HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 2018-0006; LAGUNA DRIVE SUBDIVISION; ASBESTOS SURVEY; 2020-02-12Griffin Environmental Surveys, Inc.
Asbestos Survey
Survey Date:
Survey Location:
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
Griffin Environmental Surveys, Inc.
February 12, 2020
570 & 580 Laguna Dr.
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Brett Farrow (760) 230-6851
Brett Farrow, Laguna Project, LP
125 Mozart Ave.
Cardiff, CA 92007
Gerald Griffin, President
DOSH Certified Asbestos Consultant No. 18-6192
CDPH Lead Inspector/ Risk Assessor No. 30990
270 North El Camino Real, Suite F213, Encinitas CA 92024
(760) 415-0679
Table of Contents
Executive Summary . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. 1
Purpose and Scope.................................................................................. 3
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Methodology ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . 4
Conclusions and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5
List of Tables
Table 1: Asbestos Containing Materials....................................................... 1, 5
Table 2: Asbestos Containing Construction Materials.................................... 2, 6
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Analytical Results, Chains of Custody, Laboratory Certifications
Site Photos, Asbestos Sample Locations
Inspector Credentials
Executive Summary
On February 12, 2020, Griffin Environmental Surveys, Inc. performed a limited survey by means
of visual inspection, bulk sampling of materials, and laboratory analysis to identify whether
building materials contained asbestos at 570 & 580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008. The
survey was performed at the request of Brett Farrow of Brett Farrow Architecture in preparation
for a demolition project.
This Executive Summary presents the results of the survey by identifying which sampled
materials contain asbestos. Information regarding the scope of the survey as well as the
survey's limitations are discussed in the next two sections. The methodologies used in the
survey, conclusions, and recommendations are also discussed in subsequent sections. It is
important that this survey report is read in its entirety to ensure all materials are handled in a
safe and compliant manner.
Asbestos Findings
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines any building material containing more than
1 % asbestos as an Asbestos Containing Material (ACM). Disturbance of ACM is subject to
federal, state, and local regulations.
The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health defines any manufactured
construction material having an asbestos content of more than 0.1 % as an Asbestos Containing
Construction Material (ACCM). Any contractor used to abate or otherwise handle 100 square
feet or more of ACCM must be registered to perform asbestos-related work with the California
Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) and be licensed with the Contractor State
License Board.
A more detailed discussion of regulatory requirements for ACM and ACCM is included in the
Conclusions and Recommendations section of this report.
Table 1 lists the type, location, asbestos content, condition, and homogenous areas of
Asbestos Containing Materials.
Table 1: Asbestos Containing Materials
Sample Material Sample Asbestos Condition Homogenous Areas
Number Location Content
ASB1-ASB5 Acoustic Celling Various 3% Chrysotile Good, Friable Ceilings throughout 580
Laauna Dr.
ASB6-Wallboard Texture Various 3% Chrysotile Good, Friable Wall textures throughout 580
ASB10 Laauna Dr.
ASB14, Wallboard Various 3-4% Chrysotile Good, Friable All Wallboard Compound
ASB15, Compound throughout 580 Laguna Dr.
ASB24 Water Heater Water Heater 18% Chrysotile Good, Water Heater Exhaust Pipe
Exhaust Flue Pipe Exhaust Pipe 2% Crocidolite Nonfriable in 580 Laauna Dr.
ASB59 Acoustic Ceiling Attic in 570 2% Chrysotile Poor, Friable Acoustic Ceiling Overspray
Oversprav Laguna Dr. in Attic of 570 Laauna Dr.
ASB60 Water Heater Water Heater 15% Chrysotile Good, Detached Water Heater
Exhaust Flue Pipe Exhaust Pipe 2% Crocidolite Nonfriable Exhaust Pipe in Attic of 570
Laguna Dr.
ASB64 Rolled Roofing Roof by 5% Chrysotile Good, Rolled Roofing in center of
HVAC Nonfriable Roof at 570 Laguna Dr.
ASB71 Penetration Mastic Vent Riser 6% Chrysotile Good, Roof Penetrations at 570
Nonfriable Laguna Dr.
*Note: Samples ASB1 -ASB33 are from 580 Laguna Dr {House), Samples ASB34 -ASB75 are from 570 Laguna Dr. (Office).
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 1
4tGES Inc.
Table 2 lists the type, location, asbestos content, condition, and homogenous areas of Asbestos
Containing Construction Materials.
(Note: by definition ACM are also ACCM and are listed here as well as in Table 1)
Table 2: Asbestos Containing Construction Materials
Sample Material Sample Asbestos Condition Homogenous Areas
Number Location Content
ASB1-ASB5 Acoustic Ceiling Various 3% Chrysotlle Good, Friable Ceilings throughout 580
Laauna Dr.
ASB6-Wallboard Texture Various 3% Chrysotile Good, Friable Wall textures throughout 580
ASB10 Laauna Dr.
ASB14, Wallboard Various 3-4% Chrysotlle Good, Friable All Wallboard Compound
ASB15, Compound throughout 580 Laguna Dr.
ASB24 Water Heater Water Heater 18% Chrysotlle Good, Water Heater Exhaust Pipe
Exhaust Flue Plce Exhaust Pice 2% Crocidolite Nonfriable In 580 Laauna Dr.
ASB59 Acoustic Ceiling Attic In 570 2% Chrysotile Poor, Friable Acoustic Ceiling Overspray
Overscrav Laauna Dr. in Attic of 570 Laguna Dr.
ASB60 Water Heater Water Heater 15% Chrysotlle Good, Detached Water Heater
Exhaust Flue Pipe Exhaust Pipe 2% Crocldolite Nonfrlable Exhaust Pipe In Attic of 570
Laauna Dr.
ASB64 Rolled Roofing Roofby 5% Chrysotile Good, Rolled Roofing in center of
HVAC Nonfriable Roof at 570 Laauna Dr.
ASB71 Penetration Mastic Vent Riser 6% Chrysotile Good, Roof Penetrations at 570
Nonfriable Laauna Dr.
*Note: Samples ASB1 -ASB33 are from 580 Laguna Dr (House), Samples ASB34 -ASB75 are from 570 Laguna Dr. (Office).
