HomeMy WebLinkAbout1300 CYNTHIA LN; ; CBR2024-0112; PermitPrint Date: 06/14/2024 Building Permit Finaled Residential Permit CBR2024-0112Permit No: Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel #: Valuation: Occupancy Group: 1300 CYNTHIA LN, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1507 BLDG-Residential 1562316400 $0.00 Work Class: Lot #: Project #: P/M/E Status: Applied: Issued: 01/15/2024 01/16/2024 Finaled Close Out:06/14/2024 #of Dwelling Units: Track #: Plan #: Closed - Finaled Plan Check #: Orig. Plan Check #:Bathrooms: Final Inspection:01/30/2024Bedrooms:Construction Type: Occupant Load: Code Edition: Sprinkled: INSPECTOR:de Roggenbuke, Dirk PANEL UPGRADE 200 AMP (E-REVIEW)Description: Project Title: Applicant: DYNAMIC ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS INC 2101 SUNSET DR ESCONDIDO, CA 92025-6610 (760) 908-2424 Contractor: DYNAMIC ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS INC 2101 SUNSET DR ESCONDIDO, CA 92025-6610 (760) 908-2424 AMOUNTFEE PLUMBING, MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL PERMITS $221.00 Total Fees:$221.00 Total Payments To Date:$221.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 ï 442-339-2719 ï 760-602-8560 f ï www.carlsbadca.gov Building Division Page 1 of 1 {"Cityof Carlsbad 6/14/24, 11:51 AM n3PP8SaqSylEanAW8f035AXWw3ghO7wsv7zKpKDvMtki23d2BfM99Iwiwg_sFiQ3VDCsxaXTyeMs4Hbstm6hcA (800×1140) https://energov.carlsbadca.gov/energov_prod/energovwebapi/api/chunk/fileview/5c3ff2b8-757e-4f1b-92c7-d9b9d04040dc/n3PP8SaqSylEanAW8f035…1/1 ( City of Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Plan Check _______ _ Est. Value PC Deposit Date L9N Unit:. _____ APN:. __________ _ Job Address I 3 OC • q..,_.,,,fr) ;.__, CJ,r/S b~ CT/Project #: _________________ Lot #: ____ Year Built: ________ _ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: -------------------·---------- 0 .New SF : Living SF, ____ Deck SF, ___ Patio SF, ____ Garage SF __ _ Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? O Y O N New Firen•~: •. • O YO N, if ves how many? ___ _ D Remodel: SF of affected area Is the area a co,.-~2rsion or change of use? O YO N 0 Pool/Spa:. ____ SF Additional Gas or Electnc~IFeatures? ___________ _ RMA:O YO N, D Solar: ___ KW, ___ Modu_!s\s, Mounte?: O Roof O Ground, Tilt: O YO N, Battery:O YO 'I, Panel Upgrade·: 9v0 N Electric Meter number: ___________ _ Other: f sD:'2 \ V,f'~~ 2.-c,o o., o"'f APPLICANT (PRIMl,Jl'f CONTACT) PROPERTY OWNER Name: ~\j~ "-~~.,_ Name: --po,f:nd::: ~"'"-""-~ Address: 2... ~ Su iii:: d,...__. L Address: (~o -;:;P n ~-lA,.,-,..._ ~ • City: £3< :a State: C"-Zip:C\ 2,.0~City: &r(5"l, State~Zip: <-; o~ • Phon~: 7:.0 j o r; l $'" / / , • Phone: ;, la S 2-j =ffi:3 Q f • Email: (v __ 'j c..,,,e.,--0 t;;J-;;.;/ Email: rJ ('2-'1 e..,..,.