HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-07; City Council; Resolution 2024-090RESOLUTION NO. 2024-090 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING PROPOSALS AND AWARDING AN AGREEMENT TO MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE FARADAY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $140,145 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined it necessary, desirable and in the public interest to develop traffic calming plan s on Faraday Avenue along the frontage of the future Veterans Memorial Park as part of Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, Project No. 6099, Faraday Avenue Improvements Project, or Project; and WHEREAS, on Jan. 18, 2024, staff posted a Request for Proposals, or RFP, to complete the engineering design and provide construction support services for the Project; and WHEREAS, on Feb. 13, 2024, staff received two proposals in response to the RFP; and WHEREAS, during a subsequent review of the proposals based on best-value criteria consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code, or CMC, Sections 3.28.050{D){2) and 3.28.060, staff ranked Michael Baker International, Inc. as the most qualified consultant for engineering design and construction support services for the Project; and WHEREAS, staff and Michael Baker International, Inc. negotiated the scope of work and associated fee in an amount not to exceed $140,145 to provide engineering design and construction support services for the Project over an initial two-year term with one additional one-year extension as authorized by the City Manager; and WHEREAS, the Project is financed by the General Capital Construction Fund, and sufficient funding is available in the Faraday Avenue Improvements Project, CIP Project No. 6099; and WHEREAS, CMC Section 3.28.060(D)(S) requires the City Council to award procurement of services and professional services for which the value exceeds $100,000; therefore, the Agreement with Michael Baker International, Inc. is subject to this requirement; and WHEREAS, the action to award an agreement with Michael Baker International, Inc. is not a project within the within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical chan ge or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. This contract will be used to prepare a design for the road project, and it the proposed project will be reviewed for the appropriate review consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the best-value proposal of $140,145 submitted by Michael Baker International, Inc. for engineering design and construction support services for the Project is accepted, and the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute the agreement (Attachment A). 3. That the City Manager is authorized to amend the Agreement to extend the term for one (1) additional one (1) year period or parts thereof. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 7th day of May, 2024, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BLACKBURN, BHAT-PATEL, ACOSTA, BURKHOLDER, LUNA. NONE. NONE. NONE. KEITH BLACKBURN, Mayor SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk (SEAL) DocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 PSA24-2398TRAN AGREEMENT FOR FARADAY AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING & MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS SERVICES MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the ]th day of tvt� 2024, by and between the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation "City") and Michael Baker International, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation ("Contractor"). RECITALS A.City requires the professional services of a consultant that is experienced in traffic calming and mobility improvements. B.Contractor has the necessary experience in providing professional services and advice related to Faraday Avenue traffic calming and mobility improvements project. C.Contractor has submitted a proposal to City under Request for Proposals No. RFP24- 2367TRAN and has affirmed its willingness and ability to perform such work. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1.SCOPE OF WORK City retains Contractor to perform, and Contractor agrees to render, those services (the "Services") that are defined in attached Exhibit "A", which is incorporated by this reference in accordance with this Agreement's terms and conditions. 2.STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE While performing the Services, Contractor will exercise the reasonable professional care and skill customarily exercised by reputable members of Contractor's profession practicing in the Metropolitan Southern California area and will use reasonable diligence and best judgment while exercising its professional skill and expertise. 