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 2
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this survey was to determine whether building materials contained asbestos at
570 & 580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008. The survey was performed at the request of Brett
Farrow of Brett Farrow Architecture in preparation for a demolition project.
The survey was performed by Gerald Griffin, California Division of Occupational Safety and
Health (DOSH) Certified Asbestos Consultant No. 18-6192 and California Department of Public
Health Lead Inspector/ Risk Assessor No. 30990 on February 12, 2020.
Materials with a potential to contain asbestos were sampled and submitted to a laboratory
accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program for analysis.
Information from this survey should be used to ensure all materials containing asbestos are
handled in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations during any disturbances
including tenant improvement, renovation, or demolition projects.
The scope of the survey includes:
1) An interview with the owner and/or property manager of the subject structure(s),
2) A visual inspection of accessible areas of the structure(s) to identify building materials
that may contain asbestos,
3) Collection of bulk samples of the building materials identified as having a potential to
contain asbestos,
4) Analysis of the collected samples for asbestos content by a laboratory accredited by the
National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program.
5) Presentation of the survey findings in a written report with laboratory results.
Only building materials that were visible and accessible were evaluated. During future
renovation or demolition activities other building materials may be disturbed, uncovered, or
exposed that were not accessible at the time of the survey, or were not part of the original
survey. These materials should be assumed to contain asbestos until they have been
evaluated by a Certified Asbestos Consultant or Building Inspector certified by the California
Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 3
The methodology used to perform the asbestos inspection of this survey follows procedures
contained in the US EPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Building
Inspector Course.
Asbestos Survey
1) An interview was conducted with the owner, property manager, and/or their
representative to gain information regarding the history and use of the structure. The
scope and limitations of the survey were discussed and existing site plans, if available,
were reviewed.
2) An initial site inspection was performed to identify materials with the potential to contain
asbestos. The materials with potential to contain asbestos were classified into
homogenous sampling areas (uniform in color, texture, application date, and general
3) A sampling plan was devised to determine the number and location of samples to be
taken from each homogenous sampling area.
4) Bulk samples were collected from the materials with a potential to contain asbestos from
each homogenous area. Each sample was placed immediately into a new sample
container or sealable industrial strength polyethylene bag. Each sample was given a
unique tracking number that was written on the sample container/bag and entered on a
bulk sample log sheet. The sampling equipment was decontaminated before the first
sample was taken and after each sample was taken to avoid cross contamination of
5) The collected samples were delivered for asbestos content analysis at a laboratory
certified by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program. Possession and
transfer of the samples was tracked by means of Chain of Custody forms.
6) The asbestos content analysis was conducted in accordance with methods specified in
Appendix E, Subpart E, 40 CFR, Part 763 -"Interim Method for the Determination of
Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples" (EPA-600/M4-82-020 Dec. 1982) as modified by
"Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials" (EPA/600/R-
93/116 July 1993). For layered systems (except drywall tape and joint compound used
to cover joints, nail holes, and cracks) each distinct layer was analyzed as a separate
material. Joint compound used as a skim coat for texturing is an add-on material and
was treated as a separate material.
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg.4
4tGES Inc.
Conclusions and Recommendations
On February 12, 2020, Griffin Environmental Surveys, Inc. performed a limited survey by means
of visual inspection, bulk sampling of materials, and laboratory analysis to identify whether
building materials contained asbestos at 570 & 580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008. The
survey was performed at the request of Brett Farrow of Brett Farrow Architecture in preparation
for a demolition project.
Asbestos Findings
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines any building material containing more than
1 % asbestos as an Asbestos Containing Material (ACM).
San Diego County Air Pollution Control District (SDAPCD) Rule 1206 and 40 CFR Part 61
Subpart M: National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants -Asbestos (Asbestos
NESHAP) regulate the demolition of certain structures and contains requirements for the
stripping, removal, handling, and disposal of Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials (RACM).
570 & 580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008 comprise a residential/ commercial installation and
are subject to SDAPCD Rule 1206 and the Asbestos NESHAP.
It is the responsibility of the owner, and any contractors acting on the ACM, to verify the total
amount of ACM present before disturbance begins to determine the applicability of federal,
state, and local rules and regulations. All ACM waste must be profiled for proper disposal.
The survey identified the following Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM):
Acoustic Ceiling Texture (580), Wallboard Texture (580), Wallboard Compound (580),
Water Heater Exhaust Flue Pipe (570, 580), Acoustic Ceiling Overspray (570), Rolled
Roofing (570), Penetration Mastic (570)
Table 1 lists the type, location, asbestos content, condition, and homogenous areas of Asbestos
Containing Materials.
Table 1: Asbestos Containing Materials
Sample Material Sample Asbestos Condition Homogenous Areas
Number Location Content
ASB1-ASB5 Acoustic Ceiling Various 3% Chrysotile Good, Friable Ceilings throughout 580
Laguna Dr.
ASB6-Wallboard Texture Various 3% Chrysotile Good, Friable Wall textures throughout 580
ASB10 Laauna Dr.
ASB14, Wallboard Various 3-4% Chrysotile Good, Friable All Wallboard Compound
ASB15, Compound throughout 580 Laguna Dr.
ASB24 Water Heater Water Heater 18% Chrysotile Good, Water Heater Exhaust Pipe
Exhaust Flue Pioe Exhaust Pioe 2% Crocidolite Nonfriable in 580 Laauna Dr.
ASB59 Acoustic Ceiling Attic in 570 2% Chrysotile Poor, Friable Acoustic Ceiling Overspray
Oversorav Laauna Dr. In Attic of 570 Laauna Dr.
ASB60 Water Heater Water Heater 15% Chrysotile Good, Detached Water Heater
Exhaust Flue Pipe Exhaust Pipe 2% Crocidolite Nonfriable Exhaust Pipe in Attic of 570
Laauna Dr.
ASB64 Rolled Roofing Roof by 5% Chrysotile Good, Rolled Roofing in center of
HVAC Nonfriable Roof at 570 Laauna Dr.
ASB71 Penetration Mastic Vent Riser 6% Chrysotile Good, Roof Penetrations at 570
Nonfriable Laguna Dr.
