HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-06; Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission; MinutesTRAFFIC SAFETY & MOBILITY COMMISSION Minutes May 6, 2024, 4 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 4:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Coelho, Fowler, Penseyres, and Kohl. Absent: Proulx, Newlands, Garcia. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Coelho led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of Regular Meeting held on March 4, 2024 Council Chamber 1200 Ca rlsbad Vil lage Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Vice Chair Fowler, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 4, 2024, as presented. Motion carried, 4/0/3 (Proulx, Newlands, Garcia - Absent). PUBLIC COMMENT: None. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. EL CAMINO REAL ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS FROM POINSETTIA LANE TO CAMINO VIDA ROBLE. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 6072-Support staff's recommendation to the City Council to approve the plans and specifications of the El Camino Real Roadway Improvements from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble, Capital Improvement Program, Project No. 6072. (Staff Contact: Brandon Miles, Public Works Department). Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Vice Chair Fowler to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 1. Motion carried, 4/0/3 (Proulx, Newlands, Garcia -Absent). 2. BARRIO TRAFFIC CIRCLES, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 4015 -PHASE I - Support staff's recommendation to the City Council to approve the plans and specifications of the Barrio Traffic Circles Phase I, Capital Improvement Program, Project No. 4015. (Staff Contact: Brandon Miles, Public Works Department). In response to Commissioner Penseyres' inquiry confirming that there will not be any stop signs in the traffic circle, Transportation Director/City Engineer Tom Frank explained that the traffic control for the intersections will not change and that the traffic control for the side streets, where there are stop signs, will remain as stop signs. In response to Commissioner Penseyres' inquiry regarding sharrows on the proposed improvements and what education is planned, Transportation Director/City Engineer Frank confirmed that sharrows will be installed and explained that information will be shared with the public about the changes and how to maneuver through the new improvements. May 6, 2024 Traffic Safety & Mobility Regular Meeting Page 2 Socorro Anderson spoke about the four-way stop sign on Oak Avenue and Madison Street and she inquired whether the four-way stop sign will be removed. Transportation Director/City Engineer Frank responded that the Oak Avenue and Madison Street intersection is not a proposed traffic circle and the four-way stop sign will remain. Motion by Vice Chair Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Kohl to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 2. Motion carried, 4/0/3 (Proulx, Newlands, Garcia -Absent). DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 3. POLICE REPORT REGARDING TRAFFIC & MOBILITY-RELATED MATTERS DURING THE MONTHS OF FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2024. INCLUDING NOTABLE NEWS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL AND APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORTS -Receive a presentation from a representative of the City of Carlsbad's Police Department that will provide an overview of traffic and mobility-related police matters during the months of February and March 2024, including notable news for the month of April and approval of quarterly reports. {Staff Contact: Lieutenant Alonso DeVelasco, Police Department). Staff's Recommendation: Receive the presentation and approval of quarterly reports. Lieutenant Alonso DeVelasco presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Lieutenant DeVelasco. Socorro Anderson spoke about the four-way stop on Pio Pico Drive and Chestnut Avenue and she explained that drivers are not stopping at the stop sign and perhaps getting some enforcement at the intersection would change the behavior. In response to Commissioner Kohl's inquiry regarding when the last speed study was done on Poinsettia Lane and El Camino Real, Lieutenant DeVelasco responded that he would be able to provide the information at a later meeting. Commissioner Penseyres commented that he would like to see year-long rolling statistics to better see long-term trends. Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres to approve quarterly reports from the Police Department. Motion carried, 4/0/3 (Proulx, Newlands, Garcia -Absent). 4. HOPE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PLAN -Receive a report on the Safe Routes to School Plan for Hope Elementary School and make a recommendation to the City Council on the preferred design. {Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt and Nick Gorman, Public Works Department). Staff's Recommendation: Receive the presentation and provide feedback. May 6, 2024 Traffic Safety & Mobility Regular Meeting Page 3 Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Nathan Schmidt and Associate Engineer Nick Gorman presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). The Commission received the presentation by Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt and Associate Engineer Gorman. Malcolm Muter spoke about the flashing lights that were added to Hope Elementary School and he requested that there be continuous notification of any changes to the flashing light scheduled plan and that they have a point of contact if the lights were to accidentally stay on. Ronaele Muter spoke about her concerns regarding the proposed Class-I multiuse path and its proximity to their back fence as well as the steepness of the hills on Tamarack Avenue, suggesting that speed bumps be placed. She further added that she is concerned about the increase in blocked driveways if parking spots were removed. Commissioner Kohl recommended to add a countdown on the walk phase in addition to the leading pedestrian interval and to make the crosswalk at the front of the school an exclusive pedestrian crossing. In response to Commissioner Kohl's suggestion Transportation Director Frank clarified