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5935 DARWIN CT; ; FS070003
10/8/2020 FS070003 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fixed Systems Permit Job Address: 5935 DARWIN CT Permit Type: FIXSYS Parcel No: 2121201500 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: FS070003 Status: ISSUED Applied 3/8/2007 Approved: 3/13/2007 Issued: 3/13/2007 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: REEF STE 121 SPEC. CHEM PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION Applicant: Owner: SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION CO INC 5935 DARWIN COURT LLC 4760 MURPHY CANYON RD 12770 HIGH BLUFF DR #270 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 SAN DIEGO CA 858-279-6122 Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 124 0 124 0 1/1 Ar-gonite System Flow Caics CNEmEThOn , /IQL Fire System A Work! of Frozetho,, Argonite Flow Calculation Program Data Argonite Flow Version 1.2.6 O Agency Listing: ULJULC Ex4655, Factory Mutual 3011911 ProjectName: Reef T.I. Date: 2/27/07 Location: 5935 Darwin Ct Carlsbad CA Project Number: SH456 Hazard Name: Server Room #121 - Revision: Data File Name: C:\Documents and Sethngs\Gary Fromway\My Documents\Reef.arg Data File Units:Eng Lish ___ CylinderInformation Storage Pressure: 200 bar Total Argonite: 43.66 kgs Altitude Relative to Sea (ft): 0 HazardInformation Hazard: Server Room #121 Concentration Required: 37.90 Nozzle(s): 301 Radial Nozzle - NPT Cylinder type: Quantity: 80 Liter Argonite Cylinder - 21.83 Kg Capacity 2 Total Number of Cylinders: 2 Hazard Type: Class A Fire Mm. Temp. (F): 70.0 Max. Temp. (F): 70.0 Dimensions. (ft): 19.8 X 10.63 X 9.0 Total Agent Required: 35.95kgs PipingModel Section 1 2 0.0 5.9 2 3 1.7 0.3 3.4 4 5 4.0 4.0 5. 301 22.3 -2.3 Pipe Cping/ Sch Size 90's Tee's Union Note I EQL 80T 1/2 0 . None 0 801 32 160T I I • None 0 802 0 Restrictor orifice diameter 8.0 40T 3/4 None 0 • 0.000 0 40T 3/4 4 None 0 • 10.000 0 Note 1: This colUmn is used to indicate either a manifold, fixed agent amount or fixed nozzle orifice diameter. The 800 Series numbers indicate either a single cylinder (801) or multiple cylinders (802 = 2 cylinders, 803 = 3 cylinders, etc...). This data file has fixed nozzle diameters. Note 2: Warning: Possible changes in data input file •since calculation. 1 (End of Printout) Argonite System Flow Calm C14E.mETROfl Fire System A World of Pro/cc/ion • Argonite Flow Calculation Program Results Argonite Flow Version 1.2.6 Agency Listing: ULIULC Ex4655, Factory Mutual 3011911 Project Name: Reef T.I. S Date: 2/27/07 Location: 5935 Darwin Ct Carlsbad CA • Project Number: SH456 Hazard Name: Server Room #121 Revision: System Information Storage Pressure (psia): 2900 Maximum pressure after orifice: 1642 psia Pipe Volume/Cylinder Volume: 2% Average initial Pipe Temp (F): 70 Altitude Relative to Sea (ft): 0 Piping Model Results Cylinder type: .QW 80 Liter Argonite Cylinder -21.83 Kg Cap. 2 Total Number of Cylinders: 2 Total Amount of Agent (kg): 43.66 Section Pipe Size Length Elev EQL Start Term Flow• Start End _() _(f) (ft) Tee _JPSIA)_(lbs/min) 1 2 1/2-801 0.0 5.9 32.0 1697 1565 84.18 2. 3 1-160T 1.7 0.3 3.7 Mfld 1565 1555 168.36 3 4 1-160T Drill# 8.0 mm 1555 959 168.36 4 5 314-40T . 4.0 4.0 4.0 959 1026 168.36 5 301 314-40T 22.3 -2.3 30.5 1026 934 168.36 17.46 kgs discharged in 11.7.seconds. Results for 40th percentile discharged Concentration Results Volume Disch. Concen. Mm. Concen. Max Concen. 02% at Max. Hazard Area - - (cy.ft _... (kg) e Achieved Achieved__ Concentration Server Room #121 1894.266 43.7 37.90 43.94 @70F . 43.94 ©70F . 11.72 1 (Continued) Argonite System Flow Caics :CHEmETROfl % Fire System . A World of Protection Argonite Flow Calculation Program Results Argon ite Flow Version 1.2.6 Agency Listing: ULIULC Ex4655, Factory Mutual 3011911 Project Name: Reef T.I. Date: 2/27/07 Location: 5935 Darwin Ct Carlsbad CA Project Number: SH456 Hazard Name:-Server Room #121 Revision: Hazard Performance Results Volume Kgs Req'd Kgs Disch. Kgs Req'd Kgs Disch. Pass or Hazard Area (cuft.) in Hazard in Hazard in 60 Sec in 60 Sec Fail Server Room #121 1894.266 35.95 43.67 34.153 . 37.741 PASS Nozzle Information Nozzle Size Drill Stock Discharged -ID (hi) (mm) Number _(g) Restrictor 1 - 160T Restrictor NPT FE/FE 8.0 . 70984054 - 080 N/A 301 3/4 -40 T Radial Nozzle NPT 10.0 70984042 - 100 43.67. Enclosure Vent Calculation Maximum Vent Safety Enclosure Minimum Vent Hazard Area Flow Rate_ Factor Strenglh.___. Area Server Room #121 272.4 lbs/mm. 3 5. PSF . 229.6 sq.in. Vent area calculation assumes vent opening direct to outside at atmospheric pressure. Flow coefficient for vent area is set at C = 0.5 Error Messages No Flow Errors Calculation SUCCESSFUL at 2:08:21 PM 2/27/07 Design Notes Egress Required in 3 Minutes or less for Hazard Server Room #121. - Per. NFPA 2001 Results are based on the use of A-i 06B/A-53B Smls Piping 2 (Continued) Argonite System Flow Calm CIIEMETROfl jelk Fire System A World of.Protectioi, Argonite Flow Calculation Program Results Argonite Flow Version 1.2.6 Agency Listing: ULIULC Ex4655, Factory Mutual 3011911 Project Name: Reef T.I. • Date: 2/27/07 Location: 5935 Darwin Ct Carlsbad CA Project Number: • SH456 Hazard Name: Server Room #121 Revision: Design Notes Calculation performed with Argonite Flow Version 1.2.6 Calculation by Schmidt Fire Gary Formway 4760 Murphy Canyon Road San Diego CA 92123 USA Telephone: 858-279-6122 Data File Name: C:Documents and SettingsGary Fromway\My DocumentsReef.arg TIME AND DATE OF PRINTOUT 2:09:32 PM 2/27/07 3 (End of Printout) Argonite System Flow Cálcs CNEflIETROfl /Z.UhL Fire System A World of Protection Argonite Flow Calculation Program Bill of Material Argonite Flow Version 1.2.6 Agency Listing: ULJULC Ex4655, Factory Mutual 3011911 Project Name: Reef T.I. . Date: 2/27/07 Location: 5935 Darwin Ct Carlsbad CA . Project Number: SH456 Hazard Name: Server Room #121 Revision: Cylinder Information Stock Qtv Number Description 2 10980002 80 liter Cylinder, - 22.5Kg Capacity I 20980009 2 Cylinder - 66.71- / 80L Free Standing Rack Kit - IR/IS I 20980002 Primary Completer Kit 1 20980003 Slave Completer Kit 1 10170065 4-pole Discharge Pressure Switch * For Manifolds, Please Refer to the Stock Book; Nozzle Bill of Material Item Nozzle Nozzle Stock No Qty Size Description Number 1 1 3/4 -40 T Radial Nozzle - NPT 70984042 - 100 2 1 1 - 160T Restrictor NPT FE/FE 70984054 - 080 Pipe and Fitting Summary Item Type Size (in) Qty Pipe 160T I 1.7 (ft) Pipe 401 3/4 26.3 (ft) Elbow (90) CL 3000 (B16.11) 1 1 (Ea) Elbow (90) CL 300 (1316.3) 3/4 4 (Ea) The above list of pipe and fittings are based on the calculation input data. Any additional equivalent length, inputted as elbows, will appear as elbows in this list. This list is approximate for field conditions and is not intended necessarily for a buy list. 1 (End of BOM) '1 " SCH. 40 '.- -V x 1" REDUCER 4" 1" RESTRICTOR (CODE' 8.0) >HANG PIPE 1'-O" OFF WALL ON EXISTING UNISTRUT SUPPORTS A.F.F. 1" SCH. 160 MANIFOLD 1/4 ACTUATION HOSE PRESSURE SWITCH HECK VALVE (EQUIPMENT POWER/UPS,4IVAC SHUTDOWN) (tMRING BY OTHERS) FLEX HOSE (2) 80L ARGONITE CYLINDERS of LiJ CXD 00 CDFj GO (301) 2'-3" DROP TO 3600 ARGONITE NOZZLE (3," rnnF in n) ' SERVER ROOM PIPING ISOMETRIC. N.1. S. ARGONITE® Fire Protection Systems Fire System GENERAL INFORMATION The Chemetron ARGONITE Fire Protection Systems are clean agent, automatic extinguishing systems using Ar- gonite (1G55) and consisting of four basic 'components and their associated accessories. Argonite Cylinders and Components Completer Kits - Control Panels Detection and Alarm Devices Features Argonite is an inert gas mixture, in equal parts, of Nitrogen and Argon. Both substances are naturally occurring and present in the atmosphere. Argonite is safe for use in occupied spaces and poses no threat to the environment. El The Argonite Components consist of the agent cylinders, cylinder racking, and the agent discharge nozzles. The Completer Kits provide all the basic components necessary to operate the Argonite cylinders. The kits consist of hoses, connection fittings, pressure gauges, actuation devices required to operate the cylinder valve and warning signs to be displayed in the area(s) protected by an Argonite fire extinguish- ing system. fJ The Control Panels vary in features and complexity but in all cases are used to monitor the detection, actuate the alarms, initiate the agent discharge and control auxiliary functions such as shut down of vital equipment and ventilation dampers. The Detection and Alarm devices provide fire detec- tion by means of thermal or smoke detectors, audible and visual pre-alarm warnings and annunciation of the Argonite discharge. ARGONITE Agent Description longer burn, but without compromis- ing the safety of individuals present. There are no toxicological factors asso ciated with the use of Argonite. Argo- nite will not decompose or produce any by-products when exposed to a flame from a fire condition. Most Argonite systems are designed to extinguish fires with a minimum agent concentration of 38% within one minute. This results in extinguish- ment of the fire and an oxygen con- centration of 13%. Argonite is stored as a gas within the cylinder assembly. It is available at a storage pressure of 2900 psi (200 bar). Cylinder Capacity Three cylinder sizes are available: Size 200 Bar 15.9L 4.5k9 66.7L 19.1 kg 80L 22.5 kg Cylinder • Area Coverage @38% Concentrationll0°F 2900 psi (200 bar) 15.9L 236 ft3 (6.7 M3) 66.7 L 1003 ft3 (28.4 M3) dU8_O ML EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION The Chemetron ARGONITE Fire Protection Systems can be released electrically, manually, or pneumatically. The following is a description of the various components associated with the systems. Argonite is a mixture of 50% pure Nitrogen and 50% pure Cylinder and Valve Assembly Argon. Argonite contains only naturally occurring sub- Argonite cylinders are available in three different sizes. stances, and as such, has no ozone depletion potential The 200 bar cylinders are uniquely color coded to allow and no direct global warming risk, for quick and easy identification. The cylinders are red Argonite extinguishes by means of reducing the oxygen with black at the cylinder shoulder. content within a room to the point at which fire can no 0 2002 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights reserved (1/2002). Chemetron Fire Systems and Argonite are registered trademarks. Additional features of the valve include a Bursting Disk, designed to rupture upon excessive internal pressure, and an external Bleeder Valve with indicator that acts as a pressure relief valve. PNEUMATIC PRESSURE GAUGE ACTUATOR OR PRESSURE r GAUGE/SOLENOID CYLINDER VALVE ASSEMBLY /. VALVE / / ,- ACTUATOR DISCHARGE HOSE 'Fire-Systems ARGONITE® Fire Protection Systems Because Argonite is stored as a gas, the cylinders have no dip tube and can be mounted in either the vertical or horizontal position. 