HomeMy WebLinkAbout1555 FARADAY AVE; ; AS0801409/12/23, 2:27 PM AS080140 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Job Address: 1555 FARADAY AV Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2121303000 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: AS080140. Status: ISSUED Applied 9/3/2008 Approved: 9/4/2008 Issued: 9/4/2008 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: PBS&J TI PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: PARAMOUNT FIRE SYSTEMS, INC P.O. BOX 713194 SANTEE,CA 619-562-6247 Owner: 'BLACKMORE SIGNAL HILL P 0 BOX 424 RANCHO SANTA FE CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 130 0 130 0 about:blank 1/1 tqca I Fire & Building I Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 I Fax: (800) 791-5500 Series TY-FRB - 2.8,42,5.6, and 8,0 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage AUGUST, 2007 General Description The Tyco® Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pen- dent Sprinklers described in this data sheet are quick response - standard coverage, decorative 3 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupancies such as banks, hotels, shopping malls, etc. Thu, recessed version of the Series TYFRB Pendent Sprinkler, where ap- plicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. It uses either a two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Es- cutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 314 inch (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position, or a two-piece Style 20(1/2 inch NPT) or Style 30(3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjust- ment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pen- dent position. The adjustment pro- vided by the Recessed Escutcheon re- duces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be ob- IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP 700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fall to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 10 k V. Model/Sprinkler Identification Numbers TYII3I - Upright 2.8K, 112"NPT TY1231 - Pendent 2.8K, 112"NPT TY2131 - Upright 4.2K, 112"NPT TY2231 - Pendent 4.2K, 112"NPT 1V3131 - Upright 5.6K, 1l2"NPT TY3231 - Pendent 5.6K, 112"NPT TY4131 - Upright 8.0K, 314"NPT TV4231 - Pendent 8.0K, 314"NPT TY4831- Upright 8.0K, 112"NPT TY4931- Pendent 8.0K, 112"NPT TFPI7I tamed when exposed to corrosive at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- tant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these coatings for any given corro- sive environment. The effects of ambi- ent temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An intermediate level versions of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinklers are detailed in Technical Data Sheet 1FP356, and Sprinkler Guards