HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-21; City Council; ; Fiscal Year 2024-25 Preliminary Operating Budget, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program and Capital Improvement Program, Fiscal Year 2024-25 Master Fee ScheCA Review AZ Meeting Date: May 21, 2024 To: Mayor/President/Chairperson and City Council/Board/Commissioners From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager/Executive Director Staff Contact: Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services laura.rocha@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2415 Zach Korach, Finance Director zach.korach@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2127 Subject: Fiscal Year 2024-25 Preliminary Operating Budget, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program and Capital Improvement Program, Fiscal Year 2024-25 Master Fee Schedule and Updates to City Council Policy Statement No. 95 – Cost Recovery Policy for Fees and Charges for Services Districts: All Recommended Actions 1)Receive the report; and 2)Adopt a resolution setting a public hearing for June 18, 2024, for adoption of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program, and Capital Improvement Program budgets; Carlsbad’s share of the Encina Wastewater Authority operating and capital budgets; the Gann spending limit for fiscal year 2024-25; and changes to the Master Fee Schedule; and determining the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Capital Improvement Plan Budget is consistent with the General Plan and applicable Climate Action Plan measures and actions; and 3)Adopt a Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors resolution setting a public hearing for June 18, 2024, for adoption of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets and changes to the Master Fee Schedule; and 4)Adopt a Public Financing Authority Board of Directors resolution setting a public hearing for June 18, 2024, for adoption of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for The Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course; and 5)Adopt a Community Development Commission resolution setting a public hearing for June 18, 2024, for adoption of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating Budget of the Carlsbad Housing Authority; and 6)Adopt a City of Carlsbad as the Successor Agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency resolution setting a public hearing for June 18, 2024, for adoption of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating Budget of the Successor Agency. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 1 of 345 Executive Summary The presentation of the preliminary Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating Budget is an opportunity for the City Council/Board/Commission and the community to review and provide feedback on the proposed work plan and budget for the coming fiscal year. The proposed budget prioritizes the goals in the City Council’s 5-Year Strategic Plan, which was, based on input from thousands of community members and approved in 2022. By committing to this plan, rather than goals that are subject to change from year to year, the City Council has enabled staff to work more efficiently while improving the alignment between the annual city budget and the Carlsbad community’s vision for the future. Each year, during the preparation of the annual budget, staff develop work plans that build upon progress in the strategic plan’s key areas of focus: Maintain Carlsbad’s unique community character and connectedness Prioritize the safety and well-being of the community Protect the environment and natural resources Foster a healthy local economy Be a model for effective and efficient local government The proposed budget eliminates the projected deficit from the five-year financial forecast that had been forecasted since 2019. A structural deficit describes a situation when projected ongoing spending is greater than anticipated ongoing revenue. The city’s five-year financial forecast now shows a balanced budget through 2030. Healthy revenues, increased efficiencies, cost reductions, and new budget policies and practices over the past several years have worked together to close the gap. However, economic uncertainty remains as the city transitions from focusing on building and development to maintaining what was been created. As such, the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024-25 continues to focus on finding new cost savings and reducing ongoing spending while continuing to grow city reserves, prioritizing capital project funding and maintaining high quality service levels. On the economic front, Carlsbad’s transition from a growing city to one focused on maintaining an excellent quality of life continues to bring new fiscal challenges. As is the case with many cities at this stage, projecting a future deficit is not uncommon, and while the city has pushed the projected deficit beyond the five-year outlook, this year’s budget also includes eliminating 12.05 full-time equivalent positions. These positions were evaluated to ensure that eliminating them would have minimal service level impact on the community. The proposed budget reflects three consecutive fiscal years of budget reductions totaling more than $5 million in ongoing savings. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 2 of 345 Budget highlights Proposed General Fund Operating Budget $238.5 million % change from FY 2023-24 adopted General Fund Operating Budget 9.9% Projected General Fund revenues $239.1 million Proposed changes in total full-time equivalent staffing -12.05 Projected General Fund reserve as of June 30, 2025 $149.0 million Projected General Fund reserve % as of June 30, 2025 (goal is 40%) 63% Reduction in General Fund ongoing base budget $1.1 million Current rate of inflation 3.6% Estimated pension funding ratio (goal is 80%) 75% Explanation & Analysis Policy goals The annual operating budget is the most significant expression of how City Council policies are translated into daily operations. The City Council sets the overall policy direction for Carlsbad and helps staff prioritize programs, projects and services to support that direction. On Oct. 11, 2022, the City Council adopted the city’s five-year strategic plan with policy goals to reflect the most important priorities of the community. These goals are one way the city delivers on the Carlsbad Community Vision, a set of nine core values community members identified as important to Carlsbad’s future. The annual city budget contains the work plans and resource allocations to achieve the goals in the strategic plan. Based on community input, the City Council identified five areas of focus for its five-year strategic plan: 1. Community Character: Maintain Carlsbad’s unique community character 2. Economic Vitality: Foster a healthy economy 3. Quality of Life and Safety: Prioritize the safety and well-being of the community 4. Sustainability & Natural Environment: Protect the environment and natural resources 5. Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health: Be a model for effective and efficient local government May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 3 of 345 Maintaining fiscal health The city increased its focus on community priorities by identifying efficiencies and reducing spending in areas with the least impact on the community. A series of budget process reforms and policies begun in 2018 have increased transparency in how the city manages its budget and tightened controls over spending. These have included: •Eliminating an automatic annual increase to department budgets based on inflation. Instead, requested budget increases are considered based on actual increased costs and approved only after departments have exhausted alternatives for covering increased costs of doing business. •Stopping the practice of allowing departments to automatically roll over 10% of unspent money to the following fiscal year. Instead, departments may request to roll over funds for a specific purpose, based on a demonstrated need. Requests to carry funds over into the next fiscal year must be approved by the City Manager or City Council, depending on the amount. •Changing practices around hiring part-time, temporary staff to ensure full transparency of the actual number of full-time equivalent positions working for the city at any given time. •Updating the General Fund Reserve Policy to ensure the city has enough money to continue services in an emergency. •Establishing an economic uncertainty reserve. •Creating a new cost recovery policy. •Developing a policy for reinvesting surplus funds. •Creating a process to ensure ongoing funding for digital infrastructure, which has become as important as physical infrastructure. •Engaging a grant writer to ensure the city is taking advantage of state and federal funding opportunities. •Creating a new internal auditor program to safeguard city resources and improve city operations. Supplemental Requests Supplement budget requests were submitted by departments for budget team and City Manager consideration. The budget requests were mainly driven by inflation, expanded programming, costs associated with grant and revenue opportunities, and asset replacement. Within the General Fund, a total of $3.3 million ($2.1 million ongoing) is being requested for the City Council to consider. Exhibit 7 details each of the city’s supplemental budget requests for fiscal year 2024-25. General Fund Reserve The City Council has a policy of maintaining a reserve with a target balance equivalent to 40% of the General Fund’s Operating Budget. These are the cash balances made available from the prudent fiscal policy of developing an annual balanced budget and, at times, having unexpected revenues or expenditures below what was budgeted. One of the purposes of this reserve is to May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 4 of 345 protect against cyclical swings in the economy. The city is projected to end the upcoming fiscal year with a reserve balance of 63% of the General Fund Operating Budget. The recommended preliminary General Fund Operating Budget totals $238.5 million, with estimated revenues of $239.1 million. General Fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. These revenues are of particular interest because they contain most of the discretionary funds that pay for basic city services, such as the Police and Fire departments, library and cultural arts services, street and park maintenance and recreation. A summarized outlook of the major General Fund revenues can be found in the operating budget overview (Exhibit 6). The operating budget overview also contains: •A detailed look at expenditures by type •General Fund transfers to other funds •Information about the City Council contingency fund The table below shows the adopted fiscal year 2023-24 General Fund budget as well as the proposed fiscal year 2024-25 budget. General Fund summary for fiscal year 2024-25 (in millions) FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget FY 2024-25 Proposed Budget Total revenues $212.0 $239.1 Total expenditures $216.9¹ $238.5 Revenues over total expenditures ($4.9) $0.6 1 – includes $5.22 million in one-time funding for the Carlsbad Village Trenching Project General Fund Asset Replacement Reserve The city commits to maintaining its large machinery and equipment inventory. When an asset is procured, it begins depreciating the moment it is put into service and needs to be replaced at the end of its respective useful life. The city’s large equipment inventory represents approximately $60 million of the city’s total fixed assets. On an annual basis, this translates to a significant financial need and commitment. In an effort to not only prioritize these purchases, but to strategically plan for the ongoing financial impacts, staff recommend establishing a General Fund Asset Replacement Reserve. Separate and apart from the General Fund Reserve Guidelines (City Council Policy No. 74), this Asset Replacement Reserve would serve as a mechanism for funding large equipment needs without impacting the General Fund Reserve or annual budget surplus year after year. As of fiscal year 2024-25, and for the next 10 fiscal years, a total of $17.5 million is projected to be needed to fund asset replacement costs in the General Fund (Exhibit 9). May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 5 of 345 Personnel The proposed budget for next fiscal year includes 796.75 permanent full- and three-quarter- time employees, a decrease of 11 compared to the final budget amount for fiscal year 2023-24. Additionally, there is a proposed decrease of part-time employees equivalent to 1.05 full-time employees, for a net personnel decrease of 12.05 full-time-equivalent employees. In response to City Council feedback directing staff to identify ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. Additional information can be found in the memorandum issued to the City Council on January 18, 2024 (Exhibit 10). The following positions are proposed to be eliminated in fiscal year 2024-25: Funded from General Fund (1) Management Analyst – Office of the City Manager (Vacant) (1) Senior Office Specialist – Office of the City Council (Vacant) (1) Deputy City Clerk – City Clerk (Vacant) (1) Lead Librarian – Library & Cultural Arts (Vacant) (0.7) Production Technician – Library & Cultural Arts (Vacant) (1) Parks Maintenance Worker – Parks & Recreation (Vacant) (1) Associate Engineer – Community Development (Vacant) (1) Chief Innovation Officer – Innovation & Economic Development (1) Senior Program Manager for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – Human Resources (0.5) Administrative Assistant – Administrative Services (Part-time) (0.5) Hourly Professional – Communication & Engagement (Part-time) Not funded from General Fund (1) System Specialist – Information Technology (Vacant) (1) Senior Environmental Specialist – Environmental Sustainability (Vacant) (0.3) Production Technician – Library & Cultural Arts (Vacant) Enterprise funds Lastly, enterprise fund revenues, including those from water, wastewater services and solid waste management and The Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, the city’s golf course, are projected at $101.9 million, a $7.5 million or 8.0% increase over projected fiscal year 2023- 24 revenues. Enterprise funds are those that are supported by the fees collected for the service rather than the General Fund and must be accounted for separately under state law. The budgeted expenditures from these funds are proposed at $118.5 million for fiscal year 2024-25, which is an increase of $12.7 million or 12.1% over the fiscal year 2023-24 adopted budget. A more detailed look at the year-over-year variances in the city’s enterprise funds, as well as information about the city’s other special revenue funds, can be found in the Operating Budget overview. Capital Improvement Program Carlsbad takes a long-range planning approach to building high-quality facilities and infrastructure that support the needs and priorities of the community. Projects in its Capital Improvement Program are generally defined as any construction, rehabilitation or replacement May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 6 of 345 of major infrastructure such as streets, libraries, parks, fire stations and administrative facilities, water, sewer and drainage facilities, and other facilities that are located on or in the ground. Because of the city’s financial planning, city staff are able to modernize, repair and replace infrastructure as needed and in accord with best governmental practices. City staff prioritize projects in the Capital Improvement Program using several factors, including potential risks to health, safety and the environment, regulatory or mandated requirements, community values, the condition of the asset, annual recurring costs and asset longevity, scheduling and cost efficiencies, project readiness and funding availability. Staff also consider community input, consistency with studies and reports, staff availability, alignment with operating budget and level of service standards or expectations. This year, changes were made to the administration of the Capital Improvement Program that will provide the City Council with a greater ability to direct the pace and funding of the city’s major Capital Improvement Program projects while increasing transparency around projects that are planned and underway: •Rather than having the city budget for the entire cost of a project well in advance of when the project is scheduled to begin, funding will be appropriated phase by phase for scoping out the project, developing a conceptual design and the final design. •Once a project is ready for the City Council to consider appropriating money for project construction, staff will be able to provide an up-to-date cost estimate based on the actual project design and timing. •The Capital Improvement Program budget has historically spanned a 15-year timeframe. Going forward, the budget will focus on projects planned in the next five years, with more detailed information on those projects. It will also provide a 15-year forecast of how much money will be available for future projects. The Fiscal Year 2024-25 Capital Improvement Program outlines $15.6 million in new appropriations to provide additional funding for continuing existing projects, as well as funding for new projects. Capital Improvement Program appropriations by project type for FY 2024-25 Civic projects and facilities maintenance* -38% Parks 9% Drainage 11% Sewer 30% Water and recycled water 1% Transportation 11% * Note: due to changes in estimated construction dates for the Orion Center Project, the net expenditures for this category in fiscal year 2024-25 are negative. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 7 of 345 There are 52 projects identified as priority projects in the city’s 5 Year Strategic Plan, representing an investment of more than $110 million over the next five years. The five-year Capital Improvement Program includes 13 proposed new projects, with a total funding request in fiscal 2024-25 of $10.8 million, including projects receiving state and federal grant support for traffic safety-related projects. Details on these proposed new projects begin on page I-6 of Exhibit 6. As the current project conditions and scope of each project are continually re-evaluated, some projects are removed from the list. This streamlining process allows for unspent balances to be returned to the original funding sources so that they can be reallocated to other projects. Eight projects are proposed to be removed from the Capital Improvement Program in fiscal year 2024-25 because of changed conditions that caused the projects to no longer be warranted. Several projects will be consolidated to improve efficiencies, coordination and cost savings. For example, projects to improve lighting, medians and roadway configuration along Carlsbad Boulevard will be incorporated into the existing pavement management program along with the Beach Access Repairs Project. Funding for the future planned replacement of Cole Library will be combined with the City Hall Complex project. Funding previously allocated to the Trail Connectivity to Tamarack State Beach Project will be incorporated into the ADA Beach Access Pine to Tamarack project. The Capital Improvement Program includes estimated budget information for a 15-year period to provide the most comprehensive information about known future projects. A complete list of projects and estimated funding included in the five-year program begins on page I-17 of Exhibit 6. All future construction costs are estimates, which are reviewed and refined each year and shown in the 15-year funding forecast beginning on page I-27 of Exhibit 6. The Capital Improvement Program is funded from capital funds such as the General Capital Construction and Infrastructure Replacement Fund as well as developer fees, special district fees and taxes from the community facilities districts and bridge and thoroughfare benefit districts, water and wastewater replacement funds, and other sources such as grants, sales taxes and contributions from other agencies. Estimated capital fund revenues for fiscal 2024-25 are $93 million. Projected capital fund balances, revenue and expenditure summaries are provided beginning on page I-12 of Exhibit 6. Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program City staff introduced Connected Carlsbad: An Inclusive City Innovation Roadmap to the City Council in 2019 to provide a high-level, organized guide to the principles that matter to the city in creating a more connected community. The Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program was put in place last year to expand Connected Carlsbad by defining a strategy for evaluating and prioritizing projects and a five-year investment roadmap that includes estimated costs and timelines. This new investment program is organized into the five primary Connected Carlsbad goal areas, which were approved by the City Council on Jan. 14, 2020 (Resolution No. 2020-005). The digital transformation program includes budget estimates for projects planned over the next five years so the City Council and the community can be more fully aware of long-term plans and funding needs. Even though budget estimates are included in the five-year plan, staff May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 8 of 345 may only spend money on the projects included in each year’s adopted city budget. More information about the city’s strategy to invest in digital transformation and how the city evaluates these projects can be found on page H-2 of the digital investment program document in Exhibit 6. The fiscal year 2024-25 digital program outlines 41 continuing and new projects planned over the next five years at an estimated total cost of $36.7 million. Included in the $36.7 million is about $19.8 million in estimated new costs over the course of the same time frame to provide additional funding for the continuation of existing projects as well as funding for new projects. The $19.8 million also contains $6.2 million of estimated new appropriations for fiscal year 2024-25 for these same projects. The tables below present estimated total project costs by primary goal area in Connected Carlsbad for the five fiscal years of 2025-29 (five years) and fiscal year 2024-25: Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program projects for fiscal years 2025-29 appropriations by Connected Carlsbad goal area (in millions) Percent Cost Pursue communitywide digital transformation 53% $19.2 Build capacity for data-driven decision making 4% $1.7 Foster a vibrant civic engagement culture 4% $1.3 Enhance accessibility and transparency 3% $1.2 Promote security and sustainability through connectivity 36% $13.3 Total 100% $36.7 Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program projects for fiscal year 2024-25 appropriations by Connected Carlsbad goal area (in millions) Percent Cost Pursue communitywide digital transformation 74% $4.7 Build capacity for data-driven decision making 2% $0.1 Foster a vibrant civic engagement culture 0% $0.0 Enhance accessibility and transparency -1% ($0.0) Promote security and sustainability through connectivity 23% $1.4 Total 100% $6.2 The details of the five-year and one-year appropriations requests can be found on pages H-27 and H-28 in Exhibit 6. Each project identified in the digital transformation program is important to the overall technology health of the city by providing for increased efficiencies, security, transparency and/or informational knowledge. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 9 of 345 There are three funding sources for the $6.2 million in appropriations that staff are requesting for the digital transformation program for fiscal year 2024-25: •Technology Investment Capital Fund •Information Technology Replacement Fund •Utilities enterprise funds Each funding source identified has the necessary fund balance to accommodate the new appropriations without additional revenues or transfers. The details for the funding sources can be found in Exhibit 6 on page H-29. General fees, charges for services, development impact fees and Cost Recovery Policy update Staff evaluate and propose changes to the city’s fees for services every year. Staff conduct these annual reviews to ensure that the fees being charged do not exceed the direct and indirect costs of providing the related services. A comprehensive cost of service study is prepared every five to seven years to update the calculation of the cost and confirm that fees and charges for service do not exceed the updated cost. The last comprehensive cost of service study on most general city fees and all development service fees was conducted in 2019 and approved by the City Council on June 8, 2021. At that time, the City Council also directed staff to propose a cost recovery policy to establish a process for adjusting existing fees to industry standard cost recovery ranges and for recommending fee changes in the future. Based on this direction from City Council, staff presented and the City Council approved a cost recovery policy on March 14, 2023, as City Council Policy No. 95. Since the implementation of this policy, the Utilities Department has determined that certain fees that are more appropriate for full cost recovery merit being removed from the policy. An update to the existing City Council policy is necessary to incorporate these changes as well as to clarify certain limits state law places on water reconnection fees charged to income-qualifying customers.1 The proposed revisions are as follows: Fees subject to the cost recovery policy To clarify which fees charged by the Utilities Department lend themselves to full cost recovery and which do not, staff are proposing to eliminate utility meter installation fees and certain utility service fees from the Cost Recovery Policy. These fees affect individual residential customers and are more appropriate to keep below the level of full cost recovery out of concern for the potential impact on lower-income customers. Utility administrative fees This proposed update clarifies that the fees charged by the Utilities Department that will remain subject to the Cost Recovery Policy fall in the mid-level cost recovery range. This range provides for a balance of the individual and public benefits that these services provide. 1 Senate Bill 998, the Water Shutoff Protection Act, which went into effect in 2020, gives low-income water account customers more time to pay their bill and qualify for a lower reconnection fee. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 10 of 345 State’s limits on reconnection fees The updated policy clarifies that state law limits the amount that qualifying low-income residential water customers must pay for service reconnections after shutoff to $50 during normal business hours and $150 after normal business hours, subject to annual inflationary adjustments for changes in the Consumer Price Index. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District’s Residential Water Service Shutoff Protection Policy for Nonpayment of Charges previously included these limits, but staff propose to also include them in the Cost Recovery Policy to clarify that these fees are limited by state law for income-qualifying customers. This distinction is also now clarified in the proposed Master Fee Schedule provided as Exhibit 8. These proposed changes will better serve the needs of the Utilities Department and clarify important protections for the department’s residential customers. Staff will include a resolution to update the policy with these changes for City Council consideration with final budget adoption in June 2024. The proposed fees for fiscal year 2024-25, further discussed below, conform with the proposed updated Cost Recovery Policy and are presented in the proposed Master Fee Schedule in Exhibit 8. •General city fees are charged for the use of city services and property. Depending on the fee, they are increased annually by the increase in the annual West Urban Consumer Price Index, or the San Diego Consumer Price Index, published by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, both of which reflect the cost of inflation. The West Urban CPI has increased by 3.3% since last year while the San Diego CPI has increased by 3.8%. •Development-related service fees are charged to recover the cost of staff time and materials spent on development-related activities. Development impact fees are used to pay for infrastructure projects that are needed as a result of new development. These change annually by the change in the West Urban CPI. These fees will be increased by the index stated in the respective resolution or ordinance establishing the fee, typically the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index. •Traffic impact fees are adjusted annually by the change in the Caltrans Construction Cost Index or 2%, whichever is greater. This year the Caltrans Construction Cost Index decreased by 16.03%, so traffic impact fees are increasing by 2%. •Ambulance fees have typically been adjusted annually by the Ambulance Inflation Factor, published by the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Last year, the Fire Department conducted and the City Council approved updated ambulance fees that simplified the city’s ambulance fee structure and adjusted fees to more accurately reflect the city’s costs. Accordingly, fees were not adjusted by the Ambulance Inflation Factor but instead set at the new levels approved in the fee study. This year, the proposed May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 11 of 345 Master Fee Schedule again adjusts ambulance fees by the Ambulance Inflation Factor, which is now 2.6%. In future years, the city will continue adjusting its ambulance fees according to the Ambulance Inflation Factor, with more detailed evaluations occurring every three to five years. Fee categories and changes by fiscal year 1 Habitat mitigation fees are adjusted annually at half of the rate of the San Diego Area Consumer Price Index. 2.Increase is by the greater of Caltrans CCI or 2%. The Caltrans CCI is -16.03%.3.Ambulance fees were not adjusted by this amount in FY 2023-24 due to the implementation of the updated ambulance fee study. In addition to regular annual inflationary increases, staff are proposing adjustments to several utilities fees in accordance with the proposed updated cost recovery policy: •Discontinuation of service – non-payment (shut-off): increasing from the low range to the mid range •Service reconnection (non-payment) – Same day/non-business hours (after hours turn- on): increasing from the low range to the mid range •Electronic notice (in lieu of door hanger): decreasing from the high range to the mid range •Door hanger notice: Increasing from the low range to the mid range •New account service connection – Same day/business hours (same day turn-on): decreasing from the high range to the mid range •Potable and recycled water meters – Construction meter deposits, installations and relocations: increasing from the mid range to full cost recovery Fee categories Index name Index date Source FY 2022- 23 FY 2023- 24 FY 2024- 25 Most general city and development related service fees West Region Urban CPI January 2024 Bureau of Labor Statistics 7.70% 6.30% 3.30% Habitat mitigation fees,1 Safety Training Center facility rental fees San Diego Area CPI January 2024 Bureau of Labor Statistics 8.20% 6.40% 3.80% All development impact fees Los Angeles ENR CCI January 2024 Engineering News Record 7.60% 7.60% 9.40% Traffic impact fees2 Caltrans CCI January 2024 California Department of Transportation 2.00% 31.63% 2.00% Ambulance fees Ambulance Inflation Factor October 2023 Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services 5.10% 8.70%3 2.60% May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 12 of 345 For other city fees, staff are recommending that no further cost recovery adjustments be made this fiscal year. As detailed above, the city last conducted a comprehensive cost of service study in 2019, which was then adopted in 2021. The cost recovery policy recommends conducting a comprehensive study every five to seven years. Given the significant changes in costs and business processes since 2019, staff plan to conduct an updated comprehensive cost of service study during fiscal year 2024-25. This will allow staff to propose updated fee levels next fiscal year that take into account updated efficiencies achieved due to technology as well as any increased costs. Fees will then be set at their appropriate cost recovery levels consistent with the proposed updated Cost Recovery Policy. Completing this update during fiscal year 2024-25 will bring the city in line with industry standard cost recovery ranges within the three-year timeframe outlined in the policy. Staff periodically review business processes and identify areas where fees are not properly accounting for the level of service provided to individual customers by city staff. Accordingly, the proposed Master Fee Schedule includes the following new fees described below: Temporary discharge to sewer fee This fee is needed to recover the treatment costs and staff time when there is a temporary connection to discharge into a Carlsbad sewer access point. Temporary discharges occur for construction and pipeline dewatering and for temporary sewer flow diversions. Both private contractors and public agencies may be subject to the fee. The fee relates to a special use permit that a discharger would have to obtain from the Encina Wastewater Authority for adding wastewater flow to the treatment plant. This proposed fee is needed to recover costs for the Utilities Department, which the authority bills for wastewater treatment. The Utilities Department will develop a form to calculate the actual treatment cost per gallon of wastewater for each occurrence. This amount will be charged to the discharger along with a processing fee based on the staff time required to manage the program. City Planner determination fee A City Planner determination is a written response to a request regarding the classification of uses and the interpretation and applicability of the provisions of the Zoning Code (Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). A letter may include a determination about whether a specific use is appropriate in a certain zoning district, how the city intends to apply certain standards on land use development application requests or whether a certain use may retain its legal nonconforming status. These letters require extensive research on the part of the Community Development Department. As part of the review process, the case planner will receive, route and review various studies and reports, analyze the information submitted by the applicant and prepare an analysis. The information reviewed may include building permit records, copies of leases if applicable and other documents that provide further insight into the question being posed. These requests may take a week or more to process. Once a determination is made, the City Planner must prepare written findings to support it. The new proposed city planner determination fee reflects the time spent on actual determination requests in the previous year. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 13 of 345 Re-recording or cancellation of an instrument on real property fee Any permit or approval granted in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance adheres to the land. Recording an instrument of real property is the act of putting a document into official county records. It is an important process because it provides a traceable chain of title to a property, ensures the rights and entitlements of property owners and discloses any conditions of approval, covenants applying to the property or environmental mitigation measures. Currently, the Master Fee Schedule reflects all post-permit actions and duties, including the act of receiving, processing and recording permit-related instruments in accordance with local, state and federal law. However, the Master Fee Schedule does not account for cost recovery services related to the processing of re-recording documents when they are amended, or cancelling instruments when they are no longer applicable to real property. The proposed new fee reflects the time spent on actual cases in the previous year. Short-term vacation rental permit application fee Since the program began in 2015, property owners wanting to start a short-term vacation rental applied to the city’s Finance Department for a business license. Those applications were routed to the Community Development Department for review and approval. The Finance Department issued the business license once it was approved and the license fee was paid. This process has proven to be highly inefficient and inconsistent with how the city processes other similar permit types. A business license is not designed to act as a permit that can be conditioned or revoked for failure to meet city standards and the business license tax does not cover staff costs associated with the review of a short-term vacation rental request. Like other cities that allow short-term vacation rental, the Community Development Department has recently developed an application specifically for short-term vacation rentals. The application contains key information and conditions unique to these rentals to show compliance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 5.60 – Short-term vacation rentals. Under the new application program, once the short-term vacation rental application is approved by the Community Development Department and the applicant receives their permit, the applicant then applies for a business license with the Finance Department. This two-step process is consistent with how the department processes similar permit types and is consistent with how other cities operate. The proposed new fee is based upon this new process. This proposed short-term vacation rental permit application fee falls well within the range charged by other cities. Right-of-way permits for telecommunications fee California Government Code Section 50030 prohibits cities from charging telecommunications facility siting fees that exceed the reasonable costs of conducting the permitting and location siting services. Recent changes in state law (namely Assembly Bill 965) now require batched permit processing as the simultaneous review of up to 50 substantially similar applications under a single permit. Although the change in the state law requires cities to substantially increase both the scope and amount of wireless communication facilities and broadband connections that can be batched in a single permit, the Master Fee Schedule does not have a fee for that type of service. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 14 of 345 SolarApp+ residential fee As an alternative to the city’s standard permit review for solar applications, there is a new automated application for permitting new residential rooftop solar and storage systems that results in instantaneous permitting called SolarApp+. Although much of the upfront processing requirements are performed through the city’s online portal, reducing the need for intake and processing services, staff’s services are still required to close out the process. Once all permits to construct the solar installation have been issued and the system has been installed, it must be inspected before final approval is granted. After the system passes final inspection, staff purges unnecessary documentation from the case file, closes out the permit and digitizes the records. This new proposed fee will provide a lower cost option for eligible residential customers. Appeal of building official decision fee Any person adversely affected by a determination made by the city’s Building Official may appeal the determination by submitting a written appeal to the appeals board. City support staff then schedule and coordinate a hearing to consider the appeal. The Building Official and support staff prepare a meeting agenda and report that analyzes the basis of the appeal and considers relevant evidence presented. A staff report will be submitted to the building appeals board and made available to the appellant and posted online before the hearing. The staff report provides information on the appeal and the decision or determination being appealed and may include a recommended action and proposed decision in a form that may be adopted by the appeals board. The Building Official may also consult with outside experts to assist with the analysis. The appeals board considers all written and oral evidence at a public meeting and documents all decisions and findings in writing. A copy of the decision is delivered to the appellant. The proposed new fee reflects the estimated time spent on actual cases and the amount of administrative time required to conduct public hearings in the previous year. Additionally, this year’s evaluation determined that these fees are no longer in use, and staff recommend removing them from the Master Fee Schedule: Safety Training Center, special events recovery hourly fee The Safety Training Center no longer hosts special events and so this fee is no longer needed. Safety Training Center, shooting range hazardous waste disposal This fee has not been charged to any users because the cost has typically been rolled into the overall cost of disposing of hazardous waste and operating the Safety Training Center. Blueprinting of standard size improvement plan sheet fee This fee is no longer used by the Utilities Department and can be removed from the fee schedule. The City Council separately approved updated park land in-lieu fees on April 23, 2024, that are incorporated into the new proposed Master Fee Schedule. While the proposed Master Fee Schedule will take effect on Sept. 1, 2024, the new park land in-lieu fees will take effect on July 1, 2024. Increases to the city’s trash collection rates are set by the contracted service May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 15 of 345 provider and will also go into effect on July 1, 2024. Details on these rates can be found in the proposed Master Fee Schedule in the attached Exhibit 8. Gann spending limit Along with approving the budget, the City Council is also being asked to approve the city’s Gann spending limit for fiscal year 2024-25. The Gann limit is a state constitutional amendment that limits the amount of tax-funded government spending to 1978–1979 levels, adjusted for inflation and population. The limit applies to both state and local governments, like the City of Carlsbad. The previous fiscal year’s limit was $607,584,374. Information necessary to calculate the limit for fiscal year 2024-25 is still being finalized and will be incorporated into the budget for final adoption on June 18, 2024. Options The City Council/Board/Commission may accept the report of the proposed fiscal year 2024-25 Operating, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program, Capital Improvement Program budgets and Master Fee Schedule without changes and direct staff to set a public hearing date of June 18, 2024, to consider adoption of the fiscal year 2024-25 Operating, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program and Capital Improvement Program budgets, and the revised Master Fee Schedule. The City Council/Board/Commission may also direct staff to make changes to the proposed fiscal year 2024-25 Operating Budget, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program, and Capital Improvement Program budgets and Master Fee Schedule prior to the public hearing date of June 18, 2024. Any changes will be reflected in the final proposed budget documents presented at the public hearing. Fiscal Analysis This is the preliminary Operating Budget for fiscal year 2024-25 and any changes made by staff or the City Council/Board/Commission will be reflected in the final documents at the adoption meeting on June 18, 2024. Next Steps Staff will conduct a Budget Workshop to answer questions and receive community input on the proposed budget on May 23, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. The City Council/Board/Commission will hold the public hearing to consider adoption of the new budgets and the revised Master Fee Schedule on June 18, 2024. Any changes directed by the City Council/Board/Commission will be reflected in the final documents at the June 18 meeting. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board resolution May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 16 of 345 3.Carlsbad Public Financing Authority Board resolution 4.Community Development Commission resolution 5.City Council as Successor Agency resolution 6.Fiscal Year 2024-25 Preliminary Operating Budget, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program Budget and Capital Improvement Program Budget 7.Fiscal Year 2024-25 supplemental budget requests 8.Fiscal Year 2024-25 proposed Master Fee Schedule 9.Asset Replacement Planning Schedule 10.City Council Memorandum 11.Public Correspondence May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 17 of 345 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-114 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 18, 2024, FOR ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 OPERATING, STRATEGIC DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION INVESTMENT PROGRAM, AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS; CARLSBAD'S SHARE OF THE ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS; THE GANN SPENDING LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25; AND CHANGES TO THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE; AND DETERMINING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN BUDGET IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AND APPLICABLE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN MEASURES AND ACTIONS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has received a report on the city's preliminary Operating, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program, and Capital Improvement Program budgets for fiscal year 2024-25 and on proposed changes to the Master Fee Schedule; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of the budgets, the changes to fee schedule, and other budget- related documents, the City Council desires to conduct a public hearing at which oral and written presentations may be made; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to provide notice of the public hearing on the city's website at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing and for 10 days in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That a public hearing is set for June 18, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the City of Carlsbad Council Chamber at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive in Carlsbad, California. 3. That, at the public hearing, oral and written presentations may be made on: a. The adoption of the fiscal year 2024-25 Operating, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program, and Capital Improvement Program Budgets; b. The adoption of the city's share of the Encina Wastewater Authority Operating and Capital Budgets; c. The adoption of the Gann spending limit for fiscal year 2024-25; d. The adoption of changes to the Master Fee Schedule; and May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 18 of 345 Exhibit 1 e. The determination that the fiscal year 2024-25 Capital Improvement Plan is consistent with the General Plan and the applicable Climate Action Plan measures and actions. 4. That the City Clerk's Office is directed to publish notice of the public hearing on the city's website at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing and for 10 days in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 21st day of May, 2024, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN : ABSENT: BLACKBURN, BHAT-PATEL, ACOSTA, BURKHOLDER, LUNA. NONE. NONE. NONE. KEITH BLAUARN, Mayor SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk (SEAL) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 19 of 345 RESOLUTION NO. 1736 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 18, 2024, FOR ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS AND CHANGES TO THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, has received a report on the District's preliminary Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets for fiscal year 2024-25 and on proposed changes to the Master Fee Schedule; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of the budgets and the changes to the fee schedule, the Board desires to conduct a public hearing at which oral and written presentations may be made; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to provide notice of the public hearing on the City of Carlsbad's website at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing and for 10 days in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That a public hearing is set for June 18, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the City of Carlsbad Council Chamber at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive in Carlsbad, California. 3. That, at the public hearing, oral and written presentations may be made on: a. The adoption of the fiscal year 2024-25 Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets; and b. The adoption of changes to the Master Fee Schedule. 4. That the Board Secretary is directed to publish notice of the public hearing on the City of Carlsbad's website at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing and for 10 days in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 20 of 345 Exhibit 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 21st day of May, 2024, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BLACKBURN, BHAT-PATEL, ACOSTA, BURKHOLDER, LUNA. NONE. NONE. NONE. KEITH ~nt ()j fc SHERRY FREISINGER, Secretary (SEAL) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 21 of 345 RESOLUTION NO. 95 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 18, 2024, FOR ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS FOR THE CROSSINGS AT CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Public Financing Authority of the City of Carlsbad, California, has received a report on the preliminary Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets for The Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course for fiscal year 2024-25; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of the budgets, the Board desires to conduct a public hearing at which oral and written presentations may be made; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to provide notice of the public hearing on the City of Carlsbad's website at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing and for 10 days in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Public Financing Authority of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That a public hearing is set for June 18, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the City of Carlsbad Council Chamber at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive in Carlsbad, California. 3. That, at the public hearing, oral and written presentations may be made on the adoption of the fiscal year 2024-25 Operating and Capital Improvement Program budget s. 4. That the Board Secretary is directed to publish notice of the public hearing on the City of Carlsbad's website at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing and for 10 days in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 22 of 345 Exhibit 3 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 21st day of May, 2024, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS : ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BLACKBURN, BHAT-PATEL, ACOSTA, BURKHOLDER, LUNA. NONE. NONE. NONE. SHERRY FREISINGER, Secretary (SEAL) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 23 of 345 RESOLUTION NO. 566 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CA LIFORNIA, SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 18, 2024, FOR ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, has received a report on the Carlsbad Housing Authority's preliminary Operating Budget for fiscal year 2024-25; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of the budget, the Commission desires to conduct a public hearing at which oral and written presentations may be made; and WHEREAS, the Commission desires to provide notice of the public hearing on the City of Carlsbad's website at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing and for 10 days in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Community Development Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That a public hearing is set for June 18, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the City of Carlsbad Council Chamber at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive in Carlsbad, California. 3. That, at the public hearing, oral and written presentations may be made on the adoption of the fiscal year 2024-25 Operating Budget. 4. That the Commission Secretary is directed to publish notice of the public hearing on the City of Carlsbad's website at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing and for 10 days in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 24 of 345 Exhibit 4 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, and the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 21st day of May, 2024, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BLACKBURN, BHAT-PATEL, ACOSTA, BURKHOLDER, LUNA. NONE. NONE. NONE. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 25 of 345 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-115 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORN IA, AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY FOR THE CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 18, 2024, FOR ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as the successor agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, has received a report on the successor agency's preliminary Operating Budget and the enforceable debt obligations of the City of Carlsbad's Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund for fiscal year 2024-25; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of the budget, the City Council desires to conduct a public hearing at which oral and written presentations may be made; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to provide notice of the public hearing on the City of Carlsbad's website at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing and for 10 days in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as the successor agency for the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That a public hearing is set for June 18, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the City of Carlsbad Council Chamber at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive in Carlsbad, California. 3. That, at the public hearing, oral and written presentations may be made on the adoption of the fiscal year 2024-25 Operating Budget. 4. That the City Clerk's Office is directed to publish notice of the public hearing on the City of Carlsbad's website at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing and for 10 days in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 26 of 345 Exhibit 5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, and the City of Carlsbad Community Development Commission held on the 21st day of May, 2024, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BLACKBURN, BHAT-PATEL, ACOSTA, BURKHOLDER, LUNA. NONE. NONE. NONE. [)J SHERRY FREISINGER, City Clerk (SEAL) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 27 of 345 Exhibit 6 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 28 of 345 CITY OF CARLSBAD Budget preparation team Finance team Zach Korach, Finance Director Brigid Drury, Finance Manager Jeremy Bates, Senior Management Analyst Bridget Desmarais, Management Analyst Leadership team Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Christie Calderwood, Chief, Police Department Mike Calderwood, Chief, Fire Department Maria Callander, Director, Information Technology Sheila Cobian, Director, Legislative and Constituent Services Tom Frank, Director, Public Works Transportation David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer, Innovation & Economic Development Jason Haber, Director, Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of the City Manager Emily Hasegawa, Engineering Manager, Public Works Construction Management & Inspection Zach Korach, Director, Finance Kyle Lancaster, Director, Parks & Recreation John Maashoff, Manager, Public Works Fleet & Facilities Faviola Medina, City Clerk Services Manager, Office of the City Clerk Mandy Mills, Director, Housing & Homeless Services Jeff Murphy, Director, Community Development Vicki Quiram, Director, Public Works Utilities Kristina Ray, Director, Communication & Engagement Suzanne Smithson, Director, Library & Cultural Arts Judy Von Kalinowski, Director, Human Resources James Wood, Jr., Director, Public Works Environmental Sustainability Department budget preparers & advisors Shoshana Aguilar, Utilities Rosario Aranda, Housing & Homeless Services Sue Armstrong, Communication & Engagement Conrad Avila, Finance Deborah Baird, Fire Amanda Baker, Police Mariel Cairns, Utilities Fiona Everett, Library & Cultural Arts Ed Garbo, Risk Management Shawn Gaskari, Fleet & Facilities Brent Gerber, Information Technology Kayla Hanner, Finance Lindsey Hansen, Communication & Engagement Chad Kantner, Parks & Recreation Esther Lan, Transportation Jennie Marinov, Fire Department Debbie Jo McCool, Library & Cultural Arts Roxanne Muhlmeister, Finance Bradley Northup, Fleet & Facilities Robyn Nuschy, City Attorney’s Office Debbie Porter, Human Resources Megan Powers, Environmental Sustainability Sarah Reiswig, Workers’ Compensation Kim Riboni, Finance Silvano Rodriguez, Human Resources Jason Rosado, Finance Laureen Ryan, Community Development Sarah Sanders, Risk Management Katie Schroeder, City Treasurer’s Office Craddock Stropes, Public Works Administration David van Gilluwe, Citywide Data Services Marsha Weeks, Parks & Recreation May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 29 of 345 TABLE OF CONTENTS OPERATING BUDGET Overview ......................................................................................................................................B-1 Revenue .......................................................................................................................................B-2 Expenditures ................................................................................................................................B-13 Personnel allocations………………………………………………………………………………………………………………B-22 Schedule of projected fund balances ...........................................................................................B-24 Schedule of revenue estimates ....................................................................................................B-26 Schedule of budget expenditures ................................................................................................B-32 PUBLIC SAFETY Summary ......................................................................................................................................C-1 Organization chart ........................................................................................................................C-2 Fire Department ...........................................................................................................................C-3 Police Department .......................................................................................................................C-10 PUBLIC WORKS Summary ......................................................................................................................................D-1 Organization chart ........................................................................................................................D-2 Public Works Administration ........................................................................................................D-3 Construction Management & Inspection .....................................................................................D-5 Environmental Sustainability .......................................................................................................D-7 Fleet & Facilities ...........................................................................................................................D-14 Transportation .............................................................................................................................D-19 Utilities .........................................................................................................................................D-26 COMMUNITY SERVICES Summary ......................................................................................................................................E-1 Organization chart ........................................................................................................................E-2 Community Services Administration ............................................................................................E-3 Community Development ............................................................................................................E-5 Housing & Homeless Services ......................................................................................................E-16 Library & Cultural Arts ..................................................................................................................E-26 Parks & Recreation .......................................................................................................................E-35 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Summary ......................................................................................................................................F-1 Organization chart ........................................................................................................................F-2 Administrative Services Administration .......................................................................................F-3 Economic Development ...............................................................................................................F-5 Finance .........................................................................................................................................F-7 Human Resources ........................................................................................................................F-14 Information Technology ...............................................................................................................F-16 Miscellaneous Non-Departmental ...............................................................................................F-18 POLICY & LEADERSHIP Summary ......................................................................................................................................G-1 Organization chart ........................................................................................................................G-2 Office of the City Council ..............................................................................................................G-3 Office of the City Treasurer ..........................................................................................................G-5 Office of the City Manager ...........................................................................................................G-7 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 30 of 345 CITY OF CARLSBAD Office of the City Attorney ...........................................................................................................G-9 Office of the City Clerk .................................................................................................................G-11 Communication & Engagement ...................................................................................................G-13 STRATEGIC DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION INVESTMENT PROGRAM Overview ......................................................................................................................................H-1 Investing in digital transformation ...............................................................................................H-2 Project evaluation ........................................................................................................................H-2 Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program projects ..................................................H-4 Estimated total appropriations by goal ........................................................................................H-6 Projects to pursue communitywide digital transformation .........................................................H-8 Projects to build capacity for data-driven decision making .........................................................H-15 Projects to foster a vibrant civic engagement culture .................................................................H-19 Projects to enhance accessibility and transparency ....................................................................H-19 Projects to promote security and sustainability through connectivity ........................................H-20 Minor projects ..............................................................................................................................H-24 Future projects .............................................................................................................................H-25 Detail five-year schedule of projects by Connected Carlsbad goal ..............................................H-27 Detail five-year schedule of projects by fund ..............................................................................H-28 Project funding sources ................................................................................................................H-29 Projected fund balances ...............................................................................................................H-29 Revenue projections schedule .....................................................................................................H-30 Budget expenditure schedule ......................................................................................................H-30 Project estimated operational requirements ...............................................................................H-31 Fiscal year 2024-25 roadmap .......................................................................................................H-32 Five-year roadmap .......................................................................................................................H-33 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Overview ......................................................................................................................................I-1 Investing in our quality of life .......................................................................................................I-1 Project evaluation ........................................................................................................................I-2 Fiscal year 2024-25 appropriations ..............................................................................................I-3 New capital improvement projects ..............................................................................................I-6 Capital Improvement Program revenues .....................................................................................I-8 Future growth and development .................................................................................................I-9 Future projects .............................................................................................................................I-10 Calculation of future fees .............................................................................................................I-11 Unfunded projects .......................................................................................................................I-11 Projected fund balances for fiscal year 2023-24 ..........................................................................I-12 Projected fund balances for fiscal year 2024-25 ..........................................................................I-13 Revenue projections schedule .....................................................................................................I-14 Budget expenditure schedule ......................................................................................................I-15 Five-year Capital Improvement Program Strategic Plan Projects……………………………………………..I-17 Five-year Capital Improvement Program Critical Need Projects………………………………………….…..I-19 Five-year Capital Improvement Program Maintenance Projects……………………………………………..I-20 Five-year Capital Improvement Program Enterprise Projects…………………………………………..……..I-22 Substantially Complete (Closeout) Projects………………………………………………………………………..…..I-24 Five-year Capital Improvement Program Project Accounting………………………………………..………..I-25 Program Adjustments……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..I-25 Requested Appropriation Summary…………………………………….………………………………………..………..I-26 Capital Improvement Program 15-year forecast by fund ............................................................I-27 Glossary of capital project funding sources .................................................................................I-39 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 31 of 345 B-1 OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW This section includes a summary of the revenues and expenditures included in the fiscal year 2024-25 operating budget. Spending is presented by funding source, department and type, such as personnel or maintenance and operations. For context, previous years’ spending levels are often presented alongside this information. Financial tables are presented to the nearest hundred thousand; rounding differences may exist. Detailed summaries of department services and expenditures are included within the five main sections of the operating budget following this overview. The five city branches include:  Public Safety  Public Works  Community Services  Administrative Services  Policy & Leadership Information about the city’s approach to planning for and funding digital transformation efforts throughout the city is included in the Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program section. Information about capital projects, such as construction of roads and pipelines, the development of parks and construction and maintenance of city facilities, is included in the Capital Improvement Program section. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 32 of 345 B-2 OPERATING BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY The Operating Budget for fiscal year 2024-25 totals $419.0 million, with revenues for the year estimated at $415.9 million. General Fund revenues are estimated at $239.1 million and General Fund budgeted expenditures are $238.5 million, which includes an additional $13.8 million in one-time transfers to the General Capital Construction Fund and $7.0 million to the Workers’ Compensation Fund. Excluding the one-time uses of General Fund surplus, the General Fund budgeted operating expenditures are $217.7 million. Revenue estimates for the Operating Budget indicate the city will receive a total of $415.9 million in fiscal year 2024-25, a change of 4.0% or $16.0 million above the estimated fiscal year 2023-24 revenues. General Fund revenues are expected to increase by $27.0 million compared to the prior year’s adopted revenues and $4.2 million or 1.8% compared to fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. Special Revenue funds are projected to decrease by 10.4% or $2.5 million over fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. Enterprise Fund revenues are projected to increase by 8.0% or $7.5 million in the upcoming fiscal year. Internal service funds are increasing over the prior year’s adopted budget and to fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. This is primarily driven by one-time transfers in from the General Fund to fund Workers’ Compensation, in addition to increasing revenue collections due to increasing costs across all internal service funds. The Successor Agency Housing Trust is no longer receiving any material revenue as the loan owed to the General Fund has now been fully repaid. More detailed information on the city’s revenue sources is provided in the following discussion. The following table shows the total operating revenues anticipated to be received by the city for fiscal year 2023-24, as well as those budgeted for fiscal year 2024-25. Estimated Budgeted $% 2023-24 2024-25 Change Change General Fund 234.9$ 239.1$ 4.2$ 1.8% Special Revenue 24.4 21.9 (2.5) -10.4% Enterprise 94.4 101.9 7.5 8.0% Internal Service 46.3 53.1 6.8 14.8% Total 400.0$ 415.9$ 16.0$ 4.0% REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (in Millions) Fund May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 33 of 345 B-3 General Fund General Fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. These revenues are of particular interest as they fund basic city services such as Police, Fire, Library & Cultural Arts, Street and Park Maintenance and Recreation programs. The table below provides a summarized outlook of the General Fund revenues. The city fully recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic’s adverse fiscal impacts by fiscal year 2022-23. Immediately following the pandemic and during the city’s fiscal recovery, economic uncertainty spiked from unprecedented inflationary increases. Between March of 2021 and November of 2023, the consumer price index for the San Diego region experienced continual inflationary increases ranging between 4.1% and 8.3%. Generally, during periods of high inflation, consumer demand diminishes which may negatively impact revenues sources like sales tax, transient occupancy tax and charges for services. To account for this, revenue estimates for both fiscal year 2022-23 and 2023-24 were set conservatively; however, pent-up demand and increased levels of personal saving during the pandemic allowed consumer demand to sustain higher prices for goods and services. Based on current fiscal year 2023-24 revenue estimates, inflation has not yet negatively impacted the city’s revenue sources. However, as personal savings accumulated during the pandemic is absorbed by pent-up demand and inflation, we are beginning to see a slowdown, particularly with sales tax and transient occupancy tax revenues. The Federal Reserve has also taken swift action in response to inflation, increasing interest rate ranges from 0.25% - 0.50% to 5.25% - 5.50% in just over a one-year period. Resultingly, inflation has decreased, but the Federal Reserve will continue to monitor inflationary data before considering any rate reductions. The risk of recession is still prevalent and continued inflationary increases indicate the most prudent path is to maintain a conservative outlook for the city’s revenues in the future. Nearly 80% of General Fund revenues are derived from three sources: property tax, sales tax, and transient occupancy tax, or TOT. Sales tax and TOT revenues tend to be much more sensitive to changes in economic conditions, unlike property tax revenues, which remain relatively stable because of the mitigating effect of Proposition 13, which limits annual growth in assessed values. Property tax, the largest source of General Fund revenues, is expected to grow by $3.1 million, or 3.4%, over last year’s estimates. While the residential real estate market in Carlsbad has seen significant increases in values in recent years, the growth has continued to cool off. Commercial property assessed values are expected to remain relatively flat as the increase in interest rates has created immense Estimated Budgeted $% 2023-24 2024-25 Change Change Property Tax 91.8$ 94.9$ 3.1$ 3.4% Sales Tax 58.9 59.4 0.5 0.8% Transient Occupancy Tax 34.8 34.8 - 0.0% Franchise Taxes 8.6 8.9 0.3 3.9% Business License Tax 6.4 6.6 0.2 3.2% Development Revenues 4.2 5.0 0.8 20.2% All Other Revenue 30.3 29.5 (0.8) -2.7% Total 234.9$ 239.1$ 4.2$ 1.8% GENERAL FUND REVENUES (In Millions) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 34 of 345 B-4 uncertainty in the sector. In response to the unprecedented inflationary increases experienced over the last three years, the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes have made purchasing a home more difficult for borrowers. While demand remains relatively high both locally and around the state and although median home values in Carlsbad have increased to $1.5 million as of March 2024, changes to interest rate targets will likely have an impact on home values during the upcoming fiscal year. Proposition 8 allows owners to have their property temporarily revalued if market value is lower than the factored base year value, posing a risk that commercial property values could temporarily decrease. Assessed values on the residential real estate side are expected to grow modestly, capped by California’s Proposition 13. Adopted in 1978, Proposition 13 limits the annual increase in assessed values for property. Under this proposition, assessed values (and the related property tax) can grow by no more than 2% per year. The value upon which the tax is based is only increased to the full market value upon the sale of a property. In recent years, residential activity has been driven by low interest rates on mortgages, pent-up demand that built during the shutdown and an increase in the ability to work remotely. Now, increasing rates and diminishing pent-up demand as we move past the pandemic will likely have adverse impacts compared to prior periods. Based on resale data from Zillow, the median price of a single-family residence in Carlsbad is $1.5 million, up by 12.0% year over year as of March 2024. Changes in property tax revenues lag behind changes in the housing market, as the tax revenue for the upcoming fiscal year is based on assessed values from the previous January. Thus, the taxes to be received for fiscal year 2024-25 are based on assessed values as of January 1, 2024. Property taxes tend to grow slowly unless there is a significant amount of development-related activity. In past decades the city has seen robust growth in property tax revenue due to new development, high turnover of existing homes and double-digit growth in housing prices. However, as opportunities for new development and growth lessen, development-related revenues have slowed. $- $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024e 2025e $ M i l l i o n s Fiscal Year Property and Sales Tax Revenues Property tax Sales tax May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 35 of 345 B-5 In addition to recent interest rate increases, slower development combined with minimal commercial property transactions and tax reform has caused a slowing in property tax growth in the city. Sales Tax revenues generally move in step with economic conditions and overall, Carlsbad’s economy has absorbed the inflationary increases experienced since 2021. The restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic led to increases in segments like auto sales, construction, drug store sales, chemical products, food markets and recreational products, while others like restaurants and general retail took a major hit. With the pandemic and its fiscal impacts behind us, the uncertainty stems from lingering inflation, whether the rise in interest rates will lower inflation levels adequately, and the timing for when the Federal Reserve will begin lowering interest rate targets in the future. Sales tax revenues improved markedly up until fiscal year 2019-20, peaking in fiscal year 2018-19 at $40.8 million. The onset of the pandemic in March 2020 resulted in swift reductions in sales tax revenues and the city ended the year with $38 million in sales tax revenues. During fiscal year 2020- 21, sales tax levels generally correlated with shelter-in-place mandates. As restrictions were lifted, the city’s sales tax levels recovered—the city ended fiscal year 2020-21 with $44 million in sales tax revenues. Fiscal year 2021-22 experienced the most accelerated recovery, ending the year at a historic high of $51.2 million in sales tax revenues. The fiscal year 2022-23 and 2023-24 sales tax estimates reflected uncertainty surrounding market and economic conditions like inflation and impacts to disposable income. Despite the levels of inflation, growth has been positive over this period; however, we are beginning to see some industry groups cool off compared to previous periods. With inflation still increasing at a rate higher than desired by the Federal Reserve as well as existing recessionary risk, staff have proposed a conservative estimate of $59.4 million in budgeted revenue for fiscal year 2024-25 which represents an increase of $0.5 million, or 0.8%, over fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. Transportation, 34.4% Construction, 1.7% General Retail, 18.8% Miscellaneous, 0.5% Restaurants & Markets, 14.1% Business to Business, 12.9% County Pool, 17.6% Sales Tax by Category Fourth Quarter 2023 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 36 of 345 B-6 As indicated in the chart above, the city’s sales tax base is heavily weighted in the transportation (comprised heavily of new auto sales) and general retail sectors, which combined, account for over half of the taxable sales in Carlsbad. New auto sales are highly elastic—or responsive to changes in price—in comparison to economic trends, and tax revenues from new auto sales fell precipitously during the recession, from $6.7 million in 2007 to $4.4 million in 2009. Since that dip, auto sales tax revenues have grown steadily and reached a high of $17.1 million for the four quarters ended December 31, 2023. With general retail sales tax suffering for the year ended December 31, 2020, and recovering in the year after, the most recent four quarters have shown full recovery as of calendar year 2022, but growth has leveled off during calendar year 2023. Sales tax revenues include those received under Proposition 72, a 0.5 cent increase in California sales tax for the funding of local public safety services. The third highest General Fund revenue source is Transient Occupancy Tax, also known as TOT or hotel tax. TOT was the revenue category most adversely impacted by COVID-19. From historic highs of $26 million in fiscal year 2018-19, the city experienced year-over-year decreases of 27% and 16%. Recovery from the pandemic was estimated conservatively; however, fiscal year 2021-22 proved otherwise, reaching a historic high of $32.4 million driven by the easing of restrictions, pent- up demand and an increase in average daily room rates. This trend continued in fiscal year 2022-23, whereby actual revenues exceeded conservative estimates that were applied to account for sustained levels of unprecedented inflation. Fiscal year 2023-24 is the first year in which year-over- year quarterly comparisons indicate a revenue slow down. It is estimated that fiscal year 2023-24 revenues will exceed the prior year, but future growth may be tempered by inflation, tourism demand and its impact on average daily room rates. Franchise Tax revenue has grown moderately in recent years and is projected at $8.9 million in fiscal year 2024-25. Franchise taxes are paid by certain industries that use the city’s right-of-way to conduct their business. The city currently has franchise agreements for cable TV service, solid waste services, cell sites, fiber optic antenna systems and gas and electric services. The solid waste franchise fee has experienced minor revenue increases that mirror growth in population and changes in rate structures. Cable TV franchise revenue is expected to remain relatively consistent from $2.0 million in $22 $24 $26 $19 $16 $32 $34 $35 $35 $- $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024e 2025e $ M i l l i o n s Fiscal Year Transient Occupancy Taxes May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 37 of 345 B-7 fiscal year 2023-24 to $2.1 million in fiscal year 2024-25. This revenue source will most likely remain stable or decline in future years as more subscribers cut cable services and move to online streaming services. In April 2021, a new franchise agreement for solid waste was approved with Republic Services of San Diego. The city receives 7.5% of revenues collected as well as an annual payment of $0.8 million in support of AB 939 and $1.3 million storm water fee. The increase in fiscal year 2024-25 is relatively modest compared to the increase experienced in fiscal year 2022-23 that was driven by the $0.8 million payment to assist with AB 939. San Diego Gas & Electric pays franchise taxes for the use of the public land over which they transport gas and electricity. The city also receives an “in-lieu” franchise tax based on the value of gas and electricity transported on SDG&E lines but purchased from another source. The “in-lieu” tax captures the franchise taxes on gas and electricity that is transported using public lands, which would not otherwise be included in the calculations for franchise taxes due to deregulation of the power industry. This revenue source experienced a significant increase in fiscal year 2022-23 of $919,000 due to price increases but is expected to remain relatively flat over the next several years. Business license taxes are closely tied to the health of the local economy and are projected to increase to $6.6 million in fiscal year 2024-25. This represents growth of $0.2 million or 3% when compared to last year’s current estimates. Increases in business license taxes correlate with sales tax revenue increases as businesses either pay taxes based on the amount of their gross receipts or based on set fees. There are currently about 9,529 licensed businesses in the City of Carlsbad, 63 less than in the prior year with 6,630 of them located in the city. Development-related revenues are derived from fees for planning, engineering and building permits, and fees paid by developers to cover the cost of reviewing and monitoring development activities, such as plan checks and inspections. These revenues are difficult to predict as many of the planning and engineering activities occur months or years before any actual development. Over the last 10 years development-related revenues have fluctuated in line with increases and decreases in residential, commercial and industrial development. In fiscal year 2024-25 the city expects a 16% increase in development related revenues to approximately $3.4 million. This follows lower than anticipated development activity occurring in fiscal year 2023-24. The projected increase in development-related revenues is tied to the volume and type of development projected to be permitted, multi-family versus single-family, and the revenues derived from building fees which occur in the early stages of development. Increases applied to these charges for services are made in accordance with City Council Policy No. 95 – Cost Recovery. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 38 of 345 B-8 Interdepartmental charges are generated through engineering services charged to capital projects, reimbursed work from other funds and miscellaneous interdepartmental expenses charged to funds outside the General Fund for services performed by departments within the General Fund. Miscellaneous interdepartmental charges are expected to decrease by 10.9% compared to the prior year’s adopted budget, as a result of the city’s regular update to its citywide cost allocation, which drives the revenue allocations. Income from investments and property include interest earnings as well as rental income from city-owned land and facilities. The city is expected to earn about $4.1 million in interest on its General Fund investments for fiscal year 2024-25 and another $3.0 million in rental and lease income. The yield on the city’s portfolio is forecasted to average 2.4% and cash balances are expected to remain flat as increases in receipts are projected to be offset by increases in expenditures as the City Council’s goals are operationalized. Ambulance fee revenues are estimated to increase $0.4 million over last year’s estimates, from $7.2 million to $7.7 million. This increase is driven by a combination of the Fire Department’s recent fee study implementation, the addition of two medical transports, the Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Certified Public Expenditure Program, which helps cover uncompensated costs for Medi-Cal fee-for-service transports, and the participation in the Public Provider Ground Emergency Medical Transport Intergovernmental Transfer Program which will provide add-on reimbursement payments to help cover uncompensated costs in the future. Transfer taxes are those taxes paid to the county upon the transfer of interests in real estate. The tax is $1.10 per $1,000 of property value, split equally between the county and the city. Carlsbad expects to receive approximately $1.7 million in transfer taxes for fiscal year 2024-25 which is a 3.2% increase from fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. The residential real estate market continues to remain strong; however, this will likely be influenced by the Federal Reserve’s actions regarding interest rates. Housing prices in Carlsbad have increased in recent months and inventories are expected to remain low due to the insulated local demand. Other intergovernmental revenues include miscellaneous receipts received from the state or federal governments as well as local school districts. With the city receiving its two annual American Rescue Plan Act payments in fiscal 2020-21 and fiscal year 2021-22 totaling $12.6 million, intergovernmental revenues decreased substantially in fiscal year 2022-23 and are expected to remain relatively consistent in fiscal year 2024-25, in line with last year’s estimates. The All other revenues category includes fines and forfeitures, transfers in, miscellaneous reimbursed expenses, and other charges and fees. The estimate for fiscal year 2023-24 totals $0.5 million and is expected at $0.25 million in fiscal year 2024-25. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 39 of 345 B-9 Overall, and as reflected in the bar chart above, General Fund revenues are expected to increase $4.2 million or 1.8% from fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. The General Fund’s primary tax revenues are estimated to increase conservatively over last year’s estimates to account for the current economic uncertainty and risk of recession. Despite lingering inflation, the General Fund’s total revenues are expected to be bolstered by stable property tax values, a diversified sales tax base, and the implementation of the city’s cost recovery policy which increases fees for services in line with appropriate cost recovery levels. Other Funds Revenues from Special Revenue funds are expected to total $21.9 million, a decrease of $2.5 million or 10.4% from fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. Funds collected in this category are restricted to specified purposes. The types of programs supported within Special Revenue funds are those funded by specific revenue streams such as:  Federal Grants (Rental Assistance and Community Development Block Grants)  Special fees and assessments (Affordable Housing and maintenance assessment districts)  Donations (Library, Cultural Arts, Recreation and Senior Donations) $152 $159 $179 $174 $182 $199 $226 $233 $239 $- $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024e 2025e $ M i l l i o n s Fiscal Year General Fund Revenues May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 40 of 345 B-10 Compared to the fiscal year 2023-24 adopted budget, the most noteworthy changes in the Special Revenue funds occurred in the Encampment Resolution Fund, whereby the city received $2.4 million of one-time grant revenue in fiscal year 2023-24 that it will not receive again in fiscal year 2024-25. The other significant change is in the Rental Assistance Fund, where increases of $1.0 million are expected to occur compared to fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. These revenues are primarily funded from federal grants. There is no revenue budgeted in the Successor Agency Housing Trust Fund, other than interest income from remaining funds. Although the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency has been dissolved, the California Department of Finance has approved the repayment of the approximately $8.1 million (plus accrued interest) loaned to both the city’s former redevelopment areas by the General Fund as well as debt service payments remaining on the former agency’s 1993 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds. All outstanding loans and interest accrued have been paid to the city by the end of fiscal year 2020-21 and debt service payments were completed in fiscal year 2023-24. Enterprise fund revenues for fiscal year 2024-25 are projected at $101.9 million representing an increase of 8.0% or $7.5 million over fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. The revenue breakdown by activity is shown in the graph below. Enterprise funds are similar to a business in that rates are charged to support the operations that supply the goods or services. Carlsbad enterprise funds include water and recycled water delivery, wastewater services, solid waste management and the operation of a municipal golf course. The Water Enterprise Fund revenue for fiscal year 2024-25 is estimated at $50.1 million representing an increase of $2.5 million or 5.3% when compared to fiscal year 2023-24 revenue estimates. This is driven by increases in water delivery charges. Projected revenues for Recycled Water of $11.1 million are expected to increase by $1.4 million or 14.4% as minor customer growth is expected and a 1% rate increase is forecasted. Rental Assistance $13.2M, 61% Affordable Housing $0.7M, 3% Public Safety Grants $0.5M, 2% CDBG $0.6M, 3% Maintenance Districts $4.5M, 21% Donations and Grants $0.4M, 2% Permanent Local Housing Allocation $0.5M, 2% Tyler Court Apartments $0.8M, 3%All others $0.7M, 3% Special Revenue Funds FY 2024-25 Budgeted Revenues $21.9 Million May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 41 of 345 B-11 Forecasted revenues for Wastewater are $25.9 million representing a 14.2% or $3.2 million increase over fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. This increased estimate is largely driven by rate increases of 20% in 2023 to support rising treatment costs and aging infrastructure costs. Estimated revenues from operations of the Golf Course are $11.3 million, a slight increase of $0.3 million or 3.1% when compared to fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. Solid Waste Management revenues are projected at $3.4 million, consistent with fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. Internal Service funds project estimated revenues of $53.1 million for fiscal year 2024-25 representing an increase of 14.8% or $6.9 million over fiscal year 2023-24 projections. This increase is driven by a one-time transfer from the General Fund of $7 million to fund Workers’ Compensation, along with increases corresponding with rising costs across all internal service funds. Internal service funds account for services provided within the city itself, from one department to another and on a cost reimbursement basis. These include programs such as the self-insurance funds for Workers’ Compensation and General Liability (Risk Management), as well as Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement, and Information Technology. Departments pay for these services and therefore the rates charged are based on the cost to provide the service. The goal of an internal service fund is to match budgeted expenses with charges to the departments. A recent actuarial review of the Workers’ Compensation fund determined that the city should continue to set aside cash reserves in anticipation of future workers’ compensation claims. To achieve this, charges to city departments need to increase by 10-15% annually over the next several years. These planned increases went into effect in fiscal year 2021-22 and are continuing into fiscal year 2024-25. The fiscal year 2024-25 operating budget includes $14.5 million for Workers’ Compensation, including a one-time transfer from the General Fund of $7.0 million, and $8.0 million for Risk Management. Water Operations $50.1M, 49% Recycled Water $11.1M, 11% Wastewater Operations $25.9M, … Solid Waste Management $3.4M, 4% Golf Course Operations $11.3M, 11% Enterprise Funds FY 2024-25 Budgeted Revenues $101.9 million May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 42 of 345 B-12 Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement charges are budgeted at $4.1 million and $7.2 million, respectively. Vehicle Maintenance revenues are up compared to fiscal year 2023-24 estimates primarily due increasing fuel costs. Vehicle replacement costs rise when the number of vehicles and the price of new vehicles or the cost to maintain those vehicles increases. For example, many older generation sedans at the end of their useful lives are now being replaced with hybrids and plug-in hybrids at a higher per unit cost. There have also been significant cost increases over the last several years in specialized vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulances as well as supply chain disruptions and unprecedented inflation that have significantly driven up prices. Information Technology charges to departments have increased by 11.9% or $2.1 million when compared to fiscal year 2023-24 estimates. The main reason for this increase is due to a departmental reorganization of the city’s innovation group, bringing the group into the Internal Service Fund budget. The increase is also attributable to contractual increases to existing service contracts. Internal Service Fund Allocation Methodology Most of the revenue for the city’s internal service funds is generated from internal service charges. The expenses of each fund are budgeted for and then allocated to other funds on an annual basis. Each fund uses a different allocation basis to charge other funds for its costs, summarized below.  Vehicle Replacement – Based on equipment assigned to departments.  Vehicle Maintenance – A combination of fixed and variable maintenance charges. Fixed maintenance charges are based on a three-year average of maintenance costs in combination with budgeted labor costs. Variable maintenance charges are based on actuals.  Information Technology Operations – A combination of computers per department for citywide maintenance/licensing and direct charges for department-specific items.  Information Technology Replacement – Based on a combination of equipment and hardware specifically assigned to a department and for infrastructure hardware an allocation based on computers per department as a percentage of citywide computers.  Workers’ Compensation – Based on a combination of personnel count and five-year average claims costs by department.  General Liability – Based on a combination of personnel count, five-year average claims costs by department and vehicles assigned to departments. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 43 of 345 B-13 OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY The city’s Operating Budget for fiscal year 2024-25 totals $419.0 million, which represents an increase of about $41.7 million or 11.1% as compared to the adopted fiscal year 2023-24 budget. A summary of the changes in each of the city’s programs will be discussed below. Further information about each program can be found in the individual program summary pages. The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that support core city services. However, this should not diminish the importance of the other operating funds as they also contribute to the array of services available within Carlsbad. The remainder of this section will provide more information about the budgeted expenditures by fund and program. To ensure the city continues to maintain a balanced budget and analyze its use of taxpayer dollars, the City Manager asked departments to reduce their existing budgets for fiscal year 2023-24 and decrease discretionary spending wherever possible. While administrative leadership’s direction for the fiscal year 2024-25 budget cycle does not propose a mandated budget reduction by each department, it will continue the expectation that staff incorporate opportunities to do business more efficiently and focus on spending areas that can be reduced with little to no impact on the community. In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As a result, 12 full-time equivalent positions are recommended for elimination as part of the fiscal year 2024-25 budget. This directive came after budget reductions of nearly 2% and 3% were achieved in fiscal year 2022-23 and 2023-24, respectively. These efforts contributed to the city’s ability to present a balanced budget in fiscal year 2024-25 push the projected deficit further out to the future. The reductions proposed were carefully evaluated to ensure ongoing service level impacts were mitigated as much as possible. The total Operating Budget for the General Fund for fiscal year 2024-25 is $238.5 million which is $21.5 million or 9.9% more than the previous year’s adopted budget of $216.9 million. These changes are discussed in more detail on the following pages. Budget Budget $% 2023-24 2024-25 Change Change General Fund 216.9$ 238.5$ 21.5$ 10.0% Special Revenue 20.2 21.3 1.0 5.5% Enterprise 105.7 118.5 12.7 12.1% Internal Service 33.3 40.7 7.4 22.2% Successor Agency Housing Trust 1.1 - (1.0) -100.0% Total 377.3$ 419.0$ 41.7$ 11.1% BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY By Fund Type (In Millions) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 44 of 345 B-14 Personnel costs make up 57% of the General Fund budget. The total personnel budget for fiscal year 2024-25 is $134.7 million which is $4.6 million or 3.6% greater than the previous year’s total personnel budget of $130.1 million. This is driven by an increase in CalPERS’ unfunded liability payment, negotiated compensation increases as well as anticipated step increases. In fiscal year 2024-25, the preliminary budget continues to propose including a line item for “vacancy savings.” This represents the estimated amount of budgeted personnel savings that will be realized by the end of the fiscal year. This mechanism is proposed for multiple reasons: (1) budgeting for vacancy savings reduces the total amount of the General Fund budget, (2) budgeted personnel costs more closely align with actual personnel costs over the course of the fiscal year, (3) historically, the city would bring recommendations to repurpose budget savings at the mid-year point of the fiscal year. This mechanism pre-emptively achieves that objective, and (4) budgeting vacancy savings will achieve alignment with the city’s 10-year forecast which has historically included a line item for vacancy savings. The table above shows the breakdown of personnel costs for the General Fund. General Fund salaries include full-time and part-time staff costs and are expected to increase in fiscal year 2024-25 by $1.3 million or 1.5%. The increase is primarily due to negotiated salary increases offset by a reduction in total full-time equivalents of 9.7. The full-time staffing changes are listed on the following page. Budget Budget $% 2023-24 2024-25 Change Change Personnel 130.1$ 134.7$ 4.6$ 3.6% Personnel, gross 132.1 136.7 4.6 3.5% Vacancy Savings (2.0) (2.0) - 0.0% Maintenance & Operations 64.9 65.6 0.7 1.3% Capital Outlay 0.1 0.5 0.4 586.2% Transfers 21.9 37.5 15.6 71.4% Subtotal 217.0$ 238.5$ 21.5$ 9.9% GENERAL FUND SUMMARY By Expenditure Type (In Millions) Budget Budget $% 2023-24 2024-25 Change Change Salaries and Wages 88.5$ 89.8 1.3 1.5% Salaries and Wages, gross 90.5 91.8 1.3 1.4% Vacancy Savings (2.0) (2.0) - 0.0% Retirement Benefits 23.2 25.3 2.1 9.1% Health Insurance 10.7 10.9 0.2 2.3% Other Personnel 7.7 8.6 0.9 11.9% Total 130.1$ 134.7$ 4.6$ 3.5% Personnel Costs (In Millions) GENERAL FUND May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 45 of 345 B-15 General Fund:  (1) Management Analyst – Office of the City Manager (Vacant)  (1) Senior Office Specialist – Office of the City Council (Vacant)  (1) Deputy City Clerk – City Clerk (Vacant)  (1) Lead Librarian – Library & Cultural Arts (Vacant)  (0.7) Production Technician – Library & Cultural Arts (Vacant)  (1) Parks Maintenance Worker – Parks & Recreation (Vacant)  (1) Associate Engineer – Community Development (Vacant)  (1) Chief Innovation Officer – Innovation & Economic Development  (1) Senior Program Manager for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) – Human Resources  (0.5) Administrative Assistant – Administrative Services (Part-time)  (0.5) Hourly Professional – Communication & Engagement (Part-time) Non-General Fund:  (1) System Specialist – Information Technology (Vacant)  (1) Senior Environmental Specialist – Environmental Sustainability (Vacant)  (0.3) Production Technician – Library & Cultural Arts (Vacant) Retirement Benefits Cost CalPERS administers the city’s defined benefit pension plan and costs have been increasing in past years as CalPERS addresses a structural shortfall in plan assets to cover unfunded liabilities. As part of CalPERS’ strategy to ensure the plan’s sustainability, CalPERS deliberately raised participating agencies’ contributions over several years to improve the plan’s long-term funded status. The pension system continues to pursue tactics in support of its strategy to ensure plan sustainability such as investing in assets with the objective of achieving a long-term rate of return that meets or exceeds 7%. While pension costs are increasing, there is some downward pressure on costs as new employees receive lower pension benefits. CalPERS has taken significant steps to ensuring plan sustainability, but pension costs still pose a significant risk on the city’s cost profile. In support of CalPERS strategies for plan sustainability and as part of the city’s strategic, long- term approach to financial management, the city actively manages its unfunded pension liability. Since fiscal year 2016-17, the City Council has approved additional discretionary contributions of $56.4 million to decrease future costs of the city’s unfunded actuarial liability and achieve a funded status of 80% in accordance with City Council Policy Statement No. 86. This active management helps ensure that resources are available to fulfill the city’s contractual promises to its employees and minimizes the chance that funding these pension benefits will interfere with the city’s ability to provide essential public services. Fiscal year 2024-25 reflects $12.7 million of city contributions required to make up for CalPERS’ abysmal investment performance in fiscal year 2021-22. This represents an increase of $2.5 million or 25% compared to the previous year. In support of CalPERS strategies for plan sustainability, and as part of the city’s strategic, long-term approach to financial management, the city actively manages its unfunded pension liability. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 46 of 345 B-16 General Fund Health Insurance costs in the General Fund are increasing slightly from $10.7 million to $10.9 million. Other Personnel Costs include workers’ compensation expenses and other miscellaneous costs such as Medicare, unemployment and disability which are increasing collectively by $0.9 million or 11.9%. Maintenance and Operations costs represent about 27.6% of the total General Fund budget and include the budgets for all program expenses other than personnel, capital outlay and transfers. Overall, total maintenance and operations costs are projected at $65.7 million, which represents an increase of about $0.8 million or 1.3% for fiscal year 2024-25 when compared to fiscal year 2023-24. Fiscal year 2021-22 and 2022-23 experienced inflationary increases ranging between 4.1% and 8.3% which drove the city’s need to contain costs and identify areas for reduction with minimal service level impacts. Although inflation has declined compared to previous periods, it is still ranging between 3.6% and 5.2% thus far in fiscal year 2023-24. While it is expected that inflation will continue to slowly decrease, much uncertainty remains around the Federal Reserve’s actions to adjust target interest rates. As a result, the fiscal year 2024-25 proposes a minimal increase to maintenance and operations given the lingering inflation in the economy. Capital Outlay includes budgeted equipment purchases over $1,000. Capital outlay purchases of $0.5 million are budgeted in the General Fund for fiscal year 2024-25. This represents an increase of $0.4 million and is primarily due to the Police Department’s need to purchase AED replacements for its fleet of vehicles in the upcoming year. Operating Costs Associated with Capital Investments As the city completes major capital projects, the costs of maintaining and operating the facilities and improvements, including additional personnel, if necessary, are added to departmental operating budgets. The city’s Capital Improvement Program and Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program budgets include future projected operating impacts, which are estimated in the tables found in sections H and I, respectively. Advances Advances and repayments of prior advances are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to other city funds with expectation of repayment in future years. No General Fund advances are included in this year’s operating budget. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 47 of 345 B-17 Expenditures in the General Fund remained relatively consistent until fiscal year 2016-17, when the expenditures included $25.3 million in one-time costs, including $10.5 million for a transfer to the Capital Improvement Program for Fire Station 2 reconstruction and $14.8 million to pay off the golf course construction bonds. The expenditures for fiscal year 2017-18 reflect a substantial decrease due to the one-time costs reflected in fiscal year 2016-17. These cost reductions were partially offset by an additional one-time payment to CalPERS to address the city’s unfunded pension liability, the addition of nine staff members, additional legal and expert costs associated with the county airport expansion and the Safety Training Center lawsuit, higher personnel costs due to normal salary and benefit increases and higher mutual aid costs. Expenditures in fiscal year 2018-19 reflect an additional one-time $20 million payment to CalPERS to further bring down the city’s unfunded pension liability. Fiscal year 2019-20 included the addition of 34 new full-time employees but was largely offset due to the city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to reduce discretionary spending as much as possible during that unprecedented time. Fiscal year 2020-21 expenditures reflect an additional $10 million one-time payment to CalPERS to further bring down the city’s unfunded pension liability. The increase was largely offset by the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic and the city’s efforts to curb and defer expenditures. Fiscal year 2021-22 expenditures reflect the plan to reinstate city services back to pre-pandemic levels and operationalize the City Council’s goals. The increase includes $5.9 million in one-time costs associated with the goals and the addition of 18 new full-time and 6.7 part-time employees which are mostly associated with the goals. The city again made an additional one-time $6.4 million payment to CalPERS to bring down the city’s unfunded pension liability. Fiscal year 2022-23 expenditures include the addition of 24 full-time employees as well as a number of new one-time requests to execute City Council goals, as well as a total of $10.6 million in one-time transfers to fund Workers’ Compensation, Risk Management, and Fleet Maintenance. Lastly, a $2 million allocation was approved to fund the Safer Streets local emergency. $171 $148 $168 $164 $216 $199 $205 $223 $238 $- $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024e 2025e $ M i l l i o n s Fiscal Year General Fund Expenditures May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 48 of 345 B-18 Fiscal year 2023-24 expenditures include budget reductions of approximately 3% of the base maintenance and operations budget, offset by negotiated compensation and contractual benefit increases. Additionally, a $5.2 million allocation was approved for the Carlsbad Village Trenching Project. Another way of looking at the General Fund budget is by Program Expenditures. The chart below compares the total fiscal year 2024-25 budget to those amounts adopted in the previous year. A detailed description of each department, its services, budget summary and department accomplishments and priorities can be found in the department program summary pages. Transfers are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to another city fund. The transfers included in the adopted budget are as follows:  $14.4 million split evenly between the Infrastructure Replacement Fund, General Capital Construction Fund and the Technology Investment Capital Fund ($4.8 million each). This will fund major new construction, maintenance and replacement of city infrastructure and facilities, and the city’s future technology needs. This represents 6% of budgeted General Fund revenues and is in line with the requirements set forth in Council Policy No. 91 – Long Term General Fund Capital Funding Policy. A detailed description of each department’s budget can be found in the department program summaries. Budget Budget $% 2023-24 2024-25 Change Change Administrative Services - Administration 0.7$ 1.0$ 0.3 22.0% Administrative Services - Finance 5.3 5.6 0.3 5.8% Administrative Services - Human Resources 5.0 5.1 0.1 2.1% Administrative Services - Economic Development 2.6 0.7 (1.9) -72.0% Community Services - Administration 0.6 0.6 - 1.2% Community Services - Community Development 11.0 11.0 - -0.1% Community Services - Housing & Homeless Services 2.8 3.2 0.4 16.9% Community Services - Library & Cultural Arts 13.6 14.5 0.9 6.5% Community Services - Parks & Recreation 21.1 22.8 1.7 8.1% Policy & Leadership Group 8.4 8.4 - 0.4% Public Safety - Fire 37.9 41.8 3.9 10.3% Public Safety - Police 55.6 60.2 4.6 8.2% Public Works - Administration 1.6 1.6 - -1.9% Public Works - Construction Mgmt. & Inspection 3.3 3.1 (0.2) -5.8% Public Works - Environmental Sustainability 1.2 1.2 - 2.7% Public Works - Facilities 7.5 7.2 (0.3) -4.1% Public Works - Transportation 9.7 10.8 1.1 10.4% Non-Departmental 29.0 39.7 10.7 37.1% Total 216.9$ 238.5$ 21.6$ 9.9% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES By Department (In Millions) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 49 of 345 B-19  $13.8 million in additional transfers to the General Capital Construction Fund resulting from the estimated General Fund surplus. The General Capital Construction Fund is funded by the General Fund and includes many capital projects programmed in the future. The level of funding necessary to fully fund these projects is an increasing concern. This one-time transfer amount will assist with funding the city’s general capital construction into the future.  $7.0 million in additional transfers to the Workers’ Compensation Fund in an effort to increase the program’s reserve to achieve a funded status of approximately 85%. This level of funding is consistent with actuarial standards and in accordance with recommendations from the city’s external auditors.  $0.4 million to the Storm Water Program for reimbursement of the General Fund portion of Storm Water expenses.  $1.5 million to the Median Maintenance and Street Tree Maintenance Special Revenue Funds to cover cash shortfalls, as annual assessments collected from property owners do not cover annual operating expenditures. Annual assessments can only be increased with a majority vote of the property owners.  $0.6 million to the Fleet Replacement Fund for historical chargebacks related to a Police Department vehicle purchase. General Fund Summary The operating budget for fiscal year 2024-25 provides a balanced General Fund budget for the coming fiscal year with General Fund revenue estimates exceeding General Fund budgeted expenditures by $0.6 million. Fiscal Year 2024-25 General Fund Operating Budget General Fund fiscal year 2024-25 revenue estimates $239.1 million General Fund fiscal year 2024-25 preliminary expenditures $238.5 million Projected operating surplus for fiscal year 2024-25 $ 0.6 million General Fund Reserves Projected unassigned balance at June 30, 2024 $148.4 million Plus: projected fiscal year 2023-24 surplus $ 0.6 million Less: asset replacement reserve allocation $ (17.5 million) Equals: projected unassigned balance at June 30, 2025 $131.5 million Asset Replacement Reserve The city commits to maintaining its large machinery and equipment inventory. When an asset is procured, it begins depreciating the moment it is put into service and needs to be replaced at the end of its respective useful life. The city’s large equipment inventory represents approximately $60 million of the city’s total fixed assets. On an annual basis, this translates to a significant financial need and commitment to maintain the inventory. In an effort to not only prioritize these purchases, but to strategically plan for the ongoing financial impacts, staff recommend establishing a General Fund May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 50 of 345 B-20 Asset Replacement Reserve. Separate and apart from the General Fund Reserve (City Council Policy No. 74), this Asset Replacement Reserve will serve as a mechanism for funding large machinery and equipment needs without impacting the General Fund Reserve or annual budget surplus year after year. As of fiscal year 2024-25, and for the next 10 fiscal years, a total of $17.5 million is projected to be needed to fund asset replacement costs in the General Fund. Changes in Other Funds Special Revenue funds are budgeted at $21.3 million representing an increase in expenditures of 5.1% or $1.0 million when compared to fiscal year 2023-24. Other than a $2.0 million increase in rental assistance programming and $1.1 million decrease for one-time Permanent Local Housing Allocation grant funds, spending in most Special Revenue Fund programs is expected to remain relatively consistent with the prior year. Expenditure increases of $2.0 million or 17.5% are planned in the Rental Assistance Fund largely because of program expansion and corresponding increase in rental assistance payments. This reflects additional revenue received from federally funded programs to assist more lower-income households in Carlsbad. The fiscal year 2024-25 expenditure budget is also $1.1 million less than fiscal year 2022-23 due to one-time revenue received in the Permanent Local Housing Allocation Fund. These are state funds provided to local governments in California for housing-related projects and programs that assist in addressing the unmet housing needs of local communities. Enterprise funds total $118.5 million, which represents an increase of $12.7 million or 12.1% over the fiscal year 2023-24 adopted budget. The Potable Water and Recycled Water funds continue to operate and maintain critical infrastructure systems and provide the safe delivery of drinking water, conservation outreach and treated irrigation water. The cost of purchased water continues to increase, causing an overall increase in the Potable Water budget. The Wastewater fund provides reliable wastewater collection services. The budget for this fund’s increase is primarily due to an increase in the transfers out to fund its related capital improvement fund. The Internal Service funds total $40.7 million, which represents an overall increase of $7.4 million or 22.3% over fiscal year 2023-24. Much of the increase in Workers’ Compensation and Risk Management costs is attributable to rising insurance liability rates, claims filed and administrative costs. Vehicle Replacement is the largest contributor to the increase and driven by a higher number of more costly vehicles scheduled for purchase in the upcoming year. Information Technology is $2.1 million or 12.4% higher than the previous year which is due to contractual service increases as well as a reorganization of staff from Innovation & Economic Development Department. The budget for the Successor Agency Housing Trust Fund for fiscal year 2024-25 is decreasing by $1.0 million compared to last year. The Recognized Obligation Payments Schedule identifies financial commitments of the former Redevelopment Agency, including the remaining scheduled debt service payments on the Redevelopment Agency bond issue, the outstanding loan from the city’s General Fund and minor allowable administrative costs. The last debt service payment on the bond issue was completed in September 2023 and the city loan was paid off in fiscal year 2020-21. In fiscal year 2024- 25, the city will work to complete the dissolution and close the fund. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 51 of 345 B-21 Changes to Fund Balance While the projected cumulative change in the city’s non-major operating funds’ ending balances is not significant, two major operating funds are projected to see changes in their fund balances greater than 10%. The Water Operations Fund is expected to decrease by 35.2% by the end of fiscal year 2024-25, largely due to increasing operations costs and cash transfers to account for depreciation. The Recycled Water Operations Fund is expected to increase because it is not completing a cash transfer to account for depreciation and the funding of capital projects in fiscal year 2024-25; the ability for the fund to complete this cash transfer will be reevaluated in future years. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 52 of 345 B-22 Adopted Adopted Adopted Preliminary Budget Budget Budget Budget Department 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 City Attorney 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 City Clerk Services 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 City Council 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 City Manager 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 City Treasurer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Communication & Engagement 7.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Administrative Services - Administration 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 Finance 28.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 Human Resources 17.00 18.00 18.00 17.00 Information Technology 37.00 43.00 43.00 48.00 Innovation & Economic Development 4.00 9.00 9.00 1.00 Community Services - Administration 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 Community Development 53.00 52.00 52.00 51.00 Housing & Homeless Services 14.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 Library & Cultural Arts 52.50 51.00 53.00 51.00 Parks & Recreation 55.00 59.00 59.00 58.00 Fire 111.00 123.00 124.00 124.00 Police 186.00 187.00 187.00 187.00 Public Works 177.75 182.75 181.75 180.75 Total Full-Time Personnel 773.25 806.75 807.75 796.75 Hourly Full-Time Equivalent Personnel 193.81 180.90 167.84 166.79 Total 967.06 987.65 975.59 963.54 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 53 of 345 B-23 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 54 of 345 B-24 SCHEDULE OF PROJECTED FUND BALANCE Projected Projected Beginning Ending Change as % of Fund Balance Estimated Estimated Fund Balance July 1, 2023 Fund July 1, 2023 Revenues Expenditures June 30, 2024 Fund Balance General Fund 136,840,376$ * 234,882,619$ 223,333,352$ 148,389,643$ * 8.4% Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing 14,360,256 1,264,318 364,206 15,260,368 6.3% Agricultural Mitigation Fee 1,162,955 26,700 195,118 994,537 -14.5% Buena Vista Channel Maintenance District 1,496,574 136,110 251,358 1,381,326 -7.7% Citizens' Option for Public Safety 479,869 302,500 280,000 502,369 4.7% Community Activity Grants 1,091,024 26,400 5,000 1,112,424 2.0% Community Development Block Grant 216,543 986,965 970,000 233,508 7.8% Continuum of Care - 232,972 232,972 - 0.0% Cultural Arts Donations 321,857 42,900 179,350 185,407 -42.4% Encampment Resolution Fund - 2,394,509 1,094,000 1,300,509 0.0% Habitat Mitigation Fee 31 10,226 - 10,257 32987.1% Library and Arts Endowments 259,331 6,300 6,000 259,631 0.1% Library Gifts and Bequests 1,666,903 114,700 410,600 1,371,003 -17.8% Lighting and Landscaping District 2 5,258,109 891,311 354,136 5,795,284 10.2% Local Cable Infrastructure 701,326 285,000 568,020 418,306 -40.4% Median Maintenance District 261,536 1,408,661 1,427,715 242,482 -7.3% Opioid Settlement Fund 353,033 7,900 15,000 345,933 -2.0% Parking In Lieu Fee 1,108,168 25,900 - 1,134,068 2.3% Permanent Local Housing Allocation - 696,260 310,319 385,941 0.0% Police Asset Forfeiture 193,192 176,756 72,783 297,165 53.8% Public Safety Grants (70,799) 290,857 456,680 (236,622) 234.2% Recreation Donations 310,317 34,100 52,570 291,847 -6.0% Rental Assistance 70,824 12,227,649 12,205,365 93,108 31.5% Senior Donations 285,400 27,000 23,238 289,162 1.3% Street Lighting Maintenance District 2,699,003 1,057,508 1,202,937 2,553,574 -5.4% Street Tree Maintenance District 176,929 1,012,481 924,191 265,219 49.9% Tyler Court Apartments 98,725 694,895 730,800 62,820 -36.4% Total Special Revenue Funds 32,501,106 24,380,878 22,332,358 34,549,626 6.3% Enterprise Funds Water Operations 30,483,929 47,550,996 55,109,813 22,925,112 -24.8% Recycled Water Operations 1,458,836 9,721,597 10,938,070 242,363 -83.4% Wastewater Operations 15,067,417 22,675,900 24,180,157 13,563,160 -10.0% Solid Waste Management 10,548,683 3,411,529 5,367,260 8,592,952 -18.5% Golf Course 5,180,742 11,004,778 9,304,598 6,880,922 32.8% Total Enterprise Funds 62,739,607 94,364,800 104,899,898 52,204,509 -16.8% Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation 209,638 8,416,210 5,161,119 3,464,729 1552.7% Risk Management (3,847,278) 12,247,660 6,726,887 1,673,495 -143.5% Vehicle Maintenance 883,513 3,646,563 3,805,991 724,085 -18.0% Vehicle Replacement 20,879,291 4,654,734 3,045,488 22,488,537 7.7% Information Technology 9,377,219 17,317,111 17,357,258 9,337,072 -0.4% Total Internal Service Funds 27,502,383 46,282,278 36,096,743 37,687,918 37.0% Successor Agency Housing Trust Fund 1,131,055 44,618 1,008,833 166,840 -85.3% Total Operating Funds 260,714,527$ 399,955,193$ 387,671,184$ 272,998,536$ 4.7% * For the General Fund only, this represents unassigned fund balance. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 55 of 345 B-25 SCHEDULE OF PROJECTED FUND BALANCE Projected Projected Beginning Ending Change as % of Fund Balance Estimated Adopted Fund Balance June 30, 2024 Fund June 30, 2024 Revenues Budget June 30, 2025 Fund Balance General Fund 148,389,643$ * 239,061,383$ 238,468,443$ 148,982,583$ * 0.4% Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing 15,260,368 706,860 631,917 15,335,311 0.5% Agricultural Mitigation Fee 994,537 26,060 - 1,020,597 2.6% Buena Vista Channel Maintenance District 1,381,326 137,290 195,245 1,323,371 -4.2% Citizens' Option for Public Safety 502,369 295,190 295,830 501,729 -0.1% Community Activity Grants 1,112,424 27,990 30,000 1,110,414 -0.2% Community Development Block Grant 233,508 583,215 548,215 268,508 15.0% Continuum of Care - 235,280 - 235,280 0.0% Cultural Arts Donations 185,407 7,230 127,000 65,637 -64.6% Encampment Resolution Fund 1,300,509 37,190 - 1,337,699 2.9% Habitat Mitigation Fee 10,257 250 - 10,507 2.4% Library and Arts Endowments 259,631 6,650 6,000 260,281 0.3% Library Gifts and Bequests 1,371,003 41,690 455,903 956,790 -30.2% Lighting and Landscaping District 2 5,795,284 912,480 367,500 6,340,264 9.4% Local Cable Infrastructure 418,306 285,940 506,862 197,384 -52.8% Median Maintenance District 242,482 1,378,180 1,409,906 210,756 -13.1% Opioid Settlement Fund 345,933 111,609 103,059 354,483 2.5% Parking In Lieu Fee 1,134,068 27,080 57,120 1,104,028 -2.7% Permanent Local Housing Allocation 385,941 466,244 - 852,185 120.8% Police Asset Forfeiture 297,165 7,770 95,000 209,935 -29.4% Public Safety Grants (236,622) 457,898 169,950 51,326 -121.7% Recreation Donations 291,847 34,440 81,200 245,087 -16.0% Rental Assistance 93,108 13,227,900 13,319,728 1,280 -98.6% Senior Donations 289,162 27,500 33,500 283,162 -2.1% Street Lighting Maintenance District 2,553,574 1,069,780 1,176,445 2,446,909 -4.2% Street Tree Maintenance District 265,219 980,200 1,024,573 220,846 -16.7% Tyler Court Apartments 62,820 761,949 652,310 172,459 174.5% Total Special Revenue Funds 34,549,626 21,853,865 21,287,263 35,116,228 1.6% Enterprise Funds Water Operations 22,925,112 50,085,356 58,158,391 14,852,077 -35.2% Recycled Water Operations 242,363 11,121,779 10,814,449 549,693 126.8% Wastewater Operations 13,563,160 25,890,480 33,253,062 6,200,578 -54.3% Solid Waste Management 8,592,952 3,447,940 5,544,246 6,496,646 -24.4% Golf Course 6,880,922 11,343,000 10,726,000 7,497,922 9.0% Total Enterprise Funds 52,204,509 101,888,555 118,496,148 35,596,916 -31.8% Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation 3,464,729 14,511,420 5,988,115 11,988,034 246.0% Risk Management 1,673,495 7,970,610 7,397,470 2,246,635 34.3% Vehicle Maintenance 724,085 4,062,754 4,012,861 773,978 6.9% Vehicle Replacement 22,488,537 7,217,461 4,598,574 25,107,424 11.7% Information Technology 9,337,072 19,377,057 18,705,537 10,008,592 7.2% Total Internal Service Funds 37,687,918 53,139,302 40,702,557 50,124,663 33.0% Successor Agency Housing Trust Fund 166,840 5,380 10,000 162,220 -2.8% Total Operating Funds 272,998,536$ 415,948,485$ 418,964,411$ 269,982,610$ -1.1% * For the General Fund only, this represents unassigned fund balance. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 56 of 345 B-26 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as % Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 General Fund Taxes Property Tax 87,209,996$ 91,773,714$ 94,901,892$ 3.4% 3,128,178$ Sales Tax 56,186,707 58,899,752 59,382,534 0.8%482,782 Transient Occupancy Tax 34,280,239 34,776,940 34,776,940 0.0%- Franchise Tax 7,833,845 8,554,123 8,883,315 3.9%329,192 Business License Tax 6,356,809 6,359,729 6,560,060 3.2%200,331 Transfer Tax 1,367,481 1,624,950 1,676,136 3.2%51,186 Total Taxes 193,235,077 201,989,208 206,180,877 2.1% 4,191,669 Intergovernmental Homeowners Exemption 340,152 248,146 245,000 -1.3%(3,146) Other Intergovernmental 2,055,728 957,466 684,000 -28.6% (273,466) Total Intergovernmental 2,395,880 1,205,612 929,000 -22.9% (276,612) Licenses and Permits Building Permits 2,201,438 2,000,000 2,400,000 20.0%400,000 Other Licenses and Permits 985,067 905,261 973,500 7.5%68,239 Total Licenses And Permits 3,186,505 2,905,261 3,373,500 16.1%468,239 Charges for Services Planning Fees 593,890 773,500 817,000 5.6%43,500 Building Department Fees 950,200 702,500 920,000 31.0%217,500 Engineering Fees 990,363 690,000 872,000 26.4%182,000 Ambulance Fees 4,368,825 7,225,000 7,650,000 5.9%425,000 Recreation Fees 3,127,197 3,488,050 3,459,066 -0.8%(28,984) Other Charges or Fees 1,335,412 1,667,060 1,690,500 1.4%23,440 Total Charges For Services 11,365,887 14,546,110 15,408,566 5.9%862,456 Fines and Forfeitures 402,946 352,550 351,700 -0.2%(850) Income from Investments and Property 7,081,788 7,297,532 7,041,490 -3.5% (256,042) Interdepartmental Charges 5,991,590 6,091,266 5,427,750 -10.9% (663,516) Other Revenue Sources 2,199,856 495,080 348,500 -29.6% (146,580) Total General Fund 225,859,529$ 234,882,619$ 239,061,383$ 1.8% 4,178,764$ * Interest is calculated on an amortized cost basis. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 57 of 345 B-27 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as % Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing Affordable Housing Fees 247,078$ 497,506$ 247,000$ -50.4% (250,506)$ Property Tax - - - 0.0%- Interest Income 787,261 756,678 454,860 -39.9% (301,818) Other Revenue 50,913 10,134 5,000 -50.7%(5,134) Total Affordable Housing 1,085,252 1,264,318 706,860 -44.1% (557,458) Agricultural Mitigation Fee Agricultural Mitigation Fees - - - 0.0%- Interest Income 14,587 26,700 26,060 -2.4%(640) Total Agriculutural Mitigation Fee 14,587 26,700 26,060 -2.4%(640) Buena Vista Channel Maintenance Assessment Fees 82,037 100,000 100,000 0.0%- Interest Income 14,943 36,110 37,290 3.3%1,180 Total Buena Vista Channel Maintenance 96,980 136,110 137,290 0.9%1,180 Citizens' Option for Public Safety State Funding (AB3229)294,013 290,000 280,000 -3.5%(10,000) Interest Income 375 12,500 15,190 21.5%2,690 Total Citizens' Option For Public Safety 294,388 302,500 295,190 -2.4%(7,310) Community Activity Grants Interest Income 11,861 26,400 27,990 6.0%1,590 Total Community Activity Grants 11,861 26,400 27,990 6.0%1,590 Community Development Block Grant Federal Grant 508,874 545,490 548,215 0.5%2,725 Interest Income 126,844 12,269 5,000 -59.3%(7,269) Other Revenue 503,972 429,206 30,000 -93.0% (399,206) Total Community Dev. Block Grant 1,139,690 986,965 583,215 -40.9% (403,750) Continuum of Care Federal Grant - 232,972 235,280 1.0%2,308 Total Cultural Arts Donations - 232,972 235,280 1.0%2,308 Cultural Arts Donations Donations 25,000 35,000 - -100.0%(35,000) Interest Income 5,014 7,900 7,230 -8.5%(670) Total Cultural Arts Donations 30,014 42,900 7,230 -83.2%(35,670) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 58 of 345 B-28 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as % Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 Special Revenue Funds - Continued Encamptment Resolution Fund State Grant - 2,358,409 - -100.0% (2,358,409) Interest Income - 36,100 37,190 3.0%1,090 Total Community Dev. Block Grant - 2,394,509 37,190 -98.5% (2,357,319) Habitat Mitigation Fee Mitigation Fees 57,082 10,126 - -100.0%(10,126) Interest Income 744 100 250 150.0%150 Total Habitat Mitigation Fee 57,826 10,226 250 -97.6%(9,976) Library And Arts Endowment Fund Interest Income 2,971$ 6,300$ 6,650$ 5.6%350$ Total Library And Arts Endowment Fund 2,971 6,300 6,650 5.6%350 Library Gifts/Bequests Gifts and Bequests 210,859 74,000 - -100.0%(74,000) Interest Income 19,895 40,700 41,690 2.4%990 Total Library Gifts/Bequests 230,754 114,700 41,690 -63.7%(73,010) Lighting And Landscaping District 2 Assessment Fees 695,133 761,100 775,700 1.9%14,600 Interest Income 35,857 130,211 136,780 5.0%6,569 Total Lighting And Landscaping Dist. 2 730,990 891,311 912,480 2.4%21,169 Local Cable Infrastructure Fund Cable Fees 284,652 275,000 275,000 0.0%- Interest Income 12,653 10,000 10,940 9.4%940 Total Local Cable Infrastructure Fund 297,305 285,000 285,940 0.3%940 Median Maintenance Assessment Fees 348,486 365,000 365,000 0.0%- Other 932,346 1,043,661 1,013,180 -2.9%(30,481) Total Median Maintenance 1,280,832 1,408,661 1,378,180 -2.2%(30,481) Opioid Settlement Fund Settlements - - 103,059 0.0%103,059 Other Revenue (9,874) 7,900 8,550 8.2%650 Total Opioid Settlement (9,874) 7,900 111,609 1312.8%103,709 Parking In Lieu Parking In Lieu Fees - - - 0.0%- Interest Income 14,577 25,900 27,080 4.6%1,180 Total Parking In Lieu 14,577 25,900 27,080 4.6%1,180 Permanent Local Housing Allocation State Grant - 696,260 466,244 -33.0% (230,016) Total Police Grants - 696,260 466,244 -33.0% (230,016) Police Asset Forfeiture Asset Forfeitures - 171,056 - -100.0% (171,056) Interest Income 4,640 5,700 7,770 36.3%2,070 Total Police Asset Forfeiture 4,640 176,756 7,770 -95.6% (168,986) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 59 of 345 B-29 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as % Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 Special Revenue Funds - Continued Public Safety Grants Federal Grant 157,698 250,337 287,948 15.0%37,611 State Grant 24,170 40,520 169,950 319.4%129,430 Total Police Grants 181,868 290,857 457,898 57.4%167,041 Recreation Donations Donations 62,489 26,600 26,600 0.0%- Interest Income 3,189 7,500 7,840 4.5%340 Total Recreation Donations 65,678 34,100 34,440 1.0%340 Rental Assistance Federal Grant 8,948,915$ 10,091,706$ 10,519,083$ 4.2%427,377$ Other Revenue 1,779,737 2,135,943 2,708,817 26.8%572,874 Total Rental Assistance 10,728,652 12,227,649 13,227,900 8.2% 1,000,251 Senior Donations Donations 6,628 5,000 5,000 0.0%- Other Revenue 13,915 15,000 15,000 0.0%- Interest Income 4,215 7,000 7,500 7.1%500 Total Senior Donations 24,758 27,000 27,500 1.9%500 Street Lighting Assessment Fees 738,313 740,000 740,000 0.0%- Other Revenue 200,312 254,750 259,400 1.8%4,650 Interest Income 29,109 62,758 70,380 12.2%7,622 Total Street Lighting 967,734 1,057,508 1,069,780 1.2%12,272 Street Tree Maintenance Assessment Fees 470,928 470,000 470,000 0.0%- Other Revenue 436,065 542,481 510,200 -6.0%(32,281) Total Street Tree Maintenance 906,993 1,012,481 980,200 -3.2%(32,281) Tyler Court Apartments Rental Income 676,682 689,010 757,017 9.9%68,007 Other Revenue 187,863 5,885 4,932 -16.2%(953) Total Tyler Court Apartments 864,545 694,895 761,949 9.7%67,054 Total Special Revenue Funds 19,023,021$ 24,380,878$ 21,853,865$ -10.4% (2,527,013)$ May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 60 of 345 B-30 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as % Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 Enterprise Funds Water Operations Water Sales 24,824,736$ 29,000,000$ 30,900,000$ 6.6% 1,900,000$ Ready-to-Serve charge 13,555,227 13,700,000 14,100,000 2.9%400,000 Property Tax 5,108,843 2,811,856 3,105,800 10.5%293,944 New Account Charges 94,990 110,064 110,000 -0.1%(64) Back-Flow Program Fees 168,414 168,800 170,000 0.7%1,200 Penalty Fees 360,513 377,200 378,500 0.3%1,300 Interest Income 627,447 733,976 660,456 -10.0%(73,520) Engineering Overhead 147,357 150,000 156,000 4.0%6,000 Service Connection Fees 27,947 34,600 35,000 1.2%400 Other Revenue 2,395,251 464,500 469,600 1.1%5,100 Total Water Operations 47,310,725 47,550,996 50,085,356 5.3% 2,534,360 Recycled Water Operations Water Sales 5,672,065 6,500,000 7,400,000 13.9%900,000 Ready-to-Serve charge 1,357,703 1,400,000 1,450,000 3.6%50,000 Property Tax - 1,703,964 1,878,000 10.2%174,036 Interest Income 127,903 (258,549) 2,000 -100.8%260,549 Other Revenue 359,817 376,182 391,779 4.2%15,597 Total Recycled Water Operations 7,517,488 9,721,597 11,121,779 14.4% 1,400,182 Wastewater Operations Service Charges 19,484,190 22,000,000 25,200,000 14.6% 3,200,000 Misc. Sewer 5,821 6,000 6,000 0.0%- Engineering Overhead 131,964 180,000 187,200 4.0%7,200 Penalty Fees 126,455 138,000 135,000 -2.2%(3,000) Interest Income 121,420 279,900 288,780 3.2%8,880 Other Revenue 811,083 72,000 73,500 2.1%1,500 Total Wastewater Operations 20,680,933 22,675,900 25,890,480 14.2% 3,214,580 Solid Waste Management Recycling Fees (AB939)878,003 846,000 860,000 1.7%14,000 Penalty Fees 1,461 - - 0.0%- Trash Surcharge 1,365,561 1,375,000 1,400,000 1.8%25,000 Interest Income 226,378 234,500 221,440 -5.6%(13,060) Other Revenue 1,094,313 956,029 966,500 1.1%10,471 Total Solid Waste Management 3,565,716 3,411,529 3,447,940 1.1%36,411 Golf Course Operations Charges for Services 10,966,531 10,781,677 11,134,000 3.3%352,323 Interest Income (38,049) 138,300 122,000 -11.8%(16,300) Other Revenue 106,093 84,801 87,000 2.6%2,199 Total Golf Course Operations 11,034,575 11,004,778 11,343,000 3.1%338,222 Total Enterprise Funds 90,109,437$ 94,364,800$ 101,888,555$ 8.0% 7,523,755$ May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 61 of 345 B-31 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as % Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation Interdepartmental Charges 5,173,980$ 5,908,510$ 6,883,620$ 16.5%975,110$ Interest Income (187,710) 557,700 627,800 12.6%70,100 Other Revenue 7,622,896 1,950,000 7,000,000 259.0% 5,050,000 Total Workers' Compensation 12,609,166 8,416,210 14,511,420 72.4% 6,095,210 Risk Management Interdepartmental Charges 3,889,896 7,069,660 7,746,820 9.6%677,160 Interest Income 103,181 124,000 179,790 45.0%55,790 Other Revenue 1,057,017 5,054,000 44,000 -99.1% (5,010,000) Total Risk Management 5,050,094 12,247,660 7,970,610 -34.9% (4,277,050) Vehicle Maintenance Interdepartmental Charges 3,175,057 3,605,863 3,998,114 10.9%392,251 Interest Income (29,190) 19,700 20,640 4.8%940 Other Revenue 1,442,228 21,000 44,000 109.5%23,000 Total Vehicle Maintenance 4,588,095 3,646,563 4,062,754 11.4%416,191 Vehicle Replacement Interdepartmental Charges 3,637,176 3,948,539 5,947,531 50.6% 1,998,992 Interest Income 119,778 510,600 559,930 9.7%49,330 Other Revenue 394,839 195,595 710,000 263.0%514,405 Total Vehicle Replacement 4,151,793 4,654,734 7,217,461 55.1% 2,562,727 Information Technology Interdepartmental Charges 16,406,796 17,123,775 19,149,027 11.8% 2,025,252 Interest Income 26,897 189,700 228,030 20.2%38,330 Other Revenue 1,049,123 3,636 - -100.0%(3,636) Total Information Technology 17,482,816 17,317,111 19,377,057 11.9% 2,059,946 Total Internal Service Funds 43,881,964$ 46,282,278$ 53,139,302$ 14.8% 6,857,024$ Trust Funds Sucssessor Agency Housing Fund Property Tax Increment 949,059 - - 0.0%- Interest Income 116,535 44,618 5,380 -87.9%(39,238) Total Successor Agency Housing Fund 1,065,594 44,618 5,380 -87.9%(39,238) Total Trust Funds 1,065,594$ 44,618$ 5,380$ -87.9%(39,238)$ Total Operating Funds 379,939,545$ 399,955,193$ 415,948,485$ 4.0% 15,993,292$ May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 62 of 345 B-32 SCHEDULE OF BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2023-24 Change as % 2021-22 2022-23 Estimated 2023-24 2024-25 of 2023-24 Department Actuals Actuals Expenditures Budget Budget Budget General Fund Policy And Leadership Group City Council 534,144$ 591,632$ 575,508$ 607,078$ 599,047$ -1.3% City Attorney 2,081,883 1,907,521 2,114,096 2,115,596 2,179,705 3.0% City Clerk 1,296,312 1,273,114 1,286,920 1,274,455 1,273,604 -0.1% City Manager 2,013,122 2,045,614 2,145,973 2,184,823 2,105,683 -3.6% City Treasurer 243,289 147,911 207,750 279,149 279,522 0.1% Communication & Engagement 2,037,551 2,385,710 2,124,244 1,953,098 2,010,091 2.9% Total Policy And Leadership Group 8,206,301 8,351,502 8,454,491 8,414,199 8,447,652 0.4% Administrative Services Administration 706,556 726,297 740,750 784,107 956,706 22% Finance 5,623,094 5,396,772 5,500,000 5,323,368 5,631,964 5.8% Human Resources 4,388,148 4,513,351 4,887,105 5,029,995 5,136,218 2.1% Innovation & Economic Development 1,334,163 2,392,664 2,807,000 2,608,489 731,354 -72.0% Total Administrative Services 12,051,961 13,029,084 13,934,855 13,745,959 12,456,242 -9.4% Community Services Community Services Administration 663,579 646,731 625,000 585,411 592,261 1.2% Community Development 12,064,408 14,220,499 10,019,000 11,012,958 10,998,825 -0.1% Housing & Homeless Services - - 2,126,155 2,765,195 3,232,287 17% Library & Cultural Arts 13,024,082 13,290,637 12,449,605 13,637,285 14,522,844 6.5% Parks & Recreation 19,251,458 20,813,176 21,730,303 21,055,565 22,759,082 8.1% Total Community Services 45,003,527 48,971,043 46,950,063 49,056,414 52,105,299 6.2% Public Safety Fire 33,684,622 35,261,847 41,477,000 37,882,886 41,793,630 10.3% Police 50,824,125 51,115,854 59,588,010 55,615,155 60,193,850 8.2% Total Public Safety 84,508,747 86,377,701 101,065,010 93,498,041 101,987,480 9.1% Public Works Public Works Administration 1,760,326 1,442,021 1,530,409 1,562,272 1,533,038 -1.9% Construction Management & Inspection 2,909,255 3,092,730 2,910,543 3,257,906 3,068,292 -5.8% Environmental Sustainability 1,238,207 1,205,943 1,130,727 1,178,783 1,210,630 2.7% Fleet & Facilities 6,297,998 6,812,114 7,432,121 7,497,115 7,191,930 -4.1% Transportation 8,048,352 10,028,265 10,306,133 9,732,215 10,741,202 10.4% Total Public Works 20,254,138 22,581,073 23,309,933 23,228,291 23,745,092 2.2% Miscellaneous Non-Departmental Expenditures Community Contributions & Village trenching - - - 5,220,000 - -100.0% COVID-related 177,677 40,842 44,000 - - - Dues & Subscriptions 75,069 77,746 80,000 80,000 90,000 12.5% Legal Services 519,683 540,090 300,000 750,000 750,000 0.0% Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 50,787 52,277 60,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% Personnel Related 155,595 122,499 130,000 1,637,000 1,900,000 16.1% Professional Services 33,980 44,148 45,000 39,700 39,000 -1.8% Property Tax & Other Administration 725,588 764,180 750,000 750,000 800,000 6.7% Vacancy savings - - - (2,000,000) (2,000,000) 0.0% Total Miscellaneous Non-Departmental Expenditures 1,738,379 1,641,782 1,409,000 6,576,700 1,679,000 -74.5% May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 63 of 345 B-33 SCHEDULE OF BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2023-24 Change as % 2021-22 2022-23 Estimated 2023-24 2024-25 of 2023-24 Department Actuals Actuals Expenditures Budget Budget Budget General Fund - Continued Transfers Transfer to General Capital Construction Fund 13,283,056$ 3,956,000$ 11,600,000$ 11,600,000$ 18,579,226$ 0.0% Transfer to Infrastructure Replacement Fund 283,000 3,956,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,779,226 0.0% Transfer to Technology Investment Capital Fund 10,656,000 3,956,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,779,226 0.0% Transfer To LLD#1 (Medians & Trees)1,390,000 1,400,000 1,570,000 1,570,000 1,500,000 0.0% Transfer To Storm Water Program 322,000 332,000 340,000 340,000 350,000 0.0% Transfer to Fleet Maintenance - 1,400,000 - - - - Transfer to Fleet Replacement - - - - 560,000 - Transfer to Risk Management - 1,000,000 5,000,000 - - -100.0% Transfer to Workers' Compensation Fund - 8,208,252 1,300,000 - 7,000,000 -100.0% Other Miscellaneous Transfers 993,748 - - - - - Total Transfers 26,927,804 24,208,252 28,210,000 21,910,000 37,547,678 71.4% Total Miscellaneous Non-Departmental 28,666,183 25,850,034 29,619,000 28,486,700 39,226,678 37.7% Subtotal General Fund 198,690,857 205,160,437 223,333,352 216,429,604 237,968,443 10.0% Contingencies - - - 500,000 500,000 0.0% Total General Fund 198,690,857$ 205,160,437$ 223,333,352$ 216,929,604$ 238,468,443$ 9.9% Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing 237,513$ 542,229$ 364,206$ 668,530$ 631,917$ -5.5% Agricultural Mitigation Fee - 38,220 195,118 - - - Buena Vista Channel Maintenance 75,104 127,686 251,358 195,245 195,245 0.0% Citizens' Option For Public Safety 181,912 203,884 280,000 295,298 295,830 0.2% Community Activity Grants - - 5,000 30,000 30,000 0.0% Community Development Block Grant 1,429,464 2,298,679 970,000 702,305 548,215 -21.9% Continuum of Care - - 232,972 - - - Cultural Arts Donations 37,840 42,228 179,350 148,750 127,000 -14.6% Encampment Resolution Fund - - 1,094,000 - - - Flower Fields Grant Program - - - - - - Habitat Mitigation Fee 14,535 22,365 - - - - Library And Arts Endowment Fund 480 2,947 6,000 6,000 6,000 0.0% Library Gifts/Bequests 137,515 256,481 410,600 462,785 455,903 -1.5% Lighting And Landscaping District 2 258,171 298,032 354,136 367,500 367,500 0.0% Local Cable Infrastructure Fund 403,843 402,240 568,020 538,956 506,862 -6.0% Median Maintenance 1,067,645 1,333,680 1,427,715 1,396,580 1,409,906 1.0% Opioid Settlement Fund - - 15,000 21,466 103,059 380.1% Parking In Lieu 49,674 53,000 - 56,000 57,120 2.0% Permanent Local Housing Allocation - - 310,319 1,119,126 - -100.0% Police Asset Forfeiture 12,228 51,086 72,783 75,000 95,000 26.7% Public Safety Grants 78,602 270,205 456,680 - 169,950 - Recreation Donations 38,755 59,193 52,570 81,200 81,200 0.0% Rental Assistance 10,081,418 10,854,742 12,205,365 11,339,700 13,319,728 17.5% Senior Donations 37,796 39,128 23,238 33,500 33,500 0.0% Street Lighting 927,419 977,401 1,202,937 1,100,077 1,176,445 6.9% Street Tree Maintenance 816,583 985,124 924,191 1,004,763 1,024,573 2.0% Tyler Court Apartments 915,040 893,040 730,800 604,523 652,310 7.9% Total Special Revenue Funds 16,801,537$ 19,751,590$ 22,332,358$ 20,247,304$ 21,287,263$ 5.1% May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 64 of 345 B-34 SCHEDULE OF BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2023-24 Change as % 2021-22 2022-23 Estimated 2023-24 2024-25 of 2023-24 Department Actuals Actuals Expenditures Budget Budget Budget Enterprise Funds Water Operations 44,316,249$ 47,094,688$ 55,109,813$ 54,759,803$ 58,158,391$ 6.2% Recycled Water Operations 9,782,992 10,188,608 10,938,070 11,849,122 10,814,449 -8.7% Wastewater Operations 12,909,801 15,832,059 24,180,157 23,068,138 33,253,062 44.2% Solid Waste Management 4,744,618 5,629,980 5,367,260 5,950,634 5,544,246 -6.8% Golf Course Operations 8,345,328 9,162,350 9,304,598 10,121,000 10,726,000 6.0% Total Enterprise Funds 80,098,988$ 87,907,685$ 104,899,898$ 105,748,697$ 118,496,148$ 12.1% Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation 6,980,247$ 13,491,907$ 5,161,119$ 5,157,892$ 5,988,115$ 16.1% Risk Management 4,519,731 8,711,568 6,726,887 6,718,232 7,397,470 10.1% Vehicle Maintenance 3,521,566 3,924,184 3,805,991 3,696,339 4,012,861 8.6% Vehicle Replacement 3,756,451 1,645,175 3,045,488 1,068,564 4,598,574 330.4% Information Technology 12,407,644 16,157,475 17,357,258 16,637,475 18,705,537 12.4% Total Internal Service Funds 31,185,639$ 43,930,309$ 36,096,743$ 33,278,502$ 40,702,557$ 22.3% Trust Funds Successor Agency Housing Fund 1,020,799$ 1,021,473$ 1,008,833$ 1,059,500$ 10,000$ -99.1% Total Trust Funds 1,020,799$ 1,021,473$ 1,008,833$ 1,059,500$ 10,000$ -99.1% Total Operating Funds 327,797,820$ 357,771,494$ 387,671,184$ 377,263,607$ 418,964,411$ 11.1% May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 65 of 345 C-1 PUBLIC SAFETY The City of Carlsbad’s public safety services create and maintain a safe community for all who live, work and play in our city. This important work is carried out by the dedicated men and women of the Police and Fire departments. Highly specialized divisions cover all aspects of modern law enforcement and fire services including response and recovery, emergency medical, marine safety, community risk reduction, and emergency management. We are proud to serve the Carlsbad community, working in partnership to deliver on the city mission at the highest possible level every day. Michael Calderwood Fire Chief 442-339-2141 FireMail@carlsbadca.gov Christie Calderwood Chief of Police 442-339-2100 police@carlsbadca.gov May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 66 of 345 C-2 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 67 of 345 C-3 PUBLIC SAFETY | FIRE DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY FIRE  Fire Administration  Emergency Operations  Community Risk Reduction 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 16,749,689$ 18,669,265$ 20,003,988$ 21,000,137$ Retirement Benefits 5,793,156 5,094,924 5,913,010 6,564,580 Health Insurance 1,881,487 2,011,784 2,353,393 2,448,860 Other Personnel Expenses 1,614,754 1,711,515 1,921,247 2,161,317 Personnel Services Subtotal 26,039,086 27,487,488 30,191,638 32,174,894 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,594,756 1,784,300 1,852,334 2,381,104 Supplies & Materials 962,942 981,131 1,052,766 1,110,726 Repair & Maintenance 69,368 77,191 74,450 74,450 Interdepartmental Charges 3,737,603 4,199,237 4,448,981 5,849,873 Other Operating Expenses 218,457 244,169 284,183 297,133 Capital Outlay 1,062,410 488,331 - 75,400 Operating Expenses Subtotal 7,645,536 7,774,359 7,712,714 9,788,686 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 33,684,622$ 35,261,847$ 37,904,352$ 41,963,580$ Full Time Positions 111.00 123.00 124.00 124.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 10.00 11.50 10.50 10.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 68 of 345 C-4 PUBLIC SAFETY | FIRE DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION Account: 0012200 0012210 0012251 0012253 Fund: General ABOUT Fire Administration provides leadership, strategic planning and organizational support for the entire department. SERVICES  Administer directives, policies and procedures  Compile data and analyze business intelligence  Monitor budgets, contracts, procurement, payroll and accounting processes  Oversee mutual aid reimbursement  Research and support grant programs and opportunities  Manage public records requests and document retention  Support employee performance and compliance processes and records  Establish and maintain administrative tools, resources and guides 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $612,802 $565,582 $609,142 $646,716 Retirement Benefits 210,682 165,912 177,943 210,378 Health Insurance 82,573 64,703 87,273 59,756 Other Personnel Expenses 79,998 72,001 76,155 85,740 Personnel Services Subtotal 986,055 868,198 950,513 1,002,590 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,195,366.00 1,427,044 1,396,750 1,828,250 Supplies & Materials 70,511 46,691 82,299 74,799 Repair & Maintenance 2,434 1,584 650 650 Interdepartmental Charges 3,041,512 3,462,991 3,511,279 4,630,208 Other Operating Expenses 17,783 9,555 500 1,000 Capital Outlay 0 - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 4,327,606 4,947,865 4,991,478 6,534,907 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $5,313,661 $5,816,063 $5,941,991 $7,537,497 Full Time Positions 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 69 of 345 C-5 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Finalized Public Safety Element of the General Plan to help identify and mitigate community safety risks  Developed Fire Operations Intelligence System to make informed and timely deployment decisions using dispatch data for real-time insights, visualizations and performance measures  Managed Fire Administration renovation and relocation project to enhance workspace efficiency, technological capabilities and security measures  Implemented administrative realignment strategies to improve efficiency and effectiveness across department  Administered new Public Provider Ground Emergency Medical Transportation Intergovernmental Transfer reimbursement program GOALS  Adopt best practice-based response time policy according to risk type  Identify and acquire property for permanent Fire Station 7  Participate in mandated Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System  Create tracking database and replacement schedule for major department assets May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 70 of 345 C-6 PUBLIC SAFETY | FIRE DEPARTMENT: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS Account: 0012220-29 0012250 0012252 Fund: General ABOUT The Emergency Operations Bureau safeguards life, property and the environment through 24-hour fire suppression, rescue, marine safety, disaster mitigation and emergency medical services. SERVICES  Extinguish structure and wildland fires  Deploy mutual aid assistance across the state  Organize response and support operations for natural or man-made disasters  Investigate and mitigate hazardous materials  Deliver emergency medical and community health services  Perform high-risk technical search and rescues  Deploy SWAT medics to support law enforcement agencies  Provide lifeguard services at North Beach and Agua Hedionda Lagoon  Develop and supervise employee health and wellness programs  Coordinate Fire Explorer Program and fire service career development opportunities 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $14,834,351 $16,750,505 $18,019,888 $18,922,448 Retirement Benefits 5,100,171 4,503,631 5,261,781 5,814,253 Health Insurance 1,614,927 1,780,512 2,069,660 2,198,108 Other Personnel Expenses 1,351,310 1,471,474 1,683,577 1,894,433 Personnel Services Subtotal 22,900,759 24,506,122 27,034,906 28,829,242 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 197,349 163,249 206,504 303,674 Supplies & Materials 850,264 909,110 911,017 978,277 Repair & Maintenance 66,849 75,317 73,800 73,800 Interdepartmental Charges 236,381 333,131 493,664 794,000 Other Operating Expenses 192,849 216,953 263,183 273,633 Capital Outlay 1,062,410 488,331 0 75,400 Operating Expenses Subtotal 2,606,102 2,186,091 1,948,168 2,498,784 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $25,506,861 $26,692,213 $28,983,074 $31,328,026 Full Time Positions 94.00 107.00 107.90 108.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 8.50 10.50 9.50 9.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 71 of 345 C-7 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Executed Data Sharing Agreement with the County of San Diego to protect the collection, use and disclosure of sensitive emergency medical patient data  Deployed automated controlled narcotic medication tracking and reporting system to comply more quickly and accurately with Drug Enforcement Administration regulations  Replaced ambulance gurneys with electrically powered lifting and loading capabilities to increase personnel and patient safety  Started referral program to improve healthcare access for homeless population  Utilized opioid settlement funds to support community health  Received designation as Regional Task Force 13 by California Office of Emergency Services  Installed Hi-Lo warning sirens in fire apparatus to assist in major emergencies requiring immediate evacuation  Developed Fire Station Master Plan to identify and prioritize current and future fire station needs GOALS  Attain United States Lifeguard Association Accreditation to demonstrate compliance with national standards for open water lifeguard training programs  Update Local Agency Formation Commission Municipal Service Review which evaluates adequacy and efficiency of fire and emergency medical services provided by a public agency  Update Insurance Services Office classification which rates fire response and mitigation capabilities and helps insurance companies establish fire insurance premiums for residential and commercial properties  Migrate mobile data computers to iPads on all fire apparatus to increase coordination, improve safety and boost situational awareness for emergency response personnel  Increase community and city staff trainings for CPR and overdose recognition and response to improve awareness and capabilities during emergencies Performance Measure CY 2023 Actual CY 2024 Estimated CY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Fire turnout, 90th percentile time 01:49 01:50 01:50 ≤ 2 minutes, at least 90% of the time Quality of Life & Safety EMS patient satisfaction rating 96.7% 98.0% 98.0% > 95% Quality of Life & Safety May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 72 of 345 C-8 PUBLIC SAFETY | FIRE DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY RISK REDUCTION Account: 0012235 0012240-0012243 0012260 Fund: General ABOUT The Community Risk Reduction Bureau mitigates all types of hazardous conditions and ensures incident response readiness. SERVICES  Oversee Hazard Reduction Program to identify and abate brush fire hazards  Respond to inquiries and complaints concerning hazardous conditions  Investigate cause and origin for suspicious or large loss fires  Review code compliance on construction plan submittals  Complete construction inspections for new buildings and remodeling projects  Conduct annual inspections of schools, care facilities, hotels, motels and apartment complexes  Install and test smoke alarms in Carlsbad homes  Coordinate outreach and education programs promoting fire safety tips and prevention  Disseminate timely and accurate department information through various media platforms  Provide leadership to community organizations to help ensure readiness to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to and recover from all threats and hazards  Direct, conduct and implement city-level emergency plans, programs, trainings and exercises 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $1,302,536 $1,353,178 $1,374,958 $1,430,973 Retirement Benefits 482,303 425,381 473,286 539,949 Health Insurance 183,987 166,569 196,460 190,996 Other Personnel Expenses 183,446 168,040 161,515 181,144 Personnel Services Subtotal 2,152,272 2,113,168 2,206,219 2,343,062 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 202,041 194,007 249,080 249,180 Supplies & Materials 42,167 25,330 59,450 57,650 Repair & Maintenance 85 290 0 - Interdepartmental Charges 459,710 403,115 444,038 425,665 Other Operating Expenses 7,825 17,661 20,500 22,500 Capital Outlay 0 0 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 711,828 640,403 773,068 754,995 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,864,100 $2,753,571 $2,979,287 $3,098,057 Full Time Positions 12.00 12.00 11.10 11.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 73 of 345 C-9  Coordinate multi-department citywide emergency operations  Support large-scale emergency response operations through the Emergency Operations Center RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Launched FireSafe Carlsbad to provide cost-free inspections and fire safety training programs for businesses with commercial cooking operations  Created educational outreach programs to improve lithium-ion battery safety awareness  Established public information office to facilitate department communications and media relations GOALS  Adopt citywide Fire Hazard Severity Zone map by ordinance  Update City Landscape Manual to incorporate new fuel modification guidelines which help reduce the threat of wildfire by increasing defensible space between development and nature  Develop Memorandum of Understanding with the County of San Diego to conduct annual fire inspections at the Carlsbad-McClellan Airport  Deploy new regional mass notification system to initiate evacuations and disseminate information throughout the community during an emergency  Relocate Fire & Life Safety Division to the Police & Fire Headquarters  Manage Emergency Operations Center renovation project to include structural and technological enhancements Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage compliance with Senate Bill 1205- mandated inspections 100% 100% 100% 100% Quality of Life & Safety Percentage of fire plan reviews conducted within 10 days of submittal 30% 75% 75% 90% Quality of Life & Safety May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 74 of 345 C-10 PUBLIC SAFETY | POLICE DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY POLICE  Administration, Police Grants & Asset Forfeiture  Field Operations  Support Operations  Administrative Support Operations  Professional Standards & Services 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 24,040,885$ 26,005,243$ 28,351,946$ 28,982,917$ Retirement Benefits 9,216,797 7,743,031 8,815,694 9,579,103 Health Insurance 2,459,113 2,464,982 2,902,722 3,142,310 Other Personnel Expenses 3,022,563 3,447,941 4,198,805 4,793,736 Personnel Services Subtotal 38,739,358 39,661,197 44,269,167 46,498,066 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,723,964 1,596,390 1,688,452 1,946,442 Supplies & Materials 902,857 723,324 444,505 534,475 Repair & Maintenance 208,560 592,601 260,425 236,050 Interdepartmental Charges 7,432,859 7,757,684 8,678,004 10,374,176 Other Operating Expenses 597,502 602,715 644,100 622,705 Capital Outlay 1,491,767 707,118 800 372,766 Operating Expenses Subtotal 12,357,509 11,979,832 11,716,286 14,086,614 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 51,096,867$ 51,641,029$ 55,985,453$ 60,584,680$ General Fund 50,824,125 51,115,854 55,615,155 60,193,850 Special Revenue Fund 272,742 525,175 370,298 390,830 TOTAL FUNDING 51,096,867$ 51,641,029$ 55,985,453$ 60,584,680$ Full Time Positions 186.00 187.00 187.00 187.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 2.00 3.18 2.18 2.18 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 75 of 345 C-11 PUBLIC SAFETY | POLICE DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION, POLICE GRANTS & ASSET FORFEITURE Account: 0012110 121-122 123 124 Fund: General Special Revenue-Asset Forfeiture Special Revenue-COPS Fund Special Revenue-Public Safety Grants ABOUT This division develops and administers programs that support the city’s and the Police Department’s statement of values in a manner responsive to the city and its residents. This division establishes policies and long-range plans to meet department goals and city needs. Administration is also responsible for police grants, which includes federal and state asset forfeiture, the Citizens’ Option for Public Safety, the Justice Assistance Grant, the Urban Areas Security Initiatives Program and the Office of Traffic Safety. SERVICES  Develop and manage programs that reduce crime, encourage resident engagement and improve community safety  Assist staff with individual and team development  Provide support to divisions to assist with meeting goals  Respond to residents’ concerns, City Council inquiries and public records requests  Use grants to purchase police equipment, supplement staffing costs and assist with training 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,065,140$ 1,124,323$ 1,083,776$ 1,099,834$ Retirement Benefits 369,494 305,971 346,556 385,711 Health Insurance 87,122 90,929 99,008 154,254 Other Personnel Expenses 116,424 131,169 176,223 201,432 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,638,180 1,652,392 1,705,563 1,841,231 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 886,315 862,989 886,000 907,600 Supplies & Materials 60,711 86,279 78,000 152,500 Repair & Maintenance 2,285 371,381 54,000 400 Interdepartmental Charges 3,964,449 4,276,889 4,799,503 5,608,031 Other Operating Expenses 327,630 309,729 369,500 359,500 Capital Outlay 1,105,269 180,698 800 - Operating Expenses Subtotal 6,346,659 6,087,965 6,187,803 7,028,031 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,984,839$ 7,740,357$ 7,893,366$ 8,869,262$ Full Time Positions 7.