HomeMy WebLinkAbout5928 FARNSWORTH CT; ; AS020166; Permit5/23/24, 9:52 AM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: AS020166 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit 5928 FARNSWORTH CT SPRINK 2120701000 0 SPORTS GIANT Permit No: AS020166 Status: PENDING Applied 11/20/2002 Approved : Issued: Inspector: Owner: MCR FARNSWORTH L L C C/O JOHN MCROSKEY PO BOX 1243 RANCHO SANTA FE CA Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Fees($) 544.25 _ __._ ___ o_ _ L_ 544.25 Balance($q 0 _ _J about:blank 1/1 Carlsbad Fire Department 023519 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 f IL£ COPY Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Plan Review Requirements Category: Auto. Sprinkler, OH Reviewed by: Date of Report: _12_1_19_1_20_0_2 _______ _ Name: Vanguard Fire Prat. Address: 1604 La Mirada Ste 105 City, State: _s_an_M_a_rc_o_s _C_A_92_0_69 _____________ /to2Dl ~, Plan Checker: Job#: 023519 Job Name : Sports Giant Bldg #: CB023519 ________________ __:::...._ Job Address: 5928 Farnsworth Ct Ste. or Bldg. No. IZI Approved D Approved Subject to D Incomplete Review FD Job# The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/ or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards. Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comp ly with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and / or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and / or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and / or specifications to this office for review and approval. 1st 023519 2nd FD File# 3rd Other Agency ID f ILE COPY Fl RI PROTICT I ON I IC. CITY f ... t::t• ALSBAD H~!E PP r, ME.I I Pt-10VED Subject tc '1el, in~~ection an~ _requ_ired test~. no1m 1rin~ !i,J,t:on cond1t1ons 1~ corre!:>porn. '=-1ct. and conformance with applica le rtigulat1ons. The stamping . of these plans shall not be held to permit or approv~th'-" violation of any law.! .1, By {j(H{l/1 t( Date /.? t? 3 f9 Technical Opinion & Report Prepared for: Sports Giant, Inc. 5928 Farnsworth Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 For Submittal to: Carlsbad Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 ~J~~ FIRE PROTECTION INC. November 6, 2002 Ms. Karyn Vaudreuil, Fire Marshal Carlsbad Fire Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Sports Giant, Inc. -Distribution Facility 5928 Farnsworth Court, Carlsbad, CA Fire Protection Technical Opinion & Report Dear Ms. Vaudreuil: San Diego Branch Office 6108 Avenida Encinas, Suite A Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 431-9901 fax: 431-9923 State License No: C-Jfr577621 The following technical opinion and report is written on behalf of Sports Giant, Inc., at the direction of the company's Operations Manager, Mr. Steven Bautz and is intended to address minimum requirements for the storage and distribution of the tenant's finished goods in storage racks with wire mesh shelves, based upon the descriptions provided herein. Compliance with the California Fire & Building Codes is based on information collected from Sports Giant, Inc., including pallet rack floor plans, an overview of facility operations and a review of the firm 's products offered on their web-site www.sportsgiant.com. Cosco Fire Protection, Inc., shall not be held liable for errors in this document due to failure to disclose information either intentional or otherwise. This report is prepared for the purpose of construction and occupancy use permit approvals only. Any discrepancies between the information in this report and conditions discovered during inspection are the sole responsibility of Sports Giant. Final inspection for occupancy and verification of compliance with requirements and conditions described in this report shall be the responsibility of the authority having jurisdiction and are outside the scope of this report. Negative Impact Declaration: This report shall confirm our opinion that Sports Giant will introduce no increase of hazards with this tenant improvement and operations of the facility. Additionally, this report shall indicate that Sports Giant Technology shall be in complete compliance with current editions of the California Fire & Building Codes. This comprehensive fire protection plan is thorough, and will illustrate that an adequate level of fire and life safety protection is provided to the occupants of the building. This report will include the following: • Classify commodities stored or used within the building. • Review storage array and related protection requirements. • Present an analysis of the design, operation and use of the building. • Outline general safety procedures for occupant safety and building protection. ~~fi~ FIRE PROTECTION INC, Sports Giant Technical Report (Cont) Page 2 Code Analysis/Technical References: • 1998 California Fire Code • 1998 California Building Code • 1997 Uniform Fire Code • National Fire Protection Association Standard 13 -Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems The 1998 California Codes are 1997 editions of mode/ code documents that have been amended Building Construction, Occupancy Classification and Fire Protection: Building Type of Construction: Building Size: Warehouse area: Ceiling Height Ceiling Level Sprinkler Density General Overview: Type V -Non-rated, Sprinklered 53,000 sqft (approx) 35,000 sqft (aprox) Sports Giant, Inc. is an internet-based company who distributes a wide range of sporting goods to end-users who purchase goods on-line from their website. No raw materials are stored at this location and no manufacturing is conducted. Products stored include all types of sporting goods, including balls, bats, jerseys, uniforms, bats, accessories for all types of sports, including baseball, hockey, football, soccer, etc. These products include a wide range of commodity classifications, which include, wood, aluminum as well as various composite materials and group A plastics. For the purpose of this report and in the interest of allowing unlimited storage of all goods in all areas of the rack storage array, the occupant has agreed to base the protection requirements of the entire storage array upon the storage of Group A Plastics, as allowed by the exception to NFP A 13 paragraph 7-4 .1. 3. Storage of Materials: Commodity: Storage Height: Building Height: Aisle Width: Group A Plastics, cartoned, expanded and non- expanded ~nRacks) > 8 ft. Encapsulation: NI A Existing Ceiling Sprinkler Density: 0.33 gpm/3,000 sq.ft. ~ii~~ FIRE PROTECTION INC, Sports Giant Technical Report (Cont) Page3 Hazardous Materials: No hazardous materials or chemicals are stored or used within this facility with the exception of normal household cleaning products. Fire Sprinkler Requirements: Per NFP A 13, 1999 edition Figure 7-4 .4 .1.1 the Decision Tree for Group A Plastics, cartoned, expanded and unexpanded or exposed unexpanded, stored in racks, the prescribed density for 20 ft. storage with 5 ft to 10 ft. of clearance shall be .30 gpm/2,000 sqft plus one level of in-rack sprinklers as shown in figure 7- attached. The in-rack sprinklers shall be located below the top tier level of storage with sprinklers located 4 ft to 5 ft on center and at the intersection of the transverse and longitudinal flue spaces. In rack sprinkler demand shall be based upon the simultaneous operation of the most hydraulically demanding 8 sprinklers operating at 15 psi for 17 /3 2 in. orifice sprinkler heads or 15 psi for ½ in. sprinkler heads, per note 3 of section 7- (attached) The tenant shall contract with a licensed fire sprinkler contractor who shall be required to submit shop drawings and related hydraulic calculations for the new in-rack fire sprinkler system. The system demand shall be added to the flow rate of the ceiling level sprinkler system at the point of connection and balanced to the higher pressure in accordance with the requirements ofNFPA 13, 1999 edition paragraph 8-i 2. Minimum 6" nominal transverse flue space is required between the loads at the rack uprights. Steel columns located within the storage racks are required to be protected in accordance with NFPA 13, Section 7-9.8. The tenant shall be required to add column sprinkler protection with sidewall sprinklers located 15 ft above the floor where steel columns are located with the rack storage area. Small fire hose valve stations (1-1/2") shall be provided within the rack storage area, supplied from the ~ piping system. Oe';t /;n_J General Fire Protection and Life Safety Requirements: The high-piled storage areas will be in accordance with CFC Article 81 , Section 8102 including the following: • Automatic Fire Extinguishing System • Building Access • Smoke and Heat Removal • Small Hose Valves and Stations de , a ~ I I FIRE PROTECTION INC. Sports Giant Technical Report (Cont) Page4 Access Doors: Access doors shall be provided in each 100 lineal feet of the exterior walls that face the access roadway. Doors shall be not less than 3 feet in width and 6 feet 8 inches in height. Only approved locking devices may be used and doors shall be accessible without the use of a ladder. Smoke and Heat RemovaVCurtain Boards: Pursuant to Carl.shad Fire Department Policy and based on full scale fire testing performed by Factory Mutual Laboratories~ we request permission to omit draft curtain boards in this warehouse facility. Currently, there are a total of 17 ( 4 'x8') vented skylights present within the warehouse area, providing a total of 544 sqft of ventilation for a floor area of 35,000. The required ratio of vent area to floor area is 50:1 per Article 81 of the UFC. 50 35000 = 32 700 = 700 sqft vent area required 21.875 or 22 vented skylights required The tenant shall be required to add 5 additional vented skylight units, located within the rack storage area. Small Hose Connections: Small hose connections are required per section 7-4.1.6. Per Carlsbad Fire Department Policy, it is requested that the hose, nozzle and rack requirements be waived. It is not recommended that employees attempt to fight a fire with 1 ½ inch hose lines in high pile stock areas. The request to omit fire hose is based on the following points: • The fire department carries hose packets and generally do not use building equipment. • Employees are generally instructed not to use this equipment and to evacuate the building in case of fire. • Maintenance of this equipment is difficult and therefore the integrity of the hose cannot be counted on. • This building is fully protected with a fire sprinkler system with a design density greater than the minimum required for the use. • Fire extinguishers are provided for incipient fires. General Safety Practices: • No smoking will be permitted in the building. • All employees will receive special training on the use of portable fire extinguishers of the type to be provided in this building. An evacuation plan will be in place. • Exit doors will be maintained unobstructed and will be opened weekly to ensure their operation. 