HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-03; Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission; ; Restricting Overnight Parking on Babilonia StreetMeeting Date: June 3, 2023 To: Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Alonso DeVelasco, Lieutenant alonso.develasco@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5578 Subject: Restricting Overnight Parking on Babilonia Street Recommended Action Introduce an ordinance restricting overnight parking for approximately 500 feet along Babilonia Street, from the south property line of 7151 Babilonia Street to the north property line of 7233 Babilonia Street. Background The 7200 block of Babilonia Street has an unobstructed view over an open lot looking southwest onto the Batiquitos Lagoon and the ocean. Residents of the 7200 block of Babilonia Street, north and west of El Fuerte Street, have expressed concerns about the illegal and unwanted behavior, including loud music and other noise, littering, reckless driving, underage drinking, and drug use. The view has been attracting large groups to gather in nighttime hours, with the popularity fueled by social media. This behavior has disturbed the peace for these residents, and they say they’ve felt obligated to pick up the trash and debris visitors left behind to keep their neighborhood clean. Because of these and other problems caused by visitors along this stretch of Babilonia Street, the police department has responded to more than 1,000 calls for service, including additional patrols between January 2022 and May 2024. The department conducted hundreds of extra police patrols and placed a remote camera to monitor the area. Residents have asked the city to prohibit overnight parking along the west side of this part of Babilonia Street, as detailed below. Staff are recommending amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code – adding a Section 10.40.303 – to establish no-parking zones between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. from the south property line of 7151 Babilonia Street to the north property line of 7233 Babilonia Street, a distance of about 500 feet. Explanation & Analysis Police personnel have spoken with the residents who live along this stretch of roadway. Although residents reported that the department’s efforts have improved the situation, they’ve asked the city for a longer-term solution. The neighboring residents have proposed a ban on overnight parking, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., along the west side of this section of Babilonia Street. June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 1 of 26 TRAFFIC SAFETY & MOBILITY COMMISSION Staff Report Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Police Department personnel spoke with the owner of the residence on the east side of the street, across from the vacant property. This resident would be most affected by the added parking restrictions on the west side, however, the owner said she supported adding the parking restrictions but did not want parking signs in front of her residence. Since then, the property owner of the vacant lot has installed a 3-foot-high fence along the east property line of the lot, which now partially blocks the view. The fence has not reduced the reported violations, as visitors now sit on it, and have also vandalized it. This fence does not impact the view of the residents on the east side of the street. Options Staff recommends the commission consider the following options in response to the residents and community's concerns about overnight parking on Babilonia Street: Option 1 Add Section 10.40.303 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code to establish a no-parking zone between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. on the west curb line of Babilonia Street for 500 feet from the south property line of 7151 Babilonia Street to the north property line of 7233 Babilonia Street. Pros • Would eliminate overnight parking in the area of concern raised by Carlsbad residents. • Will likely reduce large group gatherings, littering, illegal dumping, drug and alcohol use, and noise complaints in the area. Cons • Restricting overnight parking in this manner may increase similar vehicle parking issues along the east curb line. Option 2 Add Section 10.40.303 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code to establish no parking zones between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. on both east and west curb lines of Babilonia Street for 500 feet from the south property