3.TERM The term of this Agreement will be effective for a period of two (2) year(s) from the date first above written. The City Manager may amend the Agreement to extend it for one (1) additional one (1) year(s)or parts thereof. Extensions will be based upon a satisfactory review of Contractor's performance, City needs, and appropriation of funds by the City Council. The parties will prepare a written amendment indicating the effective date and length of the extended Agreement. 4.TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 5.COMPENSATION The total fee payable for the Services to be performed during the initial Agreement term shall not exceed one hundred forty thousand one hundred forty-five dollars ($140,145). No other compensation for the Services will be allowed except for items covered by subsequent amendments to this Agreement. The City reserves the right to withhold a ten percent (10%) retention until City has accepted the work and/or Services specified in Exhibit "A". Incremental payments, if applicable, should be made as outlined in attached Exhibit "A". Page 1 City Attorney Approved Version 12/22/2023 Attachment A PSA24-2398TRAN City Attorney Approved Version 12/22/2023 Page 10 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES AND FEE DocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 May 7, 2024 Item #4 Page 15 of 28 1MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL ▬ CITY OF CARLSBAD ▬ FARADAY AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING AND MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS WORK Scope of A PLAN TO SUCCEED! The Michael Baker project team will utilize the experience and City feedback on the Veteran’s Park traffic calming conceptual alternatives in order to deliver a successful project that meets the City’s safety goals for multi-modal users. Additionally, design guidance and lessons learned from previous City of Carlsbad projects, including the City-wide Emergency Bike Striping Project, Annual Street Resurfacing projects, and the Tamarack Avenue Traffic Calming project will be vital for a seamless project delivery. REAL VALUE PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City of Carlsbad is prioritizing safety for all users of City roadways and the future construction of Veteran’s Memorial Park provides an exciting opportunity to implement traffic calming safety improvements on Faraday Avenue with the expected increase of pedestrians and bicycles on the corridor. Michael Baker has been at the forefront of assisting the City with the design of city-wide traffic calming and safety improvements and are committed to continuing the partnership with the City creating safer streets for citizens to embrace alternative modes of transportation. Michael Baker has worked with the City to develop conceptual design alternatives for the ultimate Veteran’s Park driveway entrances as well at the intersection of Faraday Ave and Whitman Way. In the conceptual design phase, we worked with the City’s Traffic and Mobility Division to identify project goals while highlighting potential concerns and impacts from other City stakeholders, including stormwater, emergency services, and parks & recreation. Additionally, we will work alongside the City’s Traffic and Mobility Division and the Communication and Engagement Department to implement the preferred alternative most beneficial to the community. Michael Baker will review the potential stakeholder concerns which include: •Providing adequate lines of sight while minimizing parking loss on Faraday Avenue•Ensuring access to the proposed project driveways•Reducing speeds while minimizing impacts to emergency response vehicles•Minimizing drainage impacts resulting from the traffic calming improvements•Providing cost-effective solutions to project constraints For drainage impacts resulting from new curb popouts and raised crosswalks, Michael Baker will analyze hydrology at each location to determine if underground storm-drain system improvements are required, or if a more cost-effective approach such as steel drainage tubes or a grated sidewalk culvert in the existing flowline can be utilized. These cost-saving solutions will be reviewed with the existing/proposed flooded width of the roadway to ensure compliance with the City’s drainage engineering standards as well as review with the proposed improvements to minimize any impacts to pedestrians and cyclists. In the early project stages, Michael Baker will work with the City to clearly define the preferred alternative for each driveway and intersection as shown in the RFP and select the design elements to be included on the improvement plans. Following the hydrology analysis and findings, the design elements will be further refined to adhere to the City’s guidelines while meeting project objectives. SCOPE OF WORK AND APPROACH The scope of work and approach outlined on the following pages describes Michael Baker’s approach to completing the tasks outlined in the Scope of Work provided by the City and outlined in the RFP. Geoffrey Retemeyer, PE, TE, Michael Baker’s Project Manager, will act as the primary point of contact to the City. His role will be to ensure fluid communication between the City and the Michael Baker