HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-30; City Council Minute Motions and City Council Initiated Actions January 2023 - May 22, 2024 (Districts - All); Cobian, SheilaTo the members of the:
Date !;"~b.k A /CC ~/
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May 30, 2024
Coun cil Me morandum
To: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Mem s
From: Sheila Cobian, Legislative & Constituent S • ctor
Via: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
{city of
Memo ID# 2024041
Re: City Council Minute Motions and City Co • m 1ated Actions January 2023 -May 22, 2024
(Districts -All}
This memorandum is being provided as a result of a City Council member request for an update
to a previous memorandum dated July 27, 2023, (Attachment B), regarding City Council minute
motions and City Council initiated it ems.
On July 24, 2023, staff received a request from a City Council Member requesting the number of
minute mot ions and City Council initiated actions made by each City Council Member from
January 1 through July 24, 2023. Staff has since received a Council Member request to update
that information.
The following is a breakdown of the number of minute motions and City Council init iated actions
made by each City Council Member from January 2023 through May 22, 2024:
City Council Member Minute Motions/Council Initiated Actions
Mayor Blackburn 6
Council Member Bhat-Patel 2
Council Member Acosta 2
Council Member Burkholder 10
Council Member Luna 3
Attachment: A. Janua ry 2023 -May 22, 2024, Minute Mot ions & City Council Init iat ed Actions Log
B. July 27, 2023, Council Memorandum
cc: Geoff Pat noe, Assistant City Manager
Cindie McMahon, City Attorney
Policy & Leadership
City Manager Department
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2917 t
c Q)
E .c u C1l ~
Meeting Date
CMC 1.20.060 (C)
CMC 1.20.060 (C)
Council Comments
CMC 1.20.060 (C)
CMC 1.20.060 (C)
Minute Motions & Council Initiated Actions Jan. 1, 2023 through May 22, 2024
Subject Request/Motion/2nd/Final Vote Responsible Dept.
Request to engage in a discussion regarding the Village & 1/6/2023 Emai l from City Council Member
Barrio Master Plan and corresponding authoirty for Burkholder pursuant to authority under CMC
approval of the plan 1.20.060(() CM
Directed staff to bring back an item with more information
regarding a Transient Occupancy Tax increase, including
the cost and timeline of placing it on the ballot. Blackburn/Bhat-Patel 5/0 ASD
4/11/2023 Email from City Council Member
Request to discuss and decide whether to schedule a Burkholder pursuant to authority under CMC
budget workshop. 1.20.060 (C) CM
Directed staff to return in one year with a report that
addresses the following items: the number of off the shelf
accessory dwelling units built, neighborhood comments or
complaints, length of the approval process and costs of
units, and any other recommendations regarding the off
the shelf accessory dwelling unit program that may require
pivoting in four or five months. Luna/Acosta 5/0 CD
Directed staff to bring back options to fund $20,000 in
furtherance of the PBID feasibility study for City Council
consideration at the June 13 Regular City Council Meeting. Burkholder/Acosta 5/0 ASD
Directed staff to return with a report to provide a funding
source and cost for trenching in the Village for City Council
consideration at the June 13, 2023, Regular City Council
meeting. Burkholder/Blackburn 5/0 ASD
Directed staff to return at the next possible meeting, for a Acosta/Bhat-Patel 3/2 (Blackburn,Burkholder -
discussion regarding flying the lntersectional Pride flag. No) CM
Directed staff to return to City Council with options for the
City Council's consideration that would allow the city to
facilitate community theater programing. Burkholder/Luna 5/0 cs
6/14/2023 Email from City Council Member
Request to discuss constituent requests to fly Burkholder pursuant to authority under CMC
commemorative flags. 1.20.060 (C) CM
Directed staff to return to City Council on Sept. 12, 2023, Acosta/Bhat-Patel 3/2 (Blackburn,Burkholder -
with an update on electric reach codes. No) PW
Request to adopt a resolution expressing support for 5/5/2023 Email from City Council Member
actions to further strengthen local democracy, authority, Burkholder pursuant to authority under CMC
and control in relation to local zoning and housing issues 1.20.060 (C) CM
Minute Motions & Council Initiated Actions Jan. 1, 2023 through May 22, 2024
M eeting Date Category Subject Request/Motion/2nd/Final Vote Responsible Dept.
