HomeMy WebLinkAboutMCUP 07-06; DOWNTOWN CARLSBAD PCS FACILITY - 2ND EXTENSION; Minor Conditional Use Permit (MCUP)(cityof Carlsbad LAND USE REVIEW APPLICATION P-1 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www .carlsbadca.gov APPLICATIONS APPLIED FOR: (CHECK BOXES) Devefopm•nt Permits 1r:0R DEPT. usE ONL vi l.eaf«latlye Permit§ □ Coastal Development Permit D Minor Ill Conditional Use Ptrmlt OMlnOI' Iii Extension □ Day Care (Large) □ Envlronmental Impact AsseHment □ Habitat Management Permit 0 Minor □ Hlllslde Development Permit 0 Minor □ Nonconfonnlng Construction Permit □ Planned Development Permit D Minor 0 Residential 0 Non-Residential □ Planning CommlHlon Determination D Reasonable Accommodation □ Site Development Plan 0 Minor □ Speclal Use Permit □ Tentative Parcel Map (Minor Subdivision) □ Tentative Tract Map (Major Subdivision) □ Variance 0 Minor MC.IA~ 07-0lo 1.,.J,. ~o. 0 General Plan Amendment D Local Coastal Program Amendment D Matter Plan 0 Specific Plan 0 Zone Change □Amendment □Amendment 0 Zone Code Amendment Soyth C,rl•b•d COff(al Review Ar•• ftt.m!1l 0 Review Permit 0 Administrative D Minor O Major V/1110• Reylew Acu Permit, 0 Review Permit 0 Administrative D Minor O Major (FOR DEPT. USE ONLY) NOTE: A PROPOSED PROJECT REQUIRING APPLICATION 8UBMITTAL MU8T BE SUBMITTED BY APPOINTMENT'. PLeASE CONTACT THE APPOINTMENT SPECIALIST AT (7110) 902,,2723 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. •SAME D Y APPOINTM!NTS ARE NOT AV,-llABLE ASSESSOR PARCEL N0(S): 205-190-25 --------------------------------LO CAT 10 N OF PROJECT: 1015 Chestnut Ave -------------------------------- NAME OF PROJECT: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: PROJECT VALUE (SITE IMPROVEMENTS) FOR CITY USE ONLY (STREET ADDRESS) Sprint Chestnut Plaza CUP extension $0 ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE N/ A Development No. t>B/ Q \ -\S Lead Case No. P-1 Page 1 of 8 Revised 10/20 ( OWNER NAME (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICANT NAME (PLEASE PRINT) INDIVIDUAL NAME G. H€~t"~ u1"" p) A-2-A-INDIVIDUAL NAME (If applicable): (If applicable): COMPANY NAME ~N~ r\-l~OC, Mus'-.] . COMPANY NAME ~ _J_ (If applicable): (if applicable): ~ JC. i - MAILING ADDRESS: '2-1 ~, s. e, Gf',-1>'\ •N o '(l.e(t.fl. MAILINGAODRESS: 1..0. ~~ Vis;~ sglll!.--C.f.~::lo CITY, STATE, ZIP: 2"" \ ~ 2,.ob CITY, STATE, ZIP: <:~ Di~;, '2. O+-9t:.r.t 0 l TELEPHONE: oc ~\ ,,.cl:: ·_. ~ 'it.o y 1 TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: Jf~(l.clje(L (~"~I),(~ EMAIL AOORESS: I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE ANO CORRECT TO KNOWLEDGE. I CERTIFY AS LEGAL OWNER THAT THE APPLICANT AS THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SET FORTH HEREIN IS MY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR PURPOSES OF THIS APPLICATION. t-Jl1t! 2v~ ~?/u. ~~~. ---IG URE .. _ DATE SIGlilATURE~ -DATE =~~::::::sENTATIVE (Priot) E, :S?~ -~ s CITY.STATIS,ZIP, = ~ Zic.; TELEPHONE: {p1'1 s7'i . s<J_, "J EMAIL ADDRESS: ~L -p~: lli',fl::,. e. f/ ().JG -£. d . Ca::!::l I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT FOR PURPOSES OF THIS APPLICATION AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE r,S~F MY KNOWLEDGE. -~ '1 ----==-/l ZL -SIGNATURE DATE I IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. NOTICE OF RESTRICTION: PROPERTY OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES ANO CONSENTS TO A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION BEING RECORDED ON THE TITLE TO HIS PROPERTY IF CONDITIONED FOR THE APPLICANT. NOTICE OF RESTRICTIONS RUN WITH THE LAND AND BIND ANY SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. Se1;R<a1lw~GNATURE FOR CITY USE ONLY APR ti:>2022 '\ DATE STAMP APPLICATION Rt:'CEIVEO P-1 Page 2 of6 Revised 10/20 O'NNE.RNAME INDIVlOUAL NAME ,~~): COMPANY NAME (iff;f)f'table). MAILING ADDIU:S& {PLEASE PRINT} (;. Ht~Tj)J u.,.. Pl/\-2. A-- (Y..>JN bl"$ A-~~OC.\~'t,°'-.J . '2.1 ~ I S. t I CfW\w o :;;.;J/ CITY, STATE. ZJP: _';,x.v..;.....c1._~..;;"_...,k"---'b"--------- TELEPHONE: O(~u,~ _ C,-(,l ,:;u., S-'f !:MAH. ADDRESS: Jlc-~l,~fl.' ~"c; I:).