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 76 of 345 C-12 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Began final phase of Police & Fire Headquarters remodel  Conducted two Police Citizens Academy sessions and one city Citizens Academy  Established the Community-Police Engagement Commission, with all Commissioners working on completing the first year of requirements for their seated positions  Completed an evaluation of department response times for calls for service in an effort to provide the highest level of service  Used social media to enhance transparency within the Police Department  Purchased replacement taser devices to outfit officers and rangers  Expanded the E-Citation program from being in the Traffic Division to now being department wide  Created a Training Sergeant position to provide consistency in training scheduling and coordination and employee onboarding, as well as to enhance and formalize our current training practices from each training specialty  Planned a survey with the community regarding trust in the Police Department  Used the Citizens’ Option for Public Safety grant to supplement staffing costs  Used the Justice Assistance Grant to purchase traffic enforcement equipment and narcotic detection canine training  Used the Homeland Security Grant to purchase radio batteries and custom active shooter trauma kits  Used the Urban Areas Security Initiatives Program to train personnel in close quarters clearance  Used the Office of Traffic Safety Grant to organize DUI/DL checkpoints, conduct DUI saturation patrols, and purchase e-citation printers, portable light towers and bicycle helmets to distribute to community members  Used the Alcoholic Beverage Control Grant to expand the department’s efforts in addressing alcohol related problems with licensed establishments and purchase equipment  Used the Officer Wellness and Mental Health Grant Program to purchase new gym equipment GOALS  Respond to a growing number of calls for service involving mental crisis in a manner consistent with crisis management and de-escalation best practices  Use more innovative technology to provide the most efficient and effective services  Work cross-departmentally with city staff who specialize in data and innovation to increase accuracy, efficiency and transparency in the department’s data  Research innovative technology that will assist in building a real-time crime center  Continue to seek grant funding for necessary equipment  Continue to collaborate with the Fire Department on grant management  Continue to procure items or services for the Officer Wellness and Mental Health Grant Program to support sworn personnel May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 77 of 345 C-13 PUBLIC SAFETY | POLICE DEPARTMENT: FIELD OPERATIONS Account: 0012120 0012123-2125 0012127-2129 Fund: General ABOUT The Field Operations Division includes patrol, canines, SWAT, lagoon patrol and police rangers. SERVICES  Respond to calls for emergency and non-emergency services  Utilize new and existing resources to address complaints and quality of life issues  Provide emergency services, preventative patrol, traffic enforcement and special enforcement in the community  Utilize de-escalation tactics during criminal and mental health scenarios to safely resolve critical incidents  Staff major public events in the city with Patrol and SWAT team members to respond to immediate, life-threatening emergencies  Conduct field interviews and take reports at incidents like crimes, arrests and traffic collisions  Enforce laws and ordinances, preserve the peace and provide for the protection of life and property through proactive programs of enforcement and prevention 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 11,629,683$ 12,030,528$ 13,282,443$ 13,608,607$ Retirement Benefits 4,646,939 3,859,669 4,246,687 4,710,926 Health Insurance 1,122,739 1,100,627 1,290,138 1,342,738 Other Personnel Expenses 1,399,103 1,588,072 1,786,763 2,145,480 Personnel Services Subtotal 18,798,464 18,578,896 20,606,031 21,807,751 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 42,191 53,438 64,000 270,500 Supplies & Materials 383,923 417,999 154,230 170,925 Repair & Maintenance 11,632 9,155 1,350 7,860 Interdepartmental Charges 2,452,541 2,518,782 2,836,615 3,559,568 Other Operating Expenses 113,458 146,504 122,500 119,150 Capital Outlay 215,262 103,881 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 3,219,007 3,249,759 3,178,695 4,128,003 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 22,017,471$ 21,828,655$ 23,784,726$ 25,935,754$ Full Time Positions 88.50 86.50 81.00 84.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 78 of 345 C-14 Police Activity CY 2019 CY 2020 CY 2021 CY 2022 CY 2023 Police activities/Calls for service 112,323 110,448 107,156 103,192 114,786 Number of cases 8,744 8,222 8,704 8,348 8,389 911 calls 33,061 31,642 36,154 34,550 35,926 Total phone calls 157,587 162,055 162,541 148,819 144,662 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Received an approval rating of 4.51 out of 5, based on 8,326 people surveyed when asked how they would rate the officer they interacted with  Conducted Active Shooter Training with special attention to schools and staged a training event at Calavera Hills Middle School  Conducted a public safety review of the current TGIF Concerts in the Park and recommended enhanced security measures to better align with best practices in policing  Formalized critical incident debriefing protocol and documentation to ensure that the department maximizes the learning potential of unique incidents  Reassigned Community Service Officers to the front desk of the newly remodeled Police & Fire Headquarters to better serve the public  Updated personnel quarterly evaluation and assignment selection procedures to improve consistency in employee feedback and transparency in career direction and opportunity  Issued new ballistic plates, helmets and trauma kits to patrol officers, and implemented standardized procedures for trauma kit deployment Metrics FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Suspects arrested with License Plate Readers* 61 62 65 Vehicles recovered with License Plate Readers 80 70 75 *Automated license plate reader technology, also known as License Plate Recognition, is used by the Police Department to convert data associated with vehicle license plates for official law enforcement purposes, including identifying stolen or wanted vehicles, stolen license plates and missing persons GOALS  Continue to work with schools to improve cooperation and collaboration during incidents  Continue to work on department’s technology foundation to be more effective and efficient, acquire more timely and accurate data and support a data-driven approach to policing  Better track resource allocations during both normal operations and critical incidents  Continue to evaluate the department’s response time for calls for service Performance Measures CY 2021 Actual CY 2022 Actual CY 2023 Actual Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Priority 1 calls for service response time 4:49 5:07 6:17 6:00 Quality of Life & Safety Priority 2 calls for service response time 9:17 10:54 14:00 N/A Quality of Life & Safety Priority 3 calls for service response time 42:13 48:45 32:56 N/A Quality of Life & Safety Priority 4 calls for service response time 25:45 28:59 29:24 N/A Quality of Life & Safety May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 79 of 345 C-15 PUBLIC SAFETY | POLICE DEPARTMENT: SUPPORT OPERATIONS Account: 0012115 0012121 0012126 0012130-2138 0012142-2143 Fund: General ABOUT The Support Operations Division includes the Crime Suppression Team, Homeless Outreach Team, Investigations Division, Traffic Division, Family Services, Property & Evidence, and Fleet Operations. SERVICES  Conduct follow-up investigations leading to the identification and apprehension of persons responsible for the commission of crimes  Collect and process evidence collected in the field by police employees  Provide support to divisions to assist with meeting goals  Assist in the preservation of all life and ensure a safe resolution to critical incidents  Investigate and follow up on crime and incident reports as they relate to the family  Assist in the coordination of diversion, prevention and education activities  Provide and manage the department’s fleet 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 8,504,741$ 9,455,061$ 10,317,039$ 10,383,424$ Retirement Benefits 3,289,520 2,775,770 3,439,676 3,545,448 Health Insurance 893,813 900,455 1,027,297 1,123,496 Other Personnel Expenses 989,371 1,115,396 1,532,583 1,637,419 Personnel Services Subtotal 13,677,445 14,246,682 16,316,595 16,689,787 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 621,858 579,572 593,252 644,842 Supplies & Materials 122,068 90,099 88,775 88,450 Repair & Maintenance 38,608 48,004 29,800 57,820 Interdepartmental Charges 858,213 808,173 911,437 1,044,602 Other Operating Expenses 63,744 95,787 108,750 99,850 Capital Outlay 140,056 417,500 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 1,844,547 2,039,135 1,732,014 1,935,564 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,521,992$ 16,285,817$ 18,048,609$ 18,625,351$ Full Time Positions 58.50 59.50 66.00 63.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 1.18 1.18 1.18 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 80 of 345 C-16   CY 2021 CY 2022 CY 2023 Crimes against persons 27.48% 53.92% 57.2% Crimes against property 6.14% 11.39% 16.4% Crimes against society 69.14% 89.66% 94.66% *Clearance rates reported last year are no longer used and are now reportable from the California Incident Based Reporting System (CIBRS), which only has data dating back to 2021. RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Responded to 8,322 homeless-related calls for service last year, of which 3,754 calls were in response to a specific request or complaint and 4,568 were proactive department-initiated calls for service to help carry out city homelessness goals and enforce applicable laws  Continued the process of installing in-car video into the marked police vehicle fleet  Completed a re-organization of the Investigative Bureau which included reallocating two positions to the Property Crimes Unit to better serve this unit  Executed a contract for hazardous waste packaging, transportation and disposal to remain in compliance with the County of San Diego and Environmental Protection Agency  Began distribution of individually assigned vehicles for the take home vehicle program for patrol personnel  Developed and implemented an e-bike education program in conjunction with the city’s Safer Streets Initiative  Organized a working group of police department employees to assist the public information officer with social media platforms  Developed an employee climate survey in collaboration with the Police Officer’s Association to determine how the department can improve  Fully staffed the motor division for the first time in five years GOALS  Update and expand the deployment of the department’s drone fleet to cover all patrol shifts  Implement the vehicle telematics testing phase  Expand the less lethal program and provide training for all officers who may need to use a less lethal device while involved in a critical incident. Currently, only certain officers are trained to utilize these devices and this limits our ability to be effective with personnel management in the field  Routinely evaluate caseloads in the investigations divisions to monitor stress and wellness of our detectives and to ensure that work is distributed properly May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 81 of 345 C-17 PUBLIC SAFETY | POLICE DEPARTMENT: ADMINSTRATIVE SUPPORT OPERATIONS Account: 0012144-2145 Fund: General ABOUT The Administrative Support Operations Division includes Crime Analysis, Communications and Records. SERVICES  Provide police officers with actionable information by analyzing crime patterns and statistics, and tracking trends  Provide public safety communication including answering 9-1-1 and other calls and dispatching appropriate emergency personnel  Maintain and provide information and support for all records management, data entry and processing, Public Records Act requests and retrieval of police records in accordance with state-mandated procedures RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Received an approval rating of 4.66 out of 5 based on 8,570 people surveyed when asked how they would rate dispatch services  Deployed the new public alert messaging system known as Genasys 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 2,309,781$ 2,507,653$ 2,987,249$ 3,105,595$ Retirement Benefits 718,187 571,155 596,637 678,585 Health Insurance 293,340 282,746 406,174 431,133 Other Personnel Expenses 439,590 503,414 594,115 682,532 Personnel Services Subtotal 3,760,898 3,864,968 4,584,175 4,897,845 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 81,485 16,393 19,700 19,500 Supplies & Materials 256,950 25,620 29,250 25,500 Repair & Maintenance 155,479 164,061 175,000 169,950 Interdepartmental Charges 129,276 121,836 103,600 130,830 Other Operating Expenses 11,966 17,596 15,800 17,205 Capital Outlay 4,218 5,039 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 639,374 350,545 343,350 362,985 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,400,272$ 4,215,513$ 4,927,525$ 5,260,830$ Full Time Positions 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 82 of 345 C-18  Received a passing score on the annual California Department of Justice Criminal Justice Information Services audit for calendar year 2022  Maintained the highest level of services despite staffing challenges in all three subdivisions GOALS  Incorporate existing and emerging public safety technologies to enhance our service to the public, such as Live911 and Rapid Deploy  Prepare for the statewide migration to Next Generation 911, an emergency communications infrastructure enabling voice and multimedia communications between the 911 caller, the dispatcher and officers in the field  Continue to collaborate with IT to implement a new Computer Aided Dispatch system  Evaluate schedules in dispatch in order to fill staff vacancies and increase retention  Explore options to enhance the department’s resources to provide staff with the ability to access, view and gather intelligence information in a more timely manner Performance Measures CY 2022 Actual CY 2023 Estimated CY 2024 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage of 911 calls answered within first 15 seconds 98.79% 97.90% 98% 90% (national standard) Quality of Life & Safety May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 83 of 345 C-19 PUBLIC SAFETY | POLICE DEPARTMENT: PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS & SERVICES Account: 0012119 0012122 0012140 Fund: General ABOUT The Professional Standards & Services Division supports the Police Department in the form of training, internal affairs, recruitment and hiring. SERVICES  Recruit new employees, organize testing programs and conduct mandated pre-employment investigations and Peace Officer Standards and Training  Establish, maintain and enforce department professional standards and coordinate all department training  Investigate complaints against police employees  Provide information to the media to inform the public regarding crime activity in the city  Develop and administer promotional testing within the police department  Help improve the quality of life for city residents through crime prevention awareness and education and help reduce the fear of crime through the dissemination of information 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 531,540$ 887,678$ 681,439$ 785,457$ Retirement Benefits 192,657 230,466 186,138 258,433 Health Insurance 62,099 90,225 80,105 90,689 Other Personnel Expenses 78,075 109,890 109,121 126,873 Personnel Services Subtotal 864,371 1,318,259 1,056,803 1,261,452 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 92,115 83,998 125,500 104,000 Supplies & Materials 79,205 103,327 94,250 97,100 Repair & Maintenance 556 - 275 20 Interdepartmental Charges 28,380 32,004 26,849 31,145 Other Operating Expenses 80,704 33,099 27,550 27,000 Capital Outlay 26,962 - - 372,766 Operating Expenses Subtotal 307,922 252,428 274,424 632,031 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,172,293$ 1,570,687$ 1,331,227$ 1,893,483$ Full Time Positions 4.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 84 of 345 C-20 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Updated the department policy and procedures manual to develop clear and comprehensive policies that increase community engagement and foster cooperation  Updated the Special Assignment and Promotion policy to monitor and regulate change affecting Police Department personnel to prevent undue stress upon the department  Updated the uniform and award manual to increase officer wellness, safety and job satisfaction  Updated the training master plan, which provides professional growth and continued development for department personnel  Received and conducted 33 internal affairs investigations (both internal and external) ensuring good order and discipline within the department  Hired 14 personnel in the police department including sworn, non-sworn and professional staff in order to help fill vacancies  Promoted 8 personnel within the department  Held two family police academies to promote employee wellness and extend it to their families  Began utilizing inventory tracking software, Quartermaster, instead of spreadsheets to increase accuracy and efficiency for the entire department  Combined training groups to provide a more cohesive, joint training plan with an emphasis on de-escalation principles GOALS  Continue to maintain adequate levels of staffing in all areas of the department  Utilize new evaluation, training and selection procedures as a mechanism for employee development and mentoring  Create a leadership development program to cultivate desirable traits and capabilities in individuals before they begin promotion process May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 85 of 345 D-1 PUBLIC WORKS Public Works is responsible for planning, providing and maintaining the infrastructure that supports a high quality of life in the City of Carlsbad. From city buildings and vehicles to roads, habitat, safe, reliable water supplies and more, Public Works oversees responsible and sustainable management practices for a wide variety of city assets. This includes administration of the Capital Improvement Program, a five-year budget with a 15-year forecast that encompasses planning, design and construction of road and traffic improvements; major facilities maintenance, repairs and renovation; storm drain systems; water and wastewater infrastructure; civic buildings and other infrastructure projects. Public Works plays a key role in promoting environmental sustainability, enhancing options and protecting public health and safety. Paz Gomez Deputy City Manager, Public Works 442-339-2751 paz.gomez@carlsbadca.gov May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 86 of 345 D-2 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 87 of 345 D-3 PUBLIC WORKS | ADMINISTRATION Account: 0018310 Fund: General ABOUT Public Works Administration provides leadership and strategic vision for the entire Public Works Branch, which is comprised of the Construction Management & Inspection, Fleet & Facilities, Environmental Sustainability, Transportation and Utilities departments. It provides administrative support services with a focus on alignment to the Strategic Plan, Community Vision and other City Council initiatives. SERVICES  Provide leadership and management support, operating budget oversight, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) oversight, contract administration and records management RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Developed and implemented a pilot contractor performance evaluation program that incorporates best practices from the What Works Cities program  Implemented contractual requirements related to new and updated air quality regulations from the California Air Resources Board  Presented eight learning sessions for staff on topics such as conflict of interest, cooperative purchasing and evaluative best practices 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $957,345 $798,582 $849,559 $867,300 Retirement Benefits 261,482 169,614 182,926 204,782 Health Insurance 98,468 70,661 72,179 80,252 Other Personnel Expenses 33,683 24,810 29,090 55,439 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,350,978 1,063,667 1,133,754 1,207,773 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 113,686 100,049 83,078 111,700 Supplies & Materials 18,643 18,812 8,046 9,546 Repair & Maintenance 3,153 1,910 2,100 7,100 Interdepartmental Charges 250,908 235,716 325,400 173,647 Other Operating Expenses 22,958 21,867 9,894 23,272 Capital Outlay 0 - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 409,348 378,354 428,518 325,265 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,760,326 $1,442,021 $1,562,272 $1,533,038 Full Time Positions 7.85 5.90 6.00 6.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 88 of 345 D-4  Transformed the CIP process from a 15-year plan to a five-year budget that more directly aligns with the Strategic Plan, provides for more accurate and timely cost estimates, supports realistic project delivery timelines based on available resources, and offers improved transparency in decision-making  Updated Administrative Order 50 containing the CIP project scoring matrix to increase weighting for project readiness and funding availability, and include equity analysis as a key consideration  Successfully implemented the first phase of a new enterprise asset management system, which included the Facilities and Streets and Storm Drain Maintenance divisions, and initiated the second phase with gathering requirements for the Utilities Department GOALS  Support an update of the city’s procurement policy and related administrative orders  Complete major update to Public Works standard contract templates to reflect updated Greenbook engineering standards and streamline language  Continue to engage in the planning, design and implementation of a citywide portfolio project management system, including CIP project management  Continue to focus on employee coaching, development and training for staff at all levels throughout the branch May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 89 of 345 D-5 PUBLIC WORKS | CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & INSPECTION Account: 00185XX Fund: General ABOUT Construction Management & Inspection ensures compliance with legal, regulatory and contractual requirements during construction of CIP and private development projects. SERVICES  Manage construction of CIP projects and public works contracts for all city asset-managing departments  Inspect and oversee private development grading  Inspect and oversee stormwater compliance and Green Infrastructure improvements and maintenance  Oversee all construction activity in the public right-of-way RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Implemented a new construction project management system to track resources, costs, documentation and compliance for CIP projects  Provided construction management and inspection services on significant CIP projects and citywide emergency responses, including Safer Streets Together initiative, Trieste slope repair, Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail improvements, Recycled Water Phase 3 D-4 Reservoir and Downtown and Terramar Water Lines 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,567,875$ 1,781,181$ 1,636,110$ 1,615,046$ Retirement Benefits 450,194 415,260 373,801 408,043 Health Insurance 203,152 203,183 233,899 234,323 Other Personnel Expenses 55,815 56,130 59,530 63,768 Personnel Services Subtotal 2,277,036 2,455,754 2,303,340 2,321,180 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 212,748 203,657 242,209 242,209 Supplies & Materials 15,012 11,355 13,027 12,027 Repair & Maintenance 906 685 314 314 Interdepartmental Charges 387,526 406,978 684,756 477,302 Other Operating Expenses 16,027 14,301 14,260 15,260 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 632,219 636,976 954,566 747,112 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,909,255$ 3,092,730$ 3,257,906$ 3,068,292$ Full Time Positions 15.20 16.20 15.00 15.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 90 of 345 D-6  Provided construction inspection services for private development projects such as Marja Acres, Ionis 21 & 22, Pacific Wind and Aviara Apartments  Continued to inspect work in the right-of-way for 5G communications infrastructure installation throughout the city  Maintained stormwater compliance through training, education, outreach and enforcement actions resulting in zero construction-related notices of violation from the Regional Water Quality Control Board to date GOALS  Implement a pilot contractor performance evaluation process to improve accountability during the course of a public works project  Continue to leverage project management tools and processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness within the department  Work with property owners to reduce pollution and improve water quality through the city’s Green Infrastructure program, formerly known as the Treatment Control Best Management Practices program, with the goal of receiving at least a 75% response rate on the annual Green Infrastructure maintenance verification  Continue to maintain stormwater compliance on CIP projects with a goal of no violations from the Regional Water Quality Control Board Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage of property owners that respond to the annual Green Infrastructure maintenance verification 80% 75% 75% 75% Sustainability & the Natural Environment Construction stormwater violations on CIP projects 0 0 0 0 Sustainability & the Natural Environment May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 91 of 345 D-7 PUBLIC WORKS | ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: SUMMARY ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY  Climate Action Plan and Habitat Management  Sustainable Materials Management  Watershed Protection ABOUT The General Fund portion of the Environmental Sustainability Department budget includes the Climate Action Plan and Habitat Management divisions and coordination of the municipal component of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Municipal Stormwater Permit in the Watershed Protection Division. These divisions integrate components of the Environmental and Sustainability Guiding Principles and support the Strategic Plan Goal of Sustainability & the Natural Environment. 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,244,051$ 1,550,644$ 1,686,858$ 1,670,130$ Retirement Benefits 346,714 383,452 382,291 416,075 Health Insurance 188,234 220,745 319,346 247,975 Other Personnel Expenses (207,306) 91,353 64,677 57,052 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,571,693 2,246,194 2,453,172 2,391,232 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,669,874 1,417,564 1,532,356 1,196,996 Supplies & Materials 77,212 144,559 52,570 60,407 Repair & Maintenance 305 5 50 50 Interdepartmental Charges 710,436 842,040 1,202,311 1,078,677 Other Operating Expenses 38,229 29,284 23,421 26,088 Capital Outlay 10,265 129,956 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 2,506,321 2,563,408 2,810,708 2,362,218 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,078,014$ 4,809,602$ 5,263,880$ 4,753,450$ General Fund 1,238,207 1,205,943 1,178,783 1,210,630 Enterprise Fund 2,839,807 3,603,659 4,085,097 3,542,820 TOTAL FUNDING 4,078,014$ 4,809,602$ 5,263,880$ 4,753,450$ Full Time Positions 11.95 17.60 17.50 16.50 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 92 of 345 D-8 PUBLIC WORKS | ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: CLIMATE ACTION PLAN AND HABITAT MANAGEMENT Account: 0015110 0015130 Fund: General SERVICES  Coordinate with multiple city departments to oversee Climate Action Plan (CAP) implementation, collect monitoring data and prepare an annual report  Provide updates to the CAP document as directed by the City Council  Coordinate preparation of a community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory and forecast as needed  Perform outreach and education related to CAP activities and respond to public inquiries  Oversee and coordinate implementation of the Carlsbad Green Business Program  Analyze new programs and pilot projects to assist with CAP implementation as appropriate  Participate in groups such as the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative and SANDAG ReCAP Stakeholder Working Group  Review GHG emissions data from SANDAG and incorporate into the CAP annual report  Research and monitor upcoming regulations, funding opportunities and activities related to climate mitigation and adaptation  Monitor regional climate change preparedness activities 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 303,978$ 302,502$ 345,990$ 381,694$ Retirement Benefits 86,001 71,396 76,399 93,421 Health Insurance 34,082 36,234 37,068 44,033 Other Personnel Expenses 10,597 9,851 12,386 12,382 Personnel Services Subtotal 434,658 419,983 471,843 531,530 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 594,695 424,174 284,362 284,362 Supplies & Materials 41,383 9,635 6,307 6,307 Repair & Maintenance 18 - 20 20 Interdepartmental Charges 86,988 97,308 148,637 125,647 Other Operating Expenses 4,344 8,466 5,668 5,668 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 727,428 539,583 444,994 422,004 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,162,086$ 959,566$ 916,837$ 953,534$ Full Time Positions 2.65 2.55 2.70 2.90 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 93 of 345 D-9  Provide leadership and citywide coordination to ensure compliance with Habitat Management Plan (HMP) regulations for private and CIP projects  Conduct staff training for multiple city departments as necessary  Oversee preserve managers to ensure HMP-compliant biological management, monitoring and reporting across the citywide preserve system  Collaborate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife and California Coastal Commission staff to ensure solutions-oriented HMP implementation  Represent the city in regional conservation organizations, including San Diego Management and Monitoring Program and SANDAG Habitat Conservation Taskforce  Facilitate regional and local conservation-related scientific research, biological monitoring and adaptive management  Coordinate preserve inspection program and Ward’s weed control program RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Continued serving as a board member for the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative, the Alliance for Regional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation and the California Green Business Network  Completed 74 Home Energy Score Assessments to assist residents with their home energy usage and provide sustainable solutions  Developed online interactive GIS map to provide the public with access to information about HMP preserves and native species and habitats in the city  Prepared Triennial Long-term Biological Monitoring Report, summarizing the status of sensitive species in the city  Performed GIS analysis to identify potential restoration opportunities throughout the HMP preserve system  Initiated pilot adaptive management program to enhance and protect two endangered plant species and rare native grassland habitat  Completed all municipal inspections as required by the Municipal Stormwater Permit GOALS  Adopt a comprehensive CAP update and begin implementation of the updated CAP  Continue implementation of the Carlsbad Green Business Program  Meet HMP regulatory requirements, including target preserve acres and report out to the resource agencies and the public annually  Implement a preserve inspection program to identify potential threats and implement a pilot adaptive management project to address some of those threats  Conduct HMP outreach to the community and city staff in multiple departments by providing presentations and trainings Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal New Carlsbad Green Business Program certifications 9 19 15 N/A Sustainability & the Natural Environment Acreage goal added to Habitat Management Plan area 96% 96% 96% N/A Sustainability & the Natural Environment May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 94 of 345 D-10 PUBLIC WORKS | ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Account: 0015120 520XXXX Fund: General Enterprise ABOUT Consistent with the Carlsbad Municipal Code and General Plan, the Sustainable Materials Management Division coordinates implementation of a citywide waste reduction and recycling program to maintain compliance with state regulations related to waste reduction, diversion and proper disposal of solid waste. Division staff oversee the franchise agreement for waste hauling and recycling services, Palomar Transfer Station agreement for disposal services, waste reduction and diversion outreach and education programs and proper disposal of household hazardous waste. SERVICES  Represent the city at meetings with CalRecycle, businesses, residents and other stakeholders  Improve the municipal waste reduction, diversion and other sustainability programs  Prepare local, state and national grant applications with the City Council’s approval; appropriate funds, implement grant activities, track expenses and submit grant reports 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 398,983$ 723,050$ 742,551$ 650,186$ Retirement Benefits 93,562 187,090 170,478 163,418 Health Insurance 52,543 87,708 165,175 83,652 Other Personnel Expenses 13,658 27,222 29,470 22,919 Personnel Services Subtotal 558,746 1,025,070 1,107,674 920,175 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 647,235 629,425 736,980 400,120 Supplies & Materials 29,359 126,961 35,163 44,200 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 217,572 322,668 497,769 506,947 Other Operating Expenses 22,892 15,875 9,833 12,800 Capital Outlay 10,265 129,956 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 927,323 1,224,885 1,279,745 964,067 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,486,069$ 2,249,955$ 2,387,419$ 1,884,242$ General Fund 76,121 246,377 261,946 257,096 Enterprise Fund 1,409,948 2,003,578 2,125,473 1,627,146 TOTAL FUNDING 1,486,069$ 2,249,955$ 2,387,419$ 1,884,242$ Full Time Positions 2.80 9.65 8.65 7.30 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 95 of 345 D-11  Coordinate outreach and education targeted at increasing recycling and other diversion programs for residents, businesses, municipal employees and the public  Coordinate annual Earth Month and Earth Day events promoting recycling, proper disposal of household hazardous waste, composting and beach cleanup  Conduct annual rate analysis to determine cost-effective practices for the franchise agreement, including trash and recycling services  Submit required annual recycling, composting and disposal reports to CalRecycle as required  Participate in regional activities with SANDAG Solid Waste Technical Advisory Committee  Engage community to decrease waste and increase recycling and compost practices RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Provided outreach and education to all multifamily properties and businesses in the city on new single-use plastics ordinances and organics requirements  Hosted Fix-It clinic events, compost giveaway events and an e-waste collection event  Implemented sharp collection program at various municipal facilities for residents  Continued to work in all school districts assisting with education programs, staff training, and incorporating the waste hauler  Presented at the California Resource Recovery Association, Waste Expo and Sustainability, Operations, Action, Resources conferences on sustainable initiatives implemented in the city  Expanded edible food recovery efforts by providing funding opportunities to food recovery organizations that supported local businesses  Expanded Earth Month education and event activities to incentivize behavior change  Reviewed special event applications for compliance with recycling and trash best practices GOALS  Monitor waste diversion and recycling programs at the Palomar Transfer Station  Increase waste diversion in the commercial sector by focusing on technical assistance targeting high trash-generating businesses with low diversion rates  Continue tracking per capita disposal rate in pounds per person per day to verify accuracy  Reduce the number of businesses without recycling or compost services to zero SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, Environmental Sustainability eliminated a vacant senior environmental specialist primarily responsible for supervising staff and coordinating environmental sustainability programs to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements of SB 1383. The duties will be reassigned to existing staff with minimal service level impacts expected. Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Pounds per person sent to landfill 7.8 lbs. 7.8 lbs. 7.5 lbs. N/A Sustainability & the Natural Environment Organics diverted from the landfill 20,975 tons 24,120 tons 28,955 tons N/A Sustainability & the Natural Environment May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 96 of 345 D-12 PUBLIC WORKS | ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: WATERSHED PROTECTION Account: 5215110 Fund: Enterprise ABOUT This budget includes leadership and stewardship of the city’s resources, specifically protecting our creeks, lagoons and ocean. The Watershed Protection Division coordinates the citywide watershed protection program and helps the city maintain compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Municipal Stormwater Permit issued by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board). SERVICES  Participate with neighboring cities in the Carlsbad Watershed as the Principal Co-permittee, serving as a liaison with the Regional Board, ensuring submittal of annual reports and participating in the San Diego County Co-permittees Regional Program Planning Committee  Represent the city at meetings with the California Environmental Protection Agency, Regional Board, San Diego County Co-permittees, Carlsbad Watershed, environmental nonprofit groups and other stakeholders  Assess businesses to ensure proper best management practices and pollution prevention, prevent discharges into the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, or MS4, and protect receiving waters, which may require follow-up visits, targeted education or enforcement 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 541,090$ 525,092$ 598,317$ 638,250$ Retirement Benefits 167,151 124,966 135,414 159,236 Health Insurance 101,609 96,803 117,103 120,290 Other Personnel Expenses (231,561) 54,280 22,821 21,751 Personnel Services Subtotal 578,289 801,141 873,655 939,527 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 427,944 363,965 511,014 512,514 Supplies & Materials 6,470 7,963 11,100 9,900 Repair & Maintenance 287 5 30 30 Interdepartmental Charges 405,876 422,064 555,905 446,083 Other Operating Expenses 10,993 4,943 7,920 7,620 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 851,570 798,940 1,085,969 976,147 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,429,859$ 1,600,081$ 1,959,624$ 1,915,674$ Full Time Positions 6.50 5.40 6.15 6.30 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 97 of 345 D-13  Conduct illicit discharge detection and elimination into the MS4 as required by the Municipal Stormwater Permit, including responding to and investigating potential illicit discharges in the city, performing field screening at major outfalls and managing a public hotline  Compile the annual Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program report and prepare new program documents at the beginning of each Municipal Stormwater Permit cycle  Act as the lead division for planning and implementation of the statewide Trash Amendments and incorporate them into the next Municipal Stormwater Permit RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Managed the contract for a watershed coordinator to assist the watershed agencies with updating and implementing the Water Quality Improvement Plan and report to optimize the watershed’s compliance with the Municipal Stormwater Permit  Submitted the Carlsbad Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan and the Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program Annual Reports to the Regional Board  Worked interdepartmentally to implement state mandated trash control measures to keep trash out of the storm drain system and downstream waterbodies  Hosted two Creek to Bay Cleanup sites and provided other outreach and education activities within the city and regionally  Completed all state mandated water quality monitoring and annual stormwater inspections  Assisted the asset management team by creating stormwater GIS data for 111 development projects GOALS  Implement a monitoring program to evaluate MS4 discharges, including receiving water monitoring, MS4 water quality monitoring, sediment quality monitoring and various studies  Implement a public outreach program to promote behavior changes that reduce the discharge of pollutants into the MS4 and protect water quality in the receiving waters  Implement all required strategies and numeric goals of the Water Quality Improvement Plan  Incorporate innovative methods to implement the city’s Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program in conjunction with the Carlsbad Watershed Water Quality Improvement Plan and submit required reports to the Regional Board  Prepare for implementation of the revised Municipal Stormwater Permit which will include new requirements to control trash  Conduct all annual inspections of existing development and water quality monitoring required by the Municipal Stormwater Permit  Respond to at least 90% of illicit discharge emergencies within 45 minutes and detect and eliminate 100% of illicit discharges Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage of emergency response times under 45 minutes for illicit discharges 100% 90% 90% 90% Sustainability & the Natural Environment Illicit discharges detected and eliminated 100% 100% 100% 100% Sustainability & the Natural Environment May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 98 of 345 D-14 PUBLIC WORKS | FLEET & FACILITIES: SUMMARY FLEET & FACILITIES  Facilities  Fleet Maintenance & Replacement 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 2,595,221$ 2,896,970$ 3,296,372$ 3,386,717$ Retirement Benefits 750,997 611,972 682,059 769,100 Health Insurance 491,384 529,529 621,793 652,776 Other Personnel Expenses (84,024) 153,544 132,211 127,420 Personnel Services Subtotal 3,753,578 4,192,015 4,732,435 4,936,013 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,035,773 1,337,151 887,371 885,371 Supplies & Materials 2,384,764 2,576,792 2,091,292 2,398,514 Repair & Maintenance 1,396,652 1,262,464 1,453,060 1,461,060 Interdepartmental Charges 800,736 786,546 1,455,622 948,285 Other Operating Expenses 611,319 629,450 629,674 632,668 Capital Outlay 3,642,867 1,650,055 1,068,564 4,598,574 Operating Expenses Subtotal 9,872,111 8,242,458 7,585,583 10,924,472 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 13,625,689$ 12,434,473$ 12,318,018$ 15,860,485$ General Fund 6,297,998$ 6,812,114$ 7,497,115$ 7,191,930$ Internal Service Fund 7,278,017$ 5,569,359$ 4,764,903$ 8,611,435$ Special Revenue Fund 49,674$ 53,000$ 56,000$ 57,120$ TOTAL FUNDING 13,625,689$ 12,434,473$ 12,318,018$ 15,860,485$ Full Time Positions 35.10 34.95 35.95 35.95 Hourly/FTE Positions 7.75 6.90 8.40 8.40 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 99 of 345 D-15 PUBLIC WORKS | FLEET & FACILITIES: FACILITIES Account: 0015310 0015320 3155110 Fund: General Special Revenue-Parking in Lieu ABOUT The Facilities Division provides safe and comfortable working spaces at city facilities and maintains quality indoor public spaces. Additionally, this division oversees the design and construction work for new city facilities and building renovation projects and operates the Safety Training Center. SERVICES  Maintain city-owned facilities including building exteriors, interiors, cleaning and custodial services, as well as set-up of offices and meeting rooms  Provide building construction, improvements, renovations, repairs and relocation  Operate the Safety Training Center for public safety personnel training as well as provide leasing and rental opportunities to federal, state and local agencies and programs 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,823,085$ 2,027,002$ 2,383,940$ 2,437,148$ Retirement Benefits 517,714 415,848 483,233 540,611 Health Insurance 325,513 345,885 438,791 440,694 Other Personnel Expenses 76,401 73,962 96,564 92,583 Personnel Services Subtotal 2,742,713 2,862,697 3,402,528 3,511,036 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,005,343 1,306,531 848,028 849,028 Supplies & Materials 658,866 726,504 585,319 581,819 Repair & Maintenance 964,153 801,167 1,067,966 1,067,966 Interdepartmental Charges 599,364 561,311 1,038,153 630,020 Other Operating Expenses 375,914 601,201 611,121 609,181 Capital Outlay 1,319 5,703 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 3,604,959 4,002,417 4,150,587 3,738,014 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,347,672$ 6,865,114$ 7,553,115$ 7,249,050$ General Fund 6,297,998$ 6,812,114$ 7,497,115$ 7,191,930$ Special Revenue Fund 49,674 53,000 56,000 57,120 Total Funding 6,347,672$ 6,865,114$ 7,553,115$ 7,249,050$ Full Time Positions 24.85 24.85 25.85 25.85 Hourly/FTE Positions 6.75 5.90 7.40 7.40 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 100 of 345 D-16 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Completed a citywide facility condition assessment and workplan to understand and plan for future preventative maintenance needs  Replaced antiquated security alarm systems at all city facilities to ensure more timely, reliable responses  Established facility asset management program that integrates with the city's newly implemented enterprise asset management software  Completed construction work for Phase 2 of the Police & Fire Headquarters renovation project with Phases 3 and 4 in progress; Phase 4 includes the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) wing reconfiguration project  Completed the design work for the Monroe Street Pool replacement project and submitted the design to the Community Development Department for permitting review and approval  Completed the design work and obtained a building permit for the Alga Norte Aquatic Center family restroom and locker room renovations  Awarded a contract for the audiovisual (AV) upgrade of the Schulman Auditorium  Completed construction of the Leo Carrillo Ranch 7 building roof upgrade project, Senior Center roof replacement project, Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility roof replacement project and Calavera Hills Community Center refurbishment project  Supported 124 training days for 19 outside agency leases at the Safety Training Center  Recycled 1,428 pounds of brass shell casings, 450 pounds of lead and copper from indoor shooting range activities and 1,732 pounds of scrap metal GOALS  Monitor building maintenance costs per square foot with the goal of limiting cost increases to annual CPI; benchmark costs per square foot are from the International Facilities Maintenance Association’s Benchmark Report for 2022 adjusted by CPI  Develop a comprehensive facility electrical inspection and maintenance program  Explore opportunities for projects to promote sustainable energy use and production  Continue the city facility and parking lot light pole and fixture replacement project  Complete construction of the State Street Parking Lot EV Charging project  Complete construction of the Alga Norte Park family restroom and locker room renovations  Obtain a permit for and start construction on the Fleet Maintenance Building renovation  Start construction work for the Fleet Fuel Island Upgrade project  Complete construction work for the Schulman Auditorium AV upgrade project Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Number of city-owned EV charging stations 44 54 74 Annual increases Sustainability & the Natural Environment Building maintenance ($/square foot) $5.15 $4.86 $5.03 $4.81 Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 101 of 345 D-17 PUBLIC WORKS | FLEET & FACILITIES: FLEET MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT Account: 6205460 6215461 Fund: Vehicle Maintenance Fund Vehicle Replacement Fund ABOUT The city’s fleet consists of 490 vehicles and equipment necessary to achieve the city’s mission of delivering quality and efficient services safely, affordably and in compliance with all relevant regulations. The fleet maintenance program funds labor, parts, services, fuel and oil necessary to maintain the city’s fleet of vehicles and equipment. The fleet maintenance program is funded through charges to departments based on vehicle type and utilization. The fleet vehicle replacement program is funded through a replacement charge to departments for each vehicle or equipment in service. This program funds asset replacement and vehicle outfitting. Cost-effective vehicle procurement is achieved through cooperative purchasing agreements and bidding processes. Revenue is collected from the sale of retired city fleet assets at auction and used to offset future costs within respective departments. 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 772,136$ 869,968$ 912,432$ 949,569$ Retirement Benefits 233,283 196,124 198,826 228,489 Health Insurance 165,871 183,644 183,002 212,082 Other Personnel Expenses (160,425) 79,582 35,647 34,837 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,010,865 1,329,318 1,329,907 1,424,977 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 30,430 30,620 39,343 36,343 Supplies & Materials 1,725,898 1,850,288 1,505,973 1,816,695 Repair & Maintenance 432,499 461,297 385,094 393,094 Interdepartmental Charges 201,372 225,235 417,469 318,265 Other Operating Expenses 235,405 28,249 18,553 23,487 Capital Outlay 3,641,548 1,644,352 1,068,564 4,598,574 Operating Expenses Subtotal 6,267,152 4,240,041 3,434,996 7,186,458 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,278,017$ 5,569,359$ 4,764,903$ 8,611,435$ Full Time Positions 10.25 10.10 10.10 10.10 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 102 of 345 D-18 SERVICES  Provide safe, appropriately managed and maintained vehicles for use by city staff, inspect vehicles per requirements of the biennial inspection of terminals and smog programs and maintain 24/7 road call services for emergency vehicles  Provide reliable, cost-effective fuel management by maintaining sufficient fuel supplies for emergencies and monitoring fuel tanks in accordance with state and county regulations  Evaluate the city fleet annually to identify units eligible for replacement or reduction in accordance with Administrative Order 3  Advise on development of specifications for purchase of replacement units that satisfy client department requirements while optimizing life cycle return on investment in alignment with the Climate Action Plan  Purchase replacement units and identify opportunities to increase fleet electrification and electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Achieved recognition from the National Association of Fleet Managers as a Top 100 Fleet  First municipality in the county to activate the SDG&E Power Your Drive for Fleets Make- Ready Infrastructure Program  Implemented global positioning system (GPS) vehicle telematics pilot for city vehicles  Increased inventory of low-emission vehicles to 96 vehicles  Activated 47 new vehicles and equipment and received $194,200 in revenue for the sale of 35 retired vehicles and equipment  Completed a report on fleet replacement strategies to evaluate best procurement practices  Purchased 10 additional level 3 DC EV fast chargers for installation at the fleet maintenance facility, resulting in an estimated cost avoidance of $244,000 or 50% GOALS  In compliance with the updated Climate Action Plan and Strategic Plan, transition all passenger fleet vehicle purchases to be electric vehicles, with the exception of public safety vehicle purchases which will be electric where feasible  Assess and improve fleet data management techniques and analytical processes for enhanced city reporting capabilities  Increase low- and zero-emission VMT to 40% of total annual fleet VMT or 1,000,000 miles  Expand Electric DC Fast Charging capacity to 12 chargers by end of calendar year 2024 Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Number of non-public safety fleet vehicles that are electric or hybrid 47 55 76 Consistent annual increases Sustainability & the Natural Environment Fleet vehicles ready for active service 96.8% 98% 98% 98% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health City-related vehicle miles traveled by low/zero emission vehicles 35% 38% 40% 25% by 2035 Sustainability & the Natural Environment May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 103 of 345 D-19 PUBLIC WORKS | TRANSPORTATION: SUMMARY TRANSPORTATION  Storm Drain Maintenance & Engineering  Traffic, Mobility, Transportation Engineering & Streets Maintenance  Lighting & Landscaping Districts 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 3,606,940$ 4,053,009$ 4,337,789$ 4,390,652$ Retirement Benefits 1,136,512 1,008,461 993,367 1,113,442 Health Insurance 594,508 629,869 665,807 804,874 Other Personnel Expenses 141,036 168,943 162,686 216,142 Personnel Services Subtotal 5,478,996 5,860,282 6,159,649 6,525,110 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,257,360 2,022,171 1,417,716 1,411,316 Supplies & Materials 376,946 503,645 438,816 438,816 Repair & Maintenance 1,225,291 1,229,985 1,463,290 1,457,790 Interdepartmental Charges 1,982,950 2,456,324 2,983,971 3,854,054 Other Operating Expenses 749,114 826,961 717,132 714,732 Capital Outlay 143,200 558,337 80,000 80,000 Operating Expenses Subtotal 5,734,861 7,597,423 7,100,925 7,956,708 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11,213,857$ 13,457,705$ 13,260,574$ 14,481,818$ General Fund 8,048,352 10,028,265 9,732,215 10,741,202 Enterprise Fund 1,904,811 2,026,321 1,865,537 2,001,426 Special Revenue Fund 1,260,694 1,403,119 1,662,822 1,739,190 TOTAL FUNDING 11,213,857$ 13,457,705$ 13,260,574$ 14,481,818$ Full Time Positions 43.70 43.60 43.80 43.80 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.94 1.50 1.50 1.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 104 of 345 D-20 PUBLIC WORKS | TRANSPORTATION: STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE & ENGINEERING Account: 0016310 5216310 Fund: General Enterprise-Storm Drain Maintenance ABOUT The Transportation Storm Drain Maintenance & Engineering divisions are responsible for maintaining and improving the city’s storm drain infrastructure. SERVICES  Address various drainage infrastructure and stormwater maintenance issues citywide  Develop plans, specifications and estimates and provide project or design management of projects involving storm drain assets  Optimize maintenance efforts by monitoring and addressing new and ongoing drainage issues  Perform inspection and maintenance of the storm drain system RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Inspected 100% of high-priority storm drain inlets  Completed the Agua Hedionda Creek vegetation removal between the bridges of Cannon Road and El Camino Real 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $579,104 $606,752 $710,238 $646,306 Retirement Benefits 177,552 144,417 159,108 158,495 Health Insurance 98,148 100,542 117,861 132,828 Other Personnel Expenses 23,206 49,210 26,998 32,618 Personnel Services Subtotal 878,010 900,921 1,014,205 970,247 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 335,548 447,359 192,507 194,107 Supplies & Materials 26,876 30,180 24,600 24,600 Repair & Maintenance 596,171 649,851 600,900 600,900 Interdepartmental Charges 371,657 317,615 446,694 537,007 Other Operating Expenses 97,729 65,814 85,200 83,600 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 Operating Expenses Subtotal 1,427,981 1,510,819 1,349,901 1,440,214 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,305,991 $2,411,740 $2,364,106 $2,410,461 General Fund 401,180 385,419 498,569 409,035 Enterprise Fund 1,904,811 2,026,321 1,865,537 2,001,426 TOTAL FUNDING 2,305,991$ 2,411,740$ 2,364,106$ 2,410,461$ Full Time Positions 7.10 7.00 7.35 6.60 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.98 0.50 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 105 of 345 D-21  Completed approximately 1,800 lane miles of street sweeping bimonthly on all residential, prime and major streets, removing 1,402 tons of debris that otherwise would end up in the city’s storm drain system  Completed Phase I of the Magnolia Avenue Storm Drain Improvements Project  Responded to a storm-related local emergency to repair a split 24-inch storm drain pipeline on Carlsbad Village Drive near Pontiac Drive and completed the work in less than a week  Responded to a storm-related local emergency to remove vegetation and sediment in the Buena Vista Creek concrete channel near El Camino Real, working closely with regulatory agencies  Responded to a storm-related local emergency to address slope repair behind residential properties that front Trieste Drive east of El Camino Real and placed emergency protective measures  Responded to numerous storm-related issues that occurred due to atmospheric rivers with record rains in January and February 2024 and placed emergency protective measures as needed  Cleared vegetation from three drainage outfalls entering the Buena Vista Creek channel from the City of Oceanside GOALS  Complete update of the city’s Drainage Master Plan Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Linear feet of streets swept to mitigate debris 1,800 (100%) 1,800 (100%) 1,800 (100%) 1,800 (100%) Quality of Life & Safety Tons of debris removed from city streets from street sweeping 1,154 tons 1,402 tons 1,400 tons N/A Quality of Life & Safety Percentage of Agua Hedionda Lagoon channels cleaned 100% 100% 100% 100% Sustainability & the Natural Environment May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 106 of 345 D-22 PUBLIC WORKS | TRANSPORTATION: TRAFFIC, MOBILITY, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & STREETS MAINTENANCE Account: 0018410 00186XX 00187XX Fund: General ABOUT Traffic, Mobility, Transportation Engineering & Streets Maintenance divisions maintain and improve the road infrastructure and keep people moving. They are responsible for enhancing mobility and safety citywide through ongoing transportation planning, streets and traffic engineering, streets maintenance and signal operations activities. SERVICES  Conduct traffic and mobility planning, oversee engineering and signals operations and serve as liaison with the Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission  Perform roadside maintenance including street signs, street legends, striping, graffiti and trash removal, pothole and sidewalk repairs  Develop plans, specifications and cost estimates and provide project and design management of projects involving transportation assets RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Implemented a Bike Valet Program at TGIF concerts in the park and special events • Completed El Camino Real and College Boulevard Intersection Improvements Project 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $2,878,496 $3,282,209 $3,462,840 $3,568,906 Retirement Benefits 914,632 823,941 795,441 909,235 Health Insurance 479,115 511,235 530,582 652,388 Other Personnel Expenses 111,847 113,934 129,190 174,505 Personnel Services Subtotal 4,384,090 4,731,319 4,918,053 5,305,034 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 828,656 1,435,297 1,011,158 1,003,158 Supplies & Materials 328,483 451,555 338,097 338,097 Repair & Maintenance 467,117 481,259 589,418 583,918 Interdepartmental Charges 1,295,617 1,761,273 2,065,772 2,791,612 Other Operating Expenses 200,009 223,806 231,148 230,348 Capital Outlay 143,200 558,337 80,000 80,000 Operating Expenses Subtotal 3,263,082 4,911,527 4,315,593 5,027,133 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $7,647,172 $9,642,846 $9,233,646 $10,332,167 Full Time Positions 34.65 34.65 34.50 35.25 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 107 of 345 D-23 • Completed the conceptual design for the South Carlsbad Boulevard Climate Adaption Study, which spans one mile from Manzano Drive to Island Way • Completed installation of the city’s first pedestrian hybrid beacon crossing signal on Tamarack Avenue at Valley Street to enhance pedestrian visibility and enhance safety • Completed Segment 2 of Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements • Completed a neighborhood meeting for traffic calming projects on Hummingbird Road and presented other traffic calming projects to the Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission for review and the City Council for approval • Completed implementation of leading pedestrian interval and countdown pedestrian signal upgrades at 22 school locations and 10 locations in the Village as part of the local traffic safety emergency to improve pedestrian visibility • Completed construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvement Project, which included the city’s first in-pavement lighted crosswalks and other improvements such as curb extensions at six locations on Carlsbad Boulevard • Completed the East-West Corridors Emergency Resurfacing and Restriping Project, which was initiated as part of the local traffic safety emergency and included road improvements on Carlsbad Village Drive, Tamarack Avenue, Cannon Road, Poinsettia Lane, La Costa Avenue and Olivenhain Road • Completed Sidewalk Construction and Parking Lot Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Project, which involved construction of parking lots at Poinsettia Park, Holiday Park, Calavera Hills Park, Village Arts Lot and in various Carlsbad Village locations • Developed Safe Routes to School plans for Jefferson Elementary and Sage Creek High School GOALS • Finalize the revision of the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program • Complete traffic calming projects on Victoria Avenue, Highland Drive, Nueva Castilla Way, Circulo Sequoia, Park Avenue, Black Rail Road, Plum Tree Road and Carrillo Way • Develop Safe Routes to School plans at Aviara Oaks Elementary and Aviara Oaks Middle Schools to make it safe, convenient, and fun for children to walk and bicycle to and from schools, and continue this program annually at proposed schools Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage of residential traffic-related requests completed 97% (138/143) 87% (144/166) 95% N/A; consistent with staff capacity Quality of Life & Safety Percentage of residential traffic calming neighborhood meetings completed, based on request 100% (13/13) 100% (1/1) 100% (4/4) 100% Quality of Life & Safety May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 108 of 345 D-24 PUBLIC WORKS | TRANSPORTATION: BUENA VISTA CHANNEL, LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING DISTRICTS Account: 162 163 164 Fund: Special Revenue- Street Light Maintenance Special Revenue-Buena Vista Channel Special Revenue-LLD 2 ABOUT The Transportation Engineering Division provides oversight of the Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance Assessment District, which funds costs for the maintenance of the Buena Vista Creek Channel drainage system from Jefferson Street east to the South Vista Way bridge. The Transportation Department also provides oversight of the Lighting & Landscaping District 2 and Street Light Maintenance funds, which provide maintenance of streetlights, decorative lighting, street trees and medians within the district boundaries covering newer developments in the city. SERVICES  Ensure adequate funds are collected to administer and maintain the Buena Vista Creek Channel from Jefferson Street east to the South Vista Way bridge  Maintain and repair streetlamps and decorative lighting 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $149,340 $164,048 $164,711 $175,440 Retirement Benefits 44,328 40,103 38,818 45,712 Health Insurance 17,245 18,092 17,364 19,658 Other Personnel Expenses 5,983 5,799 6,498 9,019 Personnel Services Subtotal 216,896 228,042 227,391 249,829 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 93,156 139,515 214,051 214,051 Supplies & Materials 21,587 21,910 76,119 76,119 Repair & Maintenance 162,003 98,875 272,972 272,972 Interdepartmental Charges 315,676 377,436 471,505 525,435 Other Operating Expenses 451,376 537,341 400,784 400,784 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 Operating Expenses Subtotal 1,043,798 1,175,077 1,435,431 1,489,361 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,260,694 $1,403,119 $1,662,822 $1,739,190 Full Time Positions 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 109 of 345 D-25 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Completed Phase 2 of the citywide streetlight fixtures replacement program to convert them to light-emitting diodes (LED)  Completed annual vegetation clearing and trash removal from the Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance District and submitted a report to California Department of Fish and Wildlife GOALS  Initiate Phase 3 of the Citywide Streetlight Replacement Program  Monitor and continue program to clear vegetation entering the Buena Vista channel from the City of Oceanside  Clear 100% of the annual section of the channel for the Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance District, which is 20% of the channel for the district each year  Track and monitor areas for plant and trash removal for flood capacity purposes  Track and monitor service times to ensure timely service for service requests Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Citywide Streetlight Replacement Program Audit and bid of Phase 2 complete Phase 2 program completed Initiate Phase 3 planning 100% Quality of Life & Safety Percentage of Buena Vista Creek Channel cleaned and reported for permitting (equivalent to 20% of district annually) 100% 100% 100% 100% Sustainability & the Natural Environment May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 110 of 345 D-26 PUBLIC WORKS | UTILITIES: SUMMARY UTILITIES  Potable Water Operations  Recycled Water Operations  Wastewater Operations 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 5,538,360$ 6,166,382$ 6,883,606$ 7,074,608$ Retirement Benefits 1,651,672 1,412,569 1,494,179 1,740,693 Health Insurance 944,651 986,384 1,210,607 996,366 Other Personnel Expenses (1,281,540) 639,327 327,775 405,106 Personnel Services Subtotal 6,853,143 9,204,662 9,916,167 10,216,773 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 12,700,325 14,281,821 18,382,403 18,618,491 Supplies & Materials 28,976,575 29,582,207 34,826,472 38,008,440 Repair & Maintenance 437,116 237,849 433,521 579,793 Interdepartmental Charges 5,153,827 5,608,797 6,862,721 6,418,771 Other Operating Expenses 12,810,418 14,061,791 19,248,629 28,376,484 Capital Outlay 77,638 138,228 7,150 7,150 Operating Expenses Subtotal 60,155,899 63,910,693 79,760,896 92,009,129 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 67,009,042$ 73,115,355$ 89,677,063$ 102,225,902$ Full Time Positions 63.95 64.50 63.50 63.50 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 111 of 345 D-27 PUBLIC WORKS | UTILITIES: POTABLE WATER OPERATIONS Account: 5016310 Fund: Enterprise ABOUT To ensure safe, high-quality drinking water is available to Carlsbad Municipal Water District customers on-demand, CMWD provides ongoing operation and maintenance of the following: nine storage reservoirs or tanks, 457 miles of pipeline, 17 pressure zones, 71 pressure regulating stations, three pumping stations, approximately 14,300 valves, 4,500 fire hydrants and 29,500 potable meters. CMWD purchases potable water from its wholesale water provider, San Diego County Water Authority, which includes desalinated water from the Carlsbad Desalination Plant. CMWD implements a water asset management plan to minimize the total cost of owning and operating utility assets while continuing to deliver high levels of service at acceptable levels of risk. SERVICES  Operate and maintain reservoirs, pressure regulating stations, pump stations, transmission and distribution pipelines, valves, meters and other appurtenances  Deliver reliable, safe drinking water and fire flow demand  Comply with all water-related health, safety and environmental regulations including state and federal drinking water standards for water quality sampling and reporting  Implement effective water conservation and rebate programs, including public education, leak detection studies, leak repair and compliance with conservation laws  Work with other water agencies and the San Diego County Water Authority on regional water-related projects and budgets 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 2,775,502$ 2,989,633$ 3,297,868$ 3,377,622$ Retirement Benefits 777,841 660,682 722,595 834,310 Health Insurance 539,133 571,740 603,202 498,021 Other Personnel Expenses (934,811) 388,232 159,114 195,972 Personnel Services Subtotal 3,157,665 4,610,287 4,782,779 4,905,925 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 7,250,138 7,541,456 9,205,538 9,416,330 Supplies & Materials 26,320,138 26,280,782 31,440,899 34,565,384 Repair & Maintenance 384,355 223,572 290,050 458,550 Interdepartmental Charges 2,964,704 3,160,653 3,765,584 3,475,547 Other Operating Expenses 4,222,292 5,213,523 5,271,353 5,333,055 Capital Outlay 16,957 64,415 3,600 3,600 Operating Expenses Subtotal 41,158,584 42,484,401 49,977,024 53,252,466 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 44,316,249$ 47,094,688$ 54,759,803$ 58,158,391$ Full Time Positions 30.55 30.95 31.05 31.15 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 112 of 345 D-28 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Completed construction of the Downtown and Terramar small diameter water pipeline replacement project  Completed the inventory of lead service lines to comply with EPA’s recent Lead and Copper Rule regulations  Protected the potable water supply by testing approximately 285 city backflow devices and conducting 158 cross-connection tests  Completed the design to replace broken or malfunctioning valves at 20 operationally critical locations to control flow and minimize disruption of service during shutdowns  Substantially completed construction of the Palomar Airport water line replacement project  Initiated the first phase of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) replacement project to improve remote monitoring and control of critical water infrastructure  Completed scheduled inspection of reservoirs to inform future maintenance and updated over 8,000 malfunctioning meter-data transmitters to improve efficiency and accuracy GOALS  Minimize costs to customers while continuing to provide high levels of service at acceptable risk and meet all state and federal water quality standards for safe drinking water  Optimize asset management by increasing the use of technology to improve and manage the infrastructure system more efficiently and effectively  Update the cost of services study to forecast financial needs and inform future rate adjustments  Initiate an update of the 2020 Risk and Resilience Assessment as required by the Environmental Protection Agency  Update the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan per state regulations  Implement new regulations for water use efficiency standards issued by the Department of Water Resources and the State Water Resources Control Board  Proactively conduct leak detection surveys to identify where pipeline repairs may be needed  Update the 2019 Potable Water Master Plan to evaluate the water distribution system and inform operational modifications for better system performance, reliability and redundancy and to identify system capacity needs for future growth  Complete construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard at Terramar water main line replacements  Complete construction of pressure regulating stations at El Fuerte Street and at Melrose Drive and Poinsettia Lane  Stay within the industry benchmark for water main breaks of 3.4 to 19.4 breaks per 100 miles of pipeline, or less, per the American Water Works Association Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Pipeline breaks per 100 miles of pipe 0.66 <3.4 <3.4 3.4-19.4 Quality of Life & Safety Percentage of annual drinking water quality standards met 100% 100% 100% 100% Quality of Life & Safety May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 113 of 345 D-29 PUBLIC WORKS | UTILITIES: RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS Account: 5026310 Fund: Enterprise ABOUT The Carlsbad Municipal Water District owns the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility located next to the Encina Wastewater Authority treatment plant. CMWD takes treated wastewater from that plant and further treats it to the State of California Title 22 recycled water quality standards and then delivers this water to customers for irrigation and certain industrial uses. This effort reduces the amount of wastewater that would normally be released by the wastewater treatment plant into the ocean outfall, reduces dependence on imported drinking water, and provides customers with a reliable local water supply for non-potable purposes. Recycled water is not subject to state water conservation requirements. CMWD implements a recycled water asset management plan to minimize the total cost of owning and operating utility assets while continuing to deliver high levels of service at acceptable levels of risk. Delivery of this water includes the operation and maintenance of the recycled water system’s three storage tanks, four pump stations, three pressure regulating stations, six pressure zones, approximately 97 miles of pipelines, 1,050 valves and 1,010 meters. CMWD’s cross-connection control and backflow program ensures a safe supply of drinking water by preventing cross-contamination from the recycled system into the potable system, in accordance with federal and state regulations. CMWD also purchases and delivers recycled water from the Vallecitos Water District’s Meadowlark Water Reclamation Facility. 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,040,554$ 1,237,172$ 1,310,203$ 1,372,294$ Retirement Benefits 350,713 290,526 266,704 330,041 Health Insurance 143,591 156,081 176,778 176,276 Other Personnel Expenses 41,288 52,192 57,615 76,390 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,576,146 1,735,971 1,811,300 1,955,001 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,425,672 1,568,675 2,373,450 2,291,424 Supplies & Materials 2,361,161 2,802,075 3,023,586 3,071,606 Repair & Maintenance 19,524 53 22,743 27,743 Interdepartmental Charges 818,951 936,876 1,168,003 990,319 Other Operating Expenses 3,581,538 3,144,958 3,448,290 2,476,606 Capital Outlay - - 1,750 1,750 Operating Expenses Subtotal 8,206,846 8,452,637 10,037,822 8,859,448 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,782,992$ 10,188,608$ 11,849,122$ 10,814,449$ Full Time Positions 13.30 12.75 10.85 11.45 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 114 of 345 D-30 SERVICES  Operate and maintain infrastructure, including the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility, reservoirs, pressure regulating stations, pump stations, pipelines, valves and meters  Treat wastewater to meet State of California Title 22 recycled water requirements  Deliver recycled water for irrigation and some industrial uses through the recycled water system  Perform inspections on systems and backflows to prevent cross-connections and protect the potable water system  Convert irrigation sites from potable water to recycled water as service becomes available RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Received an award of $1 million in recycled water grants  Performed inspections at all recycled water use sites to inform site operators of any modifications needed to comply with guidelines for the safe use of recycled water  Completed recycled tank inspections and cleaning to proactively maintain system assets on a regular 5-year cycle  Initiated the first phase of the SCADA system replacement project to improve remote monitoring and control of critical recycled water infrastructure  Initiated construction of the roof replacement project at the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility to extend the life of system facilities GOALS  Complete construction of a new 1.5-million-gallon Phase 3 recycled water tank, D-4  Stay within the industry benchmark for water main breaks of 3.4 to 19.4 breaks per 100 miles of pipeline, per the American Water Works Association, or less  Update the cost of services study to forecast financial needs and inform future rate adjustments  Maintain recycled water cost at or below 75% of potable water irrigation cost to encourage the use of recycled water Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Pipeline breaks per 100 miles of pipe 0 < 3.4 < 3.4 3.4-19.4 Quality of Life & Safety Cost of recycled water as a percent of potable water cost 72% 73% 75% < 75% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 115 of 345 D-31 PUBLIC WORKS | UTILITIES: WASTEWATER OPERATIONS Account: 5116310 Fund: Enterprise ABOUT The Utilities Department is responsible for providing wastewater services to approximately 85,000 customers within the city’s service area. The Utilities wastewater mission is to prevent sewer spills and convey waste efficiently to the Encina Wastewater Authority’s treatment plant by properly managing, operating and maintaining all parts of the city’s sewer system. A portion of Carlsbad’s treated wastewater is diverted from the ocean outfall and sent to the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility for further treatment. The Wastewater Division maintains a sanitary sewage collection system that includes 11 wastewater lift stations and wet wells and about 270 miles of gravity main lines, six miles of pressurized main lines, and approximately 6,200 access holes. The Utilities Department implements a robust wastewater asset management program to minimize the total cost of owning and operating utility assets while continuing to deliver high levels of service at acceptable levels of risk. SERVICES  Operate and maintain infrastructure such as lift stations, wet wells, gravity sewer mains, force mains, maintenance access holes and other elements  Collect wastewater and convey it to the Encina Wastewater Authority treatment plant 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,722,304$ 1,939,577$ 2,275,535$ 2,324,692$ Retirement Benefits 523,118 461,361 504,880 576,342 Health Insurance 261,927 258,563 430,627 322,069 Other Personnel Expenses (388,017) 198,903 111,046 132,744 Personnel Services Subtotal 2,119,332 2,858,404 3,322,088 3,355,847 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 4,024,515 5,171,690 6,803,415 6,910,737 Supplies & Materials 295,276 499,350 361,987 371,450 Repair & Maintenance 33,237 14,224 120,728 93,500 Interdepartmental Charges 1,370,172 1,511,268 1,929,134 1,952,905 Other Operating Expenses 5,006,588 5,703,310 10,528,986 20,566,823 Capital Outlay 60,681 73,813 1,800 1,800 Operating Expenses Subtotal 10,790,469 12,973,655 19,746,050 29,897,215 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12,909,801$ 15,832,059$ 23,068,138$ 33,253,062$ Full Time Positions 20.10 20.80 21.60 20.90 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 116 of 345 D-32  Conduct closed-circuit camera reviews of pipelines to determine pipeline integrity  Participate in the activities and budgets of the Encina Wastewater Authority as part of the Encina Joint Powers Authority  Prevent wastewater spills to protect the environment  Administer the city’s Fats, Oils and Grease program to prevent pipeline clogs and subsequent wastewater spills  Conduct public outreach regarding what can go into drains to prevent spills and other issues RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Completed construction of the Villas Lift Station Replacement project  Completed construction to replace a gravity sewer pipeline in Kelly Drive  Identified one mile of damaged pipe segments through proactive asset management and rehabilitated these sections using cost-effective lining methods to extend the life of the sewer system  Started construction to replace aged sewer mains and access holes along Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road  Started construction of the generator replacement project at the Poinsettia Lift Station for system reliability where the existing generator is at end of its useful life  Initiated the first phase of the SCADA system replacement project to improve remote monitoring and control of critical wastewater infrastructure GOALS  Update the 2019 Sewer Master Plan to evaluate the wastewater collection system and inform operational modifications for better system performance, reliability and redundancy and to identify system capacity needs for future growth  Minimize costs to customers while maintaining high levels of service at acceptable risk  Optimize asset management by increasing the use of technology to improve and manage the infrastructure system more efficiently and effectively  Complete the generator replacement project at Chinquapin Lift Station for system reliability where the existing generator has met the end of its useful life  Initiate the design of upgrades at Poinsettia, Cannon and Chinquapin lift stations  Update the cost of services study to forecast financial needs and inform future rate adjustments  Perform an audit of the 2019 Sewer System Management Plan to assess and inform modification to operations and maintenance programs, such as cleaning sewer pipe in line with the department’s preventive maintenance schedule, to effectively prevent and minimize sewer overflows  Install additional access hole sensors at select locations to minimize the risk of sewer spills using early detection of higher-than-expected flows in gravity sewer systems Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Rate of spills per 100 miles of pipe 0.38 < 0.38 < 0.38 0.2-7.0 Quality of Life & Safety Department goal for amount of sewer pipe cleaned per year 100% 100% 100% 100% Quality of Life & Safety May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 117 of 345 E-1 COMMUNITY SERVICES The Community Services Branch includes programs, services and events that support Carlsbad's excellent quality of life. The branch includes the following key areas of focus: • Community Service Administration • Community Development • Housing & Homeless Services • Library & Cultural Arts • Parks & Recreation These city service areas ensure the city’s planning and building policies are carried out, foster lifelong learning, support strong neighborhoods, administer affordable housing and homeless response programs, attend to the community’s health and wellness, and promote transparency in government. Gary Barberio Deputy City Manager, Community Services 442-339-2822 gary.barberio@carlsbadca.gov May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 118 of 345 E-2 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 119 of 345 E-3 COMMUNITY SERVICES | ADMINISTRATION Account: 0012410 Fund: General ABOUT The Community Services Branch provides programs and services that promote and support Carlsbad’s excellent quality of life. Community Services Administration provides leadership to the Community Services Branch and provides oversight and management of the city’s real estate assets. SERVICES Functional areas include department management, budget oversight and real estate services. The Community Services Branch ensures that the city’s planning, land development engineering, building and code enforcement policies are carried out, that affordable housing and homelessness programs are administered, that lifelong learning is fostered, that library and cultural arts services are delivered, that the city’s health and wellness are advanced through parks, recreation and senior services and that the city’s real estate assets are well managed. RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Executed three agreements for cell site facilities on city properties generating extra revenue  Initiated Surplus Land Act process to dispose of the Farmers and The Shoppes properties  Completed 5-year update to the city’s Real Estate Strategic Plan  Obtained City Council approval for citywide and Village & Barrio Objective Design Standards for multifamily housing and mixed-use projects helping the city retain some control over new development and streamline the city’s permitting process to comply with new state laws 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 416,086$ 421,111$ 382,197$ 389,249$ Retirement Benefits 122,145 101,615 88,542 100,018 Health Insurance 57,361 55,299 37,759 42,719 Other Personnel Expenses 13,731 12,775 11,530 10,747 Personnel Services Subtotal 609,323 590,800 520,028 542,733 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 14,057 11,682 9,000 9,000 Supplies & Materials 678 356 2,200 2,200 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 38,496 43,632 52,433 36,578 Other Operating Expenses 1,025 261 1,750 1,750 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 54,256 55,931 65,383 49,528 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 663,579$ 646,731$ 585,411$ 592,261$ Full Time Positions 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 120 of 345 E-4  Completed Housing Element Rezone Program and Public Safety Element Update  Developed a new permit-ready accessory dwelling unit program providing applicants with pre-approved plans  Growth Management Citizens Committee developed a report to update the current Growth Management Plan and presented recommendations to the City Council in July 2023  Updated the Homelessness Action Plan  Administered the Affordable Housing Resale Program, with the purchase and sale of 4 units  Received $1,162,504 Permanent Local Housing Allocation grant to support activities outlined in the Homelessness Action Plan  Secured a $2.3 million Encampment Resolution Grant to support people experiencing homelessness in the Barrio Area  Received a $2 million Capital Emergency Housing Grant to expand shelter options in the city  Secured a $468,252 annual HUD Continuum of Care grant to expand the rapid re-housing contract with Community Resource Center  Completed an MOU with Carlsbad Friends of the Arts  Launched Canto, a digital asset management system that will make digital resources like historic photographs available to the community  Completed the bid process for the technological upgrade to the Schulman Auditorium  Completed the 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update  Completed Park-In-Lieu fee study and presented findings to City Council for consideration  Improved driving range furniture and fixtures, including new turf tee line, bag racks and automated ball machine, increasing driving range usage and revenue at The Crossings GOALS  Draft and finalize as many as four license agreements for cell site facilities on city properties  Complete a lease extension for MAAC at the Library Learning Center  Complete acquisition and disposition of the Chestnut Apartments property  Complete Bluebeam Pilot Program, allowing staff to make corrections and comments directly onto electronically submitted development plans and studies  Research and update short-term rental permitting processes/business license fee collection  Present to the City Council the program and schedule for implementing the recommendations from the Carlsbad Tomorrow: Growth Management Citizens Committee  Continue implementation of the remaining Housing Element program objectives  Complete processing of rental assistance vouchers for 25 non-elderly, disabled participants  Initiate a $600,000 RFID hardware upgrade through the city’s technology project process  Complete MOUs with Friends of the Library and Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation  Complete the technology upgrades for the Schulman Auditorium  Host nine TGIF concerts with new security measures in place  Pursue the CAPRA accreditation process to be re-accredited within the next two years  Expand adult 50+ opportunities beyond the Senior Center to include an Older & Bolder Expo  Develop a professional photography policy & fee schedule at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park  Plant 500 new trees consistent with the Community Forest Management Plan  Increase number of recycling receptacles at city park and trail facilities by 63%  Renovate the course restrooms and snack bar to improve guest experience at The Crossings May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 121 of 345 E-5 COMMUNITY SERVICES | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT  Administration  Land Development Engineering  Planning  Building  Code Enforcement 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 5,010,684$ 5,118,694$ 5,644,085$ 5,761,325$ Retirement Benefits 1,500,121 1,222,132 1,250,462 1,414,426 Health Insurance 716,552 719,272 925,126 856,270 Other Personnel Expenses 195,485 189,711 213,684 194,461 Personnel Services Subtotal 7,422,842 7,249,809 8,033,357 8,226,482 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,637,536 2,617,306 1,305,683 955,683 Supplies & Materials 96,500 79,589 97,314 92,601 Repair & Maintenance 777 58 370 370 Interdepartmental Charges 1,094,448 1,335,324 1,550,984 1,693,726 Other Operating Expenses 38,518 61,725 25,250 29,963 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 2,867,779 4,094,002 2,979,601 2,772,343 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,290,621$ 11,343,811$ 11,012,958$ 10,998,825$ General Fund 10,276,086$ 11,321,446$ 11,012,958$ 10,998,825$ Special Revenue Fund 14,535$ 22,365$ -$ -$ TOTAL FUNDING 10,290,621$ 11,343,811$ 11,012,958$ 10,998,825$ Full Time Positions 53.00 52.00 52.00 51.