*Note: Samples ASB1 -ASB33 are from 580 Laguna Dr (House), Samples ASB34 -ASB75 are from 570 Laguna Dr. (Office).
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 5
4tGES Inc.
The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health defines any manufactured
construction material having an asbestos content of more than 0.1 % as an Asbestos Containing
Construction Material (ACCM).
It is the responsibility of the owner, and any contractors acting on the ACCM to verify the total
amount of ACCM present before disturbance begins to determine the applicability of federal,
state, and local rules and regulations.
Any contractor used to abate or otherwise handle 100 square feet or more of ACCM must be
registered to perform asbestos-related work with the California Division of Occupational Safety
and Health (DOSH) and be licensed with the Contractor State License Board.
Workers involved with the disturbance of ACCM are subject to OSHA worker protection
regulations including Title 8 CCR 1529 and 29 CFR 1926.1101.
The survey identified the following Asbestos Containing Construction Materials (ACCM):
Acoustic Ceiling Texture (580), Wallboard Texture (580), Wallboard Compound (580),
Water Heater Exhaust Flue Pipe (570, 580), Acoustic Ceiling Overspray (570), Rolled
Roofing (570), Penetration Mastic (570)
Table 2 lists the type, location, asbestos content, condition, and homogenous areas of Asbestos
Containing Construction Materials.
(Note: by definition ACM are also ACCM and are listed here as well as in Table 1)
Sample Material Sample Asbestos Condition Homogenous Areas
Number Location Content
ASB1-ASB5 Acoustic Ceiling Various 3% Chrysotile Good, Friable Ceilings throughout 580
Laauna Dr.
ASB6-Wallboard Texture Various 3% Chrysotile Good, Friable Wall textures throughout 580
ASB10 Laauna Dr.
ASB14, Wallboard Various 3-4% Chrysotile Good, Friable All Wallboard Compound
ASB15, Compound throughout 580 Laguna Dr.
ASB24 Water Heater Water Heater 18% Chrysotile Good, Water Heater Exhaust Pipe
Exhaust Flue Pioe Exhaust Pi"" 2% Crocidolite Nonfriable in 580 Laauna Dr.
ASB59 Acoustic Celling Atticin 570 2% Chrysotile Poor, Friable Acoustic Ceiling Overspray
Oversorav Laauna Dr. in Attic of 570 Laauna Dr.
ASB60 Water Heater Water Heater 15% Chrysotile Good, Detached Water Heater
Exhaust Flue Pipe Exhaust Pipe 2% Crocldolite Nonfriable Exhaust Pipe In Attic of 570
Laauna Dr.
ASB64 Rolled Roofing Roof by 5% Chrysotile Good, Rolled Roofing in center of
HVAC Nonfriable Roof at 570 Laouna Dr.
ASB71 Penetration Mastic Vent Riser 6% Chrysotile Good, Roof Penetrations at 570
Nonfriable Laauna Dr.
*Note: Samples ASB1 -ASB33 are from 580 Laguna Dr (House), Samples ASB34 -ASB75 are from 570 Laguna Dr. (Office).
Gerald Griffin. President
Griffin Environmental Surveys, Inc.
270 North El Camino Real, Suite F213, Encinitas CA 92024
DOSH Certified Asbestos Consultant No. 18-6192
CDPH Lead Inspector/ Risk Assessor No. 30990
(760) 415-0679
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg.6
Appendix A
Laboratory Reports
Chain of Custody
Laboratory Accreditations
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020
pg. 7
Asbestos Laboratory Report
♦ EMSL Analytical, Inc.
7911 Como, Court.Building ._ Slliw A San Di11,o. CA 92111
hap-.EMSLcom I satKiegolab@omiloom
Attention: Gefald Gfillin
Gtillln Environmental Surveys, Inc.
270 North El C8mino Real, #f•213
Encinias, CA 92024
Project: NIA
4tGES Inc.
EMSL Order: 432001474
Customer ID: GRES42
CUsklmer PO:
Photle: (760)415-0679
RecelVed Dale: 02/13/2020 9:51 AM
Analysis Dlllt: 02/13/2020 -02/1412020
COiiected Dlllt:
EPA-600/Jl.f.12-0ZO as Modlffed by EPA!fOOIR.W116 using Polarized
U,ht Microscopy
MM·b•ltul91 AlmlRl
•-1:: .. Dnoriplion :'!?!!!!"""! ,Fib .... , , N•..fibl"Ow1 ,r~
AS81 e,,i,y.~ IMvle ~Non--{ce-1 3'11,a,,,.._
CoiliMQ Non-Filnlus
4n:df,J.~1 ~
AS82 U""'l)Roam-WIide 11-,,. NcwMllwoul (Olr,ar) Mio~
-lliOOl!lir,o ~
432.»f•'"'~ ,.,,.,__
AS83 ......., _ Acoustic Wile 117'11, --(Qher) 3"'Chr)IS<lCile
Ceolincl Non-Fllwous ··~·~ HOI•~-
AS84 e.ir-,,.-lic -117'11, ----(Olhar) 3'~
Coilil1Q Ncn-R,nu;
clfflldt4'."' ....... l<loo~"""'5
ASBS flllllroam-AcouSIIC -IOO!ltNon4illroul(Chr} NaneOelaelOd
Qoiline Nor!-Fb'cus
,,a,,.r~ Han!ll'!-.s
AS86 Enlry --.s -97'11, Nan-lilJrous (Olher) 3"'Chrysc,lila
Tamn Ni:ln-Fllorous
,fJHOf.,...._. lb19!!...,.