are de- tailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP780 WARNINGS The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers de- scribed herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these de- vices. The owner is responsible for maintain-I ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. FTDVWI FPO 8(P7#)22-2 n n * TUZM 21 ps3l crB1E TFBUDH OPNDBM SFDFTTFE TVSBDF NBLF..D FTDVIDI FPO T- 3.4(27# )667nn* -T XSFODI TTQ EF*DIPS + t 3.8#)84-1 n n * E,BI YOEFOU SFDFTTFE!cOEFOU Qbhf 3 pg2l UGQ282 FTDVWI FPO 827#)22-2 n n. TLIZW 21 ps3l QBI.F TFBUDH OPN.DBM SFDFTTFE TVS1DF NBLF.D FTDVUDtFPO )68-3 n n * 1 n I Cvupo 7 6 827# )222nn* 5 OPN.DBM NBLF.D 3 178. n tIk ,ji "ksFoI 167flfl 3.8#)84-1 n n * EB! 2c8#QQJi t OEFOU SFDFTTFE!OEFOU V.HI U i DSPTT TFDW'O TI bih 5. Cvm 7. Efgkkps + UInqfwd ijohjt joejdbtfe po efghdtpspsbelbdfouip 8t LI n cm 6. Dpn qttjpo 8 . Cvii joh pJ t bupo gbn fl Tdd x FIGURE 1 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TYII3I) AND PENEENT (TY1231) SPRINKLERS 2.8K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT TFQIEFGVFDtPS + 2.nf 4.Tfb,ph 5.Cvm 7.Efgftdips 3.Cvupo Bttfncai 6.Dpnqdttjpo Tdx + Tt1 8(27# )222inn* I OPN.DBM I 5 NBLF..D 3 i1 t )66-7nn •. ,, 2 2#Oi t vosiii ul DSPTTTFDUPO + tin qf dbtvsf 'ijoh jt joejdbif e p0 ef ghdips psbelbdf oulp pqdf tfbuponf/ FIGURE QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY2131) AND PENDENT (TY2231) SPRINKLERS 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT FTDVWI FPO Ut.F TFBUDH TV&BDF 8C27#)22-2 n n * 2B# OPN.DBM NBLF-. JD TUZM 21 ps3l SFDFTTFE FTDVWI FPO ITO EFGEDLPS + 3.4 )66 UGQ2 82 QOEFOU SFDFTTFEIFOEFOU 2.nf 4.Tfbiih 5.Cvm 7.Efgbdips 3.Cvupo 6ttfncm B.Dpnqttjpo Tdsf x Qbhf 4 pg2l TTV4- EFGWDLPS tII\ — S Ip!l W. a. vclsjjL2j. DSPTT TFDLLPO + UI n qf Ww ijoh it joeJdbd e po ef ghdtpspsbelbdf oulp pdt tfbuponf! FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES 7Y-FRB UPRIGHT (TY3131) AND PENDENT (TY3231) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT FTDVWI FPO 2(Z#)23.8 nn T12J.F 41 ps5l LF TFBUDH OPN.DBM SFDFTTFE NSBDF BLF.D FTDVWI FPO TTV+ OcAj EF0VFDIPS 74 3.6L )23n n* I N /11 I:: w OPNJDBM I : )68-3 n n 2(P7# 3.2b#XSFODI NBLF..O )4:.8nn GU TTQEFGFDLPS + - 3.8t9#)84-1 n Ea 4#0J OEFOU SFDFTTFE!OEFOU VQSJ-II U DSPTTTFDUPO QbnI 4. Tfbiph S. Cvm 7. Efgtidtps + L1nqfuitjohjt joejdbtfe PO efghdipspsbelbdloutp cvupo Bttf n cm 6. Dpn qttjpo pf It If bupo jbn fl Tdx FIGURE 4 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4131) AND PENDENT (TY4231) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 314 INCH NPT Qbhf 5 pg21 UGQ2 82 8127#)22-2 n * CPNJDBM NBLF.D EFFDLPS 7 6 5 3 4 3.2th# )683nn* (I XSFODI aur 2.nf 4.TfbIDh 3.Cvupo Bttfnca - -.. UQ+ 2 I EFGDLPS DSP IT I OEFOU VQSHI U TFDW'O I Cvo 7. Efgfidips + INn qfWu, jOhjt