HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-18; City Council; Resolution 2024-142RESOLUTION NO. 2024-142 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING BUDGET, STRATEGIC DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION INVESTMENT PROGRAM AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR BUDGET FUNDS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has reviewed the proposed final Operating Budget, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program and Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year (FY) 2024-25 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to adoption of the final budgets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: l. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That certain documents now on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, entitled "Fiscal Year 2024-25 Preliminary Operating Budget, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program and Cap ital Improvement Program" presented at the Joint Special Meeting on May 21, 2024 as Exhibit 6 to Item No. 7, as amended, if necessary, in accordance with Attachments A-A3, B-B2, C and D to this Exhibit 1 are adopted as the final Operating Budget, Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program and Capital Improvement Program for the City of Carlsbad for FY 2024-25 along with the program options and adjustments, if any, determined by the City Council as set forth in the minutes of this Joint Special Meeting on Jun e 18, 2024. 3. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2024-25 as shown in Attachments A-A2 and Bare adopted as the budgeted revenues for FY 2024-25. 4. That the amounts as designated as the FY 2024-25 Budget request in Attachments A-A3, B-B2 and D are appropriated to the department or fund for which they are designated, and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided in this resolution. 5. That the items and amounts as shown in Attachment E are adopted as major capital outlay items for FY 2024-25. 6. That total appropriations for each fund may only be increased or decreased by the City Council by passage of a resolution amending the budget except as provided in this resolution. 7. That the following controls are placed on the use and transfer of budget funds: A. No expenditure of funds shall be authorized unless sufficient funds have been appropriated by the City Council or City Manager as described below. i. The City Manager may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within any department. ii. The City Manager may authorize transfers of funds between departments within the same fund in an amount up to $100,000 per transfer. iii. The City Manager may authorize transfers of funds from the Housing Trust Fund to the Section 8 Housing Fund program administration to support the program's fund balance and aid in the expansion of the program if costs exceed budget related to administration, payroll, vouchers, and related costs. iv. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the City Manager may authorize increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenue designated for the specific purpose. v. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase the appropriation for the Workers' Compensation and Risk Management Funds' operating budgets in an amount equal to the increases in costs of claims expenses or estimated losses and liabilities. vi. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase the appropriation for final vacation pay and earned leave accrual budgets in an amount equal to the increases in actual expenses should they exceed budgeted amounts in their respective funds. vii. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase budgeted amounts for depreciation and amortization should it be necessary to maintain compliance with the United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. viii. The City Manager may authorize increases of 15% or less to purchasing authority for capital outlay items requiring the City Council to act as the awarding authority approved in the budget process. ix. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase the appropriation for unforeseen legal expenses and liabilities. x. The City Manager may authorize budget adjustments to increase the appropriation for Mutual Aid expenses in an amount equal to the increases in amounts to be reimbursed by other agencies. xi. The City Council must authorize all transfers of funds from the City Council's Contingency Account. xii. The City Manager may delegate any of the authority given to the City Manager under this resolution. B. The City Council must authorize any increase in the number of authorized permanent personnel positions above the level identified in Attachment C. C. The City Manager may authorize the hiring of temporary or part-time staff as necessary within the limits imposed by the controls listed above. 8. That the legal level of budgetary control is the fund level. Budgets may not legally be exceeded at the fund level without appropriate authorization by the City Council. 9. That interest earned on grants may be appropriated during the year for the purpose for which the grant was received. 10. That all appropriations in the Capital Improvement Program remaining unexpended as of June 30, 2024, are appropriated to FY 2024-25 in their respective project budgets. 11. That all appropriations in the Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program remaining unexpended as of June 30, 2024, are appropriated to FY 2024-25 in their respective project budgets. 12. That all appropriations in the Operating Budget remaining unexpended as of June 30, 2024 related to developer deposits received for developer-funded studies not yet completed or grant awards received or expected for projects that are continuing into the next fiscal year are appropriated to FY 2024-25. 13. That all appropriations for outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2024, are continued into FY 2024-25 for such contracts or obligations. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the Community Development Commission, and the City Council as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 18th day of June, 2024, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN : ABSENT: BLACKBURN, BHAT-PATEL, ACOSTA, BURKHOLDER, LUNA. NONE. NONE. NONE. l~ SHERRY F (SEAL) yor V lerk Attachment A SCHEDULE OF PROJECTED FUND BALANCE Projected Projected Beginning Ending Change as % of Fund Balance Estimated Estimated Fund Balance July 1, 2023 Fund July 1, 2023 Revenues Expenditures June 30, 2024 Fund Balance General Fund 136,840,376$ *234,882,619$ 223,333,352$ 148,389,643$ *8.4% Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing 14,360,256 1,264,318 364,206 15,260,368 6.3% Agricultural Mitigation Fee 1,162,955 26,700 195,118 994,537 -14.5% Buena Vista Channel Maintenance District 1,496,574 136,110 251,358 1,381,326 -7.7% Citizens' Option for Public Safety 479,869 302,500 280,000 502,369 4.7% Community Activity Grants 1,091,024 26,400 5,000 1,112,424 2.0% Community Development Block Grant 216,543 986,965 970,000 233,508 7.8% Continuum of Care - 232,972 232,972 - 0.0% Cultural Arts Donations 321,857 42,900 179,350 185,407 -42.4% Encampment Resolution Fund - 2,394,509 1,094,000 1,300,509 0.0% Habitat Mitigation Fee 31 10,226 - 10,257 32987.1% Library and Arts Endowments 259,331 6,300 6,000 259,631 0.1% Library Gifts and Bequests 1,666,903 114,700 410,600 1,371,003 -17.8% Lighting and Landscaping District 2 5,258,109 891,311 354,136 5,795,284 10.2% Local Cable Infrastructure 701,326 285,000 568,020 418,306 -40.4% Median Maintenance District 261,536 1,408,661 1,427,715 242,482 -7.3% Opioid Settlement Fund 353,033 7,900 15,000 345,933 -2.0% Parking In Lieu Fee 1,108,168 25,900 - 1,134,068 2.3% Permanent Local Housing Allocation - 696,260 310,319 385,941 0.0% Police Asset Forfeiture 193,192 176,756 72,783 297,165 53.8% Public Safety Grants (70,799) 290,857 456,680 (236,622) 234.2% Recreation Donations 310,317 34,100 52,570 291,847 -6.0% Rental Assistance 70,824 12,227,649 12,205,365 93,108 31.5% Senior Donations 285,400 27,000 23,238 289,162 1.3% Street Lighting Maintenance District 2,699,003 1,057,508 1,202,937 2,553,574 -5.4% Street Tree Maintenance District 176,929 1,012,481 924,191 265,219 49.9% Tyler Court Apartments 98,725 694,895 730,800 62,820 -36.4% Total Special Revenue Funds 32,501,106 24,380,878 22,332,358 34,549,626 6.3% Enterprise Funds Water Operations 30,483,929 47,550,996 55,109,813 22,925,112 -24.8% Recycled Water Operations 1,458,836 9,721,597 10,938,070 242,363 -83.4% Wastewater Operations 15,067,417 22,675,900 24,180,157 13,563,160 -10.0% Solid Waste Management 10,548,683 3,411,529 5,367,260 8,592,952 -18.5% Golf Course 5,180,742 11,004,778 9,304,598 6,880,922 32.8% Total Enterprise Funds 62,739,607 94,364,800 104,899,898 52,204,509 -16.8% Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation 209,638 8,416,210 5,161,119 3,464,729 1552.7% Risk Management (3,847,278) 12,247,660 6,726,887 1,673,495 -143.5% Vehicle Maintenance 883,513 3,646,563 3,805,991 724,085 -18.0% Vehicle Replacement 20,879,291 4,654,734 3,045,488 22,488,537 7.7% Information Technology 9,377,219 17,317,111 17,357,258 9,337,072 -0.4% Total Internal Service Funds 27,502,383 46,282,278 36,096,743 37,687,918 37.0% Successor Agency Housing Trust Fund 1,131,055 44,618 1,008,833 166,840 -85.3% Total Operating Funds 260,714,527$ 399,955,193$ 387,671,184$ 272,998,536$ 4.7% *For the General Fund only, this represents unassigned fund balance. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 25 of 625 SCHEDULE OF PROJECTED FUND BALANCE Projected Projected Beginning Ending Change as % of Fund Balance Estimated Adopted Fund Balance June 30, 2024 Fund June 30, 2024 Revenues Budget June 30, 2025 Fund Balance General Fund 148,389,643$ *239,061,383$ 238,468,445$ 148,982,581$ *0.4% Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing 15,260,368 706,860 631,917 15,335,311 0.5% Agricultural Mitigation Fee 994,537 26,060 - 1,020,597 2.6% Buena Vista Channel Maintenance District 1,381,326 137,290 195,245 1,323,371 -4.2% Citizens' Option for Public Safety 502,369 295,190 295,830 501,729 -0.1% Community Activity Grants 1,112,424 27,990 30,000 1,110,414 -0.2% Community Development Block Grant 233,508 583,215 548,215 268,508 15.0% Continuum of Care - 235,280 - 235,280 0.0% Cultural Arts Donations 185,407 7,230 127,000 65,637 -64.6% Encampment Resolution Fund 1,300,509 37,190 - 1,337,699 2.9% Habitat Mitigation Fee 10,257 250 - 10,507 2.4% Library and Arts Endowments 259,631 6,650 6,000 260,281 0.3% Library Gifts and Bequests 1,371,003 41,690 455,903 956,790 -30.2% Lighting and Landscaping District 2 5,795,284 912,480 367,500 6,340,264 9.4% Local Cable Infrastructure 418,306 285,940 506,862 197,384 -52.8% Median Maintenance District 242,482 1,378,180 1,409,906 210,756 -13.1% Opioid Settlement Fund 345,933 111,609 103,059 354,483 2.5% Parking In Lieu Fee 1,134,068 27,080 57,120 1,104,028 -2.7% Permanent Local Housing Allocation 385,941 466,244 - 852,185 120.8% Police Asset Forfeiture 297,165 7,770 95,000 209,935 -29.4% Public Safety Grants (236,622) 457,898 169,950 51,326 -121.7% Recreation Donations 291,847 34,440 81,200 245,087 -16.0% Rental Assistance 93,108 13,227,900 13,319,728 1,280 -98.6% Senior Donations 289,162 27,500 33,500 283,162 -2.1% Street Lighting Maintenance District 2,553,574 1,069,780 1,176,445 2,446,909 -4.2% Street Tree Maintenance District 265,219 980,200 1,024,573 220,846 -16.7% Tyler Court Apartments 62,820 761,949 652,310 172,459 174.5% Total Special Revenue Funds 34,549,626 21,853,865 21,287,263 35,116,228 1.6% Enterprise Funds Water Operations 22,925,112 50,085,356 58,158,391 14,852,077 -35.2% Recycled Water Operations 242,363 11,121,779 10,814,449 549,693 126.8% Wastewater Operations 13,563,160 25,890,480 33,253,062 6,200,578 -54.3% Solid Waste Management 8,592,952 3,447,940 5,544,246 6,496,646 -24.4% Golf Course 6,880,922 11,343,000 10,762,000 7,461,922 8.4% Total Enterprise Funds 52,204,509 101,888,555 118,532,148 35,560,916 -31.9% Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation 3,464,729 14,511,420 5,988,115 11,988,034 246.0% Risk Management 1,673,495 7,970,610 7,397,470 2,246,635 34.3% Vehicle Maintenance 724,085 4,062,754 4,012,861 773,978 6.9% Vehicle Replacement 22,488,537 7,217,461 4,598,574 25,107,424 11.7% Information Technology 9,337,072 19,377,057 18,705,537 10,008,592 7.2% Total Internal Service Funds 37,687,918 53,139,302 40,702,557 50,124,663 33.0% Successor Agency Housing Trust Fund 166,840 5,380 10,000 162,220 -2.8% Total Operating Funds 272,998,536$ 415,948,485$ 419,000,413$ 269,946,608$ -1.1% * For the General Fund only, this represents unassigned fund balance. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 26 of 625 Attachment A2 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as %Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 General Fund Taxes Property Tax 87,209,996$ 91,773,714$ 94,901,892$ 3.4% 3,128,178$ Sales Tax 56,186,707 58,899,752 59,382,534 0.8%482,782 Transient Occupancy Tax 34,280,239 34,776,940 34,776,940 0.0%- Franchise Tax 7,833,845 8,554,123 8,883,315 3.9%329,192 Business License Tax 6,356,809 6,359,729 6,560,060 3.2%200,331 Transfer Tax 1,367,481 1,624,950 1,676,136 3.2%51,186 Total Taxes 193,235,077 201,989,208 206,180,877 2.1% 4,191,669 Intergovernmental Homeowners Exemption 340,152 248,146 245,000 -1.3%(3,146) Other Intergovernmental 2,055,728 957,466 684,000 -28.6% (273,466) Total Intergovernmental 2,395,880 1,205,612 929,000 -22.9% (276,612) Licenses and Permits Building Permits 2,201,438 2,000,000 2,400,000 20.0%400,000 Other Licenses and Permits 985,067 905,261 973,500 7.5%68,239 Total Licenses And Permits 3,186,505 2,905,261 3,373,500 16.1%468,239 Charges for Services Planning Fees 593,890 773,500 817,000 5.6%43,500 Building Department Fees 950,200 702,500 920,000 31.0%217,500 Engineering Fees 990,363 690,000 872,000 26.4%182,000 Ambulance Fees 4,368,825 7,225,000 7,650,000 5.9%425,000 Recreation Fees 3,127,197 3,488,050 3,459,066 -0.8%(28,984) Other Charges or Fees 1,335,412 1,667,060 1,690,500 1.4%23,440 Total Charges For Services 11,365,887 14,546,110 15,408,566 5.9%862,456 Fines and Forfeitures 402,946 352,550 351,700 -0.2%(850) Income from Investments and Property 7,081,788 7,297,532 7,041,490 -3.5% (256,042) Interdepartmental Charges 5,991,590 6,091,266 5,427,750 -10.9% (663,516) Other Revenue Sources 2,199,856 495,080 348,500 -29.6% (146,580) Total General Fund 225,859,529$ 234,882,619$ 239,061,383$ 1.8% 4,178,764$ * Interest is calculated on an amortized cost basis. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 27 of 625 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as %Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing Affordable Housing Fees 247,078$ 497,506$ 247,000$ -50.4% (250,506)$ Property Tax - - - 0.0%- Interest Income 787,261 756,678 454,860 -39.9% (301,818) Other Revenue 50,913 10,134 5,000 -50.7%(5,134) Total Affordable Housing 1,085,252 1,264,318 706,860 -44.1% (557,458) Agricultural Mitigation Fee Agricultural Mitigation Fees - - - 0.0%- Interest Income 14,587 26,700 26,060 -2.4%(640) Total Agriculutural Mitigation Fee 14,587 26,700 26,060 -2.4%(640) Buena Vista Channel Maintenance Assessment Fees 82,037 100,000 100,000 0.0%- Interest Income 14,943 36,110 37,290 3.3%1,180 Total Buena Vista Channel Maintenance 96,980 136,110 137,290 0.9%1,180 Citizens' Option for Public Safety State Funding (AB3229)294,013 290,000 280,000 -3.5%(10,000) Interest Income 375 12,500 15,190 21.5%2,690 Total Citizens' Option For Public Safety 294,388 302,500 295,190 -2.4%(7,310) Community Activity Grants Interest Income 11,861 26,400 27,990 6.0%1,590 Total Community Activity Grants 11,861 26,400 27,990 6.0%1,590 Community Development Block Grant Federal Grant 508,874 545,490 548,215 0.5%2,725 Interest Income 126,844 12,269 5,000 -59.3%(7,269) Other Revenue 503,972 429,206 30,000 -93.0% (399,206) Total Community Dev. Block Grant 1,139,690 986,965 583,215 -40.9% (403,750) Continuum of Care Federal Grant - 232,972 235,280 1.0%2,308 Total Cultural Arts Donations - 232,972 235,280 1.0%2,308 Cultural Arts Donations Donations 25,000 35,000 - -100.0%(35,000) Interest Income 5,014 7,900 7,230 -8.5%(670) Total Cultural Arts Donations 30,014 42,900 7,230 -83.2%(35,670) June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 28 of 625 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as %Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 Special Revenue Funds - Continued Encamptment Resolution Fund State Grant - 2,358,409 - -100.0% (2,358,409) Interest Income - 36,100 37,190 3.0%1,090 Total Community Dev. Block Grant - 2,394,509 37,190 -98.5% (2,357,319) Habitat Mitigation Fee Mitigation Fees 57,082 10,126 - -100.0%(10,126) Interest Income 744 100 250 150.0%150 Total Habitat Mitigation Fee 57,826 10,226 250 -97.6%(9,976) Library And Arts Endowment Fund Interest Income 2,971$ 6,300$ 6,650$ 5.6%350$ Total Library And Arts Endowment Fund 2,971 6,300 6,650 5.6%350 Library Gifts/Bequests Gifts and Bequests 210,859 74,000 - -100.0%(74,000) Interest Income 19,895 40,700 41,690 2.4%990 Total Library Gifts/Bequests 230,754 114,700 41,690 -63.7%(73,010) Lighting And Landscaping District 2 Assessment Fees 695,133 761,100 775,700 1.9%14,600 Interest Income 35,857 130,211 136,780 5.0%6,569 Total Lighting And Landscaping Dist. 2 730,990 891,311 912,480 2.4%21,169 Local Cable Infrastructure Fund Cable Fees 284,652 275,000 275,000 0.0%- Interest Income 12,653 10,000 10,940 9.4%940 Total Local Cable Infrastructure Fund 297,305 285,000 285,940 0.3%940 Median Maintenance Assessment Fees 348,486 365,000 365,000 0.0%- Other 932,346 1,043,661 1,013,180 -2.9%(30,481) Total Median Maintenance 1,280,832 1,408,661 1,378,180 -2.2%(30,481) Opioid Settlement Fund Settlements - - 103,059 0.0%103,059 Other Revenue (9,874) 7,900 8,550 8.2%650 Total Opioid Settlement (9,874) 7,900 111,609 1312.8%103,709 Parking In Lieu Parking In Lieu Fees - - - 0.0%- Interest Income 14,577 25,900 27,080 4.6%1,180 Total Parking In Lieu 14,577 25,900 27,080 4.6%1,180 Permanent Local Housing Allocation State Grant - 696,260 466,244 -33.0% (230,016) Total Police Grants - 696,260 466,244 -33.0% (230,016) Police Asset Forfeiture Asset Forfeitures - 171,056 - -100.0% (171,056) Interest Income 4,640 5,700 7,770 36.3%2,070 Total Police Asset Forfeiture 4,640 176,756 7,770 -95.6% (168,986) June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 29 of 625 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as %Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 Special Revenue Funds - Continued Public Safety Grants Federal Grant 157,698 250,337 287,948 15.0%37,611 State Grant 24,170 40,520 169,950 319.4%129,430 Total Police Grants 181,868 290,857 457,898 57.4%167,041 Recreation Donations Donations 62,489 26,600 26,600 0.0%- Interest Income 3,189 7,500 7,840 4.5%340 Total Recreation Donations 65,678 34,100 34,440 1.0%340 Rental Assistance Federal Grant 8,948,915$ 10,091,706$ 10,519,083$ 4.2%427,377$ Other Revenue 1,779,737 2,135,943 2,708,817 26.8%572,874 Total Rental Assistance 10,728,652 12,227,649 13,227,900 8.2% 1,000,251 Senior Donations Donations 6,628 5,000 5,000 0.0%- Other Revenue 13,915 15,000 15,000 0.0%- Interest Income 4,215 7,000 7,500 7.1%500 Total Senior Donations 24,758 27,000 27,500 1.9%500 Street Lighting