AS87 l<ll,:l.,-w.tllxNord e.,.. 117'11, ----(°""'1 3'~
Te>dln Nan-Fit,rws
411D.Mt4i'."4-000:Y .... ,"'OI'_
ASBI .-Y--Be,ge ~ Non--.. (Olhe,) ,,.a..r-
4ln014~ Hai,!!!11!!_
AS89 aec.oam-Wlil>oard Beige 97'11, --{Qher) 3"' Chr)ISClCile
4IH01'4'.""~ ,...__
ASB10 Blltlroom·Walboa'd Blige ~--{Ohr) 3'11,a,,,.._
ASS11 Hllhl,ay--wwi. 2"c.ui.... "8'Jl --1oe.., Norwlo..ce..t
41ZQ14~1 ltoms!-«a
ASB12 l<ildler,-W.lltxlerd -2"CelJloM Q8l6 Nan-lilJrous (Qher) None Dell,-,
,na1•-r-~1 "'"'·•-ASBl3 Blllh.-n-Walboad -2"CalulcN -Nor,,-libfoul {°""'1 -~ NaM'ibrou5
•~t4'."'4-4011 '""'·~-AS814 Enlry-~ Blige !OO!lt ---(Ollw) <1'11.~
c_,i Nor!-Fb'cus
4JZQ14'."4-«"'4 ·~ll!OUS
ASB15 .......,.--95 Nan-lilJrous tOlherl 4'11.Clw-,scllle
~ ~
'1HGt4'1--«rJ. HCl"!il!!:-.
ASB10 Slllh.-n -Wlllboad IMvle 117'li """1-lbous (Cllllen 3'~ ~ Nan-Fbc,us
<IIIUtJltH'.".;-~ ~
( tN1ia1 repc,rtbm. 0211'412020 13:33:311
ASB_PLl-t_000$_(/\.'CI • l.7$Pmlad: 2/1""202010:33~1 Page 1 ol5
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg.8
♦ EMSL Analytical, Inc.
7915 Convo, CGurt.B.-nv 4. Sua A Sn Diego, CA t2111
TeWtax: (8511) ~13031 (858)41111-1304
hllpJ'-.EMSLcom I sardegclab@emsl.com
EMSL 0nler: 432001474
Customer ID: GRES42
Customer PO:
Project 10:
EPA-t,OQ/11442•020 as Modified by EPAJIOO/R.f3/114 using Polat1Hd
Light MlCl'O!Jcopy
SM1ple llft....-Appem,,ce '4Fibrous '4No~-·
ASB17 Onng Rocm-........ -Celulme 10'l& Ncn-fibrous (Other)
Wlll.,_dT""" ,_...
•JNG1•"'if-O.?''.,!' Hcfflop--
A.SB18 a.,,.---~ColuloH 10'11, Non-lib!ou• (°"'"')
T""" -4Jfddt4:0.;.oc,r-, ~
ASBIO a.m--n-~ --Calukde 10'li Ncn-fib!oul (OtNr}
T--,iji3m'f4"'~1 ~
ASB20 Sedloom-Celir,g -100'll, -· (Other) TIie --411"112t•~~ Ho!"2A--
A.$921 -•Clling -10!:M-l (Olhlr)
4J:0014~1 Hamogenl!0U5
ASB22 Oasol-Carpet -100'M, Non-lbmus{Olher) -Non,Fit,,ous
4P3Cf~ Ho!"2A--
ASB23 Onng Room· Cai,et -100'll,Non-lib!ou1{0lhlr) -ta,.fibrous
•UddT4:0~ ~
ASB24 V..-• -~----•{Othot)
£,t,,....-fluel'ti,e lllon-F!brou• ,n,c1~ Homogene<xa
ASB25 Garage-Siding -~C41uiase 10'l& Ncx>fibrous !Olhlr)
41Nett41'"'~ Homog--
A.SB2e -Roollr,g -'Slro:k 10'11tGIIN --•(Ohr)
{Nar1h}-~ ta,.fibrous
4DJ:1Cf•~ RoafilJI ,-,....-...
ASB27 Rclle<I Roollr,g -'Black 10'4Glu5 G0" Non-ltirous (Otlw)
(so..,t,)•~ Not,.flbn:w.1$
41.GOf~ Roofinp Hwt9,e.eous
ASB2S.Slwngla 1 PHl<adRaof-Tan>9ad< ~Gius --•{Ohr)
Asphalt Slwlgl5 Ncn-Fobfous
,,no,11-"4-«a Homoa-
A.SB28-Slwtgl4, 2 ~Roaf-R<,d,91-~ai.u ~ -· (Othot) Aopt,llltSNnUIU Noo>l'ibrc<il •=-Homogenm
ASB211 PeMmAoal-Bladt 3°"Cellulo5e 7°"' Ncn-fiblous (Ohr)
.-1101a•-"'°"" Hcffloa--...
A.SB30 Undtlr R"'-d Roaii,,v Blad< 10'11tGllu --•(Olhlr)
-Rocmg"-" ~-· 4JMclt4:""~ ~
ASB31 f>-.-MlsticN. Bladt 100'li-• (OtNr)
~---· O:m14.,.4-Q3'1 ~-~
ASB32 Bllhroom Vent -Blad< 100'll,Non-librous(other)
,._Mosbc ta,.Fibfous
4JH0t,'."••oi:;n Homog-
A.$833 FAJJV41111• -10il'li__.btout(OIIWJ ~-~.
4D:2014'."~ Homogeneous
ASB34 ..._OlllceBldo-lloiga 10()'lli Ncn-fibn>us (Olhlr)
'IIJl1"fr'~ !lomop-
( Initial report ionr 021l'1/2020 13:33:3"
~ :5fl f'! II Q/JM Ol>ll I !? Prinlod· 2'14/2flliQ 10-33 Ml
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020
None Oa4acled -~
None Oa4acled
None Oeblclea
None Oeleclea
None Oelecled
pg. 9
4tGES Inc.
♦ EMSL Analytical, Inc.
7911C-,.Court. .......... 4, Suic.A laft0Mto,CA t2111
TaiOax: (858}4119-13031 (llliS) ~1304
hllltf.._,B4SL00m I sandiegdlb@omstcam
EMSL Onler: 432001474
Custc>rmr ID: GRES42
Customer PO:
EPA-tOIJIIM.-12-020 as Modified by EPMOO/R-931111 using Polarized
Light Microscopy
Sa"'pi. Descriptioll Appnrance 'A Fibrous '16 Nol>-fibrous
ASB35 M/VOllice-C--.i ... ,~......,_{Other)
4J2#'t47'4-CCSI ~
AS83& NEO!b•ClllinQ ... 1~ ---(0\!w)
4J;N"t11~ IIQf!~
ASB37 Ballwoom-~ Beige 1~NmHbous(Ohr) r_,,. Non-Fibrous
4J2W.t'?~ Hal1!21!M!CUS
ASS38 Cc,pio,Roam•Ceoling ... I~ Ncn4bou&(Oltw)
T_,,. Nan-FllnNII
41Jl~414..Q99 ~
AS839 ......_. Wellboerd ........ 1QOlli Hon-. (Oltlet)
.. ,:oo,•;tit-ooJt Kou~
ASS40 1-MOllice-\Mila 1~ ~ (other)
4l2®1.f7,l-(IO,IQ ~
ASIMI NE Ollloe • Willllxlara ,~ Ncn4bou& (Ollwj
ASS42 w.-n-~ 1~Ncn4iro,a(Olhtr)
1 ........
