HomeMy WebLinkAbout7315 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD; ; FPC2019-0133PERMIT REPORT çity of Carlsbad Print Date: 11/09/2023 Permit No: FPC2019-0133 Job Address: 7315 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD, CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Status: Closed - Finaleci Permit Type: FIRE-Construction Commercial Work Class: Parcel #: 2165900100 Track #: Valuation: $5,153,303.20 Lot #: Occupancy Group: Project #: #Of Dwelling Units: Plan U: Bedrooms: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check #: Plan Check U: Fire Alarm Applied: 06/11/2019 Issued: 09/04/2019 DEV02092 Finaled Close Out: 06/23/2020 Final Inspection: INSPECTOR: Salcedo, Felix Project Title: OMNI LA COSTA BALLROOM Description:' OMNI HOTEL - REVISED PLANS FOR FIRE ALARM FOR BALLROOM EXPANSION Applicant: FPContractor: TRL SYSTEMS INC TRL SYSTEMS ANTHONY TORRES 9155 BROWN DEER RD, U STE 7 9155 BROWN DEER RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-2260 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-2260 (619) 857-8122 (619)681-4011 FEE AMOUNT FIRE Plan Review Per Hour - Office Hours $136.00 FIRE Reinspection (per inspection) $193.00 FIRE Reinspection (per inspection) $193.00 FIRE Reinspection (per inspection) $193.00 FIRE TI Fire Alarm System $620.00 Total Fees: $1,335.00 Total Payments To Date: $1,335.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Fire Department - Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 1 442-339-2665 I Inspections: 442-339-2660 1 www.carlsbadca.gov TRL Systems When Reliability Counts June 27, 2019 To: DENNIS GRUBB ASSOCIATES 6560 Van Buren Blvd, Ste B Riverside, CA. 92503 (619) 857-8122 Facility: 7315 Estrella De Mar Rd, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Fire Department Revision #1 comment response Sheet No. Comment No. Comment Response Provide the required document The required document cabinet have cabinet as specified by 2016 (NFPA been added to the drawings, shown on 72, 7.7.2). The floor plan shall FA-1, FA-2 and FA-5. Reference the AND 1 specify the required labeling as System Document Box data page on the FA-5 specified by 2016 (NFPA 72, 7.7.2) spec book for the verbiage, font size, and including verbiage, font size, and color. color. The plan shall specify that a The LED location relative to the duct FA-5 2 remote L.E.D. shall be provided in detector is shown on the Typical Device the ceiling at the duct detector Mounting Details shown on FA-5 location/s. 2016 (NFPA 72, 17.4.7) The scope of work specifies new The scope of work specifies adding power FA-1 3 FACP while the symbol shows as supply and amplifier to the existing FACP, existing; Please clarify, shown on FA-1 Sincerely, Paul Bawiltung System Designer I FPC20I9-0133 7315 ESTRELLA DE MAR RD OMNI HOTEL - FIRE ALARM FOR BALLROOM EXPANSION DEV02092 2165900100 8/12/2019 FPC20I9-0133 9531 Milliken Ave • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 • (909) 390-8392 S Fax (909) 390-8397 S Lic. No. 413747 E-mail: info@trlsysfems.com 0 www.trlsystems.com Sys tems When Reliability Counts June 27, 2019 To: DENNIS GRUBB ASSOCIATES 6560 Van Buren Blvd, Ste B Riverside, CA. 92503 (619) 857-8122 Facility: 7315 Estrella De Mar Rd, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Fire Department Revision #1 comment response Sheet No. Comment Comment Response No. Provide the required document The required document cabinet have cabinet as specified by 2016 (NFPA been added to the drawings, shown on 72, 7.7.2). The floor plan shall FA-1, FA-2 and FA-5. Reference the AND 1 specify the required labeling as System Document Box data page on the FA-5 specified by 2016 (NFPA 72, 7.7.2) spec book for the verbiage, font size, and including verbiage, font size, and color. color. The plan shall specify that a The LED location relative to the duct FA-5 2 remote L.E.D. shall be provided in detector is shown on the Typical Device the ceiling at the duct detector Mounting Details shown on FA-5 location/s. 2016 (NFPA 72, 17.4.7) The scope of work specifies new The scope of work specifies adding power FA-1 3 FACP while the symbol shows as supply and amplifier to the existing FACP, existing; Please clarify, shown on FA-1 Sincerely, Paul Bawiltung System Designer I 9531 Milliken Ave 0 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 0 (909) 390-8392 0 Fax (909) 390-8397 0 Lie. No. 413747 E-mail: info@trlsystems.com 0 www.trlsystems.com JrHL systems When Reliability Counts June 27, 2019 To: DENNIS GRUBB ASSOCIATES 6560 Van Buren Blvd, Ste B Riverside, CA. 92503 (619) 857-8122 Facility: 7315 Estrella De Mar Rd, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Re: Fire Department Revision #1 comment response Sheet No. Comment No. Comment Response Provide the required document The required document cabinet have cabinet as specified by 2016 (NFPA been added to the drawings, shown on 72, 7.7.2). The floor plan shall FA-1, FA-2 and FA-5. Reference the AND 1 specify the required labeling as System Document Box data page on the FA-5 specified by 2016 (NFPA 72, 7.7.2) spec book for the verbiage, font size, and including verbiage, font size, and color. color. The plan shall specify that a The LED location relative to the duct FA-5 2 remote L.E.D. shall be provided in detector is shown on the Typical Device the ceiling at the duct detector Mounting Details shown on FA-5 location/s. 2016 (NFPA 72, 17.4 .7) The scope of work specifies new The scope of work specifies adding power FA-1 3 FACP while the symbol shows as supply and amplifier to the existing FACP, existing; Please clarify, shown on FA-1 Sincerely, Paul Bawiltung System Designer I 9531 Milliken Ave • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 • (909) 390-8392 I' Fax (909) 390-8397 I' Lie. No. 413747 E-mail: info@trlsystems.com 0 www.trlsystems.com Dennis Grubb and Associates, LLC Assisting Cities Build Safe Communities PLAN CORRECTIONS (FIRE) DGA #: C9250 Carlsbad Permit #: FPC20I9-0133 Checked by: D. Grubb Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Applicant: Robert Tilley Phone#: 619-857-8122 Date of Review: 6/14/2019 Project Name: Omni Hotel Project Address: 7315 Estrella De Mar Rd The plans submitted for the project referenced above have been reviewed. The following information is needed to show compliance with the 2016 California Building and Fire Codes (CBC and CFC), and other codes as adopted and amended by state regulation and the City of Carlsbad. It will be necessary to reevaluate the project after the receipt of additional information as specified below. INSTRUCTIONS Resubmit three sets of the revised plans along with one set of the original plans. Provide a written response for each correction on this correction list. You may write directly on this list, or you may provide a separate "Response List" which addresses each correction item by item. Incorporate all corrections into the blue/black line drawings; cloud or can out all corrections. Return plans to Dennis Grubb & Associates, 6560 Van Buren Blvd, Ste B, Riverside, CA. 92503 CORRECTIONS ON THE PLANS THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE PROVIDED: Provide the required document cabinet as specified by 2016 NFPA 72, §7.7.2. The floor plan shall show the location of the document cabinet. The plan shall specify the required labeling as specified by 2016 NFPA 72, §7.7.2 including verbiage, font size, and color. The plan shall specify that a remote L.E.D. shall be provided in the ceiling at the duct detector location/s. 2016 NFPA 72, § 17.4.7 The scope of work specifies new FACP while the symbol shows as existing; please clarify. 6560 Van Buren Blvd, Ste B, Riverside, CA. 92503 (800)9757395* (951)772-0007 line Dennis Grubb and Associates, LLC Assisting Cities Build Safe Communities 84FS11 To: TRL Systems Date: 6/14/2019 9155 Brown Deer Rd, Ste. 7 DGA #: C9250 San Diego, CA 92121 Carlsbad PC #: FPC20I 9-0133 Project Address: 7315 Estrella De Mar Rd PLAN STATUS NOT APPROVED: The plans have been reviewed for compliance to applicable agency codes and standards. Corrections are required before the plans can be approved. See the attached correction letter. NOTE: Return plans to Dennis Grubb & Associates, 6560 Van Buren Blvd, Ste B, Riverside, CA. 92503 6560 Van Buren Blvd, Ste B, Riverside, CA. 92503 (800) 975.7395 * (951)772-0007 Standard Features Provides one no/nc contact (SIGA-CR/MCR) Form "C" dry relay contact can be used to control external ap- pliances such as door closers, fans, dampers etc. Allows group operation of sounder bases The SlGA-CRR/MCRR reverses the polarity of its 24 Vdc out- put, thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop. Plug-in (UIO) or standard 1-gang mount UIO versions allow quick installation where multiple modules are required. The 1-gang mount version is ideal for remote locations that require a single module. Automatic device mapping Signature modules transmit information to the loop controller regarding their circuit locations with respect to other Signature devices on the wire loop. Electronic addressing Programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con- troller, a PC, or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool; there are no switches or dials to set. Intelligent device with microprocessor All decisions are made at the module to allow lower com- munication speed with substantially improved control panel response time and less sensitivity .to line noise and loop wiring properties; twisted or shielded wire is not required. Ground fault detection by address Detects ground faults right down to the device level. m-__- * ___ MEA SIC EST Catalog ' Intelligent Input/Output 9LIfe T Safety & Communications ( Control Relay Modules SIGA-CR, SIGA-MCR, SIGA- CRR, SIGA-MCRR Overview The Control Relay Module and the Polarity Reversal Relay Module are part of the Signature Series system. They are intelligent analog addressable devices available in either plug-in (UIO) versions, or standard 1-gang mount versions. The SIGA-CR/MCR Control Relay Module provides a Form 'C" dry relay contact to control external appliances such as door clos- ers, fans, dampers etc. This device does not provide supervision of the state of the relay contact. Instead, the on-board micro- processor ensures that the relay is in the proper ON/OFF state. Upon command from the loop controller, the SIGA-CR/MCR relay activates the normally open or normally-closed contact. The SIGA-CRR/MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module provides a Form "C" dry relay contact to power and activate a series of SlGA-AB4G Audible Sounder Bases. Upon command from the Signature loop controller, the SIGA-CRR reverses the polarity of its 24 Vdc output, thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop. Standard-mount versions (SIGA-CR and SIGA-CRR) are installed to standard North American 1-gang electrical boxes, making them ideal for locations where only one module is re- quired. Separate I/O and data loop connections are made to each module. Plug-in UlO versions (SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR) are part of the UIO family of plug-in Signature Series modules. They func- tion identically to the standard mount versions, but take advantage of the modular flexibility and easy installation that characterizes all UIO modules. Two- and six-module UIO motherboards are available. All wiring connections are made to terminal blocks on the motherboard. UIO assemblies may be mounted in Edwards enclosures. Page lof6 DATA SHEET 85OO1O239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 Installation SIGA-CH and SIGA-CRR: modules mount to North American 21h inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting plates. The terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. Compatible electrical box SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR: mount the UIO motherboard inside a suitable Edwards enclosure with screws and wash- ers provided. Plug the module into any available position on the motherboard and secure the module to the motherboard with the captive screws. Wiring connections are made to the terminals on the motherboard (see wiring diagram). UIO motherboard terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm' to 0.75 mm2) wire size. UIO Motherboard 6-32 Self-tapping screws Module >screws #6 Flat washers cabinet or electrical enclosure Application The operation of Signature Series control relays is determined by their sub-type code or 'Personality Code." Personality Code 8: CONTROL RELAY (SIGA-CR/MCR) - Dry Contact Output. This setting configures the module to provide one Form "C" DRY RELAY CONTACT to control Door Closers, Fans, Dampers, etc. Contact rating is 2.0 amp @ 24 Vdc; 0.5 amp @ 120 Vac (or 220 Vac for non-UL applications). Personality Code 8 is assigned at the factory. No user configuration is re- quired. Personality Code 8: POLARITY REVERSAL RELAY MODULE (SIGA-CRRIMCRR). This setting configures the module to re- verse the polarity of its 24 Vdc output. Contact rating is 2.0 amp @ 24.Vdc (pilot duty). Personality Code 8 is assigned at the factory. No user configuration is required. Compatibility The Signature Series modules are compatible only with EST's Signature Loop Controller. Warnings & Cautions This module will not operate without electrical power. As fires fre- quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Testing & Maintenance The module's automatic self-diagnosis identifies when it is defec- tive and causes a trouble message. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each module and other per- tinent messages. Single modules may be turned off (deactivated) temporarily, from the control panel. Availability of maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper system operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority Hav- ing Jurisdiction (AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ ULC 536 standards. Electronic Addressing - The loop controller electronically ad- dresses each module, saving valuable time during system com- missioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its on- board memory The loop controller identifies each device on the loop and assigns a soft" address to each serial number. If desired, the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Page 2 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 TB2 . . . Red LED © ©l (Alarm/Active) 4 3 2 1 TB1 I T 111 f DATA IN > 1 DATAIN( - ) )r From Signature Controller or Previous Device FAI SIGA-CR Control Relay Typical Wiring Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1 .Omm2), #14 AWG (1 .50mm2) and #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire sizes. ( Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1.0mm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications. Normally- Normally- Open Common Closed Normally Open Common Normally Closed t. 1234 Data ln +1______ J1j U? + Data Out_ Green LED (Normal) Notes 4 Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. DATA OUT NFPA 72 requires that the SIGA-CR/SlGA-MCR be DATA OUT C-) J installed in the same room as the device it is control- To Next Device ling. This requirement may not apply in all markets. Check with your local AHJ for details. The SIGA-Ul06R and the SlGA-U102R do not come with TB 14. No connections required for MCR. Other modules may require connections. 4s The SIGA-Ul06 does not come with TB8 through TB13. Supervised and power-limited. If the source is nonpower-limited, maintain a space of 1/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use FPL, FPLP, FPLR, or an equivalent in accordance with the National Electrical Code. 7) Maximum #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire. Mm. #18 (0.75mm2). Green LED Normal) Red LED (Active) No connections required for MCR. Other modules may require connections. SIGA-MCR Control Relay Page 3 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001 -0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 Typical Wiring Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1.50mm2) and #12 AWG (2.50mm2) wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1 .omm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wing requirement specifications. AB4G AB4G AB4G Audible B Audible Base Audible Base Listed 24 VDC Nominal Power Supply Signature Controller Optional CR for disabling/disconnecting sounder base SIGA-MCRR SlGA-CRR Schematic SIGA-MCRR Schematic Power In Power Out Polarity reverses - + when activated. I.- 0 Audible Bases I + seal 000 6254A-003 EOL Relay required for supevislan Notes Refer to the Signature controller installation sheet for wiring. One Pair of Wires (24 Vdc power). One Pair of Wires (Signature Data). Single Wire (24 Vdc power). The SIGA-UI06R and the SIGA-ul02R do not come with TB14. The slGA-ul06 does not come with TB8 through TB13. Supervised and power-limited. 8 If the source is nonpower-limited, maintain a space of 1/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use FPL, FPLP, FPLR, or an equivalent in accordance with the National Electrical Code. 9 Maximum #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire; Minimum #18 AWG (0.75mm2). 10 End-of-Une Relay must monitor and report power supply trouble to control panel. 11 class B Data wiring may be "T-tapped." Signature - Data Data Out Circuit For normal operation For General Fire Alarm Operation ULJULC Listed 24 Vdc power - I supply or 1234 12 II II Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) 0c0nti required for McRR. Other modules may require connections. A\IL Optional MCRR or MCR far disabling/disconnecting No connections required for MCRR. Other an audible base, I modules may require connections. Data Out + Signature 34: Data Circuit Data In - Green LED INermat Red LED lActivel MCRR UIOIRI series motherboard I No connections required for T814 I MCRR. Other modules may I require connections. Page 4 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001 -0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 Specifications Catalog Number SIGA-CR SIGA-MCR SIGA-CRR SlGA-MCRR Description Control Relay Polarity Reversal Relay Type Code Personality Code 8 (Factory Set) Personality Code 8 (Factory Set) Address Requirements Uses 1 Module Address Operating Current Standby = lOOpA Activated = 1 00p Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Relay Type and Rating Form C" 24 VDC =2 amps (pilot duty) 120 Vac = 0.5 amps 220 Vac (non-UL) = 0.5 amps Mounting North American 21h inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA- MP mounting plates Plugs into UI02R, U106R or U106 Motherboards North American 21h inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 136 inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA- MP mounting plates Plugs into U102R, U106R or UI06 Motherboards Construction & Finish High Impact Engineering Polymer Storage and Operating Environment Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Storage Temperature: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) Humidity: 0 to 93% RH LED Operation On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled On-board Red LED - Rashes when in alarm/active Compatibility Use With: Signature Loop Controller Agency Listings UL, ULC, CSFM, MEA Ordering Information Catalog Number Description Ship Weight - lbs (kg) SIGA-CR Control Relay Module (Standard Mount) 0.4 (0.15) SlGA-MCR Control Relay Module (UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08) ( SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module (Standard Mount) 0.4(0.15) SIGA-MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module (UlO Mount) 0.18(0.08) Related Equipment 27193-11 Surface Mount Box - Red, 1-gang 1(0.6) 27193-16 Surface Mount Box - White, 1-gang 1(0.6) SIGA-UI02R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Two Module Positions 0.32(0.15) SIGA-U106R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Six Module Positions 0.62 (0.28) SIGA-UI06 Universal Input-Output Module Board - Six Module Positions 0.56 (0.25) SlGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Detector Base 0.3(0.15) Accessories MFC-A Multifunction Fire Cabinet - Red, supports Signature Module Mounting Plates 7.0(3.1) SIGA-MB4 Transponder Mounting Bracket (allows for mounting two 1-gang modules in a 2-gang box) 0.4 (0.15) SlGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footprint 1.5 (0.70) SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate,. 1/2 footprint 0.5(0.23) SIGA-MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 extended footprint 1.02 (0.46) Page 5 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001 -0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 Signature Series Overview, The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable system from Edwards is an entire cDwAR D s family of multi-sensor detectors and mounting bases, multiple-function input and-output A UTC Fire S Security Company modules, network and non-network control panels, and user-friendly maintenance and Detection & alarm since 1872 service tools. Analog information from equipment connected to Signature devices is gathered and converted into digital signals. An onboard microprocessor in each Signature U.S. device measures and analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm. T 888-378-2329 The microprocessor in each Signature device provides four additional benefits - Seif-di- F 866-503-3996 agnostics and History Log, Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Canada Stable Communication. Chubb Edwards T 519 376 2430 Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series device constantly runs self- F 5193767258 checks to provide important maintenance information. The results of the self-check are Southeast Asia automatically updated and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory. This information T:+65 6391 9300 is accessible for review any time at the control panel, PC, or using the SIGA-PRO Signa- F: +65 6391 9306 ture Program/Service Tool. The information stored in device memory includes: India Device serial number, address, and type T: +91 80 4344 2000 Time and date of last alarm F: +91 80 4344 2050 Most recent trouble code logged by the detector - 32 possible trouble codes may be Australia used to diagnose faults. T+61 3 9239 1200 F +613 9239 1299 Automatic Device Mapping —The Signature Data Controller (SDC) learns where each Europe device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The T +32272511 20 SDC keeps a map of all Signature Series devices connected to it. The Signature Series F +322721 8613 Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, the wired circuits between each device can be examined. Layout or "as-built" Latin America T 305 593 4301 drawing information showing branch wiring (T-taps), device types and their address are F 305 593 4300 stored on disk for printing hard copy. This takes the mystery out of the installation. The preparation of as-built drawings is fast and efficient. utcfireandsecurity.com Device mapping allows the Signature Data Controller to discover: © 2010 UTC Fire & Security All rights reserved. Unexpected additional device addresses Missing device addresses Changes to the wiring in the circuit. Most Signature modules use a personality code selected by the installer to determine their actual function. Personality codes are downloaded from the SDC during system configu- ration and are indicated during device mapping. StandalOne Operation - A decentralized alarm decision by the device is guaranteed. Onboard intelligence permits the device to operate in standalone (degrade) mode. If Sig- nature loop controller CPU communications fail for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit go into standalone mode. The circuit acts like a conventional alarm receiving circuit. Each Signature device on the circuit continues to collect and analyze information from its slave devices. When connected to a panel utilizing standalone operation, modules with their "personality" set as alarm devices (IDC) will alarm should their slave alarm-initiat- ing device activate. Page 6of6 - DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE-STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1657:0121 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models SIGA-CCI, SIGA-CC2, SIGA-CT1, SIGA-CTIHT, SIGA-CT2, SIGA-CR, SIGA-CRR, SIGA-UM, SIGA-MMI, SIGA-WrM, SIGA-IM, SIGA-MDM, SIGA-MAB, SIGA-MCT2, SIGA-MCC1, SIGA-MCC2, SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR remote transponders. Models SIGA-AA30 and SIGA-AA50 audio amplifiers. Models SIGA-APS and SIGA-APS-220 power supplies. Models SlGA-MB4, SIGA-MPI, SIGA-MP2 and SIGA-MP2L mounting plates. Models SIGA-UlO2R, SIGA-U106 and SIGA-UI06R motherboards. Model CS-SIGA-CCIP releasing module. Models SIGA-CC1S and SIGA-MCC1S Auto-Sync Output Modules. Models MFC-A and MFC-AD Enclosures. Model SIGA-CR2 Control Relay Module. Model SIGA-CTIHT; Signature Series High Temperature Single Input Module. *SIGA..CRH High Power Control Relay Module. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational consideration. RATING: 15.2- 19.95 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7300-1591:121 and 7300-1388:178 *Rev 01-11-16 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division EST3 Power Supplies 3-PPS/M series, 3-BPS/M series, 3-BBC/M series Monitor MnduI :1997+A1 :2002+A2 pending ¶T TM EST Catalog 10, EST3 Life Safety Platform Life Safety & Communications Overview EST3 Power supplies consist of two assemblies, a high efficiency switch mode power supply card and a power supply monitor module. The monitor module mounts to the local rail and distrib- utes the power from its supply to the local rail. The local rail dis- tributes power from all power supplies to other local rail modules and user interface cards resulting in 'Shared Power" throughout the system. By paralleling the power supplies on a rail maximum utilization of available power is possible, resulting in fewer power supplies. Up to four power supplies combine in a single enclosure providing up to 28 amps of available power. Battery backup is provided using from one to four sets of batteries, depending on standby power requirements. Power supplies mount to the back of the chassis units or wall- boxes. The associated power supply monitor module mounts on the local rail providing system power distribution and mounting space for any control display module. Access to auxiliary power is via easily accessible terminal blocks located on the power sup- ply monitor module. Each power supply produces 7 Amps of filtered and regulated power. With four power supplies located in an enclosure (one primary and three booster power supplies) 28 amps of current is available for local rail modules, control display modules and the eight auxiliary 3.5 amp power outputs (two per supply). Standard Features High efficiency switch mode Increased power distribution efficiency - power supplies parallel allowing up to 28 amps in a single node 120 or 230 Vac operation 7 AMP filtered and regulated Two 3.5 AMP outputs Temperature compensated, dual rated battery charger Electronic power limiting Automatic load testing of batteries Page 1 014 DATA SHEET 85010-0059 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 10.1 Installation and Mounting RE oH lI Power Power Distribution Module (EN-54 only) H U T. Application The primary power supply provides the system with battery charging and voltage regulation. Software configures the charger to either 10-24 AH batteries or 30-65 AH batteries and controls the high/low charge rates. Batteries mounted in the same en- closure as the power supply, have their charge rate monitored and adjusted based on the local enclosure temperature, keeping charging rates within battery specification. For remote batteries a temperature probe is monitored in the remote battery cabinet and Engineering Specification The fire alarm power supplies must be capable of being paralleled and to load share. Multiple power supplies must be capable of be- ing backed up with a single 24 volt battery set. Each power supply shall be capable of charging up to 65 AH batteries. The power supply must be able to perform an automatic load test of batteries and return a trouble if the batteries fall outside a predetermined range. Power supplies must incorporate the ability to adjust the charge rate of batteries based on ambient temperatures. It shall charge rates are adjusted automatically. Battery damage is unlikely be possible to adjust for ambient temperature changes in local to occur when environmental short term conditions are outside of cabinets as well as remote cabinets. normal operating ranges. The EST3 power supplies automatically load test batteries by shutting down the battery charger and placing a load across the battery. If the battery voltage is outside the specification range the power supply reports a trouble. The trouble clears if the battery is able to recover and pass future load tests. Battery leads are electronically short circuit protected. If a short occurs in the battery leads the charger automatically disables itself and causes a trouble. The system will constantly look to see if the short has cleared. If the short clears the system automatically restores. During operation on standby batteries, battery voltage is constant- ly monitored. A trouble is reported if the battery voltage falls below a specified value. EST3 power supplies provide specific information back to the 3-CPU(1) designed to help speed trouble shooting of system functions. Should a power supply detect a fault, specific diagnos- tic codes are available to speed trouble shooting. The 3-LCD will display the power supplies address, a specific trouble code, and a text message describing the specific trouble. Text messages are easy to understand and include items like: Battery Trouble, Aux Power Overload Circuit 1, Aux Power Overload Circuit 2. EU Power Supply Rules Each battery set needs one charger, either a 3-PPS/M or a 3-BBC/M. Each power supply must be connected to a battery set using an identical length and gauge of wire to keep voltage drops identical. Distribute power supplies and loads evenly across rails. All battery sets for a panel must be the same capacity (AH), same manufacturer, and same manufacturing date code. The Table below illustrates the combinations of power supplies and batteries that meet all the power supply rules. 