HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-13; 2023 AB953: Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) Annual Report (Districts – All); Calderwood, ChristieCouncil Memo -2023 AB953: Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) Annual Report
June 13, 2024
Page 2
12. Whether the stop was made during the course of responding to a call for service
13. Whether the stop was made during the course of performing a welfare or wellness check
or an officer's community caretaking function
14. The reason for the stop (such as, the officer stopped the person for a traffic violation or
because the officer had reasonable suspicion that the person committed a crime)
15. The reason given to the stopped person (that is, the reason for the stop that was
communicated to the stopped person)
16. All of the non-force-related actions taken by the officer during the stop
17. The basis for any search
18. Whether any contraband of evidence is discovered
19. All of the force-related actions taken by the officer during the stop
20. The result of the stop (such as, the officer arrested the person or took no action)
21. The officer's identification number, which is the permanent identification number
assigned by the officer's law enforcement agency to the reporting officer and which will
be used for all stop data reporting to the Department
22. The officer's years of experience at the time of the stop
23. The officer's assignment at the time of the stop (such as patrol or gang enforcement)
24. Race or ethnicity of officer
25. Gender of officer
In accordance with the permanent injunction issued on April 30, 2024, by the Sacramento County
Superior Court in Marvel, et al. v. State of California, et al., Case No. 24CV000737, the California
Department of Justice is no longer enforcing section 999.226{a){23) of Title 11 of the California
Code of Regulations, a regulation under the Racial Identity and Profiling Act of 2015 {RIPA) that
previously required collection of "gender of officer" data. Accordingly, agencies and individuals
subject to RIPA are no longer required to provide "gender of officer" data {#25 above), as defined
in section 999.226(a){23) of Title 11 ofthe California Code of Regulations, on RIPA disclosures.
The data relevant to #25 in the list above is not included in the report due to the injunction.
The Department has permanently deleted all "gender of officer" data received to date per the
injunction. In addition to the previous year's existing questions mandated by law, the following
new question was introduced by the Carlsbad Police Department starting May 1, 2023:
• Whether the officer's perceptions of the individual were generated prior to, or after
contacting the individual.
Example: An officer may observe a vehicle run a red light in daylight and be able to perceive the
driver as a white male of an approximate age prior to the stop, but not be able to perceive a
disability, English fluency, or LGBTQ+.
In the 2022 report, the Police Department provided comparison population and demographic
statistics obtained from the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) for reference.
Council Memo -2023 AB953: Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) Annual Report
June 13, 2024
Page 3
The same SANDAG statistical information was not available for the current reporting period. For
the 2023 RIPA Report, the Carlsbad Police Department included population and demographic data
obtained from a source called Lightcast. The demographic data in Lightcast is compiled from
several sources using a specialized process. Sources include annual population estimates and
population projections from the US Census Bureau, and birth and mortality rates from the U.S.
Health Department. Lightcast is a leading labor market and economic data aggregation and
analytics company that is used by cities, counties, universities, and private sector organizations
across the country. Additional information regarding Lightcast is provided in the 2023 report.
Next Steps
The 2023 RIPA Report will be posted to the Carlsbad Police Department's website and readily
available to the public in the "Resources" box on the front page. Th e report is also attached to
this Memorandum for City Council's review.
Attachment: A. 2023 Annual RIPA Report
cc: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager
Cindie McMahon, City Attorney
Reid Shipley, Assistant Chief of Police
{city of
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 2
OVERALL STATISTICAL REVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 3
LIGHTCAST 2023 RACIAL DEMOGRAPHICS ........................................................................................................ 4
CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ................................................................................................................................... 4
STOPS BY CATEGORY ............................................................................................................................................ 5
PERCEIVED RACE ................................................................................................................................................ 5
PERCEIVED GENDER ........................................................................................................................................... 8
PERCEIVED LGBT ................................................................................................................................................ 8
PERCEIVED AGE .................................................................................................................................................. 9
REASON FOR STOP ............................................................................................. : ................................................ 10
ACTIONS TAKEN DURING THE STOP ................................................................................................................. 11
ACTIONS TAKEN -ALL STOPS ........................................................................................................................ 11
ACTIONS TAKEN-OFFICER-INITIATED STOPS .... , ........................................................................................ 12
ACTIONS TAKEN -CALLS-FOR-SERVICE ....................................................................................................... 13
RESULT OF STOP .................................................................................................................................................. 14
OVERALL RESULT OF THE STOP ..................................................................................................................... 14
RESULT OF THE STOP BY RACE ...................................................................................................................... 15
CARLSBAD RESIDENT VS. NON-RESIDENT ...................................................................................................... 16
LIGHTING CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 17
PERCEIVED RACE -ALL DAYLIGHT STOPS .................................................................................................................. 17
PERCEIVED RACE-ALL NIGHTTIME STOPS ................................................................................................................. 18
PERCEIVED RACE -CARLSBAD RESIDENTS DAYLIGHT STOPS ...................................................................................... 19
PERCEIVED RACE-CARLSBAD RESIDENTS NIGHTIME STOPS ...................................................................................... 20
CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
CARLSBAD POLICY 402 ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Carlsbad Poli~e Deeartment 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad CA 9~010 I 760-931 -2100
1 /Page
{city of
In 2015, the State of California passed Assembly Bill No. 953 (AB 953), otherwise known as the Racial and Identity
Profiling Act (RIPA). AB 953, hereafter referred to simply as RIPA, requires that law enforcement agencies in the state of
California collect perceived demographic data from specified police contacts.