Directed staff to return to City Council with a discussion to
7/18/2023 9 reevaluate Proposition H. Bhat-Patel/Acosta -5/0 ASD
consideration and action related to City Council Member's use of
the City's official logo, seal and letterhead to include
8/22/2023 Council Comments background, any best practices, any comparative analysis of Blackburn/Bhat-Patel -5/0 CM
Directed staff to return with an option for City Council discussion
and consideration to begin Regular City Council meetings at 4
9/12/2023 4 p.m. for calendar year 2024 Luna/Burkholder -3/2 (Bhat-Patel, Acosta -No) CM
Directed staff to help prepare City Council Member use of city
letterhead guidelines and incorporate those guidelines into the
code of ethics. The guidelines should include that:
•al City Council Member may speak on a topic that is consistent
with the City's legislative position otherwise, the Council
Member needs to indicate clearly and conspicuously that they
are not speaking on behalf of the City and that it is their own
personal opinion
•11hey will be self-policed
•lil:aff review of correspondence is optional
•ill correspondence is of personal opinion, the Council Member
will send out their own correspondence, not staff
•fJlexibility to send out congratulatory type letters
10/24/2023 6 •!letterhead cannot be used for political or personal purposes Blackburn/Burkholder -4/1 (Burkholder -No) CM
Request that the topics related to Palomar Airport that are
contained in the background information sent by Hope Nelson
on behalf of Citizens
for a Friendly Airport on January 3, 2024 be placed on a future 1/30/2024 Email from Mayor Keith Blackburn
2/27/2024 CMC 1.20.060 agenda for City Council discussion and consideration. pursuant to authority under CMC 1.20.060 CM/CD
Directed staff to review and investigate the requests from
Citizens for a Friendly Airport and return to Council within 60
days with an analysis, any steps, potential costs and timing to
2/27/2024 Departmental Reports implement the proposals. Blackburn/Bhat-Patel 5/0 CM/CD
Directed staff to compose a Management Plan regarding
Windsor Pointe for consideration by City Council at the April 9,
3/12/2024 Departmental Reports 2024, City Council Meeting Blackburn/Burkholder 4/1 (Luna -No) H&HS/PD
Directed staff to return to the City Council with a progress report
in 60 days relative to a timeline on the County's progress in
achieving the objectives that have been set out by the City
4/9/2024 Departmental Reports Council (Windsor Pointe) Burkholder/Bhat-Patel 5/0 H&HS
Minute Motions & Council Initiated Actions Jan. 1, 2023 through May 22, 2024
Meeting Date Category Subject Request/Motion/2nd/Final Vote Responsible Dept.
Directed staff to return to the City Council at a future meeting
with revisions to Council Policy 64 -Wireless Communication
4/16/2024 13 Facilities Bhat-Patel/ Acosta 5/0 CD
Directed staff to return with an analysis for the formation of a
climate resiliency district and look at funding sources (S.
4/23/2024 6 Carlsbad Climate Adaptation Project) Luna/Bhat-Patel 5/0 PW
Directed staff to return to the City Council on June 11, 2024,
with a recommended expenditure limit, tying it to an inflation
index and also creating categories of exemption for public safety
5/14/2024 Departmental Reports (Prop H) Burkholder/Luna 5/0 CA/ASD
Directed staff to develop a series of options for the regulation of
drive-thru facilities ranging from a continued ban to citywide
allowance and have these options presented to the Planning
Commission and the Economic Development Subcommittee for
their recommendation before returning to the City Council for
5/21/2024 Consent Calendar consideration and possible direction Burkholder/Luna 5/0 CD
To the members of the:
Dat,:!J21~'5CA~CC /
CM _ AC _v'OCM (3) L
July 27, 2023
Council Memorandum
To: Honorable Mayor Blackbu n and Members of the City Council
From: Sheila Cobian, Legislative stituent Services Director
Via: Scott Chadwick, City M
Attachment B
{city of
Memo ID# 2023081
Re: City Council Minute M City Council Initiated Actions January 1 -July 24, 2023
(Districts -All)
This memorandum is being provided as a result of a City Council member request for information
relating to the number of City Council minute motions and City Council initiated actions from
January 1 through July 24, 2023.