'2HO~t17•"'111Q Hoo•2-
ASIM3 Cc,pior Room • \Mila 1~ ~(Olher)
4:U!M1!474:-CDiQ Hamogell!OUS
ASIM4 NEOMce-~ ........ 2'l60elulooe ~ .....,....,_!Otlw)
-1:00••'.'•""'°" ~
AS845 Bdw-,,-~ Willl 2'l60olluloH 11W Ncn4lrota {Olhtr)
fHOO'l4"'4,»,q: Hoo•2-
ASB40 Cq&Room• Wile 2'l6 Celulose 11W Ncn-lbous (Ohr)
~ No,,.Flbrous
43200,41'""°"' Haft!21i!!IIOUS
A$847 NEOllloe-Wellbcletd ... 11!1'160olluloH 5116 .....,....,_ (Otlw)
Tape Faaus
4.J:0011'-""'11:' -~ AS848 e..._,,.w.a-ni ... ~CelulcN 5'16~(0hrl
4J:fo:H4i'~ t-b,2--,s
AS849 Cq,ierRoam· Beige 11!1'16c.llulale 5116 Non-llwous (Olhori
4!1"147~ Ha,!!!!E!-
AS8SO NE Olllcot • ~ \/Ihle 1~~{0ltlet)
~ NarM'lbrous .,,oc, .. ,..,"°"'° -~ AS851 e..._,,.w......r11 Willi l~Ncn-lilllous{Olhlr)
°""""""" Non-Flbn:lus
,.,,"",74-C,W-t ·~• .. 2-
ASB52 Cq,ie,Roam· w. ,~ Non-lbous {Olher)
Wtlltloar,l~,id Non-Fllnua
4!10§147,1-a,u 11oi,2-
A$9$3-Vo,yl FloOf TIie 1-NVOftloe•Vin,I a,_, tooi. _....._ (Ottw)
Floorlle ('Abod) NcJn.Fib'!IUs
4HQOll414~ Kol•~
( 1.-I NpOll ln:lffl: 021l'4l2020 13:33:311
.45[!_f't.~ _QOOS_OOO! I !ii Pnnl,id.2114/20201033AM
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020
NoneDmlead -~
None Oetac:tacl
None Oetecled
None Oetac:tacl
None Oetecled -~
pg. 10
♦ EMSL Analytical, Inc.
1'111 C-oy c-. ....... .._ Suite A .... Oiqo, CA t2111
T.Wtx f858)~1303t(858)4W.1304
hllpcl-.atSLoomlM'<iljj I b@tr-.loom
4tGES Inc.
EMSL Order: 432001474
Customer ID: GRES42
Custmier PO:
EPA-40MrU42-020 as Modified by EPA/fOOIR-13/111 using Polarized
Light Microscopy
S-ple DHcripCion Appu,ance 'ifibn>u• '4 Non-Fibrous
ASB~c tfN Ollce-Vin11 y-100!6"°1-litlous(Olller)
FloorW. (Wood) Ncf>.Flbrous
4fflC1"CiHIC!U,I ~
ASB54-V-tnyl Floe< Tile tE Ollice -Vinyl BrowrwG,ay l00!6N0n-tibn>us{Olher)
FloarTile NarH'lbl'ous
i1mc,..-.-•·~ \G'![IBrown} ~
AS854-MNl!e NE011ice•Vir¥ ~ 1~-{011,er)
FloarTtle ffan.Fibraus ..,..,.,........ IGr?fll!mwn) ~
ASBM-Vlftyl Floo, Tile a--111nr1 a,_c.r.y 100!6 Nan-lllwota{Olller}
Floar1'lll Non-Fibrous
4Ja01C4-(106f {GnylBr<Mn) Homogeneous
ASBM-Masllc Slllw'cam -Y1nyl Clar IOO'i -{Ollw!r) Floor Tile Non-Fibrous
4.mt'f'r~ (Grwylllro,,n) Homognaus
AS850 N Office· Carpet y-IOO'i Non-ltrous (Ot!er) -Ncf>.Fibraus
UfOOt,1•4.-4 ~
ASB57 Coi,iolr~-Cerp,11 y-10Qll Nct!--{Olfolr) -Jllcn.Fibraus
4IJ;MO'f .... ,tl-0Clf1 HofflogeneoA
ASB!II ~-Ca-pot y.,_ 100!6 """' ......... (Ollw) --.Fibrous
41,2®,'fC~ Hamopeneaus
ASB50 A11ic-Acouslic Beige GWNon-titrous{Olher)
,u,01.r,HW,11 Homognaus
AS860 Atic(Al,owWar (by 83'lo Nor,-tit,rou!;{O!Mr)
lfmf1"A~ A.le"!! ~
ASS&! ----y.,_ IIOIICl!Nt 1~Nclft.-{Olh<lr)
.t!JCGf~1 ~
ASBIil ---a.. Pink II0'4Mon.W>ol I O'll Nan-lbous (OIiier} -4.J.H01C4-Q06Z Homogeneous
AS8e3 Allie· tfJAC c..:t 9,_, QO'!iGlass 10'16 Non-fillrous{OINr) ,.._
,nw1c....o.,i:1 Homognaus
ASBe-4 Rcof-Rclldfloelliog Slack ~ -(O!Mr) Non-Fibrous
•noo,r~ J-·-
AS88!!-Shitl;le 1 NRod•~ T an'Bltw:il RCl!Nt QR Nor,,libr'out {Oll>or)
Shingle ffan.Fibraus
~'~ Hoftlogene0IJ$
ASB&S--Siw,gi. 2 NAccl•MINII R<ld'Sleck &IIGlus -Nor,,-(Olhlt} Shingle -..Fobraus
4.§,0fC~ ttamapene<,us
ASBCCI-Shingle 1 SRoal·Aophalt Taw'Block WGlass CIWNon-4iblous{Olher)
~ NM-Fltllot4
,nff-fr~ ~
ASBOO-Smlfle 2 SRoaf-Asp,alt Re<i'Block ~Glass --{Ohr) stw,gle Non-Fibrous
41l'Off#'4•()0M.t ~
ASBCl7 N Roof• Roc,lmg Bliek IIO'i c.lluicM 1~Nan--{oe.r)
4J'Jd014~l' ~
c-n,port-02>'14r.!O'.ZO ,3,31,30
A:\11_ /'LI'_ oo,n_aoo1 l fSPMIN 2't4/2Cl0Hlc33AM
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020
15" OwysCllile
9 Chysolile
pg. 11
♦ EMSL Analytical, Inc.