As outlined by the California Code of Regulations {11 CCR§ 999.224), RIPA stop data must be collected during police
contacts matching either of the following criteria: "(1} Any detention, as defined above in these regulations, by a peace
officer of a person; or (2) any peace officer interaction with a person in which the officer conducts a search, as defined in
these regulations." It should be noted that, although titled "stop," the RIPA data stop requirement does not only apply
to officer-initiated activity such as a traffic stop and can be triggered at any point during any police contact such as calls
for service. Further explanation of legal standards concerning a temporary "detention" or "stop" is provided below:
Per Cal. Code Regs. tit. 11 § 999.224, "Detention," unless otherwise provided in these regulations, means a
seizure of a person by an officer that results from physical restraint, unequivocal verbal commands, or words or
conduct by an officer that would result in a reasonable person believing that he or she is not free to leave or
otherwise disregard the officer.
A valid "detention" is when an officer has "reasonable suspicion" that: (1) something relating to criminal activity
has just happened, is happening, or is about to happen; and (2) the vehicle and/or the person to be detain
relates to that activity. "Reasonable suspicion" means articulable facts, together with rational inferences from
those facts, warranting an objective suspicion. A temporary "detention" or "stop" is an exertion of authority that
is something less than an arrest but more substantial than a simple "contact" or "consensual encounter." A
"consensual encounter" is a contact between an officer and an individual that is strictly voluntary.
RIPA requires that specified data fields for each RIPA stop must be completed at the end of every qualifying contact and
certain data collected is based solely on the officer's perception. Consequently, it is important to note that the way an
officer perceives any given individual might differ from the way that individual identifies themselves.
As outlined in Penal Code Section 13519.4, this Act also established the Racial and Identity Profiling Advisory Board for
the purpose of eliminating racial and identity profiling, and improving diversity and racial and identity sensitivity in law
The Carlsbad Police Department is firmly committed to providing police services in a Constitutional and transparent
manner. Additionally, the Police Department has created policies and provides training to department members in
furtherance of this commitment. Lastly, the Police Department looks forward to providing the people of Carlsbad with a
transparent overview of each year's RIPA data and utilizing that data to continuously foster strong community relations.
The following report has been compiled using the Carlsbad Police Department's RIPA stop data gathered between
January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023 .
Carlsbad Poli ce D_epartment 2560 Orion \jVay, Carlsbad CA 92010 I 760_:§)31-2100
21 Page
{city of
The information presented in this report is representative of the 2023 statistical data gathered from all RIPA stops
conducted by members of the Carlsbad Police Department. This report also presents population information gathered
by Lightcast. The demographic data in Lightcast is compiled from several sources using a specialized process. Sources
include annual population estimates and population projections from the US Census Bureau, and birth and mortality
rates from the US Health Department. Lightcast, formerly the companies of EMSI and Burning Glass, is a leading labor
market and economic data aggregation and analytics company that is used by cities, counties, universities, and private
sector organizations across the country. For further data on Lightcast, please go to https://lightcast.io/about/
company. In last year's report data was gathered from SAN DAG, but that same source was no longer available and
Lightcast gathers data from a broader spectrum.
As outlined by the California Code of Regulations (11 CCR§ 999.224), RIPA stop data is based on the perceptions of
the officer most involved in the RIPA stop. The data collected is hereinafter referred to as "perceived" data.
Some of these perceived data elements include:
• Perceived Race or Ethnicity of Person Stopped
• Perceived Gender of Person Stopped
• Person Stopped Perceived to be LGBT
• Perceived Age of Person Stopped
• Person Stopped Has Limited or No English Fluency
• Perceived or Known Disability of Person Stopped
Once the conditions of RIPA are triggered, specific officer actions have been designated as being required data elements
and must be submitted by the officer most involved at the conclusion of each RIPA stop. Some of these actions include:
• Reason for stop
• Result of the stop
• Actions taken during the stop
RIPA stop data does not require consideration factors including but not limited to:
• Intelligence-led policing
• Examples: Crime trend analysis, license plate reader hits, crime intelligence bulletins with vehicle or
suspect descriptions, or other investigative information known by the officer prior to the stop.
• Commuter traffic
• Example: The City of Carlsbad alone employs approximately 1,250 people. Of 774 full-time employees,
77% do not reside in Carlsbad. Of 476 part-time employees, 63% do not reside in Carlsbad.
• Tourism
• In May of 2022, the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District reported Carlsbad has 3.5 million
visitors annually.
Lightcast Population Estimates for the City of Carlsbad were used as the basis for comparison in this report for the
following sections:
• STOPS BY CATEGORY -statistics related to perception data and the associated demographic breakdowns.
• REASON FOR STOP -statistics related to stop reason data and the associated demographic breakdowns.
