity constraint, the City has prepared plans and specifications for parallel
pipeline improvements. The City is pursuing an easement from NRG, which is required to construct
the City's improvements, and plans to initiate construction in 2014 with completion scheduled for
The City has indicated that "Startup Testing" of the CDF can occur provided the wastewater is
conveyed to the VCI during dry weather conditions. Until the parallel VCI improvements are
constructed, Poseidon will defer CDF maintenance flows upon notice from the City of Carlsbad of
an anticipated peak wet weather event.
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Appendix B
Encina WA Meter Flow Data - C3
Meter Flows, Rain event - December
17-26, 2010.
EWA Meter Flow Data
DEC. 17-26, 2010