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1075 SEAHORSE CT; ; CBR2022-1591; Permit
Building Permit Finaled Residential Permit Print Date: 05/16/2024 Job Address: 1075 SEAHORSE CT, CARLSBAD, CA 92011-3413 Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Parcel#: 2145304400 Track#: Valuation: $147,254.78 Lot#: Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: 1 Project#: Plan#: Second Dwelling Unit Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Construction Type:V-B Orig. Plan Check #: Occupant Load: Plan Check#: Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: Permit No: Status: {"cityof Carlsbad CBR2022-1591 Closed -Finaled Applied: 05/09/2022 Issued: 10/24/2022 Finaled Close Out: 05/06/2024 Final Inspection: 09/25/2023 INSPECTOR: Renfro, Chris Description: 1075 SEAHORSE CT: NEW ATTACHED (1,072 SF} ADU, (90 SF) PATIO, ELCTRIC SERVICE (100 AMP) METER Property Owner: FEE BUILDING PLAN CHECK BUILDING PLAN CHECK JAGO FAMILY TRUST 1079 SEAHORSE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92011-3413 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW-MINOR PROJECTS (LOE} BUILDING PLAN REVIEW-MINOR PROJECTS (PLN} CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT (CFO} FEE -RES GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION PATIO -FRAME WITH COVER PUBLIC FACILITIES FEES -inside CFO 581473-GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE SFD & DUPLEXES STRONG MOTION -RESIDENTIAL (SMIP} Total Fees: $6,867.59 Total Payments To Date: $6,867.59 Balance Due: AMOUNT $762.76 $65.00 $194.00 $98.00 $16.00 $1,560.13 $175.00 $100.00 $2,680.04 $6.00 $1,191.52 $19.14 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov (cicyof CarlsDad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Plan Check ~eA'ls2Z-&SC(I Est. Value .I l~'e Af"1tt 78 PC Deposit 4 l'AZ• 7/. Date .S--T • 'Z~ "-'~"'-I ~'i)\){4... s 'S Job Addre15:·· Io 75 S~Afr\o ~ .E-l:."\'". Unlt:. _____ APN:. __________ _ CT/Project #:. _________________ Lot#: Year Bullt: ________ _ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: One atory attached accuaory dwelllng unit. [O New SF: Living SF, 1,028 Deck SF,. ___ Patio SF, 90 Garage SF __ _ Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? • Y O N New Fireplace? O Y• N , if yes how many? ___ _ D Remodel: _____ SF of affected area Is the area a conversion or change of use? O Y • N □ Pool/Spa:. ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? Yes ------------ [I] Solar:. ___ KW,. ___ Modules, Mounted:9Roof O Ground, Tilt:() Y(9) N, RMA: 0 VI) N, Battery:Ove N, Panel Upgrade:evON Other: PRIMARY APPLICANT Name: Ed and Christine Jago PROPERTY OWNER Name: Ed and Chriltlne Jago Address: 774 Maya Blvd. #10-625 City: Incline VIiiage State:._N_v ___ Zip: 89461 Address: 774 Maya Blvd. #10-825 City: lncllne VIiiage State: NV Zlp:._89_45_1 __ _ Phone: 918-214-3937 Emall: edjagoOsbcglobal.net DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: D2N Partners, Bart Smith and Meaghan Lawler Address: 682 2nd street City: Encinitas State: CA Zlp: __ e2_02_4 __ _ I Phone: 1&0-338-1234 Email: maaghan@dznpartnera.com Architect State Ucense: _e-_2255_7 ________ _ Phone: 91 s-214-3937 Emall: edJagoO1bcglobaJ.net CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Business Name; tV ~ ~LCl{ if.r1D ~ ll ~ h r ~ ✓ P . Address: S~S~ CM,D. u~l.t(~£JJC..? City: Su State:C A Zip: t:'f :z. I .2.4-- Phone:, bO -'J-.~D -y D 'I!:>~ Email: me rl<-\Lbu \L-d €2 (D >'-· ~'2-r CSLB License#: ~ l ~-s;-~'l Class: i3 • r Carlsbad Business License# (Required):. ______ _ 'BL D:5 COl:.<;ta,30-ot:t-1o,g_ APPUCANT CERTIFICATION: I urtify that I have read the app//catlon and state that the aba~ Information Is r:orrect and that tM Information of the plans ls or:r:urr,te. I agree to comply with all City ordlnanus and State Jaws relating to bulldlng·r:onstructlon. NAME (PRINT): _B_a_rt_s_m_i_th _____ _ DATE: 05/03/2022 1635 Faraday Ave cartsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 442·339-2719 Email: Ruildjng@carlsbadca.gov THIS PAGE REQUIRED AT PERMIT ISSUANCE PLAN CHECK NUMBER:C 6 ~ 2. D 2-'-. -/5q I A BUltDING PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED TO EITHER A STATE LICENSED CONTRACTOR OR A PROPERlY OWNER. IF THE PERSON SIGNING THIS FORM IS AN AGENT FOR EITHER ENTllY AN AUTHORIZATION FORM OR LETTER IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE. ,. (OPTION A): LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION: I herebyaf{f'rm under penal tyof perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter9 ( commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. I also affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations {CHOOSE ONE): I have and wlll maintain a certificate of consent to self-Insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permit Is Issued. PollcyNo .. _______________________________________ _ -OR- I have and wlll maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the W'"" fn, whlrh thl• ',!!ll'mlt Is Issued. My workers' compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Name: 5 '.f A <ff._ (0 t\ 8': .Il\lSU~. r V /U.U Polley No. 9 '!> 05"'-le \ Expiration Date: 'l -t\,.. :2..0 2..3 -OR- I Certificate of Exemption: I certify that In the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compensation covera1e Is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penaltlas and civil fines up to $100,000.00, In addition the to the cost of compensation, d1m11es as provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: l hereby affirm that there Is a construction lendln111ency for the performance of the work this permit Is Issued (Sec. 3097 (I) Civil Code). lender's Name: ______________________ .Lender'sAddress: ____________________ _ CONTRACTOR CERT/FICA TION: The applicant certifies that all documents and plans clearly and accurately show all exlstln1 and proposed bulldln1s, structures, access roads, and utllltles/utlllty easements. All proposed modifications ■nd/or additions are clearly labeled on the site plan. Any potentlally exlstln1 detail within these plans Inconsistent with the site plan are not approved for construction and may be required to be altered or removed. The city's approval of the appllcatlon Is ba11d on the premise that the submitted documents and plans show the correct dimensions of; the property, bulldlnss, structures and their setbacks from property lines and from one another; access roads/easements, and utllltles. The exlstln1 and proposed use of each bulldln1 as stated Is true and correct; all easements and other enc11mbrances to development have been accurately shown and labeled as well as all on-site gradlns/slte preparation. All Improvements exlstlnc on the property were completed In accordance with 111 re1ulatlons In existence at the time of their construction, unless otherwise noted. NAME(PRINT):':Df\vd) rlCl\lA,flC( -OR- (OPTION B): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I her affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: D I, as owner he property or my employees with wa1es as their sole compensation, wlll do the work and the structure Is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business an esslons Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who does such work himself or throu1h wn employees, provided that such Improvements are not Intended or offered for sale. If, however, the bulldln1 or Improvement ls sold within one year of completion, owner-builder wlll have the burden of provln1 that he did not build or Improve for the purpose of sale). -OR- I, as owner of the property, am eKcluslv ~ntractln1 with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an own r of property who builds or Improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Lawt -OR-□ I am eKempt under Business and Pr-•~• Dllislon 3, h~pter 9, Article 3 for this reason: AND, D FORM 8-61 "Owner Builder Acknowled1ement and Verification Form" is required for'any permit Issued to a property owner. By my signature below I acknowledge that, except for my personal residence in which I must have r si~ed for at least one year prior to completion of the improvements covered by this permit, I cannot legally sell a structure that I have built as an owner-builder if_it has not been constructed in its entirety by licensed contractors./ understand that a copy of the applicable law, S,ctlan 7044 of the Business and Prof tsslons Codt~s oflablt upon requtst whtn this application Is submitted orat the following Website: http:l lwww.leglnfo.ca.gov/calaw.html. OWNER CERTIFICATION: The applicant certifies that all documents and plans clearly and accurately show all exist Inc and proposed build~ ructures, access roads, and utllltles/utlllty easements. All proposed modlflcatlons and/or additions are clearly labeled on the slte plan. Any potrntlally rxlstln& detail within these plans lncons s~wlth the~lte plan are not approvrd for construction and may be required to be altered or removed. The city's approval of the appllcatlon Is based on the premise that the submitted docume.ets and plans show the correct dimensions of; the property, bulldlnss, structures and their setbKlts from property lines and from one another; access roads/easements, and utllltles. The exlsllns and proposed u,e of Heh • bulldlnc as stated Is true and correct; all easements and other encumbrances to development have been accurately shown and labeled as well as all on-site gra~t~ preparation. All Improvements existing on the property were completed In accordance with all regulations In existence at the time of their construction, unless otherwise noted. ~ SIGN: DATE: ------------------------Note: If the owner Include form B-62 sl ned b owner. 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 442-339-2719 Email: Bullding@carlsbadca.gov 2 REV. 04122 ( City of Carlsbad OWN ERS AUTHORIZED AGENT FORM 0·61 Dt•velo _ment Serv,rr-. \...0 \ OWN ER'SAU HORIZED AGENT FORM Su 'dtn O sf<> : ,_ ~ !, ~ ... -t, ( A.. ~.~ .. c:. !LI,"'") ,.,...,. u ht+x« ,,.,,. C' ,. "" ~ t;::-t',r, ,,,.,.~. c<."'r,.,,,;" , t'-r • ·:• • 1N o.~,..,: 'T :1, J.., t -·; . u .:"'" .:;c, -c •~ .. • ',._. t.., ~,.., ~<•,.,.•• ,c,:,.,•,•-. ,: .. -,•, '•'•" r, ,Jr :•~,1; ,•,.,at,;.•"'•'"r"'r : r~ .~ , ,t• •<Jr-f► ,;,r,.cmin tN,,,.,, rltlt ,, NI ,,.. ~ .. ,, #r I• , tr G ;r.• • ~,-, •,"c C,..f'~• .,.,_, ,-,. (C"(,'C"J"'1'• ) ~:-,,,.."cl t; llf~ ,.,.., • •: • -rv-·-r ·, 7:.r :, ·-r. ,-,1: • L '' ~•'tU!1 , ·s r,~· '(h r.1 .' ~.,t~:r-; t , !'· .. ( t ,' • ,,:;: U";.>:,rct< ,~,,....r ~~~ 1 • ,. ,\o:c-r11. ,'O\O'NtNJ 0w N'• ll11th,.,,-,r n1 A:> ,,t /OIM H I ~ IM to W com(tlrtf"d by' the tt t ~. rn (,ci.9r,ctJr-9 en CQMC to~ or o cnnur&,,c, pcormi: •-.. ,.•~ '-"",."''4r·d ",.,, ~-c-uc,c a , ttb.Lt,, ltrret:, •~;>i, .. ,.,.,,,: ,., s:•t<>'l \l oata\"'t ..:f'<'l'htt ... .r~ f,..-,\. ~.1-.Jfl t 6'XumN'1~IOf'<f'\\o&I", •t-{11.il t,t f f"M I ' I ,.. t ~◊~'"t One story attached ADU 1079 Seahorse Court r .,. ~,,,.,u _ Bart Sm hand gh n Lawler 760-336-1234 ,~, ,o J ~,,,I'd"'...-.· 682 2nd Street Encinitas . CA 92024 I dtdMt .. "'>do• ~It-,<-' l>tf~") t,-,, I•~ 11't r,~tt-, ~~• fOf l~ .tddt~, ht-<! ~"f ~ 1 l)t4'~tf f ~ 0\/l t • •tK '"" ,.,o,rr,tion ..-,d ( rt fy , ~ 05/03/2022 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled {City of Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-1591) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Application Date: 05/09/2022 Owner: TRUST JAGO FAMILY TRUST Status: Closed -Finaled Issue Date: 10/24/2022 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#92-01 Expiration Date: 09/13/2023 IVR Number: 40508 Address: 1075 SEAHORSE CT CARLSBAD, CA 9201 1-3413 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date 10/27/2022 10/27/2022 BLDG-21 Underground/Underflo or Plumbing Checklist Item 195128-2022 COMMENTS BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-SW-Pre-Con Checklist Item 195127-2022 COMMENTS BLDG-Building Deficiency 11/02/2022 11/02/2022 BLDG-11 Foundation/Ftg/Piers (Rebar) Checklist Item 195639-2022 COMMENTS Status Passed Chris Renfro Passed Chris Renfro Passed Chris Renfro BLDG-Building Deficiency Need form certification from surveyor. Soils report collected 12/07/2022 12/07/2022 BLDG-83 Roof Sheating, 198228-2022 Exterior Shear (13, 15) Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-13 Shear Panels-HD (ok to wrap) BLDG-15 Roof Sheathing-Reroof COMMENTS 12/21/2022 12/21/2022 BLDG-23 199412-2022 Thursday, May 16, 2024 Gas/Test/Repairs Checklist Item COMMENTS BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-84 Rough Combo(14,24,34,44) 199377-2022 Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-14 Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout BLDG-34 Rough Electrical BLDG-44 Rough-Ducts-Dampers COMMENTS Passed Chris Renfro Passed Chris Renfro Passed Chris Renfro Complete Passed Yes Complete Passed Yes Complete Passed Yes Complete Passed Yes Yes Yes Complete Passed Yes Complete Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 1 of 3 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-1591) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Application Date: 05/09/2022 Owner: TRUST JAGO FAMILY TRUST Issue Date: 10/24/2022 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#92-01 Status: Scheduled Date 01/03/2023 01/06/2023 03/17/2023 05/02/2023 07/26/2023 09/25/2023 Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 09/13/2023 IVR Number: 40508 Address: 1075 SEAH ORSE CT CARLSBAD, CA 92011-341 3 Actual Inspection Type Start Date Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Status 01/03/2023 BLDG-16 Insulation 200017-2022 Passed Chris Renfro 01/06/2023 03/17/2023 05/02/2023 Checklist Item COMMENTS BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-17 Interior 200270-2023 Passed Chris Renfro Lath/Drywall Checklist Item COMMENTS BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-23 205752-2023 Passed Chris Renfro GasfTest/Repalrs Checklist Item COMMENTS BLDG-Building Deficiency NOTES Created By TEXT Angie Teanio 760-250-4086 David BLDG-Final Inspection 209721-2023 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final COMMENTS Partial pass. Gas meter release. Need dual electric meter installed prior to final inspection. 07/26/2023 BLDG-Final Inspection 218718-2023 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final COMMENTS Partial pass. TCO Final ok to occupy pending final electric meter installed prior to final inspection. 09/25/2023 BLDG-Final Inspection Checklist Item 224855-2023 COMMENTS Passed Chris Renfro BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final Reinspection Inspection Complete Passed Yes Complete Passed Yes Complete Passed Yes Created Date 03/16/2023 Re Inspection Incomplete Passed No No Yes Yes Yes Reinspectlon Incomplete Passed No No Yes Yes Yes Complete Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Thursday, May 16, 2024 Page 2 of 3 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-1591) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 05/09/2022 Owner: TRUST JAGO FAMILY TRUST Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Issue Date: 10/24/2022 Subdivision: CARLSBAD TCT#92-01 Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 09/13/2023 Address: 1075 SEAHORSE CT IVR Number: 40508 CARLSBAD, CA 92011-3413 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Re inspection Inspection Date Start Date Status Thursday, May 16, 2024 Page 3 of 3 ~~!!t--JRD ~oPVo~1 ~::~:td w.o. f38'-/-A DATE ffl-3r1. t. NAME c.t1-1 w, -"" HOURS ~ ------- Geotechnical •Coastal• Geologic• Environmental i ~Dlf>IG QIVISIOt>I C 13/2...t!:..:>~L -r"t}/ FOOTING TRENCH OBSERVATION SUMMARY Client Name: :fll4° Project Name: JA6o l07'f ~or~ Cr. Location/Tract: ___:l -=0 -L.....JC,!....-____________________________ _ Unit/Phase/Lot(s): A D (.A.., -St-rt~c. 11.-'-r(- Referenced Geotechnical Report(s): (.;:u, + J..~.~,,l Pf r. dlltJ... :J:~1 L-/ /LPZ.,z_ 41'. hi <;-l-r,Ar ".TJ.Ar.J f/,._".' b ~~Tt( J,.nl J•f--1-,_~ fu-✓ s/1,i l-'- Observation Summary 0 /&>/JI J--- /.,,/-:11.. ' /'-- t.. / I ! ,,.i- 1->h.1 7 Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed onsite soil and footing trench conditions. Soil conditions in the trench are generally free of loose soil and debris, non-yielding and uniform, and plumb; and are in general conformance with those indicated in the geotechnical report. A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed and reviewed footing excavation depth/width. Footing excavations generally extend to proper depth and bearing strata, and are in general conformance with recommendations of ~he geotechnical report. A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. reviewed footing setbacks from slope face (if applicable). The setback was in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report. orr-.:iiT:/.,J..., l'I.A- Notes to Superintendent/Foreman Footing excavations should be cl~Q,.Qf loose debris and thoroughly moistened just prior to placing concrete. 2. Based on expansion potential of underlying soils, presoaking of soil below slabs may be recommended. Consult the geotechnical report for presoaking recommendations. We note that clayey soils may take an extended period of time for such, and the contractor should schedule accordingly. 3. In the event of a site change subsequent to our footing observation and prior to concrete placement (i.e., heavy rain, etc.), we should be contacted to perform additional site observations and/or testing. 4. This memo does not confirm the minimum footing dimension as required by the project structural engineer's design, if different from the geotechnical report. Notes to Building Inspector Soil compaction test results, as well as depth of fill, relative compaction, bearing values, corrosivity, and soil expansion index test results are contained in the As-Graded Geotechnical or Final Compaction Report provided at the completion of grading. 5741 Palmer Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 438-3155 1446 E. Chestnut Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 647-0277 Representative of GeoSoils, Inc. 26590 Madison Ave. Murrieta, CA 92562 (951) 677-9651 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PROJECT: ~HTK STRU C TURAL EN GINEERS.UP PTIONS: CONCRETE STRENGTH AT TWENTY EIGHT DAYS: 2..~ ______ PSI -MASONRY: GRADE "N" CONCRETE BLOCK F ' M = ______ PSI MORTAR: TYPE S 1,800 PSI GROUT: 2000 PSI REINFORCING STEEL: A-615 STRUCTURAL STEEL: A-36 LUMBER: DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH JOISTS BEAMS AND POSTS STUDS SEISMIC FORCE:, ar, WIND FORCE: °tl.( /!;, DESIGN LOADS: ROOF DEAD LOAD SLOPING fl.AI ROOFING PLYWOOD JOISTS INSUL&CLG. MISC. TOTAL-= Li_ ROOF LIVE LOAD SLOPING • (LI) FLAT= GRADE 40: GRADE 60: #2 #2 #4 AND LESS (U.O.N.) #5 AND LARGER STUD OR BETTER REPORTBY: ~ ~ REPORT NO.: ______ _ SOIL PRESSURE: '----- FLOOR DEAD LOAD .IHL FLOORING PLYWOOD JOISTS INSUL&CLG. MISC. TOTAL= FLOOR LIVE LOAD INTERIOR BALCONY EXIT WALKWAY W:. 40 PSF 60 PSF (U.O.N.) 100 PSF --- WALL DEAD LOAD INTERIOR EXTERIOR 10PSF 16PSF These calculatlons are llmlted only to the Items Included herein, selected by the client and do not Imply approval of any other portion of the structure by this office. These calculations are not valid If altered In any way, or not aa:ompanled by a wet stamp and sfsnature of the Enslneer of Record. Job No. Deslsned By Date 1,}l~ ~ ~ /7 /1, 7-.,, Ian DI•■• UJU D•nr,r,on Streat, lull• I JGO, , ••••• CA no,,. (UIJ 171-1111, , .. (IHI .,. ... ,. -/,;<; I ffl HTK STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS,LL.P www.htkse.com ~ =-SQJ.Af2.-t ?-J • 0, \l Z \Jo ::: ~~.p /1-1 J~ "' 0 , '2. J. Wb.. '\JJ,,a.C.C,,,~ • \--Z....~L\A.\-5"c f')::: 'Z ,\ 1 SHEET: ,z_ PROJECT: -Z..'2,-J~ DESIGNER: ~ ~ l.>f£ J ""' =-2 t f ( '\(, X,t, f i-j ~ I 7~ ~ -y~-==-,~ .,, \Ju:. l't( ,~) =-lf.'"L l'( e,. J ~ i 7.,, \..,I U c L \J !> ~ , 1c; ~ o/, "= rt g [,, -, + 5.1 > ~~ .. · \>t(r1,-l't~ "¥, \1/ ~Ol". -: \lij(SL >S")L! J '.::-{( lke, ~ ~ iV i: \ttC8'}+--\~C-a..l ~~ >i 'l,) • \ &&3 uf»::: qo7 ~~'- ' ~.... -;.. l'l4-(1)('~:: la•1<, ~: • . 1 3[. t<t(t} ~ '4l 't )J(-7 f 11_.. 4 r~ ~ vP • : \I\ °t ffi(J?.,, \} ~ ,_ 1..1 r{_ iu)t11 (,i.,) &. 717 l= 2." '- ~~ 14, l ~~) ---~ ~,., ~ .,~(JttU)""I ,., \](i:r1.-jr ,z,zb • ~ STRUCTURAL~~===:a~. www.htkse.com SHEET: ~-;> __ _ PROJECT: "2, z, L --- DESIGNER: _I),___;::$;____ ~ ~ v~~11c,4-/~ '% Ji/ 7 L~ ~I 3 -25 (1764/3 .25)*(8/2*3 .25)=668 ~< -l ]c;~(S) = l'tll <- ~ "=-.. 7 ~((i~) ~ lf(,~) }(~)}'2-,:,, ~ uf>~~ 1175 3980 Mo,--,c;7l9) : CttJff ~~ . 1 '!,[l<tl.b) ..-v(,AJ)(,.r-2r"L.)