1c , a ~ I I FIRE PROTECTION INC, Sports Giant Technical Report (Cont) Page 5 Hydrants/Access Roadways: Hydrants and fire department access roadways will continue to be maintained unobstructed and accessible to emergency response crews. Exiting/Egress: The basic layout of the building is in conformance with the 1997 CBC. The travel distance from any point in the building to an exit does not exceed 250 feet. All exit doors are at least three feet wide and proper exit signs over each door will be provided. Fire Extinguishers: Minimum 2A10BC rated fire extinguishers shall be provided for every 50 feet of travel distance. Summary of Owner's Obligations and/or Required Changes: 1. Install in-rack fire sprinklers as described herein. 2. Install fire hose valves located no more than 125 ft. apart throughout the rack storage area, supplied from the ~ fire sprinkler system (Fire hose racks are not required based upon Carlsbad Fire Dep~~t policy). 3. Install column sprinkler protection at any columns located within the storage array, supplied from the ceiling level sprinkler system) 4. Install 5 additional vented skylights and verify that existing skylights are of the automatic vent type. 5. Verify that existing ceiling sprinkler heads are of the high temperature classification. 6. Maintain transverse flue space at rack uprights. 7. Observe all general safe practices provided herein. Conclusion: Based upon our review of the proposed storage arrangements and use, and the recommendations contained in this report, it is our opinion that Sports Giant, Inc. will be in full compliance with the requirements of the CBC and CFC 1997 Editions, following modifications prescribed by this report. If you have any comments or questions regarding this report or the proposed use of this facility, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned or the owner directly. Respectfully submitted, Robert G. Caputo Branch Manager attachments November 6, 2002 Ms. Karyn Vaudreuil, Fire Marshal Carlsbad Fire Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Sports Giant, Inc. -Distribution Facility 5928 Farnsworth Court, Carlsbad, CA Fire Protection Technical Opinion & Report Supplemental Data Dear Ms. Vaudreuil: The following supplemental data is provided for the attached report: San Diego Branch Office 6108 Avenida Encinas, Suite A Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 431-9901 fax: 431-9923 State license No: C-16-577621 1. Existing building is protected with two sprinkler systems designed for .33/3000. 2. Existing sprinklers at roof level are 17 /32" orifice, K =8.1 high temperature rated. 3. Roof slope does not exceed 2:12. ~ii~~ FIRE PROTECTION INC. Sports Giant, Inc. 5928 Farnsworth Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 TECHNICAL REFERENCES (l) Constructed pani.:11ly o r toc,1ll )' of C n.,up 13 pl,1qi , s.- (2) Cons,,~ of free-flowing Group A pla ·ti.: matt'nals. (3) Cn11t,1111s w1d1111 itseu· or ir.,; packaging an appreciable ,11noum (5 pncenr rn l 5 pf'rcent by weight 01· .-µerrent tr, 25 percent by vo lu1nt>) or Crnup A plas1.ics. The rt·ma111ing materials shall bt' pertt1iued LO be metal. wood, µape,, nawral or syn th,..tic fibers, ,,r Group H or Ci-our C plastics. 2-2.4* Classifica ti on of Plastics, Ela,;to mers, and Rub- ber. l'lascics. e!a.Horner·s. and rubb,,r sh.ti t he classified as C roup A, Cruup 1:3, or Cr L 11p C. 2-2.4.1 * Cr up A. T he foll.,wing mater iab ~hal l be cl ,ts,iried as Croup A: Ali (acrylo n itri le-bu tadie n e-scyrc ne copolyrn c r) Acee.al (polyfo nnaldehydc) Acrylic (polymethyl med1,1crylate) Butyl rubber EPDM (erhylcne-propylent> rubber) FRP (fiberglass-reinforcer:! p lyester) awral rubber (if exp;inded) itrile rubber (acrylonirrile-butadiene rubber) PET (therrnoplastic polyestec) Polybutad,ene Polycarbonate Polyester elastomer Polye thyle ne Polypropylene Poly cyrene Polyurethane PVC (polyvinyl chloride -highly plasticiLed, with pl sti- cize r content greater than 20 percen_t) (rarely fo und) SAN (styrene acrylonitrile) SBR ( cyrene-butadiene rubber) 2-2.4. 2 C roup B. The followin g materials shall be lassifiecl as Group B: Cellulosics (cell ul ose acetate, cellulose acetate butyrnre, ethyl cellulose) Chloroprene rubber ..E1u.orop1asti • (.EC'IFE -echrlene-cb.lorotriflu.oro-eth)'l- e ne copolymer; ETFE -ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene-copol)'- mer; FEP -fl uori nated ethylene-propylene copol)'mer) atural rub!Jer (not expanded) Nylon (nylon 6, nylon 6/6) il icon e rubber 2-2.4.3 Croup C. T he following materials shall be classified as Group C: _ Fluoroplastics (PCTFE -pol)'r:h lorotri£1 uoroethylene; PTFE -pol)'tetrafluoro thylene) Melamine (melamine formaldehyde) Phenoli c PVC (polyvinyl chloride -flexible -PVCs wi th plasticizer content up to 20 percent) PVDC (polyvinylidene chloride). PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) PVF (polyvi nyl fluoride) Urea (urea form ald ehyde) 2-2.5" Classification of R olled Paper Storngc. For th e p11 r- po.~t:s of this 1a11d;ird, the f()IJowrn g class, rc,Hions of' paper sh,dl .1pplv. Tht'Se classific;,iuon, sl,all I.Jc u.,,,d 10 dc·tl·rmrue ti1t' sprinkler sy. te m design cnterra. 2-2 .5.1 Hca\'yw ight Class. He,wyweig-ln class shall in clr1dc· paperboard ar1d paper stock h,mng d basis w,:igh t [werght per 1000 fL2 (92.9 m2)] of ~0 lb (9 l kg). 2-2.5. 2 Mediumweight Cla<:s. l\frdiumwcrght class shall include all the broad range of papers h.wing a hasis weight fweight per I 000 ft2 (92.9 m ~)] of IO lb to 20 li.J ( 4 .5 kg to 9. I kg;. 2-'.!.5.3 Lightweight Class. Lrghrweight class shall incilrr!e al l p.ipers hav ing a basis we rght [ weigl ,t per HI00 ftl (92. 9 111 1)) <Jf' 10 lb (4.5 kg) 2-2.5.4 T issue. Ti.~,ue shall irr c:lude the broad range of paper of characteri Lie gar11.y texture, "'hid,, in some cases, are fairly transparent. Fo r the purpo,n uf rh,s standard, ti ue shall be detr11ed as the suit. absorhe11t l\'pe , regard! ss of ha,rs weight -specificall)', crepe waddirrg and the sanitary cl,1.s, inrludrng l'.-1.cia l tissue, pape r napkins, bathroom tissue, ,1nd roweling. Cbapter 3 System Com ponen ts a:ud H ,u-dware 3-1 General. This cltapler provides requiremenLS for co, rect use of sprinkler sys tem compon<"nts. 3-1.l * A.II materials and devices e encial to successful system operation shall be listed. Excef,tion No. 1: Equipment (I,., permitted in Tabl.e 3-J 1, Tabl.e 3-5 I, and t.he Exceptions lo 6-1 .. l and 6-1 I .1 shall not be required to be listt1d. Exc11p1.ion No. 2: Components Iha/ do not affect system peifo-rmonce such as drain pi/1ing, drain valves, and signs shall not be required to be listed. The 1 e of reconditioned valves and devices other than spri n- k/ers as replacement equipment in existing systems shall be pemiitted. 3-1.2 System components shall be rated for the maximum ys- tern working pres ure lo which they are exposed but shall not be rated at less than 175 psi ( 12. I bar). 3-2 Sprinklers . 3-f 1 Onfy· new sprinklers shall be installed. 3-2.2* Sprinkler ldencification . All sprinklers shall be perma- nently marked with a one-or two-character manufacturer sym- bol, followed by up to four numbers, so as to identify a unique model of sprinkle r for every change in orifi ce size or shape, deflector characteri tic, and thermal sensitivity. This rule sltall become effective on January 1, 2001. 3-2.3 Sprinkler Discharge Characteristics. 3-2.3.1 * The K-factor, relative discharge, and marking identi- fi cation for sprinklers h aving differen t orifice si zes shall be in accordance with Table 3-2.3. l. Exception No. l: Listed sp:,inklers having pipe threads different from those shoum in Table 3-2.3.1 shall be permitted. Exce-ption No. 2: Sprinklers listed with nominalKfactors greater than 28 shall increase the flow /J,y 100 percent increments when compared with a nominal K-5. 6 sprinkl.er. 1999 Edition 13-88 l NSlALlATIO • F SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Fig1>re 7-3 .3.l.1 Decisioo tree. Plastics ~-1---1 ~ G,oup A (See N,;re) I Gr >up B Class IV Group C Class Ill Expanded Non ,oanded Free-flowing Class IV l Cartoned [xposed ~ Unstable Table 7-3.3 2.2 Column A I . Slal.Jle Slable Unstable Stable Unstable Solid Unil Load Cartoned Exposed Table 7- Table 7-3.3.2 2 Tahlt, 7- Table 7- Table 7-3 3 2.2 Table 7- Table 7- Column E Column D Column B Column C Column A Column C Column E Nole: Cartons lhal conlain Group A plastic malerial shall be permitted lo be trealed as Class IV commodiites under tt1 following condilions. (a) There shall be multiple layers of corrugalion or equ,valenl ou ter material lhal would significantly delay fire involvemenl of lhe Group A plastic (b} The amount and arrangemenl of Gro up A plastic malerial within an ordinary carton would not be expected to significantly increase the fire hazard 7- • F.lctors affecting proLecti n requirements s, ,ch as closed/open array, clearance between SLorage and sprinklers, and table/u11stable pile· shaJI be applicable only to storage or Crour A plastics. This decision tree aho shall be used to deter- mine protection for commodiues that are not wholly Cr< up A pl;i_,;ti sb1 1t contain uchquanotiesan<larrang ment.sof1he ame that th n an: deem cl more ha7ardous than Class IV commodiues. 