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; ; Records Destruction Authorization Form-Human Resources; 2024-06-13
This form documents the destruction of City records in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. Revised: 2021 P a g e | 1 DATE: 5/23/2024 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT:HUMAN RESOURCES REQUESTER:JESSICA VAN DESTRUCTION APPROVALS: We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. DEPT. HEAD/DIVISION MANAGER DATE RECORDS MANAGEMENT DATE CITY ATTORNEY DATE *If more spaces are needed, click in the last box in right hand corner of table and hit “tab”. This will create more fields in the table. To be filled out once records have been destroyed. RECORD DESTRUCTION COMPLETED BY:___________________________ DATE:______________ CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? YES NO TAB BARCODES DELETED BY:_____ _______________________________ DATE:______________ BOX NO. RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED RRS NO. RRS PERIOD TAB BARCODE (if applicable) 1-2 Part time personnel files 2016 HR-080 SE+6 See attached RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM 05-23-2024 6/5/24 CORODATA 6/13/2024 X 6/13/2024 DocuSign Envelope ID: 85017AB1 -9D74-4170-A0B8-1E5F664826AD RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM DATE: 5/23/2024 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES REQUESTER: JESSICA VAN DESTRUCTION APPROVALS: We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. DEPT. HEAD/DIVISION MANAGER DATE RECORDS MANAGEMENT DATE CITY ATTORNEY DATE BOX NO. RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED RRS NO. RRS TAB BARCODE PERIOD (if applicable) 1-2 Part time personnel files 2016 HR-080 SE+6 See attached *If more spoces are needed, click in the lost box in right hand corner of toble ond hit "tob". This will creote more fields in the toble. To be filled out once records have been destroyed. RECORD DESTRUCTION COMPLETED BY: __________ _ DATE: _____ _ CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? 0 YES 0 NO TAB BARCODES DELETED BY: _____________ _ DATE: ------- This form documents the destruction of City records in accordonce with the City of Corlsbod Records Management Program. {"Cityof Carlsbad Revised: 2021 Page /1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 85017AB1-9D74-4170-A0B8-1E5F664826AD tJD 6327 it:P 6628 ~10784 .~6688 //10915 i/10953 N/10464 -10464 ///() 10182 .p10577 ✓10466 tA'o746 00348 /4'326 tY 2146 0 0912 0 0880 V5175 Vi 1019 11097 ( ~\\ill'e.J __ , Dti 1/\o.