~ ;ze3'i) vr-~ 7 --•1· Milek~ Re: 13255-22 MiTek USA, Inc. Milek USA, Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 270 Roseville, CA 95661 Telephone 916-755-3571 The truss drawing(s) referenced below have been prepared by MiTek USA, Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by Mi ssion Truss Company. Pages or sheets covered by this seal: R70177654 thru R70177673 My license renewal date for the state of Cali fornia is June 30, 2022. March 24,2022 Baxter, David IMPORT ANT NOTE: The seal on these truss component designs is a certification that the engineer named is licensed in the jurisdiction(s) identified and that the designs comply with ANSI/TPI 1. These designs are based upon parameters shown (e.g., loads, supports, dimensions, shapes and design codes), which were given to MiTek or TRENCO. Any project specific information included is for MiTek's or TRENCO's customers file reference purpose only, and was not taken into account in the preparation of these designs. MiTek or TRENCO has not independently verified the applicability of the design parameters or the designs for any particular building. Before use, the building designer should verify applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate these designs into the overall building design per ANSI/TPI 1, Chapter 2. Job 13255-22 r russ T01 1Truss Type jcommon Ply I 1 Job Reference (optional) Qty R70177654 Mission Truss, ' -41 Lakeside, CA -92040t • 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Mar 23 12:13:18 2022 Page 1 ID: NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71 Zzx4bAzYRHt-ZN2_aLQ5 _ QC7j_ TRLeXh1 cvOu7zU01 gOg8Ka6RzY2zF -2-0-0 2-0-0 + +-9-10-0 4-11-0 t !~;~:~ + !~1~ +-221:: t Scale = 1 :38.3 17 2 16 3x6 5.00 112 18 2x4 3 6-6-11 6-6-11 Plate Offsets ()(,Y)-(g:0-6-6,0-0-4], (6:0-6-6,0-0-4J LOADING (psi) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TPl2014 LUMBER- 19 9 3x4 20 CSI. TC 0.52 BC 0.33 W8 0.24 Matrix-MS 4x8 4 rJ1 13-1-5 6-6-11 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) in -0.05 -0.22 0.06 21 8 3x4 (lac) 8-9 8-9 6 22 1/defl >999 >999 n/a 2x4 5 Ud 240 180 n/a 19-8-0 6-6-11 23 24 3x6 PLATES GRIP MT20 220/195 Weight: 82 lb FT= 20% TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&BtrG BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-6-4 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2X4 OF Stud/Std G REACTIONS. (size) 2=0-3-8, 6=0-3-8 Max Horz 2=-56(LC 10) Max Grav 2=1172(LC 1 ), 6= 1172(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-197010, 3-4=-1717/0, 4-5=-1717/0, 5-6=-1970/0 BOT CHORD 2-9=0/1766, 8-9=011165, 6-8=0/1766 WEBS 4-8=0/597, 5-8~445/66, 4-9=0/597, 3-9~445/66 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25fl; 8=45ft; L=37ft; eave=Sft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E)-2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 9-10-0, Exterior(2R) 9-10-0 to 13-5-13, lnterior(1) 13-5-13 to 21-8-11 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-D tall by 2-0-0 wide will frt between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 lntemational Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 7) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord. nonconcurrent with any other live loads. ,A WARNING · Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev 511912020 BEFORE USE Design valid fCM use only w~h Milek® connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an Individual building component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and propertj incorporate this design Into the overall buik:Sing design, Bracing indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabncalk>n, storage, delivery, eredlon and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTP/1 Quality Crtterla, DSB-89 and SCSI Bui/ding Component Satwty Information avail from T~!s Plate Institute. 2670 Crain Hlghway, Suite 203 Waldorf, MO 20601 -t March 24,2022 1111· Milek· MiTek USA. Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 270 Roseville_._ CA 95661 7 j Job Truss Truss Type .. j255-22 T01A Common Qty Ply Job Reference (optional) R70177655 M1ss1on Truss, Lakeside, CA -92040, 8 530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc Wed Mar 2312·13·19 2022 Page 1 1D:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-1acMohQjljK_L82dvM2wZpSZcWJQIUkXvo38etzY2zE 4-11-0 9-10-0 14-9-0 19-8-0 21-3-0 4-11-0 4-11-0 4-11-0 4-11-0 2-0-0 Scale z t 34 9 500 12 2x4 18 17 16 15 3x6 3x4 !Hi-11 6-o-11 Plate Offsets(~ Y)-[1 :0-3-0,0-1-8), [5:0-3-0,0-1-8) LOADING (psi) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip OOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lnct YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TP12014 19 CSI. TC 0.52 BC 0.35 we 0.25 1 Matrix-MS 4x8 13-1-5 6-o-11 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) 20 21 3•4 in (foe) -0.04 7-8 -0.21 7-8 0.06 5 1/defl >999 >999 n/a 2x4 4 Ud 240 180 n/a 19-8-0 6-8-11 22 23 PLATES MT20 3><6 Weight: 79 lb GRIP 220/195 FT=20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOPCHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-5-15 QC pur1ins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 QC bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 1=0-3-8, 5=0-3-8 Max Herz 1 =-56(LC 10) Max Grav 1=994(LC 1), 5=1180(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-2026/0, 2-3=-1777/9, 3-4=-1738/0, 4-5=-1992/0 BOT CHORD 1-8=0/1839, 7-8=0/1187, 5-7=0/1786 WEBS 3-7=0/595, 4-7=-446/66, 3-8=0/623, 2-8=-460/68 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) \/Vind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second guS1) Vasd=87mph; TCOL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; 8=45ft; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterlor(2E) 0-0-0 to 3-7-13, lnterlor(1) 3-7-13 to 9-10-0, Exterior(2R) 9-10-0 to 13-5-13, lnterior(1) 13-5-13 to 21-8-11 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1 .25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 7) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. A WARNING -Verify dn,gn porw-ond READ NOTES ON THIS ANO INClUOEO MITEK REFERENCE PAGE M 1-7473 rev 5119/2020 BEFORE USE Desfgn valid for use onty with MIT eke connedors This design la based onty upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component, not a tru11 system. Before use, the buUdlng designer mutt verify the appHcability of design parameteu and property incorpc>f■te this design into the overall building design, Bracing lndk:ated 11 to prevent buckling of indMdual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing Is a/'ways required for stability and to prevent collapu with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication. storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see AHSVTPf1 Qu•llty Crlterla, oss-,, ind SCSI Bulldlng Component Safety lnform«lon avakable rrom Truss Piate lnllitu1e, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waktorl, MO 20601 March 24,2022 -- Milek· Milek USA. Inc. 400 SUnrtH Avenue, Suite 270 Roseville, CA 95661 8 Job ]Truss "[Truss Type Qty Ply 13255-22 T01B Common Girder R70177656 Mission Truss, Lakeside, CA -92040, 4-11-0 9-10-0 4-11-0 4-11-0 ----1 -----L 2 ~Job Refer~ce _{Qptional) 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Mar 23 12·13:20 2022 Page 1 ID: NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71 Zzx4bAzYRHI-Wm9k?1 RMW1 SrzHdp T3Z961 _i3wXgUv6h8SphAKzY2zD 11-8-0 __ 1_4-9-0 19-8-0 + 21-8-0~ 1-10-0 3-1-0 4-1 1-0 2-0-0 Scale = 1.34.9 6x6 3 19 ;10 3x8 5.00 12 4 18 20 3x8 3x4 2 5 ~ ~ -r·· •r, , 21 17 1 I 1 16 Lj " ~ J 22 .,-/.._ 6 '7 ( l ~r:-, '1 i 11 10 9 4x12 4x12 3x10 9x14 M18SHS 6x6 2x4 I-- Plate Offsets X Y - 4-11-0 9-10-0 4-11-0 -+--4-11-0 [1 :0-0-9,Ed~). l6:0-3-~0-2-7],J9:0-3-0,0-4-0J 11-8-0 -+ 14-9-0 4 19-8-0 ---,-:io-0 3-1-0 4-11-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING-2-0-0 CS!. TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 l TC 0.60 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.80 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Iner NO WB 0.37 BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TPl2014 Matrix-MS DEFL. in (loc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.12 10-11 >999 240 MT20 220/195 Vert(CT) -0.50 10-11 >472 180 M18SHS 220/195 Horz(CT) 0,14 6 n/a n/a l Weight: 206 lb FT= 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G BOT CHORD 2X6 OF SS G WEBS 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-6-9 oc purllns. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 1=0-3-8, 6=0-3-8 Max Horz 1 ~58(LC 6) Max Grav 1 =5717(LC 1 ), 6=4226(LC 1) FORCES. (lb)· Max. Comp./Max. Ten.• All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-11984/0, 2-3=-8223/0, 3-4~8138/0, 4-5=-9473/0, 5-6=-9936/0 BOT CHORD 1-11=0/11050, 10-11=0/11050, 9-10=0/8699, 8-9=0/9129, 6-8=0/9129 WEBS 3-10=0/5884, 5-9=-580/0, 2-10=-3864/0, 2-11=0/2525, 4-9=0/2526, 4-10=-2438/0 NOTES- 1) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 10d (0.131"x3") nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-7-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x6 -2 rows staggered at 0-3-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except ~ noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. 3) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 4) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vutt=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed: MWFRS (directional): cantilever left and right exposed : end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 5) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 6) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. 10) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 11) Girder carries tie-in span(s): 20-0-0 from 0-0-0 to 11-6-0 12) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 2500 lb down at 11-8-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+ Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 .A, WARNING -Verity design parameter< and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7•73 re, 5119/2020 BEFORE USE Design valid for use onty with Milek® connectors. This design is based onty upon parameters shown, and is for an individual buildlng component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and property incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing indicated is to prevent buckling of lndMdual truss web and/or chord members onty. Additional temporary and permanent bracing Is always required fot stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabricaUon, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of truues and truss systems, see ANSVTP/1 Qu•llty Crlterl•, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Compon•nt S.r.ty lnformlltlon available from Truss Plate Institute. 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf, MO 20601 March 24,2022 7 1;! Job Truss -Truss Type Ply I R70177656 'l3255-22 Mission Truss, T01B Lakeside, CA -92040, j Common Girder _ 2 Job Reference (optic~ 8 530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc Wed Mar 2312:13:20 2022 Page 2 ID: NrWKUOXGZSuDZd71 Zzx4bAzYRHt-Wm9k? 1 RMW1 SrzHdp T3Z961 _i3wXgUv6h8SphAKzY2zD LOAD CASE(SJ Standard Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3~82, 3-7=-82, 1-9=-472(F~452), 6-9~20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 9=-2500(F) A WARNING . Verify design parameters end READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE MH-7473 rev 5119/2020 BEFORE USE. Design \/arid for use only with MlTek.® connectors. This design Is based onty upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component, not a truss system. Before use. the buUding designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and property incorporate this design into the overall buiktlng design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. FOf general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTPl1 Qu•ltty Crlterl•, DSS..89 •nd SCSI Building Component S.rety lnformlltlon available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf, MD 20601 Nii. Milek· MiTok USA, Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue. Suite 270 Roseville_. CA 95661 Job I Truss 13255-22 T01GE l TrussType GABLE Qty ~Ply R70177657 Mission Truss, L~CA -92040, -2-0-0 4-11-0 9-10-0 4-11-0 ~~~1 J=ob Reference _toptiona9 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 Milek Industries, Inc Wed Mar 23 12:13:21 2022 Page 1 ID:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-_yj7DMS_HLbiaRC?0m4OfEXwFK1ODPnqM6YEjmzY2zC 2-0-0 4-11--0 +--+ 14-9-0 I 19-ScQ 21-8-0 4-11-0 4-11-0 2-0-0 Scale = 1 :39.6 4x8 MT 1.5x3 ON EACH FACE OF BOTH ENDS OF UN-PLATED MEMBERS OR EQUIVALENT CONNECTION BY OTHERS. 5 00 12 36 --!:t 3x4 8 35 7x10 34 2 e •• 1 1:-1-L I l 37 3x4 38 39 7x10 ,..,, 1-j.: 6 _LL~l---1...., C.'::. ·----'-------. -------~-----~---~~--·.-;--·::..: ::, 3x4 19 18 6-6-11 6-6-11 Plate Offsets (X,Y)--[2:0-5-0,0-5-5], [6:0-5-0,0::5-5] LOADING (psf) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TPl2014 LUMBER- 17 16 3x4 CSL TC 0.45 BC 0.19 W8 0.15 Matrix-S 15 14 13 13-1-5 6-6-11 DEFL. Vert{LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) in 0.00 -0.17 0.00 12 11 3x4 (loc) Vdefl 6 n/r 7 n/r 6 n/a 10 9 3x4 19-8-0 6-6-11 Ud PLATES GRIP 120 MT20 220/195 120 n/a Weight: 135 lb FT= 20% TOPCHORD BOT CHORD WEBS OTHERS WEDGE 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G 2X4 OF No.1&BtrG 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Struc1ural wood sheathing direc11y applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling direc11y applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Lett: 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G , Right: 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G REACTIONS. (lb) - All bearings 19-8-0. Max Horz 2=53(LC 11) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 2, 6, 11. 19 except B=-121(LC 24) Max Grav All reac1ions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 19, 18, 17. 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 9, B except 2=573(LC 23), 6=593(LC 24), 11=547(LC 1). 16=544(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. WEBS 4-11 =-323/30, 5-1 1 =-445/89, 4-16=-322/26, 3-16~444/89 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25tt; B=45tt; L=37tt; eave=2tt; Cat. II: Exp B: Enclosed; MWFRS (direc1ional) and C-C Comer(3E) -2-0-11 to 1-7-2, Exterior(2N) 1-7-2 to 9-10-0, Comer(3R) 9-10-0 to 13-5-13, Exterior(2N) 13-5-13 to 21-8-11 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reac1ions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 7) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 8) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will m between the bottom chord and any other members. 9) A plate rating reduc1ion of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 10) Provide mechanical connec1ion (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of wrthstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 2, 6, 11. 19 except (jt=lb) 8=121. 11) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 12) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 13) No notches allowed in overhang and 20000 from fen end and 20000 from right end or 12" along rake from scarf, whichever is larger. Minimum 1.5x4 tie plates required at 2-0-0 o.c. maximum between the stacking chords. For edge-wise notching, provide at least one tie plate between each notch. A WARNING -Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INClUOED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7•73 rev. 5/1912020 BEFORE USE Design valid for use onty with MiTek® connectors. This design is based onfy upon parameters shown, and is for an indMdual building component, not a truss system. Before use, the bullding designer must verify the applicability of destgn parameters and property incorporate this design into the overall building design, Bracing indicated is to prevent buckling of individual lruss web and/or chord members onty. Additional temporary and permanent bracing is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with posslbte personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabricaUon, storage, delivery, erection and bf acing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTPl1 Qualfry Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf, MO 20601 March 24,2022 Mil. MiTek· Milek USA, Inc, 400 Sunrise Avenue. Suite 270 Roseville..._ CA 95661 j Truss Qty Ply Job Truss Type CAL HIP R70177658 ~3255-22 T02 Mission Truss, Lakeside, CA • 92040, -2-0-0 3-7-7 2-0-0 3-7;'/ 7-8-1 3-10-10 2 Job Reference (optIona~ 8 530 s Dec 6 2021 M1Tek Industries. Inc Wed Mar 23 12-13-23 2022 Page 1 ID:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71ZD.4bAzYRHt-wLrtd2TEpyrQqlMO8B6skfclA8eMhKA7qQ1LnezY2zA 7111-11 _1_0-0-0 12-0-5 12-5-15 16-2-13 19-8-8 0-5-10 2-0-5 2-0-5 0-5-10 3-8-14 3-5-11 Scale= 1370 "' ;:q ,J,"' ~ 2 20 1 3x6 500 12 22 3x4 3 21 L 13 2x4 3-7-7 7-6-1 3-7-7 3-10-10 Sxl0 12 29 3x4 Plate Offsets tX.Y)-[2:0-3-0,0-1-8]. [4:0-5-0,0-1-5]. [6:0-5-0,0-1-5], [8:0-0-0,0-0-2] LOADING (psf) SPACING-2-0-0 CSI. TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip OOL 1.25 TC 0.29 TCDL 21.0 Lumber OOL 1.25 BC 0.48 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner NO WB 0.10 BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018fTPl2014 Matrix-MS 23 2x4 11 3x8 10-0-0 2-5-15 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CD Horz(CT) 30 12-5-15 2-5-15 5xt0 l - 10 3x4 + in (loc) Udefl -0.06 11 >999 -0.23 11 >999 0.08 8 n/a 27 16-2-13 3-8-14 Ud 240 180 n/a 3x4 7 .i 9 2x4 28 19-8-8 3-5-11 PLATES GRIP j 3x8 MT20 220/195 8 t Weight: 189 lb FT = 20% LUMBER- TOPCHORO BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF No.1 &Bir G 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOPCHORO Struciural wood sheathing direcily applied or 6-0-0 oc purtins. except 2-0-0 oc purtins (6-0-0 max.): 4-6. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direcily applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 8=0-3-8, 2=0-3-8 Max Horz 2=43(LC 7) Max Grav 8=2242(LC 14), 2=2406(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3~5034/0, 3-4=--4768/0, 4-5=-4560/0, 5-6=-4560/0, 6-7=-4675/0, 7-8=-4731/0 BOT CHORD 2-13=0/4624, 12-13=0/4624, 11-12=0/4426, 10-11 =0/4339, 9-10=0/4291, 8-9=0/4291 WEBS 3-12=-395/0, 4-12=0/378, 4-11=-3/363, 5-11=-600156. 6-11=-8/480, 6-10=0/321 NOTES- 1) 2-ply truss to be connecied together with 10d (0.131"x3") nails as follows: Top chords connecied as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2x4 -1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies. except if noted as front (F) or back (Bl face in the LOAD CASE(S) seciion. Ply to ply conneciions have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B). unless otherwise indicated. 3) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 4) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd•87mph; TCOL•8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h•25fi; 9=4511: L=37fi; eave•5fi; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MVVFRS (direciional); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL•1.25 5) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 6) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will frt between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) A plate rating reduciion of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 9) This truss is designed in accordance wtth the 2018 International Building Code seciion 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 10) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 11) Girder carries hip end with 8-0-0 end setback. 12) Graphical purtin representation does not deplci the size or the orientation of the purtin along the top and/or bottom chord. 13) Hanger(s) or other conneciion device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 796 lb down and 83 lb up at 12-4-3, and 796 lb down and 83 lb up at 7-7-13 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection devlce(s) is the responsibillty of others. LOAD CASE(S) Standard £ WARNING • Vlfify doolgn poro-and READ NOTES ON THIS ANO INCt.UOEO MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 ""' 5/1912020 BEFORE use De~n valid for use onfy with MiTeke COMeetors Tus design is based onty upon parameters shown, and is for an ndMdual building component. not a truss system. Before use, the bulkfing designer must verify the appflcabllity of design parameters and property Incorporate this design ltlto the overaN buUdfng design. Bracing Indicated 11 to prevent buckJlng of individual truss web and/or chord members onty. Additional temporary and permanent bracing Is alWays required ror stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. Fo, general guidance regarding the fabrication. storage. detrvery, erection and bracilg of trusses and truss systems, 1ee ANSVTP11 Quality Crtterla, oss_,, and SCSI Bulldlng Component S.r.ty Information avaiablt from Truss Plate lnsttlutl, 2670 Crain Highway, Surte 203 waktorf. MO 20601 March 24,2022 •• Milek· MiTei< USA. Inc. 400 SunriH Avenue, Sooa 270 Rose\llle. CA 95661 l :( 6 Job 13255-22 ...-Truss LT02 Truss Type Ply CAL HIP R70177658 Mission Truss, Lakeside, CA • 92040, ~ 2 I Job Reference (optional) 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Mar 23 12:13:23 2022 Page 2 ID:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-wLrtd2TEpyrQqlM08B6skfclA8eMhKA7qQ1LnezY2zA LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber lncrease=1.25, Plate lncrease=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-4~82, 4-26=-199, 6-26=-82, 6-8=-82, 14-17=-49(F=-29) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 4=-711 5~111 A WARNING . Verify design parameter> and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev. 511912020 BEFORE USE Oeslgn valid for use only with Milek® connectors. This design is bHed only upon parameters shown, and Is for an lndMdual building component, not a truss system, Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and property Incorporate this design lnto the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buck.ling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing is atways required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. FOf general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage. delivery, eredion and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTPl1 Quality Crlt•rl•, OSB-89 •nd SCSI Building Component Saf.ry lnform.rlon available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf. MO 20601 111· Milek· Milek USA. Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 270 RosevilleL CA 95661 ' v JOb 'J 3255-22 Mission Truss, -2--0-0 2-0-0 Truss T02A _____L_ Lakeside, CA -92040, 5-0-0 5-0-0 """"'Truss Type COMMON 7-6-0 2-6-0 -+ Ply R70177659 5 L Job Reference (optional) 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Mar 23 12:13·24 2022 Page 1 1D:NrWKUOXGZ5u0Zd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-OXPFr0UsZGzHSvxaive5Gt9QIX_uQdlG34nvJ5zY2z9 10-0-0 ! 12-6-0 -+--14-10-4 ~ 2-6-0 2-6-0 2-4-4 4-10-4 Scale= 1:35 5 3x4 - 5 22 ~Jl 23 3x4 3x4 4 6 5.00 12 3x4 21 'f t· 24 3x4 .J 7 3 ~ ,\:'f'' 'ii 25 20 8 f-jt l j 19 4-r--1 .. } H -F}-~I -' [:( lJ A o 12 3x6 2x4 5-0-0___ 7-6-0 5-0-0 -t 2-6-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y_)-[2:0-3-0,0-1-8], [5:0-2-0,Edge], [10:0-2-4,0-1-8] LOADING (psi) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 21.0 BCLL 0,0 ----r-----, I SPACING-2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Iner NO CSI. TC BC we 11 7x10 0.46 0.46 0.72 BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TPl2014 Matrix-MS 3x4 10-0-0 4 ~ DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) 10 9 3x4 3x10 2x4 3x6 12-6-0 -+ 14-10-4 19-8-8 2-6-0 2-4-4 4-10-4 r in (loc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP -0.07 11-12 >999 240 MT20 2201195 -0.22 11-12 >999 180 0.06 8 nla nla Weight: 93 lb FT= 20% LUMBER· TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 DF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-3-8 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 8=Mechanical, 2=0-3-8 Max Horz 2=56(LC 7) Max Grav 8=1098(LC 1), 2=1281(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-222010, 3-4=-188610, 4-5=-504111, 5-6=-51019, 6-7=-188010, 7-8=-215610 BOT CHORD 2-12=011986, 11-12=011986, 10-11=011695, 9-10=011918, 8-9=011916 WEBS 3-11=-56810, 7-10=-480119, 4-11=01463, 6-10=01451 , 4-6=-139610 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=67mph; TCDL=6.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional); cantilever left and right exposed : end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) 200.0lb AC unij load placed on the bottom chord, 10-0-0 from left end, supported at two points, 5-0-0 apart. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will frt between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 7) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2016 lntemational Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 9) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent wijh any other live loads. A WARNING -Verify design paramete,. and REAO NOTES ON THIS AND INClUDEO MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mol-7473 rev. 5/1912020 BEFORE USE. Oesign valid for use only with MiTek® connectors. This design Is based onty upon parameters shown, and Is for an individual building component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and property incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buck.ling or tndividual truss web and/or chord membera onty. Additional temporary and permanent bracing ls always required for stability and to prevent collapse with posslbte personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage. delivery, eredion and bractng of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTPl1 Quality Crtterla, 0S849 and SCSI Building Component Safety lnform.,lon available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf, MO 20601 _J March 24,2022 111i' Milek' MiTek USA. Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue, Sui1e 270 Roseville_._ CA 95661 <D ,i, 0 r,. Job Truss 13255-22 1To2s 1Truss Type Qty 2 Ply t R70177660 COMMON _ Job Reference (opJi.onal) Mission Truss, Lakeside,CA -92040, -2-0-0 5-0-0 7-6-0 8 530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc Wed Mar 23 12·13:25 2022 Page 1 ID:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-skzd2kVUKZ5833WnFc9Kp4hc0xl ?94oQHkWSsXzY2z8 10-0-0 2-0-0 5-0-0 2-6-0 2-6-0 +---"="'----+I 12-6-0 + 15-0-0 -+ ____ 20-0-0 22-0-0 -< 2-6-0 2-6-0 5-0-0 2-0-0 Scale • 1 :39.5 3x4 5 3x4 24 .. t 25 5.00 f12 4 3x4 23 ,f-~ 3 ... ,1' 22 21 2 20 i J=f J ~1 i:::l H . -- 13 12 3x6 3x4 3x4 2x4 3x10 5-0-0 7-6-0 10-0-0 12-6-0 5-0-0 2-6-0 2-6-0 2-6-0 Plate Offsets X Y)-=-[2:0-3-0,0-1-8], [5:0-2-0,Edge], [8:0-3-0,0-1-8]. [1 1:0-2-4,0-1-8], [12:0-2-4,0-1-8] LOADING (psi) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC20181TP/2014 CS/, TC 0.40 BC 0.40 WB 0.73 Matrix-MS DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) 3x4 6 --,i l 26 fih 11 3x10 t 15-0-0 ~ in (loc) Udell -0.07 12-13 >999 -0.22 12-13 >999 0.07 8 n/a 3x4 7 ',;r 4".r 10 2x4 Ud 240 180 n/a 27 20-0-0 5-0-0 28 PLATES MT20 3x6 Weight: 97 lb 298 ~:J • t J GRIP 220/195 FT= 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-3-14 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 2=0-3-8, 8=0-3-8 Max Horz 2=57(LC 11) Max Grav 2=1289(LC 1), 8=1289(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2238/0, 3-4=-1911/0, 4-5~507/36, 5-6=-507/36, 6-7=-1911/0, 7-8=-2238/0 BOT CHORD 2-13=0/2002, 12-13=0/2002, 11-1 2=0/1718, 10-11=0/2002, 8-10=0/2002 WEBS 4-12=0/467, 6-11=0/467, 4-6=-1418/0, 3-12=-561/17, 7-11=-561/17 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16: Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL•8.4psf: BCDL=6.0psf: h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E)-2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 10-0-0, Exterior(2R) 10-0-0 to 13-7-13, lnterior(1) 13-7-13 to 22-0-11 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) 200.0lb AC untt load placed on the bottom chord, 10-0-0 from left end, supported at two points, 5-0-0 apart. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will ftt between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. 8) This truss has been designed for a moving concentra1ed load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. _A WARNING~ Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS ANO INCLUOEO MITEK REFERENCE PAGE MU~74'73 rev S/1912020 BEFORE USE Design valid for use only with Milek® connedors, This design is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an individual building component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and property incorporate thls design into lhe overall building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing is always required for stability and to prevent coflapse with possible personal injury and property damage, For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing or trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTPf1 Qualhy Crit.etla, DSB-89 •nd SCSI Building Component Safety Information avallable from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf. MD 20601 March 24,2022 Nii' Milek' MiTek USA, Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 270 .._ Roseville.,. CA 95661 9 If ~ \I J6b Truss Truss Type Qty Ply R70177661 T02C GABLE Job Referen~tional) ',,?,3255-22 Mission Truss, Lakeside, CA• 92040, 5-0-0 5-0-0 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Mar 23 12·13·26 2022 Page 1 ID:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71ZV<4bAzYRHt-KwX0G4'M55tD?hC4zpKgZMIElelhDuebZWNG?OzzY2z7 -2-0-0 10-0-0 5-0-0 15-0-0 + 20-0-0 22-0-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 MT 1.5x3 ON EACH FACE OF BOTH ENDS OF UN-PLATED MEMBERS OR EQUIVALENT CONNECTION BY OTHERS. ~ 2 40 i1 n .r- 3x6 41 5.00 12 42 6-8-0 6-8-0 2x4 3 ...,,. Pla1e OffsetsQ(,Y)-[~0-7-10,Q..Q..12), [6:Q..7-10,0-0-12) LOADING (psi) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018fTPl2014 44 43 I I ~ -ll-l 9 3x4 l cs,. TC 0.53 BC 0.34 WB 0.25 Matrix-MS 4x8 4 -i. . . 13-4-0 §_-8-0 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) Scale = 1 :38 8 45 I I 46 2x4 j 5 ' ...._ l I 47 l 48 r~ 496 l +it-: J, 8 l • 3x6 3x4 20-0-0 6-8-0 in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP -0.05 8-9 >999 240 MT20 220/195 -0.23 8-9 >999 180 0.06 6 n/a n/a Weight: 116 lb FT=20% LUMBER- TOPCHORD BOT CHORD WEBS OTHERS 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-5--4 oc pur1ins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 2=0-3-8, 6=0-3-8 Max Horz 2=57(LC 1 O) Max Grav 2=1189(LC 1), 6=1189(LC 1) FORCES. (lb). Max. Comp./Max. Ten .• All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2008/0, 3-4=-1750/0, 4-5=-1750/0, 5--6=-2008/0 BOT CHORD 2-9=0/1800, 8-9=0/1186, 6-8=0/1800 WEBS 4-8=0/605, 5-8=449/65, 4-9=0/605, 3-9=-449/65 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E)-2-Q..11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 10-Q..O, Exterior(2R) 10-Q..0 to 13-7-13, lnterior(1) 13-7-13 to 22-0-11 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSlfTPI 1. 4) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent w~h any other live loads. 6) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-Q..0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSlfTPI 1. 9) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent w~h any other live loads. A WARNING • Verity des)gn parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS ANO INCLUDED MITEJ< REFERENCE PAGE Mll~7473 rev 5.119/2020 BEFORE USE Design valid for use onty with MiTek® connector,. This design is based onty upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual building component, not a truss system. Before use. the building designer must verity the applicability of design parameters and property Incorporate this design Into the overa11 building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buck.ling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing Is atways required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, dfflivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTPl1 Quality Criteria, DSB-19 and SCSI Building Component Safety Information avallable from Truss Plate Institute. 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf, MO 20601 March 24,2022 Nii' Milek' MiTek USA. Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 270 j Roseville~5661 Job 13255-22 Truss Truss Type Scissor Qty 6 Ply R70177662 Job Reference _loptionaJl Mission Truss, T02D Lakeside, CA -92040, 8 530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Mar 23 12·13:27 2022 Page 1 I0:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71 Zzx4bAzYRHt-o650TQXlsBLsJMf9N 1 BouVntPly6d?Ejl1 ?ZwQzY2z6 -2-0-0 2-0-0 + 5-0-0 5-0-0 10-0-0 5-0-0 -,-15-0-0 20-0-0 22-0-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 ·2-0-0 2 ,. ¢1 LOADING (psi) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 21.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 5.00 12 3x4 18 3 _d 17 16 15 l- rV • < c_J 3x10 2.50 12 10-0-0 10-0-0 SPACING-2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Iner YES Code IBC2018rTPI2014 J_ 4x8 19 .1 u- 8 7x10 est. DEFL. TC 0.72 Vert(LL) BC 0.68 Vert(CT) W8 0.60 Horz(CT) Matrix-MS Scale = 1 :39.5 20 21 3x4 5 --:Ek 22 23 24 6 3x10 20-0-0 10-0-0 in (toe) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP -0.19 8-14 >999 240 MT20 220/195 -0.79 8-14 >306 180 0.36 6 n/a n/a Weight: 80 lb FT= 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF No.1 &Bir G 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOPCHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-11-12 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 2=0-3-8, 6=0-3-8 Max Horz 2~57(LC 10) Max Grav 2=1 189(LC 1), 6=1189(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-3569/0, 3-4=-2635/0, 4-5=-2635/0, 5-6=-3569/0 BOT CHORD 2-8=0/3330, 6-8=0/3330 WEBS 4-8=0/1489, 5-8=-1038/100, 3-8=-1038/101 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II: Exp B: Enclosed: M\11/FRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E)-2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 10-0-0. Exterior(2R) 10-0-0 to 13-7-13, lnterior(1) 13-7-13 to 22-0-11 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & M\11/FRS for reactions shown: Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will frt between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 2, 6 considers parallel to grain value using ANSlrTPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSlrTPI 1. 8) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent wrth any other live loads. A WARNING -Vertfy d .. lgn parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INClUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev 5/19/2020 BEFORE USE Design valid for use only with MiTeke conneciors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, a.nd Is for an lndi\lkfual buildfng component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and property Incorporate this design into the overall building design. B<acing fndicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members onty. Additional temporary and permanent bracing ls always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible persona! Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication. storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTPl1 Qu•lity Crlt•rl•, oss-,9 and SCSI Building compon•nt Safety lnform.rlon available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf, MD 20601 March 24,2022 I Mli. MiTek' M!Tek USA, Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 270 Roseville, CA 95661 ' \( Job Truss Truss Type SCISSORS Ply R70177663 )3255-22 Mission Truss, 1To2_E __ Lakeside, CA • 92040, 5-0-0 --g:o:o -+--10-0-0 5-0-0 _J1 ~ ~ Reference_Jc,ptio~ 8.530 s Oec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc Wed Mar 23 12·13·28 2022 Page 1 1D:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-HJemhmXNdUTiwWEMxli1 RjJ2j910MT9szhl6SszY2z5 + 15-0-0 19-4-5 5-0-0 4-4-5 Scale = 1 :35.5 5.00 12 16 15 14 ii d 1 3x10 Plate Offsets (X.Y}:-[6:0-0-14,0-1-8 LOADING (psi) 7 SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TP12014 3x4 2.50 12 10-0-0 10-0-0 4x8 4 18 17 *]'. :~ 7 7x10 CSI. TC 0.75 r DEFL. Vert(LL) BC 0.68 Vert(CT) WB 0.56 Horz(CT) Matrix-MS 19 20 2x4 5 ~, 21 6 s.. .1 '; 3x10 19-4-5 9-4-5 in (loc) 1/defl ~ PLATES GRIP -0.18 7-13 >999 240 MT20 220/195 -0.77 7-13 >303 180 0.33 6 n/a n/a Weight: 78 lb FT= 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS WEDGE 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF No.1 &Bir G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-10-9 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Right: 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (size) 6=0-3-8, 2=0-3-8 Max Horz 2=55(LC 11) Max Grav 6=978(LC 1). 2=1165(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. • All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-3457/0, 3-4=-2514/0, 4-5=-2492/0, 5-6=-3209/12 BOT CHORD 2-7=0/3226, 6-7=0/2957 WEBS 4-7=0/1382, 5-7=-808/119, 3-7=-1045/100 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E)-2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 10-0-0, Exterior(2R) 10-0-0 to 13-7-13, lnterior(1) 13-7-13 to 19-4-5 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 6, 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) This truss is designed in accordance wrth the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent wrth any other live loads. .ti. WARNING· Verity demgn perameten and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev. 5/1912020 BEFORE USE Design valid for use only w~h MiTek® connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an i'ldlvldual building component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicabllity of design parameters and property incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporaJY and permanent bracing Is always required f0< stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general gukiance regarding the fabrication. storage, dellveJY, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTP11 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Bulldlng Component Sar«y lnform.Uon available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway. Suite 203 Waldor1, MO 20601 March 24,2022 1111· Milek· Milek USA, Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 270 Roseville, CA 95661 0 :;;; 0 0 rJ 0 ~ Truss Ply r. R70177664 Job 13255-22 Mission Truss, T02F ___J_ Lakeside, CA -92040, Truss Type SCISSORS _l_ 1 I Job Reference Joptiona~ _J " 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc Wed Mar 23 12·13:30 2022 Page 1 ID:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71ZD.4bAzYRHt-DhmW5RZd96jQAq0k29kVW8POty__yqNL9R?EDXlzY2z3 -2-0-0 2.0-0---+-5-0-0 5-0-0 + 10-0-0 5-0--0--+-15-0-0 -+ __ 1_8-8-10 _, 5-0-0 3-8-10 Scale = 1 :34.5 5.00 112 18 17 16 3X8 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-2:0-1-14 0-0-5 J7:0-1-6,0-1-2] 3x4 2.5012 10-0-0 10-0-0 20 19 -----~- LOADING (psi) SPACING-2-0-0 CSI. TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.71 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.67 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES WB 0.52 BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TPl2014 Matrix-MS 4x8 4 I & 7x10 OEFL. in Vert(LL) -0.18 Vert(CT) -0.73 Horz(CT) 0.26 21 22 18-8-10 8-8-10 (loc) I/dell Ud l 8-15 >999 240 8-15 >309 180 7 n/a n/a 2x4 23 5 1 """- PLATES MT20 24 Weight: 76 lb 6 3x6 25 7 [Jl f j 6x6 GRIP 220/195 FT= 20% LUMBER- TOPCHORD BOT CHORD WEBS SLIDER 2X4 OF No.1 &Bir G 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-2-10 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G-2-0-0 REACTIONS. (size) 7=0-3-8, 2=0-3-8 Max Horz 2=54(LC 11) Max Grav 7=945(LC 1), 2=1133(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3~3310/26, 3-4=-2352/0, 4-5=-2337 /0, 5-7=-2730/13 BOT CHORD 2-8=-713089, 7-8=0/2517 WEBS 4-8=0/1264, 5-8=-587/100, 3-8=-1057/102 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=Sft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E)-2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 10-0-0, Exterior(2R) 10-0-0 to 13-7-13, lnterior(1) 13-7-13 to 18-8-10 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1 .25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wrth any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other "!embers. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 7, 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) This truss is designed in accordance wrth the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads, A WARNING -Verify design paremete,. and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev. 5119/2020 BEFORE USE Design valid for use only with MiTek~ connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and ls for an Individual bu~ding component. not a truss system. Before use, the buildlng designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and property Incorporate this design into the overall buildlng design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckJing or individual truss web and/or chord members onty. Additional temporary and permanent bracing Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTPl1 Quality crtterta, OSS-89 and SCSI Sul/ding componenr Safftty Inform.non available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf. MD 20601 _J March 24,2022 •• MiTek' MiTek USA. Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue. Suite 270 Rosavil~_,_ CA 95661 "f "-.cl M ,;, cl 1 ,lob J3255-22 M1ss10n Truss, ·2-0-0 2-0-0 Truss T02G Lakeside, CA • 92040, 5-0-0 5-0-0 Truss Type SCISSORS 10-0-0 5-0-0 Qty Ply R70177665 Job Reference (option~ 8530s0ec 62021 Milek Industries, Inc WedMar2312·13312022 Page1 ID.NrWKUOXGZ5u0Zd71ZZ><4bAzYRHt-huKuJnaFwPrHn_zwctGk3LxZZMKLZqWlgfzm3BzY2z2 15-0-0 18-0-15 5-0-0 3-0-15 Scale z 1342 500 12 18 17 16 ~ 2 . -- 3x8 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-[2:0-3-0,0-1-8], [7:0-2-4,0-0-~ LOADING (psi) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018fTPl2014 3x4 19 2 50 12 10-0-0 10-0-0 CSI. TC 0.71 BC 0.66 WB 0.52 Matrix-MS 20 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) 4x8 8 6x8 in -0.18 -0.71 0.23 (loc) 8-15 8-15 7 Vden >999 >307 nla 21 Ud 240 180 nla 22 18-0-15 8-0-15 23 2x4 5 PLATES MT20 24 Weight: 74 lb 3x6 6 7 -f -. J 5x8 GRIP 220/195 25 FT= 20% LUMBER- TOPCHORD BOT CHORD WEBS SLIDER 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF No. 1 &Bir G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING• TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-3-12 oc purtins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Right 2x4 OF Stud/Std -G-1-6-0 REACTIONS. (size) 7=0-3-8, 2=0-3-8 Max Horz 2=53(LC 11) Max Grav 7=912(LC 1), 2=1100(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-3160/50, 3-4=-2190/0, 4-5=·2167/0, 5-7=-2252/35 BOT CHORD 2-8=-36/2949, 7-8=-10/2024 WEBS 4-8=0/1134, 5-8~310/194, 3-8~1066/106 NOTES· 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) \Mnd: ASCE 7-16; Vutt=110mph (3-second gust) Vasdz87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25fl; B=45fl; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C·C Exterior(2E)-2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 10-0-0, Exterior(2R) 10-0-0 to 13-7-13, lnterior(1) 13-7-13 to 18·0-15 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will frt between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 7, 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSlfTPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capactty of bearing surface. 