71tS c-, Coult.Buildina 4. Sub A San Diego. CA 12111
T.Wox {888) 4II0-1303 I {888) 41111-1)04
hllp:J,__EMSLcam/ andiegolllb@omsl.cam
4tGES Inc.
EMSI.. Order: 432001474
customer ID: ORES42
CustGmer PO:
EPA..fOOIIM-BZ..020 as Modified by EPA/fOOIR-931116 Using Polartzed
.. ,,""·"•~
S Roaf· Roo1in;1
INAC • Ou:t Vlhp
~w,,,., ......
N Slab· Concn!fR
~ .,.._ .....,...,...
Nan-Fibrous ·~ Blac:I<
Nan-Fibrous ·~ <hj,IV-
Ught Microscopy
, llo~dl«MII ,ty,.
'°"' Non-fibn>us (OIiier) NoMOwluod
20')6 ............ (Other) -Oolilclld
100l6~{0hr) -~
IM'li -(Olha') O'li~
100l6 ............ (Other) None Oolilclld
100l6 ~ (Otlw) Nal>IO.-
100l6 -(Ohr) <l'li~
100l6 Non-llwoua (Ollw) NaneOIIK1ld
Mlrillh &,.,,, t....-y u:::;.,
"'0lher Approved Slgrwlo,y
!W$L-lll,,_._'IO_OI....,.. Tllt.., .. _ ...... ._pe_ 111oe----"""-tlO .... ft!Ol.0¢~ft ~ i!l'A &00iM4-0~0 •-
MelloG".), Dlilaug,ne.-wllllp!QedllH-illlll 119),-al")"""'l0nGlll!e-TIIII JIIIClll-Gnl)'IIIIMtumpllll'lpoc1l<I-. IIICINJIICillle~-UCllll•llA &tllout
--•OJl!MSI. 1!11$L-flO~IOtl ____ Or-l)'Dcal--l 1'1....,,......ltiCI_OIIHt---ilit-,OO,-,IIINI_,,.
Ulfll!U_il __ oo,_•--nallll Tharopcll"""1natllellllll0,-11e.,_ll>...,,p,DGUc:1_,_,,._or_D)'IM.N',NISTOflnJilge,,cyOI
1N!to<I-~ eMIL,._g,. _ __,R><lln-"'9~--p!IOr'21..,... Eoa>I_Ol......,,..,.,.11 .. -••-ll
Sample, lllllyHII by !:MSL Malylfl:al, Inc. 5an Dll90, CA NIii.AP LIil C<l.»200151--0. CA!:LAP 211,. !ii L-ot--Ol
A Sfi PUI. /JOO$ .. t)IJ(ll -I lS Prinlod: 211412020 10c33 AU
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 12
♦ EMSL Analytical, Inc.
7tt6 Convoy Coult.lluild ... 4, Soi'-A hn Olttlo, CA 92111
~-(Bet)..W,130)/ (858) 45-1304
hlp:/-.EMSLcom, s""'fieg ,,,..,a com
Atteatlon: Gerald Gfiflin
Griffin Environmental Surteys. Inc.
210 North El cammo Real. #F-213
EndnilaS, CA 92024
Project: NIA __
EMSL Order. 432001474
Cusmmer ID: GRES42
Customer PO:
Phone: {760) 415--0679
ReceiVed: 02/13/2020 9.51 AM
AnaiYSII Date: 02/17/'2020
Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulle Mawrlal via EPA &OOfR-931116. Quantitation using
the 1,000 Point Count Proced\lre
N Slab· Cclncrele
~ Fibrous
~ Non.fibraoK
100.0'!6 No<Hibrous (Olhor) NOlll!DoofecW
MariehCufnn. uborax)'Mli-
some._..may.....,., .. _ _..,.._., __ _.PiM,___,,,_.,,.., ___ .,,,.,......,...0.1, Ell<St.,,_,_ 1nc1V~N1,.,._,
...,..i,u .. .e,,.,..,.,_""""96_•MIIYl&"'"ffil-TM-..IMl,....i-1ootyl0h_1_ Tlll1,.nNyoot1111111-.uoept.,w,--
•f'll"NIIB1$LM""11'11'""' Tlill--AfflUll_,.MU11<1llyfl>t.-10-pn,,IU<>t-Dy!M.N'o1-,,91""Yatl1tU11111<1Sllln~ l:IIS~-1)111:itmc .......... ~ IO<Uffll)II ___ • ..,....,. ___ orllellOWIC)'afrtllllta-rtqUUll<IIO itll--~umpM. a.lSLM•~-lnc...., II
-10N-Ol .... """""'T>ot•11--•ffPl"'"ll-nfflMt"°--atNEV.C-.10111ro1Mn-hfflP'Nrt-";_oo,_.,.,,. .. _
noll!<S. U-""IUHlo<I IJ\'h Cleot. oullellngfflOllflall Nnull01laM WIii! m....,,. 11,, ... {l.O. ....... m. Olll>Olrd ..... ) n .......... I &Ingle ....,pl!.
S..,._. IIYIJn<I C, fMSLNI.-, Ille. Sin Dll90, CA
( lmi8I repul fn:m 02/17/2020 10:08; 19
Pmled 2117/2020 4:08:27PM Page 1 of 1
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 13
4tGES Inc.