On July 24, 2023, staff received a request from a City Council member requesting the number of
minute motions and City Council initiated actions made by each City Council member from
January 1 through July 24, 2023. The following is a breakdown ofthe number of minute motions
and City Council initiated actions made by each City Council member from
January 1 through July 24, 2023.
City Council Member Minute Motions/Council Initiated Actions
Mayor Blackburn 1
Council Member Burkholder 7
Council Member Luna 1
Council Member Bhat-Patel 1
Council Member Acosta 2
Attachment: A. 2023 Minute Motions and City Council Initiated Actions Log
cc: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager
Cindie McMahon, City Attorney
Policy & Leadership
City Manager Department
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2917 t
<i:: .....,
!:: QJ
E ..c: u ro .... .....,
Meeting Date
CMC 1.20.060 (C)
CMC 1.20.060 (C)
Council Comments
CMC 1.20.060 (C)
CMC 1.20.060 (C)
Subject Request/Motion/2nd/Final Vote Responsible Dept.
Request to engage in a discussion regarding the 1/6/2023 Email from City Council.Member
Village & Barrio Master Plan and corresponding Burkholder pursuant to authority under CMC
authoirty for approval of the plan 1.20.060( C) CM
Directed staff to bring back an item with more
information regarding a Transient Occupancy Tax
increase, including the cost and timeline of placing it
on the ballot. Blackburn/Bhat-Patel 5/0 ASD
4/11/2023 Email from City Council Member
Request to discuss and decide whether to schedule a Burkholder pursuant to authority under CMC
budget workshop. 1.20.060 (C) CM
Directed staff to return in one year with a report that
addresses the following items: the number of off the
shelf accessory dwelling units built, neighborhood
comments or complaints, length of the approval
process and costs of units, and any other
recommendations regarding the off the shelf
accessory dwelling unit program that may require
pivoting in four or five months. Luna/ Acosta 5/0 CD
Directed staff to bring back options to fund $20,000
in furtherance of the PBID feasibility study for Oty
Council consideration at the June 13 Regular City
Council Meeting. Burkholder/Acosta 5/0 ASD
Directed staff to return with a report to provide a
funding source and cost fortrenching in the Village
for City Council consideration at the June 13, 2023,
Regular City Council meeting. Burkholder/Blackburn 5/0 ASD
Directed staff to return at the next possible meeting,
for a discussion regarding flying the lntersectional Acosta/Bhat-Patel 3/2 (Blackburn,Burkholder -
Pride flag. No) CM
Directed staff to return to City Council with options
for the City Council's consideration that would allow
the city to facilitate community theater programing. Burkholder/Luna 5/0 cs
6/14/2023 Email from City Council Member
Request to discuss constituent requests to fly Burkholder pursuant to authority under CMC
commemorative flags. 1.20.060 (C) CM
Directed staff to return to City Council on Sept.12, Acosta/Bhat-Patel 3/2 (Blackburn,Burkholder -
2023, with an update on electric reach codes. No) PW
Request to adopt a resolution expressing support for
actions to further strengthen local democracy, 5/5/2023 Email from City Council Member
authority, and control in relation to local zoning and Burkholder pursuant to authority under CMC
housing issues 1. 20.060 ( C) CM
Directed staff to return to City Council with a
discussion to reevaluate Proposition H. Bhat-Patel/ Acosta -5/0 ASD