24 VDC Power Supply Output Current 7A 14A 21A 28A Battery One Set, One Set, Two Identical One Set, Three Identical One Set, Four Identical Requirements 65 AH max 65 AH max Sets , ' AR 65 AH max Q 65 AH max Sets, 65 AH max max max Required 1 3-PPS/M 1 3-PPS/M 1 3-PPS/M 1 3-PPS/M 2 1 3-PPS/M 1 3-PPS/M 1 3-PPS/M Modules 1 3-BPS/M 1 3-BBC/M 3-BPS/M 2 3-BBC/M 3 3-BPS/M 3 3-BBC/M Page 2 of 4 DATA SHEET 85010-0059 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 10.1 PS/M-230-E EN54* 188 Vac arm: 50 mA ndby: 50 mA None LAM space, assis footprint 010-0059 5e5. Issue 10.1 Typical Wiring Utility Power Power Power I Power Power Supply Booster Booster I Primary Booster Ill Supply Supply [2] Supply _L Power 111111 24Vdc * 111111 24Vdc • ill I 24Vdc • T 11.11 24Vdc Supply 2x3.5A jJft2x3.5A 2x3.5A jJjjft2x3.5A Monitoring r + P Primary Booster Rails Power I I 4— Power Supply Rails Power Supply —+ Monitor Module lii ITo Rail I ii I I II I Monitor Module Ordering Information cEDUVOR DS Catalog Description - - Ship Wt., lb. ______________________ A UTC Fire & Security Company Number (kg) 3-PPS/M Primary Power Supply w/ local rail module 120V 50/60 Hz 5(2.3) Detection & alarm since 1872 3-BPS/M Booster Power Supply w/ local rail module 120V 50/60 Hz 5(2.3) U.S. 3-BPS/M-230 Booster Power Supply w/ local rail module 230V 50/60 Hz 5(2.3) T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 3-PPS/ M-230-E Primary. Power Supply w/bcal rail module 230V 50 Hz, 5 (2.3) EN54* Certified, CE Canada 3-BPS! M-230-E Booster Power Supply w/Iocal rail module 230V 50 Hz, 5(2.3) Chubb Edwards EN54* Certified, CE 1519376 2430 3-BBC/M Booster/Charger Supply w/local rail module 120V 50/601-1z 5(2.3) F 519 376 7258 3-BBC/M-230 Booster/Charger Supply wllocal rail module 230V 50/601-1z 5(2.3) Southeast Asia 3-BBC/ M-230-E Booster/Charger Supply wiocal rail module, 230V 50/601-1z, 5(2.3) T: +65 6391 9300 EN54* Certified, CE F: +65 6391 9306 3-BBCMONJ(-E) Booster/Charger Monitor Module with charger capability 5(2.3) (upgrade 3-BPS/M(-230)(-E) to 3-BBC/M-(230)(-E)) India I +91 804344 2000 : 3-BTSEN Distribution Module required when battery installed .5 (.22) F: +91 804344 2050 in remote cabinet 3-BTSEN-E Distribution and Temperature Sensor Module. Required in .5 (.22) Australia EN54* Markets when battery installed in a remote cabinet. 1+61 392391200 F+61 3 9239 1299 3-FP Filler Plate, order separately when no LED or LED/Switch 0.1 (0.05) module installed. Europe *EN542:1997+A1 and EN54-4:1997+A1:2002+A2 pending T+32272511 20 F+322721 8613 Latin America 13055934301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecurity.com © 2010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85010-0059 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 10.1 I E7E T TM EST Catalog EST3 Life Safety Platform Life Safety & Communications Zoned Audio Amplifiers 3-ZA95 shown Overview The EST3 audio amplifiers take full advantage of proven digital technology to deliver highly intelligible voice audio for evacua- tion and Mass Notification/Emergency Communication (MNEC) purposes. Digital messages generated by the Audio Source Unit (ASU) and live paging messages are multiplexed into eight separate channels transmitted over fiber optic cable or a single twisted pair of wires. Each zoned amplifier contains integrated de- multiplexing circuitry that allows any one of the eight digital audio channels to place messages or signals on the amplifier's built-in speaker circuit. Audio channel selection is network software controlled, and audio amplifiers mount in the same enclosures as other EST3 equipment. Power for the amplifiers comes from standard sys- tem power supplies through the local rail. Field wiring connects to removable terminal blocks on the amplifier module. Amplifiers support either 25 VAMS or 70 VAMS power limited speaker circuits. For visual signaling, each 20 or 40 watt amplifier comes standard with one 24 Vdc power limited Notification Appliance Circuit. Standard Features Three Sizes Available -20 Watts -40 Watts -95 Watts Simultaneous eight channel digital audio - Superior sound quality - Each amplifier does it's own decoding Speaker circuit built into amplifier - Selectable for 70 or 25 VRMS output - Class A (Style Z) or Class B (Style Y) output models available - Power limited 3.5 amp 24 Vdc notification appliance circuit on 20 and 40 watt amplifiers - Class A (Style Z) or Class B (Style Y) output models available - Power limited Network software control of channel selection Integral backup tone generator - 1 KHz temporal (3-3-3) tone evac Page lof4 DATA SHEET 85010-0057 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 9 Application EST3 zoned amplifier configurations offer improved reliability and performance. Configuration provides improved survivability in the event of wiring faults that result in a loss of signaling. In the exam- pie shown in the diagram, a fault on the system using a central backed-up amplifier disables multiple signal/page circuits, and the standby amplifier is not able to bypass the fault. With EST3, the same fault removes the Audio Source Unit riser. Central Zoned Amplifier Amplifiers Short on Riser Short on Riser Standby Amplifiers disables all disables signal circuits source are local in nodes Standby Evacuation Tone at each Amplifier Because all EST3 zoned amplifiers have an integrated backup 1000 Hz temporal tone generator, the locally-generated alarm tones notify occupants of a hazard - even with the primary riser out of commission. The backup tone also operates if the ASU or the audio distribution system fails. To further enhance system survivability, a single standby amplifier can backup any zoned amplifier in the same cabinet. Zoned amplifiers can be housed in remote cabinets close to the speakers. This minimizes the voltage drop between the amplifier and the load, and permits the use of a smaller wire size than is possible with centrally-located amplification systems. EST3 easily outperforms banked audio systems with its ability to simultaneously deliver up to eight different signals. When using centrally-banked amplifiers, paging and alert channels typically share a common amplifier. Consequently, when paging, the alert signal goes silent in all alerted areas when a Page is issued. At the end of the Page, the alert signal resumes in the alert area, which could cause confusion because occupants did not receive the page message and do not know why the Page stopped and restarted. With EST3, simultaneous page, alert, and evacuation signal capa- bility is engineered into the system. With eight channels to choose from, dedicated messages can be delivered to stairwells, elevator cabs, etc. while alert, evacuation, and page instructions are simul- taneously being sent to the rest of the building. The eight audio channels allow messages to be automatically routed, and provide specific instructions based on the alarm's location. Distributed Zoned Amplifiers Page Alert Evacuation - Auxiliary - Stairwell - Elevator - Environmental Emergency - For example, with an alarm on Floor Eight, the following automatic message instructions could be given concurrently. Note: A Page could also be sent to any other location in the building - without interrupting any of the messages below. FLOOR 9 HEARS: "A fire alarm has been reported on the floor below. Please evacuate using the stairwell." FLOOR 8 HEARS: "A fire alarm has been reported on this floor. Please evacuate using the stairwell." OTHER FLOORS HEAR: "An emergency has been reported on floor 8. Please remain in the building and await further instruc- tions." ELEVATOR: "A fire alarm has been reported in the building. The elevator is being returned to the ground floor for emergency use. Please evacuate the building." STAIRWELLS: "Please remain calm and walk down the stairs to evacuate the building in a safe manner." In addition to robust paging, EST3 provides UL-listed Mass Notification/Emergency Communication (MNEC), which overrides fire alarm functions. This capability allows emergency response commanders to advise building occupants of the safest action to take while an emergency is unfolding. Occupants can be in- structed to leave, relocate, or seek immediate shelter, depending on the situation. This provides the flexibility for communications to mesh with the facility's risk analysis needs - without the risk of an unexpected fire alarm or general evacuation signal interfering with established emergency response protocols. Du Be Ce Page Alert Furn,t, Page 2 of 4 DATA SHEET 85010-0057 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 9 Typical Wiring VISUAL NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUIT I Not ovallabla an 3-ZA95 COMMON ENCLOSURE AUDIO AUDIO I AMPLIFIER AMPLIFIEF MODULE MODULE I (Backup) IZotO'I 7 APPI— VNoON.Aoo EOLR.OIRE !L AUDIO I AMPLIFIER AMPLIFIER MODULE MODULE (Zone 112) (Zona #3) lbT.M bTI2OMg.MA.W WaS RE 0 Engineering Specification The audio system shall provide eight simultaneous and distinct audio channels. These shall consist of a minimum of: Local Page, Emergency Communication, Multiple Evacuation, Alert, Auxiliary, and General Signaling. Channels shall support hierarchical opera- tion and be controllable from system programming. The audio system also provides Elevator, Stairwell and Auxiliary signaling. Systems that cause signaling devices to go silent while performing any signaling functions will not be accepted. The audio system zoned amplifiers must be able to operate 25 VAMS or 70 VAMS speakers. The amplifier output must be power limited, and wired in a <Class A (Style Z)> <Class B (Style '> configuration. The amplifiers shall provide an integral backup 1000 KHz temporal tone generator which shall operate in the event signal primary audio signals are lost and the amplifier is instructed to broadcast alarm information. It shall be possible to backup multiple zoned amplifiers with a common backup amplifier. Specifications 3-ZA20AI 3-ZA20B I I I 3-ZA95 Agency Listing UL, ULC, CE Environmental 0°C - 49°C (32°F - 120°F) 93% RH, Non-condensing Frequency Response 400Hz to 4KHz @ +1- 3dB Output Voltage 25 VRMS or 70 VRMS THD (distortion) <7% Wire Size 18 to 12 AWG (1.0 to 2.5 mm2) Internal Tone Generator 1 KHz Temporal (3-3-3) Tone (evacuation); 20 PPM (alert) SlGA-CC1 /2 Support 10 Units, Maximum Standby Current 62mA for 20 and 40 watt amps; 64mA for the 3-ZA95 watt amp Alarm Current 11 20m 11 20m 2480mA 2480mA 5540mA Pwr. Ltd. Audio Output Class A or B Class B (Style ') Class A or B Class B (Style ') Class A or B Wiring Configuration (Style Z or ' 15K Ohms (Style Z or 15K Ohms (Style Z or 'r EOL Resistor 15K Ohms in Class B 15K Ohms in Class B 15K Ohms in Class B Pwr. Ltd. 24 Vdc NAC Class A or B Class B Class A or B Class B Wiring Configuration (Style Z or 'fl (Style Y) (Style Z or 'Y) (Style 'V) Line Resistance, Max.* 50 Ohms, Max. 50 Ohms, Max. 50 Ohms, Max. 50 Ohms, Max. N/A EOL Resistor Line N/A 15 K Ohms N/A 15K Ohms Capacitance, Max 0.33pF 0.33pF 0.33pF 0.33pF ______ Space Requirements 1 LRM Space 2 LRM Spaces Maximum Soeaker Circuit Distance at 0.5 dB loss* 70 VRMS Output 3ZAA 3-ZA20B 3-zA46K - l• 395 #12 AWG (3.2 Ohm/1000 ft pair) 4,536 ft (1,382 m) 2,268 ft (691 m) 955 ft (290 m) #14 AWG (5.2 Ohm/1 000 ft pair) 2,792 ft (850 m) 1,396 ft (425 m) 588 ft (179 m) #16AWG (8.0 Ohm/1 000 ft pair) 1,815 ft (553 m) 382 ft (116 m) #18AWG (13Ohm/1000ft pair) 1,117 ft(340 m) 558 ft(170 m) 235 ft(71 m) RMSOutuf 3-ZA20A 3-ZA2OB 3-2A40AI(0 3-2A95 (3.2 Ohm/bOO ft pair) 579 ft (176 m) 289 ft (88 m) 122 ft (37 m) #14AWG (5.2 Ohm/1000 ft pair) 356 ft (108 m) 178 ft (54 m) 75 ft (22 m) #16 AWG (8.0 Ohm/l000ft pair) 231 ft (70 m) 116 ft (35 m) 49ft(14 m) #1BAWG (13 Ohm/bOO ft pair) 142 ft (43 m) 71 ft (21 m) N;Ptd b 18 AWG - riejer 10 proauct manuai Tor wire run calculations. Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 8501 0-0057 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 9 Ordering Information Catalog - - - Description Ship Wt., lb. 1 Number (kg) 3-ZA20A 20 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class NB (Style ZA) 1.55 (0.7) Audio & Class NB (Style Zfl 24 VDC outputs 3-ZA20B 20 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class B (Style 1. (0.7) Audio & Class B (Style 24 VDC outputs 3-ZA40A 40 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class NB (Style Z/'Y) 1.55(0.7) Audio & Class NB (Style ZIY) 24 VDC outputs 40 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class B (Style ' 1.55 (0.7) Audio & Class B (Style 16 24 VDC outputs 3-ZA95 95 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class NB (Style ZTY) Audio 3.0 (1.5) output 3-FP Filler Plate, order separately one required per amplifier when 0.1(0.05) no LED or LED/Switch module installed on operator layer. 'CEDWARDS A UTC Fire & Security Company Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada Chubb Edwards T 519 376 2430 F 519 376 7258 Southeast Asia T : +65 6391 9300 F; +65 6391 9306 India T : +91 804344 2000 F : +91 804344 2050 Australia 1+61 3 9239 1200 F+61 3 9239 1299 Europe 1+3227251120 F+32272186 13 Latin America 13055934301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecuritcom © 2010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 8501 0-0057 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 9 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-1657:0186 Page 1 of 3 CATEGORY: 7165-- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL) LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models EST3, EST3R, EST3-230, EST3R-230, EST200, EST200R, EST200-2 and EST200R-2 fire alarm control units. Power limited. Automatic, manual, coded, noncoded, local, auxiliary, remote station, (DACT),(reverse polarity), proprietary (multiplex), central station, waterfiow, sprinkler supervisory service and releasing device. Model EST3 is also suitable for mass notification system and smoke control. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: 3-BPS/M, 3-BPS/M/230; Booster Power Supply JS 3-PPS/M-230; Primary Power Supply 3-BBC, /230, /M, /M-230; Battery Booster Charger Power Supply 3-RS232; CPU R5232 Comm 3-XMEM; CPU Memory Option 3-IDC8/4; Zone Card 3-CPU, 3-CPUI, 3-CPU2, 3-CPU3; Central Processing Unit 3-LCD, 3-LCDXL, 3-LCDXLI; CPU LCD Display 3-OPS; Off Premises Signaling Module 3-LDSM; LED Display Module 3-LRMF; Blank LRM Filler 3-CHAS4, -CHAS-5, -CHAS-7, -CHASS; Module Chassis 3-CAB-5(R),-7(R),-14(R),-21 (R) ; Module Cabinet (red) 3-TAMP, 3-TAMP5; Tamper Switch 3-TAMPRCC; Tamper Switch 3-RCC7(R),-RCCI4(R),-RCC21(R); Closet Cabinet (red) 3-PSMON; Power Supply Drive Monitor 3-BPMON; Power Supply Booster Monitor 3-BBCMON; Battery Booster Charger Monitor 3-24G,-24R,-24Y,-I2RY,-I2SY,-125R,-I2SG; LED Display 3-12/RY,-12/2Y,-12/252Y,-12/SI GY, *12/S2R; LED Display 3-12/SI RY,-1851 G2Y,-6/3S1 G2Y; LED Display 3-6/3SIGYR,-1851GYR, -6/353L, *6/3S2RY; LED Display 3-4/3SGYWR; LED Display 4X-12/SIGY, 4X-12/S1RY, 4X-12SR, 4X-24R;LED Display 4X-6/3S1 G2Y, 4X-6/351 GYR, 4X-4/3SGYWR; LED Display *Rev. 1I-I9-I5gt IN This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7165-1657:0186 Page 2 of 3 4X24Y, 4X-I2RY; LED Display *4XLRMF: Blank Plate 3X-NET, 3X-NET8, 3X-FIB8; LED Display 3X-FIB; Fiber Network Option Module 3-CAB5BR; Enclosure 3-SSDC, 3-SSDCI 3-SDDCI; Single Loop Controller Module 3-SDC, 3-SDCI, *3SDCIHC *VM..SLC..HC; Signature Data Card 3-ASU, 3-ASU/4, 3-ASUMX/100, /MM; Audio Source Module 3-FTCU; Firefighter Phone Module 3-ASU/FT; Audio/Firefighter Module 3-ZA15, 20, 30, 40, 95; Amplifier 3-RS485(130316/130410-01); Network Communication Card 3-RS485A, 3-RS485B, 3-RS485R; Network Communication Card 3-DSDC, 3-DSDCI; Dual Loop Controller Module 3-FIB, 3-FIBA; Fiber/Copper Data Com Module 3-FIBMB; Fiber Optic Interface Card 3-CC; City Interface CDR-3; Coded Output Module URSM; Universal Riser Supervisor Module RMI; Supervisory Module 3-AADC, 3-AADCI; Analog Addressable Communication Module 3-ATPINT, MN-ABPM; ATPC Interface Module 3-REMICA, 3-REMICP; Remote Microphone PTI-S; System Printer PTI-P; System Printer Parallel 3-ZA90, 3-ZA20A, 3-ZA20B; Zone Amplifiers 3-ZA40A, 3-ZA40B, 3-ZA95; Zone Amplifiers ATCK; Attack Kit Cover for 3-RCC7R cabinet 3-MODCOM, 3-MODCOMP; Modem communicator/pager interface 3-NSHM1, 3-NSHM2; Modem Communication Cards 3-SAC; Security Access Control Module 3-ASUXM/100; Audio and Telephone Masters MN-COMIS; Interface Module MN-NETSW1,MN-NETSW2; Network Switching Hub MN-FNS8C2F3, MN-FNS4C2F3, MN-FNS8CI8F2, MN-FNS8C18F3; Network Switching Hub MN-FNS8CI8FAC; AC Power Supply MN-FNS8C18FDC; DC Power Supply MN-FNSGBDSM70K, MN-FNSFEDSM 10K, MN-FNSFEMM2K; Fiber Optic Modules *MN-FNSGBDSMDR-XX, *MN..FNSGBDSMIOK *MN.FNSGBSSMIOKD *MNFNSGBSSMIOKU: Fiber Optic Modules MN-FNS4HDKI MN-FNS8HDKI; Mounting Bracket MN-PASM,MN-PASM2; Audio Preamp Module MN-FVPN; VoIP Encoding/Decoding Unit MN-BRKI, MN-BRKT8CI8F, *MN..BRKT4F; Mounting Bracket *MN.NRBKI MN-BRKTI, IF, 2, 3, 3F; Mounting Bracket Rev. 11-19-15gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed \ the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct Iv operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7165-1657:0186 Page 3 of 3 RC-BRKT; Mounting Bracket 3-RCCEQ50, 3-RCCEQ65, 3-FTEQ, 3-CABEQ; Seismic Kits SMXL02, SMXH12; Fiber Tranceivers 3-Fl BMB2, MN-ABPM; Interface Module MN-NETRLY4; Network Relay Module NETCOM-BRKT, MN-NRBRT; Mounting Bracket SMXLO, SMXH, MMXVR; Fiber Tansceiver 3-CPUDR; CPU Door 3-BTSEN; Battery backup distribution bus RATING: EST3, EST3R, EST200, EST200-2, EST200R, EST200R-2:120 VAC EST3-230, EST3R-230: 220 VAC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm control units for use with separately listed electrically and functionally compatible initiating and indicating devices. Also suitable for high-rise application. Refer to listee's Installation Instructions Manual for details. These control units can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. This control unit meets the requirements of UL-864, 9th Edition Standard. NOTE: 1. For Fire Alarm Verification Feature (delay of fire alarm signal), the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period shall not exceed 30 seconds. Formerly 7165-1591:186 and 7165-1388:211 Combined with 7170-1657:187 *Rev. 11-19-15gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division OT TM Life Safety & Communications EST Catalog 1111. EST3 Life Safety Platform EST3 Remote Annunciators 3-ANNCPU3, 3-LCDANN, MANN, 3-10ANN, 3-EVxxx, 3-4ANN EN54-2:1997+Al and EN54-4:1997+A1 :2002+A2 pending Overview EST3 supports a full range of annunciator options for Mass Notification/Emergency Communication (MNEC), Life Safety and other purposes. Annunciator cabinets are constructed from 16 gauge cold rolled steel. The gray textured enamel finish of the annunciators complements any decor. Both surface and semi- flush mounting cabinet configurations maximize mounting flexibility and esthetic appeal. Cabinet arrangements allow both LED and LCD annunciation to easily combine in a single enclosure. Slide in labeling for LEDs and switches provides designation flexibility for labeling in local languages. For graphic annunciation EST3 offers LED driver boards perfectly suited to operate in most graphic an- nunciators. EST3 annunciators are perfect for MNEC applications. They can be used in Central Control Stations (CCS), Autonomous Control Units (ACU), Local Operating Console (LOC) and combination units. In these applications, annunciators are configured to oper- ate as Local Operation Consoles, or even Central Command Sta- tions, from which MNEC is initiated and controlled. Standard Features Standard 3-LCD (168 characters) and large-format 3-LCDXL1 (960 character) display options LCD uses queues to sort events Variety of wallbox configurations Programmable LED flash rates Slide-in labels Makes customization for regional language easy Full line of driver boards for graphic annunciators Application Display Use EST3 remote annunciators when a compact system status display is need- ed. Annunciator configurations include: LCD only display, LED only displays or combination LED and LCD display in a single enclosure. The LCD display uses either the 3-LCD or 3-LCDXL1 Liquid crystal display mod- . Label ule. The 3-LCD has a 128 x 64 graphi- / Annunciator Support cal display typically used to display eight Module lines of 21 characters on its LCD display while the 3-LCDXL1 has a larger 240 x 320 pixel backlit display that supports 24 lines of 40 characters. Both LDC displays pro- vide the room needed to convey emergency information in a useful format. The 3-LCD always displays the last highest priority event even when the user is viewing other message queues. To give the greatest message flexibility EST3 event messages can route to specific annunciators. Routing can be initiated at a specific time/ shift change. Messages need only display in areas having to respond to an event. For LED display, the full line of EST3 Control/Display Modules support event display. Control/Display modules install over any an- nunciator support module maximizing annunciator design flexibility. A Lamptest feature can program to any spare control switch. If an LCD display is installed in the annunciator, simply operate the Alarm Silence and Trouble Silence switches simultaneously to lamptest all LEDs. Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET 8501 0-0069 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 10 Graphic Annunciator Field Wiring Wire Specifications Network Data Communications - RS485 Format Minimum Twisted Pair 18 AWG (0.75 mm2). Maximum Circuit Resistance 90 Ohms Maximum Circuit Capacitance 0.3 pF Maximum Distance between any 3 panels 5,000 ft. (1524 m). Capacitance, entire network Maximum Accumulative Capacitance Wire Size 38.4K Baud 19.2K Baud 18 AWG 1.4 pF 2.8 pF 16 AWG 1.8 pF 3.6 pF 14 AWG 2,1 pF 4.2 pF Distance limits are determined using the maximum allowable circuit resistance and capacitance, and manufacturer's cable specifications. Typical Wiring Rear view 3-ANNCPU3 Field Wiring 3-6ANN Shown Ground Lead rZ To Backbox Z Q 00 C'JO Z Z +O) -4-- .4-- 0000000 eec I ToTBi 0n3-ANNCPIJ NOTES: 1. All wiring except earth ground supervised and power limited. 2.24 VDC available from Primary or Booster Power supply. Uses RS-485 Network communication format Network wiring Twisted Pair Power Riser Calculate wire size for a maximum 3.4 Vdc total line loss from the 24 Vdc nominal voltage. RS-485 NETWORK DATA FROM PREVIOUS PANEL 24VDC FROM 3-PPSIM OR 3-8PSIM POWER RISER A Power hr circuit 'A' RS485 NETWORK DATA TO NEXT PANEL 24VDC TO NEXT POWER MODULE Specifications TCatalog Number ã-ANiSiiJ ] 3-LCLi Agency Listings UL, ULC, FM, CE, LPCB EN54° pending. Mounting Space Two Spaces One Space Mounts over 3-ANNCPU Mounts over 3-ANNCPU plus two spaces. Communication Format RS-485 N/A N/A N/A Current @ 24 Vdc Standby 144 mA lOmA 40mA 48mA Alarm 144 mA lOmA 42mA 50mA Wiring Termination Plug in terminal strip Wiring Size Twisted Pair 18-14 AWG (0.75-1.5 mm2) N/A Max. Wire Distance 5000 ft (1524m) between _any _3_panels Relative Humidity 93% non condensing at 90° F (32° C) Temperature Rating 0-49° C (32 - 120° F) Wiring Styles Class A or Class B Note: For a complete list of EST3 annunciator display and control modules please refer to Edwards literature sheet pail number 85010- 0055. * EN54-2:1997+A1 and EN54-4:1997+A1:2002+A2 pending Engineering Specification The Life Safety system shall incorporate annunciation of Alarm, Supervisory, Trouble and Monitor operations. Annunciation must be through the use of both LED display strips complete with a means to custom label each LED as to its function. Where ap- plicable control switches must be provided. Switches with LEDs must provide positive feed back to the operator of remote equip- ment status. An LCD display with basic common control LEDs and switches shall be provided. The Common Control Switches and LEDs provided as minimum will be: Reset switch and LED, Jarm Silence switch and LED, Panel Silence switch and LED, Drill switch and LED. It must be possible to add additional common controls as required though the use of modular display / control Page 2 of 4 units. The LCD interface must provide the ability to display custom event messages of a minimum of 40 characters. The LCD must provide the emergency user, hands free viewing of the first and last highest priority event. The last highest priority event must always display and update automatically. System events must automatically be placed in queues. It shall be possible to view specific event types separately. Having to scroll through a mixed list of events types is not acceptable. The total number of active events by type must be displayed. It must be possible to custom- ize the designations of all user interface LEDs and switches for local language requirements. It must be possible to route system event messages to specific annunciator locations. DATA SHEET 85010-0069 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 10 Semiflush Surface mount 14.5 In. (36.8 cm) -p1 Id- 16.1 in. (40.9 cm) 275 in (70 cm) 00 00 L_00 00. . . _jn. 17.0 cm) 4- 16.1 in. (40.9 cm) TT12.1 in. (33.5 cm) (30.7 cm) 6ANN/B(-S) C. 8 8 T 1 0 . 0 13.19 in. (33.5 cm) I U i 0 • • 0 C. 25.47 in. (64.7 cm) pl 8 8 0 0 C. 8 • 0 13.19 in. • 130.7 0 • cm) )33.5 cm) • (30.7 o cm) lOAN N/B(-S) Dimensions Semiflush Mount To 0 U@IRiS1 I in L 6.12 in (15.55cm (6440 o1 IV Surface Mount (in mJ 0 0 0.46 in (L17 crnIL -llPnl--- - I. TOP '7o r Earth 'oundstu d er 0 1 _ 110 Ili: cn 5 it I. 4ANN/B(-S) 14___10.1 in. 125.7 cm) 00 0 Li in. 0cm) 11.6 in. 129.4 cm) Ti OT -P1 8 13.19 in. 12.1 in. • (33.5 cm) (30.7 cm) 0 12 __-1--I 11.6 in. (29.4 cm) I 00 0 A In.(7.0cm) ___-- 12 8 T 0 .. 0 13.19 in. 0 0 (33.5 cm) Semiflush Surface mount 23.86 in. )60.60cm) 0. 25.47 in. )64.7cm) "I Fb7_0 00 L 2.75in.(Ocm) MO: 00 F Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85010-0069 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 10 Ordering Information Catalog Description Ship Wt. Number lb (kg) Command Module Annunciators (Come with CPU, LCD display and doors. Order wallbox separately.) 3-LCDANN Remote LCD Command Module Annunciator. 3.8 (1.7) cDVIOR D s 3-LCDANN-E Remote LCD Command Module Annunciator. For EN54* market only CE 3.8 (1.7) Base Annunciators (Come with two 3-ANNSM annunciator support modules, a CPU, and doors. A UTC Fire & Security Company Order Display/Control modules, additional support modules & wallbox separately.) 3-4ANN Four Position Base Annunciator. Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada Chubb Edwards T 519 376 2430 F 519 376 7258 CPU, Support Module, & LCD Displays Southeast Asia 3-ANNCPU3 Annunciator CPU 1 (.45) T: +65 6391 9300 F: +65 6391 9306 3-CPUDR CPU doors with filler plates. Order separately, one required per CPU 0.25 (.11) where no LCD display is installed. India 3-ANNSM Annunciator Support Module .45(.2) T: +91 804344 2000 3-LCD Liquid Crystal Display Module, eight lines. .8 (.36) F: +91 804344 2050 Liquid Crystal Display Module, 40 lines mounts in 3-4ANN, 3-6ANN or 3-10ANN Australia 3-LCDXL1 anunciators. Note one 3-LCDXL IKBL, (ordered separately) is required for each 1+61 3 9239 1200 3-LCDXL 1 mounting into 3-6ANN or 3- 10ANN annunicator boxes. F +61 3 9239 1299 3-LCDXL1 KBL Cable for 3-LCDXL1 (Use to connect from 3-ANNCPU3 to the first annuciator support model. Not required with 34ANN and 3-LCDXL1 applications.) Europe 1+32272511 20 Control/Display Modules F +32272186 13 3-CPUDR Two blank filler plates suitable for any annunciator blank space. .5 (.22) Latin America 3-24Y - 24 Yellow LED Display Module .35(.1 13055934301 F 305 593 4300 3-24G 24 Green LED Display Module .35(.1 3-1 2SR 12 switches with 12 Red LED Display/Control Module .35(.1 utcfireandsecurity.com 3-1 25Y 12 switches with 12 Yellow LED Display/Control Module .35(.1 @2010 UTC Fire & Security. 3-1 2SG 12 switches with 12 Green LED Display/Control Module .35(.1 All rights reserved. 3-12RY 12 Red LED and 12 Yellow LED Display Module .35(.1 3-1 2/Si GY 12 switches with one Green and one Yellow LED per switch .35(.1 312/Si RY 12 switches with one Red and one Yellow LED per switch .35(.1 3-1 2/S2Y 12 switches with two Yellow LEDs per switch .350 3-6/3S1 G2Y Six groups of three switches. Each switch with one LED: Green, Yellow, .35 (.12) Yellow. 3-6/3s1 GYR Six groups of three switches. Each switch with one LED: Green, Yellow, .35 (.12) Red. 3-REMICA Remote microphone for use in 3-ANN series annunciator cabinets 15(6.8) 3-FP Filler Plate, order separately one required per 3-ANNSM when no LED or LED/Switch module installed on operator layer. 0.1(0.05) Driver Modules. Power SuDolies 3-EVDVR LED/SWiTCH Driver Module, For Edwards Graphics .35 (.12) 3-EVDVRA LED/SWiTCH Driver Module Assembly for Third-party Graphics .35 (.12) 3-EVPWR Power Supply for Edwards Graphics .5 (.22) 3-EVPWRA Power Supply Assembly c/w 19 inch rail mounting chassis assembly 2.5(1.2) space for one 3-AN NCPU3 for Third-party Graphics 3-EVDVRX Plastic mounting extrusion 19 inch mounting - Space for up to three 35 12 3-EVDVRA modules. Enclosures RLCM/B Remote Command module flush mount LCD wallbox 2.5 (1.2) RLCM/B-S Remote Command module surface mount LCD wallbox 2.5 (1.2) 3-RLCM/D Inner & outer doors for RLCM/B(-S) 2.0(0.9) 4ANN/B Four Position LED/LCD flush mount wallbox. 6.0 (2.7) 4ANN/B-S Four position LED/LCD surface mount wallbox. 6.0 (2.7) 6ANN/B Six position LED/LCD flush mount wallbox 7.0 (3.2) 6ANN/B-S Six position LED/LCD surface mount wallbox 7.0 (3.2) 10ANN/B Ten position LED/LCD flush mount wallbox 9.0(4.1) 10ANN/B-S Ten position LED/LCD surface mount wallbox 9.0(4.1) Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85010-0069 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 10 3-4ANN-E Four Position Base Annunciator. For EN54* market only, CE. 3-6ANN Six Position Base Annunciator. 6.28 5) 3-6ANN-E Six Position Base Annunciator. For EN54* market only, CE. 6.28 3-1 OANN 10 Position Base Annunciator. 