7-3.3.1.:\ Group B plastics a11d free-flowing Group A plastics shall b..: protected in th e same manner as a Class IV commod- ity. See 7-3.t for proLection of these storage commodities with spray sprinklers. 7- Croup C plastics shall be protected in the ame man- ner as a Class Ill commodity. See 7-3.2 for protection of these storage commodities with sp1ay sprinkl ers. 7-3.3.2 Prolection Cri teria. -'7-3 .3.2.l"' The design of the sprinkl r system shall be ba,erl nn those o nditions that routinely or periodically exist in a building that create the greatest wate, demand. hese condi- tions include the following: ()) Pile height (2) Clc::.,rance (3) Pile stability (4) Array Wh ere the distance between ro f/ceiling height and top of storage exceeds 20 ft (6.1 m ), protection shall be provided for the scorage height that would result in a 20-ft (6. l-rn} distanc between the roof/ ceiling height and top of storage. 7-* Design areas and densitic:s for the appropriate scor- age configurat.ior1 shall be selected from Table 7-3.3.2~2. The columns A, B, C, D, an<l E correspond tO the pre, • n required by the decisi n tree shown in F,gure 7- 7- For Table 7-, th design areas are a mini- mum of2500 ft2 (232 m2). 1999 Ed1lion Exception No. 1: Where Tab!,e 7-3.3. 2.2 a/Lows densities and areas to be selected in accordance with 7-2.3, for ordinary hazard Group 2 oc- cv.pa.ncies, any area/density from that curoe shall be acceptable Exception No. 2: For closed arrays, the area shall be perrnitt,;r/ lo be re- duced to 2000 Jt2 ( 186 m2 ). 7- Int ·rpolati n of densities between storage heights lull be penni t d. Densities sh.di be based upon the 2500 rt2 ('232 m2) design area. The "up t0" in the tabk is intended lO aid in th interpolation of d ·nsities between storage heigh LS. Tnterpolation of ceiling/roof heights shall not be permitted. 7-* Where dry pipe sys tems are used for Group A pla - rics, th operaung area shall be incr ased by 30 per enl with- out revising the rlensicy. 7- High-Expansion Foam ystems. Where high-expansion fo;.i.m is used, a reduction in ceiling density to one-half that required fo r plastics shall be permitted without revising the design area but shalloe not less tFia-n O.'J 5 gpm7ff2 (GT mmTm1n). - 7-4t Fire Control Apprn~ch for the Protection of Commodities Sto, c>d on Racks. 7-4.1 Protection Criter ia -General. 7-4.1.l This section shall apply co storage of materials repre- senting the broad rang of combustibles tored in racks usillg standard spray sprinklers. 7-4. t.2 The sprin kier system c1iteria of Section 7-4 is int.ended to apply 10 buildings with ceiling slopes not exceeding two i11 12 (16.7 percent). 7-4. 1.3* Sprinkler protection criteria for the storage of mate- ri~I on racks shall be in accordance wi h section 7-4 I and ei1her 7-4.2 fo r storage up to 25 ft (7.6 rn), 7-4.3 for sturage over 25 ft (7.6 m ), or 7-4.4 for plas tics storage as appropriate. .Exception.·* Protection cri.teri.a, for Group A plastics as indiwted in 7-4. 4 shall be perrnitted for the prol.ection of the same storage height arid con.ft ·uration of Class I, JI, /JI, and IV commodities. l\fSl<'.N ·\l'f'ROACilF.S Fi!(1.1r • 7-1.3. I .5.4(c) In-rack sprink.kr arrangt'mc,11. Cl~s., l, Class rr, Class III, or Cla..,,s rv comm ciitits -multiple~ro'-'1 n.1ck..-.. Slon,L:e bcigh t ov,:r 25 ft (7.6 111). Loading aisle t, C, 6 6 X t, Maximum X X 10 ft (3.05 m) between sprinklers t, t, t, t, X X Loading aisle Plan View Maximum ,_C' 10ft(3.05m) ~ between sprinklers 0 □□□□00 I - Gx□ Dx□ DxQJ D 4 _M_a_x,-murnSh (1 .52m) x ' x 3 between sonnklers DD DD DD O andtopolstorage Face /D □"'□ □"□ □"'□ 2 sprinklers □ □ □ □ □ □ o )( X X 1 ---~~---□DD DD DO Maximum10It (3.05 m) be1ween □ D □ □ □ CJ Q sprinkler7 and floor Loading Aisle Elevation Notes: 1. Sprinklers labeled 1, 2, and 3 shall be required if loads labeled A represent top of storage. 2. Sprinklers labeled 1. 2. and 4 shall be required if loads lc1beled 8 represent top of storage 3. For storage higher than represented by loads labeled 8, th cycle defined by Notes 1 and 2 is repeated, with stagger as indicaled. 4. Symbol t,. or x indicates sprinklers on vertical or horizontal st;i~ 1 7- In-Rack Sprin.k.ler Spacing. Maximum horizon~ spacing of sprinklers in multiple-row racks wilh storage higherthan--25 ft (7.6 m) shall be in-accordance with Figures 7-4.3.l.5.4(a), (b), and (c). 7-4.3.2 Ceiling Sprin.kle,·s for Single-and Double-Row Racks -Area Density M ethod. 7- *t The water demand for nonencapsulated storage on racks without solid shelves separated by ai. les at least 4 ft (l.2 m) wide and with not more than 10 ft (3.l m) between the top of st0rage and the sprinklers shall be based on sprin- klers in a 2000-ft2 (l 86-m2) operating area, di ·charging a mi nimum of 0.25 gpm/fl2 (10.2 mm/min) for Class I ~m- modities, 0.3 gpm/ft2 (12.2 mm/min) for Classes J( an commodities, and 0.35 gpm/ft2 (14.3 mrn(min) fo r Class commodities for rdinary temperature-rated sprin klers or a minimum of 0.35 gpm/ft2 (14.3 mm/min) for Class J com- modities, 0.4 gpm/ft2 (16.3 mm/min) for Classes Il and lII commodities, and 0.45 gpm/ft2 (18.3 mm/min)) for Class rv commodities for high temperature-rated prinklers. (See Tabl.e 7- 7-4.:3.2.2 Whc,.-storaw· ii, des ribecl i11 7-'l.3.2.l is encap,rn- la tc-d, ceil i 11g sprinkle density shall Qt ~5 percem grcaler Lh,111 for none11cap.,ul:.itecl slOra~e. 7-4.3.3 Ceili.n g Sprinklers foi-Multiple-Row Racks -Arca Density Method. 7- Th<' waler demand for nonc·n,apSLJlaled storage on racks without sol id shelve separated by ai !es ,tl leasl 4 fl (l 2 m) wide and with not more than 10 c (3. l m) between the lOp of storage and lte sprinklers ,hall b based on spri nklers i11 a 2000--ft2 (l , 6-m2) operating Mea for n,ultiple-row racks, 0lS· charging a rnininn.1111 of 0.25 gprn/fl~ (10.2 lnm/ntin) for lass I comm ditit>s, 0 3 gpm/ft2 (12.2 m1 n/rni 1l) for Cl3.sses lland lfl comrno<lities. ancl 0.35 gprn/fL2 (l·l ·i ,nm/n ,n) for Class IV com1nucl1tin fo r ordinary temp ·rau11e-1,1ted sprin- klers or a minirnt111 l of' 0.35 gp1t1 / ft 2 (14.3 mm/rni11 ) for Cl,;,, I commodilic·s, 0.4 gpm/ft2 ( 16.3 mm/min) for Cla~< ,, 11 and Jl[ comrnoclllie, and 0.45 gpm/ft2 (18.3 mm/min) f r Class IV commodities l(,r hlgh ternperature-raterl prinkle s. (S,,e Ta.bl,: 7-4.3. I. 5. 4.) 7- Wll,·re such storage is encapsulatt·d. ceding srJri11- kler density hall be 25 perce1\l grealer (han 1or nonencapsu- laled storage. 7-4.3.4 H.igh--E.xpausion foam. Systems. Where high-expansion foam is used inc mbination with ceilin g sprink.krs, the mini- mum ceiling sprinkler de. ign density shall be 0.2 gpm/f't 2 (8.2 mm/min) for Clas I, Class Il, or Class 11 1 commodities and 0.25 gprn/ft2 (10 2 tnm/min) for Class N urnmodities for the most hydrnulicall y remole 2000--ft2 (186-rn2 ) area. • 7--4.4 Spray Sprinkler P,·otection Criteria for Pl astics Commodities. 7-4.4.1 * Gen ra l. for the Slorage of Group A pla~ucs srorect 5 ft (] .5 m) or k:ss in heigh 1, th e sprinkler design c1i(eria for II is ella- 1l eous swr,1ge ·peciJied 111 7-2.3.2.~ shall b used. 7-4.4.l. l t Plastic omm di ties hall be prolected i 11 accor- dance wilh Figure 7-4 .4.J .1. This· d ecision lree also shall be used to decerrnine prot ction fo1· comm di ties that are not entirely Group A plastics but contain uch quantities and arrangemenlS or Group A plastics that they are deemf"d more hazardous than Class IV commodities. Figure 7-4.4. t.l Decision tree. Group A Cartoned, expanded or unexpanded, and exposed, unexpanded I Plastics Group B Class IV Exposed. expanded ( outside the scope of Section 7-4) Stable (see 7-4.4) Free-flowing Class IV Group C Class Ill 7-4.4.l.2 Group B plastics and free-flowing Group A plastics shall be protected the same as Class JV commodities. 7-4.4.l.3 Group C plastics shall be protected the same as Class III commodities. 1999 Edition L3-J lO r ISTALLATION OF SPRl 1KLER SYSTEMS Table 7- tvlulLiple-Row Racks, Storage I I eights over 2!> ft (7.6 m) [n-Ra k 'priJ"\.k.le( 1,2,:1 Ceiling· Sprinklers Density -- Maximum Sµ;iri11g f.-on, Tup Max.in1un1 Maxin1 urn of Storag~ Ceiling Approximate Horhonta.l Hori·wntal to High St Sprinkler Veni ,,J Spacing in Sp~ci.ng ln-Rac;k Operating pacin g a Flue across Flue Sp,;11kler~ Arra l 6S0 Rating 286° Rating Hei);(hl Commodity E11cap-Limit gp111 / nun/ gpm min/ Cla.,s .,ultHt'.d fl Ill ft m ft tn ft Stagger Figure ft rn ft2 m 2 ft"I min /ft2 min No 7-4.3. l .5.4 (a) 10 ~-1 0.25 10.2 0.35 14 .3 20 6.1 L2 3.7 10 3.1 l Yes 0.31 0.44 No Berween 7-4.3.1 5.4(b) 10 3.l 0.30 12.2 0.40 16.3 15 4 1; JO 3.1 IO 3 l None adpcent 2000 186 1, rr, a11d m Y.-s J1ues 0.37 0.50 20.4 ·- 0 7-4.3. l.:i.4 (c) 5 1.5 0.:l5 14.3 0.45 18.3 I, ll, fl l, l0 '.-l l 10 3.1 10 .l l and IV Yes 0.44 0.56 For SI units, °C = 5/9(°F-32); I gpm/ft2 = 40.74.6 mm/rn in. 1AJI four rack faces shall be prol cred by sprinklers located wi thin l in. (0.46 rn) of the faces, as indicated in Figures 7-4.3.1 5.4(a), (b), and (c). TL shaIJ not be required for each sprinkkr level to protect all faces. (Set.A-7-4.3.J.5.4.) 2All in-rack sprinkler spacing dimensions start from Lhe floor. 3Jn Figures 7-4.3 l 5.4(a) th rough 7-4.3.J .5.4 (c), ea h q uare represents a storage cube mea,u ri 11g ! ft LO 5 ft ( 1.2 m to 1.5 m) on a side. Actual load heights can vary from approximately 18 in. to 10 ft (0.46 rn to l m). Therefore, there could be as few as one lo<1d or a~ many as six or seven loads between in-rack sprinklers that are spaced IO ft (3.1 m) a pan ve rtical ry. 7-4.4.J.4t Cei lin g sprinkler~ shall have at mperature rating of urdinary, i ntermerliate, or high tern pcraw re. Exception: High lemperature-ro.tP.d sprinklers shall be used ,uh.ere required uy5-3.l.3. ~ 7-4.4.2 In-Rack Sprir1klers. 7-4.4.2. t In-Rack p rinkle,· Clearance. The minimum of6-in. (152.4-rnm) vertical cl ar space shall be maintained becwe n the sprinkl r deflectors and the top of a ti r of swrage. 1999 Edition 7- In-Rack Sp,-inkle,· Water Demand. The v.ater demand for sprinklers installed in ra ks shall be ba.,ed on imultaneous operation of the most hydraulically rem te sprinklers as fo ll ows: (1) Eight sprinklers where o nly one level is installed in racks (2) Founeen sprinklers (seven on ea h wp two levels) where more than one level is installed in racks 7- In-Rack Sprinklers -Storage Up to and Including 25 ft (7.6 rn). fn-rack sprinklers shall be installed in accor- dance with Figures 7- through (g). 