HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-21; Economic Development Subcommittee; ; Economic Development Strategic Actions UpdateMeeting Date: May 21, 2024 To: Economic Development Subcommittee From: David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer Staff Contact: David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer david.graham@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5992 Subject: Economic Development Strategic Actions Update Recommended Action Receive an informational report on the implementation of current economic development strategic actions, discuss and provide recommendations. Executive Summary The Economic Development Strategic Plan is a roadmap that guides the City’s economic development activities over a five-year period beginning in 2023. The Economic Development Strategic Actions Plan is the annual implementation of the tactical steps to achieve the goals and objectives of the Economic Development Strategic Plan and outlines the tactical actions that are taken to achieve its goals and objectives. This report provides an update on the implementation of the approved strategic actions. The strategic actions are updated annually and presented to the Economic Development Subcommittee for their input and recommendation to the City Council. At the March 19, 2024 meeting, the subcommittee unanimously approved providing a recommendation to the City Council to adopt the Economic Development Strategic Actions for Fiscal Year 2024-25 (Exhibit 1). The recommendation also included moving the small business liaison program implementation up to Fiscal Year 2024-25 without creating a new position and maintaining department service levels to ensure efficient implementation of the Economic Development Strategic Plan. Explanation and Analysis Progress on Current Actions The following are highlights from the implementation of the Economic Development Strategic Plan and reflect recent progress. Cybersecurity Awareness In conjunction with the San Diego Cyber Center of Excellence and Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, the city has continued to support the cybersecurity awareness program for businesses. Now, more than 90 small businesses have participated in training workshops. Life in Action Recruiter Since relaunching Life in Action Recruiter, more than 45 Carlsbad businesses have signed up to use the Candidate Marketplace. Both businesses and candidates have expressed eagerness to use the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 1 of 15 platform. The program addresses significant challenges in sourcing new employees by providing a centralized and efficient program to identify candidates who may not have been on the company’s radar. It streamlines the connection between employers and qualified candidates, reducing the time and resources spent on recruiting. The Candidate Marketplace has a user-friendly interface that allows businesses to easily search, filter, and sort candidates, and engage directly with those that they see as qualified for openings. The program is designed to be a supplement for businesses’ ongoing recruiting practices. Intern Housing To alleviate the burden of finding summer interns who can’t find housing or afford to live in North County during an internship, the City of Carlsbad, in conjunction with the San Diego North Economic Development Council (SDNEDC) and California State University San Marcos (CSUSM), supported the expansion of a program allowing employers to use CSUSM student housing for summer interns. This initiative has led to a threefold increase in program enrollment, with several Carlsbad companies taking advantage of the opportunity. The program provides discounted accommodations for summer interns and offers several enrichment programs designed to engage interns with local businesses and showcase North County's attributes. Moving forward, businesses are encouraged to connect with SDNEDC to participate in this program. The discounted housing not only makes it feasible for interns to live and work in North County but also helps local companies attract and retain top talent. The enrichment programs, which is being led by SDNEDC, further enhance the intern experience by fostering connections with the community and highlighting the benefits of living and working in Carlsbad and the surrounding North County region. This initiative is one of the components the city is implementing to support workforce development and strengthen the local economy. Business Visits Staff have organized a series of business visits to increase engagement between businesses, staff, and city leaders and officials. In March and April, two tours were conducted with Vuori and Argonaut Manufacturing Services. These tours involved participation from four council members, the Deputy City Manager, the Chief Innovation Officer, and the Economic Development Manager. During these visits, attendees gained direct insights into the opportunities and challenges faced by these businesses. This program allows city leaders to understand the diverse types of businesses and operations in Carlsbad and connect with business leaders to anticipate and address potential challenges. Upcoming tours include Quidel Ortho, Ionis, and HME Electronics. Industry Discussions: Staff have been actively convening industry stakeholders, rotating through each of Carlsbad’s key industries to foster cross-pollination and create a robust ecosystem of activity. Each month, 10-15 leaders from a specific industry, ranging from large companies to small startups, gather to discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities. These discussions are designed to build connections, share insights, and identify collaborative opportunities that can drive growth and innovation across the city's business landscape. In March, the focus was on the city’s Sports and Active Lifestyle industry and highlighted the diverse May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 2 of 15 range of the industry. In April, the focus was on the burgeoning Cleantech industry in Carlsbad, demonstrating that the city is becoming a hub of sustainable development and environmental innovation. In May, the spotlight shifted to the Life Sciences industry, underscoring Carlsbad's robust core of medical device and biotechnology companies. Through these ongoing industry discussions, the city aims to strengthen relationships, promote knowledge sharing, and support the continued success of Carlsbad's diverse economic sectors. Dynamic Economic Indicators Dashboard A powerful new tool to support data-informed decision-making is now online. The Dynamic Economic Indicators Dashboard covers key areas such as industry sectors, commercial real estate, talent and workforce demographics, and overall economic indicators, this dashboard ensures that a wide public audience—from city leaders to commercial brokers and business leaders—has access to critical information. The indicators provided are updated as new data becomes available, meaning the dashboard stays as current as possible. By offering comprehensive economic analysis, the dashboard aids in maintaining economic stability and fostering growth. City leaders can use the data to make informed policy decisions, commercial brokers can better understand market trends, and business leaders can strategize for future investments. The timely and accurate updates provided by the dashboard help support Carlsbad's continued economic vitality and resilience. Innovate78 The Innovate78 collaborative, which includes the cities of Carlsbad, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, and Vista, has begun its partnership with Connect, the regional organization that supports startup growth and innovation economy. On May 14, 2024, a kickoff event with 50 startups and innovative firms was held in Oceanside. The program allowed the five cities to engage with those businesses, learn about their growth trajectory, and find opportunities to provide support. As part of Connect’s work with Innovate78, the organization will host one of its primary events, the Summer Social, in Carlsbad. The event will take place June 13, 2024 at The Flower Fields. Business Improvement Districts On May 6, 2024, the Carlsbad Golf Lodging Business Improvement District (CGLBID) Advisory Board passed resolutions completing the spend down of the remaining CGLBID reimbursement funds. With the funds depleted, the CGLBID Advisory Board also approved a recommendation to the City Council to disestablish the District. Accordingly, a resolution of intention to disestablish the district will come before the City Council for consideration in the coming months. The former Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District (CTBID) still has funds remaining. Once the funds are fully spent down and services procured with those funds fully rendered, the CTBID Advisory Board may consider a similar recommendation for disestablishment. The newly authorized district run by Visit Carlsbad is up and running. Strategic Actions FY 2024-25 At the March 19, 2024, meeting, the Subcommittee heard an updated presentation on the Economic Development Strategic Actions for Fiscal Year 2024-25 that incorporated the members' input regarding parking and mobility. During the discussion, the subcommittee unanimously approved a May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 3 of 15 recommendation to the City Council to support the Economic Development Strategic Actions – Fiscal Year 2024-25 (Exhibit 1), to move the Small Business Liaison program development to Fiscal Year 2024-25 without creating a new position, and to at a minimum maintain the current service levels for economic development, operational efficiency, and data services in Fiscal Year 2024-25. The implementation of the strategic actions in the next fiscal year, as recommended by the Subcommittee, relies on maintaining the current service level. The City Council decisions over the past four years have significantly supported Carlsbad businesses and laid a strategy for a vibrant economy into the future. The Economic Development Subcommittee continues to be an important resource for businesses and business organizations to engage with the city. After one year of implementation of the plan, it is clear the city is on the right track and should continue investing in its implementation. Fiscal Analysis This action has no financial impact. Next Steps Staff will present the subcommittee recommendation regarding the Economic Development Strategic Actions – Fiscal Year 2024-25 to the City Council on May 21, 2024 during the fiscal year 2024-25 preliminary budget hearing. The Subcommittee recommendation provides the services necessary to accomplish the strategic actions for the next fiscal year and continue implementing the Economic Development Strategic Plan. If the recommendation is not approved, the implementation of the Economic Development Strategic Plan will be impacted. At a minimum, the recommendation for a small business liaison program and coordination with the businesses on parking and mobility would not occur in fiscal year 2024-25. Following the final budget adoption for fiscal year 2024-25, staff will present an item to the Economic Development Subcommittee regarding the strategic actions and implementation of the Economic Development Strategic Plan based on the approved resources and service levels. Exhibit 1. Economic Development Strategic Actions – Fiscal Year 2024-25 May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 4 of 15 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS FISCAL YEAR2024-25 YEAR 2 ACTION PLAN Exhibit 1 May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 5 of 15 {city of Carlsbad __..::::::; About the Strategic Actions Matrix The Economic Development Strategic Plan is a roadmap that will guide the city’s economic development activities for the next five years. The Strategy comes at a critical time for the city and the community. Given the economic uncertainty of the past few years, changing market pressures, international conflict, and shortage of available workers, it is more important than ever to identify Carlsbad’s economic development strategies and to prepare for future challenges. The Strategic Plan provides flexible and agile guidance for Carlsbad to address City Council’s goal of economic vitality: fostering a vibrant community. This Economic Development Strategic Actions matrix accompanies the Strategic Plan as a guide for the tactical actions that will build toward achieving the overarching goals and objectives in the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Actions will allow the city to re-prioritize or realign strategies as economic conditions change or if priorities shift throughout the tenure of the Strategic Plan. While the Innovation and Economic Development Department (I&ED) is the lead on these efforts, economic development is collaborative, and is not limited to one department, group, or organization. The Strategic Actions document thoughtfully involve multiple city departments, local and regional partners, workforce and talent, residents, and the broad and diverse businesses that support the community. As such, the Strategic Actions are intended to assist the city in aligning its program priorities to match the market opportunities identified in the Strategic Plan. While the Strategic Actions document assigns time frames to each tactic, it does not make staffing recommendations regarding the implementation of these programs. I&ED is a small, but mighty department, however, with its limited economic development staff, it may not be possible to implement all of the proposed actions without additional staff and resources. The Strategic Actions document assumes that new activities and programs would be phased in over several years and acknowledges that many of the proposed tactics involve activities that the city is already undertaking. It also provides an estimate of cost. The cost estimates provided are updated for each fiscal year, and projected forward for future years. The estimate provided for future years will be updated on an annual basis to ensure accuracy and adaptability to the current budget conditions, as the specific implementation time frame approaches. The City of Carlsbad believes in transparency and accountability, and as such, staff will regularly update the Economic Development Subcommittee on the progress made on the goals and objectives in the Strategic Plan and Strategic Actions document. | 2 | CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS - YEAR 2May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 6 of 15 City of Carlsbad Economic Development Strategic Plan Goals GOAL 1: Support Small Businesses, Startups & Entrepreneurs Support Small Businesses, Startups & Entrepreneurs in partnership with local and regional collaborators, supporting the long-term viability of entrepreneurs and small businesses in Carlsbad. GOAL 2: Develop Workforce and Attract Talent Develop and attract workers and talent by providing skills, resources, and support for current and future jobs. GOAL 3: Grow and Support Key Industries Grow and support key industries by providing and creating resources for these industries to thrive in Carlsbad’s economy. GOAL 4: Encourage Placemaking and Engagement Encourage a sense of connection in our community by building upon our successes and promoting access to economic development resources and opportunities. CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS - YEAR 2 | 3 | DRAFT Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget Considerations The proposed activities for fiscal year 2024-25 are achievable utilizing the department’s fiscal year 2023-24 budget level. Due to the current budget mandate, items that were originally slated for fiscal year 2024-25 that necessitated additional budget beyond fiscal year 2023-24 funding levels were moved to subsequent years for consideration. As such, the proposed Year 2 Strategic Actions do not contain a funding request above the department’s fiscal year 2023-24 levels. Updates to the Strategic Actions Matrix The five-year implementation timeline means that new actions will be started during each year of the strategy. Over time, these actions will accumulate to demonstrate expanded impact and programming. On the matrix presented on the following pages, actions that are “Complete” or “Ongoing” from previous years are shown in GREEN. “In Progress” and new actions that will commence in fiscal year 2024-25 are shown in YELLOW. When combined, between actions that were implemented in the first year, and new actions proposed for the second year, there are 40 actions that are proposed to be implemented in fiscal year 2024-25. May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 7 of 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS - YEAR 2 | 4 | Objective Strateg ic A ction D eliverable Statu s Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&EDPriority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD & IT Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$1 00,000 Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Low Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$5,000 Lead:I&ED Permit submittal statuses available to check online Utilizing Energov, track turnaround times for planning applications and permits to identify areas to increase