10- Pressure Gauge and Supervisory Pressure Switch for slave actuator connections. Discharge Outlet: The cylinder valve outlet is con- nected to the distribution piping by a flexible hose with 1/2" steel fittings. The cylinder valve, required for all system cylinders, allows for con- nection of the cylinders into the system. The valve provides con- nections for electric, pneumatic. and manual release of the cylinder contents, as well as a discharge outlet, connected by a discharge A hose, to the distribution piping. The actuator operates on a 1 to 10 ratio requiring only 300 psi for the 200 bar system to operate. the valve. The following are the con- nections provided on the valve. Cylinder Size Dimension A Dimension B 15.9 L 2'7-5/16" (795 mm) 8" Dia (204 mm) 66.7 L 1 5'3-3/16" (1605 mm) 10-1/2" Dia (267 mm) 80L I 6' 1-1/4" (1860mm) 10-1/2" Dia (267 mm) Manual/Pneumatic Actuator Connection: Each cy- linder valve must be fitted with either a Pilot or Slave type actuator. The Pilot actuator provides a manual (pull pin - turn handle) actuator and connections from an electrical solenoid and pressure switch assembly. The pilot actuator also has connections to adjacent slave cylinder actuators to discharge entire groups of cylinders virtually simultaneously. The Slave actuator is purely pneumatic - it receives pressure from the pilot actuator and opens its associated cylinder valve. Solenoid Valve, Pressure Gauge and Supervisory Pressure Switch connection: This is a threaded port that serves for the connection of one of the follow- ing: 10- Solenoid Valve, Pressure Gauge and Supervisory Pressure Switch for pilot actuator connections. BRACKET ARGONITE CYLINDER Argonite Cylinder Valve Assembly Description Stock # 200 bar ID0T & TC Version 10980002 66.7 Liter Cylinder Asiy (filled cylinder/valve) 200 bar I DOT &TC Versions 1 10980001 15.9 Liter Cylinder Assy (filled cylinder/valve) 200 bar ID0T&TC Versions 10980000 D.O.T. = Department of Transporttion (US) TC = Transportation Canada 0 2002 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights reserved (1/2002). Chemetron Fire Systems and Argonite are registered trademarks. Fire System ARGONITE® Fire Protection Systems COMPLETER KIT COMPONENTS Either a PILOT or a SLAVE completer kit is required to complete the installation of each Argonité cylinder.. Description Stock # RIMRI!E1ERTKIISW Completer kit with pressure gauge, sole- noid, hoses, fittings, and supervisory 20980002. pressure switch. ieter kit with pressure gauge, hoses, fittings, and supervisory pressure 20980003 switch Solenoid and Pressure Gauge Assembly with Supervi- sory Pressure Switch Solenoid S/N 70985017 Pressure Gauge w/Supv. Pressure Sw. S/N 70985029 GAUGE WITH CH SIDE VIEW MANUAL!PNEUMA11C ACTUATOR 1.,SOLENOID TO BLEEDER VALVE OR', SLAVE CYLINDER PIECE TEE PIECE FRONT VIEW The solenoid/pressure gauge assembly provides an elec- trical means (24VDC) of actuating the system as well as a Visual means to determine the pressure within the pilot cylinder. This unit includes an integral supervisory pressure switch and is supplied with a pilot flex hose #1. The supervisory pressure switch consists of one normally open (N.O.) con- tact that changes state upon loss of cylinder pressure. Pressure Gauge Assembly with Supervisory Pressure Switch (S/N 709895029) This unit is required for the slave cylinders to provide a local visual means to determine the pressure within the slave cylinder. The pressure gauge assembly includes an integral supervi- sory pressure switch, consisting of one N.O. contact that changes state upon loss of cylinder pressure. Pilot Flex Hose #1 (S/N 70981007) This 1/4" ID reinforced rubber flex hose has threaded con- nections to allow interface between the pilot cylinder. solenoid/pressure gauge assembly and pilot manual/ pneumatic actuator. It is supplied with the pilot solenoid assembly. HIGH PRESSURE mm). SO' FLARE ?T lI4 CED RUBBER HOSE ; e.4rnrn)&:;ASWE9th CONNECTOR 15414'(400mm)LONG Manual/Pneumatic Actuator (S/N 70985037) PRESSURE INLE' TO TEE PIECE The manual/pneumatic actuator supplied with the pilot completer kit is required on the pilot cylinder to manually actuate the cylinder valve as well as to supply pressure to actuate any slave cylinders. Interconnection between cylinders is by means of high-pressure flex hoses. WITH © 2002 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights reserved (1/2002). Chemetron Fire Systems and Argonite are registered trademarks. Fire Syst ems ARGONITE ® Fire Protection Systems Tee Piece for Hose Connections (SIN 70981004) The tee piece is supplied with each of the completer kits. It provides the interface with the pilot assembly (through a high-pressure flex hose) to simultaneously operate the slave cylinder pneumatically. To CYLINDER VALVE ACTUATION 318 (9.5 mm) - 60 FLARE SWIVEL NUT 112' (12.7 mm) r HIGH PRESSURE \REINFORCED RUBBE 9T . _ 3l8"(9.5 mm) CONNECTOR I 16-314 (406 mm) LONG Discharge Flex Hose Check Valve Assembly r INLET FROM OUTLET TO SOLENOID OR ACTUATE PRIMARY YIIMflR CYLINDER Bleeder Valve for Actuator (SIN 70985036) A bleeder valve is included with the Pilot Completer Kit to prevent an accidental accumulation of pressure within the pilot lines, which, if not bled to atmosphere, could cause a false discharge. Connection requires a copper gasket (S/N 70981013) between the bleeder valve and pneumatic actuator. S/N 70985013 (Standard) S/N 70985014 (Welded) To prevent accidental discharge of the Argonite into unin- tended areas, a check valve is required for each discharge hose in all multi-cylinder systems. The 1/2" check valve is not required on single cylinder systems, but may be used for ease of connection to the piping system. Use a 3/4" check valve for welded manifolds. All manifolds with. selector/diverter valves are to be of welded construction. All Chemetron manifolds will include the check valve. (84.5 mm) 1 SBT 2. 7 s ; Pilot Flex Hoses I Flow Restrictor This 1/4" ID reinforced rubber flex hose has threaded con- nections to allow interface between components. S/N Description Length 70981005 Pilot hose #3 between cylinder 10-5/8" actuation pieces (270 mm) 70981015 Pilot hose #2 between actuator 17-3/4" and cylinder valve (450 mm) I14'(6.4 mm)-I0' FLARE SWIVEL NUT HIGH PRESSURE REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE d LJ1IEJ 114 (64 mm) CONNECTOR LENGTH Discharge Flex Hose (S/N 70981008) The restrictor assembly reduces the initial Argonite pressure from the discharge manifold to between 174 and 870 psi (12 and 60 Bar) before entering the discharge piping. The size of the orifice within the restrictor is determined through calculations based upon the required flow and discharge time. Larger diameter restrictors, up to 4" (102 mm) connection, are available for very large system requirements. An orifice plate is custom drilled to the specific requirements of the project as determined by computerized flow calculations. ORIFICE PLATE RESTRICTOR (SINS ABOVE PROVIDE ONLY STANDARD FLANGE' THIS COMPONENT) -\ GASKET' FLOW This flex hose has 1/2" threaded connections to allow ________ _________ interface between the cylinder valves and the discharge PROVIDEDBYL1*2 SIN 70984013 SIN 70984012 manifold (if applicable). Where more than one cylinder is INSTALLER connected to a common manifold, check valves are SIN 70984014 required at the end of each discharge flex hose. Flanged Restnctor Assembly for largesystem requirements Only Orifice Plate Provided 0 2002 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights reserved (1/2002). Chemetron Fire Systems and Argonite are registered trademarks. NPT FOR DISTRIBUTION I [ CONNECTION PIPE WORK STAMPED MTH: I SIZEH - OUThET-.. INLET.. ,..UI I x Ix 09 X I I MATH I STAMPED PART NO. I STAMPED WTH 'ORIFICE DIA. NPT Rest,ictor Female NPT/Female NPT - Sizes 1/2' to 2° ED POSITION IT Selector/Directional Valve Firesystemi ARGONITE® Fire Protection Systems Flow Restrictor Pipe Diameter (NPT) Standard FNPTxFNPT 1/2' (12.7 mm) 70984004 1"(25A mm) 70984005 1-1/2"(38.1 mm) 70984006 2" (50 mm) 70984007 Selector Valves/Directional Valves Argonite systems are particularly suited to the use of selector valves, where one central storage of agent us used to provide protection to two or more hazard areas. Selector valves are available in six sizes and are pneumati- cally operated. One common pressure regulator and vented, elbow are also required to reduce the actuation pressure to each set of selector valves. Selector Valves/Directional Valves Description Stock Number 1/2' (12.7 mm) pipe dia. 70985039 3/4° (19.05 mm) pipe dia. 70985040 1° (25.4 mm) pipe dia. 70985041 1-1/4° (31.75 mm) pipe dia. 70985042 1-1/2° (38.1 mm) pipe dia. 70985043 2° (50.8 mm) pipe dia. 70985044 Pressure gauge . 70985028 Selector Valve Pressure Regulator 20540012 Vented elbow 30610177 Nozzles The brass discharge nozzles are available -in four basic sizes - 1/2°, 3/4°, 1" and 1-1/2°. Each is fitted with a drilled orifice to assure proper flow rates, agent quality and prop- er discharge timing as determined by flow calculations. Maximum nozzle spacing for room mounted nozzles should not exceed 19.6 feet (6 M) square. Nozzle height should not exceed 16 feet (4.9 M) from a single /000 layer of nozzles. Hr Argonite Discharge Nozzle Size Orifice Height Width Stock (R) NPT Dia. (H) (W) Number 1/2° 1-9/16" 7/8' (12.7 mm) 03-10 mm . (19 mm) (22 mm) 70984041 1-1/8' (19mm) 714mm (48 mrri) 128 mm) 70984042 1° 10-18mm 2-3/8° 1-7/16' 70984043 (25.4 mm) (60 mm) (36 mm) 1-1/2" 3-3/16" 2° (38.1 mm) 15-26 mm (81 mm) (50 mm) 70984044 (1) An orifice plate within the nozzle is custom drilled to the specific requirements of the project as determined by computerized flow calculations. 