HomeMy WebLinkAbout3310 AVENIDA PLATINO; ; FA070034City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Permit No: FA070034 3310 AVENIDA Job Address: Status: ISSUED PLATINO Permit Type: FALARM Applied 3/12/2007 Parcel No: Approved: 3/13/2007 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 3/13/2007 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: HUNTERS POINT #6 TWO FIRE ALARM INSPECTIONS @ $62/EA Applicant: Owner: CITY-WIDE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS P 0 BOX 2069 EL CAJON CA 619-444-0219 Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 124 0 124 0 FIRE ALARM ACCEPTANCE TESTING Business Name: - 'Address: AV4(id4 Suite: - Zip: Occupancy# g.., FRI - COM - MFR - Testing per NFPA 72 2002 Edition unless noted Installer Name/Company Name (frviWLi iis Z1"i Phone: Monitoring Company: Phone: Account# Panel Brand/Model _______________________ (4 wire) or Class B (2 wire) system (circle one) System addressable Y N NOTE: City inspector touches nothing and shall have hearing protection BEFORE STARTING Vtamped original plans and permit on site 1W Non-oil based canned smoke on site (Policy CP-907. 17) ' Ladder, volt-meter, decibel meter and all needed tools for testing on site (Policy CP-907.17) g On-site test notification done ( 'Call Dispatch, ask to be contacted when monitoring company notifies them of an alarm and not to tap out Fire response. Pull a pull station. , . Place system in test mode and notify monitoring company. V Panel secured: Key to panel in knox-box or door to FACP locked with key in knox-box. As built drawings, operation & maintenance manuals provided jto the building owner. ( Adequate qualified staffing/communications provided by the installer for test ( FIRE ALARM PANEL Q( Visible AC power on indicator (11.6.3) Fire Alarm Panel marked listed (i.e. UL), model #, date of mfr, lights identified.(11.11) ( J-boxes for fire alarm system to be labeled "public fire alarm circuit" and painted red ( FA conductors to be protected to a height of 7 feet. (NFPA 70-760.52) if Disconnect primary dedicated line for DACT or DART. Trouble within 90 seconds? Notification to monitoring company within 4 minutes? *reconnect* ( - 0 Disconnect secondary line for DACT or DART. Trouble within 90 seconds, Notification to monitoring company within 4 minutes *reconnect* ( 'Disconnect secondary power = audible or visible trouble. .*reconnect* (11.6.4) Disconnect primary power = audible or visible trouble. *leave disconnected for the remainder of the test. ' Primary power is from dedicated circuit (4- 'Circuit breaker labeled "FIRE ALARM CIRCUIT CONTROL" and has red lock-out or red paint? ( '"FACP" signage on door to fire alarm control panel (lFC 510.1) Fire Alarm Control Circuit on door of electrical panel (Policy CP-907.17) % RemOte panel (if supervised) disconnect secondary power = , supervisory, signal to main panel? ( Zone/device description not just a device 1. D. number ( 0 Zone maps at FACP and in knox-box (Policy CP-907. 17) ( 1'Battery sizes match plans, adequate room for batteries, batteries dated month/year of manufacture. ( INITIATING DEVICES (ALL SMOKES AND PULLS TESTED) (NOT LESS THAN 10% OF INITIATING DI VICES SHALL BE TESTED BY THE INTRODUCTION OF A FAULT RESULTING IN A TROUBLE SIGNAL)( Ar Pull stations within 5' of each exit? (5.12.7) -Pull station not more than 200' travel to station? (IFC907.4.1) Pull station handle 3.5' to 4.5'above floor? (5.12.4) Pull station contrasts background? (A.5.12.5) Non-monitored system - pull station signage "LOCAL ALARM ONLY— CALL 911" Pull station activation alarm within 10 sec? ( ,Pull station trouble = trouble signal? ( 1W Trouble signal and restoration each within 200 seconds ( Smoke detector activation = alarm within 10 sec? ( Smoke detector trouble = trouble signal? ( Duct detector activation = supervisory signal? ( Duct detector trouble = trouble signal? ( Heat detector activation (simulated Ok on non-restorable only) = alarm within 10 sec? ( Heat detector trouble = trouble signal? ( O Beam detector activation = alarm within 10 sec? ( 0 VESDA air sampling detectors = alarm within 120 seconds? (NFPA 76 B.3.5) 0 VESDA trouble = trouble signal? ( Beam detector trouble = trouble signal? ( Water flow, if sprinklered = alarm within 90 sec? (5.10.2) Sprinkler riser tampers trouble = supervisory?( Dampers closed on activation and re-open when system restored? (5.14) HVAC shuts down on system activation? (6.15.5) Door unlocking devices function on activation and doors close completely (6.15.7) Remote annunciator panels function per design ( Note: elevator function will likely be tested by the State inspector. (Documentation will suffice) El Elevator shunt on simulated heat actuation in elevator machine room (listed at lower temp. rating than the sprinkler heads and within 2 feet of the head) (6.15.4) Elevator recall - lobby, machine room & hoist way smoke detector activation only FF key disabled on elevator machine mom/hoist way detector activation NOTIFICATION DEVICES All horn strobes function and synchronized by floor or zone ( Horns at 15 db over ambient but less than 120 db; ANSI SI.4a sound meter set to "fast" response and measured at remote locations ( Horn strobe trouble = trouble signal to panel ( O Exterior bell or horn strobe has sign "FIRE ALARM--CALL 911" (NFPA 13 A.8.16.1) or When not electronically supervised, a sign shall be posted -"FIRE ALARM--CALL 911" adjacent to exterior notification device. (VMC 16.04.045) The building address shall be clearly visible from the street, minimum 4" in height with a contrasting background for emergency response. (IFC 505.1) BEFORE ENDING I Full system activation for 5 minutes (15 minutes for voice chip) on standby power. ( End of line resistor to be checked under full load on battery power. Voltage shall not drop more than 15% of battery rated voltage. (4.4.4) Notify monitoring company and occupants that test is complete (10.23.2) Installer shall provide a report from the monitoring company showing the signals and times. (10.6.3) Installer shall provide the NFPA record of completion to the City inspector and to the building owner ( Panel operating manual to be provided to building owner (IFC 907.19) Key to panel returned to knox-box, if applicable (Policy CP-907) Correction notices to include code references (Policy CP- 907.17) BEFORE FINALING THE PERMIT Confirm receipt of NFPA 72 record of completion and that it is completely filled out. Confirm all noted corrections are completed. Confirm Monitoring Company results match test sequence MISCELLANEOUS 0 Silencing instructions are not to be posted at or on the panel. ( Audible trouble signals to be Where it is likely to be heard ( - As-built drawings may be required if inspector notes significant deviations from approved plans. (Policy CP-907.17) Approved drawings shall be provided to the owner and shall be kept with the system ( An audible trouble signal may be silenced but an audible supervisory signal may not be silenced (NFPA 72 Formal Interp. 85-9) Remote Central Stations to be Certificated (UL Certificate, or other approved listing) (3.3.26) If test is larger than the City can handle the City inspector can require 3 rd party verifier. ( O The number of supervisory devices connected to a single initiating device circuit shall not exceed 20 ( 0 Remote panels not mandated to monitor trouble but require 60 hours of standby power. If monitored for trouble then only 24 hours standby power is required. (NFPA 72 annex) O End of line resistor to be labeled "EOL" on device if not at the panel (Policy CP-907.17) SYSTEM RESPONSE DEVICES