(~ APPLICANT NAME (PLEASE PRINT) I CERlli;\' THAT I /\M THE LEGAL OWNER AND ~TALL lHE ABOVE I CERTifV ~TI A'A THE LEOI\L REPRESENTATIVE OF THE 0"''NER INFORMATION IS TRVE ANO COORECT TO THE BUT Of M\' ANDT~TAU.THEA80VEINFOIU,1ATIONlSlRUEANOC~RECTTO l<NOWL£0GE. I CERTIFY AS LEGAL OWNER THAT THE APPlJCANT AS 'tHE BES r OF MY J<NOWt.EOGE, Se-T FORTI! HEREIN IS MY I\VTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVI:.' f-Oti PVRPOSESOFTHISAPPLICATION. / / _ _ _ --___ --~ ~ / ,,---Y ----"If?_ v/ I I iu~ ~ --::::=-~ ~ IZ/ ZA-z ~ ~ CATE SIGNATVRI: _____ ...DA1-tr • APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Print)' MAILING ADORES$; CITY, STATE, ZJP: TELEPHONE: EMAIL AOPRcSS: I Cl'RTlfYlHATI AM ™E REPRESEfl/TATIVEOf' TliEAPPI.ICI\N1 roR PtJRPOSCS or THIS APPLIGATlc»l AND I HAT /\LL lHE All0\/'1: l'IFORMATIClN lS TRVE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWlE~ ! I -~ I/ !!JI~~ ~,... 01\TE ' IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSt\~ FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF, PLANNING COMMISSIONERS OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO NSPECT AND ENTER ntE PROPERTY THAT JS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. lmE CONSENT IO ENTFf( FOR Tt'tS PURPOSE, NOTICE OF RES'rRICTfON: PROPERTY OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES A.NC) CONSFNTS TO A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION BEING fU!CORDEO ON TliE MLE TO HIS PROPERTY Ir CONDITIONED FOR THE APPLICANT. NOTICE OF RESl"RICTIONS RUN WITI I ~m c_ TY OW ~ FOR CITY USE ONLY l'l>\Jd 2 ol!J RECE-iVt=o APR 2 8 2022 CITY o:= CAPLSRAD ~~~OJ4-RECEIVED MobileComm Professionals, Inc. Y• ISi 011-2111 Cll'lliet 11111111 Cellrlc IF S1111» S1rvlas Parbllr Radio Fn!quency -Electromagnetic Exposure (RF-EME) Compliance Report (',J (',J c:::, (',J EME Studx Site ID Site Name Site Type Site Class SD08234A Chestnut Plaza Building Rooftop Structure Address 1015 Chestnut Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Latitude 33.157847 Longitude -117.338583 Report By Shrish Dubey Report Date 01-17-2022 MobileComm Professionals, Inc 415 W Presllllll llll'II IISII Hwv. llelllrdsll. TX.15115. Tel: 1214) 515-4511 FU: 1214) 515-4512 1 MobileComm Professionals, Inc . • ,_ ISi 011-2111 C111111et lllllltV CUll'lc IF SafllV S1rvlcls Pal'IIII' Table of Contents J .0 Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 MPE Calculations ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 3.0 Antenna Inventory ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 4.0 FCC Rules and Regulations and Guidelines from OET 65 ............................................................................................................ 6 5.0 Safety Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 6.0 FCC Limits ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 7.0 Compliance Measures ................................................................................................................................................................ 1 J 8.0 Summary ................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 9.0 Certification ............................................................................................................................................................................... 14 MobileComm Professionals, Inc 465 W PreslHlt ..... BISII 11WV. lltllam11. 1115115. Tel: (2141575-4511 FU: (214} 515-4512 2 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. • ,_ ISi 9111-2111 Clldllet 1111111 CHlrlc If Saflb Sffllces Pllbllr 1.0 Executive Summary / Site ID 5O08234A Street Address 1015 Chestnut Ave Site Name Chestnut Plaza City, State, Zip Carlsbad, CA 92008 Site Type Building Latitude 33.157847 Site Class Rooftop Structure Longitude -117.338583 Access Restrictions Controlled Access Type Hatch to Roof Site Description The proposed antennas will be mounted on support frame behind screen wall above main roof and ronnected to the equipment via coaxial cables. Max Theoretical RF-EME at T-Mobile Facility (Occupational) 1048.93% at Main Roof at TMO Sector C Max Theoretical RF-EME at Ground (General Population) 10.75% A result of over 100% does not make a site out of compliance with