efficiency. Complete (ongoing) CD staff tracks turnaround times. Ex ample includes enabled streamlined signage application Track turnaround times of permit applications Objective 1 .2 :Provide a positive customer service ex perience during the permitting process. Not Started Create a program to give planning and building staff better insight into operations in key industries, thereby giving a better understanding of development need. Industry workshops with staff Not Started Creation of a one stop shop permit center that allows customers to access resources related to the permitting process in one location. Customer Self Service Portal Complete Roll out of Energov self service portal Create an option for applicants to req uest project resolution issue meetings to resolve high priority, time- sensitive issues with senior level Development Services staff. Creation of a project resolution process Complete Evaluate a potential economic development priority project designation for planning and permitting review that could included ex pedited review, enhanced communication and/ or other allowances. Create priority project criteria; Identify options to ex pedite Wƌoŵoƚe ƚŚeථƉƌeͲĂƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝon ƉƌoŐƌĂŵ to help identify major issues early in the entitlement process. Pre-application process becomes a primary tool for developers with q uestions regarding development projects Complete (ongoing) Information included in discussions with developers and new companies Enhance the W elcome to Carlsbad Program for new businesses by providing information and resources on the pre-application program, permitting process, and business resources. Ensure new businesses have access to resources and information needed to grow their business Complete Available on the city’s business page of the website Continue the implementation of the Customer Self Service program within the permitting application system, Energov, to increase the number of Building, planning, and other permits available online I n Prog ress (1 0 % c omp l ete) 1 2 permits now available, goal to have 200 permits available online Increase the ability for customers to track the status of their projects onůŝne͘ථ I n Prog ress (2 5 % c omp l ete) Building permits now available, other permits in development Objective 1 .1 : Educate the public on the permitting and entitlement process and provide City staff with the knowledge and resources they need to provide such information G oal 1 : Su pport Small B u sin esses, Startu ps & E n trepren eu rs in partn ersh ip w ith local an d reg ion al collaborators, su pportin g th e lon g - term viability of en trepren eu rs an d small bu sin esses in Carlsbad. Celebrate staff’s role in economic development of Carlsbad and continue to educate on how their work can lead to success and economic health in the W ork across City Departments to ensure staff understands how their work impacts Economic Development Complete (ongoing) Communications between internal departments that interact with businesses to convey economic impact R esou rcin g Continually review the planning application and permitting procedures to identify process improvements. Continuous audit of procedures Complete (ongoing) System in place. Recent ex amples include ADU by-right process, comprehensive form updates Objective Strateg ic A ction D eliverable Statu s Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-houseLead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD & IT Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$1 00,000 Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Low Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$5,000 Lead:I&ED Permit submittal statuses available to check online Utilizing Energov, track turnaround times for planning applications and permits to identify areas to increase efficiency. Complete(ongoing) CD staff tracks turnaround times and reports K PIs for plan check review times. Track turnaround times of permit applications Not Started Creation of a one stop shop permit center that allows customers to access resources related to the permitting process in one location. Customer Self Service Portal Complete Roll out of Energov self service portal Create an option for applicants to req uest project resolution issue meetings to resolve high priority, time-sensitive issues with senior level Development Services staff. Creation of a project resolution process Complete Evaluate a potential economic development priority project designation for planning and permitting review that could included ex pedited review, enhanced communication and/ or other allowances. Create priority project criteria for projects that fall within key industries and meet certain defined parameters; Identify options to ex pedite pending available staffing resources Wƌoŵoƚe ƚŚeථƉƌeͲĂƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝon program to help identify major issues early in the entitlement process. Objective 1 .2 : Provide a positive customer service ex perience during the permitting process. Not Started Create a program to give planning and building staff better insight into operations in key industries, thereby giving a better understanding of development need. Industry workshops with staff Pre-application process becomes a primary tool for developers with q uestions regarding development projects Complete (ongoing) Information included in discussions with developers and new companies ( https: / / www.carlsbadca.gov/ home/ sh owpublisheddocument/ 8 21 0/ 637 7 08 46 9063930000 ) Enhance the W elcome to Carlsbad Program for new businesses by providing information and resources on the pre-application program, permitting process, and business resources. Ensure new businesses have access to resources and information needed to grow their business Complete Available on the city’s business page of the website Continue the implementation of the Customer Self Service program within the permitting application system, Energov, to increase the Building, planning, and other permits available online I n Prog ress (1 0 % c omp l ete) 1 2 permits now available, goal to eventually have 200 permits available online Increase the ability for customers to track the status of their projects onůŝne͘ථ I n Prog ress (2 5 % c omp l ete) Building permits now available, other permits in development Objective 1 .1 : Educate the public on the permitting and entitlement process and provide City staff with the knowledge and resources they need to provide such information Celebrate staff’s role in economic development of Carlsbad and continue to educate on how their work can lead to success and economic health in the City. W ork across City Departments to ensure staff understands how their work impacts Economic Development Complete (ongoing) Communications between internal departments that interact with businesses to convey economic impact R esou rcin g Continually review the planning application and permitting procedures to identify process improvements. Continuous audit of procedures Complete (ongoing) System in place. Recent ex amples include ADU by-right process, comprehensive form updates May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 8 of 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS - YEAR 2 | 5 | DRAFT Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house& onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED & Libraries Priority:Low Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$1 0,000 Lead:I&ED Priority:Low Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$1 00,000 Lead:I&ED Priority:Low Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:Low Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Low Start Year:FY26-27 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$1 0,000 Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$25,000 I n Prog ress (7 5 % c omp l ete) Program being built in conjunction with Chamber, CVA and Visit Carlsbad A resource and marketing kit for businesses to demonstrate the importance and impact of shopping local Continue to host a day of San Diego Startup W eek in Carlsbad to demonstrate the city's importance to the startup ecosystem in N orth County and the region as a whole. Host a day of startup week Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 Piloted in 2022 & 2023. Proposing to make it an on-going activity in 2024. Objective 1 .3: Empower small businesses and entrepreneurs with resources they need to be successful in Carlsbad Evaluate potential solutions to give a clearer understanding of zoning prior to submittal. ( O penCounter) Implement a solution to make zoning and planning information more accessible Not Started Not