Assessment Fees 738,313 740,000 740,000 0.0%- Other Revenue 200,312 254,750 259,400 1.8%4,650 Interest Income 29,109 62,758 70,380 12.2%7,622 Total Street Lighting 967,734 1,057,508 1,069,780 1.2%12,272 Street Tree Maintenance Assessment Fees 470,928 470,000 470,000 0.0%- Other Revenue 436,065 542,481 510,200 -6.0%(32,281) Total Street Tree Maintenance 906,993 1,012,481 980,200 -3.2%(32,281) Tyler Court Apartments Rental Income 676,682 689,010 757,017 9.9%68,007 Other Revenue 187,863 5,885 4,932 -16.2%(953) Total Tyler Court Apartments 864,545 694,895 761,949 9.7%67,054 Total Special Revenue Funds 19,023,021$ 24,380,878$ 21,853,865$ -10.4% (2,527,013)$ June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 30 of 625 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as %Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 Enterprise Funds Water Operations Water Sales 24,824,736$ 29,000,000$ 30,900,000$ 6.6% 1,900,000$ Ready-to-Serve charge 13,555,227 13,700,000 14,100,000 2.9%400,000 Property Tax 5,108,843 2,811,856 3,105,800 10.5%293,944 New Account Charges 94,990 110,064 110,000 -0.1%(64) Back-Flow Program Fees 168,414 168,800 170,000 0.7%1,200 Penalty Fees 360,513 377,200 378,500 0.3%1,300 Interest Income 627,447 733,976 660,456 -10.0%(73,520) Engineering Overhead 147,357 150,000 156,000 4.0%6,000 Service Connection Fees 27,947 34,600 35,000 1.2%400 Other Revenue 2,395,251 464,500 469,600 1.1%5,100 Total Water Operations 47,310,725 47,550,996 50,085,356 5.3% 2,534,360 Recycled Water Operations Water Sales 5,672,065 6,500,000 7,400,000 13.9%900,000 Ready-to-Serve charge 1,357,703 1,400,000 1,450,000 3.6%50,000 Property Tax - 1,703,964 1,878,000 10.2%174,036 Interest Income 127,903 (258,549) 2,000 -100.8%260,549 Other Revenue 359,817 376,182 391,779 4.2%15,597 Total Recycled Water Operations 7,517,488 9,721,597 11,121,779 14.4% 1,400,182 Wastewater Operations Service Charges 19,484,190 22,000,000 25,200,000 14.6% 3,200,000 Misc. Sewer 5,821 6,000 6,000 0.0%- Engineering Overhead 131,964 180,000 187,200 4.0%7,200 Penalty Fees 126,455 138,000 135,000 -2.2%(3,000) Interest Income 121,420 279,900 288,780 3.2%8,880 Other Revenue 811,083 72,000 73,500 2.1%1,500 Total Wastewater Operations 20,680,933 22,675,900 25,890,480 14.2% 3,214,580 Solid Waste Management Recycling Fees (AB939)878,003 846,000 860,000 1.7%14,000 Penalty Fees 1,461 - - 0.0%- Trash Surcharge 1,365,561 1,375,000 1,400,000 1.8%25,000 Interest Income 226,378 234,500 221,440 -5.6%(13,060) Other Revenue 1,094,313 956,029 966,500 1.1%10,471 Total Solid Waste Management 3,565,716 3,411,529 3,447,940 1.1%36,411 Golf Course Operations Charges for Services 10,966,531 10,781,677 11,134,000 3.3%352,323 Interest Income (38,049) 138,300 122,000 -11.8%(16,300) Other Revenue 106,093 84,801 87,000 2.6%2,199 Total Golf Course Operations 11,034,575 11,004,778 11,343,000 3.1%338,222 Total Enterprise Funds 90,109,437$ 94,364,800$ 101,888,555$ 8.0% 7,523,755$ June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 31 of 625 SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ESTIMATES 2023-24 2024-25 Change as %Difference 2022-23 Estimated Estimated of 2023-24 2023-24 to Revenue Source Actuals Revenue Revenue Estimated 2024-25 Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation Interdepartmental Charges 5,173,980$ 5,908,510$ 6,883,620$ 16.5%975,110$ Interest Income (187,710) 557,700 627,800 12.6%70,100 Other Revenue 7,622,896 1,950,000 7,000,000 259.0% 5,050,000 Total Workers' Compensation 12,609,166 8,416,210 14,511,420 72.4% 6,095,210 Risk Management Interdepartmental Charges 3,889,896 7,069,660 7,746,820 9.6%677,160 Interest Income 103,181 124,000 179,790 45.0%55,790 Other Revenue 1,057,017 5,054,000 44,000 -99.1% (5,010,000) Total Risk Management 5,050,094 12,247,660 7,970,610 -34.9% (4,277,050) Vehicle Maintenance Interdepartmental Charges 3,175,057 3,605,863 3,998,114 10.9%392,251 Interest Income (29,190) 19,700 20,640 4.8%940 Other Revenue 1,442,228 21,000 44,000 109.5%23,000 Total Vehicle Maintenance 4,588,095 3,646,563 4,062,754 11.4%416,191 Vehicle Replacement Interdepartmental Charges 3,637,176 3,948,539 5,947,531 50.6% 1,998,992 Interest Income 119,778 510,600 559,930 9.7%49,330 Other Revenue 394,839 195,595 710,000 263.0%514,405 Total Vehicle Replacement 4,151,793 4,654,734 7,217,461 55.1% 2,562,727 Information Technology Interdepartmental Charges 16,406,796 17,123,775 19,149,027 11.8% 2,025,252 Interest Income 26,897 189,700 228,030 20.2%38,330 Other Revenue 1,049,123 3,636 - -100.0%(3,636) Total Information Technology 17,482,816 17,317,111 19,377,057 11.9% 2,059,946 Total Internal Service Funds 43,881,964$ 46,282,278$ 53,139,302$ 14.8% 6,857,024$ Trust Funds Sucssessor Agency Housing Fund Property Tax Increment 949,059 - - 0.0%- Interest Income 116,535 44,618 5,380 -87.9%(39,238) Total Successor Agency Housing Fund 1,065,594 44,618 5,380 -87.9%(39,238) Total Trust Funds 1,065,594$ 44,618$ 5,380$ -87.9%(39,238)$ Total Operating Funds 379,939,545$ 399,955,193$ 415,948,485$ 4.0% 15,993,292$ June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 32 of 625 Attachment A3 SCHEDULE OF BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2023-24 Change as % 2021-22 2022-23 Estimated 2023-24 2024-25 of 2023-24 Department Actuals Actuals Expenditures Budget Budget Budget General Fund Policy And Leadership Group City Council 534,144$ 591,632$ 575,508$ 607,078$ 599,047$ -1.3% City Attorney 2,081,883 1,907,521 2,114,096 2,115,596 2,179,705 3.0% City Clerk 1,296,312 1,273,114 1,286,920 1,274,455 1,273,604 -0.1% City Manager 2,013,122 2,045,614 2,145,973 2,184,823 2,105,683 -3.6% City Treasurer 243,289 147,911 207,750 279,149 279,522 0.1% Communication & Engagement 2,037,551 2,385,710 2,124,244 1,953,098 2,010,091 2.9% Total Policy And Leadership Group 8,206,301 8,351,502 8,454,491 8,414,199 8,447,652 0.4% Administrative Services Administration 706,556 726,297 740,750 784,107 796,196 2% Finance 5,623,094 5,396,772 5,500,000 5,323,368 5,631,964 5.8% Human Resources 4,388,148 4,513,351 4,887,105 5,029,995 5,136,218 2.1% Innovation & Economic Development 1,334,163 2,392,664 2,807,000 2,608,489 891,866 -65.8% Total Administrative Services 12,051,961 13,029,084 13,934,855 13,745,959 12,456,244 -9.4% Community Services Community Services Administration 663,579 646,731 625,000 585,411 592,261 1.2% Community Development 12,064,408 14,220,499 10,019,000 11,012,958 10,998,825 -0.1% Housing & Homeless Services - - 2,126,155 2,765,195 3,232,287 17% Library & Cultural Arts 13,024,082 13,290,637 12,449,605 13,637,285 14,522,844 6.5% Parks & Recreation 19,251,458 20,813,176 21,730,303 21,055,565 22,759,082 8.1% Total Community Services 45,003,527 48,971,043 46,950,063 49,056,414 52,105,299 6.2% Public Safety Fire 33,684,622 35,261,847 41,477,000 37,882,886 41,793,630 10.3% Police 50,824,125 51,115,854 59,588,010 55,615,155 60,193,850 8.2% Total Public Safety 84,508,747 86,377,701 101,065,010 93,498,041 101,987,480 9.1% Public Works Public Works Administration 1,760,326 1,442,021 1,530,409 1,562,272 1,533,038 -1.9% Construction Management & Inspection 2,909,255 3,092,730 2,910,543 3,257,906 3,068,292 -5.8% Environmental Sustainability 1,238,207 1,205,943 1,130,727 1,178,783 1,210,630 2.7% Fleet & Facilities 6,297,998 6,812,114 7,432,121 7,497,115 7,191,930 -4.1% Transportation 8,048,352 10,028,265 10,306,133 9,732,215 10,741,202 10.4% Total Public Works 20,254,138 22,581,073 23,309,933 23,228,291 23,745,092 2.2% Miscellaneous Non-Departmental Expenditures Community Contributions & Village trenching - - - 5,220,000 - -100.0% COVID-related 177,677 40,842 44,000 - - - Dues & Subscriptions 75,069 77,746 80,000 80,000 90,000 12.5% Legal Services 519,683 540,090 300,000 750,000 750,000 0.0% Other Miscellaneous Expenditures 50,787 52,277 60,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% Personnel Related 155,595 122,499 130,000 1,637,000 1,900,000 16.1% Professional Services 33,980 44,148 45,000 39,700 39,000 -1.8% Property Tax & Other Administration 725,588 764,180 750,000 750,000 800,000 6.7% Vacancy savings - - - (2,000,000) (2,000,000) 0.0% Total Miscellaneous Non-Departmental Expenditures 1,738,379 1,641,782 1,409,000 6,576,700 1,679,000 -74.5% June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 33 of 625 SCHEDULE OF BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2023-24 Change as % 2021-22 2022-23 Estimated 2023-24 2024-25 of 2023-24 Department Actuals Actuals Expenditures Budget Budget Budget General Fund - Continued Transfers Transfer to General Capital Construction Fund 13,283,056$ 3,956,000$ 11,600,000$ 11,600,000$ 18,579,226$ 0.0% Transfer to Infrastructure Replacement Fund 283,000 3,956,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,779,226 0.0% Transfer to Technology Investment Capital Fund 10,656,000 3,956,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,779,226 0.0% Transfer To LLD#1 (Medians & Trees)1,390,000 1,400,000 1,570,000 1,570,000 1,500,000 0.0% Transfer To Storm Water Program 322,000 332,000 340,000 340,000 350,000 0.0% Transfer to Fleet Maintenance - 1,400,000 - - - - Transfer to Fleet Replacement - - - - 560,000 - Transfer to Risk Management - 1,000,000 5,000,000 - - -100.0% Transfer to Workers' Compensation Fund - 8,208,252 1,300,000 - 7,000,000 -100.0% Other Miscellaneous Transfers 993,748 - - - - - Total Transfers 26,927,804 24,208,252 28,210,000 21,910,000 37,547,678 71.4% Total Miscellaneous Non-Departmental 28,666,183 25,850,034 29,619,000 28,486,700 39,226,678 37.7% Subtotal General Fund 198,690,857 205,160,437 223,333,352 216,429,604 237,968,445 10.0% Contingencies - - - 500,000 500,000 0.0% Total General Fund 198,690,857$ 205,160,437$ 223,333,352$ 216,929,604$ 238,468,445$ 9.9% Special