FCC guidelines. For predicted EME over 100% of the applicable FCC limit, further remediation (e.g., signage and/or barriers preventing access) is required to consider the site compliant. Areas exceeding the FCC limit are demarcated with barriers and appropriate signage. Accessible areas outside the demarcated safety zones have predicted EME below the FCC's limits. Installation of the recommended mitigation or remediation measures brings the site into compliance. The engineering models antennas as if they are operating at full power, and this assumption yields more conservative results (higher predicted EME). On-site measurements may yield different results, as antennas do not always operate at full capacity. Methodology The compliance determination is based on theoretical modeling, RF signage placement recommendations, proposed antenna inventory and the level of restricted access to the antennas at the site. Compliance Statement T-Mobile's operation at 1015 Chestnut Ave, carlsbad, C\ 92008 will comply with FCC rules and regulations upon completion of required mitigation actions as described in Section 7. MobileComm Professionals, Inc 415 W PnslUlll CIDrll 11111 Hwv. llclllm11, 11. 15115. Tel: 1214) 515-4511 FU: 1214) ffl-4512 3 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. Y• ISi 9111-1111 Cllllllet IIIIIIIY Clllrlc If s1111:v SIIVlcas Pallllll' 2.0 MPE Calculations For this MPE theoretical analysis, MobileComm considered the accessible areas of site to determine approximate field strength levels and to identify any areas with higher levels exceeding FCC MPE limits and then determined spatially averaged field levels in areas with highest fields. MobileComm has utilized computer generated model(s) in this Site Compliance Report. The modeling software that MobileComm used to create this report is Roofmaster. General Model Assumptions In this Site Compliance Report, it is assumed that all antennas are operating at full power at all times. The Antenna Inventory Table (Section 3) shows all transmitting antennas at the site. MobileComm has further assumed a 100% duty cycle and maximum radiated power. Obstructions (trees, buildings etc.) that would normally attenuate the signal are not taken into account. MobileComm obtained information used in this Site Compliance Report from T-Mobile which is considered reliable and believes them to be true and correct. Due to the complexity of some wireless sites, MobileComm performed this analysis and created this report utilizing best industry practices and due diligence. MobileComm Professionals, Inc 465 W Preslalt lletrll hsll 11WY, lldlll1s11. 11. 15115. TII: 0141575-4511 Fu: 0141515-UIZ 4 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. ,_ ISi Hl1-2111 hlllllN. lnlllY Celll'lc If SahlV Sffllcts PIIINr 3.0 Antenna Inventory Antenna Frequency Main Roof Antenna Bottom Sector Technology Antenna Make Antenna Model Azimuth(") Height Above Tip Height Above Number (MHz) Ground(ft) Ground(ft) A 1 5G 600 RFS APXVAALL18_ 43-U-NA20_600MHz 320 34.90 36.00 A 1 LTE-600 600 RFS APXVAALL18_ 43-U-NA20_600MHz 320 34.90 36.00 A 1 LTE-700 700 RFS APXVAALL18_ 43-U-NA20_700MHz 320 34.90 36.00 A 1 LTE (AWS) 2100 RFS APXVAALL18_ 43-U-NA20_2100MHz 320 34.90 36.00 A 1 LTE {PCS) 1900 RFS APXVMU18_ 43-U-NA20_1900MHz 320 34.90 36.00 A 1 GSM 1900 RFS APXVAALL18_ 43-U-NA20_1900MHz 320 34.90 36.00 A 1 UMTS(PCS} 1900 RFS APXVMLL18_ 43-U-NA20_1900MHz 320 34.90 36.00 A 2 5G 2500 Ericsson AIR6449_2SOOMHz_NR_dlMacro_H0 320 34.90 37.62 A 2 LTE 2500 Ericsson AIR6449_2SOOMHz_LTE_dlMacro_H0 320 34.90 37.62 B 3 SG 600 RFS APXVAALL18_ 43-U-NA20_600MHz 70 34.90 36.00 B 3 LTE-600 600 RFS APXV AALL18 _ 43-U-NA20 _600MHz 70 34.90 36.00 B 4 LTE-700 700 RFS APXVAALL18_ 43-U-NA20_700MHz 70 34.90 36.00 B 4 LTE{AWS) 2100 RFS APXVAALL18_ 43-U-NA20_2100MHz 70 34.90 36.00 B 4 lTE\PCS) 1900 RFS APXVAAll18_ 43-U-NA20_1900MHz 70 34.90 36.00 B 4 GSM 1900 RFS APXVMLUS_ 43-U-NA20_1900MHz 70 34.90 36.00 B 4 UMTS(PCS) 1900 RFS APXVMLL18_ 43-U-NA20_1900MHz 70 34.90 36.00 B 4 5G 2500 Ericsson AIR6449_2500MHz_NR_dlMacro_H0 70 34.90 37.62 B 4 LTE 2500 Ericsson AIR6449_2SOOMHz_LTE_dlMacro_H0 70 34.90 37.62 C 5 5G 600 