HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Records Destruction Authorization Form-Human Resources; 2024-06-13 (2)6/5/24 CORODATA 6/13/2024 X 6/13/2024 DocuSign Envelope ID: ED17971E-07AE-4060-AB0D-2O5992120195 RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM DATE: 5/23/2024 REQUESTING D EPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES REQUESTER: JESSICA VAN DESTRUCTION APPROVALS: We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been completed, and no pending or ongoing litigation or investigation involving these records is known to exist. 05-23-2024 DEPT. HEAO/DIVl510N M ANAGER DATE RECOR05 M ANAGEMENT DATE CITY ATTORNEY 0ATE BOX NO. RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED RRS NO. RRS TAB BARCODE PERIOD (if applicable) 3-4 Part time personnel files 2017 HR-080 SE+6 See attached *If more spaces are needed, click in the last box in right hand corner of table and hit "tab'. This will create more fields in the table. To be filled out once records have been destroyed. RECORD DESTRUCTION COMPLETED BY: __________ _ DATE: ______ _ CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? 0 YES 0 NO TAB BARCODES DELETED BY: DATE: ------------------------ This form documents the destruction of Qty records in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. C,Cityof Carlsbad Revised: 2021 Page /1 DocuSign Envelope ID: ED17971 E-D7 AE-4D60-AB0D-2D5992120195 J_D\1 ½DX %'1 (~·J\1~,L\~ ~ /11058 Phillips, Clay 01/12/2017 i/11316 Ackman, Therese 09/03/2017 t/10492 Addy, Drew 09/15/2017 ✓ 10670 Alfrey, Patrick 12/13/2017 t,"'11374 Alvarez, Brisia 10/05/2017 V10948 Andrade, Jordon 10/15/2017 i/11094 Bayer, Michelle 08/11/2017 vfo468 Birchall, Joshua 03/15/2017 ·//10368 Bixler, John 08/31/2017 V 3820 Blaine, Cheryl 02/11/2017 /10494 Blake, Sophie 01/15/2017 i/11219 Blea, Norma 05/18/2017 /11013 Bradley, Christine 09/15/2017 i/11286 Brammer, Matt 08/29/2017 ✓-i"1022 Brouwer, Devyn 09/15/2017 t/11300 Brown-Damron, Hannah 08/22/2017 NV 6739 Brumfield, Jack 08/19/2017 i/10939 Butler, Jared 11/15/2017 /4204 Calloway, James 09/23/2017 /10382 Cameron, Zach 09/15/2017 ~1046 Capilla, Paulina 09/15/2017 ,,/ 10748 Cayanan, Krystalline 03/16/2017 /10782 Chiera, Noah 10/15/2017 v1o737 Chojnacki, Megan 12/15/2017 V11172 Connolly, Sarah 06/11/2017 MLVvlUJI\ -)~~ - \4,(LMJJ{t-lL/ ~(\C) DocuSign Envelope ID: ED17971 E-D7AE-4D60-AB0D-2D5992120195 2-~\1 ~C)y__~S vfo682 Courtenay, Hannah 08/15/2017 i/2911 Craig-Jones, Lindsey 12/15/2017 z/11011 Crump, Haley 09/15/2017 /11318 Dean, Joshua 08/04/2017 i/11334 Dennison, Jacob 08/27/2017 i/10998 DeRiso, Rachel 07/28/2017 V 10530 lerochemont-Adams, AlexandE 09/15/2017 ;/45s3 Detweiler, Russell 08/04/2017 ;/10986 Diaz Martinez, Angelica 08/25/2017 ✓10920 Diaz, Gabriel 11/17/2017 /10654 Drake, Noah 07/15/2017 i/11147 El-Maleh, Leena 08/18/2017 /11082 Emmerson, Dena 08/26/2017 ✓10747 Everett, Jasmine 02/15/2017 c/11115 Fister, Julia 05/19/2017 ~1080 Flakoll, Jacob 01/21/2017 i/ 11101 Fonseca, Flor 03/23/2017 v-'10455 Forman, Jane EJ.(J.UL).., 12/15/2017 /10658 Gartland, Caroline 09/15/2017 V10613 Gee, Cooper 09/19/2017 //10006 Gilbert, Robert 02/25/2017 ~0894 Giubilato, Wesley 09/15/2017 / 10757 Godarzi, Sophie 11/15/2017 /rn736 Godoy, Sofia 09/15/2017 -,~ DocuSign Envelope ID: ED17971E-D7AE-4D60-ABOD-205992120195 ?