HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 2018-0006; LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION; Negative Paleontological Monitoring and Mitigation Report; 2021-11-10A, !!!!5 !!!!r !!!!ia!!!!n!!!!F:!!!!.!!!!S!!!!m!!!!!!!!it!!!!h!!!!a!!!!n!!!!d !!!!As!!!!!!!!!!!!so!!!!c!!!!i!!!!a !!!!te!!!!s!!!!!!,!!!!l !!!!nc!!!!.~!!\!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S ArchaeoloS!} I BiofOS!J I Hist:ory I Pafeont:ofoS!j I Air Quality/ TraFFic / Acoustics November JO, 2021 Brett Farrow 125 Mozart A venue Cardiff, California 92007 R , llf'=D Nov 15 2021 CITY u PLL\NN, c-· .. ''-UOAO . o,v ' '\J Subject: Negative Paleontological Monitoring and Mitigation Report for the Laguna Drive Subdivision Project, 570 and 580 Laguna Drive, Carlsbad, California (CT 20 L 8-0006 / RP 2018-0008 I CDP 2018-0032 / HDP 2018-0003 / HMP 2018-0003) Dear Mr. Farrow: Introduction and Location: The following letter report summarizes the results of the paleontological monitoring program conducted in response to the City of Carlsbad's environmental mitigation requirements for paleontological monitoring of grading and excavation activities for the Laguna Drive Subdivision Project, located at 570 and 580 Laguna Drive in Carlsbad, California (Figures l and 2). The 0. 75-acre project proposes 13 "detached" three-story condominium units on one parcel (Assessor's Parcel Number 155-221-12), consisting of 282 cubic yards of fi ll with 6 18 cubic yards of cut. Geology and Paleontology: On the geologic map by M.P. Kennedy and S.S. Tan (Figure 3, 2007, Geologic map of the Oceanside 30' x 60' quadrangle, California: California Geological Survey, Regional Geologic Map Series, I: I 00,000 Scale, Map no. 2, plate I of 2), the project area is mapped as being underlain by upper Pleistocene-aged paralic deposits (labeled as "Qop6-1," shown in yellowish gray on Figure 3). Pleistocene paralic (terrace) deposits have been assigned a moderate to high paleontological resource sensitivity by T.A. Demere and S.L. Walsh (I 993, Paleontological resources -County of San Diego) and the County of San Diego (R.A. Stephenson et al. 2009, County of San Diego guidelines for determining significance [of] paleontological resources) for their proven potential to yield the fossilized remains of past life. Monitoring and Results: Paleontological monitoring of was conducted intermittently from August 26, 2020 through October 26, 2021. Despite the potential for find ing invertebrate or vertebrate fossils, no foss ils of any sort were observed in any of the excavations, slopes, or sidewall cuts, nor in any of the spoil piles generated by these excavation activities. 11-010 Fbwa_y Rood, Suite A, Powa_y, CA 92o6+; Phone (8'8) 679-82.18 or <9.,1) 681-n,<l; rax (8'8) 679-9896; www.bf5a-ca.com ~ineM offic,,, 1+678 ibex Court, San Diego, CA 92129; Phone (8,S) +s+-091,; rax (8'8) +B+-0988 Thus, based on this investigation, no significant paleontological resources are regarded as having been lost or otherwise adversely affected by excavation activities related to construction of the Laguna Drive Subdivision Project, and the City of Carlsbad's mitigation requirements for preserving significant paleontological resources (Mitigation Measure CUL-2) are considered to have been satisfactorily completed. ,N,'l.l Sincerely, ;;z~ ~ ', .• .··.~::'~:l Todd A. Wirths, M.S., P.G. 7588 ----0 Senior Paleontologist, California Professional Geo og1 Attachments: Figures 1 to 3 Figure 1 General Location Map The Laguna Drive Subdivision Project DeLorme (1 :250,000) ,...._____,...., 0 5001n 0 1000 2000 ft Figure 2 Project Location Map The Laguna Drive Subdivision Project USGS San Luis Rey Quadrangle (7.5-minute series) .... ,___._,..-r,i 0 500 Ill Figure 3 Geologic Map The Laguna Drive Subdivision Project Geology after Kennedy and Tan (2007)