HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-11; Municipal Water District; Resolution 1738RESOLUTION NO.1738 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE 2024 ANNUAL WATER SHORTAGE ASSESSMENT REPORT AND AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF THE ASSESSMENT TABULAR REPORT TO THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES ON OR BEFORE JULY 1, 2024, AND GRANTING AUTHORITY TO THE EXECUTIVE MANAGER TO INCORPORATE REQUESTED REVISIONS MADE BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS, IF ANY, INTO THE REPORT PRIOR TO ITS SUBMISSION WHEREAS, California Water Code 10632.1 requires urban water suppliers to conduct an annual water supply and demand assessment and submit this data in an Annual Water Shortage Assessment Report to the California Department of Water Resources on or before July 1 each year; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, or CMWD, is an urban water supplier subject to this requirement and must submit the results of this annual assessment on or before July 1, 2024; and WHEREAS, the CMWD Board approved last year's assessment on June 20, 2023; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this annual water supply and demand assessment is to determine whether anticipated current water supplies will adequately meet anticipated demands under current and dry-year conditions and to assist with local and statewide water supply planning to address chronic water shortages; and WHEREAS, the annual water supply and demand assessment determined that projected water supplies for fiscal year 2024-25 will meet the anticipated demands under current and dry-year conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined that the Project is statutorily exempt from the proceedings of the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Article 18, Section 15282(v) and Water Code Section 10652, in compliance with Section 10632 of the Water Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the Board approves the 2024 Annual Water Shortage Assessment Report attached as Attachment A. Table 1. Annual Assessment Information  Annual Assessment Information Year Covered By This Shortage Report (Required) Start: July 1,2024 End: June 30,2025 Volume Unit for Reported Supply and Demand: (Must use the same unit throughout)AF Supplier's Annual Assessment Planning Cycle (Required) Start Month:July End Month:June Data Interval: Monthly (12 data points per year) Water Supplier's Contact Information (Required) Water Supplier's Name:Carlsbad Municipal Water District Contact Name:Keri Martinez Contact Title:Utilities Senior Engineer Street Address:5950 El Camino Real ZIP Code:92008 Phone Number:442-200-2376 Email Address:keri.martinez@carlsbadca.gov Report Preparer's Contact Information (if different from above) Preparer's Organization Name: Preparer's Contact Name: Phone Number: Email Address: Supplier's Water Shortage Contingency Plan WSCP Title CMWD UMWP 2020 Chapter 8 Water Shortage Contingency Planning WSCP Adoption Date 6/8/2021 Other Annual Assessment Related Activities Activity Timeline/ Outcomes / Links / Notes Annual Assessment/  Shortage Report Title: 24-25 Annual Water Shortage Assessment Staff Report to CMWD Board Annual Assessment / Shortage Report Approval Date:6/11/2024 Other Annual Assessment Related Activities: (Add rows as needed) ATTACHMENT A = From prior tables = Auto calculated Use Type Start Year:2024 Volumetric Unit Used2:AF Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total by Water Demand Type All Demands Potable Demand 1278.1 1499.5 1363.4 1264.2 1272.3 1156.7 1034.0 879.2 722.7 889.5 975.1 1198.9 13534 Other Potable Additional  hypothetical  demand w/o  conservation 139.3 163.4 148.6 137.8 138.7 126.1 112.7 95.8 78.8 97.0 106.3 130.7 1475 Losses Estimated water loss 57.9 67.9 61.7 57.2 57.6 52.4 46.8 39.8 32.7 40.3 44.1 54.3 613 0000000 1475.3 1730.8 1573.8 1459.2 1468.6 1335.1 1193.6 1014.8 834.2 1026.7 1125.6 1383.8 15621 Other Nonpotable Recycled Tertiary 394.0 490.4 411.3 363.0 353.0 288.8 167.1 81.4 30.8 103.3 172.6 489.7 33450000 394.0 490.4 411.3 363.0 353.0 288.8 167.1 81.4 30.8 103.3 172.6 489.7 3345 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total 1,617 1,923 1,716 1,574 1,573 1,400 1,166 935 735 966 1,110 1,486 16,201 1,885 1,962 2,018 1,767 1,666 1,278 1,114 773 834 755 1,110 1,486 16,648 1,879 1,997 1,982 1,798 1,426 1,499 1,003 1,079 1,278 1,369 1,544 1,829 18,684 0 Table 2: Water Demands1  Projected Water Demands - Volume3 Total by Month (Non-Potable) 1Projections are based on best available data at time of submitting the report and actual demand volumes could be different due to many factors. 