13-112 11 STAU.ATION OF SPK1NKLEl< SYSTEMS Figurt: 7- L5-ft (4 .6-m ) storage; 5-ft to JO-ft (l.5-rn LO 3.1-m) cciJu,g clcaran e. Single-and double-row racks Single-, double-, and multiple-row racks 0.60 gpm / ft2 per 4000 lt2 O 30 gpm / lt2 per 2000 lt2 (24.5 mm/min per 372 m2) (12.2 mm/min per 186 m2) ----------See 7-4.4 .3.4, 7A.4.3.6, and See Note 3 NOlb 1 and 2 Plan View Plan View Elevation View Elevation View Notes: 1. t Where %-in. { 15.9-mm) o,ifice sprinklers !isled for storage use are installed a1 lhe ceiling only, lhe ceiling sprinkler discharge cri teria shall be permined 10 be reduced to O gpm / tt2 per 2000 tt 2 (24.5 mm/min per 186 m2). 2. t Where ¼-in. ( 15.9-mm) orifice sprinklers listed tor storage use are installed at the ceiling only and the ceiling height in the protected area does not exceed 22 ft (6.7 m). the ceilino sprinkler discharge criteria s all be permitted lo be reduced 0.45 gpm / 112 per 2000 ft 2 (18.3 mm/min per 186 m2). Figure 7-4..'l.2.3(d) 20-ft (6.1-m) storage; <5-ft (J .5-rn) ceiling clea.rancc. 3. Single level ol in-rack prinklers [½in.or '7h2 in. (12.7 mm or 13.5 mm) operating at 15 psi (1 .03 bar) minimum) installed on 8 11 to 10 ft (2 5 m to 3.12 m) spacings localed, as indicated, in the tra"rse flue space . Single-and double-row racks Single-, double-, and multiple-row racks Single-, double-, and multiple-row ra cks 0.60 gpm / ft2 per 4000 ft2 0.45 gpm / ft2 per 2000 11? O 30 gpm / ft2 per 2000 lt2 (24.5 mm/min pe, 372 m2) (18.3 mm/m,n per 186 m2) (12.2 mm/min per 186 rri2) See 7-, 7-, and See Note 2 See Note 3 Note 1 Plan View Plan View Elevation View Elevation View Notes: 8 f1 (2.a4 m) maximum between sprinklers Plan View J±B,8333 I~~~~-I s s L ~~~~~ L E ~~~~-E Elevation View 1. t Where %-in. (15.9-,~rn) orifice sprinklers listed for slorage use are inslalled at the ceiling only, lhe ceiling sprinkler discharge criteria shall be permitted to be reduced to O 6 gpm I ft 2 per 2000 ft 2 (24 5 mm/min per 186 m2). 2. Single level of in-rack sprinklers [½ in. or 17/2, 1n. (12. 7 mm or 13.5 mm) operating al 15 psi (1.03 bilr) minimum) installed on 8 fl to 10 fl (2.5 m to 3.12 m) spacings located, as indicated, in the transverse flue spaces. 3. Single level of in-rack sprinklers (''hz in. (13.5 mm) ope•ilting at 15 psi (1.03 bar) minimum or'/, in. (12.7 mm) operating at 30 psi (2.07 bar) minimum] installed on 4 tt lo 5 ft (1.25 m Jo 1.56 m) spacings localed, as indicated, in the longitudinal flue space at the intersection of every lransverse llue space. 1999 Edition llES IC ,N APPRO.".('\ff<; ------------------- Tabl,· 7- CSFR, Prot ,·tinn of Rack . ton114e without Solid Shelw~ Type of M(t.ximu,,1 I kight nf .. tora_,-~ yfa i,11um J,·1l111g/ Kn f H,·ight of Building pr·inkler D ·sign Pr ssure [n-Ra k o mi11al ____ prinkl ·r Hos·. tream Demand ______ Ow-ati,,n . torag<'* C mmodity ft rn fj Ill K-fad0r psi bar R qLLir m ·nts g-pm L/min (hours) .Sm~k-1 o~· L IL k ·to rag clouble-rnw ,a, k wragc, mult1plc:-niw ra k t rage C~a r oned unexpanded ,l,1suc ' C::irlo1wd exp,rnd J pl,mic 3 Expo ed unexp,111ded t'lastic 4. Clas ·s I, II, Ill , and lV cornmod11ies, e11 ap u- 1, ted or unencap·ulaLecl 5. Idle wood and pl tic p,1llets 7 .1) ~()--9.1 - --------------- 11 ·o 3.4 0 250 94 , 1 an, 111°d ore pc, ·erl 35 l0.7 40 12.2 I-..J --75 5.2 'o '.."0 46 unexpanded pl" tic 2. Clas~es l, rr. II !, and IV , n1modiLie·, e11Lap. u- l,1tcd or unencal-' ul;,ted 3 Idle wo d and plasuc pallets 1 Carto1, d 0 1 ·xpo eel unexpanded pla~1ic 2 Gia s f, 11, Ill , and fV commodtties, en . p. u- lated or unencap~ul ter! I. Cart ned unc paneled plastic 2. Class s I, fl , fl!, ttnd rv o mmodities, c11 .a1 su- Lned , unencap ulated ·No op n-top wnt ,ners 35 40 10.7 12.2 6.1 7. 9.1 10.7 12.2 45 45 25 30 35 40 45 7- ESFR5prinklers shall be limit d w wn pipe sy·tems 7-9.5 .2.5 Early uppression fast-re pon e (E 'FR) sprinklers shall be used only in buildings equal to, or Jes Lhan, t.h height of the building~ r wh i h they hav b .en listed. 7-9.6 E po or P tection. 'l 7-9.6.1"' PLping ·hall b hydraulically calculated in ac ordaa with Secllun 8-4 l(J furnish a minimum of 7 psi (0.5 bar) at any prink.Jer with all ·prinklers facing I.he expo u1 e operating. 7-9.6.2 Where the water supply D'eds other fire pr tecLionsys- Lerns, it shall be capable f furni hing cotal d rnand for such y terns well as rhe expo ure systt:m demand. 7-9.7 Wat ,: Cunau1s. Sprinklers in a wav r cunain such as describ d in 5-1 ~.4 hall b hyd rauli cally d signed LO provide a discharge ot 3 gpm per lineal foot (37 l./m1n per lineal meter) of water curtain, with no prinlders di.~charging less Lhan 15 gpm (5 .8 L/min ). Fo r wa1t:r curtains employing automatic prinklf'rs, the numl er f sprinkl ·rs cal ulated in this water cunain ·hall be the number in the length c rre- ·p nding Lo th length parallel w ch branch Imes in the area determined by 8-1.4.1 (a). Tf a single fire can be expe ted tO perate sprinkler wit.hin t.he waler curtain ,ind wit.hin the 13.7 13.7 7.6 9.1 10.7 12.2 13.7 14 1-1 1 1.2 251! 25.2 25.2 2S 2 90 0 50 20 30 40 [10 6.2 ·.2 3.4 1.4 2.1 2. 3.4 No Yes 250 250 2'i0 250 2:iO 250 250 946 46 946 946 l l l l de ·ign area ofa hydrauli ally calculated syst m, th water sup- ply to th e water curtain . hall be add ·d LO Lhe water demand if the hydraulic calculaLion. and hall be balanced to the calrt1- la1ed area d mand. Hydraulic design alculatio ns shall i11clude a design area leeted lO in lude ceiling prinkler~ adja emw thewatercurtai:n. ( ee5-l'.4.) 7-9.8 fire Prol ction of 'teel Columns. 7-9 .. I t ~cotlllnn within torage Ra ks of Class I through Class fV anc! Plastic Com.moditi . Where sprinkler pr<)lec- tio11 f building columns within the ra k stn.tcture or vertical rack 111embers upporLing Lhe building are required in li eu of f1repro fing, s rinkler protection 1n ac ordance wit.h one of the loll wing hall be pr vided: (]) idewall sprinklers at the 15-ft ( 6-rn) elevati n, point l t ward one ·ide of the te l col umn (2) Pr vision of ceiling sprinkler den ity for a minimum o 2 ()0 ft2 (1 6 m2)withl65°F (74°C)or2 6°F(]41°C)rated pt ,nklers as shown in TalJ I 7-9 . .l for storage heights ab ve 15 fL (4 .6 m), up to and including 20 ft ( . l m) (3 ) Provision f large drop or E FR ceiling sprinkl r prote Li n in accordance with 7-9.4 and 7-9.5, resp ctively. 1999 Edition ~ii~ FIRE PROTECTION INC. Sports Giant, Inc. 5928 Farnsworth Court Carlsbad, CA 92008 FLOOR PLAN SFCRTS GIANT Drawing Date:11-18-02 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET 11/18/02 Job Name : SPORTS GIANT Location: 5928' FARNSWORTH CARLSBA D, CA Drawing Date : 11-18-02 Contractor : VANGUARD FIRE PROTECTION 1604 LA MIRADA DR Remote Area Number: 1 r~~~,t;!~NL) Telephone:760-736-3060 SAN MARCOS, CA Designer : STEVE BEN Z Calculated B~fS~rinkCALC CSC Systems & De sign Construction : PANEL Occupancy:RACK STORAGE Reviewing Authorities :CFD SYSTEM DESIGN Code :NFPA 13 Hazard :RACK STORAE System Type:WET Area of Sprinkler Operation sq ft l Sprinkler or Nozzle Density (gpm/sq ft) 0 .314 I Make:CENTRAL Area per Spr i nkler 100 sq ft ! Orifi ce:3/4" Hose Allowance Inside 0 gpm I Temperature Hose Allowance Outside 0 gpm I 8 Flowing Outlets CALCULATION SUMMARY gpm Required : 1881.6 psi Required: 88.4 @ Source WATER SUPPLY " Water Flow Test Pump Data Date of Test 5-22-02 Rated Capacity 0 gpm Static Pressure 110 . 0 psi Rated Pres sure 0.0 psi Residual Pres 105 .0 psi Elevation 0 At a Flow of 1502 gpm Make: Elevation O" Model: Location : 5923 FARNSWORTH Source of Information : CARLSBAD FD SYSTEM VOLUME 320 Gallons Notes: Model:A K-Factor: 8.10 Rating:165 Tank or Reservoir Capacity O gal Elevation 0 Well Proof Flow 0 gpm ' SFCRTS GIANT Drawing Date:11-18-02 LEGEND 11/18/02 11:40 HYO REF Hyd~aulic reference. Refer to accompanying .flow diagram. K FACTOR SIZE Flow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P Nominal si2e of pipe . ID C TYPE # FITS Pt Pf Pe Pv Pn Pdrop Phead ELEV PIPE FITS NOTES : Actual internal diameter of pipe Ha zen Williams pipe roughness facto r Type or schedule of pipe number of fittings as fo llows: 90 -90 deg Ell 45 -45 deg Ell SPEC -Fitting other than above or equ ivalent length specified Total pressure (psi) at fitting Friction loss (psi) to fitting T -Tee LT -Long Turn 90 Ell fitting with hydraulic by manu facturer. where Pf= l x 4.52 x (Q/C)Al.85 / IDA4.87 Pressure due to change i n elevation where Pe= 0.433 x change in elevation Velocity pressure (psi) wh ere Pv = 0.001123 x QA2/IDA4 Normal .. pressure (psi) where Pn = Pt -Pv ~reisuie· loss .in pipe rise or drop to an open head. Pressure at an open head . elevation from branch tee to open head. pipe length from branch tee to open head. fitting equivalent length from branch tee to open head. -Pressures are balanced to 0.001 gpm. Pressures are listed to 0 .01 psi . Addition may vary by 0.01 psi due to accumulation of round off. -Calculations conform to NFPA 13 edition. Velocity Pressures are considered on branch lines and cross mains -Path #1 is from t he most remote head back to the water source. -Later Paths are from the next most remote head .bqkk. to previously defined paths . SFCRTS GIANT Dr awing Da t e :11 -18-02 11/18/02 11:40 REMOTE AREA #1 PAGE 1 FLOW # OF LENGTH PRESSURE BRANCH LINE (GPM) PIPE FITS FEET SUMMARY TO HEAD HYO REF OUTLET SIZE 90 45 PIPE VELOCITY Pt Pt Pn ELEV ID T LT FITTINGS LOSS PSI/FT Pf Pv Pdrop PIPE K FACTOR PIPE C TYPE OTHER TOTAL ELEVATION Pe Pn Phead FITS .,, ....... PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 1 TOW (PRIMARY-·PATH) HEA D 1 31. 7 2 " 0 0 4 '3" 2 .7 f p s 1 5 .4 15.4 1 5.4 0 .32 gprn/sq ft 2.203 11 0 0 0" 0.008 0.0 0.0 0.0 K= 8 .10 31. 7 120 DF 0 4 '3 " 0" 0.0 15.4 15.4 HEAD 2 31. 6 2 " 0 0 4 '3" 5 .4 fps 1 5.4 15.4 15.2 0 .32 gprn/sq ft 2 .2 0 3 " 0 0 0 II 0.030 0.1 0.2 0.0 K= 8.1 0 63 .3 120 DF 0 4 I 3 II 0 II 0.0 1 5.2 15 .2 HEAD 3 31. 