10.5 (4.8) 3-1 OANN-E 10 Position Base Annunciator. For EN54* market only, CE. 10.5 (4.8) CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7120-1657:0193 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7120-- ANNUNCIATORS LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Model EST3 remote annunciator. The unit is modular in construction. The various options for the EST3 remote annunciator is as followed: 3-ANNCPU, 3-ANNCPU1, 3-ANNCPU3 CPU; Module for Remote Annunciators 3-ANNSM; Driver 3-ANNBF; Blank Filler Module 3LCD,*3LCDXL1; LCD Display Module 3-RCLM, 3-6ANN, 3-I0ANN Enclosures 3-24R, 3-24Y, 3-24G; LED Display 3-125G, 3-125R, 3-I2SY; LED Display 3-12/S1GY, 3-12/S1RY ;LED Display 3-12/S2Y ;LED Display 3-6/351G2Y, 3-6/3SlGYR ;LED Display 3-6ANN/D, 3-IOANN/D Enclosure Door 3-RLCMID ;Enclosure Door 3-RLCM/B, 3-6ANN/B; Enclosures 3-RLCM/B-S, 3-6ANN1B-S 3-1 OANN/B-S, 3-LCDANN 3-1 OANN/B 3-4ANN; Enclosure 3-4ANNID; Enclosure Door 3-REMICA; Remote Annunciators RLCM/B-S, RLCM/D; Enclosures 3-4/3SGYWR; LED Display Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 20-28 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listees name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as a remote annunciator for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm *Rev 01-22-14 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7120-1657:0193 Page 2 of 2 control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7120-1591:193 and 7120-1388:218 *Rev 01-22-14 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTIL.LO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division E 0 T TM Life Safety & Communications Remote Booster Power Supplies 1jr EST Catalog Power Supplies and Accessories j 11-E 13 Overview The Booster Power Supply (BPS) is a UL 864, 9th Edition listed power supply. It is a 24 Vdc filtered-regulated, and supervised unit that can easily be configured to provide additional notification appliance circuits (NACs) or auxiliary power for Mass Notification! Emergency Communication (MNEC), as well as life safety, security, and access control applications. The BPS contains the circuitry to monitor and charge internal or external batteries. Its steel enclosure has room for up to two 10 ampere-hour batteries. For access control-only applications, the BPS can support batteries totaling up to 65 ampere-hours in an external enclosure. The BPS has four Class B (convertible to two Class A) NACs. These can be activated in one or two groups from the BPS'S unique dual input circuits. The BPS is available in 6.5 or 10 ampere models. Each output circuit has a capacity of three amperes; total current draw cannot exceed the unit's rating. The BPS meets current UL requirements and is listed under the following standards: Standard (CCN) Description UL864 9th edition (J0)0Fire Alarm Systems UL636 (ANE1 UEHX7) Holdup Alarm Units and Systems UL609 (AO1X A0TX7) Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems UL294 (ALW, UEHX7) Access Control Systems UL365 (APAW, APAW7) Police Station Connected Burglar Alarm Units and Systems 71 076 (APOU, APOU7) Proprietary Burglar Alarm System Units UL1 610 (AMCX) central Station Alarm Unit ULC-5527 uoo<c control Units, Fire Alarm (Canada) ULC-5303 (AOD(7) Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems (Canada) C22.2 No. 205 Signaling Equipment (Canada) Standard Features Allows for reliable filtered and regulated power to be installed where needed Cost effective system expansion Provides for Genesis and Enhanced Integrity notification ap- pliance synchronization Supports coded output operation Self-restoring overcurrent protection Multiple signal rates Can be cascaded or controlled independently Easy field configuration On-board diagnostic LEDs identify wiring or internal faults Standard Edwards keyed lockable steel cabinet with remov- able door 110 and 230 Vac models available Accommodates 18 to 12 AWG wire sizes Optional tamper switch Dual battery charging rates Optional earthquake hardening: OSHPD seismic pre-approval for component Importance Factor 1.5 Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET 85005-0125 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 5 Application The BPS provides additional power and circuits for notification ap- pliances and other 24 Vdc loads. It is listed for indoor dry locations and can easily be installed where needed. Fault conditions are indicated on the on-board diagnostic LEDs, opening the BPS input sense circuit and the trouble relay (if programmed). While this provides indication to the host system, the BPS can still be activated upon command. A separate AC Fail contact is available on the BPS circuit board, which can be programmed for trouble or AC Fail. There are seven on-board diagnostic LEDs: one for each NAC fault, one for battery fault, one for ground fault, and one for AC power. The unique dual-input activation circuits of the BPS can be acti- vated by any voltage from 6 to 45 VDC (filtered-regulated) or 11 to 33 Vdc (full-wave rectified, unfiltered). The first input circuit can be configured to activate 1-4 of the four possible outputs. The second input circuit can be configured to control circuits 3 and 4. When outputs are configured for auxiliary operation, these circuits can be configured to stay on or automatically deactivate 30 sec- onds after AC power is lost. This feature makes these circuits ideal for door holder applications. The BPS also has a separate 200 mA 24 Vdc output that can be used to power internal activation modules. BPS NACs can be configured for a 3-3-3 temporal or continuous output. California temporal rate outputs are also available on cer- tain models. This makes the BPS ideal for applications requiring signaling rates that are not available from the main system. Dimensions 1 00 Top View D2-1 14 D3 o 84— D4—+8 S Front View 0- C > a, Cl) 66 0 S All knockouts OL for 3/4 in conduit (1.9 cm) CD Dl D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 17.0 in 3.5 in 13.0 in 6.5 in 3.375 in 12.0 in (43.2 cm) (8.9 cm) (33.0 cm) (16.5 cm) (8.6 cm) (30.4 cm) Dl Engineering Specification Supply, where needed, Edwards BPS Series Booster Power Sup- plies (BPS) that are interconnected to and supervised by the main system. The BPS shall function as a stand-alone auxiliary power supply with its own fully-supervised battery compliment. The BPS battery compliment shall be sized to match the requirements of the main system. The BPS shall be capable of supervising and charging batteries having the capacity of 24 ampere-hours for Mass Notification/Emergency Communication (MNEC), life safety and security applications, and the capacity of 65 ampere-hours for access control applications. <<The BPS shall be capable of installation for a seismic com- ponent Importance Factor of 1.5.>> The BPS shall provide a minimum of four independent, fully supervised Class B circuits that can be field configurable for notification appliance circuits or auxiliary 24 Vdc power circuits. BPS NACs shall be convertible to a minimum of two Class A NACs. Each BPS output circuit shall be rated at 3 amperes at 24 Vdc. Each output circuit shall be provided with automatically restoring overcurrent protection. The BPS shall be operable from the main system NAC and/or Edwards Signature Series control modules. BPS NACs shall be configurable for continuous, 3-3-3 temporal or optionally, California rate. Fault nditions on the BPS shall not impede operation of main sys- m NAC. The BPS shall be provided with ground fault detection circuitry and a separate AC fail relay. Page 2 of 4 Power-limited wiring area : Battery wiring (nonpower- limited and supervised) Battery Battery - Notes 1. Maintain 1/4-inch (6 mm) spacing between power-limited and nonpower-limited Wring or use type FPL, FPLR, or FPLP cable per NEC. [2] Power-limited and supervised when not configured as auxiliary power. Non- supervised when configured as auxiliary power. 131 Source must be power-limited. Source determines supervision. 4. When using larger batteries, make sure to position the battery terminals towards the door. DATA SHEET 85005-0125 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 5 In addition to the internally generated signal rates, the BPS can also be configured to follow the coded signal rate of the main Wire routing system NACs. This allows for the seamless expansion of existing NACs. The BPS enclosure has mounting brackets for up to three Signa- ture modules to the right of the circuit board. Route AC supply through these knockouts only (Nonpower-limited and supervised) Card reader card reader controller controller +- Card reader controller +- To next device or end Typical Wiring Single or cascaded booster anywhere on a notification appliance circuit Existing NAC end-of-line resistors are not required to be installed at the booster's terminals. This allows multiple boosters to be driven from a single NAC circuit without the need for special configurations. NAC Circuit I To next signaling NAC Circuit __________________ _____________ I device, booster, or EOL resistor (I) CI) I I ) NAC output #1 Fire Alarm I ) NAC output #2 Control Panel I )NAC output #3 . I )NAC output #4 Configuring the Booster for AC Power Fail delay operation* TB1 Notification appliance circuit (NAC) NAC1/+ UL listed AUXI - EOL 15 kC) C2/ - ]E Notification appliance circuit C) NAC3/ + UL listed AUX3 - EOL 15 kO NAC4/ + AUX4 - 200 mAAUX Continuous on IN Sense I COM OUT IN Sense 2 COM EOL 47 kO OUT CC1(S) module [1 ][3] NO 00 Trouble COM NC Multiple CC1 (S) modules using the BPS's sense inputs NACl/ TBI Notification appliance circuit (NAC) UL listed EOL 15 KW appliance circuit (NAC) NAC3/ + KW NAC2/ UL listed AUX3 - NAC4/ 4 AUX4 - 200 mAAUX Continuous IN Sense I COM OUT IN Sense 2 COM OUT NO Trouble COM NC 47 K 47 K -. . . II Data in from \J I 14* Data out to moul Is [4] previous device 5_J I_4. next device 3 2 1 or Signature controller TData out to 'The Booster supports AC Power fail delay of three hours via its trouble contact when ext device dip switch SW2-6 is on. All other troubles are reported to supervising module or panel without delay via Sense inputs. CC1(S) module 0 0 CC1(S) module 00 Data in from previous device or Signature controller [3] Security and access BPS TB 1 24V 12V NACl/4 240C12 Security AUXII N devic device AC2/ + IE AUX2 - NAC3/ + AUX3 - NAC4/ +rm Control panel [1] Disable the BPS'S ground fault jumper (JP3) ! Security EOL monitoring H d:evlce HLice Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85005-0125 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 5 Specifications WAR D S T. - 6.5 amster AC Line Voltage 120 VAC or 220-240VAC 50/60Hz 120 VAC or 220-240VAC 50/60Hz A UTC Fire & Security Company 390 watts I 580 watts Detection & alarm since 1872 Notification Appliance 3.OA max. per circuit @ 24Vdc I 3.OA max. per circuit @ 24Vdc Circuit Ratings nominal 6.5A max total all NACs nominal 10A max total all NACs U.S. Trouble Relay 2 Amps @ 30Vdc 1888-378-2329 Auxiliary Outputs Four configurable outputs replace NACs 1, 2, 3 or 4. as auxiliary F 866-503-3996 outputs and 200 mA dedicated auxiliary. (See note 2.) Canada Input Current 3mA @ 12Vdc, 6mA @ 24Vdc Chubb Edwards (from an existing NAC) 1519376 2430 Booster Internal 70mA + 35 mA for each circuit set to AUX F 519 376 7258 Supervisory Current Southeast Asia Booster Internal Alarm 270mA 1: +65 6391 9300 Current F : +65 6391 9306 Signature Mounting Accomodates three two-gang modules. India Space T : +91 804344 2000 Maximum Battery Size 10 Amp Hours (2 of 12V10A) in cabinet up to 24 Amp hours with ex- F: +91 804344 2050 ternal battery cabinet for fire and security applications; up to 65 Amp hours for access control applications in external battery box. Australia T+61 392391200 Terminal Wire Gauge 18-12 AWG F +613 9239 1299 Relative Humidity 0 to 93% non condensing @ 32°C Temperature Rating 320 to 120°F (00 to 49°C) Europe 1+32 2 725 11 20 NAC Wiring Styles Class A or Class B F +32 2721 8613 Output Signal Rates Continuous, California rate, 3-3-3 temporal, or follow installed panel's NAC. (See note 1.) Latin America 13055934301 Ground Fault Detection Enable or Disable via Jumper F 305 593 4300 Agency Listings UL, ULC, CSFM utcfireandsecurity.com Model BPSCAA provides selection for California rate, in place of temporal. Maximum of 8 Amps can be used for auxiliary output. © 2012 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. Ordering Information Catalog Description Shipping Number Wt. lb (kg) BPS6A 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply 13(5.9) BPS6AC 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply (ULC) 13(5.9) BPS6A/230 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply (220V) 13(5.9) BPS6CM 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply with California rate 13(5.9) LKM nTA1=omt== 13(5.9) BPS10AC 10 Amp Booster Power Supply (ULC) 13(5.9) BPS10N230 10 Amp Booster Power Supply (220' 13(5.9) BPS1 0CM 10 Amp Booster Power Supply with California rate 13(5.9) Requires installation of sepa- rate battery cabinet. - Related Equipment BPS supports batteries greater 12V6A5 7.2 Amp Hour Battery, two required 3.4 (1.6) than 24 Amp hours for access control applications only. 12V10A 10 Amp Hour Battery two required 9.5 (4.3) For earthquake anchorage, 3-TAMP Tamper switch including detailed mounting BC-1 EQ Seismic Kit for BC-1. Order BC-1 separately See note 3. weights and center of gravity BPSEQ Seismic kit for BPS6A or BPS1 0 Booster Power Supplies. See detail, refer to Seismic Applica- note 3 tion Guide 3101676. Approval of panel anchorage to site BC-1 Battery Cabinet (up to 2 - 40 Amp Hour Batteries) 58 (26.4) structure may require local BC-2 Battery Cabinet (up to 2 - 17 Amp Hour Batteries) 19(8.6) AHJ, structural or civil engineer i 2V17A 18 Amp Hour Battery two required (see note 1) 13(5.9) review. 12V24A 24 Amp Hour Battery, two required (see note 1) 20 (9.07) 12V40A 40 Amp Hour Battery, two required (see notes 1, 2) 32 (14.5) 12V50A 50 Amp Hour Battery, two required (see notes 1, 2) 40 (18.14) 12V65A 65 Amp Hour Battery, two required (see notes 1, 2) 49 (22.2 Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85005-0125 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 5 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1657:0229 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models BPS6A, BPS10A, BPS6N230, 13PSI0N230, BPS6CAA, and BPSIOCM remote booster power supplies. *Models APS6A, APS6N230, APS6CAA, APSIOA, and APSI0N230 Auxiliary Power Supply. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 120 V/240 V, 60 Hz, 50 Hz INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instruction, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as remote booster power supplies for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units to extend the notification appliance circuit Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7300-1591:229 7-29-10 ma This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division T TM r Safety & Communications EST Catalog Intelligent Input-Output Synchronization Output Module ffl,~ M~ MCC1S nT,q•,lH r? = MEA Patented 1L_JL Overview SIGA-CC1 S and MCC1 S Synchronization Output Modules are intelligent analog addressable devices that form part of EST's Signature line of products. The actual operation of the SIGA-CC1 S and MCC1 S is determined by the 'personality code" selected by the installer, which is downloaded to the module from the Signa- ture loop controller during system configuration. Depending on their assigned personality, Synchronization Output Modules may be used as a signal power riser selector to provide synchronization of fire alarm signals across multiple zones, or for connecting, upon command from the loop controller, supervised Class B signal or telephone circuits to their respective power inputs. The power inputs may be polarized 24 Vdc to operate au- dible and visible signal appliances or 25 and 70 VRMS to operate audio evacuation speakers and firefighter's telephones. Standard Features Provides UL 1971-compliant auto-sync output for visual signals Use for connecting a supervised output circuit to a supervised 24 Vdc riser input and synchronizing multiple notification appli- ance circuits. Functions as an audible signal riser selector Use as a synch module or for connecting supervised 24 Vdc AudibleNisible signal circuits, or 25 and 70 VRMS Audio Evacuation and Telephone circuits to their power inputs. Built-in ring-tone generator When configured for telephone circuits, the SIGA-CC1 S gener- ates its own ring-tone signal, eliminating the need for a sepa- rate ring-tone circuit. Automatic device mapping Signature modules transmit information to the loop controller regarding their circuit locations with respect to other Signature devices on the wire loop. Electronic addressing Programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con- troller, a PC, or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool; there are no switches or dials to set. Intelligent device with microprocessor All decisions are made at the module to allow lower com- munication speed with substantially improved control panel response time and less sensitivity to line noise and loop wiring properties; twisted or shielded wire is not required. Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0543 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 3.1 Application The SIGA-CC1 S mounts to a standard North American two-gang electrical box, making it ideal for locations where only one module is required. Separate I/O and data loop connections are made to each module. The SlGA-MCC1S is part of the UIO family of plug-in Signature Series modules. It functions identically to the SlGA-CC1 5, but takes advantage of the modular flexibility and easy installation that characterize all UIO modules. Two- and six-module UIO mother- boards are available. These can accommodate individual risers for each on-board module, or risers that are shared by any combina- tion of its UIO modules. All wiring connections are made to termi- nal blocks on the motherboard. UIO assemblies may be mounted in Edwards enclosures. Personality Codes The operation of the SIGA-CC1 S is determined by their sub-type code or "Personality Code". The code is selected by the installer depending upon the desired application and is downloaded from the loop controller. Personality Code 5: Signal Power or Audio Evacuation (sin- gle riser). Configures the module for use as a Class B Audible/ Visible Signal power (24 Vdc polarized) or Audio Evacuation (25 or 70 VRMS) power selector. The ring-tone generator is disabled. The output circuit is monitored for open or shorted wiring. If a short exists, the control panel inhibits the activation of the audible/ visible signal circuit to prevent connection to the power circuit. Personality Code 6: Telephone with ring-tone (single riser). Configures the module for use as a Telephone power selector. When a telephone handset is plugged into its jack or lifted from its hook, the module generates its own Ring-Tone signal. A separate ring-tone circuit is not needed. The module sends this signal to the control panel to indicate that an off-hook condition is present. When the system operator responds to the call, the ring-tone signal is disabled. Personality Code 25: Visual Signal Synchronization. This personality code configures the module to provide synchronization of fire alarm signals across multiple zones. It functions as a signal power (24 Vdc) riser selector. The output wiring is monitored for open circuits and short circuits. A short circuit will cause the fire alarm control panel to inhibit the activation of the audible/visual signal circuit so the riser is not connected to the wiring fault. Warnings & Cautions This module will not operate without electrical power. As fires fre- quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your fire protection specialist. Edwards recommends that these modules be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Compatibility The Synchronization Output Module is compatible with EST's Sig- nature Loop Controller operating under EST3 version 2.0 or higher, and QuickStart Signature Loop Intelligent Controller. Installation The SIGA-CC1S: mounts to North American 2-1/2 inch (64 mm) deep 2-gang boxes and 1-1/2 inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 2-gang covers and SlGA-MP mounting plates. The terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. SIGA-MCC1S: mount the UIOxR motherboard inside a suitable Edwards enclosure with screws and washers provided. Plug the module into any available position on the motherboard and secure the module to the motherboard with the captive screws. Wiring connections are made to the terminals on the motherboard (see wiring diagram). UIOxR motherboard terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm' to 0.75 mm wire size. UIO Motherboard 6-32 Sell-tapping screws Plug-in (1.110) >Captiw Module rows #6 Flat washers - cabinet or electrical enclosure Electronic Addressing The loop controller electronically addresses each module saving valuable time during system commissioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its "on-board memory". The loop control- ler identifies each device on the loop and assigns a "soft" address to each serial number. If desired, the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Testing & Maintenance The module's automatic self-diagnosis identifies when it is defec- tive and causes a trouble message. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each module and other perti- nent messages. Single modules may be turned off (de-activated) temporarily, from the control panel. Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper system operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. Page 2 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0543 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 3.1 Code ULItJLC Listed Personality Typical Speaker Circuit 47KW EOL Personality Typical Telephone Circuit Code 6 [—III-I• UL/tiLc Listed 47KW EOL r--MG:~fl Personality Enhanced Integrity and Genesis Devices Code 25 Riser in (+1 Riser in I-) Data In 1+1 Data in I-) UiJuLc Listed 47KW EOL Typical Wiring SIGA-CC1 S (Standard Mount) SIGA-MCC1S (UIO Mount) Typical Speaker Circuit Codes UiJULC Listed 7inFDa Personality 47KW EOL Personality Typical Telephone Circuit Code 6 uijuLc Listed 47KW EOL Personality Enhanced Integrity and Genesis Devices Code 25 uL/uLc Listed 47KW EOL uiolel series motherboard 2 Riser lout - Riser lln —C signatu + Data re ________________ 2. circuit Data Out: P Green LED INormail ,- oataIn )i so Tots Red LEO lActisel Riser lIn.JL Riser lOut Multiple CC1(S) modules using the BPS's sense inputs Notification appliance circuit (NAC) TB1 NAC1/+ UL listed - AUX1 - — NAC2/ + AUX2 - Notification appliance circuit (NAC) UL listed NAC3/ + - AUX3 - - EOL 15 KW NAC4/ + AUX4 - 200 mAAUX - - Continuous - I— IN ± Sense lCOM OUT 0 EOL47K IN ± Sense COM OUT EOL47K _~ ___________ NO Trouble COM II Ib Fl U IEJ module CC1(S) I NC II 109 I 109 TB2 CCI(S) module o oo_ [3] Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0543 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 3.1 Specifications Catalog Number - - SIÔA-MCCIS North American 21h inch (64 mm) deep two-gang boxes and 1½ Plugs into U102R, UI06R or U106 Mounting inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square Motherboards boxes with 2-gang covers and SIGA-MP_ mounting _plates Description Synchronization Output Module Type Code 50 (factory set) Address Requirements Uses one module address Wiring Terminations Suitable for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75mm Operating Current = Standby 223iJA Activated = 100pA Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) 24 Vdc = 2 amps Output Rating 25 V Audio =50 watts 70 V Audio =35 watts Construction High Impact Engineering Polymer Storage and Operating Operating: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Environment Storage: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) Humidity: 0 to 93% RH LED Operation Green LED - Flashes when polled Red LED - Flashes when in alarm! active Compatibility Use with: Signature Loop Controller under EST3 version 2.0 or higher Agency Listings UL, ULC, CSFM, MEA Ordering Information Catalog Description Number Shipping Wt. lbs 1ka SIGA-CC1S Synchronization Output Module (Standard Mount) - UL/ULC Listed 0.5(0.23) Synchronization Output Module (UIO Mount) - ULJULC Listed 0.18(0.08) MCCis Related Equipment - Sr OUt ICt,O IVIUUI IL OUA - F1U, 509 C k I .C) 27193-26 Surface Mount Box - White, 2-gang 2(1.2) SlGA-UlO2R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs 0.32 (0.15) - Two Module Positions SIGA-UI06R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs 0.62 (0.28) - Six Module Positions SIGA-UI06 Universal Input-Output Module Board - Six Module Positions 0.56 (0.25) 235 I 96P bi-polar transient Protector (JUl (U.U) MFC-A Multifunction Fire Cabinet - Red, supports Signature Module Mounting Plates 7.0(3.1) SIGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footprint 1.5 (0.70) SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 footprint 0.5 (0.23) SlGA-MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 extended footprint 1.02 (0.46) HS DWARS A UTC Fire It Security Company Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. 1888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada Chubb Edwards 15193762430 F 519 376 7258 Southeast Asia T: +65 6391 9300 F: +65 6391 9306 India 1: +91 804344 2000 F: +91 80 4344 2050 Australia 1+61 392391200 F+61 3 9239 1299 Europe T+32272511 20 F+322721 8613 Latin America T 305 593 4301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecurity.com © 2010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0543 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 3.1 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1657:0121 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models SIGA-CCI, SlGA-CC2, SIGA-CTI, SIGA-CTI HT, SIGA-CT2, SIGA-CR, SlGA-CRR, SlGA-UM, SIGA-MMI, SlGA-WTM, SIGA-IM, SIGA-MDM, SlGA-MAB, SIGA-MCT2, SIGA-MCCI, SIGA-MCC2, SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR remote transponders. Models SlGA-AA30 and SIGA-AA50 audio amplifiers. Models SIGA-APS and SIGA-APS-220 power supplies. Models SIGA-MB4, SlGA-MPI, SIGA-MP2 and SIGA-MP2L mounting plates. Models SIGA-UIO2R, SIGA-U106 and SIGA-UI06R motherboards. Model CS-SIGA-CCIP releasing module. Models SIGA-CCIS and SIGA-MCCIS Auto-Sync Output Modules. Models MFC-A and MFC-AD Enclosures. Model SIGA-CR2 Control Relay Module. Model SIGA-CTIHT; Signature Series High Temperature Single Input Module. *SIGA CRH High Power Control Relay Module. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational consideration. RATING: 15.2 - 19.95 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7300-1591:121 and 7300-1388:178 *Rev 01-11-16 gt It This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division IF RIBU1 C-RD RIBU1C-N4 RIBH1C-RD RIBH1C-N4 'Red housing 'NEMA 4X housing 310 South Union Street Sales 800.888.5538 [Functional.) Functional Devices, Inc. Office 765.883.5538 1B Russiaville, IN 46979 Fax 765.883.7505 i7ices, Inc. www.FunctionalDevices.com Email sales@FunctionalDevices.com # Relays & Contact Type: One (1) SPOT Continuous Duty Coil Expected Relay Life: 10 million cycles minimum mechanical Operating Temperature: -30 to 140° F Operate Time: 20mS Relay Status: LED On = Activated Dimensions: 1.70"x 2.80x 1.50"with .50NPT nipple Wires: 16', 600V Rated Approvals: UL Listed, UL916, U1864, C-UL California State Fire Marshal, CE, RoHS Housing Rating: Plenum, NEMA 1 Gold Flash: Yes Override Switch: No 10 Amp Pilot Control Relays Enclosed Relay 10 Amp SPOT with 10-30 Vac/dc/ 120 Vac Coil Who/ak B1 120 Vat WC WlrtiOlu Vol 10-301/ac/dc Comm Wh0Mel I Org Camm) I 11/0 Contact Ratings: 10 Amp Resistive © 277 Vac 10 Amp Resistive @3 28 Vdc 480 VA Pilot Duty @3 240-277 Vac 480 VAflallast @3 277 Vac 600 Watt Tungsten 0 120 Vac N/O 240 Watt Tungsten 0 120 Vac WC 1/3HP for N/O © 120-240Vac 1/6HP for N/C 0 120-24OVac 1/4HP for N/O @3 277 Vac 1/8HP for N/C © 277 Vac Whi/Om ON 200-2771/ac WC Wht/Blu Vol 10-30 Vat/dc Comm Wlr0/1/ol T 019 Comm I 11/0 Coil Current: 33mA 0 lOVac 13mA © 10Vdc 35noA@12Vac 15mA©12Vdc 46 mA @3 24 Vac 18 mA @3 24Vdc 55 mA © 30 Vac 20 mA © 30Vdc 28 mA @3 120 Vac (RIBU1C) 39 mA © 208-277 Vac lBH1C) Coil Voltage Input: 10-30 Vac/dc 120 Vac; 50-60 Hz (RIBU1C) 10-30 Vac/dc ; 208-277 Vac; 50-60 Hz (RlBH1C) Drop Out =2.1 Vac /2.8Vdc Pull In = 9Vac/ 10Vdc RIBH1C Enclosed Relay 10 Amp SPOT with 10-30 Vac/dc/ 208-277 Vac Coil Notes CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION . . OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1555:0100 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: FUNCTIONAL DEVICES, INC.101 Commerce Dr., P0 Box 437, Sharpsville, IN 46068 Contact: Dana Huntzinger (765) 883-5538 Fax (765) 883-4262 Email: d.huntzinger©functionaldevices.com DESIGN: Models RIBUIC, RIBU2C, RIBL3C, RIBL4C, RIBHIC, RIBH2C, RIBTUIC, RIBTU2C, RIBTHIC, RIBTH2C, RIBXLCF, RIBXLCA, RIBXLCRF, RIBXLCRA, RIBXLCV, RIBXLCRV, RIBXLCJF, RIBXLCJA, RIBXLCJV, RIBU1CW, RIBH1CW, RIBMUIC, RIBMU2C, RIBMH1C, RIBMNU1C, RIBMNHIC, RIBU1S, RIBU2S2, RIBU2SC, RIBUISM, RIBH1S, RIBHISM, RIBTUIS, RIBTH1S, RIBUISC, RIBH1SC, RIBTU1SC, RIBTHISC, RIBU1S-250, RI BU2SC-250, R1BU2S2-250, RIBU ISM-250, RIBHI S-250, RIBH I SM-250, RIBTUI S-250, RIBTHIS-250, RIBMUIS, RIBMHIS, RIBMUISM, RIBMHISM, RIBMUISC, RIBMHISC, RIBMNUIS, RIBMNHIS, RIBMNUISM, RIBMNHISM, RIBMUIS-250, RIBMHIS-250, RIBMU ISM-250, RIBMHI SM-250, RIBXLSF, RIBXLSA, RIBXLSRF, RIBXLSRA, RIBXLSV, RIBXLSRV, RIBXLSJF, RIBXLSJA, RIBXLSJV, RIBXLSF-250, RIBXLSA-250, RIBXLSRF-250, RIBXLSRA-250, RIBXLSV-250, RIBXLSRV-250, RIBXLSJA-250, RIBXLSJF-250, RIBXLSJV-250, RIBXLCEA, RIBXLCEF, RIBXLSEA, RIBXLSEF, RIBXLCEV, RIBXLSEV, RIBXLSEA-250, RIBXLSEF-250, RIBXLSEV-250, RIB24C, R1B2401C, R1B2402C, RIB24S, RIB240IS, R1B2402S, RIBI2C, RIBI2S, RIBI20IC, RIBI202C, RIBI20IS, R1B12025, RIBM24C, RIBM24S, RIBMN24C, RIBMN24S, RIBMI2C, RIBM12S, RIBMNI2C, RIBMNI2S, RIBM2401C, RIBM2402C, RIBM240IS, RIBM2402S, RIB24D, RIB240ID, R1B2402D, RIBM24D, RIBMN24D, RIBM240ID, RIBMN240ID, RIBM2402D, RIBMN2402D, RIBT2413, RIBT2401 B, RI BT2402B, RIBT24213, R1BT243B, RIB24B, RI B24018, R1B2402B, RI B242B, RIBT24SB, RIBT240ISB, RIBT2402SB, RIBT24SBC, RIBT240ISBC, RIBT2402SBC, RIB24SBC, R1B24015BC, RI B24O2SBC, RIBX24BF, RIBX24BA, RIBX24SBF, RIBX24SBA, RIBX24BV, RIBX24SBV, RIBM2413, RIBM240I13, RIBM240213, RIBMX24BA, RIBMX24BF, RIBM24SB, RI BM24SBC, RI BM2401 SB, RI BM24O2SB, R1BM2401 SBC, RIBM2402SBC, RIBMX24SBA, RIBMX24SBF, RIBMX24BV, RIBMX24SBV, RIBMX24BEA, RIBMX24BEF, RIBMX24SBEA, RIBMX24SBEF, RIBMX24BEV, RIBMX24SBEV, RIB24P, RIBT24P, RIBOIP, RIB02P, RI130413, RIBM24PL, RIBMN24PL, RIB24Z, RlBT24Z, RIBM24ZL, R113241330, RIB24S2, RIBX243PA, RIBX243PF, RIBX243PV, RIB243P, RIBT24313, RIB0I3P, RIB023P, RIB043P, RIBXF, RIBXA, RIBXV, RIBXRF, RIBXRA, RIBXRV, RIBXJF, RIBXJA, RIBXJV, RIBXEA, RIBXEF, RIBXEV, RIBMXA, RIBMXF, RIBMXV, RIBMXRA, RIBMXRF, RIBMXRV, RIBMXJA, RIBMXJF, RIBMXJV, RIBMXEA, RIBMXEF, RIBMXEV, RIBUIC-N4, RIBMH2C, RIB24SD, RIB24SDC, RIBT24D, RI BT24SD, RIBT240I D, R1BT2402D, R1B2401 SD, RI B240250, R1B2401 SDC, R1BT2401 SD, RIBT240ISDC, RIBT2402SDC, RIB240ISB, R1B24025B, R1B2401SBM, RIB2402SBM, RIBT240ISBM, RIBT2402SBM, RIBM240ISBM, RIBM2402SBM, R1B0152, R1B02S2, RIB04S2, RI BOI P30, R1B02P30, RIB04P30, RIBM24ZN, RIBM243PN, RIBMOI 3PN, RIBM023PN, RIBM04313N, RIBTELC, *Revised 05-31-12 bh This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7300-1555:0100 Page 2 of 2 RI BTELS, RIBTE24B, RIBTE24SB, RI BTEOI B, RIBTE0213, RIBTEOI SB, RIBTE24P, RIBTEOIP, RIBTE02P, RIBME240I13, RIBMEOIP, RIBME02P, R1BME2401P, R1BME24015B, R1BME2402B, RIBME24P, RIBME2402P, RIBME24SB, RIBME2402SB, RIBI 2C-FA, RI B24C-FA, R1B24P-FA, RI B24S-FA, RIBMN 12C-FA, RI BMNI 2S-FA, R1BMN24C-FA, R1BMN24S-FA, RIBT24B-FA, RIB2ICDC, RIB01BDC, RIB02BDC, RIBT24B-EXT, R1B1242B-EXT, RIB24B-EXT, R1B242B-EXT, R1B124SB-EXT, RI B24SB-EXT, RIBT24SBC-EXT, RIB24SBC-EXT, R1B242SB-EXT, RIBOIB, RIBOISB, RIBOISBC, RI130213, RI1302SB, R1B0258C, R1B2402S0C, R1B2421C, R1132421S, R1B242SB, R1B245B, R1BD2421C, RIBD2421S, RIBL1C-DC, RIBM01B, RIBMOISB, RIBMOISBC, R1BM028, RIBM02SB, RIBM02SBC, R1BM1201 C, RIBMI20I S, RIBMI202C, RIBMI 202S, RIBM2401 P, R1BM2401Z, R1BM2402P, R1BM2402Z, R1BM2421 C, R1BM2421 S, R1BM02421 C, R18MD2421 S, RIBMEOIZ, RIBME02Z, RIBME04P, RIBME240IZ, RIBME2402Z, RIBME24B, RIBME24Z, R1BMN2421C, R1BMN24215, RIBTOIB, RIBT0IS2, RIBT01SB, RIBT01SBC, RIBT0213, R1BT0252, R1B102SB, RIBT02SBC, R1BT04S2, R1BT2401 P, RIBT2401Z, RI BT2402P, R1BT2402SD, R1BT2402Z, RI BT24S2, R1BTD2421 C, R1BTD24215, R113TE0152, RI BTEOISBC, RIBTEOIZ, R1BTE02S2, RIBTE02SB, RIBTE02SBC, RIBTE02Z, RIBTE04P, R1BTE0452, R1BTE2401P, R1B1E2401Z, RIBTE2402P, RIBTE2402Z, R1B1E24S2, R1BTE24Z, RIBTU2SC, R1BXG420*(b), RIBXGA, RIBXGF, R1BXGT420*(b), RIBXGTA, RIBXGTF, RIBXGTV*(a), RIBXGV*(a), R1BXK420*(b), RIBXKA, RIBXKF, RIBXKT420*(b), RIBXKTA, RIBXKTF, RIBXKT\P(a), RIBXKV*(a), RIBMNLB, *RlB2421B *RlB2421SB *RIBMN24ZL *RlBMH1Sc.250 *RBMNH1 S-250, *RIBMNH1 SM-250, *RlBMNU1 S-250, *RIBMNUI SM-250, *R BMUI SC-250, *Rl BTHI SC-250, *RlBTU1 SC-250, *RIBU1 SC-250, *RIBXGFL *RIBXGHA *RIBXGHF *RIBxGHTA *RIBXGHTF *RIBXGTFL, *RIBLB *relay modules. - may be followed by up to 2 alpha-numeric characters designating voltage output range, may be followed by up to 3 alpha-numeric characters designating current input range. - may be followed by up to 3 alpha-numeric characters designating current input rarige)relay modules. These devices are intended for use with external dedicated smoke control systems or general signal equipment. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as relay modules for use with separately listed compatible smoke control equipment The devices shall be provided with polymeric enclosure with integral conduit fitting to facilitate connection to a permanent wiring system. *Revised 05-31-12 bh .0 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division EDWARDS Catalog Intelligent Initiating Devices United Technologies LIFE SAFETY g' INCIDENT MANAGEMENT Intel ligent Smoke Detector SIGA-PD Overview The Signature Series SIGA-PD optical smoke detector brings ad- vanced sensing technology to a practical design that increases ef- ficiency, saves installation time, cuts costs, and extends life safety and property protection capabilities. Continuous self-diagnostics ensure reliability over the long-haul, while environmental compen- sation helps reduce maintenance costs. Like all Signature Series detectors, the SIGA-PD is an intelligent device that gathers analog information from its optical sensor, converting this data into digital signals. To make an alarm decision, the detector's on-board microprocessor measures and analyzes sensor readings and compares this information to historical data. Digital filters remove signal patterns that are not typical of fires, thus virtually eliminating unwanted alarms. Standard Features Note: Some features described here may not be supported by all control systems. Check your control panel's Installation and Operation Guide for details. Next Generation Optical Smoke Sensing Technology Wide 0.53 to 3.94 %/ft. (1.7 to 12.35 %/m) smoke obscuration Uses Existing Wiring Automatic Device Mapping Up To 250 Total Signature Addresses Per Loop Two Levels of Environmental Compensation Two Levels of Dirty Detector Warning Twenty Pre-Alarm Settings Five Sensitivity Settings Non-Volatile Memory Electronic Addressing Identification of Dirty or Defective Detectors Automatic Day/Night Sensitivity Adjustment Bicolor (Green/Red) Status Led Standard, Relay, Fault Isolator, and Audible Mounting Bases Sensor Markings Provide Easy Testing Identification Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET E85001 -0646 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1 Application The SIGA-PD detects extremely small particles of combustion and triggers an alarm at the first sign of smoke. Thanks to its high- performance forward-scattering reflective response technology, the photoelectric smoke sensor responds quickly and reliably to a wide range of fire types, especially slow burning fires fuelled by combustibles typically found in modern multi-use buildings. Compatibility The SIGA-PD detector is compatible only with the Signature Loop Controller. Installation Signature Series detectors mount to North American 1-gang boxes, 3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, and to 4 inch square elec- tab trical boxes 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) deep. They mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers. See mounting LED Indicator base installation and wiring for more information. Sensing and reporting technology The microprocessor in each detector provides additional benefits - Self-diagnostics and History Log, Automatic Device Mapping, and Fast, Stable Communication. Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series detector constantly runs self-checks to provide important mainte- nance information. The results of the self-check are automatically updated and permanently stored in the detector's non-volatile memory Automatic Device Mapping - The loop controller learns where each device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The mapping feature provides supervision of each device's installed location to prevent a detector from being reinstalled (after cleaning etc.) in a different location from where it was originally. Fast Stable Communication - On-board intelligence means less information needs to be sent between the detector and the loop controller. Other than regular supervisory polling response, the detector only needs to communicate with the loop controller when it has something new to report. Testing & Maintenance Each detector automatically identifies when it is dirty or defective and causes a "dirty detector" message. The detector's sensitiv- ity measurement can also be transmitted to the loop controller. A sensitivity report may be printed to satisfy NFPA sensitivity mea- surements, which must be conducted at the end of the first year and every two years thereafter. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each detector and other pertinent messages. Single detectors may be turned off temporarily from the control panel. Availability of maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. Accessories Detector mounting bases have wiring terminals that are acces- sible from the "room-side" after mounting the base to the electrical box. The bases mount to North American 1-gang boxes and to 31h inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, 11/2 inches (38 mm) deep. They also mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers. The SlGA-SB4, SIGA-RB4, and SIGA-1134 mount to North American 4 inch sq. electrical boxes in addition to the above boxes. They include the SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt, which is used to cover the "mounting ears" on the base. The SlGA-AB4G mounts to a 4 inch square box only. SIGA-AB4G/T/LF SIGA-IB SIGA-RB SIGA.LED Audible Base Standard Base Isolator Base Relay Base Remote LED Remote LED SIGA-LED - The remote LED connects to the SlGA-SB or SIGA-SB4 Standard Base only. It features a North American size 1-gang plastic faceplate with a white finish and red alarm LED. IG!ESTrim Skirt - Supplied with 4 inch bases, it can also be ordered separately to use with the other bases to help hide surface imperfections not covered by the smaller bases. Sounder Bases - Signature Series sounder bases are designed for use where localized or group alarm signaling is required. SIGA-AB4G bases provide sounder capability to Signature Series to heat and smoke detectors. They are not intended for use with combination carbon monoxide detectors in Fire- plus-CO mode. SIGA-AB4GT bases provide sounder capability to Signature Series smoke and heat detectors, as well as carbon monox- ide detectors when used with a SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattern Generator. SIGA-AB4G-LF bases provide 520 Hz low frequency sounder capability to Signature Series smoke and heat detec- tors, as well as carbon monoxide detectors when used with a SIGA-TCDR Temporal Pattern Generator. The SIGA-AB4G-LF is suitable for applications requiring low frequency audible tones. Page 2 of 4 DATA SHEET E85001 -0646 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1 Typical Wiring The detector mounting bases accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 Audible Sounder Bases, Fire Mode (1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1.5mm2), and #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire sizes. AB4G] AB4G, AB4G-LF sounder bases Sizes #16 AWG (1.0mm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. Standard Detector Base, SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4 SIGA-AB4GT, SIGA-AB4G-LF: SlGA-AB4G, Output Mode Jum SIGA-AB4G.LF: Default= Fire This is the basic mounting base Remote LEO Volume Setting Cut/remove jumper for for EDWARDS Signature Series i i Max resistance Default = High Fire plus CO detectors. The SIGA-LED Re- 4>- 'ire exceed Cut/remove jumper for SIGA-AB4G: mote LED is supported by this 10 Ohms rj_i_2Ztfl0t low dB flj Tone Setting Base. 4 Remote LED DATA ,DATA Default = Temporal Dxix- DDTh. DAIP.. i Term Description ,- SIG.5 ow IN NiOur Cut/remove jumper for Steady 1 Not Used 2 DATA IN/OUT(+) i--'i(c 3 Not Used SIGA-AB4GT: i i i DATA F4(-) rcn I Not Used ,,i .'-z' . DATA OUT 1-1 5 Remote LED 6 Not Used 7 DATA OUT - DATA IN 1+) DATA OUT 1+) 24 Vdc in -, 24 Vdc out Fro m Signature Controller To Next Device or Previous Device From power suy ppl or previous base + + To next base or EOL relay Isolator Detector Base, SIGA-IB, SIGA-113 - Detain Data out to next Signature device4 From Signature Controller or previous device + This base includes a built-in line fault isolator for use on Class A circuits. A detector must be installed for it to operate. The isolator base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. Warnings & Cautions The isolator operates as follows This detector does not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruption, discuss further - a short on the line causes 8] iSO- lators to open within 23 msec -' [ safeguards with the local fire protection specialist. - at 10 msec intervals, beginning on one side This detector does not sense fires in areas where smoke of the Class A DATA IN - () A OUT Cannot reach the detector. Smoke from fires in walls, roofs, circuit nearest the loop or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the controller, the isolators _______________________ Close to provide the DATA IN DATA OUT (+) detector. To Next Device next isolator down the From Signature Controller Previous Device Photoelectric detectors have a wide range of fire-sensing or line with power Term Description I capabilities and are best suited for detecting slow, smolder- 1 Not Used - when the isolator next 2 DATA lN/Our(+) I ing fires. to the short closes, it reopens within 10 I 3 DATA IN (-)4 I Not Used I In Canada, install according to CAN/U LC-5524 Standard for msec. I Not Used 6 DATA oUi(-) I the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems, CSA C22.1 Canadian The process repeats beginning on the 7 Not Used I Electrical Code, and the local authority having jurisdiction. other side of the loop controller. Relay Detector Base, SIGA-RB, SIGA-RB4 This base includes a relay. Nor- mally Open or Normally Closed operation is selected during in- stallation. The dry contact is rated for 1 amp (pilot duty) @30 Vdc. The relay's position is supervised to avoid accidentally jarring it out of position. The SIGA-RB can be DATA operated as a control relay if pro- grammed to do so at the control DATA IN(+) DATA Our (+) To Next Device panel. The relay base does not From xrgnotu,e Controller orpreviousDeutce I Term Description I support the SIGA-LED Remote _ Normally OP I LED. CONTACT RATING I I 2 DATA IN/OUT I 1.O Amp ©3OVDC 3 Common I (Pilot Duty) I I 4 DATA IN (-) I I 5 Not Used I I 6 Normally-closed I I 7 DATA OUT (-) I Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET E85001 -0646 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1 Dimensions OWARDS LIFE SAFETY & INCIDENT MANAGEMENT Contact us... Email: edwards.fire@fs.utc.com Web: Edwards-fire.com EDWARDS is a UTC brand. 1016 Corporate Park Drive Mebane, NC 27302 © 2016 United Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications Operating voltage 15.20 to 19.95 VDC Normal operating current 32 hA Alarm current 32 hA Smoke Sensitivity Range ULJULC: 0.53 to 3.94 %/ft. (1.7 to 12.35 %/m) obscuration Vibration level 10 to 35 Hz, with an amplitude of 0.01 in. Air velocity 0 to 4,000 ft./min (0 to 20 m/s) Wall mounting 12 in. (305 mm) max. from ceiling Compatible detector testers Testifire 1000, Testifire 2000 Ooeratina environment 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C). 0 to 93% RH. noncondensina Storage temperature -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C) Environmental compensation Automatic Agency Listings CAN/ULC-S529, UL 268, UL 268A Ordering Information catalog - 77 - Ship Wt Number Descnption lbs (kg) SlGA-PD Intelligent Optical Smoke Detector 0.4(0.16) rAessories:.:......... ..T....T.IT . ....I 7:] SIGA-SB Detector Mounting Base - Standard Grtlmgh 4-inch Detector Mountina Base c/w Trim Skirt unting Base w/Relay, c/w Trim Skirt 0.2 (.09) Base w/Fault Isolator SIGA-1134 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/ Fault Isolator, c/w Trim Skirt SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED (not for EN54 applications) SIGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Base for Fire Detectors 0.3 SIGA-AB4G-LF Low Frequency Audible (Sounder) Base for CO and Fire Detectors 0.3 SlGA-AB4GT Audible (Sounder) Base for CO and Fire Detectors 0.3 SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt (supplied with 4-inch bases) 0.1 SIGA-TS Trim Skirt - (optional for non 4-inch bases) 0.1 SIGA-DMP Detector Mountina Plate q n SIGA-RTA Detector Removal Tool SIGA-VA Detector Cleaning Tool 9 Page 4of4 DATA SHEET E85001 0646 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1 3E4 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL * FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-1657:0331 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7272 -- SMOKE DETECTOR-SYSTEM TYPE-PHOTOELECTRIC LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, lnc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models SIGA-PD, *SIGI..PD *KI..pD and *KIR..PD Analog addressable photoelectric smoke detectors.*Model SIGl-PD is similar to Model SIGA-PD except for isolation circuitry. *Model Kl-PD is identical to Model SIGA-PD except for trade name. *Model KIR-PD is similar to Model SlGA-PD except for control panel compatibility. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 15.2-19.95 Vdc INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72 and applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. *Models SIGA-PD and SlGl-PD are under the Edwards brand. *Models Kl-PD and KIR-PD are under the Kidde brand. APPROVAL: Listed as analog addressable photoelectric smoke detectors. *Model Kl-PD is for use with listee's Models VSI, VS2 and VS4 (CSFM No. 7165-1657:0244); VM-1 (CSFM No. 7165-1657:0309) fire alarm control units. *Models SIGA-PD and SlGI-PD are for use with listee's Models EST3 (CSFM No. 7165-1657:0186); i064, i0500 and i01000 (CSFM No. 7165-1657:0244); EST3X (CSFM No. 7165-1657:0306) fire alarm control units. *Model KIR-PD is for use with listee's Models FX-64, FX-254 and FX-1000 (CSFM No. 7165-1657:0244) fire alarm control units. *Model =is for use with listee's bases: Models SlGA-SB, en -RB, -RB4, -IB, -1134 (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0120); SIGA-AB4G (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0222); SIGA-AB4GT (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0307) and SIGA-AB4G-LF (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0322). *Model SIGl-PD is for use with listee's bases; Models SIGI-AB4G (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0222); SIGI-AB4GT (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0307) and SIGI-AB4G-LF (CSFM No. Rev 02-15-18 gt .0 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed I tit the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not M. an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7272-1657:0331 Page 2 of 2 7300-1657:0322). *Models Kl-PD and KlR-PD are for use with listee's bases; Models Kl-ABST (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0222), Kl-ABDT (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0307) and Kl-ABLT (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0322). Authority having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: The photoelectric type detectors are generally more effective at detecting slow, smoldering fires, which smolder for hours before bursting into flames. Sources of these fires may include cigarettes burning in couches or bedding. The ionization type detectors are generally more effective at detecting fast, flaming fires, which consume combustible materials rapidly and spread quickly. Sources of these fires may include paper burning in a waste container or a grease fire in the kitchen. *Rev 02-15-18 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1657:0127 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Optional detector accessories: 5956; Remote Annunciator 6262-001 Key Switch 6254-003 Fire Alarm Relay 6254-001 Fire Alarm Power Supply 6256-200, C-DTS Fire Alarm /Indicator/Testing Station SIGA-LED Remote LED Alarm Indicator SIGA-DTS Remote Test Station SIGA-DG Smoke Detector Guard SIGA-DGSB Smoke Detector Guard Surface Mount Box SIGA-DGMF Smoke Detector Guard Flange EC-LED Remote LED Alarm Indicator All prefixes may be followed by a alpha character between A and Z except C to classify a specific market. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as optional accessories. Intended for use with separately listed compatible detectors. Model SlGA-DG is intended for use only with Models SIGA-IPHS (CSFM Listing No. 7258-1657:123) and SIGA-PS (CSFM Listing No. 7272-1657:126) smoke detectors. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7300-1591:127 and 7300-1388:191 7-29-10 ma M This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division E780 T Tm Life Safety & Communications Manual Pull Stations SIGA-270P, SIGA-278 EST Catalog Intelligent Initiating Overview The SIGA-270 and SIGA-278 series Manual Pull Stations are part of EST's Signature Series system. The SIGA-270 Fire Alarm Manual Pull Stations feature our very familiar teardrop shape. They are made from die-cast zinc and finished with red epoxy powder- coat paint complemented by aluminum colored stripes and mark- ings. With positive pull-lever operation, one pull on the station handle breaks the glass rod and turns in a positive alarm, ensuring protection plus fool-proof operation. Presignal models (SlGA-270P) are equipped with a general alarm (GA) keyswitch for applications where two stage operation is required. The up-front highly visible glass rod discourages tampering, but is not required for proper operation. EST's double action single stage SIGA-278 station is a contempo- rary style manual station made from durable red colored lexan. To initiate an alarm, first lift the upper door marked "LIFT THEN PULL HANDLE", then pull the alarm handle. Standard Features Note: Some features described here may not be supported by all control sys- tems. Check your control panels Installation and Operation Guide for details. Traditional familiar appearance SIGA-270 models feature our familiar teardrop design with simple positive pull action and sturdy die-cast metal body. One stage (GA), two stage (pre-signal), and double action models SIGA-270 models are available for one or two stage alarm systems. The single stage double action SlGA-278 features a rugged Lexan housing with keyed reset mechanism. Break glass operation An up-front visible glass rod on the SlGA-270 discourages tampering. Intelligent device with integral microprocessor All decisions are made at the station allowing lower com- munication speed while substantially improving control panel response time. Less sensitive to line noise and loop wiring properties; twisted or shielded wire is not required. ADA Compliant Meets ADA requirements for manual pull stations. Electronic Addressing with Non-volatile memory Permanently stores programmable address, serial number, type of device, and job number. Automatically updates historic information including hours of operation, last maintenance date, number of alarms and troubles, and time and date of last alarm. Automatic device mapping Each station transmits wiring information to the loop control- ler regarding its location with respect to other devices on the circuit. Stand-alone operation The station inputs an alarm even if the loop controller's polling interrogation stops. Diagnostic LEDs Status LEDs; flashing GREEN shows normal polling; flashing RED shows alarm state. Designed for high ambient temperature operation Install in ambient temperatures up to 120 OF (49 00). Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0279 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 8 Application The operating characteristics of the fire alarm stations are deter- mined by their sub-type code or "Personality Code". NORMALLY- OPEN ALARM - LATCHING (Pesonality Code 1) is assigned by the factory; no user configuration is required. The device is configured for Class B IDC operation. An ALARM signal is sent to the loop controller when the station's pull lever is operated. The alarm con- dition is latched at the station. Compatibility Signature Series manual stations are compatible only with EST's Signature Loop Controller. Warnings & Cautions This device will not operate without electrical power. As fires fre- quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Typical Wiring The fire alarm station's terminal block accepts #18 AWG (0.75mm2) to #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire sizes. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications. Wiring Notes Refer to Signature Loop Controller manual for maximum wire distance. 2. All wiring is power limited and supervised. REAR VIEW _ of 278 d c::) 0* . . o oI l Green LED - - II (No'mD 0 TB1 Red LED (Alarm/Active) Testing & Maintenance To test (or reset) the station simply open the station and operate the exposed switch. The SIGA-270 series are opened with a tool; the SIGA-278 requires the key which is supplied with that station. The station's automatic self-diagnosis identifies when it is defec- tive and causes a trouble message. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each Signature series device and other pertinent messages. Single devices may be deactivated temporarily, from the control panel. Availability of maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper system operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. f DATA IN(.)> 1 DATA IN (-) From Signature Controller or Previous Dedce DATA OUT (.) DATA OUT C-) To Next Oextce Figure 4. Single Stage Systems REAR VIEW r of 270P. 270PB TB2 0 II 8 7 6 5 II S S S I Red LED (Ajorm/Acttve) 4 302 TB1 0 0 Green LED (NormoD DATA IN (+) )- . DATA OUT (.) 1 DATA IN(-) > . DATA OUT C-) From Signature Controller Y To Next Device or P,eious Delce Figure 5. Two Stage Systems Page 2o14 DATA SHEET 85001-0279 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 8 Compatible Electrical Box 4 Back Plate Toggle Switch Installation Single-stage Signature Series fire alarm manual pull stations mount to North American 21h inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes. Two stage presignal (270P) models require 11/2 inch (38 mm) deep 4-inch square boxes with 1-gang, ½-inch raised covers. Openings must be angular. Rounded openings are not acceptable. Recommended box: Steel City Model 52-0-13; in Canada, use Iberville Model CI- 52-C-49-1/2. All models include terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. Edwards recommends that these fire alarm stations be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Electronic Addressing: The loop controller electronically addresses each manual station, saving valuable time during system com- missioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each station has its own unique serial number stored in its on-board memory. The loop controller identifies each device on the loop and assigns a "soft" address to each serial number. If desired, the stations can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Figure 1. SlGA-278 installation Compatible Electrical Box Cover 4 Releasi Screw a Back 0 Plate Toggle Switch o NCO- S GlassRod Pease Lever Figure 2. SlGA-270, SIGC-270F, SlGC-270B installation Cover Release '% Compatible Winch Vwith raised coverms Plate Toggle Switch tiogp4AL Glass Rod Release Lever Figure 3. SIGA-270P, SlGC-270PB installation Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-027, 90 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 8 Do not use boxes with rounded openings. Specifications -CM= SIG SlGA2760!1 - - Catalog Number 270F, SIGC-2708 SIGC-270P8 SIGA-278 Description Single Action Single Action -Two Double Action - One Stage Stage (Presigna - One Stage Addressing Uses 1 Module Uses 2 Module Uses 1 Module Requirements Address Addresses Address Operating Current Standby = 250pA Standby = 396pA Standby = 250pA Activated = 400pA Activated = 680pA Activated = 400pA Construction & Finish Diecast Zinc - Red Epoxy Lexan - Red with with aluminum markings white markings Type Code Factory Set Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal Storage and Operating Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Environment Storage Temperature: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) Humidity: 0 to 93% RH On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled LED Operation On-board Red LED - Flashes w hen in alarm Both LEDs - Glow steady when in alarm (stand-alone) Compatibility Use With: Signature Loop Controller Agency Listings UL, ULC (note 1), MEA, CSFM Note: SlGC-27Of SIGC-270B and SIGC-270PB are ULC listed only. Suffix 'T" indicates French markings. Suffix "B" indicates English/French biling ua! markings. Ordering Information siiit Catalog Wt. lbs Number Description (kg) riIl II OLLIUI I, l lItt I lVlt I'.Il luo - ULJUL_%.j LI Alarm Station, French Markings - ULC Listed Al- fm+i,n 1, ,,.h/Ir,,,Iioh FAmrt,i,,nc - I II C ICE-0-WARDS A UTC Fire & Security Company Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada Chubb Edwards T 519 376 2430 F 519 376 7258 Southeast Asia 1: +65 6391 9300 F : +65 6391 9306 India T: +91 804344 2000 F: +91 804344 2050 Australia 1+61 3 9239 1200 F+61 3 9239 1299 Europe T+32 2 725 11 20 F+32 2721 8613 Latin America T 305 593 4301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecurity.com © 2010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. SIGA-270P Ltd =,."Is . . . 1(0.5) SIGC- Two Stage (Presigna Fire Alarm Station, French/English Markings 270PB - ULC Listed SlGA-278 Double Action (One Stage) Fire Alarm Station, English Markings - UL/ULC Listed Accessories 32997 GA Key w/lag - for pre-signal station (CANADA ONL'1) 276-K2 GA Key - for ore-sianal station (USA ONLY) 27165 12 Glass Rods - for SlGA-270 series (CANADA ONLY) 0.1 (.05) 270-GLR 20 Glass Rods - for SlGA-270 series (USA ONLY) 276-GLR 20 Glass Rods - for SlGA-278 series 276B-RSB Surface Mount Box, Red - for SIGA pull stations 1 (0.6) 0 yr Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0279 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 8 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL _____ FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7150-1657:0129 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7150-- FIRE ALARM PULL BOXES LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, lnc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models SIGA-270, SIGA-27013, and SIGA-278 noncoded, intelligent manual pull stations*. Unit consists of a listed pull station and a remote transponder. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as manual pull stations for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. * These manual pull boxes meet the requirements of UL Standard 38, 1999 Edition with California amendments. NOTE: Formerly 7150-1591:129 and 7150-1388:194 7-29-10 ma This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Refer to Technical Bulletin (P/N 270145) for installation guidelines. Wire the SlGA-LED to the base as described in the Installation Sheet supplied with the base. Be sure to observe the polarity of the terminals on the terminal block as shown in the diagram below. (To Terminal Terminal #4) DESCRIPTION The Remote LED Alarm Indicator. Model SIGA-LED. is 0 component of the Signature Series System. This polarized device provides visual indication when a detector initiates an iIarm. A clear lens, light emitting diode pulses on and off in the event of an alarm condition. The SIGA-LED con ONLY be used with the Standard Detector Bose. Model SIGA-SB or SlGA-S84. It is NOT compatible with any other bases. This remote annunciator is NOT intended to be used as an evacuation signal for Life Safety situations. This remote annunciator will NOT operate if the device that it is connected to it is not powered. The LED used in this device has a 1800 range of visibility. but the best visibility is achieved in direct viewing applications. This device should NOT be installed in areas of direct sunlight, or where its intensity may be reduced. LED Type Clear Lens. Red Light Emitting Diode Luminous Intensity 65 mcd Operation Pulses on Alarm Condition Resistance per Wire 1OQ Max. Operating Temperature Range 32- 120°F (0- 49°C) Operating Humidity Range 0- 93% RH Storage Temperature Range -4- 140°F (-20- 60°C) Compatible Detectors SIGA Series Detectors Compatible Bases Standard Bases: SIGA-SB. -$84 NOTE: -Not for use with 24V DC circuits. Duct Applications Duct Detector Mounting Plate. SIGA-DH Compatible Electrical Boxes North American 1-Gong Box Standard X Square Box 1-1/2"(38 mm) Deep WI 1-Gong Cover Wire Siz Max. Wire Distance #18AWG (0.75 mrn2)° 1.567 ft. (478m) #16 AWG 0.0 mm2) 2.490 ft. (759 m) 114 AWG (1.5 mm2) 3.960 ft. (1.207 m) 1'reterrea wire size. Construction & Finish High Impact Engineering Polymer. White Shipping Weight 3.2 oz (90 g) Remote LED Alarm Indicator, SIGA-LED 0 U 0 [ SIGA-LED I REMOTE LED ALARM INDICATOR PART NO.: 387025P ISSUE: 5 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY SARASOTA. FL 8004554497 Fax. 941.753-1806 CHESHIRE. CT 203499-3000 Fax. 203.699-3075 OWEN SOUND. CANADA 519-376-2430 Fax. 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL: CANADA 9051784767 Fix. 905478.9791 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1657:0127 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Optional detector accessories: 5956; Remote Annunciator 6262-001 Key Switch 6254-003 Fire Alarm Relay 6254-001 Fire Alarm Power Supply 6256-200, C-DTS Fire Alarm /Indicator/Testing Station SIGA-LED Remote LED Alarm Indicator SIGA-DTS Remote Test Station SIGA-DG Smoke Detector Guard SIGA-DGSB Smoke Detector Guard Surface Mount Box SIGA-DGMF Smoke Detector Guard Flange EC-LED Remote LED Alarm Indicator All prefixes may be followed by a alpha character between A and Z except C to classify a specific market. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as optional accessories. Intended for use with separately listed compatible detectors. Model SlGA-DG is intended for use only with Models SIGA-IPHS (CSFM Listing No. 7258-1657:123) and SIGA-PS (CSFM Listing No. 7272-1657:126) smoke detectors. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7300-1591:127 and 7300-1388:191 7-29-10 ma This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division B T TM Life Safety & Communications EST Catalog Intelligent Initiating Intelligent Duct Smoke Detector Housing SIGA-DH ®MEA* Overview The SIGA-DH Duct Smoke Detector Housing is specially engi- neered to exploit all the capabilities of Signature Series intelligent photoelectric and multisensor smoke detectors. Edwards Signa- ture Series detectors gather analog information from each of their one or more sensing elements and converts it into digital signals. The detector's onboard microprocessor measures and analyzes these signals. It compares them to historical readings, time pat- terns and known characteristics to make an alarm decision. Digital filters and complex PJgorithms are applied for optimum detector accuracy. Unwanted alarms are virtually eliminated. Each duct housing is packaged with detailed installation instruc- tions, gaskets and a self-adhesive drilling template for locating and mounting the detector. The large access door is completely re- movable to allow fast detector installation and field wiring connec- tions. The 16 gauge steel housing is finished in red baked enamel for easy identification. Five one-gang knockouts on the housing provide a convenient location for mounting intelligent Signature Series modules. The SIGA-DH Duct Housing comes with a 6 inch (150 mm) exhaust tube. Air sampling tubes are available in lengths from 8 inches (200 mm) to 10 feet (3048 mm) and must be ordered sepa- rately. Compatible smoke detectors, mounting bases, and acces- sories are listed in the Ordering Information. Refer to individual device catalog literature pages for more detail. Standard Features Suitable for high air velocity duct applications Up to 4000 ft/mm. (20.3 m/sec.) with Photoelectric Detector. Standard Signature Series detectors Designed for use with standard 4D, 3D, and Photoelectric Signature Series smoke detectors. Does not require "special" duct smoke heads. Standard, relay, or isolator detector base Detector plugs-in to base then easily installs into housing. Install inducts up to lOft. (3.05 m) wide Remote LED and test station accessories Designed and manufactured to ISO 9001 standards Typical Wiring The detector mounting bases and test station will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16(1 .0mm2), #14 AWG (1.50mm2) and #12 AWG (2.5 mm2) wire sizes. Note: #14 AWG (1.5 mm2) is not recommended due to difficulty of installation. See Loop Control- ler and Detector catalog sheets for detailed wiring requirement specifications. Page lof4 DATA SHEET 85001-0325 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 4 Application The SIGA-DH Duct Smoke Detector Housing requires a clear, flat, accessible area on the duct of at least 7-3/8 inches (188mm) W x 7 inches (175mm) H. The duct housing must be installed on ducts at least 8 inches (200mm) wide. To avoid the effects of stratifica- tion, install the detector housing a minimum of six duct widths beyond any bends in the duct. Duct detectors are usually installed on the supply duct after the air filters; or in the return air stream prior to being diluted by outside air. Sample tube length must span the entire width of the air duct and the tube can be easily cut to any length. Inlet tubes longer than 3 ft.(900mm) must be supported at both ends. Bend or other obstruction Duct width 6 Duct widths Duct detector (minimum) location Duct detectors continually sample air flow in a HVAC duct and initiate an alarm condition whenever smoke is detected. An alarm is activated when the quantity (percent obscuration) of combustion products in that air sample exceeds the detector's sensitivity setting. Air velocity in the duct maintains the air flow that enters the detec- tor housing through perforations in the air sampling inlet tube and discharges through the outlet exhaust tube. The detector housing must be installed with its INLET air sampling tube upstream of the EXHAUST tube. Before installing the duct detector housing, test the duct air velocity to verify it is within the limits of the Signature smoke detector that is being installed. Also verify that duct air rela- tive humidity is within 0% and 93%. WARNING: Duct detectors have specific limitations. Duct detec- tors ARE NOT a substitute for an open area smoke detector. Duct detectors ARE NOT a substitute for early warning detection. Duct detectors ARE NOT a replacement for a building's regular fire detection system. Smoke detectors ARE NOT designed to detect toxic gases which can build up to hazardous levels in some fires. These devices WILL NOT operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruptions, Edwards suggests you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Installation and Mounting Edwards recommends duct detectors always be installed in ac- cordance with the latest recognized editions of local and national fire alarm codes. Typical Wiring The detector mounting bases and test station will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16(1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1 .50mm2) and #12 AWG (2.5 mm2) wire sizes. Note: #14 AWG (1.5 mm2) is not recommended due to difficulty of installation. See Loop Control- ler and Detector catalog sheets for detailed wiring requirement specifications. Page 2 of 4 Accessories Duct Detector Air Sampling Tubes One air sampling inlet tube must be ordered for each duct smoke detector housing. Refer to Ordering Information for available lengths. Detector Mounting Bases One detector mounting base must be ordered for each duct smoke housing. Removing a detector from its base (except isola- tor base) does not affect other devices operating on the same data loop. Available bases are: Standard Base SIGA-SB - This is the basic 7 mounting base. The SIGA-LED Remote LED i& supported by the Standard Base. Relay Base SIGA-RB - This base includes V a relay. Normally open or closed operation is selected during installation. The dry contact is rated for 1 amp © 30 Vdc (pilot duty). The relay's position is supervised to avoid accidentally jarring it out of position. The SIGA-RB can be operated as a control relay if pro- grammed to do so at the control panel (EST3 V. 2 only). The Relay Base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. Relay bases are not affected or activated by the SIGA-DTS Duct Test Station. Isolator Base SIGA-IB - This base includes a built-in line fault isolator. A detector must be installed for it to operate. The integral isolator relay is controlled by the detector or the loop controller. A maximum of 96 isolator bases can be installed on one loop. The Isolator Base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. - -- Alarm LED Indicator The SlGA-LED Alarm Indicator is suitable for use with ' the SlGA-SB detector base only. A maximum of one can be operated for each detector. It features a red LED on a one-gang plastic plate and can be installed remote or directly on the SlGA-DH Duct Housing. N 's Duct Test Station The SlGA-DTS Duct Test Station uses a key switch along with an integral intelligent input module mounted on a two-gang plastic plate. It is supplied with two keys and features a red alarm LED. When the key is turned to the "TEST" position, the LED lights and the integral module remotely inputs a duct detector test alarm. The actions and sequences programmed at the control panel to activate dampers and other smoke control measures, are easily tested. Detector relay bases are not affected or activated. Resetting the control panel clears the test and returns the system to normal. The key cannot be removed when in the "TEST" position. The Duct Test Station mounts to standard 2-inch deep North American two-gang and 4-inch square electric boxes and Euro- pean 100 mm square boxes. Air Velocity Test Kit The 6263-SG Air Velocity Test Kit is specially designed to interface to the SIGA-DH Duct Housing. It is used to test or confirm the air velocity in HVAC ducts where the duct housing is installed. DATA SHEET 85001-0325 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 4 Specifications Compatible Smoke Detectors - - - - G -PHS - SiGA-IPHS - Ionization Photoelectric Photoelectric - Unipolar Photoelectric Smoke Sensing Element(s) - Light Scattering Principle 135°F - Light Scattering Principle Heat - - Light Scattering Principle Heat (57° C) Fixed Temperature - Alarms at 65° F (35° C) change in ambient temperature Air Velocity Range 300 to 4000 ft/mm. (1.5 to 20.3 m/sec) 00to100/niu. Temperature: 32 - 120° F (0 to Operating Environment 49° C) Temperature: 32 - 100° F (0 - 38° C) Humidity: 0 to 93% RH, Humidity: 0 to 93% RH, non-condensing non-condensing Storage Environment Temperature: -4 to 140° F (-20 to 60°C); Humidity: 0 to 93% RH, non-condensing ULI/ULC Sensitivity Range 0.67% to 3.77% obscuration/foot (305mm) Dimensions 7-3/8 inches (188mm) W x 7 inches (178mm) H x 5 inches (127mm) D Material and Finish 16 Gauge Cold Rolled Steel, Red - Baked Enamel Conduit Knockouts Combination 1/2 inch & 3/4 inch Agency Approvals UL, ULC, MEA, CSFM User Selected Sensitivity Settings Least Sensitive: 3.5%; Less Sensitive: 3.0%; Normal: 2.5%; More Sensitive: 2.0%; Most Sensitive: 1.0% Pre-alarm Sensitivity 5 % increments, allowing up to 20 pre-alarm settings Electrical, Physical Characteristics Refer to individual detector catalog sheets Compatible Mounting Bases SIGA-SB Standard Base, SIGA-RB Relay Base, SIGA-IB Isolator Base Compatible Remote LED SIGA-LED (LED flashes when in alarm) Controller Compatibility SIGNATURE Loop Controller Addressing Restrictions Uses one Input Device Address Note: The SIGA-DH Duct Housing is not weatherproof or dust tight.) SIGA-DTS Duct Test Housing Operating Current Standby = 250pA; Activated = 400pA Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Replacement Key p/n - P-037449 Storage and Operating Temperature 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C) Onboard LED Operation Red LED - flashes when in alarm or test state Mounting North American electric box: 2 inch deep 2-gang or 4 inch square; European electric box: 100 mm square Construction & Finish High Impact Engineered Plastic 2-gang front plate - White Addressing Restrictions Uses one Module Address Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001 -0325 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 4 Ordering Information DB Catalog Number Description : •..: . . .. Ship Wt lb. A UTC Fire & Security Company Elt1D Duct Detector Housing 6.5 (3.0) Detection & alarm since 1872 -. - - Sampling Tubes U.S. 6261-001 8 inch (200mm) Air Sampling Inlet Tube 0.25 (0.1) 1888-378-2329 6261-002 24 inch (600mm) Air Sampling Inlet Tube 0.5 (0.2) F 866-503-3996 6261-003 42 inch (1060mm) Air Sampling Inlet Tube 1.6 (0.8) Canada 6261-006 78 inch (1980mm) Air Sampling Inlet Tube 2.2 (1.0) Chubb Edwards 6261-010 120 inch (3048mm) Air Sampling Inlet Tube 4.4 (2.0) 15193762430 F 519 376 7258 Compatible Detectors and Bases Southeast Asia SIGA-IPHS 4D Multisensor Detector 0.5 (0.23) T: +65 6391 9300 SIGA-PI-IS 3D Multisensor Detector 0.5 (0.23) F: +65 6391 9306 LEM Photoelectric Detector 0.5 (0.23) India 15010 Standard Base 0.2 (0.09) 1: +9180 4344 2000 SIGA-RB Relay Base 0.2 (0.09) F: +9180 4344 2050 SIGA-IB Isolator Base 0.2 (0.09) Australia ------------...- --------------------__.._, T +61 3 I Annunciation and Testing F +61 3 9239 1299 _________ Alarm LED Indicator 0.2 (.09) SlGA-DTS Duct Test Station 0.4 (.18) Europe T+322 72511 20 6263-SG Duct Air Velocity Test Kit F+322721 8613 Latin America 13055934301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecuritycom © 2010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. a Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0325 P Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 4 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 3240-1657:0108 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 3240-- DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR HOUSING/BASE LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, lnc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models 6260(1)-100, 6265(1)-001/-002, 2435P, 1235B, A19863, SIGA-DH, and 6260A-CU Duct Smoke Detector Units. Unit consists of a metal enclosure, relay, electrical components, a separately listed open area detector, a detector base and a sampling and exhaust tubes. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. (1): First four digits followed by an alpha suffix. RATING: 300-4000 fpm except for Model 6260B-1 00 is range from 400-4000 fpm. Model SIGA-DH with Model SIGA-IPHS detector head, the sensitivity must be set at Levels I through 4f0r velocities over 1000 fpm. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as duct smoke detector housing units for use with separately listed compatible control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 3240-1591:108, 3240-1388:104, 3240-0073:141, 3242-0073:141, 3240-0073:118 and 3241-0073:118 7-29-10 ma This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division EST Catalog Intelligent Initiating ESS T TM Life Safety & Communications Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector EI APP icadon Notes Avsitable Overview The Signature Series Model SIGA-PS Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector gathers analog information from its smoke sens- ing element and converts it into digital signals. The detector's on-board microprocessor measures and analyzes these signals. It compares the information to historical readings and time patterns to make an alarm decision. Digital filters remove signal patterns that are not typical of fires. Unwanted alarms are virtually elimi- nated. The microprocessor in each detector provides four additional ben- efits - Self-diagnostics and History Log, Automatic Device Map- ping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Stable Communication. Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series detector constantly runs self-checks to provide important mainte- nance information. The results of the self-check are automatically updated and permanently stored in the detector's non-volatile memory Automatic Device Mapping - The loop controller learns where each device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The mapping feature provides supervision of each device's installed location to prevent a detector from being reinstalled (after cleaning etc.) in a different location from where it was originally. Stand-alone Operation - A decentralized alarm decision by the detector is guaranteed. On-board intelligence permits the detector to operate in stand-alone mode. If loop controller CPU communi- cations fail for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit go into stand-alone mode. The circuit acts like a conventional alarm receiving circuit. Fast Stable Communication - On-board intelligence means less information needs to be sent between the detector and the loop controller. Other than regular supervisory polling response, the detector only needs to communicate with the loop controller when it has something new to report. Standard Features Integral microprocessor Non-volatile memory Automatic mapping device Electronic addressing Environmental compensation Intelligent detector Wide 0.67% to 3.770/o/ft. sensitivity range Twenty pre-alarm sensitivity values, set in 5% increments Identification of dirty or defective detectors Automatic day/night sensitivity adjustment Twin RED/GREEN status LEDs Standard, relay, fault isolator, and audible mounting bases Designed and manufactured to ISO 9001 standards Page lof4 DATA SHEET 85001-0269 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6 Installation Signature Series detectors mount to North American 1-gang boxes, 3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, and to 4 inch square electrical boxes 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) deep. They mount to Euro- pean BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers. 0.8 (20 mm) 2.0'(51 mm) I I 4.4 (112mm) Testing & Maintenance Each detector automatically identifies when it is dirty or defective and causes a "dirty detector" message. The detector's sensitiv- ity measurement can also be transmitted to the loop controller. A sensitivity report can be printed to satisfy NFPA sensitivity meas- urements which must be conducted at the end of the first year and every two years thereafter. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each detector and other pertinent messages. Single detectors may be turned off temporarily from the control panel. Availability of maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper detec- tor operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. Compatibility The SlGA-PS detectors are compatible only with the Signature Loop Controller. Warnings & Cautions This detector will not operate without electrical power. As fires fre- quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your fire protection specialist. This detector will NOT sense fires that start in areas where smoke cannot reach the detector. Smoke from fires in walls, roofs, or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector to alarm it. Accessories All detector mounting bases have wiring terminals that are acces- sible from the "room-side" after mounting the base to the electri- cal box. The bases mount to North American 1-gang boxes and to 31/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, 11/2 inches (38 mm) deep. They also mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers. The SIGA-SB4, SlGA-RB4, and SIGA-1134 mount to North American 4 inch sq. electrical boxes in addition to the above boxes. They include the SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt which is used to cover the "mounting ears" on the base. The SIGA-AB4G mounts to a 4" sqare box only. SIGA-AB4G SlGA-89 SIGA-IB SIGA-RB SIGA-LED Audible Base Standard Base Isolator Base Relay Base Remote LED Standard Base SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4 - This is the basic mount- ing base for Edwards Signature Series detectors. The SIGA-LED Remote LED is supported by the Standard Base. Relay Base SIGA-RB, SIGA-RB4 - This base includes a relay. Normally open or closed operation is selected during installation. The dry contact is rated for 1 amp (pilot duty) @30 Vdc. The relay's position is supervised to avoid accidentally jarring it out of position. The SIGA-RB can be operated as a control relay if programmed to do so at the control panel (EST3 V.2 only). The relay base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. Audible Base SIGA-AB4G - This base is designed for use where localized or group alarm signaling is required. When the detector senses an alarm condition, the audible base emits a local alarm signal. The optional SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay can be used for sounding to other audible bases on the same 24 Vdc circuit. Relay and Audible Bases operate as follows: - at system power-up or reset, the relay is de-energized - when a detector is installed in the base with the power on, the relay energizes for four seconds, then de-energizes - when a detector is removed from a base with the power on, the relay is de-energized - when the detector enters the alarm state, the relay is energized. Isolator Base SIGA-113, SIGA-1134 - This base includes a built-in line fault isolator for use on Class A circuits. A detector must be installed for it to operate. The isolator base does not support the StGA-LED Remote LED. The isolator operates as follows: - a short on the line causes all isolators to open within 23 msec - at 10 msec intervals, beginning on one side of the Class A circuit nearest the loop controller, the isolators close to provide the next isolator down the line with power - when the isolator next to the short closes, reopens within 10 msec. The process repeats beginning on the other side of the loop controller. Remote LED SIGA-LED - The remote LED connects to the SlGA-SB or SIGA-SB4 Standard Base only. It features a North American size 1-gang plastic faceplate with a white finish and red alarm LED. SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt - Supplied with 4 inch bases, it can also be ordered separately to use with the other bases to help hide surface imperfections not covered by the smaller bases. Tamper-Resist Lever Arc - Break off to disable - (Located on Base) Access Slot for Tamper-Resist Mechanism Page 2o1 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0269 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6 1 Normally Open 2 DATA IN/OUT (+) 3 Common 4 DATA IN (-) 5 Not Used 6 Normally-aosed 7 DATA OUT (-) CONTACT RATING 1.0 Amp @ 30 VDC OUT (-) (Pilot Duty) Application Although photoelectric detectors have a wide range of fire sensing capabilities they are best suited for detecting slow, smoldering fires. The table below shows six standard test fires used to rate the sensitivity of smoke and heat detectors. The table indicates that no single sensing element is suited for all test fires. Edwards recommends that this detector be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. SIGA-HRS and SIGA-HFS Rate-of- SIGA-PHS SIGA-IPHS Test Fire SIGA-IS Ion SIGA-PS Photo Rise! Fixed Temp. Photo Heat 313 Ion/Photo/Heat 4D Open Wood optimum unsuitable optimum very suitable optimum Wood Pyrolysis suitable optimum unsuitable optimum optimum Smouldering Cotton very suitable optimum unsuitable optimum optimum Poly Urethane Foam very suitable very suitable suitable very suitable ontimum Liquid Fire without unsuitable unsuitable optimum very suitable very suitable Smoke Typical Wiring The detector mounting bases accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1 .5mm2), and #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1 .Omm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications. Standard Detector Base, SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4 Relay Detector Base, SIGA-RB, SIGA-RB4 Term Description Normally- Normally- 1 Not Used 2 DATA IN/OUT (+) 3 Not Used 4 DATA IN(-) 5 Remote LED (-) 6 Remote LED (+) 7 Not Used 8 DATA OUT (-) DAT OUT 4ot Max resistance per wire must not exceed 10 Ohms DATA IN (-I DATA DATA IN 1+1 DATA OUT 1+) From Signature Controller To Next Device or Previous Device Isolator Detector Base, SIGA-IB, SIGA-IB4 Term Description I Not Used 2 DATA IN/OUT (i.) 3 DATA IN(-) 4 Not Used 5 Not Used 6 DATA OUT (-) 7 Not Used DA1 DAT, uN .1') From Signature Controller or Previous Device DAT,- From Signature Controller or Previous Device Audible Detector Base, SIGA-AB4G @o o@ Volume setting Tone setting Default High volume Default a Temporal pattern Cut for low volume Cut for steady tone To configure configure output volume or tone, cut the cirwit board as shown. 24 Vdc in - From power supply or + previous base Data In - From Signature controller or previous device OUT (+) To Next Device OUT (-) OUT (+) To Next Device 24Vdc out To next base or EOL relay Data out To next Signature device Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0269 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6 Specifications DWARDS A UIC Fire & Security Company Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Sensing Element Photoelectric - Light Scattering Principle Storage & Operating Air Velocity Range: 0 to 5,000 ft/mm (0 to 25.39 m/s); Humidity: 0 to Environment 93% RH1 Non-Condensing Operating Temp: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 491C); Storage Temp: -4°F to 140°F (-20°Cto 60°C) Sensitivity Range UU/ULC - 0.67% to 3.77% obscuration/foot User Selected Alarm Most Sensitive: 1.0%/ft.; More Sensitive: 2.0%/ft.; Normal: 2.5%/ft.; Less Sensitive: 3.00/o/ft.; Least Sensitive: 3.5%/ft. Canada Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Chubb Edwards Operating Current Quiescent: 45pA @ 19 V, Alarm: 45pA @ 19 V Emergency Stand-alone T 519376 2430 Alarm Mode: 18mA Pulse Current: 100 pA (100 msec); During Corn- F 519 376 7258 munication: 9 mA max. Southeast Asia Construction & Finish High Impact Engineering Polymer - White 1: +65 6391 9300 Compatible Mounting SlGA-SB Standard Base, SIGA-RB Relay Base, SIGA-113 Isolator Base, F : +65 6391 9306 Bases SIGA-AB4, SIGA-AB4G Audible Bases LED Operation On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled; On-board Red LED - India Flashes when in alarm Both LEDs - Glow steady when in alarm (stand- 80 F +91 804344 2050 alone) Compatible Remote Red LED (model SIGA-LED) Flashes when in alarm Australia Compatibility Use With: SIGNATURE Loop Controller T +61 3 9239 1200 Address Requirements Uses one Device Address F +61 3 92391299 Agency Listings UL, ULC, MEA, CSFM Europe UL Listed Spacing 30 ft T+32272511 20 F+32272186 13 Latin America Ordering Information T 305 593 4301 F 305 593 4300 Catalog Description Ship Wt. Number . . ...... ..... .... .. . . .. ... ... lbs (kg) utcfireandsecurity.com Intelligent Photoelectric Detector - UL/ULC Listed 0.5 (.23) ©2010UTC Fire &Security. . . -.... All rights reserved. Accessories 3IIJ Detector Mounting Base - Standard SIGA-564 4-inch Detector Mounting Base c/w SlGA-TS4 Trim Skirt SlGA-RB Detector Mounting Base w/Relay SlGA-R84 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/Relay, c/w SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt 0.2 (.09) SIGA-18 Detector Mounting Base w/Fault Isolator SlGA-1134 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/ Fault Isolator, c/w SlGA-TS4 Trim Skirt SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED SlGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Base .3(0.15) SlGA-TS4 Trim Skirt (supplied with 4-inch bases) .1 (.04) Page 4of4 DATA SHEET 85001-0269 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL 9 FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-1657:0126 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7272 -- SMOKE DETECTOR-SYSTEM TYPE-PHOTOELECTRIC LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models SIGA-PS and SIGA-PHS photoelectric smoke detectors. Model SIGA-PHS employs an integral 135°F fixed temperature heat sensor. This heat sensor is a supplementary device to the smoke detector and is not approved as a required heat detector. Refer to listee's printed data sheet for additional detailed product description, installation and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detectors for use with listee's listed fire alarm control units and Model SIGA Series bases (CSFM Listing No. 7300-1657:120). Model SIGA-PS may be suitable for installation directly in the duct with the velocity range from 0-5000 feet/mm. NOTE: Model SIGA-PHS is not intended for use in lieu of a required heat detector. Formerly 7272-1591:126 and 7272-1388:186 7-29-10 ma This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1657:0120 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300-- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Detector Bases. Base models are as follow: Models 5963B, 5964 B/BR, 6241B-002, 624913-001, 6251, 6251B-00IA, -001, -002, -003, -004, 6251 B-100, -200, -R1 00, -R200 and 6251-2 Models 62518-001, -002, -003 and -004 are suitable for releasing device service. Models P-847674-0022, -0024, -0042, -0043, -0044, -0045, -0046, -0047. Models SIGA-IB, -1B4, -RB, -RB4, -SB, -SB4 and -AB4. *Models KI-IB, -I134, -RB, -RB4, -SB and -SB4. The -RB series are suitable for releasing device service. *Model SlGI-SB and SIGl-SB4. Model AB4G-SB surface mount back box for use with listee's SIGA series sounder bases. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. *KI are under the Kidde Brand. SIGA* and SIGl* are under the Edwards Brand APPROVAL: Listed as mounting bases for use with separately listed compatible detectors and fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7300-1591:120 and 7300-1388:170 *Rev 05-03-18 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Control Relay Modules SIGA-MCR, SIGA- CAR, SIGA-MCRR .1 .. I * MEA sic EST Catalog Intelligent Input/Output O T TM Life Safety & Communications Overview The Control Relay Module and the Polarity Reversal Relay Module are part of the Signature Series system. They are intelligent analog addressable devices available in either plug-in (UlO) versions, or standard 1-gang mount versions. The SIGA-CR/MCR Control Relay Module provides a Form "C" dry relay contact to control external appliances such as door clos- ers, fans, dampers etc. This device does not provide supervision of the state of the relay contact. Instead, the on-board micro- processor ensures that the relay is in the proper ON/OFF state. Upon command from the loop controller, the SIGA-CR/MCR relay activates the normally open or normally-closed contact. The SIGA-CRR/MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module provides a Form "C" dry relay contact to power and activate a series of SIGA-AB4G Audible Sounder Bases. Upon command from the Signature loop controller, the SlGA-CRR reverses the polarity of its 24 Vdc output, thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop. Standard-mount versions (SIGA-CR and SIGA-CRR) are installed to standard North American 1-gang electrical boxes, making them ideal for locations where only one module is re- quired. Separate I/O and data loop connections are made to each module. Plug-in UIO versions (SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR) are part of the UlO family of plug-in Signature Series modules. They func- tion identically to the standard mount versions, but take advantage of the modular flexibility and easy installation that characterizes all UlO modules. Two- and six-module UlO motherboards are available. All wiring connections are made to terminal blocks on the motherboard. UlO assemblies may be mounted in Edwards enclosures. Standard Features Provides one no/nc contact (SIGA-CR/MCR) Form "C" dry relay contact can be used to control external ap- pliances such as door closers, fans, dampers etc. Allows group operation of sounder bases The SlGA-CRR/MCRR reverses the polarity of its 24 Vdc out- put, thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop. Plug-in (UIO) or standard 1-gang mount UIO versions allow quick installation where multiple modules are required. The 1-gang mount version is ideal for remote locations that require a single module. Automatic device mapping Signature modules transmit information to the loop controller regarding their circuit locations with respect to other Signature devices on the wire loop. Electronic addressing Programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con- troller, a PC, or the SlGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool; there are no switches or dials to set. Intelligent device with microprocessor All decisions are made at the module to allow lower com- munication speed with substantially improved control panel response time and less sensitivity to line noise and loop wiring properties; twisted or shielded wire is not required. Ground fault detection by address Detects ground faults right down to the device level. Page 1 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 Installation SIGA-CR and SIGA-CRR: modules mount to North American 21/2 inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SlGA-MP mounting plates. The terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. Compatible electrical box SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR: mount the UIO motherboard inside a suitable Edwards enclosure with screws and wash- ers provided. Plug the module into any available position on the motherboard and secure the module to the motherboard with the captive screws. Wiring connections are made to the terminals on the motherboard (see wiring diagram). UIO motherboard terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. UIO Motherboard 6-32 Self-tapping acrewa t#6 T Module screws Ub0P6 Flal waahera Lj —Cabinet or electrical enclosure Application The operation of Signature Series control relays is determined by their sub-type code or 'Personality Code." Personality Code 8: CONTROL RELAY (SIGA-CR/MCR) - Dry Contact Output. This setting configures the module to provide one Form "C" DRY RELAY CONTACT to control Door Closers, Fans, Dampers, etc. Contact rating is 2.0 amp @ 24 Vdc; 0.5 amp © 120 Vac (or 220 Vac for non-UL applications). Personality Code 8 is assigned at the factory. No user configuration is re- quired. Personality Code 8: POLARITY REVERSAL RELAY MODULE (SIGA-CRR/MCRR). This setting configures the module to re- verse the polarity of its 24 Vdc output. Contact rating is 2.0 amp © 24 Vdc (pilot duty). Personality Code 8 is assigned at the factory. No user configuration is required. Compatibility The Signature Series modules are compatible only with EST's Signature Loop Controller. Warnings & Cautions This module will not operate without electrical power. As fires fre- quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Testing & Maintenance The module's automatic self-diagnosis identifies when it is defec- tive and causes a trouble message. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each module and other per- tinent messages. Single modules may be turned off (deactivated) temporarily, from the control panel. Availability of maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper system operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority Hav- ing Jurisdiction (AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ ULC 536 standards. Electronic Addressing - The loop controller electronically ad- dresses each module, saving valuable time during system com- missioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its on- board memory. The loop controller identifies each device on the loop and assigns a soft" address to each serial number. If desired, the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Page 2 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 Typical Wiring Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1 .omm2), #14 AWG (1 .50mm2) and #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1 .omm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications. Normally- Normally- Open Common Closed A,' _ r__j TB2 I !.IJ I 876 S I © I Red LED ______ (Alarm/Active) I 4321 TB1 kirii1fl1 I f DATA IN (+) > 1 DATA IN(-) )r- From Signature Controller or Previous Device SIGA-CR Control Relay Green LED (Normal) Notes A Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet DATA OUT for wiring specifications. (+) DATA OUT J NFPA 72 requires that the SIGA-CR/SIGA-MCR be installed in the same room as the device it is control- To Next Device ling. This requirement may not apply in all markets. Check with your local AHJ for details. The SIGA-Ul06R and the SIGA-U102R do not come With TB14. Normally Open Common Normally Closed 1234 Data In Data Out_ _J Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) The SIGA-Ul06 does not come with TB8 through TB13. j Supervised and power-limited. ,. If the source is nonpower-limited, maintain a space of 1/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use FPL, FPLP, FPLR, or an equivalent in accordance with the National Electrical Code. 7) Maximum #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire. Mm. #18 (0.75mm2). No connections required for MCR. Other modules may require connections. No connections required for MCR. Other modules may require connections. SIGA-MCR Control Relay Page 3 of 6 DATA S H E ET 85001 -0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 MCRR UloiRl series motherboard ] No connections required for I MCRR. Other modules may I require connections. II 0, Signature - Data Data Out • Circuit V (f• For normal operation CT1 For General Fire Alarm Operation UL/ULC listed 24Vdc power - supply - or 1234 1234 II _III i Green LED (Normal) Red LED )Actine) —i No connections required for MCRR. Other modules may connections. J _____ No connections required for MCRR. Other modules may require connections. Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) Optional MCRR or MCRfar disabling/disconnecting an audible base. Data Out + U 11 Signature Data Circuit + Data In - Typical Wiring Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1.50mm2) and #12 AWG (2.50mm2) wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1 .omm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications. AB4G AB4G AB4G Audible Bose Audible Base Audible Base Listed 24 VDC Nominal Powei Suppl Signature Controller sounder base SIGA-MCRR SIGA-CRR Schematic SIGA-MCRR Schematic Powerti FV%eerOut yllevernes enPctoted jd Power In Power Out Polarity reverses - + when activated. Audible 6254A-003 I required for EOL Relay 6254A-003 fi + Bases .± supevision mm Notes Refer to the Signature controller installation sheet for wiring. One Pair of Wires (24 Vdc power). One Pair of Wires (Signature Data). Single Wire (24 Vdc power). The SlGA-lJl06R and the SIGA-ulO2R do not come with T814. The SIGA-U106 does not come with T88 through TB13. Supervised and power-limited. 8 If the source is nonpower-limited, maintain a space of 1/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use FPL, FPLF FPLR, or an equivalent in accordance with the National Electrical Code. 9 Maximum #12 AWG (2.5mm2 ) wire; Minimum #18 AWG (0.75 mm2). 10 End-of-Une Relay must monitor and report power supply trouble to control panel. 11 Class B Data wiring may be '7-tapped." Page 4 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 Specifications Catalog Number -- - SIGA-MCR -- SIGA-CRA SIGA:MCRR Description Control Relay Polarity Reversal Relay Type Code Personality Code 8 (Factory Set) Personality Code 8 (Factory Set) Address Requirements Uses 1 Module Address Operating Current Standby = lOOpA Activated = lOOpA Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Relay Type and Rating Form "C" 24 VDC = 2 amps (pilot duty) 120 Vac = 0.5 amps 220 Vac (non-UL) = 0.5 amps Mounting North American 21h inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA- MP mounting plates Plugs into U102R, U106R or U106 Motherboards North American 21h inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA- MP mounting plates Plugs into U102R, U106R or U106 Motherboards Construction & Finish High Impact Engineering Polymer Storage and Operating Environment Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Storage Temperature: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) Humidity: 0 to 93% RH LED Operation On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled On-board Red LED - Rashes when in alarm/active Compatibility Use With: Signature Loop Controller Agency Listings UL, ULC, CSFM, MEA Ordering Information Catalog Number Description Weight - lbsption (kg) SIGA-CR Control Relay Module (Standard Mount) 0.4 (0.15) SIGA-MCR Control Relay Module (UIO Mount) 0.18 (0.08) SlGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module (Standard Mount) 0.4 (0.15) SlGA-MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module (UIO Mount) 0.18(0.08) Related Equipment - - 27193-11 Surface Mount Box - Red, 1-gang 1(0.6) 27193-16 Surface Mount Box - White, 1-gang 1 (0.6) SIGA-U102R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Two Module Positions 0.32(0.15) SIGA-U106R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Six Module Positions 0.62 (0.28) SIGA-U106 Universal Input-Output Module Board - Six Module Positions 0.56 (0.25) SIGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Detector Base 0.3(0.15) Accessones MFC-A Multifunction Fire Cabinet - Red, supports Signature Module Mounting Plates 7.0(3.1) SIGA-MB4 Transponder Mounting Bracket (allows for mounting two 1-gang modules in a 2-gang box) 0.4 (0.15) SIGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footprint 1.5 (0.70) SlGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 footprint 0.5 (0.23) SIGA-MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 extended footprint 1.02 (0.46) Page 5of6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 Signature Series Overview s The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable system from Edwards is an entire c:DwAR D family of multi-sensor detectors and mounting bases, multiple-function input and output A UTC Fire & Security Company modules, network and non-network control panels, and user-friendly maintenance and Detection & alarm since 1872 service tools. Analog information from equipment connected to Signature devices is gathered and converted into digital signals. An onboard microprocessor in each Signature U.S. device measures and analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm. T 888-378-2329 The microprocessor in each Signature device provides four additional benefits - Self-di- F 866-503-3996 agnostics and History Log, Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Canada Stable Communication. Chubb Edwards 1519376 2430 Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series device constantly runs self- F 519 376 7258 checks to provide important maintenance information. The results of the self-check are Southeast Asia automatically updated and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory. This information T:i.65 63919300 is accessible for review any time at the control panel, PC, or using the SIGA-PRO Signa- F : +65 6391 9306 ture Program/Service Tool. The information stored in device memory includes: India Device serial number, address, and type 1: +91 80 4344 2000 Time and date of last alarm F: +91 80 4344 2050 Most recent trouble code logged by the detector - 32 possible trouble codes may be Australia used to diagnose faults. 1+61 392391200 F +61 3 9239 1299 Automatic Device Mapping —The Signature Data Controller (SDC) learns where each Europe device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The T+322 72511 20 SOC keeps a map of all Signature Series devices connected to it. The Signature Series F +322721 8613 Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, the wired circuits between each device can be examined. Layout or 'as-built" Latin America 1305 5934301 drawing information showing branch wiring (r-taps), device types and their address are F 305 593 4300 stored on disk for printing hard copy. This takes the mystery out of the installation. The preparation of as-built drawings is fast and efficient. utcfireandsecurity.com Device mapping allows the Signature Data Controller to discover: 02010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. Unexpected additional device addresses Missing device addresses Changes to the wiring in the circuit. Most Signature modules use a personality code selected by the installer to determine their actual function. Personality codes are downloaded from the SDC during system configu- ration and are indicated during device mapping. Standalone Operation - A decentralized alarm decision by the device is guaranteed. Onboard intelligence permits the device to operate in standalone (degrade) mode. If Sig- nature loop controller CPU communications fail for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit go into standalone mode. The circuit acts like a conventional alarm receiving circuit. Each Signature device on the circuit continues to collect and analyze information from its slave devices. When connected to a panel utilizing standalone operation, modules with their "personality" set as alarm devices (IDC) will alarm should their slave alarm-initiat- ing device activate. 0 Page 6 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.2 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1657:0121 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7300 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, lnc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models SIGA-CCI, SIGA-CC2, SIGA-CTI, SIGA-CTIHT, SIGA-CT2, SIGA-CR, SIGA-CRR, SIGA-UM, SIGA-MMI, SIGA-WTM, SIGA-IM, SlGA-MDM, SIGA-MAB, SIGA-MCT2, SIGA-MCCI SIGA-MCC2, SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR remote transponders. Models SIGA-AA30 and SIGA-AA50 audio amplifiers. Models SIGA-APS and SIGA-APS-220 power supplies. Models SIGA-MB4, SIGA-MPI, SIGA-MP2 and SlGA-MP2L mounting plates. Models SlGA-U102R, SIGA-U106 and SlGA-U106R motherboards. Model CS-SIGA-CC1P releasing module. Models SIGA-CCIS and SlGA-MCCIS Auto-Sync Output Modules. Models MFC-A and MFC-AD Enclosures. Model SIGA-CR2 Control Relay Module. Model SIGA-CTIHT; Signature Series High Temperature Single Input Module. *SIGA..CRH High Power Control Relay Module. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational consideration. RATING: 15.2- 19.95 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listees name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7300-1591:121 and 7300-1388:178 *Rev ol..11..l6 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division 310 South Union Street Sales 800.888.5538 IF ii n et i o nail Functional Devices, Inc. Office 765.883.5538 Russiaville, IN 46979 Fax 765.883.7505 Devices,, Inc. E9 www.FunctionalDevices.com Email sales@FunctionalDevices.com 10 Amp Pilot Control Relays Enclosed Relay 10 Amp SPOT with 10-30 Vac/dal 120 Vac Coil WIrUSIk So 120 Var WC Wht/BIu YeT 10-30 Var/dc Comm WhtMeI I Org Comm I Nb RIBH1C Enclosed Relay 10 Amp SPOT with 10-30 Vac/dc/ 208-277 Vac Coil WhUgni Blu 208-277 Vac WC Wirt/Blu Yel 10-30 Var/dc Comm Wire/tel T Org Comm I Nb IF RIBU1C-RD RIBIJ1C-N4 a RIBH1 C-RD RIBH1C-N4 Red housing NEMA 4X housing SPECIFICATIONS # Relays & Contact Type: One (1) SPOT Continuous Duty Coil Contact Ratings: Coil Current: Expected Relay Life: 10 million cycles minimum mechanical 10 Amp Resistive © 277 Vac 33 mA @1 lOVac 13 mA © 10Vdc Operating Temperature: -30 to 1400 F 10 Amp Resistive © 28 Vdc 35 mA © 12 Vac 15 mA © 12Vdc Operate Time: 20mS 480 VA Pilot Duty © 240-277 Vac 46 mA © 24 Vac 18 mA © 24Vdc Relay Status: LED On = Activated 480 VA Ballast © 277 Vac 55 mA © 30 Vac 20 mA © 30Vdc Dimensions: 1,76'x 2.80'x 1.5ff'with .50"NPT nipple 600 WattTungsten © 120 Vac N/U 28 mA © 120 Vac (RIBU1C) Wires: 16" 600V Rated 240 Watt Tungsten © 120 Vac N/C 39 mA © 208-277 Vac l8H1C) Approvals: UL Listed, UL916, UL864, C-UL 1/3 HP for N/U © 120-240 Vac Coil Voltage Input: California State Fire Marshal, CE, RoHS Housing Rating: Plenum, NEMA 1 1/6 HP for WC © 120-240 Vac 1/4 HP for N/0 © 277 Vac 1O-30VacIdc; 120 Vac; 50-60 Hz (RIBU1C) Gold Flash: Yes 1/8 HP for WC © 277 Vac 10-30Vac/dc; 208-277 Vac ; 50-60 Hz (RlBH1C) Override Switch: No Drop Out = 2.1 Vac / 2.8Vdc Pull ln=9Vac/laVdc Notes CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL _____ FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1555:0100 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7300 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: FUNCTIONAL DEVICES, INC.101 Commerce Dr., P0 Box 437, Sharpsville, IN 46068 Contact: Dana Huntzinger (765) 883-5538 Fax (765) 883-4262 Email: d.huntzingerfunctionaIdevices.com DESIGN: Models RIBU1C, RIBU2C, RIBL3C, RIBL4C, RIBH1C, RI131-12C, RIBTUIC, RIBTU2C, RIBTHIC, RIBTH2C, RIBXLCF, RIBXLCA, RIBXLCRF, RIBXLCRA, RIBXLCV, RIBXLCRV, RIBXLCJF, RIBXLCJA, RIBXLCJV, RIBU1CW, RIBH1CW, RIBMUIC, RIBMU2C, RIBMHIC, RIBMNUIC, RIBMNHIC, RIBUIS, RIBU2S2, RIBU2SC, RIBUISM, RIBHIS, RIBHISM, RIBTUIS, RIBTHIS, RIBUISC, RIBHISC, RIBTUISC, RIBTHISC, RIBUIS-250, RIBU2SC-250, RIBU2S2-250, RIBU ISM-250, RIBH I S-250, RIBH ISM-250, RIBTU 1S-250, RIBTHIS-250, RIBMUIS, RIBMHIS, RIBMU1SM, RIBMHISM, RIBMUISC, RIBMHISC, RIBMNUIS, RIBMNHIS, RIBMNUISM, RIBMNHISM, RIBMU1S-250, RIBMHIS-250, RIBMU I SM-250, RIBMHI SM-250, RI BXLSF, RIBXLSA, RIBXLSRF, RIBXLSRA, RIBXLSV, RIBXLSRV, RIBXLSJF, RIBXLSJA, RIBXLSJV, RIBXLSF-250, RIBXLSA-250, RIBXLSRF-250, RIBXLSRA-250, RIBXLSV-250, RIBXLSRV-250, RIBXLSJA-250, RIBXLSJF-250, RIBXLSJV-250, RIBXLCEA, RIBXLCEF, RIBXLSEA, RIBXLSEF, RIBXLCEV, RIBXLSEV, RIBXLSEA-250, RIBXLSEF-250, RIBXLSEV-250, RIB24C, R1B2401 C, RI B2402C, RIB24S, RIB240IS, R1B24025, RIB12C, RIB12S, R1B1201C, RIBI202C, RIBI20IS, R1B1202S, RIBM24C, RIBM24S, RIBMN24C, RIBMN24S, RIBM12C, RIBM12S, RIBMNI2C, R1BMN12S, RIBM240I C, R1BM2402C, RIBM240IS, R1BM2402S, RIB24D, RIB240I D, RI B2402D, RIBM24D, RIBMN24D, R1BM24011), RIBMN2401D, RIBM2402D, RIBMN2402D, RIBT2413, RIBT240I13, RIBT240213, RIBT242B, R1BT24313, RIB24B, R113240113, R1B2402B, RIB242B, RIBT24SB, RIBT240ISB, RIBT2402SB, RI BT24SBC, RIBT240ISBC, RIBT2402SBC, R1B2458C, RIB240ISBC, RIB2402SBC, RIBX24BF, RIBX2413A, RIBX24SBF, RIBX24SBA, RIBX2413V, RIBX24SBV, RIBM2413, RIBM240I13, RIBM240213, RIBMX24BA, RIBMX24BF, RIBM24SB, RIBM24SBC, R1BM2401SB, RIBM2402SB, RIBM240ISBC, RIBM2402SBC, RIBMX24SBA, RIBMX24SBF, RIBMX24BV, RIBMX24SBV, RIBMX24BEA, RIBMX24BEF, RIBMX24SBEA, RIBMX24SBEF, RIBMX24BEV, RIBMX24SBEV, RIB24P, RIBT2413, RIB01P, RIB02P, RIB04P, RIBM24PL, RIBMN24PL, RI1324Z, R1BT24Z, RIBM24ZL, RlB24P30, RIB24S2, RIBX243PA, RIBX243PF, R1BX243PV, R1B243P, RIBT243P, RIB013P, RlB023P, R113043P, RIBXF, RIBXA, RIBXV, RIBXRF, RIBXRA, RIBXRV, RIBXJF, RIBXJA, RIBXJV, RIBXEA, RIBXEF, RIBXEV, RIBMXA, RIBMXF, RIBMXV, RIBMXRA, RIBMXRF, RIBMXRV, RIBMXJA, RIBMXJF, RIBMXJV, RIBMXEA, RIBMXEF, RIBMXEV, RIBUIC-N4, RIBMH2C, RIB24SD, RIB24SDC, RIBT24D, RI BT24SD, RIBT240I D, RIBT2402D, R1B2401 SD, RIB2402SD, RIB2401SDC, RI BT2401 SD, RIBT240I SDC, RIBT2402SDC, RIB240ISB, RIB2402SB, R11324011SBM, RI132402SBM, RIBT240ISBM, RIBT2402SBM, R1BM2401 SBM, RIBM2402SBM, RIB01 S2, RI1302S2, RIB0452, R11301 1330, RIB02P30, RI13041330, RIBM24ZN, RIBM243PN, R1BM013PN, RIBM023PN, RIBM043PN, RIBTELC, Revised 05-31-12 bh S3 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7300-1555:0100 Page 2 of 2 RIBTELS, RIBTE2413, RIBTE24SB, RIBTE0113, RIBTE0213, RIBTE01SB, RIBTE24P, RIBTEOIP, RIBTE02P, R1BME240113, RIBMEOIP, R1BME02P, R1BME2401P, R1BME2401SB, R1BME240213, RIBME24P, RlBME2402P, RIBME24SB, R1BME2402SB, RIBI 2C-FA, RIB24C-FA, RIB24P-FA, RIB24S-FA, RIBMNI 2C-FA, RIBMN1 2S-FA, R1BMN24C-FA, R1BMN24S-FA, R1BT24B-FA, R1B21 COG, RIBOIBDC, RI BO2BDC, RlBT24B-EXT, RIBT242B-EXT, RI132413-EXT, R1B24213-EXT, RIBT24SB-EXT, RIB24SB-EXT, R1B124SBC-EXT, RIB24SBC-EXT, RIB242SB-EXT, RI130113, RIB01SB, RIBOISBC, R1130213, RI1302SB, RI1302SBC, RIB2402SDC, R1132421C, RIB242IS, RI13242SB, RI1324SB, RlBD2421C, R1B02421S, RIBLIC-DC, RIBM0113, RIBMOISB, RIBMOISBC, RIBM0213, RIBM02SB, RIBM02SBC, RIBMI 201 C, R1BM12013, RIBMI 202C, RIBM1202S, RlBM2401 P, R1BM2401Z, RIBM2402P, RIBM2402Z, R1BM2421 C, R1BM2421 S, RIBMD242I C, RIBMD2421 S, RIBME01Z, RIBME02Z, RIBME04P, RIBME240IZ, RIBME2402Z, RIBME2413, RIBME24Z, RIBMN242IC, RlBMN2421S, RIBT0113, RIBT0IS2, RIBTOISB, RIBTOISBC, RIBT02B, RIBT02S2, RIBT02SB, RIBT02SBC, RIBT04S2, RIBT2401 P, RI BT2401 Z, R1BT2402P, R1BT2402SD, RIBT2402Z, R1B12432, RI BT02421 C, RI BT024215, RIBTEOI S2, RIBTEOI SBC, RlBTE01Z, RIBTE02S2, RIBTE02SB, RIBTE02SBC, RIBTE02Z, RIBTE04P, RIBTE04S2, RIBTE2401P, R1BTE2401Z, RIBTE2402P, R1BTE2402Z, R1B1E24S2, RIBTE24Z, RIBTU2SC, R1BXG420*(b), RIBXGA, RIBXGF, RIBXGT420*(b), RIBXGTA, RIBXGTF, RIBXGTV*(a), RIBXGV*(a), R1BXK420*(b), RIBXKA, RIBXKF, RIBXKT420*(b), RIBXKTA, RIBXKTF, RIBXKTV*(a), RIBXKV*(a), RIBMNLB, *R1B2421B *RIB242ISB *RIBMN24ZL *RIBMH1sc..250 *RIBMNH1 3-250, *RIBMNH1 SM-250, *RIBMNU1 S-250, *RIBMNUI SM-250, *Rl BMU 1 SC-250, *RIBTH ISC-250, *RIBTU 1 SC-250, *RIBUI SC-250, *RIBXGFL *RIBXGHA *RIBXGHF *RIBXGHTA, *RIBXGHTF, *RIBXGTFL, *RIBLB *relay modules. - may be followed by up to 2 alpha-numeric characters designating voltage output range, may be followed by up to 3 alpha-numeric characters designating current input range. - may be followed by up to 3 alpha-numeric characters designating current input range)relay modules. These devices are intended for use with external dedicated smoke control systems or general signal equipment. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as relay modules for use with separately listed compatible smoke control equipment The devices shall be provided with polymeric enclosure with integral conduit fitting to facilitate connection to a permanent wiring system. *Revised 05-31-12 bh This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division MEA lCEI ApØicaUan Notes AvaSable SIGA-1 T TM r Safety & Communications EST Catalog Intelligent Input-Output Overview The SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module, SIGA-CT1 HI High Tem- perature Single Input Module and SIGA-CT2/SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Modules are intelligent analog addressable devices used to connect one or two Class B normally-open Alarm, Supervisory, or Monitor type dry contact Initiating Device Circuits (IC). The actual function of these modules is determined by the "personal- ity code" selected by the installer. This code is downloaded to the module from the Signature loop controller during system configura- tion. The input modules gather analog information from the initiating devices connected to them and convert it into digital signals. The module's on-board microprocessor analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm. The SIGA-CT1, SIGA-CT1 HT and SIGA-CT2 mount to standard North American 1-gang electrical boxes, making them ideal for lo- cations where only one module is required. Separate I/O and data loop connections are made to each module. The SIGA-CT1 HT module operates at an expanded temperature range of 32°F to 158°F (0°C to 70°C) for those applications requiring more extreme environmental temperature variation. The SIGA-MCT2 is part of the UIO family of plug-in Signature Series modules. It functions identically to the SIGA-CT2, but takes advantage of the modular flexibility and easy installation that characterizes all UlO modules. Two- and six-module UIO mother- boards are available. All wiring connections are made to terminal blocks on the motherboard. UIO assemblies may be mounted in Edwards enclosures. Standard Features Multiple applications Including Alarm, Alarm with delayed latching (retard) for water- flow applications, Supervisory, and Monitor. The installer selects one of four "personality codes" to be downloaded to the mod- ule through the loop controller. SlGA-CTI HT rated for high temperature environments Suitable for attic installation and monitoring high temperature heat detectors. Plug-in (UlO) or standard 1-gang mount UIO versions allow quick installation where multiple modules are required. The 1-gang mount version is ideal for remote loca- tions that require a single module. Automatic device mapping Signature modules transmit information to the loop controller regarding their circuit locations with respect to other Signature devices on the wire loop. Electronic addressing Programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con- troller, a PC, or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. There are no switches or dials to set. Stand-alone operation The module makes decisions and inputs an alarm from initiat- ing devices connected to it even if the loop controller's polling interrogation stops. (Function availability dependent upon control panel.) Ground fault detection by address Detects ground faults right down to the device level. Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0241 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 8 Signature Series Overview The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable system from Edwards Security is an entire family of multi-sensor detectors and mounting bases, multiple-function input and output modules, network and non-network control panels, and user-friendly main- tenance and service tools. Analog information from equipment connected to Signature devices is gathered and converted into digital signals. An onboard microprocessor in each Signature de- vice measures and analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm. The microprocessor in each Signature device provides four additional benefits - Self-diagnostics and History Log, Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Stable Communication. Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series device constantly runs self-checks to provide important mainte- nance information. The results of the self-check are automatically updated and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory. This information is accessible for review any time at the control panel, PC, or using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Automatic Device Mapping —The Signature Data Control- ler (SDC) learns where each device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The SDC keeps a map of all Signature Series devices connected to it. The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, the wired circuits be- tween each device can be examined. Layout or "as-built" drawing information showing branch wiring (T-taps), device types and their address are stored on disk for printing hard copy. Installation SIGA-CT1, SIGA-CTIHT and SIGA-CT2: modules mount to North American 21h inch(64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SlGA- MP mounting plates. The terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. SIGA-MCT2: mount the UIO motherboard inside a suitable Edwards enclosure with screws and washers provided. Plug the SlGA-MCT2 into any available position on the motherboard and secure the module to the motherboard with the captive screws. Wiring connections are made to the terminals on the motherboard (see wiring diagram). UlO motherboard terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. Page 2 of 4 UIO Motherboard 6-32 [16 lt-tapping rewa Plugn(U101>CaPtM Module screwa at washers Cabinet or electrical enclosure Electronic Addressing - The loop controller electronically ad- dresses each module, saving valuable time during system com- missioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its on-board memory. The loop controller identifies each device on the loop and assigns a "soft" address to each serial number. If desired, the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Application The duty performed by the SIGA-CT1 and SIGA-CT2/MCT2 is de- termined by their sub-type code or "Personality Code". The code is selected by the installer depending upon the desired application and is downloaded from the loop controller. One personality code can be assigned to the SIGA-CT1. Two per- sonality codes can be assigned to the SlGA-CT2/MCT2. Codes 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be mixed on SlGA-CT2/MCT2 modules only. For example, personality code 1 can be assigned to the first address (circuit A) and code 4 can be assigned to the second address (circuit B). NORMALLY-OPEN ALARM - LATCHING (Personality Code 1) - Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A or B or both for Class B normally open dry contact initiating devices such as Pull Stations, Heat Detectors, etc. An ALARM signal is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed. The alarm condition is latched at the module. NORMALLY-OPEN ALARM - DELAYED LATCHING (Person- ality Code 2) - Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A or B or both for Class B normally-open dry contact initiat- ing devices such as Waterfiow Alarm Switches. An ALARM signal is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed for approximately 16 seconds. The alarm condition is latched at the module. NORMALLY-OPEN ACTIVE - NON-LATCHING (Personality Code 3) - Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A or B or both for Class B normally-open dry contact monitoring input such as from Fans, Dampers, Doors, etc. An ACTIVE signal is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed. The active condition is not latched at the module. NORMALLY-OPEN ACTIVE - LATCHING (Personality Code 4) - Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A or B or both for Class B normally open dry contact monitoring input such as from Supervisory and Tamper Switches. An ACTIVE signal is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed. The active condition is latched at the module. DATA SHEET 85001-0241 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 8 1 234 UKKIladarmtherboaW ir VillA____ U LEO (No,moll Rd LED (ALEiv) lwoeamiec'onsorumporsetsngs 1,.q,i,dforMCr2. SIGA-MCT2 Typical Wiring Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), and #14AWG (1 .50mm2), and #12 AWG (2.50mm2) wire sizes Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1 .omm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wing requirement specifications. Initiating (Slave) Device Circuit Wire Specifications Maximum Allowable Wire Resistance 50 ohms (25 ohms per wire) per Circuit Maximum Allowable Wire Capacitance 0.1pF per Circuit For Design Reference: Wire Size Maximum Distance to EOLR #18 AWG (0.75 mm2) #16 AWG (1.00 mm2) 4,000 ft (1,219 m) #14 AWG (1.50 mm2) #12 AWG (1.50 mm) Typical N.O. mutating Device Typical N.C. Initiating Device INPUT 1 INPUT 2 A AAstyle B (Class B) TB2F : I 8 7 UL/ULC Usted Style B ! 12 47KC2E0L 471(0 EOL UL/ULC Listed (NormaS Red LED _____ 471(0 EOL Red LED _________________ Green LED (Alarm/Active) 4 3 2 1 I (Alarm/Active) TB] o 0 4 Green LED 4321 (Normal) iB]IXUUU1l I DATA IN (+) ) ' DATA OUT Ci.) 1 DATA IN C-) ) DATA OLJT(-) From Signature Controller Y To Next Device or Previous Device SIGA-CT1, SIGA-CT1 HI NOTES Maximum 25 Ohm resistance per wire. Maximum #12 AWG (2.5 mm2 ) wire; Minimum #18 AWG (0.75 mm2) Refer to Signature controller installation sheet for wing specifications A Maximum 10 Vdc@350 pA The SIGA-U106R and the SIGA-U102R do not come with TB14. 6 All wiring is supervised and power-limited. 7 These modules will not support 2-wire smoke detectors. Warnings & Cautions This module will not operate without electrical power. As fires fre- quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Compatibility The Signature Series modules are compatible only with EST's Signature Loop Controller. f DATA IN (i)>- DATA OUT (+) 1 DATA IN (-)> i DATA OUT C-) From Signature Controller Y To Next Device or Previous Device SlGA-CT2 TypkdNOk,itiefr,gO.v. UUULCLItd 7kvJ Sol, Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001 -0241 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 8 Specifications Catalog Number -- SidA-CTiHT I - Description Single Input Module Dual Input Module Type Code 48 (factory set) Four sub-types (personality codes) are available 49 (factory set) Four sub-types (personality codes) are available Address Requirements Uses One Module Address Uses Two Module Addresses Operating Current Standby = 250pA; Activated = 400pA Standby = 396pA; Activated = 680pA Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Construction High Impact Engineering Polymer Mounting North American 21h inch (64 mm) deep one-gang box- es and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes With one-gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting plates U102R/6R/6 Motherboard Operating Environment 32°F to 158°F C) (0°C to 70° 32°F 120°F 0°C 49°C o to Storage Environment -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C); Humidity: 0 to 93% RH LED Operation On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled; On-board Red LED - Flashes when in alarm/active. Both LEDs - Glow steady when in alarm (stand-alone) Compatibility Use with Signature Loop Controller Agency Listings UL ULC, MEA CSFM Ordering Information Catalog Ship Wt. Description Number .:... . ...... . . lbs (kg) SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module - ULJULC Listed 0.4 (0.15) SlGA-CT1 HT Single Input Module High Temperature Operation UL/ULC Listed 0.4 (0.15) SlGA-CT2 Dual Input Module - UL/ULC Listed 0.4(0.15) SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Plug-in (UIO) Module - UL, ULC Listed 0.1(0.05) Related Equipment I I QUI I atV IVIUUI IL IJUA - FU, I jI lu I.1.) U.0) 27193-16 Surface Mount Box - White, 1-gang 1.0 (0.6) SIGA-U102R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Two Module Positions 0.32 (0.15) SIGA-UlO6R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Six Module Positions 0.62 (0.28) SIGA-UI06 Universal Input-Output Module Board - Six Module Positions 0.56 (0.25) MFC- A Multifunction Fire Cabinet - Red, supports Signature Module Mounting Plates 7.0 (3.1) SIGA-MB4 Transponder Mounting Bracket (allows for mounting two 1-gang modules in a 2-gang box) 0.4 (0.15) SIGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footprint 1.5 (0.70) SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 footprint 0.5 (0.23) SIGA-MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 extended footprint 1.02 (0.461 DWARDs A UTC Fire & Security Company Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada Chubb Edwards 15193762430 F 519 376 7258 Southeast Asia T: +65 6391 9300 F: +65 6391 9306 India 1: +91 804344 2000 F: +91 804344 2050 Australia T+61 3 9239 1200 F+61 3 9239 1299 Europe 1+322725 11 20 F+32272186 13 Latin America T 305 593 4301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecurity.com © 2010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. a Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0241 P Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 8 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1657:0121 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300— FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 7394358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models SIGA-CCI, SIGA-CC2, SIGA-CTI, SIGA-CTIHT, SIGA-CT2, SIGA-CR, SIGA-CRR, SIGA-UM, SIGA-MMI, SIGA-WIM, SIGA-IM, SIGA-MDM, SIGA-MAB, SlGA-MCT2, SIGA-MCCI SIGA-MCC2, SlGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR remote transponders. Models SIGA-AA30 and SIGA-AA50 audio amplifiers. Models SIGA-APS and SIGA-APS-220 power supplies. Models SIGA-MB4, SIGA-MP1, SIGA-MP2 and SlGA-MP2L mounting plates. Models SIGA-1.1102R, SIGA-U106 and SIGA-U106R motherboards. Model CS-SIGA-CCIP releasing module. Models SlGA-CCIS and SlGA-MCC1S Auto-Sync Output Modules. Models MFC-A and MFC-AD Enclosures. Model SIGA-CR2 Control Relay Module. Model SIGA-CTIHT; Signature Series High Temperature Single Input Module. *SIGA..CRH High Power Control Relay Module. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational consideration. RATING: 15.2 - 19.95 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7300-1591:121 and 7300-1388:178 *Rev 01-11-16 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed it the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division EST Catalog ' Speakers, Telephones S2813 See Specifications Section for listings details. E hT Life Safety & Communications Wall Speakers, Speaker-Strobes Genesis G4 Series Overview The Genesis line of life safety and emergency communications speakers and speaker-strobes combine high performance output with a low profile design to deliver a life safety audio solution that's as versatile as it is effective. Protruding no more than one inch from the wall, these appliances blend inconspicuously with any decor. Optional amber lens tints, ALERT or FIRE markings, and red or white housing colors ensure there is a device for every application, including mass notification and emergency communications. Speakers feature selectable wattage taps, while speaker-strobes allow for both wattage and light output levels to be configured in the field. Both settings remain clearly visible - even after final installa- tion, which allows devices to be easily fine-tuned to achieve maxi- mum benefit in exchange for the lowest possible system overhead. High fidelity models meet the NPFA 520 Hz requirements for newly construced commercial sleeping areas. They also produce crisp, clear voice audio output that is highly intelligible over large areas. All Genesis speakers include a DC blocking capacitor to allow electrical supervision of the audio distribution circuit. Models for 25 VRMS and 70 VRMS audio circuits are available. With their sealed back construction, these speakers are extra durable and provide outstanding audibility. Standard Features High Fidelity 520 Hz speaker models available Low frequency output meets NFPA standards for newly con- structed commercial sleeping areas; increases sound fidelity and audio intelligibility. Unique low-profile design - The most compact ULJULC listed speaker-strobe available - Ultra-slim, protrudes a mere one inch from the wall - Attractive appearance, no visible mounting screws Field configurable — no need to remove the device - 1/4,1/2, 1, or 2 watt operation and selectable candela output with convenient switches that remain visible even after the unit is installed Mass Notification models available with amber lenses Unparalleled performance - loud 90 dBA output ensures clear, crisp audio - Exclusive FullLight strobe technology produces even light distribution - Precision timing electronics meet tough synchronizing standards for strobes when used with compatible modules - Optional field-configurable temporal strobe output - 25 Vrms and 70 Vrms models available, all supplied with a DC blocking capacitor for audio circuit supervision Easy to install - Fits all standard 4-inch square electrical boxes with plenty of room behind the signal for extra wire - no extension ring or trim plate needed - #18 - #12 AWG terminals -ideal for long runs or using existing wiring Page lof4 DATA SHEET 85001-0642 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.2 Genesis Series Cone Speaker/strobe Speaker Application The suggested sound pressure level for each signaling zone used with alert or alarm signals is a minimum of 15 dB above the average ambient sound level or 5 dB above the maximum sound level having a duration of at least 60 seconds, Typical Sound Output Distribution dBA whichever is greater. This Measured in anechoic chamber is measured 5 feet (1.5 m) above the floor. W \ Doubling the distance from the signal to the ear will theoretically cause a 6 dB reduction in the received sound pressure level. The actual effect depends on the acoustic properties of materials in the space. Doubling the power output of a device (e.g.: a speaker from 1W to 2W) will in- crease the sound pressure level by 3dSA. G4 speakers are available in combination with a UL 1971-listed strobe light for indoor wall-mounted public-mode notification ap- plications. These audible-visible appliances should be installed in accordance with guidelines established for visible (strobe) devices. High Fidelity Models Genesis G4HF Series High Fidelity appliances provide highly intel- ligible voice audio output. They are also effective in areas subject to high levels of ambient noise. These appliances are approved for use in sleeping areas under conditions described below. Sleeping Room Applications Genesis G4HF Series High Fidelity appliances are ideal for hotels, dormitories, and other residential occupancies where audible output must meet the 520 Hz signaling characteristics required by NFPA 72. In sleeping areas, always ensure that the wattage tap of the speaker is set sufficiently high so that the sound pressure reaches at least 75 dBA-fast at the pillow. These appliances are part of an end-to-end audio system ap- proved for use in sleeping areas when used in conjunction with approved audio hardware and a factory-supplied 520 Hz tone. Check the System Compatibility List for other 520 Hz signaling requirements. NOTE: Speakers driven by third-party audio systems are not UL approved for use in sleeping rooms. Page 2014 Strobe Application Genesis clear-lensed strobes are UL 1971 -listed for use indoors as wall-mounted public-mode notification appliances for the hearing impaired. Prevailing codes require strobes to be used where ambi- ent noise conditions exceed specified levels, where occupants use hearing protection, and in areas of public accommodation. UL 1638-listed colored-lensed strobe lights are available for mass no- tification applications. Consult with your Authority Having Jurisdic- tion for details. When used with a compatible EDWARDS synchronization source, all Genesis xenon-based strobes - audible units, and combination appliances - remain fully synchronized indefinitely. This exceeds the UL synchronization requirements of 10 milliseconds over a two- hour period. Strobe light synchronization is important in order to avoid issues with people that have Photosensitive Epilepsy. Mass Notification Applications Genesis mass notification appliances bring the same high performance life safety features and unobtrusive design to mass notification applications. Standard mod- els are available with clear or amber lenses and optional 1 ALERT housing labels, they are ideal for applications that require differentiation between life safety and mass notifica- tion alerts. Appliances with red, green or blue lenses are available. Contact EDWARDS Customer Service for details. Field Configuration Genesis speakers may be set for 1/4, ½, 1, or 2 watt operation. The wattage setting is visible through a small window on the bottom of the device and is changed by simply sliding the switch until the desired setting appears in the window. The speaker does not have to be removed to change the wattage. Genesis speaker-strobes feature selectable candela output. The output setting is visible through a small window on the bottom of the device and is changed by simply sliding the switch until the desired setting appears in the window. The speaker-strobe does not have to be removed to change the output. TOol,ongeeSobetotemporal (p,lvata ,node) cut JP1 PRO- i M-wo 6 A J Genesis speaker-strobes may also be configured for temporal flash. This battery-saving feature is intended for private mode signaling only. To set the device for temporal flash, snip the circuit board as shown in the Jumper Locations diagram above. WARNING: These devices will not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruptions, we suggest you dis- cuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. - DATA SHEET 85001-0642 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.2 Use the Condole South end the Watta5e ewflth to let dedred opo,otcn. I "TTh H Bottom Me / Candela ttoltd, Wattage 100tth .00 .71 .00 .55 00 Minium UL required candela light output Installation and Mounting All models are intended for indoor wall mounted applications only. Speakers and speaker-strobes are flush mounted to a North- American 4" square electrical box, 21/8" (54 mm) deep or a Euro- pean 100 mm square box. Signals may be surface mounted to a Genesis surface-mount box (see ordering information for details). Two tabs at the top of the signal unlock the cover to facilitate mounting. The shallow depth of Genesis devices leaves room behind the signal for extra wing. Once installed with the cover in place, no mounting screws are visible. Standard electrical box rø S ---\ 'S Grounding plate Optional G4B color-matched surface mount box EDWARDS recommends that these speaker-strobes always be in- stalled in accordance with the latest recognized edition of national and local codes. Refer to installation sheet for mounting height information. Light output Per cent of UL rating versus angle ---- %OfCondol.flSpec. -% Of Condom V an.c. UL name plate maximum operating current (RMS-mA) 16 Vdc 96 130 239 294 16 Vfwr 120 169 329 375 Typical current, milliamps - average (RMS) 20 Vdc 65(78) 93(101) 182(188) 238(245) 24 Vdc 55 (65) 78 (86) 153 (159) 196 (203) 31 Vdc 45 (53) 63 (69) 120 (124) 151 (157) 20 Vfwr 56 (106) 79 (147) 147 (264) 197 (342) 24 Vfwr 50 (95) 68 (130) 121(225) 155 (283) 27 Vfwr 44(84) 60(115) 107(200) 137(251) Light output switch settings for UL 1971 listed models are selectable by numeric candela value. ught output for Mass Notification CS/MNS) appliances is selectable by A, B, C, or D designations. Clear 110 c 75 c 30 c 15 c Wiring Field wing is connected to Genesis signals with terminals that ac- commodate #18 to #12 AWG (0.75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2) wiring. Speaker-only Wining To listed the alarm control panel -25.2 or 70.7V -a) + (supervised amplifier signal drojlt To noon appliance olne , or r050ri to control eqalp,nent Polarity Ohoren In alarm condition Speaker-Strobe Wiring To toted fire alarm cordial panel - (supervised amplifier signal drcalt -25.2 or 70.7V mini + To listed fire elarm contral pan (Z.,Wd signal iI Polarity sham In alarm condition Amber 95 c 65 c 26 c 13 c Sound level output G4HF High iVoltage 25 VRMS Frequency Models, dBA at 3.05 m (10 ft.) I' W1IMI 1/4W 0.25W 80.9 81.5 81 1/2 W 0.50W 84.1 84.3 84 1 W 1.00W 86.6 87.2 87 2W 2.00W 89.7 90.1 90 1/4W 0.25W 81.8 81.9 81 1/2 W 0.50W 84.6 84.9 84 1 W 1.00W 87.3 88.2 87 2 W 2.00W 90.5 90.9 90 UL 1480: Sound level output at 10 ft (3.05 m) measured in a reverberant room using 400 to 4,000 Hz band limited pink noise. ULC-S541: Sound level output at 10 ft (3.05 m) measured in anechoic chamber using 0 to 4,000 Hz band limited pink noise. G4 Standard Frequency Models Wattage Tap __________O utput Level _____ UL 1480: Sound level output at 10 ft (3.05 m) 1/4 Watt 80 dBA measured in a reverber- 1/2 Waif 83 dBA ant room using 400 to 1 Waif 86 dBA 4,000Hz band limited 2 Watt 89 dBA pink noise. Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001 -0642 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.2 Specifications Genesis Speakers and Speaker-Strobes Housing Red or white textured UV stabilized, color impregnated engineered plastic. Dimensions Height: 6.5" (165 mm). Width: 5" (127 mm). Depth to wall: 1" (25 mm). Mounting Rush: North-American 4" square box, 2 1/8" (54 mm) deep. (indoor wall mount only) Surface: model G4B (white) or G4RB (red) surface mount box. Wire Connections Screw terminals: separate polarized inputs for speaker and strobe, #18 to #12 AWG (0.75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2) wire size Operating environment 32-120° F (0-49° C) ambient temperature; 0-93% relative humidity. Agency listings and approvals, Meets ULC-S541, year 2004 UL requirements for standards UL1 638 and UL1 971. Complies with UL1 480 Fifth G4 Models Edition. ULIULC File Number: S2813. FM, MEA, CSFM approved. CSFM File Number: 7320-1657:0211/0285. Speaker-strobes comply with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule. Agency listings and approvals, UL 464 Listed for low frequency signaling applications. Meets ULC-5541, year 2004 UL requirements for standards Low Frequency G4HF Models UL1 638 and UL1 971. Complies with UL1 480 Fifth Edition. FM, MEA, CSFM pending. Speaker-strobes comply with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule. Input/Operating Volts 25 VRMS orogFW3 See ordering information. Speaker Cone Speaker frequency response: 400 to 4,000 Hz. Optimized for voice intelligibility. 4-inch (102mm) mylar cone, sealed back construction. Strobes UL 1971, ULC S526: selectable 15 cd, 30 cd, 75 cd, or 110 cd output Clear Strobe Output Rating UL 1971: 15 cd (fixed 15/75 cd models) UL 1638, ULCS526: 75 cd (fixed 15/75 cd models) Amber Strobe Output Rating UL 1638:13 (D), 26 (C), 65 (B), 95 (i Strobe Operating Voltage 16 - 33 Vdc Regulated, 16-33 V Full wave rectified (UL Voltage Designations "Regulated 24" and "24 fwr") Strobe Flash Rate One flash per second. All strobes: one flash per second (fps) within 200 milliseconds over 30 minutes on common circuit. Strobe Flash Synchronization All strobes: Synchronization source required to comply with UL 1971 synchronization standard. Temporal setting (private mode only): synchronized to temporal output on the same circuit. Synchronization s SlGACC1S, SIGAMCC1S, 51GACC2A, SlGAMCC2A, G1MRM Sources 8PS6A, BPS1 OA, APS6A, APS1 OA, iO Series, Fireshield Plus 3, 5 and 10 zone. Strobe Lens Material Polycarbonate Page 4014 DATA SHEET 85001-0642 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.2 Ordering Information Model High Fidelity Housing Text Lens Sfrobe Speaker Shipping 0 e (520 Hz) Color Marking Color Output Voltage Weight Life safety Appliances G4-S2 White None None Speaker only models 25 Volt (Selectable V4, ½, 1, or 2 watt) 1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) G4HFWN-S2 G4R-S2 Red G4HFRN-S2 G4F-S2 White FIRE G4HFWF-S2 G4RF-S2 Red G4HFRF-S2 G4-S2VM White None Clear Selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd G4HFWN-S2VMC I G4R-S2VM Red G4HFRN-S2vMC I G4F-S2VM White FIRE G4HFWF-S2VMC G4RF-S2VM Red G4HFRF-S2VMC 1 G4-57 White None None Speaker only models 70 V (Selectable 1/4, ½, 1 or 2 watt) G4HFWN-57 I G4R-S7 Red G4HFRN-S7 I G4F-S7 White FIRE G4HFWF-S7 G4RF-S7 Red G4HFRF-S7 G4-S7VM White None Clear Selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd G4HFWN-S7VMC I G4R-S7VM Red G4HFRN-S7vMC I G4F-S7VM White FIRE RMUMEM 1 G4RF-S7VM Red G4HFRF-S7VMC I G4F-S7V1 White FIRE _________ Clear _________ 15/75 cd1 G4RF-S7V1575 Red Mass Notification Appliances G4WAS2VMA* White ALERT Amber Selectable 13, 26, 65, or 95 cd 25 Volt (Selectable ¼, ½, 1, or 2 watt) 1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) G4HRNA-S2VMA 1 G4WA-S2VMC Clear Selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd G4HFWA-S2VMC 1 G4WNS2VMA* None Amber Selectable 13, 26, 65, or 95 cd G4HFWNS2VMA* I G4WN-S2VMC Clear 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd G4WA-S2 ALERT None Speaker only models G4HFWA-S2 G4WN-S2 None G4WAS7VMA* ALERT Amber Selectable 13, 26, 65, or 95 cd G4HFWA-S7VMA G4WA-S7VMC Clear Selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd G4HFWA-S7VMC 1 White 70 V (Selectable ¼, ½, 1, or watt) G4WN-S7VMA None Amber Selectable 13, 26, 65, or 95 cd G4HFWNS7VMA* I G4WN-S7VMC Clear 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd G4WA-S7 ALERT None Speaker only models G4HFWA-S7 I G4WN-S7 None * Not approved for fire alarm applications Page 5of4 DATA SHEET 85001-0642 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.2 Contact us... Email: edwards.fire@fs.utc.com Web: www.est-fire.com EST is an EDWARDS brand. 1016 Corporate Park Drive Mebane, NC 27302 In Canada, contact Chubb ED- WARDS... Email: inquiries@chubbedwards.com Web: www.chubbedwards.com © 2015 United Technologies Corpora- tion. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. EDWARDS is part of UTC Building & Industrial Systems, a unit of United Technologies Corporation. Accessories Gi M-RM Synchronization Output Module (1-gang) 0.2 (0.1) SIGA-CC1 S Intelligent Synchronization Output Module (2-gang) 0.5 (0.23) SIGA-MCC1S Synchronization Output Module (Plug-in UlO) 0.18 (0.08) G4B Surface mount box, white 0.7 (0.32) G4RB Surface mount box, red 0.7 (0.32) Page 6 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0642 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1.2 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7320-1657:0323 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7320-- SPEAKERS LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 7394358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models G4HFRF-52, G4HFRF-57, G4HFRN-S2, G4HFRN-57, G4HFWA-52, G4HFWA-57, G4HFWF-52, G4HFWF-57, G4HFWN-52 and G4HFWN-57 Speakers. Models G4HFRF-S2VMC, G4HFRF-S7VMC, G4HFRN-S2VMC, G4HFRN-S7VMC, G4HFWA-S2VMC, G4HFWA-S7VMC, G4HFWF-S2VMC, G4HFWF-S7VMC, G4HFWN-S2VMC and G4HFWN-S7VMC Speaker/Strobes. Models G4HFWA-S2VMA, G4HFWA-S7VMA, G4HFWN-S2VMA and G4HFWN-S7VMA Speaker/Strobes. Models G413 and G4RB Surface mounted backboxes. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 25 Vrms or 70 Vrms 1/4W, 1/2 W, 1W, or 2W 15/30/75/110 cd for clear lens models. 13/26/65/95 cd for amber lens models. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances, and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name model number, electrical/candela rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as speakers and speaker/strobes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control unit. Clear lens models (suffix ending in C) are suitable for the hearing impaired. The lights are only considered synchronized when used in conjunction with Model GIM-RM sync module (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0201) or Model SIGA-CCIS auto-sync output module (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0121). For indoor wall mounted use only. If the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2010 Edition is required, the appliance must be used with a fire alarm control unit that can generate the temporal pattern signal. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. If the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation signal (for total evacuation) is required for sleeping areas in accordance with NFPA 72, 2010 Edition is required, the appliance must be used with a fire alarm control unit that can generate the low frequency signal. 07-14-15 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7320-1657:0323 Page 2 of 2 Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. 