HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-16; 2024 Public Works Awards (Districts - All); Gomez, PazTo t he members of the: _.,,pT'f ~OUNCIL / Datf?~CA I,.-,/ CC_ CM __!L'1(CM _VDCM (3) JL. May 16, 2024 Co uncil Memor andum {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2024031 To: From: Via: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Pub~Works Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager ~ Re: 2024 Public Works Awards (Dist ricts -All) This memorandum provides information on awards that the City of Carlsbad received as part of the following programs: • American Public Works Association (APWA) San Diego and Imperial Counties Chapter • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) San Diego Section • National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA) • Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) Background Recognition from professional associations exemplify the city's commitment to excellence. This year, the following organizations offered awards programs that the city participated in: • The national APWA awards program recognizes outstanding individuals, groups and chapters representing the best in public works. The local chapter's awards program promotes excellence in public works projects by offering awards for Project of the Year, as well as individual and team awards. • ASCE presents project and individual awards to projects that represent the greatest contribution to civil engineering progress and to society. • NAFA recognizes peak-performing public and commercial fleet operations in North, Central and South America. • SWANA established its awards program to recognize organizations that advance the sustainable use of mat erials throughout their lifecycle to minimize waste and environmental impacts. Discussion This year, we are pleased to announce that the City of Carlsbad received a total of 10 awards from t hese organizations. The awards are summarized below: APWA National • Professional Manager of the Year in Public Fleet -Bradley Northup: Awardees are selected among a national pool of nominees for significant contributions to the advancement of public fleet management in the areas of leadership, innovation, employment achievement, customer and community service and sustainability. Public Works Branch Public Works Administration 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2730 t Council Memo -2024 Public Works Awards (Districts -All) May 16, 2024 Page 2 As the city's Public Works Superintendent in the Fleet Division, Bradley has amassed a long list of accomplishments at the local, state and national levels. He has presented alongside other fleet industry leaders to Congressional staff on the importance of greater electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure development and serves as Chair for the NAFA Pacific Southwest Chapter of fleet managers, Vice Chair to the San Diego Clean Cities Coalition Advisory Board, Vice Chair to the NAFA National Government Affairs Committee and a Commissioner in the NAFA Certified Automotive Fleet Manager Commission. In addition t o his many contributions towards improving the city's fleet operations, Bradley's advocacy for his staff's development ensures that his team members are not only prepared for greater responsibilities and roles as public fleet managers, but that they are also enthusiastically encouraged to pursue their ideas and develop their professional acuity under his mentorship. APWA San Diego and Imperial Counties Chapter • Project of the Year Award {Historical Restoration/Preservation category) -Leo Carrillo Ranch Roof Repair Project: Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park is a jewel of Carlsbad that is a designated local, state and national Historic Landmark. From avoiding impacts to park users and visitors, to construction duration constraints, to peafowl safety considerations and procurement delays, the project team overcame many unique challenges to replace roofs on several historical structures. • Honor Award {Utilities less than $2 million) -Villas Lift Station Replacement Project: This aging Carlsbad sewer lift station that serves a residential community was upgraded to improve safety and system reliability. The upgrades replaced existing pump system components and constructed a new structure over the electrical equipment with a focus on safety and minimal impacts to the public. • Project of the Year Award {Transportation $6-25 million) -Safer Streets Together Plan: This interdepartmental coordination plan used a three-pronged approach of education, engineering, and enforcement, resulting in a 13% decrease in injury collisions across all modes of travel. • Outstanding Operations and Maintenance Personnel Award -Storm Drain, Streets and Facilities Maintenance Teams: Faced with the monumental task of implementing a new enterprise asset management system, Carlsbad's storm drain, streets and facilities maintenance teams demonstrated a willingness to adapt, an ability to work with Information Technology (IT) staff despite lacking technological knowledge, and dedication to learn and leverage the technology quickly; all of which were key factors to successful adoption of the new system within just two months. Their skill in technology infrastructure is a rare quality often overlooked in the maintenance field. Council Memo -2024 Public Works Awards (Dist ricts -All) May 16, 2024 Page 3 • Outstanding Service in a Public Agency-Tom Frank: As the city's Transportation Director and City Engineer, Tom has a vision of mobility improvements and balanced roadways for all users that has led to significant advancements in the quality of the city's transportation infrastructure. Under his leadership the city has successfully tackled and resolved numerous challenges, most notably the award-winning Safer Streets Together program, alleviating traffic congestion by improving the communication fiber network backbone for the traffic signals network, adopting the Sustainable Mobility Plan, updating the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program, Drainage Master Plan and city Engineering Standards and successfully managing a portfolio of capital improvements that represents nearly two-thirds of the projects in the city's Five Year Strategic Plan and more than a third of the city's Capital Improvement Program projects. • Award of Merit -Shawnetta Grandberry: In her role as a senior program manager in the city's Construction Management and Inspection Department, Shawnetta has built Carlsbad's impressive stormwater compliance program with a relentless commitment to excellence. She led the t eam that developed the innovative ACTION system for the city's Green Infrastructure Program, placing Carlsbad at the vanguard of progressive stormwater outreach and education programs. ASCE San Diego Section • Outstanding Small Project -Temporary Fire Station 7: The city was innovative, fast and flexible in its approach in meeting the Fire Department's Standards of Coverage by constructing a temporary fire station in the westernmost part of the city where coverage was lacking. Purchasing land, environmental permitting, engineering and funding a permanent new fire station can typically take years to complete. It took only approximately 18 months to establish a fully functional new temporary fire station at a cost of less than $2 million. The project is a testament to the city's leadership, vision and "can do" attitude. NAFA Fleet Management Association • Ranked #8 of the 2024 100 Best Public Fleets: Winners of this award undergo rigorous review to ensure demonstrated achievement in 12 criteria, including accountability, use of technology and information, collaboration, creativity, performance recognition and celebration, evidence of a high trust culture, financial management, quick efficient turnaround, competitive pricing, staff development, resources stewardship and "getting it right the first time." In 2023, Carlsbad ranked #33 on this list and went up to #8 this year. SWANA • Honorable Mention, Sustainable Materials Management Program Technical Division: Alignment to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's strategic sustainable materials Council Memo -2024 Public Works Awards (Districts -All) May 16, 2024 Page 4 • management program objectives earned the city's team this honor. Criteria included demonstrated decrease in disposal rates, reduction of environmental impacts of materials, and capacity to adopt and implement sustainable practices, which Carlsbad evidenced through its successful adoption of the Sustainable Materials Management Plan, food recovery funding program, schools recycling assistance, organic waste composting, Sustainability Champion Awards and the popular citywide Earth Month celebration. Next Steps Staff will continue to develop and support the highly professional team that delivers award- worthy Public Works projects and programs for the city. cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Christie Calderwood, Police Chief Sheila Cobian, Legislative & Constituent Services Director David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer Allegra Frost, Senior Assistant City Attorney Gina Herrera, Assistant City Attorney Maria Callander, Information Technology Director Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Zach Korach, Finance Director Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Faviola Medina, City Clerk Services Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director James Wood, Environmental Sustainability Director Dave Padilla, Interim Utilities Director John Maashoff, Public Works Manager Emily Hasegawa, Engineering Manager Bradley Northup, Public Works Superintendent Michael O'Brien, Public Works Superintendent Avecita Jones, Senior Program Manager