Asbestos Chain of Custody
OrderID: 432001474
♦ Asbestos Bulk Building Material
Chain of Custody
EMSL Analytical, Inc.
200 Route 130 North
!--. EM_~~32ou014ab7~~~>: -·:
Cinnaminson. NJ 080n
PttoNe • 1 ~()().220-3675
FM (856) 788-5974
: Griffin E.tNironmental SuMty1. Inc.
D PlM EPA 800/R-931116 («1'!1.)
0 PLM EPA NOB (<1%)
Point Counl O 400 (c0.25%) 0 1000 (<0.1%)
Poinl Count W/GrllW'Mffle D 400 (c0.25'Y.) D 1000 (<O. 1%)
0 NIOSH 9002 (<1 %) 0 NY Et.AP Melhod 198.1 (lnable in NY)
0 NY Et.AP MelhOd 198.6 NOB (non-friable.NY)
0 OSHAI0-191 Moddlad
0 Standard Addition Method
o TEMEPA NOB -EPA OOOtR-93111& section 2 ii,-
□ NY El.AP Melhocl 198.4 (TEM)
0 Chlllfleld Pn>Ul00! (semi-quanlltalMJ)
0 TEM ¾ by Mlass -EPA.600.l'R-931'116 Section B 5..2
0 TEM OualllllU.. ¥la FilltallOn Prep Tec:hnlque
0 TEM Ouallll!M Via 0l'op Mount Prep Technique f . . . _ Ot.,,,.---········--·
~--4--j,-.=_1--_q__;;.:t.\f .. __,_,. _________ .,J.-:.:U-,,V&;:J..,_,:;;a,"'-"....___
!=f,!,..cA'l~.!'. -·'"--~~~.~~"'' ~=~=• ~t!L. • ~Q \
Page 1 of _!i. P80"
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 14
lrderIO: 432001474
' • Ht Ut•W
Asbestos Bulk Building Material
Chain of Custody
[ .. . .. e:il 310NQmn~ t <WyJ J
4tGES Inc.
EMSL Analytical. lne
200 Route 130 North
Cinnaminson, NJ oaon
PHONE 1-800-220-3675
FN. (856) 786-5974
Additional Pages of the Chain of Custody are only necessa,y if tlfided for adddiollsl samplfl information
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 15
OrderID: 432001474
♦ -~--4& ...... "' ,n ........
Asbestos Bulk Building Material
Chain of Custody
EMSL Order Number;• use Of'IY).
_ __,.,,: 4-3--2-"°-0-·.1-"'14,__4---~
EMSL Analytical Inc.
200 Route 130 North
Cinnaminson. NJ oson
Pli0t4E 1--800-220-3675
F.v (856) 786-5974
Additional Pages of the Chain of Custody are only necessa,y if needed for addilional semplfl information
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 16
-~-,,......... II 1ii1;..,.....
Chain of Custody
EMSL Order Number (Lab UN °"'YI,'
---=4~2-~&4-·4-1-4------·-··-_ j
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
PHONE 1-800-220-3675
FAX (856) 786-5974
Additional Pages ol the Chain ol Custody are only necessatY If needed for additional sample information
5-mplel HA# S le Loeatlon Malilrial Des Ion
-COmment.nit>aclal lnatructlons:
Page Ji_ of~ pages
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 17
Asbestos Laboratory Accreditations
United States Department of Commerce
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Certificate of Accreditation to 1SO/IEC 17025:2005
NVLAP LAB CODE: 200232-0
LA Testing
South Pasadena, CA
is OCCf90lod by the NMiona/ llblunto,y ~A-Program for apedflc-.,
listod on the Soop. ol -· for
Asbestos Fiber Analysis
Thislaboraloty,_ _., __ lhe,_,-m.,mobona/Slondald lSQ/IEC 1102&2005. n,,. ____ for•--andlhe-olalabowl)ryqua/#y
...,,__,, •-/refw to jomt 1S0-ILAC-IAF Comnwnlquo dated Jenu,ry 2009/
2019-07-0l lhroup 2020.06-30
.,.;:;;;; ;;;;.;;: Proj;nm
"",,() r..., (n) National Voluntary ~,"\ ~ \'.'/~~* Laboratory Accreditation Program \ / ..._.,.
LA Testlar;
S20 MissioftS-
Soutb l'uodcna, C'A 910)0
Mr. Jmy Dnpal1 Ph.D.
Phone: (J23) 2S4-9960 Fu: (323) 254-9982
Balk Asbestos Analysis
E.PA -40 C'Fft Al'Pffldi• F. so Subpart f. {If Pa,t 76). latcrrim Method oldie Octm1unation af
Asboto. in e.Jlr. lftMliltitift Sanpks
f.PA60C.l:,-R.•9.lll 16: Mdtlo4 for Ute-Oncnnirlltiono( Asbnto1 ra &It BwWing M91ffialt
Airborne Asbutos Analysis
lJS, EPA-.•~ fr--,b:fioftElectluliMKtOIQ:,pyA...t)bUJMedtodt,.~ and ~ .... ~~rolletc,rmitttC~ofRapomeAdiOM•ftfOliftdm .. ,n. P,,t 763, -E, A_.i.. A.
f.(1,n'llw :tnv.a"l.(11 IJ,r,,,qg/, 1010-IJ6.JIJ
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020
pg. 18
Asbestos Sampling Locations: 580 Laguna Dr.
I ASBl: Acoustic Ceiling Texture -3% Chrysotile I ASB2: Acoustic Ceiling Texture -3% Chrysotile
I ASB3: Acoustic Ceiling Texture -3% Chrysotile I ASB4: Acoustic Ceiling Texture -3% Chrysotile
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 19
ASBS: Acoustic Ceiling Texture
ASB7: Wallboard Texture -3% Chrysotile
ASB12: Wallboard -No Asbestos Detected
~GES 1nc.
ASB6: Wallboard Texture -3% Chrysotile
ASBS: Wallboard Texture -3% Chrysotile
ASB12: Wallboard -No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 20
ASB9: Wallboard Texture -3% Chrysotile
I ASB14: Wallboard Compound -<1% Chrysotile
4tcES Inc.
