HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-17; Planning Commission; ; Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse; request for approval to consolidate five lots into one and develop a 35,721-square-foot multilevel “professional care facility” use withMeeting Date: April 17, 2024 1 To: Planning Commission Staff Contact: Jason Goff, Senior Planner, 442-339-2643, jason.goff@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse; request for approval to consolidate five lots into one and develop a 35,721-square-foot multilevel “professional care facility” use with 19 memory/23 professional care beds operated by the Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community. Location: APN(s) 203-144-04-00, 203-144-05-00, 203-144-06-00, 203-144-07-00, 203-144-08-00 / District 1 Case Numbers: CT 2022-0003 / CUP 2022-0014 / CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) Applicant/Representative: Paula Digerness, 760-435-2321, pdigerness@frontporch.net CEQA Determination: ☐Not a Project ☒ Exempt ☐ IS/ND or IS/MND ☐ EIR ☐ Other: Permit Type(s): ☐SDP ☒ CUP ☒ CDP ☒ TM ☐ GPA ☐ REZ ☐ LCPA ☐Other: CEQA Status: ☐The environmental assessment IS on the Agenda for discussion ☒A CEQA determination was already issued. That decision is final and IS NOT on the Agenda Commission Action: ☒Decision ☐ Recommendation to City Council ☐ Informational (No Action) Recommended Actions That the Planning Commission ADOPT the Planning Commission Resolution (Exhibit 1) APPROVING Carlsbad Tract Map, CT 2022-0003, Conditional Use Permit, CUP 2022-0014, and Coastal Development Permit, CDP 2022- 0047, based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Existing Conditions & Project Description Existing Setting The subject site consists of five legal undeveloped parcels totaling 0.62 acres generally located south of Beech Avenue between Garfield and Ocean Street (Exhibit 2). Topographically, the site descends gently from Garfield Street in a westerly direction towards Ocean Street with elevations ranging from approximately 51 feet to 41 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The site is currently fenced along its perimeter for security and consists entirely of disturbed land. Public parking exists along the project’s frontage with Ocean Street, Beech Avenue and Garfield Street. A private parking lot for the Beach Terrance Inn adjoins the site to the south. Beach public access is provided from Ocean Street directly across from the project site. Site Map April 17, 2024 Item #1 1 of 145 0 Table “A” below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the subject site and surrounding properties. TABLE A – SITE AND SURROUNDING LAND USE Location General Plan Designation Zoning Designation Current Land Use Site R-15, Residential (8-15 dwelling units per acre) Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) w/ Beach Area Overlay (BAO) Undeveloped North R-15 R-3 w/ BAO Beech Avenue followed by a 1-story single-family structure and a 2-story multiple-family residential structure. South R-15 R-3 w/ BAO Private parking lot with covered parking for the Beach Terrace Inn. Access is provided from Ocean Street. East V-B, Village-Barrio V-B, Village-Barrio Garfield Street with public parking provided on both sides followed by St. Michael’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church and related private Church parking lots. West R-23, Residential (15-23 dwelling units per acre)R-3 w/ BAO Ocean Street followed by multi- storied single-family and multiple- family residential structures and public beach access. General Plan Designation Zoning Designation Proposed Project The applicant proposes to consolidate five legal parcels totaling 0.62 acres into one lot and develop an approximately 35,721-square-foot multilevel building for a non-ambulatory “professional care facility” use. The project will be operated under the same license as the nearby adjacent Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community located south of the project site at 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard, and functionally, will serve as an extension of the existing facilities. The proposed “professional care facility” use will operate 19 memory care beds and 23 professional care beds for a total of 42 beds. The proposed building design consists of the following: •Basement Level April 17, 2024 Item #1 2 of 145 Off-street parking is provided within a subterranean parking garage of approximately 16,704 square feet. This level includes 30 vehicle parking spaces and storage for 21 bicycles. Two elevator cabs and a stair tower provide pedestrian access to and from the parking garage through all floor levels. A stair tower accessing the Ocean Street frontage is provided in the southwest corner. Vehicular access is provided from Ocean Street via a ramp located along the south side of the proposed building. • Level 1 (Ocean Street Grade Level) Considered the memory care level and consisting of approximately 14,447 square feet, Level 1 includes 19 licensed memory care beds and is situated at grade level with Ocean Street. Primary pedestrian access to the memory care level will be provided from Ocean Street. The proposed bedrooms generally consist of a single bed and bathroom each totaling approximately 308 square feet. All bedrooms exit into two corridors leading to a centralized common area for living, dining, and recreational activities, or onto one of two outdoor garden areas. Meals are provided from the existing nearby adjacent Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community. • Level 2 (Garfield Street Grade Level) Level 2 consists of approximately 14,115 square feet and includes 16 licensed residential professional care beds within 10 units. Primary pedestrian access to Level 2 is provided from Garfield Street. There are four (4) one-bedroom/den units and six (6) two-bedroom units. Unit sizes range from approximately 992 square feet to 1,303 square feet. Each unit includes a kitchen/dining/living area, one or two bathrooms, and a private balcony overlooking the adjacent street or a private yard area fronting Garfield Street. All units are accessed via a centralized lobby and circulation corridor. • Level 3 (Upper Level with Roof Terrace) Level 3 consists of approximately 7,160 square feet and includes seven (7) licensed residential professional care beds within five (5) units. Primary pedestrian access to Level 3 is provided from Garfield Street via the Level 2 lobby area. There is one (1) one-bedroom unit, two (2) one-bedroom/den units, and two (2) two-bedroom/den units. Unit sizes range from approximately 816 square feet to 1,527 square feet. Each unit includes a kitchen/dining/living area, and one or two bathrooms. Level 3 includes a roof top terrace overlooking Ocean Street towards the ocean. The roof top terrace includes both private and common areas with landscaping. The building height and massing of the proposed structure, which steps down with topography from Garfield Street to Ocean Street, extends up to 29’-1” (3:12 pitched roof portion) and 18’-10” (flat roof portion) at its two highest points, which is a consistent building height with residential projects within the zone. Exempted from building height are three roof dormers with clerestory windows facing west and an elevator tower, which are considered allowed protrusions above height limits, and a subterranean parking garage that meets the definition of a basement. Primary building materials consist of stone veneer, glass, and horizontal lapboard type siding with a standing seam metal roof. Primary building colors are presented in earth tone hues. Garfield Street, Ocean Street, and Beech Avenue are all proposed to receive new curb, gutter, sidewalk, and landscape improvements along each project street frontage. Grading includes 8,680 cubic yards of cut, 20 cubic yards of fill and 8,700 cubic yards of export. Project plans are attached to the staff report (Exhibits 8 & 9). The improvements and uses described above are hereinafter referred to as “Project”. Public Outreach & Comment The Applicant completed the Early Public Notice procedures pursuant to City Council Policy No. 84 (Development Project Public Involvement Policy). A notice of project application was mailed on Oct. 10, 2022 to all owners of property located within a 600-foot radius, and all occupants of property located within a 100-foot radius of the project site. The notice of project application was mailed to a total of 162 addresses. A two-foot- tall by three-foot-wide yellow sign was posted at the project site on Sept. 25, 2022, notifying all pass-by traffic of April 17, 2024 Item #1 3 of 145 the Project, which provides the project name, application numbers, description, as well as both applicant and city staff contact information. In addition to the above, the Applicant also completed the Enhanced Stakeholder Outreach Program pursuant to City Council Policy No. 84 (Development Project Public Involvement Policy). One outreach meeting was conducted on Oct. 17, 2022 at 11:00 am, where the Applicant and development team assembled at the project site and were available to introduce and discuss the Project and answer follow-up questions. A total of 29 guests attended the outreach meeting, 25 were residents of the existing nearby Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community and four were neighbors. The Applicant received a total of 33 comment cards from the outreach. All comment cards were in support of the project except for one which described the proposed building as too tall, the architecture as too modern, and the parking garage as not providing enough parking for staff or residents. The Enhanced Stakeholder Outreach report, including comment cards, is included (Exhibit Additional public comments received leading up to the April 10, 2024, hearing are provided as Exhibit 11. Project Analysis General Plan Consistency The City of Carlsbad General Plan includes several goals and policies that guide development and land use within the city. A discussion of how the project is consistent with the applicable General Plan policies is summarized in Exhibit 3. Municipal Code Consistency The City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, most notably Tile 21 Zoning Code, includes requirements and provisions that guide development and land use within the city, consistent with the General Plan. Specific compliance with these relevant requirements is described in Exhibit 3. Local Coastal Program Consistency The project site is in the Coastal Zone and requires a Coastal Development Permit. The project complies with the Local Coastal Program, including all goals and policies of the General Plan and all zoning code standards, as referenced above. Discretionary Actions & Findings The proposed Project requires approval of certain permit types, each of which is discussed below: Tentative Tract Map (CT 2022-0003) Approval of a Tentative Tract Map is necessary to consolidate the five legal parcels into one parcel to accommodate the development footprint of an approximately 35,721-square-foot multilevel building. Staff finds that the required findings for this application can be met as described in Exhibit 3. Conditional Use Permit (CUP 2022-0014) Approval of a Conditional Use Permit is required for a professional care facility use located in the R-3 zone. Staff finds that the required findings for this application can be met as described in Exhibit 3. Coastal Development Permit (CDP 2022-0047) Approval of a Coastal Development Permit is required because the project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Coastal Zone. Staff finds that the required findings for this application can be met as described in Exhibit 3. The project’s discretionary applications are all within the purview of the Planning Commission per the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The Planning Commission’s action on the project will be an approval or denial, with appeal April 17, 2024 Item #1 4 of 145 available to City Council. The project site is also located with the appeals jurisdiction of the California Coastal Commission; and therefore, the CDP is appealable to the State. Environmental Review In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines, the City Planner has determined that the project qualified for an exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, In-fill Development Projects. On Feb. 7, 2024, a notice of intended decision regarding the environmental determination was advertised and posted on the city’s website. No comment letters or appeals were received and consistent with Chapter 21.54 (Procedures, Hearings, Notices, and Fees) of the Zoning Ordinance the City Planner’s written decision is final. Refer to Exhibit 6 for additional support and justification. Conclusion Considering the information above and in the referenced attachments, staff has found that the proposed Project is consistent with all applicable policies of the General Plan, the Local Coastal Program, and the provisions of the Municipal Code and Local Facility Management Zone 1. All required public improvement and utilities are available to serve the proposed development. In addition, there are no environmental issues associated with the Project. The Project is conditioned to ensure the proposed Project’s compatibility with the surrounding properties and that the public health, safety, and welfare of the community are maintained. The Project would be required to comply with all applicable California Building Standards Codes and engineering standards through the standard building permit and civil improvement plan checking process. Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the resolution approving the proposed Project as described in this staff report. Exhibits 1. Planning Commission Resolution 2. Location Map 3. Project Analysis 4. Disclosure Statement 5. Enhanced Stakeholder Outreach Program 6. CEQA Determination of Exemption 7. Informational Bulletin IB-131 – AB 2097 Parking Requirements 8. Reduced Project Exhibits 9. Full Size Project Exhibits “A” – “V” date Apr. 17, 2024 (on file in the office of the City Clerk) 10. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 11. Additional Public Correspondence April 17, 2024 Item #1 5 of 145 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO.7509 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF FIVE LEGAL PARCELS TOTALING 0.62 ACRES INTO ONE LOT AND FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 35,721-SQUARE-FOOT MULTILEVEL PROFESSIONAL CARE FACILITY USE WITH 19 MEMORY/23 PROFESSIONAL CARE BEDS, OPERATED BY THE CARLSBAD BY THE SEA RETIREMENT COMMUNITY, ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF BEECH AVENUE BETWEEN GARFIELD AND OCEAN STREET (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 203-144-04-00, 203-144-05-00, 203-144-06-00, 203- 144-07-00, 203-144-08-00) IN THE R-3/BAO ZONES, THE MELLO II SEGMENT OF THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AND LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 1. CASE NAME: CASE NO.: CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) WHEREAS, Front Porch Communities and Services, "Developer/Owner," has filed a verified application with the City of Carlsbad regarding property described as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Carlsbad Tract No. 04-22, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 15639, filed in the Office of County Recorder of San Diego County, Nov. 7, 2007, as may have been amended by that Certificate of Correction recorded on Oct. 20, 2008 as instrument no. 2008-0545070 of official records. ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request for a Tentative Tract Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Coastal Development Permit as shown on Exhibit(s) "A" -"V" dated April 17, 2024, on file in the Planning Division, CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) - CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE, as provided by Chapters 20.12, 21.42, and 21.201 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Division studied the Tentative Tract Map, Conditional Use Permit, and Coastal Development Permit applications and performed the necessary investigations to determine if the project qualified for an exemption from further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act, (CEQA, Public Resources Code section 21000 et. seq.), and its implementing regulations (the State CEQA Guidelines), Article 14 of the California Code of Regulations section 15000 et. PACIFIC OCEAN O C E A N S T BEEC H A V G A R F I E L D S T C A R L S B A D B L CHRIS T I A N S E N W Y GRAN D A V BEAC H A C C E SS BEAC H A C C ESS E L C AMINO R E A L LA COSTA AV A L G A R D C A R L S B A D B L CT 2022-0003 / CUP 2022-0014 / CDP 2022-0047 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE SITE MAP J SITE Map generated on: 2/15/2024 Exhibit 2 April 17, 2024 Item #1 22 of 145 PROJECT ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following regulations: A.General Plan Land Use Designation, R-15 Residential (R-15). B.Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.16) and Beach Area Overlay (BAO) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.82). C.Conditional Use Permits (CMC Chapter 21.42). D.Coastal Development Procedures for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201); and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203). E.Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90) and Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail within the sections below. A.General Plan Land Use Designation, R-15 Residential (R-15) The subject 0.62-acre property has a General Plan Land Use designations of R-15 Residential. The R-15 land use designation allows for development of multiple-family residential within a density range of 8-15 du/ac. The Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone implements the R-15, Residential land use designation. The proposed “Professional Care Facility” use is a conditionally permitted use in the R-3 Zone; and therefore, is consistent with the R-15 Residential land use. Furthermore, the “Professional Care Facility” Use is a commercial use and not subject to the residential density. The project also complies with the other Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table “A” below: TABLE A – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Land Use & Community Design Goal 2-G.2 – Promote a diversity of compatible land uses throughout the city, to enable people to live close to job locations, adequate and convenient commercial services, and public support systems such as transit, parks, schools, and utilities. The project will provide a new “professional care facility” use in the form of 19 memory care beds and 23 professional care beds located near beaches, lagoons, and convenient neighborhood-serving commercial services. The project provides parking onsite within an underground parking garage and has convenient access to beaches, lagoons, parks, and shopping, as well as public transit via the Carlsbad Village mass transit station which provides bus, train, and Coaster service. Yes April 17, 2024 Item #1 23 of 145 PROJECT ANALYSIS Exhibit 3 (GENERAL PLAN, MUNICIPAL CODE, AND OTHER REGULATIONS) ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Land Use & Community Design Goal 2-G.4 – Provide balanced neighborhoods with a variety of housing types and density ranges to meet the diverse demographic, economic and social needs of residents, while ensuring a cohesive urban form with careful regard for compatibility. The proposed project adds additional housing types for seniors with special care needs. Yes Mobility Goal 3-G.3 – Provide inviting streetscapes that encourage walking and promote livable streets. The proposed project has been designed to meet circulation requirements, which include maintaining or enhancing frontage improvements consisting of new curb, gutter, sidewalks, and landscaping along all adjacent project street frontages, expanding the sidewalk width along Beech Street from 4 feet to 8 feet, and enhancing street crossing and traffic calming on Ocean Street. The proposed project is located less than one-quarter mile from the Carlsbad Village train station, which provides rail and bus service throughout the day. Furthermore, the project supports walkability and mobility by locating the project and its future residents near existing goods and services within the Village. Yes Public Safety Goal 6-G.1 - Minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from fire, flood, hazardous material release, or seismic disasters. The proposed project is not located in any Very High Fire Severity Zone, Flood Zones, or Earthquake Fault Zones. The proposed structural improvements would be required to meet all seismic design standards at time of building permit in accordance with the California Building Code. The Fire Department has approved the proposed conceptual building design with fire sprinklers included throughout the building per the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Yes April 17, 2024 Item #1 24 of 145 ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY standards. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the applicable fire safety requirements. Public Safety Policy 6-P.6 – Enforce the requirements of Titles 18, 20, and 21 pertaining to drainage and flood control when reviewing applications for building permits and subdivisions. The project has been conditioned to develop and implement a program of “best management practices” for the elimination and reduction of pollutants which enter and/or are transported within storm drainage facilities. Yes Public Safety Policy 6-P.34 - Enforce the Uniform Building and Fire codes, adopted by the city, to provide fire protection standards for all existing and proposed structures. The project is required to comply with all Building and Fire codes to ensure that fire protection standards are met by the proposed structures. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the applicable fire safety requirements. Yes Public Safety Policy 6-P.39 - Ensure all new development complies with all applicable regulations regarding the provision of public utilities and facilities. The project is required to construct or pay applicable fees for necessary improvements, public utilities, and facilities in accordance with Growth Management requirements; Fire Station No. 1 is located within emergency response timeframes; and the project will not affect the city’s ability to implement its Emergency Operations Plan. Yes Sustainability Policy 9-P.1 – Enforce the Climate Action Plan (CAP) as the city’s strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The project implements and is consistent with measures identified in the Climate Action Plan (CAP) through the provision of renewable energy generation (photovoltaic systems), energy conservation (Green Building Code), and by accommodating Zero-Emission vehicles and other greenhouse gas reduction measures and features. At building permit, the project will also be reviewed for compliance with the CAP ordinances. Yes April 17, 2024 Item #1 25 of 145 B. Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.16) and Beach Area Overlay (BAO) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.82). The Project is required to comply with all applicable regulations and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) including the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) zone (CMC Chapter 21.16) and the Beach Area Overlay (BAO) zone (CMC Chapter 21.82). Professional Care Facilities are an allowed use in the R-3 zone with a conditional use permit (CUP). Table “C” below covers the necessary findings to support approval of the proposed CUP. Additionally, the proposed project meets all applicable requirements of the R-3 and BAO zones as demonstrated in Tables “B” and “C” below. TABLE B – R-3/BAO ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS STANDARD REQUIRED/ALLOWED PROVIDED COMPLY Setback – Front (Along Ocean Street) 20 feet ≥ 20 feet Yes Setback – Street Side (Along Beech Avenue) 10 feet 10 feet Yes Setback – Interior Side 10 feet 10 feet Yes Setback – Rear (Along Garfield Street) 20 feet 20 feet Yes Minimum Lot Area 7,500 sq. ft. 26,892 sq. ft. Yes Lot Coverage 60 percent 58 percent Yes Building Height 30 feet for roof pitch ≥ 3:12 or 24 feet for roof pitch < 3:12 3:12 pitched roof = 29’-1” Flat roof = 18’-10” Yes Per California Assembly Bill (AB) 2097, effective as of January 1, 2023, the city is prohibited from requiring minimum parking standards on certain private development projects, including the proposed professional care facility, that are located within one-half mile of public transit.1 Under AB 2097, developers can still provide onsite parking, but the number of parking spaces provided is based on builder preference and market demand, not by city-established minimum parking standards. The parking spaces provided meet the minimum parking location and design standards. A summary of how the project would comply if the city could impose the minimum parking standards is provided in Table “C” below. TABLE C- PARKING STANDARDS Use Ratio Spaces Required Spaces Proposed Comply Professional Care Facility 0.45 space per bed 0.45 x 42 beds (19 spaces) 30 spaces (subterranean garage) Yes 1 Refer to Exhibit 7 for an info-bulletin that provides more information on restrictions imposed by the state legislature under AB 2097 that limit the city’s ability to require minimum parking standards on certain private development projects, including professional care facility projects. In Carlsbad there are currently only two major public transit stops (i.e. Carlsbad Village Station and Poinsettia Station). April 17, 2024 Item #1 26 of 145 C. Conditional Use Permit (CMC 21.42) Pursuant to the R-3 zone, a conditional use permit (CUP) is required for a professional care facility. The proposed Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse professional care facility provides an alternative for long- term residential, social, and health care needs of elderly residents. In addition, this project assists in providing a continuum of care for the overall Carlsbad by the Sea operations through the addition of its memory care beds, which helps to minimize the trauma associated with a transfer from one setting to another. Operating under the same license of Carlsbad by the Sea, the proposed Summerhouse facility also allows for the provision of social and health care services in an appropriate State-licensed setting. Conditional uses such as the proposed professional care facility possess characteristics of such unique and special form as to make impracticable to be included automatically in any land use classification. In granting a CUP, certain safeguards to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public may be required as conditions of approval. Pursuant to Section 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, CUPs may only be granted when the appropriate findings of fact can be made. Staff has reviewed the proposed project and found that all the necessary findings can be made to approve the CUP. The required findings and satisfaction of these findings are provided in Table “D” below. TABLE D - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS FINDING PROJECT CONSISTENCY That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. The proposed professional care facility use is considered necessary and desirable to satisfy the needs of elderly in the community; the architecture and scale of the proposed building steps with topography and is compatible with existing surrounding land uses; and the fact that the existing nearby adjacent Carlsbad by the Sea (previously Carlsbad by the Sea Lutheran Home) has coexisted with the surrounding community for almost 70 years without incident is further evidence of its compatibility with the community. That the site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, parking, loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping and other development features prescribed in this code and required by the City Planner, planning commission or City Council, in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood. The project can be fit within the proposed development area without the need for any development standard modifications. Furthermore, the project has been designed to incorporate all of the required development standards of the Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) and Beach Area Overlay (BAO) Zone; and landscaping is being provided to visually enhance the surrounding public streets and areas within the site adjacent to the building, to ensure compatibility of the project with the surrounding community. That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use The project will take access from both Garfield Street and Ocean Street, both of which are connected by Beech Avenue. The existing street system is designed to adequately handle the 126 Average Daily Trips (ADT) generated by the project and no additional improvements are required. The project April 17, 2024 Item #1 27 of 145 proposes new curb, gutter, sidewalks, and landscaping along all adjacent project street frontages, including expanding the sidewalk width along Beech Street from 4 feet to 8 feet, and enhancing street crossing and traffic calming on Ocean Street. D. Coastal Development Procedures for the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (CMC Chapter 21.201); and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203). The project site is located within the appeals area of the Coastal Zone and within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The site is also located within and subject to the Coastal Resources Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203). The project’s compliance with each of these programs and ordinances is discussed below: 1. Mello II Segment of the Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies. The Local Coastal Program (LCP) Land Use designation for the property is R-15 Residential (R-15); and, the LCP Zoning designation is Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) consistent with both the city’s General Plan Land Use and Zoning designations. The R-3 zone implements the R-15 land use designation. Professional care facilities are an allowed use in the R-3 zone with a conditional use permit. The Project involves construction of an approximately 35,721-square-foot multilevel building for a non- ambulatory “professional care facility” use. The Summerhouse will be operated under the same license as the nearby adjacent Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community located south of the project site at 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard, and functionally, will serve as an extension of the existing facilities. Topographically, the site descends gently from Garfield Street in a westerly direction towards Ocean Street with elevations ranging from approximately 51 feet to 41 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The proposed building steps with topography and is compatible with the surrounding development of one- and two-story single-family residences, church buildings, and the existing nearby adjacent three-story Carlsbad by the Sea buildings. The two visible stories will not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or the public right-of-way, nor otherwise damage the visual beauty of the coastal zone. No agricultural uses or sensitive resources exist on this site. The proposed structure is not located in an area of known geologic instability or flood hazard. While the site is near the coast, no public opportunities for coastal shoreline access or water-oriented recreational activities are available from the site directly; however, the project does benefit from being located directly across the street from an existing beach access. This structure will bring additional tenants closer to the beach and be an improvement over the existing vacant parcels. s 2. Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone The Project is consistent with the provisions of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.203 of the Zoning Ordinance) in that it will adhere to the city’s Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, BMP Design Manual and Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) to avoid increased urban run-off, pollutants, and soil erosion. The project site also does not include steep slopes (equal to or greater than 25% gradient) or native vegetation; and, is not located in an area prone to landslides, or susceptible to accelerated erosion, floods, or liquefaction. April 17, 2024 Item #1 28 of 145 E. GROWTH MANAGEMENT The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the Northwest Quadrant of the city. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table “E” below. TABLE E – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE Standard Impacts/Demand City Administration N/A Library N/A Wastewater Treatment 34 EDU Parks N/A Drainage 3.40 CFS, Basin A Circulation 126 ADT Fire Fire Station 1 Open Space N/A Schools N/A Sewer Collection System 34 EDU Water 80 GPM April 17, 2024 Item #1 29 of 145 Exhibit 4 April 17, 2024 Item #1 30 of 145 ( City of Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P--1 (A) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (442) 339-2610 www.carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person NIA Corp/Part Front Porch Communities and Services Title. ___________ _ Title --------------Address __________ _ Address 800 N. Brand Blvd., 19th Floor Glendale, CA 91203 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) . P-1 (A) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person ........... N __ /A ___________ _ Corp/Part Front Porch Communities and Services Title. ___________ _ Title _____________ _ Address. __________ _ Address 800 N. Brand Blvd., 19th Floor Glendale, CA 91203 Page 1 of 2 Revised 3/22 April 17, 2024 Item #1 31 of 145 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust Front Porch Communities and Non Profit/Trust Services ·----------Title___________ Title ____________ _ Address ____ s_E_E_A_T_T_A_C_H_E_D __ Address ------------- 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes ~ No If yes, please indicate person(s): __________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Front Porch Communities and Services by Rachel Vranich, Front Porch Communities and Services by Rachel Vranich, Print or type name of owner Secretary Print or type name of applicant Secretary Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A} Page 2 of2 Revised 3/22 April 17, 2024 Item #1 32 of 145 Attachment to Disclosure Statement P-1(A) Front Porch Com munities and Services Front Porch Communities and Services, the applicant and owner, is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation. The following are the names and addresses of the officers and directors. Officers John Woodward, President and Chief Executive Officer 800 N. Brand Blvd., 19th Floor Glendale, CA 91203 Eduardo Salvador, Chief Financial Officer 800 N. Brand Blvd., 19th Floor Glendale, CA 91203 Rachel Vranich, Secretary and Chief Legal Officer 800 N. Brand Blvd., 19th Floor Glendale, CA 91203 Jeff Sianko, Chief Operating Officer 800 N. Brand Blvd., 19th Floor Glendale, CA 91203 Directors Peter Dunckel, Director 1661 Pine Street Apartment 711 San Francisco, CA 94109 Nancy Duranteau, Director 280 Caldecott Lane 314 Oakland, CA 94618 Vince Forte, Vice Chair 1237 Rose Lane Lafayette, CA 94549 Joanne Handy, Director 70 Taraval Street San Francisco, CA 94116 Mary Ellen Heising, Director 5555 Montgomery Drive A4 Santa Rosa, CA 95409 Laura Jacobs, Director 10154 Bridlevale Drive Los Angeles, CA 90064 Jimmie Kennedy, Director 891 S. Walnut Street Unit 205 Anaheim, CA 92802 Kevin Kroeker, Director 5048 Humphrey Way La Crescenta, CA 91214 Marion McGovern, Director 2423 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94115 Kay Murphy, Director 650 Harrison Avenue Claremont, CA 91711 Deborah Proctor, Chair 701 Poppy Avenue Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Suanne Ramar, Director 18600 Blythswood Drive Los Gatos, CA 95030 Lannie Tonnu, Director 290 W. Duarte Road Arcadia, CA 91007 Oliver Wesson Jr., Director 7 Kingsbury Street Alameda, CA 94501 Susan Whittaker, Director 3958 Mediterranean Lane Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406 Exhibit 5 April 17, 2024 Item #1 33 of 145 November 2nd, 2022 Mr. Jason Goff Senior Planner CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA Retirement Community a front porch community RE: PART B ENHANCED STAKEHOLDER OUTREACH REPORT CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) -2710; 2720; 2730 and 2740 Ocean Street Dear Mr. Goff: We have completed the Part B -Enhanced Stakeholder Outreach for the Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse project. The following is a summary report of the activities completed and the results of this Outreach. 1. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION A Notice and Project Description wrth postage-paid mail-back comment form was mailed to all property owners within GOO-feet (to ensure a minimum of 20 properties) of the subject property, and all occupants within 100-feet, Including all present occupants of the onsite building. This postage-paid mail-back postcard program is one of the options allowed pursuant to the Guidance of Development Project Public Involvement handout provided by the Planning Division pursuant to City Council Policy Statement 84. 2. INFORMATIONAL PACKET CONTENTS The Information packet contained a Public Notice of the proposed project, including project number, a project description, the project location, and the applicant name. The Public Notice requested the receivers review the information provided, and to provide comments they may have regarding the project on a comment card. My phone number and email address was also included on the Public Notice for stakeholders who preferred verbal communication. A copy of the Information packet and comment cards Is attached as Exhibit A to this report. 3. NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES UST AND STAKEHOLDERS The Informational Packet was mailed to a total of 162 addressees. All addressees were property owners within the 600-foot radius of the subject property and occupants within the 100-foot radius, as described above. We were not aware of any additional stakeholders to be added to the list. A list of the property owners to which the Informational Packet was mailed is attached as Exhibit B. 4. DATES AND TIMEFRAMES The Informational Packets were malled and postmarked from the Carlsbad Post Office on Oct 10, 2022. The comment cards were returned after the meeting. 5. COMMENTS RECEIVED In the on-site meeting, there are 29 guests signed in: 25 are residents of CBTS, 4 are neighbors. We received 33 comment cards: all affirming the project except for the last one thinks this project is too tall, there is not enough parking and he doesn't like the modem design. There are 9 returned letters from "Notice of Project Application" neighbor mailout, all undeliverable and returned to sender. A copy of the returned Informational Packet envelope is attached as Exhibit C. sa·n rely, I , / )J /WU~~ Paula Digerness Front Porch Communities and Services ms Carlsbad Boulevard • Carlsbad, CA 92008 (160) no-4580 • FAX (760) m.09is www.,ar~badbythe.1ea.org ENHANCED STAKEHOLDER OUTREACH NOTICE October 5th, 2022 [Front Porch Communities and Services] SUBJECT: Informational Meeting on a Proposed Development Project at 2710; 2720; 2730 and 2740 Ocean Street – Project No. CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) Dear Neighbors and Interested Stakeholders: This letter is to invite you to an informational meeting on a proposed development project in your area. Front Porch Communities and Services has submitted a development application to the City of Carlsbad for a Tentative Tract Map (CT 2022-0003), a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 2022-0014) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP 2022-0047) (DEV2022-0063) to permit the construction of a 38,000 square-foot Professional Care Facility, with on-site parking and landscaping at 2710; 2720; 2730 and 2740 Ocean Street (see map below and attached site plan and building elevations) The project is currently under review by the City of Carlsbad and will be subject to a future Planning Commission hearing where the Commission will vote on the project. Project is expected to go in front of the Planning commission in June 2023 and Construction to start 9 months after that. Construction is estimated to last 18 months. As an affected neighbor or interested stakeholder, you will be notified of the future Planning Commission hearing on the project. The informational meeting will be held at: 11:00 a.m. Monday, October 17, 2022 2710 - 2740 Ocean Street (Project Site) Carlsbad, CA At the meeting, representatives of Front Porch Communities and Services will be available to describe the proposed project and discuss questions or concerns you may have. Maps and plans of the proposed project will also be available for review at the meeting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (760) 435-2321 or PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net Sincerely, _____________________________________ Paula Digerness, Executive Director of Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Front Porch Communities and Services April 17, 2024 Item #1 34 of 145 .\: 9 ,;,-9 9 9 9 9 9 9 \ .,., ~ 9 • .,,.. • 9 ; \ • / 9 Q ; Q / ; / 9 Q -·" Q April 17, 2024 Item #1 35 of 145 April 17, 2024 Item #1 36 of 145 w :::::> z w ~ :::c (.) w w co SITE PLAN· ROOF PLAN GARFIELD ST OCEAN ST DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SUMMARY· PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE WJl.0F3(fF/>,,..ll'l."'12!100fPITCHOP: 2"'Fl.ESSTH,,t,NA3/'12PITQ1 PROfESSIONALCAREF,\CIIJl'ES-ASP,+.R!ONG D.25SPACEPE~E,\CHUNT0RFR,<,C'!)(ltl SPACESPE~EVERYBEO THEREOf·WIT!l11~fTSORljClflE ADJACENT PROl'Ef<IY -e --r 7 • L -,""."'.,--~ ~ I ' I I ' ' I i I : ( 1 I : I I 1 2031.wo.«10 I 2031440500 I 2031440600 I 2031.U0700,:..j. """'"' I ~ I i"'"I PROPERT'f ,-, I I I ' : I I I : I l, :-----;ri ·--j--• :.---1· --:.---j-----l_ ....:....J EXISTING PARCEL MAP E 0 ..c m C ·-c :::, u PRELIMINARY NOTFOR CONSTRUCTION CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Site Plan A1.01 ~ April 17, 2024 Item #1 37 of 145 r ? r I ii GARFIBD5T ~ I•~r.1-- --------- , ... , .,-., -~ -=:~ ~ - ------------Boe~ II I --+-~ -~ -' OCEANST. _ ~ ------------~ .,,..,.t:Pf'!RI E a ..c m C ·-c :I u PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONS1RUCTION CARLSBAD BYTHE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Conceptual Elevations ......... A3.01 April 17, 2024 Item #1 38 of 145 .,,..,.t:Pf'!RI - -------__L_~~ E a ..c m C ·-c :I u Hli!ll8-ISllillilFICAll2101 ~-... ,. ... _____ .,.,. -------------------= A3JII llll'•l41' i I I t = u ___________________ -- • I : -------------------=--~ ,. I ------..... ---------... ----- --=_J_ .._,_-•_ - ---- - ----~ot $ --_ J_ -----•-~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONS1RUCTION CARLSBAD BYTHE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Co;;'ceptual Elevations ......... A3.02 April 17, 2024 Item #1 39 of 145 CORNER OF BEECH AND GARFIELD ENTRANCE -MEMORY CARE -OCEAN ST. NORTHEAST 1 -BEECH STREET SOUTHEAST 1 -OCEAN ST TIPICAL FIRE ESCAPE WELL .,,..,.t:Pf'!RI E a ..c m C ·-c :I u PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONS"TRUCTION CARLSBAD BYTHE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Conceptual Renderings ......... A6.01 April 17, 2024 Item #1 40 of 145 ATTACHMENT B-3 ENHANCED STAKEHOLDER OUTREACH SIGN-IN SHEET PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AT 2710; 2720; 2730 and 2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063)) PROJECT OUTREACH MEETING October 17, 2022 (NOTE: This information will be included in \he _cit{s project file and be~ome part ?f the public r<;cord.) Name (please print) Address Phone Number Email Address ;z rt:ff C/J i<.t.S8 )f J) }?LV, • . ;).o f't. Ck 0 -k.l l Yes, please include mein project mailing list(✓) V V V t/ ✓ Would like to ask questions (v) ~ w lk:DeA· Cd (/VI April 17, 2024 Item #1 41 of 145 ATTACHMENT 8-3 ENHANCED STAKEHOLDER OUTREACH SIGN-IN SHEET PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AT 2710; 2720; 2730 and 2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063)) PROJECT OUTREACH MEETING October 17, 2022 (NOTE: This information will be included in \he _cit{s project file and be?ome part ?f the public r<;cord.) Yes, Would like please to ask include questions Name (please print) Address Phone Number Email Address mein (0 project mailing list(✓) . z..--0 April 17, 2024 Item #1 42 of 145 ATTACHMENT B-3 ENHANCED STAKEHOLDER OUTREACH SIGN-IN SHEET PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AT 2710; 2720; 2730 and 2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) ) PROJECT OUTREACH MEETING October 17, 2022 (NOTE: This information will be included in the city's project file and become part of the public record.) -Yes, please include Name (please print) Address Phone Number Email Address mein project mailing list(✓) II ?JV 1/c.c;2r.it., (/ ;y----o-r Ztj:{) '?:vft7d ;.( v17yr1te,,. ,9 )1/G'Gft, bn'@ V--- -:r Vu L·R Tl!;fli Z &'Sf Cnh 8Lvt, I 1 1 V (3~Till'SG:l/lftl/-l"' f!c-.1'1,t,,l, 0 ,,,., f K_,f-\ t-1 Dvc: r'-+ b" ,. ,, ' 7i I> -'-if ~-z.Li t) \['e__ 'f d A -,,., Q Jl<I) Ir--I, ~,¢:,DU Would like to ask questions (v) April 17, 2024 Item #1 43 of 145 f\1Ccfte: E:na:ti: (/ Return Comment Card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 {760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 44 of 145 • PROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments wll be foiwarded to the city and beoome part of 11\e public record.) Commenls: ·Jn(.H,\ ury C4-t'<,. ; I (hce:.clecl al: Cc2,.('~ ~ /4...,<-e{ ky th.e_ Se:t11.--t'1 (){'d« lo 41c,,v,de A. tu!( C,<&fdj< tJ Retum Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 45 of 145 ------------------------------------------------------ PROJECT COMMENT CARD e 2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments wm be foiwarded to the oily a • become part of lhe public record,) . . . (Optional, ii you want to be irn:h,ded in Mure mail ootices I Name: Address: Phone: Email: Date: J Return Comment Card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvdc Carlsbad, CA 92008 {760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net · April 17, 2024 Item #1 46 of 145 ------------------------------------------------------ "(PROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022..0003) The professional care facility proposed at Beech/Garfield Sts will result In a facility which is an enhancement to the City of Carlsbad and its residents, local and citywide. Strongly recommend the City of Carlsbad proceed with the project. utu:re mail notices) Corinna and James Bush 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. N 213. Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-435-2484 f"\rtnhal"' 17 ')()'"')") Return Camment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd_ Carlsbad, CA 92008 {760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net I April 17, 2024 Item #1 47 of 145 PROJECT COMMENT CARD e 2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Wrillen oommenis will be foiwarded to the city and beoome part of the public record.) Commenlil: ..J c -4C'-4-t11 £Vl.A • < 4,. ,.;.._, fq., · , , , y,QL., f4 '16 4,,l_ cr1)4-::0,th-C&oR-,1.,,,.\!L, ;4 I., .,t...,:.,b Lr t'..(,t,/4 f_, ·J ,-7 a I< $DC = (,'.,,J,,..bj Be,d, -Db .,;..; Ba , , ~;, m-i;;, L wan,,.,(_, v ,-,.-, ,, a -lal -1=-=-: e~lj JR,,," V.,, . ~ y C, ,.£,4 ,J . • 01, ~ .:(i(>:-fh "l....-, y1/ab e,&ue<2I d'--r-,-r ll,,1 he -L:: (/z-'J .. &el fl( r (•dzkL e, ...J,,k...,,. 5\ • ,r, :..1, J ~ Ct /l~ :;t;?t..:iJ 07fl:,I ·· ··· ··· ···· .,, ~ I (Optional. if you want to be included in Mu,e mall nol!ces f Name· Adclre~: ,6~ ~ Phone: (~) Email:· Dare: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 {760} 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net · April 17, 2024 Item #1 48 of 145 ------------------------------------------------------ ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Wnllen comments wllt be forwarded to the cify and become part at lhe public rerortl.) /J ,. ., I Cornrnenis: 'Yt~ rt:.c•;Jef;?l ;J:5 IL.VS Fol!-/1-L'-(o.vet3.t,t-t:11 • ~, f'I, f.c1,/)l'V(5 t /I /3 IE Je,.u(l,1Y,e s. C.t l:"i I a,,.,,.,,r,: Ltl11cLHAvi? ()1ee,ct/)./rf'( (F £"vnelv,;~-Ot'O /4 #AV~/111!7"6FL-zCl',,e,F 1/t:;ey {Lo~·,: I B.,_ )JE,e,l+t,,Jl~A l/2c._;;fJ1:.:1,,ry . .L,vS,r.,110 tltA IJn~,/,,1:,2-f / I (Optional, ~ '/0!} y,,.,,t to be included ;., lulure mall ootices) Name: /(e,J~~flrP<>+,J Mdtess:.,{8'.s·,c',.A'.LS.,',1-4 /tvl) "tH' Phone: c,1,e,<; P.,r-11>, C,t, 9'J.ct1f? Emaij: Date: /t)/n / i.. 7--- Return Comment Card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@fronlporch.net · April 17, 2024 Item #1 49 of 145 ------------------------------------------------------ ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (Opti.omi. ii~ w~nl !o be Included in lillure mail notices) ' (7 :.:~: ~o;i /. ,~1~'-'.1~ • ,t RetumCommentcardTo: lJ/ ~-~ ,6)e..,.../ Paula Digemess Pllone: Front Porch Communities and Services Emaij: 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Date: Carlsbad, CA 92008 {760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net · April 17, 2024 Item #1 50 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments wlll be forwarded to !lie city and become part of lhe pubUc record.) Comments: tll>::-->~g YY::,!,,W\.CJv', CO,,✓-g, DD ,{J:e,,., ;,., ?✓,,1:,1),,\:,l.~ \MP!':>): L;m rs:xd:CM,.,.t: he, s( ol--\S.S.S. Q~ fubs3: ,,,zb:tl bo-J...__ cL..o. W....:£ :0:i , o • rf :rt,:e q c-0-,c, l')D LL')/\ Q s ✓ d ;NJ; • :n;...._,,......, ' . l -• I \S 1/\., o ,P ~ {av: ::r:h..,, :Kl to .s ~d 1: '--:Ylb ~ Is ,S"b :14~ \gJ)<l <M 9 -::t:P )1-e__o,.d {i::.JK,.,.w., o{ +!ic_-.:...d ll'-?--vv-. M \Ao Ll Th w lt-:db:""--J. h) g Y1 • " J ~ '--"-)""W\ ~,.,, :H: c11, .,, • . (Optional, if you want lo be ioouded Jn !ulu,e mail oo!!ces) Name: Address: Phone: EmaH: Date: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 51 of 145 ROJECT COMNIENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments wlll be fotWarded lo the atty and become part of the pubtto record.) CommenlS: tt:<):,.v \.-J6 ~ vy. • >M-C,v 7 C-0:::'( L o.J llii. _ _:_.,, .$....Lv' \..Q{" w...,n-q C PYY>YV>l&n ,Jh\ JQ(l,,5 U>:t< ~Lu \,y(),,.'--' ""''i ' j ' ¼: o,. 1\,-g...,t , ,;, % 0--b l O !.-o :S.:f t to '1 )M r,\b:: 4 :t£-.,; .s· h. .._ cl..,._->., Lnf &cl de M :R D1'-_?, Q,,.v,,,d )c, 'L, ¼,iS d b-D LoY',~<i v d:vve . w~ l'.','<-<sd .J: ½,-,;__yg 9--:.\.. C-is,s . (Optional, If you wailt lo be lrn:lucled ln future mail nollces} Name: Address: Phone: Emal: Dale: Return Comment card To: Paula Olgemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 {760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 52 of 145 ------------------------------------------------------ 1PROJECT COMMENT CARD ~ 2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (Optional. ii you want lo be i,1ch.1ded in iuture mail oo!ices) Name: Address: Phone: Email: Date: Return Comment card To: Paula Oigemess Front Porch Communilies and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 POIGERNESS@frontporch.net · April 17, 2024 Item #1 53 of 145 PROJECT COMMENT CARO -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Wril\en oomments wiU be foiwarded to the olty and become part of !he public record.) CommenlS: t:\A\l l I\J~ [7{R •1,c:>g-( ~E A 'T .fd3TS I~ f::E:[. t lf\AR;:i½2 (AN!' ( O ~~~~ \~•·. ?Cci't() Nli='0,.? ~Q¢1,ii2;Eo WE (Optional, ii you want to be included in Mure mail nollces) ~:~. L~ N \ ~ Q , Return Comment card To: • ~? ~ ~ PaulaDigemess Phon. e: ,. ~ 1 =...a. LL'f) CA Front Porch Communities and Services Ema,!: '-,:F~.,....r-~) · 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Date: 9 2_ e::c::e Carlsbad, CA 92008 'h_ ~ Ii Sh-2_,18}1 (160) 435-2321 t c ?-\:: V PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net IFO@ N\~~ C'D~ \ C(l7/2022 April 17, 2024 Item #1 54 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments will be foiwarded tr> tile city and become part of the public record.) comments: CtJn' t :{il))k o-f a befl-er: i,tse :fuc ::fk.s bh3hfeJ p_r-40~-w~,d .. has bee-H e11 I I eyes, u -6,,t: -&r: +,,,, lo"! \A/41( b,e a Wele:arwe- l,Afflt'«Je--6,,--±t1e. wliale.-nefj~ba,..~~ (Optioml, If you want to be included ln lull.Ire mail oo!lces) Name: Address: Phone: Emal: Dale: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 55 of 145 ------------------------------------------------------ ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net · April 17, 2024 Item #1 56 of 145 ------------------------------------------------------ PROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments wilt be foiwarded to the city and become part of the public recont) Comments: yr\'¼ wJ,.,. Ov,,J\ ·---:E @-": .Q,vtl_ ½ ~ l(O 5, \fa o_ ~ ?rJ tt..JJ fr':: re ~ ~ ~ y'\tl.J2/\vt J ~ (TV S¼-4 QQ.~ f l) ~ ' ~ Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communilies and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd_ Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760} 435-2321 POIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 57 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments wlll be fOIWarded to the city and become part of lhe public record.) Comments: Q,v1....e~:?L----l'j;1....&;-") £,c0,,-~ ~ °'- ~~'!.J ,:-t,,,,__,t._ ~-.,J :fo:'-ne';h( ,~ (Optional, if you want to be lrn:luded In lulw:e mall nooces) Name: Mdress: Phone: Emaft: Date: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd_ Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 58 of 145 R0JECT C(;)MMENT CARD -2740 0eean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments wm be fotwarded to the tty and become part of lhe pubUc record.) commenis: f A) C ~I> ,1---h:? . • r fl+ 15 P/26 .J ec 1 £€ ,1+Pf'1<o<i ~t> A 5 -:jooN If<!:, f7,1,s~/13LE:, Retum Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communilies and Services 28S5 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 POIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 59 of 145 ijQJECT CQMMENT CARD -2740 Qeean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: WriU.en comments will be foiwarded to tile city and become part of lhe pubDc record.) CommenlS: (?<k.,<;.;:-J f,/C ;J-f? /J ,Zo./G--rt/-1? e/l b el. I::: 7...,,r J5 ;,l-P Phone: Emafl: Date: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd, Cartsbad, CA 92008 {760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 60 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) city and become part of lhe pubHc record.) Commen~1;..· .:;··6· ~2.Y.,1..4'1::[...m(Jt.J~~u:?,,,Q*'l.Cl221!.,J,Jf:.:.:~:;6:;!~~~~~ l!!f!!:_'::.!::!;:.a:::f l::.du+k~:& Name: ;:>....:; 1. "'H+~r\._,~ _ _ Addrest .. ~ 1 _, n,-Retum Comment card To: :2c-\ c....,.'.,...,,..,,,,l .I'..,.__....,-~ Paula Digemess Phone: 7~o~'ir'(.,-..'{'?'r'f Front Porch Communities and Services Emafl: \o.....L@J;.-h-c:u-¼--. c:.o= 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Da!e:(i ---r ' ) Carlsbad, CA 92008 ,,:;, r,; ~-i (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@fronlporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 61 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD • 2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (Op!iOml. II you want to be included In lulure mail oollces) Name: Mclress: Phone: Eman: Date: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 62 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (Opllooal, If you want to be ira:luded in future mall ootlces) Name: R.M. Teutsch Address: q;j' 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. S225 \!J, Carlsbad, CA 92008 . :::r 1 kl 0 -~ i-f 3 5 · -:2 Y 1 ~ Date: 10-15-22--- Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communilies and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 63 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments will be forwarded to the oily and beeome part of lhe public record.) CommenlS: rtJr hv 3!Yl /U iJ.G 9'-£ ('__{) /Tl C✓ f-0 t1!3 f5 6 f!fl/}i,,ISP, (1 JP< love-1-/?e area h t!U e, a /so wetze.,, folcl t6efl wr!/2e,, «2<2d,,1<1</ au /I memt2k;?j COr~ e.e/V e10 ~ t-/212/ t<llS /4 yii'S ory. ,5bd151 eve.✓ /2ov& Seet2J cov:oles /mt;e, hea:✓ 6e-ca:t/..'J0' e>/7 memo£ctl pLd k/71!3 -p;aJ-1 (Optional. if you warn lo be induded In fulu,2 mail 'f'o/ I =~= I .s ;::; -frcz.t]_ et>f V • . Return Comment card To: Tft-u J 'I + Q--,i.:•f"-(' c:;./4.,.._ "' " ~ ''--Paula Digemess Phone: :z ~"' ·re "" ~ ~.,,_,., ,. r • Front Porch Communilies and Services Email: 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Date: / ◊· -I<,,. -z_ z._ Carlsbad, CA 92008 {760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 64 of 145 April 17, 2024 Item #1 65 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments wm be foiwarded to the clly and become part of lhe public record.) Comments: ::r s \l I\ \I S l.l (' f ~ q -t-k_ Q_ s I) VV\ M c:..Q. tl O \l S, E. ty\ R.M \',ft(;' Cp,_a.e -:P/2.0'"JE..C-T, ~LT.\-10\l&l-\,T l-\o /JI= Tc ~ <-,l. ~tt D 1Ht:. s. e~\l t C.~ <,; 'TV'~ S E_Lf I Y,;:, IJ, ~E-\1 e. 12-)(..No <..t-:) ' L h I)._\\ Q. S. .Q. ~ h. to o ht\ I\ N y ~ "3t i)c o\lT.s ¼) \\ ~ \-\ f\ ~ To N--1.)'-\ t. (l\lt' ~t=-Cffi s. ~O\\l~e.._ ~I<' -n-t~ \ .t\,c..lL ~f t\ V\[\t,IMl.)1L'f Q\IR-~ FI\C.[ 1.....,i-TY. (Optional, If you want to be included in future mail notices) Name: 'f=µ'f l-\E:..4) . . . Address· c; ,,,~ ... ~ ... 71 0 ~J) NI-. ll.3 Return ~ommentcard To: ~? Ls~,......<;; p/\1) L ~ls PaulaD1gemess Pilon_ e: 7 ~ -tt->;,\:Q_d;\ ~~~ d---° Fr_ontP_ orch Communities and Services Email: 1 I , . \ 2855 Callsbad Blvd. Date: f>..JL.wl()~I\..Q. ll @ 3M.1Jt -~IY\Caflsbad,CA92008 I (:) ( 17 ( ;;i._ 1.... (760) 435-2321 POIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 66 of 145 PROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Wrillen comments will be forwarded to the city and become part of !he P,Ubllc record.) ~ 1f::!!/[;f~~kJ!1!:I S&rd, (Optiooal. if you want !o be included in future mail notices) Name: J. . ~ -1)...t.' .. . 0. : .. Address: cft'e, tvJ1__, lf/41/ ~ Phone: ~1( ~ a._., Ema,1: Dale:~ o&!&u Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Parch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 67 of 145 PROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (Optional. ii you want to be il\cluded in iulure mail notices) Name: Address: Phone: Emafl: Date: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 436-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net · April 17, 2024 Item #1 68 of 145 ,,,,,,IPROJECT COMMENT CARD e 2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022e0003} (NOTE: Wril!en comments Will be fo.warded to the ci~ and become part of lhe public recortl.) comments: lJJR lf[tueJ io Cf3TS -to .S'pyna 0-/JJI fM7c& da,,~,ti., I+ w6-ll.Od ~ li"Wsj C:¢222~ ~ for!ou.J, t1cd "'JC_/ cUJ:L 6 ": ~q J ,, ""' a R ~aDclJ,,;.,,o 14 CJ/1 ~ mew • J 't ) i--ttW 1::i.c-,GL,1'\ ()_,~ c:_\c, ~ bo..J lb 1=tw ~ ~ ~ ~tiQ9, (Optional. ii you -Ill lo be included in future mall notices I Name:. bE1 TY LE/IF RetumCommentcardTo: Address. , g S 5 CA R L'S f3A D loL VO Paula Digemess Phone: C..A Q L-S t3''\ D > CA q z. C"O 8 Front Porch Communi1ies and Services Email: c 7 y 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Date: I✓ G3 o -5" I-/ D '--[. 1 1 z . . Carlsbad, CA 92008 b coi Cl er• 1-ci· e J p q /1J ia.t I. cc-.::.nn ...J .J J (760) 436-2321 / O j I G I Z 2 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 69 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments wlll be forwarded to the city and become part of lhe publlc record.) Comments: J.. t2kn,--~ 4.b:p.,J-i"-e.. ~~ ~ ,Aft,,v-,'-'1K, ~ . ~ 0¥--:-; Vo g ~ N--fceR, .J A e 4-!D(LA.,('.-&-:th:-t;I ~ .4&~ ' ~-~a~-~~ e~ ~~f ~ ~Lo ~ ct-, ~ -{ ✓-o <ft.__ ~ ~C •• (Optional, lf you want to be loouded in fultire mall notices) ::~: C::tr,. ,:1.,,,-a--e:.., ¼ ~":> -5~A---ftetum Comment card To: J-0 I lfn,,a-J IL/ I 1 1 Z-Ol.~ Paula Digemess Phone: '7 ~ t> t/ 'O 'S . .;).-3-:S / Front Porch Communities and Services Emal: • 2855 Carlsbad Blvd, Date: CA.yL ~. u _s )ttl t:J "",rt_,<.,/ . Carlsbad, CA 92008 ..J U e.-- / o J / u-I z,.,z... c1ooi 43s..2a21 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 70 of 145 _____________________ / _____________________ _ / .PROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Wrillen comments wm be forwarded ro the city and become part of lhe public reoorc!_) Commenis: 0/\1£ tl?AJoR P/?Ol!,J..E/11 \IJJTij C8,T:5 IS 'T/-1/tl ,·r vo£s A/OT 1-/l+vE /11£.tnCJI<'/' Cft.R.E-! 