team as well as handle day to day logistics and coordination of the project including monitoring the schedule, plan development and analysis oversight, and budget monitoring. He will be supported by staff experienced and proficient in civil, traffic and drainage design. Mr. Retemeyer will be responsible for providing monthly project invoices which include progress reports on the project to the City’s Project Manager. TASK 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT DocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL 2MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL ▬ CITY OF CARLSBAD ▬ FARADAY AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING AND MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS To keep the City informed of our progress, outstanding items and data or review needs, Michael Baker will maintain an ongoing action item list. We will review this list during check-in meetings along with a summary of the tasks underway from the scope of work and any budget issues. We will send monthly project invoices which include progress reports to the City’s Project Manager. Project Kickoff Meeting. The project kick-off meeting between the Michael Baker team and City stakeholders will be used to discuss project objectives, design considerations, project schedule milestones, and any other special requirements the City may request. At the kick-off meeting, the design elements for the traffic calming alternatives for each driveway and intersection will be reviewed to establish a seamless and defined work-flow plan to final design. Michael Baker will prepare the kick-off meeting agenda as well as any exhibits or required meeting materials. Following the meeting, Michael Baker will provide meeting minutes with a list of action items. We also recommend that a field visit be conducted following the project kick off with the Michael Baker and City teams. Bi-Weekly Project Meetings. Bi-weekly project meetings will be key to ensuring the project stays on schedule. These meetings will be used for various purposes throughout the project’s duration. Michael Baker will be responsible for meeting agendas, materials and meeting notes. To keep the City informed of our progress, outstanding items and data or review needs, Michael Baker will maintain an ongoing action item list. We will review this list during check-in meetings along with a summary of the tasks underway from the scope of work and any budget issues. Task 1 Deliverables: 2.1 Existing Conditions Review Michael Baker will coordinate with the City and utility agencies to obtain as-built plans and asset maps for all existing street and utility improvements within the project limits. The existing underground utilities and appurtenances will be implemented into a base file to be used and reference with the ultimate design improvements. Additionally, Michael Baker will perform a site visit to verify existing improvements, site topography, potential utility conflicts and project constraints that may impact design. Following existing condition review, Michael Baker will present any findings to the City that may impact the design objectives. Task 1 Deliverables: •Documentation of all field data collected and field notes/observations from site visit. 2.2 Topographic Survey As outlined in the RFP, CADD files of the existing topography and mapping boundary are to be provided. It is anticipated the supplemental field survey will be required for the intersection of Faraday Avenue and Whitman Way for the proposed traffic calming improvements. It is also anticipated the existing underground storm drain infrastructure in the vicinity of the traffic calming improvement will require survey. Michael Baker shall prepare a topographic map of the supplementary areas at the project site at a scale of 1”=20’ with one foot contour intervals. The work shall include: •Preparation of a work plan •Field surveying services at 25-ft intervals including all existing surface (and underground as specified) improvements •Office analysis and processing of all collected GPS and ground survey data. •Coordination and review of the topographic and boundary survey files received from the City for the onsite Veterans Memorial Park improvements to ensure conformance with the same basis of bearings and benchmark control. Horizontal and vertical control will be established at the site sufficient to support future design, construction staking, or mapping. Unless otherwise directed by the Client, the basis of horizontal control will be NAD83 (Epoch 1991.35) California Coordinate System, Zone VI (CCS 83). Coordinates will be expressed as ground values in terms of the U.S. survey foot. Coordinates will be based on published values from the City of Carlsbad Survey Control Network per Record of Survey 17271. •Meeting agendas, materials, and meeting notes•Concept development and analysis oversight •Budget and schedule monitoring TASK 2: DATA COLLECTION SCOPE DocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 3MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL ▬ CITY OF CARLSBAD ▬ FARADAY AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING AND MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS SCOPE Vertical control will be provided in terms of the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29), based locally upon published benchmark values from the City of Carlsbad Survey Control Network per Record of Survey 17271. Establishment of control shall be performed using current GPS and conventional methods and shall be post- processed in a least-squares network adjustment for evaluation and to provide a unified local control net. Semi- permanent control points shall be set at the site for future construction of the facility and clearly identified in the deliverable. Task 2.2 Deliverables: •Topographic survey CADD file for final deliverables including planimetrics, surface building and contours. 2.3 Right-of-way Verification and Control Michael Baker will review the recorded maps and surveys in the vicinity of the project and verify the right-of-way boundary file received from the City. Following preliminary review, it is anticipated adjustments will be required at the intersection of Faraday Avenue and Whitman Way. Additionally, Michael Baker will survey centerline monuments in the vicinity of the proposed improvements to verify the position of the right-of-way lines received from the City. Task 2.3 Deliverables: •Boundary CADD file for final deliverables with updated right-of-way and center lines 3.1 Hydrology and Hydraulics Analysis Michael Baker will prepare a hydrology and hydraulics analysis report for the existing and proposed conditions. Michael Baker will create hydrology maps based on existing tributary areas and perform drainage calculations document the potential drainage impacts from the proposed curb bulb outs, median refuge islands, and raised crosswalks. The report will also support the design of any additional drainage infrastructure required to meet the City’s drainage and engineering standards. The existing and future flooded width will be analyzed to determine if the proposed traffic calming improvements will cause flooding impacts to the travel lanes and areas outside the public right-of-way. Task 3.1 Deliverables: •Hydrology and Hydraulics Report at the 60%, 90%, 100% and Final milestone submittals 3.2 Stormwater Quality Management Plan Michael Baker will prepare a Stormwater Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) to analyze and document compliance with the current version of the City of Carlsbad BMP design manual for the proposed improvements on Faraday Avenue. It is anticipated the traffic calming project will qualify for a Priority Development Project Green Street exemption and will not be subject to hydromodification requirements. It is assumed that infiltration BMPs will be infeasible due to either poor infiltration or geotechnical hazards and that infiltration feasibility forms can be completed based on soil information provided by the City from the Veteran’s Memorial Park onsite geotechnical investigations. Proposed BMPs may include tree wells, biofiltration, and/or proprietary biofiltration. Task 3.2 Deliverables: •Green Street SWQMP Report at the 60%, 90%, 100% and Final milestone submittals 3.3 Improvement Plans Michael Baker will prepare civil and traffic improvement plans for the proposed traffic calming infrastructure on Faraday Avenue within the public right-of-way. The limits of improvements will be on Faraday Avenue from Cannon Road to the eastern limits of the ultimate Veterans Memorial Park (approximately 3,000 linear feet). The improvements are anticipated to include pavement rehabilitation, curb pop-outs, median improvements, raised cross-walks, curb ramps, driveways, signing/striping, enhanced crosswalks with rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs), and drainage infrastructure. If it is determined storm drain improvements are required following the hydrology analysis, it is assumed improvements will be limited to the drainage infrastructure on Faraday Avenue and no downstream improvements will be included. TASK 3: ENGINEERING SERVICES DocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 4MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL ▬ CITY OF CARLSBAD ▬ FARADAY AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING AND MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS SCOPE The improvement plans are anticipated to include the following sheets: •Title Sheet and General Notes (2 Sheets) •Typical Sections (1 Sheet) •Demolition Plans (2 Sheets – 20 Scale) •Improvement Plan and Profiles (4 Sheets – 20 Scale) •Construction Details (2 Sheets) •Signing and Striping Plans and RRFB Details (3 Sheets – 40 Scale) •Drainage Plans and Details (2 Sheets – 20 Scale) If it is determined storm drain improvements are required following the hydrology analysis, it is assumed improvements will be limited to the drainage infrastructure on Faraday Avenue and no downstream improvements