07-14-15 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division EDWARDS Catalog Speakers, Telephones noIogies United LIFE SAFETY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT Ceiling Speakers, Speaker-Strobes Genesis GO Series FC FM 7320-1657: MEA 021110285 62813 See Specifications Section for listings details. Overview The Genesis line of ceiling life safety and emergency communica- tions speakers and speaker-strobes combine high performance output with a low profile design to deliver a life safety signal solu- tion that's as versatile as it is effective. While they are designed to mount inconspicuously overhead, these devices are also rated for wall-mounted applications. Clear-lens speaker-strobes are available in high and low candela models, which feature 15 to 95, or 95 to 177 cd output (see order- ing information). Ceiling speakers feature 14 W to 2 W operation, which allows devices to be easily fine-tuned to achieve maximum benefit in exchange for the lowest possible system overhead. Light output and wattage tap settings are selectable with conven- iently-located switches. Settings remain clearly visible even after final installation, yet they are locked in place to prevent unauthorized movement after installation. High fidelity models meet the NPFA 520 Hz requirements for newly construced commercial sleeping areas. They also produce crisp, clear voice audio output that is highly intelligible over large areas. These low-profile appliances feature textured housings in architec- turally neutral white or eye-catching life safety red. Optional ALERT or FIRE markings make them ideal for applications that require differentiation between life safety and mass notification alerts. Standard Features High Fidelity 520 Hz speaker models available Low frequency output meets NFPA standards for newly con- structed commercial sleeping areas; increases sound fidelity and audio intelligibility. Field configurable - no need to remove the device - Select 1/4, ½, 1, or 2 watt operation - 15/30/75/95 cd and 95/115/150/177 cd models available - Switch settings remain visible even after the unit is installed Ideal for Mass Notification applications - amber lens models available with optional ALERT markings Unique low-profile design - 30 per cent slimmer profile than comparable signals - Available with white or red housings Unparalleled performance - loud 90 dBA output ensures clear, crisp audio - Precision strobe timing meets UL synchronization standards - 25 VRMS and 70 VRMS models available Easy to install - Fits all standard 4-inch square electrical boxes with plenty of room for extra wire - no extension ring or trim plate needed - #18 - #12 AWG terminals - ideal for long runs, existing wiring Approved for public and private mode applications - UL 1971-listed as signaling devices for the hearing impaired - UL 1638-listed as protective visual signaling appliances - UL 1480-listed as life safety speaker - UL/ULC listed for ceiling or wall use Page 1 of 6 DATA SHEET E85001-0641 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue I Strobe Application Genesis strobes are UL 1971 or 1638 listed for indoor use. Prevailing codes require strobes to be used where ambient noise conditions exceed specified levels, where occupants use hearing protection, and in areas of public accommodation. Consult with your Authority Having Jurisdiction for details. All Genesis strobes exceed UL synchronization requirements (within 10 milliseconds over a two-hour period) when used with a synchronization source. Synchronization for multiple strobe lights in a single field of view is required. See the Specifications table for compatible synchronization sources. Speaker Application The suggested sound pressure level for each signaling zone used with alert or alarm signals is a minimum of 15 dB above the aver- age ambient sound level or 5 dB above the maximum sound level having a duration of at least 60 seconds, whichever is greater. This is measured 5 feet (1.5 m) above the floor. Doubling the distance from the signal to the ear will theoretically cause a 6 dB reduction in the received sound pressure level. The actual effect depends on the acoustic properties of materials in the space. Doubling the power output of a device (e.g.: a speaker from 1 W to 2 W) will increase the sound pressure level by 3 dBA. A 3 dBA difference represents a barely noticeable change in volume. Combination audible/visual signals must be installed in accor- dance with guidelines established for strobes. High Fidelity Models Genesis G4HF Series High Fidelity appliances provide highly intel- ligible voice audio output. They are also effective in areas subject to high levels of ambient noise. These appliances are approved for use in sleeping areas under conditions described below. Sleeping Room Applications Genesis GCHF Series High Fidelity appliances are ideal for hotels, dormitories, and other residential occupancies where audible output must meet the 520 Hz signaling characteristics required by NFPA 72. In sleeping areas, always ensure that the wattage tap of the speaker is set sufficiently high so that the sound pressure reaches at least 75 dBA-fast at the pillow. These appliances are part of an end-to-end audio system ap- proved for use in sleeping areas when used in conjunction with approved audio hardware and a factory-supplied 520 Hz tone. Check the System Compatibility List for other 520 Hz signaling requirements. NOTE: Speakers driven by third-party audio systems are not UL approved for use in sleeping rooms. Application Notes - Canada (Based in part on 1995 Canada National Building Code) The signal sound pressure level shall not exceed 110 dBA in any normally occupied area. The sound pressure level from an audible signal in a floor area used for occupancies other than residential occupancies shall not be less than 10 dBA above ambient levels, and never less than 65 dBA. In sleeping rooms the sound pres- sure level from an audible signal shall not be less than 75 dBA when any intervening doors between the device and the sleeping room are closed. Installation and Mounting All models are intended for door ceiling or wall applica- tions only. Speaker-strobes are mounted to a flush North-American 4" square electrical box, 21/8' (54 mm) deep. Genesis ceiling speaker- strobes simply unlatch and hinge down to open. This gains access to mounting screws and the selectable candela BOX wattage tap switches. The shallow depth of Genesis devices leaves ample room behind the signal for ------------ extra wiring. Once installed with the cover in place, no mounting screws are visible. Installation Note: When installed, these devices are not centered on the electrical box. Make sure boxes are mounted to compensate for this difference. Use the mount- ing template provided with installation sheet 3100614. Field Configuration Genesis ceiling speaker- strobes may be set for /4, ½, 1, or 2 waft operation. De- pending on the model, Gen- Wattage switch Indicator esis ceiling speaker-strobes have multi-candela output (see ordering information). Output settings are changed by simply opening the device and sliding the switches to the desired settings. The speaker-strobe does not have to be removed to change the output settings. The settings remain visible through small windows on the front of the device after the cover is closed. in- Mass Notification Applications .• CERT Genesis Mass Notification appliances bnng the same high-performance life safety features and unobtrusive design to mass notification applications. Models are available with optional ALERT housing labels, which make them ideal for applications that require differentiation between life safety and mass notification alerts. Dimensions 6.8"dia. (173 mm) - 1.0" (25 mm) Page 2 of 6 DATA SHEET E85001-0641 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1 Typical Sound Output (dBA) Peal Floe SpeWer Measured at 2 watts setting In anechoic chamber Light output - (effective cd) - Percentage of rated notpst - 120 110 700 50 00 70 CC 00 40 20 20 10 0 70 20 30 40 50 50 70 50 20 100 110 720 - Hodzootal and cortical ocipeis ref not the same p00cm. 75 Percent of UL rating versus angle 520 Hz Hiah Fidelity models (dBA1 outout at 3.05 m (10 tt. 25 VRMS 14 W 0.25W 81.4 81.5 81 ½ W 0.50W 84.5 84.3 84 1 W 1.00W 88.2 87.2 87 2W 2.00W 90.0 90.1 91 1/4 W 0.25W 81.5 81.9 1 81 ½W 0.50W 1 84.1 84.9 84 1 W 1.10W 1 87.9 87.9 87 2W 2.30W 1 90.8 90.8 91 Standard Hz models IdBAI at 3.05 in (10 ft. 25 VRMS 14W 0.25W 81 ½W 0.50W 84 1W 1.00W 87 2W 2.00W 90 70 VRMS 14W 0.25W 81 ½W 0.50W 84 1W 1.00W 87 2W 2.00W 91 Current Draw Standard Cd outout models Operating current, RMS (A) VDC 0.109 0.151 0.281 0.318 VFWR 0.131 0.194 0.379 0.437 Light output (Cd) Clear Lens 15 30 75 95 Amber Lens 13 26 65 82 Hiah cd outout models Operating current, RMS (A) VDC 0.330 0.392 0.502 0.565 VFWR 0.432 0.518 0.643 0.693 Light output (Cd) Clear Lens 95 115 150 177 Amber Lens 82 100 130 155 VDC = Volts direct current, regulated and filtered VFWR = Volts full wave rectified Operating currents shown above were measured at 16 VDC and 16 VFWR. *Sound level output notes: dBA = Decibels, A-weighted. UL1480: Sound level output at 10 ft (3.05 m) measured in a reverberant room using 400 to 4,000 Hz band limited pink noise. ULC-S541: Meets or exceeds 85dBA in an anechoic chamber at 10 ft (3.05 m) on at least one setting per code. Directional characteristics: Within 6 dB of on-axis sound level when measured 900 off-axis (horizontal). Current Draw Notes UL Nameplate Rating UL Nameplate (high cd output Rating models) Light output switch settings for UL 1971 listed models are selectable by numeric candela See "15" or "30" or "75° or °B"°95" or "A° "95° or "115" or "150° or "177" or value. ECSIMNS appliances are selectable by note I "D" "C" "D" "C" "B" "A" A. B, C, or D designations. RMS RMS RMS RMS RMS RMS 392 518 RMS 502 643 RMS 565 693 Current values are shown in mA. 16Vdc I 109 151 281 318 330 16Vfwr 131 194 379 437 432 Typical Current See 1115" or note I "D° RMS "30" or "C" 1175" or "Be 950 or "A" RMS RMS RMS 16Vdc 94 140 273 325 20Vdc 74 108 205 244 24Vdc 63 90 168 194 33Vdc 48 70 124 139 16Vfwr 126 187 368 403 20Vfwr 108 156 281 333 24Vfwr 97 1 139 240 270 33Vtwr 89 1 119 197 214 Page 3 of 6 ITypical itCurrent 95 c til1ii 115cd output models) 150 c 177 c RMS RMS RMS RMS 333 392 499 551 259 303 378 429 212 245 306 342 155 180 211 236 484 570 673 724 380 438 537 604 318 361 434 484 245 269 308 338 DATA SHEET E85001-0641 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1 Wiring Field wiring terminals accommodate #18 to #12 AWG (0.75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2) wiring. Input voltage matching the voltage rating of the speaker (25 or 70 Vrms) To listed To next fire alarm (1) (1 appliance, control I end-of-line panel C) I C) o r return to control equipment Specifications Housing Textured UV stabilized, color impregnated engineered plastic. Exceeds 94V-0 UL flammability rating. Red and white models available. Mounting Flush mount to North American 4-inch square electrical box, 2-1/8 (54 mm) inches deep, or 960A-4RF round flush box. No extension ring required. Suitable for indoor wall or ceiling applications. Wire connections Screw terminals: polarized inputs for speaker, #18 to #12 AWG (0.75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2) wire size. Operating environment Indoor only: 32-120° F (0-49° C) ambient temperature; 0-93% relative humidity. Agency listings and approvals, GC Models Meets ULC-5541, year 2004 UL requirements for standards UL1 638 and UL1 971. Complies with UL1 480 Fifth Edition. ULJULC File Number: S2813. FM, MEA, CSFM approved. CSFM File Number: 7320-1657: 0211/0285. Speaker-strobes comply with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule. Agency listings and approvals, Low Frequency GCHF Models UL 464 Listed for low frequency signaling applications. Meets ULC-5541, year 2004 UL requirements for standards UL1 638 and UL1 971. Complies with UL1 480 Fifth Edition. FM, MEA, CSFM pending. Speaker-strobes comply with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule. Supervisory voltage 30 V max. Speaker Operating Voltage 25 Vrms or 70 Vrms Speaker response 400 to 4,000 Hz Output See table on previous page. Strobe Ught output Field selectable. See table on previous page. Operating current See table on previous page. Strobe output rating UL 1971, UL 1638, ULC S526: selectable 15/30/75/95 cd (VM models) and 95/115/150/177 cd (VMH models) Strobe operating voltage 16 to 33 VDC (24 VDC nominal) or 16 to 33 VFWR (24 VFWR nominal) Strobe flash rate One flash per second, default. Temporal setting (private mode only): synchronized to temporal output of Genesis audible signals on same circuit. Synchronization Meets or exceeds UL 1971 requirements. Maximum allowed resistance between any two devices is 20 Ohms. Refer to specifications for the synchronization control module, this strobe, and the control panel to determine allowed wire resistance. Synchronization Sources y SIGA-CC1 S, SIGA-MCC15, SIGA-CC2A, SIGA-MCC2A, Gi M-RM, BPS6A, BPS1 OA, APS6A, APS1 OA, 0 Series, Fireshield Plus 3, 5 and 10 zone. Lens Optical grade polycarbonate. Page 4 of 6 DATA SHEET E85001-0641 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue I Ordering Information M d - High Fidelity Housing - Text Strobe - - - Speaker - - - Shipping 0 e ... (520 Hz capable) ...:.. Color ••.:. •. Marking .. . .:. Output Voltage . Weight Life safety Appliances GCHFRF-S2VMC I Red FIRE Selectable 15, 30, 75, or 95 cd White 25 Volt (Selectable 1%, ½, 1, or 2 watt) 1.62 lb. (0.73 kg.) GCHFWF-S2VMC I White GCF-S2VM GC-S2VM None GCHFRN-S2VMC I Red GCHFWN-S2VMC I GCHFRF-S2VMCH I Red FIRE Selectable 95, 115, 150, 177 GCHFWF-S2VMCH I White GCF-S2VMH GCHFRN-S2VMCH / Red None GCHFWN-S2VMCH I White GC-S2VMH GCHFRF-S2 I Red FIRE White Speaker only models GCFR-S2 GCHFWF-S2 I GCHFRN-52 I Red None GCHRNN-S2 I White GC-S2 GCWN-S2 GCHFRF-S7VMC / Red FIRE 15, 30, 75, or 95 cd White 70V (Selectable 1A, ½, 1, or 2 watt) White GCF-S7VM GCHFRN-S7VMC I Red None GCHFWN-S7VMC I GCHFRF-S7VMCH I Red FIRE 95,115,150,177 GCHFWF-S7VMCH / White GCF-S7VMH GCHFRN-S7VMCH I Red None GCHFWN-S7VMCH I White GC-S7VMH GCHFRF-57 / Red ___ Speaker only models GCFR-S7 FIRE______ Red 111 ________ - I White GCF-S7 GCHFRN-S7 / Red None GCWN-S7 GCHFWN-57 I White GC-S7 Page 5of6 DATA SHEET E850010641 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue I Ordering Information rM d - - High Text Lens Strobe '[-Speaker Shipping 0 e o.Fidelity 1. Marking I Color Output Voltage I Weight Mass riotrncauon_Appliances, wnie_nousings GCHRNA-S2VMA I ALERT Amber None 13, 26, 65, or 82 cd 25 Volt (Selectable ¼, ½, 1, or 2 Watt) 1.62 lb. (0.73 kg.) GCWA-S2VMA GCHFWN-S2VMA I GCWN-S2VMA GCWN-S2VMC Clear ____ 15, 30,75, or 95 cd ________ GCHFWA-S2VMC I ALERT GCWA-S2VMC GCHFWA-S2VMHA 1 Amber None 82, 100, 130, or 155 cd GCWA-S2VMHA GCHFWN-S2VMHA I GCWN-S2VMHA GCWN-S2VMHC Clear 95, 115,150, or 177 cd GCHFWA-S2VMCH I ALERT GCWA-S2VMHC GCHFWA-52 I Speaker only models GCWA-52 GCHFWA-S7VMA 1 ALERT Amber None 13, 26,65, or 82 cd 70V (Selectable ¼, ½, 1, or 2 Watt) GCWA-S7VMA GCHFWN-S7VMA I GCWN-S7VMA GCWN-S7VMC Clear ____ 15, 30, 75, or 95 cd ________ GCHFWA-S7VMC I ALERT GCWA-S7VMC GCHFWAS7VMAH I Amber None 82,100,130 or 155 cd GCWA-S7VMHA GCHFWN-S7VMAH i GCWN-S7VMHA GCWN-S7VMHC Clear 95,115,150, or 177 cd GCHFWA-S7VMCH I ALERT GCWA-S7VMHC GCHFWA-S7 / Speaker only models GCWA-S7 1YA:L :1 LIFE SAFETY & INCIDENT MANAGEMENT Contact us... Email: edwards.fire@fs.utc.com Web: Edwards-firacom EDWARDS is a UTC brand. 1016 Corporate Park Drive Mebane, NC 27302 © 2016 United Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved. Accessories Page 6 of 6 DATA SHEET E85001-0641 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue I CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7320-1657:0324 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7320 - SPEAKERS LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, 34202 United States Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models GCHFWA-52, GCHFWA-57, GCHFRF-52, GCHFRF-57, GCHFWF-52, GCHFWF-S7, GCHFRN-S2, GCHFRN-57, GCHFWN-52 and GCHFWN-57 Speakers. Models GCHFRF-S2VMC, GCHFRF-S7VMC, GCHFRN-S2VMC, GCHFRN-S7VMC, GCHFWA-S2VMC, GCHFWA-S7VMC, GCHFWF-S2VMC, GCHFWF-S7VMC, GCHFWN-S2VMC and GCHFWN-S7VMC Speaker/Strobes. Models GCHFRF-S2VMCH, GCHFRF-S7VMCH, GCHFRN-S2VMCH, GCHFRN-S7VMCH, GCHFWA-S2VMCH, GCHFWA-S7VMCH, GCHFWF-S2VMCH, GCHFWF-S7VMCH, GCHFWN-S2VMCH and GCHFWN-S7VMCH Speaker/Strobes. Models GCHFWA-S2VMA, GCHFWA-S7VMA, GCHFWN-S2VMA and GCHFWN-S7VMA Speaker/Strobes. Models GCHFWA-S2VMAH, GCHFWA-S7VMAH, GCHFWN-S2VMAH and GCHFWN-S7VMAH Speaker/Strobes. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 25 Vrms or 70 Vrms 1/4W, 1/2W, 1W, or 2W Normal candela, clear lens: 15/30/75/95 cd Normal candela, amber lens: 13/26/65/82 cd High candela, clear lens: 95/115/150/177 cd High candela, amber lens: 82/100/130/155 cd INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances, and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name model number, electrical/candela rating and UL label. 07-21-15 gt .0 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7320-1657:0324 Page 2 of 2 APPROVAL: Listed as speakers and speaker/strobes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control unit. Clear lens models (suffix ending in C or CH) are suitable for the hearing impaired. The lights are only considered synchronized when used in conjunction with Model GIM-RM sync module (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0201) or Model SIGA-CCIS auto-sync output module (CSFM No. 7300-1657:0121). For indoor ceiling mounted use only. If the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2010 Edition is required, the appliance must be used with a fire alarm control unit that can generate the temporal pattern signal. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. If the distinctive three-pulse TempOral Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation signal (for total evacuation) is required for sleeping areas in accordance with NFPA 72, 2010 Edition is required, the appliance must be used with a fire alarm control unit that can generate the low frequency signal. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. 07-21-15 gt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division D T'Ell TM EST Catalog Power Supplies and Accessories Life Safety & Communications Electromagnetic Door Holders Overview Edwards Electromagnetic Door Holders are ruggedly constructed and attractively designed. The housing is finished with an alumi- num color, durable baked polyester powder paint. The floor or wall section houses the electromagnet while the contact plate at- taches to the door. The contact plate has a shock absorbing nylon (swivel) ball which allows the plate to adjust to any door angle. Floor units are available in single-door or double-door (back to back) versions. Wall units are available in flush or surface mounted versions. Edwards door releases should be installed wherever doors may be effectively used to confine smoke and fire, or where the release of a self-closing door from a remote location is desirable for other reasons. Fail-safe operation is an inherent feature of Edwards door holder- releases. If power fails, doors are released automatically but may be opened or closed manually at anytime. All units are free of moving parts, are self-contained and require no maintenance. These door holder-releases have a holding force of approximately 15 to 25 Lbf (66 to 111 N). The device holds a door open while en- ergized. When de-energized by a relay controlled by the fire alarm system or other switch, the door is released to a closed position, checking the spread of smoke and flames. Electromagnetic door holders should be used and installed in accordance with local Building Codes and Standards. Standard Features Floor and wall mounted styles Low power consumption AC/DC models Completely silent operation 25 Lbf (111 N) nominal holding force Adjustable, swivel contact plate Basic Models Floor Mounted: The electromagnet portion consists of a floor plate and a floor housing which when installed with gaskets provided, form a weatherproof electrical junction box. Incoming conduit connects directly into floor plate. Floor mounted units are available with one (Cat. No. 1501) or two (Cat. No. 1502) magnet faces for holding a single door or two doors back to back. - Wall Mounted: Wall mounted models are available in flush, semi-flush and surface mounting configurations. Flush and semi-flush models are de- signed for concealed wiring applications and mount on standard single gang (2 x 4 inch) outlet boxes. Surface mounted models mount on a surface adaptor housing aunction box), which is provided. Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0421 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6.1 Catch Plate Extensions Only the extension rods are included. The end pieces are included with the doorholders or can be ordered separately. Dimensions I I-010 / I (67mm) p21mrn)fl70rnm)1 F(Allmrn) I ° 0 (1 mm) (44mm) oI_l 1504-AQN5 Flush Wall Mounted (Long Catch Plate) 1505-AQN5 Flush Wall Mounted (Short Catch Plate) 1J-7110* 2-W4' -.i - h~]—T I (70mm) I (41mm) (41mm)________ 4-112 418116 —(I 14M __ h122mm)1 (a M) Ô 14I4 k I Ii ___[44mm) (83mm) I ___ 1501 -AQN5 Floor Mounted (Single Door) 1508-AQN5 Surface Wall Mounted - —1 7192 __i 1418 " PT (70mm) I fimm O i1t III (114mm) 1509-AON5 Completely Flush Wall Mounted 2 r(5 71 5m mm) J;(38~1-nm-rn) j1m) 1500-1 1500-2 I I _ 4.1 5" 25 " 4125 (-i I 6 (1O4. (92 m 4 'U\(117.1 mrRJ\\ 1500-1 1500-2 1500-1 1500-2 1-510k ielr (41mm) 4-718 (41mm) 124m 1.214 (44mm) r LI 1 - (44mm) 1502-AQN5 Floor Mounted (Double Door) Page 2 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0421 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6.1 Specifications 'Model No. Style Volts Amps 1501 -AQN5 Floor Mounted (Single Door) 1502-AQN5 Floor Mounted (Double Door) 1504-AQN5 Flush Wall Mounted (Long Catch Plate) 24 Vac 60 Hz 015 1505-AQN5 Flush Wall Mounted (Short Catch Plate) 24 Vdc 120 Vac 60 Hz 1508-AQN5 Surface Wall Mounted 1509-AQN5 Completely Flush Wall Mounted 1502-AQN5 is a double unit which draws .015 per side Ordering Information Model No. Description Ship. Wt.ption lb (kg) 1501 -AQN5 Floor Mounted (Single Door) 5.4 (2.45) 1502-AQN5 Floor Mounted (Double Door) 5.0 (2.27) 1504-AQN5 Flush Wall Mounted (Long Catch Plate) 2.0 (0.91) 1505-AQN5 Flush Wall Mounted (Short Catch Plate) 2.0 (0.91) 1508-AQN5 Surface Wall Mounted 3.0 (1.36) 1509-AQN5 Completely Flush Wall Mounted 2.0 (0.91) Accessories 1500-1 Catch plate extension assembly, 1.5" 0.25(0.11) 1500-2 Catch plate extension assembly, 2.5" 0.25(0.11) 1500-7 Catch plate extension assembly (5.25 to 7.5 inches) 0.5 (0.23) 1500-12 Catch plate extension assembly (7.5 to 12 inches) 1.0 (0.45) C52595-5 Replacement armature - short (for use with 1501, 1502, 1505, 1508 and 1509 door holders) 0.25 (0.11) CS2598-5 Reolacement armature - Ionci (for use with 1504 door holder) 0.25 (0.11) CAUTION: These Door Holder units will not operate without electrical power. Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001 -0421 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6.1 ICE-0-WARDS A UTC Fire & Security Company Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. 1888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada Chubb Edwards 1519376 2430 F 519 376 7258 Southeast Asia T: +65 6391 9300 F: +65 6391 9306 India T: +91 80 4344 2000 F: +9180 4344 2050 Australia 1+61 392391200 F+61 392391299 Europe 1+3227251120 F+322721 8613 Latin America 13055934301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecuritcom © 2010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0421 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 6.1 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL - FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 3550-1501:0137 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 3550 -- DOOR CLOSER/HOLDERS/RELEASING DEVICES LISTEE: EDWARD 51GNAL8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, FL 34202 Contact: Jewell Conover (941) 739-4358 Fax (941) 308-8123 Email: rhonda.conover@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models 1501, Al 501, 1502, 1504, 1505, 1508, and 1509, door holders with or without suffixes AQ, N5, El, 01, E5, GT, D-GT or AQN5. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire-rated door holders. When used on fire-rated doors an approved closer shall be used. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly: 3550-1388:100, 3550-0073:040, 3550-0789:118, and 3550-0999:101 *Rev. 06-24-04 .0 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2018 Listing Expires June 30, 2019 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division FUNDAMENTALS OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS 72—$1 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION Name of protected property: (.m, I (nQt, RQIIrAnna Address: 'fli trnlle fle M,r rd Representative of protected property (name/phone): Security Omni 7607985467 Authority having jurisdiction: ('ir1slwi Fire flenrtment Address/telephone number: 760 484 4415 Organization name/phone Representative nanzelphone Installer TRI. quqtemq Supplier Puwrrk Tu.i'nnlAo, sustem Service'organization Iero Ple'frt' Location of record (as-built) drawings: Se'iirifv nffie Location of operation and maintenance manuals: Security office Location of test reports: Security office A contract for test and inspection in accordance with NFPA at ard(s) Contract No(s): ' $ 0 'i'4 Effective date: ______ Expiration date: Pp 11,6202/ System Software Operating system (executive) software revision level(s): 2 4 Site-specific software revision date: ncrnnpn Revision completed by: AnthAn, TArr / TPT sustems (name) (firm) 1.Ty0e(s) Of System or Service X NFPA 72, Chapter 6— Local If alarm is transmitted to location(s) oft premises, list where received: Central Station NFPA 72, Chapter 8 -- Remote Station Telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: Alarm: 6,00- Supervisory: ( — /7/f Trouble: fA / 7/I If alarms are retransmitted to public fire service communications centers or others, indicate location and telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: Indicate how alarm is retransmitted: NFPA 72, Chapter 8— Proprietary Telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: Alarm: Supervisory: Trouble: If alarms are retransmitted to public fire service communications centers or others, indicate location and telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: Indicate how alarm is retransmitted: - ____NFPA 72. Chapter 8— Central Station Prime contractor: Central station location: (NFPA 72,1 of 4) FIGURE Record of Completion. 9002 Edition 72-32 NATIONAl. FIRE ALARM CODE Means of transmission of signals from the protected premises to the central station: McCulloh Multiplex One-way radio Digital alarm communicator Two-way radio Others Means of transmission of alarms to the public fire service communications center: PhaneTine System location: FACP nne1 - NFPA 72, Chapter 9— Auiallary Indicate type of connection: ______ Local energy Shunt -v Parallel telephone Location of telephone number for receipt of signals: - 2. Record of System Installation (Fill out after installation is complete and wiring is checked for opens, shorts, ground faults, and improper branching, but prior to conducting operational acceptance tests.) This system has been installed in accordance with the NFPA standards as shown below, was inspected by TRL systems on May 26. 2020 ,includes the devices shown in 5 and 6, and has been in service since fl _NFPA 72, Chapters • • • •••••• I • (circle all that apply) NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760 Manufacturer's instructions - Other (spcci1r): - iilichael 3. Walker Signed: Organization: TRL systems Record of System Operation Verified by PDFfHler t.ULU Documentation in accordance with Inspection Testing Form, Figure, is attached v,-..- All operational features and functions of this system were tested by_TRT. cvctemc date j05/26/2020 and found to be operating properly in accordance with the requirements of: NFPA 72, Chapters S II 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (circle all that apply) NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760 Manufacturer's instructions - Other (specify): IM Verified by PDFfilIer Tflichael is. Walker I— -. Signed: Organization: TRI. systems Signaling Line Circuits Quantity and class of signaling line circuits connected to system (see NFPA 72. Table 6.6.1): Quantity: _1 Style: V Class: R (NFPA 72,2 of 4) FIGURE Continued 2002 Edition FUNDAMENTALS OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS 72-33 5. Alarm-Initiating Devices and Circuits Quantity and class of initiating device circuits (see NFPA 72, Table 6.5): Quantity: _1 Style: Y Class: n MANUAL (a) Manual stations Noncoded________ Transmitters_ Coded________ Addressable _R (b) Combination manual fire alarm and guard's tour coded stations AUTOMATIC Coverage: Complete Partial Selective Nonrequired Smoke detectors 75 Ion _ Photo x__ Addressable x Duct detectors 2 Ion _________ Photo x Addressable _x Heat detectors (I F1'_______ ER_______ FF/RR_______ RC. Sprinkler waterfiow indicators: Transmitters x Noncoded_______ Coded The alarm verification feature is disabled _______ or enabled -, changed from - Other (list): - Addressable - Addressable seconds to fl seconds. 6. Supervisory Signal-Initiating Devices and Circuits (use blanks to indicate quantity of devices) GUARD'S TOUR (a).............. Coded stations (b).........._Noncoded stations (c) Compulsory guard's tour system comprised of__________ transmitter stations and intermediate stations Note: Combination devices are recorded under 5(b), Manual, and 6(a), Guard's Tour. SPRINKLER SYSTEM Check if provided (a).4..........Valve supervisory switches (b)............ Building temperature points (c) __Site water temperature points (d)..............Site water supply level points Electric fire pump: (e)__..Fire pump power (0 -Fire pump running (g)...........Phase reversal Engine-driven fire pump: (h)...............Selector in auto position Engine or control panel trouble __Fire pump running ENGINE-DR WEN GENERATOR: (a)................ Selector in auto position (b)_ Control panel trouble (C) _.__Transfer switches (d)__. Engine running Other supervisory function(s) (specify): (NFPA 72,3 of 4) FIGURE Continued 2002 Edition 72-34 NATIONAL FIRE ALARM CODE Annunciator(s) Number: 1 Type: LCD Location: Main Fntry Prefiietinn 8. Alarm Notification Appliances and Circuits NFPA 72, Chapter 6— Emergency Voice/Alarm Service Quantity of voice/alarm channels: 2 Single: Multiple: 2 Quantity of speakers installed: 12 Quantity of speaker zones: _2 Quantity of telephones or telephone jacks included in system: 2 Quantity and the class of notification appliance circuits connected to system (see NFPA 72, Table 6.7): Quantity: _4 Style: Y Class: Types and quantities of notification appliances installed: Bells 1 With Visible Speakers 32 With Visible 32 (C) Horns With Visible Chimes With Visible_____________________ Other: With Visible (0 Visible appliances without audible: 9. System Power Supplies Fire Alarm Control Panel: Nominal voltage: I?Ovar Current rating: 20amn Overcurrent protection: Type: Circuit breaker Current rating: ?0 amn Location: Main P.1ptri,'al rnnm 117 Secondary (standby): Storage battery: I 2vdc Amp-hour rating: 44 Calculated capacity to drive system, in hours: 40 Engine-driven generator dedicated to fire alarm system: NA Location of fuel storage: Emergency system used as backup to primary power supply: Emergency system described in NFPA 70, Article 700: 10. Comments Frequency of routine tests and inspections, if other than in accordance with the referenced NFPA standard(s): Quarterly System deviations from the referenced NFPA standard(s) are: N/A , Verified by POFfifler 7llichael I. Wa1A- --Field onnan - - - - - er I Q/O4/2O2O 06/04/2020 (signed) for installation contractor/supplier (title) (date) /)esp /A 7o 97. 3i.) 06/04/2020 (signed) for alarm service company (title) (date) 06/04/2020 (signed) for central station (title) (date) Upon let, ,of the s3iifls) satisfactory test(s) witnessed (if required by the authority having jurisdiction): authority having jurisdiction (title) (NFPA 72,4 of 4) FIGURE Continued 2002 Edition