1JV£R 1H;£ Y£f!l25 /11/l-lil V Co 4PLE°S /-IAII£ 'F,££/v SCPAf<AT£''J:::,. THEO/VE VJ/Tl--/ a1£r<10~'/ PlfoRL£1/J5 1-IAS. HA-::I:> Ta />1011/3: A wl+Y Fot< CftRc,Lf:/11/IN<i,.. ' [/1£/R P/'if;:TN£J;;> t3Erll~ /111/b IN /MA,Ul/ Cfl'jj_'f (Op!iooal. ify,,u want to be included in Mure mail no!ioes) 1lfE'Y CAN/JOT ~/1/t::::;. , Name: Address: Phone: Email: Date: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 {760} 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net · April 17, 2024 Item #1 71 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) {NOTE: Written comments will be f01Wal'ded to the city and become part of Ille public record.) CommenlS: --~---------------------- (Optiom,l. ii you want to be ioouded in future mail notices) Name: Address: Phone: Emaa: Dale: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communilies and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 {760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 72 of 145 ROJECT COMMENT CARD e 2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022e0003) (NOTE: Written comments will be fon1,1arded to the city and become part of lhe public record.) Commenls: J} ~~W S Qb,y ~ ('/~ Jd4.,,,j._ Ck½-~CMU-J) a<Va.-~,h~ a,J Ld«ra---• ~ ~ ~ --1-,, ~;:: -.( ~~~~~~ .J. •• es~~ ~ ~ ' ~~'-- (Optional, if you want to be ioouded in ii.l1u1e mall notices) Name: l. 1-f R t:S"1"14 "S, A 1-ft-Ad<lress: ,M/l>f Phone:>< ., '-'J Ci' Email: -'--, / Date:/~ /Jr/~~ Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (160) 436-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 73 of 145 'PROJECT CGMM&NT CARD -2740 OceM Street (CT 2022-0003) Comments: We were both very impressed with the design and appearance of the proposed Summer House. The natural slope of the land lends itself well to having separate entrances for the Memory Care and Independent Living areas, a key feature to serve both types of residents. The patio area iooks great with its greenery and ocean views. It will be a showpiece of the Village. Gerry and Nancy Anderson 2855 CarlsbadBlvd,Apt. S-321 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-435-2411 geraldanderson2 l@icloud.com 17 October 2022 Return Comntent card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communilies and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 74 of 145 ------------------------------------------ ROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street {CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Written comments wlD be forwarded to the city and become patt of lhe public recorct) (Optional, if you want to be included in future mall notices) Name: Address: Retum Comment card TQ: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communities and Seivices 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 435-2321 POlGERNESS@frontporch.net In August 2000, my wife and I moved to Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Communitywhere we planned to spend the rest of our lives. This move was prompted by an event when my wife hada stroke in 1999. She recovered some, however her memory skill was failing her and it was clear that shewould need appropriate care in the future. At the time we came here at CBTS we were told that amemory care facility would be built in the near future. We are near that point now where such facilitywould be needed.We are using services from Assisted Living here to make it possible to live independently. Assisted Livingmanages and delivers medications to my wife 4 times per day and also performs numerous services in a comprehensive attempt to prevent her from falling. This includes supervising showers, escorting her tothe toilet during the night. Additionally I hire a special caregiver to stay with her while I shop, go tomedical appointments, and ride my bicycle with friends. We are both in our 90’s and look forward to the completion of our planned Summerhouse facility. Don Harvey vlbi@yahoo.com April 17, 2024 Item #1 75 of 145 -------------------------------------- 'PROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Wrilten comments will be forwarded II'.> the oily and become part of !he publlc reoord_) Commenis: (Optiooal. if you """l lo be included in lu!me mall r.otices} Name: Address: Phone: Emafl: Date: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communilies and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd_ Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760} 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 76 of 145 -------------------------------------- 'PROJECT COMMENT CARD -2740 Ocean Street (CT 2022-0003) (NOTE: Wrilten comments will be forwarded II'.> the cify and become part of !he publlc rerord.) Commenis: cfL..-, /4,,1~41 .ed /;.{----ar..L/, :it1 alk-4 tieittA., fl U'z> ~ . (Optiooal. if you """l lo be included in lu!me mall r.otices} Name: Address: Phone: Emafl: Date: Return Comment card To: Paula Digemess Front Porch Communilies and Services 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760} 435-2321 PDIGERNESS@frontporch.net April 17, 2024 Item #1 77 of 145 .. .s .-01--1--r-;ro~ .. .. + + OCEAN I .,1 .., I <\J, IC J -, IC I .. , ~I I I "" @ 4.71 AC BLK <§) 110 ,,. () :c CARLSBAD BLVD. ~ 3 0 r1 1.!0AC OCEAN M14580 ,ao.94 t,134•43•51•w (HWY. IOI) XI -SD-2B i~©t Io 0 @) BLK 6 0 2.l2AC l<l ~ ........ I SD n I :u iii 4 )> z (.fl rrt z ST. 0 z ~ a: 0 t @1 f' ◊ ,fr 0~ ~ ~; :zoo :!: ~ Ml22I OCEAN SLCOIII tt.." 12 i'lll••u,,.n■ ST o,r;;,. t-.<.: """' ST i' t ~~ ,, ; IO a: 0 I'"'\ w ~ w ~ _J _J 5 C r1i (/) _J ~ u 80 APN NAME UNIT ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP 203-140-20 RESIDENT 2723 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-23 RESIDENT 2731 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-24 RESIDENT UNIT 1 2747 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-24 RESIDENT UNIT 2 2747 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-27 RESIDENT 2729 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-29 RESIDENT 2691 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-33 RESIDENT 2687 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-34 RESIDENT 2685 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-35 RESIDENT 2689 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-38 RESIDENT 2701 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-11 RESIDENT 2688 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-27-01 RESIDENT 2689 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-27-02 RESIDENT 2687 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-27-03 RESIDENT 2685 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-142-04 RESIDENT 258 BEECH AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-143-07 RESIDENT 2775 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-144-03 RESIDENT 2775 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-235-01 RESIDENT 2751 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-235-02 RESIDENT 2775 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 April 17, 2024 Item #1 78 of 145 APN NAME UNIT ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP 203-144-04 SUNSHINE FAMILY TRUST 01-04-22 P O BOX 1161 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 203-144-05 SUNSHINE FAMILY TRUST 01-04-22 P O BOX 1161 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 203-144-06 SUNSHINE FAMILY TRUST 01-04-22 P O BOX 1161 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 203-144-07 SUNSHINE FAMILY TRUST 01-04-22 P O BOX 1161 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 203-144-08 SUNSHINE FAMILY TRUST 01-04-22 P O BOX 1161 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 203-041-02 ARMY & NAVY ACADEMY CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA P O BOX 3000 CARLSBAD CA 92018 203-054-33 ARMY & NAVY ACADEMY CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA P O BOX 3000 CARLSBAD CA 92018 203-140-03-01 ANDERSON & ROMINGER PRIVATE FAMILY TRUST 10-26-20 2609 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-03-02 WELLS STACY C MARITAL TRUST 05-15-97 2052 PINECREST DR ALTADENA CA 91001 203-140-04 MULLEN FAMILY TRUST 07-26-91 2617 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-05 MULLEN FAMILY TRUST 07-26-91 2617 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-06 SABA TRUST 02-28-91 2623 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-07 BURCHFIELD NANCY A TRUST 08-29-08 2627 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-08 MILA CO II LLC 16130 ROYAL OAK RD ENCINO CA 91436 203-140-09 MICHAEL T & LINDA KEEFE 2641 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-10 2649 OCEAN STREET LLC 6655 E 66TH ST PARADISE VALLEY AZ 85253 203-140-13 PHILLIPS JACK D FAMILY TRUST 05-25-16 2667 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-20 JOYCE J MINICK 111 CAMINO AMIGO CT DANVILLE CA 94526 203-140-23 DEL MAR MANAGEMENT TRUST 09-10-19 2720 OCEAN FRONT DEL MAR CA 92014 203-140-24 BARBARA J HAVENS UNIT 2 2747 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-26 SINGER CHRIS TRUST 08-13-05 P O BOX 1171 IDYLLWILD CA 92549 203-140-27 WAILES ROBERT E PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST 09-01-11 2729 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-29 BENEDICT CARLSBAD LIVING TRUST 04-04-07 8185 HORSESHOE BEND LN LAS VEGAS NV 89113 203-140-32 2683 L P P O BOX 793 RCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 203-140-33 PATTON M/K FAMILY TRUST 05-22-95 28 W YALE LOOP IRVINE CA 92604 203-140-34 KLOSTERMAN KENNETH G IRREVOCABLE TRUST 02-11-21 2685 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-35 KUNKEL EVELYN N REVOCABLE TRUST 08-02-11 2689 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-36-01 GROSSE RUSSELL W & MARY E FAMILY TRUST AKA GROSSE 5850 SUNNY CREEK RD CARLSBAD CA 92010 203-140-36-02 CRUMP S & LISA H SCOTT 3300 FAIRCHILD AVE WAYZATA MN 55391 203-140-37-01 PALISOUL SURVIVORS TRUST 06-20-97 2653 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-140-37-02 BLAIR FAMILY TRUST 04-28-15 UNIT 321 655 INDIA ST SAN DIEGO CA 92101 203-140-38 DEAN TOMMY M TRUST 03-14-05 4517 ADAMS ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-02 ARMY & NAVY ACADEMY CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA P O BOX 3000 CARLSBAD CA 92018 203-141-03 CAMISI LLC 7317 E GREENWAY RD SCOTTSDALE AZ 85260 203-141-04 2634 OCEAN LLC P O BOX 510 CARLSBAD CA 92018 203-141-05 LADWIG TRUST 05-01-89 2642 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-06 JOHNSON-ALGOVER TRUST 02-14-18 2650 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-07 BARRY J BLUE 2658 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 April 17, 2024 Item #1 79 of 145 203-141-08 CHRISTOPHER & CRISTA SWAN 2668 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-09 TTR/BLR TRUST 04-21-05 7406 N 83RD DR GLENDALE AZ 85305 203-141-10 CARLSBAD MERMAID SEPTEMBER 23 2008 TRUST 2680 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-11 SIDUN MARIE TRUST 09-13-07 621 LAS FLORES DR SAN MARCOS CA 92078 203-141-14 STOTESBURY IRENE M TRUST 04-18-02 14119 HALPER RD POWAY CA 92064 203-141-15 QUINN B EDWARDS 2669 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-16 FULLMER FAMILY TRUST 11-10-99 2838 DENTRO DE LOMAS RD VISTA CA 92084 203-141-17 EQUITAS REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS LLC 1515 SUNRISE DR VISTA CA 92084 203-141-18 SINCLAIR B MILLS 7317 E GREENWAY RD SCOTTSDALE AZ 85260 203-141-19 TOY JOYCE R TRUST 01-06-89 2501 E COMMONWEALTH FULLERTON CA 92831 203-141-23 ARMY & NAVY ACADEMY CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA P O BOX 3000 CARLSBAD CA 92018 203-141-27-01 2689 GARFIELD ST LLC 2729 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-27-02 2687 GARFIELD ST LLC 2729 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-141-27-03 WAILES RENEE S REVOCABLE TRUST 02-10-00 2729 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-142-02 CARLSBAD BLVD LLC 2667 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-142-03 CARLSBAD BLVD LLC 2667 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-142-04 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-142-06 ARMY & NAVY ACADEMY CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA P O BOX 3000 CARLSBAD CA 92018 203-143-01 PARISH OF ST MICHAELS-BY-THE-SEA EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2775 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-143-02 PARISH OF ST MICHAELS-BY-THE-SEA EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2775 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-143-06 ST MICHAELS-BY-THE-SEA EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2775 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-143-07 ST MICHAELS-BY-THE-SEA EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2775 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-144-03 CARLSBAD BEACH HOTEL PROPERTIES L L C 2775 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-171-01 CA STATE PARKS SAN DIEGO COAST NORTH SECTOR 2680 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-20 ANN E CAAN JO 333 BEECH AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-01 THERESA/REMY KIRKHAM UNIT 200 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-02 CONDOMITTI MATTHEW J & RODERICK MELODY A UNIT 202 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-03 LOURDES FERNANDEZ UNIT 204 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-04 CRAIG WEBBER UNIT 206 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-05 PATRICIA C WRIGHT UNIT 208 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-06 AUSMAN WALTER A & LAMBERT-AUSMAN NATALIA V UNIT 210 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-07 JON & NICOLE DUDAS 915 N OLSEN AVE TUCSON AZ 85719 203-172-25-08 PORTER FAMILY TRUST 04-16-2020 2177 N GRANDVIEW RD ORANGE CA 92867 203-172-25-09 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TRUST 11-13-13 UNIT A-204 5405 ALTON PKWY IRVINE CA 92604 203-172-25-10 GERMAN & NELIDA GONZALEZ UNIT 207 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-11 DEANNE M BREWER 29192 VISTA VALLEY DR VISTA CA 92084 203-172-25-12 THEODORE L OCKELS 456 HIGH TIARA CT GRAND JUNCTION CO 81507 203-172-25-13 HOMER & LUCY HOLT 2241 E CHRISTY DR PHOENIX AZ 85028 203-172-25-14 DREW PATRICIA L TRUST 06-30-14 UNIT 215 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 April 17, 2024 Item #1 80 of 145 203-172-25-15 FIRAS M & DIANNA S RAHHAL 2728 ANGELO DR LOS ANGELES CA 90077 203-172-25-16 DWAYNE & LISA BUTH 3114 DEL REY AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 203-172-25-17 WARSHAWSKY FAMILY TRUST 02-01-02 72211 BARBARA DR RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 203-172-25-18 NELSON CHRISTINE M REVOCABLE TRUST 10-18-94 3021 E SHAKESPEARE PL SALT LAKE CTY UT 84108 203-172-25-19 RICHARD L & DEBORAH C LARKIN 2037 W FLETCHER ST CHICAGO IL 60618 203-172-25-20 GAUDREAU-RICHTER LIVING TRUST 07-24-14 UNIT 100 2756 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-21 PASHA SABIHA TRUST 11-01-04 UNIT 101 2756 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-22 LENAHAN JOHN E JR & BURKE VIRGINIA M 12 HARBOR HEIGHTS DR CENTERPORT NY 11721 203-172-25-23 ELENA B HALL 7102 DAFFODIL PL CARLSBAD CA 92011 203-172-25-24 S K J FAMILY INVESTMENTS LLC 100 48TH AVE NW NORMAN OK 73072 203-172-25-25 MATTHEW D & KELLIE A SCHOLTA UNIT 103 2776 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-26 SANGEORGE FAMILY TRUST 07-01-13 6964 AMMONITE PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 203-172-25-27 FARGO N KHOURY/MICHELLE L SOOS UNIT 101 2776 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-28 CELESTE NICHOLS/SCOTT NILSSEN 6022 N 64TH PL PARADISE VLY AZ 85253 203-172-25-29 PRIETTO JOHN G REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 07-21-05 3071 JEFFERSON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-30 ELI P & TOMASITA B NEGRON UNIT 102 2760 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-31 HANIFAN J & L FAMILY TRUST 04-09-02 UNIT 115 1575 DELUCCHI LN RENO NV 89502 203-172-25-32 OESTERLE FAMILY TRUST 10-25-90 152 WITHAM RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 203-172-25-33 CHRISTOPHER & CARLOTHA FLORES UNIT 300 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-34 MIGUEL A & MARIA S GONZALEZ UNIT 301 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-35 JONES BARBARA H REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 05-19-14 UNIT 302 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-36 ANGELA HICKS UNIT 303 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-25-37 JILL D SCHILLING UNIT 304 2778 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-26-01 SWANSON RICHARD A & CHERYL A REVOCABLE TRUST UNIT 100 2764 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-26-02 JOHN E LILLFORS UNIT 101 2764 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-26-03 PAUL E & KIMBER L NIXON UNIT 102 2764 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-26-04 LIBERIO ROCCO J & KATHLEEN M FAMILY TRUST 07-01-01 UNIT 202 155 S EL MOLINO AVE PASADENA CA 91101 203-172-26-05 JIM & JAN TRUST 03-06-14 UNIT 104 2764 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-26-06 LANGAN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 10-22-18 1681 W DAWN DR TEMPE AZ 85284 203-172-26-07 SMITH BRETT & LAURA FAMILY TRUST 03-16-20 UNIT 101 2748 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-26-08 COOKE FAMILY TRUST 12-28-06 UNIT 102 2748 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-26-09 BALLARD REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 01-29-14 UNIT 103 2748 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-26-10 MORRA FAMILY TRUST 2601 OLD SPANISH TRL ESCONDIDO CA 92025 203-172-26-11 CHRIS C HUIE 13560 N 94TH PL SCOTTSDALE AZ 85260 203-172-26-12 DORAZI DAVID F TRUST 03-31-04 4717 HAMPTON RD LA CANADA CA 91011 203-172-26-13 HARRIS JAMES M & KATHLEEN M REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 1556 COPPER CT SAN MARCOS CA 92078 203-172-26-14 COSTELLO FAMILY TRUST 05-10-94 P O BOX 1570 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 203-172-26-15 COSTELLO FAMILY TRUST 05-10-94 P O BOX 1570 RANCHO SANTA FE CA 92067 203-172-26-16 LANDES FAMILY TRUST 10-12-93 UNIT 102 2752 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 April 17, 2024 Item #1 81 of 145 203-172-26-17 AARONSON FAMILY TRUST 12-15-11 2422 S YOSEMITE DR PALM SPRINGS CA 92264 203-172-26-18 THOMAS A & COMPTON SUE C POTTER 3679 CAMINO MARGLESA ESCONDIDO CA 92025 203-172-27-01 FORTIN 1998 FAMILY TRUST 07-08-98 UNIT 209 2744 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-27-02 ROACH FAMILY TRUST 10-21-05 P O BOX 580915 N PALM SPGS CA 92258 203-172-27-03 CONNOLLY LIVING TRUST 11-17-04 UNIT 207 2744 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-27-04 ZOSCHAK PETER JR & BETH TRUST 07-14-03 P O BOX 280 CARLSBAD CA 92018 203-172-27-05 MULLALY FAMILY TRUST 04-27-09 UNIT 205 2744 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-27-06 NEVILLE BRUCE & AYSIN TRUST 10-03-01 UNIT 204 2744 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-27-07 SHINTHI MEHTA UNIT 203 2744 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-27-08 HODGES LYNNE R SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST 12-19-13 UNIT 202 2744 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-27-09 CINQUE ROBERT & CHRISTINE LIVING 2004 TRUST 08-03-04 UNIT 201 2744 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-172-27-10 PATWARDHAN CHINMAY M & HUFF ANNA C P O BOX 7463 AVON CO 81620 203-172-27-11 CARLSBAD VILLAGE BY THE SEA LLC 8195 DOUG HILL SAN DIEGO CA 92127 203-172-27-12 CARLSBAD VILLAGE BY THE SEA LLC 8195 DOUG HILL SAN DIEGO CA 92127 203-172-27-13 CARLSBAD VILLAGE BY THE SEA LLC 8195 DOUG HILL SAN DIEGO CA 92127 203-172-27-14 CARLSBAD VILLAGE BY THE SEA LLC 8195 DOUG HILL SAN DIEGO CA 92127 203-172-27-15 CARLSBAD VILLAGE BY THE SEA LLC 8195 DOUG HILL SAN DIEGO CA 92127 203-172-27-16 CARLSBAD VILLAGE BY THE SEA LLC 8195 DOUG HILL SAN DIEGO CA 92127 203-172-27-17 CARLSBAD VILLAGE BY THE SEA LLC 8195 DOUG HILL SAN DIEGO CA 92127 203-172-27-18 CARLSBAD VILLAGE BY THE SEA LLC 8195 DOUG HILL SAN DIEGO CA 92127 203-172-27-19 CARLSBAD VILLAGE BY THE SEA LLC 8195 DOUG HILL SAN DIEGO CA 92127 203-172-27-20 CARLSBAD VILLAGE BY THE SEA LLC 8195 DOUG HILL SAN DIEGO CA 92127 203-172-28 LUDVIK & VERONICA GRIGORAS 2802 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-173-01 LUVIK & VERONICA GRIGORAS 2802 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-173-09 GERICOS 2885 WILSON ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-231-01 FRONT PORCH COMMUNITIES AND SERVICES 800 N BRAND BLVD 19TH FL GLENDALE CA 91203 203-232-15 FRONT PORCH COMMUNITIES AND SERVICES 800 N BRAND BLVD 19TH FL GLENDALE CA 91203 203-233-03 BEARBEAU PARTNERS LLC 2950 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-234-07-01 CHAISSON JAMES J JR IRREVOCABLE TRUST 12-10-12 1008 ARABIAN SAND CT LAS VEGAS NV 89144 203-234-07-02 LITTRELL FAMILY TRUST 11-07-90 13639 ROSTRATA RD POWAY CA 92064 203-234-07-03 MURPHY FAMILY TRUST 10208 STONY RIDGE DR LAS VEGAS NV 89144 203-234-07-04 JACKO III LLC 3312 LIVONIA AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90034 203-234-07-05 MINOR FAMILY 2008 TRUST P O BOX 490 SAN JACINTO CA 92581 203-234-07-06 BERNARD KIMBALL V FAMILY TRUST 10-08-86 6000 N 37TH PL PARADISE VALLEY AZ 85253 203-235-01 BELL FAMILY PARTNERS P O BOX 4248 CARLSBAD CA 92018 203-235-02 CARLSBAD BEACH HOTEL PROPERTIES L L C 2775 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-235-03 CARLSBAD BEACH HOTEL PROPERTIES L L C 2775 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 203-235-04-01 SIGAFOOSE NORINE LIVING EXEMPT TRUST 04-07-05 2086 OCEANVIEW RD OCEANSIDE CA 92056 203-235-04-02 PINTO JAMES J TRUST 11-15-07 UNIT 2 2805 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 April 17, 2024 Item #1 82 of 145 203-235-04-03 SIGAFOOSE NORINE LIVING EXEMPT TRUST 04-07-05 2086 OCEANVIEW RD OCEANSIDE CA 92056 203-235-04-04 SIGAFOOSE NORINE LIVING EXEMPT TRUST 04-07-05 2086 OCEANVIEW RD OCEANSIDE CA 92056 203-235-04-05 SIGAFOOSE NORINE LIVING EXEMPT TRUST 04-07-05 2086 OCEANVIEW RD OCEANSIDE CA 92056 203-235-04-06 SIGAFOOSE NORINE LIVING EXEMPT TRUST 04-07-05 2086 OCEANVIEW RD OCEANSIDE CA 92056 203-235-04-07 SIGAFOOSE NORINE LIVING EXEMPT TRUST 04-07-05 2086 OCEANVIEW RD OCEANSIDE CA 92056 203-235-05 FRONT PORCH COMMUNITIES AND SERVICES 800 N BRAND BLVD 19TH FL GLENDALE CA 91203 203-235-06 OCEAN STREET VILLAS LLC 2895 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 April 17, 2024 Item #1 83 of 145 April 17, 2024 Item #1 84 of 145 rness bad Blvd. :A 92008 RESIDENT 2685 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 SZ008>ZSl'l2 NIXIE S:Ll. DE l. RETURN TO SENDER NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED U N ~.'8 Li.: TO F·-0·!,._ -WAcQ a -c-~ 9 2 fH,E 2-9~ z-s s * z z-s -2 --04·:ss-4 ~-~s--z-_s Ii f 1 { f 11 ! ! t 1 ! Iii! ll i ! ! it!~ th 1 Ii f ti f I l ! If i I! f 1_j I 11~.H ~ Hli.i i1]·: Ii Ap r i l 1 7 , 2 0 2 4 I t e m # 1 8 5 o f 1 4 5 . · .. 1· 1,. Paula Digerness 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA92008 RESIDENT u 2688 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 !\!!XIE ~~ CT ----~---~-- 91.1. 5:!:: 1 i 2 2.0/.@2-/.Z-2 RETURN TO se~DER ~~LIVERASLE AS AD0RES~ED UNABL2 TO FORWARD ,UTF 92008>2902 BC: 92808298255 *2252-04652-09-23 '' 1 l • 11 I 11 Ii l / 11 l i I l 11 d, I Ii I Ii 111 •III' 1 I j, 111 ll: Ii' 11I11] I 11 Ii 11 -~--- Ii I 1111 fl 111 I Ii I,,! Ii' I! Ii' I I 111 •I 11 I' Id 11,11 1 I I 11 I Ii 1111 I I! I!' I EZ-68-E59~0-ZSZZ¥ SSZ06ZS0BZ6 :JE a~~M~Q~ oi 3~SVNn 03SS3~DGV SV 375¥~3A773G iON ~3a~3s oi N~n~a~ .... ...,.. ,,..,..., i-.--~ ~,r.;,/Ol!il/'<:.li...:.i:. 1: J;i,--1:"I6 :3 :i:X IN RESIDENT , ... ,,_ Z05-Z-<800Z6. :!l. f1 2691 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 -v E5889EEL7:0Z0LZE6 ·-- Ap r i l 1 7 , 2 0 2 4 I t e m # 1 8 6 o f 1 4 5 • 'i Ii I' i I in I I I !P' ! 'I I I Ii I I I I I I 11 1111 IP I I 11 1 1 c I I' I, 1 , 1, I 11 t ! Ii l 1 ~2-60-5991"@-z,zz~ SSZ06Z8!l0Z6 ::is a~~M~O~ 0~ 378~Nn -5SS3~0GV SV 3~5V~3AI7~G lON ~~GM3S. Q..i_ r'!li\\.i.::l~ z·:::·/,oi·/~-"i: z !.. 7: :Ji-1:16 =i IX ZN RESIDENT Z!l6Z<800Z6 ::1.1. n 2687 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 U . "YTT\"l.-,0•--------'"'.""""""""'"'""""""' .... ,,.,,., ........ -----.--------------------------==,==--===tn?P'"'C""'"""'"=~- Paula Digerness 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA92008 ,-.-·• .. ·-· "·-··· ·--• - '.',:,;... -· 9327020173368893 RESIDENT 2685 GARFIELD ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 JJ TF 92008>2902 t/ NIX!!: f~GT 9!.!. ::; ~ !. 7 2 ::_.~ /.@ 91./ -2 2 RETURN TO SENDE-R ~~L!V5RA8L~ AS ADORESS5D UNABLE TO FORWARD BC: 92808298255 *2252-94663-09-23 1 j IR! j h; I l / j J 11 d ! l l l H ! I Id" i IT! i l i ,1 l ! 1 ! l i~ i l ,j l ! 1 i' l l l, ).] 'l, I' l ' ' Ap r i l 1 7 , 2 0 2 4 I t e m # 1 8 7 o f 1 4 5 Paula Digerness 2855 Carl~);lf'd Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 RESIDENT 2723 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 F¾,,t, 9i!0§f!!l-!!'2 aiz NIXIE ~ 911 52 1. 72:1.@/:LS/22 RETiJRN .T1Qi 51:N.D.EF. INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS UNABLE TD FORWA~D sc: 92e0a2902ss ¼99s2-00s11-09-23 • • . . I.. . . . . . • . . . . . . J . • . . . . ll 1 ii 10 ii! j 1 l \I: j l; ! a j ! 1 j i [ j I j 1 i J, JI Ji I 111ll•J11 ! ii J.J j i •-·w,~YJ-,----•-----------------------------------------------~~--------------~ Paula Digerness 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 ¥•"."•;r.-e-. .f. i, ... , !le-, 1 NELSON CHRISTINE M REVOCABLE TRUST 10-18-94 3021 E SHAKESPEARE PL SALT LAKE CTY UT 84108 NI XI 2 9:.L1. FE 1. B01.0./f§7./ 2 Z RETURN TO SENOER ATTEMPTED -NOT KNOWN ;.;,-~"s-:.~~-a: L..'E 70 F·o.R.·~?·:~-'f-: !:'i _,i,NK 92008>291i!l2 BC: 92008290255 *'22·52-032~~-m7--1S ' cu ' :j I ,]I Ap r i l 1 7 , 2 0 2 4 I t e m # 1 8 8 o f 1 4 5 Paula Digerness 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Paula Digerness 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carl,;,,l'l, CA 92008 SAN! DIEGO Cf."1-. 920 60CT2022 PM2 L .,.... f\W\K.,/ RESIDENT 258 BEECH AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ANK ', i Si:;iJi'.z•fli11:j;:ii ti ifE C RESIDENT 2751 OCEAN ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 UNC s2,::ic~U?P~.?':!fi z NIXIE s1.1 o= 1. 00:1.eu'::Ls/22 fU: TURN TO SENDE'F.'. ATTEM?T:::D -NOT Ki'H)WN UNA5Lf TD ~U~~A~U ,~ C '. 9 2.0~ 8..2.9 0 .. 2 5 S *.:Z.2.0 .. ,;. -.. 0.a-, ~ f:; 5.,.lff::.S.-4,2 Ti! ,•j ,·1 ii l ! !! 1 ! l Ii Ii ilf 1"J'J 11.!.1'l l Itl'! tJJ1] IJf ~l l SAN DIEGO CA. 920 '""''.ti:'l'.11-"""'-.. -~~---.. --, ~% ~~=~~:: 6-0CT 2022 • PM 1 · L #11 NIXIE 911 5,;: 1. 72112}/15/22 ~ _, ~ 'L.~ RE .''r\J:P..·N T01. S-E N.fi.E R U Ni:: L.. AI r~~ E D UNABL~ TO Fn~WA~D 92888290255 *i4B4-03343-06-42 i Ii u, i, 11, n i, ii ,1 , 1 i ,rn 1 ,1 1 1, 1 111 ,1 i 1i i 1 , I CEQA DETERMINATION qF EXEMPTION Subject: This California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Determination of Exemption is in compliance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 19.04.060. An appeal to this determination must be filed in writing with the required fee within ten (10) calendar days of the City Planner's decision consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.54.140. City Planner Decision Date: February 7. 2024 Project Number and Title: CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) -CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Project Location -Specific: Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APNs) 203-144-04, -05, -06, -07, and -08 Project Location -City: �C=ar�ls�b_a=d ____ _ Project Location -County: �Sa=n"-D_i�e�go�---- Description of Project: The project consists of a Tentative Tract Map (CT 2022-0003), Conditional Use Permit (CUP 2022-0014). and Coastal Development Permit (CDP 2022-0047) for the consolidation of five legal lots (0.55 acres) and the development of an approximately 35,721 square foot multilevel building with a "professional care facility" use operated by the adjacent Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community. The proposed building will consist of the following: Basement Level includes parking for 30 vehicles with access provided from Ocean Street and storage for up to 21 bicycles: Level 1 (Ocean Street Grade Level) includes 19 memory care licensed beds: Level 2 (Garfield Street Grade Levell includes 16 licensed residential professional care beds within 10 units: Level 3 (Upper Level with Roof Terrace) includes 7 licensed residential professional care beds within 5 units for a total of 42 professional care licensed beds. The site is vacant. fenced and maintained. Access will be provided from both Garfield Street and Ocean Street. Frontage improvements include curb, gutter and sidewalk along Garfield Street. Ocean Street and Beech Avenue. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: ""'C"""ity�of"-C=a=r=ls.