0 2002 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights reserved (1/2002). Chemetron Fire Systems and Argonite are registered trademarks. E!1 r;H'T. ARGONITE ® Fire Protection Systems DISCHARGE HOSE L BLEEDER VALVE SOLENOID VALVE WITH GAUGE & SUPERVISORY PRESSURE SWITCH RELEASE MANUAL PILOT HOSE #1 PILOT HOSE TEE PIECE FOR HOSE CONNECTION PILOT CYLINDER COMPLETER KIT flIOflLlAflflC UflOC PRESSURE GAUGE WITH SUPERVISORY PRESSURE SWITCH SLAVE CYLINDER COMPLETER KIT Typical Argonite Pilot and Slave Completer Kits The seller makes no warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchan- tability and fitness for a particular purpose, except as expressly stated in seller's sales contract or sales acknowledgment form. Every attempt is made to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. All specific applications cannot be covered, nor can all requirements be anticipated. All specifications are subject to change without notice. 4801 Southwick Drive Third Floor Fire System Li Matteson,lL 60443 A World of Protection LZII 708/748-1503 • FAX 708/7482847 @2002 Chemetron Fire Systems. All tights reserved (1/2002). Chemetron Fire Systems and Argonite are registered trademarks. full ) M EA ,D".IflIUfl' \ . .. -.,.. Fire Systems Technical Data Bulletin M1002- 30198 Micro1-0012.1 002E Special Hazard Control Panel The Micro 1002/1002E Control Panel is supplied with the following standard features: Two Class A or Class B supervised detection zones programmable for single zone or cross zone detection One Class A or Class B manual station input One Class A or Class B abort station input programmable to four different options Two Class B supervised solenoid outputs Supervisory input option Two Class A or Class B alarm outputs California Pre-discharge timer State Fire Auxiliary relay card option Battery volt / ammeter option 9 - PENDING Description The Chemetron Fire Systems Micro 1002/1002E Control Panel has been designed as a compact control center for Special Hazard Fire Protection System applications. The microprocessor based unit is suitable to perform detection and control functions associated with the following: NFPA 12 High Pressure CO2 Systems NFPA 12A Halon 1301 Systems NFPA 72 Local Signaling Systems NFPA 2001 Clean Agent Systems The Micro 1002!1002E features four power limited inputs that are Class A or Class B supervised: Two detection zones, suitable for smoke detectors, thermal detectors and normally, open alarm initiating devices. The detection zones are programmable for single' zone or cross zone detection. Inputs are also provided for Manual Station actuation and Programmable Abort Switch operation. Ordering Information Two Class A or B indicating Alarm Circuits and two Class B Releasing Solenoid outputs are also provided. For. single solenoid Systems, the second release circuit is programmable to provide 'a dedicated Supervi- sory Input for"Trouble Only" indications. The Micro 1002!1002E is supplied premoUnted in a Nema 1 enclosure with a hinged door. It includes an integral 24 VDC standby battery system capable of pro- viding in excess of 90 hours of battery back-up service. Optional modules available for the Micro 10021 1002E include: Vott! Ammeter Module to monitor the battery volt- age and the battery charging current. Zone Relay Board to provide an edditional Alarm and Trouble contact as well as independent contacts that transfer in conjunction with each .of the Indicating Alarm outputs and Releasing oLtputs. Stock Number Description Size (Inches) Shipping Weight lbs. (kgs) 67=-01-00702= 70100744 Mid- -ontrol anal, 0 Micro 1002E Control Panel, 230 VAC, 50 Hz 16x14.5x5 16 ' (7.3) 16 x 14.5 x 5 16 (7.3) 70100700 Volt / Ammeter Module 1 (.45) 70100699 Zone Relay Board 1 (.45) 70100320 Battery 12V, 7AH ' 5.94 x 3.7 x 2.56 6 ' (2.7) 0 1998 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights reserved (3/98). Chemetron Fire Systems is a registered trademark. iNC TiN INC 1Ii 2540 6 ST ZS•RG I 1 2 I CHEETROfl Fire Systemi Technical Oath Bulletin M1002- 30198 5T SWCII SUPERUM LSurTED W*ML STATII GLASS SUPERVISED Ipl -I Hot J I flofl.du. Connacflon JI -- :L i1t 1H'1 Ii AC POSTER I[] 01 lIlAC POINTS II i ir6i III IITICIWILJ fli ARGOT " IIiItjI I Ii_'• i I __ iHI 11TEII Ii TERN AIA AL SYSTEM hii 3 II NEC SLOIEC ACTIVATE NESET .0 CTIPTZ i.iio 0 001 Distributed by The seller makes no warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, except as expressly stated in seller's sales contract Or sales acknowledgment form. 4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor CHEETROfl Matteson, 1L60443 Fire System TM 708/748-1503 s Fax 708/748-2847 01998 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights reserved (3198). Chemetron Fire Systems is a registered trademark CHEETROfl DISTRIBUTOR PRICE LIST Fire Systems ALARM & DETECTION COMPONENTS CONVENTIONAL IONIZATION & PHOTOELECTRIC DETECTORS NOTE: The following devices have been found suitable, and are cross-listed with Underwriters Labors- tones, for use with our control panels. Other devices may perform properly; however, we cannot be assured. of their compatibility, and therefore, will not be responsible for interface with.those products... Unit List Price ($) Stock Weight Description Alarm Number Lbs (Kgs) .. Current 1-40 41 or More IONIZATION DETECTORS 5 (23) Low 43 mA 9500 9000 224 43 mA base Technical Data Bulletin !S.P 1012009 70100912 1 (.45) Low profile SIJ-24V detector w/ 43 mA 143.00 136.00 HSC-224R/RA 43 mA relay base 70100913 .5 (.23) Low profile SlJ-24V detector w/ 93 mA 103.00--1 98.00 NS6-220 88 mA base PHOTOELECTRIC DETECTORS (.23 43 mA 96.00 91.00 4m ads-6 ical Data BulletiPESD1012OOO 70100907 . 1 (.45) Low profile SLR-24V detector w/ 43 mA 144.00 .137.00 HSC-224R/RA. 43 mA relay base 70100908 .5 (.23) SLR-24V detector w/NS6-220 93 mA 154.00 146.00 88 mA base 70100909 1 (.45) SLR-24HV detector 135°F fixed temp 43 mA 167.00 159.00 heat detector w/NS6-224 43 mA base 70100910 1 (.45) SLR-24HV detector 135°F fixed temp . 43 mA 176.00 167.00 heat detector w/HSC-224R/RA 43 mA relay base Notes: I The Micro 1-EV control panel uses detectors with 40 mA alarm current for single zone, cross zone, sequential verification, and cross-sequential verification systems. The Micro LT an Waa use detectors with 40 mA current for single JinAslytterns. zone and cross rn All detectors and accessories listed on this page are manufactured by Hochiki Page 5 CHEETROfl DISTRIBUTOR PRICE LIST• Fire Systemi ALARM & DETECTION COMPONENTS MANUAL AND ABORT STATIONS Stock Number Weight Lbs (Kgs) Description Price ($) TOGGLE SWITCH TYPE - DUAL. ACTION 20100179 .5 (.23) Momentary contact FM-200 discharge station 82.00 20100180 .5 (.23) Maintained contact FM-200 distharge station. 82.00 20100140 .5 (.23) Momentary contact CO2 discharge station 7800 20100139 .5 (.23) Maintained contact CO2 discharge station 78.00 20100144 .5 (.23) .Deadman abort station 78.00 20100143 .5 (.23) Maintained contact abort station 78.00 201 00145 .5 (.23) Main/reserve transfer station 78.00 30100207 .5 (.23) Backbox for surface mounting 37.00 50710199 Lead Seal & Wire 4.00 NOTIFIER TYPE - DuAl. ACTION 70101077 3 (1.4) Agent Release Station wlkey lock reset NBG-I2LR 74.00 7fllflhlQ A,,n# DIeIAh,ivf MtMn (,1mknfiAn MRf..1)I PA 2AD fin CHEETROfl DISTRIBUTOR PRICE LIST Fire Systemsio ALARM & DETECTIoN COMPONENTS SIGNALING DEVICES• Stock Number Weight Lbs (Kgs) Description Unit List Price ($) 1-20 121 or More POWERTONE ALARMS (MANUFACTURED FOR CHEMETRON BY FEDERAL SIGNAL) - CONTINUED 70030034 6 (2.7) ASHP-24SMR Alarm - Red surface mount 24 VDC 800.00 760.00 70030035 6 (2.7) 300GC Alarm - Red 120 VAC 50/60 Hz • 1,846.00 N/A 701 00311 3 (1.4) 1 ASLP Alarm - Red mini-selectone 24 VDC 421.00 400.00 Note:: Each powertone horn requires a tone module sold below. .• MODULES FOR POWERTONE HORNS 70030040 .5 (.23) TC-YW Module - Tone (yeow) 152.00 144.00 70030041 .5 (.23) TC-YL Module - Tone (wail) . 152.00 144.00 70030094 .5 (.23) TC-SW Module - Tone (solid/slow whoop) 152.00 144.00 70030453 1 .5 (.23) Universal Tone Module U-TC 1 270.00. 257.00 POWERTONE ALARM WITH BUILT-IN STROBE 70030404 16.5 (3)IASHP-24SMR w/1971 Strobe 24 VDC I 850.00 N/A Requires additional tone module (sold above) . . STROBE LIGHTS 70100308 1 (.45) VALS 1971 Strobe - Polarized 24 VDC (Manufactured by Federal Signal) 84.00 80.00 70130166 2.5 (1.1) Strobe- Red 24 VDC, explosionproof, .355A current draw - Class I, Division II, Groups C & D . - Class II, Division II, Group G 881.00 N/A 70030413 1 (.45) Strobe light - Polarized 24 VDC Wheelock # RSS-241575W-FR 75.00 71.00. 70030130 .5 (.23) Plate - Surface mount for VALS strobe 26.00 25.00 70030411. .5 (.23) Backbox, BB (Standard steel) - Surface mount for Wheelock strobe 70030413 & horn/strobe combination 70130187 8.00 NIA • 70130179 Strobe, weatherproof 24 VDC Wheelock #RSS WP-2475W-FR 101.00 N/A 70130180 . Backbox for Wheelock weatherproof strobe Wheelock #WPSBB-R 32.00 . N/A REVOLVING LIGHTS 70130123 3 (1.4) RB 2120 RP Light - Revolving red 120 VAC, weatherproof 521.00 N/A 70130117 15 (6.8) Roto-Beam Light- Revolving red 120 VAC, explosionproof -Class I, Groups C & 0 1,924.00 N/A HORN/STROBE COMBINATION UNITS 70130187 2 (.9) Horn/Strobe, 24 VDC (Indoor use only) - Wheelock #HS4-24-MCW-FR 107.00 N/A EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 1, 2005 SUPERSEDES: 5/15/2004 Page 14 CHEmETROn DISTRIBUTOR PRICE LIST Fire Systems ALARM & DETECTION COMPONENTS SIGNALING DEVICES Stock Weight I_Unit List Price ($) Number Lbs (Kgs) Description r— 1-20 121 or More Is HORNISTROBE COMBINATION UNITS - CowriNuEo / 70030424 2 (.9) Weatherproof Horn/Strobe, 24 VDC 109.00 N/A - Wheelock #ASWP-2475W-FR 70030425 .5 (.23) Weatherproof backbox (use with 70030424) 24.00 N/A - Wheelock #WPBB-R 70030426 2 (.9) Weatherproof Horn/Strobe, 24 VDC 127.00 N/A - Wheelock #MT-WP-2475W-FR 70030427 .5 (.23) Weatherproof backbox (use with SIN 70030426) 24.00 N/A - Wheelock #WIOB 70130165 18 (8.2) Explosionproof combination horn/strobe 24 VDC 2,925.00 N/A 70130186 15 (6.8) Explosionproof combination horn/strobe 3,115.00 N/A MEDC #XBIIIDB3, UL Listed, IP 66 & 67 70130178 15 (6.8) Explosionproof combinatiOn horn/strobe 3,115.00 N/A MEDC #X13II/D133, ATEX Approved, IP 66 & 67. 70101133 16.5 (7.5) Wheelock PowerPath Series PS-12124-8MP 1,044.00 N/A Remote power supply for alarm circuits Requires 2- 12V, 7.5 AH batteries, not Included N Federal Signal ASLP Red Mini-S.l.ctone Alarm Federal Signal ASHP S/N 7003035 Powertone Alarm with &without strobe S/N 70030404 & 70030034 jj Wheelock AS Series Wheelock MT Series Horn/Stobe Horn/Stobe shown with backbox S/N 70030424 S/N 70030426 & 70030427 Explosionproof Horn S/N 70100346 &70100347 Federal Signal 450 Series Horn SIN 70030125 Wheelock 31T Series Horn SIN 70030410 I1 MEDC Explosionproof Horn/Stobe UL.S/N 70130186 ATEX A S/N 70130178 Wheelock HS Series HornlStobe S/N 70130187 1•.