that a traffic signal would not be installed at the crosswalk in front of the school, however a crosswalk with flashing beacons is proposed at this location. In response to Commissioner Penseyres' inquiry as to what will activate the flashing beacons, Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that they will be active during school hours. In response to Commissioner Penseyres' inquiry regarding whether parking will be removed, Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt explained that with the revised recommendations, all existing parking would remain and that there would be no bike lanes on either side. In response to Commissioner Penseyres' suggestion to measure the distance between Marron Road to Tamarack Avenue compared to the trail connecting Marron Road to Simsbury Court, Associate Engineer Gorman explained that the difference is approximately two miles versus a half to three-quarters of a mile. In response to Chair Coelho's inquiry as to when the Class-I multiuse path would be implemented, Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt responded the path will remain as is until funds become available. Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres to revise the plan to provide a Class-I multiuse trail on the east side of Tamarack Avenue in place of the proposed Class-II bike lane extension from Chatham Road to the school frontage and for staff to consider a countdown for the walk phase on the pedestrian signals at Carlsbad Village Drive and Tamarack Avenue. Motion carried, 4/0/3 (Proulx, Newlands, Garcia -Absent). May 6, 2024 Traffic Safety & Mobility Regular Meeting Page4 5. FARADAY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS -CONCEPTUAL DESIGN, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 6099-Receive a presentation and provide input regarding the Faraday Avenue Improvements Conceptual Design. (Staff Contact: John Kim and Nick Gorman, Public Works Department). Staff's Recommendation: Receive the presentation and provide feedback. City Traffic Engineer John Kim and Associate Engineer Nick Gorman presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). The Commission received the presentation by City Traffic Engineer Kim and Associate Engineer Gorman. In response to Commissioner Kohl's inquiry regarding pedestrians having to stop on the island and push another button to complete their course across the street, City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that the timer will be set for crossing the entire street, curb to curb. In response to Commissioner Penseyres' inquiry as to where pedestrians will be coming from if there is no parking on the south side, Associate Engineer Gorman responded that pedestrians could come from the southeast of the park, the business park, and down the hill from Cannon Road. City Traffic Engineer Kim added that there is a bus stop along the roadway. In response to Commissioner Penseyres' inquiry regarding the flashing beacons that will be installed, City Traffic Engineer Kim responded that they will be pole-mounted flashing beacons not in-pavement flashing lights. Commissioner Penseyres recommended that the design be made to keep cyclists further left with enough buffer of around three to four feet. In response to Chair Coelho's suggestion that the two furthest crosswalks be removed from the proposal, City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that these crosswalks also serve as a traffic calming feature along the frontage of the park. In response to Chair Coelho's inquiry regarding when construction would take place, City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that they would be in conjunction with the park construction and ideally before the park construction. Chair Coelho recommended looking into the speed limit on Faraday Avenue. 6. NOMINATION AND APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR -Nomination and appointment of one member of the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission to serve as Chair and one member to serve as Vice Chair, orto extend Chair Coelho and Vice Chair Fowler's term through December 2024 to coincide with the City Council reorganization that will take place on January 2025. (Staff Contact: Nick Gorman, Public Works Department). Staff's Recommendation: Appoint a Chair and a Vice Chair. May 6, 2024 Traffic Safety & Mobility Regular Meeting Page 5 Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres to extend Chair Coelho and Vice Chair Fowler's term through December 2024. Motion carried, 4/0/3 (Proulx, Newlands, Garcia -Absent). CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER COMMENTS: City Traffic Engineer Kim spoke about the approved plans for the Barrio Traffic Circles and confirmed that the striping plans include sharrows at all traffic circle locations. Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt spoke about the month of May being Bike Month and that May 16, 2024, is Bike Anywhere Day. He further added that the city will be hosting a pit stop on the morning ofThursday, May 16, at the corner of Pine Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard. COMMISSION COMMENTARY AND REQUESTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS: In response to Commissioner Kohl's inquiry regarding whether there is a program to identify which pedestrian signals do not have a countdown and if it is possible to add them, City Traffic Engineer Kim responded that countdowns are the standard for any new signal light. He further explained that staff have identified high pedestrian areas and have implemented the leading pedestrian interval to the countdown and that they will be updating older signals as the budget allows. In response to Commissioner Kohl's inquiry regarding advance green signals and specified the intersection at El Camino Real and Calle Barcelona, City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that advance signals are incorporated via the signal design process, which studies the cu rvature of the roadway and. if there is an opportunity to incorporate one. He further added that he would investigate that specific location to see if an advance signal can be installed. ADJO URNMENT: Chair Coelho adjourned the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission Regular Meeting on May 6, 2024, at 5:37 p.m. ~ I Eliane Paiva Secretary