Started Create Small Business and Entrepreneur Symposium on basic and critical issues for small business owners. Topics could include marketing, social media, finance, human resources, access to capital, technology, and more. I n Prog ress (3 3 % c omp l ete) Partnership with SBDC and Carlsbad Libraries Position libraries as resource centers for small businesses to gain skills and information needed to run or grow their operations Partner with business organizations to develop a shop local initiative to encourage patronage at Carlsbad ďusŝnesses͘ථ Develop a Small Business Liaison Program that includes a dedicated liaison to resolve issues with the small business and entrepreneur community. Identify / add staff person to manage program Evaluate signage req uirements for businesses. Design an engagement mechanism to hear from residents and businesses, pending resource availability Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 Ex pand partnerships with entrepreneur support organizations and regional business partners to connect entrepreneurs with resources, networks, and capital. Partner with entrepreneur support organizations for services Complete (ongoing) Partnered with Connect, Startup San Diego, and San Diego Sport Innovators to support entrepreneurs and startups In partnership with the local business organizations, hold a Carlsbad Employer O pen House to showcase local businesses and connect them with potential Host or support an open-house event of Carlsbad employers Not Started Partner with the Employer Assistance and Resource N etwork on Disability Inclusion ( EARN ) to create resources for disabled- Establish Partnership( s)Not StartedObjective 1 .5 : Increase engagement and support for women, minority, veteran, disabled-owned businesses Through a data driven approach, consider additional flex ibility in the development code to allow for more agility as business trends change Identify outdated planning practices and codes In conjunction with regional partners such as SBA, SCO RE, and SBDC, offer trainings specifically Establish Partnership( s)Not Started Not Started Objective 1 .4: Embrace the changing nature of work and what that may look like for Carlsbad businesses Objective Strateg ic A ction D eliverable Statu s Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&EDPriority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD & IT Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$1 00,000 Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Low Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$5,000 Lead:I&ED Permit submittal statuses available to check online Utilizing Energov, track turnaround times for planning applications and permits to identify areas to increase efficiency. Complete (ongoing) CD staff tracks turnaround times. Ex ample includes enabled streamlined signage application Track turnaround times of permit applications Objective 1 .2 :Provide a positive customer service ex perience during the permitting process. Not Started Create a program to give planning and building staff better insight into operations in key industries, thereby giving a better understanding of development need. Industry workshops with staff Not Started Creation of a one stop shop permit center that allows customers to access resources related to the permitting process in one location. Customer Self Service Portal Complete Roll out of Energov self service portal Create an option for applicants to req uest project resolution issue meetings to resolve high priority, time- sensitive issues with senior level Development Services staff. Creation of a project resolution process Complete Evaluate a potential economic development priority project designation for planning and permitting review that could included ex pedited review, enhanced communication and/ or other allowances. Create priority project criteria; Identify options to ex pedite Wƌoŵoƚe ƚŚeථƉƌeͲĂƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝon ƉƌoŐƌĂŵ to help identify major issues early in the entitlement process. Pre-application process becomes a primary tool for developers with q uestions regarding development projects Complete (ongoing) Information included in discussions with developers and new companies Enhance the W elcome to Carlsbad Program for new businesses by providing information and resources on the pre-application program, permitting process, and business resources. Ensure new businesses have access to resources and information needed to grow their business Complete Available on the city’s business page of the website Continue the implementation of the Customer Self Service program within the permitting application system, Energov, to increase the number of Building, planning, and other permits available online I n Prog ress (1 0 % c omp l ete) 1 2 permits now available, goal to have 200 permits available online Increase the ability for customers to track the status of their projects onůŝne͘ථ I n Prog ress (2 5 % c omp l ete) Building permits now available, other permits in development Objective 1 .1 : Educate the public on the permitting and entitlement process and provide City staff with the knowledge and resources they need to provide such information G oal 1 : Su pport Small B u sin esses, Startu ps & E n trepren eu rs in partn ersh ip w ith local an d reg ion al collaborators, su pportin g th e lon g - term viability of en trepren eu rs an d small bu sin esses in Carlsbad. Celebrate staff’s role in economic development of Carlsbad and continue to educate on how their work can lead to success and economic health in the W ork across City Departments to ensure staff understands how their work impacts Economic Development Complete (ongoing) Communications between internal departments that interact with businesses to convey economic impact R esou rcin g Continually review the planning application and permitting procedures to identify process improvements. Continuous audit of procedures Complete (ongoing) System in place. Recent ex amples include ADU by-right process, comprehensive form updates KďũeĐƟǀe ϭ͘2͗ ĐonƟnueĚ Priority:HŝŐŚ Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Develop a Small Business Liaison Program that includes a dedicated liaison to resolve issues with the small business and entrepreneur community. Identify staff person to manage program Proposed to Start in 2024Priority:HŝŐŚ Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Develop a Small Business Liaison Program that includes a dedicated liaison to resolve issues with the small business and entrepreneur community. Identify staff person to manage program Proposed to Start in 2024Priority:HŝŐŚ Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Develop a Small Business Liaison Program that includes a dedicated liaison to resolve issues with the small business and entrepreneur community. Identify staff person to manage program Proposed to Start in 2024 In-house & onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 9 of 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS - YEAR 2 | 6 | DRAFT Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$25,000 Lead:I&ED geared towards supporting women, minority, veteran, and disabled- owned businesses. Celebrate women, minority, veteran, and disabled-owned businesses by acknowledging and creating events around: W omen’s Small Business Month, Veterans Small Business W eek, Black Business Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Creation of events that promote inclusivity Not Started Objective Strateg ic A ction D eliverable Statu s Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&EDPriority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD & IT Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$1 00,000 Lead:I&ED & CD Priority:Low Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$5,000 Lead:I&ED Permit submittal statuses available to check online Utilizing Energov, track turnaround times for planning applications and permits to identify areas to increase efficiency. Complete (ongoing) CD staff tracks turnaround times. Ex ample includes enabled streamlined signage application Track turnaround times of permit applications Objective 1 .2 :Provide a positive customer service ex perience during the permitting process. Not Started Create a program to give planning and building staff better insight into operations in key industries, thereby giving a better understanding of development need. Industry workshops with staff Not Started Creation of a one stop shop permit center that allows customers to access resources related to the permitting process in one location. Customer Self Service Portal Complete Roll out of Energov self service portal Create an option for applicants