—' o Federal Signal VALS 1971 Strobe S/N 70100308 Wheelock RSS Series Stobe Only SIN 70030413 &70130179 .EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 1. 2005 SUPERSEDES: 5/15/2004 - - Page 15 CHEMETRON Fire Systems Micro 1002 Agent Release Control Panel (This Calculation Form is taken from Appendix 'A', Page 33 of the Micro 1002!1002E Installation Manual) Date: 07-Mar-07 S Project: REEF • 5935 DARWIN CT. CARLSBAD, CA SERVER ROOM #121 • BATTERY CALCULATIONS DEVICE QUANTITY Standby Current Load Total Standby Current Load Alarm Current Load IciaLAlarm_Currenti.Qad Main Circuit Board 1 0.088 amp 0.088 amp Zone Relay Module 0 0.008 amp 0 amp 4XTM Transmitter Module 0 0.011 amp 0 amp * Reverse Polarity 0 0.005 amp 0 amp Alarm Output * Reverse Polarity 0.005 amp 0 amp Trouble Output 4XLMIRZA4X Driver/Annunciator combination (1 max) 0.019 amp 0 amp Volt/Amp Meter Module, add I mA 0.001 amp 0 amp V 2-Wire Ionization Smoke Detector 1 0.000045 amp 0.000045 amp • 0.15 amp 0.15 amp 2-Wire Photoelectric Smoke Detector 1 0.00004 amp 0.00004 amp 0.15 amp 0.15 amp End-of-Line Relays 0 amp 0 amp . 15 cd Horn/Strobe 2 0 amp 0 amp 0.074 amp 0.148 amp 75 cd Horn/Strobe 0 amp 0 amp 0.142 amp 0 amp 15 cd Ceiling Strobe 0 amp V 0 amp 0.045 amp 0 amp 30 cd Ceiling Strobe 0 amp 0 amp V 0.07 amp 0 amp 75 cd Ceiling Strobe 0 amp 0 amp 0.119 amp 0 amp 95 cd Ceiling Strobe 0 amp 0 amp 0.159 amp 0 amp MT Horn 0 amp 0 amp 0.033 amp 0 amp Sync Module 0 amp 0 amp 0.028 amp 0 amp Current Draw from TB2.(nonalarm3) 0 amp 0 amp 0 amp 0 amp V Total System Current Demand: 0.448 am Total amps used in Standby: 0.088085 am Total System Current Demand must not exceed Control Panel Capacity Total amps required for 24 Hours Standby: 2.11404 AH Total amps required for 5 mm. of alarm: 0.031291 AH V Total Backup Battery Required: 2.145331 AH V Total Backup Battery Provided: 12 AH 20% Derating Factor: 9.6 AH V Total Backup Battery Reserved: 7.454669 AH Includes relays activated during pie-alarm conditions. V 1. Alarm AHs assumes a maximum system draw of 3 amps in alarm for 5 minutes (0.25 AH) or for 10 minutes (0.5 AH). V V 2: NFPA 72 Central Station and Local and Proprietary Fire Alarm Systems require 24 hours of standby. V V NFPA 72 Auxiliary and Remote Station Fire Alarm Systems require 60 hours of standby. Factory Mutual Systems require 90 hours of standby for releasing service. The battery charger in this panel will charge a maximum of 18 AH of batteries withing 48 hours (7AH minimum). Batteries larger than 12 AH will require a UL-listed battery cabinet (e.g. Notifier B13-17). V Page 1 of 1 REEF 5935 DARWIN CT. Node Unit Unit Total Cond . AWG Ohms Per Voltage Percent Reference Volt Amps Amps Feet Size Foot Drop Volt Drop A-IND 1 24 0.0740000 0.0740000 5 14 0.0052 0.0019445 0.0081% Total Percentage Amps Conductor Voltage Drop Voltage Drop I Totals 0.074000 5 0.0019445 0.0081% I U 3/7/072:23 PM Page 1 of I REEF 5935 DARWIN CT. Node Unit Unit Total Cond AWG Ohms Per Voltage Percent Reference Volt Amps Amps Feet Size Foot Drop Volt Drop B-IND 1 24 0.0740000 0.0740000 15 14 0.0052 0.0058336 0.0243% Total Percentage Amps Conductor Voltage Drop Voltage Drop Totals 0.074000 15 0.0058336 0.0243% 3171072:23 PM Page lof 1 Node Unit Unit Total Cond AWG Ohms Per Voltage Percent Reference Volt Amps Amps Feet Size Foot Drop Volt Drop P-1 24 0.0000450 0.0000450 10 14 0.0052 0.0000024 0.0000% Total Percentage Amps Conductor Voltage Drop Voltage Drop I Totals 0.000045 10. 0.000002 0.0000% Page 1 of 1 REEF aUgeetQOMiS0 5935 DARWIN CT. 1.10ôaugat:;i.o2 Ohms ,... Node Unit Unit Total Cond AWG Ohms Per Voltage Percent Reference Volt Amps Amps Feet Size Foot Drop Volt Drop ION-1 24 0.0000400 0.0000400 25 14 0.0052 0.0000053 0.0000% Total Percentage Amps Conductor Voltage Drop Voltage Drop I Totals 0.000040 25 0.0000053 0.0000% 3/7/072:24 PM -INDICATES (1) PAIR 14 AWG THHN SOLID COPPER CONDUCTOR (TYPICAL) ARGUNITE SYSTEM C UN TR DL PANEL (MICRO--1002) PROTECTS SERVER ROOM. ALARM SIGNAL TO IRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL TROUBLE SIGNAL TO IRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL WIRING END CONNECTION FOR THESE FUNCTIONS BY OTHERS 3.9k / EOLIjJ------- 3. i 3.9K [-1 CDL NOTIFICATIONNOTIFICATION ALARM 41N01V CIRCUIT' NO. 1 NOTIFICATION ALARM B-!ND-IV CIRCUIT NO. 2 EOL 3. 9K ACTU-1(00 CDL WIRING LAYOUT NO SCALE ARCOMTE_ CYLINDERS PRESSURE SWI 0 AREA OF-, ARCONITE PROTECTION E 7 PULL- STATION HORN STROBE PARATE -2-WIRE 14AWG THHN SOLID COPPER CONDUCTOR REFLECTED CEILING I FLOOR PLAN 1. SCALE: 1/4" = 11-O" NORTH SLR-24V PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTOR Shown without base. STANDARD FEATURES Low profile, 1.8" high (with base) 2 or 4 wire base compatibility, relay bases available Highly stable operation, RF/Transient protection Low standby current, 451iA at 24VDC Two built-in p,er/sensftMtysupeMsion/a1arm LEDs Non-directional smoke chamber Vandal resistant security locking feature Built-in magnetic go/no go detector test feature Removable smoke labyrinth for cleaning or replacement Automatic Sensitivity window verification function meets outlined requirements in NFPA 72, Chapter 2 & 7, Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Compatible with SIJ-24 ionization detectors Backwards compatible with Hochiki SLK and SIH detectors PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Light Source GaAlAs Infrared Emitting Diode Rated Voltage 17.7-30.0 VDC Working Voltage 15.0-33.0 VDC Maximum Voltage 42 VDC pervigio iirgeCurrent 160pAmax. @ 24VDC Alarm Current •• 150mAmax. @ 24VDC Air Velocity Range 0-4000 fpm Ambient Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Color & Case Material Bone PC/ABS Blend Sensitivity Test Feature Automatic Sensitivity window verification test Mounting Refer to NS Conventional Detector Base Data Sheet APPLICATION The SLR-24V can be used in all areas where Photoelec- tric Smoke Detectors are required. The wide range smoke chamber makes the SLR-24V well suited for fires ranging from smoldering to flaming fires. NS-4 Series, NS-6 Series, HSC-4R or HSC-xxx A Style bases may be used with the SLR-24V. Current interchangeable/compatible devices are the SIJ-24 ionization detector, the SLR-24H photoelectric detector with heat sensor, and the DCD-1 35/190 heat detectors. All NS conventional devices are mechanically compatible with Hochiki America HSB, HSC and YBA. type bases which may have been used in previous installations. Please check individual panel listings for compatible bases. OPERATION The SLR-24V photoelectric smoke detector utilizes two bicolored LEDs for indication of status. In a normal standby condition the LEDs flash Green every 3 sec- onds. When the detector senses that its sensitivity has drifted outside the UL listed sensitivity window the LEDs will flash Red every 3 seconds. When the detector senses smoke and goes into alarm the status LEDs will latch on Red. The detector utilizes an infrared LED light source and silicon photo diode receiving element in the smoke cham- ber. In a normal standby condition, the receiving ele- ment receives no light from the pulsing LED light source In the event of a fire, smoke enters the detector smoke chamber and light is reflected from the smoke particles to the receiving element. The light received is converted into an electronic signal. Signals are processed and compared to a reference level, and when two consecutive signals exceeding the refer- ence level are received within a specified period of time, the time delay circuit triggers the SCR switch to activate the alarm signal. The status LEDs light continuously during the alarm period. Continued on back. PRODUCT LISTINGS Underwriters Laboratories: Si 383 Factory Mutual: 1 D5A1 .AY CSFM#: 7272-0410:107 Specifications subject to change without notice. Hochiki America Corporation Find latest revision at www.hochiki.com 7051 Village Drive, Suite 100 Buena Park, CA 90621-2268 . . Phone: 714/522-2246 Fax: 714/522-2268 .• ISO Technical Support: 800/845-6692ortechnicalsupport@hochiki.com hochiki.com Made intie USA REGI8TP.RED F117 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS The contractor shall furnish and in where indicated on the plans, Hochiki America Model SLR-24V photoelectric smoke detectors. The combination detector head and twist-lock base shall be UL listed compatible with a UL listed fire alarm panel. he base shall permit direct interchange with Hochiki America SLR-24H combination photoelectric/heat detector, SIJ-24 ionization 'pe smoke detector and/or DCD-1 35/190 fixed temperature/rate-of-rise heat detectors. The base shall be appropriate twist-lock base NS-4 Series, NS-6 Series, HSC-4R, or HSC-xxx A. In the event of partial or complete retrofit, the SLR-24V maybe used in conjunction with, or as a replacement for, Hochiki America detectors (SLK-24, SLK-24FH and the SlH-24) on most HSB and HSC base applica- tions. The smoke detector shall have two flashing status LEDs for visual supervision. When the detector is in standby condition the LEDs will flash Green. When the detector is outside the UL listed sensitivity window the LEDs will flash Red. When the detector is actuated, the.flashing LEDs will latch on Red. The detector may be reset by actuating the control panel reset switch. The sensitivity of the detector shall be capable of being measured. It shall be possible to perform a functional test of the detector without the need of generating smoke. The sensitivity of the detector shall be monitored automatically and continuously to verify that it is operating within the listed sensitivity range. To facilitate installation, the detector shall be non-polarized. Voltage and RF transient suppression techniques shall be employed to minimize false alarm potential. Auxiliary SPDT relays shall be installed where indicated. SLR-24V SENSITIVITY TEST FEATURE The SLR-24V Photoelectric Smoke Detector has a built-in automatic sensitivity test feature. In normal condition, both LED's flash green. When the sensitivity drifts outside of its sensitivity limits, both LED's flash red. In the alarm state both LED's are red continuously. When the sensitivity drifts outside of its sensitivity limits and both LED's flash red, the device needs to be cleaned or returned to the factory for cleaning. Refer to HA Technical Bulletin HA-97 for cleaning information. 