Revenue Funds Affordable Housing 237,513$ 542,229$ 364,206$ 668,530$ 631,917$ -5.5% Agricultural Mitigation Fee - 38,220 195,118 - - - Buena Vista Channel Maintenance 75,104 127,686 251,358 195,245 195,245 0.0% Citizens' Option For Public Safety 181,912 203,884 280,000 295,298 295,830 0.2% Community Activity Grants - - 5,000 30,000 30,000 0.0% Community Development Block Grant 1,429,464 2,298,679 970,000 702,305 548,215 -21.9% Continuum of Care - - 232,972 - - - Cultural Arts Donations 37,840 42,228 179,350 148,750 127,000 -14.6% Encampment Resolution Fund - - 1,094,000 - - - Flower Fields Grant Program - - - - - - Habitat Mitigation Fee 14,535 22,365 - - - - Library And Arts Endowment Fund 480 2,947 6,000 6,000 6,000 0.0% Library Gifts/Bequests 137,515 256,481 410,600 462,785 455,903 -1.5% Lighting And Landscaping District 2 258,171 298,032 354,136 367,500 367,500 0.0% Local Cable Infrastructure Fund 403,843 402,240 568,020 538,956 506,862 -6.0% Median Maintenance 1,067,645 1,333,680 1,427,715 1,396,580 1,409,906 1.0% Opioid Settlement Fund - - 15,000 21,466 103,059 380.1% Parking In Lieu 49,674 53,000 - 56,000 57,120 2.0% Permanent Local Housing Allocation - - 310,319 1,119,126 - -100.0% Police Asset Forfeiture 12,228 51,086 72,783 75,000 95,000 26.7% Public Safety Grants 78,602 270,205 456,680 - 169,950 - Recreation Donations 38,755 59,193 52,570 81,200 81,200 0.0% Rental Assistance 10,081,418 10,854,742 12,205,365 11,339,700 13,319,728 17.5% Senior Donations 37,796 39,128 23,238 33,500 33,500 0.0% Street Lighting 927,419 977,401 1,202,937 1,100,077 1,176,445 6.9% Street Tree Maintenance 816,583 985,124 924,191 1,004,763 1,024,573 2.0% Tyler Court Apartments 915,040 893,040 730,800 604,523 652,310 7.9% Total Special Revenue Funds 16,801,537$ 19,751,590$ 22,332,358$ 20,247,304$ 21,287,263$ 5.1% June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 34 of 625 SCHEDULE OF BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2023-24 Change as % 2021-22 2022-23 Estimated 2023-24 2024-25 of 2023-24 Department Actuals Actuals Expenditures Budget Budget Budget Enterprise Funds Water Operations 44,316,249$ 47,094,688$ 55,109,813$ 54,759,803$ 58,158,391$ 6.2% Recycled Water Operations 9,782,992 10,188,608 10,938,070 11,849,122 10,814,449 -8.7% Wastewater Operations 12,909,801 15,832,059 24,180,157 23,068,138 33,253,062 44.2% Solid Waste Management 4,744,618 5,629,980 5,367,260 5,950,634 5,544,246 -6.8% Golf Course Operations 8,345,328 9,162,350 9,304,598 10,121,000 10,762,000 6.3% Total Enterprise Funds 80,098,988$ 87,907,685$ 104,899,898$ 105,748,697$ 118,532,148$ 12.1% Internal Service Funds Workers' Compensation 6,980,247$ 13,491,907$ 5,161,119$ 5,157,892$ 5,988,115$ 16.1% Risk Management 4,519,731 8,711,568 6,726,887 6,718,232 7,397,470 10.1% Vehicle Maintenance 3,521,566 3,924,184 3,805,991 3,696,339 4,012,861 8.6% Vehicle Replacement 3,756,451 1,645,175 3,045,488 1,068,564 4,598,574 330.4% Information Technology 12,407,644 16,157,475 17,357,258 16,637,475 18,705,537 12.4% Total Internal Service Funds 31,185,639$ 43,930,309$ 36,096,743$ 33,278,502$ 40,702,557$ 22.3% Trust Funds Successor Agency Housing Fund 1,020,799$ 1,021,473$ 1,008,833$ 1,059,500$ 10,000$ -99.1% Total Trust Funds 1,020,799$ 1,021,473$ 1,008,833$ 1,059,500$ 10,000$ -99.1% Total Operating Funds 327,797,820$ 357,771,494$ 387,671,184$ 377,263,607$ 419,000,413$ 11.1% June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 35 of 625 Attachment B PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 July 1, 2023 Projected June 30, 2024 Unreserved Projected Projected Debt Service Projected Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures Loans & Other Balance BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 1,426,548$ 45,759$ -$ - 1,472,307$ BTD#3 - Cannon Road West 535,136 12,730 -$ - 547,866 CFD #1 - Citywide 99,836,822 7,442,487 2,018,187 110,000$ 105,151,122 Gas Tax 14,732,298 3,508,516 4,645,141 - 13,595,673 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)4,165,566 2,824,483 5,980,734 - 1,009,315 General Capital Const.38,509,731 12,628,670 6,112,453 - 45,025,948 Grants - Federal 3,224 8,000,000 1,165 - 8,002,059 Grants - State 21,982 7,249,989 2,249,989 - 5,021,982 Infrastructure Replacement 117,165,781 6,984,046 13,253,615 - 110,896,212 Other 2,048,272 58,863 959,647 - 1,147,488 Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 4,977,874 219,790 - - 5,197,664 Park-In-Lieu NE 4,816,469 112,544 654,304 - 4,274,709 Park-In-Lieu NW 2,620,200 1,698,075 1,101,363 - 3,216,912 Park-In-Lieu SE 1,787,398 323,044 46,255 - 2,064,187 Park-In-Lieu SW 1,149,918 1,254,180 - - 2,404,098 Planned Local Drainage Area A 1,086,314 31,114 30,632 - 1,086,796 Planned Local Drainage Area B 1,476,161 259,423 32,567 - 1,703,017 Planned Local Drainage Area C 1,687,795 63,117 29,807 - 1,721,105 Planned Local Drainage Area D 750,075 138,947 37,667 - 851,354 Public Facilities Fee 29,587,747 3,657,017 319,106 - 32,925,658 Sewer Connection 6,187,536 684,035 131,181 - 6,740,389 Sewer Replacement 18,203,374 10,512,237 8,869,773 - 19,845,838 Traffic Impact Fee 20,688,628 2,258,481 4,507,832 - 18,439,277 Transnet/Local 35,714,877 5,869,160 6,871,503 - 34,712,534 Water - Potable 37,499,302 1,504,953 10,790 - 38,993,465 Water - Recycled (9,485,067) 2,592,817 6,929,348 - (13,821,598) Water Replacement - Potable 64,227,039 6,586,067 14,989,111 - 55,823,995 Water Replacement - Recycled 18,694,351 434,932 1,010,114 - 18,119,169 Total 520,115,352$ 86,955,476$ 80,792,287$ 110,000$ 526,168,541$ June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 36 of 625 PROJECTED FUND BALANCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 July 1, 2024 June 30, 2024 July 01, 2024 2024-25 June 30, 2025 Projected Estimated Continuing New Total Projected Fund Balance Revenues Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Balance BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 1,472,307$ - 383,035$ - 383,035$ 1,089,272$ BTD#3 - Cannon Road West 547,866 - - - - 547,866 CFD #1 - Citywide 105,151,122 2,125,151$ 68,731,658 (25,490,000)$ 43,241,658 64,034,614 Gas Tax 13,595,673 3,186,643 13,416,722 (2,157,352) 11,259,370 5,522,945 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)1,009,315 2,935,648 906,683 3,030,000 3,936,683 8,280 General Capital Const.45,025,948 18,579,226 31,121,093 (1,668,431) 29,452,662 34,152,512 Grants - Federal 8,002,059 1,911,801 9,060,636 850,000 9,910,636 3,224 Grants - State 5,021,982 534,510 5,000,000 534,510 5,534,510 21,982 Infrastructure Replacement 110,896,212 4,979,226 32,908,525 14,117,345 47,025,870 68,849,568 Other 1,147,488 - 323,489 (323,489) 0 1,147,488 Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 5,197,664 2,000 - - - 5,199,664 Park-In-Lieu NE 4,274,709 - 349,317 425,000 774,317 3,500,392 Park-In-Lieu NW 3,216,912 1,642,816 3,253,072 1,403,000 4,656,072 203,656 Park-In-Lieu SE 2,064,187 313,432 547,121 - 547,121 1,830,498 Park-In-Lieu SW 2,404,098 929,488 219,562 - 219,562 3,114,024 Planned Local Drainage Area A 1,086,796 - 40,614 - 40,614 1,046,182 Planned Local Drainage Area B 1,703,017 158,391 18,706 - 18,706 1,842,702 Planned Local Drainage Area C 1,721,105 68,655 102,376 - 102,376 1,687,384 Planned Local Drainage Area D 851,354 20,442 18,397 - 18,397 853,399 Public Facilities Fee 32,925,658 1,959,790 4,611,030 - 4,611,030 30,274,418 Sewer Connection 6,740,389 634,863 5,497,842 2,016,000 7,513,842 (138,590) Sewer Replacement 19,845,838 20,571,241 26,954,935 16,498,515 43,453,450 (3,036,370) Traffic Impact Fee 18,439,277 2,885,562 18,371,699 (1,374,187) 16,997,512 4,327,327 Transnet/Local 34,712,534 5,849,095 27,459,537 6,635,126 34,094,663 6,466,966 Water - Potable 38,993,465 1,826,697 12,081,605 (8,208,000) 3,873,605 36,946,558 Water - Recycled (13,821,598) 15,387,825 1,157,044 350,000 1,507,044 59,182 Water Replacement - Potable 55,823,995 6,659,237 38,948,577 6,175,667 45,124,244 17,358,987 Water Replacement - Recycled 18,119,169 - 4,755,558 2,791,013 7,546,571 10,572,599 Total 526,168,541$ 93,161,738$ 306,238,833$ 15,604,717$ 321,843,550$ 297,486,729$ June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 37 of 625 REVENUE PROJECTIONS SCHEDULE 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Projected Estimated Fund Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 22,020$ (497,154)$ 2,800,034$ 45,759$ - BTD#3 - Cannon Road West 949 (21,419) 5,526 12,730 - CFD #1 - Citywide 2,286,479 (2,303,139) 2,869,873 7,442,487 2,125,151$ Gas Tax 2,733,074 2,195,851 3,047,442 3,508,516 3,186,643 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)2,149,734 2,080,454 2,744,950 2,824,483 2,935,648 General Capital Const.4,654,470 13,296,442 4,268,091 12,628,670 18,579,226 Grants - Federal 256,529 34,140 39,772 8,000,000 1,911,801 Grants - State - - 21,982 7,249,989 534,510 Infrastructure Replacement 4,704,670 (4,498,884) 5,386,482 6,984,046 4,979,226 Other 4,643 (98,987) 36,564 58,863 - Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 78,182 (195,275) 144,419 219,790 2,000 Park-In-Lieu NE 451,497 (92,752) 50,477 112,544 - Park-In-Lieu NW 429,037 267,635 150,878 1,698,075 1,642,816 Park-In-Lieu SE 3,205 (55,340) 19,848 323,044 313,432 Park-In-Lieu SW 319,862 13,108 319,222 1,254,180 929,488 Planned Local Drainage Area A 27,489 (20,032) 100,215 31,114 - Planned Local Drainage Area B 635,853 54,137 188,568 259,423 158,391 Planned Local Drainage Area C 2,779 (36,025) 89,879 63,117 68,655 Planned Local Drainage Area D 2,877 (12,992) 82,860 138,947 20,442 Public Facilities Fee 1,751,477 (556,423) 1,581,967 3,657,017 1,959,790 Sewer Connection 332,049 (159,776) 1,861,377 684,035 634,863 Sewer Replacement 4,390,568 3,959,756 5,394,289 10,512,237 20,571,241 Traffic Impact Fee 