joejdbtfe p0 efghdtpspsbelbdfoutp I Tx DPI qttjpo pg&tfbuponf/ FIGURE 5 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4831) AND PENDENT (TY4931) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT Technical Data Bqqbrh VMboe D.VMMt Lf e/ GN -MC-boe OZD BqqfeI )Sfsp Lbcrh B boe C gsdpn qrhii bqqbnjosi bijpo jodmejoh dp. tWO sf tjtIboUtthwt/* Nbyjnvn X psi johttvsf SfspLbcrhD/ Ejtdi bif Dpfdjfou L >3/9 HJG1tj2(B )51-4 MNObs2* L > 5/3 HQNQ1tj2(B )71-6 M)NQbs2* L >6/7 HQNG1tj2tB )91-7 MNbbs2B* L > 9/1 HON Gtj2(B )226-3 FvQN Qbs* Ufnqfu,sf Sbqoht Sfsip Ubcrti B boe C qojti ft TqoI ft Sfstp Lbcrh B boe Cl SfdfttfeFtdvuiifpo;Xijil Dpbife- Dinf Qbtfe-psCtt Qbife/ Q ztjdbrdDi bdLI 4t qdt cinf///l//I///l/ICo{f Cvupol!l/I//// CthttGpqqfs TfbijhBttfncm / / I / / I / / / I I//Il Cfnpn Ojdlfnxaifgpoa Cvio/I II / / liii / / / / / Hrbtt qsf / I / / / C,o{f Efghdips / I / I / / /DpqqfEo(f CvtiJoh)L>319* / / / / / / / Co(f Operation UI f hrbt t Gym dpotbjot b gtje xi jdi fyqboetxifofyqptfetpifbciXifo df ebtf eLfnqf±uldjt sf bdife- üf gjefyqboet tvdjfotmtpti bufsii f h,btt Gym- bnpxjoh ii f tqol rhs tp bdLjbtf boe xbLf sip gpx/ Design Criteria IJf Tfft UZ.CQIoefou boe Vq. hi u Tqol Met bsf joLt oef e gs jsf qtfdLjpo tzti.fn t eftjhofe jo bd. dpmbodf xjii ii ft tboebw jot thnthjpo &iifit sf dphoj{fe cz U f bqqijIbcrfi 4t tjoh PS BqqWnthf odz )f /h/- VM 1tIiohjt cbtfepoUf af rvjnfoU pg OGQB 24- boe GI Bqqbrjt cbt f e visf foijpoEbtbTifftt */pomuf TLEI1i 21-31-41-ps51 SfdfttfeFtdvidi. fpo- bt bqqi1bcm-jt Lp cf vtfe gm sf dfttfeqfoefoujotthnbijpotI 4- Qbhf 6 pg2l UGQ2 82 T(.DL MS GDJFI )Tf t Optf 8- L 1ZcF LJFNQf CVPC MRV.E OBIWSBM CSBTT ' DI SPNF I I cvB1FE X I J.F+++ cPfvFTtFS jg 21B# GFOEFOU )I22342* boe V.HI U )UZ2242 24WM&M Pohf 2-3-4-6 266379 Sf e 286:D Zf ix 3114 5sf 397520 Qf oQu 2468D Pohf 2-3-6 SFDFTTFE QOEFOU )U2342*+ qhvsf 7 2669 Sf e 286!M: D Zf 'E 311 90D 4Z Hsf a SFDFTTFE OEFOU )t22342+ Qhvsf 8 24613F8 Pdohf 2663Y9 Sf e 286GB: Zf npx 311 SW 4sD Hf 0 513 2m# OCU tOEFOU )UZ3342* boe VJ1IU )UZ3242 2469U81 Pohf 2-3 266V9 Sf e 286-,GB: ZfiIx 311 sGD 4 Hsf 39752 cmf 2468D Pthohf SFDFTTFE cFOEFOU )I23342*+ (Ihvsf 266Y9 Sf e. 286S3B: 3 Zf Ix 31193a 4M Hfo 2468D Pthohf SFDFTTFE GFOEFOU )UZ33424+ qhv: 266!W9z Sf e 286M: Zf 3114 Hfo OP LET; 2I141l1e cz Voefcif st Mcptpf t- .bd/ )VW bt Rvjdl Sftqpotf TqoI ifi/ 3/Mt tie cz Voef c if Ivbcptpf t - .bW (psvtf jo Dbobeb )D.vrt? bt Rvjdl Sf. tqpotf Tqqoliflth 4/ Bqqwt e cz Cbdtpsz Nvwbn6f t f bi DpapJpo )G1* bt Rvjdl Sf t qpot f Tqo. I dI 6/8qqqt4e cz ti Djiz pgOfx Zpd voefsNFB 465.12.F/ 8/Xif' Opmftu1sDpbufeTqoIIM bsf opufetpcf VMboeD.VMr4ttfe-iif tqo. I ft bg VMboe D.VMMt tie bt Dptjpo Sf tjt IbouTqoI ifiS I + .btWidie xiii Ttzifi 21 )2(B#OQU* psTwh 51 )4(5#OQIJ4(#LtbnBeMtnfou SfdtttfeFtdvwifpo-bt bqq4udbcifi/ ++.bt ubnbe xiii Ttzih 31 )2(8#OQU psTl.zlti 41 )4#OQJ' 2(B#t.MbneM In f ou SfdfttfeFtdvuilfpo- bt bqqjibcifl/ 44+n f boe Ef ghdtps potz' Mt ujoht boe bqqbih bqqm up ips)Tqf 4bnPfSI OIB; OpuBW,jitc.h TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 2.8 AND 4.