-,tJ7 't>o"l *~ ✓1 0960 Gonzalez, Isaac 10/15/2017 z/10061 Goulet, Justin 08/19/2017 .V,0390 Grandbois, Chad 12/15/2017 /11223 Grieser, Aran 07/15/2017 / 11136 Haile, Mina 01/13/2017 /Ve> 10495 Hammond, Najee 08/19/2017 i/10011 Hampton, Peter 11/03/2017 t/10441 Hartley, Melissa 09/15/2017 Y 6160 Hartzell, Jay 10/06/2017 ✓3245 Haslam, Laurie 03/15/2017 /11032 Hatch, Jonathan 09/15/2017 ✓-- // 101 15 Hayden-Granger, Emily 08/15/2017 / 11290 Helble, Andrew 08/08/2017 ✓1 1018 Henderson, Emily 12/02/2017 V 11302 Hendricks, Nicholas 07/31/2017 / 10962 Hilderbrand, Autumn 09/15/2017 ✓10711 Hilliard, Paul 09/28/2017 t/1 1169 Horan, Mitchell 05/15/2017 ~0752 Husten, Andrea 09/15/2017 ~0547 lanniciello, Evan 01/15/2017 v 11071 Jackson, Sonia 01/28/2017 V 3890 Jackson, Wesley 08/07/2017 10548 Kazmarek, Eric 07/15/2017 DocuSign Envelope ID: ED17971 E-D7AE-4D60-AB0D-2D5992120195 J_D\1 bDK * ®>-l\ ~750 Kitrick, Travis ~ /10934 Koerting, Sarah t/5669 Lantz, Julie /10954 Lavoie, Anya ,t/10992 Lawson, Renee /10192 Lazo, Alex t/'10534 Lewis, Beryl i/f0651 Lewis, Sarah ✓6704 Liberatore, Stacey ~·ra /10779 Licerio, Jade V1 1311 Little, Benjamin V10258 Little, Ryan V 11023 Lopez, Renee ✓10822 Ludwick, Daniel ✓11352 Mackenzie, Sean /11292 Martinson, Clifton 0 0185 Mattioli, Maria ~0615 McClymonds, Oliver / 11250 Millian, Nick v 10632 Montgomery, Amy v 51so Muzzo, Lynda ~0938 Nakasone, Erin / 11194 Nejad, Soheila 11/02/2017 04/29/2017 12/15/201 7 07/15/2017 09/15/2017 04/11/2017 02/20/2017 09/15/2017 10/03/2017 10/15/2017 08/19/2017 09/15/2017 05/27/2017 04/15/2017 12/02/2017 08/25/2017 02/15/2017 02/15/2017 08/10/2017 05/15/2017 07/15/2017 10/15/2017 04/06/2017 DocuSign Envelope ID: ED17971 E-D7AE-4O6~AB0D-2D5992120195 j-0\1 'bCJ'Z -%~ l\ ~91 Noel, Lundin (/6754 Oldenburg, Beverly ,vfo573 O'Neal, Paul ~024 Padilla, Sara V11043 Panian, Kirk V-2377 Parra, Domingo 02/15/2017 02 15/.20.1]-t..,., 09/01/2017 ------ftCl1(ff/201..,---__ 08/15/2017 08/12/2017 08/19/2017 03/16/2017 ~go----------o~ /11040 Perfili, Justin ~1319 Pineros, Juan /10945 Poling, Merritt /11304 Pompa, Goodwin ~0 v:i1009 Prien, Samantha V10679 Rado, Garret V11255 Ramirez, Adrienne /11042 Reeves, Cassandra ✓11 121 Reid, Cassidy /2155 Richey, Nicholas ~0993 Rivera, Austin /VO 11323 Rodriguez, Andrea ,/ 5480 Rodriguez, Arthur i/11161 Roehm, Rebecca 09/15/2017 08/08/2017 01/31/2017 07/22/2017 02/03/2017 11/15/2017 08/29/2017 07/22/2017 05/13/2017 03/18/2017 09/15/2017 09/15/2017 01/14/2017 02/14/2017 DocuSign Envelope ID: ED17971 E-D7AE-4D60-AB0D-2D5992120195 ]JJ\1 SD'K %~ ~ /10994 Rogers, Lindsay )A} 10967 Salgado, Jose /10662 Samonta, Pablo V10917 Scholl, John /110 11260 Sciolla, Samuel ../10969 Sherwood, Rainer /1/0 10705 Siemion, Kathleen ✓10881 Silverman, Sarah /4772 Silvestri, Julia 0 0359 Sitar, Nick A 1296 Smith, Alexander v 10454 Smith , Connor /485 Smith, Trevor t/10991 Spanier, Haley /400 Sprague, Jeffrey ljB~{;l~f ~224 Staley, Adam v1'1029 Stanley, Rodney /4738 Stewart, Hannah (.,/(1 297 Swank, Lelicia V1 1389 Tague, Marli z/10982 Torres, Krystal 0532 Truxaw, Brian 10866 van Zyl, Kestt 09/15/2017 03/18/2017 06/15/2017 08/16/2017 08/24/2017 11/11/2017 08/25/2017 06/15/2017 09/15/2017 02/04/2017 06/22/2017 09/15/2017 09/15/2017 09/15/2017 06/06/2017 12/12/2017 09/15/2017 09/15/2017 06/15/2017 12/14/2017 11/15/2017 11/20/20 17 07/15/2017 DocuSign Envelope ID: ED17971 E-D7 AE-4D60-AB0D-2D59921201 95 ?