=-b=ad=----------------- Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: _C_it-y_o _f C_a_r_ls_b_a _d _____________ _ Name of Applicant: Front Porch Communities and Services (Attn: Jeff Sianko) Applicant's Address: 800 North Brand Boulevard, 19th Floor, Glendale, CA 92103 Applicant's Telephone Number: =62=6=--=68=8=--=5=16=0"--------------------­ Exempt Status: Categorical Exemption: Class 32, Section 15332 (In-fill Development Projects) Reasons why project is exempt: Categorical Exemptions: Pursuant to Section 15332 of CEQA exemptions (Class 32) the project is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance; development occurs within City limits; the site is less than five (5) acres in size and is substantially surrounded by urban uses; there is no evidence that the site has value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species; the approval of the project will not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. Lead Agency Contact Person: Jason Goff, Senior Planner Telephone: 442-339-2643 �����---,----UVL � �11121 ERIC LARDY, City Planner Date Exhibit 6 April 17, 2024 Item #1 89 of 145 This bulletin provides an overview of the restrictions imposed by the state legislature under AB 2097 on the city’s ability to require minimum parking standards on certain private development projects. BACKGROUND Most cities, including Carlsbad, have historically required that new residential and commercial development provide onsite parking spaces to sufficiently accommodate occupants and customers and reduce impacts to neighboring land uses. The commonly applied parking standard is formula based, where the minimum number of required parking spaces is dependent upon the size and type of use being built. For example, Carlsbad requires one parking space for every 100 square feet of restaurant space, two parking spaces for each apartment unit with two or more bedrooms, and so on. Based largely on a body of academic research regarding the potential impacts minimum parking ratios have on car ownership, vehicle miles traveled, and use of public transit, the state legislature passed AB 2097, which added Government Code §65863.2, that effectively eliminates parking requirements in new residential and commercial developments when located within a half-mile of a major transit stop. According to the Assembly Floor Analysis on AB 2097, the study found that in buildings with no on-site parking, only 38% of households owned a car, but in buildings with at least one parking space per unit, the study found that more than 81% of households owned automobiles. As such, by eliminating parking minimums in new development, the state legislature figures that fewer households will rely on the automobile for transportation. Developers could still voluntarily provide onsite parking (and many likely will), but the number of parking spaces provided will be based on builder preference and market demand, not by city-established minimum parking standards. The state legislature’s intent with this action, which is effective January 1, 2023, is that it will help drive down construction costs, reduce vehicle traffic, increase public transit ridership, and promote walkable and bikeable communities so people can get around without a car, which will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change. NEW STATE LIMITS ON PARKING AREAS AFFECTED Pursuant to Government Code §65863.2(a), a city cannot impose or enforce any minimum automobile parking requirements on a residential, commercial, or other development project (except for hotels, motels, short- term rentals, or other transient lodging --- city parking standards still apply to those) if the project is located within one-half mile of public transit. The state defines public transit as a “major transit stop,” containing any one of the following: •Fixed rail station •Bus rapid transit stop •high-quality transit corridor included in a regional transportation plan •Intersection of two or more major bus routes were buses stop every 15 minutes or less during peak commute periods Documents Referenced Carlsbad Village Station Eligible Parcels; Map Poinsettia Station Eligible Parcels; Map Carlsbad Housing (Element) Plan; IB-137 2021-2029 Housing Element; Plan Carlsbad Parking Standards; §21.44 EV Charging Station Requirements; §18.22 EV Charging Permit Streamlining; IB-165 Density Bonus; IB-112 Supportive Housing Defined; §21.04.355.1 Transitional Housing Defined; §21.04.362 CA Coastal Commission Memo; Policy Exhibit 7 April 17, 2024 Item #1 90 of 145 The city does not have any high-quality transit corridors per SANDAG’s 2021 Regional Transportation Plan. And North County Transit District’s Breeze bus system, does not meet the bus stop requirements and therefore does not qualify. Currently, there are only two locations in the city that meet the definition of public transit --- Carlsbad Village Station and Poinsettia Station. Maps have been provided showing those parcels that are subject to §65863.2. See “Documents Referenced” above. In cases where only a portion of the project site is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, the following standards must be met in order to be eligible. • At least 75% of the total project site is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop; and • At least 90% of the proposed residential units, or 100 units or more, whichever is less, are located one-half mile of a major transit stop. Projects failing to meet these requirements do not qualify for the allowances under §65863.2 and must meet current city parking standards. EV CHARGING & ADA PARKING Irrespective of proximity to public transit, state law allows the city to continue to apply minimum parking standards for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations as well as required parking spaces accessible to persons with disabilities (ADA). • For EV stations, the required number of EV parking spaces for residential projects is provided in Table of Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) §18.21.040. For nonresidential projects, EV parking space requirements are provided in Table of CMC §18.21.050. The parking requirement is based on the total number of actual parking spaces that would have otherwise applied to the development if the state code section did not exist. Refer to IB-165 for an overview of the city’s streamlining provisions and alternative standards for EV charging stations. • For ADA parking, the city applies the standards set forth in Chapter 1109A (multifamily) and Chapter 11B (commercial) of Title 24, Volume 1 of the 2023 CA Building Code. Like EV spaces, the total number of ADA spaces is based on the total number of actual parking spaces that would have otherwise applied to the development. EXEMPTIONS The city may apply its minimum parking standards to a proposed project if it makes written findings that failure to impose parking standards will result in one of the following to occur. • Hinders the city’s ability to meet its share of low- and very low-income housing. Refer to IB-137 for more on the city’s Housing Element and Regional Housing Needs Assessment requirements. • Hinders the city’s ability to meet any special housing needs for elderly or persons with disability. Refer to the city’s 2021-2029 Housing Element for more information. • The proposed “housing development project” will negatively impact existing residential or commercial parking that is located within one-half mile of the project. The state defines a “housing development project” as either: o A 100% residential development; or o Mixed-use development where at least 2/3 of the project is designed for residential use; or April 17, 2024 Item #1 91 of 145 o Project includes transitional housing or supportive housing. The city exemption determination must be supported by a preponderance of the evidence in the record showing that not imposing or enforcing minimum parking standards would have a substantially negative impact on the above referenced development. The exemption finding must be made by the city within 30 days following receipt of a completed application. EXCEPTIONS TO THE EXEMPTIONS Government Code §65863.2(c) provides a list of specific project types that are not subject to the above exemption provisions. In other words, the city cannot impose minimum parking standards on the following housing development projects, irrespective of whether the above discussed exemption findings can be made. • The housing development project contains fewer than 20 housing units. • The housing development project dedicates a minimum of 20% of the total housing units to very low-, low-, or moderate-income households, students, elderly, or persons with disabilities. • The housing development project is subject to parking reductions based on the provisions of any other applicable law. As an example, the proposed development is a density bonus project, which offers reduced parking standards for development projects. Please refer to IB-112 for more on density bonus law. PARKING SPACES PROVIDED VOLUNTARILY When a project voluntarily provides parking, the city is limited to only imposing the following parking requirements: • The city may require that the voluntary parking spaces meet established minimum location and design standards. • If a project voluntarily provides parking spaces, the city can require that the spaces be available to the public. • If a project voluntarily provides parking spaces, the city can require that a parking fee be charged to residents or customers for use. Conversely, the city cannot require that the voluntarily provided parking spaces be offered to the residents or customers free of charge. PROPERTIES IN THE COASTAL ZONE Development in the Coastal Zone requires a Costal Development Permit consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Chapter 21.201. Following adoption of AB 2097, the California Coastal Commission released on June 30, 2023 a memorandum discussing how the Commission and local governments can impose other types of conditions in these areas to ensure projects and Local Coastal Programs (LCPs) are consistent with the public access and recreation policies of the Coastal Act (Chapter 3) and certified LCPs. These other types of conditions may assist the city in making the necessary findings to approve required Coastal Development Permits (§21.201.080(C)). YOUR OPTIONS FOR SERVICE Questions pertaining to this state law, please contact the Planning Division at 442-339-2600 or via email at Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov. April 17, 2024 Item #1 92 of 145 CONSOLIDATED PARCELS AVAILABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT TOTAL AREA: 26,892.74 SF 1 2 3 4 5 1 A101 View Name 1/8" = 1'-0" DRAWING TITLE NUMBER ON SHEET DRAWING TITLE DRAWING SCALE SHEET NUMBER BUILDING SECTION 1 A101 SIM DRAWING NUMBER SHEET ON WHICH THE SECTION OCCURS WALL SECTION / DETAIL 1 A101 SIM DRAWING NUMBER SHEET ON WHICH THE SECTION OCCURS A101 1 SIM DETAIL DRAWING NUMBER SHEET ON WHICH THE DETAIL OCCURS STRUCTURAL GRID LINE DOOR 101 REFERENCES DOOR SCHEDULE EXTERIOR ELEVATION CEILING FINISH REFERENCES COLOR AND FINISH SCHEDULE HEIGHT FINISH MATERIAL COMPASS ROSE N PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH BUILDING SYSTEM REFERENCES BUILDING SYSTEMS TYPE SCHEDULE W XXX-X SYSTEM TYPE PER SCHEDULE EXTENT OF SYSTEM ROOM ROOM NUMBER INTERIOR PARTITION REFERENCES PARTITION TYPE SCHEDULE PARTITION TYPE PER SCHEDULE PARTITION MODIFIER WINDOW FRAME TYPE REFERENCES WINDOW FRAME TYPE SCHEDULE(S) FRAME TYPE PER SCHEDULE 1t LOUVER FRAME TYPE REFERENCES LOUVER FRAME TYPE SCHEDULE(S) FRAME TYPE PER SCHEDULE 1t FLOOR FINISH TRANSITION REFERENCES COLOR AND FINISH SCHEDULE FLR-X FLR-X FLOORING TYPES PER SCHEDULE A7014 3 2 1 1 A101 SIM INTERIOR ELEVATION DRAWING NUMBER SHEET ON WHICH THE ELEVATION OCCURS HEIGHT/ELEVATION BENCHMARKS PRIMARY DATUM 100'-0" SECONDARY DATUM 100'-0" KEYNOTE REFERENCES SHEET KEYNOTE LEGEND REVISION 1 0 0 MATCHLINE ACT-X 10'-0" PT-X A3 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS F A10 SH A5 = 5 LB ABC EXTINGUISHER A10 = 10 LB ABC EXTINGUISHER EX = EXISTING EXTINGUISHER EX = EXISTING CABINET OR HOOK S = SURFACE MOUNTED CABINET SH = SURFACE MOUNTED HOOK SR = SEMI RECESSED CABINET R = RECESSED CABINET ROOM NAME 101 WP CP DATUMS - WORKPOINT AND CENTER POINT C FIXTURE / EQUIPMENT (ELEVATION) E = ELECTRICAL S = SPEAKER T = THERMOSTAT C = CLOCK D = SMOKE DETECTOR 1 1 1 FINISHES / FURNITURE / EQUIPMENT XX-## TYPE PER SCHEDULE /1 A101 /1 A101 1 A100 DRAWING NUMBER SHEET ON WHICH THE ELEVATION OCCURS DOOR NUMBER 15883.79 SF Lot Coverage REQUIRED PARKING PROFESSIONAL CARE FACILITY LEVEL 1 - 19 BEDS FOR PROFESSIONAL CARE (MEMORY CARE) LEVEL 2 - 16 LICENSED RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL CARE BEDS LEVEL 3 - 7 LICENSED RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL CARE BEDS .45 PARKING SPACES PER EVERY BED 8.55 7.2 3.15 .45 PARKING SPACES PER EVERY BED .45 PARKING SPACES PER EVERY BED 18.9TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED PARKING:30 Total Parking Space Provided EVSE Spaces Capable 30 EVSE Spaces Ready EVSE Spaces Installed EVSE Spaces in Total 242 8 Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 3/8/2024 11:00:19 AM Autodesk Docs://17-0350 - Carlsbad By the Sea Memory Care - RVT2022/PR17-0350_Ocean Street Memory Care.rvt Cover Sheet A0.00 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMER HOUSE 2710; 2720; 2730 AND 2740 Ocean Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Abbreviations AB AIR BARRIER AC ACCESSORY ACA ACOUSTICAL CEILING ACCESSORY ACG ACOUSTICAL CEILING GRID ACP ACOUSTICAL CEILING PANEL ACR ACRYLIC ACT ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE ADA AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ADH ADHERE AF ACCESS FLOOR AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ALT ALTERNATIVE / ALTERNATE ALUM ALUMINUM ARCH ARCHITECT ART ARTWORK AWP ACOUSTICAL WALL PANEL AWT ACOUSTICAL WALL TREATMENT BLKG BLOCKING BO(_) BOTTOM OF: DECK, BEAM, STEEL BRG BEARING BRK BRICK CB CHALK BOARD CC COLUMN COVER CCF COLUMN COVER FINISH CCT CUBLICLE CURTAIN CF CUSTOM FABRICATION CF/OI CONTRACTOR FURNISHED / OWNER INSTALLED CFF CONCRETE FLOOR FINISH CG CORNER GUARD CGA CUNINGHAM GROUP ARCHITECTURE, INC. CJ CONTROL JOINT CK CORK CL CENTER LINE CLR CLEAR(ANCE) CMP COMPOSITE METAL PANEL CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CONC CONCRETE CONT CONTINUOUS / CONTINUE CP CEMENT PLASTER CPT CARPET TILE OR BROADLOOM CPTB CARPET BASE CT CERAMIC / PORCELAIN TILE CTB CERAMIC TILE BASE DEC DECORATIVE CONCRETE DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN DIA DIAMETER DIV DIVISION DN DOWN DRP DRAPERY/CURTAINS DWGS DRAWINGS DWP DECORATIVE WALL PANEL (E) / EXIST EXISTING E-FIXT ELECTRICAL FIXTURE EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRIC(AL) ELEV ELEVATOR EQ EQUAL EWC ELECTRICAL WATER COOLER EXP EXPOSED EXT EXTERIOR FAB FABRIC, NON-UPHOLSTERY FAF FLUID APPLIED FLOORING FD FLOOR DRAIN FE / FEC FIRE EXTINGUISHER (CABINET) FF / FFE FINISH FLOOR (ELEVATION) FF&E FIXTURES, FURNISHINGS & EQUIPMENT FIN FINISH FLR FLOOR(ING) FOEW FACE OF EXISTING WALL FOS FACE OF STUD FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED WALL PANEL FRT FIRE TREATED GA GAUGE GALV GALVANIZED GB GYPSUM BOARD GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR GFRC GLASS FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE GFRG GLASS FIBER REINFORCED GYPSUM GFRP GLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC GL GLASS, GLAZING GMU GLAZED MASONRY UNIT GT GLASS TILE GYP GYPSUM HB HOSE BIBB HDBD HARDBOARD HDWD HARD WOOD HDWR HARDWARE HM HOLLOW METAL HSS HOLLOW STEEL SECTION ID INSIDE DIAMETER INSUL INSULATION INT INTERIOR L-FIXT LIGHT FIXTURE LAV LAVATORY LLH LONG LEG HORIZONTAL LLV LONG LEG VERTICLE LMC LINEAR METAL CEILING LWC LINEAR WOOD CEILING MAS MASONRY MAT CARPET/WALK-OFF MAT MATL MATERIAL MAX MAXIMUM MB MARKER BOARD MDF MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD MECH MECHANICAL MG METAL GRATE MIN MINIMUM MIR MIRROR(ED) MO MASONRY OPENING MTD MOUNTED MTL METAL MTLT METAL TRIM NA NOT APPLICABLE NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NOM NOMINAL NTS NOT TO SCALE OC ON CENTER(S) OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF/CI OWNER FURNISHED / CONTRACTOR INSTALLED OF/OI OWNER FURNISHED / OWNER INSTALLED OFRD OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN OFS OVERFLOW SCUPPER OH OVERHEAD OPNG OPENING OZ OUNCE P-FIXT PLUMBING FIXTURE PARTBD PARTICLEBOARD PC PRECAST PL PLATE PLAM PLASTIC LAMINATE PLS PLASTER PLY PLYWOOD PME PATCH TO MATCH EXISTING PNL PANEL PREFIN PREFINISHED PRT PRESERVATIVE PRV POWER ROOF VENTILATOR PT PAINT(ED) PT EXT EXTERIOR PAINT PV PLUMBING VENT QT QUARRY TILE QTB QUARRY TILE BASE QTY QUANTITY R RISER RAD RADIUS RB RESILIENT BASE RD ROOF DRAIN REF REFERENCE / REFER TO REQD REQUIRED RF RESILIENT FLOORING RMAT RECESSED MAT RO ROUGH OPENING RTU ROOF TOP UNIT S SEAL SC SEALED CONCRETE SCF SPECIAL CONCRETE FINISH SE SEATING SF SQUARE FOOT/FEET SFCS STRETCHED FABRIC CEILING SYSTEM SFWS STRETCHED FABRIC WALL SYSTEM SGFT STRUCTURAL GLAZED FACING TILE SHG SHEATHING SIM SIMILAR SMCS STRETCHED MEMBRANE CEILING SYSTEM SP SPECIALTY FINISH SPF SPRAY POLYURETHANE FOAM SPT SPECIAL PAINT SS STAINLESS STEEL SSF SOLID SURFACE ST STAIN STN STONE STNB STONE BASE STNF STONE FLOORING STNT STONE TILE STNV STONE VENEER SUSP SUSPENDED SV SHEET VINYL SWF SPECIALTY WALL FINISH SYST SYSTEM T TREAD T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE TB TACKBOARD TBL TABLE TERB TERRAZZO BASE TERR TERRAZZO TERT TERRAZZO TILE TFC TEXTURED FINISH CEILING TO(_) TOP OF: DECK, CONCRETE, BEAM, PARAPET, STEEL, WALL TP TOILET PARTITION TS TRANSITION STRIP TYP TYPICAL UNFIN UNFINISHED UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE UPH UPHOLSTERY VIF VERIFY IN FIELD VNR VENEER VP VENEER PLASTER VR VAPOR RETARDER VSE VENEER SHELF ELEVATION WB WEATHER BARRIER WC WATER CLOSET WCV WALL COVERING WD WOOD WD BLK WOOD BLOCKING WDB WOOD BASE WDF WOOD FLOORING WDT WOOD TRIM WDV WOOD VENEER WDW WINDOW WP WORK POINT WPT WALL PROTECTION WT WINDOW TREATMENT XPS EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE # NUMBER / POUND & AND @ AT 1" = 100'-0" PARCEL KEYPLAN LAND AVAILABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT 1 APN 2031440400 9214.46 SF 2 APN 2031440500 4754.70 SF 3 APN 2031440600 4744.56 SF 4 APN 2031440700 4743.33 SF 5 APN 2031440800 3435.68 SF 26892.74 SF Project Data Property Location Project Description The project proposes the consolidation of 5 adjacent parcels for the development of a multilevel building. The new building (+/- 36,000 SF) in the consolidated lot (+/- 26,892 SF) is proposed as a " Non-ambulatory Professional Services" use facility that will be operated under the same license as the adjacent Carlsbad By the Sea Retirement community. The proposed building will consist of the following: Basement Level : Parking will be located in the basement level with a total of 30 Vehicular Parking Spaces, Level 1(Ocean Street Grade Level): 19 Memory Care Beds Level 2 (Garfield Street Grade Level): 16 Licensed Residential Professional Care Beds in 10 Units. Level 3 (Upper Level with Roof Terrace): 7 Licensed Residential Professional Care Beds in 5 Units Project Address Assesor Parcel Numbers Legal Description 2710; 2720; 2730 AND 2740 Ocean Street Carlsbad CA 92008 2031440400; 2031440500; 2031440600; 2031440700; 2031440800 Real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 04-22, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 15639, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 7, 2007, AS MAY HAVE BEEN AMENDED BY THAT CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION RECORDED ON OCTOBER 20, 2008 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2008-0545070 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. APN: 203-144-04-00 (Affects Lot 1), 203-144-05-00 (Affects Lot 2), 203-144-06-00 (Affects Lot 3), 203-144-07-00 (Affects Lot 4) AND 203-144-08-00 (Affects Lot 5) Graphic Symbols THIS PROJECT SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING CODES AND REGULATIONS: C.C.R. - CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 19 - PUBLIC SAFETY CODE TITLE 24 - CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE 1. BUILDING CODE: 2022 CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (CAC), PART 1, TITLE 24, C.C.R. 2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC), PART 2, TITLE 24 C.C.R. BASED ON THE 2021 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) 2. ELECTRICAL CODES: 2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (CEC), PART 3, TITLE 24 C.C.R. BASED ON THE 2021 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) 3. MECHANICAL CODES: 2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (CMC) PART 4, TITLE 24 C.C.R. BASED ON THE 2021 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE (UMC) 4. PLUMBING CODES: 2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (CPC), PART 5, TITLE 24 C.C.R. BASED ON THE 2021 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE (UPC) 5. FIRE CODE:2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, PART 9, TITLE 24 C.C.R. BASED ON THE 2021 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (IFC) 2022 CALIFORNIA REFERENCED STANDARDS, PART 12, TITLE 24 C.C.R. TITLE 19 C.C.R., PUBLIC SAFETY, STATE FIRE MARSHAL REGULATIONS. 6. NFPA: NFPA 13, 2016 EDITION FOR INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM PER NFPA 14 STANDPIPE 2016 EDITION NFPA 17A WET CHEMICAL SYSTEM 2016 EDITION NFPA 24 PRIVATE FIRE MAIN 2016 EDITION NFPA 72 NATIONAL FIRE ALARM 2016 EDITION NFPA 80 STANDARD FOR FIRE DOORS 2016 EDITION CODE ENFORCEMENT: City of Carlsbad, California NOTE: ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE STANDARDS AND ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL ORDINANCES. WHERE CODES CONFLICT, THE MORE RESTRICTIVE SHALL APPLY AS DETERMINED BY THE CODE ENFORCING AUTHORITY. Governing Codes Zone Overlay Zone Existing / Proposed Use Number of Beds Number of Stories 3 Stories in sloping topography + Basement Setbacks • Front: 20' • Side Interior 10% width @ Front Setback = 10'-0" • Side Corner = 10'-0" • Rear: 2x Interior Side Setback = 20' • Professional Care - Memory Care : 19 Beds • Professional Care - Licensed Residential Professional Care Beds : 23 Beds Vacant Land / Professional Care Facility BEACH AREA OVERLAY (BAOZ) CMC 21.82 MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTAIL (R-3) CMC 21.16 Height 24'-0" as Measured Pursuant to CMC 21.04.065 for flat roof Areas 30'-0" as Measured Pursuant to CMC 21.04.065 for sloped roof areas with a minimum 3:12 roof slope Name: Contact: Address: Phone: FAX: E-Mail: FRONT PORCH COMMUNITIES AND SERVICES JEFF SIANKO 800 North Brand Blvd. 19th Floor 92103 626-688-5160 jsianko@frontporch.net OWNER GLENDALE, CA Project Directory Name: Contact: Address: Phone: FAX: E-Mail: CUNINGHAM DIEGO LASTRES 1030 G STREET 92101 (619) 849-1080 (619)849 -1080 DLASTRES@CUNINGHAM.COM ARCHITECT SAN DIEGO, CA Name: Contact: Address: Phone: FAX: E-Mail: BWE ENGINEER NOLAN HUELSMAN 9449 BALBOA AVENUE, SUITE 270 92123 (619) 299-5550 NHUELSMAN@BWESD.COM CIVIL ENGINEER SAN DIEGO, CA Name: Contact: Address: Phone: FAX: E-Mail: TERRAPACIFIC CONSULTANTS, INC Cristopher C. O'Hern 4010 MORENA BOULEVARD, SUITE 108 92117 858-521-1190 criso@terrapac.net GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SAN DIEGO, CA Name: Contact: Address: Phone: FAX: E-Mail: CUNINGHAM CHARLES ANDERSON 5001 East Washington Street 85034 (602) 844-7306 canderson@cuningham.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Phoenix AZ I-5 Occupancy R2.1 (Memory Care) and R2.1 (Independent Living) S2 (Subterranean enclosed parking) Type of Construction Type VA Floor Area Parking Lot Coverage Allowed Lot Coverage : 60% Lot Area (Consolidated 5 Parcels) : 26,892.74 SF Maximum Lot Coverge (60 %) : 16,135.64 SF Proposed Lot Coverage: 15,883.79 = 57.9% < 60% Landscape Area: 5,339.57 SF Percent of Site to be Landscape: 19.86% Name: Contact: Address: Phone: FAX: E-Mail: INTROBA Calina Ferraro 925 Fort Stockton Drive, Suite 201 92103 (619) 832-0264 calina.ferraro@introba.com MECHANICAL ENGINEER San Diego CA Name: Contact: Address: Phone: FAX: E-Mail: INTROBA Hank Dahl 310 Comal Street, Suite 302 78702 (213) 334-0871 hank.dahl@introba.com ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Austin, TX Name: Contact: Address: Phone: FAX: E-Mail: INTROBA Calina Ferraro 925 Fort Stockton Drive, Suite 201 92103 (619) 832-0264 calina.ferraro@introba.com PLUMBING ENGINEER San Diego CA Sheet Index Sheet Number Sheet Name A0.00 Cover Sheet A1.00 Overall Site Plan A1.01 Site Plan A1.02 Code Sheet A2.00 Basement Floor Plan A2.01 First Floor Plan A2.02 Second Floor Plan A2.03 Thrid Floor Plan A2.04 Roof Plan A3.01 Conceptual Elevations A3.02 Conceptual Elevations A5.01 Conceptual Sections A5.02 Conceptual Sections A6.01 Conceptual Renderings C1.1 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANS / TENTATIVE TRACT MAP C1.2 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANS C1.3 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANS C2.1 DMA/SINGLE SHEET BMP SITE PLAN 1 C2.2 DMA/SINGLE SHEET BMP SITE PLAN 2 L300 Conceptual Landscape Plan L310 Conceptual Water Conservation Plan L320 Conceptual Maintenance Responsibility Exhibit Application Types Submitted: Carlsbad Tract (CT) Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Total Number of Lots Existing: 5 Total Number of Lots Proposed:1 Sewer District: City of Carlsbad Wastewater Division Water District: Carlsbad Municipal Water District School District: Carlsbad Unified School District Average Daily Traffic: (ADT) 126 Proposed Water Demand: 80 GPM Sewer Generation: 34 EDU Proposed Drainage discharge: 3.40 CFS Master Drainage Basin: Basin "A" General Plan Land Use: R-15, RESIDENTIAL (8-15 DU/AC) No. Date Description Level 1 14446.80 SF Level 2 14114.73 SF Level 3 7159.83 SF 35721.36 SF Basement Level 16703.60 SF 16703.60 SFBasement Total: Building Total:Climate Action Plan (CAP) Compliance: Climate Action plan (CAP) Compliance: a. Consistent with existing General Plan Land Use and Zoning Yes i.GHG Study required?No b. Energy Efficiency requirement:Yes c. Photovoltaic requirement:Yes i. 40 KW-DC roof mounted ii.0 KW-dc ground Mounted iii. 40 KW-DC total project d. Electric Vehicle Charging requirement:Yes 8 EV CHARGERS: 2 EV CAPABLE ; 4 EV READY; 2 EV INSTALLED e. Hot Water Heating requirement Yes f. Traffic demand Management rquired:No OCEAN ST. GARFIELD ST. BE E C H AV E. CHRISTIAN S E N W AY CARLSBAD BLVD. CYPRESS AVE P A CIFIC AVE. G R AN D A VE. C A RLS BAD VILLAGE DR. STATE ST. PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 EXHIBIT 8 April 17, 2024 Item #1 93 of 145 VI OC EAN STREET SUMMER HOUSE -33.' 6582°1·-Jrl 17.33822°'-N I c5 L b tt I C) <X - ~ ( C) 7 0 □=-o---- Trip Generation Estimates AM Peak HoLir Level Beds Daily In Out Tolal 1 19 57 2 2 4 2 16 46 2 1 3 3 7 21 1 0 1 Total 42 126 5 3 8 . Pedestrian MMLOS Analysis Results $(:ore (LOS) Roadway Segment NB /EB SB /WB O=n Street 90(A) -. (From Bee.:h Street to Christransen W~y) +-Beech Street 95 (A) -' !From Ocean S!fee110 Garfield Street) Garfield S:roet -. lOO(A) (Along site frontage) . • D recuor no studied as ,1 ,son the oc:oos,te 51d, of tho rood of the oro,ec ' Bicycle MMLOS Analysis R&sults □00 Score (LOSI Aoadwa~ Segment NB I EB SB IWB Occ~n Stroot 7:>1Cl -. IFrcm Beech Street to Christiansen Wayl &------- Beech Street 75(C) -. (From CXean Sueet 10 Garfield Streel) Gart1e1r1 S!reet -. 85 (B) (Alm!\! s;t~ frontage! • O,r,,cr'°" no <1ucied •• n,. on me oppo,11• side of ms ""'d of 1h• ' <) ♦ -$-◄ PM Peak Hour In Out Total 2 2 4 1 2 3 0 1 1 3 5 8 ,_ □ r -I_JI I E I M =J I ' J, -' _:i":'~"iil~_cl-J IL .~ d D ,c C ·-c :::, GARFIELD STREET 9 81414 16 BE E C H S T R E E T GARFIELD ST OCEAN ST BE E C H A V E N U E ADJACENT PROPERTY PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SIDEWALK SIDEWALK EXISTING-STREET PARKING TO REMAIN LANDSCAPED ROOF AREA SOLAR PANELS PRIVATE PATIO ESCAPE WELL ESCAPE WELL PRIVATE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO 3:1 2 3:12 3:1 2 3:1 2 3:12 ROOF DORMER OVER COMMON AREA EQUIPMENT AREA SCREENED FROM THE STREET EQUIPMENT AREA SCREENED FROM THE STREET EQUIPMENT AREA SCREENED FROM THE STREET COMMON USE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO LANDSCAPED ROOF AREA PRIVATE PATIO SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS RIDGEHIPHIPHIPHIPBIKE PARKING AREA (3) BIKE STALL MEMORY CARE NORTH GARDEN MEMORY CARE SOUTH GARDEN ACCESS AT GARFIELD ST. LEVEL ELEVATOR OVERRUN 1'-0" 1'- 0 " 1' - 0 " 10.00' ROOF DORMER OVER COMMON AREA ROOF DORMER OVER COMMON AREA TRANSFORMER DROP-OFF ZONE SIGHT TRIANGLES MAIN DRIVEWAY SIGHT TRIANGLES 30'20' 330' 330'30' 20' 330' 330' REAR YARD SETBACK 20 ' - 0 " SIDE YARD SETBACK 10' - 0" FR O N T Y A R D S E T B A C K 20 ' - 0 " INTERIOR SYSB 10' - 0" 2' - 0 " POWER LINE POST TRASH ENCLOSURE TRANSFORMER CABINET PARKINGPARKINGPARKINGPARKING DROP-OFF COVERING SOLAR PANELSSOLAR PANELS Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 1/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 3 :5 6 : 0 9 P M Au t o d e s k D oc s : / / 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 - C a r l s b a d By t h e S e a M e m o r y C a r e - R V T 2 0 2 2 / P R 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 _ Oc e a n S t r e e t M e m o r y C ar e . r v t Overall Site Plan A1.00 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH No. Date Description A1.00 1" = 20'-0" 1 OVERALL SITE PLAN PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 94 of 145 \ ) C) I I ) / I I ' I ' I I I ------ ' I ', li !1 ' --' ◊ I -I ----,-S-~ --~~ I - f 1= -'•,,_ )11n~==r==,--~~;;;;;;;;;====--- 1_I 7 r ---- --_ _ _ _ I ____ L_ I _:] T --- 1 I \\, / ___________ ...) I -\,~/ --- _j/ - J l l - I I I I - ' I I I I I I I ·-,, ,, •' •_,_._ ,_ ·-··--: ---- ' '-------- ~---~ 7 D ,c C ·-c :::, D A5.02 A3.01 N A3.01 W A3.02 S A3.02E E N B A5.01 C A5.02 BE E C H S T R E E T A A5.01 23'-0" GARFIELD ST OCEAN ST BE E C H A V E N U E ADJACENT PROPERTY PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SIDEWALK SIDEWALK EXISTING-STREET PARKING TO REMAIN LANDSCAPED ROOF AREA PRIVATE PATIO S ESCAPE WELL ESCAPE WELL PRIVATE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO 3:1 2 3:12 3:1 2 3:1 2 3:12 ROOF DORMER OVER COMMON AREA EQUIPMENT AREA SCREENED FROM THE STREET EQUIPMENT AREA SCREENED FROM THE STREET EQUIPMENT AREA SCREENED FROM THE STREET COMMON USE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO PRIVATE PATIO LANDSCAPED ROOF AREA PRIVATE PATIO SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS 4' H HEDGE OVER 2' STONE VENEER BASE 4' H HEDGE OVER 2' STONE VENEER BASE 2'-11" PRIVACY HEDGE 1'-11" PRIVACY HEDGE 1'-11" PRIVACY HEDGE RIDGEHIPHIPHIPHIPTRASH ENCLOSURE LA N D S C A P E LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE BIKE PARKING AREA (3) BIKE STALL MEMORY CARE NORTH GARDEN MEMORY CARE SOUTH GARDEN MEMORY CARE GARDENDROP OFF AREA UNDR COVER UNDERGROUND PARKING ACCESS RAMP PUBLIC ACCESS AT OCEAN ST LEVEL RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL CARE ACCESS AT GARFIELD ST. LEVEL ELEVATOR OVERRUN 1'-0" 1'- 0 " SERVICE STAIR TO LEVEL 1 10.00' 20 . 0 0 ' 10.00' F G W RE A R Y AR D S E T B A C K 20 ' - 0 " SIDE YARD SETBACK 10' - 0" FR O N T Y A R D S E T B A C K 20 ' - 0 " INTERIOR SYSB 10' - 0" ROOF DORMER OVER COMMON AREA ROOF DORMER OVER COMMON AREA SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS 2'- 0 " 184'-8" 13 4 ' - 1 1 " PRO PERTY LINE 28.02' 13 4 . 9 4 ' 200.07' 11 4 . 7 3 ' 180.51' TREE WELL TRANSFORMER 1 0.01 SEWER POC POWER LINE POST CONVEX SAFETY MIRROR 4' H HEDGE OVER 2' STONE VENEER BASE 20 ' - 0 " 3'-0" HANDRAIL3'-0" HANDRAIL SERVICE ACCESS GATE (1' - 11") NO PARKING LOADING ZONE SIGN DROP OFF AND ENTRANCE COVERING PER CBC 11B-206.4.10. 114" CLR VERTICAL CLEARANCE FDC RELOCATED TRANSFORMER CABINET WATER METER MODULAR WETLAND 9'-0" MODULAR WETLAND MODULAR WETLAND MODULAR WETLAND MODULAR WETLAND RETAINING WALL UTILITY POLE NOTE: TRASH ENCLOSURE DRAIN WILL NOT COLLECT STORM WATER. THERE IS A ROOF OVER THE TRASH ENCLOSURE TO KEEP STORM WATER FROM ENTERING THE DRAIN AS NOTED ON CIVIL PLAN VIEW. LIGHT POST EPB WATER METER CATCH BASIN 2031440800 2031440400 2031440500 2031440600 2031440700 PROPERTY LINES ADJACENT PROPERTY 43.67'43.67'44.67' FY S B 20 ' - 0 " SYSB 10'-0" SYSB 11'-0" 200'-1" 13 4 ' - 9 " 69.02' Lot Area (Consolidated 5 Parcels) : 26,892.74 SF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SUMMARY - PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FRONT SETBACK (Garfield St) SIDE SETBACK REAR SETBACK (Ocean St) LOT COVERAGE OPEN SPACE MINIMUM OF 20' 10% OF WIDTH OF LOT, MIN. 5' AND MAX OF 10' TWICE THE REQUIRED SIDE SETBACK = 20' 60% MAX of Total Lot area 20% MUST BE OPEN SPACE LAND USE DISTRICT N/A ZONING R-3 BUILDING HEIGHT 35' BEACH AREA OVERLAY (BOA) ZONE MAX. OF 30' IF A MIN. 3/12 ROOF PITCH OR 24' IF LESS THAN A 3/12 PITCH SUPERSEDED 15,883.79 SF PARKING REQUIREMENTS PROFESSIONAL CARE FACILITIES - .45 PARKING SPACES PER EVERY BED 0.25 SPACE PER EACH UNIT OR FRACTION THEREOF - WITH 11 UNITS OR MORE HOT WATER HEATING REQUIREMENT HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 1/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 3 :5 6 : 3 4 P M Au t o d e s k D oc s : / / 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 - C a r l s b a d By t h e S e a M e m o r y C a r e - R V T 2 0 2 2 / P R 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 _ Oc e a n S t r e e t M e m o r y C ar e . r v t Site Plan A1.01 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH 1/8" = 1'-0" SITE PLAN - ROOF PLAN 1" = 30'-0" EXISTING PARCEL MAP N No. Date Description PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 95 of 145 I ----------l-1 ---- □ 0 n I I I I I ---ttt---_J_ ,J I -1 I I . I ' l'-----___j - - - I I I I I I ----',--_JI --- I I \ I ' ' -------I _______ le__ l - ----- H_ __ _ I ----I -11+-,+=·· - I I I I ' I I ' .