5 2 " 0 0 4 I 3 II 8.1 fps 15.5 15.5 15.1 0 .31 gprn/sq ft 2 .203 " 0 0 0 II 0.062 0.3 0.4 0.0 K= 8 .10 94 .8 120 DF 0 4 I 3 II 0 II 0.0 15.1 15.1 HEA D 4 31. 4 2" 0 0 4 '3" 1 0.7 fps 15.8 1 5.8 15.0 0 .31 gprn/sq ft 2.203" 0 0 0" 0.106 0.5 0.8 0.0 K= 8 .1 0 12 6 .2 120 OF 0 4 I 3 II 0 II ·· O, O· · 1 5.0 15.0 HEAD 5 31. 4 .. 2 II 0 0 4 I 3 II 1 3. 4 • fp·s 1 6 :2 16.2 15.1 0 .31 gprn/$q ft 2.203" 0 0 0" 0.1 60 0.7 1. 2 0.0 K= 8 .10 157 .6 120 DF 0 4 '3" 0" 0.0 1 5.1 15.1 HEAD 6 31. 6 2 " 0 0 4 I 3 II 16.1 f p s 16 .9 16.9 15.2 0 .32 gprn/sq ft 2 .203 11 0 0 0 " 0.224 1.0 1. 7 0.0 K= 8.10 189.2 120 OF 0 4 '3 11 O" 0.0 15.2 1 5.2 HEAD 7 31. 9 2 " 0 0 4 I 3 II 18.8 f ps 17.9 17.9 15.5 0 .32 gprn /sq ft 2.203 " 0 0 0" 0 .299 1. 3 2.3 0.0 K= 8 .10 221 .1 120 OF 0 4 I 3 II 0" 0.0 15.5 15.5 HEAD 8 32 .5 2 " 2 0 70'10" 21. 6 fps 1 9.1 19.1 16.1 0 .32 gprn/sq ft 2 .203 11 1 0 27'3" 0.385 37.8 3 .1 0.0 K= 8 .10 253 .6 120 DF 0 98 I 2 II -1 3'011 -5.6 16.1 16.1 REF Al 3" 0 0 35 '0 11 9 .5 fps 51 .3 .. 3 .314 11 0 0 0 " 0.05 3 1. 8 253 .6 .120 OF 0 35 '0 " -· .. 0 II o:o- CONTINUED 53. 2 ··psi ' ' SFCRTS GIANT Drawing Date:11-18-02 11/18/02 11:40 REMOTE AREA #1 PAGE 2 FLOW # OF LENGTH PRESSURE B~CH LINE ·-·· ....... (GPM) P'IPE FITS FEET SUMMARY TO HEAD -· -.. ··•·· HYO REF OUTLET SIZE 90 45 PIPE VELOCITY Pt Pt Pn ELEV ID T LT FITTINGS LOSS PSI/FT Pf • Pv Pdrop PIPE K FACTOR PIPE C TYPE OTHER TOTAL ELEVATION Pe Pn Phead FITS PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 1 TOW (PRIMARY PATH) CONTINUED REF A2 3" 2 0 14 7 '5" 9.5 fps 53.2 3. 314 " 0 0 20'5" 0.053 8.9 253 .6 120 OF 0 167 '9" O" 0.0 REF A3 4" 1 0 56'9" 5.6 fps 62.0 4.310" 0 0 13'11" 0.015 1.0 253 .6 120 OF 0 70'8" 0" 0.0 REF W 253.6 gpm PATH 1 K= 31.94 63 .. 1--psi • SFCRTS GIANT Drawing ·Date :11 -18-02 HYDRAULIC CALCULATION DETAILS 11/18/02 11 :40 HYDRAULIC FLOW LOSS QTY DESCRIPTION LENGTH C ID gpm psi TOTALS Hydr Ref W Required at Hyd Area 1 254 63 .1 psi 1 4 " Grvd 90 Ell 10 ' 120 4 .026 254 0 .2 1 Pipe 4" DFx24 24 ' 120 4 .310 254 0 .4 Elevation Change 24 '0 " 1 0.4 Hydr Ref BOR Required at BASE OF RISER 254 74.0 psi 2 4 II Grvd 90 Ell 10 ' 120 4.026 254 0.4 1 Pipe 4 II DFx24 5 ' 120 4.310 254 0.1 1 4 " Grvd Butterfly Valve CSC t1 B FV t1 14 ' 120 4 .026 ... 254 0 .3 1 4" Grvd Tee 20 ' 120 4 .026 254 0.4 Fixed Flow Flow Loss -tc,/11 .~.,., r'.s) ""'Tl28 gpm 1 Pipe 6 " Dixl8 Cl 52 3 ' 140 6 .590 1382 0.1 2 6 " Flngd 90 Eli 14 ' 120 6 .·065 1382 1. 9 1 Pipe 6 " PVxl8 Cl 150 15 ' 150 6.134 1382 0 .6 4 6 " Flngd 90 Ell 14 ' 12 0 6 .065 1382 3 .8 2 6 " Flngd Gate Valve Kennedy t1 3068 " 3 ' 120 6 .065 1382 0.4 1 6 11 Flngd Back Flow Valve Ame s tl l000 CHART LOSS 1382 2 .8 1 Pi pe 6 " PVx18 Cl 150 35 ' 150 6 .134 1382 1. 4 1 6 " Flngd Gate Valve csc t17 22u t1 3' 1 20 6 .065 1382 0.2 1 6 tl Flngd Tee 30 ' 120 6 .065 1382 2 .0 Fixed Flow Flow Loss 500 gpm Hydr Ref SC Required at Sou rce 1882 88.4 psi Water Sourcell0.0 psi static,105.0 psi res idual@ 1 502 gpm 188 2 gpm 102.4 psi ======= SAFETY PR ESSURE Availabl e Pressure of 102 .4 psi Exceeds Required ·Pr&ssure ·of 88.4 psi This is a s afety _m~rgin of 14 .0 psi or 14 % of Supply . Maximum Water Velocity is 21 .6 fps 14.0 psi 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Job SPORTS GIANT 5928 FARNSWORTH CARLSBAD.CA Remote Area: 1 I J - + ~L-I ,_ ·- I I I --- ~ ' I I I ' l I 400 600 Water Static Pressure: 110.0 psi Residual Pressure: 105.0 psi Flow: 1502 gpm Date/Loe: 5-22-02 5923 FARNSWO ; ------ Required Pressure: Total Flow: Safety Pressure: I 88.4 psi 1882 gpm 14.0 psi Hose Allowance Inside: 0 gpm Outside: 0 gpm -f--; --7---~ I ,_ __ 1--- ~_:~ -~ Supply I - ' ! ; ( ' . 800 1000 --f-- --- 1200 - ~ ! ( 1400 Flow (gpm) ' - -- ... 1600 - --- I ' ! 1800 ( Drawn By SprinkCAD Central Sprinkler (800)495-5541 I - - • 2000 SFCRTS GIANT Drawing Date:11 -18-02 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET 11/18/02 11:42 Job Name: SPORTS GIANT Loca tion: .5928 FARNSWORTH CARLSBAD, CA Drawing Dai~: 11~i~-02 Contractor : VANGUARD FIRE PROTECTION 1604 LA MI RADA DR Remote Area Number: 2 Telephone:760-736-3060 SAN MARCOS, CA Designer : STEVE BENZ Calculated By:SprinkCAL C CSC Syst ems & Desi gn Construction : PANE L Occupancy:RACK STORAGE Reviewing Authorities:CFD SYS TEM DESIGN Code :NFPA 13 Hazard:RACK STORAE System Type:WET Area of Sp r inkler Operation sq ftl Sprinkler or Nozzle Density (gprn /sq ft } Area per Sprinkler Hose Allowance I nside Hose Allowance Outside CALCULATION SUMMARY gprn Required: 1881 .6 WATER SUPPLY Water Flow Test 0.314 I Make : CENTRAL 100 sq ftl Orifice:3/4" 0 gpm I Temperature 500 gpm I 8 Flowing Outlets psi Requi red: 90.5@ Source Pump Data Date of Te s t 5-22 -02 Rated Capacity 0 gpm Static Pr essure 110 .0 psi Rated Pressure 0.0 psi Residual Pres 105.0 psi Elevation 0 At a Flow of 1502 gpm Make: Elevation 0" Model: Location : 5923 FARNS WORTH Source of Inform~tion: CARLSBAD FD SYSTEM 'VOL UME ·320. Ball ohs No es : Mouel:A K-Factor: 8.10 Rating:·165 Tank or Reservoir Capacity 0 gal Elevation 0 Well Proof Flow 0 gpm SFCRTS GIANT Drawing Date :11-18-02 LEGEND 11/18/02 11:42 HYO REF K FACTOR SIZE ID C TYPE # FITS Pt Pf Pe Pv Pn Pdrop Phead ELEV PIPE FITS NOTES : Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. Flow factor f or open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P Nominal size of pipe. Act ual internal diameter of pipe Hazen Wi lliams pipe roughness factor Type or schedule of pipe number of fittings as follows: 90 -90 deg Ell 45 -45 deg Ell SPEC -Fitting other t han above or equivalent length specified Total pressure (psi) at fitting Fricti o n loss (psi) to fitting T -Tee LT -Long Turn 90 Ell fitting with _h_y_draulic; by manufacturer. • ~here · Pf= 1 x 4.52 x (Q/C)Al.85 / IDA4.87 Pressure due to change in elevation where Pe= 0.433 x change i n elevation Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv = 0.001123 x QA2/IDA4 Normal pressure (psi) where Pn = Pt -Pv Pressure loss in pipe rise or drop to an open head. Pressure at an open head. elevation from branch tee to open head. pipe length from branch tee to open head. fitting equivalent length from branch tee to open head. -Pressures are balanced to O. 001 gpm. Pressure·s· are· listed to 0 . 01 psi .. Addition may vary by O. 01 psi due to . a.ccurnulation of round· off. Calculati·ons conform to NFPA 13 edition. Velocity Pressures are considered on branch lines and cross mains -Path #1 is from the most remote h ead back to the water source. -Later Paths are from the next most remote head back to previously defined paths SFCRTS GIANT Drawing Date:11-18-02 11/18/02 11:42 REMOTE AREA #2 PAGE 1 FLOW # OF LENGTH ·PRESSURE BRANCH LINE (GPM) PIPE FITS FEET S~Y TO HEAD HYD REF OUTLET • SIZE 90 45 PIPE VELOCITY Pt Pt Pn ELEV ID T LT FITTINGS LOSS PSI/FT Pf Pv Pdrop PIPE K FACTOR PIPE C TYPE OTHER TOTAL ELEVATION Pe Pn Phead FITS PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 9 TO w (PRIMARY PATH) HEAD 9 31. 7 2 " 0 0 4 I 3 " 2 .7 fps 15.4 15.4 15.4 0 .32 gpm/sq ft 2 .203 " 0 0 0" 0.008 0.0 0.0 0.0 K= 8 .10 31. 7 120 OF 0 4 I 3" 0" 0.0 15.4 15.4 HEAD 10 31. 6 2 " 0 0 4 I 3" 5.4 fps 15.4 15.4 15.2 0 .32 gpm/sq f t 2 .203" 0 0 0" 0.030 0.1 0.2 0.0 K= 8 .10 63 .3 1 20 OF 0 4 I 3" 0" 0.0 15.2 15.2 HEAD 11 31. 5 2 " 0 0 4 '3" 8 .1 fps 15.5 15.5 15.1 0 .31 gpm/sq ft 2 .203" 0 0 0" 0.-062· 0 ,.)--0.4 0.0 .K= 8 .1 0 9 4.8 120 OF 0 4 I 3 II 0" 0.0 15.1 15.1 HEAD 12 31. 4 2 " 0 0 4 I 3" 10 .7 fps 15.8 15 .8 15.0 0 .31 gpm/sq ft 2 .203" 0 0 O" 0.106 0.5 0.8 0.0 K= 8.10 126 .2 120 OF 0 4 I 3 " 0" 0.0 15.0 15.0 HEAD 13 31. 4 2 " 0 0 4 I 3" 13.4 fps 16 .2 16.2 15.1 0 .31 gpm/sq ft 2 .203 " 0 0 0" 0 .160 0.7 1. 2 0.0 K= 8 .10 157 .6 120 OF 0 4 I 3" O" 0.0 15 .1 15.1 HEAD 14 31. 6 2 " 0 0 4 I 3 n 16.1 fps 16.9 16.9 15.2 0 .32 gpm/sq ft 2 .2 03" 0 0 0" 0.224 1.0 1. 7 0.0 K= 8 .1 0 189 .2 120 OF 0 4 '3" O" 0.0 15.2 15.2 HEAD 15 31. 9 2 " 0 0 4 I 3" 18.8 fps 17.9 17.9 15.5 0.32 gpm/sq ft 2 .203" 0 0 0" 0.299 1. 3 2.3 0.0 K= 8 .10 221 .1 120 DF 0 4 ' 3" 0" ·o:o--· 15.5 15.5 HEAD 16 32. 5 • 2 " 2 0 81 '2 " 2 1. 6 fps 19.1 19.1 16.1 0 .32 gpm/sq f.t 2~203" 1 0 2 7'3" 0.385 41. 8 .· 3.1 0.0 K= 8.10 253 .6 120 DF 0 108'5" -13'0" -5.6 16 .1 16.1 REF A2 3 " 2 0 147 '5" 9.5 fps 55.3 3 .314 " 0 0 2 0'5" 0.053 8.9 253 .6 120 OF 0 167 I 9 " 0" 0 .0 CONTINUED 64.1 psi SFCRTS GIANT Drawing Date:11 -18-02 11/18/02 -· • 11:42 REMOTE AREA #2 PAGE 2 FLOW # OF LENGTH PRESSURE BRANCH LINE (GPM) PIPE FITS FEET SUMMARY TO HEAD HYO REF OUTLET SIZE 90 45 PIPE VELOCITY Pt Pt Pn ELEV ID T LT FITTINGS LOSS PSI/FT Pf Pv Pdrop PIPE K FACTOR PIPE C TYPE OTHER TOTAL ELEVATION Pe Pn Phead FITS PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 9 TOW (PRIMARY PATH) CONTINUED •·•. " . ·-~ . REF A3 4 II 1 0 56'9 " 5.6 fps 64.1 -4.310" 0 0 13'11" 0:015 l. a- 253 .6 12 0 DF 0 70'8" 0" 0.0 REF W 253.6 gpm PATH 1 K= 31.42 65.2 psi SFCRTS GIANT Drawing Date:11-18-02 11/18/02 11:42 HYDRAULIC CALCULATION DETAILS HYDRAULIC FLOW LOSS QTY DESCRIPTION LENGTH C ID gpm psi TOTALS Hydr Ref W Required at Hyd Area 2 254 65.2 1 4" Grvd 90 Ell 10' 120 4. 026 ...... 254 0.2 1 Pipe 4" DFx24 24' 120 4.310 254 0.4 Elevation Change 2 4 1-0 " 10.4 Hydr Ref BOR. Required at BASE OF RISER '254 76.1 2 4 II Grvd 90 Ell 10 ' 120 4.026 254 0.4 1 Pipe 4 II DFx24 5 ' 120 4.310 254 0 .1 1 4 " Grvd Butterfly Valve CSC 11 BFV " 14 ' 120 4.026 254 0.3 1 4 " Grvd Tee 20 ' 120 4 .026 254 0.4 Fixed Flow Flow Loss 1128 gpm 1 Pipe 6 " Dix18 Cl 52 3' 140 6 .590 1382 0.1 2 6 " Flngd 90 Ell 14' 120 6.065 1382 1. 9 1 Pipe 6 " PVxl8 Cl 150 15 ' 150 6 .134 1382 0.6 4 6" Flngd 90 Ell 14 ' 120 6.065 1382 3.8 2 6" Flngd Gate Valve Kennedy "3068 " 3' 120 6.065 1382 0.4 1 6" Flngd Back Flow Valve Ames "1000 CHART LOSS 1382 2.8 1 Pipe 6 II PVx18 Cl 150 35 ' 150 6.134 1382 1. 4 1 6" Flngd Gate Valve csc 11 7220" 3 1 12 0 6.065 1382 0.2 1 6 11 Flngd Tee 30' 120 6. 0.65 ...... 1382 2.0 Fixed Flow Flow Loss 500 gpm Hydr Ref SC Required at Source 1882 90, .. ~ Wa ter Soui~ellO .D psi ~tatic,105 .0 psi residual@ 1502 gpm '1882 gpm 102.4 ======= SAFETY PRESSURE Available Pressure of 102.4 psi Exceeds Required Pressure of 90.5 psi This is a safety margin of 11.9 psi or 12 % of Supply Maximum Water Velocity is 21 .6 fps 11. 