will be included. At the east driveway location, road widening is anticipated to accommodate the eastbound left turn pocket, thru lane, and buffered bike lane. The proposed pavement section for the widening is assumed to match existing pavement section of the roadway per Faraday Avenue as-builts or through pavement coring investigation (see optional task 5.2). Per the exhibit provided in the RFP, the storage length of the left turn pocket is assumed to be 200 feet. Task 3.3 Deliverables: •Improvement Plans at the 60%, 90%, 100% and Final milestone submittals •Response to comments matrix for previous plan-check comments 3.4 Specifications The specifications will detail technical information and construction methods, in a standard Green Book format or using a city-supplied specification template. The bid schedule and specifications shall include all bid items from the cost estimate. This assumes that the city will prepare front-end documents and Michael Baker will add the specification and provisions for the improvements on the plans. Task 3.4 Deliverables: •Bid schedule (PDF and MS Word) at the 60%, 90%, 100% and Final milestone submittals •Project Technical Specifications (PDF and MS Word) at the 90%, 100% and Final milestone submittals 3.5 Engineer’s Estimates The engineer’s estimate will include all quantities and estimate of probable cost for construction. The estimate will include bid item description, bid unit, unit price and total price for each bid item along with a project contingency. The unit costs for each bid item will be based on the most current cost information from recent, similar project bids. Task 3.5 Deliverables: •Engineer’s Estimate at the 60%, 90%, 100% and Final milestone submittals 4.1 Bid Support During the bid phase of the project, Michael Baker International will respond to bidder questions related to the project plans and prepare bid addendums as required. Michael Baker will attend pre-bid meetings and provide additional bid support as requested by the City. Task 4.1 Deliverables: •Written responses to questions from bidders and improvement plan and specification addendums as required. 4.2 Construction Support During the construction phase of the project Michael Baker will support the project Construction Manager as requested by the City. Support tasks are anticipated to include attending the pre-construction meetings, respond to requests for information, submittal reviews, and attend contractor progress meetings as requested by the City. TASK 4: BID AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES DocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 5MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL ▬ CITY OF CARLSBAD ▬ FARADAY AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING AND MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS As the level of construction support efforts are unknown at this time, the assumed budgeted hours are four (4) hours per weeks for a three (3) month construction period. Additional support can be provided on an hourly basis depending on project needs. Task 4.2 Deliverables: •Written responses to RFIs, submittals and other construction support documentation as needed. 4.3 Project Closeout Michael Baker will assist the City with closing out the project. All red-line plan changes will be incorporated into as-built plans for review and approval by the City Inspector and City Engineer. All appropriate supporting documents and files will be provided to the City per their request. Task 4.3 Deliverables: •Final signal as-built plans and electronic copies of all project files. The following services may be required to support the design and are listed as optional tasks in the fee schedule. Budget for these tasks were developed based on assumptions following the review of the RFP and traffic calming improvement exhibits. Inclusion and budget for these tasks are subject to change following design milestones and coordination with the City’s project manager. 5.1 – Potholing Should underground drainage improvements be required and crossing are anticipated with existing utilities, this optional task is recommended to be used. Additionally, this task can be used to investigate the existing pavement section if required. Potholes will be proposed at potential conflicts with storm drain crossings with subsurface utilities and/or locations where potential road widening is anticipated. Michael Baker will work with AirX Utility Surveyors to prepare traffic control plans, obtain City permit, back-fill the potholes as required and submit a pothole report. For estimating purposes, a total of four (4) potholes are budgeted for this task. Michael Baker will coordinate with the City’s project manager and obtain approval prior to beginning this task. Assumptions and Exclusions ▬Environmental support, permitting, or documentation is not included in this scope of work. ▬It is assumed all work will be occurring in the City of Carlsbad Public Right-of-way and no property easements or acquisitions will