RFS APXVAALL18_ 43-U-NA20_600MHz 200 34.90 36.00 C 5 LTE-600 600 RFS APXVMLL18_ 43-U-NA20_600MHz 200 34.90 36.00 C 5 LTE-700 700 RFS APXVMLL18_ 43-U-NA20_700MHz 200 34.90 36.00 C 5 LTE(AWS) 2100 RFS APXVMLL18_ 43-U-NA20_2100MHz 200 34.90 36.00 C 5 LTE (PCS) 1900 RFS APXVMLL18_ 43-U-NA20_1900MHz 200 34.90 36.00 C 5 GSM 1900 RFS APXVMLL18_ 43-U-NA20_1900MHz 200 34.90 36.00 C 5 UMTS{PCS) 1900 RFS APXVMLL18_ 43-U-NA20_1900MHz 200 34.90 36.00 C 6 5G 2500 Ericsson AIR6449_2SOOMHz_NR_dlMacro_H0 200 34.90 37.62 C 6 LTE 2500 Ericsson AIR6449_2SOOMHz_LTE_dlMacro_H0 200 34.90 37.62 MobileComm Professionals, Inc 4&5 W PreslUll ltlfll l■sll llWY, llcllardstl. Tl 15115. Tel: 1214) ffl-4511 Fu: 1214) ffl-4512 5 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. Y• ISi 1111-2111 Clltlltlt hlllll C111lrlc If Slllb SIIVlces Plltllr 4.0 FCC Rules and Regulations and Guidelines from OET 65 When considering the contributions to field strength or power density from other RF sources, care should be taken to ensure that such variables as reflection and re-radiation are considered. In cases involving very complex sites predictions of RF fields may not be possible, and a measurement survey may be necessary. The process for determining compliance for other situations can be similarly accomplished using the techniques described in this section and in Supplement A to this bulletin that deals with radio and television broadcast operations. However, as mentioned above, at very complex sites measurements may be necessary. In the simple example shown in the below diagram, it is desired to determine the power density at a given location X meters from the base of a tower on which are mounted two antennas. One antenna is a CMRS antenna with several channels, and the other is an FM broadcast antenna. The system parameters that must be known are the total ERP for each antenna and the operating frequencies (to determine which MPE limits apply). The heights above ground level for each antenna, Hl and H2, must be known in order to calculate the distances, Rland R2, from the antennas to the point of interest. // / 4 J•, \lli<'lll/11 f JJ :j! I • ll~ , \Ill< Ill/cl .2 ' RI R2 X •--------- Comm J>o/Jll of I lllt'U'\l • I 'f :! 111 465 W Presidell Ge■rae B■sll ltwy, llicbanlHI. TX. 15175. Tel: 12141515-4511 Fax: 1214) 515-4512 6 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. Y• ISi Ull-2111 C111111n. QIIIIIIY CUlrlc IF SIIIIY Sffllces PIIIUr This summarizes the policies, guidelines and requirements that were adopted by the FCC on August 1, 1996, amending Part 1 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and further amended by action of the Commission on August 25, 1997 (see 47 CFR Sections 1.1307(b), 1.1310, 2.1091 and 2.1093, as amended from FCC "OEr Bulletin 65"). Commission actions granting construction permits, licenses to transmit or renewals thereof, equipment authorizations or modifications in existing facilities, require the preparation of an Environment.al Assessment (EA), as described in 47 CFR Section 1.1311, if the particular facility, operation or transmitter would cause human exposure to levels of radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields in excess of these limits. For exact language, see the relevant FCC rule sections. The FCC-adopted limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) are generally based on recommended exposure guidelines published by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) in "Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields," NCRP Report No. 86, Sections 17.4.1,, 17.4.2 and 17.4.3. Copyright NCRP, 1986, Bethesda, Maryland 20814. In the frequency range from 100 MHz to 1500 MHz, exposure limits for field strength and power density are also generally based on the MPE limits found in Section 4.1 of, "IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz," ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992, Copyright 1992 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, New York 10017, and approved for use as an American National Standard by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The exposure guidelines are based on