( 6,C) -M.as 10 l v; V\ 1 Wren, Jennifer 01/01/2016 DmOJf\ ~(9-.,\) Alvarez, Bernardo Anderson, Kyle Auger, Andrea Austin, Chris Baker, Benjamin Baskin, Aliana Bsskin,-Al+at1a Bauer, Alexandra Bender, Kevin Benner, Courtney Bingham, Trevor Bisbee, Merton Blankemeier, Amy Bliss, Michael Booth, Tyler Boswell, Scott Baud, Colleen Brown, Christopher Brownlee, Audra 12/30/2016 11/15/2016 07/04/2016 03/23/2016 10/28/2016 05/23/2016 057237201 6- 04/23/2016 12/19/2016 10/15/2016 01/01/2016 10/29/2016 03/11/2016 10/08/2016 06/10/2016 12/23/2016 01/29/2016 07/30/2016 10/02/2016 DocuSign Envelope ID: 85017AB1-9D74-4170-A0B8-1E5F664826AD ~JJ:j\~ ~()~~\ i/i 0422 Bruck, Adam 10/15/2016 i/10063 Buccola, Jillian 10/13/2016 A,;J/'10761 Buckley, Brittany 04/23/2016 v10433 Cabbil, Joe 02/15/2016 ·v-'1 0639 Carrillo, Jose 07/29/2016 iA'o890 Cen, Yuanyi 06/11/2016 i/10902 Cervone, Deborah 02/26/2016 Jt/0 10286 Clayton, Kelly 12/06/2016 /4455 Connelly, Alexandra 06/06/2016 z/10444 Cortese, Connor 02/15/2016 i/10719 Cummings, Kathleen 09/15/2016 v10243 Cummings, Thomas 10/15/2016 t/10523 Daley, Connor 02/15/2016 t/11016 Davis, Paige 05/23/2016 t,/10387 Davis, Sean 03/21/2016 1/1 0867 Davis, Teri 08/13/2016 V1 0698 DeVries, Angelita 08/15/2016 .A'oo12 Doering, Jennifer 09/15/2016 ✓10712 Darnick, Jake 04/15/2016 i/10721 Dovan, Emily 01/01/2016 A o429 Dunlap, Charles 10/15/2016 flAJ 10646 Earls, Aiden 06/15/2016 .11/010692 Ehm, Theresa 12/23/2016 i/1 0539 Fedak, Shane 07/04/2016 ✓1 0703 Fiebing, Sandra 03/01/2016 .,,,(o'459 Figueroa, Gerardo 02/15/2016 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8501 7AB1 -9D74-4170-A0B8-1E5F664826AD J--CJ\ \a_ 'fb DX. ~ \ V10092 Foote, Susan V'10414 Frago, Laurence /430 Frederick, Karen 0 0252 Frost, Marla 0 925 Gallardo, Adrian v'i265 Garcia, Damian 06/29/2016 10/30/2016 07/02/2016 02/24/2016 09/16/2016 06/17/2016 ~J:cia,Qamia __________ ,G6/-'F1120io- t/'3282 ~860 /49'0 /10627 -4G627 v§o8o /4861 /10984 ./10260 v(o838 v1Cl776 v10781 ✓4401 ~671 v10780 /4347 Garza , Gabriel Gonzalez, Stefan Griffin, Carol Guerrero, James ---Gue11 e1 a, J~ Hamilton, Katherine Hamm, Robert Hannigan, Christine Hatchett, Alvin Henry, Colten Hicks, Austin Hicks, Cameron Hovland, Leslie Huff, Hayden Hurd , Dylan Huxley, Chris 05/15/2016 06/02/2016 04/14/2016 11/14/2016 __________ 1_._...1.L:1AL20J6 ¥10506 lndudhara, Christopher 04/09/2016 11/10/2016 09/23/2016 06/01/2016 11/27/2016 11/15/2016 11/15/2016 03/15/2016 11/15/2016 09/15/2016 04/15/2016 09/15/2016 04/23/2016 12/15/2016 ✓1 0540 Jacobs, Sara /10758 Jarrard, Evalani DocuSign Envelope ID: 85017AB1-9D74-4170-A0B8-1E5F664826AD 1)-D\~ 'SD"" ~\ V'fo586 Kennedy, Kristen 05/13/2016 /4973 Kenny, John 07/02/2016 /496 Keville, Thomas 02/15/2016 6696 l(i,vills, Thomas 02/15/2Q.16 tJO 10303 Khalil, George 09/15/2016 10303 Khalil, George 09/15/2016 . ./6737 Knight, Taylor 07/26/2016 //3515 Koran, Edith 09/04/2016 ---J.615 r(oran, Edith 09/04/2016 ./4035 Kuttner, Paul 07/06/2016 n'o620 Ladner, Dwayne 03/30/2016 ✓10241 Larson, Blake 01/15/2016 ✓6796 Larson, Clayton 01/15/2016 ' 6196 L-afSetr,-6layto1 1 ottlo/2 0 '16 ./10597 Larson, Mandi 02/15/2016 i/10522 Lauchner, James 03/15/2016 /10821 Lefler, Dazereal 08/15/2016 V6278 Leung, Irving 09/17/2016 l 62YB Leur1g, Irving 09/1772016 /5900 Lewis, Roney 03/14/2016 6900~ey 03'/1~04 ~074 Lowenstein, Laura 08/31/2016 ✓1 0899 Lunneberg, Kyle 08/20/2016 V10521 Majors, Austin 08/15/2016 ~824 Malley, Mark 10/15/2016 #° 11028 Marroquin, Nathanial 08/13/2016 DocuSign Envelope ID: 85017 AB1-9D7 4-4170-A0BB-1 E5F664826AD vf0297 /4785 t/io811 ~89 i,/10542 i/11102 .,/10284 i/10870 /10668 ✓1 0447 /4582 {/1 0511 V10527 t/3747 /4819 /3779 //10965 ~0401 t/10550 ~0365 /5775 ~414 v4cl553 //10565 /10507 L ,l\_(tl,l_ <:, 1 Oe>-x \ u_ -Z OD\ k, \L,\ S ! \ la.ufa Maus, Darla 06/09/2016 McCarthy, Michael 11/15/2016 McDonnell-Horita, Ray 10/15/2016 McEvilly, Illa 06/14/2016 McGee, Marcia 05/07/2016 McGraw, Shaun 09/22/2016 Medrano, Odair 03/09/2016 Miles, Lynn 09/02/2016 Miller, Megan 08/15/2016 Montes, Jesus 01/15/2016 Naughton, Laura 11/15/2016 Neal, Jareese 08/06/2016 Newton, Danielle 01/16/2016 Norton, Margaret 04/12/2016 Oshima, Andrea 01/26/2016 Parisi, Cathy 08/11/2016 Perko, Sandra 05/19/2016 Phillipp, Kristen 02/15/2016 Phillips, Megan 09/15/2016 Pistoia, Anthony 06/20/2016 Pitcher, Corinne 04/14/2016 Pond, Sharon 02/20/2016 Poole, Tristin 07/04/2016 Powers, Samuel 06/15/2016 Prado, Alex 02/15/2016 Prad'IT,Alex 02/15/2016 DocuSign Envelope ID: 85017AB1-9D74-4170-A0B8-1E5F664826AD ~G\~ ½o~ ~2- /V"010526 Rakotz, Katya 09/15/2016 / 10892 Regello, James 01/16/2016 l./10884 Rodriguez, David 02/15/2016 /5836 Rudden, Tommy 05/12/2016 583@ Ru 2./.2-G4e-- V10837 Salomaki, Valtteri 10/15/2016 t/10710 Scholz, Shelby 01/01/2016 vfo6o7 Schuler, Marrick 04/15/2016 00031 Schwartz, Connor 08/20/2016 ,¢11026 Servi, Noah 07/16/2016 /10520 Smith, Anita 09/15/2016 ✓4801 Spong, Frederick 05/12/2016 /10020 Stier, Richard 04/15/2016 t/10774 Swift, Kana 08/15/2016 z/11051 Tell, Adam 06/25/2016 /10398 Temple, Mary 09/15/2016 V10391 Thornton, Sinead 05/15/2016 vic)313 Tompkins, Clayton 06/15/2016 i/10376 Tompkins, Travis 06/15/2016 v'10388 Tons, Elina 02/15/2016 ~0893 Trujillo, Gabriel 02/04/2016 ✓5 81 3 Van Voorhees, Gwen 12/15/2016 ---5843.._ Van Voorhees, Gwen 1 2-1+a1ze 1 e ' t/5265 Velati Tirona, Virginia 06/26/2016 ----§26-5-----Veia·N-=r-ifer-i.a,\ti-1'.Q-ia.ia .. 6/-20/-20-1-6 ,/io529 Vigil , Cesar 01/23/2016 DocuSign Envelope ID: 85017AB1-9O74-4170-A0B8-1 E5F664826AD J-'0\ ~ \bo~ *2 ,,-40029 ¥igil, Cesar 01/23/2016 - t/'10171 Wagner, Mark 03/15/2016 /462 Walke, Olivia 08/15/2016 t/11105 Watson, Sanders 10/06/2016 t/10827 Webster, Hanna 09/15/2016 t/4'287 White, Sherrie 03/15/2016 v-10700 Wilken, Elizabeth 09/15/2016 ~43 Win, Misako 01/15/2016 V 11017 Wolfe, Devin 05/23/2016 /4358 Wood, Daniel 03/15/2016 ✓10621 Zirkel, Mary 03/15/2016 /6851 Zolotarev, llya 03/15/2016 V1 0294 Zoolakis, Kaye 11/15/2016 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REPORT Maria Emery DATE: 5/31/2024 TOTAL RECORD COUNT: 135 COMMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES 2016 PTE DESTRUCTION ENTRY ID REVIEW DATE Template NAME 4351677 2024/05/31 Physical Folder ALVAREZ, BERNARDO; ; 4349573 2024/05/31 Physical Folder ANDERSON, KYLE; ; 4351468 2024/05/31 Physical Folder AUGER, ANDREA; ; 4350207 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BASKIN, ALIANA; ; 4350133 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BENDER, KEVIN; ; 4350162 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BENNER, COURTNEY; ; 4349787 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BINGHAM, TREVOR; ; 4350528 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BISBEE, MERTON "GRIFF"; ; 4350345 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BLANKEMEIER, AMY; ; 4349512 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BLISS, MICHAEL E; ; 4354208 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BLISS, MICHAEL E; ; (2) 4390875 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BOOTH, TYLER; PART TIME; 4349377 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BOSWELL, SCOTT; ; 4352468 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BOUD, COLLEEN LOU; ; 4350324 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BRUCK, ADAM; ; 4350846 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BUCCOLA, JILLIAN; ; 4349603 2024/05/31 Physical Folder BUCKLEY, BRITTANY; ; 4352718 2024/05/31 Physical Folder CABBIL, JOE; ; 4350296 2024/05/31 Physical Folder CABBIL, JOE; ; (2) 4349850 2024/05/31 Physical Folder CARRILLO, JOSE; ; 4390895 2024/05/31 Physical Folder CEN, YUANYI; PART TIME; 4390879 2024/05/31 Physical Folder CERVONE, DEBORAH; PART TIME; 4350186 2024/05/31 Physical Folder CONNELLY, ALEXANDRA; ; 4350258 2024/05/31 Physical Folder CORTESE, CONNOR; ; 4350652 2024/05/31 Physical Folder CUMMINGS, THOMAS; ; 4350058 2024/05/31 Physical Folder DALEY, CONNOR; ; 4350413 2024/05/31 Physical Folder DAVIS, SEAN; ; 4349458 2024/05/31 Physical Folder DAVIS, TERI; ; 4349871 2024/05/31 Physical Folder DEVRIES, ANGELITA; ; 4351089 2024/05/31 Physical Folder DOERING, JENNIFER; ; 4349834 2024/05/31 Physical Folder DORNICK, JAKE; ; 0 d Ca li fornia 4349829 2024/05/31 Physical Folder DOVAN, EMILY; ; 4350304 2024/05/31 Physical Folder DUNLAP, CHARLES; ; 4350269 2024/05/31 Physical Folder FEDAK, SHANE; ; 4349947 2024/05/31 Physical Folder FIEBING, SANDRA; ; 4350240 2024/05/31 Physical Folder FIGUEROA, GERARDO; ; 4353763 2024/05/31 Physical Folder FOOTE, SUSAN; ; 4350965 2024/05/31 Physical Folder FOOTE, SUSAN; ; (2) 4350338 2024/05/31 Physical Folder FRAGO, LAURENCE; ; 4350621 2024/05/31 Physical Folder FROST, MARLA; ; 4353460 2024/05/31 Physical Folder GARCIA, DAMIAN; ; 4349996 2024/05/31 Physical Folder GARCIA, DAMIAN; ; (2) 4352401 2024/05/31 Physical Folder GARZA, GABRIEL; ; 4349467 2024/05/31 Physical Folder GONZALEZ, STEFAN; ; 4349897 2024/05/31 Physical Folder GRIFFIN, CAROL; ; 4349547 2024/05/31 Physical Folder GRIFFIN, CAROL; ; DOT; 4349913 2024/05/31 Physical Folder GUERRERO, JAMES; ; 4352620 2024/05/31 Physical Folder HAMILTON, KATHERINE; ; 4349462 2024/05/31 Physical Folder HAMM, BOB; ; 4350613 2024/05/31 