be required. ▬If required, coordination with NCTD is assumed to be performed by the City. ▬The boundary survey provided by the City for the onsite Veteran’s Memorial Park is assumed to be used for this design. ▬Traffic Control Plans are assumed to be prepared by the contractor and are excluded from this scope of work. ▬Monument preservation (pre/post corner records) is assumed to be completed by the contractor and is excluded from this scope of work. ▬If required, dry utility relocations and design is assumed to be performed by the asset owner and is not included in this scope of work. ▬Any median improvements are assumed to implement hardscape (matching existing color and patterns) and landscape and irrigation plans will not be required. ▬If required, it is assumed street light relocations can be included on the civil improvement plans and will not require photometric analysis or SDG&E coordination. ▬All other items not explicitly outlined in the above scope of work. Should the project improvement require any of the exclusions listed above, Michael Baker can coordinate with the City project manager to provide additional consulting services. TASK 5: OPTIONAL SERVICES SCOPEDocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD ▬ FARADAY AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING AND MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE Our proposed project schedule below, summarizes main tasks and delivery dates. During project scoping, Project Manager, Geoff Retemeyer, PE, TE, will develop a detailed schedule and Technical Advisor, Ryan Zellers, PE, TE, will ensure the resources necessary to accomplish the work within the proposed schedule are provided. Schedule Control Michael Baker software tools assist our project managers in preparing and maintaining project schedules, including Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, and Primavera. Microsoft Team meetings with shared screen technology through web and video conferencing, allow our team to be in touch with and ultra- responsive to City needs, anytime and anywhere, thereby reducing task order delays. Other schedule controls used by Michael Baker project managers include the following: ▬Ensure City review timelines are accurate, and commitments are made by all parties.▬Map the critical path▬Monitor/review progress and direction with task leads and subconsultants. KEY PERSONNEL % AVAILABLE Ryan Zellers, PE, TE 20% Geoff Retemeyer, PE, TE 50% AVAILABILITY WITH TEAM’S CURRENT WORKLOAD KEY PERSONNEL % AVAILABLE Samantha Lathrop, EIT 30% John Dompor, EIT 30% Jecelyn Martinez, PE 20% DocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 Task 1.0 Project Management Task 2.0 Existing Conditions Research and Review Topographic/Boundary Survey and Project Research Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL ---- 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD ▬ FARADAY AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING AND MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS APPENDIX Faraday and Whitman Way Faraday and West Driveway DocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 Michael Bake INTERNATIONAL 4) Not to Scale SIDEWALK CULVERT DRAIN 16 CITY OF CARLSBAD ▬ FARADAY AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING AND MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS Faraday and East Driveway APPENDIXDocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 SIDEWALK CULVERT DRAIN Not to Scale FEESProposed Our recent work in Carlsbad has provided us with heightened efficiency allowing us to achieve an economy of scale. Michael Baker is familiar with the current governing reports and recent data sources resulting in time and money saved. REAL VALUE Benefits include:▬Weekly review and monitoring of individual costs for each task and subtaskcompared to percentage completion of the work.▬Computation of earned value on a monthly basis for each task and subtaskcompared to budgeted cost of work scheduled, budgeted cost of workperformed, actual cost of work performed, and estimates to complete.▬Monthly detailed invoicing, in the City’s preferred format. MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL ▬ CITY OF CARLSBAD ▬ FARADAY AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING AND MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS Budget Control Michael Baker’s accounting platform provides real-time customized reports to assist project managers in accurately planning expenditures including labor and other direct costs. Page 1 Faraday Traffic Calming Proposed Fees Senior Technical Advisor Project Manager Project Engineer Assistant Engineer Design Technician Licensed Surveyor 2-PersonSurvey Crew Pothole Project Manager Pothole Staff $285 $175 $150 $130 $115 $210 $285 $130 $110 Reimbursable Expenses Total Hours Total Budget Task 1: Project Management1.1 Project Management 8 40 48 9,280.00$ Sub-total Labor Hours 8 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -$ 48 9,280.00$ Task 2: Existing Conditions