to req uest project resolution issue meetings to resolve high priority, time- sensitive issues with senior level Development Services staff. Creation of a project resolution process Complete Evaluate a potential economic development priority project designation for planning and permitting review that could included ex pedited review, enhanced communication and/ or other allowances. Create priority project criteria; Identify options to ex pedite Wƌoŵoƚe ƚŚeථƉƌeͲĂƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝon ƉƌoŐƌĂŵ to help identify major issues early in the entitlement process. Pre-application process becomes a primary tool for developers with q uestions regarding development projects Complete (ongoing) Information included in discussions with developers and new companies Enhance the W elcome to Carlsbad Program for new businesses by providing information and resources on the pre-application program, permitting process, and business resources. Ensure new businesses have access to resources and information needed to grow their business Complete Available on the city’s business page of the website Continue the implementation of the Customer Self Service program within the permitting application system, Energov, to increase the number of Building, planning, and other permits available online I n Prog ress (1 0 % c omp l ete) 1 2 permits now available, goal to have 200 permits available online Increase the ability for customers to track the status of their projects onůŝne͘ථ I n Prog ress (2 5 % c omp l ete) Building permits now available, other permits in development Objective 1 .1 : Educate the public on the permitting and entitlement process and provide City staff with the knowledge and resources they need to provide such information G oal 1 : Su pport Small B u sin esses, Startu ps & E n trepren eu rs in partn ersh ip w ith local an d reg ion al collaborators, su pportin g th e lon g - term viability of en trepren eu rs an d small bu sin esses in Carlsbad. Celebrate staff’s role in economic development of Carlsbad and continue to educate on how their work can lead to success and economic health in the W ork across City Departments to ensure staff understands how their work impacts Economic Development Complete (ongoing) Communications between internal departments that interact with businesses to convey economic impact R esou rcin g Continually review the planning application and permitting procedures to identify process improvements. Continuous audit of procedures Complete (ongoing) System in place. Recent ex amples include ADU by-right process, comprehensive form updates & >ŝďƌĂƌŝes KďũeĐƟ ǀe ϭ͘ϱ͗ ĐonƟ nueĚ May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 10 of 15 Objective Strateg ic A ction D eliverable Statu s Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:Libraries & I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$5,000 Lead:I&ED & Libraries Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded In-house Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:IT Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$1 00,000 Priority:Low Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:$1 M - 3M Lead:Transport Objective 2 .2 : Create a more connected City and capitalize on ex isting digital tools to promote digital eq uity Support the formation of internship programs for Carlsbad employers and reduce the barrier for interns to participate Support and facilitate resources to ex pand internship programs Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 Objective 2 .1 : Enhance workforce training and talent attraction resources to support Carlsbad’s key industries by partnering with K -1 2 school districts, regional higher educational institutions, and regional cities to support talent development and linkages with key industries Partner with K -1 2, school districts, and higher education institutions to enhance their ex isting programs that provide technical and soft skills to entry level employees. Create and maintain partnerships Not Started Facilitate partnerships between Carlsbad’s businesses and education partners to identify skills necessary to obtain employment in high wage industries. A better-informed higher educational system as to the needs for skills in the workforce I n Prog ress (5 0 % c omp l ete) Staff regularly conveys skills demand to higher education partners Promote the City’s ex isting digital tools to connect residents, businesses, and tourists to resources the city offers. Added messaging to outbound communications Complete (ongoing ) Resources promoted in economic development newsletters and social media communications Conduct an initial study for outdoor W i-Fi at city facilities and other critical areas for the public. Enhance and promote educational workshops provided by the Library, Parks and Recreation and other resources that provide skill development to Carlsbad’s workforce. Objective 2 .4: Through the implementation of the Sustainable Mobility Plan programs, mindfully create opportunities to promote economic vitality by providing the Carlsbad workforce with additional mobility options Evaluate micro-mobility options to make Carlsbad more connected and accessible. Increased ridership on public transit and other multi-modal options Complete Feasibility analysis and report completed. Recommendations deemed unfeasible to implement at this time Evaluate partnership with local businesses to enhance the current Down Payment Assistance Program. Position libraries as resource centers for small businesses to gain skills and information needed to run or grow their operations Not Started I&ED H&HS Objective 2 .3: Through the implementation of the Housing Element programs, address housing issues while promoting economic vitality by providing the workforce additional housing opportunities to be able to both live and work in Carlsbad Lead: Delivery of skills-based training for Carlsbad residents Complete (ongoing) Piloted the J ob-Readiness Room program and learned key insights into how to better support skills training. Ensure adeq uate wi-fi access is available at appropriate city facilities I n Prog ress (5 0 % c omp l ete) Data gathering, research, and cost estimation have been completed Collaborate with regional partners such as SO CAL, Mira Costa College, TCI, and local businesses for workforce training for middle school, high school, post-secondary students, and transitioning adults. Create and maintain partnerships Not Started G oal 2 : D evelop an d attract w ork ers an d talen t by providin g sk ills, resou rces, an d su pport f or cu rren t an d f u tu re jobs. R esou rcin g Enhance Life In Action tools to assist in talent attraction for Carlsbad businesses in key industries - transitioning Life in Action Recruiter tool from a pilot to an ongoing resource for Carlsbad businesses. Update interface to be more useful and intuitive for businesses, allows for better data gathering on usage I n Prog ress (9 0 % c omp l ete) W ork being done internally with other departments that interface with businesses CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS - YEAR 2 | 7 |May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 11 of 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS - YEAR 2 | 8 | DRAFT Objective Strateg ic A ction D eliverable Statu s Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:Transport Priority:High Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:Funded Lead:Transport Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Θ onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Θ onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded In-house Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded In-house Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 Objective 3.1 : Evaluate opportunities to improve mobility for visitors, residents, and the workforce. Host commercial real estate forums to create connections with resources. Recurring forum with commercial brokers Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 Promote the city’s business locator website to businesses looking to move to Carlsbad, developers, brokers, and investors. Increased awareness of tools to support businesses moving to Carlsbad Complete (ongoing) Messaging included in Economic Development in newsletter and social media Host industry advisory groups with leaders in key business clusters, with a specific emphasis on the innovation eĐonoŵLJ͘ථ Create an ongoing series of industry roundtable discussions Complete (ongoing) Roundtable series captures all key industries Use data to identify specific mobility issues and select projects from the City’s Sustainable Mobility Plan and Parking Management Plant that will