line of 7151 Babilonia Street to the north property line of 7233 Babilonia Street. Pros • Would eliminate overnight parking in the area of concern raised by Carlsbad residents. • Will likely reduce large group gatherings, littering, illegal dumping, drug and alcohol use noise complaints in the area. • Staff would not have to present an additional proposal to add parking restrictions on the east curb line if needed later. Cons • Restricting overnight parking in this manner will reduce parking for residents and guests on the east side of Babilonia Street. June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 2 of 26 Option 3 Make no amendments to the municipal code that would prohibit overnight parking. Pros • Will not impact residents or guests in the area. Cons • Does not address the community concerns. Staff recommends Option 2, introducing an ordinance restricting Babilonia Street overnight parking along the east and west curb lines from residences 7151 to 7233. Fiscal Analysis The preliminary cost estimate accounts for producing and installing signs with the new restrictions along the west curb line of Babilonia Street between residences 7151 and 7233. Public Works Department estimated four signs would be needed for the project with a total cost of approximately $1,200. If option 2 is recommended, adding signs to the east and west sides of the street, the total cost would be approximately $2,400. There are sufficient funds in the Police Department’s fiscal year 2024-2025 operating budget to cover the cost of these signs and installation. Next Steps Staff will present this item to City Council at their July 19, 2024, meeting for adoption of ordinance amendment. Environmental Evaluation The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (c), which covers the minor alteration of existing facilities, including streets, involving negligible or no expansion of use. Public Notification This item was noticed in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Letters and emails from residents on Babilonia Street and neighboring streets affected by the new ordinance. 2. Signed petition (2 pages) 3. Photographs of the street and overlook June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 3 of 26 Police Department Police Administration 2560 Orion Way  Carlsbad, CA 92010  760-931-2100  www.carlsbadca.gov Memorandum May 28, 2020 To: Patrol Division From: Scott Meritt, Police Sergeant Re: Response Plan for 7203 Babilonia Street Quality of Life Issues Situation: The vacant lot at 7203 Babilonia street (Beat 7) and the adjacent on street parking area has been the subject of quality of life issues for the neighborhood. With the closure of numerous public areas due to COVID19, 7203 Babilonia and adjacent areas have become popular areas to congregate. Reported issues include but are not limited to COVID19 concerns, underage drinking, littering, fireworks, and possible drug use (not confirmed). Over the past 60 days, the Carlsbad Police Department has had 7 calls for police service (DCC, Fireworks, unwanted, and trespassing). In response to these concerns, the Carlsbad Police Department has provided 12 extra-patrols in the past 60 days. Based on 60 day CAD history, most of the issues are reported before sunset and cease after 2200 hours. Assessment: The vacant property at 7203 Babilonia Street is approximately 1.78 acres of undeveloped property that rests below the west curb line of the street. The location provides spectacular views of the city lights and the Pacific Ocean. The area was previously an issue and the property owner posted “NO TREPASSING” signage and eliminated vehicle access by utilizing chain barriers. According to CAD parcel information, the property is owned by the Butman Family Trust. Response: In response to the situation, E2 will be deploying a CSO to the 7200 block of Babilonia Street before sunset until 2200 or when unwanted visitors have been discouraged for a reasonable period of time. The CSO WILL NOT conduct any enforcement but instead will request the appropriate sworn law enforcement resources when necessary. It is highly recommended the CSO utilize the overhead lights on their vehicle to let the unwanted subjects and the neighborhood know of the Police Department’s presence. E2 will continue this visible deterrent practice until June 6th with constant input and evaluation from the CSO assigned to the detail. After June 6th, the response will be re-evaluated. All activity shall be logged into CAD for tracking purposes. As the lead Sergeant for this operation, I