• RESULT OF STOP -statistics related to stop result data and the associated demographic breakdowns.
• ACTIONS TAKEN DURING THE STOP -statistics related to actions taken by officers.
• We have also provided sections for data comparing CALLS FOR SERVICE VS. OFFICER INITIATED ACTIVITY.
Refer to the Appendix for Carlsbad Police Policy 402 concerning RIPA compliance.
Carlsba_d Police Department 2~60_ Orion Way, Carlsbad CA 92010 I 760_:-~31 -21_~0
31 Page
{city of
The chart below depicts the Lightcast race percentage estimates for the City of Carlsbad in 2023.
For context, the total population estimate for Carlsbad provided by Lightcast was 111,946. Lightcast population estimates
for the City of Carlsbad by race were reported as follows: White (75,629), Hispanic (18,671), Black/African American
(1,422), Asian (11,533), Middle Eastern or South Asian (0), Two or More Races (4,240), Pacific Islander (196), and Native
American (254).
Lightcast Carlsbad Race 2023 Percent Estimates
White 75,629 , 67.56%
Hispanic 18,671, 16.68%
Asian 11,533 , 10.30%
Two or More -4,240, 3.79%
Bia cl</ African American I 1,422, 1.27%
Native American I 254, 0.23%
Pacific Islander I 196, 0.18%
Middle Eastern or South Asian o, 0.00%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Carlsbad Police Dep_!trtment 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad CA 92010 l 760-931-2100
41P age
{city of
The chart below depicts the overall stop data collected by the Carlsbad Police Department during 2023. The chart
represents the perceived race percentage of all people reported to be involved in a stop compared with the Lightcast race
percentage estimates for the City of Carlsbad .
In total, 9,519 people were reported to be involved in 8,924 stops. In total, officers perceived 58.3% of people stopped to
be White, 25.5% to be Hispanic, 7.2% to be Black/African American, 3.9% to be Asian, 2.7% to be Middle Eastern or
South Asian, 1.4% to be Two or More Races, 0.6% to be Pacific Islander, and 0.1% to be Native American.
All Stops -Perceived Race Vs.
2023 Lightcast Carlsbad Race Estimates
Hispanic 16.68%
Black/African American ■ 1.27% -687,7.22%
Asian 10.30%
Middle Eastern or South Asian O.OO% • 260, 2.73%
Two or More Races -3•79% ■ 141, 1.48%
Pacific Islander I O.l3% I 62, 0.65%
Native American 1 0•23% I 11, 0.12%
0% 10% 20%
2429, 25.52%
30% 40%
■%of Lightcast 2023 Ethnicity Estimates
5551, 58.31%
60% 70%
■#of & % of Ethnicity Stopped
80% 90% 100%
Note: The Stop Data race categories were converted to match the Lightcast race categories for comparison purposes. In the RIPA requirements, multiple races could
be selected for each person stopped, these individuals are counted in the two or more races category. Also, Middle Eastern or South Asian perceptions were counted
in the "Other" category to match the Lightcast estimates.
For additional information see Government Code Section 12525.5; 11 CCR §999.226(a)(4)
Carlsbad Pol ice Department 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad CA 92010 I 760-931-2100
6j Page
{city of
People perceived to be in the age ranges of 20-29, 30-39, and 40-49 had the highest variance between the Lightcast
population estimates and the percentage of people stopped. This accounted for 68.44% of the people stopped.
Under 10
All People Stopped -Perceived Age Vs.
2023 Lightcast Carlsbad Age Estimate %
60, 0.63%
212, 2.23%
760, 7.98%
1277, 13.42%
679, 7.13%
1852, 19.46%
I 11, 0.12%
2316, 24.33%
2352, 24.71%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
■ % of 2023 Lightcast Age Est imates ■ # of & % of Age Group s Stopped
Carlsbad Police De_eartm~nt 2560 Orion W9-y, Carlsbad CA 92010 lJ60-931 -2100
91 Page
{city of
Of the 8,924 -stops made, the most frequently reported reason for a stop was, in descending order, Traffic Violations
84.77% (7,565), followed by Reasonable Suspicion 12.27% (1,095), Consensual Encounter with Search 1.77% (158), and
Parole/Probation/PCRS .58% (52).
Reason for Stop
Traffic Violation 84. 77%, 7565
Reasonable Suspicion 12.27%, 1095
Consensual Encounter resulting in a search I 1. 77%, 158
Known to be on Parole / Probation / Mandatory Supervision I 0.58%, 52
Knowledge of outstanding arrest warrant/wanted person I 0.48%, 43
Investigation to determine whether the person was truant 0.12%, 11
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Carlsbad Police Department 2560 Orion Way, Ca rlsbap CA 92010 I 760-9~1-2100
10I Page
Per RIPA requirements, multiple actions can be selected for each stopped person.
{city of
A total of 12,405 actions were taken during all 8,924 stops involving 9,519 people. Officers reported no action was taken
58.86% of the time. The chart below depicts the actions taken as a percentage of all 12,405 actions taken during all stops.