thresholds for known adverse effects and they incorporate a significant margin of safety. The federal health and safety agencies such as: the Environment.al Protection Agency (''EPA"), the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA"), the National Institute on Occupational Safety and Health ("NIOSH'1 and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA'1 have also been actively involved in monitoring and investigating issues related to RF exposure. FCC regulations define two separate tiers of exposure limits: Occupational or "Controlled environment'' and General Population or "Uncontrolled environment''. The General Population limits are generally five times more conservative or restrictive than the Occupational limit These limits apply to accessible areas where workers or the General Population may be exposed to Radio Frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields. Occupational or Controlled limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment and where those persons exposed have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. An area is considered a Controlled environment when access is limited to these aware personnel. Typical criteria are restricted access (i.e. locked or alarmed doors, barriers, etc.) to the areas where antennas are located coupled with proper RF warning signage. A site with Controlled environments is evaluated with Occupational limits. All other areas are considered Uncontrolled environments. If a site has no access controls or no RF warning signage it is evaluated with General Population limits. MobileComm Professionals, Inc 415 W Prestult GHlll lllh 11WV. lli:ham11, 11.15115. let 1214) 515-4511 FU: 1214) 515-451Z 7 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. • Y• ISi 1111-2111 Cll1illet lnlltV Celllrlc IF 5ahll SIIVlces Pallllll' The formulas used in Roofmaster for calculating Power density is based on FCC "OET Bulletin 65", Section 2: PREDICTION METHODS, August 1997, Edition 97-01. Power density is converted to Maximum Permissible Exposure Limits (MPE Limits) based on Limits of General population/Uncontrolled Exposure and Limits of Occupational/Controlled Exposure presented in the following table generated from Appendix A of "OET Bulletin 65" Limits for Occupational/ Controlled Exposure I Frequenc Power Density Averaging I -, .. ~-:-,r._ ·.,:'f'.J[_..,.,,-;r'" y Time ---, ... •! r, It' ::. :,•~;, ·t:' ~ ., .... .:1.-.· .. Range (S) I E 12, I H I 2, or r (mW/an2) ~i (MHz) S (minutes) (/) :;1 300-1500 f/300 6 j ,t ' 1500-5 6 100 000 ' :;: ? &. • Limits for General Population/Unoontrolled I Exnosure -----' ~ Frequency Averaging ·t I I 1 I I Power Density " , < Range Time (MHz) (S) I E I 2, I H I 2, or f = Fre-:;uercv ,rt."'Z I ' (mW/an2) S{minutes) 300-1500 f/1500 30 1500-1 30 100,000 MobileComm Professionals, Inc 415 W PraslRlt lHIII IISb IIWl. llclla11s11. 1115115. Tel: 12141515-4511 Fu: 12141515-4512 8 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. Y• ISi 1111-2111 Cll'lilln. lalltV CHll'lc If S1111V SffllclS ,.,._, 5.0 Safety Recommendations Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Requirements OSHA requires that those in the Occupational classification must complete training in RF Safety, RF Awareness, and Utilization of Personal Protective Equipment. OSHA also provides options for Hazard Prevention and Control: Hazard Prevention Control • Utilization of good equipment • Employ lockout/Tag out • Enact control of hazard areas • Utilize personal alarms & protective clothing • limit exposures • Prevent access to hazardous locations • Employ medical surveillance and • Develop or operate an administrative accident response control program RF Signage and BarTiers All RF signs should be obeyed by at all times. -l!Nl&U\IQUN R.-gj,1:tation 8'"-...wn,_, r:.-.J.lll.:Ur• 1234567, --..:..---=- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .~~=--=--=- ·A cAur,oN· (C't_>) ~ .--.