HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-21; City Council; ; Community-Police Engagement Commission Annual Work PlanCA Review JRT Meeting Date: May 21, 2024 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Sheila Cobian, Legislative & Constituent Services Director sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2917 Subject: Community-Police Engagement Commission Annual Work Plan Districts: All Recommended Actions Adopt a resolution approving the Community-Police Engagement Commission Work Plan for fiscal year 2024-2025. Executive Summary The City Council is being asked to review and approve the proposed fiscal year 2024-25 work plan for the Community-Police Engagement Commission, as required by Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 2.15, Section 2.15.020(C). The purpose of the annual work plan is to encourage increased dialogue between boards and commissions and the City Council. It is also intended to ensure that boards and commissions are working in line with the priorities of the City Council. On March 25, 2024, the Commission unanimously accepted its first work plan, covering fiscal year 2024-25, and recommended that it be approved by the City Council. Explanation & Analysis The City Council established the Community-Police Engagement Commission to promote mutual understanding and trust between the Police Department and the community by providing an inclusive and respectful forum that fosters informed dialogue. Members of the Community-Police Engagement Commission participated in facilitated workshops on Feb. 26, 2024, and March 25, 2024, to establish its first work plan. May 21, 2024 Item #5 Page 1 of 6 To develop a mission statement, commissioners discussed the elements of the commission's purpose, with a focus on the key concepts they thought should be highlighted in a mission statement. These included: • Transparency/trust • Community perspective • Enhanced communication, outreach • Champion Carlsbad and its Police Department • Encourage community engagement • Respect Based on the concepts and themes, the commission created the following mission statement: The mission of the City of Carlsbad Community-Police Engagement Commission is to promote mutual understanding and trust between the Police Department and the community through an inclusive and respectful forum that fosters informed dialogue to carry out the duties delegated to the Commission by the Carlsbad City Council. Commissioners focused their work plan goals around establishing best practices and foundational elements that would set the commission up for long-term success. The commission ultimately identified two goals and seven tasks for its first work plan, which covers fiscal year 2024-25, as shown in the proposed work plan (Attachment A to Exhibit 1). Fiscal Analysis There is no fiscal impact associated with approving the work plan. The work plan can be carried out within existing budget allocations for the staff supporting the commission. Next Steps The Community-Police Engagement Commission and staff will focus efforts on the goals and tasks listed in the proposed work plan, if approved. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution May 21, 2024 Item #5 Page 2 of 6 May 21 2024 Item #5 Page 3 of 6 Exhibit 1 May 21 2024 Item #5 Page 4 of 6 Attachment A City of Carlsbad Community-Police Engagement Commission Work Plan Fiscal Year 2024-25 I. Mission Statement The mission of the City of Carlsbad Community-Police Engagement Commission is to promote mutual understanding and trust between the Police Department and the community through an inclusive and respectful forum that fosters informed dialogue to carry out the duties delegated to the Commission by the Carlsbad City Council. II. Composition Consistent with Chapter 2.30, Section 2.30.030 and Chapter 2.15, Section 2.15.050 (A) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Community-Police Engagement Commission shall consist of five members. The Mayor and each City Council member shall nominate one individual to serve for a term coinciding with the term of the Council member making the appointment. All nominations shall be subject to ratification by a majority vote of the City Council. In addition, the City Council may consider the following additional criteria in appointing members to the commission: 1. A demonstrated ability to be open minded, impartial, objective, and unbiased 2. An absence of any real or perceived bias, prejudice, or conflict of interest 3. A record of community involvement 4. An ability to build constructive working relationships and communicate effectively with diverse groups 5. A demonstrated commitment to the purpose of the commission with an eye toward fostering positive police-community relationships 6. Attendance at the Carlsbad Citizens Police Academy Persons with ongoing litigation against the city related to police matters shall be ineligible to serve on the commission. In addition, current Carlsbad Police Department employees and their parents or children are ineligible to serve on the commission. (Ord. CS-441 § 3, 2022) III. March 2024 through June 2025 Goals & Tasks As a new commission, the Community-Police Engagement Commission will focus on the following foundational goals and tasks during this first work plan period: Goal 1: Establish best practices for commission training, communication, deliberation and operations. Task 1: Complete mandated training Task 2: Identify any additional training and information that would benefit commission members May 21, 2024 Item #5 Page 5 of 6 Task 3: Identify and review other Commissions’ Best Practices Task 4: Establish guidelines for the review of policy, procedures and practices Task 5: Develop and maintain an ongoing prioritized list of future meeting topics Task 6: Establish an effective forum for information exchange between the Police Department and the community Goal 2: Raise awareness in the community of the commission and the opportunity it provides to engage and learn Task 1: Share meeting videos and city news summaries Identify topics and agenda items that would be most of interest to the community and request that city staff share a summary and video link through its communication channels, as time and resources permit. Share links within the commissioners’ own communication channels (emails to friends, posting on social media, etc.) May 21, 2024 Item #5 Page 6 of 6 Community-Police Engagement Commission Workplan Sheila Cobian, Director Legislative & Constituent Services May 21, 2024 1 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution approving the Community-Police Engagement Commission Work Plan for fiscal year 2024-25. Item No. 5 – CPEC Annual Work Plan 2 ELEMENTS OF COMMISSION PURPOSE •Transparency/trust •Community perspective •Enhanced communication, outreach •Champion Carlsbad and its Police Department •Encourage community engagement •Respect Item No. 5 – CPEC Annual Work Plan 3 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the City of Carlsbad Community-Police Engagement Commission is to promote mutual understanding and trust between the Police Department and the community through an inclusive and respectful forum that fosters informed dialogue to carry out the duties delegated to the Commission by the Carlsbad City Council. Item No. 5 – CPEC Annual Work Plan 4 GOAL 1: ESTABLISH BEST PRACTICES FOR COMMISSION TRAINING, COMMUNICATION, DELIBERATION AND OPERATIONS Task 1 – Complete mandated training Task 2 – Identify any additional training & information that would benefit members Task 3 – Review other Commissions’ Best Practices Task 4 – Establish guidelines for review of policy, procedures and practices Task 5 – Develop & maintain an ongoing prioritized list of future meeting topics Task 6 – Establish an effective forum for information exchange between PD and community Item No. 5 – CPEC Annual Work Plan 5 GOAL 2: RAISE AWARENESS IN THE COMMUNITY OF THE COMMISSION AND OPPORTUNITY IT PROVIDES TO ENGAGE & LEARN Task 1 – Share meeting videos and city news summaries Item No. 5 – CPEC Annual Work Plan 6 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution approving the Community-Police Engagement Commission Work Plan for fiscal year 2024-25. Item No. 5 – CPEC Annual Work Plan 7 Questions? 8