Actions Taken - All Stops
No Action Taken
Curbside detention 8.30%, 1029
Search of person was conducted -6.80%, 844
Search of property was conducted -5.15%, 639
Handcuffed or flex cuffed -4.51%, S60
Person removed from vehicle by order -3.62%, 449
Patrol car detention -2.64%, 327
Asked for consent to search property • 2.21%, 274
Asked for consent t o search person • 2.05%, 2S4
Property was seized • 1.93%, 240
Other Physical or Vehicle contact ■ 1.21%, 1S0
Field sobriety test conducted ■ 1.14%, 141
Vehicle impounded I 0.64%, 80
Person photographed I 0.37%, 46
Person removed from vehicle by physical contact I 0.22%, 27
Firearm pointed at person I 0.21%, 26
Canine removed from vehicle or used to sea rch I 0.10%, 12
Admission or written statement obtained from student 0.02%, 3
Firearm discharged or used 0.02%, 2
Electronic control device used 0.01%, 1
Canine bit or held person 0.01%, 1
0 1000
For additional information see Government Code Section 12525.5; 11 CCR §999.226(a)(12)
2000 3000 4000 5000
Carlsbad Police Department 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad CA 92010 760-931-2100
58.86%, 7301
6000 7000 8000
111 Page
{city of
Officer-initiated stops occur when an officer makes a stop based on their own observations. Examples would be an officer
stopping a vehicle after the officer observes the vehicle commit a traffic violation, or an officer stopping a person after
the officer observes the person commit a violation of law. A total of 10,273 actions were taken during officer-initiated
stops. Multiple actions could be selected per person stopped.
Act ions Take n -Officer Initiated Stops
No Action Taken
Curbside detention -6.88%, 707
Search of property was conducted -4.11%, 422
Search of person was conducted -4.03%, 414
Person removed from vehicle by order -3.50%, 360
Asked for consent t o search property -2.08%, 214
Asked for consent to search person • 1.80%, 185
Handcuffed or flex cuffed • 1.76%, 181
Property was seized • 1.68%, 173
Other Physical or Vehicle contact • 1.28%, 132
Patrol car detention ■ 1.22%, 125
Field sobriety test conducted ■ 0.98%, 101
Vehicle impounded 1 0.57%, 59
Person photographed 1 0.27%, 28
Person removed from vehicle by physical contact 1 0.21%, 22
Firearm pointed at person 0.10%, 10
Canine removed from vehicle or used to search 0.08%, 8
Admission or written statement obtained from student 0.03%, 3
Firearm discharged or used 0.02%, 2
Electronic control device used 0.01%, 1
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Carlsbad Police Department 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad CA 92010 I~ 760-931 -2100
69.38%, 7127
6000 7000 8000
121 P a g e
{city of
A call for service occurs when a member of the public contacts the police department to report an emergency, an incident,
or other issue of concern that they believe is a matter for the police to address. Examples would be a citizen calling the
police to report a crime in progress, reporting a traffic collision, or to report suspicious activity. A total of 2,132 actions
were taken when officers responded to calls-for-service. Multiple actions could be selected per person stopped. As
evidenced by this data, officers more often take no action when they initiate a contact versus when they are responding
to a call-for-service.
Actions Taken -Call for Service
Search of person was conducted
Handcuffed or flex cuffed
Curbside detention
Search of property was conducted
Patrol car detention
No Action Taken
Person removed from vehicle by order
Asked for consent to search person
Property was seized
Asked for consent to search property
-----------------------20.17%, 430
--------------------17.78%, 379
4.17%, 89
3.24%, 69
3.14%, 67
---2.81%, 60
Field sobriety test conducted -1.88%, 40
Vehicle impounded -0.98%, 21
Person photographed -0.84%, 18
Other Physical or Vehicle contact -0.84%, 18
Firearm pointed at person • 0. 75%, 16
Person removed from vehicle by physical contact I 0.23%, 5
Canine removed from vehicle or used to search I 0.19%, 4
Canine bit or held person I 0.05%, 1
0 50 100 150
10.18%, 217
9.47%, 202
8.16%, 174
200 250 300
15.10%, 322
350 400
Carlsbad Police Department 2560 Orion Way_, Carlsb~d CA 92010 I 760-931-2100
450 500
13IP age
{city of
On 4/1/2023, a custom question was added to our data collection to determine if the person stopped was a
Carlsbad resident to draw a better comparison of our stops against our actual population demographics. Officers
chose one of three options during data collection: Carlsbad Resident, Non-Carlsbad Resident, or Unknown. The
data collected only includes stops made between 4/1/2023 and 12/31/2023.
Perceived Race % Carlsbad Residents Stopped Vs.
2023 Lightcast Carlsbad Race Estimate %
67.56% White 2149, 71.49%
I ■ 1.27% Black African American -l2S, 4_26%
16.68% 461, 15.34%
Asian -10.30% -111,3.69%
Middle Eastern or South Asian O.OO% -94,3.13%
Two or More Races -3•79% ■ 46, 1.53%
Pacific Islander ' O.lS% I 14, 0.47%
Native American I 0.23%
3, 0.10%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
■%of 2023 Lightcast Population Estimate
50% 60% 70% 80%
■ U of & % of Ethnicity Stopped
Perceived Race % Non Carlsbad Residents Vs.