---=-~~------------______ ... __ ~-=== -----.. ______ _ .. -·--·-::.:==--= ... ____ _ -.. u ....... ~~i=~I ---------_ __ .. __ _ ·------------- If there are workers in an area with a sign that they do not understand, they can call the NOC Number at 877-611-5868 for guidance. MobileComm Professionals, Inc WW Preslalt GHrll llSb Hwv. llCllll1SII. lX.15115. Tel: 1214) 515-4511 FU: 1214) 515-4512 9 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. Y• ISi 9111-HH Cenlllet 1111111 Celllrlc If SIIIIJ Servtcas P111Nr 6.0 FCC Limits Occupational limits Apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. Limits for occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is transient through a location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided he or she is made aware of the potential for exposure. General population limits Apply in situations in which the General Population may be exposed, or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Controlled Environment Applies to environments that are restricted or "controlled" in order to prevent access from members of the General Population classification. Uncontrolled Environment Applies to environments that are unrestricted or "uncontrolled" that allow access from members of the General Population classification. Contribution to Co-Located areas Any wireless operator that contributes 5% or greater of the MPE limit in an area that is identified to be greater than 100% of the MPE limit is responsible for taking corrective actions to bring the site into compliance. Generic Values The use of "Unknown" for an operator means the information with regard to the carrier, their FCC license and / or antenna information was not available. Generic values are used as estimation for Effective Radiated Power (ERP) and antenna characteristics for unknown antennas. t.1obileComm Professionals, Inc 465 W Prtslllelt ,..,.. l■sll IIWV, llclllrdsH, Tl 15115. Tel: (214) S,5-4511 FU: lJ14) 515-4512 10 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. Y• ISi 9881-1881 C8ltlllet lallb CUlrlc If Saf9lJ servtcn Plllllr 7 .O Compliance Measures The compliance determination is based on theoretical modeling, RF signage placement recommendations, proposed antenna inventory and the level of restricted access to the antennas at the site. At the time of our analysis, T-Mobile will be compliant with the FCC rules and regulations, as described in OET Bulletin 65 upon implementation of below remediation. TMO Alpha Sector: • Install Barriers with four Orange Warning signs at Alpha Sector. These barriers stop 6ft away from the roof edge because parapet does not meet the minimum height requirements according to OSHA's fall protection measure. • Install one Orange Warning sign on the support frame behind the antennas and one Orange Warning sign on screen wall at Alpha Sector as shown in Diagram below. (Total 6 signs) TMO Beta Sector: • Install Barrier with five Orange Warning signs at Beta Sector. • Install one Orange Warning sign on the support frame behind the antennas and two Orange Warning signs on screen wall at Beta Sector as shown in Diagram below. (Total 8 signs) TMO Gamma Sector: • Install Barriers with three Orange Warning signs at Gamma Sector. These barriers stop 6ft away from the roof edge because parapet does not meet the minimum height requirements according to OSHA's fall protection measure. • Install one Orange Warning sign on the support frame behind the antennas and one Orange Warning sign on screen wall at Gamma Sector as shown in Diagram below. (Total 5 signs) Access Point: • Install one Blue Notice sign, one Yellow Guidelines sign & one TMO Emergency Contact sign at access point as shown in Diagram below. TMO Equipment: • Install one Blue Notice sign, one Yellow Guidelines sign & one TMO Emergency Contact sign at access point as shown in Diagram below. It is recommended to have periodic inspections of the components that are involved in radiation of RF energy. Periodic Electromagnetic Emission (EME) measurement should be conducted to reevaluate the RF radiation level at this site. MobileComm Professionals, Inc 415 W PnslNlt hll'II IISII Hwv. llcblrdsll, lX.15115. Tel: (114) 515-4511 FU: l214) 515-451Z 11 Site Scale Diagram [ Legend Yellow Guidelines Ground=O' Emergency Contact ~ ---,~ ·- 1obile-, \ AC Un~ to~J'\\. 