result in a higher q uality of life for Carlsbad residents and workers. Propose actions from the PMP and SMP that will help address parking challenges ex perienced by businesses Support regional innovation showcases, like " Innovation Day" to demonstrate Carlsbad's commitment to fostering innovative firms and industries. Support innovation showcases like " Innovation Day" Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 This activity has happened in the past but was not part of the EDSP actions Objective 3.3: Assist businesses in growing industries or sectors, such as health care, life sciences, and the innovation economy, which are looking to relocate or ex pand in Carlsbad. Create a form to better track BEAR projects and their impact on the city. Develop an intake form and tracking sheet Not Started Objective 3.2 : Connect businesses in key sectors with data and resources they need to thrive in Carlsbad. Use business data and recent business survey to assess and engage with industry clusters to develop support for their ex pansion, attraction, and retention. Survey businesses biannually and use data to engage with key industries I n Prog ress (5 0 % c omp l ete) Business survey is live, results will be compiled to capture meaningful data on key industries Utilize partnership with Innovate 7 8 to connect Carlsbad businesses with regional resources. Cohesive economic development and collaboration across N orth County Complete (ongoing) Regional collaboration pivoting in 2024 to be more resource-driven G oal 3: G row an d su pport k ey in du stries by providin g an d creatin g resou rces f or th ese in du stries to th rive in Carlsbad’ s econ omy. R esou rcin g Evaluate micro-mobility and parking options in the Village and coastline to make Carlsbad more connected and accessible. Provide analysis of mobility and parking options that enhance connectivity and accessibility I n Prog ress ( 7 5% complete) Potential collaboration with the City of Encinitas. PMP drafted May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 12 of 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS - YEAR 2 | 9 | DRAFT Objective Strateg ic A ction D eliverable Statu s Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:Transport Priority:High Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:Funded Lead:Transport Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded (S taff time & p ar t of $ 7 5 , 0 0 0 c ontr ac t w ith Z enc ity ) Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded ($ 2 0 , 0 0 0 c ontr ac t w ith S D N E D C & p ar t of $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 c ontr ac t w ith C onnec t)Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded (staff time) Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded (S taff time, $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 C ontr ac t w ith W ith & P ar t of $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 c ontr ac t w ith R ising T id e)Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded (staff time) Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded (p ar t of $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 c ontr ac t w ith C onnec t)Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded (staff time) Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 Objective 3.1 : Evaluate opportunities to improve mobility for visitors, residents, and the workforce. Host commercial real estate forums to create connections with resources. Recurring forum with commercial brokers Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 Promote the city’s business locator website to businesses looking to move to Carlsbad, developers, brokers, and investors. Increased awareness of tools to support businesses moving to Carlsbad Complete (ongoing) Messaging included in Economic Development in newsletter and social media Host industry advisory groups with leaders in key business clusters, with a specific emphasis on the innovation eĐonoŵLJ͘ථ Create an ongoing series of industry roundtable discussions Complete (ongoing) Roundtable series captures all key industries Use data to identify specific mobility issues and select projects from the City’s Sustainable Mobility Plan and Parking Management Plant that will result in a higher q uality of life for Carlsbad residents and workers. Propose actions from the PMP and SMP that will help address parking challenges ex perienced by businesses Support regional innovation showcases, like " Innovation Day" to demonstrate Carlsbad's commitment to fostering innovative firms and industries. Support innovation showcases like " Innovation Day" Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 This activity has happened in the past but was not part of the EDSP actions Objective 3.3: Assist businesses in growing industries or sectors, such as health care, life sciences, and the innovation economy, which are looking to relocate or ex pand in Carlsbad. Create a form to better track BEAR projects and their impact on the city. Develop an intake form and tracking sheet Not Started Objective 3.2 : Connect businesses in key sectors with data and resources they need to thrive in Carlsbad. Use business data and recent business survey to assess and engage with industry clusters to develop support for their ex pansion, attraction, and retention. Survey businesses biannually and use data to engage with key industries I n Prog ress (5 0 % c omp l ete) Business survey is live, results will be compiled to capture meaningful data on key industries Utilize partnership with Innovate 7 8 to connect Carlsbad businesses with regional resources. Cohesive economic development and collaboration across N orth County Complete (ongoing) Regional collaboration pivoting in 2024 to be more resource-driven G oal 3: G row an d su pport k ey in du stries by providin g an d creatin g resou rces f or th ese in du stries to th rive in Carlsbad’ s econ omy. R esou rcin g Evaluate micro-mobility and parking options in the Village and coastline to make Carlsbad more connected and accessible. Provide analysis of mobility and parking options that enhance connectivity and accessibility I n Prog ress ( 7 5% complete) Potential collaboration with the City of Encinitas. PMP drafted Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$25,000 Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY25-26Cost:$25,000 Lead:I&ED Priority:Low Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Create a site-selection tool to position Carlsbad for inbound investment. Develop a site-selection tool Not Started Partner with local universities and colleges to create workforce development opportunities in the hospitality, tourism, and entertainment sectors. A more robust pipeline of workers for hospitality and tourism jobs Not Started Objective 3.4: Support the needs of our residents while balancing the needs of our businesses in tourism, hospitality, and entertainment. Continue to support Carlsbad business organizations that maintain the tourism economy in Carlsbad. Support for Carlsbad's tourism sector Complete (ongoing) Regular meetings with Visit Carlsbad and hoteliers, re-establishment of the CTBID under ’94 law Update information and mapping of Carlsbad's key industry clusters and patent intensity. Updated key industry cluster and patent information Not Started May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 13 of 15 Objective Strateg ic A ction D eliverable Statu s Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$1 0,000 Lead:I&ED & Comms Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Θ onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED & C&E Priority:Low Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house & onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded In-house Θ onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Θ onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Priority:Low Start Year:FY26-27 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & IT Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$5,000 Lead:Comms Priority:Low Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded In-house Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY26-27 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & Comms Develop a separate economic development newsletter focused on business and workforce development resources. Stand-alone business focused newsletter Complete (ongoing) Update Economic Development website and Doing Business in Carlsbad website to include links to programs and regional partners and resources. Updates to business-facing web resources I n Prog ress (2 0 % c omp l ete) Initial mapping of business resource pages and data dashboards complete Development