-~\1 ~a~ ~~¼, /10404 Vanzandt, Patrick 09/15/2017 ~1075 Velasco, Shawna /lJ 1 'ctJ).,e,.,. 08/26/2017 ~430 Virzi, Justin /1 tL ~ 09/15/2017 1/'{0770 Volpe, Karter 09/15/2017 ~0818 Voss, Leila 08/25/2017 /10608 Vrabel, Claire 06/15/2017 /4198 Wallace, Zachary 05/24/2017 v10729 Walters, Ashley 09/15/2017 t/'10945 Warner, Karen 10/15/2017 ✓1 1 1 68 Westfall, Rosalie 05/15/2017 /'10769 Wolfe, Collin 09/15/2017 /4059 Wright, Elise 10/15/2017 / 10566 Zoll, Erica 04/06/2017 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REPORT Maria Emery DATE: 6/17/2024 TOTAL RECORD COUNT: 81 COMMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES 2017 PTE DESTRUCTION ENTRY ID REVIEW DATE Template NAME 4350128 2024/05/30 Physical Folder ADDY, DREW; ; 4349975 2024/05/30 Physical Folder ALFREY, PATRICK; ; 4350160 2024/05/30 Physical Folder BIRCHALL, JOSHUA; ; 4350459 2024/05/30 Physical Folder BIXLER, JOHN; ; 4352474 2024/05/30 Physical Folder BLAINE, CHERYL; ; 4350142 2024/05/30 Physical Folder BLAKE, SOPHIE; ; 4350435 2024/05/30 Physical Folder CAMERON, ZACH; ; 4349615 2024/05/30 Physical Folder CAYANAN, KRYSTALLINE; ; 4349575 2024/05/30 Physical Folder CHIERO, NOAH; ; 4349688 2024/05/30 Physical Folder CHOJNACKI, MEGAN; ; 4350486 2024/05/30 Physical Folder CLAYTON, KELLY; ; 4349937 2024/05/30 Physical Folder COURTENAY, HANNAH; ; 4350491 2024/05/30 Physical Folder DEROCHEMENT, ALEXANDER; ; 4352438 2024/05/30 Physical Folder DETWEILER, RUSSELL; ; 4350046 2024/05/30 Physical Folder DRAKE, NOAH; ; 4349617 2024/05/30 Physical Folder EVERETT, JASMINE; ; 4350225 2024/05/30 Physical Folder FORMAN, ELAINE; ; 4350033 2024/05/30 Physical Folder GARTLAND, CAROLINE; ; 4349969 2024/05/30 Physical Folder GEE, COOPER; ; 4351105 2024/05/30 Physical Folder GILBERT, ROBERT; ; 4349609 2024/05/30 Physical Folder GODARZI, SOPHIE; ; 4349680 2024/05/30 Physical Folder GODOY, SOFIA; ; 4350848 2024/05/30 Physical Folder GOULET, JUSTIN; ; 4350408 2024/05/30 Physical Folder GRANDBOIS, CHAD; ; 4350126 2024/05/30 Physical Folder HAMMOND, NAJEE; ; 4351078 2024/05/30 Physical Folder HAMPTON, PETER; ; 4350814 2024/05/30 Physical Folder HAMPTON, PETER; ; (2) 4350273 2024/05/30 Physical Folder HARTLEY, MELISSA; ; 4352625 2024/05/30 Physical Folder HARTZELL,, JAY; ; 4351908 2024/05/30 Physical Folder HASLAM, LAURIE; ; 4350899 2024/05/30 Physical Folder HAYDEN-GRANGER, EMILY; ; 0 d Ca li fornia 4349838 2024/05/30 Physical Folder HILLIARD, PAUL; ; 4349607 2024/05/30 Physical Folder HUSTEN, ANDREA; ; 4350230 2024/05/30 Physical Folder IANNICIELLO, EVAN; ; 4353075 2024/05/30 Physical Folder JACKSON, WESLEY; ; 4353098 2024/05/30 Physical Folder JOCHEM, LINDSEY B.; ; 4350228 2024/05/30 Physical Folder KAZMAREK, ERIC; ; 4351501 2024/05/30 Physical Folder KITRICK, TRAVIS; ; 4353535 2024/05/30 Physical Folder LANTZ, JULIE L.; ; 4350781 2024/05/30 Physical