9 psi psi psi psi psi 140 120 100 > 80 • ) 60 40 20 Job SPORTS GIANT 5928 FARNSWORTH CARLSBAD.CA Remote Area: 2 -I t - ' I I I I I ! I i I ' ; ( 400 600 . - ' ' I ! ! I I I I Water Static Pressure: 110.0 psi Residual Pressure: 105.0 psi Flow: 1502 gpm Date/Loe: 5-22-02 5923 FARNSWO ' ' - -----~ t ----~---·-~ I I Suooly ' I I ! : ; ( 800 1000 1200 Req uired Pressure: Total Flow: 90.5 psi 1882 gpm 11 .9 psi Safety Pressure: - --- - - -- 1400 Flow (gpm) .. Hose Allowance Inside: 0 gpm Outside: 500 gpm --- ·- 500 gpm hose ' ( 1600 ---- --- 1800 Drawn By SprinkCAD Central Sprinkler ( 800 )495-5541 --- -- i - - I I I ! I : ( ! 2000 Pa e l of 2 Tol-Brace Seismic Calc~lat~ons-· Project Address: SPORTS GIANT 5928 FARNSWORTH CARLSBAD , CA Job # 105~ Vanguard Fire Protection 1604 La Mirada Drive Suite San Marcos, CA 92069 Tot-Brace, '-U 760-736-3060 760-736-3063 Seismic Calculation Software for the Fire Protection Industry Calculations based on 1999 NFPA Pamphlet H 13NWW.TOLCO.COM Brace Information To1co Brace Components Length of Brace 7 I -2 II Bracing Material . 1 i nch Schedule 10 Tolco Component Fig . NumbelAdjusted Load Fig .10~0-Sway Brac~_E.lamp _567 lbs . __ Fig .980 Universal Swivel* _2395 lbs . ......:.,... *Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading Angle from Vertical 60° Min . Least Rad. of Gyration (I0 ,43 11 ___ _ L/R Value 200 Maximum Horizontal Load_2559 lbs. Fastener Information Fastener Orientation __ NFPA Type F_ Type _Through -Bolt Diameter (In.) 3/8 ___ _ Length (In.) Maximum Load 3 5/8 797 lbs. *Please No te: These calculations are for Tolco components o Use of any other components voids these calculations and th listing of the assembly. Assemb1y Detai1 TOLCO FIG. 980 UNIVERSAL SWAY BRACE FITTING TOLCO FIG. 1000 FAST CLAMP STEEL PIPE · LATERAL • BRACE 60° Min. From Vertical Brace Identification on Plans A Orientation of Brace Lateral Detail #3242 Load Information Size and Type of Pipe Total Length Total Assigned Load 4 II Schedule 7 Pipe 24 ft . 128. 64 lbs. - Percentage added for Fittings and Sprinklers 15 % 19.35 lbs. - -·----- .. , ........ ------ ' ... -----· -- ... - .. Total Assigned Load of all pipe within Zone of Influence 148.5 lbs._ t1ol-Brace version 3.0.18) Tol-Brace Seismic Calculations For Brace Identification Brace Type (Per NFPA#13) Spacing of Brace • Orientation oE Brace Bracing Material Length of Brace (in feett SPORTS GIANT 592 8 FARNSWORTH Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation True Angle of Brace for Calculation Type of Fastener ~ength of Fastener Job #Jwtth ••• ~ Toi-Brace, ~ A Seisrri1c Calculation Software for the ,.., __ '"'--:.action Industry _NF/PA. TYI;;. ':JCCO.COM NA Ft. Lateral 1 i nch Schedule 10 7 .1667 200 60 ° 3/8 In . Through-Bolt 3 5/8 In. 4 inch Sch. 7 Summary of Pipe within Zone of Influence 24 Feet Al lowance for Hea ds and Fittings Conclusions To tal Assigned Load of Pipe in Zone of Influence Material Capacity · Fastener Capacity Fig .1000 Sway Brace .Clamp Fig .980 Universal Swivel Structural Member : Calculations prepared by SB ·The descript ion of the Structural Member is for informational purposes only. 15 % 148 . 5. lbs ..... . 2559 lbs. --797-·lbs . 567 lbs. 2395 lbs. 4 X PURLIN* Tol-Brace software calculates the brace assembly only, not the structure it is attached to. :alculated with Tol·Brace 3.0.18 11sit u.s at ............ tolco.c0n1 Tol-Brace Seismic Ga~culati-ons Project Address: SPORTS GIANT Job# 5928 FARNS WORTH ___ _ CARLSBAD , CA 105~ Vanguard Fire Pr otection 1604 La Mirada Drive Suite San Marcos, CA 92069 Toi-Brace, ~ 760-736-3060 760-736-3063 Seismic Calculation Software for the Fire Protection Industry Calcul ations based on 1999 NFPA Pamphlet H 13NWW.TOLCO.COM Brace Information Length of Brace 7 , _ 2 " Bracing Material 1 i nch Schedule 10 Angle from· Vertic"al 60° Mi n. Least Rad. of Gyration (I0 .43" L/R Value 200 Maximum Horizontal Load 2559 lbs . Fastener Information Fastener Orientation __ NFPA Type F_ Type _Th rough -Bolt Diameter (In.) Length ( In-. ) Maxi mum Load 3/8 __ _ .3 5/8 797 lbs . To1co Brace Components Tolco Component Fig. NumbelAdjusted Load Fig.4A Sway Brace Clamp 1745 lbs. Fig.980 Universal Swivel* 2395 lbs . ,.Calculati·on ·Based on CONC£NTRIC Loading *Please Not e : These calculations are for Talco _components o Use of any o ther o.omponent_s_ voids•··these calcul·ations and th listing of the assembly. • Assemb1y Detai1 TOLCO FIG. 980 UNIVERSAL SWAY BRACE FITTING TYP. STEEL PIPE LATERAL BRACE TOLCO FIG. 4A PIPE CLAMP FOR SWAY BRACING 60° Mi n. From Vertical Brace Identification on Plans B pet4il 11242 Orientation of Brace Longitudinal Load Information Size and Type of Pipe Total Length Tot~l Assigned Load 4" Schedule 7 Pip e 24 ft. 128.64 lbs. -- Percentage added fo r Fittings and Sprinklers 15 % 19.35 lbs._ ... .. ... ~ . , . ·--_____ ......._ ------ --. -...... ---- ·-.... - Total Assigned Load of all pipe within Zone of Influence 148.5 lbs._ 1Tol-Brace version 3.0.18) Tol-Brace Seismic Calculations For Brace Identification Brace Type (Per NFPA#13} Spacing of Brace Orientation o f Brace Bracing Material Length of Brace (in feet ~ SPORTS GIANT 5928 FARNSWORTH Slenderness Rat i o used f or Load Calcul ati on True Angle of Brace for Calculation Type of Fastener Length of Fastener Job #1wtth ••• ~ Tai-Brace, ~ B Seismic Calculation Software for the ,..., __ ,..... __ :.action Industry --~F~~. TYI;;. , 5LCO.COM N/A Ft . Longi tudinal 1 inch .Schedrii e 10 7 .1667 200 60° 3/8 In. Through-Bolt 3 5/8 In. 4 i nch Sch. 7 Summary of Pipe within Zone of Infl uence 24 Feet Allowan ce for Heads and Fittings Conclusions Total Assigned Load of Pi pe in Zone of I nf luenc e Material Capacity · Fastener Capaci ty Fig .4A Sway Brace ·clamp Fig .980 Unive~sal .swtvel Structural Member : Calculations prepared by SB ·'!'he description of the Structu·ral Member is for informational purposes only. 15 % 148.5 lbs. 2559 lbs·: -· .79.7_. l bs. 1745 lbs. 2395 lbs. 4 X PURLIN* rel-Brace software calculates the brace assembly only, not the structure it is attached to. ~alculated wlth Tel-Brace 3.0.18 \'15it. us at w ....... tolco.corn --:,---- Tol-Brace Seismic Ca~g_ulati.Qns Project Address: SPORTS GIANT Job# 5928 FARNSWORTH __ _ CARLSBAD, CA ___ ~-- 105~ Vanguard Fire Protection 1604 La Mirada Drive Suite San Marcos, CA 92069 Tot-Brace, ~ 760-736-3060 760-736-3063 Seismic Calculation Software for the Fire Protection Industry Calculations based on 1999 NFPA Pamphlet #lWWW.TOLCO.COM Brace Information Tolco Brace Components Length of Brace 9 ,_ 2 " Bracing Material l¼ inch Schedule 10 Tolco Component Fig. NumbelAdjusted Load Fig .1000 Sway Brace Clamp _567 lbs . __ Fig. 980 Universal'-SWi"V'~l* _2395 lbs._ *Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading Angle from ··Vertical 60° Min. Least Rad. of Gyration (IO. 55 " ___ _ L/R Value 200 Maximum Horizontal Load_3291 lbs. Fastener Information Fastener Orientation __ NFPA Type F_ Type __ Through-Bolt Diameter (In.) 3/8 ____ _ Length . (In: >. 3 5/8 __ _ Maximum Load 797 lbs. *Please Note: •• Tti°ese calculations are for Tolco components o Use of any other components voids these calculations and th listing of the assembly. • Assembly Detail TOLCO FIG. 980 UNIVERSAL SWAY TOLCO FIG. 1000 FAST CLAMP STEEL PIPE LATERAL BRACE BRACE FITTING 60 •-Min. From Vertical Brace Identification on -Plans C Orientation of Brace Lateral Detdil 13242 Load Information Size and Type of Pipe Total Length Total Assigned Load 4 " Schedule 7 Pipe 40 ft. 214.4 lbs._ - Percentage added for Fittings and Sprinklers 15 % 32.175 lbs. -- --- -. , ... .. • •-R .. -..... ,, ,_. Total Assigned Load of all pipe within Zone of Influence 246.5 lbs._ ITol-Brace version 3.0.18) Tol-Brace Seismic Calculations For Brace Identification Brace Type ( Per NF.PA# 13) Spacing of Brace Orientation of Brace · Bracing Materi.~l Length of Brace ({n feet ) SPORTS GIANT 5928 FARNSWORTH Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation True Angle of Brace for Calculation Type of Fastener Le ngth of Fastener Job #twllh ••• ~ Toi-Brace, ~ c Seismic Calculation Software for the _ ,..., __ .... --:-:-:.action lndustry--NFPA' Type r,LCO COM 4 0 Ft.'•••·' .,J • -·r:aFeral l¼ inc~ Schedule 10 9.1667 200 60 ° 3/8 In. Through-Bolt 3 5/8 In . 4 inch Sch . 7 Summary of Pipe within Zone of Influence 40 Feet Allowance for Heads and Fittings Conclusions Total Assigned Load of Pipe in Zone of Influence Material Capacity Fastener Capacity · Fig .1000 Sway Brace Clamp Fig .980 Univ~rsal ·swivel · Structural Member: Calculations prepared by ·SB ·The description of the Structural Member is for informational purposes only. 15 % 246.5 lbs. 3291 lbs. 797 lbs: _ .56] .. lbs. 2395 lbs . 4 X PURLIN*,. Tol-Brace software calculates the brace assembly only, not t he structure it is attached to. Calculated wi th Tol-Brace 3.0.18 visit us at ,....,...tolco.com CCl.~C .L VJ.. Tol-Brace Seismic Calculations Project Address:· SPORTS GIANT Job# 5928 FARNSWORTH ----- CARLSBAD , CA Vanguard Fi-re -.P.ro_tectien 1604 La Mirada Drive Suite 105(1)·· San Marcos, CA 92069 ··· ··--· • - 7 60-7 36-30 60 Toi-Brace, 7 6 0 -7 3 6 -3 0 6 3 Seismic Calculation Software for the Fire Protection Industry Calculations based on 1999 NFPA Pamphlet #1 3NWW.TOLCO.COM Brace Information Tolco Brace Components Tolco Component Fig. NumbeJAdjusted Load Length of Brace 7 ,_ 2 " __ Fig.4A Sway Brace Clamp 1745 lbs . Bracing Material 1 inch Schedule 10 Fig.909 No-Thread Swivel* 1745 lbs. *Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading Angle from Vertical 60° Min. Least Rad. of Gyration (I0.43" ___ _ L/R Value 200 Maximum Horizontal Load_2559 lbs. Fastener Information Fastener Orientation __ NFPA Type F_ Type _Through-Bolt Diameter (In.) Length (In. ) Maximum Load 3/8 ___ _ 3 5/8 __ _ 797 lbs. *Please Note: These calculations are for Tolco co~ponents o Use of any other components voids these calculations and th listing of the assembly. Assembly Detail TOLCO FIG. 909 NO-THREAD SWIVEL SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT TOLCO FIG. 4A PIPE CLAMP FOR SWAY BRACING STEEL PIPE LATERAL BRACE TYP. 0 60° Min. From Vertical Brace Identification on Plans D Detail 11212 Langi tudinal Load Information Size and Type of Pipe Total Length Total Assigned Load 4 ,, Schedule 7 Pipe 80 ft. 428.8 lbs. --I Percentage added for Fittings and Sprinklers 15 % 64.35 lbs._ -... ~ .. ·--. -·. -·-··. ·- Total Assigned Load of all pipe within Zone of rnfluence 493.5 lbs._ ... !Tol -Brace veroion 3.0.181 Tol-Brace Seismic Calculations For Brace Identification Brace Type (Per NFPA#13) Spacing of Brace Orientation of Brace Bracing Material Length of Brace (in-feet} SPORTS GIANT 5928 FARNSWORTH Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation True Angle of -Brace ~or Calculation Type of Fasten~f Le ngth of Fastener Job #1w11n ••• ~ Toi-Brace, \iU 0 Seismic Calculation Software for the ,-, __ .... --:.action Industry NFPA T,XI;;_, 5LCO.COM 80 Ft. Longitudinal 1 inch Schedule 10 7.1667 ... • ·--· 200 60·0 • 3/8 In. Through-Bolt. 3 5/8 Iri. • 4 inch Sch . 