Physical Folder HATCHETT, ALVIN; ; 4349598 2024/05/31 Physical Folder HENRY, COLTEN; ; 4349569 2024/05/31 Physical Folder HICKS, AUSTIN; ; 4349568 2024/05/31 Physical Folder HICKS, CAMERON; ; 4352367 2024/05/31 Physical Folder HOVLAND, LESLIE ANNE; ; 4349966 2024/05/31 Physical Folder HUFF, HAYDEN; ; 4349566 2024/05/31 Physical Folder HURD, DYLAN; ; 4350521 2024/05/31 Physical Folder HUXLEY, CHRIS; ; 4350100 2024/05/31 Physical Folder INDUDHARA, CHRISTOPHER; ; 4350272 2024/05/31 Physical Folder JACOBS, SARA; ; 4349613 2024/05/31 Physical Folder JARRARD, EVALANI; ; 4350077 2024/05/31 Physical Folder KENNEDY, KRISTEN; ; 4351447 2024/05/31 Physical Folder KEVILLE, THOMAS; ; 4351571 2024/05/31 Physical Folder KNIGHT, TAYLOR; ; 4390877 2024/05/31 Physical Folder KORAN, EDITH; PART TIME; 4349544 2024/05/31 Physical Folder LADNER, DWAYNE; ; DOT; 4350645 2024/05/31 Physical Folder LARSON, BLAKE; ; 4351312 2024/05/31 Physical Folder LARSON, CLAY; ; 4350030 2024/05/31 Physical Folder LARSON, MANDI; ; 4350060 2024/05/31 Physical Folder LAUCHNER, JAMES; ; 4349706 2024/05/31 Physical Folder LEFLER, DAZEREAL; ; 4352357 2024/05/31 Physical Folder LEUNG, IRVING; ; 4351238 2024/05/31 Physical Folder LEWIS, RONEY; ; 4352650 2024/05/31 Physical Folder LOWENSTEIN, LAURA K.; ; 4390888 2024/05/31 Physical Folder LUNNEBERG, KYLE; PART TIME; 4350068 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MAJORS, AUSTIN; ; 4349709 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MALLEY, MARK; ; 4350460 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MAUS, DARLA; ; 4349556 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MCCARTHY, MICHAEL; ; 4349727 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MCDONNELL-HORITA, RAY; ; 4350069 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MCEVILLY, ILLA; ; 4350267 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MCGEE, MARCIA; ; 4350492 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MEDRANO, ODAIR (ODDY); ; 4349460 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MILES, LYNN; ; 4349977 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MILLER, MEGAN; ; 4350248 2024/05/31 Physical Folder MONTES, JESUS; ; 4352298 2024/05/31 Physical Folder NAUGHTON, LAURA K.; ; 4350090 2024/05/31 Physical Folder NEAL, JAREESE; ; 4350056 2024/05/31 Physical Folder NEWTON, DANIELLE; ; 4351526 2024/05/31 Physical Folder NORTON, MARGARET "MEG"; ; 4353198 2024/05/31 Physical Folder OSHIMA, ANDREA; ; 4352284 2024/05/31 Physical Folder PARISI, CATHY J.; ; 4350380 2024/05/31 Physical Folder PHILLIPP, KRISTEN; ; 4350224 2024/05/31 Physical Folder PHILLIPS, MEGAN; ; 4350475 2024/05/31 Physical Folder PISTOIA, ANTHONY; ; 4353141 2024/05/31 Physical Folder PITCHER, CORINNE; ; 4352274 2024/05/31 Physical Folder POND, SHARON; ; 4349798 2024/05/31 Physical Folder POOLE, TRISTIN; ; 4350259 2024/05/31 Physical Folder POWERS, SAMUEL; ; 4350098 2024/05/31 Physical Folder PRADO, ALEX; ; 