contacted Charles Butman the owner of 7203 Babilonia Street to obtain an updated 602 PC order. Charles Butman signed the updated 602 PC agreement and expressed his support in addressing the quality of life issues. I am requesting E1 staff mirror the E2 response to address this ongoing quality of life issue for the neighborhood. Exhibit 1 June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 8 of 26 C cityof Carlsbad Babilonia Response Feb. May 30, 2020 Page 2 05/28-29/2020 Update: Since the initiation of the response plan, there have been 3 calls for police service. I received an email from Saundra Cima which stated the users 7203 Babilonia Street have started using a vacant lot on the “East side of Obilisco Circle”. This property will be assessed when I return to work on Monday June1, 2020. 05/28/2020 Notes 1327 hours, hazardous play call. Dispatched at 1352 hours, on scene at 1414 hours. The caller, Lynn Allen, stated 3 vehicles were parked on the street and kids were playing football in the street. Corporal Young responded and contacted the group. The vehicles were legally parked. There were no trespassing violations observed. The group left the area voluntarily when asked. The Carlsbad Police Department provided 5 extra-patrols of the area for a total time of 83 minutes. No enforcement occurred and all vehicles were legally parked. 05/29/2020 Notes 1752 hours, 602 PC call. Dispatched at 1810, on scene at 1814. Caller Saundra Cima reported 15 juveniles on the property at 7203 Babilonia. When Officers arrived, the group complied and left the area per 602 PC. At 1850 hours, Judith Heinrich called CBPD to report 15 cars parked on the top of Babilonia “That don’t belong there”. At the same times Carlsbad Officers Wang and Thomson were at the location conducting extra-patrol and no violations were noted. All vehicles were legally parked on Babilonia Street. The Carlsbad Police Department provided 5 extra-patrols of the area for a total time of 83 minutes. No enforcement occurred and all vehicles were legally parked. Going forward, I believe we should continue the extra-patrols at 7203 Babilonia Street to spatially displace the unwanted behavior. I will encourage the neighborhood to contact CBPD regarding criminal activity on Obilisco Circle. We will continue to monitor our response to the issue, and I will update everyone via email as we move forward. June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 9 of 26 From:Chuck Butman To:Scott Meritt Cc:Greg White; Morgan Griggs; Jonathan Boyce Subject:Re: 7203 Babilonia Response Date:Monday, June 8, 2020 2:39:53 PM Attachments:image001.gif Hi Scott, Thank you for the update. I was wondering what special equipment is being deployed. I just had Ed Whitney cut weeds for the firebreak. He reported he and his workers seeing a lot of rattlesnakes at the bottom of the lot. Chuck Butman, CPA PO Box 4022San Marcos, CA 92069 Tel. 760-803-2090 Fax 760-657-2419 On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 1:31 AM Scott Meritt <Scott.Meritt@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Chuck, Please see the attached update regarding the area near your property. It appears many of the issues are related to teens utilizing the street as a place to hang out. There was one call forservice regarding people trespassing on your lot, and they were warned by the police department of the violation. Thank you. email logo Scott Meritt #5250 Patrol Sergeant Carlsbad Police Department Night Watch (Thur-Fri-Sat) City of Carlsbad 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92010 June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 10 of 26 www.carlsbadca.gov/police 760-931-2100 scott.meritt@carlsbadca.gov CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 11 of 26 1 Alonso DeVelasco From:Alonso DeVelasco Sent:Thursday, May 26, 2022 9:01 AM To:Gary Marshall Subject:RE: 7200 Babilonia Street Follow Up I’ll ensure the XP’s are conducted and try to locate the owner for the trespass order, but also for further discussion regarding fencing. Please cc me on the trailer request so I can follow up if they do not respond or have further questions. Alonso From: Gary Marshall <Gary.Marshall@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 12:17 AM To: Alonso DeVelasco <Alonso.Develasco@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: 7200 Babilonia Street Follow Up Lt. DeVelasco, (7200 Babilonia Street) On 5/25/22, I called RP Jes Heinrichs(760-438-4849) to follow up with her regarding PD’s actions. I advised her that E-1 has been conducting extra