-... -, . . ;·._-.·--••, -- L__ ____ ___J-~=±_=------==----==----==----==----==----=J_J L_______ J-t=-=-=-----==--==--==--==1_j I I . ' ·> --:·,:.•·, - 11 I :JC I I :1~=== I 11~==-- I 11~=== I 11~=== I I I I :1~=== :1~=== I 11~=== ' ' ' __j Table 2-Trip Gen@ration Rau9; L:and U5e Unit Daily AM Peak Hour Rote '" Out Rato * Co.11v11 lesce11t / Nursing Beds 3.00 00% 40% ,% • Rate -35 II pe1cent of dailv u tt· 8 IG, 7 I I - PM Peak Hour '" Out Ratg .,._ 40% 60% 7% ' I I I I I 11 7 I I ' I 7 I I I ~ I I ' I - I • ' ' ' I '.·.-_. ,,--·- - --,. •'' -. ·•,,-' .-. ,_' -•, ' - 1,--------__J 1-------- ::Jj_ m 1~===1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L . ,_ <. ··-:_:.:":·.-·:·:. Ill I -- 11/, ; II -I"/ // //Ill+-- !! I II// // IIU J II/') 1,-----l I ~==d II " ,, \\ I ' / I , I I I / I , I J, n ,///-__ //_~-------------,-m--~---------...---.-.-.IJ --- ~, /---+--1---_JJ , i I I I • , . , 1 •. , ,, \ r• ' 11 • •• _/ \~------,,_; ) ,1,, __ ) -ff ~ ,,--□-=-::it::':l =I □~I ==::I • - I --,< /,-.~~--/ Qi; J / ....... ____ ✓ ...... / \ -~---_,, .___, I J ---'-..._ / p ~ 11:;: I 0 - ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,-,- 1 1 ---- -_l -____ _ - '·--, ,·•. :.:·,, ,.. •' 1---.. '· ·,_:,;_.;_:.'·> .-··., ... _ I -·-_. -· , .. ,,,' I ---· --- I I '> .. -•,• L., -- --.---. ,. '-,:.'·_::' -:, ,. ,. ~---11-+-fk-'--,. --·' ,,· .·,··' ·. ,· .. I· :·· • ~ >,,.---' ----. ., -" '' -· ,--•- I ,_ I ) .. -... I L - I I I - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - -..j I I I . ,' \ I I ! J -------+-----J _fL__ ~ ' . ' \'·. _ii - D ,c C ·-c :::, Code Symbol Legend PROVIDED EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED occ. occ. 0"0 0"0 0 0 occ.SF PER. 101 150 SF 000 000 ROOM NAME OCCUPANT LOAD FOR A SPECIFIC EXIT ROOM NAME ROOM NUMBER ROOM AREA OCCUPANT LOAD FOR SPACE OCCUPANT LOAD FACTOR AGGREGATE OCCUPANT LOAD PROVIDED EXIT CAPACITY REQUIRED EXIT CAPACITY PROVIDED EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED EXIT WIDTH FIRE EXTINGUISHERS F A10 SH A5 = 5 LB ABC EXTINGUISHER A10 = 10 LB ABC EXTINGUISHER EX = EXISTING EXTINGUISHER EX = EXISTING CABINET OR BRACKET S = SURFACE MOUNTED CABINET SH = SURFACE MOUNTED BRACKET SR = SEMI RECESSED CABINET R = RECESSED CABINET PATH OF TRAVEL TRAVEL DISTANCE NON-RATED PARTITION EXISTING PARTITION 1 HOUR FIRE BARRIER 2 HOUR FIRE WALL 3 HOUR FIRE WALL DEMO PARTITION 1 HOUR FIRE PARTITION INTERIOR PARTITION GRAPHICS 1 HOUR SMOKE BARRIER 1 HOUR RATED CORRIDOR occ.SF PER. 475.93 SF EQUIPMENT EQUIP1 300 2 occ.SF PER. 174.22 SF EQUIPMENT EQUIP2 300 1 occ.SF PER. 289.22 SF STORAGE STOR1 300 1 occ.SF PER. 289.22 SF STORAGE STOR2 300 1 occ.SF PER. 13061.92 SF PARKING PRK1 200 67 36 36 PROVIDED EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED occ. occ. 48"160 44"128 PROVIDED EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED occ. occ. 48"160 44"128 occ.SF PER. Not Enclosed RESIDENTIAL RSDT-1 200 30 occ.SF PER. 143.69 SF ASSEMBLY MSSL-1 15 11 ASSEMBLY BUSINESS EQUIPMENT KITCHEN PARKING RESIDENTIAL STORAGE occ.SF PER. 615.26 SF KITCHEN KITCH-1 200 4 occ.SF PER. 3324.55 SF ASSEMBLY AS-1 15 203occ.SF PER. 747.78 SF BUSINESS BUSS-1 150 5 occ.SF PER. 348.70 SF RESIDENTIAL RSDT-2 200 2occ.SF PER. 348.87 SF RESIDENTIAL RSDT-3 200 2 occ.SF PER. 4870.15 SF RESIDENTIAL RSDT-4 200 25 PROVIDED EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED occ. occ. 48"160 44"128 PROVIDED EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED occ. occ. 48"160 44"128 occ.SF PER. 7042.09 SF RESIDENTIAL RSDT-5 200 37 occ.SF PER. 7108.47 SF RESIDENTIAL RSDT-6 200 35 36 36 36 PROVIDED EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED occ. occ. 48"160 44"128 PROVIDED EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED occ. occ. 48"160 44"128 occ.SF PER. 3807.55 SF RESIDENTIAL RSDT-7 200 20 occ.SF PER. 2969.20 SF RESIDENTIAL RSDT-8 200 15 42 42 PROVIDED EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED occ. occ. 48"160 44"128 PROVIDED EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED occ. occ. 48"160 44"128 occ.SF PER. 432.11 SF PATIO PAT--1 15 29 occ.SF PER. 282.34 SF PATIO PAT-2 15 20 Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 1/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 3 :5 6 : 3 7 P M Au t o d e s k D oc s : / / 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 - C a r l s b a d By t h e S e a M e m o r y C a r e - R V T 2 0 2 2 / P R 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 _ Oc e a n S t r e e t M e m o r y C ar e . r v t Code Sheet A1.02 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH No. Date Description Project Description GOVERNING CODE: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: OCCUPANCY TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION (SF): REMODELING (SF): CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: BUILDING HEIGHT (ALLOWED / PROPOSED): SPRINKLER FOOTNOTE: BUILDING AREA (ALLOWED / PROPOSED): 2022 CBC TYPE V-A R-2.1 49,753 GSF N/A Metal Stud Framed Bearing Walls Memory Care, and Residential Professional Care Facility 50' / 28'-1" YES 63,000 GSF / 49,753 GSF A1.02 1/16" = 1'-0" 1 Basement Level -Life Safety Plan A1.02 1/16" = 1'-0" 2 Level 1 -Life Safety Plan A1.02 1/16" = 1'-0" 3 Level 2 -Life Safety Plan A1.02 1/16" = 1'-0" 4 Level 3 -Life Safety Plan Life Safety Plan - Occupancy Load Schedule Smoke Compartment Number Occupancy Group Function of Space Area Occupant Load Factor Occupant Load Basement Level EQUIP1 M EQUIPMENT 475.93 SF 300 2 EQUIP2 M EQUIPMENT 174.22 SF 300 1 PRK1 S-2 PARKING 13061.92 SF 200 67 STOR1 S-1 STORAGE 289.22 SF 300 1 STOR2 S-1 STORAGE 289.22 SF 300 1 72 Level 1 AS-1 A ASSEMBLY 3324.55 SF 15 203 BUSS-1 B BUSINESS 747.78 SF 150 5 KITCH-1 A KITCHEN 615.26 SF 200 4 MSSL-1 A-3 ASSEMBLY 143.69 SF 15 11 RSDT-1 R-2.1 RESIDENTIAL Not Enclosed 200 30 RSDT-2 R-2.1 RESIDENTIAL 348.70 SF 200 2 RSDT-3 R-2.1 RESIDENTIAL 348.87 SF 200 2 RSDT-4 R-2.1 RESIDENTIAL 4870.15 SF 200 25 282 Level 2 RSDT-5 R-2 RESIDENTIAL 7042.09 SF 200 37 RSDT-6 R-2 RESIDENTIAL 7108.47 SF 200 35 72 Level 3 PAT-2 PATIO 282.34 SF 15 20 PAT--1 PATIO 432.11 SF 15 29 RSDT-7 R-2 RESIDENTIAL 3807.55 SF 200 20 RSDT-8 R-2 RESIDENTIAL 2969.20 SF 200 15 84 Grand total 510 PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 96 of 145 ,--·-------------------------·---·--·~ I I I I I I I @ ' ' ' I I 1-1 I I 1-1 . 1=1 =====ll 1=1 =====ll 1-1 L__I ____,I I I ------------------------------ r===i 11,,_ 000 0 0 0 0 0 [ o~'i 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 "' ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 oO g o.I'7------j 0 0 0 0 0 -------1 0 0 0 &, .,,-------1 (j' 0 0 g ======11------- 0 0 0 g -------1 0 0 0 0 0 [> e;j;,;,;=/c,:.:,:. ;:;, ,rt,,:;;: ~.z':•~·..L n·nr 1----i-===1 -------------~-----~ -~--I' ~•L Ill II -:1 =i__j = ~ -i -\!:<!_I I I ---~----------~---__ _J --·---·---r- 1===1 1 . I II II iii ii " I . I '-----------' , V t I ,.A1==1 ===1111 - ~~1 _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [1~~ I I I I I '' '--._, ___________ l__ ___ _ ----------'---I _____ __._I _ L:,. ·········+ 0.08' ► 0 0 0 0 <) __ ,wonw -s--s- I I __ _J --- I I D ,c C ·-c :::, D A5.02 498.05 SF ELECTRICAL ROOM 20'-0" 16 ' - 2 " 25 ' - 1 0 " 19 ' - 0 " 4'- 0 " 23'-1 5/32" 20'-0"24'-0"20'-0"35'-0 3/8"20'-0"24'-0"20'-0" E E N N Property Line Pro p e r t y L i n e RAMP UP TO OCEANSTREET LEVEL DRIVE AISLE BIKE STORAGE B A5.01 Van Accessible Accessible Van Accessible EVSE READY 12'-0"5'-0"9'-0"1'-6"12'-0"5'-0"9'-0"1'-0"12'-0"5'-0"9'-0"1'-0"9'-0" C A5.02 EVSE READY 5 Parking Spaces 5 Parking Spaces 5 Parking Spaces 8' - 6 " 8'- 6 " 1'- 2 " 8'- 6 " 8' - 6 " 0" 8'- 6 " 1'- 0 " 8' - 6 " 8'- 6 " 1' - 1 " 5' - 0 " 7" 8'- 6 " 8 ' - 6 " 1' - 0 " 8'- 6 " 8' - 6 " 8'- 6 " 64'-0" 8'- 6 " 8' - 6 " 8'- 6 " 1'- 0 " 8' - 6 " 8'- 6 "7 Parking Spaces BUILDING STORAGE ELEVATORS STAIRS 7 Parking Spaces A A5.01 UNDERGROUND PARKING ACCESS RAMP 64'-0"35'-0 3/8"64'-0" EQ EQ 20 ' - 6 3 / 1 6 " Accessible Walkway EXIT EXIT S S 13290.11 SF UNDERGROUND PARKING F F G G 66.00'66.00' 179.56 SF IT. ROOM 10 . 0 0 ' 16.00' W W (21) BIKE STALL EVSE Capable Van Accessible EVCS READY Accessible EVSE Capable EVSE READY Accessible 23' - 0" 8' - 6" 20 ' - 0 " 2' RETAINING WALL 7" 8'- 6 " 8 ' - 6 " 1'- 0 " 8'- 6 " 8' - 6 " 8' - 6 " GARAGE ENTRANCE TRENCH DRAIN SEWER EJECTOR. REFER TO P1.00 BELOW GROUND SANITARY DRAINAGE 2" DIAM VENT EMERGENCY FLOOR DRAINS WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE BELOW- GRADE PARKING AREAS TO CATCH ANY WATER IN THE GARAGE. THESE WILL DRAIN THROUGH A SAND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO A SUMP PUMP LOCATED IN THE GARAGE. THE SUMP PUMP WILL DISCHARGE TO THE BUILDING SEWER AND OUT TO THE PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM. REFER TO P1.00 STORM SUMP PUMP. REFER TO P1.00 REQUIRED PARKING PROFESSIONAL CARE FACILITY LEVEL 1 - 19 BEDS FOR PROFESSIONAL CARE (MEMORY CARE) LEVEL 2 - 16 LICENSED RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL CARE BEDS LEVEL 3 - 7 LICENSED RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL CARE BEDS .45 PARKING SPACES PER EVERY BED 8.55 7.2 3.15 .45 PARKING SPACES PER EVERY BED .45 PARKING SPACES PER EVERY BED 18.9TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED PARKING:30 Total Parking Space Provided EVSE Spaces Capable 30 EVSE Spaces Ready EVSE Spaces Installed EVSE Spaces in Total 242 8 Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 1/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 3 :5 6 : 3 8 P M Au t o d e s k D oc s : / / 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 - C a r l s b a d By t h e S e a M e m o r y C a r e - R V T 2 0 2 2 / P R 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 _ Oc e a n S t r e e t M e m o r y C ar e . r v t Basement Floor Plan A2.00 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH A2.00 1/8" = 1'-0" 3 Level Basement N No. Date Description Floor Area Schedule - Basement Level Basement Level 16703.60 SF PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 97 of 145 , ' \ I ... (\ \ \V " ( I I , I D ,c C ·-c :::, D A5.02 219.10 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 218.48 SF M.S. RES. RM 133.59 SF LOBBY 103.86 SF RECEPTION 147.83 SF STAIRS 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 91.99 SF BATHROOM 91.86 SF BATHROOM 91.86 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 462.72 SF WARMING KITCHEN 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.31 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.31 SF M.S. RES. RM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 112.31 SF MEDICATION 111.85 SF MANAGER'S OFFICE 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 154.91 SF M.S. STAFF BREAK ROOM 771.72 SF DINING AREA 497.28 SF LIVING 41.56 SF I.T. Closet 54.04 SF MECH 156.09 SF PREP AREA 152.08 SF SENSORY ROOM 109.96 SF HOUSEKEEPING123.49 SF LAUNDRY 461.19 SF SERVICE CORRIDOR A3.01 N A3.01 W A3.02 S A3.02E E E N N 13'-0"10'-0"13'-0"21'-5 3/16"6'-3 3/4"36'-9 1/4" 13 ' - 0 " 13 ' - 0 " 13 ' - 0 " 13 ' - 0 " 13 ' - 0 " 13 ' - 0 " 3'- 5 1 7 / 3 2 " 82'-6 3/16" B A5.01 B A5.01 5'-0"5'-0" 2'-1" C A5.02 C A5.02 121.93 SF STAFF RESTROOM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM ? ? 92.44 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 215.78 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.78 SF M.S. RES. RM 219.10 SF M.S. RES. RM 218.48 SF M.S. RES. RM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 92.44 SF BATHROOM 78.93 SF RESTROOM MEDIA WALL 136.64 SF CHARTING 211.37 SF CONFERENCE RM 158.68 SF ELEVATORS 440.16 SF ELEVATOR LOBBY 2'-1" 27.27 SF STORAGE 1047.16 SF CORRIDOR M.S. 1377.68 SF CORRIDOR M.S. 133.36 SF CORRIDOR M.S. 266.62 SF CORRIDOR M.S. ENTRANCE A A5.01 A A5.01 6' - 0 " 41.61 SF STORAGE SERVICE ACCESS UNDERGROUND PARKING ACCESS RAMP Vehicle Pull-up Space Pa s s e n g e r D r o p - O f f Ac c e s s A i s l e S S 6'- 7 " MEMORY CARE GARDEN STREET PUBLIC ACCESS 4' H HEDGE OVER 2' STONE VENEER BASE 4' H HEDGE OVER 2' STONE VENEER BASE EXIT FROM BASEMENT 13 ' - 0 " 13 ' - 0 " 13 ' - 0 " 13 ' - 0 " 12 ' - 1 1 9 / 1 6 " GREEN WALL SCREENING SYSTEM SOUTH GARDENNORTH GARDEN BIKE PARKING AREA OCEAN STREET SIDEWALK BE E C H S T R E E T POST OUTLINE OF DROP OFF AND ENTRANCE COVERING PER CBC 11B-206.4.10. 114" CLR VERTICAL CLEARANCE VOIDVOID FIRE ESCAPE WELL FIRE ESCAPE WELL FIRE ESCAPE WELL FIRE ESCAPE WELL FIRE ESCAPE WELL FIRE ESCAPE WELL 6.00' 65.46'65.50' F F G G 858.29 SF ACTIVITY AREA VOID W W 91.99 SF BATHROOM 20 ' - 0 " 1'- 0 " 4'- 2 " 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 92.44 SF BATHROOM RY S B 20 ' - 0 " SYSB 10' - 0" SYSB 10' - 0" FY S B 20 ' - 0 " PROPERTY LINE SID E W A L K TREE WELL ELEC. EL E C . 23' - 0 5/32" RAMP 23' - 0"2' - 0" DRIVEWAY LANDSCAPE TRUNCATED DOMES CONCRETE EDGE MIN 8'-0" MI N 20 ' - 0 " 9'-0"1'-6"5'-0" LA N D S C A P E P L A N T E R LA N D S C A P E MODULAR WETLAND MODULAR WETLAND MODULAR WETLAND MODULAR WETLAND MODULAR WETLAND 4'- 0 " CONVEX SAFETY MIRROR RELOCATED TRANSFORMER CABINET CATCH BASIN Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 1/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 3 :5 6 : 4 1 P M Au t o d e s k D oc s : / / 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 - C a r l s b a d By t h e S e a M e m o r y C a r e - R V T 2 0 2 2 / P R 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 _ Oc e a n S t r e e t M e m o r y C ar e . r v t First Floor Plan A2.01 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH A2.01 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 Level 1 2HR N No. Date Description Floor Area Schedule - First Level Level 1 14446.80 SF PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 98 of 145 % ' I I I ) ~~ / / / - (; ~ - - - \ ; ~ --- - - - - - - - - - - ,/ " ' \ . 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Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 1/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 3 :5 6 : 4 8 P M Au t o d e s k D oc s : / / 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 - C a r l s b a d By t h e S e a M e m o r y C a r e - R V T 2 0 2 2 / P R 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 _ Oc e a n S t r e e t M e m o r y C ar e . r v t Roof Plan A2.04 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH No. Date Description SOLAR PANEL AREA: 2,141 SF SOLAR PANEL SIZE: 3.5' x 5.5' SOLAR PANEL QUANTITY: 100 SOLAR PANEL POWER (KWdc) PER PANEL: 400W SYSTEM POWER: 40KW Estimated Photovoltaic System Summary: PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 101 of 145 0 I I \ I \\ \ '\. -- I 0 -~··_.,,-✓---/--~,-----.-.------- -- - -- - ------------------------- --- - -- -_____ ,___________ - - --•• -- - --_, _________ ..., __ , ________ - ---- ----·•-~--_-_. __ -_-__ ---.... -, / -I l ~ ii======l=====;i---l--------r-1--1-----;::::====::::: :· < :==I ---·•-------_, -, _, -// ,, · r I -, -·. , ~ 7 ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ~~~---i-r----,;c====-'"•'-J"" ?\KJ:•::::,:.;;;'/ -: : _ I, --" _, \; I I ~ -,_ -I □ 17 L_ "~, ' I-- - - I ---"' I ~. ·,. . !!t=====~'.S--,~;::~:_:==-===-===~===-==:_:::il:========~~t---=_--_=_--_=_--· ... _ ... _=_--_=_--_=_=_--_=_--_=_--_=_--ih~· ~ __________ .,. _ _ ~:...·-lli"",. .. _ ..... _ .. : .... _--_ .. : .. _ .. _ ..... _ .. _=_=_--_=_--_=-;i _L: ~:::: _:.. _-~-_-_-~-t-L _...r:::~======-;·•:::i-'=::::~======~~-~-;;;_"' ___ "'..:."'-"'-;s..:, ~~~-~: i ~, I -I I I IL ,, / I + /; I I I I •L I I I u f I I I I - ' ' I '----------------j '--------------j '----------------j '--------------j I -----------~ I ~;t;;=' "if--='-------, I I I .--' --------------j ' \ I CF°~l-~L~_-_~1-------------~--------------j ' --\ ' I I I I I I I L / I ' I I 1_11 ' I - - - - - I I I ' I I I I ------i I c------I I I I ------j ..J c----+---------_ _j i----, \ I ' , I I / - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1-~ - _ 1-______________ "-._J L J~~~============::=:11=1 -____ I I / I I----< I I I I -t - • I I I I ----~ l----~:J--1iHI'-• I - I I-',·. I I I I I I ~- I ~=7 I ., : I - I I I I I I I I I I -.. ·- ,,_ --.-. .... :'-,_' _,; •, -. ·:: ,_--- - -.. -.. - • .. _ .. -. .. ·- 1-,-_. -:_-,,.-.-________ .J ·, •.:: .• ' ' // '"-----' -\ ', ' I _) I -' / / \ "----,, ' I ~~ - D e - I - I .· .. •,-,• -:_ ,:. -. I --~----+----------- 0 --------.. \ / .----------,----------------------------c---~\ \\ \ \.__ j I \\ \, __ _ '......_, -------/ ', -------------------,------------_// • ....______ ----------------t-, /.--.::::=== - I D ,c C ·-c :::, Level 1 0' - 0" D A5.02 Basement Level -9' - 6" Level 2 9' - 3" Level 3 18' - 6" CARLSBAD BLVD. PR O P E R T Y L I N E OCEAN ST. E PR O P E R T Y L I N E GARFIELD ST F.G. @ GRID LINE N ESCAPE WELL Underground Parking EG_30' EG_30' FG_30' EG_24' FG_24' ESCAPE WELL ESCAPE WELL 9'- 3 " 9'- 3 " T.O.P 1 8' - 1" MA X 8'- 0 " 6'- 0 " RAILING 18 ' - 1 0 " 6'-0" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE MADE TRANSPARENT FOR CLARITY ROOF DORMER CLERESTORY WINDOW OVER COMMON SPACE F.G. 24' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE E.G. 24' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE F.G. 30' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE E.G. 30' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE 28 ' - 1 " RETRACTABLE SHADING DEVICE ATTACHED TO FASCIA GLASS RAILING RAILING 2'-0" 3 12 3 12 WEST ELEVATION ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE AS ALLOWED PER 21.46.120 CMC E.G. @GRID LINE N REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK 20'-0" WEST ELEVATION ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE AS ALLOWED PER 21.46.120 CMC W 3'-6" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE MADE TRANSPARENT FOR CLARITY 2'-0" RYSB 20' - 0" 2' - 1 1 " STONE VENEER BERCEMENT SIDING STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF Level 1 0' - 0" Basement Level -9' - 6" Level 2 9' - 3" Level 3 18' - 6" BEECH AVENUE F.G 30' PR O P E R T Y L I N E N B A5.01 C A5.02 A A5.01 SYSB 10'-0" SYSB 10'-0" PR O P E R T Y L I N E E.G. 24' SYSB 10'-0" 9'- 3 " S 24'-0" 6'-0" LINE OF E.G. AT GRIDLINE "E" LINE OF F.G. AT GRIDLINE "E" F.G. 24' E.G. 30' T.O.P 1 8' - 1" ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE PROJECTED WINDOWS WOOD "LOOK" HORIZONTAL SLAT SIDING. 3 12 3 12 F.G. 24' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE E.G. 24' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE F.G. 30' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE E.G. 30' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE PROJECTED WINDOWS WOOD "LOOK" SIDING. 2'-0" 1'- 11" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE MADE TRANSPARENT FOR CLARITY. MATERIAL: WOOD "LOOK" FENCING. COLOR TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE SIDING 2'- 11" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE MADE TRANSPARENT FOR CLARITY. MATERIAL: WOOD "LOOK" FENCING. COLOR TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE SIDING STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF SERVICE ACCESS GATE FIRE ESCAPE WELL FIRE ESCAPE WELL 26 ' - 0 " 19 ' - 1 1 " ELEVATOR OVERUN. FIBERCEMENT SIDING PAINTED 24 ' - 6 " FG ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE PROJECTED WINDOWS WOOD "LOOK" SIDING. TRASH ENCLOSURE BEYOND STANDING SEAM ROOF, COMPOSITE BOARD SCREENS OVER CMU PARTIAL HEIGHT WALL 1' - 1 1 " ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER 1'-1" DECORATIVE EXTERIOR SCONCE LIGHT. TYP STONE VENEER WINDOW TRIMS STAINLESS STEEL CABLE RAILING, TYP AT ESCAPE WELLS. OPERABLE FIBERCEMENT SIDING COLOR:DE TRINITY ISLANDS / DE6249 OR SIMILAR TRIM BOARD . COLOR TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE STONE VENEER EXTERIOR MATERIALS PALETTE STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF1 FIBERCEMENT SIDING COLOR (OR SIMILAR)2 TRIMS AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES (OR SIMILAR)3 STONE VENEER4 WOOD "LOOK" ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE REFERENCIAL IMAGE 5 Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 1/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 3 :5 7 : 2 2 P M Au t o d e s k D oc s : / / 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 - C a r l s b a d By t h e S e a M e m o r y C a r e - R V T 2 0 2 2 / P R 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 _ Oc e a n S t r e e t M e m o r y C ar e . r v t Conceptual Elevations A3.01 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH A3.01 1/8" = 1'-0" W WEST ELEVATON A3.01 1/8" = 1'-0" N NORTH ELEVATION No. Date Description PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 102 of 145 r f r I- I I r- I- I I l I I ++ -r _.J -----------------r _.J -------------- --- --- -/~----- 1/----- 1 I L _____ _ // ./ ---~---------- J~ -! \ 7 -·-~··,:,,_ ----------~\------------,/ I I I --,, -----------------------/::... -+----- ,,/· ---·~·--~---------------', \ \ _________ 11_ ---------- ---------I --4-/~-----. ..;, ___ -~---------------~-------------I -------- ' . ____ .__""'" ____________ -~----I -, _i_j . . ' ,/ ,,. ... / I V ,/L r -------r ------- 1 I r ------- ,___r - I L I L - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1- i / ---~--/-1_ L tj I I L ---------- --- I _J ---- '- .l. I -4------------------~~~ +-----------------,~--~ • --· _J _______ .J t I • I • I • I • I • I • I • I • I • I 1 TRINITY ISLANDS • ' • • D ,c C ·-c :::, Level 1 0' - 0" D A5.02 Basement Level -9' - 6" Level 2 9' - 3" Level 3 18' - 6" GARFIELD ST. PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E UNDERGROUND PARKING RAMP ACCESS E T.O.P 3 26' - 7" RYSB 20'-0" FYSB 20'-0" 8' - 1 " 9'- 6 " F.G. 24' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE E.G. 24' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE F.G. 30' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE E.G. 30' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE E.G.AT GRIDLINE S F.G.AT GRIDLINE S RAILING ROOF DORMER CLERESTORY WINDOW STONE VENEER 3-6" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE BEYOND WEST ELEVATION ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE AS ALLOWED PER 21.46.120 CMC WEST ELEVATION ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE AS ALLOWED PER 21.46.120 CMC 2'-0" 3 123 12 22 ' - 3 " 29 ' - 1 " W 4' H HEDGE OVER 2' STONE VENEER BASE BEYOND 4' - 0 " ENTRY CANOPY REFER TO 1/A2.02 1'-10" TRASH ENCLOSURE ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER 3'- 4 " FIBERCEMENT SIDING STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF Level 1 0' - 0" Basement Level -9' - 6" Level 2 9' - 3" Level 3 18' - 6" PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E BEECH AVENUE N B A5.01 C A5.02 T.O.P 3 26' - 7" A A5.01 SYSB 10'-0" SYSB 10'-0" S EXISTING GRADE AT GRIDLINE W T.O.P 1 8' - 1" BU I L D I N G B E Y O N D 14 ' - 1 2 1 / 3 2 " ROOF DORMER CLERESTORY RAILING UNDERGROUND PARKING ACCESS RAMP 23'-0 5/32" SOLAR PANEL ARRAY 3 12 3 12 F.G. 24' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE E.G. 24' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE F.G. 30' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE E.G. 30' HEIGHT PROJECTION LINE FINISHED GRADE AT GRIDLINE W GREEN SCREEN BEYOND 2'-0" F G F.G 30' E.G. 24' F.G. 24' E.G. 30' 1 0.01 ARCHITECRTURAL FEATURE - WOOD "LOOK" HORIZONTAL SLAT SIDING TRIM BOARD 4'- 0" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE ON TOP OF 2'-0" WALL BASE MADE TRANSPARENT FOR CLARITY. MATERIAL: WOOD "LOOK" FENCING. COLOR TO MATCH ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE SIDING STONE VENEER FIBERCEMENT SIDING COLOR:DE TRINITY ISLANDS / DE6249 OR SIMILAR EXTERIOR MATERIALS PALETTE STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF1 FIBERCEMENT SIDING COLOR (OR SIMILAR)2 TRIMS AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES (OR SIMILAR)3 STONE VENEER4 WOOD "LOOK" ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE REFERENCIAL IMAGE 5 Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 1/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 3 :5 7 : 5 3 P M Au t o d e s k D oc s : / / 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 - C a r l s b a d By t h e S e a M e m o r y C a r e - R V T 2 0 2 2 / P R 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 _ Oc e a n S t r e e t M e m o r y C ar e . r v t Conceptual Elevations A3.02 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH A3.02 1/8" = 1'-0" E EAST ELEVATION A3.02 1/8" = 1'-0" S WEST ELEVATION No. Date Description PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 103 of 145 ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I r '' I • I ' I ' I • I ' I ' I • I ' I ' I • I ' I ' I • I ' I ,_ I I" • I ~ j ,_ --...,, t -------------------------~ --------• ------ ---'r': ----I -, ------------------------------ ··'-:1 i ----~-, ---r------_/ I -' _/ _ _j __ ---r -----------~-, ----------L I J ---.J - r ---------r -----~ -"'l I I _""] I I I -.-.,~ ' ' I j ,, i i I I I r--, I •- I I • I • I • I • I • I • I • I • I • I "r • TRINITY ISLANDS D ,c C ·-c :::, Level 1 0' - 0" D A5.02 Basement Level -9' - 6" Level 2 9' - 3" Level 3 18' - 6" T.O.P 3 26' - 7" ? ? 1303.29 SF RES PROF CARE 2-BED 8'- 1 " ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE PROJECTED WINDOWS F.G. 24' F.G. 30' F.G. 24' F.G. 30' E.G. 24' E.G. 30' OCEAN ST. GARFIELD ST ELEVATOR OVERRUN E.G.AT GRIDLINE S F.G.AT GRIDLINE S RYSB 20' - 0"FYSB 20' - 0" PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 672.34 SF CIRCULATION 1377.68 SF CORRIDOR M.S. 158.68 SF ELEVATORS 41.61 SF STORAGE ROOF DECK 13290.11 SF UNDERGROUND PARKING 2'-0" 2'-0" ROOF DORMER 2'-0" 4'-0" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE ON TOP OF 2'-0" WALL BASE, MADE TRANSPARENT FOR CLARITY 1-11" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE 3'- 6 " Level 1 0' - 0" D A5.02 Basement Level -9' - 6" Level 2 9' - 3" Level 3 18' - 6" T.O.P 3 26' - 7" FYSB 20'-0" RYSB 20'-0" 1204.77 SF RES PROF CARE - 1 BED + DEN 215.78 SF M.S. RES. RM 280.63 SF BUILDING STORAGE 2'-0" 1124.69 SF RES PROF CARE 1-BED + DEN 302.43 SF CIRCULATION 13290.11 SF UNDERGROUND PARKING FIRE ESCAPE WELL SHADING DEVICE ATTACHED TO FASCIA SOLAR PANELS E.G. 24' E.G. 30' F.G. 24' F.G. 30' E.G. 24' E.G. 30' F.G. 24' F.G. 30' OCEAN ST. GARFIELD ST E.G.AT GRIDLINE S F.G.AT GRIDLINE S PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E 1'-11" 4'-0" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE ON TOP OF 2'-0" WALL BASE, MADE TRANSPARENT FOR CLARITY 1-11" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE ROOF DORMER 9'- 6 " 9'- 6 " 1'- 4 " 8'- 2 " 7' - 1 0 " DROP OFF CANOPY 1' - 7 " 1 ' - 1 1 " 3'- 6 " Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 1/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 3 :5 8 : 0 3 P M Au t o d e s k D oc s : / / 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 - C a r l s b a d By t h e S e a M e m o r y C a r e - R V T 2 0 2 2 / P R 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 _ Oc e a n S t r e e t M e m o r y C ar e . r v t Conceptual Sections A5.01 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH A5.01 1/8" = 1'-0" A Section A A5.01 1/8" = 1'-0" B Section B No. Date Description PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 104 of 145 I I I I I " I ~ ------------~ -------------I ------------I I ---------------------\... I j _.1 I I I I I I t"-------------------I I • -~~---------------- I -------------------~------- -----------~ -. -D7 ~-tt ----------___ ..__ -- ' ~ \ ===[ \ ----. ------------------- ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I "' ' ~ I ' I ' I ' , I ' ' ' ~ ~I -' ----·~~-:,:,,_! ...,.,,.....,._,_____,_ _ -----------ii' I I I Ill I I 11 11 Ill Ill I I --1---------111 I 1 1 -I 1 1 -11 i' I-I i' 1-11 i'11-11i'11-11i' 1-1 1-1 1 ~~___,....,.--,-=~-~ _---,-,---;s-----,-,-1.'=1 ~~ 1------- --_-_I I-_I I-_111-111-1 1-1-1 - _111~_111-: :_11-: :_I~ 1-:1 -: :11-: :11-: Ill-:: 1-1 -: I 1-: ~: :11-: :1 -1-: :111~11~11-:1:1 1-: :1 1-: :11-: :11-1 -: I -: :11-: :11-:: --: :: :~i: :_: :::-:: :::~: :~: :_: ::: :, : : : :: :: :: :: :::~ : : : 1: :, 1fi111*:: : : : : :::: :: :: :::::::::::::::::: ~: : j I I • I I I I \,1. I ---------------' J. --------------------"":',,-~------------------, I I \ . I J-----------~ .._ J.-----------------I ---7--~------------------~ -I I ~' f e r~----~~~=~~----------- ' I I I -t ---- ---------------------- ---------------------------~~~ •. I --4 --4 --4 --4 D ,c C ·-c :::, Level 1 0' - 0" Basement Level -9' - 6" Level 2 9' - 3" Level 3 18' - 6" B A5.01 C A5.02 T.O.P 3 26' - 7" RES PROF CARE 2-BEDRES PROF CARE - 1 BED + DENRES PROF CARE - 1 BED + DEN RES PROF CARE 2-BED + DEN ?ELEVATOR LOBBY M.S. RES. RM WARMING KITCHEN M.S. STAFF BREAK ROOM LAUNDRYM.S. RES. RM ELECTRICAL ROOM M.S. RES. RM SENSORY ROOM SYSB 10'-0" A A5.01 22 ' - 8 1 9 / 3 2 " UNDERGROUND PARKING STAIRS ELEVATORS STAIR STAIR PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E RES PROF CARE 2-BED + DENSTAIRRES PROF CARE 1-BED + DENVESTIBULE LOBBY I.L. UNDERGROUND PARKING RES PROF CARE 2-BED 2'-0"E.G. 24' F.G. 24' E.G. 30' F.G. 30' BEECH ST. ELEVATOR OVERRUN E.G.AT GRIDLINE S F.G.AT GRIDLINE S E.G. 24' F.G. 24' E.G. 30' F.G. 30' SYSB 10' - 0" 1' - 0" TRASH ENCLOSURE 1 0.01 1'- 4 " 8'- 1 " 8'- 1 " Level 1 0' - 0" D A5.02 Basement Level -9' - 6" Level 2 9' - 3" Level 3 18' - 6" T.O.P 3 26' - 7" 1527.73 SF RES PROF CARE 2-BED + DEN 1035.76 SF RES PROF CARE 2-BED 992.61 SF RES PROF CARE - 1 BED + DEN 1303.29 SF RES PROF CARE 2-BED 215.31 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 215.91 SF M.S. RES. RM 461.19 SF SERVICE CORRIDOR 13290.11 SF UNDERGROUND PARKING ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE PROJECTED WINDOWS BEYONDF.G. 24' F.G. 30' F.G. 24' F.G. 30' E.G. 24' E.G. 30' 2'-0" OCEAN ST. GARFIELD ST E.G. 24' E.G. 30' PR O P E R T Y L I N E PR O P E R T Y L I N E FYSB 20' - 0"RYSB 20' - 0" 8' - 4 " 1'-10" 4' - 0 " 4'-0" PRIVACY FENCE/HEDGE MADE TRANSPARENT FOR CLARITY SHADE DEVICE 42 " M A X . Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 1/ 2 2 / 2 0 2 4 3 :5 8 : 1 8 P M Au t o d e s k D oc s : / / 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 - C a r l s b a d By t h e S e a M e m o r y C a r e - R V T 2 0 2 2 / P R 1 7 - 0 3 5 0 _ Oc e a n S t r e e t M e m o r y C ar e . r v t Conceptual Sections A5.02 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH A5.02 1/8" = 1'-0" D Section D A5.02 1/8" = 1'-0" C Section C No. Date Description PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 105 of 145 f , j .-- // I / I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --/-- -- I / --------------------------------f I ,1 -------------------~--- --, I I I I -------- :.------- I ~ I --------1 -------------~-1 ~ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -]11 II ~--------===_:::::--------------------- ..! F -.---~---- )P'"I I J--------- 1 \, --1 -------~ ~ ---------------------_._..._,~ .--r: . ,. 1-- 1 I I ----------------- ------------------------- ----- ---- -----~ -------- I I f I ..I I I 111-1 I - ---------------------------------- ------------____________ J -------- f ,-----,. I --, I --------~---------~ l ' '•~--------+- --- r-----7. I I ---i , I ---------: I I I I I I D ,c C ·-c :::, Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 1030 G Street | San Diego | CA 92101 cuningham.com Agency Approval CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) 3/7/2024 8:52:11 PM Autodesk Docs://17-0350 - Carlsbad By the Sea Memory Care - RVT2022/PR17-0350_Ocean Street Memory Care.rvt Conceptual Renderings A6.01 2023 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 17-0350 06.14.2023SD WH AERIAL VIEW 1 - CORNER OF BEECH AND GARFIELD AERIAL VIEW 2 - CORNER OF BEECH ST AND OCEAN ST.AERIAL VIEW 3 - OCEAN ST CORNER OF BEECH AND GARFIELD CORNER OF BEECH AND OCEAN ST ENTRANCE - MEMORY CARE - OCEAN ST. NORTHEAST 1 - BEECH STREET SOUTHEAST 1 - OCEAN ST ENTRANCE - INDEPENDENT LIVING - GARFIELD TIPICAL FIRE ESCAPE WELL No. Date Description PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 April 17, 2024 Item #1 106 of 145 D ,c C ·-c :::, 43 Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 201 SE Main Street | Suite 325 | Minneapolis | MN 55414 cuningham.com 2020 Project Name PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION No. Date Description 25 PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W G G G G G G G S S SSS SS S OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OHE OHE OHE OH E OHE OHE OHE OHE W W W S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W FW FW S S S IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IR R G W W S SD E X X OHE 9449 BALBOA AVE, STE 270 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 619.299.5550BWE JOB NO. 13913US1.00 G 2710, 2720, 2730, & 2740 OCEAN STREET CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) C1.1 Preliminary Grading Plan/ Tentative Tract Map CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE April 17, 2024 Item #1 107 of 145 C I - i/ I -l I I I I 7 --.• \. -8_0' ! !---------- • ~ ~ i §I_ ~ ~. ~~~~~74'-~~~I / / ASPH LOT 1 ------~A~P~N~:.....:._2O3-144-O4-OO APN: LOT 2 203-144-05-00 APN: I ASPH ~ LOT 3 .:,·. 203-144-06-00 APN: 45----------L------------------+---------------45--,----__,,. lie ASPH EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS ITEM SYMBOL PROPERTY LINE/RIGHT OF WAY. LINE ........... . __ _..Ro,.,w ox ~ __ _ EXISTING LOT LINE . . .............. . , ARCHITECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /'-' , ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... gi , ASPHALT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "' , BACKFLOW PREVENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I!" CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD DRAWING . . . . .. I :g CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ....... . 2 CONCRETE ......................... . EXISTING .......................... . ~ , FINISH SURFACE. . ................... . LOT ~ : ~:~gfc!:E;:MP • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . ·-·. ■ • ... ARCH ACP/A.C. ASPH/AC BFP CCSD CMWD CONG EXIST/EX FS GB HCR IE ;:,<. I ,INVERT ELEVATION .................... . 20-.3 -144-07-00 POWER POLE ....................... . I POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE. . ............. . pp PVC REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. . ............ . 'SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING ...... . 'SEWER ......................... . , STORM DRAIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . , STIREET LIGHT ....................... . , TOP OF CURB. TOP OF GRADE. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. TOP OF CURB ....................... . TYPICAL .......................... . 'UTILITY ........................... . 'VAULT. 'WATER .......................... . RCP SDRSD SWR SD SL TC SL TC TYP UT VLT WTIR 0 I • "T' ,Ii SL~ .J --r ~ 'DISTRICT INFORMATION __,,.-------------------------.... ,.____..,-I WATER DISTRICT: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTIRICT ff") ----------------SEWER DISTRICT: ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY [_Y ~ , SCHOOL DISTRICT: CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTIRICT • ;;:-•• • II:'/ ,n~ ~~!~ I \, '~ I ------~ ~-• ~\ .',\ • ••• . : TENTATIVE MAP -l'----/2 , •• 0 n ~ ', Al•I J BNET I<' •• I ' TIHIS IS A TENTATIVE MAP TO CONSOLIDATE 5 LOTS INTO 1 LOT, V ~'I,·+ I V I 'i LABELED "LOT 1 ". fY ., I '\ '5'0-J), n. PORTION OF OCEAN -I NOTE "'• • J>n, ~• + I )..--~ ', tf~~<,. ~ ~-. - r --+1-____ JL-------t-rr-01> 6 1l ~ STIREET DEDICATED I 11. STIREET CENTERLINE STATIONING SHOWING PER RECORD PLANS. [ / ~ , 'I / )p RIS s,,,,._ PER MAP NO. 15639 I ~J • I I 2. EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY. ," --~ ·-·-, ~o e,;;,,-'s' = = r-- _, I / ---.-_ ~ / p ,-i,'~"~•-~~~~;;=.c":::=:7~"Z'½r"'==ei~,5li¢aaSJ='='ee,;e!==--~~=::;'""'-IR/W-r-"""l"""c~a--"'Sr--J .::.":':=~=====:..; <SJ ---R/'/,SJ •• 44, , , } / ----------~-i:::-, i ,__ --=-="' ~L "E..~ 51' - -~ "" IWIMl5 N33'59'05"f 1B0.16' \ / \ CONC - --'.LJ I L.d -'T--'O"-'P'---=O-=Gc..:.R_,__,A--'-'-P-'--H'--'Y--'S=-=O-=Uc..:.R_,_C=E c ~ /2 G~ • • ,.,...::=_ -__ /W1Mirnl_sc0 _ :,: ,r, i:!!m! L WM ITTI WIM i.rn' j· 1 TIHE SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION IS A SURVEY .'-~---,2o;_,_.,,e.7'~~~/._/ ~ ,s , ,\~+ 'TYPE 8" INLET P_ER_D_-,._,-_C ""~T -3' •. COMPLETED BY PHOTO GEODETIC CORPORATION ON APRIL 19, 2022 •• • , 2.0BRIM ----I ~ SD ow __ . , , ' cONC ~ + ' • ..,,_,_________ -"' ~--18" --~"' ----------------------------~ ------:,'~so.· AND SUPPLEMENTAL FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY BWE ON APRIL 26, : ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.. --------~-----------~rr: i JT FOUNQ~tD DISC • ,; 1..---II 2iJ :4~/~---k ; ~0Z OCEAN STREET ~0Z ";~NDDl~{4;~~o~f 61;~-6-28_7_, p 2B02E2.NCH MARK t _j::;'~~•.:..:__________ STAMPED "LS 7432 Tl" 'I./ ~ c:: I! PER D-9, 42.20RIM SDI H';j o ':.,15;f 18" RCP STORM DRAIN DWG 432~ '.t15;f -~~ ER ROS 18012 -=',,=.c'=,-'=,-c-~c'-'-'-'='c'~ • " a=D ~N CURB PERI R 4507 I Ss-H .~..,.;,:o·f'\' 38.951E IN t-:) -"'~----~ -------1,-----~ -----L-- - - -- - - - • TIHE BENCH MARK USED FOR TIHIS MAP IS, PT. NO. 130, 2 1/2 c ASPH C; :::, "' ;;'. :!j 38.781E OUT---t::::..::::"i._j_~+-+----+---k + BRASS DISC STAMPED "CLSB-130 LS 6215" IN TIHE SOUTHEAST , GV GV 1 , -H +-'-~,----+-----10" A.C. WATER MAIN_~~----< 1 ____ CORNER OF DRAINAGE BOX INLET AT THE END OF CURB RETURN IN • -:=i;;l,l====/=cf!i:.GV::::::::::-n. / / -~I +--~+/,,-t-'i -ASPH DWG.188-9 11;; "J TIHE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GRAND AVENUE AND WASHINGTON ' o. ..---42-·•·• ---... i ,'l,:.i,; I A 'b 4;r ASP 'v,v> J STIREET, 52 FEET WIEST OF RAILROAD TRACKS AND 40 FEET NORTIH OF ' 0 • ;L ~\)'+ J V" _ •• i5 _J < 8-SEWER MAIN PER 188 g I • "S' 1 k'v+ \ '.I, I!; TIHE CENTER OF GRAND AVENUE PER R.O.S. 17271 c ~ "-~ I n ~'I,·. n ,'i·+ ELEVATION 40.91' (NGVD29) f :.-~ 29+o,o I I I ~HI 8 s••"E.s.v.c.P. SEWER MAIN I / ~o+oo I I 8 1 " I I I I I 31 +oo / C ' ,' 5 0 10 fsHml CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I t----+--+----------------t---,-+--+---t---1 L.2_j ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3 t----+---+----------------+----+--+---+---1 t----+--+----------------t---,-+--+---t---1 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANS / TENTATIVE TRACT MAP B \V E t----+---+------+----+--- FRONT PORCH MEMORY CARE & INDEPENDENT IJVING 2.0 CIVIL •STRUCTURAL •SURVEY• PLANNING t t--D:cAc:1E=-+""1N""1TI""A"'L+----------------t-,,D-,,AlE,,-+,,-IN"'ITI,.,-AL,-+-,D,.,A""lE-t-c,NcclllccA,-L-I I ;1 ________________________________________________________________________ ,.!.S!CA;L~E-=-IN•F~E~E~T~------------~iiiEN;Gi;INj;EER;;O;iFi;WOR~K~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRiiiiEiiiiViiiilSiiiilOiiiiNiiiiiiiiDiiiiEiiiiSiiiiCiiiiRiiiilPiiiiTliiiiiiiiOiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i;oiiiTHiiiER~APiijPiiiRO;VA;L~_;Cl;l'l'iijiiiA;PPj;R;OViiiAL~jii-;;;;;;;;;;;EX;l;Sll;N;G~C;O;ND;l;TI;ON;S~P;LA;N;;;;;;;;;;~~ 1 inch 10 ft. ' ' ' " a ,c C ·-c :::, 43 Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 201 SE Main Street | Suite 325 | Minneapolis | MN 55414 cuningham.com 2020 Project Name PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION No. Date Description 25 PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WW W S S S W SS S OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OH E OHE OHE W S W W W W W W W W W W FW FW S S S IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IR R G W SD SD SDSDSDSD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD S FW IRR W SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD S SD SD SD SD SD S D 5' 5%5% FF 51.75 2ND FLOOR 1ST FLOOR FF 42.50 2NDFLOORFF 51.75 30 ' T O C E N T E R L I N E 42 43 33 51 41 40 39 49 51 51 50 23.0' PERF. 8" PVC 8" PVC 8" P V C 8" P V C 8" PVC 8" PVC 8" PVC 8" PVC 38 37 36 35 34 44 44 43 50 12" PVC12" PVC PERF. 12" PVC 43 45 5' 9.0' FF 42.50 AT 1ST FLOOR 8.0' 50 49 48 46 45 44 14.0' 6. 0 ' 6. 0 ' 6. 0 ' 4.0' 18 . 0 ' 51 47 43 9449 BALBOA AVE, STE 270 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 619.299.5550BWE JOB NO. 13913US1.00 UTILITY NOTES LEGEND S IRR SDFW GRADING QUANTITIES TOTAL DISTURBED AREA CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) MAPPING NOTES 2710, 2720, 2730, & 2740 OCEAN STREET CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 NOTES W GARAGE NOTE: C1.2 Preliminary Grading Plan CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE April 17, 2024 Item #1 108 of 145 ' ~ 8 , I :r: u w w ID "' I "' O> '-' ,. 0 z <( ,. "' ~ 0.. () <( ' <O 8" PVC--<-- SUBDRAIN PIPE S=5.3% I I I I 188-9 ~ CRADLECf2'.?"D "-I CAP PfR ~'l,·. DWG 195-3Z 0 5 < ~ "' .(52.00)T =-'~ I __ __,,. 51.50)F ---=:;: ' <'., ' 1---1-1------ - • REYE 70 ASPH GV GV TI-IE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UllLITIES SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON VISUAL OBSERVATION OF ABOVE STRUCTURES, MARK-OUTS AND REVIEW OF RECORD DRAWINGS. THE DEPICTED LOCATIONS, SIZES AND TYPES OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES/STRUCTURES MAY VARY FROM THE RECORD DRAWINGS AND/OR ACTUAL AS-BUILT LOCATIONS. ADDITIONAL BURIED UTILlllES/STRUCTURES MAY BE ENCOUNllERED. NO EXCAVATIONS WERE MADE TO LOCATE BURIED UTILITIES/STRUCTURES. ~ 2. BWE MAKES NO CLAIM AS TO THE ACCURACY OF UNDERGROUND ,,-, UTILITIES SHOWN HEREON. THE USER OF THIS DRAWING SHALL CONDUCT INDEPENDENT PHYSICAL INSPECTION OF EACH UNDERGROUND UTILITY PRIOR TO EXCAVAllON OR CONSTRUCllON. ,:; 3. ALL MANHOLE AND HANDHOLE COVERS IN CIRCULATION PATHS ALONG :B_ WALKWAYS AND SIDEWALKS MUST COMPLY WITI-1 11 B-302.3 AND 2 11B-303.2 FOR LEVEL CHANGES AND OPENINGS IN TI-IE DIRECllON OF ~-TRAVEL. ASPH :v GARFIELD STREET k 'J''• (51.96)TC (51.46)FL (51.00)TC (50.50)FL PROPERTY LINE/RIGHT-OF-WAY. CENTER LINE . AC PAVEMENT GRIND & OVERLAY CONCREllE PAVEMENT. PAYERS. SOIL DEPTI-1 TREE WELL. NEW CATCH BASIN SIZE PER PLAN. NEW AREA DRAIN . NEW SEWER/STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT. RETAINING WALL. FENCE/SCREEN WALL. I -R/W-- --~-- ----4----- / / / / Iii 0 0 / I I I I I I I I I STORM DRAIN. FIRE WAllER SERVICE. DOMESTIC WA llER DOUBLE CHECK BACKFLOW WITI-1 FDC. MODULAR WETLAND PER DETAIL A/3 • THRUST BLOCK . WATER MEllER BACKFLOW PRENTER. 12" TRENCH DRAIN. SHORING WALL. AC PAVEMENT 8 8 .a. [llJ El 111111111111111 I I I I I I I I TOTAL SITE DISTURBED AREA= 0.62 ACRES PERMEABLE PAYERS. LIMITS OF IMPROVEMENT PERFORA llED PIPE SHORING LINE CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONT. fsHml CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH3EETS I ~====~====1===============================~====!====!====~====~~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT f---t--+----------------~--+---1----1---1 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANS FOR: WIH EEL STOP. LONGITUDINAL GRATE 6" SEWER- IRRIGATION . 5 0 11 11 I' I 11 I' I 11 I' I I 10 B \V E r--+---+-------4-------+--~ 20 CIVIL· STRUCTURAL ·SURVEY· PLANNING FRONT PORCH MEMORY CARE & INDEPENDENT IJVING DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL SCALE IN FEET ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 1 inch = IO ft. OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN a ,c C ·-c :::, 43 Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 201 SE Main Street | Suite 325 | Minneapolis | MN 55414 cuningham.com 2020 Project Name PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION No. Date Description 25 PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 R/WR/W R/W PL R/W R/W R/W 9449 BALBOA AVE, STE 270 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 619.299.5550BWE JOB NO. 13913US1.00 2710, 2720, 2730, & 2740 OCEAN STREET CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) DESIGN NOTES:SECTION A-A 12 " M A X ROOTBALL PLAN MA X MA X EXISTING SIDEWALK MI N C1.3 Preliminary Grading Plan CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE April 17, 2024 Item #1 109 of 145 - • I- (/) EX R/W EX R/W ~ / / I ~ f------25'-------•.fi-•--20' TO 25' IN PLACES-------1 EXISTING BUILDING I 5' SITE '~· ... I EX CROSS/ GUTTER WHERE OCCURS :.::)Y--SS<?<¼B-S: LANDSCAPE I ! •·· fill 20' EX CURB & GUTTER WHERE OCCURS \STREET PARKING VARIES I 14±' VARIES ' OCEAN SlREET TYPICAL SECTION NTS PROPOSED SCREEN WALL ( 4' HEDGE OVER 2' VENEER BASE) 6±' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY /PARKING WHERE OCCURS ,,. ,· . . , .. -.,. . / I/ I/ I/ ., / WHERE OCCURS I I I I- (/) 0 _J EX Rt:,_, 4.5' -,------25.5' I 5_5• 20· I SIDEWALK LANDSCAPE WHERE OCCURS /SHRUB WHERE OCCURS EX CURB & GUTTER WHERE OCCURS VARIES STREET PARKING EX R/W 25.5'-----1--14.5'1 20' 5.5' VARIES PARALLEL STREET PARKING EX CURB & GUTTER WHERE OCCURS 8' SIDEWALK SITE /-' :.,.,; /. LANDSCAPE EX CROSS GU TIER WHERE OCCURS BEECH AVE TYPICAL SECTION NTS EX WALL EX SHRUB R W 60' RrW 1--------------~ H1----30'------,1-----30'----,- l------c,----25'-----j: _: __ 25'---1 5' 18' PARKING 5':1:1-----1 PERP. 8' . SITE LANDSCAPE EX CURB EX AC PAVEMENT1 J EX SIDEWALK, CURB & GUTTER TO REMAIN 70----------Pl 6D----u -> -<Il --"' -0 EX 8" WATER PARALLEL STREET PARKING GARFIELD SlREET TYPICAL SECTION NTS TOTAL 10.00' vc STA=10+12.06, I ELEV=43.42 V) u V) "-> "-... w ... "' "' U1 0 I ' 91.6' RAMP LENGTH ' -70 10.00' vc z <( w u 0 REMOVE AND REPLACE EX AC PAVEMENT PROPOSED SCREEN WALL ( 4' HEDGE OVER 2' VENEER BASE) w LL ct: <( c., -,-.: :;i ,-.: 5D-0 --+ + -0 0 --- ~ Pl STA=10+ 70.55 Pl ELEV=33.34 u V) u V) PROPOSED DROP OFF AREA PROPOSED 6" CURB AND GUTTER W/ LONGITUDINAL DUCTILE IRON lRAFFIC RATED GRATIE w ::::, z w > <( PROPOSED 8' SIDEWALK :r: u w w CD EX AC-~ PAVEMENT 4" EX ACP WA TIER MAl;----o / 6" EX ACPJ WATER MAIN 1- (11 z <( w u Q CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED DRIVEWAY PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER REMOVE AND REPLACE EX AC PAVEMENT 4.0' MAX. SECTION C-C SCALE HORIZ: 1 '=10" VERT: 1'=10" PROPOSED SIDEWALK CONCRETE DROP OFF 4.0' MAX. PROPOSED BUILDING PROPOSED WALKWAY ±42.50FS PROPOSED BUILDING 1 O' -BUFFER FROM---U UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE WHERE INFILTRATION IS NOT RECOMMENDED PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 33.00FF / ±51.75FS CONCRETIE PATIO / CONCRETIE SIDEWALK, CURB & GUTTER t~r==lf=, PROPOSED REMOVE AND REPLACE {\_LANDSCAPE EX AC PAVEMENT ~-7r-~/~i_ 4.0' MAX. -PROPOSED / ~-" ..;,: / STORM DRAIN /~ TEMPORARY CUT PER GEOTECHNICAL I ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND SlRUCTURE. ADD SHORING WALL IF NEEDED. 1: 1 SLOPES NOT TO EXCEED 10 VERTICAL PATENTED PERIMETER VOID AREA WIETLAND BED ~ u VERTICAL UNDERDRAIN MANIFOLD OUTLET PIPE SEE NOTES " ---1 --4D---------- -7-.6% DRIVEWAY CL CROSS SECTION SCALE HORIZ: 1' =1 O" VERT: 1'=10" > <Il ~: ,6 "' + 0 - "-> "- "' w "' 0 "' "' .; "' "' .,., "' .,., .... + 0 - t:-5% ' . - -40 - ~30 11+00 ~----------.1\,---------/ WITHOUT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S CONSULTATION. DRAIN DOWN LINE PRE-FILTER CARlRIDGE INLET PIPE SEE NOTES I PLANTED AREA \ 1/. , "' EX CURB & GUTT,, PROPOSED 4.0' STORM MAX. DRAIN I SECTION A-A SCALE HORIZ: 1'=10" VERT: 1 '=10" PROPOSED SCREEN WALL ( 4' HEDGE OVER 2' VENEER BASE, PROPOSED SHORING WALL AS NEEDED PROPOSED BUILDING PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PROPOSED BUILDING 1 O' -BUFFER FROM UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE WHERE INFILTRATION IS NOT RECOMMENDED PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT SECTION 8-8 SCALE HORIZ: 1 '=1 o" VERT: 1'=10" PROPOSED---... ROOF OVER COVERED lRASH ENCLOSURE DUMPSTERl7 PROPOSED-~ SHORING WALL (MAX 6' LIKELY PER PLANNER) PROPOSED UNDERGROUND PARKING/ACCESS RAMP 34.00FS DRAINS TO CB CONNECTIED TO SEWIER DUMPSTER _./ / PROPOSED CONC LANDING I I I I ±45.0 FG PER PLAN EXISTING BUILDING PLAN VIEW 1---5' -o·· --., LEFT END VIEW BIOFILTRATION VEGETATION/ WHERE REQUIRED PLAN ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA C/L -I HATCH "' I- (/) 0 _J IE IN 6" ELEVATION VIEW INSTALLATION NOTES U1 I ..., RIGHT END \1EW PRETREA TIMENT /DISCHARGE RIM FLOW CONTROL RISER T 1. CONlRACTOR TO PR0\1DE LABOR, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND INCIDENTALS REQUIRED TO OFFLOAD AND INSTALL THE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DRAWINGS AND THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN MANUFACTURER'S CONlRACT. 2. UNIT MUST BE INSTALLED ON LEVEL BASE. MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDS A MINIMUM 6" LEVEL ROCK BASE UNLESS SPECIFIED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. CONTIRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY PROJECT ENGINEERS RECOMMENDED BASE SPECIFICATIONS. 3. ALL PIPES MUST BE FLUSH WITH INSIDE SURFACE OF CONCRETE. (PIPES CANNOT INTRUDE BEYOND FLUSH). INVERT OF OUTFLOW PIPE MUST BE FLUSH WITH DISCHARGE CHAMBER FLOOR. ALL GAPS AROUND PIPE SHALL BE SEALED WATER TIGHT WITH A NON-SHRINK GROUT PRE MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD CONNECTION DETAIL AND SHALL MEET OR EXCEED REGIONAL PIPE CONNECTION STANDARDS. 4. CONlRACTOR TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL ALL EXTERNAL CONNECTING PIPES. 5. CONTIRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF ALL RISERS, MANHOLES, AND HATCHES. CONTRACTOR TO GROUT ALL MANHOLES AND HATCHES TO MATCH FINISH SURFACE UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. 6. DRIP OR SPRAY IRRIGATION REQUIRED ON ALL UNITS WITH VEGETATION. GENERAL NOTES PROPOSED SCREEN WALL ( 4' HEDGE OVER 2' VENEER BASE) w LL ct: <( c., 1. MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS SPECIFICATIONS AND CAPACITIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR PROJECT SPECIFIC DRAWINGS DETAILING EXACT DIMENSIONS, WEIGHTS AND ACCESSORIES PLEASE CONTACT MANUFACTURER. PROPOSED 6" CURB AND GUTTER LONGITUDINAL STAINLESS STEEL ADA GRATE PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS ~MODULAR WETLAND SYSTEM STANDARD DETAIL NTS #4x8" SMOOTI-l DOWELS @ 1 a• O.C, GREASED ON ONE END, TYP. ALL SIDES l: L SPLASH PAD 1r11· ~~- 5'-0" ROADWAY STRUCTURAL SECTION ROOT CONTROL BARRIER ' STRUClURAL SOIL lo I t . 3" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH EXPANSION JOINT PER L-03, TYP. ALL SIDES ,..---r @ 18" o.c. BOTH WAYS s-nc : .LlN.ER: 95% COMPACTION UNDER CONCRETE FRAME, TYP. 8" PERFORATED PVC SUBDRAIN 6" SAND FILTER LAYER 1. STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO THE LATEST SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWINGS AND CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS. 2. CONCRETE SHALL BE 520-C-2500 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. DESCRIPTION SOIL VOL DEPTH (D) 3. LANDSCAPING DETAILS NOT SPECIFIED HEREIN. WILL BE PRO\/IDED CD LEVEL. 4. PROVIDE 30 MIL PLASTIC LINER WHERE CONCRETE WILL BE POURED ON TOP OF STRUCTURAL SOIL. 5. SEAL PLASTIC LINER TO ADJACENT IMPRO'vEMENTS AND EDGE RESTRAINTS. 6. WHEN SAND FILTER LAYER IS OMITTED, PROVIDE GEOTEXTILE BENEATH THE STRUCTURAL SOIL LAYER PER PROJECT-SPECIFIC GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS. 7. PROPOSED SIDEWALK LOCATIONS & INTENDED ADA. ROUTES PER PROJECT-SPECIFIC DESIGN PLANS. 8. AU SlRUCTURAL SOILS ARE COMPACTED TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION. TREE WELL#1 1,440CF TREE WELL#2 192CF TREE WELL STANDARD DETAIL NTS 4' 3' L W AREA TREE NAME 20' 18' 360SF HYBRID STRAWBERRY TREE 8' 8' 64SF CA MOUNTAIN LILLAC PROPOSED·--- COVERED lRASH ENCLOSURE PROPOSED SHORING WALL W/ GREEN WALL 51.51 FS 42.29FS --.;,k=~~T"'=,:!l!n=~;-;PROPOSED CURB r RAMP WITH FLUSH DOWN STAIR " / °'\'.· / PROPOSED SIDEWALK 4.0'MAX. TIRANSITION REMOVE AND REPLACE EX AC PAVEMENT t---+----+-----------+---+----t---+---1 I SH3EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH3EETS I :;:;:;;:;;:;;,;:;;;::;';EN;:G::::I::::N;:EE;:R:;l;:NG:::;:;D:::E::::P;:AR:;T::::M::E::::N::::T==:..=:==~ t---t---+----------------+---+----+---+----1 PREIJMINARY GRADING PLANS FOR: 33.12FS PROPOSED CONC \ PROPOSED PROPOSED 1ST FLOOR ){ LANDSCAPE WALL PER LANDING / ARCH PLANS // TEMPORARY CUT PER GEOTECHNICAL FRONT PORCH MEMORY CARE & INDEPENDENT LlVING f------'"'-..------SEE DRIVEWAY CL CROSS SECTION _ _., / ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION TO CONSlRUCT ON THIS SHEET / UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE. ADD SHORING WALL B\V E~------+----+-- ,,_ __________________________________ _/ IF NEEDED. 1:1 SLOPES NOT TO EXCEED 10 VERTICAL WITHOUT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S CONSULTATION. CIVIL· STRUCTURAL ·SURVEY· PLANNING DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK DA lE INITIAL DA lE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY A.PPROVAL SECTIONS a ,c C ·-c :::, 43 Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 201 SE Main Street | Suite 325 | Minneapolis | MN 55414 cuningham.com 2020 Project Name PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION No. Date Description 25 PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 SD SD SDSDSDSD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD S D S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W WW W W W W W W W W W W WWWW SS S OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE S W W W W W W W W W FW FW S S IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG IRRG FF 51.75 FF 42.50FF 51.75 FF 42.50 A-5A-5 10 . 0 0 ' 10 . 0 0 ' W W EC 51 51 51 50 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 9449 BALBOA AVE, STE 270 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 619.299.5550BWE JOB NO. 13913US1.00 SD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2710, 2720, 2730, & 2740 OCEAN STREET CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 SITE DESIGN BMPS: SOURCE CONTROL BMPS: LEVEL 1 GARAGE PERMEABLE PAVEMENT & LINER DETAILNOT TO SCALE MATCHLINE SHEET 2 MA T C H L I N E S H E E T 2 C2.1 DMA/Single Sheet BMP Site Plan 1 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE April 17, 2024 Item #1 110 of 145 ·' J > ; I . z z ~ ~ a:: l5 ii g ~ ;,. ~ I .. , . ... -+ ROOF LINE TYP ••• 47 I I I I I I I ■ =--+--· ,0, ' .. '., , , ... . . . • . : ' . . . ........:, . " .. .-(PRIVATE ._ BACKYARD I I I I I PROPOS BUILDIN VARIES ---r-+ -+ w BASEMENT F=33.0 ~~~ ~ -:-PRIVATE • ( BACKYARD ---------...~, SUMP PUMP #1: DRAINS TO BMP #1 ~-. IN I I . r I ./ .. /. I , / 1 y2.~TG I I J t-----l 1· • I 11:0:11: I I IP l I GB I , I : • 1 I I I I I I I I I I 0------- I I I 0--- - --@------, .,.--..... I A-4 ---@ r :j ~~- C, w EC • • ·:.'. • 1 ··,. . ·.··,,. ·,,' ' ... ROOF ORAi (TIP.) -MNIMIS DMA I I I I I I I • • -LANDSCAPE f' •. ' •• ' • ·, • .• { ,.::,,: •.• ' .. •. • ... ·,, , Pl-::=-::--:2::;{:I:lr;=;::i=:;:=:;~= 1.7./:'c. ,+-"--,-,,-~-...__._,.___..~-,--LI ~'?. 5' lYPE s· INLET _"ER_-=. "';;ZIL~1l I _ 42.08RIM ___ SC-F ELEC ----~j~ 6 T 1 YLT -- A=0.62 AO £',_ BMP fl ~MEASLE 0100=3.55 CFS ( Cl \V, PAYERS (394 SF ASf'H ONSITE ONLY c;a ;:, TOTAL, 84 SF \IHHOUT -4i:.GY!..-.::.GV.:e-----1 Q IMPERMEABLE LINER). ~ SEE VOLUME CALCULATIONS ON 8" SEWER l~~lj%_W ~wg19 ~~=~~~==-~=--=r=~~-=r---(f_- 8" E.S.V.C.P. SEWER MAIN '\ DWG. 188-~9,~1_93_-_1 __ -+_ ,. ___ _},_<-________ _ Tabular Summary of DMAs ;.-i':,,__,;,,,~'• •, ~•• a ~ • . . . ' ' . -SD-I . '. c DM A Unique Identifier Area (acres) Im per vi ou s Area (acres) % I mp H SG Area Weighted Run off Coefficient { C) DCV (cubic feet) Mitigated By (BM P ID) Pol I utant Control Type u c A-1 0.053 0.052 99.3% B 0.894 103 BM P#3 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration A· 2 0.082 0.074 90.2% B 0.822 150 4 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration A· 3 0.034 0.024 70.6% B 0.665 49 BMP#2 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration A· 4 0.136 0.136 99.7% B 0.898 267 BMP#2 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration A-5 0.083 0.074 89.2% B 0.813 148 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration A· 6 0.049 0.049 100.0% B 0.900 96 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration A· 7 0.130 0.082 63.1% B 0.605 175 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration B-1 0.010 0.008 82.2%1 B 0.757 17 Other B· 2 0.005 0.005 100.0% B 0.900 De-minim is B· 3 0.019 0.014 73.8% B 0.690 29 INF-3 Pervious Pavers B-4 0.017 0.010 61.4%:1 B 0.591 22 BMP#7 INF-3 Pervious Pavers TOTAL 0,618 0.529 85.6% B 0.785 1,056 OFF-1 0.053 0.053 100.0% B 0.900 104 SSD-BMPTreeWell #1 OFF· 2 0 035 0 035 100.0% B 0 900 68 SSD-BMPTreeWell #1 OFF-3 0.023 0.010 42.0% B 0.436 22 SSD-BMPTreeWell #1 OFF-4 0.033 0.014 41.9% B 0.435 31 SSD-BMPTreeWell #1 TOTAL OFFSITE 0.144 0.111 77.4% B 0.719 225 Drainsto(POCID) 5 0 10 SCALE IN FEET 1 inch = 10 ft. 1 -·· -, +-· / _:_..:- " , " ,., B\V E 20 CIML •STRUCTIJRAL•SURVEY•PLANNING 1, DAT£ INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE {y " NAME FRONT PORCH COMMUN/11£5 '.£._ADDRESS BOO NORlli BRAND BLVD. CONTACT JOAN JOHNSON 19TH FLOOR BMP CONS1FIUC11ON AND INSPECTION NOlES GLENDALIE, CA 92103 PHONE N0 . ..,7B"""D _____ _ PLAN PREPARED BY: NAME HECTOR MAYTORENA COMPANY BWE, INC, ADDRESS 2449 BALBOA AVENUE SUIJE 270 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE N0.619-299-5550 BMPNOlES SIGNATURE CERTIFICATION RCE 86216 1. THESE BMPS ARE MANDATORY TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS OR THESE PLANS. THE EOW MLL VERIFY THAT PERMANENT BMPS ARE CONSTRUCTED AND OPERA TING IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS. PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY THE EOW MUST PROVIDE: 1. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE INSTALLATION OF PERMANENT BMPS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND AT FINAL INSTAULATION. 2. A l'o£T STAMPED LETTER VERIFYING THAT PERMANENT BMPS ARE CONSTRUCTED ANO OPERA TING PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROVED PLANS. J. PHOTOGRAPHS TO VERIFY THAT PERMANENT WATER QUALITY TREATMENT SIGNAGE HAS BEEN INSTALILED. PRIOR TO RELIEASE OF SECURITIES, THE DEVELOPER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THE PERMANENT BMPS HA YE NOT BEEN REMOVED OR MODIFIED BY THE NEW HOMEOWNER OR HOA W1THOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. LEGEND SYMBOL EXISTING BUILI2. NO CHANGES TO THE PROPOSED BMPS ON THIS SHEET WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. PROPERTY LINE/RIGHT-OF-WAY --llOW _ --P/L- CENTER LINE -C/L----- GU 3. NO SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE MATERIAL OR TYPES OR PLANTING TYPES WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. 4. NO OCCUPANCY WILL BE GRANTED UNTIL THE CITY INSPECTION STAFF HAS INSPECTED THIS PROJECT FOR APPROPRIATE BMP CONSTRUCTION AND INSTAULATION. 5. REFER TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT DOCUMENT. 6. SEE PROJECT SWMP FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. @ OVERHEAD COVERING -MA TE RIALS &: EQUIPMENT STORAGE @ SEPARATION FLOWS FROM ADJACENT AREAS -MATERIALS &: EQUIPMENT STORAGE ISO-Bl STORM DRAINS AND CATCH BASINS WILL BE LABELED MTH STENCILING OR SIGNAGE TO DISCOURAGE DUMPING DIRECT RUNOFF TO PERVIOUS AREAS -SIDEWALKS &: WALKWAYS -DRIVEWAYS -PATIOS, DECKS, &: COURTYARDS -ROOFTOP AREAS CONSTRUCT SURF ACES FROM PERMEABLE MATERIALS -PARKING AREAS &: WALKWAYS -PATIOS, DECKS, &: COURTYARDS I SD-KI SUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPING SlRUCTIBAL BMP KEYNOTES ()>coMPACT PROPRIETARY BIOFILTRATION BMP (POLLUTANT CONTROL) ()PERMEABLE PAVEMENT BMP (POLLUTANT CONTROL) SWOMPNOTES 1. THE SITE IS COMPRISED OF HYDROLOGIC SOIL TYPE B. 2. APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER GREATER THAN 30 FEET EXISTING NATURAL HYDROLOGIC FEATURES -NOT APPLICABLE NO CRITICAL COARSE SEDIMENT YIELD AREAS ARE NOT PRESENT ON SITE PROJECT DISCHARGES DIRECTLY INTO HARDENED CONVEYANCE AND ROUTED DIRECTLY TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN. PROJECT IS HYDROMODIFICA TION EXEMPT. PROPOSED BUILDING/ STRUCTURE AC PAVEMENT Eto+ftU-\-ffU-j AC PAVEMENT GRIND &: OVERLAY CONCRETE PAVEMENT ~\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\lWl\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\lWI\\\\\\\~ PAVERS l''-'.'/,'/,'/.V \','Z/1 .<'<<Y /'/ /C ///. /:{_/':,_ NEW CATCH BASIN SIZE PER PLAN NEW AREA DRAIN NEW ROOF DRAIN PER PLUIIBING PLAN NEW SEWER/STORM DRAIN CUEANOUT SITE WALL I I I I I I I I I STORM DRAIN MODULAR l'IETLAND 12" TRENCH DRAIN STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT TYPE A4 STREET TREE BOX SUMP PUMP ROOF DRAIN DA YUGHTS TO BMP PER PLUMBING PLANS PERMEABLE PAYERS PROJECT OUTER OMA BOUNDARY OMA BOUNDARY EXISTING CONTOUR NEW CONTOUR FLOW DIRECTION FLOW PATH POINT OF COMPLIANCE (POC) 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------xxx --------------xxx --xxx ------ DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREA MARKER &: AREA (AC) 10-FEET BUFFER FROM UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE WHERE INFILTRATION IS NOT RECOMMENDED PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT CONCRETE PAYER BAND PER LANDSCAPE PLAN 4" THICK CONCRETE PAYER BLOCK PER LANDSCAPE PLAN 2" BEDDING LAYER (N0.8 STONE) 4" ASlM /j57 AGGREGATE f<;)cp-):;f<~fi!