of a spotlight tool for digital outlets Develop a business spotlight program to highlight local businesses Complete (ongoing) Small business spotlight in newsletter and social media I n Prog ress (2 0 % c omp l ete) Piloting a new platform that could present an option for this type of program Create a How to do Business G uide to assist small businesses and entrepreneurs in opening a business in Carlsbad. Creation of resource guide Complete ( on g oin g ) Available on business page of the city's website Develop and promote bulletins and flow charts for common permitting application types. Develop bulletins and flow charts Complete (ongoing) https: / / www.carlsbadca.gov/ departme nts/ community- development/ departmental- information-bulletins Ex pand the opt-in tex t messaging system related to economic development and other City activities. Citywide platform available to community members Creation of videos Not Started Create a digital library of free business resources. Creation of digital library Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 Incorporate business and economic development activities into the weekly City Manager newsletter, City calendar, and social media to foster a sense of pride in local businesses. Messaging included in appropriate outlets Complete (ongoing) 1 4 business related items featured in the city managers update 1 1 articles published, 1 1 newsletters distributed Objective 4.2 : Enhance placemaking opportunities to strengthen the Partner with local businesses to participate in and promote the City’s volunteer program to activate public spaces and foster a sense of Increased awareness of tools to support businesses moving to Carlsbad Not Started Objective 4.1 : Build upon the successes of the communication efforts in the City to promote the City’s economic development programs. Develop and promote “ how to” videos for select permitting processes. G oal 4: E n cou rag e a sen se of con n ection in ou r commu n ity by bu ildin g u pon ou r su ccesses an d promotin g access to econ omic developmen t resou rces an d opportu n ities. R esou rcin g Develop a communications plan specific towards economic development efforts and celebrating the business community with consistent and cohesive messaging. Updated communications plan Not Started CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS - YEAR 2 | 10 |May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 14 of 15 CITY OF CARLSBAD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS - YEAR 2 | 11 | DRAFT Objective Strateg ic A ction D eliverable Statu s Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$1 0,000 Lead:I&ED & Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & Comms Priority:Low Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Low Start Year:FY26-27 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & IT Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:CD Priority:High Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:$5,000 Lead:Comms Priority:Low Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED Priority:Medium Start Year:FY26-27 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & Comms Priority:Low Start Year:FY26-27 Cost:$1 0,000 Lead:I&ED & Comms Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded Lead:I&ED & Comms Develop a separate economic development newsletter focused on business and workforce development resources. Stand-alone Complete (ongoing) Update Economic Development website and Doing Business in Carlsbad website to include links to programs and regional partners and resources. Updates to business-facing web resources I n Prog ress (2 0 % c omp l ete) Initial mapping of business resource pages and data dashboards complete Development of a spotlight tool for digital outlets Develop a business spotlight program to highlight local businesses Complete (ongoing) Small business spotlight in newsletter and social media I n Prog ress (2 0 % c omp l ete) Piloting a new platform that could present an option for this type of program Create a How to do Business G uide to assist small businesses and entrepreneurs in opening a business in Carlsbad. Creation of resource guide Complete ( on g oin g ) Available on business page of the city's website Develop and promote bulletins and flow charts for common permitting application types. Develop bulletins and flow charts Complete (ongoing) Ex pand the opt-in tex t messaging system related to economic development and other City activities. Citywide platform available to community members Creation of videos Not Started Create a digital library of free business resources. Creation of digital library Not Started Incorporate business and economic development activities into the weekly City Manager newsletter, City calendar, and social media to foster a sense of pride in local businesses. Complete (ongoing) 1 4 business related items featured in the city managers update 1 1 articles published, 1 1 newsletters distributed Objective 4.2 :Enhance placemaking opportunities to strengthen the connection between people and the places they share. Partner with local businesses to participate in and promote the City’s volunteer program to activate public spaces and foster a sense of connection. Increased awareness of tools to support businesses moving to Carlsbad Not Started Provide a digital platform for local businesses to promote their volunteer opportunities, such as beach cleanups. Citywide platform available to community members I n Prog ress (2 0 % c omp l ete) Piloting a new platform that could present an option for this type of program Utilize the City’s social media platforms to showcase Carlsbad’s sense of place and community. Increased engagement on social media platforms that showcase the city as a desirable destination Complete (ongoing) Leverage Life in Action and city-owned channels to enhance perception of Carlsbad Objective 4.1 : Build upon the successes of the communication efforts in the City to promote the City’s economic development programs. Develop and promote “ how to” videos for select permitting processes. G oal 4: E n cou rag e a sen se of con n ection in ou r commu n ity by bu ildin g u pon ou r su ccesses an d promotin g access to econ omic developmen t resou rces an d opportu n ities. R esou rcin g Develop a communications plan specific towards economic development efforts and celebrating the business community with Updated communications plan Not StartedPriority:Low Start Year:FY26-27 Cost:$1 0,000 Lead:I&ED & Comms Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded In-house Θ onƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED & C&E Priority:Medium Start Year:FY24-25 Cost:Funded In-house Lead:I&ED & C&E Priority:Low Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:Unknown Lead:Libraries Priority:Medium Start Year:FY25-26 Cost:Unknown Lead:Parks & Rec Priority:High Start Year:FY23-24 Cost:Funded ConƚƌĂĐƚeĚ Lead:I&ED Partner with local business organizations to implement placemaking strategies such as holiday lighting and a banner program to enhance the sense of place and community. Robust and well maintained banner program Complete (ongoing) Banner program effectively managed by CVA Objective 4.3: Leverage city-owned assets and right of way to create a sense of place Consider ex panding the City’s social media footprint into additional platforms to target different segments of the Carlsbad population. Ex ploration of additional platforms to reach target audiences Continue to celebrate local artists by enhancing the City’s Public Art Collection. Enhanced public art displays Not Started Ex pand the City's parklet program to create additional green space and community gathering opportunities. Enhanced green space that is open and usable to the public Not Started Proposed to Start in 2 0 2 4 connection between people and the places they share. Provide a digital platform for local businesses to promote their volunteer opportunities, such as beach cleanups. Citywide platform available to community members I n Prog ress (2 0 % c omp l ete) Piloting a new platform that could present an option for this type of program Utilize the City’s social media platforms to showcase Carlsbad’s sense of place and community. Increased engagement on social media platforms that showcase the city asa desirable destination Complete (ongoing) Leverage Life in Action and city-owned channels to enhance perception of Carlsbad May 21, 2024 Item #3 Page 15 of 15 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTIONS UPDATE Recommendation: Receive an informational report on the implementation of current economic development strategic actions, discuss and provide recommendations. It e m 3 INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT {city of Carlsbad ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN •Supports Strategic Plan Goal -Economic Vitality •Four Key Goals: o Support Small Businesses, Startups & Entrepreneurs o Develop Workforce and Attract Talent o Grow and Support Key Industries o Encourage Placemaking and Engagement INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C CityOf Carlsbad (city of Carlsbad INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EDSP Program Dashboard •17 current economic development programs underway •Projects span the 4 key pillars for the Economic Development Strategic Plan Number of projects by Status 20 15 10 5 0 Total# of projects (all time) 17 • Not Started In Progress • Complete Total # of active projects 16 # of Projects by Schedule Health 15 10 5 0 I I I . I Total Projects At Risk 3 ■ ■ • Green Yellow • Red Shortcut Projects At Risk INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of Activity •Increased program size •Second largest in San Diego County •Updated imagery to embody the Carlsbad experience •Enabled holiday lighting in the Village •Net cost savings moving forward EDSP Program Updates Banner Program DASHBOARD Project Information 100% Percent Complete In Progress Status 07/01/23 Start Date 04/15/24 End Date Tasks by Status 8 V In Progress • Complete {city of Carlsbad INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of Activity •Completed visits to Vuori and Argonaut Manufacturing •Upcoming visits to Quidel Ortho, MiraCosta TCI, and HME EDSP Program Updates Company Tours DASHBOARD Project Information 81% Percent Complete In Progress Status Start Date End Date Tasks by Status V Not Started In Progress • Complete • Cancelacl • OnHolcl {city of Carlsbad INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of Activity •CGLBID has expended all funds and the Advisory Board has approved a recommendation to the City Council to disestablish the District •The CTBID is still overseeing the expenditure of fund. Once all services have been rendered, the CTBID Advisory Board will consider a recommendation to disestablish •Due to recent departures at several properties, new advisory board members will need to be appointed. EDSP Program Updates CTBID Conversion Tracking DASHBOARD Project Information 97% Percent Complete In Progress Status 05/01/22 Start Date 06/30/28 End Date Tasks by Status 2 6 V Not Started In Progress • Complete {city of Carlsbad INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of Activity •Hosted the third cybersecurity awareness program in conjunction with CCOE and the Carlsbad Chamber •The program promotes business and economic resiliency by helping Carlsbad small businesses be better prepared and aware of threats online •More than 90 Carlsbad small businesses have participated in the program so far EDSP Program Updates Cybersecurity Awareness Training DASHBOARD Project Information 59% Percent Complete In Progress Status 08/15/23 Start Date 10/02/24 End Date Tasks by Status 8 V Not Started In Progress • Complete {city of Carlsbad INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of Activity •Dashboard of Economic Indicators has been launched •Will automatically update as new data becomes available. •Is a resource for data-informed decision making for city leaders, businesses, and residents. •Dashboard is live at carlsbadca.gov/economy EDSP Program Updates Ei2 DASHBOARD Project Information 78% Percent Complete In Progress Status 01/04/23 Start Date 08/14/24 End Date Tasks by Status 17 V NotStaned In Progress • Complete {city of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad Economic Overview City of Carlsbad Economic Development Dashboard 0 Talent & Workforce Demographics ll.._ ___ eo_m_m_e_rc_ia_l_Re_a_l _Est_a_te __ .....,11 Business Activity & Industry Clusters Economic Overview -Key Indicators Snapshot Carlsbad's economy is characterized by its robustness and diversity, supported by a range of industries and favo rable economic indicators. The city's Gross Domestic Product (G DP) shows steady growth, d rive n by key sectors such as li fe sciences, technology, sports innovation and design, cleantech, and hospitality and tourism. With a hea lthy employment rate and a skilled workforce, Carlsbad ma inta ins its economic prosperity. The city's median household income surpasses the national ave rage, re fl ecting its hig h quality of life. Carlsbad's business la ndscape is dive rse, with a wide range of industries contributing to its economic stabil ity and resilience. This economic dashboard shows key indicators and trends to give readers a better understanding of t he city's economic makeup and track record. The indicators shown below provide a high level overview of Carlsbad's economy. The d ifferent tabs across the top allow for a deeper d ive into workforce dynamics, detailed industry information, and development trends. Gross Regional Product (GRP) $17 .1 B 04, 2023 Median Household Income $146,596 04, 2023 Unemployment Rate 4.2% 04, 2023 Mean Travel Time 28.5 Minutes 2022 Medium Home Value $1.45M 04, 2023 Total Businesses in Carlsbad 6,667 2023 Total Workforce 91,697 Jobs 04, 2023 Industrial Net Absorption SF Total 97,849 04, 2023 Job Postings -Unique 7,752 04, 2023 Leasing Rate (NNN Rent Overall) 19.49 04, 2023 {city of Carlsbad INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of Activity •Hosted Roundtables with Sports and Active Lifestyle, Cleantech, and Life Sciences industries •Upcoming roundtable with the Tech industry EDSP Program Updates Industry Roundtables DASHBOARD Project Information 91% Percent Complete In Progress Status 08/01/23 Start Date 06/28/24 End Date Tasks by Status V Not Started In Progress • Complete • Canceled {city of Carlsbad INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of Activity •Completed pivot to a more direct-service model through a partnership with Connect and San Diego North EDC •Hosted a startup breakfast and networking event with more than 40 businesses attending •Connect’s annual Summer Social will be held at The Flower Fields on June 13 EDSP Program Updates lnnovate78 DASHBOARD Project Information 99% Percent Complete In Progress Status 07/01 /23 Start Date 06/27/24 End Date Tasks by Status 2 2 V Not Started In Progress • Complele {city of Carlsbad INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of Activity •Partnered with SBDC for a “Concept to Creation” series in March •37 small businesses participated •Upcoming “Connecting with Contracts” series scheduled for June •Will help small businesses connect with government and institutional procurement opportunities. EDSP Program Updates Library Business Workshops DASHBOARD Project Information 97% Percent Complete In Progress Status 08/15/23 Start Date 04/01 /24 End Date Tasks by Status 2 V Not Started In Progress • Complete {city of Carlsbad INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of Activity •More than 450 candidates have profiles on the new “Candidate Marketplace” •New site features ensure easy and secure usability by Carlsbad businesses. •Since relaunching in April, more than 45 Carlsbad businesses have signed up to use the platform EDSP Program Updates Life in Action Recruiter DASHBOARD Project Info rmation 85% Percent Complete In Progress Status 07/01 /23 Start Dale 01 /05/24 End Date Tasks by Status 10 V Not Started In Progress • Complete • On Hold INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of Activity •In conjunction with SDNEDC and CSU San Marcos, created a coordinated program to utilize vacant student housing during summer months for summer intern housing •Reduces the barrier to sourcing interns by providing lower-cost housing accommodations •Several enrichment programs will take place to ensure interns are engaged in North County •As a result, enrollment has tripled in the last year EDSP Program Updates Project Tracking & Rollup DASHBOARD V Project Information 53% Percent Complete In Progress Status 08/01 /23 Start Dale 10/23/24 End Date Tasks by Status 11 California State University SAN MARCOS Not Started In Progress • Complete {city of Carlsbad FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 ACTIONS •The Subcommittee’s recommendation to support the Economic Development Strategic Actions – Fiscal Year 2024-25 (Exhibit 1), move the Small Business Liaison program development to Fiscal Year 2024-25 without creating a new position, and at a minimum maintain the current service levels for economic development, operational efficiency, and data services in Fiscal Year 2024-25 will be included in the budget process. INNOVATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 (_City of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad