HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-01; Planning Commission; ; Planning Commission Work Plan: Request for a recommendation to accept the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Work Plan Annual Report and adopt a resolution approving the Planning CommisMeeting Date: May 1, 2024 To: Planning Commission Staff Contact: Eric Lardy, City Planner, 442-224-9595, eric.lardy@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Planning Commission Work Plan; Request for a recommendation to accept the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Work Plan Annual Report and adopt a resolution approving the Planning Commission Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Location: Citywide Case Numbers: N/A Applicant/Representative: N/A CEQA Determination: ☒Not a Project ☐ Exempt ☐ IS/ND or IS/MND ☐ EIR ☐Other: Permit Type(s): ☐SDP ☐ CUP ☐ CDP ☐ TM/TPM ☐ GPA ☐ REZ ☐ LCPA ☒Other: N/A CEQA Status: ☐The environmental assessment IS on the Agenda for discussion ☒A CEQA determination was already issued. That decision is final and IS NOT on the Agenda Commission Action: ☐Decision ☒ Recommendation to City Council ☐ Informational (No Action) Recommended Actions That the Planning Commission ADOPT a resolution RECOMMENDING ACCEPTANCE of the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Work Plan Annual Report and RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Work Plan Existing Conditions & Project Description In 2018 the City Council created uniform policies and procedures related to boards and commissions, requiring each board or commission to provide the City Council for its approval an annual work plan of activities to be undertaken in the coming year and to provide a subsequent report of its accomplishments. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 2.15, includes the requirements for content and timing. It is typical that this item is completed before the start of the fiscal year, on July 1 of each year. The responsibilities and corresponding work of the Planning Commission is well defined in state law and Titles 19 (Environment), 20 (Subdivisions), and 21 (Zoning) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. As such many of the items on the workplan are projects undertaken to comply with state laws, City Council direction, or those submitted by private applicants or city departments. Some items in the work plan are multi-year efforts that will carry over into future years. The Fiscal Year 2023-24 Report was presented to the City Council on June 6, 2024 (Exhibit 2). May 1, 2024 Item #4 1 of 10 • PLANNING COMMISSION (ii) Staff Report Item No.0 As reflected in the annual report, the Planning Commission is expected to have met 15 times during the current fiscal year and has acted on multiple significant public and private development projects, including recommending approval of or approving: •Objective Design Standards with architectural standards for the Village and Barrio Master Plan and Citywide standards for the portions of the city outside of the master plan area, •Hope Apartments – 156 unit for-rent housing project in the Village and Barrio , •Recommended approval of the Housing Element General Plan Amendment and Rezone Program, •Special Projects including the East-West Corridors project, the Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping Project, and the Terramar Water and Sewer Main Improvements, •Legoland Parking Structure Approval and Recommending Approval on Legoland California Project 2025; and the, •Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse. A number of larger multi-year projects are anticipated to be completed in Fiscal Year 2024-25, such as the Carlsbad Village Mixed Use Project, 2024 Zoning Ordinance Clean-Up, and the Climate Action Plan Amendment. Environmental Review This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Conclusion The Planning Division, Community Development, recommends the Planning Commission adopt the resolution and the information contained within. The Planning Commission could recommend inclusion of other tasks for completion during the next fiscal year for evaluation for inclusion in future work programs. Exhibits 1.Planning Commission Resolution with attachments 2.City Council staff report, Annual Work Plans for the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission: https://records.carlsbadca.gov/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=6427898&dbid=0&repo=CityofCarlsbad May 1, 2024 Item #4 2 of 10 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7513 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING ACCEPTANCE OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 WORK PLAN ANNUAL REPORT AND APPROVAL OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 PLANNING COMMISSION WORKPLAN. CASE NAME: PLANNING COMMISSION WORKPLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 WHEREAS, Chapter 2.15 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) requires that each board or commission provide to the City Council for its approval an annual work plan of activities to be undertaken by the board or commission and a subsequent report of its accomplishments; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has prepared a proposed Planning Commission Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and a report of the items accomplished on the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Work Plan; and WHERAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the documents prepared by the City Planning, with the attached "Exhibit A" containing a report of accomplishments titled as "Fiscal Year 2023- 24 Planning Commission Work Plan Annual Report" and the proposed work plan is shown on "Exhibit B" titled ''City of Carlsbad, Planning Commission Work Plan, Fiscal Year 2024-2025"; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on May 1, 2024, hold a duly noticed public meeting as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS; at said public meeting, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the work plan and report of accomplishments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct, B) That based on the ~vidence presented at the public meeting, the Commission RECOMMENDING ACCEPTANCE of the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Work Plan Annual Report and RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Work Plan; Subject to the best efforts of the commission and the possibility of unforeseen circumstances which may impede or delay the adoption/completion of the items presented in the work plan._ PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on May 1, 2024, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: t<amenjarin, Hubinger, Lafferty, Meenes, Merz, NAYES: ABSENT: Stine ABSTAIN: Sabellico RIN, Chairperson CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ERIC LARDY City Planner I.Mission Statement The Planning Commission holds regularly scheduled public hearings to consider land use matters, such as the general plan, local coastal program, growth management program, specific plans, master plans, amendments to the zoning ordinance, zone changes, special studies, and discretionary development permits for public and private projects. For some actions, the Planning Commission acts in an advisory role and provides a recommendation to the City Council. In many cases the City Council has delegated to the Planning Commission the authority to take a final action on the item subject to appeal to the City Council. Prior to an item being considered by the Planning Commission the Planning Division staff complete its review of a proposed project for compliance with all applicable plans, policies, and laws and provides a written recommendation. Planning Commissioners also serve on special committees or task forces as requested by the City Council. II.Composition The Planning Commission consists of seven members appointed by the City Council to a four-year term. There are also three ex officio members who shall be the City Planner, Assistant City Attorney, and City Engineer. III.Fiscal Year 2022-23 Goals & Tasks The City of Carlsbad Planning Commission had selected to focus on the following goals and tasks in adoption of the Work Plan on June 6, 2024. In FY 2023-24 the Planning Commission is expected to meet a total of 15 times. This reports on those actions as anticipated through June 30, 2023: GOAL/TASK STATUS COMMENTS/RECOMMEND ATION Objective Design Standards and Streamlined Permitting for Multi-Family Residential Structures Outside of the Village and Barrio Master Plan area (Amend 2020-0003) The Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the citywide Objective Design standards on July 19, 2023. The City Council approved the standards on August 29, 2023. This item is complete and removed in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Work Program. Village & Barrio Master Plan Amendments directed by the City Council including Objective Design Standards and Streamlined Permitting for Multi-Family Residential and The Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the Village and Barrio Master Plan area Objective Design standards on July 19, 2023. The City Council This item is complete and removed in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Work Program. May 1, 2024 Item #4 5 of 10 Attachment A GOAL/TASK STATUS COMMEN TS/RECOMM END ATION Objective Design Standa rds and Streamlined The Pla nning Commiss ion revi ewed and Th is item is complete and Permitting for Multi-Family Res idential recommended app roval of the cit ywide removed in the Fiscal Yea r Structures Outside of the Vill age and Ba rrio Objective Design standards on July 19, 2023. 2024-25 Work Program. Master Plan area (Amend 2020-0003 ) The City Counci l approved the sta ndards on August 29 , 2023. Village & Barri o Master Plan Amendments The Planning Commiss ion revi ewed and Th is item is complete and directed by the City Counci l includ ing recommended app roval of the Village and removed in the Fiscal Year Objective Design Standa rds and Streamlined Ba rrio M aster Plan area Objective Design 2024-25 Work Program . Perm itting for Multi-Family Res idential and standards on July 19, 2023. The City Cou ncil Mixed -Use St ructures (Ame nd 2020-0009) approved t he standards on Augus t 29, 2023. GOAL/TASK STATUS COMMENTS/RECOMMEND ATION Receive presentation and make recommendation on General Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Environmental Impact Report for Housing Element Program 1.1: Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the Regional Housing Needs Assessment. This effort includes an update to the Safety Element. The Planning Commission reviewed and made a recommendation on this General Plan Amendment on Oct. 18, 2023. On Jan. 30, 2024 the City Council reviewed and approved the General Plan Amendment, Rezone, and certified the Environmental Impact Report. This item is complete and removed in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Work Program. Review and act on permits requested for city capital improvement projects. Major projects expected to be considered by the commission include: o Beach Access Repairs Public Works Project o Terramar Water and Sewer Improvements Beach Access Repairs was approved by the Planning Commission on July 19, 2023 and the Water and Sewer Improvements were approved by the Planning Commission on September 9, 2023. This item is complete and removed in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Work Program. The updated work program will include Special Projects anticipated. Review and act on permits requested for private development projects. Major projects expected to be considered by the commission include: o Newage Carlsbad Luxury Resort o Hope Apartments o Legoland Plan Amendment o North County Plaza Mixed Use Hope Apartments was approved by the Planning Commission on June 21, 2023, and the City Council on September 12, 2023. The remaining three projects have not had enough activity from the applicants to move forward for decision. Depending upon when they are resubmitted, and environmental review completed, all three may be processed The remaining projects are included, along with new projects, in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Work Program. May 1, 2024 Item #4 6 of 10 GOAL/TASK Receive presentat ion and make recommendation on General Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Environmental llmpact Report for Housing Element Program STATUS The Planning Commission reviewed and made a recommendation on this General Plan Amendment on Oct. 18, 2023. On Jan. 30, 2024 the City Council reviewed and approved 1.1 : Provide Adequat e Sites to Accommodate t he General Plan Amendment, Rezone, and the Reg ional Housing Needs Assessment . This certified the Environmental Impact Report. effort includes an update to t he Safety Element . Review and act on permits requested for city Beach Access Repairs was approved by t he capital improvement proj ects. Majo r projects Plann ing Commiss ion on Ju ly 19, 2023 and the expect ed t o be considered by the commiss ion Water and Sev11er Improvement s were include: approved by the Planning Comm ission on o Beach Access Repairs Public September 9, 2023. Works Project o Te rramar Wat er and Sewer Improvements Review and act on permits requested for Hope Apartments was approved by t he private development projects. Major projects Plann ing Commiss ion on June 21, 2023, and expect ed to be considered by the commiss ion t he Cit y Counci l on September 12, 2023 .. include: o Newage Carlsbad Luxury Resort o Hope Apartments o Legoland Plan Amendment o North County Plaza M ixed Use The Planning Division w ill work \Mit h t he Plann ing Commission to meet one to two The remaining t hree projects have not had enough activity from the applicants t o move fo rward for decision. Depending upon when t hey are resubmitted, and environmental review completed, a II three may be processed in FY2024-25. App lications w ill be placed on t he agenda when they are submitted and t hrough t he review cycles as outlined in the Permit and Service Del ivery Process Guide. The Planning Commission is expected t o have met 15 t imes during the current f iscal year .. Approximately 1.25 meet ings per mont h. St aff CO MMENTS/RECOMMEND ATION Th is it em is complete and rernoved in t he Fisca l Yea r 2024-25 Work Program. Th is it em is complete and rer noved in t he Fisca l Yea r 2024-25 Work Program. The updated work program w ill include Special Projects anticipat ed. The remain ing projects are included, along w ith new proj ects, in t he Fisca l Yea r 2024-25 Work Program. Th is it em is reta ined in t he Fiscal Yea r 2024-25 Work Program. GOAL/TASK STATUS COMMENTS/RECOMMEND ATION times each month for efficient and productive meetings will continue to balance the work for customers of the city along with having efficient meetings. Implement new Planning Commission Staff Report Template, re-evaluate after six months of use There have been no comments or complaints on the new staff report template. Staff is open to continuous feedback on operations and will review and consider changes as needed. This item is being removed from the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Work Program, staff will continue to make changes as needed to the templates. Receive Updates on New State Laws and City Council Actions applicable to the Commission The laws implemented on Jan. 1, 2024 were more limited than has been seen in recent years. Staff has updated the applicable Informational Bulletins that are available on the Community Development website. During City Planner reports, items and actions of the City Council to the Planning Commission. This item is retained in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Work Program for reporting on new applicable state laws. Hold a Planning Commission Workshop that could be combined with updates to State Laws or other topics as requested by the Planning Commission Based on feedback from the Planning Commission, this item is being removed from the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Work Program. At the Commission’s request, items could be added to the agenda for discussion and consideration. Members of the Planning Commission serve on the following committees: o Design Review Committee for the Village & Barrio Master Plan Objective Design Standards o Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Advisory Committee Members of the Commission served actively on all of the applicable committees throughout the reporting term. The Design Review Committee for the Village & Barrio Master Plan Objective Design Standards concluded work. This item is retained in the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Work Program with the removal of the committee for the Design Review Committee for the Village and Barrio that concluded its work. May 1, 2024 Item #4 7 of 10 GOAL/TASK STATUS COMMENTS/RECO MMEND ATION t imes each month for efficient and will cont inue to balance the work fo r productive meetings customers of the cit y along with having efficient meetings. Implem ent new Planning Com m ission St aff There have been no com ments or compla int s This it em is being remo ved Report Te mplate, re-evaluate after six on t he new staff report tem plat e . Staff is open from t he Fiscal Year 2024-25 months of use to cont inuous feedback on operat ions and w ill W ork Progra m, staff will rev iew and consider changes as needed. cont inue to make changes as needed to the templates. Re ceive U pdates on New State La ws and City The lav11s implemented on Jan. 1, 2024 w ere This it em is retained in t he Council Act ions applicable to t h e Comm ission more limited than has been seen in recent Fiscal Year 2024-25 W ork years. Staff has updated the applicable Program for reporting on !Informat ional Bu lletins t hat are available on new applicable st at e laws. the Community Development w ebsit e. During City Planner reports, items and actions of t he City Council t o t he Planning Commission. Ho ld a Planning Com mission W orks hop t hat Based on feedback from t he Planning Comm ission, this item is being removed could be combined w it h updates to State from t he Fisca l Year 2024-25 Work Program . At the Com mission's req uest, Law s or other topics as req uested by the items could be added t o the agenda for discussion and consideration .. Planning Commission Members of t he Plan n ing Commission serve Mem be rs of the Co mrniss ion served actively This it em is retained in t he on the follow ing committees: on all of the applicable com mittees Fiscal Year 2023-24 W ork 0 Design Review Comm ittee for throughout the report ing term. The Design Program w ith the remov al of the Village & Ba rrio Mast er Plan Re view Comm itt ee for t he Village & Ba rrio the committee for t he Objective Design St andards Master Plan Objective Design Standards Design Review Comm ittee 0 Com mun ity Development Block concl uded work. for the Village and Barr io Grant (CDBG) Advisory that concluded it s v11o rk. Com mittee 0 Agricultural Convers ion Mit igat ion Fee Advisory Com mittee GOAL/TASK STATUS COMMENTS/RECOMMEND ATION o Historic Preservation Commission Ex-Officio Member Other accomplishments The Planning Commission approved several items during the Fiscal Year that were not on the work program, including the -East to West Corridor Project -ECR Jackspar/Sunny Creek -Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping Project -Legoland Project 2025 -Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse N/A May 1, 2024 Item #4 8 of 10 City of Carlsbad Planning Commission Work Plan Fiscal Year 2024-25 I.Mission Statement The Planning Commission holds regularly scheduled public hearings to consider land use matters, such as the general plan, local coastal program, growth management program, specific plans, master plans, amendments to the zoning ordinance, zone changes, special studies, and discretionary development permits for public and private projects. For some actions, the Planning Commission acts in an advisory role and provides a recommendation to the City Council. In many cases the City Council has delegated to the Planning Commission the authority to take a final action on the item subject to appeal to the City Council. Prior to an item being considered by the Planning Commission the Planning Division staff complete its review of a proposed project for compliance with all applicable plans, policies, and laws and provides a written recommendation. Planning Commissioners also serve on special committees or task forces as requested by the City Council. II.Composition The Planning Commission consists of seven members appointed by the City Council to a four- year term. There are also three ex officio members who shall be the City Planner, Assistant City Attorney, and City Engineer. III.FY 2024-25 Goals & Tasks The City of Carlsbad Planning Commission has selected to focus on the following goals and tasks; covering the period from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. The tasks are divided into the categories of Advance Planning & Special Projects, Current Planning Projects, and Training/City Representation: Advance Planning & Special Projects •Climate Action Plan Update (Public Works Project) •Village, Barrio, and Beach Area Parking Management Plan Update and Village and Barrio Master Plan Amendment •Review and act on permits requested for city capital improvement projects. Major projects expected to be considered by the commission include: o Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail o El Camino Real (Arenal to La Costa) May 1, 2024 Item #4 9 of 10 Attachment B o Terramar Area Roadway Improvements o Tamarack Maintenance Yard Current Planning Projects •Review and act on permits requested for private development projects. Major projects expected to be considered by the commission include: o Carlsbad Village Mixed Use o Newage Carlsbad Luxury Resort o Legoland Plan Amendment o North County Plaza Mixed Use Training and City Operations •The Planning Division will work with the Planning Commission to meet one to two times each month for efficient and productive meetings •Review state laws and options related to Professional Care Facilities, the Regional Housing Needs Allocation, and Inclusionary Housing Ordinance for recommendations to the City Council •Have one or two members attend the League of Cities California Conference Receive Updates on New State Laws and City Council Actions applicable to the commission •Members of the Planning Commission serve on the following committees: o Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Advisory Committee o Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Advisory Committee o Historic Preservation Commission Ex-Officio Member May 1, 2024 Item #4 10 of 10