HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Records Destruction Authorization Form-City Clerk; 2024-06-13This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. Revised: 2021 Page | 1 DATE: 05/06/2024 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK REQUESTER: MARIA EMERY DESTRUCTION APPROVALS: We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. DEPT. HEAD/DIVISION MANAGER DATE RECORDS MANAGEMENT DATE CITY ATTORNEY DATE *If more spaces are needed, click in the last box in right hand corner of table and hit “tab”. This will create more fields in the table. To be filled out once records have been destroyed. RECORD DESTRUCTION COMPLETED BY: __________________________ DATE: ______________ CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? YES NO TAB BARCODES DELETED BY: _____ _______________________________DATE: ______________ BOX NO. RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED RRS NO. RRS PERIOD TAB BARCODE (if applicable) 2 BOXES COPIES OF VARIOUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS CONTRACTS 2013-2023 CW-020 Copies – When No Longer Required SEE ATTACHED PWS22-1582TRAN – 6042 – LC PAVING & SEALING 2022 CW-020 Copies – When No Longer Required PWS22-1719TRAN – 6608 – PALM ENGINEERING 2022 CW-020 Copies – When No Longer RequiredPUBLIC COMMENTS 2021 CC-205 2 Years STATEMENTS OF ECONOMIC INTEREST – MARK PACKARD 2002-2014 CC-075 7 Years RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM 5/8/2024 05-08-2024 5/28/2024 CORODATA 6/13/2024 6/13/2024 C cityof Carlsbad BOXES N & O Name Contract Title Capriati Construction Corp. Inc; 2018-01-04; PWS18-54UTIL Valve Replacement Phase I Hazard Construction Company; 2021-02-16; PWS21-1272TRAN El Camino Real Bridge Improvements at Cannon Road JT2 EC d.b.a JT2 Engineering and Construction; 2022-10-26; PWS23-1896FAC Sprung Structure for Temporary Fire Station 7 LC Paving & Sealing Inc; 2022-03-25; PWS22-1582TRAN El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements - Phase 2 Lekos Electric Inc; 2020-08-18; PWS20-1134TRAN Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Installation Ohno Construction Company; 2019-10-22; PWS20-832PKS Stagecoach Community Park Synthetic Turf Replacement Onyx Paving Company Inc; 2022-03-15; PWS22-1748TRAN TRAFFIC CALMING ON HARWICH DRIVE AND SEGOVIA WAY Orion Construction Corporation; 2018-03-01; PWS18-71TRAN Drainange Master Plan Project BCA Tamarack Park and Monroe Palm Engineering Construction Company Inc; 2022-04-13; PWS22-1719TRAN Magnolia Avenue Storm Drain Improvements Phase I Portillo Concrete Inc; 2021-08-31; PWS21-1514TRAN FY 2020-21 ADA Improvement Program Pulice Construction Inc; 2015-07-09; PWS13-40UTIL Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches VC11B-VC15, and Recycled Water Line Project Robertson Industries Inc; 2020-03-11; PWS20-868PKS Aviara Hidden Canyon Community Parks Playground Safety Resurfacing Senitica Construction Inc; 2021-07-13; PWS21-1452PKS Poinsettia Community Park Phase IV-Dog Park, Restroom & Parking Lot Sierra Nevada Construction Inc; 2017-11-17; PWS18-19TRAN 2017-18 Slurry Seal Project Wright Construction Engineering Corporation; 2021-06-01; PWS21-1405TRAN Carlsbad State Beach Energy Dissipater Replacement Outfall No. 15B-32 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REPORT Maria Emery DATE: 5/3/2024 TOTAL RECORD COUNT: 15 COMMENTS: City Clerk Records Destruction ENTRY ID REVIEW DATE Template NAME 4369430 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PACKARD, MARK; STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTEREST; ELECTED 5150881 2024/05/03 Physical Folder Public Comment Information - 2021; ; 4368535 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PULICE CONSTRUCTION INC.; ; AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION; 07/09/2015 4392873 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS18-19TRAN; Sierra Nevada Construction Inc; 6001- 17SS 4392116 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS18-54UTIL; 5019-A; Capriati Construction Corp Inc 4392108 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS18-71TRAN; 6001, 6608 and 6617; Orion Construction Corporation 5776895 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS20-1134TRAN; Lekos Electric Inc; 6070 4392747 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS20-832PKS; Ohno Construction Company; 4742 4393508 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS20-868PKS; Robertson Industries Inc; 4745 6235560 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS21-1272TRAN; Hazard Construction; 6042/6056 5776896 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS21-1405TRAN; Wright Construction Engineering Corp; 6624 5443376 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS21-1452PKS; Senitica Construction Inc; 4608 5453354 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS21-1514TRAN; Portillo Concrete Inc; 6049-21 6317602 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS22-1748TRAN; Traffic Calming on Harwich Drive and Segovia Way; Onyx Paving Company Inc; 6070 6369908 2024/05/03 Physical Folder PWS23-1896FAC; Sprung Structure for Temporary Fire Station 7; JT2 EC d.b.a. JT2 Engineering & Const.; 4091 0 d Ca li fornia CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION & RECYCLING This Certificate is presented to: CITY OF CARLSBAD - RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION Per the express request of Client, Corodata has received the Material referred to below and has/will destroy and then recycle said Material in accordance with its standard procedures. As the parties have agreed, Corodata will not inventory, record or track any information contained within or related to the Material. Account #(s)SD012455 Certificate #104470 Date Issued Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Service Locations 5815 EL CAMINO REAL Date Range of Service Jun-13-2024 thru Jun-13-2024 Work Ticket(s)1331793 Quantity/Item 2 -2 Boxes for Destruction (odd sized) 44 -44 Boxes for Destruction (standard) * Nothing in this certificate shall be deemed to modify the terms of the parties’ Service Agreement(s) or Work Ticket(s). E•Jcorodata -tl HIPA'A GIJIJlll!affl