2023 Lightcast San Diego County Race Estimate%
White ----------42.88% ------------3205, 51.74%
Hispanic -.:::::::::::::-34.05% 1909, 30.82%
I -4.68% Black African American -521, 8_41%
Asian ---12.54% -256,4.13%
M iddle Eastern or South Asian O.OO% • 160, 2.58%
Two or More Races -s.o3% ■ 89, 1.44%
Pacific Islander I 0.41%
I 47, 0.76%
Native American I 0.41%
I 8, 0.13%
90% 100%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
■%of 2023 Lightcast San Diego County Population Estimate ■#of & % of Ethnicity Stopped
Carlsbad Police _!)epartment 256Q O_ljon \/'j__ay_, garlsbad CA 92010 I 760-931-2100
16 I Page
{city of
Additional analysis was done to determine if there was any difference in the perceived race of individuals
stopped based on lighting conditions. Using published sunrise and sunset charts and the date and time of the
stops, the lighting conditions of dark, light, or transition light were obtained.
The following reflects all stops (resident and non-resident) that occurred during the daylight or transition
light, by perceived race as a percentage, compared to the Lightcast race estimates for the County of San
People Stopped During Daylight or Transit ion Light Vs.
2023 Lightcast Sa n Diego County Race Estimate
Black/African American
-------------4058, 61.18%
·.:::::::::--34.05% 1576, 23.76%
• 259, 3.90%
Middle Eastern or South Asian O.OO% • 167; 2.52%
Two or More Races -5.03% ■ 113, 1.70%
Pacific Islander I o.4l% I 35, 0.53%
Native American I 0.41%
5, 0.08%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
■%of 2023 Lightcast San Diego County Population Estimate ■#of & % of Ethnicity Stopped
Carlsba~olice _Department 2560 Orign Way_,_ Carlsbad CA 9201_Qj 760-931-2100
17j P a g e
{city of
The following reflects all stops (resident and non-resident) that occurred during the dark hours of night, by
perceived race as a percentage, compared to the Lightcast race estimates for the County of San Diego:
People Stopped During Dark -Perceived Race Vs.
2023 Lightcast San Diego County Race Estimate
White ·.::::::-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.·.·.·.·.• •• 42 •• 8.8% 1493, 51.73%
Black/African American -4-68% -267,9.25%
Asian --■ 12.54% -119,4.12%
Middle Eastern or South Asian O.OO% • 93,3.22%
Two or More Races -5.03% I 28, 0.97%
Pacific Islander I o.4l% I 27, 0.94%
Native American I 0.41%
I 6, 0.21%
853, 29.56%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
■%of 2023 Lightcast San Diego County Population Estimate ■#of & % of Ethnicity Stopped
Carlsbad Police Department 256_0 Orion Way, Carlsbad CA 92010 I ]60-931-2100
18I Page
{city of
The following reflects stops of Carlsbad residents during daylight or transition light, by perceived race as a
percentage, compared to the Lightcast race estimates for the Carlsbad population:
People Stopped -Perceived Race During Daylight Vs.
2023 Lightcast Carlsbad Race Estimate
67.56% White 1632, 73.51%
Asian ■ 1.27%
306, 13.78%
Black/African American l0.30% -78,3.51%
Middle Eastern or South Asian O.OO% -70,3.15%
Two or More Races -3.79%
• 41, 1.85%
Pacific Islander 1 0•18% I 9, 0.41%
Native American I 0.23%
1, 0.05%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
■%of 2023 Lightcast Population Estimate
50% 60% 70%
■#of & % of Ethnicity Stopped
Carlsbad Police Departm~n_t 2560 Orion Way , Carlsbad CA 9201 0 U_60-931-2100
80% 90% 100%
19I P a g e
{city of
The following reflects all stops of Carlsbad residents during the dark hours of night, by perceived race as a
percentage, compared to the Lightcastrace estimates for the Carlsbad population:
People Stopped -Perceived Race During Nighttime Vs.
2023 Lightcast Carlsbad Race Estimate
Hispanic -.:::::.16.68% 155, 19.72%
Black/African American 1 1•27% -50,6.36%
Asian -10.3o% -28,3.56%
Middle Eastern or South Asian O.OO% • 24, 3.05%
Pacific Islander • 3• 79% I 5, 0.64%
Two or More Races I O.l 3% I 5, 0.64%
Native American I 0.23%
I 2, 0.25%
517, 65.78%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
■%of 2023 Lightcast Population Estimate ■ fl of & % of Ethnicity Stopped
Carlsba~Po[ce_Department _?560 Orion Way.1 Carl sbad CA 92010 I 760-931-2100
20 I P age
{city of
From January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, Carlsbad Police Officers made 8,924 total RIPA stops involving 9,519 people.
The data collected for each RIPA stop is recorded as perceived by Carlsbad Police Officers and may not reflect the actual
race, age, or disability status of the person stopped. Officers are not permitted to ask individuals to self-identify for data
collection purposes.
Of these stops, approximately 84.77% were made for traffic violations, 12.27% for reasonable suspicion, 1.77% for
consensual encounters (which resulted in a search), 0.58% for those known to be on parole/probation/mandatory
supervision, and 0.56% or less for those with known warrants or school-related violations such as truancy.