2-WIRE OPERATION 2-WIRE RELAY OPERATION NRC-RELAY DERIEB 4-WIRE OPERATION UI. IaIZD I CONTROL I PANEl. PANIC. POWER SUPPLY Ui. LIRTED CONTRO PANEL (*) INmATING U- UL INTRO 1*) POWER 5UPPLY C-) IIRNT END OF USE DEVIce r:00-RE,F- C AND 4 WIRE BABE RELAYS SHOWN WITH POWER OFF. NTITD ROD OF LINK DEVICE ROD Or LINE USIED RELAY IlA-EOLR-e4 ROD OF UNI DINCE NOTE - WININO TERMINAI3 FOR ThE NB' AND NUB ARK IDENTICAL NRA BRENT NUB SlIDER - BASES WITH THE -r SUFFIX ARK WHITE IN COLOR 24VDC Maximum. Not limiting current result in damage to the detector or OW I 0", o•c. r Hochiki America Nnenca Corporation SLR-24V Speafications subject to change without notice. T", ~0 I I Poo SIJ-24 IONIZATION SMOKE DETECTOR Shown without base. STANDARD FEATURES Low profile, 1.8" high (with base) 2 0r4 wire base compatibility, relay bases available Highly stable operation, RF/Transient protection Low standby current, 40.iA at 24 VDC Two built-in power/alarm LEDs for 3600 viewing Non-directional smoke chamber Vandal resistant security locking feature Built-in magnetic detector sensitivity test feature. Meets NFPA 72, Chapter 2 & 7, Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements. Compatible with SLR-24V photoelectric detectors Backwards compatible with Hochiki SLK and SIH smoke detectors. SPECIFICATIONS Radioactive Source AM-241 0.5jiCi Rated Voltage 17.7-30.OVDC Working Voltage 15.0-33.0 VDC - Maximum Voltaae 42 VDC .urge Uurrent 200 j.tA max. @24 VDC Alarm Current 150mA max. @24 VDC Ambient Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Color & Case Material Bone PC/ABS Blend Sensitivity Test Feature: Magnetically activated dual reed switch test Mounting:. Refer to the NS Conventional Detector Base Data Sheet Specifications subject to change without notice. APPLICATION The SlJ-24 can be used in all areas where Ionization Smoke Detectors are required. The responsive yet highly stabile operation allows the SIJ-24 to fit in a wide range of uses. The SIJ-24 can be used in areas where early warning of superheated or flaming combustibles is expected. NS-4 Series, NS-6 Series, HSC-4R or HSC-(X)R Style bases may beused with the SIJ-24. Current compatible devices are the SLR-24V Photoelectric detector, the SLR- 24H photoelectric detector with heat sensor and the DCD- 135/190 heat detectors. All NS conventional devices are mechanically compatible with Hochiki America HSB, HSC and YBA type bases which may have been used in previous installations. Please check individual panel listings for compatible bases. OPERATION The SIJ-24 ionization smoke detector utilizes two bi- colored LEDs for status indication purposes. In a normal standby condition the LEDs flash green approximately once each second. When the detector senses smoke and goes into alarm the status LEDs will latch on red. A single radioactive source of Americium-241 ionizes two chambers within the detector, a reference chamber, and the smoke sensing chamber. The air is ionized by this source and a small DC current flows between the electrodes of each chamber. Smoke can freely enter the sensing chamber while the inner chamber is virtually sealed to smoke. Smoke entering the sensing chamber causes a reduction in the DC current flow, the voltage imbalance between the two chambers is proportional to the smoke density. When the voltage differences become great enough it causes the detector to go into alarm. The two chamber design is utilized to compensate for changes in atmospheric and environmental conditions Continued on back. PRODUCT LISTINGS Underwriters Laboratories: S 1383 Factory Mutual: 1D5AI .AY CSFM#: 7271-0410:135 Hochiki America Corporation Find latest revision at www.hochiki.com 7051 Village Drive, Suite 100• Buena Park, CA 90621-2268 Phone: 714/522-2246 • Fax: 714/522-2268 . . Lsk, Technical Support: 800/845-6692 ortechnicaIsupporLhochiki.com . ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS The contractor shall furnish and install where indicated on the plans, Hochiki America Model SIJ-24 ionization smoke detectors. The combination detector head and twist-lock base shall be UL listed compatible with a UL listed fire alarm panel. The base shall permit direct interchange with Hochiki America, SLR-24V photoelectric type smokedetector, SLR-24H combination photoelectric/heat detector, and/or DCD-1 35/190 fixed temperature/rate-of-rise heat detectors. The base shall be appropriate twistlock base NS-4 Series, NS-6 Series, HSC.4R or HSC-(X)R. In the event of partial or complete retrofit, the SIJ-24 maybe used in conjunction with, or as a replacement for, Hochiki America detectors (SLK-24, SLK- 24FH and the SIH-24F) on most HSB and HSC base applications. The smoke detector shall have two flashing status LEDs for visual supervision. When the detector is in standby condition the LEDs will flash Green. When the detector is actuated, the flashing LEDs will latch on Red. The detector may be reset by actuating the control panel reset switch. The sensitivity of the detector shall be capable of being measured. It shall be possible to perform a functional test of the deteótor without the need of generating smoke. The test method shall simulate effects of products of combustion in the chamber to ensure testing of the detector electronics. To facilitate installation, the detector shall be non-polarized. Voltage and RF transient suppression techniques shall be employed to minimize false alarm potential. Auxiliary SPDT relays shall be installed where indicated. The vandal-resistant, security locking feature shall be used in those areas as indicated on the drawing. The locking feature shall be field removable when not required. SIJ-24 SENSITIVITY TEST FEATURE TEST PROCEDURE With detector wired to appropriate initiating circuit or current limited power source and with normal applied power, place a magnet as shown in Figure 1. Wait at leastsix seconds. Detector SHOULD NOT alarm and LED should not light. Place magnet on detector as shown in Figure 2 (opposite side). Wait at least six seconds. Detector SHOULD alarm. If detector does alarm when magnet ispositioned as in Figure 1 or does not produce an alarm when magnet is positioned as in Figure 2, detector is not within specified sensitivity limits and may require service. See Technical Bulletin HA-97 for more information and for additional sensitivity test devices. WARNING: Conduct testing only under Normal Standby conditions. Abnormal or Low Power conditions may affect sensitivity. Always reset power prior to testing of next unit. LED's Figure 1 Figure 2 Hochiki America Corporation. SIJ-24 Specifications subject to change without notice. 000 COOPER Wheelock Series MT and MT Strobe Multitone Electronic Appliances SERIES MT STROBE MT4-115-WH SERIES MT-12124 Description: The Wheelock Series MT and MT Strobe Multitone electronic appliances offer a choice of eight (8) nationally and internationally recognized alerting sounds: Horn, Bell, March Time Horn, Code- 3 Tone, Code-3 Horn, Slow Whoop, Siren or Hi/Lo Tone. The Code-3 Horn and tone patterns are engineered to comply with NFPNANSI Temporal Pattern specifications without requiring additional equipment. With MT and MT Strobe appliances, one alarm appliance meets most of your signaling needs. The MT strobes can be synchronized using the Wheelock SM, DSM Sync Modules or the PS-24-8MC Power Supply with the Wheelock patented Sync Protocol. The MT Strobes are designed for ADA applications while meeting or exceeding the latest requirements of NFPA 72 ANSI 117.1, UFC and UL Standard 1971 as well as meeting ADA requirements concerning photosensitive epilepsy. Each MT and MT Strobe appliance has two installer selective sound output levels: STANDARD dBA and HIGH dBA. Non-strobe versions provide selectable voltage capability in one unit, .I2VDC or 24VDC. Strobe versions are specific for either 12VDC or 24VDC and all models may be used with filtered or unfiltered (full-wave- rectified) input voltages. Separate input terminals are available, shunt wires are provided to enable both tone and strobe to operate simultaneously from a single input. The Series MT Multitone Strobe appliances are UL Listed for indoor wall mount applications under Standard 1971 for Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired and under Standard 464 for Audible Signaling Appliances. Features: Approvals include: UL Standard 1971, UL Standard 464, California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), New York City (MEA), Factory Mutual (FM) and Chicago (BFP) See approvals by model in Specifications and Ordering Information Designed to meet or exceed ADAINFPNUFC/ANSI Standards and Accessibility Guidelines Complies with OSHA 29, Part 191 0.165 Series MT appliances have IN and OUT wiring terminations that accept two #12 to #18 American Wire Gauge (AWG) wires at each terminal. Inputs are polarized for compatibility with standard reverse polarity type supervision One alarm appliance with (8) eight selective signals to provide superior sound penetration for various ambient and wall conditions with two field selectable sound output levels Code-3 Horn and Tone meet ANSI/NFPA temporal pattern for standard emergency evacuation signaling Audible and strobe can operate from a single NAC circuit or from separate NAC circuits with any of the (8) eight audible sounds MT Strobe models are available with Wheelock patented MCW Multi-Candela strobes with field selectable c andela settings at 151301751110cd or with single candela 1575cd strobes. The strobes can be synchronized using Wheelock sync modules or power supplies with built in Sync Protocol Selectable input voltage on non-strobe versions. Strobe versions are factory set for either 12 or 24VDC, with wide- Listed voltage range, filtered (DC) and FWR No additional trimplate required for flush mounting For Weatherproof MTWP See Data Sheet S9004 CD ="A <@> MEN A APPROVED E5946 151-92-E 7135-0785:118 (M14) 7125-0785:155 (Ml) 74qA fl79.1r.. ,,nA,O, NOTE: All CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are identified by the symbol A. All warnings are printed in bold capital letters. A WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR "ATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. uieral Notes: - Strobes are designed to flash at I flash per second minimum over their 'Regulated Voltage Range" (16-33v for 24VDC units and 8-17.5v for I2VDC units). Regulated Voltage Range is the newest terminology used by UL to identify the listed voltage range. All candela ratings represent minimum effective Multitone Strobe intensity based on UL Standard 1971. MT Strobe models are UL Standard 1971 Listed for indoor use with a temperature