(~· );;;f(-, £!(~_-·-:,-',( 611 ASTM #2 AGGREGATE -I '11-1~17 11-IJ I ]-111- llll, ,~,.Ill I I. 11 · , '1111-1 1 'II 1_-~11L 3" ABOVE BOTTOM DAT£ INITIAL 10' NOTES: SUBGRADE 4" DIA PERFORATED SUBDRAIN. PERFORATED HOLES 3/8" , MIN @ 3-1/4" SPACING ALONG PIPE. W/ STAGGERED HORIZONTAL ROWS, PER CITY OF SAN DIEGO STANDARD DRAMNG SDSW-102. 1. ALL STONE LAYERS MUST BE CLEAN AND FREE OF FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL 2, PERVIOUS CONCRETE AND/OR PAYERS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. DMA EXHIBIT OJI CITY OF CARLSBAD I[!] FRONT PORCH MEMORY CARE AN) INDEPENDB'-IT L.MNQ DMA/SING LE SHEET BMP SITE PLAN DAT£ INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL a ,c C ·-c :::, 43 Sheet Number Sheet Title ©Copyright by Cuningham (All Rights Reserved) Current Revision Revisions Project Information Project No.:PIC / AIC: Date:Phase: 201 SE Main Street | Suite 325 | Minneapolis | MN 55414 cuningham.com 2020 Project Name PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION No. Date Description 25 PRINT DATE 3/8/2024 SD W W W S S S S S S SS OHE OHE OHE OH E OH E OH E OH E OH E OHE OHE OHE W W W W W W S S S S S S S S S S S W W W W W W W S S S W 51 9449 BALBOA AVE, STE 270 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 619.299.5550BWE JOB NO. 13913US1.00 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2710, 2720, 2730, & 2740 OCEAN STREET CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 SITE DESIGN BMPS: SOURCE CONTROL BMPS: LEVEL 1 GARAGE PERMEABLE PAVEMENT & LINER DETAILNOT TO SCALE MATCHLINE SHEET 1 MA T C H L I N E S H E E T 1 SD C2.2 DMA/Single Sheet BMP Site Plan 2 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE April 17, 2024 Item #1 111 of 145 C, w D ,, r " u • " u " I I I I I ~ I 4>· I I I I I I I I I ,JJ'?. REQUIRED IMPERVIOUS AREA = OFF-1 + OFF-2 + OFF-4 = 0.05.3 + 0.035 + 0.014 = 0.102 ACRE = 4,418 SF / . . I I/■ . , " . .. • ... ... ... ... DMA Unique Identifier Area (acres) A-1 0.053 A-2 0.082 A-3 0.034 A-4 0.136 A-5 0.083 A-6 0.049 A-7 0.130 B-1 0.010 B-2 0.005 B-3 0.019 B-4 0.017 TOTAL 0.618 ... OFF-1 0.053 OFF-2 0.035 OFF-3 0.054 OFF· 4 0.042 TOTAL OFFSITE 0.184 Tabular Summary of DMAs I Worksheet B-1 Im per vi ous Area (acres) %Imp HSG Area Weighted Runoff Coefficient (C) DCV(cubicfeet) Mitigated By (BMP ID) Pollutant Control Type 0.052 99.3% B 0.894 103 DIVIIH-3 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration 0.074 90.2% B 0.822 150 BMP#4 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration 0.024 70.6% B 0.665 49 BMP#2 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration 0.136 99.7% B 0.898 267 BMP#2 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration 0.074 89.2% B 0.813 148 BMP#1 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration 0.049 100.0% B 0.900 96 BMP#5 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration 0.082 63.1% B 0.605 175 BMP#5 BF-3 Proprietary Biofiltration 0.008 82.2% B 0.757 17 Tree Well #2 other 0.005 100.0% B 0.900 -De-minim is De-minim is 0.014 73.8% B 0.690 29 BMP#6 INF-3 Pervious Pavers 0.010 61.4% B 0.591 22 BMP#7 I NF-3 Pervious Pavers 0.529 85.6% B 0.785 1,056 -- 0.053 100.0% B 0.900 103 -SSD-BM PTreeWell #1 0.035 100.0% B 0.900 68 -SSD-BM PTreeWell #1 0.040 73.8% B 0.690 82 -SSD-BM PTreeWell #1 0.023 55.6% B 0.545 50 -SSD-BM PTreeWell #1 0 .151 82.1% B 0.757 303 -- / 5 0 10 B\V E 20 CIVIL• STRUCl\JRAL •SURVEY• PLANNING SCALE IN FEET DAT£ INITIAL 1 inch = 10 ft. ENGINEER OF WORK Drainsto(POCID) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CT 2022-0003/CUP 2022-0014/CDP 2022-0047 (DEV2022-0063) PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE BMP CONS1FIUC110N AND INSPECTION NOlES NAME FRONT PORCH COMMUNl11E5 ADDRESS BOO NORlli BRAND BLVD. CONTACT JOAN JOHNSON 19TH FLOOR GLENDALE, CA 92103 PHONE NQ._,7B"""D _____ _ PLAN PREPARED BY: NAME HECTOR MAYTORENA COMPANY BWE, INC, ADDRESS 2449 BALBOA AVENUE SUIJE 270 SIGNAl\JRE SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE NO. 619-299-5550 CERTIFICATION RCE 86216 BMPNOlES 1. THESE BMPS ARE MANDATORY TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS OR THESE PLANS. 2. NO CHANGES TO THE PROPOSED BMPS ON THIS SHEET \\1THOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. 3. NO SUBSTil\JTIONS TO THE MATERIAL OR TYPES OR PLANTING TYPES \\1THOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE aTY ENGINEER. 4. NO OCCUPANCY \\1LL BE GRANTED UNTIL THE CITY INSPECTION STAFF HAS INSPECTED THIS PROJECT FOR APPROPRIATE BMP CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION. 5. REFER TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT DOCUMENT. 6. SEE PROJECT SWMP FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. @ OVERHEAD COVERING -MA TE RIALS & EQUIPMENT STORAGE @ SEPARATION FLOWS FROM ADJACENT AREAS -MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT STORAGE STORM DRAINS AND CATCH BASINS V.,LL BE LABELED V.,TH STENCILING OR SIGNAGE TO DISCOURAGE DUMPING I SD-B I DIRECT RUNOFF TO PERVIOUS AREAS -SIDEWALKS & WALKWAYS -DRIVEWAYS -PATIOS, DECKS, & COURTYARDS -ROOFTOP AREAS ! SD-I ! CONSTRUCT SURF ACES FROM PERMEABLE MATERIALS -PARKING AREAS & WALKWAYS -PATIOS, DECKS, & COURTYARDS ! SD-K ! SUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPING SI RUCMAL BMP KEYNOlES THE EOW V.,LL VERIFY THAT PERMANENT BMPS ARE CONSTRUCTED AND OPERA TING IN COMPLIANCE 111TH THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS. PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY THE EOW MUST PROVIDE: 1. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE INSTALLATION OF PERMANENT BMPS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND AT FINAL INSTALLATION. 2. A WET STAMPED LETTER VERIFYING THAT PERMANENT BMPS ARE CONSTRUCTED AND OPERA TING PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROVED PLANS. 3. PHOTOGRAPHS TO VERIFY THAT PERMANENT WATER QUALITY TREATMENT SIGNAGE HAS BEEN INSTALLED. PRIOR TO RELEASE OF SECURITIES, THE DEVELOPER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THE PERMANENT BMPS HA VE NOT BEEN REMOVED OR MODIFIED BY THE NEW HOMEOWNER OR HOA \lt1THOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. LEGEND SYMBOL -ROW-- -P/1.- -C/L----- PROPERTY LINE/RIGHT-OF-WAY CENTER LINE AC PAVEMENT AC PAVEMENT GRIND & OVERLAY CONCRETE PAVEMENT PA\/ERS NEW CATCH BASIN SIZE PER PLAN NEW AREA DRAIN NEW ROOF DRAIN PER PLUMBING PLAN NEW SEWER/STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT SITE WALL STORM DRAIN MODULAR WETLAND 12" TRENCH DRAIN STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT TYPE A4 STREET TREE BOX I I I I I I I I I SUMP PUMP @) ROOF DRAIN DAYLIGHTS TO @) BMP PER PLUMBING PLANS PER"EABLE PA'~Rs I ' I I I I I I I I I m v~ . I I I I I I I I . PROJECT OUTER DMA BOUNDARY DMA BOUNDARY • • • • ••- EXISTING CONTOUR NEW CONTOUR ---xxx --------------xxx --xxx VCOMPACT PROPRIETARY BIOFILTRATION BMP (POLWTANT CONTROL) ~ PERMEABLE PAVEMENT BMP (POLLUTANT CONTROL) FLOW DIRECTION FLOW PATH POINT OF COMPLIANCE (POC) DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREA MARKER & AREA (AC) ------ SWOMPNOlES 1. THE SITE IS COMPRISED OF HYDROLOGIC SOIL TYPE 8. 2. APPROXIMATE DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER GREATER THAN 30 FEET 3. EXISTING NA 1\JRAL HYDROLOGIC FEA 1\JRES -NOT APPLICABLE 4. NO CRITICAL COARSE SEDIMENT YIELD AREAS ARE NOT PRESENT ON SITE 5. PRO.ECT DISCHARGES DIRECTl Y INTO HARDENED CONVEYANCE AND ROUTED DIRECTl Y TO THE PAaFIC OCEAN. PRO.ECT IS HYDROMODIFICA TION EXEMPT. DAT£ INITIAL NOTES: PROPOSED BUILDING/ STRUCl\JRE 10' SUBGRADE 10-FEET BUFFER FROM UNDERGROUND STRUCl\JRE WHERE INFILTRATION IS NOT RECOMMENDED PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT CONCRETE PAVER BAND PER LANDSCAPE PLAN 4" THICK CONCRETE PAVER BLOCK PER LANDSCAPE PLAN 1. ALL STONE LAYERS MUST BE CLEAN AND FREE OF FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL 2. PERVIOUS CONCRETE AND/OR PAYERS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. DMA EXHIBIT 01 CITY OF CARLSBAD I[!] FRONT PORCH MEMORY CARE AN) NDEPEND8'1T L.MNG OMA/SINGLE SHEET BMP SITE PLAN DAT£ INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL =------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ a ,c C ·-c :::, 2 2.5 0°' 11.25°' 22.50°' S 5.06' 2.50 ' 8" RP/RPDA BACKFLOW (ZURN MODEL 375/375DA) 1.00'BEND 22.99' E W N S N S EC 3.04' 1.50' 1.54 ' 0 . 7 5 ' 0.75' 6" C L E A R A N C E PER S D W - 1 5 5 PLUS 3 " P I P E BEND 2" R P BAC K F L O W (ZUR N M O D E L 975X L 2 ) M2.62' 1.44' 2.46' POLYMER CONCRETE WATER METER BOX FOR 2"WATER SERVICE 1.28' 2.33 ' 1.50' 1.08 ' 0 . 6 3 ' 0.75 ' 6" C L E A R A N C E PER S D W - 1 5 5 PLUS 1 . 5 " P I P E BEND 1" R P BAC K F L O W (ZUR N M O D E L 975XL 2 ) M 2.10' 1.31'1.16' 1.96' POLYMER CONCRETE WATER METER BOX FOR 1" WATER SERVICE 0' 5 ' 1 0 ' 20 ' 40 ' OC E A N S T GA R F I E L D S T BEECH AVE ADJACENT PROPERTY BI K E P A R K I N G A R E A ME M O R Y CA R E SO U T H GA R D E N EX I S T I N G P A V E R C R O S S W A L K DR O P O F F AR E A UN D E R G R O U N D P A R K I N G DR I V E W A Y A C C E S S EX I S T I N G S I D E W A L K RE S I D E N T I A L PR O F E S S I O N A L CA R E E N T R Y CO U R T Y A R D PR I V A T E P A T I O (T H I R D F L O O R ) CO M M O N U S E P A T I O (T H I R D F L O O R ) EX I S T I N G N E W Z E A L A N D C H R I S T M A S TR E E ( Me t r o s i d e r o s e x c e l s a ) T O R E M A I N PR I V A T E P A T I O (T H I R D F L O O R ) PR I V A T E P A T I O (T H I R D F L O O R ) PR I V A T E P A T I O (T H I R D F L O O R ) CO M M O N U S E P A T I O (T H I R D F L O O R ) PL A N T I N G A R E A ( T H I R D F L O O R ) PL A N T I N G A R E A ( T H I R D F L O O R ) PL A N T I N G A R E A ( T H I R D F L O O R ) EN T R Y EX I S T I N G U T I L I T Y P O L E PR O P O S E D S E W E R / S T O R M DR A I N C L E A N O U T , T Y P . S E E C I V I L TH I S P L A N T E R I S U N D E R A N E X I S T I N G C I T Y O F C A R L S B A D MA I N T E N A N C E R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y C O N T R A C T A N D I S N O T A P A R T O F TH I S P R O J E C T O W N E R ' S R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 2" W A T E R M E T E R , SE E C I V I L ADJACENT PROPERTY ME M O R Y C A R E S O U T H G A R D E N BI K E P A R K I N G A R E A ME M O R Y C A R E G A R D E N TR E E W E L L , SE E A R C H ES C A P E W E L L , S E E A R C H . ES C A P E W E L L , S E E A R C H . PR O P E R T Y L I N E MO D U L A R W E T L A N D , SE E C I V I L BI O R E T E N T I O N B A S I N , TY P . S E E C I V I L EL E C T R I C T R A N S F O R M E R O N CO N C R E T E P A D , S E E A R C H . MO D U L A R W E T L A N D , S E E C I V I L MO D U L A R W E T L A N D , S E E C I V I L MO D U L A R W E T L A N D , SE E C I V I L MO D U L A R W E T L A N D , S E E C I V I L TR A S H E N C L O S U R E , SE E A R C H PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E PROPERTY LINE 1" W A T E R M E T E R / IR R I G A T I O N M E T E R , S E E C I V I L TR E E W E L L Ma i n t e n a n c e R e s p o n s i b i l i t y L e g e n d CI T Y E A S E M E N T ( P R I V A T E L Y M A I N T A I N E D B Y O W N E R ) PR I V A T E P R O P E R T Y ( P R I V A T E L Y M A I N T A I N E D B Y O W N E R ) Sh e e t N u m b e r Sh e e t T i t l e © Co p y r i g h t by C u n i n g h a m ( A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d ) Cu r r e n t R e v i s i o n Re v i s i o n s Pr o j e c t I n f o r m a t i o n Pr o j e c t N o . : PIC / A I C : Da t e : Ph a s e : 20 1 S E M a i n S t r e e t | S u i t e 3 2 5 | M i n n e a p o l i s | M N 5 5 4 1 4 cu n i n g h a m . c o m 2/7/2024 8:47:07 PMAutodesk Docs://17-0350 - Carlsbad By the Sea Memory Care - RVT2022/17-0350_Carlsbad By the Sea MC_Landscape.rvt Co n c e p t u a l M a i n t e n a n c e Re s p o n s i b i l i t y E x h i b i t L3 2 0 20 2 0 Pr o j e c t N a m e PR E L I M I N A R Y NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N No . 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Acronym Description Acronym Description APA American Planning Association LCPA Local Coastal Program Amendment APN Assessor Parcel Number LOS Level of Service AQMD Air Quality Management District MND Mitigated Negative Declaration BMP Best Management Practice NCTD North County Transit District CALTRANS California Department of Transportation ND Negative Declaration CC City Council PC Planning Commission CCR Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions PDP Planned Development Permit CEQA California Environmental Quality Act PEIR Program Environmental Impact Report CFD Community Facilities District PUD Planned Unit Development CIP Capital Improvement Program ROW Right of Way COA Conditions of Approval RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board CofO Certificate of Occupancy SANDAG San Diego Association of Governments CT Tentative Parcel Map SDP Site Development Permit CUP Conditional Use Permit SP Specific Plan DIF Development Impact Fee SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program DISTRICT City Council Member District Number TM Tentative Map EIR Environmental Impact Report ZC Zone Change EIS Environmental Impact Statement (federal) EPA Environmental Protection Agency FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency GP General Plan GPA General Plan Amendment GIS Geographic Information Systems HCA Housing Crisis Act 2019 IS Initial Study April 17, 2024 Item #1 116 of 145 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS EXHIBIT 10 5 April 2024 Reference: CT 2022-0003: Carlsbad By The Sea Summerhouse Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission: I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed Memory Care and Independent Living building of the Carlsbad By The Sea (CBTS) retirement community. I am a long-time resident of Carlsbad and currently serve as the President of the CBTS Residents Association, representing the voice of our nearly 200 residents. I speak for our entire resident community in supporting this development that will not only enhance the quality of life for our seniors but also contribute positively to both CBTS and the City of Carlsbad. CBTS occupies a unique position in the city. We are both a historic site, dating back to the California-Carlsbad Mineral Springs Hotel of 1929, as well as one of the premier retirement communities in California. Our partnership with St. Michael's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church also helps us maintain a strong volunteer spirit supporting numerous charitable causes. We currently offer Independent Living, Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing services to our residents and others convalescing from recent hospital stays. By adding Memory Care to our campus, we can ensure that residents can have badly needed access to high-quality care and services in a familiar and supportive environment. April 17, 2024 Item #1 117 of 145 Exhibit 11 CBTS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION The proposed location of the Memory Care building aligns well with existing infrastructure and services, making it convenient for families to visit their loved ones and ensuring easy access to medical facilities and other amenities available in Carlsbad Village. This facility will also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in our community. This aligns with the city's vision for sustainable development and prosperity. In conclusion, the residents of CBTS strongly urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support our proposal for a new Memory Care facility. This development represents an important step forward in meeting the evolving needs of our aging population and strengthening our community. Dr. Gerald A. Anderson President, CBTS Residents Association 2855 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad CA, 92008 (760) 271-6735 geraldanderson21@icloud.com April 17, 2024 Item #1 118 of 145 April 17, 2024 Item #1 119 of 145 April 5, 2024 Dr. Karen Bishop Carlsbad by the Sea 201 Grand Avenue, 343 Carlsbad CA 92008 kgbishop50@gmail.com Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission I am writing in support of Project CT 2022-0003 -Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse. Carlsbad needs a quality memory care facility. Carlsbad by the Sea already provides excellent nursing care in the Care Center. This project complements the care needed. I am confident that the quality will be on the highest level. I live at CBTS. I dread the day that either my spouse or I need this kind of care. It is reassuring to know that the spouse can be close while the other can maintain the independent living. Please support this proposal. From:Jason Goff To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: CT 2022-0003 Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:16:20 AM From: L Cornell <linda.cornell15@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 5:14 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: CT 2022-0003 Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing to express my support for the proposed project called Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse. This project building for both memory care and independent living by Carlsbad by the Sea is seriously needed for aging with grace and dignity within the Carlsbad community. As a resident of Carlsbad by the Sea in independent living now, this project would ensure high-quality care in a familiar setting. Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community has a long-standing reputation for excellence in senior living which is why I live here. I have no doubt they would uphold this standard at the Summerhouse. The Carlsbad Village is the perfect setting for our families to visit us here during hotel stays, dine and enjoy the ocean view! Best, Linda Cornell Carlsbad by the Sea 2855 Carlsbad Blvd Apt S-325 Carlsbad, CA 92008 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 120 of 145 April 17, 2024 Item #1 121 of 145 Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed memory care (Project CT 2022-0003 -CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE) and independent living building by Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community. As a Staff member of Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community, I believe that this development will not only enhance the quality of life for our seniors but also contribute positively to the fabric of our community. Memory care facilities play a crucial role in providing specialized care and support for individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. By having such a facility within our city, we are ensuring that our loved ones have access to high-quality care and services in a familiar and supportive environment. Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community has a long-standing reputation for excellence in senior living, and I have no doubt that their memory care building will uphold this standard. Their commitment to providing compassionate care and creating a nurturing environment for residents is commendable, and I am confident that they will continue to be an asset to our community. Furthermore, the proposed location of the memory care building aligns well with existing infrastructure and services, making it convenient for families to visit their loved ones and ensuring easy access to medical facilities and other amenities available in the Carlsbad Village. In addition to the positive impact on residents and families, the development of this memory care facility will also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in our community. This aligns with the city's vision for sustainable development and prosperity. In conclusion, I urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support the proposal for the memory care building by Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community. This development represents an important step forward in meeting the evolving needs of our aging population and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. Lisa A. Dickenson Director of Fitness/Wellness From:Planning To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: Letter of Support Project CT 2022-0003 - Carlsbad By The Sea Summerhouse Date:Friday, April 5, 2024 4:12:12 PM From: Madeline Gagliani <MGAGLIANI@frontporch.net> Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 2:32 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Letter of Support Project CT 2022-0003 - Carlsbad By The Sea Summerhouse Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed memory care (Project CT2022-0003 – CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE) and independent living building byCarlsbad By The Sea retirement community. As a Staff member of Carlsbad By The SeaRetirement Community, I believe that this development will not only enhance the quality oflife for our seniors but also contribute positively to the fabric of our community. Memory care facilities play a crucial role in providing specialized care and support forindividuals living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. By having such afacility within our city, we are ensuring that our loved ones have access to high-quality careand services in a familiar and supportive environment. Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community has a long-standing reputation for excellencein senior living, and I have no doubt that their memory care building will uphold thisstandard. Their commitment to providing compassionate care and creating a nurturingenvironment for residents is commendable, and I am confident that they will continue tobe an asset to our community. Furthermore, the proposed location of the memory care building aligns well with existinginfrastructure and services, making it convenient for families to visit their loved ones andensuring easy access to medical facilities and other amenities available in the CarlsbadVillage. In addition to the positive impact on residents and families, the development of thismemory care facility will also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth inour community. This aligns with the city's vision for sustainable development andprosperity. In conclusion, I urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support the proposal for thememory care building by Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community. This developmentrepresents an important step forward in meeting the evolving needs of our agingpopulation and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. April 17, 2024 Item #1 122 of 145 Sincerely, Madeline Gagliani Madeline GaglianiHuman Resources DirectorCarlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community 760-435-2309mgagliani@frontporch.net This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the originator of the message. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 123 of 145 CA IRUBAD BY' HIE SE.A htire•~n'I Co,m o ■i l7 From:Planning To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: CT-2022-0003-Carlsbad by the sea Summerhouse Date:Friday, April 5, 2024 4:28:19 PM From: pskirk1234@gmail.com <pskirk1234@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 4:13 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: CT-2022-0003-Carlsbad by the sea Summerhouse Carlsbad Planning Commission I and my wife are current residents of Carlsbad By the Sea Retirement Community. The CBTS facility was our choice to spend our declining days because after careful review of many facilities in the San Diego area, we found CBTS to be the best run and in the best location with the best surrounding amenities. It is a sad fact that many of our friends of similar age to ourselves are experiencing various forms and degrees of dementia. We expect to be able to spend many more years here, but the reality is that one or other of us will quite probably reach the point of requiring a memory care facility. The one currently proposed by Front Porch just North of us would be an ideal location for such a facility for many of the same reasons that we chose CBTS for our retirement. It is also a sad fact that the demand for such a facility is only going to increase in the future, and therefore we believe that approval of the application would not only provide an excellent facility for those of us who are already here, next door, but would also provide more capacity for the growing number of people who need such a facility. Furthermore, it is also a sad fact that in many cases one of the partners like myself or my wife will need the memory care which in present circumstances would result in the separation of the couple, in our case of more than 60 years. The proposed memory care facility has the rare feature of allowing both the memory deficient individual and their partner to reside in the same facility rather than being separated, maybe for many miles and effectively ending a lifelong relationship. Carlsbad by the Sea has an excellent record of providing both residential and assisted living care, we can attest to that. It has also been a responsible and contributing member of the Carlsbad community at large. I am certain that they would also provide a well run facility that would not only provide excellent care for both memory and residential care, but would also provide good jobs for other members of the community here. I strongly urge the commission to support the proposed facility. Sincerely, April 17, 2024 Item #1 124 of 145 Philip S. Kirk Resident N318 of CBTS CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 125 of 145 From:Jason Goff To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: CT 2022-0003-CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUS Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:15:06 AM From: helen perry <helen.perry@att.net> Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2024 2:35 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: CT 2022-0003-CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUS To the Carlsbad Planning commission, I want to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed memory care and independent living building by Carlsbad By The sea retirement community. As a resident of this community, I believe that this development will enhance the quality of life for our seniors and contribute positively to the fabric of our community. In addition to the positive impact on residents and families, this facility will also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in our community. I urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support the proposal for the memory care building by Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community. This development represents an important step forward in meeting the evolving needs of our aging population and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for your consideration. W. Helen Perry CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 126 of 145 From:Jason Goff To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: CT 2022-0003 - CARLBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:14:49 AM From: Jo V <jvbytheseaagain@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2024 3:29 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: CT 2022-0003 - CARLBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission As a resident of Carlsbad by the Sea retirement community, I would like to express my support for the approval of this building. In the nearly five years that I have lived here, I have seen several families torn apart because one member needed memory support while the other member still qualified for independent living. When couples have been married for fifty, sixty or seventy years, it is a shock to both of them, to be separated because the facility is not equipped to care for them together. Adding this new building will rectify this terrible, inhumane treatment. A memory care unit will give Carlsbad by the Sea a complete caring for the aged in our community. The memory impaired residents in our community need constant, compassionate care which the new building will be able to provide. The architect's rendering shows a building that fits in well with the surroundings and will add beauty and style to the area which is currently a weed patch. Thank you for your time and consideration of my feelings regarding this project which will be an asset to the retirement community, as well as the community at large. Sincerely, Jo Voertman (Mary J. Voertman) CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 127 of 145 From:Jason Goff To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: CT 2022-0003 - CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:15:58 AM From: Leo Nikora <leo@nikora.com> Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2024 6:45 AM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Paula Digerness <pdigerness@frontporch.net>; Bev Nikora <bev@nikora.com> Subject: CT 2022-0003 - CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE I’m a citizen of Carlsbad, because I’m a resident of the Carlsbad by the Sea retirement community. Alzheimer’s disease is a growing problem among the elderly in Carlsbad. I expect to get Alzheimer’s, because my father and grandmother died of Alzheimer’s. Carlsbad by the Sea does not provide memory care. When a resident needs memory care, they must leave Carlsbad by the Sea. I expect to need memory care. Moving is very disruptive, and heightens dementia. I don’t want to move when I get Alzheimer’s. Moving can separate married couples. I don’t want to leave my wife of 43 years when I get Alzheimer’s. Enable Carlsbad by the Sea to provide memory care to its Carlsbad citizens. I’ll be able to stay there with my wife when I get Alzheimer’s. Approve CT 2022-0003. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 128 of 145 From:Jason Goff To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: Project CT 2022-0003 – CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:15:36 AM -----Original Message----- From: Mark Wentland <mark.p.wentland@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2024 10:24 AM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Project CT 2022-0003 – CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed memory care (Project CT 2022-0003 – CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE) and independent living building by Carlsbad By The Sea retirement community. As a resident of Carlsbad By The Sea, I believe that this development will not only enhance the quality of life for our seniors but also contribute positively to the fabric of our community. Memory care facilities play a crucial role in providing specialized care and support for individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. By having such a facility within our city, we are ensuring that our loved ones have access to high-quality care and services in a familiar and supportive environment. Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community has a long-standing reputation for excellence in senior living, and I have no doubt that their memory care building will uphold this standard. Their commitment to providing compassionate care and creating a nurturing environment for residents is commendable, and I am confident that they will continue to be an asset to our community. Furthermore, the proposed location of the memory care building aligns well with existing infrastructure and services, making it convenient for families to visit their loved ones and ensuring easy access to medical facilities and other amenities available in the Carlsbad Village. In addition to the positive impact on residents and families, the development of this memory care facility will also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in our community. This aligns with the city's vision for sustainable development and prosperity. In conclusion, I urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support the proposal for the memory care building by Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community. This development represents an important step forward in meeting the evolving needs of our aging population and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. Mark Wentland, PhD 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 518-257-2735 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 129 of 145 From:Jason Goff To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: Support for CT 2022-0003 Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:12:31 AM From: Candace Young-Schult <candaceys141@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2024 12:03 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Support for CT 2022-0003 Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing in support of the proposed memory care project project CT 2022–0003 – Carlsbad By The Sea Summerhouse and the independent living building by the Carlsbad by the Sea retirement community. As a resident at the Carlsbad by the Sea retirement community I believe this is a development that can not only enhance the quality of life for our seniors, and but also contribute to the fabric of our community. Memory care facilities play a crucial role in providing specialized caring support for individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. By having such a facility within our community it provides care for our loved ones. Carlsbad by the Sea has a long-standing reputation for excellence in senior living. I am certain that the memory care building will continue the commitment to providing compassionate care and creating a nurturing environment for residents. I am confident that the care that they provide will continue to be an asset to our larger community. The proposed location for the memory care building, aligns well with existing infrastructure and services. The location mess it convenient for families to visit their loved ones and ensuring easy access to medical facilities, and the many other amenities available in the Carlsbad Village. The proposed facility will create numerous job opportunities and April 17, 2024 Item #1 130 of 145 stimulate economic growth for our community aligning with the city’s vision for sustainable development. I urge the Carlsbad, planning commission to support the proposal for the memory care building by Carlsbad by the Sea retirement community. This development represents important step forward to meeting the evolving needs of our aging population, and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. Candace Young-Schult, 201 Grand Ave #141, Carlsbad 92008 Candace Young-Schult candaceys141@gmail.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 131 of 145 From:Jason Goff To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: CT 2022-0003 Carlsbad By The Sea Summerhouse Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:11:42 AM From: Janice Campagnolo <jcampagnolo@att.net> Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2024 2:18 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: CT 2022-0003 Carlsbad By The Sea Summerhouse Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed memory care (Project CT 2022-0003 - CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE) by Carlsbad By The Sea retirement community. As a resident of Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community, I believe that this development will not only enhance the quality of life for our seniors but also contribute positively to the fabric of our community. Memory care facilities play a crucial role in providing care and support for individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. By having such a facility within our city, we are ensuring that our loved ones have access to high-quality care and services in a familiar and supportive environment. Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community has a long-standing reputation for excellence in senior living. I have no doubt that their memory care building will uphold this standard. I am confident that they will continue to be an asset to our community. The proposed location of the memory care building aligns well with existing infrastructure and services, making it convenient for families to visit their loved ones. The development of this memory care facility will also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in our community. I urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support the proposal for the memory care building by Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community. This development represents an important step forward in meeting the needs of our aging population and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. Janice Campagnolo CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 132 of 145 From:Jason Goff To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE - CT 2002-0003 Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:13:07 AM From: Kathi Spork <kspork327@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2024 11:56 AM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Paige Kerr <PKERR@frontporch.net> Subject: CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE - CT 2002-0003 This email is to show my support for building the Memory Care building in Carlsbad Village. I am a current resident at CBTS. I believe this additional development would greatly benefit the community and also the aging population in Carlsbad. If the community is seeking ways to create job opportunities and grow the local economy, the memory care/independent living project fits both objectives. CBTS has a reputation of high-quality care and service. As a resident, I find this to be true, and am confident this would be an additional asset. Thank you for your consideration. Kathi Spork CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 133 of 145 From:Jason Goff To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: CBTS Memory Care letter Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:11:14 AM From: Karen Chang <yowyichang@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2024 6:37 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Fwd: CBTS Memory Care letter Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for proposed memory care (Project CT 2022-0003-CARLSBAD BY THE Sea SUMMERHOUSE) and independent living building by Carlsbad By the Sea Retirement Community. My husband (Kung Chang) and I moved into CBTS in December 2022. We planned to spend our retirement life in CBTS. My husband developed dementia and Parkinson disease and he had moved to a separate memory care facility in January 2024. This is our first time separated as we have been married 59 years ago. Having CBTS Memory Care would have kept us together within the same facilities and made a smoother transition for my husband and I. The proposed location of memory care building aligns well with existing infrastructure and services, making it convenient for families to visit their loved ones and ensuring easy access to medical facilities and amenities available in the Carlsbad Village. In addition to the positive impact on residents and families, the development of this memory care facility will also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in our community. In conclusion, I urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support the memory care building by Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community. This development represents an important steps forward in meeting the evolving needs of our aging population and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. Yow Yi Chang CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 134 of 145 From:Planning To:Jason Goff Cc:Cynthia Vigeland Subject:FW: CT 2022-0003 – CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 7:00:41 AM -----Original Message----- From: Clara Wentland <clarawentland@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 9:27 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: CT 2022-0003 – CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed memory care (Project CT 2022-0003 – CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE) and independent living building by Carlsbad By The Sea retirement community. As a resident of Carlsbad By The Sea, I believe that this development will not only enhance the quality of life for our seniors but also contribute positively to the fabric of our community. Memory care facilities play a crucial role in providing specialized care and support for individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. By having such a facility within our city, we are ensuring that our loved ones have access to high-quality care and services in a familiar and supportive environment. Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community has a long-standing reputation for excellence in senior living, and I have no doubt that their memory care building will uphold this standard. Their commitment to providing compassionate care and creating a nurturing environment for residents is commendable, and I am confident that they will continue to be an asset to our community. Furthermore, the proposed location of the memory care building aligns well with existing infrastructure and services, making it convenient for families to visit their loved ones and ensuring easy access to medical facilities and other amenities available in the Carlsbad Village. In addition to the positive impact on residents and families, the development of this memory care facility will also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in our community. This aligns with the city's vision for sustainable development and prosperity. In conclusion, I urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support the proposal for the memory care building by Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community. This development represents an important step forward in meeting the evolving needs of our aging population and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. Clara Wentland CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 135 of 145 From:Planning To:Jason Goff Cc:Cynthia Vigeland Subject:FW: Project CT 2022-0003-Carlsbad By The Sea Summerhouse Date:Monday, April 8, 2024 4:32:07 PM From: Diana Conrad <dianaeconrad@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 4:22 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Project CT 2022-0003-Carlsbad By The Sea Summerhouse Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am a Carlsbad by the Sea retirement community resident, and I am writing to express my support for the memory care building. I love CBTS because of its services and convenient location. It is easy to walk to restaurants, stores and the beach. However, it is inconvenient that it does not offer memory care services considering that many independent residents might need those services in the future. At the moment, if there is a couple formed by a spouse who is independent and a spouse who needs memory care services, the spouse who needs the services has to move out of CBTS. This can be a hard situation for couples who have been together for 50+ years. Not to mention, how inconvenient it is for the independent spouse if he/she decides to stay at CBTS. Most of the time now, the independent spouse must travel to a different city to spend time with his/her partner. Therefore, if CBTS does offer memory care, then the independent spouses could visit their loved ones without having to give up the benefits of living in Carlsbad. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. Diana Conrad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 136 of 145 From:Jason Goff To:Jason Goff Subject:FW: Project 2022-0003 Summer house Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:10:44 AM From: Ken Voertman <kvbythesea2@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 11:51 AM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Project 2022-0003 Summer house We have been Carlsbad residents for almost 20 years and have seen many changes. Big changes to the Village where we now live and I think the addition of a memory care facility is needed as much of Carlsbad's Village population is aging and the diversity aids to the value of the Village. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 137 of 145 From:Planning To:Jason Goff Cc:Cynthia Vigeland Subject:FW: CT 2022-0003 Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 7:00:31 AM From: Mike Homes <mlhomes@att.net> Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 8:42 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: CT 2022-0003 Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, We are writing to you in support of Project CT 2022-0003 — CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE. In 2016 we began researching and visiting Continuing Care Retirement Communities located in Southern California. We found several that had immediate occupancy available. Because we were so impressed with CBTS and its location in beautiful Carlsbad Village, we chose to be placed on the wait list until an apartment became available. That occurred in April of 2017. The only negative aspect of CBTS was its lack of a memory care facility, which several of the other CCRC’s had. However, we are very happy with the choice we made seven years ago. AND NOW — we are thrilled to know that this memory care facility can be added to CBTS. We strongly encourage you to approve this proposal. You will step up to meet the needs of our aging population which will definitely strengthen this fabulous Carlsbad community! Dr. and Mrs. Michael Homes CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 138 of 145 April 8, 2024 Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed memory care (Project CT 2022-0003 — CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE) and independent living building by Carlsbad By The Sea retirement community. As a resident of Carlsbad By The Sea retirement community, I believe that this development will not only enhance the quality of life of our seniors, but also contribute positively to the fabric of our community. Memory care facilities play a crucial role in providing specialized care and support for individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. By having such a facility within our city, we are ensuring that our loved ones have access to high-quality care and services in a familiar and supportive environment. Carlsbad By The Sea (CBTS) retirement community has a long-standing reputation for excellence in senior living and I am sure that their memory care building will uphold that standard. My husband and I have lived at CBTS for almost 11 years, and in that time, a year has not gone by where one or more CBTS residents have had to move out of our community into a memory care facility. Sometimes an individual has moved and at other times a couple has had to move. In addition, residents have moved in without their spouse who needs to live at a memory care facility elsewhere. This creates a hardship on these individuals and their families. By having our own memory care facility, their needs will be taken care of and CBTS will be able to continue to provide compassionate care and create a nurturing environment for them. Furthermore, the proposed location of the memory care building aligns well with existing infrastructure and services, making it convenient for families to visit their loved ones and ensuring easy access to medical facilities and other amenities in the Carlsbad Village. Our Executive Director has experience running a memory care facility because she was an Executive Director at another Front Porch community that has memory care. And, in addition to the positive impact on residents and families, the development of this memory care will also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in our community. This aligns with the city’s vision for sustainable development and prosperity. In conclusion, I urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support the proposal for the memory care building by Carlsbad By The Sea retirement community. This development represents an important step forward in meeting the needs of our aging population and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for considering my input into this matter. Sincerely, Penny Held Carlsbad By The Sea 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. N-113 Carlsbad, CA 92008 April 17, 2024 Item #1 139 of 145 April 17, 2024 Item #1 140 of 145 Carlsbad Planning Commission 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: CT 2022-0003 -CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, Robert C. Harvey, M.D. M. Martha Harvey, J.D. Carlsbad by the Sea Carlsbad, CA 92008 April 8, 2024 The establishment of a memory care/professional care facility will be of immense benefit to the community of Carlsbad . This building will provide housing for those stricken with Alzheimer's and other dementias, answering a need this community is experiencing. This proposal will ensure families have an organization with a proven track record of excellence to provide needed care in a desirable, nurturing and compassionate environment. Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community has long been an asset to Carlsbad. With its reputation for excellence in senior living and the involvement of its members in numerous areas of life in Carlsbad, it has a track record of positive effects on Carlsbad. A not insignificant employer for the area, the addition of this new facility will provide even more economic growth. The proposed location fits in well with the existing area, and has the added benefit of promoting access to medical facilities and other amenities right here in Carlsbad. It is in a terrific location, dovetailing with the city's vision of sustainable, long-term development. The Summerhouse will provide an important addition to the community of Carlsbad, meeting the evolving needs of our aging population and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for your considered attention, ~~c:-+\~ Robert C. Harvey ) M. Martha Harvey April 17, 2024 Item #1 141 of 145 Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed memory care (Project CT 2022-0003 -CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE) and independent living building by Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community. As a Staff member of Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community, I believe that this development will not only enhance the quality of life for our seniors but also contribute positively to the fabric of our community. Memory care facilities play a crucial role in providing specialized care and support for individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. By having such a facility within our city, we are ensuring that our loved ones have access to high-quality care and services in a familiar and supportive environment. Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community has a long-standing reputation for excellence in senior living, and I have no doubt that their memory care building will uphold this standard. Their commitment to providing compassionate care and creating a nurturing environment for residents is commendable, and I am confident that they will continue to be an asset to our community. Furthermore, the proposed location of the memory care building aligns well with existing infrastructure and services, making it convenient for families to visit their loved ones and ensuring easy access to medical facilities and other amenities available in the Carlsbad Village. In addition to the positive impact on residents and families, the development of this memory care facility will also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in our community. This aligns with the city's vision for sustainable development and prosperity. In conclusion, I urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support the proposal for the memory care building by Carlsbad By The Sea Retirement Community. This development represents an important step forward in meeting the evolving needs of our aging population and strengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. Lisa A. Dickenson Director of Fitness/Wellness From:Planning To:Jason Goff Cc:Cynthia Vigeland Subject:FW: Memory Care Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:07:13 AM From: Marian Reed <marianreed060@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 8:59 AM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Memory Care Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed memory care (Project CCT2022-0003 – CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE) and independent living building byCarlsbad by the Sea (CBTS) retirement community. As a resident of CBTS, I believe that thisdevelopment will not only enhance the quality of life for our seniors but also contributepositively to the fabric of our community. Memory care facilities play a crucial role in providing specialized care and support forindividuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. By having such afacility within our city, we are ensuring that our loved ones have access to high-quality careand services in a familiar and supportive environment. CBTS Retirement Community has a long-standing reputation for excellence in senior living,and I have no doubt that their memory care building will uphold this standard. Theircommitment to providing compassionate care and creating a nurturing environment forresidents is commendable. I am confident that they will continue to be an asset to ourcommunity. Furthermore, the proposed location of the memory care building aligns well with existinginfrastructure and services, making it convenient for families to visit their loved ones andensuring easy access to medical facilities and other amenities available in the CarlsbadVillage. In addition to the positive impact on residents and families, the development of this memorycare facility will create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in our community. This aligns with the city’s vision for sustainable development and prosperity. In conclusion, I urge the Carlsbad Planning Commission to support the proposal for thememory care building by CBTS Retirement Community. This development represents animportant step forward in meeting the evolving needs of our aging population andstrengthening the fabric of our community. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. Marian R. Reed CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 142 of 145 April 17, 2024 Item #1 143 of 145 Dr. Gordon Bishop Carlsbad by the Sea 201 Grand Avenue, 343 Carlsbad CA 92008 TO: Carlsbad Planning Commission DATE: April 6, 2024 RE: Project CT 2022-0003 Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse I enthusiastically support the proposed memory care unit proposed for Carlsbad. As a chaplain, I have visited numerous nursing facilities in San Diego County. I rate the CBTS Care Center number 1 in the county. I believe that CBTS will apply its high standards to a memory care facility. As a resident of CBTS, I see the urgent need for memory care. It would be very beneficial for the spouse to remain in independent living while the spouse get the care he/she requires. I urge you to support this proposal. From:Planning To:Jason Goff Cc:Cynthia Vigeland Subject:FW: CT-2022-0003 -CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMER HOUSE Date:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 12:56:33 PM From: Sharon England <windrose211@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 12:48 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: CT-2022-0003 -CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMER HOUSE My name is Sharon England and I have been a resident in Independent Living here at Carlsbad By The Sea for the past five years. I have observed first hand the quality of the care provided by the dedicated and supportive staff to the residents here. Though I truly hope I will not need the services of memory care, I certainly hope that should I need it I can stay here in the place I now call home with my friends and neighbors who I consider to be my “chosen family” The building of a memory care center here in this amazing place can only be a win-win for this community with it’s growing aging population and for people such as myself as a member of this extraordinary group of people who live here and contribute much to this vibrant community. Thank you, Sharon England 2855 Carlsbad Blvd Apt 131 S Carlsbad ,CA. 9008 760-435-2414 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 144 of 145 From:Planning To:Jason Goff Cc:Cynthia Vigeland Subject:FW: CT 2022-0003 - CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE Date:Wednesday, April 10, 2024 7:29:23 AM From: Don Harvey <vlbi@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:21 PM To: Planning <planning@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: CT 2022-0003 - CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed memory care (PROJECT CT 2022-0003 - CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE) and independent living building by the Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community. As a resident of Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community, I believe that this development will not only enhance the quality of life for our seniors, but also contribute positively to the fabric of our community. I urge the Planning Commission to support the proposal for the memory care facility by the Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. Donald W Harvey 2855 Carlsbad Blvd. #419Carlsbad, CA 92008 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. April 17, 2024 Item #1 145 of 145 Carlsbad by the Sea Summerhouse Jason Goff, Senior Planner Community Development April 17, 2024 CT 2022-0003 / CUP 2022-0014 / CDP 2022-0047 1 {city of Carlsbad 2 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE CT 2022-0003 I CUP 2022-0014 CDP 2022-0047 8 0 50 100 Feet {city of Carlsbad Required Permits 33 •Tentative Tract Map, CT 2022-0003 •Conditional Use Permit, CUP 2022-0014 •Coastal Development Permit, CDP 2022-0047 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE {city of Carlsbad 44 4 w :::::> z w > <( I (_) w w a) Dll'l~IMDtcllD~ ------- [r.,,.,.,"l,l:'l'IE!Dt. ""'" ..... I I 1 ______ ,"-<-----------------1~ I ~ -t I I -----0 let-IT _ "" ------0 OCEA N ST 555 BASEMENT LEVEL – SUBTERRANEAN PARKING •Ocean St. Garage Access •16,704 square feet •30 vehicle parking spaces •21 bicycle parking spaces •Stair and Elevator Access Garage Access -i _________________________ i_______ t-----------------------t --------7 -t-- i i i i : I I I I j I I I I : tr====:::::::;;;:;::::==1======.:=======;=1=.:======:::::,=====t=====rf.--------1- 1 , .... - ..... - -~ !UtJlft,r,OIJ ~ l!lalluc>lula!~-.i.•M111rm111nt11mm-mi,,mi!,.-.G.W.U10CMD1M?W1itD!N1Hl!CIIJ!illCI.. ~v.i.CIIU.IIMDAlll!:AIC!Dt.~IDlS. IIUWUXllXIIIN.~1111!S.•"'9MJ..tl!D-a nil>t!u.i.c;;~AWMTII NU;ZWD!smill. -ICl"I~ I I I -----, ·----.h I I I I I I I I .J I I I ,___ ______ _,I I I -----------1-----------t-----------------------1-- 666 LEVEL 1 – OCEAN STREET GRADE LEVEL •Ocean St. Main Entrance •14,447 sq. ft. •19 memory care beds . =~ ·-· I -·I ~- -~ - I ==--' I I I I I I a--o~• , ' ' ' I ' 777 LEVEL 2 – GARFIELD STREET GRADE LEVEL •Garfield St. Main Entrance •14,115 square feet •10 residential units •Units: 992 - 1,303 sq. ft •16 professional care beds 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 - __________ _L_ __ __L---4-------------------------+-------- 888 LEVEL 3 – UPPER LEVEL / ROOF TERRACE •Garfield Street Main Entrance •7,160 square feet •5 residential units •Units: 816 - 1,527 sq. ft. •7 professional care beds 1 2 3 4 510·-o· SVSB t- \ \ j I i c:::=:::J 11~ ...... I ,. c:::=:::J C===:J c:::=:::J L___J c:::=:::J ~ I ~ I I I \ ", I 'i, - -I I ---....,. - I -I I I I r - I I •~--' I -• :Ill il--1 I \ ' . ---F ----------- c:::=:::J I ~-1 c:::=:::J [-==::J c:::=:::J L____J c:::=:::J c:::=:::J I I 10' -Q• I SYSB t------------------------+--------- CEQA Determination 99 •Feb. 7, 2024 - City Planner issues determination of exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, In-Fill Development Projects. •Feb. 7, 2024 - CEQA Determination is posted for 10-day noticing period. •No comments received. •No appeal filed. CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE 1111111 {city of Carlsbad Project Consistency •General Plan (R-15, Residential, 8-15 du/ac) •Zoning (R-3, Multiple-Family Residential w/ BAO, Beach Area Overlay) •Local Coastal Program (Mello II Segment) •California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) 10 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE {city of Carlsbad Recommended Action •Adopt the resolution as specified in the staff report 11 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE {city of Carlsbad BACKUP SLIDES 12 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE 13 Basement Lvl – Parking Garage Lvl 1 – Memory Care Lvl 2 – Prof. Care Lvl 3 – Prof. Care CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE • .,:r ----- --------------_ .. _. __ _ r • Le _13 ~ 19' • . L~:t:I" ~ 3'·3' • • Lcx:f 1 {? J'. I!' • • 14 Flat Roof Structure (18’-10” tall) Pitched Roof Structure (29’-1” tall) CARLSBAD BY THE SEA SUMMERHOUSE • .,:r -------r r L--L-----:~:~= =~ -=--:=------' '-~ Le _13 ~ 19' • ~ ;;. ::. r1ao ::r Lex:!" ~ 3'·3' • 0Cc,'Jol ::r. Lcx:f 1 {? J'. 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