7 Summary of Pipe within Zone of Influence 80 Feet Al lowance for Heads and Fittings Conclusions Total Assigned Load of Pipe in Zone of Influence Material Capacity Fastener Capacity Fig .4A Sway Brace Clamp Fig .909 No-Thread Swivel Structural Member : Calculations prepared by SB ·Te description of the Structural Member is for informational purposes only. 15 % 493.5 lbs. 2559 lbs. 797 lbs. 1745 lbs. 1745 lbs. 4 X PURLIN* ,o.-Brace software calculates the brace assembly onl y, not the structure it is attached to. a.culaced with Tol-Brace 3.0.1 8 • •,1.,.t U.9 at V\IV,tolco.com Sprinkl~'-- --/fi} ;Ud-Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 6/k~/2az5 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446. Product . Description The Central Model A Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinklers are standard spray sprinklers with a traditional appeal. They incorporate a unique center strut design. The Model A Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13 Standards. They are available in a wide variety of orifice sizes, temperature ratin·gs,' finishes, and corrosiq11 _resistant coatings. Operation: A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball is forced upward into the center strut, releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, .th.e a_lloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions that could affect its proper functioning. It is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since there are no protruding elements, extending beyond the sprinkler frame. For specific listing requirements see the appropriate information contained in this brochure. ~Technical ill ii Data Model: A Style: Upright or Pendent Orifice Size K Facto((metdcl I.l:J.!NQ 3/s'' (9.5mm) 2.7 (38.9) ½" (15mm) N.P.T. 7/1511 (11.1 mm) 4.2 (60.6) ½" (15mm) N.P.T. * ½" (12.7mm) 5.6 (80,8) ½" (15mm) N.P.T. 17/32.11 (13.5 mm) 7.8 (112.5) ½" {15mm) N.P.T. 17/32.11 (13.5mm) 8.1 (1 16.8) ¾" (20mm)N.P.T. "250 psi (17.3 bar) rating. See maximum 'worl<ing • pressures below. -· . -·-· . Temp. Rating and Frame Arm Color:· 165°F/74°C Uncolored 212°F/100°C White 286°F/141 °C Blue Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., *F.M., M.E.A. (375-75-SA), V.O.S., LPCB (see tabular information on Page 3.) • Not FM Approved for 3/8" (9.5 mm) orifice @ 286°F/141 °C Maximum Working Pressure: 250 psi {17.3 bar) -U.L. & U.L.C., ½" Orifice Only 175 psi (.12.1 bar)-all other listing, agencies Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi (34.5 bar) Standard Finishes: brass, chrome plated, painted (chrome is not V.D.S. Approved and painted is U.L. only.) Coatings: wax, lead, or wax-over-lead (see tabular information on page 3.) (9.5mm, 12.7mm, 13.5mm) Orifice Auto111atic Sprinkler .... P.intle: on deflector for 3/a"·, 7/ls",and 17/32" orifice by ½"N.P.T. Length: 29/16" (65.1 mm) excluding pintle Width : 1 ½" (38. 1 mm) frame arms Weight: 4.2 oz. (119grams) No. 1°1.0 Old Cat. No. 2-1,0/; Cross Section Model. "A'.' Upright Sprinkler 1 5/16" 33.3mm ·--Diameter-• ◄ 1 1/2" (38.1mm) ► Cross Section 2 9/16" (65.1mm) Model "A" Upright Sprinkler {Small Orifice with Pintle) ,. 1 112' (38.1 mm) -► I E E ,.... I.() ~ c.o ~ 0) C'\I 3/16" (4.8mm) Cross Section .Model-•-~A':_ Pendent-Sprinkler· ◄ 1 1/2" -►I (38.1 Q1.m) 13/4" (19.1mm) 1j_ E E ,.... Lri <D . <O ,.... 0) (\J I ◄ 1" (25.4mm) I Diameter ► Combination Sprinkler Wrench (Part #1106 Universal Wrench (Part #1122) Design Requirements -Standard Applications .. ... The Model A Upright ·and Pei1de'nl 'Sprinklers are intended tor standard area coverages and standard flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 1 ~ Standard_~- 2 \ U.L., *U.L.C. and **MEA (N.Y.C.) Cal. No. 375-75-SA Listings Orifice Size and Style Temperature Rating (°F) Corrosion-Resistant Coating 3/a"(9.5mm) upright and pendent ---165(74'C) 212,1ao<Cl***2a6,141'CJ lead, wax, wax-over-lead 1/,s"(l1.1mm) upright and pendent ---165(74'C) 212t1oo'CJ****286(141'CJ lead, wax, wax-over-lead '12'' t12.1mm) upright and pendent ---165(74'C) 212(tOO'C) ****286(t41'C) lead, wax, wax-over-lead 212(100 t ***286(141"C) --. 165(74 ) lead, wax, wax-over-lead 17/32"(13.Smml x 'h"(1smm) NPT µpright and pendent 17/32"(13.Smm) x ¼"(2omm) NPT upright and pendent ... 165(74'C) 212t1oo<CJ****286(141'CJ lead, wax, wax-over-lead 286° temperature Is not U.L.C. Approved with corrosion-resistant coaling1. No corroslon-reslatent coatings are Approved by MEA. Lead only. • ••• Listed as high temperature, wax coated for installation where maximum ambient celling temperature does not exceed 150°F. F.M. Aoorovals Orifice Size and Stvle Temoerature Ratina f°F\ ... '•···. Coatina 3/e" (9.5mm) upright . -. 165(74'C) 212(100'C) . ---lead 3/e" (9.5mm) upright . -. ---212(100'(,') . --wax-over-lead 3/s" l9 5mm) upright . . . -.. 212(100'C) ---~-wax '12" p2 1mm) upright and p·endent ---165(74"C) 212(100'C) 286(t41'C) lead ½" 1121mm1 upright and pendent ---165(74"C) 212(100"C) ---wax-over-lead '12" (12.1mm) upright and pendent ---165(74'C) 212(TOO"C/ 286(t41'C) wax 17/32"(13.Smm) X '12 "(15mm) NPT upright and pendent . --165(74'C) 212(100'C) 286(141-C) lead 17'32"(13.5mm) X 1'2"(1Smm) NPT upright and pendent -.. -. -212troo'CJ --. wax-over-lead 17/32"(13.smm) x W'(lsmm) NPT upright and pendent .. ----212,,00 ) 286(141'C) wax 17/32"(13.Smm) X ¾"(2omm) NPT upright and pendent ---165(74'C) 212{100'C) 286(141-C) lead 17/32"(13.Smm) X ¾"(20mm) NPT upright and pendent ------212(100"C} ---wax-over lead 11h2"(135mmJ x ¼"(20mm) NPT upright and pendent . . --.. 212(100"C) 286(141-C) wax LPCB Listings Orifice Size and Style Temperature Rating (°F) Corrosion-Resistant Coating 1f2"t12.1 mmJ upright and pendent ---165(74'C) 212(100"C) 286(141-C) --- 17/32"(13.Smm) x ¼"(20mm) NPT upright and pendent -. -165(74-C) 212(100'C) 286(141-C) ---- V.D.S. Listings I • , .. ,, ,.., •• ._., • Orifice Size and Style .. 3/a"(9.s mm) pendent ½"(121 mm) upright and pendent 17/32"(13 SmmJ x ¼"(2omm) NPT upright and pendent ~ Installation All Central Model A Sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA 13 Standards. Deviations from these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes and standards as a·pplicable. The system pipir:ig must be properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers atter the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Temperature Rating (~F} -Corrosion-Resistant Coating ---165(74"C) ------. -- --. 165(74'C) 212(100"C) 286(141"C) '. . ----. 165(74"C) 2 12(100"C) 286(141 J --. Wet pipe systems must be protected from freezing. Refer to the Central Bulletins on the Model A-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the upright position for upright style · sprinklers, and in the pendent position for pendent style sprinklers. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon* tape. Apply only to the male threads. Teflon is a trademark of the DuPont Corp. 3 Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. For upright sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Combination Wrench, and for pendent sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Universal Wrench, to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs.(9.5 to 19.0 Nm) of torque; a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs.(62.3 to 124.5 N) delivered through a 611 (150 mm) handle will deliver adequate __ tor@~-Torque lev.els over 21 ft.- lbs.c28.6 Nm) may distort the orifice seat;--resulting in leakage. For expos~c;1 piping systems, the sprinkler should be oriented so the frame arms are parallel with the branch line pipe. Caution: Special care must be taken when installing with a CPVC piping system. Sprinklers must be installed after the CPVC manufacturer's recommended setting time for the primer and cement to ensure that no tqca/Flow Control/ Tyco Fire Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791 -5500 Series TY.B ~ 5.6 K-factor CENTRAL -Customer Service/Sales: ... Te!:. (~~5) 362~0700 / (800) 52q-6512 Fax: (215) 362-5385 Horizontal and Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers Standard Response, Standard Coverage General Description The Series TY-B, 5.6 K-factor, Horizon- tal and Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers de- scribed in this data sheet are standard response -standard coverage, deco- rative 5 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in light and ordinary hazard, commercial occupan- cies such as banks, hotels, shopping malls, etc. They are designed for instal- lation along a wall _9_~ the side of a beam and just beneath a smooth ceifing. Sidewa.1I -sprinklers-are commonly used instead of pendent or upright sprinklers because of aesthetics or building construction considerations, where piping across the ceiling is not desirable. The recessed version of th e Series TY-B Horizo ntal Sidewall Sprin kler is intended for use in areas with a fin- ished wa ll. It uses a two-piece Sty le 10 Recessed Escutcheon. The Recessed Escutcheon provides 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 inch (19, 1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush sidewall position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe nipples to the sprinklers must be cut. . Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to ·extend the life of coppe r alloy spririklers beyond that which would otherwise be ob- tained when expo sed to corrosive at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- tant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing Is not represe ntative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these corrosion resistan_t coatings for any given corrosive environment. The effects of ambient temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be con- Page 1 of 6 sidered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. WARNINGS The Series TY-8 Sprinklers described herein must be installed and main- tained in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may· impair the integrity of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de-. vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Model/Sprinkler Identification Numbers TY3351 • Horizontal TY3451 -Vertical Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved. (Refer to Table A for complete approval information including corrosion resis0 tant status) Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12, 1 bar) Discharge Coefficient K = 5.6 GPM/psj1/2 (80,6 LPM/bar112) Temperature Ratings Refer to Table A FEBRUARY, 2002 Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table A Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated or Chrome Plated. (Other colors _are . .available on request.) Physical Characteristics Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . Bronze Button . . . .-, . . . . Brass/Copper Sealing· Assembly ......... . . . . . . . Beryllium Nickel w/feflont Bulb . . . . . . . . . . Glass Compression Screw . Bronze HSW Deflector . Bronze VSW Deflector . . . . Copper Patents U.S.A. Patent Number 5,810,263 and UK Patent Number 2,347,624 may be applicable to the Series TY-8 Horizon- tal Sidewall Sprinkler. TFP161 (1 •6, 1) Page 2 of 6 TFP161 SPRINKLER Fl.NISH (See Note tQ) . ••' .. K TYPE TEMP. BULB NATURAL CHROME POLYESTER LEAD WAX WAX OVER LIQUID BRASS PLATED COATED"* COATED COATED LEAD COATED 135°F/57°C Orange HORIZ. 155°F/68°C Red SIDEWALL 1,2,3,4,9 1, 2, 3, 9 1, 2, 3, 9 1,2,3,9 (TY3351) 175°F/79°C Yellow 200°F/93°C Green 5.6 206°F1141 ·c Blue 1 **, 2** I 3** 1 9** 1 **, 2** I 3*\ 9•• 1/2" NPT 360°F/182°C Mauve 1,2,4,9 N/A RECESSED 135°Ft51°c Orange HORIZ. 155°F/68°C Red SIDEWALL 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 N/A (TY3351)* 175°F/79°C Yellow Figure 3 200°F/93•c Green .. ··-· -•. ·--• . ~. 135°F/57°C Orange VERTICAL . 155°F/68°C -· . .... .. . ·- SIDEWALL ' Red 5.6 5,6, 7,8, 9 5,6, 7,9 5, ~._7, 9 5,.6,},9 1/2" ·(TV3451) 175~F/79°C Yellow .-.· NPT Installed 200°Ft93°C Green Pendent or 286°F/141 °C Blue s··, s··, 1--, g•• 5**, 6**, 7**, 9** Upright 350°F1102°c Mauve 5,6,8,9 N/A NOTES: 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) for use in Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies at a 4 to 12 inch (100 to 300 mm) top of deflector to ce iling distance. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL) for use in Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies at a 4 to 12 inch (100 to 300 mm) top of deflector to ceiling distance. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) for use in Light Hazard Occupancies at a 4 to 12 inch (100 to 300 mm) top of deflector to ceiling distance. 4. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) at a 4 to 6 inch (100 to 150 mm) deflector to ceiling distance. 5. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) for use in Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies. 6. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL:) for use in Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies. 7. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) for use In Light Hazard Occupancies. 8. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB). 9. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. . . . . 10. Where Polyester Coated, ·Lead Coated, Wax Coated, and Wax over Lead Coated' Sp"rinklers '"are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead Coated, Wax Coated, and Wax over Lead Coated Sprinkle.rs.are noted to.be FM Appro','.ed, the sprinklers are FM Appi'ovecras Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. • Installed with Style 10 (1/2" NPT) 3/4' Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon. ·• 150°F/66°C Maximum Ceiling Temperature. ••• White or Any Color (Frame and Deflector only). Operation The glass Bulb contains a fluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass Bulb, which then allows the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. TABLE A LA BORA TORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Design Criteria The Series TY-B Horizontal and Verti- cal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for fire protection systems designed in accordance with the standard installa- tion rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.g.,. UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval 1s -based oh the requirements of FM's Loss Pre- vention Data Sheets). Only the Style 1 o Recessed Escutcheon is to be used for recessed horizontal installations. ,. - JERRY HEFNER lj.Q HEFNER & ASSOCIATES __j CONSULTING 27665 FORBES ROAD, SUITE 101 • LAGUNA NIGUEL, CALIFORNIA 92677 January 19, 1995 TELEPHONE: (714) 348-0421 FAX: (714) 348-0542 Inspector Colleen Balch Carlsbad Fire Department 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: Subject West Coast Composites, 5928 Farnsworth, Carlsbad, CA Classification/Quantification of Hazardous Materials in St.orage & Use per 1991 UFC & UBC. Dear Ms. Balch, Per your request through West Coast Composites, I am enclosing a classification analysis and breakdown of materials in storage and use at the subject facility. Please note the following additional information and clarifications. A. Explanation of Various Reports (enclosures): A "Chemical Usage Report" was submitted for review which listed the various hazardous materials deemed to be present at West Coast Composites. Material Safety Data Sheets were enclosed with this report. In discussions with Mr. Jim Pfeil of West Coast Composites, their report reflects a number of materials in storage which were relocated to the outside pre-fab hazardous material's container. Please note the following report-enclosures by Hefner & Associates for your use. 1. Chemical Usage Report: Reflects declaration of materials in storage & use as submitted by West Coast Composites. This report has been further altered (pen/ink) to note the locations (1 or 2) reflected in Hefner & Associate's reports. Although various "departments" are shown in the Chemical Usage Report, all inside areas have been grouped into Location 1 due to the absence of any "control areas" other than the exterior walls of the facility. For you inspection purposes, the Chemical Usage Report (West Coast Composites) would better serve you in identifying specific storage and use locations within the building. 2. Key to Abbreviationr;--Classification/Inventory Sheets: Explanation of Hazard Class abbreviations and Headings used on Hefner & Associate's reports. For West Coast Composites, I assigned FIRE & BUILDING CODES • HAZARDOUS MATERIALS • PLAN REVIE W • INSPECTIONS AS02.Dl ~b C. Balch, Carlsbad F.D. re: West Coast Composites, 1 I 19 I 95, Page 2 of 3 special designations under the "CAS#" column due to the fact that the majority of materials were mixtures/products specific to West Coast Composite's operations. All of these "WC-#'s" also reflect a concentration of 100%, but a breakdown of actual CAS#'s and percentage of components are shown under the "Material Name" column of Hefner & Associate's reports. 3. Inventory Reports (3): Some materials will have multiple listings. This is due to (1) some storage in cabinets and some not; (2) different interior storage/use areas within th.e building (see WCC's "Chemical Usage Report"); or (3) storage outside the building in the pre-fab Hazardous Material's container. The 3 Inventory Reports are as follows: --(All) 2 pages. Lists all materials in storage & use, both inside and outside (Locations 1 & 2). --(Area 1--Inside) 2 pages. Lists all materials in storage & use inside the building (Location 1). --(Area 2--Outside) 1 page. Lists all materials in storage outside (within the pre-fab Hazardous Material's container). 4. Sorted Reports (2): These reports sort and quantify materials in storage & use by Hazard Class and Form of material for the purpose of summarization into a UBC Table 9-A or 9-B format. The 2 Sorted Reports are as follows: --(Area 1--Inside) 12 pages. --(Area 2--Outside) 9 pages. 5. Totals--UBC Tables 9-A & 9-B Format: These reports summarize findings into a format for comparison with UBC Tables 9-A & 9-B for the purpose of occupancy classification. This format was also completed for the outside pre-fab Hazardous Material's container, even though this container was permitted as "outside" storage. Hence, the summaries for Area 2 (Outside) are for informational purposes only. The 2 "Totals" reports are as follows: --Totals--Area 1 (Inside). UBC Table 9-A & 9-B, 2 pages. --Totals--Area 2 (Outside). UBC Table 9-A & 9-B, 2 pages. C. Balch, Carlsbad F.D. re: West Coast Composites, 1 I 19 I 95, Page 3 of 3 B. Summary: The totals reflected in the UBC Table 9-A and 9-B format do not exceed the exempt amounts permitted per those UBC tables for storage & use inside the building (Area 1). It should also be noted that the totals for each hazard class and form of material are within maximum quantities permitted for an unsprinklered building. As you are no doubt aware, exempt amounts in storage & use may be doubled for sprinklered buildings and doubled again for storage when hazardous material's cabinets are used. Neither of these credits appears necessary, based upon findings. However, they could be applied in the future changes in quantities. Should you require any additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, JJ ~efu cc: Jim Pfeil, West Coast Composites Encl: 9 (as previously noted)