__,-"'-of->:=1/, <.e,__ , L.:>~ DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR OF REC.ORD Name:. _________________ Buslness Name:_==;c... U~<-: 4 - Addr~ss: Address:~__2 vr,j'gt'~ Crty: State: ___ Zip: City: • ~State:~Zlp: "I" 2...s::> ::;;$ ~hone: F~·"'"' =,<-, o "l O't) / > t/ __ _ Email: i mail: e-l~ ""~"""m • <;..._~ ...;) •uo- Architect State Ucense: CSLB Ucense #: 1' £, S:: 8 Lio liass: __ Mi-~A~L .. l:..c,:... c_ / O Carlsbad Business License # (Required): 2.$1 2... > Al>PLJCANT CfRTIFiCA TlON.: J mrj/y um f ho·1e retJd rbecppNcoriQn '1nd score rflcr chi! abow ,r.fotmoficn ,s rorlf!'Cf or.d rbiGI' the JlljormotiOo of the f)lt)r,r is occur<ne. t og1ee u,a mo1y....,,,, ollQyordinonces and Store t.,a--sr~tmg fobuild;nq ro.,savct!oo, NAME (PRINT): ~ ~ v--...-SIGN,_: --#=4-t===c..-:::::,_-=-DATE/ /,cf '.2-@ 2-:J 1635 f.ilr~A~('.arl~.W.CA9.?008 Ph:442•339-2719 Ejai ..;,,¾;ld ng@,g'1sb:u~e;i gpv REV 04,?2 6/14/24, 11:51 AM JkXLPeBWRP9bpnq9CCN0xLGWhrVc4rLbFAvwvXh1jGBsyZLL7GXjTRqRL4zaePrmaNYFLQ8gRSmZ0SsZWsl5KQ (800×1140) https://energov.carlsbadca.gov/energov_prod/energovwebapi/api/chunk/fileview/a21d663e-cf08-43f1-a03e-401f0c9845b9/JkXLPeBWRP9bpnq9CCN…1/1 THIS PAGE REQUIRED AT PERMIT ISSUANCE PLAN CHECK NUMBER: ______ _ A SUIIDING PERMIT CA~ SE ISSUED TO EITHER A STATE LICENSED CONTRACTOR OR A PROPERTY OWNER. IF THE PERSON SIGNING THIS FORM IS AN AGENT FOR EITHER ENTTTY AN AUTHORl2AT10N FORM OR LETTER IS REQU1Rlu PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANcE. (E>PTION A): LICENSED CONTRACTOR DEQ.118,STIQtrl; lherebyaffirmunderpenaltyofperjurychotlamlicensedunderprovisionsofChapt••9/commencingwithSection7<XXJ)of/Jivision3 of the Business and Professions Code, and myl,cense is inf u/1 f orceandef fer• ! •0e:o.:f firmundff pena/ryof per jury one of the following decloroc/ons/CHOOSE ONE/: EJ1 have ;.i,cl w,11 milint<lin a cmifiate of conse~ to sett-insure to, worke,$' comper ,..;.YI p,ovtded by~ 3700 of the tabof Code, f«the perlormii,,l,..,_ ,jf" the wori:whtchth1soe,mat1sissufd. PollcyNo.. ___________________ _ --ON-~ ;a,nd wm main~in wo·Ws cornoensation, as requited by Sectl()n 3100 of the Labor Code, for 1he pe,tfsi,r~ cl the wotlt to, whtCh this permit ts tsSUed. Myworke,s' compensation IM.Wance utli« and polieynumt>et t it lflsuranceCompany N,me: --~~~-~'aj~~-----------, • Policv Ho. /\I\ W C P o ::7 4}, D $ c, '3 Expiration Date: -t.."L.} '---OR-7 0 Certm<ate of bemMion: I certify ttiat rn dle performance of the "'Qrt for whlch thlS pe,rtnll ,s i'SSuc-d, I~ not emplar any pen.on in any manner so .as to become subject to the wori:ers' compensaoon Laws of californ1a. WARHING: F•Duro t0 ~ wo,t-~ com~tion cowra,ce Is \#'!lawful and shall subject an~~ to uiminal peRaltles and cMI flnK up to Sl00.000.DO. In ~dition tho to lhc cost of com.pe11Sc1tioo, <I.images as oro>Aded for In~ 3706 of the Ubof Code, int~ and attorney'$ fees-. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY; IF ANY: I hc,to\l' c1tfirm that th"re U .a c0'1:StNCtioo lending agency for the perfotmance of the watt 1his pe,-Mi1 iS rsw~ (Sec: 3097 fi) CM Codel, te:twldsNaine: _________________ Le.nde.r'sAddress: ______________ _ CONTRACTOR CERT/FICA TfON The •colleaM a:rth.s tr..,;. all dcxumenU u.d plans ctcarty lll:lld ~s.qiy $h0w,.. ~ A'.SOIIII -,:,d M~ ~ s'..n.ct'.iteS, KUJ;~ ro:ids, -,a ,ml1t.-oV1;."blltYU.tmtr.tt "4 ~ modif'IC.t,ons a~«tddlbori, .i-t cleW-,r..oeted on d-e sate pbn. My potffltQllyuamna:dti;-1wmlntbese ~ 1rie<)M.mf'!l w:~ a,,e W pb,r.we "ot eoproved br~ ¥'ld .rr:iy be ~uired to be al~ or~ Tht cttls,tq)l"OV..iOI U'lll-ai:ptlc:iW!l h b¥:sedon the pf"el'Me tt-.. a:t tbc-$,Jb.!Mued docum(ll'!,tt ;,,id. J)WIS shew the C'O!'tect~~of: t?le prope-tv, bukliog:, ~ v,d thcuU!rtlac,ki f~P"OCl4:1)'ilnf'S ;,NI lfOffi(ltlf a~;,aO(,n)J?ael,Je,~menu. «idu"Obtla. nie elOSW'(.al\d i:,~ vSitol~~llO""it Sf.ite-:1 !Stn.lie'if'IOC0'1C"Cl:•!t,~w'6ott.""Ulal"Ttlrar.u-JtQdeYelopmt:(lth.a,.,,ebffno1CQ¥;n.ly-Vl()',Wn#IOl:;itded a$wd asd orr~~~sit:=0l't"p:.nt>0n. All~ts ~sung arr, fflll P'OOH'tV Mte ~ttd il\i((.Ofd.)n('f' wir:hd 1-eclftltbrit in,~, at~ time of thc1rcom:n..a.on. ~s ~ ftO~ NAME (PRINT): R,t::'::½ ~ SIGNATURE: =¥:_...5 DATE: I/ (o f 2 c-.:Z Note: t/ the ~son ,igni!ll a~ iS an Mhori:ed agent ro, the contr.i«or ovfde •~of euthotitation ... , <~Of' letterhead. I ) (OPTION BJ: OWNER-BUILDER DECI.ARATION: thereby o{firm chat I om exempt from Contractor's License,,,., for the to/lowing reason: . D 1 • .tS Owntf of,rhe P'O$)t"ty()( my em;:>10','tt'S with~ as their :i,o(e compensouon, wi.!2 do the work and the suuctur!" l'i not inf"1dtd 0( ,oftt,t'Cf fm s.18e (Sec. 70,W, BWl'lf'.SS Mid ?tofe,s~i()n, eode: Tot, Contractor's lirense Law does nvt apply to an owner of property who builds 0t 1mpt0vt$ l.heft'()n, .itLd who d~ wch WOik t:imstlf or lhfOOititiis own cm,plOVttS, p.oYideo that such ffl'IIProvements are not intended or offer~ for sn. lf, t,~1. lhe buildi~ or impccwement ts sold within one year ot c:ompletiOf'I the O'Nf'let-bL:ilqe:r wib have the butdei1 of pto'-1ng th.11 h,e d1d not bo:id or improYt for th, purpose of sale). -OA• Dt as owner of the' proptrtv,am elldusivefy com:racung with licensed contucton: to construct l'he project (s.<. 7044. 