HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-11; Housing Commission; ; Carlsbad Housing Agency 2024-25 Public Housing Agency Annual PlanMeeting Date: April 11, 2024 To: Housing Commission From: Christian Gutierrez, Housing Services Manager Staff Contact: Christian Gutierrez, Housing Services Manager christian.gutierrez@carlsbadca.gov, 442-300-6555 Subject: Carlsbad Housing Agency 2024-25 Public Housing Agency Annual Plan District: All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution recommending that the Community Development Commission approve the City of Carlsbad’s 2024-25 Public Housing Agency Annual Plan for submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Executive Summary The Housing & Homeless Services Department, operating as the Carlsbad Housing Agency, administers the federally funded Housing Choice Voucher Program, also known as Section 8, on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. The program is governed by federal regulations, which allow local discretion on some policy decisions and administrative procedures. Federal law requires every Public Housing Agency (PHA) to file a 5-Year Plan with HUD and an annual plan consistent with the 5-Year Plan. The plan also informs HUD and members of the public about the mission and strategies for serving the needs of low-income and very low-income families within the housing agency’s jurisdiction. The plan must be formally adopted by the housing agency’s Board of Commissioners. The City Council, acting as the Community Development Commission, is the governing board for the Carlsbad Housing Agency and the Housing Commission makes recommendations to the Community Development Commission on housing related matters. Explanation & Analysis The Carlsbad 5-Year Public Housing Agency Plan outlines objectives that aim to address the needs of low-income, very low-income and extremely low-income families. These objectives include expanding the supply of assisted housing, improving the quality of assisted housing, increasing assisted housing choices, promoting self-sufficiency and asset development of families and individuals, and ensuring equal opportunity and affirmatively further fair housing. HOUSING COMMISSION April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 1 of 14 The Community Development Commission last approved and adopted the 5-Year Plan on April 7, 2020. Every public housing agency is required each year to identify any elements of the plan that have been revised since its last annual plan was submitted. The Fiscal Year 2024-25 Annual Plan represents the fourth annual update of the 5-Year Plan, consistent with the goals and objectives established. The update focuses on financial resources as shown in Section B.1 of Exhibit 1, Attachment X Next Steps Transmittal of the 2024-25 PHA Plan will be submitted to the Community Development Commission for approval. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibit 1.Housing Commission resolution April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 2 of 14 April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 3 of 14 April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 4 of 14 Purpose. The 5-Year and Annual PHA Plans provide a ready source for interested parties to locate basic PHA policies, rules, and requirements concerning the PHA’s operations, programs, and services, including changes to these policies, and informs HUD, families served by the PHA, and members of the public of the PHA’s mission, goals and objectives for serving the needs of low- income, very low- income, and extremely low- income families Applicability. The Form HUD-50075-HCV is to be completed annually by HCV-Only PHAs. PHAs that meet the definition of a Standard PHA, Troubled PHA, High Performer PHA, Small PHA, or Qualified PHA do not need to submit this form. Where applicable, separate Annual PHA Plan forms are available for each of these types of PHAs. Definitions. (1)High-Performer PHA – A PHA that owns or manages more than 550 combined public housing units and housing choice vouchers, and was designated as a high performer on both the most recent Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) and Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) assessments if administering both programs, or PHAS if only administering public housing. (2)Small PHA - A PHA that is not designated as PHAS or SEMAP troubled, that owns or manages less than 250 public housing units and any number of vouchers where the total combined units exceed 550. (3)Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Only PHA - A PHA that administers more than 550 HCVs, was not designated as troubled in its most recent SEMAP assessment and does not own or manage public housing. (4)Standard PHA - A PHA that owns or manages 250 or more public housing units and any number of vouchers where the total combined units exceed 550, andthat was designated as a standard performer in the most recent PHAS and SEMAP assessments. (5)Troubled PHA - A PHA that achieves an overall PHAS or SEMAP score of less than 60 percent. (6)Qualified PHA - A PHA with 550 or fewer public housing dwelling units and/or housing choice vouchers combined and is not PHAS or SEMAP troubled. A. PHA Information. A.1 PHA Name: ________Carlsbad Housing Agency___________________________ PHA Code: _____CA077__________ PHA Plan for Fiscal Year Beginning: (MM/YYYY): ___07/2024___________PHA Inventory (Based on Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) units at time of FY beginning, above) Number of Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs) 756_ (includes 47 Mainstream Vouchers) PHA Plan Submission Type: Annual Submission Revised Annual Submission Availability of Information. In addition to the items listed in this form, PHAs must have the elements listed below readily available to the public. A PHA must identify the specific location(s) where the proposed PHA Plan, PHA Plan Elements, and all information relevant to the public hearing and proposed PHA Plan are available for inspection by the public. Additionally, the PHA must provide information on how the public may reasonably obtain additional information of the PHA policies contained in the standard Annual Plan but excluded from their streamlined submissions. At a minimum, PHAs must post PHA Plans, including updates, at each Asset Management Project (AMP) and main office or central office of the PHA. PHAs are strongly encouraged to post complete PHA Plans on their official website. PHAs are also encouraged to provide each resident council a copy of their PHA Plans. The Carlsbad Housing Agency’s Annual PHA Plan, Administrative Plan and supporting documents are available for inspection at the following locations: Main administrative office of the PHA PHA Website •City of Carlsbad Housing and Homeless Services •www.carlsbadca.gov/housing1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Public Libraries Other: • City of Carlsbad Main Library • City of Carlsbad Senior Center1775 Dove Lane 799 Pine AvenueCarlsbad, CA 92011 Carlsbad, CA 92008 • City of Carlsbad Georgina Cole Library1250 Carlsbad Village DriveCarlsbad, CA 92008 April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 5 of 14 PHA Consortia: (Check box if submitting a joint Plan and complete table below) Participating PHAs PHA Code Program(s) in the Consortia Program(s) not in the Consortia No. of Units in Each Program Lead PHA: B. Plan Elements. B.1 Revision of Existing PHA Plan Elements. (a) Have the following PHA Plan elements been revised by the PHA since its last Annual Plan submission? Y N Statement of Housing Needs and Strategy for Addressing Housing Needs. Deconcentration and Other Policies that Govern Eligibility, Selection, and Admissions. Financial Resources. Rent Determination. Operation and Management. Informal Review and Hearing Procedures. Homeownership Programs. N/A. Self Sufficiency Programs and Treatment of Income Changes Resulting from Welfare Program Requirements. Substantial Deviation. Significant Amendment/Modification. (b)If the PHA answered yes for any element, describe the revisions for each element(s): CY 2024 Financial Resources – Annual Contributions from HUD Program/Account HUD Budget Authority Funding Description Housing Choice Voucher program $8,383,140 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Mainstream Voucher program – $784,032 Non-elderly Person with Disabilities HCV Administrative Fees $693,792 HCV program operations Total Resources $9,860,964 April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 6 of 14 B.1 Significant Amendment/Modification – Not Applicable B.2 New Activities. – Not Applicable April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 7 of 14 B.3 Progress Report. Provide a description of the PHA’s progress in meeting its Mission and Goals described in its 5-Year PHA Plan. 1. Expand the supply of assisted housing. • Mainstream Special Purpose Vouchers. The CHA was awarded vouchers for non-elderly persons with disabilities: 28 vouchers (2020), nine vouchers (2021) and ten vouchers in (2022). • Portability Vouchers. In 2021, the CHA began administering 100% of port-in vouchers, which increased program participation by 60 households per month. • New Vouchers Issued: 7 HCV and 3 Mainstream in 2023 2. Improve Voucher management. • The CHA received a High-performance rating from HUD for fiscal year 2023 of the Section Eight Management Assistance Program (SEMAP) report. • The CHA converted to a new software program to meet the changing requirements of HUD regulations and/or directives. • The CHA expanded owner customer service by launching an owner portal, improving the access of information for CHA participating owners and property managers. 3. Increase assisted housing choice. • The CHA has maintained payment standards between 90% and 110% of the HUD published Fair Market Rents to ensure voucher holders are able to utilize the HCV program to locate adequate housing in Carlsbad. • The CHA’s Housing Navigator assists new voucher holders by providing services with housing navigation within the CHA jurisdiction. 4. Promote self-sufficiency and asset development of families and individuals. • The CHA voluntarily administers the Family Self-Sufficiency Program for participants who have ported into our jurisdiction. Since FY 2015, we have administered seven Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) participants, three of which graduated successfully with escrow accounts. 