1,084,181 (399,069) 1,907,630 2,258,481 2,885,562 Transnet/Local 3,347,237 2,215,348 1,556,262 5,869,160 5,849,095 Water - Potable 713,234 (1,309,185) 793,135 1,504,953 1,826,697 Water - Recycled 59,190 - 1,590,853 2,592,817 15,387,825 Water Replacement - Potable 6,378,189 1,734,930 5,334,988 6,586,067 6,659,237 Water Replacement - Recycled 1,083,332 726,017 1,107,565 434,932 - Total 58,741,652$ 37,901,545$ 43,495,147$ 86,955,476$ 93,161,738$ June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 38 of 625 BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2024-25 2024-25 Actual Actual Estimated Continuing New Total FUND Expense Expense Expense Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations BTD#2 - Poinsettia Lane/Aviara Pkwy 13,059,041.00 57,041$ -$ 383,035$ - 383,035$ BTD#3 - Cannon Road West - - - - - - CFD #1 - Citywide 583,318$ 962,730 2,128,187 68,731,658 (25,490,000)$ 43,241,658 Gas Tax 2,595,882 1,984,349 4,645,141 13,416,722 (2,157,352) 11,259,370 Gas Tax (Road Maint. & Rehab Acct.)307,543 5,045,379 5,980,734 906,683 3,030,000 3,936,683 General Capital Const.12,606,427 10,306,345 6,112,453 31,121,093 (1,668,431) 29,452,662 Grants - Federal 26,669 49,535 1,165 9,060,636 850,000 9,910,636 Grants - State - 117,611 2,249,989 5,000,000 534,510 5,534,510 Infrastructure Replacement 6,701,080 7,293,771 13,253,615 32,908,525 14,117,345 47,025,870 Other 2,587 1,015,672 959,647 323,489 (323,489) 0 Park Fee Zones 5,13,16, 17, 18 - - - - - - Park-In-Lieu NE - 34,379 654,304 349,317 425,000 774,317 Park-In-Lieu NW - 130,121 1,101,363 3,253,072 1,403,000 4,656,072 Park-In-Lieu SE 1,196 25,429 46,255 547,121 - 547,121 Park-In-Lieu SW - - - 219,562 - 219,562 Planned Local Drainage Area A 1,149 26,547 30,632 40,614 - 40,614 Planned Local Drainage Area B 77,250 252,941 32,567 18,706 - 18,706 Planned Local Drainage Area C 2,913 5,979 29,807 102,376 - 102,376 Planned Local Drainage Area D 12,358 7,130 37,667 18,397 - 18,397 Public Facilities Fee 2,635,240 1,304,479 319,106 4,611,030 - 4,611,030 Sewer Connection 611,405 3,031,587 131,181 5,497,842 2,016,000 7,513,842 Sewer Replacement 6,944,820 6,529,066 8,869,773 26,954,935 16,498,515 43,453,450 Traffic Impact Fee 2,806,082 1,903,324 4,507,832 18,371,699 (1,374,187) 16,997,512 Transnet/Local 1,922,954 3,256,939 6,871,503 27,459,537 6,635,126 34,094,663 Water - Potable 432,625 134,627 10,790 12,081,605 (8,208,000) 3,873,605 Water - Recycled 127,177 224,112 6,929,348 1,157,044 350,000 1,507,044 Water Replacement - Potable 1,467,222 2,223,068 14,989,111 38,948,577 6,175,667 45,124,244 Water Replacement - Recycled 2,531,036 400,567 1,010,114 4,755,558 2,791,013 7,546,571 Total 55,455,974$ 46,322,727$ 80,902,287$ 306,238,833$ 15,604,717$ 321,843,550$ June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 39 of 625 Attachment B2 STRATEGIC PLAN PROJECTS 🔎🔎 Scoping ☐ Preliminary Design ☑ Final Design ♦ Construction (forecasted amounts; not appropriated in the budget process) New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6065 1 ADA Beach Access - Pine to Tamarack $375,000 ☑ $375,000 - ♦ $10,000,000 - - $10,750,000 6004 2,3 Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements $6,953,903 ♦ $3,000,000 - - - - $9,953,903 4013 1 Barrio Street Lighting $4,470,000 - ♦ $1,030,000 - - - $5,500,000 3896 1 Beach Access Repair and Upgrades - Pine Avenue to Tamarack $13,511,750 ♦ $2,500,000 - - - - $16,011,750 201904 2 Business Park Recreational Facility (Partial Funding) (Zone 5 Park) - - 🔎🔎 $1,500,000 - - - $1,500,000 6325 4 Camino De Los Coches and La Costa Avenue Intersection Control $350,000 - ♦ $2,000,000 - - - $2,350,000 6058 1 Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvement $2,825,000 - - ☑ $300,000 ♦ $15,600,000 - $18,725,000 6097 1 Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvement Project $1,647,488 - - - - - $1,647,488 201908 2 Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment - Manzano Drive to Island Way - 🔎🔎 $1,000,000 ☐ $1,000,000 - - - $2,000,000 201909 2 Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment - Manzano Drive to Island Way (RTCIP) - - - - - - $0 6069 1 Chestnut Complete Street I-5 to Railroad Project Study $85,000 ($85,000) - - - 🔎🔎 $250,000 $250,000 4008 Citywide City Hall Complex & Cole Library Replacement $1,028,105 - - - - ☐ $15,500,000 $16,528,105 6072 2 El Camino Real Widening - Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble $4,595,000 - - - - - $4,595,000 6051 4 El Camino Real Widening - Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue $8,700,000 - ♦ $2,000,000 - - - $10,700,000 6094 2 El Camino Real Widening - Sunny Creek to Jackspar $5,010,000 ♦ $600,000 - - - - $5,610,000 4093 2 Fire Station 7 $100,000 - - - - - $100,000 4714 2 Fleet Maintenance Refurbishment $3,470,100 ♦ $4,700,000 - - - - $8,170,100 4061 1 Grand Avenue Promenade $300,000 - - - - - $300,000 6075 1 Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Street Improvements $5,803,000 - ♦ $2,500,000 - - - $8,303,000 6076 4 La Costa Avenue Traffic Improvements $121,300 ($108,842) - - - - $12,458 4722 2 Maerkle Reservoir Solar Project $249,170 ☐ $232,000 - - - - $481,170 6034 2 Melrose Drive Right Turn Lane to West Bound Palomar Airport Road $911,000 ($728,286) ☑ $50,000 ♦ $100,000 - - $332,714 4724 1 Monroe Street Pool Replacement $4,810,764 - - - - - $4,810,764 3572 2 Orion Center $36,258,159 ☑ ($26,220,305) ♦ $46,150,000 - - - $56,187,854 6611 1 Park Drive Street and Drainage Improvement $5,082,439 - - - - - $5,082,439 4612 2,4 Pickleball Courts $300,000 ♦ $2,100,000 - - - - $2,400,000 4715 2 Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation $27,714,840 - - - - - $27,714,840 3801 2 Robertson Ranch Park Development (Partial Funding) $1,038,000 ☐ $425,000 - - - - $1,463,000 4753 3 Schulman Auditorium and Cannon Art Gallery $1,650,000 - - - - - $1,650,000 6031 2,3,4 South Carlsbad Coastline $2,779,026 ($1,074,321) - - - - $1,704,705 4611 4 Stagecoach Community Park Community Gardens $620,000 - - - - - $620,000 6082 1 State Street and Grand Avenue Road Improvements - - - - - ♦ $325,000 $325,000 4090 1 State Street Parking Lot Electric Vehicle Charging Stations $340,000 ♦ $150,000 - - - - $490,000 6104 Citywide Sustainable Mobility Plan Implementation Program $710,566 - - - - - $710,566 6054 2 Terramar Area Coastal Improvements $12,100,000 - ♦ $7,200,000 - - - $19,300,000 6070 Citywide Traffic Improvement Program $3,388,000 ☑ $400,000 ☑ $400,000 ☑ $400,000 ☑ $400,000 ☑ $400,000 $5,388,000 6332 4 Traffic Signal - Maverick Way and Camino De Los Coches $490,000 ♦ $450,000 - - - - $940,000 6626 Citywide Trash Amendment Compliance Program $3,150,000 ♦ $1,350,000 ☑ $500,000 ♦ $2,585,000 ☑ $655,000 ♦ $3,077,000 $11,317,000 6103 1 Tyler Street Traffic Circulation $970,000 - - - - - $970,000 6083 Citywide Utility Undergrounding Program Study - - - - - - $0 June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 40 of 625 ff Transportation .;ak Parks 6;,,. Drainage lDl Civic Buildings & Facilities • Water & Recycled Water f Sewer J!ll J!ll J!ll • J!ll J!ll L :Ji J!ll :Ji J!ll :Ji J!ll FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STRATEGIC PLAN PROJECTS (CONTINUED) 🔎🔎 Scoping ☐ Preliminary Design ☑ Final Design ♦ Construction (forecasted amounts; not appropriated in the budget process) New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6019 1 Valley and Magnolia Complete Streets $5,058,206 ♦ $3,650,000 - - - - $8,708,206 201974 1 Valley Street Traffic Calming - - - - - ☑ $300,000 $300,000 4609 Citywide Veteran's Memorial Park (All Quadrants) $49,711,450 ♦ $5,800,000 - - - - $55,511,450 4015 1 Village and Barrio Traffic Circles $10,259,000 ♦ $1,825,000 ($4,000,000) - - - - $8,084,000 6089 1 Village Intelligent Parking Implementation - - - - - - $0 6105 1 Village Lighting - Carlsbad Village Drive from Harding Street to Ocean $600,000 ($599,855) - - - - $145 6108 1 Village Lighting - Gateway Lighting - - - - - - $0 2410 1 Village Lighting - Hospitality District - - - - - - $0 6109 1 Village Lighting - Pedestrian Lampposts Oak Avenue - - - - - - $0 6110 1 Village Lighting - Pedestrian Lighting at Village Outskirts - - - - - - $0 4016 1 Village Lighting - State Street, Madison, Roosevelt, and Washington $1,103,853 ♦ $995,000 - - - - $2,098,853 6106 1 Village Lighting - Train Station Area $500,000 ($500,000) - - - - $0 Total $229,140,119 ($3,764,609) $64,330,000 $13,385,000 $16,655,000 $19,852,000 June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 41 of 625 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CRITICAL NEED PROJECTS 🔎🔎 Scoping ☐ Preliminary Design ☑ Final Design ♦ Construction (forecasted amounts; not appropriated in the budget process) New projects in italics Project District ID Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6084 3 Assessment District 97-1 Maintenance $420,000 - - - - - $420,000 4726 2 Cannon Park Restroom $45,765 - - - - - $45,765 6112 1 Carlsbad Village Drive Reconfiguration $350,000 - ♦ $1,500,000 - - - $1,850,000 201913 Citywide Carlsbad Village Drive Widening - Pontiac Drive to Victoria Avenue - - - - - ☑ $700,000 $700,000 201916 1 Chestnut Avenue Complete Street Improvements - Valley to Pio Pico - - - - - ☐ $250,000 $250,000 6098 1 Chestnut Underpass Public Art Project $400,000 - - - - - $400,000 6074 Citywide City Facility Safety and Parking Lot Lighting Assessment $2,110,000 - - - - - $2,110,000 3636 2 College Boulevard Extension $2,918,002 ($539,108) - - - ☐ $100,000 $2,478,894 201944 3 El Camino Real Right Turn Lane to East Bound Alga Road - - - - - - $0 6634 Citywide Intelligent Traffic Control Devices $200,000 - - - - - $200,000 6628 1 Laguna Drive Storm Drain $256,000 - ☑ $1,000,000 - - - $1,256,000 2307 3 Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Phase 3B - - ☐ $540,000 ☑ $540,000 ♦ $1,484,000 - $2,564,000 6078 1 Ocean Street Reconfiguration Concepts Study - - - - - - $0 2310 2 Orion Complex Energy Storage - - - 🔎🔎 $250,000 - - $250,000 2504 3 Paseo Del Norte Pedestrian and Bike Improvements - ☑ $600,000 - - - - $600,000 6081 Citywide Roadway Slope Stabilization $780,000 🔎🔎 $500,000 - - - - $1,280,000 2524 Citywide Schools Traffic Safety Program - ☑ $1,100,000 - - - - $1,100,000 4085 2 South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail $789,940 - - - - - $789,940 6040 Citywide Traffic Impact Fee Update $270,000 - - - - - $270,000 6637 Citywide Traffic Signal Cabinet Upgrades $180,000 ♦ $162,000 - - - - $342,000 6636 2,3,4 Traffic Signal Right Turn Overlaps $150,000 ♦ $135,000 - - - - $285,000 4610 2 Village H South Off Leash Dog Area and Trail Segment 5B $682,500 - - - - ♦ $1,400,000 $2,082,500 Total $9,552,207 $1,957,892 $3,040,000 $790,000 $1,484,000 $2,450,000 June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 42 of 625 lDl lDl ~ FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MAINTENANCE PROJECTS New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total Annual Allocation 4733 2 Alga Norte Park Modifications $1,024,000 $400,000 - - - - $1,424,000 4746 2 Calavera Hills Community Center Refurbishment $1,985,000 - - - - - $1,985,000 6063 3 Carlsbad Boulevard Emergency Repair $841,000 - - - - - $841,000 201912 1 Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue Pedestrian and Crossing - - - - - $1,320,000 $1,320,000 4727 Citywide City Facility Accessibility Upgrades $500,000 - - - - - $500,000 6616 Citywide City Fire Stations Wash Water BMPs $280,000 - - - - - $280,000 6326 Citywide Coordinated Traffic Signal Program $4,383,979 - - - - - $4,383,979 6622 1 DMP Facility BFB-U (El Camino Real) $850,000 $150,000 $7,375,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $8,555,000 2501 1 Downtown Tile Replacement - $250,000 - - - - $250,000 6099 2 Faraday Avenue Improvements $275,000 $1,000,000 - - - - $1,275,000 4720 2 Faraday Center Refurbishment $3,154,380 - - - - - $3,154,380 2508 2 Fire Station 5 Renovation - $150,000 $2,000,000 - - - $2,150,000 4747 2 Fleet Fuel Island Upgrade $4,063,800 $400,000 $400,000 $100,000 - - $4,963,800 2502 2 Flower Fields Overlook Sidewalk Replacement - $250,000 - - - - $250,000 2509 Citywide Green Paint Maintenance - $250,000 $150,000 $250,000 $150,000 $250,000 $1,050,000 6087 Citywide Guardrail Replacement and Improvement Study $150,000 - - - - - $150,000 4708 1 Harding Center Refurbishment $610,000 $200,000 - - - - $810,000 4728 1 Hosp Grove Park Improvements $2,904,000 $1,403,000 - - - - $4,307,000 6606 1 Kelly Drive Channel Repair $1,541,000 $2,100,000 - - - - $3,641,000 2517 4 La Costa Avenue Box Culvert Cleaning - $275,000 - - - - $275,000 4752 2 Las Palmas Roof Replacement $500,000 - - - - - $500,000 2507 1 Magee Park Building Restoration - $200,000 - - - - $200,000 6614 4 Marca Place Drainage Improvements $65,000 - - - - - $65,000 2519 Citywide Parks Maintenance Program - $2,147,000 $4,085,000 $1,942,000 $2,073,000 $1,779,000 $12,026,000 2505 2 Police and Fire HQ Parking Lot and Exterior Improvements - $120,000 - - - - $120,000 6088 4 Rancho Santa Fe Trail Slope Improvements $350,000 - - - - - $350,000 6079 Citywide Roadway Improvements - Coastal Area Analysis and Implementation $200,000 - - - - - $200,000 4738 1 Senior Center Repairs and Roof Replacement $3,158,000 - - - - - $3,158,000 4754 1 Senior Center Security Fencing $78,000 $222,000 - - - - $300,000 4742 4 Stagecoach Park Synthetic Turf Replacement $2,200,000 $496,000 - - - - $2,696,000 2521 2 Synthetic Turf Replacement - Alga Norte - - $2,298,000 - - - $2,298,000 2522 2 Synthetic Turf Replacement - Aviara - - $1,960,000 - - - $1,960,000 2523 1 Synthetic Turf Replacement - Pine - - - $1,955,000 - - $1,955,000 2520 3 Synthetic Turf Replacement - Poinsettia - $1,800,000 - - - - $1,800,000 6003 Citywide Traffic Monitoring Program $1,945,415 $170,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $3,715,415 6107 2 Trieste Slope Repair Project $3,317,600 - - - - - $3,317,600 Non-Recurring 6049 Citywide ADA Improvement Program $3,330,000 $715,000 $375,000 $715,000 $175,000 $820,000 $6,130,000 6629 2 Agua Hedionda Creek Maintenance $293,000 $130,000 $145,000 $155,000 $168,000 $181,000 $1,072,000 June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 43 of 625 .1!ll .1!ll .1!ll L .1!ll .1!ll .1!ll .1!ll .1!ll L :i:i .1!ll FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MAINTENANCE PROJECTS (CONTINUED) New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6066 Citywide Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program $2,977,511 $700,000 $900,000 $900,000 $950,000 $950,000 $7,377,511 6619 1 Buena Vista Creek Concrete Channel Maintenance at El Camino Real $2,643,000 $375,000 $100,000 $600,000 $40,000 $150,000 $3,908,000 6608 1 Citywide Drainage Improvement Program $11,972,094 $2,200,000 $500,000 $750,000 $400,000 $830,000 $16,652,094 6092 Citywide Citywide Street Lighting Program $150,000 - - - - - $150,000 6093 Citywide Citywide Thermoplastic Pavement Markings $50,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $800,000 6013 Citywide Concrete Repair/Replacement Program $5,100,000 $840,000 $870,000 $910,000 $960,000 $1,010,000 $9,690,000 6624 1 Headwall Replacement Program $510,000 $300,000 $345,000 $415,000 $485,000 $555,000 $2,610,000 5049 2 Lake Calavera Reservoir Maintenance $581,001 $150,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $931,001 4723 Citywide Miscellaneous City Building Improvements $2,015,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $2,765,000 6052 Citywide Parking Lot Maintenance Program $1,720,000 $550,000 $160,000 $700,000 $175,000 $850,000 $4,155,000 6001 Citywide Pavement Management Program $58,349,890 $10,000,000 $7,350,000 $7,850,000 $8,450,000 $9,050,000 $101,049,890 6037 Citywide Retroreflectivity Sign Replacement Program $1,000,000 $150,000 $70,000 $120,000 $120,000 $120,000 $1,580,000 6002 Citywide Sidewalk/Street Construction Program $3,300,000 $988,000 $633,000 $108,000 $750,000 $200,000 $5,979,000 6620 Citywide Storm Drain Condition Assessment $870,000 $270,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $455,000 $2,645,000 6607 Citywide Storm Drain System Rehab and Repair Program $7,362,360 $1,350,000 $310,000 $330,000 $350,000 $400,000 $10,102,360 6062 Citywide Street Lighting Replacement Program $3,644,269 - - - - - $3,644,269 Total $140,244,299 $31,001,000 $31,076,000 $18,950,000 $16,456,000 $19,740,000 June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 44 of 625 FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ENTERPRISE PROJECTS New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6629 2 Agua Hedionda Creek Maintenance $3,545,249 - - - - - $3,545,249 5545 2 Agua Hedionda Lift Station Biological Monitoring and Maintenance $225,000 - - - - - $225,000 5537 3 Buena Interceptor Sewer Access Road Improvements $500,000 ($400,000) $400,000 - - - $500,000 5501 2,3 Buena Interceptor Sewer Improvements $1,758,686 - $3,300,000 $3,300,000 - - $8,358,686 5544 2 Buena Interceptor Sewer Realignment - East Segment $507,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 - - $4,307,000 5215 2 C Tank Access Road and Electrical Improvements $300,000 - - - - - $300,000 5552 2 Cannon Road Lift Station Improvements $765,000 $350,000 - - - - $1,115,000 5048 2 Carlsbad Boulevard Waterline Replacement at Terramar $4,730,000 - - - - - $4,730,000 5203 3 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (Encina Capital Projects) $5,424,654 $516,000 $431,000 $188,000 $253,000 $274,000 $7,086,654 2516 3 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility - Improvements $350,000 - - - - $350,000 5213 3 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Irrigation and Landscape $35,000 - - - - - $35,000 4749 3 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Roof Replacement $549,024 - - - - - $549,024 5007 Citywide Cathodic Protection Program $2,086,700 $290,000 $190,000 $190,000 $190,000 - $2,946,700 5554 1 Chinquapin Lift Station Improvements $1,220,000 $300,000 - - - - $1,520,000 2518 2 CMWD Building and Site - Improvements $600,000 $200,000 - - - $800,000 5013 2 College Boulevard - Cannon Road To Badger Lane (375 Zone) $278,383 - $1,400,000 - - - $1,678,383 5012 2 College Boulevard - Cannon Road To Badger Lane (490 Zone) $312,600 - $1,400,000 - - - $1,712,600 5033 1 Crestview Drive Transmission Main $605,000 ($434,000) $551,000 - - - $722,000 5038 2 Desalinated Water Flow Control Facility No. 5 $11,569,600 ($10,000,000) - - - - $1,569,600 201923 1 DMP Facility AAA (Jefferson Street) - - - - - - $0 201924 1 DMP Facility AAAA (Madison Street) - - - - - - $0 6609 1 DMP Facility AC (Highland Drive Drainage Project) - - - - - - $0 201925 2 DMP Facility AFA (Hidden Valley Drainage Restoration and - - - - - - $0 201926 2 DMP Facility AFB (Calavera Hills Drainage Restoration and - - - - - - $0 201927 1 DMP Facility BB 1 and 2 (Washington Street) - - - - - - $0 201928 1 DMP Facility BCB (Magnolia Avenue) - - - - - - $0 201929 1 DMP Facility BFB-L and BFB-1 (Tamarack and El Camino Real Plda - - - - - - $0 6622 1 DMP Facility BFB-U (El Camino Real) $153,489 - - - - - $153,489 201930 2 DMP Facility BL-L (College Boulevard Bridge Reimbursement Plda "B") - - - - - - $0 201931 2 DMP Facility BL-U (College Boulevard) - - - - - - $0 201932 2 DMP Facility BM (Cantarini/College Boulevard Box Culvert) - - - - - - $0 201933 2 DMP Facility BQ (Sunny Creek) - - - - - - $0 201934 2 DMP Facility BR (Cantarini/College Boulevard Pipe Drainage) - - - - - - $0 201935 3 DMP Facility C2 (Paseo Del Norte) - - - - - - $0 