7) This truss is designed in accordance wi1h the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSlfTPI 1. 8) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. ,A WARNING. Vtrify clnlgn poi.meters and READ NOTES ON THIS ANO fNClUOEO MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mlf-7'73 rev 5119/2020 8EFORE USE Design valid for use only with Mil eke coMectors. This design Is based ooty upon parame1ers shown, and is for an individual bulfding component, not a truss system. Before use, the building <Mslgner must verify the applicability of design parameters and property incorporate this design Into the overal building design. Bracing indicated is to prevent buckllng of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing is always required tor stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal ki}ury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabficlltton, storage, delivery, erection and brecing of trusses and truss systems. see ANSVTPlt Qu•llty em.rt., OS8~9 and SCSI Building Component S.tety lnform.tton available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 c,a,n Htghway. Suite 203 waldorl. MO 20601 March 24,2022 •• Milek' MfTok USA. Inc 400 sunrise Avenue. Suite 270 Roseville, CA 95661 .. ~ -~ .., C) ~ '.'!: Job Truss l Truss Type Qty Ply 13255-22 T02H Mission Truss, Lakeside, CA -92040, SCISSORS R70177666 Job Reference (opt1onall_ -2-0-0 5-0-0 2-0-0 5-0-0 +-10-0-0 5-0-0 8 530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc Wed Mar 23 12 13·32 2022 Page 1 ID NrV'IKUOXGZ5uDZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-94uHW7alhjz8P7Y7AanzbZUIAmgzlHcSuJjKbdzY2z1 15-0-0 17-5-4 5-0-0 2-5-4 Scalez 1331 500 12 3 14 13 12 3x8 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-[2:0-1-14,0-0-5], [7:0-3-4,0-1-8] LOADING {psi) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21 .0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018rrPl2014 3x4 15 !'.1- 2 50 12 10-0-0 10-0-0 CSI. TC 0.66 BC 0.64 WB 0.53 Matrix-MS 16 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) 4x8 4 r' 1¥ --:--i---8 6x8 in -0.17 -0.64 0.20 (loc) 8-11 8-11 7 Vdefl >999 >322 n/a 17 Ud 240 180 n/a 18 17-5-4 7.5-4 5 PLATES MT20 4x12 19 Weight: 74 lb 20 3x4 6 I l ~ , 1 3x8 GRIP 220/195 FT= 20% LUMBER- TOPCHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-8-6 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 2=0-3-8, 7=0-3-8 Max Herz 2=63(LC 11) Max Grav 2=1 060(LC 1), 7=872(LC 1) FORCES. (lb)• Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2987/80, 3-4=-1989/12, 4-5=-1983121, 5-6=-279/0, 6-7=-336/0 BOT CHORD 2-8=-8312788, 7-8=-62/1597 WEBS 4-8=0/1024, 5-8=-99/367, 3-8=-1084/114, 5-7=-1712/112 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) \Nind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph: TCDLs8.4psf: BCDLs6.0psf: h=25fl: 8=4511; L=37ft; eaves5ft: Cat. II; Exp B: Enclosed, MIIIIFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E)-2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 10-0-0, Exterior(2R) 10-0-0 to 13-7-13, lnterior(1) 13-7-13 to 17-3-8 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will frt between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 2, 7 considers parallel to grain value using ANSlrrPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) This truss is designed in accordance wtth the 2018 lntematlonal Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSlrrPI 1. 8) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. A WARNING• Ve<ffy dfflgn parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS ANO INClUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE MU 7473 rev 5119/2020 BEFORE use Design valid for use only with MIT eke conneeto,1 This des.gn is based onty upon parameters shown, and is tor an indMdual bu~ng component, not a truss system. Before use, the buikling designer must verify the applicabllrty of design paramet«s and property inco<p<>rate this design into the overan buitdlng design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buck.ling of Individual trusa web and/or chord member■ only. Addltionel temporary and permanent bracing Is alwaya required for stabHity and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabncallon, storage, deliver,, erection and bracing of trusus and truss 1y1tem1, see ANSVTPl1 Qualhy Crtt.rta, DSB..,9 and SCSI Building Component Saf.iy lnformlltion available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 W.ldorf, MO 20601 March 24,2022 •• MiTek· MiTok USA. Inc. 400 Sunnse Avenue, Suite 270 Roseville, CA 95661 ,._ 0 ~ l \i " ~ Truss -~Qty ~Ply Truss Type SCISSORS R70177667 '!J3255-22 T02J Mission Truss, Lakeside, CA • 92040, -2-0-0 5-0-0 2-0-0 5-0-0 Job Reference (optional) 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc Wed Mar 2312·13:33 2022 Page 1 ID:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-dGSfkTbVS1571 H7 JjllC8m 1w8A0L 1 knb7zSt83zY2z0 10-0-0 ~ + 16-9-9 5-0-0 5-0-0 1-9-9 Scale, 3/8"= 1' 5.00 12 14 13 3x8 Pla1e Offsets ~2:0-1-14,0-0-5] LOADING (psi) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep S1ress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018fTPI2014 15 3x4 3 -l::.t 2,50 12 10-0-0 --10-0-0 CSI. TC 0.64 BC 0.63 WB 0.54 Matrix-MS 16 DEFL Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) 4x6 4 [ I , f .,.. J 8 5x10 f- in (loc) Udell -0.17 8-11 >999 -0.63 8-11 >319 0.17 7 n/a Ud 240 180 nta 17 16-9-9 6-9-9 16 4x12 PLATES MT20 5 Weight: 71 lb 2x4 19 6 jl"'!, ,': ~ 3x6 GRIP 220/195 FT= 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF No.1 &Bir G 2X4 OF No.1 &Bir G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood shea1hing directly applied or 3-10-11 oc purlins. except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 2=0-3-8, 7=0-3-8 Max Horz 2=64(LC 11) Max Grav 2=1028(LC 1), 7=839(LC 1) FORCES. (lb). Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2839/102, 3-4=-1828/30, 4-5=-1833/38 BOT CHORD 2-8=-113/2650, 7-8=-69/1079 WEBS 4-8=0/899, 5-8=0/659, 3-8=-1095/117, 5-7=-1426/130 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for 1his design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25fl; 8=4511; L=37fl; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Ex1erior(2E) -2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-210 10-0-0, Ex1erior(2R) 10-0-0 10 13-7-13, lnterior(1) 13-7-13 to 16-7-13 zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wtth any o1her live loads. 4) • This 1russ has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 2, 7 considers parallel to grain value using ANSlfTPI 1 angle 10 grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) This truss is designed in accordance wtth the 2018 lntema1ional Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located a1 all mid panels and at all panel points along 1he Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any o1her live loads. £WARNING . Ve<ify design parameters end READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev 5119/2020 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use onty with Milek® connectors. This design ls based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an indlvidual building component. not a truu system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members onty. Additional temporary and permanent bracing is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with pouible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrtcatlon, storage, delivery, eredlon and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTP/1 Qu•lity Crlterl•. DSB.a9 and SCSI Bulldlng Component S.rety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf, MO 20601 March 24,2022 111· Milek' Milek USA, Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue, Sui1e 270 Roseville, CA 95661 I~ 9 ~ 0 ! Truss ~Truss Type Qty Ply T Job 13255-22 c---'l=~~--=Jo"'b'="'R~ef"e"'re°'-nce ~n~ R70177668 Mission Truss, -2-0-0 2-0-0 T02K Lakeside, CA -92040, 5-0-0 5-0-0 SCISSORS 10-0-0 5-0-0 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc Wed Mar 23 12:13·33 2022 Page 1 ID:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71 Zzx4bAzYRHt-dGSfl<TbVS 15?1 H7 Jj IIC8m 1 xMAOV1 khb 7zSt83zY2zO + ~s:: -+ 11~~~~1; 1 Scale • 1 :32 4 5.00 12 14 13 12 2 ----;i .l 1 ~ 1 ,---; 3x8 Plate Offsets _tX,Y)-(2:0-1-14,0-0-§1, (5:0-8-3,Edge) LOADING (psi) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip OOL 1.25 TCOL 21 .0 Lumber OOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES BCOL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TPl2014 3 3x4 15 -[.:J. 2.50 12 10-0-0 ·10-0.0 CSI. TC 0.63 BC 0.62 WB 0.54 Matrix-MS 16 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) 4x8 4 rJ[ 17 18 19 4* 8x18 M18SHS -. 5 6 8 '~: 5x10 /:. 3x6 +-16-1-15 6-1-15 in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP -0.17 8-11 >999 240 MT20 220/195 -0.61 8-11 >313 180 M18SHS 220/195 0.15 7 n/a n/a Weight: 69 lb FT= 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF No.1 &Bir G 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-1 1-15 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 2=0-3-8, 7=0-3-8 Max Horz 2=66(LC 11) Max Grav 2=996(LC 1 ), 7=806(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2683/121, 3-4=-1666/45, 4-5~1672/53, 6-7~115/453 BOT CHORD 2-8=-141/2515, 7-8=-62/684 WEBS 4-8=01789, 5-8=0/868, 3-8~1108/123, 5-7=-1359/153 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E) -2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 10-0-0, Exterior(2R) 10-0-0 to 13-7-13, lnterior(1) 13-7-13 to 16-0-3 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber OOL=1.25 plate grip OOL=1.25 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 7) Bearing at joint(s) 2, 7 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should ver~y capacity of bearing surface. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 9) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. A, WARNING -Verify degign parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS ANO INCLUOE.O MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll•7◄73 rev 5/19/2020 BEFORE USE Design valid fOf use only with MiTek® connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of destgn parameters and property incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing rndicated Is to prevent buckling of indiVidual truss web andlor chord members onty. Addltional temporary and permanent bracing is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and propeny damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication. storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems. see ANSVTPl1 Qualtry Crtterl•, DSB-89 and BCSJ Building Component Saf«y Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf. MD 20601 March 24,2022 1111· MiTek' l Milek USA Inc. 400 Sunrtse Avenue, Suite 270 __Rosevil!!, Cl', 95661 ~ 0 ~ 1 Truss Truss Type Ply i,;o R70177669 \3255-22 T02L GABLE Job Reference (optional) Mission Truss, Lakesile, CA -92040, 8,530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Mar 2312:13·35 2022 Page 1 ID:NrVVKUOXGZ5uDZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-ZfZP99dm_eljGbHirjKgDB6HqzllVbKuaHx_CyzY2z_ -2-0-0 5-0-0 f-2-0-0 5-0-0 10-0-0 +-15-0-0 _____jlli 5-0-0 5-0-0 ~-3 Scale = 1 :31.6 MT 1.5x3 ON EACH FACE OF BOTH ENDS OF UN-PLATED MEMBERS OR EQUIVALENT CONNECTION BY OTHERS. 5.00 12 3x4 28 29 20 22 19 .... 21 1, t~. :t __ '. 5x10 3x6 3x4 3 1 .. _, 1;.::;l 2.50 12 10-0-0 10-0-0 23 r: 24 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-[2: 1-3-7,0-5-1], [2:0-11-3,0-1-8], [2:0-0-12,0-2-6], [4:0-2-0,0-0-8], [6:0-7-4,0-2-4] LOADING (psf) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 • Rep Stress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TPl2014 CSI. TC 0.63 BC 0.44 W8 0.73 Matrix-MS OEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) ,) in 0.00 0.09 0.01 (loc) 1 1 6 4x8 - 7x10 1/defl n/r n/r n/a Ud 120 120 n/a 25 26 r , L"I 15-6-3 5~3 PLATES MT20 27 Weight: 102 lb 1~ 5 . --t -- 6 7x10 GRIP 220/195 FT= 20% LUMBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS OTHERS 2X4 DF No.1 &Bir G 2X6 OF SS G BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purllns, except end verticals. 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. All bearings 15-6-3. (lb)· Max Horz 2=92(LC 11) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 2, 6 Max Grav All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) except 2=797(LC 1), 6=280(LC 31 ), 7=1183(LC 1 ), 2=797(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3~937/138, 3-4=-110/708, 4-5=-107/705, S-6~268/94 BOT CHORD 2-7=-158/886 WEBS 4-7=-887/153, 3-7=-1452/260, S-7~646/129 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E)-2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 10-0-0, Exterior(2R) 10-0-0 to 13-7-13, lnterior(1) 13-7-13 to 15-4-7 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 7) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wrth any other live loads. 8) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will rn between the bottom chord and any other members. 9) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 10) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of wrthstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 2, 6, 2. 11) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface wrth truss chord at joint(s) 6, 7. 12) This truss is designed in accordance wrth the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 13) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent wrth any other live loads. 14) No notches allowed in overhang and 20000 from left end and O from right end or 12" along rake from scarf, whichever is larger. Minimum 1.5x4 tie plates required at 2-0-0 o.c. maximum between the stacking chords. For edge-wise notching, provide at least one tie plate between each notch. ,A_ WARNING -Verify design paremete,. and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUOEOMITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev. 5119/2020 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MIT eke connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown. and Is for an individual building component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and property incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members onty. Addi1ional temporary and permanent bracing is always required for stability and to prevent collapse wi1h possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery. erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems. see ANSVTPl1 Quatlty Crlterl•, DSB..S9 and BCSI Bulldlnr, Compon•nt Sfflty Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway. Suite 203 Waldorf, MO 20601 March 24,2022 1111· Milek' Milek USA, Inc. 400 sunrise Avenue, Suite 270 --~Roseville_. CA 95661 1 - ·Truss Ply Job 13255-22 Truss Type Scissor Qty 4 R70177670 T03 Mission Truss, Lakeside, CA -92040, -2-0-0 2-0-0 -+-5-3-0 5-3-0 Job Reference [optional) 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc Wed Mar 2312·13·35 2022 Page 1 IO:NrWKUOXGZSuOZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-ZfZP99dm_eljGbHirjKgOB6KvzmOVjuuaHx_CyzY2z_ I 10-6-0 12-6-0 1 5-3-0 2-0-0 Scale: 1/2"=1' 5.00 12 14 13 \ . l 7 3x6 LOADING (psf) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TPl2014 15 2.50 12 5-3-0 5-3-0~---- CSI. TC 0.43 BC 0.33 WB 0.24 Matrix-MS 4x8 3 l l' l / + 6 5x8 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) 16 17 18 { ~ 1 ' ~ ' 3x6 10-6-0 5-3-0 in (loc) I/dell Ud PLATES GRIP -0.05 6-9 >999 240 MT20 2201195 -0.14 6-9 >932 180 0.06 4 nla n/a Weight: 37 lb FT= 20% LUMBER- TOPCHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOPCHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-1-12 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 2=0-3-8, 4=0-3-8 Max Horz 2~34(LC 10) Max Grav 2=704(LC 1), 4=704(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1359134, 3-4=-1359131 BOT CHORD 2-6=011256, 4-6=0/1256 WEBS 3-6=01595 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vutt=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; 8=4511; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B: Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E) -2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 5-3-0, Exterior(2R) 5-3-0 to 8-10-13, lnterior(1) 8-10-13 to 12-6-1 1 zone: cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL= 1.25 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 2, 4 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verffy capacity of bearing surface. 7) This truss is designed in accordance wtth the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. A_ WARNING· Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE MU~7473 re\/ 5119/2020 BEFORE USE Design valid fo, use only with MiTek® connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an indMdual building component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the appHcability or design parameters and property incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckJlng of lndMdual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing is always required ror stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage, For general guidance regarding the fabrication. storage. delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTPl1 Qualhy Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Building component Safety lnformatlon available from Truss Plate lnstihrte, 2670 Crain Hlghway-, Suite 203 Waldorf, MD 20601 March 24,2022 m1· Milek' MITek USA, Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 270 Roseville, CA 95661 ~ 5'. 1-;:t 5 { {ob \'3255-22 Truss Truss Type GABLE Qty Ply R70177671 Job Refer_ence (oetiona~ Mission Truss, T03GE Lakeside, CA • 92040, -2-0-0 8 530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries. Inc. Wed Mar 23 12 13 36 2022 Page 1 ID Nr\NKUOXGZ5uDZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-2r7nMVdOlyTaulruPQrvmPfTLN8mECf2pxhXJOzY2yz 5-3-0 5-3-0 1= 12-6-0 2-0-0 5-3-0 2-0-0 MT 1.5x3 ON EACH FACE OF BOTH ENDS OF UN-PLATED MEMBERS OR EQUIVALENT CONNECTION BY OTHERS. 4x12 5 00 12 3x4 15 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-[2:0-4-4,0-2-0], (4:0-4-4,0-2-0] LOADING (psf) SPACING-2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 21.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2018/TP12014 2x4 16 10 5-3-0 5-3-0 CSI. TC 0.45 BC 0.20 V\/8 0.08 Matrix-S 2x4 4x8 2x4 2x4 ~ . 1'· .. J 8 2x4 ~ DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) in (loc) 0.00 4 -0.02 5 0.00 4 2x4 17 t. ~ 6 10-6-0 5-3-0 Vdefl nlr nlr nla Ud 120 120 nla 3x4 18 ~' 4x12 PLATES MT20 Weight: 56 lb GRIP 220/195 Scale • 1 25 1 FT= 20% LUMBER· TOP CHORD BOT CHORD INEBS OTHERS 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF No.1 &Btr G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G 2X4 OF Stud/Std G BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purtins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. All bearings 10-6-0. (lb)· Max Horz 2=-31 (LC 10) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 2, 4, 9, 7 Max Grav All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 1 0, 9, 7, 6 except 2=4 75(LC 29), 4=4 73(LC 31 ). 8=465(LC 30) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. INEBS 3-8=-429192 NOTES· 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vutt=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; Ls37ft; eave=2ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Comer(3E) -2-0-11 to 1-7-2, Exterior(2N) 1-7-2 to 5-3-0, Comer(3R) 5-3-0 to 8-10-13, EX1erior(2N) 8-10-13 to 12-6-11 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1 .25 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (nonnal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consutt qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 6) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. 7) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will frt between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 2, 4, 9, 7. 1 O) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2018 International Building Code section 2306 1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 11) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. 12) No notches allowed in overhang and 20000 from left end and 20000 from right end or 12" along rake from scart, whichever is larger. Minimum 1.5x4 tie plates required at 2-0-0 o.c. maximum between the stacking chords. For edge-wise notching, provide at least one tie plate between each notch. ,A_ WARNING Vefifydnlgn panunoters ond READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 re11 5119/2020 BEFORE USE OeMQn valid fot use onty with Mt Take connectors. This des,On is based oNy upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component, not a truu system Before use. the buakhng designer must verify the applicabtllty of desfgn parameters and properly Incorporate this design into the overal bulkflng design, Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buclding of indMdual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing it always required for stability and to prevent coHapte with possibte personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabnc.tton, storage. deUvlfY. erection and bracing of trunes and truss sy1tems. see ANSVTPl1 Ou•Jtry Crtterla, DSB-89 •nd SCSI Bulldlng Component s«-,y Information avaHable from Truss Plaie Institute. 