range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) and maximum humidity of 93% ±2%. The MT-1 2/24, MTWP and MT4 models and listed for outdoor use at -31°F to 150°F (-35°C to 66°C) and maximum humidity of 95% (See Data Sheet S9004 or Installation Instruction Sheet P84150 for more detail on MTWP). MTWP and MT4 strobes are listed under UL 1638. MT Audible is UL Standard 464 Listed. Alarm Tones TONE ALARM TONES PATTERN DESCRIPTION HORN BROADBAND HORN (Continuous) : BELL 1560 Hz MODULATED (0.07 sec. ON/Repeat) MARCH TIME HORN HORN (0.25 sec. ON/0.25 sec. OFF/Repeat CODE-3 HORN HORN (ANSI S3.41 Temporal Pattern) CODE-3 TONE 500 Hz (ANSI S3.41 Temporal Pattern) SLOW WHOOP 500-1200 Hz SWEEP (4.0 sec. ON/0.5 sec. OFF/Repeat) SIREN 600-1200 Hz SWEEP (1.0 sec. ON/Repeat) Hl/LO 1000/800 Hz (0.25 sec. ON/Alternate) Table 1: dBA RMS Current (amps) dBA @ lOft (UL Reverberant) dBA@ lOft (UL Reverberant) 24 VDC 12 VDC 120 VAC 24 VDC 12 VDC 12 and 24 VDC 120 VAC HI Output - STD Output - HI Output - - STD Output HI Output _L STD Output HI Output STD Output HI Output STD Output HI Output STD Output HI OutpUt STD Output @ 24 VDC UL max* @24 VDC UL max* @ 24 VDC UL max* @ 24 VDC - UL max* UL max* -- UL max* rn - 0.074 0.108 33 VOW 0.044 0.145 0.176 0.023 0.034 0.050 0.042 92 87 90 77 99 93 88 82 Bell 0.040 0.053 0.018 0.024 0.077 0.095 0.014 0.020 0.041 0.039 86 .80 85 69 92 87 82 75 March Time Horn 0.067 0.104 0.033 0.038 0.109 0.142 0.023 0.034 0.050 0.040 89 84 89 74 99 93 85 79 Code-3 Horn 0.069 0091 0.026 0.035 0.100 0.142 0.023 0.034 0.050 0.042 88 83 88 73 99 93 85 75 Code-3 Tone 0.061 0.075 0.026 0.035 0.088 0.105 0.015 0.021. 0.042 0.040 85 80 84 70 95 90 . 79 75 Slow Whoop 0.069 0.098 0.028 0.037 0.100 0.142 0.025 0.035 0.050 0.042 90 89 89 75 99 94 88 82 Siren 0.080 0.104 0027 0.036 0.122 0.152 0.021 0.030 0.045 0.041 89 84 89 75 98 93 85 82 HI/LO 0.044 0.057 0.020 0.026 0.089 0.114 0.018 0.026 0.042 0.039 86 • 81 86 71 93 88 82 79 Table RMS Current (amps) iel MT 121575 MT 241575 MTWP 2475 L24MCW) idela 1575cd 1575cd 180cd cdj 30cd 75cd 110cd @ 24VDC 0.152 0.060 0.094 jJ 0.063 0.109 0.140 UL max* 0.255 0.090 0.138 &ô5 0.092 0.165 0.220 Note: If the strobe and audible operate on the same circuit, add the strobe current from Table 2 to the audible current from Table 1. * RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method. UL max current rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voltage range (16-33v for 24v units). For strobes the UL max current is usually at the minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions. STROBE AUDIBLE Wiring Diagrams (for all models) IMT SIGNAL AUDIBLE SIGNAL AND STRC OPERATE INDEPENDENTLY FROM + PRECEDING + TO APPUANCE Q APPLIANCE. - . EQU1 SMIDEM. PS- I2G4.EMP IA)AN. + POWER SUPPLIESA - PACP SIGNAL ORFA~P Specifications and Ordering Information IN UNISON. RED AND BLACK SHUNT-WIRES ARE SUPPLIED. ALLEOR 90LA FROM TO NEXT PRECEDING + + APPLIANCE +io APPLIANCE RED -. - OREOLR car OR FACP MROM AUe.E Model Number Order Code Input Voltage Rated Candela Mounting Options*** Agency Approvals UL MEA CSFM FM BFP MT-12/24-R 5023 12/24 - D,E,F,L,M,O,P,R X X X X X MT-12/24-W 5024 12/24 - D,E,F,LM,O,P,R X X X X X MT241575W.FR# 8422 24 15(75onAXIS) D,E,F,L,M,O,P,R X X X X 2MbFR1 3301 24 15/30/75/110 D,E,F,L,M,O,P,R x * x * * T2MCW-FW 3303 24 15/30/75/110 D,E,F,L,M,O,P,R X * X * MT121575WFR# 8421 12 15(75onAXIS) D,E,F,L,M,O,P,R X X X X * MT-121575W-NW 9747 12 1 15 (75 on AXIS) D,E,F,L,M,O,P,R X X X. X * MTWP2475WFR** 8420 24 180 @ 77°F (25°C) M X X X X * MTWP2475W.NW** 9744 24 180 © 77°F (25°C) M X X X X * MT4-115-R 6223 120 VAC - D,E,J,K,N,O,R X X X X x MT4-115-S 6142 120 VAC - D,E,J,K,N,O,R .X X X X X MT4115WHVFRAN 6224 120 VAC 15 D,E,J,K,N,O,R X X X X X MT4-12/24-R 5308 12/24 -. D,E,J,K,N,O,R X. * * * MT4-12/24-S 7997 12/24 - D,E,J,K,N,O,R X. * * * * NOTE: **MT%,p.2475w is Weatherproof and rated for 180 cd @ 77°F (25°C). See Data Sheet S9004 or Installation Instruction P84150. ***For additional information on mounting please refer to Data Sheet S7000. * # 1575 strobes are UL Listed for 15cd with 75cd on AXIS. Pending ## Series WH Strobe is listed for UL Standard 1638 only. See Instruction Sheet P83160. WARNING: CONTACT WHEELOCK FOR THE CURRENT "INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS" P82467 MT-12!24, P84155 MT w/Strobe P84150 MTWP WEATHERPROOF "GENERAL INFORMATION" SHEET (P82380) ON THESE PRODUCTS. THESE DOCUMENTS DO UNDERGO PERIODIC CHANGES. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE CURRENT INFORMATION ON THESE PRODUCTS. THESE MATERIALS CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT SHOULD BE READ PRIOR TO SPECIFYING OR INSTALLING THESE PRODUCTS, !NCLUDING: 'TOTAL CURRENT REQUIRED BY ALL APPLIANCES CONNECTED TO SYSTEM SECONDARY POWER SOURCES. FUSE RATINGS ON NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS TO HANDLE PEAK CURRENTS FROM ALL APPLIANCES ON THOSE CIRCUITS. COMPOSITE FLASH RATE FROM MULTIPLE STROBES WITHIN A PERSON'S FIELD OF VIEW. THE VOLTAGE APPLIED TO THESE PRODUCTS MUST BE WITHIN THEIR RATED INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE. INSTALLATION IN OFFICE AREAS AND OTHER SPECIFICATION AND INSTALLATION ISSUES. USE STROBES ONLY ON CIRCUITS WITH CONTINUOUSLY APPLIED OPERATING VOLTAGE. DO NOT USE STROBE ON CODED OR INTERRUPTED CIRCUITS IN WHICH THE APPLIED VOLTAGE IS CYCLED ON AND OFF AS THE STROBE MAY NOT FLASH. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS OR GENERAL INFORMATION SHEETS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER INSTALLATION, APPLICATION, AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION,WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. CONDUCTOR SIZE (AWG), LENGTH AND AMPACITY SHOULD BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION PRIOR TO DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PRODUCTS, PARTICULARLY IN RETROFIT INSTALLATIONS. Wheelock products must be used within their published specifications and must be PROPERLY specified, applied, installed, operated, maintained and operationally tested in accordance with their installation instructions at the time of installation and at least twice a year or more often and in accordance with local, state and federal codes, regulations and laws. Specification, application, installation, operation, maintenance and testing must be performed by qualified personnel for proper operation in accordance with all of the latest National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters' Laboratories (UL), National Electrical Code (NEC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), local, state, county, province, district, federal and other applicable building and fire standards, guidelines, regulations, laws and codes including, but not limited to, all appendices and amendments and the requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Architects and Engineers Specifications The notification appliance shall be a Wheelock Series MT audible/visual appliance or equivalent. Notification appliance shall be electronic and use solid state components. Electromechanical alternatives are not approved. Each electronic appliance shall provide eight (8) field selectable alarm tones. The tones shall consist of: HORN, BELL, MARCH TIME HORN, CODE-3 HORN, CODE-3 TONE, SLOW WHOOP, SIREN and HI/LO. Tone selection shall be by durable dip switch assembly and not clips or jumpers. The lultitone Audible appliance shall be UL Listed under Standard 464 for Audible Signal Appliances. The audible and the strobe shall 'e able to operate from a single NAC circuit while producing any of these tones. The appliance shall provide two output sound levels: STANDARD and HIGH dBA. The HIGH dBA setting shall provide a minimum 5 dBA increase in sound output at nominal voltage. The HIGH anechoic dBA measurement at 10 feet at the alarm HORN SETTING shall be 99 dBA minimum. Operating voltages shall be either 12 VDC or 24 VDC using filtered power or unfiltered power supply (full-wave-rectified). All models shall have provisions for standard reverse polarity type supervision and IN/OUT field wiring using terminals that accept #12 to #18 AWG wiring. Combination audible/visual appliances shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan® lens or equivalent with solid state circuitry. Strobe shall produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second minimum over the voltage range. The MT strobe intensity shall be rated per UL and Listed under Standard 1971 for Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired for 1575cd multi-candela with field selectable 15/30/75/110 candela settings. The 1575 candela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela or with 75 candela intensity on-axis is required. Strobe Models shall incorporate circuitry for synchronized strobe flash and shall be designed for compatibility with Wheelock SM and/or DSM Sync Modules or Wheelock's Power Supplies with Sync Protocol. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. If the module fails to operate (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobes shall revert to a non-synchronized default flash rate. Strobe activation shall be via independent input or from the same input circuit as the audible. The combination audible/visual appliances shall be installed indoors and may be surface or flush mounted. They shall mount to standard electrical hardware requiring no additional trimplate or adapter. The aesthetic appearance shall not have any mounting holes or screw heads visible when the installation is completed. The appliance shall be finished in a textured red color. The Series MT-12/24, MTWPand MT4 appliances may be installed indoor or outdoor with the proper back box. NOTE: Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. eBranchport Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 Phone: (800) 631-2148 Fax: (732) 222-2588 www.cooperwheelock.com LMen'ber WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION 3 YEAR WARRANTY Made in USA S2000 MT 06/06 Fire Technical Data Bulletin AS 30198 Abort Station The Abort Station is supplied with the• following standard features: Helps prevent accidental suppression system discharge Easy to distinguish from.standard fire alarm stations Choice of Deadman or Maintained contact configuration Fits standard single gang electrical boxes UL listed Description The Chemetron Fire Systems Abort Station is a manually- activated, electric device designed to let the user suspend discharge of the fixed fire protection system. Noticeably different in appearance from conventional wall-mounted fire alarms, the station is activated by lifting the switchguard cover, which breaks the protective seal and allows the toggle switch to be pushed into the ON position. The faceplate is constructed of formed steel and painted red. For permanence, all operating instructions are in raised letters, stamped into the faceplate. For added clarity, the letters are silkscreened in a contrasting color. Instructions are arranged in an easy-to-read format. The station is available in Deadman and Maintained contact arrangements that accommodate a wide variety of fire alarms and agent-releasing control equipment. A back box is available for surface-mounted installations. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SPECIFICATIONS The fire suppression system shall include an abort switch to help guard against accidental discharge of the suppres- sion agent. It shall be a Chemetron Fire Systems stock number (see ordering information) that operates with a two- pole switch mounted to a steel plate. Operating instructions shall be in raised letters, stamped into the faceplate. The raised letters shall be silksreened in a contrasting color. To help prevent accidental operation, the abort switch shall be protected by a red PhenolTM plastic cower. The switch cover shall have a seal that breaks when ifted to provide positive identification that the unit has been operated. To avoid confusion, the unit shall appear distinctly different from a fire alarm manual station. Ordering Information Shipping Weight Stock Number .Description lbs (kg) C2 0IOO1i rnan Abort 5tt 5 (23) 20100143 Maintained Contact Abort Station .5 (.23) 30100207 Back Box for Surface Mounting .5 (.23) 31 it" II 31 o ..e. o Knadiout For W CinscUor Switch Oporng o o I..— 1I3/t6'—S J" ll I ForW I Contlt Commeftn ii \cI Using Bo N 3.01 LL Technical Data Bulletin Fire Systems . AS 30198 Dimensions and Mounting Details I, 314" p•I to Flush Motdi (Ccmmsrdi O Box Dictatet kist.IaUoit) End Y*w Mounting Detail UstagElm SIN 3-0100207 Electrical Switch Rating: Contact Configuration: Characteristics 1.00 amp at 28 VOC - - 3 15 21 14 11 Distributed by The seller makes no warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, except as expressly stated in seller's sales contract or sales acknowledgment form. Fire System 4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor Matteson, IL 60443 708/748-1503 Fax 708/748-2847 0 1998 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights reserved (3/98): Chemetron Fire Systems is a registered trademark. NOTIFIER® FIRE SYSTEMS September 25, 2000 DN-6840 • F-710 NBG-12LRand NBG-1 2LRA Dual-Action Agent Release Stations Section: Releasing Panels GENERAL The NBG-1 2LR and NBG-1 2LRA are Agent Release Sta- tions designed for use with NOTIFIER Fire Alarm Control Panels with releasing capabilities and RP Series Releas- ing Systems. FEATURES Non-coded, dual action Operation. Made with durable polycarbonate. Optional surface backbox. NBG-I2LRA includes: V Abort switch. V Poweron indication. v' Released indication. Manual release (dual-action). NBG-I2LR includes: Dual actioasWWI eonIy APPLICATIONS The NBG-I2LRA and NBG-I2LR are ideal for areas such as clean rooms and computer rooms where a chemical agent is used to extinguish a fire. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION NBG-I2LRA Agent release station with abort switch, Release LED, Normal LED. NBG-I2LR Dual-action agent release station. SBA-10 Surface backbox for NBG-I2LRA. SB-10 Surface backbox for NBG-I2LR. c.® US LISTED S692 SYSTEM SYSTEM NORMAL ACTIVATED. 0 O@O TO ABORT - HOLD IN - -- fl-S A j Dual-Action NBG-I2LRA (shown activated) This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up4o-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or IS09001 - anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 . . N OTI Fl E R 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 flIlIFIF5 & MMUD1I1F5 Made in the US k. DN-6840 • 09/25/00 - Page 1 of 2 System B Normal LED System (Green) Operated LED (Red) lOX 1/4W 101< 1/4W 24 VDC -------------- Retease Relay WIRING C I- P PUSH 1,N P USH IN PULL U'LL DOWN J1 LJ2i Dual-Action NBG-I2LR N.O. Abort Switch 0 To Abort 10K,1/4W * circuit E Resistors 4 (4)2TO Manual h * Release Circuit 4 10K,1/4W Resistors *NOTE: Mount End-of-Line Resistor on the last unit. *Mount 4.7K ELR on the last unit when abort switch and manual release switch are connected to control panel circuits. Mount 471< resistor on last unit when abort switch and manual release switch are connected to monitor module or control module. Refer to control panel manual for the listed ELR. Refer to the following documents when connect- ing to the control panel: S-500/TC-2 Doc. # 15019/15023, S-5000/TCM-2 Doc # 15583/ 15805, RP-1002 Doc. # 15151, AFP-200Doc. #15511, AFP-400 Doc. #50253. A1 DI J_ r:!"_. Normally Open Abort Switch ,//'7'\\ , I: I ii I © NBG-I2LRA (rear view) Agent Release Pull Station DIMENSIONS, BACKBOXES I 4-1/2" (11.43 cm) •-: 0 C) ° 0 __ 0 both a J SBA-10 i378 SB-b (3.49) 0 deep C 0 0 6a4Osbbawml -I Page 2 o12 - DN-6840 • 09/25/00 CNEETROfl Fire System 4801 Southwick Drive, Third Floor, Matteson, IL 60443 708/748-1503 • FAX (708) 748-2908 email: info@chemetron.com I PRODUCT: Argonite® MSDSNo. ARGONITE Version: 4 Date: December 2001 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY MSDS No. Argonite Product Name Argonite Chemical Formula N I Ar Company Identification Local filling station Emergency Phone Numbers Local filling station 1.1 COMPOSITION I INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Substance / Preparation Preparation Components I Impurities Contains no components or impurities which will influence the classification of the product CAS No. N/A EEC No. N/A Specifications Argonite Mixture of 50% - 52% N2 and 48% - 50% Ar. H20 5 loppm 021 loppm in base components. 1.2 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Hazards Identification In high concentrations may cause asphyxiation.. Compressed gas. 1.3 FIRST AID MEASURES• Inhalation May cause asphyxiation at high concentrations. Symptoms may include loss of mobility I consciousness. Victim may not be aware of asphyxiation. Wearing self-contained breathing apparatus, remove victim to an uncontaminated area. Keep victim warm and at rest. Seek medical assistance. Apply artificial respiration if breathing has stopped. Skin I eye contact Compressed gas directed at the skin can enter the body through small wounds or can even penetrate the skin, causing serious or fatal injuries. Seek medical advice immediately. Ingestion Ingestion is not considered a potential route of exposure. am CHEmETROn Fire Systems 4801 Southwick Drive, Third Floor, Matteson, IL 60443 708/748-1503. FAX (708) 748-2908 email: info@chemetron.com 1.4 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Specific Hazards Exposure to fire may cause containers to rupture! explode. Call the Fire Department Non flammable. Hazardous combustion products None. Suitable extinguishing media All known extinguishants can be used. Specific methods If possible, stop flow of product. Move container away or cool with water from a protected position. Special protective equipment In confined spaces use self-contained breathing apparatus. for fire fighters 1.5 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions Evacuate area. Use self-contained breathing apparatus when entering area unless atmosphere is proved safe. Ensure adequate air ventilation. Environmental precautions Provided it is safe to do so, try to stop release. Prevent entry to sewers, basements, and workpits or any place where accumulation can be dangerous. Clean up methods Ventilate area. 1.6 HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling and Storage Backflow of any contaminating substance into container must be prevented. Use only equipment that is specified as suitable for this product, its supply pressure and temperature. Contact your supplier if in doubt. Compressed gas cylinders are heavy and contain considerable stored energy. Use suitable equipment and handle with appropriate caution. Refer to suppliers. Keep containers below 50°C in a well-ventilated place. 1.7 EXPOSURE CONTROLS! PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limit Value - ELV No ELV specified, but atmosphere must have a minimum 18% free oxygen Personal Protection Ensure adequate air ventilation. -2- CHEETROfl Fire System 4801 Southwick Drive, Third Floor, Matteson, IL 60443 708/748-1503. FAX.(708) 748-2908 email: info@chemetron.com 1.8 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Molecular weight Melting point Boiling point Critical temperature Relative density gas Relative density liquid Vapour pressure 20°C Solubility in water Appearance I colour Odor Auto ignition temperature Flammability range Other data 33.95 -199.7°C -190.10C -134.7°C Heavier than air N/A N/A Negligible Colorless gas No odor warning properties Not applicable Non flammable Vapor is heavier than air. May accumulate in confined spaces, particularly at or below ground level. 1.9 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability and Reactivity Stable under normal conditions 1.10 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION General No toxicological effects from this product. LC50/ ih (ppm). No acute toxicity 1.11 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION General . No ecological damage is caused by this product. Nitrogen and Argon are natural components of air. Nitrogen constituting approximately 78% and Argon approximately 0.9% of the earth's atmosphere. 1.12 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS General To atmosphere in well ventilated area. Consider noise and pressure hazards. Do not discharge into any place where its accumulation could be dangerous. Contact your Chemetron Fire Systems' supplier if guidance is required. -3- CHEETROfl Fire System 4801 Southwick Drive, Third Floor, Matteson, IL 60443 708/748-1503 • FAX (708) 748-2908 email: info@chemetron.com 1.13 TRANSPORT INFORMATION UN No. 1981 Class I Div. 2.2 Emergency Action Code None specified ADR / RID ITEM No. I 2.1a lMDGpagé . .2141 IMO EMS 2-04 ADR / RID Hazard No. Not specified Labelling ADR Non flammable non-toxic gas. Other transport information • Avoid transport on vehicles where the load space is not separated from the driver's compartment. Ensure vehicle driver is aware of the potential hazards of the load and knows what to do in an emergency. Before transporting product containers ensure: 10- cylinder valve is closed and not leaking 10- valve outlet cap or plug (where provided) is correctly fitted 10- adequate ventilation 10, compliance with applicable regulations. V 1.14 REGULATORY INFORMATION Number in annex I of Dir. 67/548 Not included in Annex 1. EC Classification Not classified as a dangerous substance. EC Labelling (Symbols, R & S phrases) . Symbols Compressed gas. Risk Phrases Asphyxiate in high concentrations. Safety Phrases Do not breathe the gas. Keep containers in a well-ventilated place. 