201936 3 DMP Facility CA (Avenida Encinas) - - - - - - $0 201937 4 DMP Facility DBA (Poinsettia Village) - - - - - - $0 201938 4 DMP Facility DBB (Avenida Encinas) - - - - - - $0 201939 4 DMP Facility DFA (Batiquitos Lagoon Stormwater Treatment) - - - - - - $0 201940 3 DMP Facility DH (Altive Place Canyon Restoration) - - - - - - $0 6623 Citywide Drainage Master Plan Update $1,281,000 - - - - - $1,281,000 June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 45 of 625 • ll1 T • • • • l!!l • ll1 T FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ENTERPRISE PROJECTS (CONTINUED) New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 5553 2 El Fuerte Lift Station Pump Addition $380,000 $45,000 - - - - $425,000 5801 Citywide Encina Capital Projects (EWPCF) $61,469,100 $8,601,300 $9,234,100 $8,917,300 $8,243,900 $8,471,600 $104,937,300 5539 2 Faraday and El Camino Real Sewer Replacement - Orion to Palomar $2,840,000 $340,000 - - - - $3,180,000 5059 2 Hydroelectric Generation at Water Facilities $461,000 $39,000 - - - - $500,000 5540 2 Las Palmas Trunk Sewer $301,000 - $290,000 $1,480,000 $1,480,000 - $3,551,000 5035 1,3 Limited Access Pipeline Relocation Program $2,701,000 $2,550,000 $600,000 - - - $5,851,000 5009 2 Maerkle Facility Improvements $3,591,200 $200,000 - - - - $3,791,200 5001 2 Maerkle Reservoir Transmission Main $195,000 - $540,000 - $4,245,000 - $4,980,000 5050 3 Normally Closed Valve (Install Motorized Valve) $1,966,000 - - - - - $1,966,000 5547 4 North Batiquitos Access Road Improvement $389,800 ($63,800) - - - - $326,000 5536 4 North Batiquitos Lift Station Forcemain Rehabilitation $75,000 - - - - - $75,000 5520 Citywide Odor and Corrosion Prevention Program $320,000 $38,000 - - - - $358,000 5055 2 Palomar Airport Waterline Realignment $2,333,000 - - - - - $2,333,000 5556 2 Poinsettia Lift Station Rehabilitation $650,000 $78,000 - - - - $728,000 5020 Citywide Pressure Reducing Station Program $6,431,040 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 $600,000 $9,431,040 5061 2 Rancho Carlsbad Groundwater Supply $400,000 ($400,000) - - - - $0 5211 Citywide Recycled Water Condition Assessment Program $800,000 - $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $1,000,000 5210 3 Recycled Water Phase 3 - Reservoir $7,033,000 - - - - - $7,033,000 5216 2 Recycled Water Pipeline Replacement $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 $2,100,000 5212 Citywide Recycled Water Valve and Appurtenance Replacement Program $380,000 - $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $880,000 5024 Citywide Reservoir Condition Assessment and Repair Program $8,090,000 - - - - - $8,090,000 5044 Citywide San Luis Rey Mission Basin Groundwater Supply $20,000 ($20,000) - - - - $0 5057 Santa Fe II Inlet Pipeline $529,650 - - - - $350,000 $879,650 5046 3 Santa Fe II Reservoir Site Electrical Improvements $293,581 $40,000 - - - - $333,581 5542 Citywide SCADA Improvements $16,226,898 $1,010,000 - - - - $17,236,898 5513 Citywide Sewer Condition Assessment $1,658,000 - $50,000 - $100,000 - $1,808,000 3840 2 Sewer Lift Station Repairs and Upgrades $4,535,380 $165,000 $165,000 $165,000 $165,000 $165,000 $5,360,380 5548 3 Sewer Line Capacity Improvements $1,400,000 $620,000 $944,000 - - - $2,964,000 5546 Citywide Sewer Modeling $200,000 - - - - - $200,000 5504 Citywide Sewer Monitoring Program (Capacity) $642,000 $44,000 - - - - $686,000 5503 1,2,3 Sewer System Rehabilitation and Replacement $10,626,480 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $20,626,480 5008 2 Tri-Agency Water Transmission Pipeline Replacement $2,328,970 - $483,000 - $4,018,000 - $6,829,970 5549 2,3 Vallecitos Interceptor Sewer Cleaning and CCTV $350,000 $500,000 - - - - $850,000 5550 2 Villas Sewer Lift Station Replacement $1,329,000 - - - - - $1,329,000 3492 2 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Agua Hedionda LS and Forcemain (VC12- $33,410,970 $104,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 - $33,739,970 5535 1 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Buena Vista Lift Station Improvements $382,000 $31,000 $665,000 $665,000 $22,000 - $1,765,000 3950 1 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Reach VC3 $130,000 $387,000 $405,000 - - - $922,000 5551 2 Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Rehabilitation (VC1 and VC2) $231,000 - $80,000 $140,000 - - $451,000 5555 2,3 Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor - Point Repair Reaches (VC13 & VC14) $200,000 $2,800,000 - - - - $3,000,000 5051 Citywide Water Infrastructure Condition Assessment Program $2,600,000 $420,000 $420,000 $450,000 $450,000 $450,000 $4,790,000 June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 46 of 625 lll T lll T lll T • lll T • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ENTERPRISE PROJECTS (CONTINUED) New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 5058 Citywide Water Modeling $375,000 - - - - - $375,000 3904 Citywide Water System Rehabilitation and Replacement $16,058,370 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $31,058,370 5019 Citywide Water Valve Repair/Replacement Program $8,820,000 $960,000 $960,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $13,740,000 Total $239,349,824 $17,410,500 $30,108,100 $23,895,300 $26,366,900 $16,835,600 SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE (CLOSEOUT) PROJECTS New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 5205 Citywide Abandon Potable Services (New Recycled Services) $1,175,825 - - - - - $1,175,825 4745 Citywide Aviara and Hidden Canyon Parks Playground Safety Resurfacing $600,000 - - - - - $600,000 3649 2 Aviara Reimbursement Agreement $238,000 - - - - - $238,000 4601 2 Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements $1,407,850 - - - - - $1,407,850 6096 2,3 Carlsbad Boulevard Lane Reduction and Edge Striping $300,000 - - - - - $300,000 4718 1 City Hall Complex Refurbishment $1,144,000 - - - - - $1,144,000 4081 3 Dove Library Lighting Improvements $225,000 - - - - - $225,000 6042 2 El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements $4,197,123 - - - - - $4,197,123 4060 4 Fire Station 2 Replacement $14,433,882 - - - - - $14,433,882 5526 1 Foxes Landing Lift Station Wetwell and Pump Replacement $6,392,000 - - - - - $6,392,000 5054 2 Lake Calavera Outlet Improvements $1,436,001 - - - - - $1,436,001 4602 3 Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Phase 3 - Stables Restoration and Restroom $2,961,777 - - - - - $2,961,777 4603 1 Pine Avenue Park - Phase II (Community Building) $11,648,718 - - - - - $11,648,718 4608 3 Poinsettia Community Park - Phase 4 - Dog Park $2,838,140 - - - - - $2,838,140 5045 3 Poinsettia Lane - Cassia Road to Skimmer Court (Reimbursement $600,000 - - - - - $600,000 6057 1 Public Beach Access Improvements (Ocean Street) $4,183,767 - - - - - $4,183,767 6604 4 Romeria Drainage Improvements $757,940 - - - - - $757,940 4091 2 Temporary Fire Station 7 $2,022,000 - - - - - $2,022,000 4084 2 The Crossings Golf Course Lake Liner Replacement $1,035,500 - - - - - $1,035,500 6335 1 Traffic Signal - Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street $502,370 - - - - - $502,370 3886 Citywide Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Lagoon Bridge Replacement (VC11B) $9,464,833 - - - - - $9,464,833 3949 Citywide Vista Carlsbad Interceptor - Reach VC14 To VC15 $21,362,390 - - - - - $21,362,390 Total $88,927,116 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 47 of 625 • • • l!ll l!ll l!ll ' 111 T FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT ACCOUNTING New projects in italics Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 4756 Alga Norte Settlement Agreement $1,983,192 - - - - - $1,983,192 201915 CFD#1 Administration - $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 $550,000 2510 Harding Street Sewer Improvements - $1,200,000 - - - - $1,200,000 PA04 Loan Repay - Park-in-Lieu NE to Public Facility Fee Fund - - - - - - $0 PA02 Loan Repay - Park-in-Lieu SW to Public Facility Fee Fund - - - - - - $0 PA03 Loan Repay - Sewer Conn to Sewer Repl - - - $3,500,000 - - $3,500,000 4755 New Village Arts Tenant Improvements $613,000 - - - - - $613,000 4083 Open Space and Trail Acquisition (Prop C) $4,015,000 - - - - - $4,015,000 PA06 Recycled Replacement to Recycled Operating - $1,500,000 - - - - $1,500,000 4743 Safety Training Center Settlement $1,156,995 - - - - - $1,156,995 PA05 Traffic Impact Fee Funds to CFD #1 - $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $450,000 Total $7,768,187 $2,900,000 $200,000 $3,700,000 $200,000 $200,000 PROGRAM ADJUSTMENTS ▲ Completed, project account closed △ Combined, project scope incorporated into other existing projects ▼ Cancelled, project no longer warranted Project ID District Type Project Name Prior Appropriation Requested 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Estimated 2026-27 Estimated 2027-28 Estimated 2028-29 Estimated 5-Year Total 6030 2 ▼ Camino Hills and Jackspar Drive Slope Stabilization $859,400 ($768,681) - - - - $90,719 201907 1 △ Carlsbad Boulevard Median - Tamarack Avenue to Pine Avenue - - - - - - $0 6068 1 △ Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Lighting $1,325,000 ($1,254,934) - - - - $70,066 6111 1,2,3 △ Carlsbad Boulevard Roadway Configuration $2,000,000 ($2,000,000) - - - - $0 201917 1 ▼ Christiansen Way Improvements - - - - - - $0 4725 1 ▲ City Hall Exterior Refurbishment $2,250,000 - - - - - $2,250,000 201921 1 △ Cole Library Replacement - - - - - - $0 4750 1 ▼ Cole Library Security Fencing $170,000 ($144,435) - - - - $25,565 201941 4 ▼ DMP Facility DQB (La Costa Town Center) - - - - - - $0 201942 3 ▼ DMP Facility DZ (Poinsettia Lane) - - - - - - $0 6056 2 ▲ El Camino Real/Agua Hedionda Creek Bridge Railing and Sidewalk $210,000 - - - - - $210,000 3643 Citywide △ El Camino Real Medians $1,600,310 ($352,000) - - - - $1,248,310 5043 1 ▲ Fire Flow Capacity System Improvements $625,000 - - - - - $625,000 4748 3 ▲ Leo Carrillo Ranch Roof Repairs $1,450,000 ($80,000) - - - - $1,370,000 4741 1,3 ▲ Library Fire Alarm Panel Upgrades $180,000 ($39,990) - - - - $140,010 4739 1 ▲ New Village Arts Building Roof and Exterior Refurbishment $313,626 ($8,230) - - - - $305,396 4729 1 ▼ Ocean Street Restroom Facility $775,000 ($769,895) - - - - $5,105 6102 2,3 ▼ Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas Growth $230,000 ($230,000) - - - - $0 6028 2 ▼ Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard Improvements $1,295,500 ($735,901) - - - - $559,599 4092 Citywide △ Public Works Storage Facility $99,000 ($99,000) - - - - $0 4063 1 △ Trail Connectivity to Tamarack State Beach (Prop C) - - - - - - $0 5052 Citywide ▲ Water Loss Monitoring Program $167,089 - - - - - $167,089 Total $13,549,925 ($6,483,066) $0 $0 $0 $0 June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 48 of 625 1tll 1tll ' lll T 1tll 1tll 1tll L L ~Hi ·~· .. . . • 1tll 1tll 1tll ~ ·~· .. . . ·~· .. . . 