Additional analysis concluded that approximately 0.18% (Less than 1 percent) of total stopped persons were perceived or
known to have at least one disability. 103 individuals, which is about 1.01% of the total stopped persons were perceived
to have limited or no fluency in English.
The demographics reported by the Lightcast estimates used for comparison are not necessarily a direct reflection of the
demographics of Carlsbad on any given day. Some factors which account for the fluctuation in population may include:
1) The data only accounts for actual residents and not tourists or visitors to the city.
2) Carlsbad borders several other cities and the populations of these locations are known to traverse Carlsbad for
work, entertainment, shopping, dining, or various other activities.
3) Carlsbad contains a freeway, highway, railways, and the McClellan-Palomar Airport, all of which provide access
to and from the city for both local and long-distance visitors.
In closing, the Carlsbad Police Department is committed to adhering to the stipulations set forth by the RIPA statute. The
Department recognizes the importance of collecting and analyzing stop data and then using that data to make any
applicable proactive changes and improvements to maintain and advance community relations and trust. The Police
Department will continue to provide policing services to the community consistent with Constitutional policing best
Carlsbad Police Department 2560 O_!:Lon Way, Carlsbad CA 92010 I 760-931 -2100
21 I Page
{city of
The Racial and Identity Profiling Act of 2015 (hereinafter referred to as RIPA), requires local law enforcement agencies to
collect perceived demographic and other detailed data regarding individuals detained or searched by peace officers. For
the purposes of this law, "peace officer" is as defined by Penal Code§ 830 and 832. RIPA was passed into law and codified
in Government Code section 12525.5, Penal Code sections 13012 and 13519.4, and as part of Title 11, Division 1, Chapter
19, of the California Code of Regulations. This collected data is required to be submitted to the California Department of
Justice on a periodic basis.
It is the intent of the Department to gather and report the required data and no part of this policy should be interpreted in
a way to conflict with any currently existing law. The Department's RIPA Stop Data Collection Application may be modified
as needed to maintain compliance with required data reporting.
Bias-based policing undermines legitimate law enforcement efforts and may lead to claims of civil rights violations. Bias-
based policing alienates the community, fosters community distrust of law enforcement, and invites media scrutiny,
legislative action, and judicial intervention. The Department neither condones nor tolerates the use of bias-based policing.
Discriminatory conduct based on race, religion, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, gender, gender identity, gender
expression, sexual orientation, or disability while performing any law enforcement activity is prohibited. All law
enforcement contacts and activities, including, but not limited to, calls for service, investigations, law enforcement-
initiated stops or detentions, and activities following stops or detentions, shall be unbiased and based on legitimate,
articulable facts. All law enforcement action taken shall be consistent with the standards of reasonable suspicion or
probable cause as required by federal and state law.
Failure to comply with this policy is counterproductive to professional law enforcement and is an act of misconduct, which
is subject to discipline. Any employee who becomes aware of biased policing or any other violation of this policy shall
report it in accordance with established policy and procedure.
Definitions related to this policy include :
Bias-Based Policing means conduct by peace officers motivated, implicitly or explicitly, by the officer's beliefs about
someone based on the person's actual or perceived personal characteristics, i.e., race, color, ethnicity, national origin,
age, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability.
Consensual search means any search that occurs when a person gives an officer consent or permission to search the
person or the person's property. Consent can be given in writing or verbally or may be implied by conduct. (11 CCR§
Designee a person who has been designated or selected by the primary officer.
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Detention means a seizure of a person's body by an officer that results from physical restraint, unequivocal verbal
commands, or words or conduct by an officer that would result in a reasonable person believing that he or she is not free
to leave or otherwise disregard the officer. {11 CCR§ 999.224)
Encounter means a detention or traffic stop where the officer initiates activity based solely on the officer's own
observations or the observations and direction of another officer, rather than on information provided by dispatch or
reported by a member of the public.
Gender Identity means an individual's actual or perceived gender identity, or gender-related characteristics intrinsically
related to an individual's gender or gender-identity, regardless of the individual's assigned sex at birth.
Location means the hundred block where the encounter occurred, or the closest intersection thereto.
Officer means a peace officer as defined by Penal Code § 830 and 832, employed by the Carlsbad Police Department.
Primary Officer means the principal officer when one or more officers are assisting on the detention and/or search.
Search means a search of a person's body or property in the person's possession or control and includes a pat-down search
of a person's outer clothing as well as a consensual search. {11 CCR§ 999.224)
Stop means any detention by an officer of a person or any officer interaction with a person in which the officer conducts
a search, including a consensual search of the person's body or property in the person's possession or control, and includes
a pat-down search of a person's outer clothing. (Govt. Code§ 12525.S{g){2); 11 CCR§ 999.224).
Traffic Stop means an interaction between an officer and an individual driving a vehicle, in which the officer orders the
individual to stop the vehicle.
Use of Force means an officer's use of force on an individual that is required to be reported by Department Policy§ 300.