patrol of the location and for her to continue to call PD when potential law violations are happening. I informed her we were in the process of putting the PD camera trailer on the street in the 7200 block of Babilonia Street. I have confirmed with HOT they no longer need the trailer for its current location. I’m going to email Sgt. Richards and the Rangers to see if they can move the trailer. Can you have your team extra patrol the location and verify if the PD trailer gets moved there? Also, we will need to find out who the property owner is for that location and see if we can speak with them about getting a trespass order. I appreciate your help! Respectfully, Gary June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 12 of 26 2 Gary Marshall, Lieutenant Operations Division E-1 Sun - Wed Carlsbad Police Department 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92010 www.carlsbadca.gov/police 760-931-2197 non-emergency dispatch Phone (442) 339-5624 / Work Cell (760) 271-0528 Email: gary.marshall@carlsbadca.gov June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 13 of 26 { City of Carlsbad From:Alonso DeVelasco To:Amanda Simpson Subject:FW: 7203 Babilonia St. vacant lot problems Date:Wednesday, May 22, 2024 9:05:50 AM From: Gary Marshall <Gary.Marshall@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 12:28 AM To: Justin Richards <Justin.Richards@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Alonso DeVelasco <Alonso.Develasco@carlsbadca.gov>; Bryan Hargett <Bryan.Hargett@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: FW: 7203 Babilonia St. vacant lot problems Hi Justin, I confirmed with Lawton that HOT no longer needs the trailer for the community garden. Can you move the camera trailer to the 7200 block of Babilonia Street when you get an opportunity? The camera will be a good deterrent for the ongoing 602/415 issues the residents are complaining about. Lt. DeVelasco and I will monitor the activity and let you know when we no longer need the trailer at that location. Thanks, Gary From: Gary Marshall Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 11:26 PM To: Bryan Hargett <Bryan.Hargett@carlsbadca.gov>; Alonso DeVelasco <Alonso.Develasco@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Christie Calderwood <Christie.Calderwood@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: RE: 7203 Babilonia St. vacant lot problems All, On 5/16/22, I called Jes Hinrichs, and we had a positive conversation about the ongoing issues at 7200 Babilonia Street vacant lot. I explained the call volume on Saturday night and why there was a delay in the officers' response. We talked about the trespass order and I asked Jes to provide me with the contact information for the person who owns the lot. I later discovered there was no trespass notice on file with Dispatch. I will follow up with Jes so we can get a trespass notice on file. I told Jes the PD camera trailer might be a resource we can deploy as a deterrent to keep individuals from going on the vacant. The trailer camera would also deter those who decide to party in their cars at that location. She was happy with that option. June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 14 of 26 I'm working with Sgt. Lawton to see if we can use the PD camera trailer as HOT has been using it. I will also work with Sgt. Richards to have the camera trailer deployed when available. In the meantime, E-1 will continue to XP the 7200 block of Babilonia, and I ask Lt. DeVelasco and his troops to do the same. Respectfully, Gary From: Bryan Hargett <Bryan.Hargett@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 1:43 PM To: Gary Marshall <Gary.Marshall@carlsbadca.gov>; Alonso DeVelasco <Alonso.Develasco@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Christie Calderwood <Christie.Calderwood@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: RE: 7203 Babilonia St. vacant lot problems I think it would be a good idea. Thanks Gary From: Gary Marshall <Gary.Marshall@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 11:26 AM To: Bryan Hargett <Bryan.Hargett@carlsbadca.gov>; Alonso DeVelasco <Alonso.Develasco@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Christie Calderwood <Christie.Calderwood@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Re: 7203 Babilonia St. vacant lot problems Yes, will do. What are your thoughts on deploying the camera trailer? Respectfully, Gary LT. Gary Marshall Carlsbad Police Department (760)271-0528 Gary.marshall@carlsbadca.gov From: Bryan Hargett <Bryan.Hargett@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 9:59:23 AM To: Gary Marshall <Gary.Marshall@carlsbadca.gov>; Alonso DeVelasco <Alonso.Develasco@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Christie Calderwood <Christie.Calderwood@carlsbadca.gov> June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 15 of 26 Subject: FW: 7203 Babilonia St. vacant lot problems Gary, Alonso, Gents, please see the email below from Christie. Please deploy resources as appropriate. Gary – Can you please reach out to the RP on this and see what we can do to help. Thanks Bryan From: Christie Calderwood <Christie.Calderwood@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 5:37 AM To: Bryan Hargett <Bryan.Hargett@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Fwd: 7203 Babilonia St. vacant lot problems Bryan, Can you please have E-2 & E-1 watch commanders make this a priority when possible and have the Watch Commander tonight reach out to the resident to follow up with them? Thank you. -Christie Begin forwarded message: From: jes hinrichs <jessiepontiac@gmail.com> Date: May 15, 2022 at 8:28:14 PM PDT To: Keith Blackburn <Keith.Blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>, Christie Calderwood <Christie.Calderwood@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: 7203 Babilonia St. vacant lot problems  We are at our wit's end. Last night broke our tolerance for thisongoing and troublesome situation when the visitors trespassed ontothe private property adjacent to the north of that vacant lot, stolethe trash containers and proceeded to dump them onto the vacantlot. While that might seem to be a petty crime, it is the escalation ofthe brazen disregard for the law that is most concerning. Theowners of the property called the nonemergency police number andwere told (here say) that the police were busy with other mattersand this was not a serious crime or something to that effect. Theresult was that these newer neighbors were distraught and feltthreatened. Neighbors up down our street are now feeling veryvulnerable as who knows what will happen next? Teens continually visit the crest of Babilonia St. in the evenings andlater at night to party, play loud music late into the night (even whenLa Costa has to stop loud music after 10 pm.), disturbing theneighborhood, use drugs (plenty of paraphernalia left behind) drink June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 16 of 26 alcohol (beer, bottles, etc. left behind), have sex (condoms,underwear left behind), eat (fast food containers left behind). Theytrespass on the vacant lot that is well below the street grade whereno one can see them. At one point a few years ago, they were havingcampfires down on the lot and the police helped to contact thatowner to put up chains where there was access to the lot with "notrespassing" signs on the chains. This was to no avail as the visitorscontinued to trespass. Over the years,neighbors have repeatedly called the nonemergencypolice multiple times and the response has been less thansatisfactory. Most of the time the police are too busy to address thisseemingly minor problem (and we do understand that) or the policehave told us that the kids are congregating on public streets so thereis nothing they can do. When there have been frequent patrols in the past the activitiesseem to diminish for a short period of time but as soon as the patrolsstop, it is back to square one. Even when the visitors have beenfound on the private lot, the police have not made an effort to recordthe information and return to the lot frequently to site repeatedtrespassers. But the fact is, these are underage kids (seeminglyfrom local high schools) who are flaunting their rights to congregatewithout regard to the safety of others. It has been said by some teens who do not participate that there is asnapchat or something like that that goes out to high school studentsto see who is "meeting at Babs tonight" so this congregation is nothaphazard but it is organized. Please help us make our street safe. As the visitors visit and leave,they are speeding up and down Babilonia St. and adjacent streets,probably under the influence. We have no sidewalks here and it isjust a matter of time before another accident occurs injuring aneighbor out walking or a young adult who has made a big mistake. Summer is upon us and it is only going to escalate. Thank you. Jes Hinrichs7127 Babilonia St (43 years)760 438 4849 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 17 of 26 1 Alonso DeVelasco From:Scott Scott <scottscott@cox.net> Sent:Tuesday, February 