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 9.00 9.00 7.00 7.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 122 of 345 E-6 COMMUNITY SERVICES | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: ADMINISTRATION Account: 0013010 Fund: General ABOUT Community Development Administration provides leadership, financial assistance and administrative support for the delivery of land development programs and services; plans for the efficient use of resources and facilities; and provides liaison services, resource assistance and technical guidance to the Historic Preservation Commission, Planning Commission and City Council. Community Development Administration adds value to organizational processes and procedures to ensure best practices are implemented and that they support the broader goals of the organization. SERVICES  Provide organizational leadership and administrative support  Manage and oversee operating budget  Manage contract administration and records  Support the department’s business systems and technology 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 919,967$ 949,093$ 971,639$ 991,181$ Retirement Benefits 253,252 216,876 229,982 251,861 Health Insurance 131,212 126,866 149,355 154,123 Other Personnel Expenses 33,083 30,673 34,396 31,149 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,337,514 1,323,508 1,385,372 1,428,314 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 154,694 184,457 35,000 35,000 Supplies & Materials 31,004 25,923 44,387 44,387 Repair & Maintenance - 26 20 20 Interdepartmental Charges 168,132 341,076 244,918 291,062 Other Operating Expenses 3,992 8,566 3,700 3,700 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 357,822 560,048 328,025 374,169 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,695,336$ 1,883,556$ 1,713,397$ 1,802,483$ Full Time Positions 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 2.50 1.00 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 123 of 345 E-7 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Expanded the Customer Self Service Portal allowing customers to apply for more online permits including Residential Pool, Commercial Solar and Commercial Signs  Expanded Customer Self Service Portal to allow for digital uploads of residential solar installation photos to streamline inspections  Expanded the hotline appointment system to offer appointments for landscape submittals  Launched SolarApp+ to allow same-day approval of typical solar photovoltaic installations for contractors  Beta-tested Electronic Review Pilot Program for paperless plan check/review in both EnerGov and Bluebeam  Added Private Property Permits as a new permit to EnerGov for better internal tracking  Posted new bulletins to help the public understand complex and evolving land use issues  Leveraged EnerGov to send system emails to customers during the development process to keep them better informed on permit status  Successfully executed a significant EnerGov system upgrade  Updated the Community Development website with new content and improved organization and resources, including updated and new informational bulletins GOALS  Continue to expand the use of the Citizens Access Portal to allow for the submittal and review of more complex permit types  Complete the Bluebeam Pilot Program pilot, which will allow staff to make corrections and comments directly onto electronically submitted development plans and studies  Continue to identify and implement process improvements that help simplify and streamline permit intake, routing, and customer service delivery and interactions May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 124 of 345 E-8 COMMUNITY SERVICES | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING Account: 0013110 0013120 Fund: General ABOUT  The Land Development Engineering Division ensures that all grading and public improvements required for new development projects and work in the public right-of-way comply with adopted codes and engineering standards. SERVICES   Review and process requests to subdivide land  Perform plan checking and permitting for grading and public improvements projects  Provide flood plain administration and residential assistance   Maintain the engineering section of the public counter    Provide customer service and effective public information  RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS    Updated the Best Management Practices Manual  Completed a comprehensive update to the Transportation Demand Management Handbook 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,170,996$ 1,163,243$ 1,244,455$ 1,222,476$ Retirement Benefits 342,375 281,895 277,660 299,509 Health Insurance 200,704 199,446 223,862 201,192 Other Personnel Expenses 43,016 41,649 46,675 40,661 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,757,091 1,686,233 1,792,652 1,763,838 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 253,535 358,485 220,183 220,183 Supplies & Materials 3,081 3,941 4,400 2,400 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 227,256 228,240 308,214 282,321 Other Operating Expenses 3,064 10,398 4,700 6,700 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 486,936 601,064 537,497 511,604 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,244,027$ 2,287,297$ 2,330,149$ 2,275,442$ Full Time Positions 11.00 11.00 11.00 10.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 125 of 345 E-9  Issued 1,042 engineering permits  Performed 3,464 reviews for ministerial and discretionary permits GOALS   Implement processing changes to streamline permit reviews to consistently meet key performance targets  Continue to expand implementation of the Customer Self Service Portal to allow processing of additional permit types, such as right-of-way permits    Develop and test electronic plan checking  Continue to refine procedures and adopt new technology to enhance the customer experience   Complete discretionary permit plan check reviews within 21 days of submittal and building permit plan check reviews within 14 days of submittal, at least 80% of the time Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage of discretionary permit plan check reviews completed within 21 days of submittal 81% 84% 80% 80% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health Percentage of building permit plan check reviews completed within 14 days of submittal 84% 78% 81% 80% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, Community Development eliminated a vacant associate engineer position primarily responsible for performing grading and improvement plan checks and discretionary permit reviews. The duties of this position s will be distributed to existing staff without a significant service level impact. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 126 of 345 E-10 COMMUNITY SERVICES | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: PLANNING Account: 00132XX Fund: General ABOUT The Planning Division is responsible for developing, updating and maintaining the city’s land use regulations (i.e., General Plan, Local Coastal Program and Zoning Ordinance) pursuant to City Council direction and state mandates, as well as ensuring new growth and development complies with those established regulations. SERVICES  Maintain and modify plans, ordinances and policies for housing and local coastal resource plans  Ensure new development adheres to all applicable land use codes, policies and regulations  Ensure private and public projects comply with the California Environmental Quality Act and the city’s environmental protection procedures    Respond to questions and inquiries related to permit processing and development standards 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,779,631$ 1,677,398$ 2,022,884$ 2,078,807$ Retirement Benefits 560,360 440,567 452,321 514,606 Health Insurance 205,721 187,142 289,155 253,654 Other Personnel Expenses 70,115 65,330 75,456 69,554 Personnel Services Subtotal 2,615,827 2,370,437 2,839,816 2,916,621 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 508,709 1,119,880 551,000 201,000 Supplies & Materials 38,821 25,393 32,650 30,650 Repair & Maintenance 287 - - - Interdepartmental Charges 313,044 359,412 424,868 509,548 Other Operating Expenses 22,460 36,019 11,400 13,400 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 883,321 1,540,704 1,019,918 754,598 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,499,148$ 3,911,141$ 3,859,734$ 3,671,219$ General Fund 3,484,613$ 3,888,776$ 3,859,734$ 3,671,219$ Special Revenue 14,535 22,365 - - TOTAL FUNDING 3,499,148$ 3,911,141$ 3,859,734$ 3,671,219$ Full Time Positions 20.00 20.00 19.00 19.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 127 of 345 E-11  Provide technical support to the Planning Commission and the City Council   Continuously enhance permit review process for efficiencies and implement streamlining processes RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS    Worked with the City Council-appointed Growth Management Citizens Committee to develop a report to update the current Growth Management Plan and presented report of these recommendations to the City Council in July 2023 (Carlsbad Tomorrow Citizen's Committee Recommendations)  Developed and presented the Housing Sites Rezoning Program for City Council consideration  Developed and presented citywide and Village & Barrio Objective Design Standards specific to the village and barrio communities and citywide for multi-family housing for City Council consideration  Developed and presented a comprehensive update to the city’s Public Safety Element for City Council consideration  Received City Council approval to move forward with permitting Hope Apartments, a 156- unit apartment complex  Facilitated public projects such as Beach Access Repairs, East-West Corridor Multi-Modal Safety Improvements, Terramar Area Water and Sewer, El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek to Jackspar and Carlsbad Boulevard Restriping  Presented options to and received direction from the City Council related to smoke-free multi-family housing which is important to renters and owners in the city to limit their exposure to secondhand smoke GOALS   Ensure discretionary plan check review completed within 30 days of submittal, at least 90% of the time  Ensure building permit plan check review completed within 14 days of submittal, at least 80% of the time  Continue implementation of Housing Element program objectives  Return to the City Council and initiate the next steps to implement the recommendations from the Carlsbad Tomorrow: Growth Management Citizens Committee Performance Measure FY 2022 Actual FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage of discretionary permit plan check reviews completed within 30 days of submittal 86.3% 87% 94% 90% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health Percentage of building permit plan check reviews completed within 14 days of submittal 69.6% 61% 84% 80% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 128 of 345 E-12 COMMUNITY SERVICES | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: BUILDING Account: 0013610 Fund: General ABOUT  The Building Division staff are the main point of contact for individuals wanting to build or modify a structure on their property. Building staff provide guidance and review projects for conformance with state and local building standards. Once a permit has been issued to authorize construction, a building inspector is assigned to help the property owner ensure that the contractor’s work is consistent with approved plans.   SERVICES   Conduct fee assessment, plan review, permit issuance and inspection for compliance with state and local codes including recycling, stormwater, energy generation and conservation   Respond to questions and inquiries related to permit processing and construction standards  Provide information related to ongoing construction projects and historical building records  Maintain records during construction and prepare files for electronic conversion following final approval   2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 740,058$ 806,520$ 833,044$ 864,999$ Retirement Benefits 229,988 185,953 180,528 212,363 Health Insurance 127,233 135,124 153,419 144,052 Other Personnel Expenses 30,194 31,654 33,258 30,476 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,127,473 1,159,251 1,200,249 1,251,890 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 664,436 925,590 449,000 449,000 Supplies & Materials 3,971 9,364 4,127 3,414 Repair & Maintenance 457 21 250 250 Interdepartmental Charges 260,016 269,304 361,643 375,690 Other Operating Expenses 5,224 2,633 2,700 3,413 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 934,104 1,206,912 817,720 831,767 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,061,577$ 2,366,163$ 2,017,969$ 2,083,657$ Full Time Positions 10.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 129 of 345 E-13 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS    Issued 5,352 building permits valued at over $313 million in 2023  Conducted 13,607 inspection stops, resulting in 17,346 building inspections in 2023  Launched SolarApp+ to allow the instantaneous approval of most solar photovoltaic applications  Implemented a digital inspection program for solar photovoltaic installations  Implemented self-certification inspection program that allows qualified individuals to self- certify installation of minor improvements GOALS   Ensure building plan check review is completed within 14 days of submittal, at least 80% of the time  Ensure building permit inspections occur within 24 hours of request, at least 80% of the time Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage of building permit plan check reviews completed within 14 days of submittal 78% 94% 85% 80% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health Percentage of building inspections completed within 24 hours of request 100% 97% 95% 80% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 130 of 345 E-14 COMMUNITY SERVICES | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CODE ENFORCEMENT Account: 0013620 Fund: General ABOUT The Code Enforcement Division, working with residents and its partner enforcement agencies, is tasked with enforcing the city’s laws that govern land use and quality of life issues, including public nuisances, safety and welfare. The purpose of these laws and their enforcement is to help maintain safe and healthy living and working conditions for the members of the community. The division’s approach is not to be punitive but to first attempt to achieve compliance through education before more formal enforcement methods like citations are applied. SERVICES  Enforce zoning, building, general property maintenance and other municipal codes  Conduct inspections of alleged violations received from resident and business complaints  Proactively enforce violations, including graffiti, signs, active unpermitted construction  Assist individuals on how to secure required permits and/or obtain compliance with applicable codes  Collaborate with partner enforcement agencies on overlapping enforcement cases  Ensure that residents are aware and follow rules on short-term vacation rentals 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 400,032$ 522,440$ 572,063$ 603,862$ Retirement Benefits 114,146 96,841 109,971 136,087 Health Insurance 51,682 70,694 109,335 103,249 Other Personnel Expenses 19,077 20,405 23,899 22,621 Personnel Services Subtotal 584,937 710,380 815,268 865,819 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 56,162 28,894 50,500 50,500 Supplies & Materials 19,623 14,968 11,750 11,750 Repair & Maintenance 33 11 100 100 Interdepartmental Charges 126,000 137,292 211,341 235,105 Other Operating Expenses 3,778 4,109 2,750 2,750 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 205,596 185,274 276,441 300,205 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 790,533$ 895,654$ 1,091,709$ 1,166,024$ Full Time Positions 5.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 3.50 3.50 2.00 2.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 131 of 345 E-15 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Developed a program and fee for returned prohibited temporary signs in the public right-of- way  Improved processes to better achieve targeted performance measures  Conducted the Carlsbad’s first State Mobile Home Park Inspection for the California Department of Housing and Community Development Mobile Home Park Maintenance GOALS  Research and update short-term rental permitting processes and business license fee collection  Continue to develop and expand enforcement tracking system to improve operations management  Develop a tracking system to report data on administrative activities performed within the division  Prioritize the safety and well-being of the community: close all Category 1 cases within three business days of complaint, close all Category 2 cases within 30 business days of complaint, and close all Category 3 cases within 50 business days of complaint, 80% of the time Performance Measure FY 2022 Actual FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percent of Category 1 cases closed within three business days of complaint 100% 100% 100% 80% Economic Vitality Percent of Category 2 cases closed within 30 business days of complaint 70% 85% 90% 80% Economic Vitality Percent of Category 3 cases closed within 50 business days of complaint 67% 92% 90% 80% Economic Vitality May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 132 of 345 E-16 COMMUNITY SERVICES | HOUSING & HOMELESS SERVICES: SUMMARY HOUSING & HOMELESS SERVICES  Housing Services  Homeless Services  Affordable Housing Programs  Federally Funded Community Assistance Programs  Successor Agency 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 993,770$ 1,351,613$ 1,670,299$ 1,693,014$ Retirement Benefits 280,853 338,493 361,984 406,246 Health Insurance 102,832 181,473 265,173 250,231 Other Personnel Expenses 38,517 50,502 63,325 55,219 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,415,972 1,922,081 2,360,781 2,404,710 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,169,814 1,832,504 1,616,141 1,656,901 Supplies & Materials 404,995 244,148 291,037 298,958 Repair & Maintenance 24 26 200 200 Interdepartmental Charges 379,115 507,696 454,534 491,771 Other Operating Expenses 12,089,525 13,677,117 13,558,886 13,563,847 Capital Outlay 13,111 363,864 7,300 8,070 Operating Expenses Subtotal 14,056,584 16,625,355 15,928,098 16,019,747 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,472,556$ 18,547,436$ 18,288,879$ 18,424,457$ General Fund 1,788,322$ 2,899,053$ 2,765,195$ 3,232,287$ Special Revenue Fund 12,663,435$ 14,626,910$ 14,464,184$ 15,182,170$ Trust Fund 1,020,799$ 1,021,473$ 1,059,500$ 10,000$ TOTAL FUNDING 15,472,556$ 18,547,436$ 18,288,879$ 18,424,457$ Full Time Positions 14.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 3.00 1.81 1.53 1.53 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 133 of 345 E-17 COMMUNITY SERVICES | HOUSING & HOMELESS SERVICES: HOUSING SERVICES Account: 0012510 0012520 1502810 171 Fund: General General Special Revenue – Community Grants Special Revenue – Agriculture Mitigation Fee ABOUT The Housing Services Division provides various programs, activities and services that assist in the effort to sustain an extraordinary Carlsbad community. These include disbursing community grants, delivering community education programs, funding the Carlsbad Hiring Center, supporting the Carlsbad Housing Commission and the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Citizens Advisory Committee. SERVICES  Provide financial assistance to community organizations, teams and special events that benefit and enrich residents in compliance with City Council policies  Fund projects that improve agricultural lands for continued agricultural production, protect and enhance the coastal and lagoon environment, improve lagoon nature centers and restore beaches for public use through the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee program 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 307,167$ 476,412$ 553,155$ 709,088$ Retirement Benefits 90,825 124,248 112,138 163,833 Health Insurance 27,343 55,228 64,554 101,408 Other Personnel Expenses 13,308 17,333 19,640 22,347 Personnel Services Subtotal 438,643 673,221 749,487 996,676 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 250,995 291,178 270,000 271,000 Supplies & Materials 12,003 13,417 12,400 12,400 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 120,900 167,004 94,021 169,690 Other Operating Expenses 1,715 75,696 54,370 52,950 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 385,613 547,295 430,791 506,040 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 824,256$ 1,220,516$ 1,180,278$ 1,502,716$ General Fund 824,256$ 1,182,296$ 1,150,278$ 1,472,716$ Special Revenue - 38,220 30,000 30,000 TOTAL FUNDING 824,256$ 1,220,516$ 1,180,278$ 1,502,716$ Full Time Positions 4.50 5.17 4.17 5.90 Hourly/FTE Positions 2.00 0.83 0.75 0.75 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 134 of 345 E-18  Provide community education programs, including the Carlsbad Student Leader Academy for high school students and CityStuff for third grade students  Provide low income and homeless services support, including funding to the Carlsbad Hiring Center, which offers temporary day labor employment services, employment training and readiness, access to benefits, basic needs, rental assistance and case management  Administer the Minor Home Repair Program, which provides forgivable home repair loans to low-income households who own and occupy their home as their primary residence  Provide technical and administrative support to the Carlsbad Housing Commission and Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Citizens Advisory Committee  Coordinate with Community Development Department on housing development review, affordability compliance, Housing Element programs and regulatory compliance with state housing laws  Administer the Affordable Housing Resale Program and oversee compliance of existing affordable housing portfolio RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Conducted the Carlsbad Student Leader Academy with 28 high school student participants and the CityStuff program to 634 third grade students in 28 classrooms in partnership with 7 local elementary schools  Administered the Affordable Housing Resale Program, including the acquisition of 4 units to be sold qualified low-income buyers  Facilitated affordable housing projects including 419 affordable dwelling units in various stages of construction  Received new state grant funds totaling $1,162,504 that will be used to support activities outlined in the Homelessness Action Plan; staff will continue to apply for this ongoing funding source each year GOALS  Continue the Community Activity Grant, Special Events Grant, Community Spirit Grant and Winning Teams Grant programs and process applications for assistance that are consistent with City Council policies  Provide community education to third-grade classrooms (40 total)  Continue to support the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee program  Provide technical and administrative support to the Carlsbad Housing Commission  Continue to support the Carlsbad Service Center that hosts the Carlsbad Hiring Center  Continue to coordinate with Community Development Department on housing development review, affordability compliance, Housing Element programs and regulatory compliance with state housing laws Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Community Grants dispersed $6,000 $5,000 $5,000 N/A Community Character Percentage of 3rd grade classrooms in city educated on civic proficiency and leadership 100% 100% 100% 100% Community Character May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 135 of 345 E-19 COMMUNITY SERVICES | HOUSING & HOMELESS SERVICES: HOMELESS SERVICES Account: 0012540 1362610 Fund: General Special Revenue - PLHA ABOUT The Homeless Services Division is responsible for leading all strategies, initiatives and actions related to the city’s goal of addressing the complex needs of individuals experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness in a compassionate and effective manner and reduce the impacts of homelessness on the community. This division uses best practices, community input and feedback from people with lived experience to implement solutions to prevent and reduce homelessness. The strategies and initiatives surround three main areas of focus: shelter and housing, outreach and access to services and public safety. SERVICES  Manage and implement the city’s Homelessness Action Plan  Provide housing navigation services for persons at-risk of or experiencing homelessness  Oversee the homeless outreach and case management contract  Coordinate with neighboring jurisdictions and county resources on homelessness issues  Oversee the limited-term motel voucher program 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 299,810$ 380,346$ 479,026$ 457,937$ Retirement Benefits 62,181 105,547 111,299 119,242 Health Insurance 32,200 58,921 73,405 74,889 Other Personnel Expenses 7,290 13,659 17,235 14,728 Personnel Services Subtotal 401,481 558,473 680,965 666,796 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 558,126 1,077,390 863,000 881,825 Supplies & Materials 3,005 14,968 16,000 16,000 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges - 62,412 46,449 71,700 Other Operating Expenses 1,454 3,514 1,127,629 123,250 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 562,585 1,158,284 2,053,078 1,092,775 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 964,066$ 1,716,757$ 2,734,043$ 1,759,571$ General Fund 964,066$ 1,716,757$ 1,614,917$ 1,759,571$ Special Revenue - - 1,119,126 - TOTAL FUNDING 964,066$ 1,716,757$ 2,734,043$ 1,759,571$ Full Time Positions 3.50 4.00 4.10 4.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 136 of 345 E-20  Engage with community residents and businesses through regular communication efforts  Oversee a contract with the Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego to provide two licensed clinicians to provide staff at the La Posada de Guadalupe Emergency Shelter with training, allowing the facility to operate as a low barrier shelter  Manage contracts with the following entities: o Community Resource Center, to provide employment and benefits services, as well as rapid rehousing services, helping individuals and households experiencing homelessness o Women’s Resource Center and Brother Benno’s, for shelter and homelessness prevention services o Urban Corps, to remove abandoned items and litter at homeless encampments o Rocket John’s, to provide restroom and sanitation services across the city RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Updated the Homelessness Action Plan and Annual Funding Plan  Began work on the City Council-approved strategic plan goal addressing the complex needs of individuals experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness in a compassionate and effective manner and reduces the impacts of homelessness on the community  Engaged with 565 unduplicated individuals experiencing homelessness in the city via city- funded homelessness service programs, helped transition 105 households into permanent housing, placed 66 people into emergency shelters and cleaned up 106 encampments  Secured a competitive Encampment Resolution Grant of approximately $2.3 million from the State of California to support people experiencing homelessness in the Barrio Area  Received a competitive $2 million Capital Emergency Housing Grant from the County of San Diego to expand shelter options in the city  Secured a $468,252 annual HUD Continuum of Care grant to expand the rapid re-housing contract with Community Resource Center  Assisted 45 households with 416 nights in the short-term motel voucher program GOALS  Enhance the quality of life for everyone in Carlsbad by adopting and implementing an updated Homelessness Action Plan that addresses the complex needs of individuals experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness in a compassionate and effective manner and reduces the impacts of homelessness on the community  Implement a State of California Encampment Resolution Funding program grant to address homelessness in the Barrio Area  Implement a public facing dashboard of data on homelessness programs and statistics Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Unduplicated homeless persons served 565 550 550 N/A Quality of Life & Safety Shelter placements 66 75 75 N/A Quality of Life & Safety Persons housed 62 70 70 N/A Quality of Life & Safety Encampments cleared 50 30 30 N/A Quality of Life & Safety May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 137 of 345 E-21 COMMUNITY SERVICES | HOUSING & HOMELESS SERVICES: AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMS Account: 133 134 806 Fund: Special Revenue – Affordable Housing Trust Special Revenue – Tyler Court Apartments ABOUT The city is a regional leader in the provision of affordable housing. The Affordable Housing Trust Fund Program is the city’s primary source of affordable housing funding for low-income households. The Affordable Housing Trust Fund collects fees generated from the Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu Fee and the sale of affordable housing credits that satisfy a developer’s inclusionary housing obligation as well as loan repayments from existing developments. With these funds, the city provides affordable housing programs, low income and homeless services support, and financial assistance for residential developments that provide housing opportunities to low-income households. The city also owns Tyler Court Senior Apartments, a 75-unit senior apartment complex. This complex provides for 100% affordable housing to senior households with incomes at 30% and 50% of the San Diego County Area median incomes. The city has an agreement with a third party to manage the day-to-day operations of the apartment complex. The property is intended to remain a senior-only development according to its approved conditional use permit and continues to have income and rent restrictions to be affordable to very low and extremely low-income households. 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 20,667$ 49,011$ 97,639$ 95,391$ Retirement Benefits 14,885 11,673 22,526 23,888 Health Insurance 3,474 11,523 18,963 17,352 Other Personnel Expenses 2,559 2,222 4,012 3,287 Personnel Services Subtotal 41,585 74,429 143,140 139,918 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 322,866 335,550 357,141 399,086 Supplies & Materials 381,112 210,111 253,672 261,493 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 64,224 63,990 58,423 25,032 Other Operating Expenses 329,655 387,325 453,377 450,628 Capital Outlay 13,111 363,864 7,300 8,070 Operating Expenses Subtotal 1,110,968 1,360,840 1,129,913 1,144,309 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,152,553$ 1,435,269$ 1,273,053$ 1,284,227$ Full Time Positions 0.60 0.80 1.20 1.10 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 0.06 0.06 0.06 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 138 of 345 E-22 SERVICES  Administer the Housing Trust Fund in accordance with Council Policy 90 which outlines the priorities, expectations and policies for Housing Trust Fund administration  Provide affordable housing funding for low-income households via the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Program  Continue to implement the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance by providing information to developers, the public and city staff on the requirements of the ordinance  Negotiate and prepare affordable housing agreements and density bonus agreements  Assist with the development of low-income affordable housing developments from concept to construction  Oversee the third-party managed Tyler Court Senior Apartments RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Updated the city’s Minor Home Repair Program that provides loans to homeowners of single-family dwelling units within the city limits for minor home repairs  Completed exterior painting and awning replacement at Tyler Court Senior Apartments GOALS  Continue to work with residential developers with inclusionary housing requirements to produce additional homes affordable to lower-income households  Research and develop other programs and development opportunities to increase the supply of affordable housing for low-income households  Preserve and improve the quality of the city’s existing housing stock  Continue to support the low-income senior community by offering affordable housing with income and rent restrictions May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 139 of 345 E-23 COMMUNITY SERVICES | HOUSING & HOMELESS SERVICES: FEDERALLY FUNDED COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Account: 190 391 Fund: Special Revenue – Section 8 Housing Special Revenue – Community Development Block Grant ABOUT The city receives federal grants that benefit the community and low-income households. The federally funded Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance program provides monthly rental subsidies to very low-income households and processes new participants into the program as additional funds are available. The Community Development Block Grant program represents federal funds provided to the city to develop viable urban communities through the provision of decent housing, a suitable living environment and expanded economic opportunities for lower-income persons. This program is focused on providing specific benefits to low-income residents, with serving the city’s homeless population and providing affordable housing as the two highest priorities. SERVICES  Provide monthly rental subsidies to very low-income households and process new participants as for the federally funded Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance program  Assist low-income households with access to safe and sanitary rental housing  Ensure the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher tenant-based rental assistance program is being administered in compliance with federal regulations and guidelines, the Carlsbad Administrative Plan and the Public Housing Agency Plan 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 366,126$ 445,844$ 540,479$ 430,598$ Retirement Benefits 112,962 97,025 116,021 99,283 Health Insurance 39,815 55,801 108,251 56,582 Other Personnel Expenses 15,360 17,288 22,438 14,857 Personnel Services Subtotal 534,263 615,958 787,189 601,320 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 37,827 128,188 96,000 94,990 Supplies & Materials 8,875 5,652 8,965 9,065 Repair & Maintenance 24 26 200 200 Interdepartmental Charges 186,707 206,622 255,641 225,349 Other Operating Expenses 10,743,186 12,196,975 10,894,010 12,937,019 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 10,976,619 12,537,463 11,254,816 13,266,623 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11,510,882$ 13,153,421$ 12,042,005$ 13,867,943$ Full Time Positions 5.40 6.03 6.53 5.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.93 0.73 0.73 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 140 of 345 E-24  Achieve and maintain a lease rate that fully utilizes Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program funding allocation  Enable unemployed, under-employed or under-educated low-income families to achieve economic independence from welfare  Administer the CDBG program representing federal funds provided to the city  Prepare and implement a five-year consolidated plan and Annual Action Plan for submittal to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD  Provide staff support to the CDBG Funding Advisory Committee and the City Council in the selection process for activities to be included in the CDBG Program  Ensure that documentation is maintained to meet compliance with HUD established guidelines for continued CDBG funding  Monitor activities of grant sub-recipients to ensure proper use of funds  Prepare the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for public review and comment and final submission to HUD  Partner with a non-profit legal advisor to provide fair housing and tenant-landlord dispute counseling and education program RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Provided monthly rental assistance to 596 very low and extremely low-income households, an increase of 4.6% from the previous year  Funded four public service organizations and one fair housing provider, resulting in supportive services being provided to approximately 1,155 Carlsbad residents in low-income and special needs populations and assistance in the prevention of homelessness and reduction of the homeless population  Amended the fiscal year 2022-23 Annual Action Plan for the CDBG Program to allocate $996,112 in additional funds received through Program Income and unspent funds from prior year projects GOALS  Continue to operate the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program effectively and seek additional funding to serve more clients as opportunities arise  Complete processing of rental assistance vouchers for 25 non-elderly, disabled participants  Complete and submit the fiscal year 2023-24 Consolidated Annual Plan Evaluation Report and fiscal year 2024-25 Annual Action Plan  Update CDBG policies and procedures to allow funding allocations that best support the implementation of the homelessness action plan  Begin planning for next CDBG Consolidated Plan cycle for fiscal year 2025-30 Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Clients receiving Rental Assistance 568 575 600 N/A Quality of Life & Safety Dollar value of grants awarded to community organizations $501,113 $545,490 $518,215 N/A Quality of Life & Safety May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 141 of 345 E-25 COMMUNITY SERVICES | HOUSING & HOMELESS SERVICES: SUCCESSOR AGENCY Account: 801, 811 Fund: Trust Fund – Successor Agency ABOUT The successor agency is responsible for preparing a recognized obligation payments schedule as detailed by the State of California’s Department of Finance, listing the enforceable obligations of the former redevelopment agency and their source of payment. This payment schedule is subject to approval by the countywide oversight board. SERVICES  Administer the successor agency, which is responsible for preparing a recognized obligation payment schedule as detailed by the State of California’s Department of Finance, listing the enforceable obligations of the former redevelopment agency and their source of payment  Participate in activities associated with the dissolution of the redevelopment agency  Ensure payment of all debt obligations as approved by the oversight board RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Processed Recognized Obligations Payment Schedule for fiscal year 2023-24 for approval by the countywide oversight board GOALS  Continue to take actions to dissolve the former redevelopment agency in a timely manner 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages -$ -$ -$ -$ Retirement Benefits - - - - Health Insurance - - - - Other Personnel Expenses - - - - Personnel Services Subtotal - - - - Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services - 198 30,000 10,000 Supplies & Materials - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 7,284 7,668 - - Other Operating Expenses 1,013,515 1,013,607 1,029,500 - Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 1,020,799 1,021,473 1,059,500 10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,020,799$ 1,021,473$ 1,059,500$ 10,000$ Full Time Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 142 of 345 E-26 COMMUNITY SERVICES | LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS: SUMMARY Beginning in 2024-25, the department reorganized its library services to a location-based model. Summary level figures in the following budget tables reflect this new structure. LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS  Administration, Digital Initiatives & Special Projects  Public Services (includes three locations at Dove Library, Cole Library and Library Learning Center) o Circulation Services o Adult & Teen Services o Children’s Services o Exploration HUB o Genealogy & Carlsbad History Services o Literacy & Bilingual Services  Specialty Services o Collections & Technical Services o Strategic Partnerships & Outreach  Cultural Arts 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 5,643,950$ 5,908,344$ 6,563,356$ 6,638,060$ Retirement Benefits 1,275,142 1,076,700 1,101,347 1,225,552 Health Insurance 567,654 556,270 766,775 751,797 Other Personnel Expenses 211,284 205,113 244,754 256,649 Personnel Services Subtotal 7,698,030 7,746,427 8,676,232 8,872,058 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 561,814 672,025 720,722 705,744 Supplies & Materials 1,218,483 1,266,481 1,248,471 1,272,759 Repair & Maintenance 3,415 (9,128) 8,800 8,800 Interdepartmental Charges 3,191,426 3,357,538 3,127,532 3,779,323 Other Operating Expenses 518,442 558,950 473,063 473,063 Capital Outlay 8,307 - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 5,501,887 5,845,866 5,578,588 6,239,689 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 13,199,917$ 13,592,293$ 14,254,820$ 15,111,747$ General Fund 13,024,082$ 13,290,637$ 13,637,285$ 14,522,844$ Special Revenue Fund 175,835$ 301,656$ 617,535$ 588,903$ TOTAL FUNDING 13,199,917$ 13,592,293$ 14,254,820$ 15,111,747$ Full Time Positions 52.50 51.00 53.00 51.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 63.66 61.95 53.42 53.77 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 143 of 345 E-27 COMMUNITY SERVICES | LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS: ADMINISTRATION, DIGITAL INITIATIVES & SPECIAL PROJECTS Account: 0014010 Fund: General 1454010 Special Revenue-Gifts & Bequests 1454011 Special Revenue – Friends of the Library 1454017 Special Revenue – Krell Donation ABOUT Library & Cultural Arts Administration provides management and leadership for the delivery of library and cultural arts programs and services; plans for the efficient use of resources and facilities; coordinates relations with local, state and federal government agencies; and provides liaison services, resource assistance and technical guidance to Library Board of Trustees, Arts Commission, the Friends of the Carlsbad Library, the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation, the Carlsbad Friends of the Arts and the Serra Cooperative Library System. SERVICES  Conduct strategic planning, set programs and services and monitor and respond to industry trends and best practices  Utilize data to develop meaningful performance metrics that show impact in the community and adjust services based on community needs  Manage personnel and volunteer recruitment activities, develop and maintain policies and procedures and provide centralized training services for all staff and volunteers 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,151,422$ 1,071,715$ 1,162,425$ 1,130,880$ Retirement Benefits 333,065 269,721 249,848 267,270 Health Insurance 129,932 113,292 147,366 118,118 Other Personnel Expenses 40,134 35,228 40,086 39,902 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,654,553 1,489,956 1,599,725 1,556,170 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 84,297 68,686 29,000 16,500 Supplies & Materials 166,360 156,353 226,410 267,033 Repair & Maintenance 1,235 131 4,155 4,455 Interdepartmental Charges 763,200 1,007,029 807,042 567,579 Other Operating Expenses 514,221 552,827 473,063 473,063 Capital Outlay 8,307 - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 1,537,620 1,785,026 1,539,670 1,328,630 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,192,173$ 3,274,982$ 3,139,395$ 2,884,800$ Full Time Positions 12.00 10.00 10.00 9.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 3.82 3.37 2.92 2.92 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 144 of 345 E-28  Develop, administer and monitor budgets, contracts, grants, purchasing and accounting processes  Plan and develop special projects and technology solutions to effectively deliver services  Work with the Library Board of Trustees and the Arts Commission to ensure the department is responsive to community needs as represented by trustees and commissioners  Partner with support organizations including the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation, the Friends of the Carlsbad Library and Carlsbad Friends of the Arts to ensure endowments, donations and fundraising on behalf of the organization are used appropriately RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Completed a year-long evaluation of library operations, and began implementation of a new structure that addresses staff feedback, changing community needs and best practices  Held a unifying in-person staff development day for the first time since 2019, with high staff attendance and ratings, focused on “Cultivating Connectedness”  Eliminated fees for printing and copying to address access and equity issues, reduce staff time spent processing deposits and servicing coin machines and reduce contracted vendor expenses  Built a central data location to improve access to performance metrics  Formalized the relationship with the Carlsbad Friends of the Arts with an executed Memorandum of Understanding GOALS  Continue to address equity in staff and community services and resources and improve overall accessibility and inclusion  Review, update and secure Library Board approval of department policies and procedures  Improve on data collection and collation for data informed decision making  Shepherd a $600,000 RFID hardware upgrade through the city’s technology project process  Install a new people-counting and space usage measuring system, alongside a citywide effort  Complete replacement of printers and copiers for patron use  Formalize relationships with Friends of the Library and Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation via Memorandums of Understanding  Support City Council’s Community Character goal and strategic objective to enhance wellness, socialization, inclusion and active living with library and cultural arts programs, demonstrated by the performance measures below Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Number of contracts executed 122 98 104 N/A Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health Patron computer sessions: mobile and in- house 147,635 169,673 172,000 N/A Community Character Library visits 423,335 444,500 466,700 5% annual increase Community Character May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 145 of 345 E-29 COMMUNITY SERVICES | LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS: PUBLIC SERVICES Account: 001402X Fund: General – Dove 001403X General – Cole 001405X General – Learning Center & Grants 1454016 Special Revenue – Sutton ABOUT Following a year-long evaluation of library operations, a new structure will be implemented starting in July 2024 that addresses staff feedback, changing community needs and best practices. Public Services include all the library disciplines that program for and serve library patrons, including circulation, adult and teen, and children’s services. At Dove Library, this also includes the Exploration HUB. At Cole Library, this includes Genealogy and Carlsbad History. At the Library Learning Center, it includes adult and family literacy. SERVICES  Assist community members of all ages with information and literacy needs, provide instruction on resource use, perform research for the public, local business and government, provide educational, literacy, informational, cultural and recreational programs and advise readers to find books of interest  Circulation staff manage patron accounts and issuance of library cards, circulate and inventory print, electronic and audiovisual materials, answer collection-related questions, track reserved and overdue items and sort, organize and shelve all library materials 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 3,100,414$ 3,334,084$ 3,759,239$ 3,721,378$ Retirement Benefits 609,997 522,021 555,381 595,696 Health Insurance 267,001 280,775 379,337 341,755 Other Personnel Expenses 122,570 121,125 144,209 148,783 Personnel Services Subtotal 4,099,982 4,258,005 4,838,166 4,807,612 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 6,063 5,074 2,275 3,575 Supplies & Materials 46,725 47,944 30,198 20,475 Repair & Maintenance 1,272 1,279 1,645 1,345 Interdepartmental Charges 1,976,413 1,975,583 1,912,705 2,666,131 Other Operating Expenses 4,221 3,367 - - Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 2,034,694 2,033,247 1,946,823 2,691,526 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,134,676$ 6,291,252$ 6,784,989$ 7,499,138$ Full Time Positions 26.50 27.00 28.00 26.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 47.25 46.78 41.08 40.97 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 146 of 345 E-30  The Genealogy & Carlsbad History staff provide reference and instructional assistance to community members researching their ancestry, preserve and make available Carlsbad history materials for public research, and work closely with the North San Diego County Genealogical Society to provide educational genealogy resources and programs  Adult and family literacy services include one-on-one tutoring, English as a second language classes, Career Online High School and programs for adult learners supported by community volunteers and partners and a California State Library grant RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Launched Canto, a digital asset management system that will make digital resources like historic photographs available to the community, and added a portion of the Carlsbad History collection  Established a centralized staff programming committee to ensure a consistent, diverse range of programming  Conducted children’s services summits to train all staff on best practices for youth services  Reinstated large scale, in-person performances for children and families during the Summer Reading Adventure  Worked with local partners to offer small business workshops  Updated circulation policies and procedures suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic  Completed a technology update in the Exploration HUB, replacing iMacs with laptops, to increase flexibility in the space  Wrote and published low-literacy, high-interest books to meet adult learner needs GOALS  Restore volunteer participation in after school homework assistance at the Learning Center  Continue to add digital resources to the Canto digital asset management system, including historical photographs and prerecorded cultural arts performances  Increase STEAM programming by adding literacy play spaces  Implement the Link+ system that allows library users to borrow books from libraries throughout California Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Library program participation *anticipated closure of Schulman Auditorium 41,810 41,225 35,000* N/A Community Character New library accounts 11,977 13,200 14,500 10% increase annually Community Character SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, Library & Cultural Arts eliminated a vacant lead librarian position primarily responsible for supporting public services at Dove Library. Some of this work will be distributed to other librarian staff, and potential impacts of this position being eliminated include reduced public programs. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 147 of 345 E-31 COMMUNITY SERVICES | LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS: SPECIALTY SERVICES Account: 0014040 Fund: General – Collections & Technical Services 0014041 General – Strategic Partnerships & Outreach 1454014 Special Revenue – Benson 1454015 Special Revenue – Falkenstein ABOUT Specialty Services include all systemwide work that supports the programs and services of public facing divisions. SERVICES  Coordinate the selection of physical and electronic materials and manage collection development and maintenance for all library facilities  Catalog and prepare library materials for public use, evaluate new content formats, devise new cataloging and processing procedures and evaluate usage patterns for materials  Develop partnerships and outreach opportunities to promote community connections and improve services systemwide RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Created a new, distinct graphic works collection; graphic works are stories, nonfiction accounts and memoirs in a format that combines text and images  Updated the collection development policy to ensure both currency and continuity of high standards for collection development 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 600,116$ 598,498$ 667,089$ 931,761$ Retirement Benefits 157,581 128,724 133,665 212,516 Health Insurance 77,462 77,338 79,887 161,920 Other Personnel Expenses 20,706 19,133 25,094 35,171 Personnel Services Subtotal 855,865 823,693 905,735 1,341,368 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 30,915 32,477 9,325 13,025 Supplies & Materials 944,593 1,005,016 939,061 942,420 Repair & Maintenance - (10,538) - - Interdepartmental Charges 191,100 174,732 194,436 223,645 Other Operating Expenses - 60 - - Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 1,166,608 1,201,747 1,142,822 1,179,090 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,022,473$ 2,025,440$ 2,048,557$ 2,520,458$ Full Time Positions 7.00 7.00 7.00 9.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 3.29 3.29 3.08 3.19 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 148 of 345 E-32  Completed an Outreach Road Map which sets the strategic direction, expectations and procedures for department outreach  Established a productive partnership with LiveWell San Diego, which brought free health and wellness programs to library locations GOALS  Improve organization of children’s materials to align with best practices and increase accessibility  Redirect collection budget allocations toward the most popular collection formats  Evaluate and begin to sunset formats that are losing relevancy, such as music CDs Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Number of digital items added to the collection 25,545 26,882 28,163 5% increase annually Community Character Number of physical items added to the collection 28,698 30,133 31,640 N/A Community Character Number of items checked out (physical and digital) 1,094,528 1,150,250 1,207,000 10% increase annually Community Character May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 149 of 345 E-33 COMMUNITY SERVICES | LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS: CULTURAL ARTS Account: 001406X Fund: General 1454013 Special Revenue – Gartner Fund 148 Special Revenue – Special Events 175 Special Revenue –Schulman Endowment ABOUT Cultural Arts plans, promotes and carries out visual and performing arts programs, arts education activities, temporary and permanent public art and other cultural offerings to make connections among artists, cultural organizations, community groups, businesses, residents and visitors that sustain and promote a thriving, diverse and creative city, aligned with the Arts & Culture Master Plan. SERVICES  Present visual arts exhibitions and performing arts at the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium, the William D. Cannon Art Gallery and throughout the city  Create, document and maintain the city’s permanent and temporary public art collection  Administer the Community Arts Grant program with support from the Arts Commission and participation of community arts stakeholders  Offer educational programs for all ages and abilities, including Three-Part Art, Pop Up Art and STEAM, reaching over 10,000 participants annually  Host guest artist residencies, spanning all genres, to focus on expanded, interactive arts experiences 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 791,998$ 904,047$ 974,603$ 854,041$ Retirement Benefits 174,499 156,234 162,453 150,070 Health Insurance 93,259 84,865 160,185 130,004 Other Personnel Expenses 27,874 29,627 35,365 32,793 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,087,630 1,174,773 1,332,606 1,166,908 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 440,539 565,788 680,122 672,644 Supplies & Materials 60,805 57,168 52,802 42,831 Repair & Maintenance 908 - 3,000 3,000 Interdepartmental Charges 260,713 200,194 213,349 321,968 Other Operating Expenses - 2,696 - - Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 762,965 825,846 949,273 1,040,443 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,850,595$ 2,000,619$ 2,281,879$ 2,207,351$ Full Time Positions 7.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 9.30 8.52 6.35 6.70 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 150 of 345 E-34  Present year-round performing arts series, including TGIF Concerts in the Parks, Showtime at the Schulman and Front Row Saturdays  Maintain partnerships with the Carlsbad Friends of the Arts and Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Hired a new gallery curator to elevate the William D. Cannon art gallery  Presented three exhibits in the Cannon Art Gallery: a collaboration with Barrio Glassworks, the work of two large-scale painters from Carlsbad and Los Angeles, and rock n roll iconic photography from a Rolling Stone Magazine photographer  Continued partnership with Carlsbad Village Association for temporary art installations pairing local artists with businesses  Launched new partnership with The Forum shopping center to develop a temporary art installation  Completed second year of STEAM programming with the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation, with double the attendance  Hosted guest artist residency that provided a summer musical theatre experience for kids  Selected artist team for public transportation art at the I-5 and Chestnut Avenue underpass GOALS  Reevaluate the remaining initiatives in Arts & Culture Master Plan and seek City Council guidance on next steps  Complete the technology upgrades for the Schulman Auditorium  Following community engagement sessions, select an artist for public transportation art at the Village & Barrio Traffic Circle  Continue outreach to ensure community input is considered for public art projects including Veteran’s Memorial Park, Chestnut Underpass, Barrio Traffic Circle and Robertson Ranch Park  Complete the third year of a three-year STEAM program in partnership with the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation, and evaluate the future of the program  Host nine TGIF concerts with new security measures in place, in partnership with Carlsbad Police, Fire and Parks & Recreation Departments and Carlsbad Friends of the Arts Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Permanent and temporary public art projects completed 5 5 3 N/A Community Character TGIF Concerts in the Parks attendance *max. capacity for 9 concerts 27,500 33,670 40,500* N/A Community Character SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, Library & Cultural Arts eliminated a vacant new production technician position originally approved as part of the fiscal year 2023-24 budget. Some of this work will be distributed to library staff and program offerings and rentals in the Schulman Auditorium may need to be reduced. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 151 of 345 E-35 COMMUNITY SERVICES | PARKS & RECREATION: SUMMARY PARKS & RECREATION  Administration  Recreation  Parks & Trail Maintenance  Street Tree Maintenance & Median Maintenance  The Crossings Golf Course 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 6,089,417$ 6,967,763$ 7,718,770$ 7,910,196$ Retirement Benefits 1,352,430 1,187,646 1,264,817 1,416,861 Health Insurance 570,125 648,498 884,968 829,038 Other Personnel Expenses 447,709 421,320 416,708 460,018 Personnel Services Subtotal 8,459,681 9,225,227 10,285,263 10,616,113 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 8,083,942 8,620,435 7,898,331 8,715,455 Supplies & Materials 972,957 1,224,719 1,055,818 1,020,884 Repair & Maintenance 3,690 7,710 1,934 1,934 Interdepartmental Charges 2,001,854 2,002,048 2,381,739 2,938,664 Other Operating Expenses 9,922,915 10,714,479 11,059,523 11,927,211 Capital Outlay 112,526 598,033 1,010,000 814,000 Operating Expenses Subtotal 21,097,884 23,167,424 23,407,345 25,418,148 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 29,557,565$ 32,392,651$ 33,692,608$ 36,034,261$ General Fund 19,251,458$ 20,813,176$ 21,055,565$ 22,759,082$ Enterprise Fund 8,345,328$ 9,162,350$ 10,121,000$ 10,726,000$ Special Revenue Fund 1,960,779$ 2,417,125$ 2,516,043$ 2,549,179$ TOTAL FUNDING 29,557,565$ 32,392,651$ 33,692,608$ 36,034,261$ Full Time Positions 55.00 59.00 59.00 58.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 80.26 71.56 70.32 70.21 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 152 of 345 E-36 COMMUNITY SERVICES | PARKS & RECREATION: ADMINISTRATION Account: 0014510, 0014511 140 149 Fund: General Special Revenue-Scholarships Special Revenue-Donations ABOUT Parks & Recreation Administration provides department leadership, planning and administrative services to help develop and sustain high-quality parks and recreation programs. SERVICES  Evaluate and monitor business processes to improve operations, efficiency and performance  Develop and monitor operating budget and annual CIP budget  Process and issue citywide special event permits  Enhance city-owned or controlled natural open space and trails system through land acquisition, planning, trails construction, monitoring and maintenance  Oversee management agreement for The Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course  Perform parks planning, design, administration and construction monitoring services  Plan and monitor recreation programs with input from the Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update, participant surveys and community outreach 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,182,066$ 1,234,681$ 1,362,257$ 1,467,275$ Retirement Benefits 345,543 277,355 298,003 353,272 Health Insurance 97,123 99,962 136,778 160,913 Other Personnel Expenses 57,948 46,134 55,203 63,778 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,682,680 1,658,132 1,852,241 2,045,238 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 152,040 207,418 237,997 208,175 Supplies & Materials 35,647 31,081 59,465 58,340 Repair & Maintenance 2,646 6,863 200 200 Interdepartmental Charges 273,804 397,956 302,034 402,024 Other Operating Expenses 50,295 80,379 113,294 116,669 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 514,432 723,697 712,990 785,408 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,197,112$ 2,381,829$ 2,565,231$ 2,830,646$ General Fund 2,158,357$ 2,322,636$ 2,484,031$ 2,749,446$ Special Revenue Fund 38,755 59,193 81,200 81,200 Total Funding 2,197,112$ 2,381,829$ 2,565,231$ 2,830,646$ Full Time Positions 11.30 10.30 10.45 11.45 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.34 0.49 0.98 0.98 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 153 of 345 E-37  Administer opportunity grants for low-income residents  Provide support to and liaise with Parks & Recreation Commission, Senior Commission and Beach Preservation Commission  Implement strategic action items in the Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Checked plans and specifications of new private development projects that include trail construction, street trees and rights of way improvements  Completed and received City Council approval of the 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update  Received City Council approval for a Capital Improvement Program Charter to construct four new outdoor pickleball courts at Calavera Hills Community Park and four new outdoor pickleball courts at Stagecoach Community Park  Completed the Community Engagement/Conceptual Design Phase of Robertson Ranch Park  Obtained City Council approval of the plans and specifications to formally bid the construction of the Stagecoach Community Garden  Obtained City Council approval of the plans and specifications to formally bid the construction of Veterans Memorial Park  Assisted in obtaining City Council approval of the plans and specifications to formally bid the construction of the Monroe Street Pool Renovation  Renewed agreements San Diego County Health and Human Services for the Senior Center’s congregate, home meal and transportation programs  Renewed Joint Use and Community Recreation Agreement between the Carlsbad Unified School District and the City of Carlsbad  Completed Park-In-Lieu fee study and presented findings to City Council for consideration GOALS  Implement applicable parks, maintenance, and programs, events and facilities strategies identified in the 2023-2030 Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan Update  Pursue CAPRA accreditation to ensure re-accreditation within the next two years, as it’s the sole national standard for evaluating park and recreation agencies, signifying high-quality operation, management, and community service  Complete the scoping and conceptual design phases of the project to construct four new outdoor pickleball courts at Calavera Hills Community Park and four new outdoor pickleball courts at Stagecoach Community Park Complete the scoping and conceptual design phases of the project to construct four new outdoor pickleball courts at Calavera Hills Community Park and four new outdoor pickleball courts at Stagecoach Community Park  Obtain City Council approval on the recommended master plan for Robertson Ranch Park and commence the final design phase of the project  Obtain City Council approval to award a contract to construct Veterans Memorial Park and commence providing administrative support in overseeing the construction  Support three commissions in accomplishing the goals and tasks within each commission’s annual work plan  Implement adjustments to athletic field lighting fees, competitive to surrounding cities May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 154 of 345 E-38 COMMUNITY SERVICES | PARKS & RECREATION: RECREATION Account: 0014520-44, 0014546-73 143 Fund: General Special Revenue-Senior Program Donations ABOUT The Parks & Recreation Department offers a wide range of virtual and in-person programming, including youth and adult sports, instructional classes, camps, aquatics, preschool and teen services and special events. The department operates 339 acres of developed community parks and special use areas, featuring multi-use fields, tennis courts, dog parks, skate parks, playgrounds, two historic parks, a senior center, four multigenerational community centers and two aquatic centers. SERVICES  Provide information, enrollment and registration services for parks, programs and facilities  Collect and account for revenue to ensure efficient and cost-effective programming  Plan, conduct and supervise recreation operations and programs at community centers, parks and other city facilities  Process applications and issue park and facility and special event permits  Coordinate and oversee fair and efficient use of athletic facilities for resident nonprofit sports organizations 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 3,300,657$ 3,840,793$ 4,213,335$ 4,299,456$ Retirement Benefits 506,958 468,194 505,714 558,416 Health Insurance 234,414 267,834 380,054 318,197 Other Personnel Expenses 282,861 273,257 254,252 281,878 Personnel Services Subtotal 4,324,890 4,850,078 5,353,355 5,457,947 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 986,954 1,130,165 1,018,937 1,254,185 Supplies & Materials 612,621 652,689 633,709 606,200 Repair & Maintenance 433 842 1,354 1,354 Interdepartmental Charges 1,119,399 1,086,366 1,405,334 1,750,750 Other Operating Expenses 605,327 773,302 513,076 582,049 Capital Outlay 28,974 67,270 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 3,353,708 3,710,634 3,572,410 4,194,538 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,678,598$ 8,560,712$ 8,925,765$ 9,652,485$ General Fund 7,640,802$ 8,521,584$ 8,892,265$ 9,618,985$ Special Revenue Fund 37,796 39,128 33,500 33,500 Total Funding 7,678,598$ 8,560,712$ 8,925,765$ 9,652,485$ Full Time Positions 19.40 24.40 24.30 23.25 Hourly/FTE Positions 74.28 66.44 64.71 64.60 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 155 of 345 E-39  Conduct cultural and historic park educational and interpretive programming  Serve as a certification site for aquatics training programs through the American Red Cross  Provide programs that promote health and wellness and essential childhood development  Arrange classes, seminars, transportation and professional services for seniors  Arrange intergenerational programs that increase cooperation and interaction  Provide congregate meals and home meals delivery to seniors at little or no cost  Recruit and manage volunteers supporting the Senior Center, Leo Carrillo Ranch, trails and special events RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Completed the design and fabrication process of a new interpretive exhibit at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park focusing on Carrillo family life  Completed the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park preservation and maintenance reroofing project  Oversaw 550 aquatic camp participants and 31 lifeguard academy participants in the Spring, which will lead to 18 new lifeguard hires for summer and approximately 1,348 learn-to-swim participants in summer season  Completed procurement and installation of two of three circulation pumps between both aquatic centers as large asset replacement items  Added year-round youth basketball leagues for grades K-12, with record attendance of more than 900 enrolled participants for the winter season alone  Partnered with the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce to host Older & Bolder Expo at the Senior Center Returned popular senior programs, excursions, courtyard concerts and featured artists  Introduced a new “tween” Shamrock Social special event GOALS  Support the City of Carlsbad Age-Friendly Action Plan  Expand adult 50+ opportunities and collaborations beyond the Senior Center, including the Older & Bolder Expo  Offer programs that promote health and wellness and essential childhood development, including an ongoing intergenerational pickleball social  Augment staff with volunteers to build community and enhance fiscal stewardship  Continue implementation of the department’s master plan actions related to services, programs, events and fees  Develop a professional photography policy and fee schedule for Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Hours of volunteer services used 12,355 15,000 15,000 At least 10,000 Community Character Percentage execution of advertised recreation programs 85% 85% 85% 85% Community Character May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 156 of 345 E-40 COMMUNITY SERVICES | PARKS & RECREATION: PARKS & TRAIL MAINTENANCE Account: 00146XX Fund: General ABOUT The Parks & Recreation Department maintains approximately 432 acres of developed or scheduled to be constructed community parks and special use areas, 51 miles of trails, 612 acres of habitat preserves, urban forests and undeveloped lands and landscaping for 58 acres of facilities. SERVICES  Manage turf, irrigation, drainage and landscaping at parks, civic facilities, beach accesses and school athletic fields  Inspect and maintain restroom facilities and picnic areas, tennis, pickleball and basketball courts, and soccer, softball, baseball and multi-purpose fields  Repair park structures, athletic field lighting, play equipment, playground safety surfacing and other park fixtures  Respond to tree service requests and provide storm and emergency assistance as necessary  Refine, support and administer tree maintenance block pruning program  Inspect and prune all city trees on a 4 to 4.5-year cycle and a 2 to 2.25-year supplemental cycle for high-maintenance trees in accordance with Community Forest Management Plan  Maintain existing citywide trails and coordinate development of new trails  Manage the trails volunteers’ program  Oversee maintenance and monitoring of preserves, urban forests and undeveloped lands 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,319,697$ 1,532,169$ 1,660,400$ 1,647,506$ Retirement Benefits 393,130 359,087 358,885 388,992 Health Insurance 206,498 248,339 303,804 288,015 Other Personnel Expenses 84,245 84,038 83,384 88,141 Personnel Services Subtotal 2,003,570 2,223,633 2,406,473 2,412,654 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 5,334,510 5,554,106 5,024,647 5,599,045 Supplies & Materials 313,206 396,914 317,422 317,422 Repair & Maintenance 607 5 380 380 Interdepartmental Charges 533,581 504,058 663,194 768,657 Other Operating Expenses 1,257,498 1,290,240 1,267,153 1,292,493 Capital Outlay 9,327 - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 7,448,729 7,745,323 7,272,796 7,977,997 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,452,299$ 9,968,956$ 9,679,269$ 10,390,651$ Full Time Positions 19.45 20.40 19.40 18.45 Hourly/FTE Positions 3.10 3.85 3.10 3.10 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 157 of 345 E-41  Coordinate coastal activities with the California Department of Parks & Recreation, California Coastal Commission and lagoon foundations RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Applied clear coat on playground surfacing at select parks to enhance UV protection  Refined, supported and administered tree maintenance block pruning program  Inspected and pruned city parks, facilities and trails trees on a 4-4.5-year cycle and a 2-to- 2.25-year supplemental cycle for high maintenance trees  Planted parks and trails trees within vacancies created by prior removals and planted new parks and trails trees in accordance with the Community Forest Management Plan  Performed sports lighting maintenance and enhancements at several community parks  Repaired segments of Lake Calavera Trails with equipment and erosion control measures  Participated in review, selection and implementation of a new janitorial services agreement for parks and beach restrooms  Completed natural turf replacement and establishment at the large dog area and the small dog area at Poinsettia Community Park  Executed two North Beach clean-up events with the Beach Preservation Commission GOALS  Apply clear coat on playground surfacing at select parks to enhance UV protection  Inspect and prune city parks, facilities and trails trees on a 4 to 4.5-year cycle and a 2 to 2.25- year supplemental cycle for high maintenance trees  Add 500 total trees to the city’s inventory, including trees within parks, facilities and trails in accordance with City Council-adopted Community Forest Management Plan  Plant parks and trails trees within vacancies created by prior removals in accordance with the Community Forest Management Plan  Perform sports lighting maintenance and enhancements at several community parks  Execute two North Beach clean-up events with the Beach Preservation Commission  Decrease operational defects in irrigations systems Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage of Green matter generated at city parks and city facilities reused 95% 93% 90% At least 95% Sustainability & the Natural Environment Percentage of increase in recycling receptacles at parks and trials 9% 10% 10% 10% annual increase Sustainability & the Natural Environment SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, Parks & Recreation eliminated one vacant parks maintenance worker position, responsible for general skilled trade work within parks, beach accesses and trails. The duties of the position will be performed by a combination of other park maintenance workers and contracts for outside services. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 158 of 345 E-42 COMMUNITY SERVICES | PARKS & RECREATION: STREET TREE & MEDIAN MAINTENANCE Account: 160 161 Fund: Special Revenue Special Revenue ABOUT The Street Tree Maintenance Assessment District provides maintenance to all city-accepted street trees within the public right-of-way, including specialized maintenance for street trees in the Downtown Carlsbad Village area. The Median Maintenance Assessment District provides landscape and irrigation maintenance for approximately 68 acres of median planters and nine acres of developed parkways and streetscapes, including the Downtown Carlsbad Village area. SERVICES  Inspect and prune all city trees on a 4 to 4.5-year cycle and a 2 to 2.25-year supplemental cycle for high maintenance trees  Respond to tree service requests and provide storm/emergency assistance as necessary  Refine, support, administer and inspect the tree maintenance block pruning program  Plant street trees and median trees within vacancies created by prior removals in accordance with the Community Forest Management Plan  Perform plan checks, conduct inspections and assume maintenance responsibility for street trees of development projects or ensure a street tree maintenance agreement is executed and recorded by the developer 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 286,997$ 360,120$ 482,778$ 495,959$ Retirement Benefits 106,799 83,010 102,215 116,181 Health Insurance 32,090 32,363 64,332 61,913 Other Personnel Expenses 22,655 17,891 23,869 26,221 Personnel Services Subtotal 448,541 493,384 673,194 700,274 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,033,880 1,377,637 1,299,750 1,306,050 Supplies & Materials 11,483 144,035 45,222 38,922 Repair & Maintenance 4 - - - Interdepartmental Charges 75,070 13,668 11,177 17,233 Other Operating Expenses 315,250 290,080 372,000 372,000 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 1,435,687 1,825,420 1,728,149 1,734,205 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,884,228$ 2,318,804$ 2,401,343$ 2,434,479$ Full Time Positions 4.85 3.90 4.85 4.85 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.53 0.78 1.53 1.53 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 159 of 345 E-43  Administer and oversee landscape and irrigation maintenance for all city median planters and developed parkways and streetscapes, including litter control, weed abatement, pruning, shrub and tree refurbishment and irrigation repairs  Perform plan checks, conduct inspections and assume maintenance responsibility for medians and parkways constructed from city capital improvement projects and private development, or ensure a median and parkway maintenance agreement is executed and recorded by the developer RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Responded to tree service requests and provided storm/emergency assistance as necessary  Refined, supported, and administered tree maintenance block pruning program  Inspected and pruned city street trees and median trees on a 4 to 4.5-year cycle and a 2 to 2.25-year supplemental cycle for high maintenance trees  Plan checked, inspected and assumed maintenance responsibility of street trees of development projects or ensured a street tree maintenance agreement was executed and recorded by developer  Administered and oversaw landscape and irrigation maintenance for all city median planters and developed parkways and streetscapes GOALS  Respond to tree service requests and provide storm and emergency assistance as necessary  Refine, support, administer and inspect tree maintenance block pruning program  Inspect and prune streets and medians trees on a 4 to 4.5-year cycle and a 2 to 2.25-year supplemental cycle for high maintenance trees  Add 500 total trees to the city’s inventory, including those within street rights-of-way and medians, in accordance with City Council-adopted Community Forest Management Plan  Administer and oversee landscape and irrigation maintenance for all city median planters and developed parkways Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Number of street trees and median trees inspected for pruning 5,060 5,587 5,000 At least 5,000 Sustainability & the Natural Environment Percentage of increase in recycling receptacles within Downtown Village and Northern Beach Streetscapes 12% 10% 10% 10% annual increase Sustainability & the Natural Environment May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 160 of 345 E-44 COMMUNITY SERVICES | PARKS & RECREATION: THE CROSSINGS AT CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE Account: 572 Fund: Enterprise ABOUT The Crossings at Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course is an 18-hole municipal golf course and event facility. Amenities for public use include a 6,835-yard championship golf course, a clubhouse complete with a golf shop, players’ lounge, sunset patio, banquet facilities, fireplace in dining room, full-service kitchen, outdoor deck with ocean views and three miles of hiking trails that connect to Veterans Memorial Park. JC Management, Inc. manages this facility via an agreement with the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority. SERVICES  Administer management and operations agreement with JC Management, Inc.  