2Units of measure (AF, CCF, MG) must remain consistent.  3When opting to provide other than  monthly volumes (bi-monthly, quarterly, or annual), please see directions on entering data for Projected Water Demand in the Table Instructions. Both projected May-Jun 2025 demands (above) and last year's demand (below)are estimated based on May-Jun 2023 data, since May-Jun 2024 data are not available at the time this report was prepared. Last year demands (below) data was updated from  the previous report to reflect actual demand for May-Jun 2023 (FY 22-23). Total by Month (Potable) Additional  Description  (as needed) Level of  Treatment  for Non- Potable  Supplies Drop-down list Drop-down list May select each use multiple times These are the only Use Types that will  be recognized by the WUEdata online  submittal tool (Add additional rows as needed) Demands Served by Potable Supplies Demands Served by Non-Potable Supplies Three years ago total demand Four years ago total demand Optional (for comparison purposes)Last year's total demand Two years ago total demand = From prior tables = Auto calculated Water Supply Start Year:2024 Volumetric Unit Used2:AF Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total by Water Supply Type Purchased/Imported  Water SDCWA 1267.0 1522.5 1365.4 1250.9 1260.3 1126.7 985.3 806.5 625.8 818.4 917.3 1175.4 13121Desalinated Surfacewater Seawater 208.3 208.3 208.4 208.3 208.3 208.4 208.3 208.3 208.4 208.3 208.3 208.4 250000000000 1475 1731 1574 1459 1469 1335 1194 1015 834 1027 1126 1384 15621 0 Recycled Water 394.0 490.4 411.3 363.0 353.0 288.8 167.1 81.4 30.8 103.3 172.6 489.7 33450000394 490 411 363 353 289 167 81 31 103 173 490 3345 0 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total 0 Table 3: Water Supplies1 Projected Water Supplies - Volume3 Water  Quality Drop-down List Total Right  or Safe  Yield*  (optional)  Additional  Detail on  Water Supply Drop-down List May use each category multiple  times.These are the only water  supply categories that will be  recognized by the WUEdata online  submittal tool  (Add additional rows as needed) Potable Supplies Non-Potable Supplies eAR Reported Total Water Supplies Optional (for comparison purposes) 1Projections are based on best available data at time of submitting the report and actual supply volumes could be different due to many factors. 2Units of measure (AF, CCF, MG) must remain consistent.  3When opting to provide other than  monthly volumes (bi-monthly, quarterly, or annual), please see directions on entering data for Projected Water Supplies in the Table Instructions. Notes: Our wholesale water supplier, the San Diego County Water Authority, has access to additional supplies through its Carryover Storage Program, which includes in-region surface storage of approximately 70,000 acre-feet at San Vicente Reservoir. The  Water Authority’s policy is to limit use of that water to one-fifth of the total per year, if needed. The Water Authority also has access to additional supplies from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California via its preferential right to purchase  water. Under a dry-year scenario, that volume of water is assumed to be at least 300,000 acre-feet per year. Total by Month (Potable) Total by Month (Non-Potable) = Auto calculated = For manual input Table 4(P): Potable Water Shortage Assessment1 Start Year: 2024 Volumetric Unit Used2:AF Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun3 Total Anticipated Unconstrained Demand 1475.3 1730.8 1573.8 1459.2 1468.6 1335.1 1193.6 1014.8 834.2 1026.7 1125.6 1383.8 15621.47 Anticipated Total Water Supply 1475.3 1730.8 1573.8 1459.2 1468.6 1335.1 1193.6 1014.8 834.2 1026.7 1125.6 1383.8 15621.47 Surplus/Shortage w/o WSCP Action 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 % Surplus/Shortage w/o WSCP Action 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0% State Standard Shortage Level 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Benefit from WSCP:  Supply Augmentation 0.0 <------ Benefit from WSCP:  Demand Reduction 160.8 188.7 171.5 159.1 160.1 145.5 130.1 110.6 90.9 111.9 122.7 150.8 1702.7 <------ Revised Surplus/Shortage with WSCP 160.8 188.7 171.5 159.1 160.1 145.5 130.1 110.6 90.9 111.9 122.7 150.8 1702.7 % Revised Surplus/Shortage with WSCP 11% 11%11% 11%11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% = Auto calculated = For manual input Table 4(NP): Non-Potable Water Shortage Assessment1 Start Year: 2024 Volumetric Unit Used2:AF Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun3 Total Anticipated Unconstrained Demand: Non-Potable 394.0 490.4 411.3 363.0 353.0 288.8 167.1 81.4 30.8 103.3 172.6 489.7 3,345.28 Anticipated Total Water Supply: Non-Potable 394.0 490.4 411.3 363.0 353.0 288.8 167.1 81.4 30.8 103.3 172.6 489.7 3,345.3Surplus/Shortage w/o WSCP Action: Non-Potable 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 % Surplus/Shortage w/o WSCP Action: Non-Potable 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0% Benefit from WSCP:  Supply Augmentation 0.0 <------ Benefit from WSCP:  Demand Reduction 0.0 <------ Revised Surplus/Shortage with WSCP 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 % Revised Surplus/Shortage with WSCP 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0% This row would allow Supplier to include a supply  augmentation action that may ONLY trigger with a particular 'shortage level' selected 1Assessments are based on best available data at time of submitting the report and actual volumes could be different due to many factors. 2Units of measure (AF, CCF, MG) must remain consistent. 3When optional monthly volumes aren't provided, verify Tables 2 and 3 use the same columns for data entry and are reflected properly in Table 4 and make sure to use those same columns to enter the benefits from Planned WSCP Actions. Please see directions on the  shortage balancing exercise in the Table Instructions. If a shortage is projected, the supplier is highly recommended to perform a monthly analysis to more accurately identify the time of shortage.4If you enter any WSCP Benefits, then you must enter the corresponding planned Actions into Table 5. = From prior tables Planned WSCP Actions4 1Assessments are based on best available data at time of submitting the report and actual volumes could be different due to many factors. 2Units of measure (AF, CCF, MG) must remain consistent. 3When optional monthly volumes aren't provided, verify Tables 2 and 3 use the same columns for data entry and are reflected properly in Table 4 and make sure to use those same columns to enter the benefits from Planned WSCP Actions. Please see directions on the  shortage balancing exercise in the Table Instructions. If a shortage is projected, the supplier is highly recommended to perform a monthly analysis to more accurately identify the time of shortage. 4If you enter any WSCP Benefits, then you must enter the corresponding planned Actions into Table 5. This row would allow Supplier to represent the likely  reduction in water use expected by the 'shortage reponse' that is implemented (e.g. limited outdoor irrigation would  This row would allow Supplier to include a supply  augmentation action that may ONLY trigger with a particular  'shortage level' selected This row would allow Supplier to represent the likely  reduction in water use expected by the 'shortage reponse'  that is implemented (e.g. limited outdoor irrigation would  = From prior tables Planned WSCP Actions4 July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 Enter Amount (Drop-down List) Select % or Volume Unit Start Month End Month 0 (No Shortage)Landscape - Limit landscape irrigation to specific times Yes 0.9 %July June 0 (No Shortage)CII - Other CII restriction or prohibition Yes 0.2 %July June 0 (No Shortage) Other - Customers must repair leaks,  breaks, and malfunctions in a timely  manner Yes 0.9 %July June 0 (No Shortage)Expand Public Information Campaign Yes 4.7 %July June 0 (No Shortage)Provide Rebates for Landscape Irrigation  Efficiency Yes 4.2 %July June NOTES: Notes Section to be used only  for clarifying details, and not  for listing specific actions.  Actions must be entred into  table rows above.   1If you plan Supply Augmentation Actions then you must enter WSCP Benefits from Supply Augmentation Actions into Table 4. If you plan Demand Reduction Actions then  you must enter WSCP Benefits from Demand Reduction Actions into Table 4.  2If an Action is planned to be implemented in multiple non-contiguous periods of the year, please make separate entries on multiple rows for the same action spanning  the different implementation periods. Table 5: Planned Water Shortage Response Actions Add additional rows as needed How much is action going to  reduce the shortage gap?  (Optional) When is shortage response  action anticipated to be  implemented2?Is action   already being  implemented? (Y/N) ACTIONS1: Demand Reduction, Supply Augmentation, and Other Actions. (Drop-down List) These are the only categories that will be  accepted by the WUEdata online submittal  tool. Select those that apply. Anticipated Shortage Level Drop-down List of State Standard Levels (1 -  6) and Level 0 (No  Shortage)