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS Qbhf 7 pg21 UGQ2 82 TcDLtvFS GDJFI )Tff OpuS 9 LZcF 1FN01 CVPIC MRV.E OBLWSBM CSBTr I DI SPNF I OMLJF.E xi .1F'+ IcPFFTL.FS FBE DPBLFE QOEFOU )1Z4342 boa VJ1I U )I.Z4242 2468 Pthohf 2-3-45-6-7-8 CM 2-3-4-6 2669) Sf e 286: Zf ix 3114~ Hsf 397~R52 2B# OQU 2468 Pohf 2-3-5-6 Hsf fo O SFDFTTFE Q:OEFOU )UZ4342+ (Ihv 21 2669) Sf e 286: Zf iuc 3l I 9M 4M • • 2469MID Pthohf 2-3-45-6 Hsf fo O(B SFDFTTFE (JOEFOU )t24342*4+ qhvsf 22 26&9) Sf e 286,G8: iD Zf ILX 3114D 9/1 OEFOU )UZ5342* boe V.HI U )I25242* 246Gu8D Pohf 2-3-4-5-6-7-8 2-3-6 26679 Ste 286: D Zf IlIX 31140 Hfo 39752 41b# oj 246!M80 Hfo 2-3-5-6 O(B Zfux SFDFTTFE QOEFOU )I25342*+ qhvsr 23 2669) Pohf 286933-.!D Sf e 31110 4D 2468D Pthohf 2-3-4-5-6 O(B Hsf fo SFDFTTFE QOEFOU )UZ5342*+f qhvsf 24 266Y9) Ste 286--GM: Zf uux 311 ~00 4--D 911 2(B# i cFOEFoU )IIZ5: 42* boe VJ1I U )(25942* 246:sMsD Pthohf 2-3-5-6-7 2-3-6 2MW9M Sf e 286: SO Zf npx 31 UM 4sD Hdfo 39752 GM OPLFT; eczVoefsctf st Mcpdxpft-bd/ )VU bt Rvjdt Sftqpotf rfist 3! f41 uS e cz Voef ec tf Mcpthtpf I - .bdl g,svtf jo Dbobeb )D.VM bt Rvjdi St t qpotf Tqoi if& 4/BqqWdeczGbdtpszNvLybnSftfbsdi Dpapthujpo )(]'1 bt Rvjdl Sf1 qpot f Tqoi if! 5/BqqMe cz ti Itt QvJoujpo Dfajgdbtjpo Cpbm )PvTCSfqOp/ 1181015* bt Rvjdl Sftqpotf Tq9oI ifici pxff&d f MVCepft opudtf uif pgEf 61BqqwIeczuif DjuzpgOfx Zpd voefsNFB465.12.F/ 7! MT Bqqwi e )Ops ef Wjth dpoibdutkdp ( Cvjiujoh (evdtt - Fotdi f ef - Of ii f stioet - Lii iM2.64.539.5555(Ey 42.64.539.4488*! 81Bqqte cz ti f 1tt Qsf Df ejdbijpo Cpb )M4CSf I OpI 1: 5bibt Rvjdl Sftqpotf TqoI ,h! 9/Xi f sf OpMttfsDpbtfe boe Ivfbe Dpbtfe Tqoi ft bsf optfe up Cf Moe D.VMMtu.fe-ui f t qgol ft bsf M o e D . V M f i j t u f e b ( Dptjpo St lit tbouTqoI rhst X if sf M be Dpbd e TqoI ,hd M opuS e tp cf GN Bqq4 e- U f t qoI dd bsf G'1 Bqqt e bt b Dptjpo St lit tbouTqoi iti I + .bt tbnbe xjti Tuzifi 21 )2(B#OQIf psTuzrh 51 )4(b#O If 4(#LtbnBeIvt ui fouSf dl 1 t f e Ft dvtdl fpo- bt bqq)ibcf u I s+.bt ibehe xju Tizifi 31 )2(B#OCLJ* psluzrfu 41 )4(5#OCf 2(E#Ltbn8eIut tnt ouSf dl I If e Ft dvtdi f po- bt bqqbcthI I boe Efghdu.pspotnf I4tujoht boe bqqbiti bqqm up s)TqfbnPM! OR, OpuBbjubcrh TABLE B LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 5.6 AND 8.0 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS U6Q282 Qbhf 8 p921 TD1MSGDJrI -- I LJZCF 013WSBM,l DI SPNF I XI iF fvFBE CSBTT avulfE I CPWFTLIFS DPBI.FE cF0EF0U)I24342* boe 3/9 VH I U )I24242 286 QrJ)23-2 CBS 28# SFDFTTFEOEFOU ocu )(JZ434* EOEFOU )UZ5342* boe 