20, 2024 9:13 AM To:Alonso DeVelasco Subject:Re: Babilonia Parking Request Good morning Lieutenant DeVelasco. Regarding neighborhood support for late-night “no parking” signs on the south side of Babilonia street, we’ve been gathering support from the residents on Babilonia St, and our nearest neighbors. We’re excited to report that we have 26 signatures as of today. I thought it would be worth noƟng that we’ve had 100% support for the idea of this proposal from everyone that we’ve approached. If there’s anything else that you may need from any of us, please feel free to reach out to me. Thanks!! ScoƩ Masters Dorota Pearson 7224 Babilonia St. 7203 Babilonia St. (lot) > On Feb 1, 2024, at 10:59 AM, Alonso DeVelasco <Alonso.Develasco@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: > > Mr. ScoƩ, > > I met with Traffic Engineer and TransportaƟon Director Tom Frank on Wednesday and discussed your request to add "No Parking" during specific hours on Babilonia. They recommended that you or a representaƟve from your community start a formal peƟƟon with the residents who may be impacted by your request to make sure there is community support in moving forward. The peƟƟon should include where and when the parking restricƟons should apply (i.e., 11 pm - 5 am, etc.) This process will require amending the city municipal code to add Babilonia as a street with parking restricƟons. Therefore, community support is essenƟal. Once you have contacted the potenƟally impacted residents, we can move forward with draŌing a staff report to be presented to the Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission. > > Please let me know if you have any other quesƟon. > > Regards, > > Lt. Alonso DeVelasco > > > -----Original Message----- June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 18 of 26 2 > From: ScoƩ ScoƩ <scoƩscoƩ@cox.net> > Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 12:57 PM > To: Alonso DeVelasco <Alonso.Develasco@carlsbadca.gov> > Subject: Re: Babilonia Parking Request > > Mr. DeValasco- thanks a bunch for the update. We all appreciate you and your staff’s efforts to beƩer our neighborhood. I have trust in the process, and of course anything that we all need to do to help, we’re willing and able. > Take care! > ScoƩ > > >> On Jan 29, 2024, at 8:39 AM, Alonso DeVelasco <Alonso.Develasco@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: >> >> DeVelasco > > CAUTION: Do not open aƩachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. CAUTION: Do not open aƩachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 19 of 26 From:INDRA STARR To:Alonso DeVelasco Subject:Re: Babilonia Restricted Parking Date:Tuesday, May 28, 2024 11:36:22 AM Attachments:image001.png GOOD MORNING ALONSO, I APPRECIATE THE CONTACT TODAY REGARDING PARKING SIGNS. - ON THE WEST SIDE OF BABILONIA STREET 7203 WHICH IS DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM MY RESIDENCE OF 30 YEARS. MY ADDRESS IS 7204. BABILONIA, - I HAVE NO ONE PARK ON MY SIDE OF THE STREET OR LITTER. - HOWEVER, CARS USUALLY PARK ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE STREET (7203BABILONIA) TO ENJOY THE VIEWS AND DISCARD THEIR FAST FOOD CONTAINERS. ESPECIALLY SUMMER TIME. (WE CAN APPRECIATE HER WANTING NO PARKING SIGNS) - AS A HOME OWNER AND FAITHFUL TAXPAYERS OF APPROX, 30 YEARS IDON'T WANT ANY PARKING SIGNS PLACE IN FRONT OF MY RESIDENCE, AS THIS WILL DEPRECIATE THEVALUE OF MY HOME, SINCE NO ONE EVER PARKS IN FRONT OF MY HOME OR MAKE AMESS. A FEW CARS ARE PARKED ON THE WEST SIDE BECAUSE THEY CAN SEE THEVIEW SITTING IN THEIR CARS. - I AM NOT OBJECTING FOR THE CITY TO PUT SIGNS ON THE WEST SIDE ASTHERE NO RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE. ONLY A VACANT CANYON LOT WHICH ISFENCED. 7203 BABILONIA STREET) - ALONSO, SIGNS CAN BE PLACED ON THE WEST SIDE WHICH WILL BE A DETERRENT. I THINK THIS WILL HELP THE SITUATION , WE DON'T WANT SIGNS PLACE IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE. - THESE SIGNATURES WHICH WAS GATHERED MOST OF THEM DO NOT LIVEON BABILONIA. THERE ARE ONLY FEW HOMES ON BABILONIA STREET. AND THEY ARE FARAWAY FROM 7203BABILONIA. - ALONSO, THANKS FOR YOUR CONCERN AND CONSIDERATION WHEN PRESENTING THIS TO THE CITY COUNCIL. KIND REGARDS FRED AND INDRA STARR June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 20 of 26 7204 BABILONIA619-972-8512 On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 11:00 AM Alonso DeVelasco <Alonso.Develasco@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Reply to this email address with your concerns. Alonso DeVelasco, Lieutenant Traffic Division Mon-Thur (0600-1600) Carlsbad Police Department 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92010-7240 www.carlsbadca.gov/police 442-339-2197 non-emergency dispatch|442-339-5578 Desk 760-929-0243 fax | alonso.develasco@carlsbadca.gov CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 21 of 26 ityof shad Exhibit 2 June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 22 of 26 PETITION FROM RESIDENTS REQUESTING : "NO PARKING" CARLSBAD June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 23 of 26 ~1 'feh • 6"\Y¾(t'V Sv+l G M'--"-"-- Ju /t't.,i,,. h-e Sf'fe,fY»"'YI 7;;150 t3o.b, 10,,,,, ~:u,::/i -J~l i c,..