ASlO: Wallboard Texture -3% Chrysotile
ASB13: Wallboard -No Asbestos Detected
ASBlS: Wallboard Compound -4% Chrysotile
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg .21
ASB16: Wallboard Compound -3% Chrysotile
ASB19: Wallboard Tape -No Asbestos Detected
4t GES Inc.
ASB20: Ceiling Tile -No Asbestos Detected
ASB21: Ceiling Tile Adhesive -No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 22
I ASB22: Carpet Adhesive -No Asbestos Detected
ASB24: Water Heater Exhaust Flue Pipe
18% Chrysotile, 2%Crocidolite
'ttGES Inc.
ASB23: Carpet Adhesive -No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 23
4t GESinc.
ASB26: Rolled Roofing -No Asbestos Detected I ASB27: Rolled Roofing -No Asbestos Detected
ASB29: Roofing Paper: No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 24
4tGES Inc.
ASB31: Penetration Mastic-No Asbestos Detected ASB32: Penetration Mastic -No Asbestos Detected
ASB33: Penetration Mastic -No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 25
4t cES Inc.
Asbestos Sampling Locations: 570 Laguna Dr.
I ASB34: Ceiling Texture -No Asbestos Detected I ASB35: Ceiling Texture -No Asbestos Detected
I ASB36: Ceiling Texture -No Asbestos Detected I ASB37: Ceiling Texture -No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg.26
ASB38: Ceiling Texture -No Asbestos Detected ASB39: Wallboard Texture -No Asbestos Detected
ASB40: Wallboard Texture -No Asbestos Detected ASB41: Wallboard Texture -No Asbestos Detected
ASB44: Wallboard -No Asbestos Detected
ASB47: Wallboard Tape -No Asbestos Detected
ASBSO: Wallboard Compound -No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 27
4tcES Inc.
ASB42: Wallboard Texture -No Asbestos Detected ASB43: Wallboard Texture -No Asbestos Detected
ASB45: Wallboard -No Asbestos Detected ASB46: Wallboard -No Asbestos Detected
A5B48: Wallboard Tape -No Asbestos Detected ASB49: Wallboard Tape -No Asbestos Detected
ASBSl: Wallboard Compound -No Asbestos Detected ASB52: Wallboard Compound -No Asbestos Detected
ASB53: Vinyl Floor Tile -No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg . 28
4tGES Inc.
ASBSS: Vinyl Floor Tile/ Mastic -No Asbestos Detected I ASBSG: Carpet Adhesive -No Asbestos Detected
I ASB57: Carpet Adhesive -No Asbestos Detected I ASBS8: Carpet Adhesive -No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg . 29
ASBS9: Acoustic Ceiling Overspray -2% Chrysotile
ASB61: Insulation Batt -No Asbestos Detected
ASB62: Insulation Batt -No Asbestos Detected
'tt GES Inc.
ASB60: Water Heater Exhaust Flue Pipe
15% Chrysotile, 2%Crocidolite
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg. 30
4tGES Inc.
I ASB64: Rolled Roofing -S% Chrysotile I ASB65: Asphalt Roof Shingle -No Asbestos Detected
I ASB66: Asphalt Roof Shingle -No Asbestos Detected I ASB67: Roofing Paper -No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg.31
4tGES Inc.
ASB68: Roofing Paper -No Asbestos Detected ASB69: HVAC Duct Wrap -No Asbestos Detected
ASB70: HVAC Sealant -N,o Asbestos Detected ASB71: Penetration Mastic -6% Chrysotile
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg.32
'tt cES1nc.
ASB72: HVAC Sealant -No Asbestos Detected ASB73: HVAC Sealant -No Asbestos Detected
ASB74: Concrete -No Asbestos Detected ASB75: Concrete -No Asbestos Detected
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020 pg.33
Appendix C
Inspector Credentials
OEPAllTMTh"TOF 1,m.s11uA1. RIJ.A11m,.~
01~'1J1Mof Otwpa110NI Sc'cQ-.! l~
~tosl'nh 20t Ard..--n \\'JCl'.~il!IIS
~lll!Rl#.CA 9$tl5-l-tl'I'
(916) S'i4-~99:; Offi.."t (916)~13..0.57! to ~~4·~
1022Ult2C o132.2
Griffin Envlronmenlol Surveys, Inc.
Gerold M Griffin
270 N. El Comino Reol, Suite F2 l 3
Enclnllos CA 92024
December 18, 2018
Dear Certified Asbestos Consultant or Tecltniclan:
Enclosed I• your certJffcat,on card. To maintain your certification, you must abide by the
rut•• printed on the back of tho certification card.
Your certification is valid for a period of one year. If you wish to renew your certificatJon, you
must apply for renewal st least 60 days ~ the expiration date shown on your card.
(8 CCR 34 l.15(hX1)]
Please hold and do not send copies of your required AHERA refresher renewal certdicates to
our office until you apply for renewal of your certification.
Certificates mus1 be kept current ff you are actJVely l'/Orlung as a CAC or CSST. The grace
penod Is only for those who are not actively working as an asbestos consuitant or site
surveillance technician.
Plectse contact our office at the above address, faw number or email: of any changes In your
contacVmairmg information within 15 days of the change.
Jeffr~:11 ~
Senior Safety Engineer
Attachment Certiflcabon Card
cc: File
i~, ... n,,.,. ... .,,,,
• PublicHealth
• l)Mslonof Clca,poOon8I Salay ond Healln
C..-ttflN Albutw CoM-ubnt
L'"'DfflDl"AL: CDlllflCATETYPE:
Lud lmpo<Wr....,_
~: ThudocumMt alone should DOt be relied upoa 1oc:aifum c«tificat10a uitus. Compae lbe indtndual'rpbolo and name to ~,..iid Corm of
p ·mimeat timed photo wlemifiaboD. \"e,Jy thl mdindu31'1 c.mificatioa status by~ far lud-1.ebud Con&U'Udioo PrciUHJOIWS a
•-»:w«lpbcu0•,'qommw'dppbor WWII (IOO) S97-LEAD.
570/580 Laguna Dr., Carlsbad CA 92008: Asbestos Survey February 12, 2020
4t GESinc.
pg. 34