5/3 VJlI U)IZ5242 286 arJ)232CBS* SFDFTTFE CFOEFOU OQi )I.Z5342 (OEFOU )I24342* boe 361 QTJ)28-3 CBS* 286 QTJ)23-2 CBS* 6/7 VCJ-lI U)UZ4242 PS 2B# 286 QTJ)23-2 CBS* SFDFTTFE GFOEFOU OJ )UZ4342 )TFF OPIF 2* Ow QOEFOU )(25342* boe 286 arj)23-2 CBS* 286 arJ)23-2 CBS* 9/1 VGJ-II U)L1Z5242* SFDFTTFEOEFOU Oj )UZ5342 Ow 9/1 OEFOU )U15: 42* 2B# boe 286 QrJ)23-2 CBS* 286 QTJ)23-2 8S* OGLU VG.HI U)I25942* OP LET; 2/Uf nbyjnvn x pd joh qsf t t vd p9361 qtj)28-3cb pow bqqIt iptif Lit johczVoefsctf at McpIpft bd/)VM<uf Mt Ooh cz Voef sc qd it Ibcptpf t - .bd/ gsvt f jo Dbobeb )D.VM<boe - u f Bqqipvbmz ii f DJtz pgOf x Zp! TABLE C, MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE Installation U Tfft LIZ. GSC TqoIrM nvtu of jot thnfejobddpbodf xjd d gm ipx joh jot twdgpot; NOTES Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135*F/57*C to 3/32 inch (2,4 mm) for the 286°F/14 1 C temperature ratings. A leak tight 1/2 Inch NPTsprinklerjoint should be obtained with a torque of 7 to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torque may be used to install sprinklers with 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be ob- tamed witlra torque of 10 to 20 Albs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). A maximum of 30 ft.lbs. (40,7 Nm) of torque is to be used to install sprinklers with 3/4 NPT con- nections. Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet and cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to make-up for insuffi- cient adjustment in the escutcheon plate by under- or over-tightening the sprinkler. Readjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. U f Tfft LIZ. CQfoefouboeVq. hi u Tq4ol rfisk nvtucf jot tbrdejo bddp36bodf xjd O f gnpxjoh jot twd. ijpot! lilq 2/ Qf oef out qotrfi bit tp cf jot thiihe jo ii f qfoefouqptjijpo- boe vqhi Ut qoI rhit bit tp cf jot thrde Jo d f vqhi uqptjtJpo/ TLfq 3! Xji ajqf U it be tfbthoubq. qrjfetpUf ujqf u sf bet - iboetjhitfo Of tqoI rfisjoip ti f tqoI i1isujohi TlIq4/t.hiLfouf tqoIrhsjoipUf tqoI rhsgujoh vtjoh pom tif X .Uzqf 7 TqoI rhs X sf 0th )Sf q qhv 25*! XjU sf d sf odf (Jhvsf 2-3-4-5- boe6-uf X Uzqf 7TqoIrfisX sf odi jt tpcf bqqijetpLif tqoIrhsx it odi 9th!! U Tfft UZ.GsCSfdfttfeQfo. efouTqoIrñst nvtucf jotthnhejo bddp36bodf xju Of gtipx joh jot twd. tjpot I lilq B! Bgfs jot tbih ii f Ttzrf 21! 31-41-ps5l NpvoqohQbif-bt bqqi dbcrfi- pWsüf tqoIifisd sf bet boe xju cijqf u ef betfbrboubqqijieipUf qjqf U sf bet - I boe ON iio u f t qo. I rhsjoip Ii f tqoI rhsujohI TLfq Cl Ihi tfo ii f tqoI rfisjoip ii f tqoI rhsgujoh vtjoh porziu f X .Uzqf 8 Sfdfttfe TqoIrhsX sf odi )Sf Qhv 26*! X JU ef I sf odf Lp Qhv 2- 3-4- boe 5-Uf X.hizqf 8Sfdfttfe Qbhf 9 p921 - 3.8JJ*E.BI 6(B2th# )84-1 fh 4(5#)2:.2nn* / j_. I -:1 T.CLIf S QF )26-:~7-5nn 3.2#E.Bi I 2#)7-5nn