2670 Cram Highway. SUite 203 Wakk>ff. MD 20601 March 24,2022 •• Milek· Milek USA. Inc. 400 Sunrise Avenue. SUite 270 Rosevl1e,CA95&61 Job 13255-22 Truss Truss Type Scissor Qty 3 Ply " R70177672 1 T04 Job Reference (Qet,onal) Mission Truss Lakeside, CA• 92040, -2-0--0 2-0-0 2-6-0 2-6-0 8.530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries Inc Wed Mar 2312·13 48 2022 Page 1 ID Nr\i\lKUOXGZ5uDZd71 Zzx4bAzYRHt-h9sKtbnwwe _tKbmC6x3jFw8b8DEJ 1 etpapbA9,zY2yn + 5-0-0 6-11-7 2-6-0 1-11-7 Plate Offsets (X, Y)- LOADING (psl) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 21.0 BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER- 5.00 12 15 14 13 3x6 2.50 12 ~-2 0-0-2 2-5-14 2-6-0 (2:0-1-10,0-0-7], (3:0-2-~dge], (4:0-1-10,Q:Q-7] SPACING-2-0-0 CSI. Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.21 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.21 Rep Stress Iner YES W8 0.00 Code IBC2018/TPl2014 Matrix-MR 3x4 3 -l , 6 3x6 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) 16 --- 4-11-14 2-5-14 in -0.02 -0.04 0.02 (loc) 6 6 4 17 f 3x6 Vdefl >999 >999 n/a .. 4 1 .... ' s.q-0 0-0-2 Ud 240 180 n/a 18 PLATES MT20 Weight: 21 lb 5 GRIP 220/195 Scale s 1.176 FT= 20% TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.1 &Bir G BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.1 &Bir G BRACING- TOPCHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 2=0-3-4, 4=0-3-4 Max Horz 2=21(LC 11) Max Uplift 2~9(LC 12). 4=-8(LC 12) Max Grav 2=492(LC 31), 4=489(LC 35) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-535/0, 3-4=-534/0 BOT CHORD 2-6=0/491, 4-6=0/491 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=Sft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed: MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E)-2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 2-6-0, Exterior(2R) 2-6-0 to 6-1-13, lnterlor(1) 6-1-13 to 7-0-2 zone; cantilever lert and right exposed ; end vertical lert and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will frt between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) Bearing at Joint(s) 2, 4 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of wtthstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 2, 4. 8) This truss is designed In accordance wtth the 2018 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 9) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Ch0<d, nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. A WARNING• Verify design perame,.,. and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev 5119/2020 BEFORE use Design valid for use only with MiTeke connecto,1. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an lndMdual buYding component, not a truss system Before uu, the building designer must verify the appklbUity of du'°n parameters and property Incorporate this de5'gn into the overal buikhng design. Bracing indicated 1110 prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord member• only. Additional temporary and penn■nent bracing 11 always required for stab~ity and 10 prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, d~ivery, erection and bracing of trusaes and truss systems. see ANSVTPl1 Qu,llty Crfterl•, DSB-19 and SCSI Building Component Saf«y lnform«ion avalable from Truss Plate Institute. 2670 Cram Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf. MO 20601 March 24,2022 •• Milek' MiTek USA. Inc. ◄00 Sunrile Avenue. Suite 270 Rosevil~, CA 95661 ' ' Truss ~ russ Type Qty Ply /ob \13255-22 R70177673 Mission Truss, T04GE Lakeside, CA -92040, f----2-0-0 2-0-0 Scissor 2-6-0 2-6-0 ~Job Reference (optional) 8 530 s Dec 6 2021 MiTek Industries, Inc, Wed Mar 2312·13:56 2022 Page 1 10:NrWKUOXGZ5uDZd71Zzx4bAzYRHt-ShLLZKtx15?kHpNkadCbZcUy7R?svGs_P2XbREzY2yf ;~ +-~~~ Scale= 1:17.7 Plate Offsets (X, Y)- LOADING (psi) TCLL 20.0 TCDL 21.0 BCLL 0.0 • BCDL 10.0 LUMBER- 5.00 12 2 3x4 (3:0-2-0,Edgej SPACING-2-0-0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 Lumber DOL 1.25 Rep Stress Iner YES Code IBC2018/TP12014 8 9 2.50 12 2-6-0 2-6-0 r CSI. TC 0.21 BC 0.11 WB 0.00 Matrix-R 3x4 3 r!l n~ 6 3x4 DEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) 10 11 4 [ -) 12 5 3x4 5-0-0 2-6-0 in (loc) 1/defl Lid PLATES GRIP 0.00 4 n/r 120 MT20 220/195 -0.05 5 n/r 120 0.00 4 n/a n/a Weight: 21 lb FT = 20% TOP CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G BOT CHORD 2X4 OF No.1&Btr G BRACING• TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (size) 2=5-0-0, 6=5-0-0, 4=5-0-0 Max Horz 2=21(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-48(LC 12), 4=-48(LC 12) Max Grav 2=467(LC 29), 6=166(LC 30), 4=467(LC 31) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-394/74, 3-4=-394/74 BOT CHORD 2-6=0/338, 4-6=0/338 NOTES· 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-16; Vult=110mph (3-second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=8.4psf; BCDL=6.0psf; h=25ft; B=45ft; L=37ft; eave=5ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Enclosed; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2E) -2-0-11 to 1-7-2, lnterior(1) 1-7-2 to 2-6-0, Exterior(2R) 2-6-0 to 6-1-13, lnterior(1) 6-1-13 to 7-0-11 zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.25 plate grip DOL=1.25 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent wtth any other live loads. 5) • This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will frt between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of wtthstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 2, 4. 8) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) 6. 9) This truss is designed in accordance wtth the 2018 lntemational Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 10) This truss has been designed for a moving concentrated load of 250.0lb live located at all mid panels and at all panel points along the Top Chord, nonconcurrent with any other live loads. A WARNING . Verify design parameter$ and READ NOTES ON THIS ANO INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE Mll-74'73 rev, 5/19/2020 BEFORE USE Design vaHd fo, use only with Milek® connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual building component, not a truss system, Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and property incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent budding of indMdual truss web andfor chord members only, Additional temporary and pem,anenl bracing is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, see ANSVTPl1 Quality Criteria, OSS-19 and SCSI Building Component S•fefy Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203 Waldorf, MO 20601 March 24,2022 Mli. Milek· MrTek USA, Inc. -400 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 270 J... Rosevftle~ CA 95661 ~ ., ,J, 0 . ,. Symbols PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION -► ◄ 1 3,4" Center plate on joint unless x, y offsets are indicated. ~ Dimensions are in ft-in-sixteenths. Apply plates to both sides of truss and fully embed teeth. o-11s" For 4 x 2 orientation, locate plates 0-~11/' from outside edge of truss. This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in connector plates. * Plate location details available in MiTek 20/20 software or upon request. PLATE SIZE 4x4 The first dimension is the plate width measured perpendicular to slots. Second dimension is the length parallel to slots. LATERAL BRACING LOCATION ?) Indicated by symbol shown and/or by text in the bracing section of the output. Use T or I bracing if indicated. BEARING Indicates location where bearings (supports) occur. Icons vary but reaction section indicates joint number where bearings occur. Min size shown is for crushing only. Industry Standards: ANSI/TPl1: National Design Specification for Metal DSB-89: BCSI: Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction. Design Standard for Bracing. Building Component Safety Information, Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. Numbering System 0 o:'. D 0-' I u u 0.. 0 I- 8 6-4-8 1 dimensions shown in ft-in-sixteenths (Drawings not to scale) 2 3 TOP CHORDS _.El BOTTOM CHORDS 7 6 5 0 o:'. 0 I u 0.. 0 I- JOINTS ARE GENERALLY NUMBERED/LETTERED CLOCKWISE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED BY END JOINT NUMBERS/LETTERS. PRODUCT CODE APPROVALS ICC-ES Reports: ESR-1311, ESR-1352, ESR1988 ER-3907, ESR-2362, ESR-1397, ESR-3282 Trusses are designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss unless otherwise shown. Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. © 2012 MiTek® All Rights Reserved MiTek Engineering Reference Sheet: Mll-7473 rev. 5/19/2020 ~ General Safety Notes Failure to Follow Could Cause Property Damage or Personal Injury 1. Additional stability bracing for truss system, e.g. diagonal or X-bracing, is always required. See SCSI. 2. Truss bracing must be designed by an engineer. For wide truss spacing, individual lateral braces themselves may require bracing, or altemative Tor I bracing should be considered. 3. Never exceed the design loading shown and never stack materials on inadequately braced trusses. 4. Provide copies of this truss design to the building designer, erection supervisor, property owner and all olher interested parties. 5. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. 6. Place plates on each face of truss at each joint and embed fully. Knots and wane at joint locations are regulated by ANSI/TPI 1. 7. Design assumes trusses will be suitably protected from the environment in accord with ANSI/TPI 1. 8. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber shall not exceed 19% at time of fabrication. 9. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant, preservative treated, or green lumber. 10. Camber is a non~structural consideration and is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to camber for dead load deflection. 11. Plate type, size, orientation and location dimensions indicated are minimum plating requirements. 12. Lumber used shall be of the species and size, and in all respects, equal to or better than that specified. 13. Top chords must be sheathed or purtins provided at spacing indicated on design. 14. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. 15. Connections not shown are the responsibility of others. 16. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of an engineer. 17. Install and load vertically unless indicated otherwise. 18. Use of green or treated lumber may pose unacceptable environmental, health or performance risks. Consult with project engineer before use. 19. Review all portions of this design (front, back, words and pictures) before use. Reviewing pictures alone is not sufficient. 20. Design assumes manufacture in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 Quality Criteria. 21.The design does not take into account any dynamic or other loads other than those expressly stated. 10-06-00 T03GE --"I ~ Cl \ T02 \\ \ T02 \\ T02 w .lo '-~' 0 T02 / "\\~O ~ ((', T02 I~_ 1To2 ~~ T02 ~ \ 20-00-00 ::::- ci N I- T02B / T02B / / iii / :;;' N / Cl w I-Cl 0 TO~ m "' ... ... ... .... 0 0 0 1l: 0 I-I I-I-CD 0 I en V ~ T" / ~ I/ " / ' V -ALL HANGERS SPECIFIED SIMPSON OR EQUAL NOTE: ABOVE PLACEMENT PLAN PROVIDED FOR TRUSS PLACEMENT ONLY. REFER TO TRUSS -ALL BEAMS & CONVENTIONAL ROOF FRAMING BY OTHERS CALCULATIONS AND ENGINEERED STRUCTURAL DRAIMNGS FOR ALL FURTHER INFORMATION -ALL WALLS AT VAULT/CATHEDRAL AREAS BALLOON BUILDING DESIGNER/ENGINEER OF RECORD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL NON TRUSS TO TRUSS. FRAME/RAKE TO TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD U.N.O. CONNECTIONS. BUILDING DESIGNER/ENGINEER OF RECORD TO REVIEW AND APPROVE OF ALL -REFER TO TRUSS ENGINEERING FOR DESIGNS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. LOADING AND REACTION INFORMATION ALL DESIGNS ARE PROPERTY OF MISSION TRUSS. -ALL TRUSSES ARE CAMBERED FOR DEAD LOAD DEFLECTION ALL DESIGNS ARE NULL AND VOID IF NOT FABRICATED BY MISSION TRUSS. ROOF PITCH: 5:12 U.N.O. HEEL HEIGHT: 4 1/16" U.N.O. l:S:SUt:UAft:· Jago Residence 3-23-22 MiSSiON,~,'CRUSS CEILING PITCH: 2.5:12 TAIL LENGTH: 24" U.N.O. t<t;Vl:>IUN 1' DZN PARTNERS REVISION 2: ADDITON TAIL SIZE: 2x4 U.N.O. CARLSBAD TRUSS SPACING: 24" U.N.O. REVISION 3· ~ESIGNED BY'1 13255-22 . JF • Geotechnical • Geologic • Coastal • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 9201 0 • (760} 438-3155 • FAX (760} 931-0915 • www.geosoilsinc.com DATE: MEMORANDUM August 17, 2022 Ed and Christine Jago c/o DZN Partners 682 2nd Street Encinitas, California, 92024 W.O. 8384-A-SC Attention: Ms. Meaghan Lawler, A.I.A. From: Robert G. Crisman, CEG 1934 Stephen J. Coover, GE 2057 SUBJECT: 2nd Geotechnical Plan Review, Jago ADU, 1079 Seahorse Court, Carlsbad, California 92011 References: 1. "Structural Plans, Notes, and Details for: Jago ADU, Street Address, City," Sheets S0.1, S0.2, S0.3, S1, S2, SD1, Job No. 22-320, dated March 14, 2022 by HTK Structural Engineers, LLC. 2. "Geotechnical Plan Review, Jago ADU, 1079 Seahorse Court, Carlsbad, California 92011 ," W.O. 8384-A-SC, dated August 15, 2022, by GeoSoils, Inc. 3. "Limited Geotechnical Investigation, Planned Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) Construction at 1079 Seahorse Court, Carlsbad, California 92011 , APN 214-530-44-00," W.O. 8384-A-SC, dated July 21, 2022, by GeoSoils, Inc. In accordance with your request, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) has reviewed the structural plans, notes, and details prepared by HTK Structural Engineers, LLC (HTK) (see Reference No. 1) with respect to the intent of the geotechnical report by GSI (see Reference No. 3) and a recent plan review issued by GSI on August 15, 2022 (Reference No. 2). GSl's scope of services included a review of the referenced documents, engineering and geologic analysis, and preparation of this memorandum report. Unless specifically superceded in the text of this memorandum, the conclusions and recommendations presented in the referenced report by GSI (see Reference No. 3) remain valid and applicable. Based on our review of the referenced plans (Reference No. 1 ), the plans are in accordance with the intent of the geotechnical report (Reference No. 3) and the plan review memorandum (Reference No. 2), with the following comments presented below: 1. Concrete Note No. 2, shown on Sheet S0.1 of Reference No. 1 indicates minimum concrete compressive strengths for slabs and footings. As indicated in Reference No. 3, a water/cemeCBti le20~; f 5 qr n of • 0 • r:ioisture vapor transmission through concrete. 2. Foundation depths/embedments shown on Details 1, 3, and 4 included on Sheet SD1 of Reference No. 1 should be considered as minimums. A deeper footing may be recommended based on soil conditions exposed within any foundation excavation. 3. From Reference No. 3: "Loose or compressible materials appear to occur at the surface, overlying suitable bearing material. At a minimum, any slab subgrade should be moisture conditioned, then compacted (proof-rolled or tamped) to at least 90 percent relative compaction per ASTM D 1557, and to at least the soils optimum moisture content. Compactive effort should be applied to the exposed subgrade before any foundation excavation work is performed." 4. New footing excavations should be observed by this office prior to setting reinforcing steel in order to evaluate the existing soil conditions exposed with respect to adequate embedment into suitable bearing soil. 5. It should be noted that while the plans (Reference No. 1) are dated March 14, 2022, the plans appear to have been modified to include review comments/recommendations provided in the review memorandum by GSI (Reference No. 2), dated August 15, 2022. The conclusions and recommendations presented herein are professional opinions. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no warranty is express or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. GSI assumes no responsibility or liability for work or testing performed by others, or their inaction, or work performed when GSI is not requested to be onsite, to evaluate if our recommendations have been properly implemented. Use of this report constitutes an agreement and consent by the user to all the limitations outlined above, notwithstanding any other agreements that may be in place. In addition, this report may be subject to review by the controlling authorities. Distribution: Addressee (Electronic PDF Copy) Ed & Christine Jago 7165 Aviara Drive, Carlsbad GeoSoils, Inc. '"""'\ 2\83 W.O. 8384-A-SC August 17, 2022 Page 2 ' • Geotechnical • Geologic • Coastal • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92010 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 • www.geosoilsinc.com Ed and Christine Jago c/o DZN Partners 682 2nd Street Encinitas, California, 92024 July 21 , 2022 Attention: Ms. Meaghan Lawler, A.I.A. W. 0. 8384-A-SC Subject: Limited Geotechnical Investigation, Planned Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) Construction at 1079 Seahorse Court, Carlsbad, California 92011 , APN 214-530-44-00 Dear Ms. Lawler: In accordance with your request, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) has preformed a limited subsurface investigation and obtained representative samples of site soil for laboratory testing. The purpose of our testing was to evaluate allowable bearing value for the proposed attached ADU. The scope of our services includes a site reconnaissance, review of geologic maps and literature contained in our in-house library, limited subsurface investigation, soil sampling, a review of documents presented in the Appendix (References), laboratory testing , engineering analyses, and preparation of this report. This summary report has been prepared for the sole purpose of providing evaluations of the allowable bearing value, the lateral earth pressures (active and passive), the frictional sliding component, and the seismic design parameters. This does not include an evaluation of the overall stability of the property that will receive the proposed development, as that would have been performed and accepted by the governing authorities, prior to original site development. PREVIOUS WORK Based on our review, the subject site is Lot 81 of the Costa do Sol subdivision. Grading of the subdivision, including the site, generally occurred during October through December 1995, with observation and testing services provided by GSI (1995, 1996b). Based on our review of GSI (1995 , 1996b), Lot 81 was built as a "cut" lot, exposing very low expansive (Expansion Index [E.I.] less than 21) formational deposits of silty sand. Additionally, M.J. Schiff & Associates, lnc.