1tll ~ • FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REQUESTED APPROPRIATION SUMMARY Fiscal Year 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 Estimated 5- Year Total Requested Appropriation $15,204,716 $65,974,100 $47,635,300 $43,677,900 $53,875,600 $226,367,617 Estimated Future Costs $27,817,000 $62,780,000 $13,085,000 $17,484,000 $5,202,000 126,368,000 Total: Requested Appropriation + Future Costs $43,021,716 $128,754,100 $60,720,300 $61,161,900 $59,077,600 $352,735,616 Requested Appropriation does not include construction amounts for Strategic Plan and Critical Need projects. It does include full amounts for Maintenance and Enterprise projects as shown. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 49 of 625 Attachment C Adopted Adopted Adopted Preliminary Budget Budget Budget Budget Department 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 City Attorney 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 City Clerk Services 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 City Council 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 City Manager 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 City Treasurer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Communication & Engagement 7.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Administrative Services - Administration 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Finance 28.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 Human Resources 17.00 18.00 18.00 17.00 Information Technology 37.00 43.00 43.00 48.00 Innovation & Economic Development 4.00 9.00 9.00 2.00 Community Services - Administration 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 Community Development 53.00 52.00 52.00 51.00 Housing & Homeless Services 14.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 Library & Cultural Arts 52.50 51.00 53.00 51.00 Parks & Recreation 55.00 59.00 59.00 58.00 Fire 111.00 123.00 124.00 124.00 Police 186.00 187.00 187.00 187.00 Public Works 177.75 182.75 181.75 180.75 Total Full-Time Personnel 773.25 806.75 807.75 796.75 Hourly Full-Time Equivalent Personnel 193.81 180.90 167.84 166.79 Total 967.06 987.65 975.59 963.54 Note: The figures presented above include various reorganizations and personnel transfers between departments. PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 50 of 625 Attachment D FIVE-YEAR SCHEDULE OF PROJECTS BY FUND Connected Requested Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Carlsbad Prior Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Project Name Goal Appropriation 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 Funding Technology Investment Capital Fund AI Assessment PCDT -$ -$ 40,000$ -$ -$ -$ 40,000$ Audio Visual Upgrades FVCEC 825,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,225,000 Billiards Room Membership Infrastructure PSSC - 12,000 - - - - 12,000 Business Process Automation BCDDM 300,000 - - - - - 300,000 Citywide Validated ID File Transfer PSSC - - 4,200 - - - 4,200 Civic Engagement with Open Data EAT 198,000 - 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 270,000 Command Central A/V Infrastucture PSSC - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)PSSC 1,580,000 - - - - - 1,580,000 Consolidation & Replacement of Core Systems PCDT 2,400,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 1,000,000 - - 9,400,000 Construction Waste Management Tracking PSSC - 20,000 - - - - 20,000 Cyber Security Program Development PSSC 550,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,050,000 Data Governance and Operational Analytics BCDDM 405,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 495,000 Digital Information Network PCDT 5,525,584 500,000 - - - - 6,025,584 Discovery Management Assessment BCDDM 30,000 - 140,000 - - - 170,000 Enterprise Asset Management System PCDT 1,600,000 - - - - - 1,600,000 Expansion of Yardi EAT 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 Facility Monitoring and Analytics BCDDM 50,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 100,000 Facility Security Master Plan PSSC 200,000 - 721,000 311,000 438,000 222,000 1,892,000 Fleet Telematics PCDT 175,916 - - - - - 175,916 Guest Traffic and Facility Usage Analytics BCDDM 50,000 25,000 25,000 - - - 100,000 Live 911 PSSC 66,380 - - - - - 66,380 Major Incident/Special Event Management System PSSC - - 20,000 - - - 20,000 Narcotic Safe Migration PSSC - 15,000 - - - - 15,000 Online Permitting/Electronic Reviews (E-Reviews)EAT 645,000 - - - - - 645,000 Outdoor Wireless Study FVCEC 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Patron Print/Copy/PC Management EAT 88,000 - - - - - 88,000 Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance PCDT - 62,000 - - - - 62,000 Police Records Management Migration PSSC - - 200,000 - - - 200,000 Professional Technical Services for Data Project Delivery BCDDM 140,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 490,000 Record Digitization EAT 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Remote Hold Pickup Locker EAT - - 40,000 - - - 40,000 RFID Replacement PCDT - 600,000 - - - - 600,000 Risk Management Solution Assessment PCDT - 40,000 - - - - 40,000 Staff Managed Print PCDT 700,000 - - - - - 700,000 Station Alerting Equipment Replacement PCDT - 500,000 - - - - 500,000 Tightrope PCDT - - 35,000 - - - 35,000 Virtual Permitting Counter (OpenCounter)EAT 61,000 (61,000) - - - - - Virtual Reality (VR) Training PSSC - 75,000 - - - - 75,000 Technology Investment Capital Fund Total 15,819,880 5,001,000 4,756,200 1,617,000 744,000 528,000 28,466,080 Information Technology Replacement Fund Annual Hardware and Infrastructure Replacement ITRF 1,021,742 1,209,044 1,100,000 1,050,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 7,080,786 Information Technology Replacement Fund Total 1,021,742 1,209,044 1,100,000 1,050,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 7,080,786 Utilities Enterprise Funds (Operating or Capital) Utility Billing Portal UEF 90,000 - - - - - 90,000 Total Utilities Enterprise Funds (Operating or Capital)90,000 - - - - - 90,000 Funding Source Not Identified Police Body Camera Replacement PSSC - - - - 500,000 - 500,000 Police In-car Video Replacement PSSC - - - - 550,000 - 550,000 Funding Source Not Identified Total - - - - 1,050,000 - 1,050,000 16,931,622$ 6,210,044$ 5,856,200$ 2,667,000$ 3,294,000$ 1,728,000$ 36,686,866$ Connected Carlsbad Goal Abbreviations Build Capacity for Data-driven Decision Making = BCDDM Enhance Accessibility and Transparency = EAT Foster a Vibrant Civic Engagement Culture = FVCEC Promote Security and Sustainability through Connectivity = PSSC Pursue Communitywide Digital Transformation = PCDT Funding Source ProjectsTotal June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 51 of 625 Attachment E PLANNED MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 Department Item Description Quantity One-Time Cost Golf Course Dining Room Chairs 1 50,000 Fencing Replacement 1 60,000 Bunker Renovations 1 60,000 Cath Path Repairs 1 60,000 Banquet & Kitchen Equipment 1 15,000 Concrete Cap Replacements: Clubhouse & GCM Building 1 25,000 Clubhouse & GCM Building Paint - Interior 1 40,000 Clubhouse & GCM Building Paint - Exterior 1 40,000 Reslurry Parking Lot 1 50,000 GCM Equipment - Greens Mowers 1 77,000 GCM Equipment - Set Up Carts 1 28,000 Tree Replacement 1 40,000 Bathroom Updates: Snack Bar & Golf Course 1 15,000 GCM Building Netting: Planning & Permitting 1 25,000 Leveling of Tee Boxes 1 60,000 Resodding of Green Collars 1 60,000 Driving Range Grass Tee Expansion 1 60,000 Cart Barn: Flourescent Light Conversion to LED 1 25,000 Canyons Patio Bromic Heater Installation 1 60,000 Golf Course Subtotal 19 $850,000 Fleet Replacement Community Development: Pickup Truck 3 165,000 Fire: Fire Engines 2 2,150,722Fire: Pickup Truck 1 61,207 Fire: Ambulance 1 349,800 Library & Cultural Arts: Sedan 1 37,178 Parks & Recreation: Pickup Truck 5 165,000 Police: Sedan 2 80,000 Police: Utility Vehicles 11 832,074 Police: Pickup Truck 1 65,000 Public Works: Pickup Truck 7 570,409 Public Works: Cargo Van 2 122,184 Fleet Replacement Subtotal 36 $4,598,574 Information Technology Replacement Firewall 1 150,850 Infrastructure 5 170,676 Router 1 15,527 Switches 4 91,494 Information Technology Subtotal 11 $428,547 Major Capital Outlay Grand Total 66 $5,877,121 *Major Capital Outlay only includes items of $10,000 or greater. (Greater than $10,000) June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 52 of 625