Review and Surveying2.1 Existing Conditions Review 2 4 12 100$ 18 2,430.00$ 2.2 Topographic Survey 2 2 6 16 6 12 200$ 44 8,780.00$ 2.3 Right-of-way Verification and Control 2 10 4 4 200$ 20 4,250.00$ Sub-total Labor Hours 2 4 20 16 12 6 12 0 0 300$ 62 15,460.00$ Task 3: Engineering Services3.1 Hydrology/Hydraulics Report 2 2 8 44 10 50$ 66 9,040.00$ 3.2 Stormwater Quality Management Plan 2 2 6 32 8 50$ 50 6,950.00$ 3.3 Improvement Plans 8 32 48 80 260 100$ 428 55,480.00$ 3.4 Specifications 4 32 16 100$ 52 9,240.00$ 3.5 Cost Estimate 2 2 8 12 24 3,680.00$ Sub-total Labor Hours 18 70 86 168 278 0 0 0 0 300$ 620 84,390.00$ Task 4: Bid and Construction Support Services4.1 Bid Support Services 2 2 12 4 100$ 20 3,280.00$ 4.2 Construction Support Services 6 50 200$ 56 8,750.00$ 4.3 Project Close-out (As-Builts)1 2 8 16 27 3,675.00$ Sub-total Labor Hours 3 10 70 0 20 0 0 0 0 300$ 103 15,705.00$ TOTAL 29 120 156 168 298 0 0 0 0 2,000$ 771 124,835.00$ Task 5: Optional Services5.1 Potholing 2 6 30 48 5,000$ 86 15,310.00$ Sub-total Labor Hours 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 30 48 5,000$ 86 15,310.00$ TOTAL WITH OPTIONAL TASKS 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 30 48 7,000.00$ 857 140,145.00$ Michael Baker International AirX DocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL RATES Hourly Rate Sheet Michael Baker’s hourly rate sheet for the team is provided below. Pricing will remain firm for the length of the agreement as proposed in the attached schedule. Changes to the agreement and extension of schedule may include new rates. NAME TITLE ROLE HOURLY RATE Ryan Zellers, PE, TE Senior Technical Advisor Technical Manager/QA/QC $285 Geoffrey Retemeyer, PE, TE Technical Manager Project Manager $175 Samantha Lathrop, EIT Project Engineer Deputy Project Manager $150 Jecelyn Martinez, PE Project Engineer Hydrology Lead $150 John Dompor, EIT Civil Associate II Plan Development $130 Kat Frankowski, EIT Civil Associate II Plan Development $130 Angel Melendez, EIT Civil Associate I Plan Development $115 John Bistowski Technical Manager Survey Manager $210 Brian Dedman/Daniel Berg Survey Chairman Two-Person Survey Crew $285 DocuSign Envelope ID: E7ECAED2-59CC-4A12-9075-6987CFC78F15 PB M WM W PB 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193MBAKERINTL.COM LEGEND Ex h i b i t 2 ---PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 40 20 0 40 SCALE: 1 "=40 ' ELEMENT [A] CENTER MEDIAN REFUGE ISLAND (ID CURB POP-OUTS ON NE AND SE CORNERS [gJ RAISED CROSSWALK [QJ REMOVAL OF ONE EB TRAVEL LANE (I] RRFB UNITS [I] BUFFERED BIKE LANES EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD VETERANS PARK CONCEPTS FARADAY AVE/WHITMAN WAY, OPTION 1 NOVEMBER 6, 2023 Michael Baker --------------------------------------------------INTERNATIONAL PBMW MW PB PB PB PB 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193MBAKERINTL.COM LEGEND w w L~.1-----("_,.I (f) l- 1 b w_J ::=::~~::=s~ z 3: =~:=f:::~;:;;;;;~1~~~~~~:~~;i1;~i~:1;~1~~~i;1~i~i;~~;~i;~;~~;~~~i~~~~i~Li~=~~+~~=ifi1)liE~~:;~~~~~~;~~~~ci ::::;c::::=s::=~~~~"-L-f"~I ~ OJ ►---~ --=--CONNECT TO EX I ST I NG _,--1 ~ DRAINAGE SYSTEM ~1W : :...____.....;...._~----'II-----------~--~;;.....__j__._...,__ _______ -~---~ :.._ __ .ta-il,Ji,..__j..,;..._..;.;;.....a:.......,__,-_________ ,1 ---PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ---PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ELEMENT [K) REMOVAL OF ON-STREET PARKING (WB), EAST OF DRIVEWAY [gJ CENTER MEDIAN REFUGE ISLAND [QJ CURB POP-OUT ON NE AND NW CORNERS [I] SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN [I] RRFB UNITS QJ RAISED CROSSWALK 40 20 0 40 SCALE: 1 "=40 ' EXHIBIT 3B CITY OF CARLSBAD VETERANS PARK CONCEPTS WEST DRIVEWAY, OPTION 1B NOVEMBER 6, 2023 Michael Baker -----------------------------------------------------INTERNATIONAL PB MW MW PB PBPB PB PB PB PB PB PBEMEMPB EM PBPBMWMW 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 476-9193MBAKERINTL.COM LEGEND 450'PARKING TRIM LANDSCAPE OR PAVE MEDIAN FOR SIGHT DISTANCE VAR(7'-8') --=-=--=:::=~;;;~~~;,,,,=~=~=;;,,.~:-..,,~~~~~~1~ 2 ~~~=V=AR=(=5 •=-7='=) ::~~~~~~~-==s:=~ w w STRIPED MEDIAN, MAINTAIN EX MEDIA~ CURB I I I 60'BAY TAPER ~ (f) I-t=====~El~~~~====fflF ~~~cs~o~=~3~Bur~·~=-::=~-r~-~=~~~~;~=:::~~~~:::=== 12' :r: o b r====z===z:==:=LlvAR(o'-9') U CO ------. ---6 '_ I-<{ <{ ~ 260'SHIFT TAPER ---PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ---PROPOSED DRIVEWAY MATCH DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO EX PROPOSED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 40 SCALE: 1 "=40 ' 40 10' 10' [A] [fil [gJ [Q] m IT] @] ELEMENT RAISED CROSSWALK CURB POP-OUTS ON NE AND NW CORNERS REMOVE BUFFER FOR BIKE LANE RRFB UNITS SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN ON-STREET PARKING (WB), EAST OF DRIVEWAY CENTER MEDIAN REFUGE ISLAND EXHIBIT 5 CITY OF CARLSBAD VETERANS PARK CONCEPTS EAST DRIVEWAY, OPTION 1 NOVEMBER 6, 2023 Michael Baker ------------------------------------------------------INTERNATIONAL