<.};,,.., C.,,.,.,(1/V g5s xs F· o?.•-1 jC<.< .,_,«.I.-"" . Y(" 'J kt.> 0._; , . ( .,,.,., _j,.,._,_ f.w5,,,.._ '1/119 r.,A.klr><-<'.,_ df-'7d'<J'-'' Exhibit 3 June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 24 of 26 June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 25 of 26 - • June 3, 2024 Item #1 Page 26 of 26 Restricting Parking on Babilonia Street Alonso DeVelasco, Lieutenant Police Department June 3, 2024 { City of Carlsbad 2 TODAY’S PRESENTATION •Residents’ concerns and request •Calls for service in the area •Staff’s recommendation •Community reactions •Options ITEM 1: BABILONIA STREET { City of Carlsbad 3 OVERVIEW •Residents have complained to the city about large groups gathering along the front of a vacant lot on Babilonia Street during hours of darkness •Complaints include loud music, drug and alcohol use, littering, and other undesired behavior •Residents are now requesting the city restrict parking on the street to deter the gatherings ITEM 1: BABILONIA STREET { City of Carlsbad 4 LOCATION ITEM 1: BABILONIA STREET { City of Carlsbad CALLS FOR SERVICE January 2022- May 12, 2024 Extra patrols (checking area or suspicious vehicles or persons, foot patrols) 484 Vehicle-related (Checking suspicious or abandoned vehicles) 342 Noise disturbances (music, parties, fights, intoxicated behavior, etc.) 130 Trespassing 35 Municipal Code/parking violations 16 Reckless driving 15 TOTAL 1,022 6 RECOMMENDATION •An ordinance amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code to restrict overnight parking from the south property line of 7151 Babilonia to the north property line of 7233 Babilonia Street •Parking would be restricted from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. ITEM 1: BABILONIA STREET { City of Carlsbad 7 CURRENT MUNICIPAL CODE •No restrictions on overnight parking on Babilonia Street ITEM 1: BABILONIA STREET { City of Carlsbad 8 COMMUNITY REACTION •Owner of the vacant lot and other residents approve of proposed parking restrictions •Residents circulated a petition requesting restricted parking from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. •27 residents from within a half-mile area signed to show approval •One resident opposed ITEM 1: BABILONIA STREET { City of Carlsbad OPTION 1 Carlsbad Municipal Code section restricting parking along the west curb line of Babilonia Street, from the south property line of 7151 Babilonia to the north property line of 7233 Babilonia between the hours of 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. •Would eliminate overnight parking in the area of concern raised by the residents •Likely reduces large group gatherings, littering, noise complaints, and other illegal activity •May increase similar vehicle parking issues along the east side of the street PROS CONS[2] {city of Carlsbad OPTION 2 PROS CONS Carlsbad Municipal Code section restricting parking along the west and east curb lines of Babilonia Street, from the south property line of 7151 Babilonia to the north property line of 7233 Babilonia between the hours of 11 P.M. to 5 A.M. •Would eliminate overnight parking in the area of concern •Likely to reduce large group gatherings, littering, noise complaints, and other illegal activity •Staff would not have to request additional parking restrictions on the east side if problems continue •Would reduce parking for residents and guests on the east side of Babilonia Street [2] {city of Carlsbad OPTION 3 Make no changes to the municipal code. •Does not address the community’s concerns •Will not impact residents or guests PROS CONS[2] {city of Carlsbad 12 STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Option 2, introducing an ordinance restricting overnight parking on both Babilonia Street’s curb lines from residences 7151 to 7233 from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. ITEM 1: BABILONIA STREET { City of Carlsbad QUESTIONS?