([MJS&A], 1995) performed a corrosion study at the site, where the soils were classified as corrosive to ferrous metals, aggressive to copper, and deleterious to concrete (high sulfate content-Type V concrete). • FIELD EXPLORATION For this site, two (2) 4-to 6-foot hand-auger borings were excavated below existing surface grades in late June, 2022. The hand-auger borings were placed near the southwest corner of the property, where the proposed ADU is to be placed. Boring HA-1 was placed approximately 15 feet west of the existing structure and 12 feet away from the north side of the proposed ADU. Boring HA-2 was placed near the southeast corner of the proposed ADU's foundation and at the toe of the existing slope that ascends upward to an adjacent offsite fill pad. GEOLOGIC UNITS The earth material units observed and encountered at the subject site consist of surficial undocumented fill/landscaping material overlying Quaternary-age paralic deposits. A general description of each material type is presented as follows, from youngest to oldest. Undocumented Fill (Landscaping Materials) Mantling the site is landscaping material/undocumented fill. The material was encountered in the first half foot, both in HA-1 and HA-2, and was composed of brown silty sand that was moist, loose, and noted to contain roots. It should be noted that cut areas underlie the relatively flat lying building pad areas of the site. Existing compacted/engineered fills, placed with observation and testing services provided by GSI (GSI, 1996b) comprise the adjacent slope that ascends from the pad to an existing offsite building lot. Compacted fills encountered within Boring HA-2 consist of moist and medium dense, brown clayey sand to a depth of about 3½ feet where this fill material overlies formational soil (i.e., silty sand). It is our understanding from a review of the plans that the new ADU will not encroach into the slope area. While it is not anticipated that existing fill will be encountered during construction, should existing fill be encountered, additional recommendations including, but not necessarily limited to deepened footings, or remedial grading may be provided. Parallc Deposits Underlaying the landscaping material/undocumented fill within the existing pad and the documented fill on the existing slope are Quaternary-age paralic deposits, considered formation at this site. The paralic deposits were encountered at a depth of about ½ foot in boring HA-1 and approximately 3½ feet in boring HA-2. Where encountered, the paralic deposits consisted of reddish brown to brown silty sand that was moist and medium dense. Ed and Christine Jago 682 2"d Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21, 2022 Page 2 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were performed on representative samples of site earth materials in order to evaluate their physical characteristics. The results of our testing are summarized as follows: Expansion Index Testing was performed on a representative composite soil sample of the soil column from near the surface, to a depth of about 3½ feet, in general accordance with ASTM D 4829. Test results and the soil's expansion potential are presented in the following table: SAMPLE LOCATION DESCRIPTION EXPANSION INDEX EXPANSION POTENTIAL HA-1 (composite) Reddish Brown, Silty Sand < 21 Verv Low Note: The results of this test appear to be consistent with the findings of GSI (1996b). Particle-Size Analysis A particle-size evaluation was performed on a representative composite soil sample obtained from auger boring HA-1 in general accordance with ASTM D 422-63. The testing was used to evaluate the soil classification in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The results of the particle-size evaluation indicate that the tested soil is a Silty Sand ([USCS Symbol SM]. BEARING VALUE Based on a review of Table 1806.2 of the 2019 California Building Code ([2019 CBC], California Building Standards Commission [CBSC], 2019a), an allowable bearing value of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf} may be assumed for continuous footings, a minimum 12 inches wide and 18 inches deep (below lowest adjacent grade [excluding soft soils, landscape zones, slab and underlayment thickness, etc.]), bearing on suitable, approved soil. This minimum depth assumes that remedial earthwork will be preformed as recommended herein. New footing depths would be based on conditions exposed within the footing excavation. The allowable bearing value may be increased by 20 percent for each additional 12 inches in depth of embedment, into approved suitable bearing soil, to a maximum value of 2,500 psf. The above values may be increased by one-third when considering short duration seismic or wind loads. Differential settlement may be assumed as 1 inch in a 40-foot span, provided the footing bears on suitable, competent and similar earth materials, approved by GSI. Foundations should be designed for all applicable surcharge loads and should consider the inherent corrosive environment. Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21, 2022 Page3 LATERAL PRESSURE Total Lateral Resistance (TLR) for shallow foundations is provided by the friction along the footing bottoms and the passive pressure across footing faces in contact with either fill or natural soil deposits. The TLR is influenced by the depth of the footing and the cohesion (or apparent cohesion) of the soil material. The normal force or dead load on the footing from the overlying structure will influence the amount of frictional resistance. For sands, or predominantly sandy soils, this friction is higher than clay or clayey/silty soils. No direct shear laboratory tests were performed for this earth material on this project. As such, the empirical approach to the TLR and vertical bearing of the soil was derived from an expansion index, sieve analysis, soil(s) description and the use of Table 1806.2 of the 2019 CBC (CBC, 2019a). The TLR for the sandy soils onsite that comprise compacted fill may be taken as an equivalent fluid pressure of 150 pct (150 psf/ft of depth) per foot of depth. This may be added to the frictional resistance of the sandy earth material using a coefficient of 0.25 when multiplied by the normal (dead load) force. When combining the frictional and passive components of the TLR, the passive value should be reduced by one-third (%). The total maximum lateral bearing pressure of 2,000 psf may be used for this site unless further testing and analysis is performed. GSI believes this to be a reasonably conservative value considering the limited site data and testing that was authorized by the project owner. Please note that if foundations for either the main or appurtenant structures are pile or pier supported, the frictional value noted above should be neglected. Active and At-Rest Pressure In accordance with our testing/analysis, and based on a review of Table 1610.1 of the 2019 CBC (CBSC, 2019a), for drained conditions, active earth pressure may be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 45 psf per foot of depth (level backfill) and 55 psf per foot of depth (sloping backfill). At-rest, earth pressure may be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 60 psf per foot of depth for level backfill, and 70 psf per foot of depth for sloping backfill. SEISMIC DESIGN General In the event of an upper bound (maximum probable) or credible earthquake occurring on any of the nearby major faults, strong ground shaking would occur in the subject site's general area. Potential damage to any structure(s) would likely be greatest from the vibrations and impelling force caused by the inertia of a structure's mass than from those induced by the hazards listed above. This potential would be no greater than that for other existing structures and improvements in the immediate vicinity. Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21 , 2022 Page4 .. Seismic Shaking Parameters The following table summarizes the site-specific design criteria obtained from the 2019 CBC, Chapter 16 Structural Design, Section 1613, Earthquake Loads. The computer program Seismic Design Maps, provided by the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD, 2022) has now been used to aid in design (https://seismicmaps.org). The short spectral response uses a period of 0.2 seconds. 2019 CBC SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS PARAMETER VALUE 2019 CBC or REFERENCE Risk Category I, II, or Ill Table 1604.5 Site Class D Section 1613.2.2/Chap. 20 ASCE 7-16 (p. 203-204) Spectral Response -(0.2 sec), s. 1.073 g Section 1613.2.1 Figure 1613.2.1 Spectral Response -(1 sec), S, 0.387 g Section 1613.2.1 Figure 1613.2.1 Site Coefficient, F. 1.071 Table 1613.2.3 Site Coefficient, F. 1.913* Table 1613.2.3 Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral 1.149 Section 1613.2.3 Response Acceleration (0.2 sec), SMs (Eqn 16-36) Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral 0.740* Section 1613.2.3 Response Acceleration (1 sec), SM, (Eqn 16-37) 5% Damped Design Spectral Response 0.766 Section 1613.2.4 Acceleration (0.2 sec), S0s (Eqn 16-38) 5% Damped Design Spectral Response 0.494 Section 1613.2.4 Acceleration (1 sec), S01 (Eqn 16-39) PGAM -Probabilistic Vertical Ground Acceleration may be assumed as about 50% of 0.534g ASCE 7-16 (Eqn 11 .8.1) these values. Seismic Design Category D Section 1613.2.5/ASCE 7-16 (p. 85: Table 11.6-1 or 11.6-2) • Fv = Per Table 11.4-2 of Supplement 1 of ASCE 7-16, this value of Fv may only be used to calculate Ts [that note is not included in Table 1613A.2.3(2)]; also note that S0, and SM, are functions of Fv. In addition, per Exception 2 of 11.4.8 of ASCE 7-16, special equations for Cs are required. This is In lieu of a site specific ground motion hazard analysis per ASCE 7-16 Chapter 21.2. •• Site Class D, and all of the resultinq parameters in this table mav onlv be used for structures withou1 seismic isolation or seismic damninc svstems. GENERAL SEISMIC PARAMETERS PARAMETER Distance to Seismic Source (Rose Canyon fault)<11 Upper Bound Earthquake (Rose Canyon fault ) 111 • From Blake (2000) ''' • Cao, et al. (2003) Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. VALUE ±4.8 mi (7.7 km) Mw = 7.2<2l W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21, 2022 Page 5 Based on the 2019 CBC Table 1613.2.3(2) footnote c., Fv should be determined in accordance with Section 11.4.8 of ASCE 7-16, since the mapped spectral response acceleration at 1 second is greater than 0.2g for Site Class D; in accordance with Section 11.4.8 of ASCE 7-16, a site specific seismic analysis is required. However, the values provided in the table above may be used if design is performed in accordance with Exception (2) in Section 11.4.8 of ASCE 7-16, with special requirements for the seismic response coefficient Cs) and Fv is only used for calculation of Ts. This exception does not apply (and the values in the table above would not be applicable) for proposed structures with seismic isolation or seismic damping systems. The project structural engineer should review the seismic parameters. A site specific seismic ground motion analysis can be performed upon request. Conformance to the criteria above for seismic design does not constitute any kind of guarantee or assurance that significant structural damage or ground failure will not occur in the event of a large earthquake. The primary goal of seismic design is to protect life, not to eliminate all damage, since such design may be economically prohibitive. Cumulative effects of seismic events are not addressed in the 2019 CBC (CBSC, 2019a) and regular maintenance and repair following locally significant seismic events (i.e., Mw5.5) will likely be necessary, as is the case in all of southern California. DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA Grading Any grading should conform to the guidelines presented in the 2019 CBC (CBSC, 2019a), and the City. When Code references are not equivalent, the more stringent code should be followed. During earthwork construction, all site preparation and the general grading procedures of the contractor (if grading is to occur) should be observed and the fill selectively tested by a representative(s) of GSI. If unusual or unexpected conditions are exposed in the field, they should be reviewed by this office and if warranted, modified and/or additional recommendations will be offered. All applicable requirements of local and national construction and general industry safety orders, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Construction Safety Act should be met. Type B soils may be assumed per Cal-OSHA. GSI does not consult in the area of safety engineering. The contractor is responsible for the safety of construction workers onsite. Loose or compressible materials appear to occur at the surface, overlying suitable bearing material. At a minimum, any slab subgrade should be moisture conditioned, then compacted (proof-rolled or tamped) to at least 90 percent relative compaction per ASTM D 1557, and to at least the soils optimum moisture content. Compactive effort should be applied to the exposed subgrade before any foundation excavation work is performed. Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W. 0 . 8384-A-SC July 21, 2022 Page 6 ., J Foundations Current laboratory testing indicates that the onsite soils exhibit an expansion index value of less than 21, which is classified as very low expansive ([E.I.) range of 0-20). As such, site soils do not appear to meet the criteria of detrimentally expansive soils as defined in Section 1803.5.2 of the 2019 CBC (CBSC, 2019a). The geotechnical recommendations provided below are considered minimal design criteria . Foundation systems constructed within the influence of detrimentally expansive soils (i.e., E.I. > 20 and P.I. > 15) will require specific design to resist expansive soil effects per Sections 1808.6.1 or 1808.6.2 of the 2019 CBC, and this should be provided by the project structural engineer. Based on our review of MJS&A (1995), site soils present a potentially moderate to high sulfate exposure to concrete. As such, reinforced concrete mix design for new foundations, slab-on-grade floors, and pavement should minimally conform to Exposure Classes S2, per ACI 318-14. GSI does not practice in the field of corrosion engineering. Accordingly, consultation from a qualified corrosion engineer may be obtained, based on the level of corrosion protection requirements by the project architect and structural engineer. From a geotechnical viewpoint, foundation construction should conform to the following: 1. New exterior and interior footings for one-story floor loads should be founded at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent grade. Footing widths should be per Code. Isolated pad footings should be 24 inches square, by 24 inches deep. If the loose surficial soil is not removed and recompacted, the footings should extend through the surficial soil, and the dimensions for embedment will increase by the thickness of the surficial soil. 2. All new footings should be minimally reinforced with four No. 4 reinforcing bars, two placed near the top and two placed near the bottom of the footing. Isolated pad footing reinforcement should be per the structural engineer. 3. New Interior and exterior column footings should be tied together via grade beams in at least one direction to the main foundation. The grade beam should be at least 12 inches square in cross section, and should be provided with a minimum of two No.4 reinforcing bars at the top, and two No.4 reinforcing bars at the bottom of the grade beam. The base of the reinforced grade beam should be at the same elevation as the adjoining footings. 4. A minimum concrete slab-on-grade thickness of 5.0 inches is recommended for any new concrete slabs. Please note that if the loose, existing surficial soil is not removed and recompacted, such soils, if left under the new slab, would be subject to excessive settlement. Accordingly, if this is the case, the slab should be designed as a structural slab, with the slab spanning between footings embedded in bedrock, and not relying on the soil for support. Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21 , 2022 Page7 5. New concrete slabs should be reinforced with a minimum of No. 3 reinforcement bars placed at 18 inches on center, in two horizontally perpendicular directions (i.e., long axis and short axis). 6. All slab reinforcement should be supported to ensure proper mid-slab height positioning during placement of the concrete. "Hooking" of reinforcement is not an acceptable method of positioning. 7. Slab subgrade pre-soaking is recommended for these soil conditions. Slab subgrade should be pre-wetted to at least the soils optimum moisture content, to a depth of 12 inches, prior to the placement of the underlayment sand and vapor retarder. 8. Loose or compressible materials likely occur at the surface, overlying suitable bearing material. As such, a deeper footing will likely be recommended, and should be anticipated should any new foundations be planned. The depth of the deepened footing should be evaluated prior to the placement of reinforcing steel. 9. The loose superficial soils under the slab should be removed and recompacted to 90 percent of the laboratory standard. Should these removals not be performed, then any new slab would need to be designed as a structural slab, not relying on the soil for support, and spanning between foundations. 10. New foundations should maintain a minimum 7-foot horizontal distance between the base of the footing and any adjacent descending slope, and minimally comply with the guidelines per the 2019 CBC (CBSC, 2019a). This may also result in a deeper footing. New Floor Slabs GSI has evaluated the potential for vapor or water transmission through any new concrete floor slabs, in light of typical floor coverings, improvements, and use. Please note that slab moisture emission rates range from about 2 to 27 lbs/24 hours/1,000 square feet from a typical slab (Kanare, 2005), while floor covering manufacturers generally recommend about 3 lbs/24 hours as an upper limit. The recommendations in this section are not intended to preclude the transmission of water or vapor through the foundation or slabs. Foundation systems and slabs shall not allow water or water vapor to enter into the structure so as to cause damage to another building component orto limit the installation of the type of flooring materials typically used for the particular application (State of California, 2019). These recommendations may be exceeded or supplemented by a water "proofing" specialist, project architect, or structural consultant. Thus, the client will need to evaluate the following in light of a cost vs. benefit analysis (owner expectations and repairs/replacement), along with disclosure to all interested/affected parties. It should also be noted that vapor transmission will occur in new slab-on-grade floors as a result of Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21, 2022 Page 8 f chemical reactions taking place within the curing concrete. Vapor transmission through concrete floor slabs as a result of concrete curing has the potential to adversely affect sensitive floor coverings depending on the thickness of the concrete floor slab and the duration of time between the placement of concrete, and the floor covering. It is possible that a slab moisture sealant may be needed prior to the placement of sensitive floor coverings if a thick slab-on-grade floor is used and the time frame between concrete and floor covering placement is relatively short. Considering the E.I. test results presented herein, and known soil conditions in the region, the anticipated typical water vapor transmission rates, floor coverings, and improvements (to be chosen by the Client and/or project architect) that can tolerate vapor transmission rates without significant distress, the following alternatives are provided: • Non-vehicular concrete slab-on-grade floors should be at least 5 inches in thickness. • Concrete slab underlayment should consist of a 15-mil vapor retarder, or equivalent, with all laps sealed per the 2019 CBC and the manufacturer's recommendation. The vapor retarder should comply with the ASTM E 1745 -Class A criteria, and be installed in accordance with American Concrete Institute (ACI) 302.1 R-04 and ASTM E 1643. An example of a vapor retarder product that complies with ASTM E 1745 -Class A criteria is Stego Industries, LLC's Stego Wrap. • The 15-mil vapor retarder (ASTM E 17 45 -Class A) shall be installed per the recommendations of the manufacturer, including all penetrations (i.e., pipe, ducting, rebar, etc.). • Concrete slabs, should be underlain by 2 inches of clean, washed sand (SE _2:. 30) above a 15-mil vapor retarder (ASTM E-17 45 -Class A, per Engineering Bulletin 119 [Kanare, 2005]) installed per the recommendations of the manufacturer, including all penetrations (i.e., pipe, ducting, rebar, etc.). The manufacturer shall provide instructions for lap sealing, including minimum width of lap, method of sealing, and either supply or specify suitable products for lap sealing (ASTM E 1745), and per code. ACI 302.1 R-04 (2004) states "If a cushion or sand layer is desired between the vapor retarder and the slab, care must be taken to protect the sand layer from taking on additional water from a source such as rain, curing, cutting, or cleaning. Wet cushion or sand layer has been directly linked in the past to significant lengthening of time required for a slab to reach an acceptable level of dryness for floor covering applications." Therefore, additional observation and/or testing will be necessary for the cushion or sand layer for moisture content, and relatively uniform thicknesses, prior to the placement of concrete. Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21 , 2022 Page9 • The vapor retarder should be underlain by a capillary break consisting of at least 2 inches of clean sand (SE 30, or greater) (see NOTE below). The vapor retarder should be sealed to provide a continuous retarder under the entire slab, as discussed above. • • • • Concrete should have a maximum water/cement ratio of 0.50. This does not supercede Table of ACI {2014a) for corrosion or other corrosive requirements (such as coastal, location, etc.). Additional concrete mix design recommendations should be provided by the structural consultant and/or waterproofing specialist. Concrete finishing and workability should be addressed by the structural consultant and a waterproofing specialist. Where slab water/cement ratios are as indicated herein, and/or admixtures used, the structural consultant should also make changes to the concrete in the grade beams and footings in kind, so that the concrete used in the foundation and slabs are designed and/or treated for more uniform moisture protection. The owner(s) should be specifically advised which areas are suitable for tile flooring, vinyl flooring, or other types of water/vapor-sensitive flooring and which are not suitable. In all planned floor areas, flooring shall be installed per the manufactures recommendations. Additional recommendations regarding water or vapor transmission should be provided by the architect/structural engineer/slab or foundation designer and should be consistent with the specified floor coverings indicated by the architect. Regardless of the mitigation, some limited moisture/moisture-vapor transmission through the slab should be anticipated. Construction crews may require special training for installation of certain product(s), as well as concrete finishing techniques. The use of specialized product(s) should be approved by the slab designer and water-proofing consultant. A technical representative of the flooring contractor should review the slab and moisture retarder plans and provide comment prior to the construction of the foundations or improvements. The vapor retarder contractor should have representatives onsite during the initial installation. Planting Water has been shown to weaken the inherent strength of all earth materials. Only the amount of irrigation necessary to sustain plant life should be provided. Over-watering should be avoided as it can adversely affect site improvements, and cause perched groundwater conditions. Plants selected for landscaping should be light weight, deep rooted types that require little water and are capable of surviving the prevailing climate. Using plants other than those recommended above will increase the potential for perched water, staining, mold, etc., to develop. A rodent control program to prevent burrowing Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21, 2022 Page 10 ... ' should be implemented. These recommendations regarding plant type, irrigation practices, and rodent control should be provided to all interested/affected parties. Drainage Adequate lot surface drainage is a very important factor in reducing the likelihood of adverse performance of foundations and hardscape. Surface drainage should be sufficient to prevent ponding of water anywhere on the property, and especially near structures. Lot surface drainage should be carefully taken into consideration during landscaping. Therefore, care should be taken that future landscaping or construction activities do not create adverse drainage conditions. Positive site drainage within the property should be provided and maintained at all times. Water should be directed away from foundations and not allowed to pond and/or seep into the ground. In general, the area within 5 feet around a structure should slope away from the structure. We recommend that unpaved lawn and landscape areas have a minimum gradient of 1 percent sloping away from structures, and whenever possible, should be above adjacent paved areas. Consideration should be given to avoiding construction of planters adjacent to structures. Site drainage should be directed toward the street or other approved area(s). Downspouts, or drainage devices should outlet a minimum of 5 feet from structures or into a subsurface drainage system. Areas of seepage may develop due to irrigation or heavy rainfall, and should be anticipated. Minimizing irrigation will lessen this potential. If areas of seepage develop, recommendations for minimizing this effect could be provided upon request. Landscape Maintenance Only the amount of irrigation necessary to sustain plant life should be provided. Over-watering the landscape areas will adversely affect existing and proposed site improvements. We would recommend that any proposed open-bottom planters adjacent to proposed structures be eliminated for a minimum distance of 10 feet. As an alternative, closed-bottom type planters could be utilized. An outlet placed in the bottom of the planter, could be installed to direct drainage away from structures or any exterior concrete flatwork. If planters are constructed adjacent to structures, the sides and bottom of the planter should be provided with a moisture retarder to prevent penetration of irrigation water into the subgrade. Provisions should be made to drain the excess irrigation water from the planters without saturating the subgrade below or adjacent to the planters. Consideration should be given to the type of vegetation chosen and their potential effect upon surface improvements (i.e., some trees will have an effect on concrete flatwork with their extensive root systems). From a geotechnical standpoint leaching is not recommended for establishing landscaping. If the surface soils are processed for the purpose of adding amendments, they should be recompacted to 90 percent minimum relative compaction. Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21 , 2022 Page 11 Subsurface and Surface Water Subsurface and surface water are generally not anticipated to significantly affect site development, provided that the recommendations contained in this report are properly incorporated into final design and construction and that prudent surface and subsurface drainage practices are incorporated into the construction plans. Perched groundwater conditions along zones of contrasting permeabilities may not be precluded from occurring in the future due to site irrigation, poor drainage conditions, or damaged utilities, and should be anticipated. Should perched groundwater conditions develop, this office could assess the affected area(s) and provide the appropriate recommendations to mitigate the observed groundwater conditions. Groundwater conditions may change with the introduction of irrigation, rainfall, or other factors. Site Improvements Recommendations for exterior concrete flatwork design and construction can be provided upon request. If any additional improvements (e.g., pools, spas, etc.) are planned for the site, recommendations concerning the geological or geotechnical aspects of design and construction of said improvements are recommended to be provided at that time. This office should be notified in advance of any fill placement, grading of the site, or trench backfilling after rough grading has been completed. This includes any grading, utility trench, and retaining wall backfills. Footing Trench Excavation All footing excavations for any new foundations, should be observed by a representative of this firm after trenching and prior to concrete form and reinforcement placement. The purpose of the observations is to verify that the excavations are made into the recommended bearing material and to the minimum widths and depths recommended for construction. If loose or compressible materials are exposed within the footing excavation , a deeper footing or removal and recompaction of the subgrade materials would be recommended at that time. The Client may want to consider having a representative of GSI onsite at the start offoundation trenching to evaluate the depth to competent, bearing soils and to provide recommendations to the contractor for footing embedment of any new foundations. Footing trench spoil and any excess soils generated from utility trench excavations should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent, if not removed from the site. Trenching Considering the nature of the onsite soils, it should be anticipated that caving or sloughing could be a factor in subsurface excavations and trenching. Shoring or excavating the trench walls at the angle of repose (typically 25 to 45 degrees) may be necessary and should be anticipated. All excavations should be observed by one of our representatives and minimally conform to Cal-OSHA and local safety codes. Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21 , 2022 Page 12 Utility Trench Backfill 1. All interior utility trench backfill should be brought to at least optimum moisture content and then compacted to obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of the laboratory standard. As an alternative for shallow (12-inch to 18-inch) under-slab trenches, sand having a sand equivalent value of 30, or greater, may be utilized and jetted or flooded into place. Observation, probing, and testing should be provided to verify the desired results. 2. Exterior trenches adjacent to, and within , areas extending below a 1 :1 plane projected from the outside bottom edge of the footing, and all trenches beneath hardscape features and in slopes, should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard. Sand backfill, unless excavated from the trench, should not be used in these backfill areas. Compaction testing and observations, along with probing, should be accomplished to verify the desired results. 3. All trench excavations should conform to Cal-OSHA and local safety codes. 4. Utilities crossing grade beams, perimeter beams, or footings should either pass below the footing or grade beam using a hardened collar or foam spacer, or pass through the footing or grade beam in accordance with the recommendations of the structural engineer. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING GEOTECHNICAL OBSERVATION AND TESTING We recommend that observation and/or testing be performed by GSI at each of the following construction stages that may occur. • During grading/recertification. • During significant excavation (i.e., higher than 4 feet). • During placement of subdrains or other subdrainage devices, prior to placing fill and/or backfill. • After excavation of building footings, retaining wall footings, and free standing walls footings, prior to the placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. • Prior to pouring any slabs or flatwork, after presoaking/presaturation of building pads and other flatwork subgrade, before the placement of concrete, reinforcing steel, capillary break (i.e., sand, pea-gravel, etc.), or vapor retarders (i.e., visqueen, etc.). Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21, 2022 Page 13 • • • • • • During retaining wall subdrain installation, prior to backfill placement. During placement of backfill for area drain, interior plumbing, utility line trenches, and retaining wall backfill. During slope construction/repair . When any unusual soil conditions are encountered during any construction operations, subsequent to the issuance of this report. When any improvements, such as flatwork, spas, pools, walls, etc., are constructed . A report of geotechnical observation and testing should be provided at the conclusion of each of the above stages, in order to provide concise and clear documentation of site work, and/or to comply with code requirements. OTHER DESIGN PROFESSIONALS/CONSULTANTS The design civil engineer, structural engineer, architect, landscape architect, wall designer, etc., should review the recommendations provided herein, incorporate those recommendations into all their respective plans, and by explicit reference, make this report part of their project plans. This report presents minimum design criteria for the design of slabs, foundations and other elements possibly applicable to the project. These criteria should not be considered as substitutes for actual designs by the structural engineer/designer. The structural engineer/designer should analyze actual soil-structure interaction and consider, as needed, bearing , expansive soil influence, and strength, stiffness and deflections in the various slab, foundation, and other elements in order to develop appropriate, design-specific details. As conditions dictate, it is possible that other influences will also have to be considered. The structural engineer/designer should consider all applicable codes and authoritative sources where needed. If analyses by the structural engineer/designer result in less critical details than are provided herein as minimums, the minimums presented herein should be adopted. It is considered likely that some, more restrictive details will be required. If the structural engineer/designer has any questions or requires further assistance, they should not hesitate to call or otherwise transmit their requests to GSI. In order to mitigate potential distress, the foundation and/or improvement's designer should confirm to GSI and the governing agency, in writing, that the proposed foundations and/or improvements can tolerate the amount of differential settlement and/or expansion characteristics and design criteria specified herein. Ed and Christine Jago 682 2"d Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21, 2022 Page 14 i' LIMITATIONS The materials encountered on the project site and used for our analysis are believed representative of the area; however, soil and bedrock materials vary in character between excavations and natural outcrops or conditions exposed during mass grading. Site conditions may vary due to seasonal changes or other factors. Inasmuch as our study is based upon our review, engineering analyses, and laboratory data, the conclusions and recommendations presented herein are professional opinions. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no warranty is express or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. This report has been prepared for the purpose of providing soil design parameters derived from testing of a soil sample received at our laboratory, and does not represent an evaluation of the overall stability, suitability, or performance of the property for the proposed development. GSI assumes no responsibility or liability for work or testing performed by others, or their inaction; or work performed when GSI is not requested to be onsite, to evaluate if our recommendations have been properly implemented. Use of this report constitutes an agreement and consent by the user to all the limitations outlined above, notwithstanding any other agreements that may be in place. In addition, this report may be subject to review by the controlling authorities. Thus, this report brings to completion our scope of services for this portion of the project. Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoUs, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21 , 2022 Page 15 The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully submitte GeoSolls, Inc. ~~ q i~~neering Geologist, DE/SJC/JPF/sh Attachment: Appendix -References Distribution: (1) Addressee (PDF via email) ~t=; Geotechnical Engineer, Ed and Christine Jago 682 2nd Street, Encinitas File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 8384-A-SC July 21, 2022 Page 16 I APPENDIX REFERENCES American Concrete Institute, 2014a, Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-14), and commentary (ACI 318R-14): reported by ACI Committee 318, dated September. __ , 2014b, Building code requirements for concrete thin shells (ACI 318.2-14), and commentary (ACI 318.2R-14), dated September. __ , 2004, Guide for concrete floor and slab construction: reported by ACI Committee 302; Designation ACI 302.1 R-04 , dated March 23. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1998, Standard practice for installation of water vapor retarder used in contact with earth or granular fill under concrete slabs, Designation: E 1643-98 (Reapproved 2005). __ , 1997, Standard specification for plastic water vapor retarders used in contact with soil or granular fill under concrete slabs, Designation: E 1745-97 (Reapproved 2004). American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014, Supplement No. 2, Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures, ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-10, dated September 18. __ , 2013a, Expanded seismic commentary, minimum design loads for buildings and other structures, ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-10 (included in third printing). __ , 2013b, Errata No. 2, minimum design loads for buildings and other structures, ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-10, dated March 31 . __ , 2013c, Supplement No. 1, minimum design loads for buildings and other structures, ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-10, dated March 31 . Blake, Thomas F., 2000, EQFAUL T, A computer program for the estimation of peak horizontal acceleration from 3-0 fault sources; Windows 95/98 version. California Building Standards Commission, 2019a, California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2 of 2, based on the 2018 International Building Code, effective January 1, 2020. __ , 2019b, California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 1 of 2, Based on the 2018 International Building Code, effective January 1, 2020. GeoSoils, Inc. __ , 2019c, California green building standard code of regulations, Title 24, Part 11 , ISBN 978-1-60983-462-3. California Geological Survey, 2018, Earthquake fault zones, a guide for government agencies, property owners/developers, and geoscience practitioners for assessing fault rupture hazards in California, CGS Special Publication 42. California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), 2022, Seismic design maps, https://seismicmaps.org/. Cao, T., Bryant, W.A., Rowshandel, B., Branum, D., and Willis, C.J., 2003, The revised 2002 California probalistic seismic hazard maps, dated June , http://www.conversation.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/psha/fault_parameters/pdf/documents /2002 _ca_ hazardmaps.pdf. GeoSoils, Inc., 1996a, Concrete Design Parameters, Costa Do Sol Development, Carlsbad Tract CT 92-1 , City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, W.O. 1770X-SC, dated January 8. __ , 1996b, Final geotechnical report of rough grading, Costa Do Sol Development, Carlsbad Tract 92-1 , City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, W.O. 1770-B-SC, dated December 9. __ , 1995, Interim summary of rough grading, Lots 1-5, 17-20 and 91 , costa Do Sol development, Carlsbad, California, W.O. 1770-B-SC, dated December 7. Kanare, H.M., 2005, Concrete floors and moisture, Engineering Bulletin 119, Portland Cement Association. M. J. Schiff & Associates, Inc., 1995, "Re: Soil Corrosivity Study, Greystone Homes, Inc., Costa Do Sol Development, Tract No. CT 92-1, Carlsbad, California, Your #1770X-SC," MJS&A #95174, dated December 8. Sowers and Sowers, 1979, Unified soil classification system (After U. S. Waterways Experiment Station and ASTM 02487-667) in Introductory soil mechanics, New York. State of California, 2022, Civil Code, Sections 895 et seq. Ed and Christine Jago File:e:\wp21 \8300\8384a.lgi GeoSoils, Inc. Appendix Page 2 ' • (City of Carlsbad Building Permit Number: CBR2022-1591 Community & Economic Development COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Developer of Residential Land, please read this agreement carefully and be sure you thoroughly understand this agreement before signing . Property owner signature is required before permit issuance. Your signature confirms the accuracy of all the information shown below. TRUST JAGO FAMILY TRUST Name of Owner 1079 Seahorse Ct Address CARLSBAD,CA City, State Telephone 2145304400 Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 1 92011 Zip Lot Number Improvement Area 1 05/07/1991 Total # of Units Annexation Date Name of Project Project Number Tract Number RES. DEVELOPED (NET DENSITY 4.1-8.0 DU/AC) Land Use Type $3,805.20 0 2023 Factor Density Fiscal Year As cited by Ordinance No. NS-155 and adopted by the City of Carlsbad, California, the City is authorized to levy a Special Tax in Community Facilities District No. 1. As cited in Policy 33 and adopted by the City Council, this Special Tax will not be allowed to pass through to the homeowner. At the time a building permit is issued the Special Development Tax -One-Time is due per dwelling unit. In addition, there may be Special Taxes outstanding on the current tax roll or if a permit is issued after March 1, taxes will be levied in the coming fiscal year. All of these special taxes are the responsibility of the developer. Accordingly, I agree to pay all of these current, outstanding and future Special Taxes. These taxes may not be apportioned to the homeowner as part of escrow closing. (Note: Regular county taxes may be prorated.) I understand that by signing this I am agreeing to this provision. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THAT I UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISION AS STATED ABOVE. f)~w:i:r;:~-----I GV1©\:i~U,}0 t-Cdc-vrlr-v~ Print Name <J v Title l O / 8 I/ ;;ib2c?-, • Date B-33 Page 1 of 2 (city of Carlsbad CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project # & Name: Permit#: CBR2022-1591 Project Address: 1075 SEAHORSE CT ------------------- Assessor's Parcel #: 2145304400 Project Applicant: TRUST JAGO FAMILY TRUST (Owner Name) Residential Square Feet: New/Additions: ------------------ Second Dwelling Unit: 1,028 ------------------- Commer c i a I Square Feet: New/Additions: City Certification: City of Carlsbad Building Division Date: 10/12/2022 Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person @ Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 Phone: (760) 331-5000 D Encinitas Union School Distr;t 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: (760) 944-4300 x1166 D San Dieguito Union H.S. District 684 Requeza Dr. Encinitas, CA 92024 Phone: (760) 753-6491 Ext 5514 (By Appt. Only) D San Marcos Unified Sch. District 255 Pico Ave Ste. 100 San Marcos, CA 92069 Phone: (760) 290-2649 Contact: Katherine Marcelja (By Appt.only) D Vista Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 Phone: (760) 726-2170 x2222 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. Signature of Authorized School District Officia(Q.c,_ ~Nl'.:Y\-< C:,c::, C'.,t_l.\.-V,.