Maintain and renovate golf and non-golf turf, landscaping, drainage and irrigation systems  Maintain and repair clubhouse, snack bar, restrooms and picnic areas available for patrons  Oversee food and beverage services at the players’ lounge, sunset patio, Canyons Restaurant beverage carts and snack bar  Manage sales and marketing for golf and non-golf activities, special events, banquets, dining, weddings and other gatherings  Train and oversee player assistants, greeters and starters servicing the course and clubhouse 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages $0 $0 $0 $0 Retirement Benefits 0 0 0 0 Health Insurance 0 0 0 0 Other Personnel Expenses 0 0 0 0 Personnel Services Subtotal 0 0 0 0 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 576,558$ 351,109$ 317,000$ 348,000$ Supplies & Materials - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges - - - - Other Operating Expenses 7,694,545 8,280,478 8,794,000 9,564,000 Capital Outlay 74,225 530,763 1,010,000 814,000 Operating Expenses Subtotal 8,345,328 9,162,350 10,121,000 10,726,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,345,328$ 9,162,350$ 10,121,000$ 10,726,000$ Full Time Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 161 of 345 E-45 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Executed a Capital Improvement Plan with projects that have an anticipated return on investment or were needed for maintenance effectiveness or safety concerns  Improved guest experience and facility appearance by replacing original patio furniture on the Canyon’s Restaurant and Sunset Patios  Improved driving range furniture and fixtures to include new turf tee line, bag racks and automated ball machine leading to increased driving range usage and revenue  Installed new air wall in fireside room to improve functionality and elevate guest experience  Upgraded multiple pieces of kitchen equipment to improve restaurant efficiency, increase employee enjoyment and contribute to enticing menu items  Ordered and replaced designated maintenance vehicles, carts and riding equipment  Designed and installed a permanent structure at the starter area to improve overall employee/guest experience and property aesthetics  Installed shade structures at the driving range and beverage stations on the golf course to improve overall employee/guest experience.  Improved and replaced sections of on course fencing to enhance safety  Renovated/replenished planters around the clubhouse and other areas of the golf course  Completed clubhouse front and courtyard landscaping to enhance overall facility appearance and improve overall environmental footprint GOALS  Execute a Capital Improvement Plan with projects that have an anticipated return on investment or are needed for maintenance efficiency or safety concerns  Continue to ensure the pace of play is under five hours per round of golf, via staff educating and expediting patrons, and meet pace of play goal on at least 90% of rounds played  Further develop plans for a more interactive use of the driving range to elevate the experience of patrons including an extension of the existing grass tee area and potential putting course  Add exterior audio-visual components to tie the exterior of the clubhouse in with the interior enhancing the guest experience upon arrival  Replace damaged golf cart paths and fencing in specific areas around the golf course and facility  Elevate the landscaping on the West side of #18 green to leave an improved last impression of the golf course experience along with aesthetically pleasing from the clubhouse  Paint exterior/interior of clubhouse, snack bar, course restrooms and maintenance facilities  Renovate the course restrooms and snack bar to improve guest experience  Enhance wedding and banquet opportunities with the design and construction of upgrades to the westside patio  Complete the install of East range netting to protect assets located in the area from balls  Ensure the pace of play is under five hours per round of golf, via staff educating and expediting patrons, and meet pace of play goal on at least 90% of rounds played  Increase number of banquets and receptions by at least 2% Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage of golf rounds that met pacing goal 92% 92% 92% At least 90% Community Character Percentage increase in banquets and receptions hosted annually 5% 3% 3% 2% annual increase Community Character May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 162 of 345 E-46 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 163 of 345 F-1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Administrative Services is a transparent, innovative and efficient support services branch that is accountable for the assets entrusted to it. The branch, comprised of finance, human resources and risk management, economic development, information technology and internal audit provides related services to city staff and the public as well as promotes a strong local economy. Our employees work together to add value to organizational processes, provide timely and reliable service to our community and business partners and find creative solutions to problems while protecting our assets. Key roles also include attracting and retaining a talented and engaged city workforce and ensuring the economic vitality of the city. Laura Rocha Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services 442-339-2430 laura.rocha@carlsbadca.gov May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 164 of 345 F-2 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 165 of 345 F-3 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | ADMINISTRATION Account: 0011110 Fund: General ABOUT Administrative Services Administration provides financial, analytical, budget, strategic, and administrative support to the branch and organization, aiming to enhance operational efficiency and promote evidence-based, well-managed government. SERVICES  Provide branch leadership and strategic support, long-range financial management and budget oversight, internal audit, contract administration, records management, economic development and support to the city’s business community  Enhance transparency, accountability and integrity in operational areas using innovation and technology to streamline procedures and processes  Support departments on process improvement and operational efficiency to further the city’s pursuit of being an evidence-based well managed government  Identify key performance indicators with departments to gauge progress on the City Council's strategic plan and make better data-driven decisions 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 450,490$ 486,228$ 503,810$ 613,972$ Retirement Benefits 118,051 113,546 113,580 158,743 Health Insurance 44,414 42,208 47,717 76,162 Other Personnel Expenses 12,215 11,863 14,256 17,207 Personnel Services Subtotal 625,170 653,845 679,363 866,084 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 21,450 15,042 30,000 38,160 Supplies & Materials 7,448 6,215 6,550 6,550 Repair & Maintenance - - 50 50 Interdepartmental Charges 45,444 45,396 62,794 40,512 Other Operating Expenses 7,044 5,799 5,350 5,350 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 81,386 72,452 104,744 90,622 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 706,556$ 726,297$ 784,107$ 956,706$ Full Time Positions 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.50 0.70 0.70 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 166 of 345 F-4 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Recommended a strategic, balanced budget, that meets City Council-approved reserve level  Continued or completed 31 Economic Development Strategic Plan actions  Developed an economic data dashboard to make indicators more accessible to the public  Established Carlsbad Works to develop a performance management system that highlights good data management and data governance citywide  Won What Works Cities Gold Certification for evidence based, well-managed government  Launched a new open data portal, enhancing information sharing efficiency within the organization and with the public, thereby increasing transparency GOALS  Ensure the city’s short and long-term financial status is healthy and sound  Work with city leadership and City Council to develop plans for addressing any forecast shortfalls in funding for operations and infrastructure  Evaluate opportunities for bond refinancing that will result in savings  Enhance transparency, accountability and integrity in operational areas using innovation and technology to streamline procedures and processes Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Number of value- added internal audit engagements 2 4 4 N/A Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, Administrative Services Administration eliminated one vacant part-time position. The duties of the position will be distributed among the relative departments within Administrative Services with minimal service level impacts. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 167 of 345 F-5 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Account: 0011035 Fund: General ABOUT Economic development supports business growth, job creation and new investments to improve residents' economic well-being and quality of life, aligning with the City Council's goal of economic vitality. SERVICES  Implement the Economic Development Strategic Plan to achieve Economic Vitality goal  Conduct business expansion, attraction and retention activities  Support Carlsbad’s key industries, small businesses, entrepreneurs and startups  Position Carlsbad as a desirable place to conduct business and grow business operations  Provide economic data and analysis to help inform decision-making RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Continued or completed 31 Economic Development Strategic Plan actions  Hosted the opening day of San Diego Startup Week, attracting 450 startups, entrepreneurs and funders to Carlsbad 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 656,268$ 1,247,084$ 1,267,824$ 197,630$ Retirement Benefits 178,995 273,545$ 290,160 47,535$ Health Insurance 53,963 116,911$ 149,353 24,212$ Other Personnel Expenses 18,111 29,860$ 37,555 5,534$ Personnel Services Subtotal 907,337 1,667,400 1,744,892 274,911 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 217,259 266,288 384,000 263,000 Supplies & Materials 86,165 73,801 67,760 67,260 Repair & Maintenance - 118,700 105,400 - Interdepartmental Charges 104,280 227,124 261,937 100,683 Other Operating Expenses 19,122 39,351 44,500 25,500 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 426,826 725,264 863,597 456,443 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,334,163$ 2,392,664$ 2,608,489$ 731,354$ Full Time Positions 4.00 9.00 9.00 1.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 168 of 345 F-6  Rekindled the cybersecurity awareness program to support small business resiliency  Convened key-industry groups to foster dialogue and synergies  Evolved Life in Action Recruiter to better serve Carlsbad businesses  Transitioned the CTBID and CGLBID to more efficient and appropriate models GOALS  Continue the implementation of the Economic Development Strategic Plan, progressing on at least 39 associated actions in pursuit of Economic Vitality  Enhance support services for city businesses, serving at least 40 BEAR projects  Establish and expand industry advisory groups to address current and anticipated challenges  Streamline recruitment and retention processes for Carlsbad businesses  Develop and implement innovative programs to enhance business growth and resiliency Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Number of companies reached through BEAR activities 40 45 40 N/A Economic Vitality Number of Economic Development Strategic Plan Actions in Progress N/A 31 39 N/A Economic Vitality SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, the department eliminated one full-time position of Chief Innovation Officer. Necessary responsibilities of the position will be absorbed by existing staff. The Senior Program Manager will report directly to the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services, and reside in the Administrative Services Administration Department. The Data Services Manager, Strategic Plan Analyst and five Geographic Information Services positions will report to the Information Technology Director and reside in the Information Technology Department. The existing department formerly known as Innovation & Economic Development will be known as the Economic Development Department moving forward. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 169 of 345 F-7 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | FINANCE Account: 0011310 Fund: General ABOUT As a steward of the city’s assets and liabilities, the Finance Department sets and implements a strategic financial management plan and provides information in an effective and timely manner, ensuring the city makes sound financial decisions. SERVICES  Oversee the city budget and long-range financial planning  Monitor the economy closely and continuously update the city’s Ten-Year Financial Forecast to ensure the General Fund remains in balance throughout the year  Present quarterly financial updates to the City Council  Provide general accounting and reporting  Support treasury administration  Manage debt, cashiering, purchasing, utility billing and business licensing  Process payroll and payments  Manage receiving, messenger and mail services 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 2,426,807$ 2,369,590$ 2,502,791$ 2,572,705$ Retirement Benefits 716,699 578,299 557,662 633,443 Health Insurance 365,511 378,037 439,855 413,343 Other Personnel Expenses 77,450 66,569 80,739 89,497 Personnel Services Subtotal 3,586,467 3,392,495 3,581,047 3,708,988 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,086,675 984,049 781,180 898,981 Supplies & Materials 216,122 255,377 288,405 276,765 Repair & Maintenance 8,858 12,995 33,850 26,820 Interdepartmental Charges 480,121 704,724 588,661 671,685 Other Operating Expenses 244,851 26,862 50,225 48,725 Capital Outlay - 20,270 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 2,036,627 2,004,277 1,742,321 1,922,976 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,623,094$ 5,396,772$ 5,323,368$ 5,631,964$ Full Time Positions 28.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 170 of 345 F-8 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Completed implementation of new accounting guidance for subscription-based information technology agreements under GASB 96  Completed the mid-year budget review process  Completed the Master Fee Schedule update  Maintained a balanced operating budget and submitted a balanced budget to City Council for fiscal year 2024-25  Implemented City Council Policy No. 94 – Cost Recovery  Completed an updated cost allocation plan for fiscal year 2024-25  Assisted with program-specific external audits including Utilities, Public Works and Police  Established a Section 115 Pension Trust and adopted pension investment policy  Implemented Payment Works software to enhance internal controls over vendor payments GOALS  Continue to monitor the economy and its impact to the Ten-Year Forecast to ensure the General Fund remains in balance  Continue to improve procedures to mitigate risk through additional controls in payables process  Complete an updated cost allocation plan  Implement several modules in the city’s financial information system to increase efficiency and enhance internal controls, including budgeting and contract management  Continue supporting program-specific audit requests for funding the city receives  Expand the use of electronic bidding to increase efficiencies in the procurement process  Continue working with IT and Human Resources to develop a strategic plan for future technology system consolidations  Maintain a General Fund Reserve Ratio of 40% of General Fund annual operating expenditures, in compliance with Council Policy 74 and demonstrating the department’s efforts to achieve the city’s 2023-2027 strategic plan goal of organizational excellence & fiscal health  Maintain a credit rating of AAA, demonstrating the department’s efforts to achieve the city’s 2023-2027 strategic plan goal of organizational excellence & fiscal health Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal General Fund Reserve Ratio 69% 66% 63% At least 40% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health Credit Rating AAA AAA AAA AAA Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 171 of 345 F-9 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | HUMAN RESOURCES: SUMMARY HUMAN RESOURCES  Human Resources  Risk Management  Workers’ Compensation 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 2,022,816$ 2,229,496$ 2,377,979$ 2,238,015$ Retirement Benefits 526,140 499,723 508,803 543,023 Health Insurance 177,829 202,346 214,590 220,937 Other Personnel Expenses (26,365) 78,444 69,943 69,882 Personnel Services Subtotal 2,700,420 3,010,009 3,171,315 3,071,857 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 4,636,313 6,709,662 6,634,670 7,593,000 Supplies & Materials 86,264 68,955 87,605 75,155 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 355,416 351,180 428,749 673,391 Other Operating Expenses 8,109,713 16,567,062 6,583,780 7,108,400 Capital Outlay - 9,958 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 13,187,706 23,706,817 13,734,804 15,449,946 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,888,126$ 26,716,826$ 16,906,119$ 18,521,803$ General Fund 4,388,148$ 4,513,351$ 5,029,995$ 5,136,218$ Internal Service Fund 11,499,978$ 22,203,475$ 11,876,124$ 13,385,585$ TOTAL FUNDING 15,888,126$ 26,716,826$ 16,906,119$ 18,521,803$ Full Time Positions 17.00 18.00 18.00 17.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 172 of 345 F-10 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | HUMAN RESOURCES: HUMAN RESOURCES Account: 00115XX Fund: General ABOUT The Human Resources Department provides services for the employees of the city so they can provide the highest level of service to the public. The department serves to support the creation of a high-performance work culture that can carry out the vision for the organization as defined by the City Council and the City Manager. The primary objectives are achieving compliance with federal and state mandates to avoid risk and liability and making process improvements to help the city remain resilient while delivering exceptional service. SERVICES  Monitor and maintain employment-related legal compliance  Manage employee engagement/development programs and support workforce planning  Manage employee relations, investigations and labor relations  Manage recruitment, retention and onboarding, including internship and Department of Defense SkillBridge programs  Ensure employees’ job duties match their job classification and that compensation is equitable and competitive in order to attract and retain top talent  Manage employee benefits, leaves of absence, workplace accommodations and personnel actions to ensure competitive benefits at best value cost and maintain legal compliance  Manage city volunteer program of over 1,000 volunteers donating 25,000 hours of assistance  Foster inclusion, equity and diversity values citywide and within all HR department services 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,731,710$ 1,917,654$ 1,886,363$ 1,764,297$ Retirement Benefits 440,024 426,242 400,483 419,233 Health Insurance 133,880 153,199 139,356 154,912 Other Personnel Expenses 49,124 48,801 55,623 54,754 Personnel Services Subtotal 2,354,738 2,545,896 2,481,825 2,393,196 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 1,301,387 1,290,492 1,550,170 1,560,000 Supplies & Materials 82,280 65,760 82,605 70,155 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 331,512 315,240 379,315 574,167 Other Operating Expenses 318,231 295,963 536,080 538,700 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 2,033,410 1,967,455 2,548,170 2,743,022 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,388,148$ 4,513,351$ 5,029,995$ 5,136,218$ Full Time Positions 14.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 173 of 345 F-11 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Provided over 200 live/on-line self-paced development opportunities to prepare employees for succession planning and future leadership roles and retain the best talent; over 50% of vacant full-time positions were filled by current employees in fiscal year 2023-24  Met and conferred with organized bargaining associations on multiple policies and laws  Introduced the Let’s Connect program, a performance management tool that provides the opportunity for supervisors and employees to discuss accomplishments, growth and goals  Implemented/updated 20 employment-related policies to comply with new legal mandates  Introduced a blind job applicant screening process that helps focus on skills and experience by excluding an applicants’ personal information during an interview selection process  Used over 600 nationwide websites to achieve a high level of inclusivity in recruitment  Processed over 5,000 job applications; filled over 200 vacant positions in fiscal year 2023-24  Performed work without use of independent contractors, resulting in cost avoidance: o conducted multiple “difficult to fill” recruitments (~$170,000) o reviewed job classifications to ensure equitable and competitive compensation (~$40,000) o conducted workplace investigations related to employee relations (~$300,000)  Partnered with Fire Department to finalize an internal recruitment process to promote full- time Emergency Medical Technicians to Paramedic Firefighters in order to fill vacancies faster and retain employees who align with Fire Department values and work ethic GOALS  Develop Carlsbad Supervisory Academy to provide customized tools for impactful leadership  Maximize recruitment outreach to attract top talent in a competitive environment  Maintain vacancy rate of less than 7% for police/fire positions to keep the community safe  Collaborate with North Zone fire agencies to conduct joint promotional assessments to save time and money and achieve a consistent efficient testing process across the region  Conduct negotiations for new labor contracts with police and police management associations  Conduct job and compensation studies to ensure equity, competitiveness and retention  Implement the Let’s Connect program and performance management tool citywide  Implement blind job applicant screening process for full-time recruitments  Continue to foster inclusion values city-wide and integrate them into all HR services Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Voluntary turnover rate 8% 5% 6% 10% or less Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health Legally mandated employee training compliance rate 100% 100% 100% 100% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, Human Resources eliminated a senior program manager position for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The duties of the position will be distributed among the existing staff within Human Resources with minimal service level impacts. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 174 of 345 F-12 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | HUMAN RESOURCES: RISK MANAGEMENT Account: 6121930 Fund: Internal Service ABOUT Risk Management administers funding of the self-insured and insured portions of the city’s liability insurance program which helps protect the city’s financial interests. Risk Management works closely with the City Attorney’s Office and outside legal counsel to monitor, control and resolve litigated claims. Risk Management also works to recover monetary losses to city property caused by the negligence of third parties. The risk manager serves as the city’s Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator and assists with ongoing efforts of the city to comply with Title II of the ADA. Additionally, Risk Management oversees the city’s safety compliance program. SERVICES  Manage all liability claims received by the city  Collaborate and resolve all risk management-related litigation with the City Attorney’s Office  Pursue loss recovery and manage the loss prevention program for employee-related losses  Manage the citywide Safety Program (injury prevention and Cal-OSHA compliance)  Manage subrogation of third-party damage to city assets 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 214,241$ 222,094$ 309,197$ 301,795$ Retirement Benefits 62,233 52,965 69,806 78,864 Health Insurance 31,313 32,350 43,245 39,413 Other Personnel Expenses (46,401) 19,300 9,165 9,576 Personnel Services Subtotal 261,386 326,709 431,413 429,648 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 2,647,783 4,701,339 4,199,500 5,043,000 Supplies & Materials 3,984 3,195 5,000 5,000 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 23,196 23,952 32,619 70,122 Other Operating Expenses 1,583,382 3,646,415 2,049,700 1,849,700 Capital Outlay - 9,958 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 4,258,345 8,384,859 6,286,819 6,967,822 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,519,731$ 8,711,568$ 6,718,232$ 7,397,470$ Full Time Positions 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 175 of 345 F-13  Monitor compliance related to insurance requirements for all citywide independent contractors  Evaluate and provide advice regarding insurance policies purchased by the city RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Conducted safety audits at all city facilities and work sites to maintain safe conditions for the public and employees  Managed over 120 active liability and property claims without a Third Party Administrator, resulting in an estimated $60,000 annual cost avoidance  Reached a successful resolution of a multi-million dollar 40-home groundwater claim  Implemented alternative methods for delivering training to minimize operational disruptions, increase trainer/trainee interaction and training quality and ensure compliance  Implemented industrial hygiene services (audiogram/respirator fit testing) to maximize efficiency and ensure compliance  Coordinated efforts with City Attorney’s Office to develop and implement the new Workplace Violence Prevention Plan  Worked with departments to conduct Safety Surveys to enhance safety compliance  Obtained city property loss recoveries resulting in an average annual cost recovery of $130,000 GOALS  Enhance the safety program to ensure better training of employees and fewer accidents  Enhance safety committee meetings for each department  Conduct Job Hazard Analyses of high-risk job activities in Police and Fire departments  Continue to develop Standard Operating Procedures to maintain compliance with CalOSHA regulations  Expand employee training and decrease use of outside safety vendors Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal New claims that are closed 85% 80% 80% At least 80% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health Recovered damages to city property 76% 75% 75% At least 75% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET Increased budget for insurance premiums and legal expenses to cover anticipated higher liability and property insurance premiums and legal fees for the coming year. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 176 of 345 F-14 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | HUMAN RESOURCES: WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Account: 6111520 Fund: Internal Service ABOUT This internal service fund is used to support the work-related injury and illness program. SERVICES  Work with injured employees and physicians to ensure timely medical treatment  Coordinate employees’ return to work, including light duty assignments  Work directly with injured employees to settle outstanding claims without litigation  Provide information and recommendations to department supervisors to prevent work- related injuries RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Implemented new policies and practices to comply with new legal mandates  Resolved and closed 233 claims in fiscal year 2022-23 and expecting to resolve 223 claims in fiscal year 2023-24; 98% of these did not require litigation 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 76,865$ 89,748$ 182,419$ 171,923$ Retirement Benefits 23,883 20,516 38,514 44,926 Health Insurance 12,636 16,797 31,989 26,612 Other Personnel Expenses (29,088) 10,343 5,155 5,552 Personnel Services Subtotal 84,296 137,404 258,077 249,013 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 687,143 717,831 885,000 990,000 Supplies & Materials - - - - Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 708 11,988 16,815 29,102 Other Operating Expenses 6,208,100 12,624,684 3,998,000 4,720,000 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 6,895,951 13,354,503 4,899,815 5,739,102 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,980,247$ 13,491,907$ 5,157,892$ 5,988,115$ Full Time Positions 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 177 of 345 F-15  Enhanced the workers’ compensation claims auditing process and trend analysis to identify patterns and implement additional safety measures to prevent claims  Conducted weekly incident reviews to identify trends in work related accidents/injuries and implement measures to reduce employee injury and workers’ compensation claims costs GOALS  Ensure injured employees receive appropriate medical treatment in a timely manner to reach maximum improvement and return to work as soon as possible  Work collaboratively with injured employees to settle claims without costly litigation  Minimize the number of lost days of work due to work-related injuries/illnesses to continue providing outstanding service and minimize overtime cost due to employee absences  Enhance the workers’ compensation strategic plan and use of data analytics to achieve the desired outcomes of this program, including injury and illness prevention  Ensure workers’ compensation data is shared with management regularly to guide the decision-making process and provide feedback that supports the program goals Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Average lost days of work per claim 67 60 60 < 100 Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health Litigated claims as percent of open claims 2% 2% 2% < 20% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET Increased budget to cover anticipated higher costs for excess insurance and medical-related expenses for the coming year. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 178 of 345 F-16 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Account: 640, 641 Fund: Internal Service ABOUT The Information Technology Department supports and continuously improves essential technology solutions and infrastructure for enabling day-to-day city operations. IT provides leadership to deliver secure, reliable and cost-effective solutions aligned with City Council priorities and city initiatives. SERVICES  Administer and oversee the department’s use of resources and formation of priorities  Support operations through implementation and support of technology infrastructure  Implement and support enterprise software applications and systems  Provide Data Services including GIS for internal and external data needs  Provide project management services to technology/system implementations and upgrades  Provide business system specialist support to help ensure technology meets business needs  Provide client services through a service desk, PC support and strategic initiatives  Support public safety’s unique technology requirements for the Police and Fire departments  Oversee information technology security policies/practices and threat investigations 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 3,992,390$ 5,055,840$ 5,179,271$ 5,963,096$ Retirement Benefits 1,212,662 1,061,220 1,198,324 1,525,129 Health Insurance 490,649 593,196 693,969 738,267 Other Personnel Expenses (610,349) 308,676 158,923 191,876 Personnel Services Subtotal 5,085,352 7,018,932 7,230,487 8,418,368 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 835,433 1,738,537 1,236,659 1,314,678 Supplies & Materials 214,385 200,287 131,197 137,697 Repair & Maintenance 3,532,515 4,599,418 5,239,978 5,897,569 Interdepartmental Charges 32,724 35,604 73,864 125,499 Other Operating Expenses 1,811,075 1,542,073 1,703,550 1,602,682 Capital Outlay 896,160 1,022,624 1,021,740 1,209,044 Operating Expenses Subtotal 7,322,292 9,138,543 9,406,988 10,287,169 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12,407,644$ 16,157,475$ 16,637,475$ 18,705,537$ Full Time Positions 37.00 43.00 43.00 48.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 0.99 0.50 0.50 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 179 of 345 F-17 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Enhanced the staff identity management solution, technology infrastructure, audio visual capabilities, supported data analytics initiatives and numerous cyber security programs  Migrated existing traffic equipment to the highspeed Carlsbad Digital Information Network, decreasing downtime and providing reliable connectivity to traffic signals and sensors  Upgraded enterprise applications including the finance management system, utility billing system, recreation museum collection management solution, treasurer investment portfolio management system and city record management system  Began implementation of Community Development electronic plan reviews, Facility Security Master Plan assessment and pilots for fleet telematics and patron analytics solutions  Implemented a new enterprise digital asset management system, phase one of the construction and project management solution, intranet site, e-vendor validation portal, water main analysis tool and phase one of the enterprise asset management solution  Completed over 9,800 ServiceNow tickets, deployed more than 600 mobile devices and 300 computers and supported numerous building construction and remodel projects GOALS  Begin the core system consolidation to upgrade and implement enterprise applications as identified in the Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program (SDTIP)  Begin and continue implementation of technology projects as identified in the SDTIP such as Payment Card Industry Compliance, RFID Replacement and Station Alerting Equipment Replacement  Expand software platform for affordable housing management, records management system forms, business process automation and analytics  Replace legacy copper infrastructure along streets with high speed fiberoptics as well as upgrade the network equipment with a modern and secure solution  Continue development of resource tools/action plan for projects and service improvements  Support phase four of the Police & Fire Headquarters remodel  Continue modernization of IT infrastructure for projects supporting improved cybersecurity and data analytics, such as extending the Carlsbad Digital Information Network and development of the cybersecurity program Performance Measure CY 2022 Actual CY 2023 Actual Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Percentage of ticket incidents considered critical 1.08% 0.23% < 2.5% of industry standard Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, the department eliminated a vacant full-time Business Systems Specialist position. The duties of the position will continue to be absorbed by existing Information Technology staff; low priority projects may be delayed. The department absorbed the Data Services Manager, Strategic Plan Analyst and five Geographic Information Services positions and associated budget that previously resided in the former Innovation & Economic Development Department. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 180 of 345 F-18 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES | MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL Account: 00190XX 128XXXX Fund: General Special Revenue - Opioid Settlement Fund ABOUT The miscellaneous non-departmental budget accounts for all General Fund transfers to other funds, City Council contingencies and other miscellaneous General Fund expenses, such as outside legal counsel, personnel vacancy savings, citywide final vacation pay, and citywide dues and subscriptions. COVID-19 related expenditures are minimal and are associated with the previous COVID-19 Economic Recovery and Revitalization Initiative. Vacancy savings, or anticipated personnel savings over the course of the fiscal year, were first added to the budget in fiscal year 2022-23. Accounting for $2 million in vacancy savings will allow for budgeted personnel costs to align with actual personnel costs more closely in the General Fund. The Carlsbad Strategic Plan includes a strategic objective to work with the San Diego Association of Governments and the North County Transit District to prioritize, determine costs, and work with state and federal representatives to seek funding for preliminary design and technical studies for lowering the railroad tracks in the Village. The fiscal year 2023-24 budget appropriated $5.22 million from the General Fund Reserve and directed staff to request that the San Diego Association of Governments, or SANDAG, submit a FY 2023 Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program application for the project as the lead agency. 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Miscellaneous Non-Departmental Expenditures Community Contributions & Railroad Trenching -$ -$ 5,220,000$ -$ COVID-19 Related 177,677 40,842 - - Dues and Subscriptions 75,069 77,746 80,000 90,000 Legal Services 519,683 540,090 750,000 750,000 Opioid Settlement Funds - - 21,466 103,059 Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 50,787 52,277 100,000 100,000 Personnel Related 155,595 122,499 1,637,000 1,900,000 Professional Services 33,980 44,148 39,700 39,000 Property Tax and Other Administration 725,588 764,180 750,000 800,000 Vacancy Savings - - (2,000,000) (2,000,000) Miscellaneous Non-Departmental Subtotal 1,738,379 1,641,782 6,598,166 1,782,059 General Fund Transfers Transfer to General Capital Construction Fund 13,283,056 3,956,000 11,600,000 18,579,226 Transfer to Infrastructure Replacement Fund 283,000 3,956,000 4,200,000 4,779,226 Transfer to Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program 10,656,000 3,956,000 4,200,000 4,779,226 Transfer to LLD #1 (Medians & Trees)1,390,000 1,400,000 1,570,000 1,500,000 Transfer to Storm Water Program 322,000 332,000 340,000 350,000 Transfer to Fleet Maintenance - 1,400,000 - - Transfer to Fleet Replacement - - - 560,000 Transfer to Risk Management - 1,000,000 - - Transfer to Workers' Compensation Fund - 8,208,252 - 7,000,000 Miscellaneous Transfers Out 993,748 - - - General Fund Transfers Subtotal 26,927,804 24,208,252 21,910,000 37,547,678 City Council Contingencies Contingencies - - 500,000 500,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 28,666,183$ 25,850,034$ 29,008,166$ 39,829,737$ May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 181 of 345 G-1 POLICY & LEADERSHIP The City of Carlsbad follows a council-manager form of government, where elected City Council members provide direction on the policies and regulations that govern the operations of the city. The Policy & Leadership branch includes the following areas: • Office of the City Council • Office of the City Treasurer (elected) • Office of the City Manager • Office of the City Attorney • Office of the City Clerk (elected) • Communication & Engagement The City Council appoints the City Manager, City Attorney and members of the city’s boards, commissions and committees. The Office of the City Manager handles administration and oversight of the city organization, including hiring the city workforce, supervising city departments and ensuring the City Council’s policy priorities are met. Scott Chadwick City Manager 442-339-2820 manager@carlsbadca.gov May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 182 of 345 G-2 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 183 of 345 G-3 POLICY & LEADERSHIP | OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Account: 0011010 Fund: General ABOUT As the legislative body of the city, the Office of the City Council establishes the policies and regulations under which the city operates. SERVICES The City Council, as a legislative body, approves direction, policies and regulations that govern the operations of the city. The City Council appoints residents to serve on various boards and commissions and may serve as city representatives on regional boards such as SANDAG, North County Transit District and the San Diego County Water Authority. RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Allocated funding to host nine TGIF free summer concerts in 2024  Approved zoning changes on 16 properties across Carlsbad to meet state housing requirements  Accepted a $2.3 million state grant that will help address homeless encampments in the downtown Village area  Approved design and construction of eight new outdoor pickleball courts 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 278,071$ 297,953$ 308,869$ 266,179$ Retirement Benefits 73,340 60,017 47,173 36,980 Health Insurance 79,678 92,236 42,729 69,616 Other Personnel Expenses 7,319 6,931 6,539 3,335 Personnel Services Subtotal 438,408 457,137 405,310 376,110 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 201 2,375 25,300 25,800 Supplies & Materials 5,450 9,483 24,422 24,422 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 79,800 88,464 102,968 119,137 Other Operating Expenses 10,285 34,173 49,078 53,578 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 95,736 134,495 201,768 222,937 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 534,144$ 591,632$ 607,078$ 599,047$ Full Time Positions 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 184 of 345 G-4  Adopted a new Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan that will guide parks and recreation priorities through 2030 based on community feedback, industry trends, city demographics and other factors  Adopted City Council Policy 99, City Council Proclamations, Certificates of Recognition and Congratulatory Letters  Adopted City Council Policy 100, City Council Conference, Training and Professional Development Travel Policy GOALS The City Council is focused on advancing the goals identified in the city’s 5-Year Strategic Plan. Work is centered around the following five goal themes:  Economic vitality  Sustainability and the natural environment  Community character  Quality of life and safety  Organizational excellence and fiscal health SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, the Office of the City Council eliminated one vacant senior office specialist position. The duties of the position will be distributed among existing staff within the City Manager’s Office with minimal service level impacts. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 185 of 345 G-5 POLICY & LEADERSHIP | OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER Account: 0010310 Fund: General ABOUT The Office of the City Treasurer provides cash and investment management services which adhere to the city’s Investment Policy and meet the changing investment needs of the city to optimize investment returns, consistent with maintaining safety of principal, ensuring sufficient liquidity and return on investment. SERVICES  Manage reporting and oversight of the city’s cash and investments RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Maintained a competitive yet prudent investment yield  Increased book value of investment portfolio in fiscal year 2023 by 2.64% over prior year  Increased cash income earned by the investment portfolio in fiscal year 2023 by 25.49% over prior year GOALS  Maintain a stable investment portfolio to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio  Anticipate and meet the changing investment needs of the city to remain sufficiently liquid to enable the city to meet all operating requirements 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 90,849$ 64,518$ 122,253$ 121,975$ Retirement Benefits 26,286 19,619 26,546 29,238 Health Insurance 25,530 4,172 21,348 9,780 Other Personnel Expenses 2,820 1,951 3,473 3,412 Personnel Services Subtotal 145,485 90,260 173,620 164,405 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 63,348 34,779 70,210 60,700 Supplies & Materials 1,780 972 850 1,032 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 32,676 21,900 29,569 48,667 Other Operating Expenses - - 4,900 4,718 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 97,804 57,651 105,529 115,117 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 243,289$ 147,911$ 279,149$ 279,522$ Full Time Positions 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 186 of 345 G-6  Manage the investment portfolio to realize a yield on investments as a source of additional revenue  Use innovative solutions to fund modern and secure cash handling solutions even in uncertain times  Maintain a maximum modified duration of less than 2.2%, which is a measure of investment risk  Maintain short term investment maturity value (investments maturing within one year) at no less than the equivalent of two-thirds of the current operating budget; this ensures sufficient liquidity to meet the city’s operating needs Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Modified Duration 1.78 1.60 < 2.2 ≤ 2.2% Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health Short term investment maturity value as a percentage of the current operating budget 92.1% 85.0% > 66.7% At least 2/3 or 66.6% of operating budget Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health Average Yield of investment portfolio 1.86% 2.25% 2.40% N/A Organizational Excellence & Fiscal Health May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 187 of 345 G-7 POLICY & LEADERSHIP | OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Account: 0011010 Fund: General ABOUT The Office of the City Manager is dedicated to continuous improvement and organizational excellence that fosters the well-being of a high performing organization that delivers impactful results to further the public good. SERVICES The City Manager’s Office provides City Council support, administrative leadership of city operations, policy development management, monitors and manages legislative affairs and provides general management of public communication and engagement. RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Issued three Proclamations of Local Emergency in response to the impacts of storm-related damage to property within the City of Carlsbad  Terminated the Safer Streets Emergency on Sept. 23, 2023; however, efforts to continue improving safety through the Safer Streets Together Plan are ongoing  Provided an update to City Council on the status of the goals and objectives in the City Council 5-Year Strategic Plan 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,151,593$ 1,235,450$ 1,230,586$ 1,138,336$ Retirement Benefits 364,616 311,058 313,890 321,172 Health Insurance 135,066 130,716 139,462 120,176 Other Personnel Expenses 32,560 28,905 33,053 31,054 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,683,835 1,706,129 1,716,991 1,610,738 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 180,414 174,424 244,350 249,350 Supplies & Materials 26,669 50,272 46,161 46,161 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 104,904 94,884 125,966 148,499 Other Operating Expenses 17,300 19,905 51,355 50,935 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 329,287 339,485 467,832 494,945 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,013,122$ 2,045,614$ 2,184,823$ 2,105,683$ Full Time Positions 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 188 of 345 G-8  Tracked approximately 1,500 separate pieces of legislation and issued statements of support or opposition on 25 pieces of legislation to help ensure Carlsbad’s interests are represented in state and federal actions  Secured $1.3 million in state and federal grants in 2023  City-sponsored SB 428 (Blakespear) signed into law  Ensured timely follow up of all City Council and constituent services requests  Managed a robust local, state and federal intergovernmental affairs program  Extensive collaboration with neighboring cities and regional organizations to better share best practices for improved cooperation and efficiencies in government GOALS  Ensure the most efficient and effective provision of city services while adapting to changing financial conditions  Enhance community engagement and transparency efforts to foster authentic civic engagement with residents, organizations and businesses  Increase intergovernmental collaboration and legislative advocacy with local, state and federal governments to further the City Council adopted legislative platform and advance priority projects SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, the Office of the City Manager eliminated one vacant management analyst position. The duties of the position will be distributed among existing staff within the Office of the City Manager. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 189 of 345 G-9 POLICY & LEADERSHIP | OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Account: 0011210 Fund: General ABOUT The City Attorney is appointed by the Mayor and City Council. The City Attorney’s Office consists of six attorneys and two legal support staff members. The office primarily practices preventive law, which seeks to minimize the risk of litigation or regulatory violations by anticipating and preventing legal problems. Preventive law focuses on the attorney’s role as adviser and negotiator and emphasizes planning, counseling, collaboration, and problem-solving. The office also prosecutes criminal violations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. SERVICES  Advise the City Council and city staff on legal matters affecting the city  Attend City Council meetings, Planning Commission meetings and, when necessary, meetings of other boards and commissions  Prepare and review ordinances and resolutions  Negotiate, prepare and approve the form of contracts and legal instruments  Represent the city in court proceedings and before regulatory and legislative agencies  Manage the city’s litigation and provide periodic reports to the City Council  Enforce city laws and regulations 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 1,327,586$ 1,261,492$ 1,400,190$ 1,406,070$ Retirement Benefits 421,473 347,272 352,121 388,449 Health Insurance 123,418 115,291 141,643 121,229 Other Personnel Expenses 37,257 30,699 38,365 39,729 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,909,734 1,754,754 1,932,319 1,955,477 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 2,569 2,609 2,700 2,700 Supplies & Materials 31,707 32,719 23,257 23,257 Repair & Maintenance - - - - Interdepartmental Charges 129,444 106,764 141,008 181,959 Other Operating Expenses 8,429 10,675 16,312 16,312 Capital Outlay - - - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 172,149 152,767 183,277 224,228 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,081,883$ 1,907,521$ 2,115,596$ 2,179,705$ Full Time Positions 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 190 of 345 G-10 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Advised the City Council and city staff on legal matters, including updates to the Housing Element and Growth Management Plan, local traffic emergency and Surplus Land Act compliance  Managed the city’s defense of civil litigation, including achieving favorable verdicts in two jury trials  Prepared or assisted with additions and revisions to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including animal control regulations, several chapters on boards and commissions, amendments to the Village and Barrio Master Plan to develop objective design standards, regulations related to non-storefront retail medicinal cannabis businesses and the duties of the Mayor  Assisted with negotiations to reconfigure the SDG&E North Coast Service Center site to free up coastal property for eventual transfer to the city  Worked with the Legislative Subcommittee, the Intergovernmental Affairs Director and the city’s legislative consultant to pass state legislation to expand the workplace violence restraining order law to protect against certain kinds of workplace harassment as well as threats of violence  Worked with Police Department to obtain Gun Violence Restraining Orders as appropriate for domestic violence and mental health incidents  Developed training material for staff on the enforcement of the city’s single-use plastic and food ware bans  Assisted staff in in preparing several service provider and grant agreements to enhance homeless services and programs in the city  Advised the City Clerk’s Office and Police Department on changes to state law regarding the required disclosure of records related to police personnel  Provided trainings to city staff and city board and commission members on the Brown Act, Public Records Act, Political Reform Act, Government Code Section 1090 conflicts of interest and Form 700 requirements for consultants  Reviewed and advised on contracts, public records requests and City Council inquiries  Provided as needed legal support and advice to all city boards, commissions and subcommittees GOALS  Provide quality and timely legal advice to all elected and appointed city officials and all branches to assist in minimizing litigation and regulatory risk and in making sound decisions to carry out the city’s mission, vision, values and strategic plan  Support the City Manager in strategic operations related to ongoing and significant capital projects  Continue efforts to update the Carlsbad Municipal Code, City Council policies and administrative orders and to codify the Carlsbad Municipal Water District ordinances May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 191 of 345 G-11 POLICY AND LEADERSHIP| OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Account: 0010210, 0011610 Fund: General ABOUT The Office of the City Clerk serves as a vital link between city government and those it serves, providing access to public records, publishing City Council agendas, preparing minutes and serving as the city’s election official. SERVICES  Prepare City Council agendas  Prepare minutes  Complete legal noticing and publishing  Maintain Fair Political Practices Commission filings  Maintain Carlsbad Municipal Code  Maintain, preserve and provide access to all legislative documents  Administer elections  Notarize documents  Provide proof of life certifications  Ensure public records are archived, preserved and accessible to the public  Respond to Public Records Act Requests 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 610,376$ 645,991$ 675,023$ 631,584$ Retirement Benefits 167,776 144,157 142,285 146,827 Health Insurance 86,549 90,984 86,625 109,647 Other Personnel Expenses 18,665 17,542 21,431 20,780 Personnel Services Subtotal 883,366 898,674 925,364 908,838 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 89,424 27,479 70,500 71,000 Supplies & Materials 42,990 41,459 42,220 42,720 Repair & Maintenance 863 - 4,115 3,115 Interdepartmental Charges 156,372 143,220 182,459 198,134 Other Operating Expenses 123,297 149,799 49,797 49,797 Capital Outlay - 12,483 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 412,946 374,440 349,091 364,766 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,296,312$ 1,273,114$ 1,274,455$ 1,273,604$ Full Time Positions 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 192 of 345 G-12  Process subpoenas, summons and claims  Develop and implement records management and document management programs  Process recorded documents and bond releases  Provide document research assistance to staff and the public  Provide training and support to various department personnel designated to scan documents into the city’s records repository  Manage and coordinate destruction of records past retention RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS  Responded to 662 Public Records Requests  Processed 578 Financial Disclosure Documents  Updated the Carlsbad Municipal Code relating to the qualifications necessary to serve as City Treasurer  Implemented the County’s electronic system for document recordation  Obtained 5-Year Certification from the FPPC for the City’s Electronic Filing System for Statements of Economic Interests  Automated tracking of Ethics Training for all Board and Commission Members GOALS  Obtain a digital posting board to push out all agendas electronically throughout the city for greater accessibility in conformance with the Brown Act  Automate the conforming process as a workflow in Laserfiche  Evaluate feasibility of offering passport application acceptance services  Continue to systematically update the Carlsbad Municipal Code and City Council Policies  Provide greater access to public records on the city website  Maintain and update the Records Retention Schedule and provide city staff with training  Continue to collaborate with various departments on digitizing their documents  Continue to conduct departmental records audits SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, the Office of the City Clerk eliminated one vacant deputy city clerk position. The duties of the position will be distributed within the department with minimal service level impacts. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 193 of 345 G-13 POLICY & LEADERSHIP | COMMUNICATION & ENGAGEMENT Account: 0011012, 0011016 1381010 Fund: General Special Revenue – Local Cable Infrastructure ABOUT The city’s communication and engagement program fosters open, two-way communication with the community about city issues, programs and services, leading to a more responsive and transparent government. SERVICES  Develop community engagement programs that facilitate early and meaningful public input in city government decision making  Promote awareness of city issues, programs, services and initiatives  Write and edit staff reports and responses to constituent inquiries to ensure information presented is clear, complete and accurate  Produce video recordings and livestream all City Council meetings and meetings of boards, commissions and committees  Manage a dedicated 24/7 government cable TV channel 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Budget 2024-25 Budget Personnel Services Salaries & Wages 918,417$ 1,011,572$ 1,082,901$ 1,068,842$ Retirement Benefits 219,496 227,913 232,944 261,769 Health Insurance 122,180 135,982 181,807 171,688 Other Personnel Expenses 26,741 25,950 32,984 32,899 Personnel Services Subtotal 1,286,834 1,401,417 1,530,636 1,535,198 Operating Expenses Professional & Contract Services 826,454 1,038,182 454,200 402,612 Supplies & Materials 102,950 121,699 81,620 96,863 Repair & Maintenance 9,541 - - - Interdepartmental Charges 172,368 194,952 208,342 260,980 Other Operating Expenses 18,322 17,662 217,256 221,300 Capital Outlay 24,925 14,038 - - Operating Expenses Subtotal 1,154,560 1,386,533 961,418 981,755 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,441,394$ 2,787,950$ 2,492,054$ 2,516,953$ General Fund 2,037,551$ 2,385,710$ 1,953,098$ 2,010,091$ Special Revenue Fund 403,843 402,240 538,956 506,862 Total Funding 2,441,394$ 2,787,950$ 2,492,054$ 2,516,953$ Full Time Positions 7.00 7.00 9.00 9.00 Hourly/FTE Positions 3.50 3.50 1.50 1.00 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 194 of 345 G-14 RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Successfully engaged community members on issues including the Robertson Ranch Park planning, Objective Design Standards, Safe Routes to Schools, TGIF concerts, the Climate Action Plan Update and neighborhood traffic calming programs • Communicated to residents about 14 major construction projects, including detour information, construction schedules and project benefits • Developed and distributed 51 editions of the city’s e-newsletter, a weekly 2,000 word recap of City Council actions, upcoming events and other news • Grew email database to 134,557, a net 29% increase over the previous year  Sent 312 targeted emails regarding city issues, programs and events, with an average open rate of 63%, 3% higher than the previous year and 20% higher than the industry average  Produced and distributed 278 news releases and articles about city services and programs  Increased net new YouTube subscribers by 23% and total watch time 38% over last year  Posted 773 updates on Facebook and increased net new followers on Facebook by 3% to a new high of 54,000  Posted 775 updates on Instagram and increased net new followers by 11%  Produced 73 informational videos, which combined were watched 236,956 times for a total of 6,545 hours  Recognized with 13 local, regional and national awards, recognizing community engagement programs, Safer Streets Together program, employee communication and community service campaigns GOALS The Communication & Engagement Department’s performance measures support all five goals in the City Council’s 5-Year Strategic Plan by promoting awareness of each and opportunities for the community to become engaged in individual initiatives. Performance Measure FY 2023 Actual FY 2024 Estimated FY 2025 Projected Benchmark Related Strategic Plan Goal Engagement opportunities meeting participation goals 3 5 4 ≤ 3/year All City news updates 5 5 4 ≤ 3/year All Communication initiated (all channels) 6 6 5 ≤ 5/year All SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THIS YEAR’S BUDGET In response to City Council feedback requesting staff identify additional ways to contain ongoing operational costs within the organization, staff conducted a review of staffing levels, workload and existing vacancies in an effort to find new opportunities for savings. As part of this effort, Engagement & Communication eliminated one part-time position. The duties of the position will be distributed within the department. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 195 of 345 H-1 STRATEGIC DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION INVESTMENT PROGRAM The Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program, or SDTIP, is a comprehensive approach to planning for and funding digital transformation efforts throughout the city. Several documents inform this program, including the City Council-approved Connected Carlsbad: An Inclusive City Innovation Roadmap, the Internal Digital Information Network Action Plan, and the Information Technology Strategy, which are complemented by a five-year projected roadmap of digital transformation investments. The SDTIP is the strategic plan for technology and digital transformation combined with project descriptions, costs, funding sources and timelines. The purpose of this program is to provide for an annual investment strategy, not a commitment for spending, that outlines a five-year expenditure plan for future digital transformation and technology projects and the corresponding revenues necessary to pay for them. Connected Carlsbad: An Inclusive City Innovation Roadmap In January 2019, city staff presented Connected Carlsbad: An Inclusive City Innovation Roadmap, designed to provide a high-level, organized guide outlining the principles that matter to the city in creating a more connected community. This roadmap and its associated action plan were based on a combination of items, including:  City Council approved projects,  existing city documents,  previous Information Technology assessments and interviews with departments, and  a global scan of other cities and best practices that have emerged from leading smart city thinkers and Carlsbad-specific community engagement. The SDTIP expands on the Connected Carlsbad Roadmap to include a strategy for evaluating and prioritizing projects and a five-year investment roadmap that includes estimated costs and timelines. This new investment program continues to be organized into the five primary goal areas approved by City Council in Connected Carlsbad, listed below.  Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation focuses on the foundational elements, including connectivity, up-to-date hardware and software, and a robust security strategy while providing an aspirational vision for the future.  Build Capacity for Data-Driven Government focuses on the policies, procedures and staffing necessary for the city to fully capture the value of emerging models of data analytics.  Foster a Vibrant Civic Engagement Culture builds upon the first two goals with a human- centered perspective that an engaged city that uses data and technology in a way that respects people and their privacy will support a vibrant culture where residents, organizations and businesses are invested in their community and its future.  Enhance Accessibility and Transparency recognizes that open government and approaching problem-solving from an accessibility perspective leads to better outcomes for all.  Promote Safety and Sustainability through Connectivity leads to understanding the interconnected nature of our communities that can achieve environmental, mobility and sustainability goals when approached in a cross-departmental and community informed manner. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 196 of 345 H-2 Once City Council adopts the proposed SDTIP, projects receive an appropriation that authorizes spending in the amount specified for the adopted fiscal year only. Estimated budget information is shown for a five-year period to provide the most comprehensive information about known future projects. Spending authority in future years is not granted until adoption of the annual proposed SDTIP budget associated with each year. INVESTING IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION As the city continues to grow and develop, the use of technology has also grown exponentially over the last two decades. The SDTIP outlines the financial resources needed to ensure that the technology infrastructure is in place to enable the city to provide services to the community. Prudent financial planning will ensure that ongoing funding for investment in technology is available. PROJECT EVALUATION Making decisions on technology implementations is a challenging and complex task. The challenging nature of these decisions is exacerbated by the expanding reach of technology and the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of emerging technologies. A major component of the SDTIP is the establishment of a cross-departmental approach to technology leadership to evaluate, prioritize, budget for and adopt digital transformation efforts. A new administrative order has been developed that provides a collaborative forum for key staff to validate and prioritize technology implementations. This approach also provides a structured venue to explore how particular configurations of a technology implementation may positively or negatively affect others within the organization. The process to evaluate digital transformation initiatives is ongoing and meetings may be held on a monthly, bimonthly or quarterly basis depending on the need. A number of factors are considered when putting together projects for the five-year program. All digital transformation and technology projects shall be consistent with: Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program Public Health and Safety City Mission, Vision and Organizational Values Community Values City Council Goals Governing and Policy Documents Funding Availability Environmental Review Technology Standards and Strategic Plans May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 197 of 345 H-3 Criteria Proposed projects are evaluated and prioritized by a set of criteria that include: Alignment with City Council goals and IT strategic plans, architecture, security and technology standards, including legislative and regulatory mandates, and administrative goals Coordination of IT investments across the enterprise to avoid duplication, maximizing the return on investment and increasing efficiency Effective articulation of the business case including valid operational benefits of the project Accuracy and reasonableness of cost and benefit estimates Consideration of potential project risks and identification of appropriate means to manage those risks Adherence to standard project management practices Capacity of staffing resources to implement the project As the SDTIP is implemented throughout the year, staff continually re-evaluate projects’ scopes, costs and schedules to responsibly and cost-effectively manage city resources. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 198 of 345 H-4 STRATEGIC DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION INVESTMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS The following contains information about the projects in the SDTIP. Full project pages are provided for the major new projects being requested for fiscal year 2024-25 and prior approved major projects that have changes in funding needs or project requirements. The estimated annual operational and replacement cost increases shown on each project page represent a departmental budgetary increase—generally to the Information Technology Department and its internal service citywide chargeback—separate from Capital Technology Fund activity. Projects for fiscal year 2024-25 and beyond are included in the graphs and tables provided but will not have full project pages until the first year of funding. Projects with no changes and projects that have been completed or cancelled going into fiscal year 2024-25 are listed below. Full details for these projects can be found in the appropriate prior fiscal year budget documents based on when they were new or had changes. Fiscal Year 2021-22 Continuing Projects – No Changes The following projects were approved during the fiscal year 2021-22 SDTIP and have no changes to their funding needs or project requirements and are still in process. These projects are included in the totals of the various graphs and charts shown in the SDTIP.  Outdoor Wireless Study  Online Permitting/Electronic Reviews, also known as E-Reviews Fiscal Year 2022-23 Continuing Projects – No Changes The following projects were approved during the fiscal year 2022-23 SDTIP and have no changes to their funding needs or project requirements and are still in process. These projects are included in the totals of the various graphs and charts shown in the SDTIP.  Computer Aided Dispatch  Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)  Live 911  Utility Billing Portal Fiscal Year 2023-24 Continuing Projects – No Changes The following projects were approved during the fiscal year 2023-24 SDTIP and have no changes to their funding needs or project requirements and are still in process. These projects are included in the totals of the various graphs and charts shown in the SDTIP.  Fleet Telematics  Records Digitization  Patron Print/Copy/PC Management  Staff Managed Print  Business Process Automation  Expansion of Yardi May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 199 of 345 H-5 Completed, Cancelled or Delayed Projects The following projects were completed, cancelled or delayed during fiscal year 2023-24. The completed projects are not part of the totals of the various graphs and charts, while if there were cancelled projects they would have been included if the project was previously funded. If a project was previously funded and new funding was delayed the new year the project will be funded is shown and included in the appropriate graphs and charts. Completed  Project Portfolio Management Tool & Consulting  Enterprise Digital Asset Management (EDAM)  Exploration Hub Upgrade  Regulatory Water Usage Analytics  Payment Works  Past Perfect Upgrade/Migration Cancelled There are no cancelled projects from fiscal year 2023-24. Delayed The following projects that were previously approved and funded are being delayed:  Discovery Management  Facility Security Master Plan  Virtual Permitting Counter May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 200 of 345 H-6 ESTIMATED TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS BY GOAL Going into fiscal year 2024-25, there are 41 continuing and new projects planned over the next five years at an estimated total cost of $36.7 million. Included in the $36.7 million is approximately $19.8 million in estimated new costs over the course of the same time frame to provide additional funding for the continuation of existing projects as well as funding for new projects. Within the $19.8 million is approximately $6.2 million of estimated new appropriations for fiscal year 2024-25 for these same projects. Build Capacity for Data- driven Decision Making, $1,655,000 , 4% Enhance Accessibility and Transparency, $1,173,000 , 3% Foster a Vibrant Civic Engagement Culture, $1,325,000 , 4% Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity, $13,265,366 , 36% Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation, $19,268,500 , 53% Estimated Total Project Costs by Funding Source FY 2024-25 to FY 2028-29 $36.7 million May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 201 of 345 H-7 Fiscal year 2024-25 estimated total appropriations by project goal Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation $19.2 million This goal includes updating connectivity, up-to-date hardware and software, and a robust security strategy. Build Capacity for Data-Driven Decision Making $1.7 million This goal’s projects include the policies, procedures and staffing necessary for the city to fully capture the value of emerging models of data analytics. It builds a comprehensive approach to citywide data management to enable data-rich key performance metrics and effective operation of city departments. A data policy and resources will be created to align departments with standards of data cataloging for compliance ease of data sharing. Foster a Vibrant Civic Engagement Culture $1.3 million The city’s civic engagement culture builds upon the first two goals with a human-centered perspective to use data and technology in a way that respects people and their privacy. Projects in this category will support a vibrant culture where residents, organizations and businesses are invested in their community and its future. Enhance Accessibility and Transparency $1.2 million This goal recognizes that open government and approaching problem-solving from an accessibility perspective leads to better outcomes for all. Projects in this category include Civic Engagement with Open Data, Online Permitting/Electronic Reviews, Patron Print/Copy Management and a Virtual Permitting Counter. Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity $13.3 million Projects in this goal include the annual replacement of hardware and technology infrastructure, a Facility Security Master Plan, the replacement of the Police Computer Aided Dispatch System, and an enhancement to the 911 emergency system. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 202 of 345 H-8 PROJECTS PURSUE COMMUNITYWIDE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Consolidation & Replacement of Core Systems Project Benefits Without systems that can talk to each other, the city wastes time and resources manually compiling and integrating data. This greatly affects the city’s ability to make data-driven decisions, which are needed to ensure the highest and best use of taxpayer resources. Having fewer systems that consolidate the city’s core business functions will enable streamlined business processes and provide more timely access to data and information. It will also enhance operations and reduce inefficiencies of employees having to learn and operate multiple systems. About This Project This project provides for the consolidation and replacement of the city’s core systems. There are approximately 20 core systems including the city’s financial, human resources, payroll, budget, asset and work order management, licensing and permitting, utilities operations, computer-aided dispatch, land management, and program-event management. Rather than operate many systems with narrow applicability, the city is evaluating ways to consolidate its core systems as legacy applications are replaced. This may mean accelerated replacement for certain systems. The goal is to reduce redundancy and inefficiency associated with operating many different systems with different vendors. Consolidating down to a few systems that seamlessly integrate data and provide a more uniform interface will improve the experience of city employees and the public. The scope of this multi-year initiative includes the analysis, selection, purchase and implementation of the software and hardware necessary to consolidate, replace and integrate these systems with as few systems as possible while maintaining or enhancing existing capabilities. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 203 of 345 H-9 The city completed an in-depth process to evaluate functional requirements and business processes and the city’s consultant provided a comprehensive report outlining the city’s requirements for a new consolidated system. The report also outlined the options and costs associated with system consolidation and replacement based on an evaluation of the city’s needs. The city developed and issued a request for proposals for a new consolidated system and received 12 proposed solutions. Staff reviewed the proposals and invited four vendors for solution demonstrations. After demonstrations, staff selected 2 finalists and are in the process of completing a comprehensive due diligence process before selecting a final solution and entering contract negotiations. City staff are currently requesting funding of $3.0 million in fiscal year 2024-25 for acquisition and initial implementation and will request an estimated $4.0 million in funding for the continued implementation of a new system as part of the fiscal year 2025-26 and 2026-27 SDTIP. It is not currently feasible to determine any operational or replacement costs because they depend on the final costs established during contract negotiations. Connected Carlsbad Goal Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 204 of 345 H-10 Digital Information Network Project Benefits This network will carry the information needed for data processing, email, internet access, public safety applications and a wide range of services that are crucial to city operations. In 2017, Crown Castle reached a licensing agreement with the city allowing it to install wireless data transmitters on municipal facilities. The agreement with Crown Castle gives the city access to existing fiber-optic cable assets owned by Crown Castle for city use. These cables are made up of multiple fibers which cannot be physically separated from the rest of Crown Castle’s cable infrastructure. The city must make special arrangements with Crown Castle to use this asset. About This Project The city has an opportunity to work with a private company called Crown Castle to build a more robust digital information network for its employees and facilities. Beginning in 2019, the city took full advantage of this opportunity and replaced a leased network from a third-party vendor. As the initial phase of this project has been completed, staff are looking ahead to the second and third phases as originally approved by the City Council. These include leveraging the network to expand services to the Transportation and Utilities departments to replace the aging network infrastructure supporting their key systems. The additional funding request for fiscal year 2024-25 includes elements required for this expansion as well as some feature and functionality enhancements to the services already in place. For fiscal year 2024-25, $87,000 was included in the Information Technology Department’s operating fund budget request to account for expansion of the network. With no changes to current funding levels, it is estimated the operational and replacement requirements will be approximately $150,000 and $200,000 for fiscal year 2025-26 respectably. The cost associated with the prior year funding have previously been included in the Information Technology Department’s Operating or Replacement budget requests. Connected Carlsbad Goal Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 205 of 345 H-11 Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance Project Benefits Recreation facilities accept credit card payments for various recreation activities such as enrolling in recreation classes or summer programs. When accepting credit card payments at a city facility, adhering to PCI compliance is crucial for maintaining customer trust, avoiding fines and safeguarding the city’s reputation. About This Project This project will replace all the existing credit card devices at city recreation facilities with new devices that are PCI compliant. Connected Carlsbad Goal Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 206 of 345 H-12 RFID Replacement Project Benefits The library currently relies heavily on automation for materials management. A core component of this automation process is the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system used for physical material management. RFID automation is integral to the entire materials management process from checking-out materials to automated returns. About This Project The existing RFID equipment installed at each of the three library facilities is beyond the end of its life, is no longer supported and replacement parts are no longer being manufactured. This project involves the identification, acquisition and implementation of replacement RFID equipment including self-check kiosks, automated material handling systems and security pedestals. Connected Carlsbad Goal Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 207 of 345 H-13 Risk Management Solution Assessment Project Benefits The existing risk management solution was developed internally by city staff and is based on the Microsoft Access platform. Microsoft Access lacks the functionality and capabilities of an enterprise solution. Implementing a commercially developed risk management solution or including risk management functionality into the solution selected as part of the Consolidation & Replacement of Core Systems initiative will ensure the ongoing stability and security of the data and risk management claim tracking. About This Project With the assistance of an outside consultant, staff will complete a comprehensive process review and needs assessment that will fully document the functional requirements for a risk management solution. The findings of this assessment will be used to evaluate the possibility of incorporating risk management functionality into the Consolidation & Replacement of Core Systems. If the solution cannot be included as part of the Consolidation & Replacement of Core Systems, the findings will be used to develop a Request for Proposal to identify an enterprise risk management solution. Connected Carlsbad Goal Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 208 of 345 H-14 Station Alerting Equipment Replacement Project Benefits Fire station alerting systems are installed in every fire station in the city and are critical components in the rapid response of fire and emergency services. These systems utilize advanced technology to ensure that fire personnel are notified of emergencies almost instantaneously. The system at each station integrates with the North County Dispatch Joint Powers Authority’s (NorthComm) Computer- Aided Dispatch (CAD) system to deliver incident details swiftly and accurately, enhancing situational awareness and communication. Features like text-to-speech technology, high contrast message signs and various audio and visual alerts ensure timely turn out and response times. The existing fire station alerting equipment and infrastructure at fire stations 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 is over 20 years old, past end of life and no longer supported. About This Project Acquire and install new fire station alerting equipment and infrastructure at fire stations 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The equipment will match what is currently installed at fire stations 2 and 7. Connected Carlsbad Goal Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 209 of 345 H-15 BUILD CAPACITY FOR DATA-DRIVEN DECISION MAKING Data Governance and Operational Analytics Project Benefits Building a comprehensive approach to citywide data management to enable data-rich key performance metrics and effective operation of city departments. Council recently approved a policy statement on citywide data governance and management and a data governance committee has been established. Additional funding is being requested to purchase additional software licenses and data lake design and engineering services. About This Project This project will serve as the foundation for delivering more efficient city services through a better understanding of key performance metrics for all city departments by leveraging data. The project will include the implementation of a citywide data policy to govern how the organization collects, maintains and secures data in order to enable rich reporting and analytics for operations and leadership. The policy will enact a data governance team that can revise the policy as needs and priorities change. The data governance team will direct and oversee the data catalog and data inventory and participate in the evaluation of new systems that will collect data. The data governance team will also regularly review data security and audit processes of data collection and retention. The project will fund the implementation of a data lake to house a centralized location to facilitate easier cross department reporting. Staff training of data stewardship and how to unlock operational insights using new data tools is an additional element of the project. This project will also include the delivery of department performance dashboards to inform leadership and council on the ongoing efforts of agency goals. In addition, the project creates capacity to acquire external datasets that inform city operations and provide benefit to multiple departments. Connected Carlsbad Goal Build Capacity for Data-Driven Decision Making May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 210 of 345 H-16 Facility Monitoring and Management Project Benefits Automated facility monitoring will provide city staff with the ability to remotely monitor the condition, temperature, and power at over 100 city facilities. Alerting to conditions in city facilities will allow staff to respond, reducing or limiting any potential damage that may occur from these conditions. About This Project This project will identify, procure and implement a citywide facility monitoring and management solution for city facilities. Staff are currently in the process of issuing and reviewing responses to a request for qualifications to identify at least two solutions that will be part of a pilot program at two city facilities. At the completion of the pilot, staff will select a solution for implementation as part of an expanding implementation at additional city facilities. The additional funding request for fiscal year 2024-25 is being requested to support the expanded implementation. It is not currently feasible to determine any operational or replacement costs because they depend on the recommendations of the request for proposal process; staff will identify more definitive costs during the request for proposal process. Connected Carlsbad Goal Build Capacity for Data-Driven Decision Making May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 211 of 345 H-17 Guest Traffic and Facility Usage Analytics Project Benefits Currently, the ability to track facility usage is limited to a count of people that walk through the public entrance of a city library. Once a guest enters the facility, the city does not have any data to identify what areas of a facility are being used or not used. Additionally, the existing system is past end of life, is no longer supported and needs to be replaced. Replacing the existing system with a newer solution that leverages innovative technology will give the city data and analytics that will provide greater insight into how city facilities are being used. About This Project This project will identify, procure and implement a citywide guest traffic and facility usage analytics solution for city library facilities, parks and recreation centers. Staff are currently in the process of issuing and reviewing responses to a request for qualifications to identify at least two solutions that will be part of a pilot program at two city facilities. At the completion of the pilot, staff will select a solution for implementation as part of an expanding implementation at additional city library facilities, parks and recreation centers. The additional funding request for fiscal year 2024-25 is being requested to support the expanded implementation. It is not currently feasible to determine any operational or replacement costs because they depend on the recommendations of the request for proposal process; staff will identify more definitive costs during the request for proposal process. Connected Carlsbad Goal Build Capacity for Data-Driven Decision Making May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 212 of 345 H-18 Professional Technical Services for Data Project Delivery Project Benefits Leverage the expertise of the Esri Advantage program to assist city staff in the development of data visualization tools and dashboards. Combining city data with spatial information allows data to be transformed into graphical or interactive forms that can reveal patterns, trends and insights, presents data in a format that communicates complex information in a clear and engaging way and enables data-driven decision making. About This Project The Esri Advantage Program provides technical consulting to assist staff on projects that combine data from city systems with the spatial data from the city’s geographic information system (GIS) application to provide robust data visualization tools. The program is currently being used to complete the first phase of the Fire Department Standards of Cover project. This funding will allow for staff to be agile in starting and executing new projects that use GIS and Esri. The credits are also flexible so as city needs change, the city can adapt its use of the technical assistance. It is estimated that the city will use at least $70,000 worth of credits in fiscal year 2024-25. At this time, city staff do not expect this project to result in an increase to operating or replacement costs. Connected Carlsbad Goal Build Capacity for Data-Driven Decision Making May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 213 of 345 H-19 FOSTER A VIBRANT CIVIC ENGAGEMENT CULTURE There are no projects requesting budget for fiscal year 2024-25 that are being proposed under the Foster a Vibrant Civic Engagement Culture goal. ENHANCE ACCESSIBILITY AND TRANSPARENCY There are no projects requesting budget for fiscal year 2024-25 that are being proposed under the Enhance the Accessibility and Transparency goal. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 214 of 345 H-20 PROMOTE SECURITY AND SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH CONNECTIVITY Annual Hardware and Infrastructure Replacement Project Benefits Citywide hardware and infrastructure changes are necessary and ongoing. Replacement equipment is needed to support the city's technology infrastructure and department-specific needs. About This Project This project provides for replacement equipment funding for scheduled replacement of laptops, desktops, internal servers, routers, switches, and other network and data center requirements. There is no increase or decrease in operational costs associated with the annual replacement program. Due to the circular nature of the replacement program, replacement costs fluctuate annually depending on the hardware life cycles which can range from three years to 20 years. Connected Carlsbad Goal Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 215 of 345 H-21 Cyber Security Program Development Project Benefits As a result of internal assessments and evaluations by external parties, city staff have identified certain initiatives within the five functions of the cybersecurity framework to translate into projects. Implementation of these projects will incur costs and require funding. The funding will cover assessment and evaluation, implementation and staff training. Once the security infrastructure is in place, operational costs will move to the operations budget. City staff identified and planned the following projects for implementation:  Disaster Recovery program assessment and development,  Detection capability with security incident and event management technology,  Cybersecurity governance program,  Data classification tools, and  Incident response procedure development and training. About This Project The cybersecurity program provides support and protection to the City of Carlsbad so it can successfully accomplish its mission. As the threat landscape is changing and getting more sophisticated in lockstep with advances in technology, we need to ensure the city’s cybersecurity program is robust enough to keep threat actors from causing harm to the city. To ensure we address the different areas and aspects of cybersecurity, city staff have developed and adopted an approach based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework to cybersecurity defense program which covers five functions:  Identify – Develop the organizational understanding to manage cybersecurity risk to systems, assets, data and capabilities. The activities in the Identify function are foundational for effective use of the Framework. Understanding the business context, the resources that support critical functions, and the related cybersecurity risks enables an organization to focus and prioritize its efforts, consistent with its risk management strategy and business needs. Examples of outcome categories within this function include Asset Management, Business Environment, Governance, Risk Assessment and Risk Management Strategy. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 216 of 345 H-22  Protect – Develop and implement the appropriate safeguards to ensure delivery of critical infrastructure services. The Protect function supports the ability to limit or contain the impact of a potential cybersecurity event. Examples of outcome categories within this function include Access Control, Awareness and Training, Data Security, Information Protection Processes and Procedures, Maintenance, and Protective Technology.  Detect – Develop and implement the appropriate activities to identify the occurrence of a cybersecurity event. The Detect function enables timely discovery of cybersecurity events. Examples of outcome categories within this function include Anomalies and Events, Security Continuous Monitoring, and Detection Processes.  Respond – Develop and implement the appropriate activities to act regarding a detected cybersecurity event. The Respond function supports the ability to contain the impact of a potential cybersecurity event. Examples of outcome categories within this function include Response Planning, Communications, Analysis, Mitigation and Improvements.  Recover – Develop and implement the appropriate activities to maintain plans for resilience and to restore any capabilities or services that were impaired due to a cybersecurity event. The Recover function supports timely recovery to normal operations to reduce the impact from a cybersecurity event. Examples of outcome categories within this function include Recovery Planning, Improvements and Communications. At this time and depending on the types of programs implemented over the course of the project, city staff cannot feasibly determine any operational or replacement costs for fiscal year 2025-26 and beyond. No new operational or replacement costs were requested for the fiscal year 2024-25 budget cycle. Connected Carlsbad Goal Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 217 of 345 H-23 Virtual Reality (VR) Training Project Benefits Virtual reality (VR) training offers a multitude of benefits for police officers which enhances their preparedness and capabilities in a safe and controlled environment. One of the primary advantages is the ability to simulate realistic scenarios, allowing officers to practice responses to high-risk situations without the associated dangers. This immersive training not only improves decision-making and situational awareness but also allows for the rehearsal of critical skills such as de-escalation and use of force in a variety of contexts. Moreover, VR training can be more cost-effective and time-efficient compared to traditional methods, reducing the need for physical resources and enabling flexible scheduling. The use of VR also supports continuous learning and skill development as scenarios can be easily updated to reflect new challenges and procedures. About This Project Identify, acquire and implement a VR solution that provides police training in a variety of scenarios including de-escalation, use of force and other customizable real-life scenarios. Connected Carlsbad Goal Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 218 of 345 H-24 MINOR PROJECTS Promote Security and Sustainability Through Connectivity Billiards Room Membership Infrastructure This project involves implementing a membership program for the billiards room at the Senior Center similar to the one that is already in place for the Senior Center fitness room. In addition to configuring the membership program in the existing recreation management application, an access control scanner will be installed that integrates with the recreation management application and controls access into the billiards room. Construction Waste Management In order to meet state reporting and metrics requirements related to the diversion of construction and demolition waste, the city needs to implement an enterprise solution capable of tracking the amount of waste a permitted project directs to recycling versus a landfill. Narcotics Safe Migration The existing safes used to manage and secure the inventory of medical narcotics used by the Fire department are connected to an on-premises software solution that is being retired and will no longer be supported by the vendor. As a result, the city needs to migrate to the vendor’s new cloud- based solution which also requires the replacement of existing fingerprint scanners attached to each safe with new biometric devices. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 219 of 345 H-25 FUTURE PROJECTS Estimated Fiscal Year 2024-25 through 2028-29 Appropriations by Goal The City of Carlsbad’s SDTIP for fiscal year 2024-25 to fiscal year 2028-29 outlines 41 projects at an estimated total cost of $36.7 million. Of the $36.7 million, $19.8 million is for new or increased funding for projects over the next five years. The information provided for future years reflects the most comprehensive snapshot of known or anticipated future projects as well as associated estimated costs. Estimated Fiscal Year 2024-25 Appropriations by Goal The fiscal year 2024-25 SDTIP outlines $6.2 million in new appropriations for fiscal year 2024-25 to provide additional funding for the continuation of existing projects as well as funding for new projects. Build Capacity for Data- driven Decision Making, $680,000 - 4% Enhance Accessibility and Transparency, $51,000 - 0% Foster a Vibrant Civic Engagement Culture, $400,000 - 2% Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity, $9,847,244 - 50% Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation, $8,777,000 - 44% Estimated Future Projects Costs by Goal FY 2024-25 to FY 2028-29 $19.8 million Enhance Accessibility and Transparency, $(61,000) - -1% Build Capacity for Data- driven Decision Making, $138,000 - 2% Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity, $1,431,044 - 23% Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation, $4,702,000 - 74% Requested FY 2024-25 Appropriations by Goal $6.2 million May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 220 of 345 H-26 Estimated Fiscal Year 2025-26 through 2028-29 Pending Current or New Projects with Future Funding Requests The projects listed in the table below represent projects that have been presented to the SDTIP Committee but are not requesting funding or have been delayed for the fiscal year 2024-25 budget year. These projects will be reevaluated for the fiscal year 2025-26 budget year and if approved for funding in fiscal year 2025-26 will then have a project page included as part of the SDTIP in fiscal year 2025-26 or as appropriate. These projects have been included in the estimated five-year tables and funding projections. Connected Requested Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Carlsbad Funding Prior Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Goal Source Appropriation 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 Funding AI Assessment PCDT TICF -$ -$ 40,000$ -$ -$ -$ 40,000$ Tightrope PCDT TICF - - 35,000 - - - 35,000 Discovery Management Assessment BCDDM TICF 30,000 - 140,000 - - - 170,000 Audio Visual Upgrades FVCEC TICF 825,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,225,000 Civic Engagement with Open Data EAT TICF 198,000 - 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 270,000 Remote Hold Pickup Locker EAT TICF - - 40,000 - - - 40,000 Command Central A/V Infrastucture PSSC TICF - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 Facility Security Master Plan PSSC TICF 200,000 - 721,000 311,000 438,000 222,000 1,892,000 Police Body Camera Replacement PSSC Pending - - - - 500,000 - 500,000 Police In-car Video Replacement PSSC Pending - - - - 550,000 - 550,000 Police Records Management Migration PSSC TICF - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 Citywide Validated ID File Transfer PSSC TICF - - 4,200 - - - 4,200 Major Incident/Special Event Management System PSSC TICF - - 20,000 - - - 20,000 1,253,000$ -$ 1,518,200$ 429,000$ 1,606,000$ 340,000$ 5,146,200$ Connected Carlsbad Goal Abbreviations Build Capacity for Data-driven Decision Making = BCDDM Enhance Accessibility and Transparency = EAT Foster a Vibrant Civic Engagement Culture = FVCEC Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity = PSSC Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation = PCDT Funding Source Abbreviations Information Technology Replacement Fund = ITRF Technology Investment Capital Fund = TICF Utilities Enterprise Funds (Operating or Capital) = UEF Funding Source Not Identified = Pending Project Name May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 221 of 345 H-27 FIVE-YEAR SCHEDULE OF PROJECTS BY CONNECTED CARLSBAD GOAL Requested Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Funding Prior Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Project Name Source Appropriation 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 Funding Consolidation & Replacement of Core Systems TICF 2,400,000$ 3,000,000$ 3,000,000$ 1,000,000$ -$ -$ 9,400,000$ Digital Information Network TICF 5,525,584 500,000 - - - - 6,025,584 Enterprise Asset Management System TICF 1,600,000 - - - - - 1,600,000 Fleet Telematics TICF 175,916 - - - - - 175,916 Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance TICF - 62,000 - - - - 62,000 RFID Replacement TICF - 600,000 - - - - 600,000 Risk Management Solution Assessment TICF - 40,000 - - - - 40,000 Staff Managed Print TICF 700,000 - - - - - 700,000 Station Alerting Equipment Replacement TICF - 500,000 - - - - 500,000 Utility Billing Portal UEF 90,000 - - - - - 90,000 AI Assessment TICF - - 40,000 - - - 40,000 Tightrope TICF - - 35,000 - - - 35,000 10,491,500 4,702,000 3,075,000 1,000,000 - - 19,268,500 Business Process Automation TICF 300,000 - - - - - 300,000 Data Governance and Operational Analytics TICF 405,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 495,000 Discovery Management Assessment TICF 30,000 - 140,000 - - - 170,000 Facility Monitoring and Analytics TICF 50,000 25,000 25,000 - 100,000 Guest Traffic and Facility Usage Analytics TICF 50,000 25,000 25,000 - 100,000 Professional Technical Services for Data Project Delivery TICF 140,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 490,000 975,000 138,000 278,000 88,000 88,000 88,000 1,655,000 Audio Visual Upgrades TICF 825,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,225,000 Outdoor Wireless Study TICF 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 925,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,325,000 Civic Engagement with Open Data TICF 198,000 - 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 270,000 Online Permitting/Electronic Reviews (E-Reviews)TICF 645,000 - - - - - 645,000 Patron Print/Copy/PC Management TICF 88,000 - - - - - 88,000 Record Digitization TICF 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Virtual Permitting Counter (OpenCounter)TICF 61,000 (61,000) - - - - - Expansion of Yardi TICF 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 Remote Hold Pickup Locker TICF - - 40,000 - - - 40,000 1,122,000 (61,000) 58,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 1,173,000 Annual Hardware and Infrastructure Replacement ITRF 1,021,742 1,209,044 1,100,000 1,050,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 7,080,786 Command Central A/V Infrastucture TICF - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)TICF 1,580,000 - - - - - 1,580,000 Cyber Security Program Development TICF 550,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,050,000 Facility Security Master Plan TICF 200,000 - 721,000 311,000 438,000 222,000 1,892,000 Live 911 TICF 66,380 - - - - - 66,380 Police Body Camera Replacement Pending - - - - 500,000 - 500,000 Police In-car Video Replacement Pending - - - - 550,000 - 550,000 Police Records Management Migration TICF - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 Virtual Reality (VR) Training TICF - 75,000 - - - - 75,000 Billiards Room Membership Infrastructure TICF - 12,000 - - - - 12,000 Citywide Validated ID File Transfer TICF - - 4,200 - - - 4,200 Construction Waste Management Tracking TICF - 20,000 - - - - 20,000 Major Incident/Special Event Management System TICF - - 20,000 - - - 20,000 Narcotic Safe Migration TICF - 15,000 - - - - 15,000 3,418,122 1,431,044 2,345,200 1,461,000 3,088,000 1,522,000 13,265,366 16,931,622$ 6,210,044$ 5,856,200$ 2,667,000$ 3,294,000$ 1,728,000$ 36,686,866$ Information Technology Replacement Fund = ITRF Technology Investment Capital Fund = TICF Utilities Enterprise Funds (Operating or Capital) = UEF Funding Source Not Identified = Pending Foster a Vibrant Civic Engagement Culture Projects Total Funding Source Abbreviations Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity Total Foster a Vibrant Civic Engagement Culture Total Enhance Accessibility and Transparency Enhance Accessibility and Transparency Total Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity Connected Carlsbad Goal Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation Build Capacity for Data-driven Decision Making Build Capacity for Data-driven Decision Making Total Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation Total May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 222 of 345 H-28 FIVE-YEAR SCHEDULE OF PROJECTS BY FUND Connected Requested Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Carlsbad Prior Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Project Name Goal Appropriation 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 Funding Technology Investment Capital Fund AI Assessment PCDT -$ -$ 40,000$ -$ -$ -$ 40,000$ Audio Visual Upgrades FVCEC 825,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,225,000 Billiards Room Membership Infrastructure PSSC - 12,000 - - - - 12,000 Business Process Automation BCDDM 300,000 - - - - - 300,000 Citywide Validated ID File Transfer PSSC - - 4,200 - - - 4,200 Civic Engagement with Open Data EAT 198,000 - 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 270,000 Command Central A/V Infrastucture PSSC - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)PSSC 1,580,000 - - - - - 1,580,000 Consolidation & Replacement of Core Systems PCDT 2,400,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 1,000,000 - - 9,400,000 Construction Waste Management Tracking PSSC - 20,000 - - - - 20,000 Cyber Security Program Development PSSC 550,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,050,000 Data Governance and Operational Analytics BCDDM 405,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 495,000 Digital Information Network PCDT 5,525,584 500,000 - - - - 6,025,584 Discovery Management Assessment BCDDM 30,000 - 140,000 - - - 170,000 Enterprise Asset Management System PCDT 1,600,000 - - - - - 1,600,000 Expansion of Yardi EAT 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 Facility Monitoring and Analytics BCDDM 50,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 100,000 Facility Security Master Plan PSSC 200,000 - 721,000 311,000 438,000 222,000 1,892,000 Fleet Telematics PCDT 175,916 - - - - - 175,916 Guest Traffic and Facility Usage Analytics BCDDM 50,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 100,000 Live 911 PSSC 66,380 - - - - - 66,380 Major Incident/Special Event Management System PSSC - - 20,000 - - - 20,000 Narcotic Safe Migration PSSC - 15,000 - - - - 15,000 Online Permitting/Electronic Reviews (E-Reviews)EAT 645,000 - - - - - 645,000 Outdoor Wireless Study FVCEC 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Patron Print/Copy/PC Management EAT 88,000 - - - - - 88,000 Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance PCDT - 62,000 - - - - 62,000 Police Records Management Migration PSSC - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 Professional Technical Services for Data Project Delivery BCDDM 140,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 490,000 Record Digitization EAT 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Remote Hold Pickup Locker EAT - - 40,000 - - - 40,000 RFID Replacement PCDT - 600,000 - - - - 600,000 Risk Management Solution Assessment PCDT - 40,000 - - - - 40,000 Staff Managed Print PCDT 700,000 - - - - - 700,000 Station Alerting Equipment Replacement PCDT - 500,000 - - - - 500,000 Tightrope PCDT - - 35,000 - - - 35,000 Virtual Permitting Counter (OpenCounter)EAT 61,000 (61,000) - - - - - Virtual Reality (VR) Training PSSC - 75,000 - - - - 75,000 Technology Investment Capital Fund Total 15,819,880 5,001,000 4,756,200 1,617,000 744,000 528,000 28,466,080 Information Technology Replacement Fund Annual Hardware and Infrastructure Replacement ITRF 1,021,742 1,209,044 1,100,000 1,050,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 7,080,786 Information Technology Replacement Fund Total 1,021,742 1,209,044 1,100,000 1,050,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 7,080,786 Utilities Enterprise Funds (Operating or Capital) Utility Billing Portal UEF 90,000 - - - - - 90,000 Total Utilities Enterprise Funds (Operating or Capital)90,000 - - - - - 90,000 Funding Source Not Identified Police Body Camera Replacement PSSC - - - - 500,000 - 500,000 Police In-car Video Replacement PSSC - - - - 550,000 - 550,000 Funding Source Not Identified Total - - - - 1,050,000 - 1,050,000 16,931,622$ 6,210,044$ 5,856,200$ 2,667,000$ 3,294,000$ 1,728,000$ 36,686,866$ Connected Carlsbad Goal Abbreviations Build Capacity for Data-driven Decision Making = BCDDM Enhance Accessibility and Transparency = EAT Foster a Vibrant Civic Engagement Culture = FVCEC Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity = PSSC Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation = PCDT Funding Source ProjectsTotal May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 223 of 345 H-29 PROJECT FUNDING SOURCES Technology Investment Capital Fund – Funds set aside on a yearly basis to fund ongoing SDTIP digital transformation and technology projects. Revenue is mostly comprised of an annual General Fund transfer, estimated based on a portion of the transfer of 6% of General Fund revenues, in accordance with Council Policy 91 – Long Term General Fund Capital Funding Policy. Information Technology Replacement Fund – Funds are collected annually from the city’s operating departments as part of the IT Department internal service fund chargeback; charges are based on an asset’s lifecycle and original cost. These funds are used to replace assets at the end of their useful lives. Utilities Enterprise Funds (Operating or Capital) – For information regarding the Utilities Enterprise Funds, please see the Public Works Section of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating Budget and for the Capital Funds please see the CIP Section of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating Budget. Funding Source Not Identified – The funding for a project has not been identified or established at this time. Once the funding source is identified or established the project will reflect that source. PROJECTED FUND BALANCES TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT CAPITAL FUND FUNDS AVAILABILITY PROJECTION Estimated Requested Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Balance Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 5,194,982$ 4,727,982$ 4,596,462$ 7,696,636$ 11,764,153$ Transfers In 4,284,000 4,369,680 4,457,074 4,546,215 4,637,139 Interest Revenue 250,000 255,000 260,100 265,302 270,608 Project Appropriations 5,001,000 4,756,200 1,617,000 744,000 528,000 4,727,982$ 4,596,462$ 7,696,636$ 11,764,153$ 16,143,900$ 5,194,982$ Beginning Available Balance Ending Available Balance Balance Available for Future Projects Requested Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Balance Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2,896,227$ 3,378,634$ 3,628,634$ 3,928,634$ 3,778,634$ Replacement Cost Revenue 1,691,451 1,350,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 Replacement Appropriations 1,209,044 1,100,000 1,050,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 3,378,634$ 3,628,634$ 3,928,634$ 3,778,634$ 3,928,634$ 2,896,227$ Estimated Available Funds Ending Available Balance Beginning Available Balance May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 224 of 345 H-30 REVENUE PROJECTIONS SCHEDULE BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Projected Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Technology Investment Capital NA 10,747,619$ 4,127,866$ 4,440,000$ 4,534,000$ Information Technology Department Replacement 1,221,363 1,491,070 1,576,979 1,628,040 1,691,451 Total 1,221,363$ 12,238,689$ 5,704,845$ 6,068,040$ 6,225,451$ Fund 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2024-25 2024-25 Actual Actual Estimated Continuing New Total Expense Expense Expense Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Technology Investment Capital 1,615,320$ 1,872,512$ 1,500,000$ 7,821,618$ 5,001,000$ 12,822,618$ Information Technology Department Replacement 935,994 993,515 1,300,000 645,320 1,209,044 1,854,364 Total 2,551,314$ 2,866,027$ 2,800,000$ 8,466,938$ 6,210,044$ 14,676,982$ Fund May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 225 of 345 H-31 PROJECT ESTIMATED OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS The projects listed on the table below represent projects that have been determined will have or may have operating budget impacts in the fiscal year identified. Projects that have a zero listed for each fiscal year are pending an estimate due to the possible solution having to many pending variables. Once a more exact solution is identified the operational estimate will be updated. As the fiscal years identified on the table become the next budgeting year, the Information Technology Department will include a request for the additional operating budget in the department’s annual operating budget request. Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Project Name Funding 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 Totals AI Assessment 40,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Billiards Room Membership Infrastructure 12,000 - 2,000 - - - 2,000 Business Process Automation 300,000 - - - - - - Citywide Validated ID File Transfer 4,200 - - 1,000 - - 1,000 Civic Engagement with Open Data 270,000 65,000 40,000 25,000 - - 130,000 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)1,580,000 75,000 20,000 - - - 95,000 Consolidation & Replacement of Core Systems 9,400,000 - - - - - - Construction Waste Management Tracking 20,000 - 3,000 - - - 3,000 Cyber Security Program Development 1,050,000 - - - - - - Data Governance and Operational Analytics 495,000 - 125,000 75,000 60,000 50,000 310,000 Digital Information Network 6,025,584 87,000 150,000 - - - 237,000 Discovery Management Assessment 170,000 - - - - - - Enterprise Asset Management System 1,600,000 10,100 - - - - 10,100 Facility Monitoring and Analytics 100,000 - - - - - - Facility Security Master Plan 1,892,000 - 150,000 150,000 150,000 100,000 550,000 Fleet Telematics 175,916 - - - - - - Guest Traffic and Facility Usage Analytics 100,000 - - - - - - Live 911 66,380 - 60,000 - - - 60,000 Major Incident/Special Event Management System 20,000 - 5,000 - - - 5,000 Narcotic Safe Migration 15,000 - - - - - - Online Permitting/Electronic Reviews (E-Reviews)645,000 - 27,300 - - - 27,300 Outdoor Wireless Study 100,000 - - - - - - Police Records Management Migration 200,000 - 54,000 - - - 54,000 Professional Technical Services for Data Project Delivery 490,000 - - - - - - Remote Hold Pickup Locker 40,000 - 4,000 - - - 4,000 RFID Replacement 600,000 - - - - - - Risk Management Solution Assessment 40,000 - 4,000 - - - 4,000 Staff Managed Print 700,000 - (32,000) - - - (32,000) Station Alerting Equipment Replacement 500,000 - 50,000 - - - 50,000 Tightrope 35,000 - - - - - - Utility Billing Portal 90,000 - - - - - - Virtual Reality (VR) Training 75,000 - 1,300 - - - 1,300 26,851,080$ 237,100$ 663,600$ 251,000$ 210,000$ 150,000$ 1,511,700$ * Listing only includes projects with expected changes in operational budget requirements. If listed with a zero amount, staff have not been able to determine that amount with the current information. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 226 of 345 H-32 FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 ROADMAP May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 227 of 345 H-33 FIVE-YEAR ROADMAP St r a t e g i c D i g i t a l T r a n s f o r m a t i o n I n v e s t m e n t P r o g r a m - 5 - Y e a r R o a d m a p Le g e n d : In p r o g r e s s Ap p r o v e d Ev a l u a t i n g On g o i n g Q1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Co n s o l i d a t i o n & R e p l a c e m e n t o f C o r e S y s t e m s Di g i t a l I n f o r m a t i o n N e t w o r k En t e r p r i s e A s s e t M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m Fl e e t T e l e m a t i c s St a f f M a n a g e d P r i n t Ut i l i t y B i l l i n g P o r t a l PC I C o m p l i a n c e Ri s k M a n a g e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t RF I D R e p l a c e m e n t St a t i o n A l e r t i n g E q u i p m e n t R e p l a c e m e n t Ti g h t r o p e AI A s s e s s m e n t Tr a n s i t i o n t o a S i n g l e I d e n t i t y f o r U s e r s o f C i t y S e r v i c e s Q1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Bu s i n e s s P r o c e s s A u t o m a t i o n Da t a G o v e r n a n c e a n d O p e r a t i o n a l A n a l y t i c s Di s c o v e r y M a n a g e m e n t Pr o f e s s i o n a l T e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s f o r D a t a P r o j e c t D e l i v e r y Fa c i t l i t y M o n i t o r i n g a n d M a n a g e m e n t Gu e s t T r a f f i c a n d F a c i l i t y U s a g e A n a l y t i c s Q1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Au d i o V i s u a l U p g r a d e s Ou t d o o r W i r e l e s s S t u d y Ap p r o v e d - h a s b e e n f u l l y a p p r o v e d b u t w o r k h a s n o t s t a r t e d FY 2 0 2 5 - 2 6 FY 2 0 2 5 - 2 6 FY 2 0 2 6 - 2 7 FY 2 0 2 6 - 2 7 FY 2 0 2 6 - 2 7 FY 2 0 2 8 - 2 9 FY 2 0 2 8 - 2 9 FY 2 0 2 8 - 2 9 In p r o g r e s s - h a s b e e n f u l l y a p p r o v e d a n d w o r k h a s s t a r t e d FY 2 0 2 4 - 2 5 FY 2 0 2 7 - 2 8 FY 2 0 2 7 - 2 8 FY 2 0 2 7 - 2 8 Pr i o r Y e a r s FY 2 0 2 4 - 2 5 FY 2 0 2 4 - 2 5 Pr i o r Y e a r s Pr i o r Y e a r s FY 2 0 2 5 - 2 6 Fo s t e r a V i b r a n t C i v i c En g a g e m e n t C u l t u r e Ev a l u a t i n g - s t a f f i s c u r r e n t l y s t u d y i n g m e r i t a n d c o s t o f i n i t i a t i v e / p r o j e c t On g o i n g - a n n u a l p r o c e s s IN I T I A T I V E S GO A L GO A L Bu i l d C a p a c i t y f o r D a t a - dr i v e n D e c i s i o n M a k i n g GO A L Pu r s u e C o m m u n i t y W i d e Dig i t a l T r a n s f o r m a t i o n IN I T I A T I V E S IN I T I A T I V E S May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 228 of 345 H-34 FIVE-YEAR ROADMAP – CONTINUED St r a t e g i c D i g i t a l T r a n s f o r m a t i o n I n v e s t m e n t P r o g r a m - 5 - Y e a r R o a d m a p Le g e n d : In p r o g r e s s Ap p r o v e d Ev a l u a t i n g On g o i n g Q1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Ci v i c E n g a g e m e n t w i t h O p e n D a t a On l i n e P e r m i t t i n g / E l e c t r o n i c R e v i e w s ( E - R e v i e w ) Ex p a n s i o n o f Y a r d i Pa t r o n P r i n t / C o p y / P C M a n a g e m e n t Re c o r d s D i g i t i z a t i o n Re m o t e H o l d P i c k u p L o c k e r Q1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 An n u a l H a r d w a r e a n d I n f r a s t r u c t u r e R e p l a c e m e n t Ci t y w i d e V a l i d a t e d I D F i l e T r a n s f e r Co m p u t e r A i d e d D i s p a t c h ( C A D ) Cy b e r S e c u r i t y P r o g r a m D e v e l o p m e n t Li v e 9 1 1 Fa c i l i t y S e c u r i t y M a s t e r P l a n Tr a f f i c M a n a g e m e n t F u n c t i o n a l i t y E n h a n c e m e n t En s u r e A d o p t i o n o f R e l e v a n t N e w T e c h n o l o g i e s a r e M i r r o r e d i n t o E O C Bi l l i a r d s R o o m M e m b e r s h i p I n f r a s t r u c t u r e Co n s t r u c t i o n W a s t e M a n a g e m e n t Na r c o t i c s S a f e M i g r a t i o n Vi r t u a l R e a l i t y T r a i n i n g Co m m a n d C e n t r a l A / V I n f r a s t r u c t u r e Ma j o r I n c i d e n t / S p e c i a l E v e n t M a n a g e m e n t Po l i c e R e c o r d s M a n a g e m e n t M i g r a t i o n Po l i c e B o d y C a m e r a R e p l a c e m e n t Po l i c e I n - c a r V i d e o R e p l a c e m e n t Pr i o r Y e a r s In p r o g r e s s - h a s b e e n f u l l y a p p r o v e d a n d w o r k h a s s t a r t e d Ap p r o v e d - h a s b e e n f u l l y a p p r o v e d b u t w o r k h a s n o t s t a r t e d Ev a l u a t i n g - s t a f f i s c u r r e n t l y s t u d y i n g m e r i t a n d c o s t o f i n i t i a t i v e / p r o j e c t FY 2 0 2 4 - 2 5 FY 2 0 2 5 - 2 6 FY 2 0 2 6 - 2 7 En h a n c e A c c e s s i b i l i t y an d T r a n s p a r e n c y GO A L IN I T I A T I V E S Pr i o r Y e a r s FY 2 0 2 4 - 2 5 FY 2 0 2 5 - 2 6 FY 2 0 2 6 - 2 7 Pr o m o t e S a f e t y a n d Su s t a i n a b i l i t y t h r o u g h Co n n e c t i v i t y GO A L IN I T I A T I V E S On g o i n g - a n n u a l p r o c e s s FY 2 0 2 7 - 2 8 FY 2 0 2 8 - 2 9 FY 2 0 2 7 - 2 8 FY 2 0 2 8 - 2 9 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 229 of 345 I-1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program reflects the city’s ongoing commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality facilities for our community today and in the future. It is a planning document, not a commitment for spending. The program outlines the expenditure plan for future capital projects and the corresponding revenues to pay for those expenditures. Projects that are shown in the CIP are generally defined as any construction, rehabilitation or replacement of major infrastructure such as streets, libraries, parks, fire stations and administrative facilities, water, sewer and drainage facilities, and other facilities that are located on or in the ground. In most cases, the total construction cost of each of these assets is recorded and tracked as part of the city’s inventory of capital infrastructure assets and other city-owned property. The CIP budget covers a five-year period. Once the City Council adopts the proposed annual CIP budget, projects receive an appropriation that authorizes spending in the amount specified for the adopted fiscal year only. Estimated budget information is shown for a 15-year period to provide the most comprehensive information about known future projects. Spending authority in future years is not granted until adoption of the annual proposed CIP budget associated with each year. Investing in our quality of life The City of Carlsbad’s philosophy is to take a proactive, long-range planning approach to building high quality facilities and infrastructure that support the needs and priorities of the community. Prudent financial planning has ensured ongoing funding to modernize, repair, and replace existing infrastructure projects through numerous asset management programs. Since the city applies a comprehensive asset management approach to infrastructure planning and budgeting it is able to avoid more costly unexpected repairs or operational needs and minimize the burden on emergency expenditures. As the city continues to grow and develop, there is a corresponding increase in the demand for development- related services and new facilities. To ensure that the necessary infrastructure and facilities are built on a schedule that meets or exceeds this demand, the citizens of Carlsbad adopted a Growth Management Plan in 1986. The plan was established to manage development within the city by linking residential, commercial, and industrial development directly to standards for availability of public services and facilities. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 230 of 345 I-2 The Growth Management Plan states that unless a standard level of facilities is available to meet new demands resulting from the city’s growth, development cannot proceed. Recently, certain actions, such as imposing a moratorium, have been determined to be impermissible by the California Housing and Community Development Department, per Senate Bill 330, Housing Crisis Act of 2019, which became effective on Jan. 1, 2020. The detailed level of planning required by Growth Management has allowed the city’s CIP to anticipate the funding needed for capital improvements in the next 15 years. Facilities such as community centers, parks and fire stations have been constructed and opened to the public under this program. The CIP has been designed to specifically address areas where new or expanded facilities will be needed to maintain compliance with the adopted performance standards. With the adoption of the fiscal year 2024-25 CIP, compliance with the Growth Management Plan is continued. In October 2022, City Council approved a five-year strategic plan with policy goals to reflect the most important priorities of the community. The CIP budget includes the priority construction projects identified the strategic plan. Project evaluation Development of the CIP is a team effort involving all operational departments, the City Manager’s Office, the City Council, and the community. Community feedback on infrastructure needs is considered and incorporated as appropriate. The CIP is fully vetted at multiple levels of the city organization by appropriate staff using an inclusive and transparent process and reviewed on a quarterly basis. Projects were evaluated for the ability to deliver realistic outcomes considering anticipated revenue decreases in some capital funding sources. The city remains focused on matching existing resources with reasonable and achievable project schedules while continuing to work on projects that are already underway. Existing project balances were evaluated to determine whether additional funding was needed or if the existing balances were adequate. Funding recommendations were matched against project timing and balanced against available funding sources. As the CIP is implemented throughout the year, staff continually re-evaluate projects’ scopes, costs and schedules to responsibly and cost-effectively manage infrastructure assets at the required levels of service throughout their lifecycle. Recommendations for project funding consider current project status, project scheduling and sequencing requirements, project constraints, and current staff Capital Improvement Program Public health and safety City mission, vision and organizational values Community values Environmental review Governing and policy documents Funding availability City Council goals May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 231 of 345 I-3 capacity. Project charters are updated to include project description, location, summary of need, justification including any legislative or policy citations, cost estimates, and project scores. Fiscal year 2024-25 appropriations The CIP is organized by the following project categories: The five-year CIP budget is based on project phase for Strategic Plan and Critical Need projects. This means rather than budgeting for the entire cost of a project well in advance of when the project is scheduled to begin, the City Council will be asked to consider appropriating money phase by phase. Phases include scoping (which includes feasibility studies and needs assessment), conceptual design (which includes environmental permitting and up to 30% preliminary engineering/design completion), final design (which includes 100% engineering/design completion and final engineer’s estimate) and construction. For example, as part of the annual budget process, city staff will request appropriations for a new project, starting with initial scoping. This typically involves early planning work and a feasibility analysis. When that work is completed, staff will return to the City Council to request appropriation for conceptual design. When that is done, staff will return to the City Council to request funding for final design, and so on. Strategic Plan • Priority projects Critical Need • Regulatory • Health & safety Maintenance • Annual Allocation • Enterprise • Drainage Closeout • In service • Warranty • Monitoring May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 232 of 345 I-4 Once plans and specifications for a project have been prepared, a more accurate engineer’s estimate for construction costs can be produced that considers the most up-to-date market conditions. By requesting appropriation of construction funding at the time staff request approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid, the city can ensure that the approved project budget will align with the most accurate and timely cost estimates available. The 15-year forecast will assist the City Council with making informed decisions regarding the city’s ability to fund current and future projects. In the fiscal year 2024-25 CIP, there are approximately 197 continuing and new projects planned over the next 5 years. The fiscal year 2024-25 CIP outlines $15.6 million in new appropriations to provide additional funding for the continuation of existing projects as well as funding for 13 new projects. Projected revenues during the same fiscal year are estimated at $93 million. FY25 -40 -20 0 20 40 Millions FY 2024-25 Appropriations by Budget Category Strategic Plan Critical Need Maintenance May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 233 of 345 I-5 Fiscal year 2024-25 appropriations by project type Civic Buildings and Facility Maintenance -$24.6 million This category includes a variety of facilities such as fire stations, libraries and community centers. Costs include repair, maintenance and replacement of civic buildings and other operational facilities. (Note: due to changes in estimated construction dates for the Orion Center project the net expenditures for this category in fiscal year 2024-25 are negative.) Parks $5.5 million Projects include improvements and enhancements to existing parks, such as playground resurfacing, picnic areas and other needs identified by the community and in recently updated parks master plans. Drainage $7 million The city’s drainage infrastructure plays an important role in handling storm water runoff flows, as well as maintaining the water quality of the city’s creeks, lagoons and ocean. As the city continues to age, it is increasingly necessary to balance repairing and replacing the existing lines with enhancing the current infrastructure to accommodate future needs. Sewer $19.5 million The city’s sewer, or wastewater, projects include numerous pipeline construction and rehabilitation projects, as well as improvements to the Encina Wastewater Treatment facility. Most new lines are built and paid for with impact fees collected with new development. Water and Recycled Water $793 thousand Future water and recycled water projects include construction of new pipelines, replacement of existing waterlines and reservoir improvements. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District has been producing and delivering recycled water for over 30 years. Transportation $7.4 million People of all ages and abilities want to go places safely and conveniently in Carlsbad, whether they drive, walk, bike, or ride a bus or train. The city continues to invest in modernizing roads, leveraging technology to improve traffic systems, and making timely repairs and rehabilitation of the roadways, bridges, sidewalks and other assets in public rights of way throughout the city. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 234 of 345 I-6 NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Grant Funded Project Description FY25 Appropriation District Paseo Del Norte Pedestrian and Bike Improvements Enhance pedestrian and bike safety on Paseo Del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Sea Gate Rd by reducing the number of travel lanes from four to two, adding bike buffers, widening bike lanes and adding an uncontrolled crosswalk in the vicinity of Tip-Top Meats and Motel 6. $600,000, funded in part through Caltrans local Highway Safety Improvement Program 3 Schools Traffic Safety Program Install high-visibility crosswalks and speed cushions near schools. $1,100,000, funded in part through a federal grant All Maintenance Projects Project Description FY25 Appropriation District Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Improvements Feasibility study to evaluate best available technologies for future equipment upgrades and forecasted recycled water demands in the event of reduced supply from alternative sources. $350,000 3 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Building and Site Improvements Interior and exterior building, warehouse and site improvements for storage, site security, charging station for electric vehicle and forklift, paving for materials storage and electric forklift operation, restroom, locker room, drinking fountain, and remodel of interior finishes. $600,000 2 Downtown Tile Replacement Sidewalk tiles are antiquated, damaged or broken and are detaching in multiple locations, causing potential tripping hazards and safety concerns. $250,000 1 Fire Station 5 Renovation Replace roof, renovate kitchen, exterior finishes, remodel bathrooms, replace apparatus bay door and remove epoxy flooring, interior and exterior finishes. $150,000 2 Flower Fields Overlook Sidewalk Replacement Aging trees are lifting sidewalk in multiple areas causing tripping hazards and safety concerns throughout the entire walkway along Armada Drive. The area is a high foot traffic walkway and is a high tourism location. $250,000 2 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 235 of 345 I-7 Project Description FY25 Appropriation District Green Paint Maintenance Green paint maintenance is expected to range from annual to bi-annual service per location, depending on the paint lifespan. Green paint lifespan is dramatically lower than other intersection paint due to the frequency of turning and slowing vehicles, degrading the paint. Green paint locations are projected to grow exponentially as the city strives to promote safe routes to school and continue implementing paint upgrades to our roadways. $250,000 All La Costa Avenue Box Culvert Cleaning Remove all debris and sediment build up, jet and vacuum the culvert, and dispose of material. $275,000 4 Magee Park Building Restoration Perform select restoration work to several of the buildings in the park as identified in the condition assessment $200,000 1 Parks Maintenance Program Annual program will address ongoing maintenance and infrastructure needs for parks and recreation. $644,000 for scoping, conceptual and final design; $1,503,00 for construction All Police and Fire Headquarters Parking Lot and Exterior Improvements Secure the northeasterly 24 parking spots of the parking lot between the PFHQ and Skate Park and create access improvements to the southeasterly access point of the PFHQ building. Install fencing, improved lighting, secured access and hardscape improvements. $120,000 2 Synthetic Turf Replacement Replace synthetic turf fields that have reached the end of their useful life. $1,800,000 for Poinsettia Park. Replacements at Alga Norte, Aviara planned in FY26; Pine Avenue Park planned for FY27 1, 2, 3 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 236 of 345 I-8 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REVENUES Over the next 15 years, revenues for capital projects are estimated at $909.5 million and are segregated into six major funding sources: (1) fees generated by development in the City of Carlsbad, (2) special district fees and taxes from the community facilities districts and bridge and thoroughfare benefit districts, (3) water and wastewater replacement funds, (4) infrastructure replacement funds other than wastewater and water, (5) general capital construction funds, and (6) other sources, including grants, sales taxes and contributions from other agencies. Approximately 27.3% of all capital revenue is received as a result of development, including developer fees and financing districts in the chart above, and is dependent upon assumptions made about the city's annual growth in dwelling units and commercial and industrial square feet. These revenues include Public Facilities Fees, Traffic Impact Fees, Park-In-Lieu Fees, Planned Local Drainage Fees, water connection fees, sewer connection charges, and community facilities districts and bridge and thoroughfare benefit districts fees. Water and wastewater replacement revenues generated by user fees equal approximately 31.6% of total revenues and are used to pay for replacement of existing water and sewer facilities. Infrastructure Replacement and General Capital Construction revenues, equal to 19.7%, are transfers from the city’s General Fund, which are being set aside to pay for replacement of major capital facilities other than wastewater and water facilities and the construction of various municipal projects. The remaining 21.5% consists of revenues from other agencies and include federal and state grants, the county sales tax program TransNet, gas taxes, and contributions or reimbursements from cities, developers, and other agencies. Developer Fees, 23.6% Financing Districts, 3.6% Utility Replacement Transfers, 31.6%Infrastructure Replacement Transfers, 9.1% General Capital Construction Transfers, 10.6% Other Agencies, 21.5% Capital Improvement Program Projected Revenues FY 2024-25 to FY 2038-39 $909.5 million May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 237 of 345 I-9 FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT As shown on the graph on the previous page, there are a variety of revenues that are used to fund the capital projects. In order to estimate revenues to be received from development, several assumptions about the rate and type of future development are made. These assumptions can change from year to year and tend to correlate with the current economic climate. Every year, city staff evaluates all existing and future private development projects and compares this information to the capacity of the city using the most current adopted general plans. Information about existing development activity combined with estimates of how remaining net developable land might develop is then summarized to prepare future projections about when and where residential and non-residential development may occur. The following table shows the number of residential units and non-residential square feet of development that was used in calculating estimated revenues for fiscal year 2024-25 and subsequent years to build out. Projected Future Development Financial forecasting schedules are prepared to ensure that funding will be sufficient and available for construction of capital projects as planned in the CIP. In addition to evaluating whether or not capital funds are sufficient, significant operating cost impacts and availability of staff resources are also considered in evaluating the timing of projects. Where funding discrepancies occur, alternative financing methods and project timing are evaluated, and recommendations are made to resolve the discrepancies. Conservatively, about 6,044 residential units are anticipated for future development, and it is currently estimated that the city is more than 90% built out. Residential development for fiscal year 2024-25 is projected at 267 units, and, over the next five years, should average 432 units per year. The amount of non-residential development is projected at about 268,000 square feet over the next five years. Projects include several multi-family residential developments, commercial industrial, office and other mixed-use projects. Development estimates provide data for estimating future fee revenues, which are calculated by multiplying each applicable development fee by the estimated number of dwelling units and/or square feet of construction expected during each year. Fiscal Year Residential Units Non-Residential Square Feet 2024-25 267 19,927 2025-26 833 161,603 2026-27 328 50,629 2027-28 278 20,629 2028-29 452 14,926 2029-34 1,299 740,016 2035-build out 2,587 2,104,038 Totals 6,044 3,111,768 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 238 of 345 I-10 FUTURE PROJECTS Long-range planning and responsible asset management play key roles in the development of future capital projects. Using data from various infrastructure master plans, ongoing asset condition assessments, technical modelling, field inspections as well as community feedback, the information provided for future years reflects the most comprehensive snapshot of known or anticipated future projects as well as associated estimated costs. Future costs for projects forecast in fiscal year 2029-30 to fiscal year 2038-39 are estimated at approximately $538 million. Civic 19% Drainage 11% Parks 4% Recycled Water 2% Sewer 28% Traffic System 0% Transportation 21% Water 15% Future Project Costs by Type FY 2029-30 to FY 2038-39 $538 million May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 239 of 345 I-11 CALCULATION OF FUTURE FEES The revenue projections in the CIP reflect the growth assumptions identified in the previous section. The following information delineates how those assumptions were applied to estimate future development revenues. The mix of future multi-family and single-family residential units is assumed to be 90% and 10%, respectively, and reflects the anticipated mix of residential development for each Local Facilities Management Zone. To calculate estimated revenues for Traffic Impact Fees, the number of average daily trips was computed for each type of development use. An attached multi-family residential dwelling unit is assigned eight trips and a detached single-family unit is assigned 10 trips per day. The trips-per-day value for commercial and industrial buildings are 40 and eight trips per 1,000 square feet of development, respectively, although the actual volume of trips generated by commercial and industrial buildings can vary widely depending on the ultimate land use. CFD No. 1 is a citywide district established to finance various civic facilities required under the city’s Growth Management Plan. Park-in-Lieu Fees are collected for the purchase and development of parkland within each quadrant of the city, and the fees are based on the acquisition cost of parkland. Projects in the CIP funded with Park-in-Lieu Fees include future park site acquisition, development and restoration. UNFUNDED PROJECTS The CIP includes several projects for which there is no identifiable funding source for future construction and, in some cases, where only partial funding has been identified. The city will investigate obtaining possible external funding, such as federal and state grants, loans, or other financing sources. Once funding is identified for these projects, the project costs will be reviewed and updated to reflect actual cost estimates. Projects on this list are part of the City Council’s Five Year Strategic Plan or were identified by Council direction. Two projects are partially funded by the Traffic Impact Fee program. The program was planned to generate enough revenue to pay for 20% of the total costs of these projects, leaving the remaining 80% unfunded. Business Park Recreational Facility (Partial funding / Park Fee Zones 5, 13, 16, 17, 18) $16,500,000 Cannon Lake Park (6.7 acres) 2,243,000 Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment – Manzano Drive to Island Way (Partial funding / TIF) 63,387,000 Chestnut Complete Street I-5 to Railroad 2,500,000 College Boulevard Extension 30,000,000 Fire Station 7 19,000,000 Maerkle Solar Project 50,000,000 Monroe Street Pool 25,500,000 Orion Complex Energy Storage 10,000,000 South Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment (Partial funding / TIF) 5,000,000 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 240 of 345 I-12 PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 July 1, 2023 Projected June 30, 2024 Unreserved Projected Projected Debt Service Projected Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Loans & Other Balance BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 1,426,548$ 45,759$ -$ - 1,472,307$ BTD#3 - Cannon Road West 535,136 12,730 -$ - 547,866 CFD #1 - Citywide 99,836,822 7,442,487 2,018,187 110,000$ 105,151,122 Gas Tax 14,732,298 3,508,516 4,645,141 - 13,595,673 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)4,165,566 2,824,483 5,980,734 - 1,009,315 General Capital Const.38,509,731 12,628,670 6,112,453 - 45,025,948 Grants - Federal 3,224 8,000,000 1,165 - 8,002,059 Grants - State 21,982 7,249,989 2,249,989 - 5,021,982 Infrastructure Replacement 117,165,781 6,984,046 13,253,615 - 110,896,212 Other 2,048,272 58,863 959,647 - 1,147,488 Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 4,977,874 219,790 - - 5,197,664 Park-In-Lieu NE 4,816,469 112,544 654,304 - 4,274,709 Park-In-Lieu NW 2,620,200 1,698,075 1,101,363 - 3,216,912 Park-In-Lieu SE 1,787,398 323,044 46,255 - 2,064,187 Park-In-Lieu SW 1,149,918 1,254,180 - - 2,404,098 Planned Local Drainage Area A 1,086,314 31,114 30,632 - 1,086,796 Planned Local Drainage Area B 1,476,161 259,423 32,567 - 1,703,017 Planned Local Drainage Area C 1,687,795 63,117 29,807 - 1,721,105 Planned Local Drainage Area D 750,075 138,947 37,667 - 851,354 Public Facilities Fee 29,587,747 3,657,017 319,106 - 32,925,658 Sewer Connection 6,187,536 684,035 131,181 - 6,740,389 Sewer Replacement 18,203,374 10,512,237 8,869,773 - 19,845,838 Traffic Impact Fee 20,688,628 2,258,481 4,507,832 - 18,439,277 Transnet/Local 35,714,877 5,869,160 6,871,503 - 34,712,534 Water - Potable 37,499,302 1,504,953 10,790 - 38,993,465 Water - Recycled (9,485,067) 2,592,817 6,929,348 - (13,821,598) Water Replacement - Potable 64,227,039 6,586,067 14,989,111 - 55,823,995 Water Replacement - Recycled 18,694,351 434,932 1,010,114 - 18,119,169 Total 520,115,352$ 86,955,476$ 80,792,287$ 110,000$ 526,168,541$ May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 241 of 345 I-13 PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 July 1, 2024 June 30, 2024 July 01, 2024 2024-25 June 30, 2025 Projected Estimated Continuing New Total Projected Fund Balance Revenues Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Balance BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 1,472,307$ - 383,035$ - 383,035$ 1,089,272$ BTD#3 - Cannon Road West 547,866 - - - - 547,866 CFD #1 - Citywide 105,151,122 2,125,151$ 68,731,658 (25,490,000)$ 43,241,658 64,034,614 Gas Tax 13,595,673 3,186,643 13,416,722 (2,157,352) 11,259,370 5,522,945 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)1,009,315 2,935,648 906,683 3,030,000 3,936,683 8,280 General Capital Const.45,025,948 18,579,226 31,121,093 (1,668,431) 29,452,662 34,152,512 Grants - Federal 8,002,059 1,911,801 9,060,636 850,000 9,910,636 3,224 Grants - State 5,021,982 534,510 5,000,000 534,510 5,534,510 21,982 Infrastructure Replacement 110,896,212 4,979,226 32,908,525 14,117,345 47,025,870 68,849,568 Other 1,147,488 - 323,489 (323,489) 0 1,147,488 Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 5,197,664 2,000 - - - 5,199,664 Park-In-Lieu NE 4,274,709 - 349,317 425,000 774,317 3,500,392 Park-In-Lieu NW 3,216,912 1,642,816 3,253,072 1,403,000 4,656,072 203,656 Park-In-Lieu SE 2,064,187 313,432 547,121 - 547,121 1,830,498 Park-In-Lieu SW 2,404,098 929,488 219,562 - 219,562 3,114,024 Planned Local Drainage Area A 1,086,796 - 40,614 - 40,614 1,046,182 Planned Local Drainage Area B 1,703,017 158,391 18,706 - 18,706 1,842,702 Planned Local Drainage Area C 1,721,105 68,655 102,376 - 102,376 1,687,384 Planned Local Drainage Area D 851,354 20,442 18,397 - 18,397 853,399 Public Facilities Fee 32,925,658 1,959,790 4,611,030 - 4,611,030 30,274,418 Sewer Connection 6,740,389 634,863 5,497,842 2,016,000 7,513,842 (138,590) Sewer Replacement 19,845,838 20,571,241 26,954,935 16,498,515 43,453,450 (3,036,370) Traffic Impact Fee 18,439,277 2,885,562 18,371,699 (1,374,187) 16,997,512 4,327,327 Transnet/Local 34,712,534 5,849,095 27,459,537 6,635,126 34,094,663 6,466,966 Water - Potable 38,993,465 1,826,697 12,081,605 (8,208,000) 3,873,605 36,946,558 Water - Recycled (13,821,598) 15,387,825 1,157,044 350,000 1,507,044 59,182 Water Replacement - Potable 55,823,995 6,659,237 38,948,577 6,175,667 45,124,244 17,358,987 Water Replacement - Recycled 18,119,169 - 4,755,558 2,791,013 7,546,571 10,572,599 Total 526,168,541$ 93,161,738$ 306,238,833$ 15,604,717$ 321,843,550$ 297,486,729$ May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 242 of 345 I-14 REVENUE PROJECTIONS SCHEDULE 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Projected Estimated Fund Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 22,020$ (497,154)$ 2,800,034$ 45,759$ - BTD#3 - Cannon Road West 949 (21,419) 5,526 12,730 - CFD #1 - Citywide 2,286,479 (2,303,139) 2,869,873 7,442,487 2,125,151$ Gas Tax 2,733,074 2,195,851 3,047,442 3,508,516 3,186,643 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)2,149,734 2,080,454 2,744,950 2,824,483 2,935,648 General Capital Const.4,654,470 13,296,442 4,268,091 12,628,670 18,579,226 Grants - Federal 256,529 34,140 39,772 8,000,000 1,911,801 Grants - State - - 21,982 7,249,989 534,510 Infrastructure Replacement 4,704,670 (4,498,884) 5,386,482 6,984,046 4,979,226 Other 4,643 (98,987) 36,564 58,863 - Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 78,182 (195,275) 144,419 219,790 2,000 Park-In-Lieu NE 451,497 (92,752) 50,477 112,544 - Park-In-Lieu NW 429,037 267,635 150,878 1,698,075 1,642,816 Park-In-Lieu SE 3,205 (55,340) 19,848 323,044 313,432 Park-In-Lieu SW 319,862 13,108 319,222 1,254,180 929,488 Planned Local Drainage Area A 27,489 (20,032) 100,215 31,114 - Planned Local Drainage Area B 635,853 54,137 188,568 259,423 158,391 Planned Local Drainage Area C 2,779 (36,025) 89,879 63,117 68,655 Planned Local Drainage Area D 2,877 (12,992) 82,860 138,947 20,442 Public Facilities Fee 1,751,477 (556,423) 1,581,967 3,657,017 1,959,790 Sewer Connection 332,049 (159,776) 1,861,377 684,035 634,863 Sewer Replacement 4,390,568 3,959,756 5,394,289 10,512,237 20,571,241 Traffic Impact Fee 1,084,181 (399,069) 1,907,630 2,258,481 2,885,562 Transnet/Local 3,347,237 2,215,348 1,556,262 5,869,160 5,849,095 Water - Potable 713,234 (1,309,185) 793,135 1,504,953 1,826,697 Water - Recycled 59,190 - 1,590,853 2,592,817 15,387,825 Water Replacement - Potable 6,378,189 1,734,930 5,334,988 6,586,067 6,659,237 Water Replacement - Recycled 1,083,332 726,017 1,107,565 434,932 - Total 58,741,652$ 37,901,545$ 43,495,147$ 86,955,476$ 93,161,738$ May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 243 of 345 I-15 BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2024-25 2024-25 Actual Actual Estimated Continuing New Total FUND Expense Expense Expense Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 13,059,041.00 57,041$ -$ 383,035$ - 383,035$ BTD#3 - Cannon Road West - - - - - - CFD #1 - Citywide 583,318$ 962,730 2,128,187 68,731,658 (25,490,000)$ 43,241,658 Gas Tax 2,595,882 1,984,349 4,645,141 13,416,722 (2,157,352) 11,259,370 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)307,543 5,045,379 5,980,734 906,683 3,030,000 3,936,683 General Capital Const.12,606,427 10,306,345 6,112,453 31,121,093 (1,668,431) 29,452,662 Grants - Federal 26,669 49,535 1,165 9,060,636 850,000 9,910,636 Grants - State - 117,611 2,249,989 5,000,000 534,510 5,534,510 Infrastructure Replacement 6,701,080 7,293,771 13,253,615 32,908,525 14,117,345 47,025,870 Other 2,587 1,015,672 959,647 323,489 (323,489) 0 Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 - - - - - - Park-In-Lieu NE - 34,379 654,304 349,317 425,000 774,317 Park-In-Lieu NW - 130,121 1,101,363 3,253,072 1,403,000 4,656,072 Park-In-Lieu SE 1,196 25,429 46,255 547,121 - 547,121 Park-In-Lieu SW - - - 219,562 - 219,562 Planned Local Drainage Area A 1,149 26,547 30,632 40,614 - 40,614 Planned Local Drainage Area B 77,250 252,941 32,567 18,706 - 18,706 Planned Local Drainage Area C 2,913 5,979 29,807 102,376 - 102,376 Planned Local Drainage Area D 12,358 7,130 37,667 18,397 - 18,397 Public Facilities Fee 2,635,240 1,304,479 319,106 4,611,030 - 4,611,030 Sewer Connection 611,405 3,031,587 131,181 5,497,842 2,016,000 7,513,842 Sewer Replacement 6,944,820 6,529,066 8,869,773 26,954,935 16,498,515 43,453,450 Traffic Impact Fee 2,806,082 1,903,324 4,507,832 18,371,699 (1,374,187) 16,997,512 Transnet/Local 1,922,954 3,256,939 6,871,503 27,459,537 6,635,126 34,094,663 Water - Potable 432,625 134,627 10,790 12,081,605 (8,208,000) 3,873,605 Water - Recycled 127,177 224,112 6,929,348 1,157,044 350,000 1,507,044 Water Replacement - Potable 1,467,222 2,223,068 14,989,111 38,948,577 6,175,667 45,124,244 Water Replacement - Recycled 2,531,036 400,567 1,010,114 4,755,558 2,791,013 7,546,571 Total 55,455,974$ 46,322,727$ 80,902,287$ 306,238,833$ 15,604,717$ 321,843,550$ May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 244 of 345 I-16 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 245 of 345 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I-17 STRATEGIC PLAN PROJECTS 🔎 Scoping ☐ Preliminary Design ☑ Final Design ♦ Construction (forecasted amounts; not appropriated in the budget process) New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6065 1 ADA Beach Access - Pine to Tamarack $375,000 ☑ $375,000 - ♦ $10,000,000 - - $10,750,000 6004 2,3 Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements $6,953,903 ♦ $3,000,000 - - - - $9,953,903 4013 1 Barrio Street Lighting $4,470,000 - ♦ $1,030,000 - - - $5,500,000 3896 1 Beach Access Repair and Upgrades - Pine Avenue to Tamarack $13,511,750 ♦ $2,500,000 - - - - $16,011,750 201904 2 Business Park Recreational Facility (Partial Funding) (Zone 5 Park) - - 🔎 $1,500,000 - - - $1,500,000 6325 4 Camino De Los Coches and La Costa Avenue Intersection Control $350,000 - ♦ $2,000,000 - - - $2,350,000 6058 1 Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement $2,825,000 - - ☑ $300,000 ♦ $15,600,000 - $18,725,000 6097 1 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvement Project $1,647,488 - - - - - $1,647,488 201908 2 Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment - Manzano Drive to Island Way - 🔎 $1,000,000 ☐ $1,000,000 - - - $2,000,000 201909 2 Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment - Manzano Drive to Island Way (RTCIP) - - - - - - $0 6069 1 Chestnut Complete Street I-5 to Railroad Project Study $85,000 ($85,000) - - - 🔎 $250,000 $250,000 4008 Citywide City Hall Complex & Cole Library Replacement $1,028,105 - - - - ☐ $15,500,000 $16,528,105 6072 2 El Camino Real Widening - Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble $4,595,000 - - - - - $4,595,000 6051 4 El Camino Real Widening - Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue $8,700,000 - ♦ $2,000,000 - - - $10,700,000 6094 2 El Camino Real Widening - Sunny Creek to Jackspar $5,010,000 ♦ $600,000 - - - - $5,610,000 4093 2 Fire Station 7 $100,000 - - - - - $100,000 4714 2 Fleet Maintenance Refurbishment $3,470,100 ♦ $4,700,000 - - - - $8,170,100 4061 1 Grand Avenue Promenade $300,000 - - - - - $300,000 6075 1 Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Street Improvements $5,803,000 - ♦ $2,500,000 - - - $8,303,000 6076 4 La Costa Avenue Traffic Improvements $121,300 ($108,842) - - - - $12,458 4722 2 Maerkle Reservoir Solar Project $249,170 ☐ $232,000 - - - - $481,170 6034 2 Melrose Drive Right Turn Lane to West Bound Palomar Airport Road $911,000 ($728,286) ☑ $50,000 ♦ $100,000 - - $332,714 4724 1 Monroe Street Pool Replacement $4,810,764 - - - - - $4,810,764 3572 2 Orion Center $36,258,159 ☑ ($26,220,305) ♦ $46,150,000 - - - $56,187,854 6611 1 Park Drive Street and Drainage Improvement $5,082,439 - - - - - $5,082,439 4612 2,4 Pickleball Courts $300,000 ♦ $2,100,000 - - - - $2,400,000 4715 2 Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation $27,714,840 - - - - - $27,714,840 3801 2 Robertson Ranch Park Development (Partial Funding) $1,038,000 ☐ $425,000 - - - - $1,463,000 4753 3 Schulman Auditorium and Cannon Art Gallery $1,650,000 - - - - - $1,650,000 6031 2,3,4 South Carlsbad Coastline $2,779,026 ($1,074,321) - - - - $1,704,705 4611 4 Stagecoach Community Park Community Gardens $620,000 - - - - - $620,000 6082 1 State Street and Grand Avenue Road Improvements - - - - - ♦ $325,000 $325,000 4090 1 State Street Parking Lot Electric Vehicle Charging Stations $340,000 ♦ $150,000 - - - - $490,000 6104 Citywide Sustainable Mobility Plan Implementation Program $710,566 - - - - - $710,566 6054 2 Terramar Area Coastal Improvements $12,100,000 - ♦ $7,200,000 - - - $19,300,000 6070 Citywide Traffic Improvement Program $3,388,000 ☑ $400,000 ☑ $400,000 ☑ $400,000 ☑ $400,000 ☑ $400,000 $5,388,000 6332 4 Traffic Signal - Maverick Way and Camino De Los Coches $490,000 ♦ $450,000 - - - - $940,000 6626 Citywide Trash Amendment Compliance Program $3,150,000 ♦ $1,350,000 ☑ $500,000 ♦ $2,585,000 ☑ $655,000 ♦ $3,077,000 $11,317,000 6103 1 Tyler Street Traffic Circulation $970,000 - - - - - $970,000 6083 Citywide Utility Undergrounding Program Study - - - - - - $0 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 246 of 345 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I-18 STRATEGIC PLAN PROJECTS (CONTINUED) 🔎 Scoping ☐ Preliminary Design ☑ Final Design ♦ Construction (forecasted amounts; not appropriated in the budget process) New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6019 1 Valley and Magnolia Complete Streets $5,058,206 ♦ $3,650,000 - - - - $8,708,206 201974 1 Valley Street Traffic Calming - - - - - ☑ $300,000 $300,000 4609 Citywide Veteran's Memorial Park (All Quadrants) $49,711,450 ♦ $5,800,000 - - - - $55,511,450 4015 1 Village and Barrio Traffic Circles $10,259,000 ♦ $1,825,000 ($4,000,000) - - - - $8,084,000 6089 1 Village Intelligent Parking Implementation - - - - - - $0 6105 1 Village Lighting - Carlsbad Village Drive from Harding Street to Ocean $600,000 ($599,855) - - - - $145 6108 1 Village Lighting - Gateway Lighting - - - - - - $0 2410 1 Village Lighting - Hospitality District - - - - - - $0 6109 1 Village Lighting - Pedestrian Lampposts Oak Avenue - - - - - - $0 6110 1 Village Lighting - Pedestrian Lighting at Village Outskirts - - - - - - $0 4016 1 Village Lighting - State Street, Madison, Roosevelt, and Washington $1,103,853 ♦ $995,000 - - - - $2,098,853 6106 1 Village Lighting - Train Station Area $500,000 ($500,000) - - - - $0 Total $229,140,119 ($3,764,609) $64,330,000 $13,385,000 $16,655,000 $19,852,000 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 247 of 345 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I-19 CRITICAL NEED PROJECTS 🔎 Scoping ☐ Preliminary Design ☑ Final Design ♦ Construction (forecasted amounts; not appropriated in the budget process) New projects in italics Project District ID Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6084 3 Assessment District 97-1 Maintenance $420,000 - - - - - $420,000 4726 2 Cannon Park Restroom $45,765 - - - - - $45,765 6112 1 Carlsbad Village Drive Reconfiguration $350,000 - ♦ $1,500,000 - - - $1,850,000 201913 Citywide Carlsbad Village Drive Widening - Pontiac Drive to Victoria Avenue - - - - - ☑ $700,000 $700,000 201916 1 Chestnut Avenue Complete Street Improvements - Valley to Pio Pico - - - - - ☐ $250,000 $250,000 6098 1 Chestnut Underpass Public Art Project $400,000 - - - - - $400,000 6074 Citywide City Facility Safety and Parking Lot Lighting Assessment $2,110,000 - - - - - $2,110,000 3636 2 College Boulevard Extension $2,918,002 ($539,108) - - - ☐ $100,000 $2,478,894 201944 3 El Camino Real Right Turn Lane to East Bound Alga Road - - - - - - $0 6634 Citywide Intelligent Traffic Control Devices $200,000 - - - - - $200,000 6628 1 Laguna Drive Storm Drain $256,000 - ☑ $1,000,000 - - - $1,256,000 2307 3 Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Phase 3B - - ☐ $540,000 ☑ $540,000 ♦ $1,484,000 - $2,564,000 6078 1 Ocean Street Reconfiguration Concepts Study - - - - - - $0 2310 2 Orion Complex Energy Storage - - - 🔎 $250,000 - - $250,000 2504 3 Paseo Del Norte Pedestrian and Bike Improvements - ☑ $600,000 - - - - $600,000 6081 Citywide Roadway Slope Stabilization $780,000 🔎 $500,000 - - - - $1,280,000 2524 Citywide Schools Traffic Safety Program - ☑ $1,100,000 - - - - $1,100,000 4085 2 South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail $789,940 - - - - - $789,940 6040 Citywide Traffic Impact Fee Update $270,000 - - - - - $270,000 6637 Citywide Traffic Signal Cabinet Upgrades $180,000 ♦ $162,000 - - - - $342,000 6636 2,3,4 Traffic Signal Right Turn Overlaps $150,000 ♦ $135,000 - - - - $285,000 4610 2 Village H South Off Leash Dog Area and Trail Segment 5B $682,500 - - - - ♦ $1,400,000 $2,082,500 Total $9,552,207 $1,957,892 $3,040,000 $790,000 $1,484,000 $2,450,000 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 248 of 345 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I-20 MAINTENANCE PROJECTS New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total Non-Recurring 4733 2 Alga Norte Park Modifications $1,024,000 $400,000 - - - - $1,424,000 4746 2 Calavera Hills Community Center Refurbishment $1,985,000 - - - - - $1,985,000 6063 3 Carlsbad Boulevard Emergency Repair $841,000 - - - - - $841,000 201912 1 Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue Pedestrian and Crossing - - - - - $1,320,000 $1,320,000 4727 Citywide City Facility Accessibility Upgrades $500,000 - - - - - $500,000 6616 Citywide City Fire Stations Wash Water BMPs $280,000 - - - - - $280,000 6326 Citywide Coordinated Traffic Signal Program $4,383,979 - - - - - $4,383,979 6622 1 DMP Facility BFB-U (El Camino Real) $850,000 $150,000 $7,375,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $8,555,000 2501 1 Downtown Tile Replacement - $250,000 - - - - $250,000 6099 2 Faraday Avenue Improvements $275,000 $1,000,000 - - - - $1,275,000 4720 2 Faraday Center Refurbishment $3,154,380 - - - - - $3,154,380 2508 2 Fire Station 5 Renovation - $150,000 $2,000,000 - - - $2,150,000 4747 2 Fleet Fuel Island Upgrade $4,063,800 $400,000 $400,000 $100,000 - - $4,963,800 2502 2 Flower Fields Overlook Sidewalk Replacement - $250,000 - - - - $250,000 2509 Citywide Green Paint Maintenance - $250,000 $150,000 $250,000 $150,000 $250,000 $1,050,000 6087 Citywide Guardrail Replacement and Improvement Study $150,000 - - - - - $150,000 4708 1 Harding Center Refurbishment $610,000 $200,000 - - - - $810,000 4728 1 Hosp Grove Park Improvements $2,904,000 $1,403,000 - - - - $4,307,000 6606 1 Kelly Drive Channel Repair $1,541,000 $2,100,000 - - - - $3,641,000 2517 4 La Costa Avenue Box Culvert Cleaning - $275,000 - - - - $275,000 4752 2 Las Palmas Roof Replacement $500,000 - - - - - $500,000 2507 1 Magee Park Building Restoration - $200,000 - - - - $200,000 6614 4 Marca Place Drainage Improvements $65,000 - - - - - $65,000 2519 Citywide Parks Maintenance Program - $2,147,000 $4,085,000 $1,942,000 $2,073,000 $1,779,000 $12,026,000 2505 2 Police and Fire HQ Parking Lot and Exterior Improvements - $120,000 - - - - $120,000 6088 4 Rancho Santa Fe Trail Slope Improvements $350,000 - - - - - $350,000 6079 Citywide Roadway Improvements - Coastal Area Analysis and Implementation $200,000 - - - - - $200,000 4738 1 Senior Center Repairs and Roof Replacement $3,158,000 - - - - - $3,158,000 4754 1 Senior Center Security Fencing $78,000 $222,000 - - - - $300,000 4742 4 Stagecoach Park Synthetic Turf Replacement $2,200,000 $496,000 - - - - $2,696,000 2521 2 Synthetic Turf Replacement - Alga Norte - - $2,298,000 - - - $2,298,000 2522 2 Synthetic Turf Replacement - Aviara - - $1,960,000 - - - $1,960,000 2523 1 Synthetic Turf Replacement - Pine - - - $1,955,000 - - $1,955,000 2520 3 Synthetic Turf Replacement - Poinsettia - $1,800,000 - - - - $1,800,000 6003 Citywide Traffic Monitoring Program $1,945,415 $170,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $3,715,415 6107 2 Trieste Slope Repair Project $3,317,600 - - - - - $3,317,600 Annual Allocation 6049 Citywide ADA Improvement Program $3,330,000 $715,000 $375,000 $715,000 $175,000 $820,000 $6,130,000 6629 2 Agua Hedionda Creek Maintenance $293,000 $130,000 $145,000 $155,000 $168,000 $181,000 $1,072,000 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 249 of 345 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I-21 MAINTENANCE PROJECTS (CONTINUED) New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6066 Citywide Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program $2,977,511 $700,000 $900,000 $900,000 $950,000 $950,000 $7,377,511 6619 1 Buena Vista Creek Concrete Channel Maintenance at El Camino Real $2,643,000 $375,000 $100,000 $600,000 $40,000 $150,000 $3,908,000 6608 1 Citywide Drainage Improvement Program $11,972,094 $2,200,000 $500,000 $750,000 $400,000 $830,000 $16,652,094 6092 Citywide Citywide Street Lighting Program $150,000 - - - - - $150,000 6093 Citywide Citywide Thermoplastic Pavement Markings $50,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $800,000 6013 Citywide Concrete Repair/Replacement Program $5,100,000 $840,000 $870,000 $910,000 $960,000 $1,010,000 $9,690,000 6624 1 Headwall Replacement Program $510,000 $300,000 $345,000 $415,000 $485,000 $555,000 $2,610,000 5049 2 Lake Calavera Reservoir Maintenance $581,001 $150,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $931,001 4723 Citywide Miscellaneous City Building Improvements $2,015,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $2,765,000 6052 Citywide Parking Lot Maintenance Program $1,720,000 $550,000 $160,000 $700,000 $175,000 $850,000 $4,155,000 6001 Citywide Pavement Management Program $58,349,890 $10,000,000 $7,350,000 $7,850,000 $8,450,000 $9,050,000 $101,049,890 6037 Citywide Retroreflectivity Sign Replacement Program $1,000,000 $150,000 $70,000 $120,000 $120,000 $120,000 $1,580,000 6002 Citywide Sidewalk/Street Construction Program $3,300,000 $988,000 $633,000 $108,000 $750,000 $200,000 $5,979,000 6620 Citywide Storm Drain Condition Assessment $870,000 $270,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $455,000 $2,645,000 6607 Citywide Storm Drain System Rehab and Repair Program $7,362,360 $1,350,000 $310,000 $330,000 $350,000 $400,000 $10,102,360 6062 Citywide Street Lighting Replacement Program $3,644,269 - - - - - $3,644,269 Total $140,244,299 $31,001,000 $31,076,000 $18,950,000 $16,456,000 $19,740,000 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 250 of 345 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I-22 ENTERPRISE PROJECTS New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6629 2 Agua Hedionda Creek Maintenance $3,545,249 - - - - - $3,545,249 5545 2 Agua Hedionda Lift Station Biological Monitoring and Maintenance $225,000 - - - - - $225,000 5537 3 Buena Interceptor Sewer Access Road Improvements $500,000 ($400,000) $400,000 - - - $500,000 5501 2,3 Buena Interceptor Sewer Improvements $1,758,686 - $3,300,000 $3,300,000 - - $8,358,686 5544 2 Buena Interceptor Sewer Realignment - East Segment $507,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 - - $4,307,000 5215 2 C Tank Access Road and Electrical Improvements $300,000 - - - - - $300,000 5552 2 Cannon Road Lift Station Improvements $765,000 $350,000 - - - - $1,115,000 5048 2 Carlsbad Boulevard Waterline Replacement at Terramar $4,730,000 - - - - - $4,730,000 5203 3 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (Encina Capital Projects) $5,424,654 $516,000 $431,000 $188,000 $253,000 $274,000 $7,086,654 2516 3 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility - Improvements $350,000 - - - - $350,000 5213 3 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Irrigation and Landscape $35,000 - - - - - $35,000 4749 3 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement $549,024 - - - - - $549,024 5007 Citywide Cathodic Protection Program $2,086,700 $290,000 $190,000 $190,000 $190,000 - $2,946,700 5554 1 Chinquapin Lift Station Improvements $1,220,000 $300,000 - - - - $1,520,000 2518 2 CMWD Building and Site - Improvements $600,000 $200,000 - - - $800,000 5013 2 College Boulevard - Cannon Road To Badger Lane (375 Zone) $278,383 - $1,400,000 - - - $1,678,383 5012 2 College Boulevard - Cannon Road To Badger Lane (490 Zone) $312,600 - $1,400,000 - - - $1,712,600 5033 1 Crestview Drive Transmission Main $605,000 ($434,000) $551,000 - - - $722,000 5038 2 Desalinated Water Flow Control Facility No. 5 $11,569,600 ($10,000,000) - - - - $1,569,600 201923 1 DMP Facility AAA (Jefferson Street) - - - - - - $0 201924 1 DMP Facility AAAA (Madison Street) - - - - - - $0 6609 1 DMP Facility AC (Highland Drive Drainage Project) - - - - - - $0 201925 2 DMP Facility AFA (Hidden Valley Drainage Restoration and - - - - - - $0 201926 2 DMP Facility AFB (Calavera Hills Drainage Restoration and - - - - - - $0 201927 1 DMP Facility BB 1 and 2 (Washington Street) - - - - - - $0 201928 1 DMP Facility BCB (Magnolia Avenue) - - - - - - $0 201929 1 DMP Facility BFB-L and BFB-1 (Tamarack and El Camino Real Plda - - - - - - $0 6622 1 DMP Facility BFB-U (El Camino Real) $153,489 - - - - - $153,489 201930 2 DMP Facility BL-L (College Boulevard Bridge Reimbursement Plda "B") - - - - - - $0 201931 2 DMP Facility BL-U (College Boulevard) - - - - - - $0 201932 2 DMP Facility BM (Cantarini/College Boulevard Box Culvert) - - - - - - $0 201933 2 DMP Facility BQ (Sunny Creek) - - - - - - $0 201934 2 DMP Facility BR (Cantarini/College Boulevard Pipe Drainage) - - - - - - $0 201935 3 DMP Facility C2 (Paseo Del Norte) - - - - - - $0 201936 3 DMP Facility CA (Avenida Encinas) - - - - - - $0 201937 4 DMP Facility DBA (Poinsettia Village) - - - - - - $0 201938 4 DMP Facility DBB (Avenida Encinas) - - - - - - $0 201939 4 DMP Facility DFA (Batiquitos Lagoon Stormwater Treatment) - - - - - - $0 201940 3 DMP Facility DH (Altive Place Canyon Restoration) - - - - - - $0 6623 Citywide Drainage Master Plan Update $1,281,000 - - - - - $1,281,000 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 251 of 345 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ENTERPRISE PROJECTS (CONTINUED) I-23 New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 5553 2 El Fuerte Lift Station Pump Addition $380,000 $45,000 - - - - $425,000 5801 Citywide Encina Capital Projects (EWPCF) $61,469,100 $8,601,300 $9,234,100 $8,917,300 $8,243,900 $8,471,600 $104,937,300 5539 2 Faraday and El Camino Real Sewer Replacement - Orion to Palomar $2,840,000 $340,000 - - - - $3,180,000 5059 2 Hydroelectric Generation at Water Facilities $461,000 $39,000 - - - - $500,000 5540 2 Las Palmas Trunk Sewer $301,000 - $290,000 $1,480,000 $1,480,000 - $3,551,000 5035 1,3 Limited Access Pipeline Relocation Program $2,701,000 $2,550,000 $600,000 - - - $5,851,000 5009 2 Maerkle Facility Improvements $3,591,200 $200,000 - - - - $3,791,200 5001 2 Maerkle Reservoir Transmission Main $195,000 - $540,000 - $4,245,000 - $4,980,000 5050 3 Normally Closed Valve (Install Motorized Valve) $1,966,000 - - - - - $1,966,000 5547 4 North Batiquitos Access Road Improvement $389,800 ($63,800) - - - - $326,000 5536 4 North Batiquitos Lift Station Forcemain Rehabilitation $75,000 - - - - - $75,000 5520 Citywide Odor and Corrosion Prevention Program $320,000 $38,000 - - - - $358,000 5055 2 Palomar Airport Waterline Realignment $2,333,000 - - - - - $2,333,000 5556 2 Poinsettia Lift Station Rehabilitation $650,000 $78,000 - - - - $728,000 5020 Citywide Pressure Reducing Station Program $6,431,040 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 $9,431,040 5061 2 Rancho Carlsbad Groundwater Supply $400,000 ($400,000) - - - - $0 5211 Citywide Recycled Water Condition Assessment Program $800,000 - $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $1,000,000 5210 3 Recycled Water Phase 3 - Reservoir $7,033,000 - - - - - $7,033,000 5216 2 Recycled Water Pipeline Replacement $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $2,100,000 5212 Citywide Recycled Water Valve and Appurtenance Replacement Program $380,000 - $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $880,000 5024 Citywide Reservoir Condition Assessment and Repair Program $8,090,000 - - - - - $8,090,000 5044 Citywide San Luis Rey Mission Basin Groundwater Supply $20,000 ($20,000) - - - - $0 5057 Santa Fe II Inlet Pipeline $529,650 - - - - $350,000 $879,650 5046 3 Santa Fe II Reservoir Site Electrical Improvements $293,581 $40,000 - - - - $333,581 5542 Citywide SCADA Improvements $16,226,898 $1,010,000 - - - - $17,236,898 5513 Citywide Sewer Condition Assessment $1,658,000 - $50,000 - $100,000 - $1,808,000 3840 2 Sewer Lift Station Repairs and Upgrades $4,535,380 $165,000 $165,000 $165,000 $165,000 $165,000 $5,360,380 5548 3 Sewer Line Capacity Improvements $1,400,000 $620,000 $944,000 - - - $2,964,000 5546 Citywide Sewer Modeling $200,000 - - - - - $200,000 5504 Citywide Sewer Monitoring Program (Capacity) $642,000 $44,000 - - - - $686,000 5503 1,2,3 Sewer System Rehabilitation and Replacement $10,626,480 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $20,626,480 5008 2 Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline Replacement $2,328,970 - $483,000 - $4,018,000 - $6,829,970 5549 2,3 Vallecitos Interceptor Sewer Cleaning and CCTV $350,000 $500,000 - - - - $850,000 5550 2 Villas Sewer Lift Station Replacement $1,329,000 - - - - - $1,329,000 3492 2 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Agua Hedionda LS and Forcemain (VC12- $33,410,970 $104,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 - $33,739,970 5535 1 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Buena Vista Lift Station Improvements $382,000 $31,000 $665,000 $665,000 $22,000 - $1,765,000 3950 1 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Reach VC3 $130,000 $387,000 $405,000 - - - $922,000 5551 2 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Rehabilitation (VC1 and VC2) $231,000 - $80,000 $140,000 - - $451,000 5555 2,3 Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor - Point Repair Reaches (VC13 & VC14) $200,000 $2,800,000 - - - - $3,000,000 5051 Citywide Water Infrastructure Condition Assessment Program $2,600,000 $420,000 $420,000 $450,000 $450,000 $450,000 $4,790,000 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 252 of 345 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ENTERPRISE PROJECTS (CONTINUED) I-24 New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 5058 Citywide Water Modeling $375,000 - - - - - $375,000 3904 Citywide Water System Rehabilitation and Replacement $16,058,370 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $31,058,370 5019 Citywide Water Valve Repair/Replacement Program $8,820,000 $960,000 $960,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $13,740,000 Total $239,349,824 $17,410,500 $30,108,100 $23,895,300 $26,366,900 $16,835,600 SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE (CLOSEOUT) PROJECTS New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 5205 Citywide Abandon Potable Services (New Recycled Services) $1,175,825 - - - - - $1,175,825 4745 Citywide Aviara and Hidden Canyon Parks Playground Safety Resurfacing $600,000 - - - - - $600,000 3649 2 Aviara Reimbursement Agreement $238,000 - - - - - $238,000 4601 2 Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements $1,407,850 - - - - - $1,407,850 6096 2,3 Carlsbad Boulevard Lane Reduction and Edge Striping $300,000 - - - - - $300,000 4718 1 City Hall Complex Refurbishment $1,144,000 - - - - - $1,144,000 4081 3 Dove Library Lighting Improvements $225,000 - - - - - $225,000 6042 2 El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements $4,197,123 - - - - - $4,197,123 4060 4 Fire Station 2 Replacement $14,433,882 - - - - - $14,433,882 5526 1 Foxes Landing Lift Station Wetwell and Pump Replacement $6,392,000 - - - - - $6,392,000 5054 2 Lake Calavera Outlet Improvements $1,436,001 - - - - - $1,436,001 4602 3 Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Phase 3 - Stables Restoration and Restroom $2,961,777 - - - - - $2,961,777 4603 1 Pine Avenue Park - Phase II (Community Building) $11,648,718 - - - - - $11,648,718 4608 3 Poinsettia Community Park - Phase 4 - Dog Park $2,838,140 - - - - - $2,838,140 5045 3 Poinsettia Lane - Cassia Road to Skimmer Court (Reimbursement $600,000 - - - - - $600,000 6057 1 Public Beach Access Improvements (Ocean Street) $4,183,767 - - - - - $4,183,767 6604 4 Romeria Drainage Improvements $757,940 - - - - - $757,940 4091 2 Temporary Fire Station 7 $2,022,000 - - - - - $2,022,000 4084 2 The Crossings Golf Course Lake Liner Replacement $1,035,500 - - - - - $1,035,500 6335 1 Traffic Signal - Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street $502,370 - - - - - $502,370 3886 Citywide Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Lagoon Bridge Replacement (VC11B) $9,464,833 - - - - - $9,464,833 3949 Citywide Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Reach VC14 To VC15 $21,362,390 - - - - - $21,362,390 Total $88,927,116 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 253 of 345 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I-25 PROJECT ACCOUNTING New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 4756 Alga Norte Settlement Agreement $1,983,192 - - - - - $1,983,192 201915 CFD#1 Administration - $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $550,000 2510 Harding Street Sewer Improvements - $1,200,000 - - - - $1,200,000 PA04 Loan Repay - Park-in-Lieu NE to Public Facility Fee Fund - - - - - - $0 PA02 Loan Repay - Park-in-Lieu SW to Public Facility Fee Fund - - - - - - $0 PA03 Loan Repay - Sewer Conn to Sewer Repl - - - $3,500,000 - - $3,500,000 4755 New Village Arts Tenant Improvements $613,000 - - - - - $613,000 4083 Open Space and Trail Acquisition (Prop C) $4,015,000 - - - - - $4,015,000 PA06 Recycled Replacement to Recycled Operating - $1,500,000 - - - - $1,500,000 4743 Safety Training Center Settlement $1,156,995 - - - - - $1,156,995 PA05 Traffic Impact Fee Funds to CFD #1 - $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $450,000 Total $7,768,187 $2,900,000 $200,000 $3,700,000 $200,000 $200,000 PROGRAM ADJUSTMENTS ▲ Completed, project account closed △ Combined, project scope incorporated into other existing projects ▼ Cancelled, project no longer warranted Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6030 2 ▼ Camino Hills and Jackspar Drive Slope Stabilization $859,400 ($768,681) - - - - $90,719 201907 1 △ Carlsbad Boulevard Median - Tamarack Avenue to Pine Avenue - - - - - - $0 6068 1 △ Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Lighting $1,325,000 ($1,254,934) - - - - $70,066 6111 1,2,3 △ Carlsbad Boulevard Roadway Configuration $2,000,000 ($2,000,000) - - - - $0 201917 1 ▼ Christiansen Way Improvements - - - - - - $0 4725 1 ▲ City Hall Exterior Refurbishment $2,250,000 - - - - - $2,250,000 201921 1 △ Cole Library Replacement - - - - - - $0 4750 1 ▼ Cole Library Security Fencing $170,000 ($144,435) - - - - $25,565 201941 4 ▼ DMP Facility DQB (La Costa Town Center) - - - - - - $0 201942 3 ▼ DMP Facility DZ (Poinsettia Lane) - - - - - - $0 6056 2 ▲ El Camino Real/Agua Hedionda Creek Bridge Railing and Sidewalk $210,000 - - - - - $210,000 3643 Citywide △ El Camino Real Medians $1,600,310 ($352,000) - - - - $1,248,310 5043 1 ▲ Fire Flow Capacity System Improvements $625,000 - - - - - $625,000 4748 3 ▲ Leo Carrillo Ranch Roof Repairs $1,450,000 ($80,000) - - - - $1,370,000 4741 1,3 ▲ Library Fire Alarm Panel Upgrades $180,000 ($39,990) - - - - $140,010 4739 1 ▲ New Village Arts Building Roof and Exterior Refurbishment $313,626 ($8,230) - - - - $305,396 4729 1 ▼ Ocean Street Restroom Facility $775,000 ($769,895) - - - - $5,105 6102 2,3 ▼ Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas Growth $230,000 ($230,000) - - - - $0 6028 2 ▼ Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard Improvements $1,295,500 ($735,901) - - - - $559,599 4092 Citywide △ Public Works Storage Facility $99,000 ($99,000) - - - - $0 4063 1 △ Trail Connectivity to Tamarack State Beach (Prop C) - - - - - - $0 5052 Citywide ▲ Water Loss Monitoring Program $167,089 - - - - - $167,089 Total $13,549,925 ($6,483,066) $0 $0 $0 $0 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 254 of 345 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I-26 REQUESTED APPROPRIATION SUMMARY Fiscal Year 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 Estimated 5- Year Total Requested Appropriation $15,204,716 $65,974,100 $47,635,300 $43,677,900 $53,875,600 $226,367,617 Estimated Future Costs $27,817,000 $62,780,000 $13,085,000 $17,484,000 $5,202,000 126,368,000 Total: Requested Appropriation + Future Costs $43,021,716 $128,754,100 $60,720,300 $61,161,900 $59,077,600 $352,735,616 Requested Appropriation does not include construction amounts for Strategic Plan and Critical Need projects. It does include full amounts for Maintenance and Enterprise projects as shown. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 255 of 345 I-27 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 15-YEAR FORECAST PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 36,419,464 58,234,614 14,291,235 15,397,302 16,370,201 2,941,194 REVENUES Developer Special Taxes 2,125,151 2,316,621 1,216,066 1,082,899 2,180,993 24,230,345 Total Revenues N/A 2,125,151 2,316,621 1,216,066 1,082,899 2,180,993 24,230,345 CAPITAL PROJECTS CFD#1 Administration -$ 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 - City Hall Complex 1,028,105 - - - - 15,500,000 100,000,000 Cole Library Expansion - - - - - - - Orion Center 35,257,727 (25,600,000) 46,150,000 - - - - Veteran's Memorial Park (All Quadrants)41,711,452 5,800,000 - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 77,997,285 (19,690,000) 46,260,000 110,000 110,000 15,610,000 100,000,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 58,234,614 14,291,235 15,397,302 16,370,201 2,941,194 (72,828,461) PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 178,950 4,937,945 2,697,828 4,628,492 (9,396,669) (7,985,256) REVENUES Gas Tax and Prop 42 Funds 3,186,643 3,262,882 3,298,664 3,334,839 3,371,413 34,270,794 Total Revenues N/A 3,186,643 3,262,882 3,298,664 3,334,839 3,371,413 34,270,794 CAPITAL PROJECTS Barrio Street Lighting 150,000 - - - - - - Camino De Los Coches and La Costa Avenue Intersection Control 350,000 - 2,000,000 - - - - Carlsbad Village Drive Widening - Pontiac Drive to Victoria Avenue - - - - - 700,000 2,500,000 Carlsbad Blvd And Tamarack Avenue Pedestrian Improvements 1,771,001 - - 300,000 15,600,000 - - Carlsbad Boulevard Emergency Repair 841,002 - - - - - - Carlsbad Boulevard Lane Reduction and Edge Striping 300,000 - - - - - - Carlsbad Blvd Median-Tamarack Avenue To Pine Avenue - - - - - - - Carlsbad Blvd Pedestrian Improvement Project 1,055,888 - - - - - - Citywide Drainage Improvement Program 6,090,594 - - - - - - Citywide Street Lighting Program 150,000 - - - - - - Citywide Thermoplastic Pavement Markings 50,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1,500,000 Concrete Repair/Replacement Program 3,133,000 260,000 250,000 290,000 340,000 390,000 4,700,000 El Camino Real And Cannon Road Intersection Improvements 661,126 - - - - - - El Camino Real Medians 904,530 (352,000) - - - - - El Camino Real Widening - Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue 1,450,000 - - - - - - Guardrail Replacement And Improvement Program 150,000 - - - - - 200,000 Intelligent Traffic Control Devices 199,999 - - - - - - Kelly Drive And Park Drive Road Diet And Multiuse Trail 130,000 - 1,000,000 - - - - La Costa Avenue Traffic Improvements 121,300 (108,842) - - - - 109,000 Laguna Drive Storm Drain 256,000 - 1,000,000 - - - 1,494,000 Marca Place Drainage Improvements 65,000 - - - - - - Palomar Airport Rd and Avenida Encinas GMP Improvements 230,000 (230,000) - - - - - Park Drive Drainage And Street Improvements 3,965,001 - - - - - - Paseo Del Norte Pedestrian and Bike Improvements - 65,490 - - - - - Pavement Management Program 7,930,849 - - - - - - Retroreflectivity Sign Replacement Program 1,000,000 150,000 70,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 1,200,000 Roadway Slope Stabilization 779,998 500,000 - - - - - Romeria Drainage Improvements 347,937 - - - - - - Schools Traffic Safety Program - 250,000 - - - - - Sidewalk/Street Construction Program - 988,000 633,000 108,000 750,000 200,000 5,225,000 Sustainable Mobility Plan Implementation Program 710,567 - - - - - - Traffic Improvement Program 2,388,004 - - - - - - Traffic Monitoring Program 200,000 170,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 - Traffic Signal - Maverick Way & Camino De Los Coches 490,000 450,000 - - - - - Traffic Signal - Tamarack Avenue And Valley Street 502,370 - - - - - - Traffic Signal Right Turn Overlaps 150,000 135,000 - - - - - Village And Barrio Traffic Circles 4,159,001 (4,000,000) - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 40,683,167 (1,572,352) 5,503,000 1,368,000 17,360,000 1,960,000 16,928,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 4,937,945 2,697,828 4,628,492 (9,396,669) (7,985,256) 9,357,538 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 (CFD 1) GAS TAX FUND May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 256 of 345 I-28 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 102,632 8,280 (55,616) (345,463) (601,978) (824,795) REVENUES Gas Tax (RMRA) Revenues 2,935,648 3,006,104 3,030,153 3,063,485 3,097,183 32,908,847 Total Revenues N/A 2,935,648 3,006,104 3,030,153 3,063,485 3,097,183 32,908,847 CAPITAL PROJECTS Concrete Repair/Replacement Program 1,967,000$ 580,000 620,000 620,000 620,000 620,000 6,200,000 Pavement Management Program 12,786,002 2,450,000 2,450,000 2,700,000 2,700,000 2,700,000 27,000,000 Total Project Expenditures 14,753,002 3,030,000 3,070,000 3,320,000 3,320,000 3,320,000 33,200,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 8,280 (55,616) (345,463) (601,978) (824,795) (1,115,948) PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 13,904,855 30,695,512 35,001,390 29,100,471 33,652,320 37,210,670 REVENUES Transfer from General Fund 18,579,226 4,905,878 5,049,081 5,191,849 5,328,350 57,285,820 Total Revenues N/A 18,579,226 4,905,878 5,049,081 5,191,849 5,328,350 57,285,820 CAPITAL PROJECTS ADA Beach Access - Pine to Tamarack 375,001$ 375,000 - 10,000,000 - - - Alga Norte Park Modifications 1,023,999 400,000 - - - - - Alga Norte Settlement Agreement 1,983,192 - - - - - - Assessment District 97-1 Maintenance 420,001 - - - - - - Barrio Street Lighting 760,000 - - - - - - Beach Access Repair and Upgrades - Pine Avenue to Tamarack 6,899,002 600,000 - - - - - Buena Vista Creek Concrete Channel Maintenance at El Camino Real 1,249,998 - - - 40,000 150,000 1,092,000 Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements 1,407,853 - - - - - - Camino Hills and Jackspar Drive Slope Stabilization 859,399 (768,681) - - - - - Cannon Park Restroom 45,765 - - - - - - Carlsbad Boulevard Roadway Configuration 2,000,000 (2,000,000) - - - - - Carlsbad Village Dr. & Grand Ave. Pedestrian & Crossing Improvements - - - - - 920,000 - Chestnut Underpass Public Art Project 400,000 - - - - - - City Facility Accessibility Upgrades 500,000 - - - - - - City Fire Stations Wash Water BMPs 279,999 - - - - - - City Hall Exterior Refurbishment 2,250,001 - - - - - - Cole Library Expansion - - - - - - - Dove Library Lighting Improvements 225,001 - - - - - - Faraday Avenue Improvements 275,000 1,000,000 - - - - - Fire Station No. 2 Replacement 13,000,004 - - - - - - Fire Station No. 7 100,000 - - - - - - Fleet Maintenance Refurbishment 896,100 1,700,000 - - - - - Grand Avenue Promenade 300,000 - - - - - 10,500,000 Green Paint Maintenance - 250,000 150,000 250,000 150,000 250,000 1,700,000 La Costa Avenue Box Culvert Cleaning - 275,000 - - - - - Lake Calavera Outlet Improvements 1,436,002 - - - - - - Lake Calavera Reservoir Maintenance 581,005 150,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 500,000 Monroe Street Pool Replacement 236 - - - - - - New Village Arts Tenant Improvements 613,000 - - - - - - Ocean Street Reconfiguration Concepts Study - - - - - - 400,000 Ocean Street Restroom Facility 775,000 (769,895) - - - - - Open Space and Trail Acquisition (Prop C)4,015,000 - - - - - - Orion Center - 99,000 - - - - - Orion Complex Energy Storage - - - 250,000 - - - Park Drive Street and Drainage Improvement 1,117,439 - - - - - - Police and Fire Headquarters Parking Lot Improvements - 120,000 - - - - - Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation 14,492,847 - - - - - - Public Beach Access Improvements (Ocean Street)3,610,340 - - - - - - Public Works Storage Facility 99,000 (99,000) - - - - - Rancho Santa Fe Trail Slope Improvements 350,000 - - - - - - Roadway Improvements - Coastal Area Analysis and Implementation 200,000 - - - - - - Romeria Drainage Improvements 410,001 - - - - - - Safety Training Center Settlement 1,156,995 - - - - - - South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail 789,941 - - - - - - Street Lighting Replacement Program 319,270 - - - - - - Temporary Fire Station No. 7 900,000 - - - - - - Terramar Area Coastal Improvements 1,000,000 - - - - - - The Crossings Golf Course Lake Liner Replacement 200,000 - - - - - - Traffic Improvement Program 999,999 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 - Traffic Signal Cabinet Upgrades 180,000 162,000 - - - - - Trail Connectivity to Tamarack State Beach (Prop C)152,156 - - - - - - Trieste Slope Repair Project 3,317,600 - - - - - - Tyler Street Traffic Circulation 970,000 - - - - - - Utility Undergrounding Program Study - - - - - - 100,000 Village and Barrio Traffic Circles 415,000 - - - - - - Village Intelligent Parking Implementation - - - - - - 300,000 Village Lighting - Carlsbad Village Dr. from Harding St. to Ocean St.600,000 (599,855) - - - - 600,000 Village Lighting - Gateway Lighting - - - - - - 950,000 Village Lighting - Hospitality District - - - - - - 700,000 Village Lighting - Pedestrian Lampposts Oak Avenue - - - - - - 600,000 Village Lighting - Pedestrian Lighting at Village Outskirts - - - - - - 950,000 Village Lighting - State Street, Madison, Roosevelt, and Washington 1,103,853 995,000 - - - - - Village Lighting - Train Station Area 500,000 (500,000) - - - - 500,000 Total Project Expenditures 75,555,000 1,788,569 600,000 10,950,000 640,000 1,770,000 18,892,000 N/A 30,695,512 35,001,390 29,100,471 33,652,320 37,210,670 75,604,490 GAS TAX (ROAD MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION ACCOUNT) GENERAL CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION (GCC) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 257 of 345 I-29 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2029-38 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 11,931,004$ 15,634,004$ 13,534,558$ 12,857,016$ 16,331,492$ 18,827,921$ REVENUES Transfer from General Fund 11,600,000 4,310,554 4,409,458 4,504,476 4,596,429 48,724,804 Total Revenues N/A 11,600,000 4,310,554 4,409,458 4,504,476 4,596,429 48,724,804 CAPITAL PROJECTS ADA Beach Access - Pine to Tamarack 375,001$ - 2,500,000 - - - - Alga Norte Park Modifications 314,000 710,000 - - - - - Alga Norte Settlement Agreement - 60,000 - - - - - Assessment District 97-1 Maintenance 420,001 - - - - - - Barrio Street Lighting 760,000 - - - - - - Beach Access Repair and Upgrades - Pine Avenue to Tamarack 6,199,002 700,000 - - - - - Buena Vista Creek Concrete Channel Maintenance at El Camino Real 1,249,999 - - 30,000 30,000 150,000 870,000 Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements 1,407,852 - - - - - - Camino Hills and Jackspar Drive Slope Stabilization 859,399 - - - - - - Cannon Park Restroom 45,765 - - - - - - Carlsbad Village Drive - I5 to Carlsbad Blvd. - Reconfigure Arterial - 350,000 1,500,000 - - - - Chestnut Underpass Public Art Project 400,000 - - - - - - City Facility Accessibility Upgrades 500,000 - - - - - - City Fire Stations Wash Water BMPs 279,999 - - - - - - City Hall Exterior Refurbishment 2,250,001 - - - - - - Cole Library Expansion - - - - - - 1,000,000 Dove Library Lighting Improvements 225,001 - - - - - - Faraday Avenue Improvements 100,000 175,000 500,000 - - - - Fire Station No. 2 Replacement 13,000,003 - - - - - - Fire Station No. 7 - 100,000 200,000 - - - - Fleet Maintenance Refurbishment 896,100 - 700,000 - - - - Grand Avenue Promenade 200,000 100,000 - 500,000 - - - Lake Calavera Outlet Improvements 1,436,001 - - - - - - Lake Calavera Reservoir Maintenance 581,004 - 160,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 500,000 Monroe Street Pool Replacement 236 - - - - - - New Village Arts Tenant Improvements 612,999 - - - - - - Ocean Street Reconfiguration Concepts Study - - 200,000 - - - - Ocean Street Restroom Facility 775,000 - - 63,000 - - - Open Space and Trail Acquisition (Prop C)4,015,000 - - - - - - Orion Complex Energy Storage - - - - 250,000 - - Park Drive Street and Drainage Improvement 717,440 - - - - - - Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation 11,373,502 1,723,000 - - - - - Public Beach Access Improvements (Ocean Street)3,610,340 - - - - - - Public Works Storage Facility - 99,000 - - - - - Rancho Santa Fe Trail Slope Improvements 350,000 - - - - - - Roadway Improvements - Coastal Area Analysis and Implementation 200,000 - - - - - - Romeria Drainage Improvements 410,001 - - - - - - Safety Training Center Settlement 1,156,995 - - - - - - South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail 789,941 - - - - - - Street Lighting Replacement Program 319,270 - - - - - - Temporary Fire Station No. 7 900,000 - - - - - - Terramar Area Coastal Improvements 1,000,000 - - - - - - The Crossings Golf Course Lake Liner Replacement 835,499 - - - - - - The Crossings Golf Course Lake Liner Replacement 200,000 - - - - - - Traffic Improvement Program 399,999 600,000 400,000 - - - - Traffic Signal Cabinet Upgrades - 180,000 - - - - - Trail Connectivity to Tamarack State Beach (Prop C)152,156 - - 3,544,000 - - - Trieste Slope Repair Project 362,600 2,000,000 - - - - - Tyler Street Traffic Circulation 70,000 900,000 - - - - - Utility Undergrounding Program Study - - 100,000 - - - - Village and Barrio Traffic Circles 415,000 - - - - - - Village Intelligent Parking Implementation - - - 300,000 - - - Village Lighting - Carlsbad Village Drive from Harding Street to Ocean Street 400,000 200,000 - - - - - Village Lighting - Gateway Lighting - - - - - 950,000 - Village Lighting - Hospitality District - - - - 700,000 - - Village Lighting - Pedestrian Lampposts Oak Avenue - - - 600,000 - - - Village Lighting - Pedestrian Lighting at Village Outskirts - - - - - 950,000 - Village Lighting - State Street, Madison, Roosevelt, and Washington 1,103,853 - - - - - - Village Lighting - Train Station Area 500,000 - 150,000 - - - - Total Project Expenditures 62,168,960 7,897,000 6,410,000 5,087,000 1,030,000 2,100,000 2,370,000 N/A 15,634,004$ 13,534,558$ 12,857,016$ 16,331,492$ 18,827,921$ 65,182,725$ GENERAL CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION (GCC) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 258 of 345 I-30 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A (1,058,577) 3,224 3,224 3,224 3,224 3,224 REVENUES Grant Revenue 1,911,801 - - - - - Total Revenues N/A 1,911,801 - - - - - CAPITAL PROJECTS Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements -$ - - - - - - Barrio Street Lighting 1,000,000 - - - - - - El Camino Real Widening - Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble 1,440,000 - - - - - - Veteran's Memorial Park (All Quadrants)3,000,000 - - - - - - Village and Barrio Traffic Circles 4,000,000 - - - - - - Schools Traffic Safety Program - 850,000 - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 9,440,000 850,000 - - - - - ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 3,224 3,224 3,224 3,224 3,224 3,224 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 21,982 21,982 21,982 21,982 21,982 21,982 REVENUES Grant Revenue 534,510 - - - - - Total Revenues N/A 534,510 - - - - - CAPITAL PROJECTS Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements 1,776,000$ - - - - - - Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvement Project 591,600$ - - - - - - Paseo Del Norte Pedestrian and Bike Improvements -$ 534,510 - - - - - Veteran's Memorial Park (All Quadrants)5,000,000 - - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 7,367,600 534,510 - - - - - ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 21,982 21,982 21,982 21,982 21,982 21,982 GRANTS - STATE GRANTS - FEDERAL May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 259 of 345 I-31 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 77,987,687 62,599,568 44,477,446 38,544,527 37,870,376 33,901,726 REVENUES Transfer from General Fund 4,979,226 4,905,878 5,049,081 5,191,849 5,328,350 57,285,820 Total Revenues N/A 4,979,226 4,905,878 5,049,081 5,191,849 5,328,350 57,285,820 CAPITAL PROJECTS Agua Hedionda Creek Maintenance 293,002$ 130,000 145,000 155,000 168,000 181,000 2,280,000 Aviara and Hidden Canyon Parks Playground Safety Resurfacing 600,001 - - - - - - Beach Access Repair and Upgrades - Pine Avenue to Tamarack - 1,900,000 - - - - - Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program - 700,000 900,000 900,000 950,000 950,000 - Buena Vista Creek Concrete Channel Maintenance at El Camino Real 1,393,001 375,000 100,000 600,000 - - - Calavera Hills Community Center Refurbishment 1,985,001 - - - - - - Carlsbad Village Drive Reconfiguration - - 1,500,000 - - - - City Facility Safety and Parking Lot Lighting Assessment - - - - - - - City Hall Complex Refurbishment - - - - - - - Citywide Drainage Improvement Program 5,881,501 2,200,000 500,000 750,000 400,000 830,000 6,100,000 Cole Library Security Fencing 170,000 (144,435) - - - - - Coordinated Traffic Signal Program - - - - - - - DMP Facility BFB-U (El Camino Real)850,001 150,000 7,375,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 800,000 Downtown Tile Replacement - 250,000 - - - - - El Camino Real and Agua Hedionda Creek Bridge Railing and Sidewalk 209,999 - - - - - - Faraday Center Refurbishment 3,154,381 - - - - - - Fire Station No. 2 Replacement - - - - - - - Fire Station 5 Renovation - 150,000 2,000,000 - - - - Fleet Fuel Island Upgrade 4,063,801 400,000 400,000 100,000 - - - Fleet Maintenance Refurbishment - 3,000,000 - - - - - Flower Fields Overlook Sidewalk Replacement - 250,000 - - - - - Harding Center Refurbishment - 200,000 - - - - - Headwall Replacement Program 510,002 300,000 345,000 415,000 485,000 555,000 7,326,000 Hosp Grove Park Improvements 1,562,000 - - - - - - Hosp Grove Park Improvements 120,000 - - - - - - Kelly Drive Channel Repair 1,541,005 2,100,000 - - - - - Las Palmas Roof Replacement 500,000 - - - - - - Leo Carrillo Ranch Roof Repairs 1,449,999 (80,000) - - - - - Library Fire Alarm Panel Upgrades 180,000 (39,990) - - - - - Magee Park Building Restoration - 200,000 - - - - - Miscellaneous City Building Improvements 2,014,999 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1,500,000 Monroe Street Pool Replacement 1,748,766 - - - - - - New Village Arts Building Roof and Exterior Refurbishment 313,626 (8,230) - - - - - Parking Lot Maintenance Program 1,720,001 550,000 160,000 700,000 175,000 850,000 4,860,000 Parks Maintenance Program - 2,147,000 4,085,000 1,942,000 2,073,000 1,779,000 - Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation - - - - - - - Public Beach Access Improvements (Ocean Street)- - - - - - - Schulman Auditorium and Cannon Art Gallery 1,650,000 - - - - - - Senior Center Repairs and Roof Replacement 3,158,001 - - - - - - Senior Center Security Fencing 78,000 222,000 - - - - - Stagecoach Park Synthetic Turf Replacement 2,200,001 496,000 - - - - - Storm Drain Condition Assessment 870,001 270,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 455,000 5,375,000 Storm Drain System Rehab and Repair Program 7,362,363 1,350,000 310,000 330,000 350,000 400,000 4,100,000 Synthetic Turf Replacement - Alga Norte - - 2,298,000 - - - - Synthetic Turf Replacement - Aviara - - 1,960,000 - - - - Synthetic Turf Replacement - Pine - - - 1,955,000 - - - Synthetic Turf Replacement - Poinsettia - 1,800,000 - - - - - Trash Amendment Compliance Program 630,000 1,350,000 500,000 2,585,000 655,000 3,077,000 20,324,000 Total Project Expenditures 46,209,452 20,367,345 23,028,000 10,982,000 5,866,000 9,297,000 52,665,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 62,599,568 44,477,446 38,544,527 37,870,376 33,901,726 38,522,546 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 823,999 1,147,488 1,147,488 1,147,488 1,147,488 1,047,488 REVENUES Other Financing Sources - - - - - - Total Revenues N/A - - - - - - CAPITAL PROJECTS College Blvd Reach A And Cannon Road Reach 4A 1,712,999$ (323,489) - - - 100,000 324,000 Total Project Expenditures 1,712,999 (323,489) - - - 100,000 324,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,147,488 1,147,488 1,147,488 1,147,488 1,047,488 723,488 INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT OTHER May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 260 of 345 I-32 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1)N/A 3,925,392 3,500,392 3,500,392 5,002,704 6,505,016 7,996,520 REVENUES Developer Fees - - 1,502,312 1,502,312 1,491,504 12,721,016 Total Revenues N/A - - 1,502,312 1,502,312 1,491,504 12,721,016 CAPITAL PROJECTS Loan - Park-in-Lieu NE to Public Facility Fee Fund for Park Site Acquisition -$ - - - - - 4,550,000 Robertson Ranch Park Development 1,037,999 425,000 - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 1,037,999 425,000 - - - - 4,550,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 3,500,392 3,500,392 5,002,704 6,505,016 7,996,520 16,167,536 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A (36,160) 203,656 3,781,104 5,283,416 6,785,728 8,320,464 REVENUES Developer Fees 1,642,816 3,577,448 1,502,312 1,502,312 1,534,736 21,194,488 Total Revenues N/A 1,642,816 3,577,448 1,502,312 1,502,312 1,534,736 21,194,488 CAPITAL PROJECTS City Facility Safety and Parking Lot Lighting Assessment 200,000$ - - - - - - Hosp Grove Park Improvements 1,222,000 1,403,000 - - - - - Monroe Street Pool Replacement 3,061,765 - - - - - - Pine Avenue Park - Phase II (Community Building)2,197,002 - - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 6,680,767 1,403,000 - - - - - ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 203,656 3,781,104 5,283,416 6,785,728 8,320,464 29,514,952 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,517,066 1,830,498 6,716,114 6,716,514 5,232,514 5,232,514 REVENUES Developer Fees 313,432 5,425,616 540,400 - - 205,352 Total Revenues N/A 313,432 5,425,616 540,400 - - 205,352 CAPITAL PROJECTS Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Phase 3 - Stables Restoration and Restroom Construction 1,329,989$ - - - - - - Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Phase 3B - - 540,000 540,000 1,484,000 - - Stagecoach Community Park Community Gardens 620,001 - - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 1,949,989 - 540,000 540,000 1,484,000 - - ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,830,498 6,716,114 6,716,514 5,232,514 5,232,514 5,437,866 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 2,184,536 3,114,024 3,114,024 3,114,024 3,114,024 4,973,000 REVENUES Developer Fees/Loans 929,488 - - - 1,858,976 756,560 Total Revenues N/A 929,488 - - - 1,858,976 756,560 CAPITAL PROJECTS Aviara Reimbursement Agreement 238,001$ - - - - - - Loan Repay - Park-in-Lieu SW to Public Facility Fee Fund - - - - - - 1,100,000 Total Project Expenditures 238,001 - - - - - 1,100,000 N/A 3,114,024 3,114,024 3,114,024 3,114,024 4,973,000 4,629,560 PARK-IN-LIEU SW PARK-IN-LIEU NE PARK-IN-LIEU NW PARK-IN-LIEU SE May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 261 of 345 I-33 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 5,197,664 5,199,664 3,754,836 3,769,117 3,771,398 3,771,398 REVENUES Developer Fees 2,000 55,173 14,281 2,281 - 811,367 Total Revenues N/A 2,000 55,173 14,281 2,281 - 811,367 CAPITAL PROJECTS Business Park Recreational Facility (Partial Funding)-$ - 1,500,000 - - - 16,500,000 Total Project Expenditures - - 1,500,000 - - - 16,500,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 5,199,664 3,754,836 3,769,117 3,771,398 3,771,398 (11,917,235) PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,046,182 1,046,182 1,046,182 1,046,182 1,046,182 1,046,182 REVENUES Developer Fees - - - - - 54,606 Total Revenues N/A - - - - - 54,606 CAPITAL PROJECTS DMP Facility AAA (Jefferson Street)-$ - - - - - 290,000 DMP Facility AAAA (Madison Street)- - - - - - 417,000 DMP Facility AC (Highland Drive Drainage Project)- - - - - - 922,000 DMP Facility AFA (Hidden Valley Drainage Restoration and Enhancement Project)- - - - - - 92,000 DMP Facility AFB (Calavera Hills Drainage Restoration and Enhancement Project)- - - - - - 164,000 Drainage Master Plan Update 216,511 - - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 216,511 - - - - - 1,885,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,046,182 1,046,182 1,046,182 1,046,182 1,046,182 (784,212) PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,684,311 1,842,702 1,989,063 2,264,058 2,539,053 2,814,972 REVENUES Developer Fees 158,391 146,361 274,995 274,995 275,919 3,329,005 Total Revenues N/A 158,391 146,361 274,995 274,995 275,919 3,329,005 CAPITAL PROJECTS Agua Hedionda Creek Maintenance 3,545,245$ - - - - - - College Boulevard Extension - - - - - - - DMP Facility BB 1 and 2 (Washington Street)- - - - - - 1,087,000 DMP Facility BCB (Magnolia Avenue)- - - - - - 469,000 DMP Facility BFB-L and BFB-1 (Tamarack and El Camino Real Plda "B")- - - - - - 905,000 DMP Facility BFB-U (El Camino Real)153,490 - - - - - - DMP Facility BL-L (College Boulevard Bridge Reimbursement Plda "B")- - - - - - 1,817,000 DMP Facility BL-U (College Boulevard)- - - - - - 385,000 DMP Facility BM (Cantarini/College Boulevard Box Culvert)- - - - - - 205,000 DMP Facility BQ (Sunny Creek)- - - - - - 132,000 DMP Facility BR (Cantarini/College Boulevard Pipe Drainage)- - - - - - 181,000 Drainage Master Plan Update 583,000 - - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 4,281,735 - - - - - 5,181,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,842,702 1,989,063 2,264,058 2,539,053 2,814,972 962,978 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,618,729 1,687,384 1,992,292 2,033,456 2,040,030 2,113,889 REVENUES Developer Fees 68,655 304,908 41,164 6,574 73,859 1,817,908 Total Revenues N/A 68,655 304,908 41,164 6,574 73,859 1,817,908 CAPITAL PROJECTS DMP Facility C2 (Paseo Del Norte)-$ - - - - - 728,000 DMP Facility CA (Avenida Encinas)- - - - - - 530,000 Drainage Master Plan Update 246,890 - - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 246,890 - - - - - 1,258,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,687,384 1,992,292 2,033,456 2,040,030 2,113,889 2,673,797 PARK FEE ZONES 5,13,16,17,18 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA A FEES (PLD A) PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA B FEES (PLD B) PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA C FEES (PLD C) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 262 of 345 I-34 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 832,958 853,399 1,211,629 1,246,874 1,246,874 1,297,626 REVENUES Developer Fees 20,442 358,230 35,245 - 50,752 1,462,457 Total Revenues N/A 20,442 358,230 35,245 - 50,752 1,462,457 CAPITAL PROJECTS DMP Facility DBA (Poinsettia Village)-$ - - - - - 168,000 DMP Facility DBB (Avenida Encinas)- - - - - - 430,000 DMP Facility DFA (Batiquitos Lagoon Stormwater Treatment)- - - - - - 257,000 DMP Facility DH (Altive Place Canyon Restoration)- - - - - - 233,000 DMP Facility DQB (La Costa Town Center)- - - - - - - DMP Facility DZ (Poinsettia Lane)- - - - - - - Drainage Master Plan Update 234,599 - - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 234,599 - - - - - 1,088,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 853,399 1,211,629 1,246,874 1,246,874 1,297,626 1,672,083 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 28,314,628 28,024,418 28,739,118 31,199,778 33,243,617 35,075,004 REVENUES Developer Fees 1,959,790 6,214,699 2,460,660 2,043,839 3,231,387 39,489,101 Total Revenues N/A 1,959,790 6,214,699 2,460,660 2,043,839 3,231,387 39,489,101 CAPITAL PROJECTS Cole Library Expansion -$ - - - - - - El Camino Real Medians - - - - - - - Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Street Improvements 998,001 - - - - - - Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Phase 3 - Stables Restoration and Restroom Construction - - - - - - - Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Phase 3 - Stables Restoration and Restroom Construction - - - - - - - Pickleball Courts 300,000 2,100,000 - - - - - Pine Avenue Park - Phase II (Community Building)- - - - - - - Pine Avenue Park - Phase II (Community Building)- - - - - - - Poinsettia Community Park - Phase 4 - Dog Park 2,838,138 - - - - - - Poinsettia Community Park - Phase 4 - Dog Park - - - - - - - Robertson Ranch Park Development (Partial Funding)- - - - - - - South Carlsbad Coastline - - - - - - 3,000,000 State Street Parking Lot Electric Vehicle Charging Stations - 150,000 - - - - - Temporary Fire Station No. 7 - - - - - - - Terramar Area Coastal Improvements 2,450,001 - 5,500,000 - - - - Valley and Magnolia Complete Streets 251,000 - - - - - - Village H South Off Leash Dog Area and Trail Segment 5B 682,500 - - - - 1,400,000 - Total Project Expenditures 7,519,639 2,250,000 5,500,000 - - 1,400,000 3,000,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 28,024,418 28,739,118 31,199,778 33,243,617 35,075,004 71,564,105 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,242,547 (138,590) 311,215 (4,277,313) (5,442,412) (5,001,940) REVENUES Developer Fees and Miscellaneous 383,313 905,005 414,922 314,901 440,471 5,710,473 Other Agency Contributions (City of Vista)251,550 306,800 43,550 - - - Total Revenues N/A 634,863 1,211,805 458,472 314,901 440,471 5,710,473 CAPITAL PROJECTS Buena Interceptor Sewer Improvements 550,000$ - - - - - - El Fuerte Lift Station Pump Addition 380,000 45,000 - - - - - Faraday and El Camino Real Sewer Replacement - Orion to Palomar Airport Road 2,840,001 340,000 - - - - - Harding Street Sewer Improvements - 1,200,000 - - - - - Las Palmas Trunk Sewer 301,000 - 290,000 1,480,000 1,480,000 - - Loan Repay - Sewer Conn to Sewer Repl - - - 3,500,000 - - - Sewer Line Capacity Improvements - - - - - - - Sewer Modeling 199,999 - - - - - - Sewer Monitoring Program (Capacity)642,000 44,000 - - - - 264,000 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Agua Hedionda LS and Forcemain (VC12-VC13) 33,696,172 - - - - - - Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Buena Vista Lift Station Improvements 296,001 - 67,000 67,000 - - - Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Lagoon Bridge Replacement (VC11B)9,464,834 - - - - - - Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Reach VC14 To VC15 21,362,391 - - - - - - Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Reach VC3 130,000 387,000 405,000 - - - - Total Project Expenditures 69,862,399 2,016,000 762,000 5,047,000 1,480,000 - 264,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A (138,590) 311,215 (4,277,313) (5,442,412) (5,001,940) 444,532 SEWER CONNECTION FEE FUND PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA D FEES (PLD D) PUBLIC FACILITY FEE FUND (PFF) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 263 of 345 I-35 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A (7,109,097) (3,036,370) (12,398,343) (19,870,355) (21,402,464) (22,683,475) REVENUES Transfer from Sewer Operating Fund 20,571,241 8,744,127 8,923,288 9,073,791 9,355,590 112,214,647 Total Revenues N/A 20,571,241 8,744,127 8,923,288 9,073,791 9,355,590 112,214,647 CAPITAL PROJECTS Agua Hedionda Lift Station Biological Monitoring and Maintenance 224,999$ - - - - - - Buena Interceptor Sewer Access Road Improvements 500,000 (400,000) 400,000 - - - - Buena Interceptor Sewer Improvements 1,208,691 - 3,300,000 3,300,000 - - 3,965,000 Buena Interceptor Sewer Realignment - East Segment 507,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - - Cannon Road Lift Station Improvements 765,000 350,000 - - - - - Carlsbad Municipal Water District Building and Site Improvements - 180,000 60,000 - - - - Chinquapin Lift Station Improvements 1,220,000 300,000 - - - - - Encina Capital Projects 61,469,098 8,601,300 9,234,100 8,917,300 8,243,900 8,471,600 116,469,800 Foxes Landing Lift Station Wetwell and Pump Replacement 6,392,000 - - - - - - North Batiquitos Access Road Improvement 389,800 (63,800) - - - - - North Batiquitos Lift Station Forcemain Rehabilitation 75,000 - - - - - - Odor and Corrosion Prevention Assessment 320,000 38,000 - - - - - Orion Center 299,999 (204,985) - - - - - Poinsettia Lift Station Rehabilitation 650,000 78,000 - - - - - SCADA Improvements 4,684,899 - - - - - - Sewer Condition Assessment 1,657,998 - 50,000 - 100,000 - 1,000,000 Sewer Lift Station Repairs and Upgrades 4,535,385 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 1,500,000 Sewer Line Capacity Improvements 1,400,001 620,000 944,000 - - - - Sewer System Rehabilitation and Replacement 10,626,479 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 27,400,000 Terramar Area Coastal Improvements - - - - - - - Vallecitos Interceptor Sewer Cleaning and CCTV 350,000 500,000 - - - - - Village and Barrio Traffic Circles 660,001 - - - - - - Villas Sewer Lift Station Replacement 1,329,001 - - - - - - Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Agua Hedionda LS and Forcemain (VC12-VC13)- 104,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 - - Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Buena Vista Lift Station Improvements 86,000 31,000 598,000 598,000 22,000 - 300,000 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Reach VC3 - - - - - - - Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Rehabilitation (VC1 and VC2)231,000 - 80,000 140,000 - - - Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor - Point Repair Reaches (VC13 & VC14)200,000 2,800,000 - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 99,782,352 16,498,515 18,106,100 16,395,300 10,605,900 10,636,600 150,634,800 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A (3,036,370) (12,398,343) (19,870,355) (21,402,464) (22,683,475) (61,103,628) PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 67,578 1,327,327 1,689,699 3,066,344 4,189,459 6,045,451 REVENUES Developer Fees 2,885,562 4,202,373 1,566,645 1,213,115 1,945,992 28,426,477 Total Revenues N/A 2,885,562 4,202,373 1,566,645 1,213,115 1,945,992 28,426,477 CAPITAL PROJECTS Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements 5,347,654$ 3,000,000 - - - - - Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment - Manzano Drive to Island Way - - - - - - 3,681,000 Carlsbad Village Drive Widening - Pontiac Drive to Victoria Avenue - - - - - - - El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements 3,536,000 - - - - - - El Camino Real Right Turn Lane to East Bound Alga Road - - - - - - 438,000 El Camino Real Widening - Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue 7,250,001 - 2,000,000 - - - - Melrose Drive Right Turn Lane to West Bound Palomar Airport Road 911,002 (728,286) 50,000 100,000 - - 729,000 Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard Improvements 1,295,501 (735,901) - - - - - Sidewalk/Street Construction Program 3,300,000 - - - - - 3,725,000 Terramar Area Coastal Improvements 6,650,004 - 1,700,000 - - - - Traffic Impact Fee Funds to CFD #1 - 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 900,000 Traffic Impact Fee Update 270,001 - - - - - - Traffic Monitoring Program 1,745,415 - - - - - - Valley and Magnolia Complete Streets 3,536,207 - - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 33,841,785 1,625,813 3,840,000 190,000 90,000 90,000 9,473,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,327,327 1,689,699 3,066,344 4,189,459 6,045,451 24,998,928 SEWER REPLACEMENT FUND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES (TIF) May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 264 of 345 I-36 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 7,252,997 1,041,966 (1,836,497) (1,693,149) (1,446,614) (3,817,508) REVENUES Transportation Taxes 5,849,095 5,926,537 6,008,348 6,171,535 6,324,106 63,806,824 Total Revenues N/A 5,849,095 5,926,537 6,008,348 6,171,535 6,324,106 63,806,824 CAPITAL PROJECTS ADA Improvement Program 3,330,002$ 715,000 375,000 715,000 175,000 820,000 4,450,000 Barrio Street Lighting 2,560,000 - 1,030,000 - - - - Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Pedestrian Improvements 1,054,003 - - - - - - Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Lighting 1,325,000 (1,254,934) - - - - - Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment - Manzano Drive to Island Way - 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 932,000 Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue Pedestrian and Crossing Improvements - - - - - 400,000 - Carlsbad Village Drive Widening - Pontiac Drive to Victoria Avenue - - - - - - - Chestnut Avenue Complete Street Improvements - Valley to Pio Pico - - - - - 250,000 - Chestnut Complete Street I-5 to Railroad Project Study 85,000 (85,000) - - - 250,000 - Christiansen Way Improvements - - - - - - - College Boulevard Extension 1,205,001 (215,619) - - - - 216,000 Coordinated Traffic Signal Program 2,583,980 - - - - - - Coordinated Traffic Signal Program 1,000,001 - - - - - - El Camino Real Widening - Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble 3,155,000 - - - - - - El Camino Real Widening - Sunny Creek to Jackspar 5,010,000 600,000 - - - - - Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Street Improvements 4,675,001 - 1,500,000 - - - - Pavement Management Program 20,336,566 6,600,000 3,950,000 4,200,000 4,800,000 5,400,000 16,500,000 Pavement Management Program 17,296,475 950,000 950,000 950,000 950,000 950,000 9,500,000 South Carlsbad Coastline 2,779,027 (1,074,321) - - - - - State Street and Grand Avenue Road Improvements - - - - - 325,000 - Street Lighting Replacement Program 3,325,002 - - - - - - Terramar Area Coastal Improvements 2,000,000 - - - - - - Valley and Magnolia Complete Streets 1,200,000 3,000,000 - - - - - Valley Street Traffic Calming - - - - - 300,000 - Village and Barrio Traffic Circles 1,024,999 1,825,000 - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 73,945,057 12,060,125 8,805,000 5,865,000 5,925,000 8,695,000 31,598,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 1,041,966 (1,836,497) (1,693,149) (1,446,614) (3,817,508) 28,391,316 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 26,911,861 36,946,558 35,709,223 36,989,253 36,740,479 38,671,725 REVENUES Developer Fees 1,826,697 2,975,665 1,880,029 1,600,226 1,931,246 17,179,087 Total Revenues N/A 1,826,697 2,975,665 1,880,029 1,600,226 1,931,246 17,179,087 CAPITAL PROJECTS College Boulevard - Cannon Road To Badger Lane (375 Zone)278,383$ - 1,400,000 - - - - College Boulevard - Cannon Road To Badger Lane (490 Zone)312,600 - 1,400,000 - - - - Crestview Drive Transmission Main - 171,000 551,000 - - - - Desalinated Water Flow Control Facility No. 5 11,569,601 (10,000,000) - - - - - Hydroelectric Generation at Water Facilities 461,000 39,000 - - - - - Limited Access Pipeline Relocation Program - 1,122,000 - - - - - Maerkle Reservoir Transmission Main - - 262,000 - 1,849,000 - - Palomar Airport Waterline Realignment - - - - - - - Poinsettia Lane - Cassia Road to Skimmer Court (Reimbursement Agreement)600,000 - - - - - - Pressure Reducing Station Program - 600,000 600,000 600,000 - - - Rancho Carlsbad Groundwater Supply 200,000 (200,000) - - - - 1,000,000 San Luis Rey Mission Basin Groundwater Supply 20,000 (20,000) - - - - 500,000 SCADA Improvements - 80,000 - - - - - Water Modeling 375,000 - - - - - - Water System Rehabilitation and Replacement - - - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 13,816,585 (8,208,000) 4,213,000 600,000 1,849,000 - 1,500,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 36,946,558 35,709,223 36,989,253 36,740,479 38,671,725 54,350,812 WATER CONNECTION - POTABLE TRANSNET - LOCAL May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 265 of 345 I-37 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A (14,978,642) 59,182 59,182 59,182 59,182 59,182 REVENUES Recycled Water Loans and Grants 15,387,825 - - - - - Total Revenues N/A 15,387,825 - - - - - CAPITAL PROJECTS Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Improvements -$ 350,000 - - - - - Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (Encina Capital Projects)- - - - - - - C-Tank Access Road Repair and Electrical Improvements 50,000 - - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 50,000 350,000 - - - - - ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 59,182 59,182 59,182 59,182 59,182 59,182 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 16,875,418 16,708,987 17,066,580 18,886,056 13,624,018 14,675,451 REVENUES Transfer from Water Operating Fund 6,659,237 6,388,592 6,459,476 6,391,962 6,451,433 64,594,191 Total Revenues N/A 6,659,237 6,388,592 6,459,476 6,391,962 6,451,433 64,594,191 CAPITAL PROJECTS Abandon Potable Services (New Recycled Services)1,175,827$ - - - - - - Carlsbad Boulevard Waterline Replacement at Terramar 4,730,002 - - - - - - Carlsbad Municipal Water District Building and Site Improvements - 300,000 100,000 - - - - Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (Encina Capital Projects)599,943 - - - - - - Cathodic Protection Program 1,986,702 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 - 540,000 Crestview Drive Transmission Main 605,000 (605,000) - - - - - El Camino Real Widening - Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue - - - - - - - Fire Flow Capacity System Improvements 625,000 - - - - - - Limited Access Pipeline Relocation Program 2,701,000 1,428,000 600,000 - - - - Maerkle Facility Improvements 3,591,201 200,000 - - - - - Maerkle Reservoir Solar Project 249,170 232,000 - - - - - Maerkle Reservoir Transmission Main 195,001 - 278,000 - 2,396,000 - - Normally Closed Valve (Install Motorized Valve)1,966,000 - - - - - - Orion Center 500,000 (321,333) - - - - - Palomar Airport Waterline Realignment 2,333,000 - - - - - - Pressure Reducing Station Program 6,431,037 - - - 600,000 600,000 6,000,000 Rancho Carlsbad Groundwater Supply 200,000 (200,000) - - - - 1,000,000 Recycled Water Phase 3 - Reservoir 180,002 - - - - - - Reservoir Repair and Maintenance Program 7,890,000 - - - - - 6,680,000 San Luis Rey Mission Basin Groundwater Supply - - - - - - - Santa Fe II Inlet Pipeline 529,650 - - - - 350,000 2,020,000 Santa Fe II Reservoir Site Electrical Improvements 293,581 40,000 - - - - - SCADA Improvements 9,545,600 532,000 - - - - - Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline Replacement 2,328,973 - 483,000 - 4,018,000 - 5,186,000 Valley and Magnolia Complete Streets 71,000 650,000 - - - - - Water Infrastructure Condition Assessment Program 2,600,001 420,000 420,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 4,730,000 Water Loss Monitoring Program 167,088 - - - - - - Water System Rehabilitation and Replacement 16,058,372 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 40,970,000 Water Valve Repair/Replacement Program 8,819,999 960,000 960,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 10,760,000 Total Project Expenditures 76,373,150 6,825,667 6,031,000 4,640,000 11,654,000 5,400,000 77,886,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 16,708,987 17,066,580 18,886,056 13,624,018 14,675,451 1,383,642 PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 YEAR 6-15 YEARS 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2030-39 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE N/A 13,363,612 10,572,599 9,576,599 10,363,599 11,085,599 11,936,599 REVENUES Transfer from Recycled Water Operating Fund - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,650,000 16,500,000 Total Revenues N/A - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,650,000 16,500,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS C-Tank Access Road Repair and Electrical Improvements 250,000$ - - - - - - Carlsbad Municipal Water District Building and Site Improvements - 120,000 40,000 - - - - Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (Encina Capital Projects)4,824,711 516,000 431,000 188,000 253,000 274,000 3,290,000 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Improvements - - - - - - - Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Irrigation and Landscape 35,000 - - - - - - Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement 549,025 - - - - - - Cathodic Protection Program 100,000 100,000 - - - - - Orion Center 199,999 (192,987) - - - - - Recycled Water Condition Assessment Program 800,001 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 590,000 Recycled Water Phase 3 - Reservoir 6,852,997 - - - - - - Recycled Water Pipeline Replacement 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 5,060,000 Recycled Water Valve and Appurtenance Replacement Program 380,000 - 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 1,330,000 Transfer to Recycled Water Operating Fund - 1,500,000 - - - - - Reservoir Condition Assessment and Repair Program 200,000 - - - - - - SCADA Improvements 1,996,399 398,000 - - - - - Total Project Expenditures 16,538,133 2,791,013 996,000 713,000 778,000 799,000 10,270,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE N/A 10,572,599 9,576,599 10,363,599 11,085,599 11,936,599 18,166,599 WATER REPLACEMENT - POTABLE WATER REPLACEMENT - RECYCLED WATER CONNECTION - RECYCLED May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 266 of 345 I-38 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 267 of 345 I-39 GLOSSARY OF CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING SOURCES BTD#2 – Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 2 developer fees are paid to partially fund the Poinsettia Lane and Aviara Parkway street construction project. BTD#3 – Bridge and Thoroughfare District No. 3 developer fees are paid to partially fund Cannon Road improvements. CDBG – Community Development Block Grants are allocated by the federal government to help develop viable urban communities for low and moderate income households. CFD #1 – The City of Carlsbad Community Facilities District No. 1 (Mello-Roos) funds civic projects, I-5 interchange projects, and road segments. Federal Grants – Federal Grants such as the Schools Traffic Safety Program. Gas Tax – Gas Tax revenues for street projects are received under the Streets & Highways Code of the State of California. Gas Tax 1B – Gas Tax revenues for street projects specifically for road maintenance and rehabilitation are received under the Streets & Highways Code of the State of California. General Capital Construction – General Capital Construction funds, created through fund transfers from the city's General Fund, are used to fund various municipal and other capital projects. Infrastructure Replacement Fund (IRF) – Annual transfers from the General fund pay for major maintenance and replacement of the city’s infrastructure. Other – Sources include revenues related to pending financing districts, property owner contributions, and contributions from other agencies. Park-in-Lieu (PIL) – Park-in-Lieu Fees are charged to developers for park acquisition and development. PIL fees are segregated by quadrant to fund park projects in those quadrants. Planned Local Drainage (PLD) – Drainage facilities necessitated by growth are paid from developer Planned Local Drainage Fees. PLD fees are segregated by drainage area. Public Facilities Fees (PFF) – Public Facilities Fees are charged to developers to fund civic facilities, park development, streets, traffic signals, and other facilities. Sewer Connection – Development fees include Sewer Connection charges for expansion of sewer lines and facilities. May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 268 of 345 I-40 Sewer Replacement – Sewer Replacement is part of sewer user fees and pays for repair and replacement of the city's existing sewer system. State Grants – State Grants such as Veteran’s Memorial Park funding. Transportation Development Act (TDA) – City street and bicycle projects can receive funding from Transportation Development Act sales tax receipts. Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) – Developer Traffic Impact Fees are used for various street construction and improvement projects. I-55 TransNet (BIKE, -HWY, -LOCAL, -STP) – Receipts of County Sales Taxes allocated by the San Diego Regional Transportation Commission finance various bicycle, freeway interchange and local road improvement projects. Water Connection – Development fees include Major Facility Fees used to fund expansion of water lines and ancillary water facilities. Water Replacement – Water Replacement funds are included in water utility rates and pay for the repair and replacement of existing potable water lines and facilities. Water Recycled – Revenues used to fund new Recycled Water projects; revenues for Phase III expansion includes grant and loan funds. Water Recycled Replacement – Recycled Water Replacement funds are included in utility rates and pay for the repair and replacement of existing recycled water lines and facilities. Zone 5, 13, 16, 17, 18 Park Fee (ZONE 5) – Fees paid by development in Local Facilities Management Zones 5, 13, 16, 17 and 18 to fund a Business Park Recreational Facility in the city's industrial corridor. The City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program reflects the city’s ongoing commitment May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 269 of 345 FI S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 4 - 2 5 S U P P L E M E N T A L B U D G E T R E Q U E S T S A P P R O V E D F O R C I T Y C O U N C I L C O N S I D E R A T I O N Br a n c h De p a r t m e n t Fu n d De s c r i p t i o n Ne t F Y 2 4 - 2 5 C o s t Ne t O n g o i n g C o s t Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s A d m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s A d m i n . Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n T O T A u d i t S e r v i c e s C o n t r a c t 8, 1 6 0 $ 8, 1 6 0 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s F i n a n c e Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n b a n k m e r c h a n t f e e s 46 , 9 8 9 $ 46 , 9 8 9 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s F i n a n c e Ge n e r a l F u n d i n g f o r F Y 2 5 a c t u a r i a l s e r v i c e s 16 , 0 0 0 $ 16 , 0 0 0 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s F i n a n c e Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n f a l s e a l a r m b i l l i n g c o n t r a c t 25 , 0 0 0 $ 25 , 0 0 0 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s F i n a n c e Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n a m b u l a n c e b i l l i n g c o n t r a c t 25 , 0 0 0 $ 25 , 0 0 0 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s M i s c e l l a n e o u s N o n - D e p a r t m e n t a l Ge n e r a l C a t c h - u p t r a n s f e r t o F l e e t R e p l a c e m e n t F u n d f o r P o l i c e M o b i l e C o m m a n d V e h i c l e 56 0 , 0 0 0 $ - $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s H o u s i n g & H o m e l e s s S e r v i c e s Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e d u e t o n e w l y r e c e i v e d h o u s i n g g r a n t f u n d s 20 0 , 0 0 0 $ - $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s H o u s i n g & H o m e l e s s S e r v i c e s Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e s i n v a r i o u s c o n t r a c t c o s t s 18 , 8 2 5 $ 18 , 8 2 5 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s L i b r a r y & C u l t u r a l A r t s Ge n e r a l A d d i t i o n a l b u d g e t f o r T G I F c o n c e r t s . C o u n c i l a p p r o v e d f u n d i n g f o r F Y 2 0 2 4 , o n g o i n g b u d g e t n e e d e d f o r f u t u r e y e a r s 15 5 , 0 0 0 $ 15 5 , 0 0 0 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s L i b r a r y & C u l t u r a l A r t s Ge n e r a l A d d i t i o n a l p a r t - t i m e h o u r s f o r T G I F c o n c e r t s . C o u n c i l a p p r o v e d f u n d i n g f o r F Y 2 0 2 4 , o n g o i n g b u d g e t n e e d e d f o r f u t u r e y e a r s 15 , 0 0 0 $ 15 , 0 0 0 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n a m o u n t o f M a s t e r S p o r t s C o n t r a c t 18 0 , 0 0 0 $ 18 0 , 0 0 0 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n c o s t s f o r p o o l c h e m i c a l s 19 , 0 0 0 $ 19 , 0 0 0 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n Ge n e r a l M a i n t e n a n c e & o p e r a t i o n s c o s t s f o r t h e S t a g e c o a c h C o m m u n i t y P a r k P r o j e c t 42 , 0 0 0 $ 72 , 0 0 0 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e t o i n t e g r a t e d p e s t m a n a g e m e n t p l a n c o n t r a c t c o s t s 40 , 0 0 0 $ 40 , 0 0 0 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n Ge n e r a l A n n u a l C P I i n c r e a s e s i n c o n s e r v a t i o n m a n a g e m e n t c o n t r a c t 50 , 0 0 0 $ 50 , 0 0 0 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n Ge n e r a l A n n u a l C P I i n c r e a s e s i n t r e e m a i n t e n a n c e c o n t r a c t 55 , 0 0 0 $ 55 , 0 0 0 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n Ge n e r a l A n n u a l C P I i n c r e a s e s i n m a i n t e n a n c e c o n t r a c t s 38 0 , 0 0 0 $ 38 0 , 0 0 0 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n u t i l i t i e s c o s t s f o r g a s & e l e c t r i c i t y 65 , 0 0 0 $ 65 , 0 0 0 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n u t i l i t i e s c o s t s f o r w a t e r 28 , 0 0 0 $ 28 , 0 0 0 $ Po l i c y & L e a d e r s h i p C i t y M a n a g e r Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n l o b b y i n g c o n t r a c t 5, 0 0 0 $ 5, 0 0 0 $ Pu b l i c S a f e t y Fi r e Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n f u n d i n g n e e d e d t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n P P - G E M T I G T p r o g r a m 46 8 , 0 0 0 $ 46 8 , 0 0 0 $ Pu b l i c S a f e t y Fi r e Ge n e r a l S u r c h a r g e f o r p u r c h a s e o f n e w f i r e e n g i n e 75 , 4 0 0 $ - $ Pu b l i c S a f e t y Po l i c e Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n c o n t r a c t c o s t s f o r S a n D i e g o H u m a n e S o c i e t y 21 , 6 0 0 $ 21 , 6 0 0 $ Pu b l i c S a f e t y Po l i c e Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n c o s t f o r c r o s s i n g g u a r d c o n t r a c t 59 , 5 9 0 $ 59 , 5 9 0 $ Pu b l i c S a f e t y Po l i c e Ge n e r a l E n h a n c e d s e c u r i t y m e a s u r e s a t T G I F c o n c e r t s 21 1 , 5 0 0 $ 21 1 , 5 0 0 $ Pu b l i c S a f e t y Po l i c e Ge n e r a l I n c r e a s e i n o v e r t i m e c o s t s f o r T G I F c o n c e r t s e r i e s 58 , 5 0 0 $ 58 , 5 0 0 $ Pu b l i c S a f e t y Po l i c e Ge n e r a l B u d g e t f o r P r o p e r t y & E v i d e n c e I n t e r n 19 , 2 0 0 $ - $ Pu b l i c S a f e t y Po l i c e Ge n e r a l R e p l a c e m e n t o f A E D d e v i c e s i n e x i s t i n g v e h i c l e s a n d p u r c h a s e o f n e w A E D s f o r n e w v e h i c l e s 37 2 , 7 6 6 $ - $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Pu b l i c W o r k s A d m i n . Ge n e r a l C o n t r a c t c o s t s f o r f i r e h y d r a n t m a i n t e n a n c e a t V a l l e c i t o s W a t e r D i s t r i c t 30 , 0 0 0 $ 30 , 0 0 0 $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Pu b l i c W o r k s A d m i n . Ge n e r a l T r a n s f e r o f p e r s o n n e l c o s t s t o e n t e r p r i s e f u n d s f o r f i r e h y d r a n t c o n t r a c t m a n a g e m e n t 5, 0 0 0 $ 5, 0 0 0 $ GE N E R A L F U N D S U B T O T A L 3, 2 5 5 , 5 3 0 $ 2, 0 5 8 , 1 6 4 $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Ut i l i t i e s En t e r p r i s e R e i m b u r s e m e n t o f w o r k f o r f i r e h y d r a n t c o n t r a c t m a n a g e m e n t 5, 0 0 0 $ 5, 0 0 0 $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Ut i l i t i e s En t e r p r i s e F u n d i n g i n c r e a s e f o r p r o a c t i v e l e a k d e t e c t i o n 47 , 2 0 0 $ - $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Ut i l i t i e s En t e r p r i s e F u n d i n g f o r f e d e r a l l y - m a n d a t e d R i s k a n d R e s i l i e n c e A s s e s s m e n t . C o n d u c t e d e v e r y 5 y e a r s . 14 0 , 0 0 0 $ - $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Ut i l i t i e s En t e r p r i s e F u n d i n g f o r s t a t e - m a n d a t e d U r b a n W a t e r M a n a g e m e n t P l a n . C o n d u c t e d e v e r y 5 y e a r s . 45 , 0 0 0 $ - $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Ut i l i t i e s En t e r p r i s e F u n d i n g f o r i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f n e w m e t e r d a t a m a n a g e m e n t a p p l i c a t i o n 34 , 0 0 0 $ - $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Ut i l i t i e s En t e r p r i s e F o r S D C W A p o t a b l e w a t e r p u r c h a s e s - f i x e d c h a r g e s 16 0 , 0 0 0 $ 16 0 , 0 0 0 $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Ut i l i t i e s En t e r p r i s e F o r S D C W A p o t a b l e w a t e r p u r c h a s e s - c o m m o d i t y v a r i a b l e c h a r g e s 2, 4 4 5 , 0 0 0 $ 2, 4 4 5 , 0 0 0 $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Ut i l i t i e s En t e r p r i s e F o r S D C W A d e s a l i n a t e d w a t e r p u r c h a s e s 60 0 , 0 0 0 $ 60 0 , 0 0 0 $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Ut i l i t i e s En t e r p r i s e A d d i t i o n a l C a r l s b a d s h a r e o f E n c i n a W a s t e w a t e r A u t h o r i t y b u d g e t 12 4 , 5 3 7 $ 12 4 , 5 3 7 $ EN T E R P R I S E F U N D S S U B T O T A L 3, 6 0 0 , 7 3 7 $ 3, 3 3 4 , 5 3 7 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s H u m a n R e s o u r c e s In t e r n a l S e r v i c e I n c r e a s e i n e x c e s s i n s u r a n c e c o s t s i n W o r k e r s ' C o m p e n s a t i o n F u n d 14 5 , 0 0 0 $ 14 5 , 0 0 0 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s H u m a n R e s o u r c e s In t e r n a l S e r v i c e I n c r e a s e i n c o n t r a c t c o s t s f o r T h i r d P a r t y A d m i n i s t r a t o r i n W o r k e r s ' C o m p e n s a t i o n F u n d 7, 0 0 0 $ 7, 0 0 0 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s H u m a n R e s o u r c e s In t e r n a l S e r v i c e I n c r e a s e i n W o r k e r s ' C o m p e n s a t i o n c l a i m s 1, 2 4 9 , 0 0 0 $ 1, 2 4 9 , 0 0 0 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s H u m a n R e s o u r c e s In t e r n a l S e r v i c e I n c r e a s e i n c o n t r a c t c o s t s f o r i n s u r a n c e c o m p l i a n c e v e n d o r a n d t r a n s f e r o f d r u g t e s t i n g t o R i s k M a n a g e m e n t F u n d 18 , 5 0 0 $ 18 , 5 0 0 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s H u m a n R e s o u r c e s In t e r n a l S e r v i c e I n c r e a s e i n l i a b i l i t y a n d p r o p e r t y i n s u r a n c e c o s t s i n t h e R i s k M a n a g e m e n t F u n d 17 5 , 0 0 0 $ 17 5 , 0 0 0 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s H u m a n R e s o u r c e s In t e r n a l S e r v i c e T e m p o r a r y i n c r e a s e i n l e g a l f e e s d u e t o s u b s i d e n c e c l a i m s i n R i s k M a n a g e m e n t F u n d 1, 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 $ - $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s H u m a n R e s o u r c e s In t e r n a l S e r v i c e T e m p o r a r y i n c r e a s e i n c l a i m s i n r e c e n t y e a r s i n R i s k M a n a g e m e n t F u n d 92 0 , 0 0 0 $ - $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s I n f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y In t e r n a l S e r v i c e I t e m s a p p r o v e d b y C i t y C o u n c i l a c t i o n d u r i n g F Y 2 0 2 3 - 2 4 r e q u i r i n g o n g o i n g f u n d i n g 19 4 , 7 4 0 $ 19 4 , 7 4 0 $ Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s I n f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y In t e r n a l S e r v i c e I n c r e a s e s i n c o n t r a c t c o s t s f o r o p e r a t i o n a l n e e d s , n e t o f $ 2 1 1 , 6 5 1 i n b u d g e t r e d u c t i o n s 21 5 , 0 0 0 $ 21 5 , 0 0 0 $ Pu b l i c W o r k s Fl e e t & F a c i l i t i e s In t e r n a l S e r v i c e I n c r e a s e i n f u e l c o s t s 32 2 , 1 5 6 $ 32 2 , 1 5 6 $ IN T E R N A L S E R V I C E S F U N D S S U B T O T A L 4, 8 4 6 , 3 9 6 $ 2, 3 2 6 , 3 9 6 $ Co m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s H o u s i n g & H o m e l e s s S e r v i c e s Sp e c i a l R e v e n u e I n c r e a s e i n H U D R e n t a l A s s i s t a n c e ; w i l l b e 1 0 0 % o f f s e t b y r e v e n u e 2, 0 6 9 , 3 7 4 $ 2, 0 6 9 , 3 7 4 $ SP E C I A L R E V E N U E F U N D S S U B T O T A L 2, 0 6 9 , 3 7 4 $ 2, 0 6 9 , 3 7 4 $ GR A N D T O T A L S 13 , 7 7 2 , 0 3 7 . 0 0 $ 9,7 8 8 , 4 7 1 . 0 0 $ Exhibit 7 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 270 of 345 Proposed Master Fee Schedule FY 2024-25 All Fees Within, except Trash Collection Rates and Park Land In- Lieu Fees, Effective Sept. 1, 2024 Trash Collection Rates and Park Land In-Lieu Fees Effective July 1, 2024 Exhibit 8 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 271 of 345 Proposed Master Fee Schedule FY 2024-25 Contents Section 1 – General City Service Fees, Deposits, Rates, Penalties and Fines Miscellaneous Fees and Returned Checks ....................................................................................... 4 Deposits and Securities .................................................................................................................... 5 Special Events and Safety Training Center ....................................................................................... 6 Ambulance and Street Light Energizing ........................................................................................... 7 City Clerk Fees .................................................................................................................................. 8 Library Fees ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Fire (Fire Extinguishing and Alarm Systems) .................................................................................. 10 Fire (Development Applications, Plan Review, and Inspection) .................................................... 11 Fire (Fire and Life Safety Inspections and Fire Code Permits) .......................................................12 Police Department Fees ................................................................................................................. 14 Administrative and Vehicle, Traffic, and Parking Penalties ........................................................... 15 Trash Collection Rates .................................................................................................................... 16 Utility Account and Service Fees ....................................................................................................24 Utility Meter Installation and Connection .....................................................................................26 Utility (San Diego County Water Authority) ..................................................................................28 Section 2 – Development Related Fees Planning Department Fees ............................................................................................................30 Engineering Department Fees .......................................................................................................35 Building (New Construction, Additions and Major Remodels) ......................................................40 Building (Minor/Miscellaneous Residential & Commercial Improvements) .................................45 Building (Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical) ............................................................................49 Building (Simple Single or Combination Permits List) ....................................................................51 Section 3 – Development Impact Fees Bridge and Thoroughfare District 2 Map .......................................................................................53 Local Facilities Management Zones Map .......................................................................................54 Park Land In-Lieu Fees, Park Districts Map ....................................................................................55 Planned Local Drainage Fee Areas and Map ..................................................................................56 Sewer Benefit Area and Connection Fees Map .............................................................................58 Affordable Housing, Habitat Mitigation, and Traffic .....................................................................60 May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 272 of 345 Section 1 General City Service Fees, Deposits, Rates, Penalties and Fines May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 273 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Miscellaneous Fees 1 Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Bond Call - 1% of principal being repaid (All Assessment Districts using 1915 Act Bonds)each [1]$50 min/$500 max 2 Business License - additional CA fee each [4],[6] $ 1.00 3 Business License - master list of active business licenses each [2]$ 39.00 4 Business License - monthly list of new licenses each [2]$ 7.00 5 Cable Channel Administration Fee per hour [3]$ 115.00 6 Electric Vehicle Charging Fee per kWh [1]$ 0.35 7 GIS - digital data delivery, production of new documents, reproduction of existing documents, and technical services per hour [1]Actual Cost 8 Hearing Disposition Services for Parking Citations - Personal Hearings each [1]Actual Cost 9 Hearing Disposition Services for Parking Citations - Written Review each [1]Actual Cost 10 City Publications each [1]Copy Charge 11 Community Facilities District Annexation - City Labor (Plus actual consultants costs)each [2]$ 1,920.00 12 Sign Collection and Pickup Fee (plus $5 fee per sign)each [1]$ 26.00 Returned Check Fee 13 First Returned Check each [5]$ 25.00 14 Each Additional Check each [5]$ 35.00 [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. [4] Set per CA Government Code 4467 [5] Set per CA Civil Code 1719 [6] Business license tax, set per Carlsbad Municipal Code 5.08.010, is separate from these fees. 4May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 274 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Deposits and Securities Grading and Erosion Control 15 Grading Security (with approved plans)deposit [1],[2] Based on Grading Cost Estimate 16 Grading Cash Deposit deposit [1],[2] Up to 10% of total grading security Development/Subdivision Improvements 17 Faithful Performance Security deposit [1],[2] Based on Improvement Cost Estimate 18 Labor and Materials Security deposit [1],[2] 50% of Faithful Performance Security 19 Monumentation Security deposit [1],[2] Based on Total Cost of Monumentation [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Per CA Government Code 53079, 1% shall be deducted from any interest due. The city may require a security be provided to ensure work related to a project is completed in accordance with the Carlsbad Municipal Code and development agreements executed with the city. This information is to help understand the standard structure of how these deposits and securities are calculated. The security amounts are calculated using final city-approved cost estimates, not initial or draft estimates during plan check. 5May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 275 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Special Events Fees 20 Special Event Application - Minor - 2 or less intersections (fee + services rendered)each [1],[3]158.00$ 21 Special Event Application - Major - 3 or more intersections (fee + services rendered) each [1],[2]474.00$ 22 Special Event Application - Third party Vendor Fee per day [1],[2]106.00$ 23 Special Event City Services - Staff Time per hour [1] Actual Cost Safety Training Center Facility Fees 24 One Shooting Range full day [1]1,395.00$ 25 One Shooting Range 1/2 day [1]698.00$ 26 Two Shooting Ranges full day [1]1,567.00$ 27 Two Shooting Ranges 1/2 day [1]819.00$ 28 Classroom full day [1]662.00$ 29 Classroom 1/2 day [1]379.00$ 30 Confined Space Prop full day [1]733.00$ 31 Confined Space Prop 1/2 day [1]366.00$ 32 Grinder full day [1]525.00$ 33 Grinder 1/2 day [1]306.00$ 34 Grinder/Commercial Prop full day [1]759.00$ 35 Grinder/Commercial Prop 1/2 day [1]379.00$ 36 Grinder/Residential Prop full day [1]759.00$ 37 Grinder/Residential Prop 1/2 day [1]379.00$ 38 PriSim (Training Simulator)full day [1]552.00$ 39 PriSim (Training Simulator)1/2 day [1]276.00$ 40 Pump Draft Pit full day [1]442.00$ 41 Pump Draft Pit 1/2 day [1]221.00$ 42 Streetscape full day [1]185.00$ 43 Streetscape 1/2 day [1]135.00$ 44 Shooting Range - Hourly hourly [1]141.00$ [Notes] [1]Set per City policy [2] Carlsbad Municipal Code 8.17 defines and outlines Special Events which may require a permitting. [3] Fee charged as determined by staff Full details on how to apply for a Special Event Application can be referenced in the Special Event Reference Handbook available on the City of Carlsbad website. The below fees are listed for reference only and may not be representative of the entirety of a Special Event Application cost. A valid, unexpired City of Carlsbad Business License is required for all special event applicants. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17.070 CMC requires an applicant to pay a non-refundable fee to allow third party vendors to participate under the applicant’s business License. 6May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 276 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Ambulance Fees 45 Assessment/Non-Transport with medication given. No charge for assessment if no medication given and non-transport. per [1]472.00$ 46 Advanced Life Support 1 - plus Level I or Level II supplies and medications per [1]2,668.00$ 47 Advanced Life Support 2 - plus Level II supplies and medications per [1]2,668.00$ 48 Basic Life Support per [1]2,668.00$ 49 Mileage Charge mile [1]42.00$ 50 Oxygen Charge per [1]124.00$ Street Light Energizing Fees 51 40 watts each [2]88.00$ 52 45 watts each [2]96.00$ 53 70 watts each [2]133.00$ 54 85 watts each [2]156.00$ 55 100 watts each [2]179.00$ 56 120 watts each [2]209.00$ 57 150 watts each [2]254.00$ 58 200 watts each [2]330.00$ 59 250 watts each [2]405.00$ [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Street Light Energizing Fees are the cost for energizing each street light for eighteen months, and include a $30.00 charge per light for connecting the light to an SDG&E service point. 7May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 277 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit City Clerk Fees 60 Appeals to City Council each [2],[8]126.00$ 61 Candidate Filing Fee each [3]25.00$ 62 Notice of Intention to Circulate Initiative Petition each [4]200.00$ Subpoena Fees 63 Deposition Subpoena per day [5]275.00$ 64 Records Subpoena - research per hour [6]15.00$ Copy Fees 65 Copies & Printing - Black & White each [1]0.10$ 66 Copies & Printing - Color each [1]0.10$ 67 CD Copy each [1] Actual Cost 68 DVD Copy each [1] Actual Cost 69 USB Drive Copy each [1] Actual Cost FPPC Fees 70 Campaign Statements per page [7]0.10$ 71 Conflict of Interest Statement per page [7]0.10$ 72 Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case-by-case basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time of service provided. per hour [2]137.00$ [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Set per City of Carlsbad Municipal Code 1.12.010 [4] Set per CA Elections Code 9202 [5] Set per CA Government Code 68096.1(b) [6] Set per CA Evidence Code 1563(b)(1) [7] Set per CA Government Code 81008 [8] Additional department processing fees may apply. 8May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 278 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Library Fees 73 Account Collection Fee per item [1]10.00$ 74 Hold Request Non-Pickup Fee per item [2]1.00$ 75 Borrowing - Audio/Visual Equipment, per item per day [1]5.00$ 76 Card Replacement per card [2]2.00$ 77 Carlsbad History Collection Photo Fee per request [1] Actual Cost 78 Interlibrary Loan per request [2]6.00$ 79 Lost/Damaged Item Processing fee per item [2]6.00$ 80 Lost/Damaged Item per item [1]List Price 81 Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case-by-case basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time of service provided. per hour [2]12.00$ [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update 9May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 279 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Fire Extinguishing and Alarm Systems New Sprinkler System 82 ESFR Fire Sprinkler System (Initial System)each [2]1,117.00$ 83 Each Additional System each [2]309.00$ 84 Per Additional Inspection each [2]133.00$ 85 ESFR Fire Sprinkler System with In-Rack Sprinklers each [2]1,292.00$ 86 Each Additional System each [2]309.00$ 87 Per Additional Inspection each [2]133.00$ 88 Fire Pump (First Pump)each [2]1,028.00$ 89 Each Additional Pump each [2]352.00$ 90 NFPA 13 System < 100 Heads each [2]807.00$ 91 Per Additional Inspection each [2]133.00$ 92 Per Additional Plan Type each [2]176.00$ 93 NFPA 13 System > 100 Heads (Includes One Riser)each [2]1,117.00$ 94 Each Additional Riser each [2]309.00$ 95 Per Additional Inspection each [2]133.00$ 96 Per Additional Plan Type each [2]176.00$ 97 NFPA 13R System 3-16 units (Per Building)each [2]1,117.00$ 98 Per Additional Inspection (Per Building)each [2]176.00$ 99 Per Additional Plan Type each [2]176.00$ 100 NFPA 13D Single Family System (Plan Review Per Initial or Single Plan Type)each [2]320.00$ 101 Per Additional Plan Type each [2]176.00$ 102 NFPA 13D Single Family System (Inspection Per Building)each [2]162.00$ 103 Underground Piping with up to 4 Hydrants/Risers each [2]982.00$ 104 Underground Piping with 5 or more Hydrants/Risers each [2],[3]1,295.00$ Tenant Improvement Sprinkler System 105 NFPA 13 or 13R System 6 Heads or Less each [2]162.00$ 106 NFPA 13 or 13R System 7 - 100 heads each [2]718.00$ 107 Per Additional Inspection each [2]176.00$ 108 Per Additional Plan Type each [2]176.00$ 109 NFPA 13 or 13R System > 100 Heads each [2]850.00$ 110 Per Additional Inspection each [2]176.00$ 111 Per Additional Plan Type each [2]176.00$ Other Extinguishing Systems 112 Gas Systems (Med Gas, Industrial Gas, LPG)each [2]541.00$ 113 Hood & Duct Extinguishing System each [2]541.00$ 114 Each Additional System each [2]264.00$ 115 Pre-Action System with Alarm each [2]718.00$ 116 Refrigeration Systems < 500 lbs.each [2]939.00$ 117 Refrigeration Systems > 500 lbs.each [2]1,601.00$ 118 Special Equipment (Ovens, Dust, Battery)each [2]541.00$ 119 Special Extinguishing System each [2]762.00$ 120 Spray Booths each [2]541.00$ Alarm Systems 121 New Alarm System each [2]1,646.00$ 122 Per Additional Inspection each [2]176.00$ 123 Per Additional Plan Type each [2]176.00$ 124 Sprinkler Monitoring each [2]498.00$ 125 Per Additional Inspection each [2]176.00$ 126 Per Additional Plan Type each [2]176.00$ 10May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 280 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 127 Tenant Improvement Fire Alarm System each [2]807.00$ 128 Per Additional Inspection each [2]176.00$ 129 Per Additional Plan Type each [2]176.00$ Development Applications, Plan Review and Inspection Building Construction Plan (Architectural Review) 130 A-1 Occupancies - New each [2]1,545.00$ 131 A-1 Occupancies - Tenant Improvements each [2]1,182.00$ 132 A-2 & A-3 Occupancies - New each [2]1,060.00$ 133 A-2 & A-3 Occupancies - Tenant Improvements each [2]817.00$ 134 A-4 & A-5 Occupancies - New each [2]1,545.00$ 135 A-4 & A-5 Occupancies - Tenant Improvements each [2]1,182.00$ 136 E Occupancies - New each [2]1,545.00$ 137 E Occupancies - Tenant Improvements each [2]1,182.00$ 138 E Occupancies (Daycare Only) each [2]618.00$ 139 F Occupancies - New each [2]1,060.00$ 140 F Occupancies - Tenant Improvements each [2]817.00$ 141 H Occupancies (Not Including Chem Class) - New each [2]1,060.00$ 142 H Occupancies (Not Including Chem Class) - Tenant Improvements each [2]817.00$ 143 I Occupancies - New each [2]1,060.00$ 144 I Occupancies - Tenant Improvements each [2]817.00$ 145 L Occupancies - New each [2]618.00$ 146 L Occupancies - Tenant Improvements each [2]487.00$ 147 R-1 & R-2 Occupancies <50 Units New flat [2]1,545.00$ 148 R-1 & R-2 Occupancies ≥50 Units New flat [2]1,910.00$ 149 R-3 Townhomes New each [2]1,060.00$ 150 R Occupancies All - Tenant Improvements each [2]817.00$ 151 S Occupancies < 50,000 sq. ft. New flat [2]618.00$ 152 S Occupancies < 50,000 sq. ft. - Tenant Improvements flat [2]487.00$ 153 S Occupancies ≥ 50,000 sq. ft. New flat [2]1,149.00$ 154 S Occupancies ≥ 50,000 sq. ft. - Tenant Improvements flat [2]882.00$ Plan Review and Inspection Hazardous Materials Storage 155 Chem Class <10 Chemicals flat [2]630.00$ 156 Chem Class 10- 25 Chemicals flat [2]982.00$ 157 Chem Class 26 - 100 Chemicals flat [2]1,425.00$ 158 Chem Class >100 Chemicals flat [2]1,867.00$ 159 Fire Department Access & Fire Lanes flat [2]320.00$ 160 High Piled Storage flat [2]982.00$ 161 High Rise Structure Greater Than 55 feet 441.00$ 162 Per Additional Floor flat [2]352.00$ Storage Tanks 163 Aboveground Storage Tanks (First Tank)each [2]939.00$ 164 Underground Storage Tanks (First Tank)each [2]850.00$ 165 Each Additional Tank each [2]133.00$ Vegetation Fuel Modification 166 Custom Home flat [2]630.00$ 167 Tract <75 Homes flat [2]1,161.00$ 168 Tract ≥75 Homes flat [2]1,690.00$ 169 Smoke Control - Rationale Analysis & Plan Review 1,779.00$ 11May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 281 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Other Fire Fees Aerial Fireworks Display 170 Major each [2]1,678.00$ 171 Minor each [2]971.00$ Plan Review 172 Processing Fee each [2]30.00$ 173 Per Hour - Overtime hourly [2]191.00$ 174 Per Hour - Regular Office Hours hourly [2]176.00$ Hourly Services for: Alternate Methods and Materials Review, Time and Materials Review, Project Meetings, etc. 175 First Hour each [2]207.00$ 176 Each Additional Hour hourly [2]176.00$ 177 Plan Resubmittal (3rd and Subsequent Submittal, Per Hour)hourly [2]176.00$ 178 Reinspection (Per Inspection)each [2]250.00$ Tent Permit (Not associated with special events) 179 Single Tent each [2]264.00$ 180 2-5 Tents flat [2]529.00$ 181 6 or More Tents flat [2]708.00$ 182 Weed Abatement Administrative Fee 352.00$ 183 Fire Nuisance Alarm - 1st Response in 12 Month Period each [1]-$ 184 Fire Nuisance Alarm - 2nd Response in 12 Month Period each [1]105.00$ 185 Fire Nuisance Alarm - 3rd Response in 12 Month Period each [1]210.00$ 186 Fire Nuisance Alarm - Each Additional Response Thereafter each [1]412.00$ 187 Fire Nuisance Alarm - Each Billing each [1]14.00$ 188 Special Events Application Processing flat [2],[6]176.00$ 189 Special Events - Fire Prevention/Operations Support Prior To/During Event each [2],[6] Actual Cost Fire & Life Safety Inspections and Fire Code Permits Fire Inspections for the following Occupancies: 190 Care Facility for More than 6 Ambulatory & Non-Ambulatory Clients each [2],[4]191.00$ 191 Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Mental Hospitals, Detoxification and Surgery Centers each [2],[4]368.00$ 192 Commercial Care Facility (i.e. Child, Drug & Alcohol, Juvenile, Etc.)each [2],[4]191.00$ 193 Pre-Inspection Residential Care Facility (i.e. Single Family Residences)each [2],[4]191.00$ 194 High Rise Facility > 75 ft. (Per Floor of Building)each [2],[4]191.00$ State Mandated School Inspection - Public or Private School [2],[4] 195 Pre-School each [2],[4]441.00$ 196 Elementary/Middle School each [2],[4]708.00$ 197 High School each [2],[4]1,060.00$ State Mandated Hotel and Motel Inspection 198 1-5 Buildings Per Property flat [2],[4]618.00$ 199 6-10 Buildings Per Property flat [2],[4]1,060.00$ 200 11 or More Buildings Per Property flat [2],[4]1,324.00$ State Mandated Apartment Inspection 201 3-10 Units Per Building flat [2],[4]221.00$ 202 11-40 Units Per Building flat [2],[4]264.00$ 203 Greater than 40 Units Per Building flat [2],[4]353.00$ 12May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 282 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Fire Code Permits - Initial Permit 204 Tier 1 each [2],[5]191.00$ 205 Tier 2 each [2],[5]368.00$ 206 Tier 3 each [2],[5]544.00$ Fire Code Permits - Annual Renewal Permit 207 Tier 1 each [2],[5]103.00$ 208 Tier 2 each [2],[5]191.00$ 209 Tier 3 each [2],[5]280.00$ Assembly 210 < 300 people flat [2]191.00$ 211 > 300 people flat [2]368.00$ All Other Occupancies Annual Inspections 212 Tier 1 - 5,000 sq. ft. or Less flat [2]147.00$ 213 Tier 2 - 5,001 to 20,000 sq. ft.flat [2]234.00$ 214 Tier 3 - 20,001 and Greater flat [2]368.00$ 215 Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case-by-case basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time of service provided. per hour [2]176.00$ [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Additional Reinspection fees shall apply for phased inspection projects at the discretion of the Fire Marshall [4] [5] [6]Additional fees for Standby of fire personnel and equipment during event will apply. All annual inspection fees shall include time for the initial inspection and 1 reinspection. All subsequent reinspection shall be charged an additional rate per inspection. Tier 1 – Candles – Open Flame; Cryogens; Dry Cleaning; Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG); Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing; Industrial Ovens; Hot Works; Welding Tier 2 – Aerosol; Aviation Facility; Waste Handling; Carnival/Fair; Combustible Materials Storage; Compressed Gas; Dust Producing Operations; Flammable Liquids – Storage; Combustible Liquids – Storage; Flammable/Combustible Liquids – Tanks; Flammable/Combustible Liquids – AST/UST Removal; Fruit Ripening; Hazardous Materials; Magnesium Work; Repair Garage; Tire Storage; Explosives-Model Rockets Tier 3 – Aircraft Refueling; Explosives – Blasting & Fireworks; High Piled Combustible Storage (HPS); Lumber Yards & Woodworking Plants; Refrigeration Equipment; Spraying or Dipping Operations Package Permits – All permits associated in the following activities are included in the Tier priced above: Dry Cleaning; Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing; Repair Garage; Welding 13May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 283 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Police Fees 216 Audio/Photos on USB each [2]44.00$ 217 Burglary Alarm Registration Fee each [2]29.00$ 218 False Alarm Response - Second Occurrence each [2]39.00$ 219 False Alarm Response - Additional Occurrence each [2]73.00$ 220 Excess False Alarm Panic Response - Robbery each [3]100.00$ 221 Excess False Alarm Panic Response - Burglary each [3]100.00$ 222 Copy Investigation Record each [2]60.00$ 223 Dispatch Records Searches per query [2]24.00$ 224 Entertainment License each [2]308.00$ 225 Fingerprinting processing Fee each [2],[5]27.00$ 226 Fix-It Ticket - moving violation each [2],[6]21.00$ 227 Fix-It Ticket - parking/registration violation each [2],[6]13.00$ 228 Handicap Placard Violation Waiver Processing Fee each [2],[7]29.00$ 229 Photograph Copy - Subpoena or Records requests that require retrieval in QueTel evidence program.each [2]21.00$ 230 Police/Fire - Emergency Response DUI Traffic Collision (max $12,000 per incident)each [1] Actual Cost 231 Production of body worn camera videos. Staff time per hour of production and redaction of videos.each [1] Actual Cost 232 Report Copy Fee (Free to Victim)each [2]13.00$ 233 Rental of Conference rooms to Safety Personnel each [2]230.00$ 234 Storage/Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge each [2]159.00$ 235 Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case-by-case basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time of service provided. per hour [2]88.00$ [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Set per City of Carlsbad Municipal Code 8.50.080 [E] [4] Set per City of Carlsbad Municipal Code 5.16.070 [5] Plus actual cost from processing agency [6] Requires proof of correction [7] Waived with proof of correction 14May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 284 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Administrative Citation Penalties 236 1st Violation of a City Ordinance each [2]100.00$ 237 2nd Violation of a City Ordinance each [2]200.00$ 238 3rd Violation of a City Ordinance each [2]500.00$ 239 Subsequent violation of same ordinance within one year each [2]500.00$ Vehicle, Traffic, and Parking Civil Penalties 240 CA Vehicle Code Parking Violation, if not specified by separate fee amount (rounded)each [3]48.00$ 241 CA VC 22500(i) Bus Zone each [3]263.00$ 242 CA VC 22500(l) Curb Cut/Disabled Access each [3]343.00$ 243 CA VC 22507.8 (a)-(c) Disabled Parking Space/Access Area/Loading Area each [3]343.00$ 244 CA VC 22522 Sidewalk Access Ramp (3 ft. away)each [3]343.00$ 245 CA VC 22526 (a)(b) Block Intersection/Gridlock each [3]63.00$ 246 CA Vehicle Code Violation for Equipment, if not specified by separate fee amount (rounded)each [3]38.00$ 247 CA VC 4000(a) Expired Registration each [3]63.00$ 248 CA VC 26100C Tinted Covers on Headlights each [3]48.00$ 249 CA VC 28071 Passenger Car Bumpers Required each [3]88.00$ 250 Carlsbad Municipal Code Parking Violations, if violation not established by the CA Vehicle Code Parking Violation or CA Vehicle Code Equipment Violation. each [1]50.00$ [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Set per City of Carlsbad Resolution 2001-167 and limit set per CA Government Code Section 36900 [B] [3] Set per City Policy to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department Parking Fee Violation Table. 15May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 285 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Trash Collection Rates (Stormwater fee included) Residential Services 251 3-Cart (64 or 96 gallon cart)[1]30.67$ 252 3-Cart Low Generator (35 gallon cart)[1]27.96$ 253 Back Yard Service Fee (added to curbside rate)[1]38.60$ 254 Additional Solid Waste Cart [1]3.34$ 255 Additional Recycled Materials Cart (4+)[1]3.34$ 256 Additional Organics Cart (4+)[1]3.34$ Commercial Services Commercial Solid Waste - 64 or 96 Gallon Cart 257 One pick-up per week [1]30.59$ 258 Two pick-ups per week [1]61.19$ 259 Three pick-ups per week [1]91.78$ 260 Four pick-ups per week [1]118.52$ 261 Five pick-ups per week [1]145.37$ 262 Six pick-ups per week [1]172.20$ 263 Extra pick-up per week [1]14.41$ Commercial 96 Gallon Cart - Recycling and Organics Included 264 One pick-up per week [1]64.16$ 265 Two pick-ups per week [1]113.41$ 266 Three pick-ups per week [1]162.60$ 267 Four pick-up per week [1]209.98$ 268 Five pick-ups per week [1]257.56$ 269 Six pick-ups per week [1]305.10$ 270 Multi-Family: Set of Solid Waste, Recycling, and Organics (per unit)[1]13.98$ Commercial Solid Waste Yard Bins 271 1-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]80.61$ 272 1-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]136.92$ 273 1-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]193.44$ 274 1-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]249.78$ 275 1-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]306.40$ 276 1-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]362.95$ 277 1-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]38.77$ 278 2-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]109.50$ 279 2-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]192.71$ 280 2-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]275.96$ 281 2-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]359.06$ 282 2-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]442.34$ 283 2-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]525.57$ 284 2-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]52.66$ 285 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]148.75$ 286 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]271.23$ 287 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]393.68$ 16May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 286 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 288 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]525.57$ 289 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]638.59$ 290 3-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]761.08$ 291 3-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]70.68$ 292 4-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]198.38$ 293 4-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]370.45$ 294 4-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]542.59$ 295 4-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]714.67$ 296 4-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]886.76$ 297 4-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]1,058.86$ 298 4-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]84.56$ 299 5-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]248.02$ 300 5-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]469.78$ 301 5-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]691.49$ 302 5-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]886.76$ 303 5-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]1,134.97$ 304 5-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]1,356.73$ 305 5-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]98.41$ 306 6-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]271.23$ 307 6-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]525.57$ 308 6-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]761.08$ 309 6-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]1,058.86$ 310 6-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]1,356.73$ 311 6-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]1,738.39$ 312 6-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]123.03$ Commercial Split Bins (includes 2 locks )[1] 313 One pick-up per week [1]120.13$ 314 Two pick-ups per week [1]219.25$ 315 Three pick-ups per week [1]318.35$ 316 Four pick-ups per week [1]417.45$ 317 Five pick-ups per week [1]516.55$ 318 Six pick-ups per week [1]615.67$ Commercial Bin Compactor - Solid Waste 319 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]208.52$ 320 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]390.48$ 321 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]572.44$ 322 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]754.38$ 323 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]936.35$ 324 3-yard bin - six picks-up per week [1]1,118.35$ 325 3-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]84.80$ 326 4-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]344.35$ 327 4-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]659.76$ 328 4-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]975.65$ 329 4-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]1,291.47$ 330 4-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]1,607.40$ 17May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 287 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 331 4-yard bin - six picks-up per week [1]1,923.39$ 332 4-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]140.04$ 333 6-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]538.27$ 334 6-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]1,060.96$ 335 6-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]1,584.60$ 336 6-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]2,108.77$ 337 6-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]2,633.18$ 338 6-yard bin - six picks-up per week [1]3,157.70$ 339 6-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]218.89$ Commercial Recycling 340 32 gal cart - one pick-up per week [1]22.36$ 341 32 gal cart - two pick-ups per week [1]44.74$ 342 32 gal cart - three pick-ups per week [1]67.10$ 343 32 gal cart - four pick-ups per week [1]86.64$ 344 32 gal cart - five pick-ups per week [1]106.28$ 345 32 gal cart - six pick-ups per week [1]125.90$ 346 64 or 96 gal cart - one pick-up per week [1]24.48$ 347 64 or 96 gal cart - two pick-ups per week [1]48.95$ 348 64 or 96 gal cart - three pick-ups per week [1]73.42$ 349 64 or 96 gal cart - four pick-ups per week [1]94.82$ 350 64 or 96 gal cart - five pick-ups per week [1]116.30$ 351 64 or 96 gal cart - six pick-ups per week [1]137.76$ 352 64 or 96 gal cart - extra pick-up [1]11.53$ 353 1-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]64.49$ 354 1-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]109.53$ 355 1-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]154.75$ 356 1-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]199.82$ 357 1-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]245.12$ 358 1-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]290.36$ 359 1-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]31.01$ 360 2-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]87.61$ 361 2-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]154.16$ 362 2-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]220.76$ 363 2-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]287.24$ 364 2-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]353.87$ 365 2-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]420.46$ 366 2-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]42.13$ 367 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]119.00$ 368 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]216.99$ 369 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]314.95$ 370 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]420.46$ 371 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]510.87$ 372 3-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]608.86$ 373 3-yard bin - seven pick-ups per week [1]709.49$ 374 3-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]56.54$ 18May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 288 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 375 4-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]158.69$ 376 4-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]296.36$ 377 4-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]434.07$ 378 4-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]571.73$ 379 4-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]709.41$ 380 4-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]847.09$ 381 4-yard bin - seven pick-ups per week [1]984.90$ 382 4-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]67.65$ 383 5-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]198.41$ 384 5-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]375.82$ 385 5-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]553.19$ 386 5-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]709.41$ 387 5-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]907.97$ 388 5-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]1,085.39$ 389 5-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]78.73$ 390 6-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]216.99$ 391 6-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]420.46$ 392 6-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]608.86$ 393 6-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]847.09$ 394 6-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]1,085.39$ 395 6-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]1,390.71$ 396 6-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]98.43$ Commercial Bin Compactor - Recycling 397 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]166.82$ 398 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]312.39$ 399 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]457.95$ 400 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]603.50$ 401 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]749.08$ 402 3-yard bin - six picks-up per week [1]894.67$ 403 3-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]67.84$ 404 4-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]275.48$ 405 4-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]527.81$ 406 4-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]780.51$ 407 4-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]1,033.17$ 408 4-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]1,285.93$ 409 4-yard bin - six picks-up per week [1]1,538.71$ 410 4-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]112.03$ 411 6-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]430.62$ 412 6-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]848.77$ 413 6-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]1,267.67$ 414 6-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]1,687.02$ 415 6-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]2,106.55$ 416 6-yard bin - six picks-up per week [1]2,526.17$ 417 6-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]175.11$ 19May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 289 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Commercial Organics Recycling 418 32 gal cart - one pick-up per week [1]22.36$ 419 32 gal cart - two pick-ups per week [1]44.74$ 420 32 gal cart - three pick-ups per week [1]67.10$ 421 32 gal cart - four pick-ups per week [1]86.64$ 422 32 gal cart - five pick-ups per week [1]106.28$ 423 32 gal cart - six pick-ups per week [1]125.90$ 424 64 or 96 gal cart - one pick-up per week [1]24.48$ 425 64 or 96 gal cart - two pick-ups per week [1]48.95$ 426 64 or 96 gal cart - three pick-ups per week [1]73.42$ 427 64 or 96 gal cart - four pick-ups per week [1]94.82$ 428 64 or 96 gal cart - five pick-ups per week [1]116.30$ 429 64 or 96 gal cart - six pick-ups per week [1]137.76$ 430 64 or 96 gal cart - extra pick-up [1]11.53$ 431 1-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]64.49$ 432 1-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]109.53$ 433 1-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]154.75$ 434 1-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]199.82$ 435 1-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]245.12$ 436 1-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]290.36$ 437 1-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]31.01$ 438 1.5-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]76.05$ 439 1.5-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]131.85$ 440 1.5-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]187.76$ 441 1.5-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]243.53$ 442 1.5-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]299.50$ 443 1.5-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]355.41$ 444 1.5-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]36.57$ 445 2-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]87.61$ 446 2-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]154.16$ 447 2-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]220.76$ 448 2-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]287.24$ 449 2-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]353.87$ 450 2-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]420.46$ 451 2-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]42.13$ 452 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]119.00$ 453 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]216.99$ 454 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]314.95$ 455 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]420.46$ 456 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]510.87$ 457 3-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]608.86$ 458 3-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]56.54$ 459 4-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]158.69$ 460 4-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]296.36$ 20May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 290 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 461 4-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]434.07$ 462 4-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]571.73$ 463 4-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]709.41$ 464 4-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]847.09$ 465 4-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]67.65$ Commercial Bin Compactor - Organics Recycling 466 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]166.82$ 467 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]312.39$ 468 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]457.95$ 469 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]603.50$ 470 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]749.08$ 471 3-yard bin - six picks-up per week [1]894.67$ 472 3-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]67.84$ 473 4-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]275.48$ 474 4-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]527.81$ 475 4-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]780.51$ 476 4-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]1,033.17$ 477 4-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]1,285.93$ 478 4-yard bin - six picks-up per week [1]1,538.71$ 479 4-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]112.03$ 480 6-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]430.62$ 481 6-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]848.77$ 482 6-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]1,267.67$ 483 6-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]1,687.02$ 484 6-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]2,106.55$ 485 6-yard bin - six picks-up per week [1]2,526.17$ 486 6-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]175.11$ Special Haul Bin Rate 487 3-yard bin - one pick-up per week [1]181.85$ 488 3-yard bin - two pick-ups per week [1]284.20$ 489 3-yard bin - three pick-ups per week [1]386.54$ 490 3-yard bin - four pick-ups per week [1]488.89$ 491 3-yard bin - five pick-ups per week [1]591.25$ 492 3-yard bin - six pick-ups per week [1]693.60$ 493 3-yard bin - extra pick-up [1]59.37$ Construction and Demolition Recycling 494 Special Haul Bin (no Storm Water Fees) 1 week or less [1]128.43$ 495 2-yard temporary C&D Recycling Bin [1]149.74$ 496 3-yard temporary C&D Recycling Bin [1]152.19$ 497 4-yard temporary C&D Recycling Bin [1]165.40$ 498 6-yard temporary C&D Recycling Bin [1]170.87$ 21May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 291 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Other Fees and Charges 499 Bin Exchange [1]83.11$ 500 Bin Lock Set Up Fee [1]51.94$ 501 Locking Fee [1]19.75$ 502 Overloaded Bins [1]71.56$ 503 Bin paint charge fee - allowed 1 per year. After first paint within one year, there will be a charge per paint request.[1]143.04$ 504 Bin Relocation (first 25 feet free)9.87$ 505 Special haul bin delivery [1]57.28$ 506 Certified burial at Miramar plus special handling fee charged by Miramar [1]448.40$ 507 Commercial Return to Service Fee - The return to service fee for two or more calls in a one-month period by a bin [1]92.16$ 508 Copy Fee - The charge for copies requested by customers [1]1.96$ 509 Delivery of extra cart [1]16.05$ 510 Late Fee - There will be a minimum fee on any delinquent account - $3 minimum charge [1]4.94$ 511 Bulky Item - Exceeding 5 per pick up - First item [1]58.35$ 512 Bulky Item - Exceeding 5 per pick up - each addl item [1]14.95$ 513 Per Bulky Item - first item [1]58.35$ 514 Per Bulky Item - each additional item [1]14.95$ 515 Bulky Item requiring 2 people to handle [1]83.79$ 516 Contamination Fee - to recover costs for separating solid waste placed in a recycling or green waste container or for arranging a special, unscheduled collection due to contamination. [1]74.39$ 517 Scout service per bin per service [1]67.31$ 518 Residential Return to Service Fee - The return to service fee for two or more calls in a one-month period by a residential customer [1]46.86$ 519 Restart Fee - The fee for restarting commercial service when a permanent account has been terminated for non-payment.[1]28.11$ Roll off Service 520 Service Fee - Roll off service [1]305.27$ 521 Disposal Fee per Ton (pass through)[1]59.91$ 522 Recycling Processing Fee per Ton (pass through)[1]39.23$ 523 Organics Processing Fee per Ton (pass through)[1]85.76$ 524 C&D Processing Fee per Ton (pass through)[1]80.72$ 525 Contaminated Load (per occurrence)[1]305.27$ 526 Roll off - Demurrage Per Day Charge [1]6.50$ Single and Multi-Family Resident Bulky Item Pick-Ups - 5 items maximum per pick up Commercial Bulky Item Pick-Ups 22May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 292 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 527 Delivery [1]78.56$ 528 Delivery Demo (includes signage) [1]83.05$ 529 Relocation Charge onsite [1]61.38$ 530 Relocation Charge offsite [1]87.56$ 531 Wash Out Receiver Boxes [1]70.22$ 532 Dead Run charge [1]105.25$ 533 Standby charge after 5 minutes [1]2.78$ [Notes] [1] Set per contract by Republic Services 23May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 293 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Utility Account and Service Fees Water Account Fees 534 Discontinuation of Service - Non-Payment (Shut-off)each [2]72.00$ 535 Service Reconnection (Non-Payment) - Same Day/Non-Business hours (After Hours Turn-On)each [2],[3]275.00$ 536 Continuity of Service each [2]9.00$ 537 Electronic Notice (in lieu of door hanger)each [2]3.00$ 538 Door Hanger Notice each [2]46.00$ 539 New Account Set Up (Admin)each [2]44.00$ 540 Service Reconnection for Non-Payment (Next Day) Business Hours (Next Scheduled Day Turn-On)each [2],[3]109.00$ 541 New Account Service Connection - (Same Day) Business Hours (Same Day Turn-On)each [2]148.00$ Water Services Fees 542 Utility Standards and Specifications each [1] Actual Cost 543 Potable Water Meter - Construction Meter Deposit deposit [1]1,000.00$ 544 Potable Water Meter - Construction Meter Installation each [2]325.00$ 545 Potable Water Meter - Construction Meter Relocation each [2]163.00$ 546 Potable Backflow Preventer Annual Testing - 1st Notice each, per month [1]3.00$ 547 Potable Backflow Preventer Annual Testing - 2nd Notice per month [1]22.00$ 548 Potable Backflow Preventer Annual Testing - 3rd Notice per month [1]55.00$ 549 Potable Water Shutdown Fee each [1]952.00$ Recycled Water Fees 550 Cross-Connection Inspection - County Department of Environmental Health (CDEH)each [2] Actual Cost 551 Cross-Connection Reinspection each [2] Actual Cost 552 Recycled Water Meter - Construction Meter Deposit deposit [1]1,000.00$ 553 Recycled Water Meter - Construction Meter Installation each [2]325.00$ 554 Recycled Water Meter - Construction Meter Relocation each [2]163.00$ 555 E28 Recycled Water Shutdown - Actual Cost each [2]952.00$ Wastewater Fees 556 Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Fee each [1]166.00$ 557 Temporary Discharge to Sewer (city processing fee, plus actual cost) per permit [6]531.00$ Third Party Hydraulic Modelling Fees 558 Third Party Hydraulic Modelling - Consultant Cost (All Water Systems) per project [1],[4] Actual Cost Processing Fees - Wastewater 559 1-4 units residential and commercial > 9,400 s.f.per project [2],[5]419.00$ 560 All others per project [2],[5]839.00$ Processing Fees - Potable Water 561 System Pressure Check each [2]358.00$ 562 1-4 units residential and commercial > 9,400 s.f.per project [2],[5]715.00$ 563 All others per project [2],[5]1,191.00$ Processing Fees - Recycled Water 24May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 294 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 564 System Pressure Check each [2]332.00$ 565 1-4 units residential and commercial > 9,400 s.f.per project [2],[5]553.00$ 566 All others per project [2],[5]1,103.00$ Utilities Department Fees 567 Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case-by-case basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time of service provided. per hour [2]179.00$ [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Set per CA Health and Safety Code 1169149(a)(1) [4] Total fee will reflect actual consultant billings [5] Staff cost is in addition to actual consultant billings [6]Actual cost is calculated based on cost per gallon to treat the added discharge, plus the city processing fee. 25May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 295 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Utility Meter Installation Fees Potable Water (meter size, inches) 568 5/8" Ultrasonic per [1]469.00$ 569 Fire Protection – 5/8" Ultrasonic per [1]469.00$ 570 3/4” Ultrasonic per [1]465.00$ 571 1” Ultrasonic per [1]595.00$ 572 1-1/2” Ultrasonic per [1]723.00$ 573 1-1/2” Turbo per [1]877.00$ 574 2” Ultrasonic per [1]1,027.00$ 575 2” Turbo per [1]1,081.00$ 576 3" Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 577 4" Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 578 6” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 579 8” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 580 10” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 581 12” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost Recycled Water (meter size, inches) 582 5/8" Ultrasonic per [1]469.00$ 583 Fire Protection – 5/8" Ultrasonic per [1]469.00$ 584 3/4” Ultrasonic per [1]465.00$ 585 1” Ultrasonic per [1]595.00$ 586 1-1/2” Turbo per [1]877.00$ 587 2” Turbo per [1]1,081.00$ 588 3" Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 589 4" Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 590 6” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 591 8” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 592 10” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost 593 12” Ultrasonic per [1] Actual Cost The following language is based on Carlsbad Municipal Water District Ordinance 45: Where a single family residential water meter is required to be 1” due to a fire sprinkler requirement, the Connection Fee, SDCWA System Capacity Charge and the Water Treatment Capacity Charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements, not the actual meter size of 1”. These fees are in addition to the Potable & Recycled Water Connection Fees and SDCWA Fee. 26May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 296 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Utility Potable and Recycled Water Connection Fees (meter size, inches) Ultrasonic 594 5/8” each [1]5,733.00$ 595 3/4”each [1]8,173.00$ 596 1”each [1]12,899.00$ 597 1-1/2”each [1]24,366.00$ 598 2”each [1]36,694.00$ 599 3”each [1]62,079.00$ 600 4”each [1]96,568.00$ 601 6”each [1] 179,341.00$ 602 8”each [1] 211,967.00$ Turbo (All Irrigation Meters) 603 1-1/2”each [1]28,605.00$ 604 2”each [1]45,865.00$ 605 3”each [1]96,568.00$ 606 4”each [1] 275,910.00$ 607 6”each [1] 551,808.00$ 608 8”each [1] 772,797.00$ [Notes] [1] Set per City policy These fees are in addition to the Meter Installation Fees and SDCWA Fees. 27May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 297 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) Fees SDCWA System Capacity Charge (meter size, inches) 609 Fire Protection per [1] Based on size of meter 610 5/8" Displacement per [1]5,700.00$ 611 3/4” Displacement per [1]5,700.00$ 612 1” Displacement per [1]9,120.00$ 613 1-1/2” Displacement per [1]17,100.00$ 614 1-1/2” Turbo per [1]17,100.00$ 615 2” Displacement per [1]29,640.00$ 616 2” Turbo per [1]29,640.00$ 617 3” per [1]54,720.00$ 618 4” per [1]93,480.00$ 619 6”per [1] 171,000.00$ 620 8”per [1] 296,400.00$ 621 10”per [1] 444,600.00$ 622 12”per [1] 752,400.00$ Water Treatment Capacity Charge (meter size, inches) 623 Fire Protection per [1] Based on size of meter 624 5/8" Displacement per [1]159.00$ 625 3/4” Displacement per [1]159.00$ 626 1” Displacement per [1]254.00$ 627 1-1/2” Displacement per [1]477.00$ 628 1-1/2” Turbo per [1]477.00$ 629 2” Displacement per [1]827.00$ 630 2” Turbo per [1]827.00$ 631 3” per [1]1,526.00$ 632 4” per [1]2,608.00$ 633 6”per [1]4,770.00$ 634 8”per [1]8,268.00$ 635 10”per [1]12,402.00$ 636 12”per [1]20,988.00$ [Notes] [1] The following language is based on Carlsbad Municipal Water District Ordinance 45: Where a single family residential water meter is required to be 1” due to a fire sprinkler requirement, the Connection Fee, SDCWA System Capacity Charge and the Water Treatment Capacity Charge will be based on the size of the meter necessary to meet the water use requirements, not the actual meter size of 1”. These fees are set by San Diego County Water Authority, effective January 1, 2023, and are in addition to the Meter Installation Fees and Potable and Reclaimed Connection Fees. The Water Authority left these fees unchanged for 2024. 28May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 298 of 345 Section 2 Development Related Service Fees May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 299 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Planning Department Fees 637 Agricultural Mitigation Fee per net converted acre [1]10,000.00$ 638 Amendments and Revisions to Approved Projects flat [1] 50% of Current Application Fee 639 Appeals to Planning Commision/City Council [2]930.00$ Building Plan Review 640 Minor Projects, per permit each [3]107.00$ 641 Major Projects, per permit each [4]324.00$ 642 City Planner Determination each [1]1,047.00$ Coastal Development Permit (CDP) 643 2 - 4 unit or lot subdivision/Multifamily Project per permit [2]6,699.00$ 644 5 or more units or lot subdivision/Multifamily Project per permit [2]12,072.00$ 645 Emergency flat [2]2,352.00$ 646 Exemption flat [2]347.00$ 647 Minor Permit flat [2]3,131.00$ 648 Non-Residential + 10 cents per sq. ft.flat [2]3,297.00$ 649 Single Family Home flat [2]4,388.00$ 650 Single Family Home w/bluff per permit [2]6,699.00$ Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 651 Within Biological Habitat Preserve flat [2]2,863.00$ 652 Minor flat [2]2,984.00$ 653 Regular flat [2]11,170.00$ 654 Daycare Permit (7 - 14 Children)flat [2]299.00$ Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 655 Initial Study - NEGATIVE DECLARATION base fee (flat) [2]2,984.00$ 656 Initial Study - MITIGATED NEG DEC base fee (flat) [2]6,027.00$ 657 Initial Study – checklist for streamlining or within the scope determinations base fee (flat) [2]2,508.00$ 658 Initial Study – addendum for MNDs or NDs (city processing fee plus actual cost)base fee (flat) [2]3,449.00$ Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Addendum 659 First 20 hours of project planner base fee (flat) [2]4,642.00$ 660 >20 hours of project planner per hour [2]130.00$ Focused/Supplemental (requiring a public hearing) 661 First 120 hours of project planner and 20 hours of project engineer base fee (flat) [2]20,196.00$ 662 >120 project planner hours and >20 project engineer hours per hour [2]300.00$ 30May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 300 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit FULL EIR 663 First 180 hours of project planner and 40 hours of project engineer base fee (flat) [2]31,140.00$ 664 >180 project planner hours and >40 project engineer hours per hour [2]300.00$ Fish & Game Fee 665 Environmental Impact Report (EIR)flat [5]4,101.25$ 666 Environmental Document pursuant to a Certified Regulatory Program (CRP)flat [5]1,427.25$ 667 Negative Declaration (ND)/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) flat [5]2,966.75$ 668 Extensions to projects in process flat [1] 25% of current fee 669 General Plan Amendment deposit [2]16,186.00$ Habitat Management Plan (HMP) 670 Amendment to Plan Document - Major - first 60 hours of project planner base fee (flat) [2]8,975.00$ 671 >60 hours of project planner per hour [2]130.00$ 672 Amendment to Plan Document - Minor flat [2]5,133.00$ 673 Permit - Major -first 40 hours of project planner base fee (flat) [2]6,543.00$ 674 >40 hours or project planner per hour [2]130.00$ 675 Permit - Minor - first 20 hours of project planner base fee (flat) [2]772.00$ 676 >20 hours of project planner per hour [2]130.00$ 677 Permit - MINOR W/MINISTERIAL PERMIT flat [2]686.00$ 678 Hillside Development Permit - Major - first 40 hours of project planner base fee (flat) [2]6,939.00$ 679 Hillside Development Permit - Minor - first 20 hours of project planner base fee (flat) [2]1,772.00$ Historic Preservation Permit 680 Local Register Application each [2]1,964.00$ 681 Mills Act Application each [2]4,211.00$ 682 Concurrent Local Register and Mills Act Applications each [2]4,823.00$ 683 Third Party Technical Report Review - Contractor Cost each [2] Actual Cost 684 Mills Act Inspections each [2]No Fee 685 Inspection - Additional Planning per hour [2]130.00$ 686 Inspection - Overtime per hour per hour [2]148.00$ Landscape Plan Check/Inspection Fees 687 City Processing Fee per project [2]389.00$ 688 Contractor Cost per project [1] Actual Cost 689 Local Coastal Plan - Amendment flat [2]12,792.00$ 690 Local Facilities Management Fees - as established by Council deposit [1] Actual Cost 691 Local Facilities Management Plan/Amendment - Fee + deposit in minimum increments of $5,000 deposit [1]10,000.00$ 31May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 301 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Master Plan 692 Master Plan - Pre-Filing Submittal flat [1]9,477.00$ 693 First 200 hours of project planner and 100 hours of project engineer base fee (flat) [2]44,331.00$ 694 >200 project planner hours and >100 project engineer hours per hour [2]381.00$ Major Amendment 695 First 100 hours of project planner and 40 hours of project engineer base fee (flat) [2]21,100.00$ 696 >100 project planner hours and >40 project engineer hours per hour [2]355.00$ Minor Amendment 697 First 30 hours of project planner and 7 hours of project engineer base fee (flat) [2]4,005.00$ 698 >30 project planner hours and >7 project engineer hours per hour [2]355.00$ 699 Non-Conforming Construction Permit flat [2]969.00$ 700 Notice Fee (+ postage)flat [1] Actual Cost 701 Plan Consistency Determination [2]1,008.00$ 702 Planned Development (residential/non-residential) - 5 or more lots/units - Major Subdivision per project [2]16,454.00$ 703 Planned Development (residential/non-residential) - 4 or fewer lots/units per project [2]7,953.00$ 704 Planning Commission Agenda and Minutes (+ postage)per page [1] Copy Charge 705 Planning Commission Determination-other flat [2]2,788.00$ 706 Postage (All)flat [1] Current Postage Rate x Number of labels 707 Precise Development Plan flat [2]16,114.00$ 708 Preliminary Plan Review - Major (Other)flat [2]1,008.00$ 709 Preliminary Plan Review - Minor (SFD)flat [2]283.00$ 710 Re-Recording or Cancellation of an Instrument on Real Property (city processing fee, plus actual cost)each [1]228.00$ Reversion to Acreage (Consistent with city payroll records charged against a $3,100 deposit) 711 First 25 hours of project planner and 20 hours of project engineer base fee (flat) [2]5,627.00$ 712 Satellite Antenna Permit flat [2]598.00$ 713 Short-Term Vacation Rental Permit Application Fee per application [2]220.00$ Sign Program 714 Sign Permit (including non-commercial)flat [2]72.00$ 715 Sign Program flat [2]1,503.00$ 716 Modified Minor Sign Program flat [2]996.00$ 717 Modified Regular Sign Program flat [2]2,685.00$ 32May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 302 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Site Development Plan 718 Minor - Village Area Request for a Parking Option flat [2]638.00$ 719 Minor - Residential, less than or equal to 4 units/lots or as required per CMC/PLAN flat [2]5,566.00$ 720 Major - 5 or more units/lots or as required per CMC/PLAN flat [2]19,965.00$ 721 Special Use Permit - Other flat [2]6,338.00$ 722 Special Use Permit - Floodplain flat [2]5,951.00$ Specific Plan Base Fee 723 First 200 hours of project planner and 60 hours of project engineer base fee (flat) [2]41,176.00$ 724 >200 project planner hours and >60 project engineer hours per hour [2]355.00$ Amendment - Major 725 First 180 hours of project planner and 30 hours of project engineer base fee (flat) [2]31,760.00$ 726 >180 project planner hours and >30 project engineer hours per hour [2]355.00$ Amendment - Minor 727 First 20 hours of project planner and 7 hours of project engineer base fee (flat) [2]3,918.00$ 728 >20 project planner hours and >7 project engineer hours per hour [2]355.00$ 729 Street Name Change flat [2]2,354.00$ Tentative Maps 730 Tentative Parcel Map - Minor Subdivision - 0- 4 Lots/Units flat [2]6,860.00$ 731 Tentative Tract Map - 5 - 49 units/lots flat [2]14,074.00$ 732 Tentative Tract Map - 50 + units/lots flat [2]20,026.00$ 733 Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay flat [1] 25% of current fee Third Party Review 734 Processing Fee per project [2]799.00$ 735 Consultant Cost per project [1] Actual Cost 736 Variance flat [2]5,146.00$ 737 Variance - Minor flat [2]1,070.00$ Village Area 738 Village Area Review - Administrative flat [2]586.00$ 739 Village Area Review - Major - Plus Noticing Costs flat [2]4,145.00$ 740 Village Area Review - Minor - Plus Noticing Costs flat [2]2,261.00$ 741 Village Area - Parking In Lieu Fee each [1]11,240.00$ 33May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 303 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 742 Wireless Communication Third Party Review flat [1] Actual Cost 743 Zone Change flat [2]12,586.00$ 744 Zone Code Compliance Letter flat [2]164.00$ 745 Research Fee per hour [2]164.00$ 746 Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case-by-case basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time of service provided. per hour [2]117.00$ TOTAL [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Minor: residential new/remodel, commercial/industrial tenant improvement [4] Major: Commercial/Industrial new [5]Set by Department of Fish and Wildlife. Fish & Game fees are additional to the EIA/EIR fees. Includes $50.00 County Clerk processing fee. Updated with new fees effective Jan. 1, 2024. 34May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 304 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Engineering Department Fees 747 Adjustment Plat per project [2]1,834.00$ Building Plan Review 748 Minor Projects, per permit each [3]204.00$ 749 Major Projects, per permit each [4]638.00$ Certificate 750 Certificate of Compliance each [2]1,488.00$ 751 Certificate of Compliance In Lieu of Parcel Map each [2]4,104.00$ 752 Certificate of Correction each [2]1,156.00$ Construction Change Review - Major 753 Base Fee per project [2]976.00$ 754 Plus fee per sheet per sheet [2]378.00$ Construction Change Review - Minor 755 Base Fee per project [2]693.00$ 756 Plus fee per sheet per sheet [2]313.00$ 757 Developer Agreements - Deposit $10,000 increments (Consistent with city payroll records + overhead)deposit [1] Actual Cost 758 Easement Document Processing and Recording per project [2]1,635.00$ 759 Encroachment Agreement Processing per project [2]511.00$ 760 Grading Permit Investigation Fee (Consistent with city payroll records + overhead) deposit [1] Actual Cost Grading Plan Check Fees (cubic yard) 761 0 - 100 CY flat [2]2,023.00$ 762 101 CY flat [2]2,700.00$ 763 each additional 100 CY up to 1,000 each [2]170.00$ 764 1,001 CY flat [2]4,717.00$ 765 each additional 1,000 CY up to 10,000 each [2]234.00$ 766 10,001 flat [2]6,923.00$ 767 each additional 10,000 CY up to 100,000 each [2]333.00$ 768 100,001 flat [2]9,912.00$ 769 each additional 10,000 CY up to 200,000 each [2]382.00$ 770 200,001 flat [2]14,435.00$ 771 each additional 100,000 CY up to 400,000 each [2]826.00$ 772 400,001 flat [2]16,104.00$ 773 each additional 100,000 CY up to 1,000,000 each [2]574.00$ 774 1,000,001 flat [2]19,600.00$ 775 each additional 100,00 CY each [2]1,887.00$ 35May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 305 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Grading Permit Fees (cubic yard) 776 0 - 100 CY flat [2],[4], [5]2,675.00$ 777 101 CY flat [2],[4], [5]2,681.00$ 778 each additional 100 CY up to 1,000 each [2],[4], [5]208.00$ 779 1,001 CY flat [2],[4], [5]4,605.00$ 780 each additional 1,000 CY up to 10,000 each [2],[4], [5]209.00$ 781 10,001 flat [2],[4], [5]6,539.00$ 782 each additional 10,000 CY up to 100,000 each [2],[4], [5]328.00$ 783 100,001 flat [2],[4], [5]9,597.00$ 784 each additional 10,000 CY up to 200,000 each [2],[4], [5]189.00$ 785 200,001 flat [2],[4], [5]11,685.00$ 786 each additional 100,000 CY up to 400,000 each [2],[4], [5]209.00$ 787 400,001 flat [2],[4], [5]17,627.00$ 788 each additional 100,000 CY up to 1,000,000 each [2],[4], [5]1,791.00$ 789 1,000,001 flat [2],[4], [5]28,892.00$ 790 each additional 100,00 CY each [2],[4], [5]2,768.00$ Improvement Plan Review Fee 791 $0 - $20,000 flat [2]3,461.00$ 792 $20,001 flat [2]4,853.00$ 793 each additional $10,000 up to $50,000 each [2]426.00$ 794 $50,001 flat [2]6,273.00$ 795 each additional $10,000 up to $100,000 each [2]461.00$ 796 $100,001 flat [2]8,686.00$ 797 each additional $10,000 up to $250,000 each [2]426.00$ 798 $250,001 flat [2]17,817.00$ 799 each additional $10,000 up to $500,000 each [2]214.00$ 800 $500,001 flat [2]23,566.00$ 801 each additional $10,000 up to $1,000,000 each [2]116.00$ 802 $1,000,001 flat [2]29,771.00$ 803 each additional $10,000 each [2]277.00$ 36May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 306 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Improvement Inspection 804 $0 - $20,000 flat [2]1,732.00$ 805 $20,001 flat [2]3,029.00$ 806 each additional $10,000 up to $50,000 each [2]473.00$ 807 $50,001 flat [2]5,016.00$ 808 each additional $10,000 up to $100,000 each [2]251.00$ 809 $100,001 flat [2]6,327.00$ 810 each additional $10,000 up to $250,000 each [2]195.00$ 811 $250,001 flat [2]9,402.00$ 812 each additional $10,000 up to $500,000 each [2]205.00$ 813 $500,001 flat [2]14,436.00$ 814 each additional $10,000 up to $1,000,000 each [2]133.00$ 815 $1,000,001 flat [2]22,135.00$ 816 each additional $10,000 each [2]206.00$ Mapping Fees Final Tract Map - Major Subdivision 817 Base Fee per project [2]11,424.00$ 818 additional acre per acre [2]125.00$ 819 Parcel Map - Minor Subdivision per project [2]5,411.00$ 820 Neighborhood Improvement Agreements each [2]224.00$ 821 Oversize Load Permit - 1 trip each [6]16.00$ 822 Oversize Load Permit - Annual/Per Year each [6]90.00$ 823 Quitclaim of Easement each [2]976.00$ 824 Reapportionment Fees for 1911 Act Assessment Districts each [1] Actual Cost Retaining Wall Plan Check Fees Retaining Wall Plan Check Valuation 825 $0 - $50,000 flat [2]519.00$ 826 $50,001 - $250,000 flat [2]2,407.00$ 827 $250,000+flat [2]4,239.00$ 828 Reversion to Acreage deposit [2]4,033.00$ Right-of-Way Permit 829 Minor - Non-Construction each [2]244.00$ 830 Minor - Construction each [2]570.00$ Telecommunications (WCF/Broadband) 831 City Processing Fee - single telecommunications application each [1]344.00$ 832 City Processing Fee - batched applications (for each 10 telecommunications nodes)each [1]1,033.00$ 833 City Processing Fee - concurrent microtrenching (up to 50 linear feet)each [1]128.00$ Utility 834 City Processing Fee each [2]401.00$ 835 Inspector's Time hourly [2]151.00$ 836 Utility (by contract)each [2]1,155.00$ 37May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 307 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Use - Initial Permit 837 Curb Cafe each [2]584.00$ 838 Outdoor Display each [2]244.00$ 839 Sidewalk Café each [2]584.00$ Use - Annual Renewal 840 Curb Cafe each [2]244.00$ 841 Outdoor Display each [2]244.00$ 842 Sidewalk Café each [2]244.00$ 843 Village Area - Curb Café (max of two parking spaces)per space/ per year [2]1,200.00$ 844 Secured Agreement Processing - Extension each [2]405.00$ 845 Secured Agreement Processing - Replacement, plus improvement plan revision fees if required each [2]714.00$ 846 Segregation of Assessments - 1- 4 lots (Consistent with city payroll records + overhead, consultant cost and recording fee. Also see Streets and Highways Code Section 8760-8769 ) deposit [1] Actual Cost 847 Segregation of Assessments - 5 lots or more - fee + $20 per lot (Consistent with city payroll records + overhead, consultant cost and recording fee. Also see Streets and Highways Code Section 8760- 8769) deposit [1] Actual Cost Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Fees Plan Review Fee 848 Tier 1 per site [2]85.00$ 849 Tier 2 per site [2]401.00$ 850 Tier 3 one acre or less [2]917.00$ 851 Tier 3 - Supplemental Fee per acre [2]147.00$ Inspection Fee 852 Tier 1 per site [2]302.00$ 853 Tier 2 per site [2]5,469.00$ 854 Tier 3 one acre or less [2]6,488.00$ 855 Tier 3 - Supplemental Fee per acre [2]1,346.00$ Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) Fees 856 Plan Review - Base Fee each [2]1,415.00$ 857 Plan Review - For each subsequent acre or portion thereof over one half acre per acre [2]115.00$ 858 Plan Review - Trash Capture Only each [2]1,650.00$ 859 Inspection Fee - Base Fee each [2]879.00$ 860 Inspection Fee - For each subsequent acre or portion thereof over one half acre per acre [2]617.00$ 861 Street Vacation - Street/Public Service Easement Vacation - Regular each [2]4,761.00$ 862 Street Vacation - Street/Public Service Easement Vacation - Summary each [2]2,051.00$ Third Party Review 863 Processing Fee per project [2]356.00$ 38May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 308 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 864 Consultant Cost per project [1] Actual Cost 865 Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case-by-case basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time of service provided. per hour [2]229.00$ [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2] Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] Minor: residential new/remodel, commercial/industrial tenant improvement [4] Major: Commercial/Industrial new [5] [6] [7] Maximum limit set by CA Vehicle Code 35795(b)(1) Quantities are calculated by using the greater of cut/fill, plus remedial work. Plan checks extending more than 24 months may be assessed an additional fee of 25% of the current plan check fee. Minor grading plan check fees are 50% of standard plan check fees. Qualifying for minor grading plan check is subject to City Engineer approval per CMC 15.16.062. 39May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 309 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Building Department Fees New Construction, Additions, and Major Remodels [1] Commercial/Industrial Uses - Structural (All newly constructed or added space for non-residential occupancies classified as CBC Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, or other commercial occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule) 866 0 - 500 sq. ft.flat [2]1,235.00$ 867 additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.39$ 868 5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,977.00$ 869 additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.52$ 870 10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]5,575.00$ 871 additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.05$ 872 50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]7,634.00$ 873 additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.11$ 874 100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]13,557.00$ 875 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.13$ Commercial Residential and Multifamily Residential Uses - (All newly constructed or added space for residential occupancies classified as CBC Group R (except R-3), or other residential occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule) 876 0 - 500 sq. ft.flat [2]1,171.00$ 877 additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.65$ 878 5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,086.00$ 879 additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.64$ 880 10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]7,286.00$ 881 additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.06$ 882 50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]9,661.00$ 883 additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.17$ 884 100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]17,865.00$ 885 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.18$ Low and Moderate Hazard Storage - (All newly constructed or added space for storage occupancies classified as CBC Group S, or other storage occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule) 886 0 - 500 sq. ft.flat [2]1,110.00$ 887 additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.39$ 888 5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,863.00$ 889 additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.26$ 890 10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,151.00$ 891 additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.03$ 892 50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]5,349.00$ 893 additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.01$ 894 100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]5,846.00$ 895 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.06$ 40May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 310 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Attached Accessory and Utility Uses - (All newly constructed, added or structurally remodeled space for utility and accessory occupancies classified as CBC Group U, or other utility and accessory occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule 896 0 - 200 sq. ft.flat [2]585.00$ 897 additional sq. ft. up to 399 each [2]2.00$ 898 400 sq. ft.flat [2]906.00$ 899 additional sq. ft. up to 599 each [2]0.73$ 900 600 sq. ft.flat [2]1,053.00$ 901 additional sq. ft. up to 999 each [2]0.36$ 902 1,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,198.00$ 903 additional sq. ft. up to 2,999 each [2]0.18$ 904 3,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,550.00$ 905 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.52$ Detached Accessory and Utility Uses - (All newly constructed, added, or structurally remodeled space for utility and accessory occupancies/uses not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule) 906 0 - 200 sq. ft.flat [2]585.00$ 907 additional sq. ft. up to 399 each [2]2.00$ 908 400 sq. ft.flat [2]906.00$ 909 additional sq. ft. up to 599 each [2]0.73$ 910 600 sq. ft.flat [2]1,053.00$ 911 additional sq. ft. up to 999 each [2]0.36$ 912 1,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,198.00$ 913 additional sq. ft. up to 2,999 each [2]0.18$ 914 3,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,550.00$ 915 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.52$ Shell Buildings for all Commercial/Industrial Uses - (The enclosure for all newly constructed or added space for non-residential occupancies classified as CBC Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, or other commercial occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule where the interior is not completed or occupiable) 916 0 - 500 sq. ft.flat [2]965.00$ 917 additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.26$ 918 5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,105.00$ 919 additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.30$ 920 10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]3,625.00$ 921 additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.02$ 922 50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,793.00$ 923 additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.01$ 924 100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]5,379.00$ 925 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.05$ 41May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 311 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Commercial/Industrial Tenant Improvement - Structural - (Structurally remodeled space for non-residential occupancies classified as CBC Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, or other commercial occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule where the structure is not altered) 926 0 - 500 sq. ft.flat [2]848.00$ 927 additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.24$ 928 5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,930.00$ 929 additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.10$ 930 10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,455.00$ 931 additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.06$ 932 50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,970.00$ 933 additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.05$ 934 100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]7,570.00$ 935 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.07$ Commercial/Industrial Tenant Improvement - Non-structural - (Non- structurally remodeled space for non-residential occupancies classified as CBC Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, or other commercial occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule where the structure is not altered) 936 0 - 500 sq. ft.flat [2]766.00$ 937 additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.23$ 938 5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,812.00$ 939 additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.08$ 940 10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,221.00$ 941 additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.05$ 942 50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,413.00$ 943 additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.04$ 944 100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]6,635.00$ 945 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.06$ Commercial Residential and Multifamily Residential Remodels - Structural - (Structurally remodeled space for residential occupancies classified as CBC Group R (except R-3), or other residential occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule) 946 0 - 500 sq. ft.flat [2]906.00$ 947 additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.50$ 948 5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]3,421.00$ 949 additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.40$ 950 10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]5,416.00$ 951 additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.08$ 952 50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]8,552.00$ 953 additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.10$ 954 100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]13,747.00$ 955 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.13$ 42May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 312 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Commercial Residential and Multifamily Residential Remodels - Non Structural - (Non-Structurally remodeled space for residential occupancies classified as CBC Group R (except R-3), or other residential occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule) 956 0 - 500 sq. ft.flat [2]982.00$ 957 additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.32$ 958 5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,408.00$ 959 additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.49$ 960 10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]4,815.00$ 961 additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.07$ 962 50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]7,666.00$ 963 additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.10$ 964 100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]12,734.00$ 965 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.12$ Single Family Dwellings and Duplexes - (All newly constructed or added space for residential occupancies classified as CBC Group R-3, including custom builds and model homes for tract master plans, or other similar residential occupancies not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Fee Schedule) 966 0 - 1,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,374.00$ 967 additional sq. ft. up to 2,499 each [2]0.49$ 968 2,500 sq. ft.flat [2]2,105.00$ 969 additional sq. ft. up to 3,999 each [2]0.31$ 970 4,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,572.00$ 971 additional sq. ft. up to 5,999 each [2]0.29$ 972 6,000 sq. ft.flat [2]3,157.00$ 973 additional sq. ft. up to 7,999 each [2]0.32$ 974 8,000 sq. ft.flat [2]3,799.00$ 975 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.48$ Duplicate Floor Plan Review - Single Family Dwellings and Duplexes 976 0 - 1,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,147.00$ 977 additional sq. ft. up to 2,499 each [2]0.29$ 978 2,500 sq. ft.flat [2]1,579.00$ 979 additional sq. ft. up to 3,999 each [2]0.15$ 980 4,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,812.00$ 981 additional sq. ft. up to 5,999 each [2]0.24$ 982 6,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,280.00$ 983 additional sq. ft. up to 7,999 each [2]0.21$ 984 8,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,689.00$ 985 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.34$ 43May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 313 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Duplicate Floor Plan Review - Attached or Detached Accessory and Utility Uses 986 0 - 200 sq. ft.flat [2]556.00$ 987 additional sq. ft. up to 399 each [2]0.88$ 988 400 sq. ft.flat [2]731.00$ 989 additional sq. ft. up to 599 each [2]0.29$ 990 600 sq. ft.flat [2]788.00$ 991 additional sq. ft. up to 999 each [2]0.52$ 992 1,000 sq. ft.flat [2]994.00$ 993 additional sq. ft. up to 2,999 each [2]0.17$ 994 3,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,315.00$ 995 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.43$ Site Improvements - This includes substantial development of private parking lots which are processed separate of the structure and include any combination of the following: Underground utilities, parking lot lighting, accessible path of travel analysis, grading, drainage and compliance with the City's parking and driveway standards. 996 0 - 500 sq. ft.flat [2]467.00$ 997 additional sq. ft. up to 4,999 each [2]0.14$ 998 5,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,139.00$ 999 additional sq. ft. up to 9,999 each [2]0.07$ 1000 10,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,520.00$ 1001 additional sq. ft. up to 49,999 each [2]0.01$ 1002 50,000 sq. ft.flat [2]1,754.00$ 1003 additional sq. ft. up to 99,999 each [2]0.01$ 1004 100,000 sq. ft.flat [2]2,221.00$ 1005 additional sq. ft.each [2]0.02$ [Notes] [1] [2]Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. Valuation based on current valuation multiplier published by the San Diego Chapter of the International Code Council. CBC 109.3 Building permit valuations. 44May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 314 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Building Department Fees Minor/Miscellaneous Residential & Commercial Improvements [3] 1006 Above Ground Storage Tank per permit [2]$ 275.00 Cell Site 1007 Radio over 30 ft. high each [2]$ 765.00 1008 Dish, 10 ft. dia. w/decoder each [2]$ 506.00 1009 Equipment Enclosure each [2]$ 1,156.00 1010 Awning or Canopy per permit [2]$ 289.00 1011 Bollards up to 4pcs per permit [2]$ 362.00 1012 Certificate of Occupancy per permit [2]$ 21.00 Decks / Balcony 1013 Repair each [2]$ 119.00 1014 New/Replace each [2]$ 325.00 Demolition of Building 1015 Commercial each [2]$ 370.00 1016 Residential each [2]$ 650.00 1017 Fence or Freestanding Wall up to 100'each [2]$ 650.00 1018 Fire Damage Repair - Residential - Minor per permit [2]$ 257.00 1019 Fireplace Repair/Replace per permit [2]$ 488.00 Foundation Repair 1020 Commercial each [2]$ 542.00 1021 Residential each [2]$ 542.00 1022 Greenhouse per permit [2]$ 542.00 Manufactured House / Building 1023 Commercial per permit [2]$ 345.00 1024 Residential per permit [2]$ 204.00 1025 Mobile Home (Within a park, per current edition of Title 25, published by California Division of Housing and Community Development.) per permit [2],[7] $ 462.00 1026 Partition/ Wall - Interior/Non-Structural <100'per permit [2]$ 190.00 Patio 1027 Frame with Cover each [2]$ 119.00 1028 Frame with Cover & Walls each [2]$ 650.00 1029 Screen or Plastic Walls each [2]$ 488.00 1030 Plastering Outside per permit [2]$ 135.00 Remodel - Residential 1031 Kitchen/Bath each [2]$ 414.00 1032 Other - up to 500 sq. ft.each [2]$ 569.00 1033 Other - above 500 sq. ft.per 100 sq. ft. [2] $ 0.40 Repairs - Miscellaneous 1034 Commercial each [2]$ 433.00 1035 Residential each [2]$ 102.00 45May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 315 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Retaining Wall 1036 Non-Engineered - City Standard per permit [2]$ 158.00 Reroofing 1037 Commercial per permit [2]$ 314.00 1038 Residential per permit [2]$ 87.00 Roof Structure Repair / Reinforcement 1039 Commercial each [2]$ 299.00 1040 Residential each [2]$ 299.00 1041 Saunas (Steam)per permit [2]$ 325.00 Sign 1042 Wall - Illuminated per permit [2]$ 164.00 1043 Wall - Non-Illuminated per permit [2]$ 164.00 1044 Pole per permit [2]$ 362.00 1045 Monument per permit [2]$ 164.00 Skylight 1046 Commercial each [2]$ 362.00 1047 Residential each [2]$ 362.00 1048 Solar - SolarApp+ Residential per permit [1]$ 183.00 1049 Solar - Residential (Up to 15 kW)per permit [2],[4] $ 307.00 1050 Per kW above 15kW per kW [2],[4] $ 15.00 1051 Add Residential Battery Back-up per permit [2],[4] $ 210.00 1052 Add Residential Panel Upgrade per permit [2],[4] $ 245.00 1053 Add Reverse Tilt System/ Ground Mount per permit [2],[4] $ 315.00 1054 Solar - Commercial (Up to 50 kW)per permit [2],[4] $ 629.00 1055 Per kW between 50kW - 250kW per kW [2],[4] $ 7.00 1056 Per kW above 250kW per kW [2],[4] $ 5.00 1057 Spray Booth Install / Clean Room per permit [2]$ 293.00 Stairs 1058 New/Replace First Story each [2]$ 447.00 1059 Additional Story each [2]$ 366.00 1060 Repair each [2]$ 447.00 Siding 1061 Stucco each [2]$ 149.00 1062 Stone/Brick Veneer each [2]$ 204.00 Storage Racks 1063 <8 ft, first 100 lf per permit [2]$ 469.00 1064 each add'l. 100 lf each [2]$ 87.00 1065 >8 ft, first 100 lf per permit [2]$ 506.00 46May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 316 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 1066 >8 ft, ea. Add'l 100 lf each [2]$ 231.00 Swimming Pool 1067 Commercial per permit [2]$ 320.00 1068 Residential per permit [2]$ 270.00 1069 Temporary Seating or Bleachers Install per permit [2]$ 204.00 1070 Trash Enclosure Install per permit [2]$ 283.00 Windows / Door 1071 Commercial each [2]$ 325.00 1072 Residential each [2]$ 122.00 Other Inspections (Per Hour) 1073 Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge: two hours)per hour [2]$ 156.00 1074 Re-inspection fees per hour [2]$ 156.00 1075 Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge: one half-hour)per hour [2]$ 156.00 1076 Special third party, multiple or recurring inspections (city processing fee per permit plus actual cost)flat [2]$ 541.00 1077 Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans (minimum charge: one half-hour)per hour [2]$ 146.00 Other Building Fees 1078 Appeal of Building Official Decision per permit [1]$ 1,527.00 1079 Building Permit Revision, Fee + Third Party Hourly Charge per hour [2]Actual Cost 1080 Building Plan Check Fee (8% discount on repetitive plan checks) each [2],[5] Actual Cost 1081 Green Building Standards Plan Check and Inspection each [2]Actual Cost 1082 Green Building State Standards Fee (SB1473)each [1] $1.00 per every $25,000 in building valuation or fraction thereof (minimum fee $1.00) 1083 Strong Motion Instrumentation Fee (SMIP) and Seismic Hazard Mapping Fee - Residential each [1] Pass through from State: $13.00 per $100,000 valuation (minimum $0.50 fee) 1084 Strong Motion Instrumentation Fee (SMIP) and Seismic Hazard Mapping Fee - Commercial each [1] Pass through from State: $28.00 per $100,000 valuation (minimum $0.50 fee) 47May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 317 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 1085 Penalty for Commencing Work Before Permit Issuance each [6] Double the permit fee 1086 Fees for services not listed will be determined on a case-by-case basis. It will be based on the fully burdened hourly rate and the time of service provided. per hour [2]$ 144.00 [Notes] [1] Set per City policy [2]Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. [3] [4] Limited to maximum amounts set by AB 1414. [5] Plan check fee based on 65% of the current building permit fee and is due upon initial submittal [6] CMC 18.20.010 and CMC 18.04.010 [7]Limited to maximum amounts consistent with Sections 1017, 1020.1 and 1020.7 of Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations. Valuation based on current valuation multiplier published by the San Diego Chapter of the International Code Council. CBC 109.3 Building permit valuations. 48May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 318 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit Building Department Fees 1087 Simple Single or Combination Permits (see list of simple items)per permit [1]$ 228.00 1088 Water Heater Only per permit [1]$ 133.00 Complex Mechanical Permits 1089 FAU less than 100,000 Btu/h per permit [1]$ 569.00 1090 FAU greater than 100,000 Btu/h per permit [1]$ 731.00 1091 Floor furnace (including vent)per permit [1]$ 406.00 1092 Suspended, wall, or floor-mounted heaters per permit [1]$ 325.00 1093 Appliance vents not included in an appliance permit per permit [1]$ 650.00 1094 Boiler up to 100,000 Btu/h per permit [1]$ 772.00 1095 Boiler 100,000 Btu/h to 500,000 Btu/h per permit [1]$ 325.00 1096 Compressor up to 3 HP per permit [1]$ 366.00 1097 Compressor up to 3 HP to 15 HP per permit [1]$ 382.00 1098 Other Complex Mechanical per permit [1]$ 488.00 Complex Electrical Permits 1099 Commercial Appliance per permit [1]$ 325.00 1100 Power Apparatus per permit [1]$ 325.00 1101 Motor not over 1 HP each [1]$ 325.00 1102 Motor over 1 HP and not over 10 HP each [1]$ 325.00 1103 Motor over 10 HP and not over 50 HP each [1]$ 325.00 1104 Motor over 50 HP and not over 100 HP each [1]$ 366.00 1105 Motor over 100 HP each [1]$ 406.00 1106 Generator not over 1 KW each [1]$ 325.00 1107 Generator over 1 KW and not over 10 KW each [1]$ 366.00 1108 Generator over 10 KW and not over 50 KW each [1]$ 488.00 1109 Generator over 50 KW and not over 100 KW each [1]$ 488.00 1110 Generator over 100 KW each [1]$ 569.00 1111 Transformer not over 1 KVA each [1]$ 406.00 1112 Transformer over 1 KVA and not over 10 KVA each [1]$ 406.00 1113 Transformer over 10 KVA and not over 50 KVA each [1]$ 447.00 1114 Transformer over 50 KVA and not over 100 KVA each [1]$ 488.00 1115 Transformer over 100 KVA each [1]$ 488.00 1116 Services of 600 volts or less and over 400 amperes to 1000 amperes in rating each [1]$ 488.00 1117 Services over 600 volts or over 1000 amperes in rating each [1]$ 650.00 1118 Other Complex Electrical each [1]$ 488.00 Complex Plumbing Permits 1119 Fire Suppression System/Commercial Hood per permit [1]$ 691.00 1120 Onsite Sewer 6" & Over per permit [1]$ 447.00 1121 Onsite Water 6" & Over per permit [1]$ 447.00 1122 Onsite Storm Drain 6" & Over per permit [1]$ 447.00 Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Permits - Not Associated with a Building Permit 49May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 319 of 345 Fee Name Fee Type No t e s Fee/Deposit 1123 Utilities (private - main) city processing fee per permit [1]$ 902.00 1124 Utilities (private - main) plans examiner fee per permit [1]Actual Cost 1125 Other Complex Plumbing per permit [1]$ 488.00 [Notes] [1]Set per 2021 - Cost of Service Study and Fee Schedule Update. Indexed to West Region Urban CPI. 50May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 320 of 345 Fee Name Simple Mechanical Items: Addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit, absorption unit, or each heating, cooling, absorption, or evaporative cooling system. HVAC change out - existing dwelling Air-handling unit under 10,000 CFM Evaporative cooler Ventilation fan connected to a single duct Hood and duct system Duct systems Miscellaneous mechanical (wall furnace, condensing units, gas outlet/gas test, etc.) Other simple mechanical Simple Electrical Items: Receptacle, switch, and lighting outlets Lighting fixtures Pole or platform-mounted lighting fixtures Theatrical-type lighting fixtures or assemblies Appliances not exceeding one horsepower (HP), kilowatt (KW), or kilovolt-ampere (KVA), in rating Busways Trolley and plug-in-type busways - each 100 feet or fraction thereof Signs, outline lighting, or marquees supplied from one branch circuit Services of 600 volts or less and not over 200 amperes in rating Miscellaneous apparatus, conduits, and conductors Portable generators less than 10,000 W Temporary power panel/service Temporary power pole Other simple electrical Simple Plumbing Items: Plumbing fixtures Building sewer Rainwater systems Water heater Industrial waste pretreatment interceptor Water piping and/or water treating equipment Repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping Backflow devices Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers Gas test Gas outlets Residential remodel/repairs Other simple plumbing Simple Single or Combination Permits List 51May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 321 of 345 Section 3 Development Impact Fees May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 322 of 345 53May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 323 of 345 54May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 324 of 345 55May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 325 of 345 56May 21, 2024 Item #7 Page 326 of 345