Folder LAZO, ALEX; ; 4350290 2024/05/30 Physical Folder LEWIS, BERYL; ; 4349802 2024/05/30 Physical Folder LEWIS, SARAH; ; 4351382 2024/05/30 Physical Folder LIBERATORE, STACEY; ; 4351380 2024/05/30 Physical Folder LIBERTORE, STACEY; ; 4349560 2024/05/30 Physical Folder LICERIO, JADE; ; 4350628 2024/05/30 Physical Folder LITTLE, RYAN; ; 4349712 2024/05/30 Physical Folder LUDWICK, DANIEL; ; 4350800 2024/05/30 Physical Folder MATTIOLI, MARIA; ; 4349972 2024/05/30 Physical Folder MCCLYMONDS, OLIVER; ; 4349898 2024/05/30 Physical Folder MONTGOMERY, AMY; ; 4349891 2024/05/30 Physical Folder MONTGOMERY, AMY; ; (2) 4353296 2024/05/30 Physical Folder MUZZO, LYNDA; ; 4351258 2024/05/30 Physical Folder NOEL, LUNDIN; ; 4351474 2024/05/30 Physical Folder OLDENBURG, BEVERLY; ; 4350141 2024/05/30 Physical Folder OLDENBURG, BEVERLY; ; (2) 4349963 2024/05/30 Physical Folder O'NEAL, PAUL; ; 4350312 2024/05/30 Physical Folder PARRA, DOMINGO G; ; 4354057 2024/05/30 Physical Folder PARRA, DOMINGO G; ; (2) 4349645 2024/05/30 Physical Folder PARRA, DOMINGO; ; 4349931 2024/05/30 Physical Folder RADO, GARRET; ; 4353796 2024/05/30 Physical Folder RODRIGUEZ, ARTHUR; ; 4352804 2024/05/30 Physical Folder RODRIGUEZ, ARTHUR; ; (2) 4350015 2024/05/30 Physical Folder SAMONTA, PABLO; ; 4349380 2024/05/30 Physical Folder SILVERMAN, SARAH; ; 4349582 2024/05/30 Physical Folder SILVESTRI, JULIA; ; 4350534 2024/05/30 Physical Folder SITAR, NICHOLAS; ; 4350231 2024/05/30 Physical Folder SMITH, CONNOR; ; 4349933 2024/05/30 Physical Folder SMITH, TREVOR; ; 4349502 2024/05/30 Physical Folder SPRAGUE, JEFFREY R; ; 4351850 2024/05/30 Physical Folder SPRAGUE, JEFFREY; ; 4349711 2024/05/30 Physical Folder STEWART, HANNAH; ; 4351761 2024/05/30 Physical Folder TRUXAW, BRIAN; ; 4349456 2024/05/30 Physical Folder VAN ZYL, KESTT; ; 4350384 2024/05/30 Physical Folder VANZANDT, PATRICK; ; 4350302 2024/05/30 Physical Folder VIRZI, JUSTIN; ; 4350307 2024/05/30 Physical Folder VIRZI, MATTHEW; ; 4349584 2024/05/30 Physical Folder VOLPE, KARTER; ; 4349720 2024/05/30 Physical Folder VOSS, LEILA; ; 4349978 2024/05/30 Physical Folder VRABEL, CLAIRE; ; 4349672 2024/05/30 Physical Folder WALTERS, ASHLEY; ; 4349580 2024/05/30 Physical Folder WOLFE, COLLIN; ; CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION & RECYCLING This Certificate is presented to: CITY OF CARLSBAD - RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION Per the express request of Client, Corodata has received the Material referred to below and has/will destroy and then recycle said Material in accordance with its standard procedures. As the parties have agreed, Corodata will not inventory, record or track any information contained within or related to the Material. Account #(s)SD012455 Certificate #104470 Date Issued Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Service Locations 5815 EL CAMINO REAL Date Range of Service Jun-13-2024 thru Jun-13-2024 Work Ticket(s)1331793 Quantity/Item 2 -2 Boxes for Destruction (odd sized) 44 -44 Boxes for Destruction (standard) * Nothing in this certificate shall be deemed to modify the terms of the parties’ Service Agreement(s) or Work Ticket(s). E•Jcorodata -tl HIPA'A GIJIJlll!affl