(AJ. • QQ_ . c::::_ (___c._, 6\...t Y\ -t~\ c t \'\j ,. Title: 2 \A,p Q ✓ ·,'{\ ~C'O,,(l~ Date: /0 al -;).Ci}f) CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Name of School District: 6225 EL CAMINO REAL Phone: 1 'a O 33 /-st&) CARLSBAD CA 92009 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -iiuilding Division 1635 Faraday Ave I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I buildlng@carlsbadca.gov I www.carlsbadca.gov {'city of Carlsbad DETERMINATION OF PROJECT'S SWPPP TIER LEVEL AND CONSTRUCTION THREAT LEVEL E-32 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 442"-339-2750 -www.carlsbadca.gov MAY O 9 2022 ' I'm applying for: D Grading Permit 00 Building Permit D Right-of-way permit □ Other Project Name:_J_a_g=--o _____________________ Project ID: ________ _ Address: 1079 Seahorse Court APN 214-530-44-00 Disturbed Area: N/A Ac Section 1: Determination of Project's SWPPP Tier Level (Check applicable criteria and check the corresponding SWPPP Tier Level, then go to section 2) Exempt -No Threat Project Assessment Criteria My project is in a category of permit types exempt from City Construction SWPPP requirements. Provided no significant grading proposed, pursuant to Table1 , section 3.2.2 of Storm Water Standards, the following permits are exempt from SWPPP requirements: □ Electrical D Patio D Mobile Home D Fire Sprinkler D Mechanical D Re-Roofing 0 Plumbing D Sign D Spa (Factory-Made) D Roof-Mounted Solar Array Tier 3 -Significant Threat Assessment Criteria -(See Construction General Permit (CGP) Section 1.8)* □ My project includes construction or demolition activity that results in a land disturbance of equal to or greater than one acre including but not limited to clearing, grading, grubbing or excavation; or, □ My project includes construction activity that results in land disturbance of less than one acre but the construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or the sale of one or more acres of disturbed land surface; or, □ My Project is associated with construction activity related to residential, commercial, or industrial development on lands currently used for agriculture; or □ My project is associated with construction activity associated with Linear Underground/Overhead Projects (LUP) including but not limited to those activities necessary for installation of underground and overhead linear facilities (e.g. conduits, substructures, pipelines, towers, poles, cables, wire, towers, poles, cables, wires, connectors, switching, regulating and transforming equipment and associated ancillary facilities) and include but not limited to underground utility mark out, potholing, concrete and asphalt cutting and removal, trenching, excavation, boring and drilling, access road, tower footings/foundation, pavement repair or replacement, stockpile/borrow locations. O Other per CGP _____________________ _ Tier 2 -Moderate Threat Assessment Criteria: My project does not meet any of the Significant Threat Assessment Criteria described above and meets one or more of the following criteria: □ Project requires a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); or, □ Project will result in 2,500 sq. ft. or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas and project meets one or more of the additional following criteria: • located within 200 ft. of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean; and/or, • disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical; and/or • disturbed area is located along or within 30 ft. of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse; and/or • construction wi ll be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 -Apr. 30) Tier 1 -Low Threat Assessment Criteria !XI My project does not meet any of the Significant or Moderate Threat criteria above, is not an exempt permit type per above and the project meets one or more of the following criteria: • results in some soil disturbance; and/or • includes outdoor construction activities (such as roof framing, saw cutting, equipment washing, material stockpilina, vehicle fuelina, waste stockoilina) SWPPP Tier Level D Exempt D Tier 3 D Tier 2 IXI Tier 1 • Items listed are excerpt from CGP. CGP governs cntena for tnggers for Tier 3 SWPPP. Developer/owner shall confirm coverage under the current CGP and any amendments, revisions and reissuance thereof. E-32 Page 1 of 2 REV. 02/22 ( City of Carlsbad CLIMATE ACTION PLAN CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST B-50 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 442-339-2719 RE www.carlsbadca.gov PURPOSE MAY O 9 2022 This checklist is intended to help building permit applicants identify which Climate Action Plan (CAP) ordinance requirements apply to their project. This completed checklist (B-50) and summary (B-55) must be included with the building permit application. The Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) can be referenced during completion of this document by clicking on the provided links to each municipal code section. NOTE: The following type of pennits are not required to fill out this fonn ❖ Patio I ❖ Decks I ❖ PME (w/o panel upgrade) I ❖ Pool Consultation with a certified Energy Consultant is encouraged to assist in filling out this document. Appropriate certification includes, but is not limited to: Licensed, practicing Architect, Engineer, or Contractor familiar with #'4)1111JY compliance, IECC/HERS Compliance Specialist, ICC GS Energy Code Specialist, RESNET HERS rater certified, IIM1iiFd ICC Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner, ICC Commercial Energy Inspector and/or Plans Examiner, ICC C,___in1m Inspector/Plans Examiner, or Green Building Residential Plan Examiner. ld!J If an item in the checklist is deemed to be not applicable to a project, or is less than the minimum required by ordia check N/A and provide an explanation or code section describing the exception. Details on CAP ordinance requirements are available at each section by clicking on the municipal code link provi . e project plans must show all details as stated in the applicable Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) and/or Energy C~d Green Code sections. \,J ..111....-------------------------------------------- ( ii Project Name/Building Permit No.: Jago BP No.: e,f!,2_zo22..,,. \ S(f ) Property Address/APN: 1079 Seahorse Court 214-530-44-00 Applicant Name/Co.: Ed Ja o Applicant Address: 774 Mays Blvd. #10-625 Incline Village, NV 89451 Contact Phone: 916-214-3937 Contact Email: edjago@sbcglobal.net Contact information of person completing this checklist (if different than above): Name: Company name/address: B-50 Meaghan Lawler DZN Partners 682 2nd Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Contact Phone: 760-336-1234 Contact Email: meaghan@dznpartners.com Date: 05/03/2022 Page 1 of 7 Revised 04/21 Use the table below to determine which sections of the Ordinance checklist are applicable to your project. For alterations and additions to existing buildings, attach a Permit Valuation breakdown on a separate sheet. Building Permit Valuation (BPV) $ breakdown 125,888.88 I Construction Type I Complete Section(•) I Notti: 00 Residential A high-rise residential building is 4 or more stories, including a Low-rise High-rise mixed-use building in which at least 20% of its conditioned floor area is residential use D New construction 2A*, 3A*, 18, 28, *Includes detached, newly constructed ADU 4A*, 38,4A l!!!I Additions and alterations: D BPV < $60,000 N/A N/A All residential additions and alterations l!!!I BPV 2: $60,000 1A,4A 4A 1-2 family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages D Electrical service panel upgrade only only. *Multi-family dwellings only where interior finishes are removed D BPV 2: $200,000 1A, 4A* 18, 4A* and significant site work and upgrades to structural and D Nonresidential mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed D New construction 1 B, 28, 38, 48 and 5 D Alterations: D BPV 2: $200,000 or additions 2: 1,000 18, 5 square feet D BPV 2: $1,000,000 18,28,5 Building alterations of 2: 75% existing gross floor area D 2: 2,000 sq. ft. new roof addition 28,5 1 B also applies if BPV 2: $200,000 ,,, . ' ',, ,.. . ' ..; ' ~ ' . ' ' -~ ~$ , • , ~ . ' ... r Checkllat Item ~ the appropriate boxes, axplu, all not applicable and excep11on Items, and provide supporting calwalions and documentation as necessary. 1. Energy Efficiency Please refer to Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) 18.21. 155 and 18.30.190,and the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) for more information. Appropriate details and notes must be placed on the plans according to selections chosen in the design. A D Residential addition or alteration~ $60,000 building pennitvaluation. Details of selection chosen below must be placed on the plans referencing CMC 18.30.190. □ N/A _________ _ □ Exception: Home energy score 2: 7 ( attach certification) Year Built Single-family Requirements Multi-family Requirements □ Before 1978 Select one option: □ Ductsealing D Attic insulation □Cool roof □ Attic insulation □ 1978 andlater Select one option: □ Lighting package D Water heating Package □ Between1978and1991 Select one option: □ Ductsealing D Attic insulation □Cool roof □ 1992 and later Select one option: □ Lighting package □ Water heating package Updated 4/16/2021 3 - B. D Nonresidentiar new construction or alterations? $200,000 building pennit valuation, or additions? 1,000squarefeet.SeeCMC 18.21.15SandCALGreen Appendix AS D N/A AS.203.1.1 Chooseone:O.1 Outdoorlighting D .2 Restaurant service water heating (CEC 140.5) D .3Warehousedocksealdoors. O.4 OaylightdesignPAFs O.5Exhaustairheatrecovery □ N/A AS. Choose one: D .95 Energy budget (Projects with indoor lighting OR mechanical) D .90 Energybudget (ProjectswithindoorlightingANDmechanical) □ NIA AS.211 .1 ** D On-site renewable energy: D N/A AS.211.3** D Green power. (If offered by local utility provider, 50% minimum renewable sources) D N/A AS.212.1 D Elevators and escalators: (Projectwith more than one elevator or two escalators) D N/A AS.213.1 D Steel framing: (Provide details on plans for options 1-4 chosen) D N/A _________ _ * Includes hotels/motels and high-rise residential buildings **For alterations<! $1 ,000,000 BPVand affecting> 75% existinggrossfloorarea, OR alterations that add 2, 00Osquarefeetof new roof addition: comply with CMC 18.30.130 (section 2B below) instead. 2. Photovoltaic Systems A. Ii] Residential new construction (for low-rise residential building pennit applications submitted after 1/1/20). Refer to 2019 California Energy Code section 1S0.1(c)14 for requirements. If project includes installation of an electric heat pump water heater pursuant to CAP section 38 below (low-rise residential Water Heating), increase system size by .3kWdc if PV offset option is selected. Floor Plan ID (use additional CFA #d.u. Calculated kWdc* sheets if necessary) Total System Size: kWdc = (CFAx.572) / 1,000 + (1.15 x#d.u.) *Formula calculation where CFA = conditional floor area, #du= number of dv.iellings per plan type If proposed system size is less than calculated size, please explain. kWdc Exception D D D D B. D Nonresidential new construction or alterations ?$1,000,000 BPV AND affecting ?75% existing floor area, OR addition that increases roof area by ?2,000 square feet. Please refer to CMC 18.30.130 when completing this section. *Note: This section also applies to high-rise residential and hotel/motel buildings. Choose one of the following methods: D Gross Floor Area (GFA)Method GFA: D If< 1 O,OOOs.f. Enter: 5 kWdc Min. System Size: D If~ 10,000s.f. calculate: 15 kWdcx (GFA/10,000) ** kWdc **Round building size factor to nearest tenth, and round system size to nearest whole number. Updated 4/16/202 1 4 □ Time-Dependent Valuation Method Annual TDV Energy use:••• ______ x .80= Min. system size: ______ kWdc ***Attach calculation documentation using modeling software approved by the California Energy Commission. 3. Water Heating A. Iii Residential and hotel/motel new construction. Refer to CMC 18.30.170 when completing this section. Provide complete details on the plans. □ For systems serving individual dwelling units choose one system: □ Heat pump water heater AND Compact hot water distribution AND Drain water heat recovery (low-rise residential only) □ Heat pump water heater AND PV system .3 kWdc larger than required in CMC 18.30.130 (high rise residential hotel/motel) or CA Energy Code section 150.1 (c) 14 (low-rise residential) l!!!I Heat pump water heater meeting NEEA Advanced Water Heating Specification Tier 3 or higher □ Solar water heating system that is either .60 solar savings fraction or 40 s.f. solar collectors □ Exception: □ For systems serving multiple dwelling units, install a central water-heating system with ALL of thefollowing: □ Gas or propane water heating system □ Recirculation system per CMC 18.30.150(8) (high-rise residential, hotel/motel) or CMC 18.30.170(8) (low- rise residential) □ Solar water heating system that is either: □ .20 solar savings fraction □ .15 solar savings fraction, plus drain water heat recovery □ Exception: B. D Nonresidential new construction. Refer to CMC 18.30.150 when completing this section. Provide complete details on the plans. □ Water heating system derives at least 40% of its energy from one of the following (attach documentation): □ Solar-thermal □ Photovoltaics □ Recovered energy □ Water heating system is (choose one): □ Heat pump water heater □ Electric resistance water heater(s) □Solar water heating system with .40 solar savings fraction □ Exception: It may be necessary to supplement the completed checklist with supporting materials, calculations or certifications, to demonstrate full compliance with CAP ordinance requirements. For example, projects that propose or require a performance approach to comply with energy-related measures will need to attach to this checklist separate calculations and documentation as specified by the ordinances. Updated 4/ 16/21 • I 5 4. Electric Vehicle Charging A D Residential New construction and major alterations* Please refer to CMC 18.21 .140 when completing this section. ~ One and two-family residential dwelling or townhouse with attached garage: □ One EVSE Ready parking space required □ Exception : ____________ _ □ Multi-family residential: □Exception : ____________ _ Total Parking Spaces EVSE Spaces Proposed EVSE (10% of total) I Installed (50% of EVSE) I Other "Ready" I Other ·capable" I I I Calculations: Total EVSE spaces= .10 x Total parking spaces proposed (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE Installed = Total EVSE Spaces x .50 (rounded up to nearest 'MIOle number) EVSE other may be "Ready" or "Capable" *Majoralterationsare:(1)foroneandtwo-familydwellingsandtownhouseswithattachedgarages,alterationshaveabuildingpermit valuation~$60,000 or include an electrical service panel upgrade; (2) for multifamily dwellings (three units or more without attached garages), alterations have a building permit valuation~ $200,000, interiorfinishes are removed and significant site work and upgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed. *ADU exceptions for EV Ready space (no EV ready space required when): (1) The accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile of public transit. (2) The accessory dwelling unit is located within an architecturally and historically significant historic district. (3) The accessory dwelling unit is part of the proposed or existing primary residence or an accessory structure. (4) When on-street parking permits are required but not offered to the occupant of the accessory dwelling unit. (5) When there is a car share vehicle located within one block of the accessory dwelling unit. B. 0 Nonresidential new construction (includes hotels/motels) D Exception : ____________ _ Please refer to CMC 18.21.150 when completing this section Total Parking Spaces Proposed EVSE (10% of total) I Installed (50% of EVSE) I Other "Ready" I Other "Capable" I I I Calculation· Refer to the table below· Total Number of Parking Spaces provided Number of required EV Spaces Number of required EVSE Installed Spaces □ 0-9 1 1 □ 10-25 2 1 □ 26-50 4 2 □ 51-75 6 3 □ 76-100 9 5 □ 101-150 12 6 □ 151-200 17 9 □ 201 andover 10 percent of total 50 percent of Required EV Spaces Calculations: Total EVSE spaces= .10 x Total parking spaces proposed (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE Installed = Total EVSE Spaces x .50 (rounded up to nearest 'M\ole number) EVSE other may be "Ready" or "Capable" Updated 4/16/2021 6 5. 0 Transportation Demand Management (TDM): Nonresidential ONLY AA approved Transportation Demand Management (TOM) Plan is required for all nonresidential projects that meet a threshold of employee-generated ADT. City staff will use the table below based on your submitted plans to determinewhetherornoryourpermit requires a TOM plan. If TOM is applicable to your pennit, staff will contact the applicant to develop a site-specific TOM plan based on the pennit details. Acknowledgment: Employee ADT Estimation for Various Commercial Uses Office (all)2 20 Restaurant 11 Retaib 8 Industrial 4 Manufacturing 4 Warehousing 4 1 Unless otherwise noted, rates estimated from /TE Trip Generation Manual, 1(JhEdition 13 11 4.5 3.5 3 1 2 For all office uses, use SANDAG rate of 20 ADT/1 ,000 sf to calculate employee ADT 3 Retail uses include shopping center, variety store, supermarket, gyms, pharmacy, etc. Other commercial uses may be subject to special consideration Samole calculations: Office: 20,450 sf 1. 20,450 sf/ 1000 x 20 = 409 Employee ADT Retail: 9,334 sf 1. First 1,000 sf= 8 ADT 2. 9,334 sf -1,000 sf= 8,334 sf 3. (8,334 sf/ 1,000 x 4.5) + 8 = 46 Employee ADT I acknowledge that the plans submitted may be subject to the City of Carlsbad's Transportation Demand Management Ordinanoe. I agree to be contacted should my pennit require a TOM plan and understand that an approved TOM plan is a condition of pennit issuance. ApplicantSignature:_B~ 1\A. S ~tth_____ Oate:_o_s/_0_3/_2_02_2 __ Person other than Applicant to be contacted for TDM compliance (if applicable): Name(Printed):Me~~V) Lllv' \eV PhoneNumber.] (90 • 3~6 • I ct 3~ Email Address: vw~via.vi@ ci=2:\j\ P1 Y::l:Yte¥> #'(Q rl\ Updated 4/16/2021 7 {'city of Carlsbad HOUSING DEVELOPMENT TRACKING Develooment Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue P-20 (442) 339-2610 www.carlsbadca.gov The following information is required by to the State of California to track new housing development for all income levels. Please complete this form to the best of your knowledge and submit prior to building permit issuance. Project Name: Jago TracUPermit No.: _ _:::__ ______________ _ Project Address: 1079 Seahorse Court APN: 214-530-44-00 Structure Description: 0 Single-Family c e~z.o-,..z. -t ~ / IX! Accessory Dwelling Unit D Mobile Home (new spaces added) 0 Single-Family + ADU D Two -Four Unit D 5 + Unit Structure 0 Remodel/Reconstruction (new dwelling units added) D Commercial/Residential (mixed-use) Project's planned initial occupancy is for: 0 Rental occupant IX! Owner occupant For single-family, do you intend to use this property as your personal residence? 0 Yes [Zj No If yes, please provide the estimated market value: _1_2_5,'-8_8_8_.8_8 _____ _ Will an affordable housing deed restriction be recorded on the property? D Yes IX] No Which units in the project will be deed restricted? ___________________ _ Please indicate the number of units for each bedroom type that will be provided and a price range. Individual responses will not be shared with outside parties. Number of units for sale Bedrooms per unit Price range (low and high) Studios $ 1 bd $ (2 bd ~ $ N/A 3 bd $ 4+bd $ Number of units for rent Bedrooms per unit Rent range (low and high) Studios $ 1 bd $ 2 bd $ 3 bd $ 4+ bd $ OWNER(S): Ed and Christine Jago DEVELOPER(S): (Last, First, Middle Initial or Firm Name) (Last, First, Middle Initial or Firm Name) ADDRESS: 1079 Seahorse Court ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Carlsbad, CA 92011 CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: 916-214-3937 TELEPHONE: ------------- SIGNATURE: Bcvct:-'vv\. S.--.'it'K" DATE: Q~/o3j 2,0 2.. l-. P-20 Page 1 or 1 Revised 3/22 RECORD: .JPV To: City of Carlsbad Attn: Building Division 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Sphere Surveying and Mapping, Inc. 603 Seagaze Dr. #1086 Oceanside, Ca. 92054 (760)803-9107 RE: Building Form Certification 1079 Seahorse Ct. Carlsbad, CA. 92011 BUILDING SETBACK CERTIFICATATION City of :c.i !.;bad 01:C 2 11 ;:'2 BUlbDING DIVISION I hereby certify that on December 17, 2022, a survey of the building setbacks for the construction of an ADU located at 1079 Seahorse Ct. was performed after the concrete foundation was poured and the location of the building foundation in relationship to the side and rear property lines meets the minimum set back of 4 foot as shown on Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and made part hereof. William D. Tuck, P.L.S. ~ PROPERTY LINE / I \ \ ------\ \ I I I I \ \ \ ~ \ \ ADU \--· PROPERTY LINE \ \ \ \ E~STING HOUSE \ \ \ \ _J L----L-s \ 1079 SEAHORSE C~ CARLSBAD, CA. 92011 A.P.N.: 214-530-44-00 ---------- \ \ / 1"=20' LOCATION OF ADU SHOWN HEREON BASED ON SHOTS TAKEN ON PERIMETER OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION. \ \ / / ) SPHERE SURVEYING AND MAPPING, INC. 603 SEAGAZE DRIVE #1086 OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 (760)803-9107 THIS PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S ON 12/17/2022. Dvtaly signed by Wlliam D Tuck l»I' en-Wollam D Tudc,. c•US, ~ .z::>...;z-:: L? .. -. Surveying and Mapping. -c_ Inc.. email•blltuck71@gmail.com Da:e: 2022..12.1& t508.21S~ WILLIAM D. TUCK DATE 50