1.15 OTHER INFORMATION The hazard of asphyxiation is often overlooked and must be stressed during operator training. Before using this product in any new process or experiment, a thorough material compatibility and safety study should be carried out. Details in this document are believed to be correct at present. While great care has been taken in the preparation of this information, no liability for injury, damage or non-compliance with any legislation or directive arising from its use can be accepted. This sheet does not constitute or substitute for the user's own assessment of workplace risk as required by other health and safety legislation. -4- CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL . FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-0061:104 Pagel of 1. CATEGORY Control Units (Non High-Rise) LISTEE: Chemetron, 4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor, Matteson, IL 60443 Contact: Gary Kimble (708) 283-4447 *FA)( (708) 283-6500 DESIGN: Model MICRO-l001 (preaction/deluge); Model MICRO-1002 (release); and Model MICRO- 400 (conventional). Inherently power-limited; non-coded; local, auxiliary, remote station (protected premises), proprietary (protected premises) and central station service; sprinkler supervisory and releasing device service. Refer to listee's data sheet for system detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: 4XTM Transmitter Module 4XZM Relay Module 4XLM Interface Module 4XMM Meter Module DP-4X Dress Panel 4XARB-1 Main Board 4XARB-2 Main Boards . 4XARB-4 Main Board INSTALLATION: XLF: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as control panels for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. This control unit does not generate a temporal pattern signal. If the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition is. required, the control unit must be used with appliances that can generate the temporal pattern signal. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. Proprietary protected premises unit: the system shall be interconnected with Potter Model EFT-C electrically actuated transmitter (CSFM Listing No. 7330-0328:104). Central station protected permises unit: the system shall be connected to either of the followirig transmitters: Firelite Model NOT[-FIRE 91 1N91 1AC series with ADEMCO Model 685 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-0078:133) control unit, or separately listed compatible control unit. 7165-0028:161 MARKING: APPROVAL: *Rev. 06-04-2004 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 8,2006 • • Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K.AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE. PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7150-0028:199 .. Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Boxes/Pull Stations LISTEE: Notifier, One Fire-Lite Place, NorLhford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484*7161 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Models NBG-12, NBG-12S, NBG-12LR, NBG-12LRA, NBG-12LAO, NBG-I2LAOB, NBG- 12-LO, NBG-I2LOB, NBG-12W, NBG-12LW, NBG-12NC, NBG-I2WP, NBG-I2LWP, NBG-. 12L, NBG-12LX, NBG-12LA, NBG-I2PS, NBG-I2LSP, NBG-12LPS, NBG-I2LPSP, NBG- I2SP, NOT-BGI2LX, and *NBG..I2LXSP fire alarm pull boxes. All units except Model NBG- 12S are dual action pull stations. Models NBG-I2LR and NBG-12LRA are intended for agent releasing device. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm pull boxes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Models NBG-I2WP, NBG-12LW, NBG-12W, NBG-I2LWP, NBG-12LAO, NBG-12L0, NBG- I2LAOB and NBG-I2LOB are intended for oótdoor use when installed with Models WBB, SB- I/O, or WP-10 back box. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. Rev. 1-06-2006 jew 11 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 7, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: . DIANE K. A REND, Senior Deputy Program Manager . CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-0410:107 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Photoelectric Smoke Detector LISTEE: Hochiki America, 7051 Village Dr., Suite 100, Buena Park, CA 90621 Contact: Bob Misiuk (714) 670-3251 Fax (714) 690-7890 DESIGN: Models SLG-12, SLG-24, SLG-24FH, SLG-24F, SLK-12, SLK-24F, SLK24FH, SLK- 24FB, SLK-24FL, SLK-24FLB, SLK-835, SLK-835H, SLR-835, SLR-835W, SLR-8356- 2, SLR-835134, SLR-835B-2W, SLR-835134W, SLR-24, SLR-24H, SLR-24V, *SLR 24VN, SLR-835H, SLR-835HW, SLR-835BH-2, SLR-835BH-2W, SLR-835BH4, SLR- 835131-14W photoelectric type smoke detectors. Unit with suffix -H or -FH employs a supplemental heat sensor. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 12 VDC and 24 VDC ' INSTALLATION In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model designation, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detectors for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units when used in conjunction with listee's listed bases (CSFM Listing No. 7300- 0410:132). Models with supplemental heat sensor are not approved for use in lieu of required heat detectors. NOTE: Formerly 7257-0410:107 *Rev. 2-14-2003 IN This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 12, 2006 . ListingExpires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE. PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7271-0410:135 . . Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Ionization Smoke Detector. LISTEE: Hochiki America, 7051 Village Dr., Suite 100, Buena Park, CA 90621-2268 *Contact: Bob Misiuk (714) 670-3251 FAX (714) 690-7890 DESIGN: Models SIH-24F and *SIJ..24 ionization type smoke detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 24VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as ionization smoke detectors when used in conjunction with listed bases (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0410:132) and separately listed compatible.fire alarm control units. NOTE: Formerly .7256-0410:110 & 135 *Rev. 11-16-2000 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 12, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. A REND, Senior Deputy Program Manager CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-0061:103 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Misc. Devices/Control Unit Accessories LISTEE: Chemetron, 4801 Southwick Drive, 3rd Floor, Matteson, IL 60443 Contact: Gary Kimble (708) 283-4447 *FA)( (708) 283.6500 DESIGN: Models 2-010-0139, -0140,,-0141, -0142, -0144, -0145 electrical box station. Units are intended for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control panels to providing maintained or momentary type releasing service, aborting services and transferring services respectively. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description .and operational considerations. Part Number Function Switch 2-010-0139 CO2 discharge Maintained 2-010-0140 CO2 discharge Momentary 2-010-0141 Halon discharge Maintained 2-010-0142 Halon Discharge Momentary 2-010-0144 Abort . Momentary 2-010-0145 Transfer (main/reserve) . Maintained RATING: 28 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, temperature rating and FM label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units for releasing service. *Rev. 06-04-04 This listing is baked upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or in criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 8, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007. Authorized By: DIANE K. A REND, Senior Deputy Program Manager CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION.. OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7135-0785:118 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Audible Devices LISTEE: . Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: *Brian Lampe (800) 631-2148 ext. 6389 Fax (732) 222-5607 DESIGN:. Model MT-12124, MT-1 15 and MT4-12/24,.and MT4-1 15 multi-tone audible devices followed by R, W, S, or X to indicate package color. Models MT-12, MT4-12, MT-24, MT4-24 multi-tone audible/strobe signals followed by A, B, C, R orWto indicate-lens color, followed by S (15 cd), H (15 cd)or M (117 cd)to indicate strobe intensity, and other suffixes to designate orientation, lens lettering and plate color. Models MT-1 15-WH and MT4-1 15-WH multi-tone audible/visual devices (Rated 15 Cd). Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. - RATING: Suffix -12: *8175VDC -24: *1633 VDC -115: 120 VAC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's-printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Models MT series are surface mount and suitable for outdoor with Model lOB back box. Models MT4 series are flush mount and suitable for outdoor with model WBB back box. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible and audible/visual signaling devices for use with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. Not suitable for the hearing impaired application. These appliances can produce a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. *Rev. 06-13-2006 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 13, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized. By: DIANE K. A REND, Senior Deputy Program Manager V.PSchmidt'Fire Protection. Co..,Iflc. 4760 MURPHY CANYON RD. • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 • (858) 279-6122 • FAX (858) 279-3583 LNSPECTI1LREPORT Job Name: Contract #: Job Address: Contractor/Owner Name:' Contractor/Owner Address: Insurance Rating Agency: Fire Department: o Pre-Action System No. of Systems: Sq. Ft Smoke Detectors: _____________________________ ' Heat Detectors: Accepted By: '' Date: 0 Alarin Rough-In Smoke Detectors: Heat Detectors: Pull Stations: ' Horn/Strobes: Other: Accepted By: '_______________________' , Date: 0 FM-200 System , No. of Systems:. Functional Test of Devices: Door fan Test: ' Accepted By: '_' ' Date: 0 OtherSystem ' Type of System: Functional Test of Devices: Door Fan Test: Discharge Test-'' Accepted By: Date: n4 • wkà ofae 4èi4 cgvdvm