5. Ensure equal opportunity and affirmatively further fair housing. • The CHA enlisted the services of the Center for Social Advocacy (CSA) and the Legal Aid Society of San Diego to deliver Fair Housing counseling and seminars for housing staff, participants, and owners. Through cooperation with neighboring cities in North County, the San Diego Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing has provided direction to both individual cities and the wider region to actively pursue fair housing objectives. • Informational resources, accessible in English and Spanish, can be found in the lobby. These materials are also included in the introductory packets for new participants in the HCV program. B.4 Capital Improvements. – Not Applicable B.5 Most Recent Fiscal Year Audit. (a) Were there any findings in the most recent FY Audit? Y N N/A (b) If yes, please describe: C. Other Document and/or Certification Requirements. April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 8 of 14 C.1 Resident Advisory Board (RAB) Comments. To be completed after the Housing Commission meeting. Y N (a) Did the RAB(s) have comments to the PHA Plan? (b) If yes, comments must be submitted by the PHA as an attachment to the PHA Plan. PHAs must also include a narrative describing their analysis of the RAB recommendations and the decisions made on these recommendations. C.2 Certification by State or Local Officials. Form HUD 50077-SL, Certification by State or Local Officials of PHA Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan, must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan. Attached. C.3 Civil Rights Certification/ Certification Listing Policies and Programs that the PHA has Revised since Submission of its Last Annual Plan. Form HUD-50077-ST-HCV-HP, PHA Certifications of Compliance with PHA Plan, Civil Rights, and Related Laws and Regulations Including PHA Plan Elements that Have Changed, must be submitted by the PHA as an electronic attachment to the PHA Plan. Attached. C.4 Challenged Elements. If any element of the PHA Plan is challenged, a PHA must include such information as an attachment with a description of any challenges to Plan elements, the source of the challenge, and the PHA’s response to the public. Did the public challenge any elements of the Plan? To be completed after the public hearing. Y N If yes, include Challenged Elements. D. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). D.1 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). Provide a statement of the PHA’s strategies and actions to achieve fair housing goals outlined in an accepted Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) consistent with 24 CFR § 5.154(d)(5). Use the chart provided below. (PHAs should add as many goals as necessary to overcome fair housing issues and contributing factors.) Until such time as the PHA is required to submit an AFH, the PHA is not obligated to complete this chart. The PHA will fulfill, nevertheless, the requirements at 24 CFR § 903.7(o) enacted prior to August 17, 2015. See Instructions for further detail on completing this item. Fair Housing Goals: Goal. All Carlsbad housing opportunities (ownership and rental, market rate and assisted) are offered in conformance with open housing policies and free of discriminatory practices. Strategies and Actions. With assistance from the City’s fair housing provider, the City will continue to offer fair housing services to its residents and property owners. Services to be included: • Disseminating educational materials to landlords, property managers, and tenants; • Issuing public announcements through diverse media channels (e.g., social media, newspaper advertisements, and public service announcements on local radio and television); • Hosting workshops and training sessions in collaboration with various community groups; • Addressing and investigating discrimination complaints, including intake procedures and resolution efforts; Referring individuals to relevant services and agencies; • Conducting randomized fair testing at various locations to assess compliance and rectify any hindrances through the enforcement of fair housing laws; and • Sustaining collaborative efforts with the San Diego Regional Alliance for Fair Housing (SDRAFFH) to advance fair housing, education, and advocacy. The SDRAFFH is also responsible for overseeing the regional compilation of the Analysis of Impediments. The City partnered closely with the San Diego Regional Alliance for Fair Housing to conduct the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing for the fiscal years 2020-2025. This analysis identifies obstacles to fair housing practices in the city, particularly in areas marked by racial and economic disparities. The practices identified to mitigate these barriers encompass various initiatives, such as increased outreach in Spanish, enforcing housing safety codes, targeted efforts to inform about home financing opportunities, ensuring equal access to information, and organizing diversity awareness events and programs at various locations across the city. April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 9 of 14 Carlsbad Housing Agency PHA Annual Plan FY 2024-25 Christian Gutierrez, Housing Services Manager Housing & Homeless Services April 11, 2024 April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 10 of 14 TODAY’S PRESENTATION •Background/Overview •2024 PHA Annual plan April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 11 of 14 Carlsbad Housing Agency Rental Assistance program 5-Year and Annual Plan Provides a basic guide to: •Agency policies and rules •Operations, programs and services •Mission and strategies for serving low income needs of the community April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 12 of 14 2023 PHA Plan Highlights Section Eight Management Assistance Program(SEMAP) •High-performance rating from HUD for fiscal year 2023 Owner Portal •Owner portal launched Family Self Sufficiency Program •1 new Graduate in 2023 April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 13 of 14 PROPOSED ACTION Approve: •2024-25 Public Housing Agency Annual Plan April 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 14 of 14