HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-18; City Council; Resolution 2024-149RESOLUTION NO. 2024-149 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AND APPLICABLE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN MEASURES AND ACTIONS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California ha s reviewed the Capital Improvement Program for FY 2024-25 and has held such public hearings as are necessary prior to adoption of the Capital Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, on June 18, 2024, the City Council reviewed for consistency with the General Plan goals and policies all Capital projects receiving an allocation of funds for FY 2024-25 pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.24.040(8); and WHEREAS, the City Council also reviewed the FY 2024-25 Capital Improvement Program projects for consistency with applicable Climate Action Plan measures and actions; and WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be hea rd, the City Council considered all factors relating to the City Council determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the City Council determines that the Capital Improvement Program for FY 2024-25 is consistent with the General Plan based on the following findings: a) The projects are consistent with the goals and policies of the city's General Plan in that the projects are required to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities and services concurrent with or prior to need. b} The projects are consistent with applicable goals and policies of the Arts, History, Culture, and Education; Land Use and Community Design; Mobility; Public Safety; and Sustainability Elements, as described in Attachment A. c} Specific projects are consistent with, and support Climate Action Plan greenhouse gas reduction measures and actions, if applicable, as described in Attachment A. d} As required by the General Plan, the proposed improvements are consistent with the city's Growth Management Plan in that the projects ensure that the necessary improvements are provided for facilities maintenance, park development, recycled water, sewer and storm drain projects, and circulation systems, in accordance with the performance standards contained in the city's Growth Management regulations. 3. This action is final as of the date this resolution is adopted by the City Council. The Provisions of Chapter 1.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, "Time Limits for Judicial Review" shall apply: "NOTICE" The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.16. Any petition or other action seeking review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than the ninetieth day following the date on which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record is filed with a deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost or preparation of such record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings sha ll be filed with the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Joint Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Public Financing Authority, the Community Development Commission, and the City Council as Successor Agency to the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency held on the 18th day of June, 2024, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BLACKBURN, BHAT-PATEL, ACOSTA, BURKHOLDER, LUNA. NONE. NONE. NONE. Attachment A NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Carlsbad Municipal Water District Building and Site Improvements Council District: 2 Managing Department: Utilities Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: Water, Recycled Water and Sewer Replacement Funds Budget FY25 $ 600,000 FY26 $ 200,000 TOTAL $ 800,000 About This Project Interior and exterior building, warehouse and site improvements for storage, site security, charging station for electric vehicle and forklift, paving for materials storage and electric forklift operation, restroom, locker room, drinking fountain, and remodel of interior finishes. Project Need The office building and warehouse need remodeling and new amenities for safety, security, storage, and privacy and to accommodate electric vehicle charging. General Plan Consistency Goal 2-G.21 of the Land Use & Community Design Element: Ensure that adequate public facilities and services are provided in a timely manner to preserve the quality of life of residents. Climate Action Plan Consistency This project is consistent with Measure L, Increase zero-emission vehicle travel. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(a) – Minor alteration of existing facilities, including exterior alterations, that involve negligible or no expansion of use. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 473 of 625 Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Improvements Council District: 3 Managing Department: Utilities Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: Recycled Water Replacement, Recycled Water Connection Funds Budget FY25 $ 350,000 TOTAL $ 350,000 About This Project Feasibility study to evaluate best available technologies for future equipment upgrades and forecasted recycled water demands in the event of reduced supply from alternative sources. Project Need The study will evaluate best available technologies and capacities for recycled water production at CWRF and supplementation with alternative sources. General Plan Consistency Goal 9-G.4 of the Sustainability Element: Reduce the city’s reliance on imported water. Climate Action Plan Consistency This project is consistent with Measure N, Reduce the GHG intensity of water supply conveyance, treatment and delivery. Anticipated Environmental Review The feasibility study itself would not be defined as a “project” under CEQA (CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 (b)(5)), but the proposed project that results from the study will need further environmental analysis. It is likely environmental review could range from a CEQA exemption (project is exempt from environmental review) to a Mitigated Negative Declaration (project has environmental impacts that can be mitigated). June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 474 of 625 Downtown Tile Replacement Council District: 1 Managing Department: Transportation Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: Infrastructure Replacement Fund Budget FY25 $ 250,000 TOTAL $ 250,000 About This Project Sidewalk tiles are antiquated, damaged or broken and are detaching in multiple locations throughout the Village area and along portions of Carlsbad Boulevard. Project Need Damaged tiles are a safety concern and may create potential tripping hazards. General Plan Consistency Policy 3-P.26 of the Mobility Element: Identify and implement necessary pedestrian improvements on streets where pedestrians are to be accommodated per Table 3-1, with special emphasis on providing safer access to schools, parks, community and recreation centers, shopping districts, and other appropriate facilities. Climate Action Plan Consistency Not applicable. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) – Existing Facilities. Exempted are existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities (this includes road grading for the purpose of public safety), and other alterations such as the addition of bicycle facilities, including but not limited to bicycle parking, bicycle-share facilities and bicycle lanes, transit improvements such as bus lanes, pedestrian crossings, street trees, and similar alterations that do not create additional automobile lanes. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 475 of 625 Fire Station 5 Renovation Council District: 2 Managing Department: Facilities Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: Infrastructure Replacement Fund Budget FY25 $ 150,000 FY25 $ 2,000,000 TOTAL $ 2,150,000 About This Project Replace roof, renovate kitchen, exterior finishes, remodel bathrooms, replace apparatus bay door and remove epoxy flooring, interior and exterior finishes. Project Need Many of the building systems have reached the end of their useful life cycle. General Plan Consistency Goal 2-G.21 of the Land Use & Community Design Element: Ensure that adequate public facilities and services are provided in a timely manner to preserve the quality of life of residents. Climate Action Plan Consistency Not applicable. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(a) – Minor alteration of existing facilities, including exterior alterations, that involve negligible or no expansion of use. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 476 of 625 Flower Fields Overlook Sidewalk Replacement Council District: 2 Managing Department: Transportation Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: Infrastructure Replacement Fund Budget FY25 $ 250,000 TOTAL $ 250,000 About This Project Sidewalk replacement with root and base modification. Project Need Aging trees are lifting the sidewalk in multiple areas causing tripping hazards and safety concerns throughout the entire walkway. The area is a high foot traffic walkway and is a high tourism location. General Plan Consistency Policy 3-P.26 of the Mobility Element: Identify and implement necessary pedestrian improvements on streets where pedestrians are to be accommodated per Table 3-1, with special emphasis on providing safer access to schools, parks, community and recreation centers, shopping districts, and other appropriate facilities. Climate Action Plan Consistency Not applicable. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) – Existing Facilities. Exempted are existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities (this includes road grading for the purpose of public safety), and other alterations such as the addition of bicycle facilities, including but not limited to bicycle parking, bicycle-share facilities and bicycle lanes, transit improvements such as bus lanes, pedestrian crossings, street trees, and similar alterations that do not create additional automobile lanes. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 477 of 625 Green Paint Maintenance Council District: Citywide Managing Department: Transportation Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: General Capital Construction Budget FY25 $ 250,000 TOTAL $ 250,000 About This Project As part of the Safer Streets Together program, the city installed painted green bike lanes in various locations throughout the city. Green paint maintenance is expected to range from annual to bi-annual service per location, depending on the paint lifespan. Green paint locations are projected to grow exponentially as the city strives to promote safe routes to school and continue implementing paint upgrades to our roadways. Project Need Green paint lifespan is dramatically lower than other intersection paint due to the frequency of turning and slowing vehicles, degrading the paint. Our in-house efforts are projected not to be able to perform the required maintenance, i.e., refreshing the paint. Staff project nearly ¾ to all green paint refreshing services will have to be contracted out. General Plan Consistency Policy 3-P.25 of the Mobility Element: Implement the projects recommended in the pedestrian, trails and bicycle master plans through the city’s capital improvement program, private development conditions and other appropriate mechanisms. Climate Action Plan Consistency This project is consistent with Measure K, Promote Transportation Demand Management. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) – Existing Facilities. Exempted are existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities (this includes road grading for the purpose of public safety), and other alterations such as the addition of bicycle facilities, including but not limited to bicycle parking, bicycle-share facilities and bicycle lanes, transit improvements such as bus lanes, pedestrian crossings, street trees, and similar alterations that do not create additional automobile lanes. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 478 of 625 La Costa Avenue Box Culvert Cleaning Council District: 4 Managing Department: Transportation Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: General Capital Construction Budget FY25 $ 275,000 TOTAL $ 275,000 About This Project Feasibility study to evaluate and assess the scope of necessary debris removal and other culvert clearing activities in order to develop the project design and determine permitting requirements. Project Need The project is needed to clean an impacted storm drain asset. General Plan Consistency Goal 6-G.1 of the Public Safety Element: Minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from fire, flood, sea-level rise, hazardous material release, or seismic disasters. Climate Action Plan Consistency Not applicable. Anticipated Environmental Review The feasibility study itself would not be defined as a “project” under CEQA (CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 (b)(5)), but the proposed project that results from the study will need further environmental analysis. It is likely environmental review could range from a CEQA exemption (project is exempt from environmental review) to a Mitigated Negative Declaration (project has environmental impacts that can be mitigated). June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 479 of 625 Magee Park Building Restoration Council District: 1 Managing Department: Facilities Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: Infrastructure Replacement Fund Budget FY25 $ 200,000 TOTAL $ 200,000 About This Project Perform select restoration work to several of the buildings in the park. The work consists mostly of repairing termite damage and minor refurbishing of existing systems. Work will be within the footprint of existing facilities and is characterized as in-kind replacement. Project Need Restoration work is needed per the condition assessment. General Plan Consistency Policy 7-P.5 of the Arts, History, Culture, and Education Element: Encourage the rehabilitation of qualified historic structures through application of the California Historical Building Code. Climate Action Plan Consistency Not applicable. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(a) – Minor alteration of existing facilities, including exterior alterations, that involve negligible or no expansion of use. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 480 of 625 Parks Maintenance Program Council District: Citywide Managing Department: Parks Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: Infrastructure Replacement Fund Budget FY25 $ 644,000 design $1,503,000 construction TOTAL $ 2,147,000 About This Project This program will address ongoing maintenance and infrastructure needs for parks and recreation. The types of work that will be done under this project include design and construction of sidewalk replacements within the park footprint, tennis court lighting, existing playground re-surfacing and replacement in kind of playground equipment, fencing replacements, and lighting controller replacements. Project Need Various parks and recreation facilities are in need of ongoing maintenance updates throughout the city. General Plan Consistency Policy 4-G.6 of the Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation Element: Offer a wide variety of recreational activities and park facilities designed to encourage educational benefits and active or passive participation by users of all ages and interests. Climate Action Plan Consistency Not applicable. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(a) – Minor alteration of existing facilities, including exterior alterations, that involve negligible or no expansion of use. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 481 of 625 District □• o, o, □• Paseo Del Norte Pedestrian and Bike Improvements Council District: 3 Managing Department: Transportation Budget Category: Capital Project Funding Source: Gas Tax, State Grant Budget FY25 $ 180,000 TOTAL $ 180,000 About This Project This project will enhance pedestrian and bike safety on Paseo Del Norte between Palomar Airport Road and Sea Gate Road by reducing the number of travel lanes from four to two, adding bike buffers, widening bike lanes and adding an uncontrolled crosswalk in the vicinity of Tip-Top Meat and Motel 6. Project Need This project was identified in the city’s Local Roadway Safety Plan as one of the priority safety improvement projects. The project has been selected by Caltrans for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) fund in the amount of $593,900 for design and construction of the project with a requirement of 10% local matching funds. General Plan Consistency Policy 3-P.17 of the Mobility Element: Consider innovative design and program solutions to improve the mobility, efficiency, connectivity, and safety of the transportation system. Innovative design solutions include, but are not limited to, traffic calming devices, roundabouts, traffic circles, curb extensions, separated bicycle infrastructure, pedestrian scramble intersections, high visibility pedestrian treatments and infrastructure, and traffic signal coordination... Climate Action Plan Consistency This project is consistent with Measure K, Promote Transportation Demand Management. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) – Existing Facilities. Exempted are existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities (this includes road grading for the purpose of public safety), and other alterations such as the addition of bicycle facilities, including but not limited to bicycle parking, bicycle-share facilities and bicycle lanes, transit improvements such as bus lanes, pedestrian crossings, street trees, and similar alterations that do not create additional automobile lanes. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 482 of 625 Police and Fire Headquarters Parking Lot and Exterior Improvements Council District: 2 Managing Department: Facilities Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: Infrastructure Replacement Fund Budget FY25 $ 120,000 TOTAL $ 120,000 About This Project Secure the northeasterly 24 parking spots of the parking lot between the Police and Fire Headquarters and Skate Park and create access improvements to the southeasterly access point of the Police and Fire Headquarters building. Install fencing, improved lighting, secured access and hardscape improvements. Project Need Project will increase security and improve access in the parking lot. General Plan Consistency Goal 2-G.3 of the Public Safety Element: Maintain safety services that are responsive to citizens’ needs to ensure a safe and secure environment for people and property in the community. Climate Action Plan Consistency Not applicable. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(a) – Minor alteration of existing facilities, including exterior alterations, that involve negligible or no expansion of use. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 483 of 625 Schools Traffic Safety Program Council District: Citywide Managing Department: Transportation Budget Category: Capital Project Funding Source: Gas Tax, Federal Grant Budget FY25 $ 1,100,000 TOTAL $ 1,100,000 About This Project Install high-visibility crosswalks and speed cushions near schools with support from federal grant funding. Project Need Address speed concerns on all streets designed as “School Streets” in the General Plan’s Mobility Element. General Plan Consistency Policy 3-P.17 of the Mobility Element: Consider innovative design and program solutions to improve the mobility, efficiency, connectivity, and safety of the transportation system. Innovative design solutions include, but are not limited to, traffic calming devices, roundabouts, traffic circles, curb extensions, separated bicycle infrastructure, pedestrian scramble intersections, high visibility pedestrian treatments and infrastructure, and traffic signal coordination... Climate Action Plan Consistency This project is consistent with Measure K, Promote Transportation Demand Management. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) – Existing Facilities. Exempted are existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities (this includes road grading for the purpose of public safety), and other alterations such as the addition of bicycle facilities, including but not limited to bicycle parking, bicycle-share facilities and bicycle lanes, transit improvements such as bus lanes, pedestrian crossings, street trees, and similar alterations that do not create additional automobile lanes. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 484 of 625 District □' □, o, □• Synthetic Turf Replacement Council District: 1, 2, 3 Managing Department: Parks Budget Category: Maintenance Funding Source: Infrastructure Replacement Fund Budget FY25 $ 1,800,000 FY26 $ 4,258,000 FY27 $ 1,955,000 TOTAL $ 8,013,000 About This Project Replace synthetic turf fields at the following parks: Alga Norte, Aviara, Poinsettia, and Pine. Project Need Synthetic turf fields have an expected useful life of 10 years. The fields at these locations will have reached the end of useful life and will need to be replaced. General Plan Consistency Goal 4-G.6 of the Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation Element: Offer a wide variety of recreational activities and park facilities designed to encourage educational benefits and active or passive participation by users of all ages and interests. Climate Action Plan Consistency Not applicable. Anticipated Environmental Review The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(d) – Repair, maintenance, and minor alteration of existing facilities, including restoration of deteriorated or damaged facilities, involving negligible or no expansion of use. June 18, 2024 Item #11 Page 485 of 625 District 0 1 o , o , □•