0 0 Vent ~ ~0 1• \ \ ~ \ 0 SaeenWall Vent Ground=O' 0_ T-Mobile Proposed Signage Blue I Yellow Notice ~" • • ··-. ....... Caution • .t.=• :~-: :~.-e;e: S...i.e"' Orange Warning 8' ,,;r, 11. _oj 17 .,, .. il "'Cl ! "l I T-Mobile Equipment (At Ground) MobileComm Professionals, Inc. Y• ISt Ht1-2111 Ctrdftet lullb Cntrlc IF Safetl Services P111Nr Q Ground=O' ~ II Map Scale = 10 ft Proposed Red Lock Post Barrier Paint Stripes ezz:a MobileComm Professionals, Inc 415 W Praslnal IHl'll l■sll llwV, lllelllnlse■. TX.15115. Tel: (214) 515-4511 Fu: (214) 515-4512 12 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. Yt1r ISi 9111-2111 Cflllflet OaHtv Clllll'lc IF SlfllV Stlvlcts Pal'INf 8.0 Summary All calculations performed for this analysis yielded results that were within the allowable limits for exposure to RF Emissions. Based on theoretica\ modeling, and upon imp\ementation of recommendations in Section 8, there wm be no modeled exposures on any accessible walking/working surface related to T-Mobile's equipment in the area that exceed the FCC's occupational or General Population exposure limits at this site. The anticipated maximum theoretical RF-EME at T-Mobile facility will be 1048.93% of the FCC's occupational limit. This was determined through calculations along a radial from each sector taking full power values into account as well as actual vertical plane antenna gain values per the manufacturer-supplied specifications for gain. Based on worst-case theoretical modeling, there are no areas at ground level related to the proposed antennas that exceed the FCC's occupational or General Population exposure limits at this site. At ground level, the maximum power density generated by the antennas is approximately 10.75% of the FCC's General Population limit (2.15% of the FCC's occupational limit). A site is considered out of compliance with FCC regulations if there are areas that exceed the FCC exposure limits and there are no RF hazard mitigation measures in place. Any carrier which has an installation that contributes more than 5% of the applicable MPE must participate in mitigating these RF hazards. Modeling indicates that there will be no accessible areas on the walking/working surfac.es in front of the T-Mobile antennas that may exceed the FCC standards for general population and/or occupational exposure after implementation of mitigation measures. To reduce the risk of exposure and/or injury, MobileComm recommends that access to the areas associated with the active antenna installation or mitigation measures to be restricted and secured wherever possible. In order to alert any workers potentially accessing the site, a Blue Notice sign, and a Yellow Guidelines sign are recommended to install at all access points. MobileComm Professionals, Inc 415 W Preslftllt 181111 B■sll Nwv. Blcllanlu■. Tl 1U15. TII: (214) 515-4511 FU: (2141515-4512 13 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. • Y• ISO 1111-2111 Cll'llllet QulllY Cellrlc If SlftlV Sll'VlceS PIIINr 9.0 Certification This report has been prepared by or under the direction of the following Registered Professional Engineer: I, Timothy Leonakis P.E. CA, P. Eng., on 01-17-2022 hereby certify that: I am registered as a Professional Engineer with License number E13436 and that I am thoroughly familiar with the Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), both in general and specifically as they apply to FCC guidelines for human exposure to Radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation and that EME theoretical analysis for site identified as 5O08234A located at 1015 Chestnut Ave, carlsbad, CA 92008, has been performed on 01-17-2022 in order to determine where there might be electromagnetic energy that is in excess of both the Controlled Environment and Uncontrolled Environment levels; and that I have thoroughly reviewed this Site Compliance Report and believe it to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. _ . :---..•\\\\\!ll iJf//; ·: ·.fl?• \\\ .. --::-::,,_,.,_,J;it ·--!:'- -; • ,, ,,-,a.•.1' --• .....,!"'r // r . 4-" ,, r,,.' • . • • • • • '-\-•~ '/ . ,· ,._'-:··. • •• "f • L ::: r : • . ,'-' -'.,, ---..... .... 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