NPVOLWH I GiJ.IDH -Sri 2# NPVOI.WH TVSDF DIPTVSF TFS.FT 2.627#)444 - 2470)31-7 n * FIGURE 6 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 3.8I5ftE.BI j )841nn 4(5#)2:-2nn )26-:7.5nn 3.2#E.S/ I 2t5#)7-5nn1 BDFPG )68-3nn 71- NPVOUDH I TQS.CLMS cu I GLLACH 2W# L ••, 1 I NPVOUXH TVSBDF DPDTVSF TFS.FT 2.2#)42-9 fin I LZC 4tb#)2:-2nn' FIGURE 8 SERIES TY-IRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT UG028 2 3.815#E.B! 2(B2# I >844 nn 2I#)23-8 nn I )23.844 n n1 3.2#E.BI ...-.-I I 2#)7-5 nn1 BDF PG I NPVOUCH I I T.DLIFS / j...._— i' tGWCM 2# T \ TVSDF DTVSF TFS.FT 2.67# n 1.GSC 2.27#)38-1 nn FIGURE 7 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT - 3.8W#E.BI )84-1 nn 2tha2 I 2(B#)23-8 nfl I )23-84.3 3.2(S#EB! I 2(5#)7-5 fin • I IGBDFPG )68-3nn I NPVCUDH I I TQS.CLPES ' atc I IGWH 2S#1 i \ )44 NPVOUJDH TVS(BDF TFSFT 2.2#)42-e n * I DPPNSF UZ.GBC • 20)36-5nn FIGURE 9 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT Tqlolrhs Xsf odi jt tp cf bqqr$ e ip iif.tqoIrfsxodi gbu/ Ttfq DI Bgfsi f dfJh I bt cf to Jo. tthntepsdf doiti dpbuibt cffobq. q4Ie-t0f podf Ttzrh21-31- 41-ps 51 Drpt vsf pWsdf Tfft UZ.cC TqoI ifis boe qvt i Ii f Dipt vsf pvfs U f Npvoqoh QIbLf votjmjU gbohf dpn ft Jo dpotbduxjii ii f dfjhl Care and Maintenance IJt.Tfft IJZ.GSC Tq4ol rhst nvtu pf n bjotbjof e boe t f df e Jo bddp. bodf xjui ii f pxjoh Jot Lwdijpot; NOTES Be'ore closing a fire protection system maincOntrol valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, permission to shutdown the affected fire protection system must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be notified. The owner must assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging of any objects; otherwise, non-operation in the event of a fire orinadvertent opera- tion may result. Absence of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, may delay the time to sprinkler operation in a fire situation. TqoI rM U bub gwoe 'p cf rfibl joh psf yi jcjtjoh vtJcrh tjhot pgdptJpo nvtucf sf qrbdf e/ Bvtpn bqd t qoI rfut n Vt U of ids cf qbjoif e- qrWe- dpbife ps pd fscJtf bif sf e bgf srhbvjoh U f dtped Npej. gf e t qoI rfist ri Vt u cf sf qrbdf e/ Tq4ol ft u bui bW cffofyqptfeLp dptjvI qevdU pgdpn cvt qpo- cvu i bvf opupqfthLfe-ti pviucf af qitidfe jg U f z dboopu Cf dpn qifuf m difibof e cz xjcijoh u f tqoI rfisxju b dipLi PS czcs.,tijohjuxju btpgictuflc91tiI Dbsf nvtucf fyfsijtfetpbvpjeebn. bhf tp U f tqoI rfi . cfg,-evqoh- boe bgf sjot Lbnthjpo/ TqoI rfut ebn. bhf e cz eqcijoh- t iql Joh- x sf odi ucjti.Qijqbhf - psUf ijlf-nvtucf sf . qrbdf el Brtip- sf qthdf boz t qoI ths u bui bt b dthdl f e cvm psu bui bt ipt u ,p vje gpn jd cvm/ )Sf q bt tbntujpo Tfdljpo*/ Gif rvfoutvbnotqfdIjpot bsf sf d. pn n foefeipcf jojjb,iqfm fegs dptjpo dtjttboudpbtfe tqoIif- bgf s lit jot tbi*njpo I bt cf f o dpn. 3.8e#E.B! )WI nn 2#)23.8nn* 3.25#E.8I )68-3 0 0 :1 2#)7-5 nfl' NPVOUDH' 2l2tB# )23-8?4-3 nn BDF!PG Tc.OUFS GUH UGQ282 3.8W#EBI 6(92:2(S# )84_1nn* 4S#)2: -2 n * - )26-:~7-5nn 325#E.BI 2E#)75nfl*I T.DLIS I BDFIPG NPVOUDH H CH 2#j IL NP VOUCH TVS(BDF TFS.FT 2.2S#)42-9 nn DMTVSF LJZGSC 4(6#)2:-2 n * FIGURE 10 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT Qbhf p921 - 3.8e#E.3! )84-1 nfl * 2l2W# 2l#)23.8 nn r )23.84-3 3.2W#ESI 2L#)7.5 * i I TQS.DLIFS cdj I DFIPG r68-3 -1 NPVOUDH IGUAcH 2# 7 t \ NP VOUCH TVSDF 2.2#29nn DIPTVSF L1.0 2#)36-50n' FIGURE 11 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT -3 .&SUE.B/ i )84-1 n * I 4(E#)2: -2 nn )26-:27-5nn 3.20#E.BI I 215#)7-5flnj )68-3 NPVOUDH BDF PG TLWS 7JIj_—aF GLUM I 2E9# I NPVOLMOH TVSDF DWTVSF TFST 2.627#)444 on (2.0 247#)31-7 n * FIGURE 12 SERIES TV-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT t \ - NP VOUCH TVSOF DM'TVSF TFSJ'T 2.6127#)44-4 0 0' (ZC 2.2(279)38-1 -n 0 * FIGURE 13 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT qrh Lp if dps tjpo sf tjttboudpbtjoh/ Uifdbgfs. boovbmjotqfdijpot qfs OGQB 36 tipvrutvdf<i pxf vkf s. jot Ubepgjo. t qf dijoh gpn ii f gppsrfwf mb oepn tbnqt)uh pgdtptf.vq vitvbmjotqfd. Ijpot t i pvm cf n bef - t p bt tp cf UI S efdsijof ti fybdutqoIthsdpoej. qpo boe üf tpohtfai joiIhizpgiif dpt jpo sf t it thou dpbqoh- bt jun bz cf bgJ dde cz ii f dpt jI dpoejtjpot qd t f ol Uf pxofsjt sftqpotjcrh gs tif Jo. tqfdijpo- lit ijoh- boe n bjotf obodf pg tifjs gd qxfdijpo tztifn boe ef. jdft Jo dpn qijbodf xjU ii it epdv. n f ou bt x f iubt x jü ii f bqq,jdbcrfi t tboebt pgu f Obtjpobn1d (7xf d. ujpo Bt t pdjbijpo )f Ihi- O1 36* Jo beejtjpo ip ü f t tboebt pgboz pd f s .bvu pqqft iboh Iv$eJripoI UI f Jo. t tbnh dpoi,dtps PS t qoI ths n boy. XSFODI SFDFTT )FOE OB#VTFE PS 2B#OQUNPEFPaT' XSFODI SFDFTT )FOE c#VTFE (PS 4#O1i NPEFFVT' FIGURE 14 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH dwdsti pvn3 cf dpotbdLfe dthijAt ip boz rvftijpotl bjt ddpn n foefe ii bu bvpn btjd tqoIffis tztijnt cf jot qfthf a-d tile- boe n bjotbjofe cz b rvb,jfe XSFODI SFDFTT WTI XSFODI DRPIFOTVSF FOHBHFNFOIJ XJJ TJXMS XSFODI .OHBSFB FIGURE 15 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH bt qf dqpo Tf &ydf Jo bddpbodf xjti rpdbmd r vjd n f oit boeQs obtjpobm dpef t I Qbhf 21 p921 UGQ2 82 QOD68ô YYYÔ Y YYY NPEFMLD 441 3/9L V.HI U )2(BJk (22242 442 319L OEFOU)2CL 122342 451 513L VJ-II U)2WQ.f (.23242 452 1 513L CF0EF(X)2(3#0QJ 123342 481 617L VQS.HI U)2(B)CL (24242 482 &7L (OEFOU )2BX4J' 124342 4:1 gilL VCEJ-tI U )4(EW? LIZ5242 4:2 9/1L CFOEFOU )4(S#3C1J' 125342 471 9/IL VCHI U)20W0CU (25942+ 472 9/1L OEFOU )2BDQJ (25:42+ I I 266 286 311 397 SBUDH L 246 T.DLMS 2 OBWSBMCSBTT 2669 5 XI .LF CP PVZFTLFS 288: 4 XIJ.F)SBM12I*+ 311930 DI SPNF ct8(.FE 