4349371 2024/05/31 Physical Folder RODRIGUEZ, DAVID; ; 4353140 2024/05/31 Physical Folder RUDDEN, TOMMY P.; ; 4349952 2024/05/31 Physical Folder RUDDEN, TOMMY; ; 4349596 2024/05/31 Physical Folder SALOMAKI, VALTTERI; ; 4349841 2024/05/31 Physical Folder SCHOLZ, SHELBY; ; 4349982 2024/05/31 Physical Folder SCHULER, MARRICK; ; 4350979 2024/05/31 Physical Folder SCHWARTZ, CONNOR; ; 4350066 2024/05/31 Physical Folder SMITH, ANITA; ; 4352231 2024/05/31 Physical Folder SPONG, FREDERICK,W.; ; 4351037 2024/05/31 Physical Folder STIER, RICHARD; ; 4350996 2024/05/31 Physical Folder STIER, RICHARD; ; DOT; 4349545 2024/05/31 Physical Folder SWIFT, KONA; ; 4350368 2024/05/31 Physical Folder TEMPLE, MARY; ; 4350406 2024/05/31 Physical Folder THORNTON, SINEAD; ; 4350401 2024/05/31 Physical Folder TOMPKINS, CLAYTON; ; 4350447 2024/05/31 Physical Folder TOMPKINS, TRAVIS; ; 4350417 2024/05/31 Physical Folder TONS, ELINA; ; 4390890 2024/05/31 Physical Folder TRUJILLO, GABRIEL; PART TIME; 4353218 2024/05/31 Physical Folder VAN VOORHEES, GWEN; ; 4350495 2024/05/31 Physical Folder VELATI TIRONA, VIRGINIA; ; 4350493 2024/05/31 Physical Folder VELATI TIRONA, VIRGINIA; ; (2) 4349886 2024/05/31 Physical Folder VELATI TIRONA, VIRGINIA; ; (3) 4349906 2024/05/31 Physical Folder VIGIL, CESAR; ; 4349904 2024/05/31 Physical Folder VIGIL, CESAR; ; (2) 4350626 2024/05/31 Physical Folder WAGNER, MARK; ; 4350190 2024/05/31 Physical Folder WALKE, OLIVIA; ; 4349671 2024/05/31 Physical Folder WEBSTER, HANNA; ; 4352158 2024/05/31 Physical Folder WHITE, SHERRIE; ; 4352109 2024/05/31 Physical Folder WHITE, SHERRIE; ; DOT; 4349873 2024/05/31 Physical Folder WILKEN, ELIZABETH; ; 4350262 2024/05/31 Physical Folder WIN, MISAKO; ; 4352189 2024/05/31 Physical Folder WOOD, DANIEL; ; 4349938 2024/05/31 Physical Folder ZIRKEL, MARY; ; 4349793 2024/05/31 Physical Folder ZIRKEL, MARY; ; DOT; 4351111 2024/05/31 Physical Folder ZOLOTAREV, ILYA; ; 4350464 2024/05/31 Physical Folder ZOOLAKIS, KAYE; ; CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION & RECYCLING This Certificate is presented to: CITY OF CARLSBAD - RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION Per the express request of Client, Corodata has received the Material referred to below and has/will destroy and then recycle said Material in accordance with its standard procedures. As the parties have agreed, Corodata will not inventory, record or track any information contained within or related to the Material. Account #(s)SD012455 Certificate #104470 Date Issued Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Service Locations 5815 EL CAMINO REAL Date Range of Service Jun-13-2024 thru Jun-13-2024 Work Ticket(s)1331793 Quantity/Item 2 -2 Boxes for Destruction (odd sized) 44 -44 Boxes for Destruction (standard) * Nothing in this certificate shall be deemed to modify the terms of the parties’ Service Agreement(s) or Work Ticket(s). E•Jcorodata -tl HIPA'A GIJIJlll!affl