8'i~nt$S and Professions Code: Th • Corrtractor',-bcense law does.not appfy to an owner of p,opertywho builds or imp<OtteS I~, at.d c»ritr~ foe such projects with c:ontractorls) hefflSed oursuant :o the Contractor's License t.w). -OR-0 1 am exempt u,ider 81.Jsinesf .and Professions Codi:' DivtsiQn 3, Cha()l('r 9, Artidt 3 for this m1sorr AJ<D. O FO~M 1' 61 •0wnu ~, o\ckl'lOWledlgement and Verification Form--i.S rP<;ulrf-d for any ~!'l'lil ~ 10 .t prop~ft';"owner 8't fl1't ~g<Uture, b~· I M-\;l'ltO.I.J~g,:-th;J\, ~ept tor !1l'1 personal restdfflce In whd'! I must ha-.,e re.sided for .ill IP.HI o,,. V".P pr,c11 to completion Qt--~ • i.-np:ov~b (~t<> by thi!.Pt!l'ffl t, I c.nnot leg~ilv sell a suocture that Ui..n,e built as .n 0wnf'<+b1.11icet if 1t h.,h not l:>ftr consuutted tn its enw-ew by l,ceosed c:ontr .t(.lOf') I uncterstond ch<ll ocopy of l.htopplicablt lo..,. Sec Cion 70-U of the Business and Prof essioru Code. isavof toWt upo(lr~tsl when tins oppl.k.otkm is submlcted or ot tht /ol.t()Wit<g W('"b silt-: http:/ lwww.lrg_info.ca.govlcotaw.html. 0,VNER. CEJiTlf/Cl,.TfON fhe ~R)bc.ar;: c«tlfll!1 t~ au docUtnef'l.t' ~ ptM1S<'Hf1)1 ind i((!Mitl!lv )h:)# ,!t"Aht~~ .ico;,,:r-.ed ~'"P· Uruell.ttl,.,l,IXC£$ ~ .arid utl~1,1;illty t~ments. AA orooc,s~ "10dlffiti:Jn1 trd/or a6dition:. ,re: ck.-ty~ on tbe s.rtie pbffl M'J,c,Qttntia~Ntln(<ktc.-~ :."'!!ff s,bns ~-,:;tmt wr.h tl-.e srte ol•n •te ra.:c.ao~ mf COMU\1Ctl0n .a!XI trJ',/ bt Nlqlll-.ci lO bf-i!.end 0( l'ffllCJtttd. il'\e al'(s •p010ffl of the appf..11::ition IS-~ 01'.1 the ~ ff'l;lt IMS-\lb!Ntttd ~ts il'ICI ~ siic,w lh, corted d"°l!)l!:ef"..5{101'\$ of; the~. COJ,ld.irp-,s.~ arid dw:!r$,O:~ ltQffl ~rt-, lil"tSW ltotnCfle'~l!Ql~; ,a:eu 10lld,/~4~~.~.N ~ TM~.ard ~.!Sot Olt<ldl bu•ltl1'11: fl SUR'd 6 tr1.1e if:ld r011ert: •II u~.mems «Id other e~ to de~nt NW b«n i«\lf•~ sttown a"ld !•~led n ¥Pd u .n 011-s.u-JBd',gf= ~mar; Al ~aw.mil:l'\u *.nu:lnfOl'l?NI prOJ>"nV ~ft (i)f'!lp~fd '" ;l(O.)ida"IC'e wsth•ntti.ut..ticrij ri exw.~nce ~ tbe time of--~ • Y.tt-uctlot>, ~o~.....st l'IOt:f'd • lbJS f¥JdJ:y Av~ C~rtsoa<f.CA92008 REV.WZ2 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2024-0112) BLDG-Residential 01/15/2024Application Date:Permit Type:Owner: P/M/E 01/16/2024Work Class:Issue Date:Subdivision:KNOWLES TERRACE 07/16/2024Expiration Date:Status: IVR Number: 54257 Closed - Finaled 1300 CYNTHIA LN CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1507 Address: Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection InspectionActual Start Date 01/18/2024 01/18/2024 BLDG-33 Service Change/Upgrade 236980-2024 Passed Dirk de Roggenbuke Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency 1/18/24 200 A MSPU grounding/ bonding ok Disconnect/reconnect Yes 01/30/2024 01/30/2024 BLDG-Final Inspection 238085-2024 Passed Dirk de Roggenbuke Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Structural Final Yes BLDG-Electrical Final Yes Tuesday, January 30, 2024 Page 1 of 1 {cityof Carlsbad