Every officer is required to complete a RIPA report following interactions described in section 402.4 of this order. Officers
must report their perceptions of specified characteristics when an individual is detained, searched, or has their property
searched . An officer's perception shall be based on their personal observations and interactions with the individual
detained. The officer shall not ask the individual any additional identifying questions, refer to their driver's license or
identification card, or ask another individual for information which would verify the identity of the individual detained.
In no circumstance shall an officer include any individual's personal identifying information or Unique Identifying Information of any
officer into a RIPA report. "Unique Identifying Information" means personally identifying information, the release of which, either
alone or in combination with other data reported, is reasonably likely to reveal the identity of the individual officer who collected the
stop data information. It does not include the minimum information that is specified in Government Code section 12525.5, subdivision
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The Primary Officer or his/her designee shall complete a RIPA report for every person detained or searched or when property in their
possession is searched regardless of the initial reason for the encounter, unless it falls under an exception listed in this order. Officers
shall complete all stop reports for stops made during his or her shift by the end of that shift, unless exigent circumstances preclude
doing so, and with a supervisor's permission. In such circumstances, the data shall be completed as soon as practicable.
The following information will be collected for each stop:
• Date/Time/Duration
• Location
• Reason
• A response to or while conducting an investigation as a result of a call for service? Yes/No
• Actions taken during stop, including, but not limited to:
■ Whether asked for consent search/ Whether consent was provided
■ Whether search took place/ Basis for search/ Result of search
■ Whether property was seized / Type of property/ Basis for seizure
■ Curbside detention, handcuffed/flex-cuffed, firearm pointed at person, firearm discharged or used.
■ Includes: Action taken based on individual suspicion or personal characteristics during traffic control, crowd
control, underage drinking detentions, DUI checkpoints.
• Result or Disposition (e.g., warning, citation, arrest)
■ This includes the language of the warning or offense cited/charged.
■ Perceived race/ethnicity, gender and age
■ This information shall be based on the officer's personal observation only. This information shall not be
requested and shall not be based on the information in the person's driver's license or other identification.
■ Vehicle Stops: Only applies to driver unless actions above are taken for passenger.
■ Perceived LGBT
■ This information shall be based on the officer's personal observation only. This information shall not be
requested .
• Limited to no English Fluency, if applicable
• Perceived or Known Disability
■ This information shall be based on the officer's perception or knowledge that the person stopped has a
• Officer Information
■ Years of Experience
■ Type of Assignment: Patrol, Traffic, Narcotics, Investigations, etc.(11 CCR 999.226)
1) When there are multiple officers interacting with the detained or searched individual(s):
2) Only one RIPA report shall be submitted for each individual searched or detained, regardless of the
number of officers involved in each interaction.
3) The officer with the highest level of engagement with the person stopped is responsible for completing
the RIPA report. .
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4) All reportable actions taken by any officer during the detention or search shall be included in
the RIPA report.
5) When there are multiple agencies at the scene and interacting with the detained or searched person(s):
6} Only the primary agency with investigative jurisdiction for the incident shall complete
the RIPA report through their reporting system.
7) In no case should duplicate reports be submitted for the same individual by multiple officers or multiple
8} The RIPA report should be completed by the end of the officer's shift unless exigent circumstances
preclude doing so, and with a supervisor's permission.
In such circumstances, the data shall be completed as soon as practicable. (11 CCR 999.227}.
1) Peace officers shall complete a RIPA report only if the following interactions occur with students on the
grounds of a K-12 public school:
2) Any interaction that results in a temporary custody under Welfare and Institutions Code section 625,
citation, arrest, permanent seizure of property as evidence of a criminal offense, or referral to a school
administrator because of suspected criminal activity.
3) Any interaction in which the student is questioned for the purpose of investigating whether the student
committed a violation of law, including violations of Education Code sections 48900, 48900.2, 48900.4,
and 48900.7, or to determine whether the student is truant.
4) Any interaction in which an officer engages in one or more of the actions as described in section 402.4 of
this order.
5) Peace officers shall not complete a RIPA report in the following interactions with students on the grounds
of a K-12 public school.
6) Any detention or search of all persons as part of a neutrally applied formula that is not based upon
personal characteristics. Such as a security checkpoint.
7) The interaction only includes searches conducted at the entries or exits of school facilities by screening
devices, and secondary screenings that result from that initial screening.
8) Example 1: All students entering a school are required to pass through a metal detector. A school police
officer searches a student's person or belongings because a metal detector is activated. The interaction
shall not be reported.
9) Example 2: An officer searches a student's backpack because he or she suspects the backpack contains
narcotics. The interaction is reportable.
1) Peace officers are not required to complete a RIPA report in the following circumstances:
2) Any stop or search that occurs in a custodial setting or on custodial grounds. However, peace officers who
work in a custodial setting must report detentions or searches which occur in non-custodial settings (an
example would be a deputy who is assigned to the jail but detains an individual while working an off-duty
job at a football game).
3) Stops that occur during public safety mass evacuations, including bomb threats, gas leaks, flooding,
earthquakes, and other similar critical incidents.
a) For the purposes of this section, the incident commander (or designee) shall make the determination
if an incident meets the criteria for a critical incident.
