1441 Montiel Road
Suite 115
Escondido, CA 92026
(760) 746-4955
(760) 746-9806 FAX
June 14, 2005
Mr. Bill Berman
8042 Paseo Avellano
Carlsbad, California 92009
Telephone: 858.350.8855
12155 Magnolia Avenue
Suite 6C
Riverside, CA 92503
(951) 352-6701
(951) 352-6705 FAX
1645 Pacific Avenue
Suite 107
Oxnard, CA 93033
(805) 486-6475
(805) 486-9016 FAX
Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations
Proposed Pool House and Swimming Pool
8042 Paseo Avellano
Carlsbad, California
Mr. Berman:
242 W. Larch
Suite F
Tracy, CA 95376
(209) 839-2890
(209) 839-2895 FAX
3628 Madison Avenue
Suite 22
N. Highlands, CA 95660
(916) 331-6030
(916) 331-6037 FAX
CTE Job No. 10-7786G
Via Facsimile: 858.350.9855
~ ....
At your request, Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. (CTE) has initiated the investigation
of the referenced site. Our investigation activities have included a review of previous reports for
this site area, geologic reconnaissance and the observation of existing excavations for
improvement at the subject site.
The Tertiary-aged Santiago Formation, which was observed underlying the site, was found to
consist mainly of dense, slightly moist, light brown, fine to medium-grained silty sands. This
competent native material is considered adequate for support of additional engineered fills and
the proposed construction.
Groundwater was not observed within the existing excavations on-site. Although groundwater
conditions will likely vary, especially during periods of sustained precipitation, it is not expected
to affect the proposed development provided proper site drainage is designed, constructed and
maintained. Any retaining walls shall be constructed with perforated pipe, gravel, and filter
fabric back drains.
Our preliminary geotechnical recommendations are presented below for your use in design of
this project. However, as stated, these recommendations should be-considered preliminary in
nature and may require modifications based on the conditions encountered during construction.
1.1 Foundations
Continuous and isolated spread footings are suitable for use at this site. We anticipate that all
building footings will be founded entirely in competent native materials identified as the
Santiago Formation as recommended herein.
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Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations
Proposed Pool House and Swimming Pool
8042 Paseo Avellano, Carlsbad, California
June 14, 2005
CTE Job No. 10-7786G
Foundation dimensions and reinforcement should be based on allowable bearing values of 2,000
pounds per square foot (psf) for footings embedded a minimum of 12 inches in competent native
materials. The allowable bearing value may be increased by one third for short duration loading
which includes the effects of wind or seismic forces.
Minimum footing reinforcement for continuous footings should consist of four No. 4 reinforcing
bars; two placed near the top and two placed near the bottom or as per the project structural
engineer. The structural engineer should design isolated footing reinforcement.
Based on the preliminary plans as well as the conditions observed at the site, the maximum total
static settlement is expected to be on the order of 1.0 inches and the maximum differential
settlement is expected to be on the order of 0.5 inches. Due to the very dense nature of
underlying materials at depth, dynamic settlement is not expected to adversely effect the
proposed improvements.
1.2 Foundation Setback
Footings for structures should be designed such that the horizontal distance from the face of
adjacent slopes to the outer edge of the footing is a minimum of 10 feet.
1.3 Lateral Load Resistance
The following recommendations may be used for shallow footings on the site. Foundations
placed in engineered fill materials may be designed using a coefficient of friction of 0.30 (total
frictional resistance equals the coefficient of friction times the dead load). A design passive
resistance value of 250 pounds per square foot per foot of depth (with a maximum value of 1250
pounds per square foot) may be used. The allowable lateral resistance can be taken as the sum of
the frictional resistance and the passive resistance, provided the passive resistance does not
exceed two-thirds of the total allowable resistance.
1.4 Concrete Slab-On-Grade
Lightly loaded concrete slabs should be a m1mmum of 4.5 inches thick. Minimum slab
reinforcement should consist of #3 reinforcing bars placed on 18-inch centers, each way, at mid-
slab height. In moisture sensitive floor areas, a vapor barrier of ten-mil visqueen (with all laps
sealed or taped) shall be installed. The visqueen layer may be placed upon or near mid-height of
a maximum four-inch layer of consolidated aggregate base (Sand Equivalent greater than 30).
Slabs subjected to heavier loads may require thicker slab sections and/or increased
1.5 Walls Below Grade
For the design of subterranean walls where the surface of the backfill is level, it may be assumed
that the soils will exert a lateral pressure equal to that developed by a fluid with a density of 3 8
pcf. The active pressure should be used for walls free to yield at the top at least 0.2 percent of
the wall height. For walls restrained so that such movement is not permitted, an equivalent fluid
pressure of 58 pcf should be used, based on at-rest soil conditions. The recommended equivalent
\\Cte_serverlprojects\10-7786G\Ltr_prelim Geo Recs.doc
Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations
Proposed Pool House and Swimming Pool
8042 Paseo Avellano, Carlsbad, California
June 14 2005
Page 3
CTE Job No. 10-7786G
fluid pressures should be increased by 30 pcf for walls retaining soils inclined at 2: 1 (horizontal:
vertical) or less. Walls below the water level are not anticipated for the subject site.
We recommend that all walls be backfilled with soil having an expansion index of 20 or less.
The backfill area should include the zone defined by a 1: 1 sloping plane, extended back from the
base of the wall. Some highly clayey onsite materials may not be suitable for backfill within a
1: 1 plane extended up from the base of the wall. Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to
at least 90 percent relative compaction, based on ASTM D1557-91. Backfill should not be
placed until walls have achieved adequate structural strength. Heavy compaction equipment,
which could cause distress to walls, should not be used.
In accordance with the 2001 California Building Code, Volume 2, Figure 16-2, the referenced
site is located within seismic zone 4 and has a seismic zone factor of Z=0.4. The nearest active
fault, the Rose Canyon Fault, is approximately 8.5 kilometers west of the site and is considered a
Type B seismic source. Based on the distance from the site to the Rose Canyon Fault, near
source factors ofNv=l.1 and Na=l.0 are appropriate. Based on the subsurface explorations, the
site has a soil profile type of So and seismic coefficients Cv=0.70 and Ca=0.44.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have any questions or
need further information please do not hesitate to contact this office.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan T. Math, GE #2665
Senior Engineer
~A:!-Stephen Hnat
Project Geologist
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