39752 8 MBEDPBIFE +FbtdI fnjtqif ef tbtfit pord TABLED PART NUMBER SELECTION SERIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS Limited Warranty Qspevdd n bovdwsi e cz (Jzdp qsf Cvjiujoh QevdU )UGCQ* bsf x ba otf e t pifm tp U f phjobnCvzf s gs Lfo)21*zfbsi bhbjotuef Ef diljonbd. bnboe xpnbotijq x i f o qbje gs boe qqf sa jot Lblthe boe n bjoLbJof e voef s opm bmvt f boe t f sydf / U it x bout xj,mf yqjsi (10 )21* zf bst n ebi.f pgtijqnfoucz UQ/ Op xbotzjt hjvifo g,sqevdd ps dpn . qpof oil n bovdwsi e cz dpn qbojf t opubw4blfe cz pxof st ijq xJU UQ psgsq3evd1t boe dpn qpof oil x i Jdi I bvf cffotvclfdutpnjtvtf-Jn qqfs jot thi*iijpo- dptjpo- PS x i jdi i bvi opucff 0 jotibiThe- n bjoibjof e- n pej. gfe qbjef bddpbodf xJU bq. qjiilbcrh Ttboebt pgU f Objpobn1si Qspildtjpo BttpdJbLjpo- boeQ,s ii f ttboebt pg boz pUfsBvtipijft I bvioh Kvt ejdijpo/ N buff qbrh gvoe czUGCQipcf ef Sf dI$ ti binzf fjU f sf qbjsie ps sf qthdf e- buUQit tprh pqjpo/ IJGCQ ofjui f bttvn ft - ops bvUp(ft boz qf st potpbttvnf gsji boz pd f sper$ibijpo Jo dpoof dLjpo x jU U f t bifi pgqevdd ps qbl pgqe. vdttlUQti bniupucf ef tqpotjciflgs tqoIrhstzttfn eftjhofsi psjobd. dvthtf psjodpn qrtuu.f jogsl bijpo t vq. q,jfe cz Cvzfs PS Cvzf sit sfqsf. t f othijf t I b op f vi out i brntJQ CI ijbcrh- Jo dpotda Lpw t idu ijbcjijz PS voef S boz pd f s vhhbnti f p- gS Jodjef oLbm joejsf di.t qf djbrpsdpot f r vf otjbrEbn. bhf t -Jodmejoh cvuopurjii Jul e tp rbcps dibift - sihbifitt pgxifufsUcIQ xbt josi f bcpvuu f qpttjcjrjtz pg tvdi ebnbhft - boejoopfoutibim UGCQTt rjbcjijii f ydf f e bo bn pvou frvbrnpuif tbrht qdfI (if gisf nbef joijfv pgboz bag brnçrnfsxboiJft - fy. gdtt psjngijfe-jodmejoh xbouift pi fsii botbcjboewftt gsbgbs ijdvtisgvpt fi Ujtupujtfexboiztfdai Uffy. dmtjf dnfez gsdthjnt cbtfe PO g)jmEt pgpsef 4 dujo qevdtt - n bul 4. brtupsdpnqpofod-xiftifsUf dibjn it n bef Jo dpotdu& ips&t tqduijbcjjw ps boz PU fsrfihbrri fp/ UIJt xboizxjmbqqiipUf gnnfy. i.fouqf&jufeczibx/U f jovijiz-Jo x i pifi ps qbaf pg boz qpajpo pg ü it xboixjmopubdud f dn bjoef sf Ordering Procedure X if 0 qibdjoh bo pf s- joejdbui U f gimqevduobnf/ Sf Ef stp d 04df tug,s dpn qrfuf rjtqoh pgaiOvn. cf / Dpoubduzpvs,pdbnejt tcvpsqsbvibjm bcj4/ TqoI rfisBttfn cujft xJii OQIJ U sf be Dpoofdijpot; Tqf dJ; )Tqf dj N pef 1&D* Rvjdl Sftqpotf - )tqfdJ L.dcp-)tqfdj Lf n qf sbLYsf sbtjoht-Tfft UZ.0 )t qf dJ Of oef oupsVqhi (1TqoI ths xJd )tqfdjgtLzqf pggojt i psdpbujoh* aD)tqfdjn UbcrhE*/ Sfdfttfe Ftdvuii fpo; Tqfdj; Tuzrfi )2131_41ps51*Sf. df tt f e Ft dvuili f pa xju )t qf do. it I - aD )t qf.dji1V +Sfsip ltdi ojdbnEbtbTi If uUX81/ TqoIrhsXsiodi; Tqfdj; X .Uzqf 7 TqoI ufisX dodi - QM TqfdJ: X .Uzqf 8 TqoI rfisX siodi ao 67.961.5.112/ (2DP QBF • CVJgE.DH QSPEVDUT- 562 Opal Dboopo B ovf - Mot ebifi- ( ootziWoJb 2:557