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4) Stops that occur during an active shooter incident, meaning an individual is actively engaged in killing or
attempting to kill people in a populated area.
5) Stops that occur during or as a result of routine security screenings required of all persons to enter a
building or special event, including metal detector screenings, including any secondary searches that
result from that screening.
6) Any type of crowd control in which persons are directed to remain at a location or routed to a different
location for public safety purposes.
7) Interactions during which persons are detained at a residence so that officers may check for proof of age,
solely for the purpose of investigating possible underage drinking.
a) Example 1: An officer is dispatched to a residence to investigate a noise complaint. Upon arrival, the
officer suspects that some of the persons at the house party are engaged in underage drinking, and
he or she detains the persons to request identification to verify proof of age. Because the only action
the officer takes is to detain the persons for the sole purpose of verifying proof of age, these
interactions do not require a RIPA report.
b) Example 2: At that same party, the officer, in addition to detaining a person to question him/her, also
asks to search the person. Regardless of whether the person consents to the search or is actually
searched, that interaction will require a RIPA report.
8) Checkpoints or roadblocks in which an officer detains a person as the result of a blanket regulatory activity
that is not based on an individualized suspicion or personal characteristic.
a) Example: A checkpoint or roadblock, including a DUI checkpoint, that stops all vehicles or stops
randomly selected vehicles using a neutral formula, not based on individualized suspicion or personal
characteristics, does not require a RIPA report.
9) Diversion of traffic or individuals as a result of any routine traffic control not based upon individualized
suspicion personal characteristics.
10) Interactions with passenger(s) of traffic stops who are not the subject of an investigation or enforcement
action and who are not searched.
a) Example: Any individual(s) being asked to exit the vehicle simply because it is being towed.
11) Interactions with the targeted subject(s) of a warrant, search condition, home detention, or house arrest
while inside of their residence . However, a RIPA report is required for any interactions with persons in the
home who are not the subject of the warrant or search condition if the officer takes any of the
actions listed in section 402.4 of this order.
12) Consensual encounters that do not result in a search.
The data collected for each stop is the responsibility of a single officer on scene. The data will be reported and submitted
for supervisorial approval. The Department will maintain all "Stop Data" and prepa re an annual report to the California
Department of Justice in compliance with RIPA. In addition, the Department's Senior Management Analyst will be
responsible for producing an annual report for the Department regarding our STOP DATA.
Supervisors should log in to the RIPA report system to review and approve or reject officer's RIPA reports by the end of
the supervisor's shift unless exigent circumstances preclude doing so . In such circumstances, the data shall be completed
as soon as practicable after the RIPA report was received. The primary purpose of the supervisor review is to ensure no
personal identifying information has been included in the report. If any personal identifying information is found in the
report, the supervisor shall reject the report.
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Supervisors shall review reports for content and accuracy. If a correction is necessary, the reviewing supervisor should
return the report for correction. It shall be the responsibility of the originating supervisor to ensure that any report
returned for correction is processed in a timely manner.
Reports that have been approved by a supervisor and are either waiting in the que for download or have been submitted
to the DOJ shall not be modified or altered except by way of a supplemental report.
All investigative detentions, temporary detentions, vehicle stops, arrests, searches and seizures of persons or property by
officers will be based on a standard of reasonable suspicion or probable cause as required by the Fourth Amendment of
the U.S. Constitution, statutory authority, and prevailing case law. Officers must be able to articulate specific facts,
circumstances and conclusions which support reasonable suspicion or probable cause for an arrest, vehicle stop or
investigative detention.
Officers may take into account as part of a description the race, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, religion,
economic status, age and/or culture of a specific suspect(s) based on what reasonably appears to be credible, reliable,
relevant information that links a person to a particular criminal incident or links a specific series of crimes in an area to a
group of individuals.
Except as provided above, no person shall be singled out or otherwise treated differently on account of his/her race, ethnic
background, gender, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, age and/or culture.
This policy allows consensual encounters, but officers should apply the principles outlined below.
In an effort to prevent inappropriate perceptions of biased based law enforcement, officers shall utilize the following
strategies when involved in any pedestrian contact or vehicle stop:
• Be courteous, polite, and professional.
• Introduce yourself by providing your name and agency affiliation. As soon as practical, explain the reason(s) for
the stop, i.e., in vehicle stops, provide this information before asking the driver for their license, registration and
proof of insurance.
• Answer any questions the member of the public may have, including explaining options for the disposition of a
traffic citation, if relevant.
• Ensure that the length of the detention is no longer than necessary to take appropriate action for the known or
suspected offense.
• During a consensual contact to include a traffic stop or a contact at a home or business, officers shall ensure that
all persons contacted are aware of the officer's affiliation with the police department, except in situations that
may jeopardize an investigation.
Training on fair and objective policing and review of this policy shall be conducted as directed by the professional standards
and support bureau.
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• All sworn members of this department will be scheduled to attend Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)-
approved training on the subject of bias-based policing.
• Each sworn member of this department who received initial bias-based policing training will thereafter be
required to attend or complete on going training as deemed necessary by the Carlsbad Police Department to keep
current with changing racial, identity and cultural trends (Penal Code§ 13519.4[i]).
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